The fox was catching fish with its tail. Fairy tale sister fox and gray wolf with pictures

  • 13.11.2019

or-were a grandfather and a woman. Once the grandfather says to the woman: - You, the woman, bake pies, and I will go to the river for fish.

The grandfather harnessed the horse to the sleigh and drove off.

Grandfather is sitting, fishing. A fox-sister runs past. She saw her grandfather, she wanted to eat a fish. Without hesitation, the little fox-sister ran ahead along the road where the grandfather was supposed to pass, lay down, curled up, and pretended to be dead.

Chanterelles on pretense are great craftswomen.

The fox-sister is lying, with one eye he looks: is the grandfather going, but the grandfather is not yet.

But the fox is patient and if she has something in mind, she will do it in her own way. She will not take it with cunning, she will take it with patience, but she will still insist on her own.

And the grandfather on the river, know yourself catching fish.

He has caught a whole tub of fish and is going home; I saw a sister fox on the road, got down from the cart and went up to her, but the fox did not even move, she lay there as if dead.

"Here's a present for my wife!" - the grandfather was delighted, picked up the fox, put it on the cart, and he went ahead.

And the fox-sister seized a convenient moment and began to slowly throw fish after fish, fish after fish out of the tub, threw out all the fish and herself imperceptibly jumped off the sleigh.

Grandpa came home.

“Well, old woman,” the grandfather says to his wife, “he brought you fish and a fox collar for a fur coat.

The old woman was delighted, and not so much with the fish as with the fox collar.

The old woman asks her grandfather:

- Where did you get the collar?

- I found it on the road, go look, there is a fish and a collar in the sleigh.

A woman came up to the cart - and there was no collar, no fish.

Come on, a woman scold her husband:

- Oh, you are so-and-so! You still dare to laugh at me! ..

Grandpa got it right here! He guessed that the fox sister had deceived him by pretending to be dead; grieved, grieved, but you can’t fix things.

“Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll be smarter in the future.”

The fox-sister, meanwhile, gathered the fish scattered along the road into a pile, sat down and let's eat. Eats and praises:

- Oh, yes, grandfather, what a delicious fish I caught!

And the hungry wolf is right there.

- Hello, sister fox!

Hello brother wolf!

– What are you eating?

- A fish.

Give me some fish too.

- And you catch yourself and eat as much as you like.

“Yes, sister, I can’t.

- Here you go! After all, I caught it ... You, brother, as it gets dark, go to the river, dip your tail into the hole, sit and say: "Catch, fish, both big and small! Catch, catch, fish, both big and small!" - the fish itself on the tail and clings. Yes, look, do not forget: "both big and small!", Otherwise, if you catch one big one, you probably won't pull it out.

- Thank you, sister, for science - the stupid wolf was delighted.

After waiting for the evening, he went to the river, found an ice hole, put his tail into the water and waits for the fish to bite on his tail.

And the fox-sister, having finished with the fish and having rested properly after a hearty dinner, also went to the river - to see what the wolf was doing.

A fox-sister came to the river and sees - a stupid wolf is sitting at the hole, lowering his tail into the water, sitting, trembling, snapping his teeth from the cold. So she asks the wolf:

- Well, brother-wolf, is it good to catch a fish? Pull your tail, maybe a lot of fish have already caught on.

The wolf pulled his tail out of the water, he sees that not a single fish has yet been attached.

– What would that mean? - says the fox-sister. “Did you say what I taught you?”

- No, I didn't say...

Why not?

- Yes, I forgot that it is necessary to sentence; all sat and was silent, the fish, to know, therefore did not go.

- Oh, what you, brother, forgetful! It is necessary to say: "catch, catch, fish, both big and small!" So be it, we must help you ... Well, let's go together, maybe things will go better.

“Well, come on,” the wolf says.

- And how deep is your tail, brother?

Deep, sister.

- Well, let's start then.

And so the wolf began:

- Catch, catch, fish, more and more, more and more.

And the fox at the same time:

What are you talking about, sister? the wolf asks.

