Michael freeman 101 secrets of digital photography torrent. Reviews of other books

  • 12.03.2020

Illustrated edition with color illustrations on coated paper by professional photographer Michael Freeman, the world's most popular author of photography books. A similar and understandable course for beginner and experienced photographers.

The art of photography is increasingly interested in people these days. Michael Freeman is a talented photographer and successful writer. He shares his photography secrets with readers and photographers in his new book, Michael Freeman's 101 Digital Photography Secrets.

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Last comment on the site:

User YUWYFBS writes:

Attention!!! In the first two photos, the picture is not complete, for those who do not want to spoil the Surprise!! And on the third, the whole story is completely open!
Artist Guillermo Mordillo. Another great puzzle from the Surprise series. How will the unexpected meeting of the cute little Red Riding Hood and the terrible gray wolf? It turned out old fairy tale on the new way about how deceiving appearances can be 🙂

Reviews of other books:

User IGKMTTO writes:

A very beautiful book, and the translation and illustrations, and the quality of the print are all wonderful, and everyone knows the smart fairy tale, which contains a deep morality. The depicted characters are not sleek, their "faces" are unpleasant, vicious, pompous, which is very suitable for the plot of the tale, kindness and tolerance to the characters who fall for life path unfortunate duckling, are unusual and not only in relation to him, so unlike them, but also to their own kind, that's how, for example, other ducks met newly hatched ducklings - “Well, there’s another whole horde! It’s like there weren’t enough of us!”, but for now, the mothers are cursing, the ginger cat is looking at the chicken forgotten by one of them. My daughter loves to look at the book, always hastily turning only one page, it is really scary, the dog bent over the duckling and a huge very realistic pool of blood on the ground, this is the only thing that confuses, because in general the publication is beautiful!

Freeman M.
101 Secrets of Digital Photography by Michael Freeman

Publisher: Eksmo
Genre: Digital photography

Good quality
Pages: 176
Format: pdf, fb2, epub

101 secrets of digital photography by Michael Freeman. About the publication: The book "101 secrets of digital photography" will become a reference book for both the novice photographer and experienced craftsman. Renowned photography guru Michael Freeman shares his secrets that allow him to create masterpieces of photography. Michael Freeman wrote in an accessible and detailed way about all aspects of creativity: about the choice of plot and lighting, about the process of taking pictures and about the subsequent processing of the resulting image, about many technical secrets, including such non-obvious things as recommendations for caring for the camera. For whom: - For novice photographers who want to get complete information about the basic rules and secrets of photography. - For professionals who want to learn the craft from one of the famous photographers modernity. - For everyone who is interested in photography and wants to learn how to create real masterpieces! Due to the excellent quality of the publication, the book will become great gift anyone who is really into photography Benefits of the book: - Exclusive recommendations from one of the most popular top photographers in the world. - Expert guidance on how to use your digital camera to the maximum. - Tips for photographers with any level of photography skills. - Alphabetical index of the most important photography terms. - High printing quality of the edition. - Detailed illustrations. Fragments: - Do not rush things. When you have shot what you have in mind, look around, maybe luck will smile on you by chance. - Get ready, forget it, shoot it! Henri Cartier-Bresson preached the use of the practice of Zen Buddhism in photography. The instant feedback required for a photographer requires the ability to react and shoot faster than the mind can formulate a thought, and the only way to develop this skill is through practice. One useful exercise is anticipation. This is the logical extension of advanced observation—the ability to make practical use of what you notice by predicting what might happen in the next moment. - Shoot blindly with a "hidden camera". If you want to remain impartial when shooting covertly or working in a crowded place where, being recognized as a photographer, you can appear intrusive, do this: instead of raising the camera to eye level, which completely exposes you, hold it lower, for example, at waist level, and then press the shutter release without looking at the camera. - 100% sharpness check! Knowing how to take a well-focused shot is such a basic skill for a photographer that it is often overlooked when considering other quality attributes of an image, such as white balance and maintaining lighting effects. Many other errors can be corrected in post-processing, but even a slight loss of sharpness can make the image useless. It is believed that the most insidious mistake when shooting a portrait is focusing on the nose, and not on the eyes.<…>It is not possible to judge the sharpness of the picture in the display mode on the monitor located at the back of the camera. It would be more correct to increase the image by 50, and ideally by 100%"


Photographer's Eye (Michael Freeman)




17-05-2019 19:56:57


Photographer's textbook (Samsonov S.)

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Release year: 2012
Genre: photography, educational literature
Publisher: SamIzdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 271
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Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
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Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: Peter
Russian language
Number of pages: 128
Description: The book is dedicated to the popular program for organizing work with digital images. Special attention focuses on creating an optimal workflow with digital images in Lightroom, as well as practical image processing techniques. The issues of selection of footage, correction and retouching of images, automation of routine operations, publication of images, backup for...


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Publisher: channel "Reserve of Darkness", Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Elderly Xenomorph
Duration: 07:04:36
Description: The world of a child is a looking glass, where everything is not what it seems. A garden of divergent paths in the labyrinth of outer and inner space-reality, which for some reason is commonly called life. With each new birthday, the paths become more and more tangled, branching, and more and more often some end in unkind dead ends, abode of cruelty, violence, loneliness and lack of...