- Yes, I'm helping you ... - the little fox-sister answers, and everything herself: - Freeze, freeze, wolf tail! ..

Wolf says:

- Catch, catch, fish, everything is big, everything is big!

And his fox:

- Clear, clear, sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!

What are you talking about, sister?

- I'm helping you, brother: I'm calling the fish ...

And they start again: the wolf is about the fish, and the fox-sister is about the wolf's tail.

The wolf only wants to try to pull his tail out of the hole, but the fox-sister forbids:

- Wait, it's still early; caught a little!

And again everyone starts his own ... And the wolf will ask:

- Isn't it time, sister, to drag?

She answered him:

- Sit still, wolf brother; catch more!

And so all night long: the stupid wolf sits, and the fox-sister walks around him and waving his tail, waiting for the wolf's tail to freeze.

Finally, the fox sees - the morning dawn is breaking, and the women have already reached out from the village to the river for water; she wagged her tail and - goodbye! - they only saw her ...

And the wolf did not notice how the fox ran away.

“Well, isn’t it enough, isn’t it time to go, sister?” says the wolf. I looked around - there is no fox-sister; he wanted to rise - but it was not there! – froze his tail to the hole and does not let go.

"Eka, how many fish have fallen and, it must be, all large ones, you can't pull them out in any way!" the stupid wolf thinks.

And the women noticed the wolf at the hole and shouted:

- Wolf, wolf! Beat him, beat him! - they rushed to the gray wolf and let's beat him with anything: some with a bucket, some with a yoke.

The wolf is torn, but the tail does not let him in. The poor fellow jumped, jumped, - he sees, there is nothing to do, one must not feel sorry for the tail; he rushed with all his might and, leaving almost half of his tail in the hole, he set off to run without looking back. “Okay,” the wolf thinks, “I’ll pay you back, sister!”

In the meantime, the fox-sister wanted to try to see if she could pull off something else. She went to the village, sniffed out that in one hut the women were baking pancakes, climbed in there, but hit her head in a kneading pot with dough, got smeared and ran. And a beaten wolf goes towards her:

“Ah, sister, is that how you teach?” I was beaten up all over: there was no living place left! Look, I'm covered in blood!

- Eh, my dear brother, at least your blood came out, but I have brains; I've been beaten harder than you: I'm trudging by force...

The wolf looked at her: in fact, the fox's head is all smeared with dough; he took pity and says:

- And it's true, where are you, fox-sister, to go, sit on me - I'll take you.

And the fox-sister is only on hand.

The fox-sister climbed onto the back of the wolf, and he carried her.

Here is the fox-sister sitting quietly and saying: - The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky. What are you talking about, sister? - I, brother-wolf, say: the beaten one is lucky ... - So, sister, so.

- Come on, sister.

- We will build an ice one for you, and a bast one for me.

They set to work, made themselves huts: bast for the fox, and ice for the wolf, and they live in them. But then spring came, the sun began to warm more strongly, the wolf's hut melted.

No matter how stupid the wolf was, he got really angry.

“Well, sister,” says the wolf, “you deceived me again; gotta eat you for it!

Little fox-sister got a little scared, but not for long.

“Wait a minute, brother, let’s go first and cast lots: someone gets to eat.

- Well, - said the wolf, - where are we going?

- Let's go, maybe we'll reach the lot.

Went. The fox walks, looks around, and the wolf walks and asks:

- Soon?

- But where are you, brother-wolf, in a hurry?

- Yes, you are very cunning, sister; I'm afraid you'll fool me again.

- What are you, wolf brother; when we throw lots, how can we deceive.

- Shall we rest?

- I don’t want to rest, you’re all cunning! Let's better throw lots.

And the fox-sister only needed this.

“Come on,” he says, “if you're so stubborn.

The fox-sister led the wolf to the pit and says:

- Jump! If you jump over the hole, you will eat me, if you don't jump over, I will eat you.

The wolf jumped and fell into the hole.

- Well, here, - said the fox, - and sit here! - and she left.

This is where the story ends!

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Grandfather and grandmother lived.
The grandfather says to the woman: “You, the woman, bake pies, and I will go for the fish.” Caught fish and carries home a whole cart.
Here he goes and sees: the fox curled up and lies on the road. Grandfather got down from the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t stir, she lay there as if dead. “Here will be a gift for his wife,” said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he went ahead.
And the little fox seized the time and began to throw out of the cart all the fish and the fish, all the fish and the fish. She threw out all the fish - and she left.
- Well, old woman, - says the grandfather, - what kind of collar did I bring you for a fur coat!
- Where?
- There, on the cart, - and the fish, and the collar.
A woman came up to the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband: “Oh, you! .. So-and-so! You still decided to deceive! Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead; grieved, grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the fish scattered along the road, sat down and eats for herself. A wolf walks towards her:
- Hello, gossip!
- Hello, kumanek!
- Give me the fish!
- Catch yourself, and eat.
- I can not.
- Eka, because I caught it; you, kumanek, go to the river, dip your tail into the hole, sit and say: catch, fish, big and small, catch, fish, big and small. Then pull the tail out of the hole - you will see how many fish are attached to the tail.
The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and sits. And the fox fish ate and also ran to the river.
The wolf sits and sings:
- Catch, fish, big and small! Catch, fish, big and small!
And the fox runs around the wolf and says:
- Clear, clear in the sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!
The wolf will say:
- Catch, fish, big and small.
And the fox:
- Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!
- What are you talking about, fox? - asks the wolf.
- It's me, the top, I'm helping you. I say: catch, fish, and even more!

Tired of the wolf sitting. He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, and the fox says:
- Wait, top, still caught a little!
And again they began to sentence each to his own. And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. Wolf tail and froze.
Lisa screams:
- Well, pull now!
The wolf pulled, but it was not there.
The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but her trace had already caught a cold - she ran away.

“That's how many fish rolled! the wolf thinks. “And you won’t pull it out!” He spent the whole night fussing, pulling out his tail.
Morning has come. The women went to the hole for water, saw a wolf and shouted:
- Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!
They ran up and began to beat: some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped, jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back. “It’s good,” he thinks, “I’ll pay you back, gossip!”
And the fox, meanwhile, was hungry and wanted to try if something else could be pulled off. She climbed into one of the huts, where the women baked pancakes, but hit her head in a tub of dough, got smeared and ran.
And the wolf met her: “Is that how you teach? I've been thrashed all over! The tail has been torn off!"
- Eh, kumanek, - says the fox-sister, - at least your blood came out, but my brain, I was nailed more painfully than yours; I'm running hard.
- And that's true, - says the wolf, - where are you, gossip, to go; sit on me, I'll take you.
The fox sat on his back, and he carried her. Here the fox-sister sits, and slowly says: “The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky.”
- What are you, gossip, talking about?
- I, kumanek, say: the beaten one is lucky.
- Yes, gossip, yes!
The wolf drove the fox to its hole, she jumped off, hid in the hole, and she herself laughs and laughs at the wolf.

Reading bedtime stories to children great way get closer to the child, introduce him to the interesting and fascinating world of books, help your baby learn modern world, thanks to fairy tale characters and their stories. In addition, joint reading helps in the development of fantasy and contributes to the healthy harmonious development of the child as a person. One of these fairy tales, which should be read to children from a very early age, is the fox and the wolf tale - a collection of the wisdom of the Russian people, which has been passed down to us from generation to generation.
Today, you can find the text of the fairy tale about the wolf and the fox on our website along with interesting colorful illustrations that help young listeners to perceive the text by ear. What does the fairy tale about the wolf and the fox teach young listeners? There are a great many answers to this question. First, like any Russian folk tale, she will teach your baby to distinguish good from evil, she will tell you that not all the beautiful and flattering speeches that they will probably hear in their lives are worth listening to. This is not surprising, because, as a rule, they are pronounced by those who want to take advantage of another person for personal selfish purposes.
Secondly, another important example that the tale of the fox and the wolf carries in itself is that no matter how much you would like to special efforts get what you want, not always the fastest and easiest way is the most correct one. To achieve good results, you should not cheat, you need to try and work to achieve your goal.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Once a grandfather says to a woman:

- You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh, I will go for fish.