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Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Max Mach
Release year: 2011
Publisher: Eksmo
Genre fiction
Russian language
Number of pages: 608
Description: The famous international terrorist Ilya Karavaev returns to the Russian Khaganate to disappear from the field of view of his pursuers. For his cover, he hires single mother Zoya to pose as his family with her daughter Veronica. However, Zoya's problems turn out to be much more serious than his. Trying to protect her, Karavaev himself, against his will, finds himself drawn into a whirlpool of deadly intrigues related to scientific developments.


Rabbit Gaze (Kenjiro Haitani)

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Release year: 2013
Genre: foreign prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Duration: 07:53:59
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Format: DOC, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Patzlaf Reiner
Release year: 2003
Genre: popular science publication
Russian language
Number of pages: 224
Description: We, adults, apparently, have already got used to the monstrous scale of mass media consumption by children. Few of us speak out loudly against this daily pedagogical madness. And this despite the fact that in all schools it is high time to sound the alarm. Indeed, over the past ten years, the ability of children to independently, creatively assimilate school knowledge has been declining terrifyingly rapidly. It would, of course, be rash to look for the cause of that ...


Death Stare (Ross McDonald)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Ross McDonald
Release year: 2001
Genre: Detective
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Irina Lozhkina
Duration: 08:46:12
Description : Lew Archer is hired to investigate the robbery of an old mansion owned by Irene and Larry Charmers. The first suspect is their son Nick... The further Archer progresses in the investigation, the more he realizes that the robbery is the least of their troubles...
Add. information: Read from the publication: Foreign novel No. 6, 2001. Translation from English - Bespalova


Death Stare (McDonald Ross)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: MacDonald Ross
Release year: 2016
Genre: Detective
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Tolokonskaya Marina
Duration: 06:31:26
Description : Lew Archer is hired to investigate the robbery of an old mansion owned by Irene and Larry Charmers. The first suspect is their son Nick... The further Archer advances in the investigation, the more he realizes that the robbery is the least of their troubles... The novel was published in 1969.
Other names: "Death look", "Last look".
Add. Information: Read according to the ed...


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Duration: 13:14:11
Description: She no longer has a shadow. But she had the courage. the courage of despair. Psychiatrists can go crazy too. For Olga Werner, a doctor from a seaside resort town, going crazy would be easier. She gained the ability to spew fire, control people, and see werewolves. She paid a terrible price. This price is the loss of one's own "I". Olga needs to save her daughters, taken hostage by a marine ghost, and with ...


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Duration: 06:52:00
Description: In fifty-two hours, nineteen-year-old Ronald Thompson is to die in the electric chair for killing a young woman, even though he claims to be innocent. The victim's husband, Steven Petersen, was the loudest advocate for the death penalty for the killer. However, the sudden abduction of his young son, the only witness to the murders, and journalist Sharon Martin, with whom Stephen has tender feelings, makes him...


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Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Volchok Irina
Release year: 2014
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Nenarokomova Tatiana
Duration: 12:30:03
Description: Elite - a dramatic love story, from the writer Irina Volchok, the part of the population that is called its elite. The elite of society talk like that about the rich and very successful people. But few people know that inside this society, not everything is as smooth as outside. And sometimes passions boil quite serious. And neither money and wealth, nor their quantity, can make a real person happy. Rather, it's like...


Blockade. Eye of the Eagle (Kirill Benediktov)

Format: 128kb/s MP3
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Artist: Andrey Gradoboev
Duration: 10:14:13
Description: Adolf Hitler against Joseph Stalin, the Third Reich against the USSR, the fanaticism of the Black Order of the SS against the heroism of the Red Army soldiers. Ruthless confrontation between the German secret services and Soviet intelligence. And the magic of ancient artifacts created in an unimaginably distant past. "Blockade" - a novel about the unknown side of the Great Patriotic War. Into the secret of the powerful Eagle artifact helping Adolf Hitler...


Negligee. Indiscreet Look Under (Rosemary Hawthorne)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Rosemary Hawthorne
Release year: 2011
Genre: Fashion History, Culture
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Duration: 07:43:34
Description: Panties, bras, garters and tights... In a word, ladies' underwear - this is the topic of research that you hold in your hands. It is not very customary to talk about these details of the toilet out loud in public. It seems that the same halo of mystery has formed around them, the same seal of prohibition has fallen on them as on the places they cover. Meanwhile, the history of the negligee is not only fascinating in itself, but nothing...


View from the real world (George Gurdjieff)

Release year: 2005
Genre: psychology
Publisher: Enneagram
Artist: Tatiana Orbu
Duration: 04:50:31
Description: "Perspectives from the real world" - very interesting work. At first glance, it refers more to fiction than to philosophical literature - however, "artistic" becomes only a way of "more accessible to the reader" presentation of the truly unique concept of G. Gurdjieff ... "Remember yourself always and everywhere." Perhaps this is the basic postulate of the concept of being and awareness of one's own personality in this world by George Gurdjieff.
Add. Information: MP3, 128 Kbps