Caught a full load of fish. He goes home and sees: the fox is stretched out in the middle of the road, as if not alive.

An old man drove up to her, but she did not move. "Glorious will be the collar for the old woman!" thought the old man and put the fox in the sleigh.

And the chanterelle only needed this: she began to throw out slowly from the cart everything for a fish and a fish, everything for a fish and a fish.

She threw out all the fish and herself slowly ran away.

Grandfather came home and calls a woman:

- Well, old woman, what a collar I brought you! There, on the sleigh, and the fish, and the collar. Go get it!

The old woman came up to the sleigh, looked - no collar, no fish. She returned to the hut and said:

- On the sleigh, grandfather, there is nothing but matting!

Then the old man realized that the fox had deceived him! I grieved, I grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox, meanwhile, gathered all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats.

A wolf runs past

- Hello, fox! Give me fish!

- Look what you are! Catch yourself and eat.

- Yes, I can not!

— What are you! Go to the river, put your tail in the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, big and small!” The fish itself is on your tail and clings.

The wolf ran to the river, lowered his tail into the hole, sits and says:

- Catch, fish, big and small!

And the cold is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze tightly. The wolf sat on the river all night.

And in the morning the women came to the hole for water, saw the wolf and shouted:

- Wolf, wolf! Beat him!

The wolf is back and forth, can't pull his tail out. Baba threw the buckets and began to beat him with a yoke. Bila-bila, the wolf torn, torn, tore off his tail and took to his heels.

A wolf runs, and a fox meets him, his head is tied with a scarf.

“So,” cries the wolf, “did you teach me how to fish?” They beat me, cut off my tail!

- Oh, wolf! - says the fox. “Your tail was torn off, but my whole head was smashed.” I'm running hard!

“And that’s true,” says the wolf. “Where are you, fox, to go?” Get on me, I'll take you.

A fox rides on a wolf and chuckles: “The beaten one is lucky. The wolf has no mind, no sense!

Try to read the fox and wolf fairy tale together in roles with your child, turn it into an exciting home dramatization that will become an exciting game for the whole family. After that, talk to him about what conclusions the child made from this story. What lesson did he take from her? Help him to get the right idea about the meaning and benefits of the fairy tale using examples from your daily life.
Thanks to such joint activities, your child will learn to avoid many mistakes in his life and understand the true intentions of the people around him. In addition, joint fascinating reading instills in the child an interest in the book. In school years, you will not have to force him to read. You will see, very little time will pass and your child will begin to reach for new knowledge and draw it from numerous books.

If you liked our site or the information on this page was useful, share it with friends and acquaintances - click one of the buttons social networks at the bottom of the page or at the top, because among the heaps of unnecessary garbage on the Internet it is quite difficult to find really interesting materials.

Grandfather and grandmother lived. Grandfather says to grandmother:

You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go for fish.

Grandfather caught a full cart of fish. He goes home and sees: the fox is curled up, lying on the road.

Grandfather got down from the cart, approached, but the fox did not stir, it lay as if dead.

Here's a nice find! There will be a collar for my old woman's fur coat.

Grandfather took the fox and put it on the cart, and he went ahead. And the fox seized the time and began to slowly throw out of the cart all the fish and the fish, all the fish and the fish.

She threw out all the fish and left on the sly. Grandfather came home and calls a woman:

Well, old woman, a noble collar brought you a fur coat!

A woman came up to the cart: there was neither a collar nor a fish on the cart. And she began to scold the old man:

Oh, you old bastard, such-and-such, still took it into his head to deceive me!

Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead. Grieved, grieved, but what are you going to do!

And the fox, meanwhile, gathered all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats.

The wolf comes to her:

Hello, gossip, bread and salt ...

Give me fish.

Catch yourself and eat.

Yes, I can't.

Eka! After all, I caught it. You, kumanek, go to the river, dip your tail into the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, both small and large, catch, fish, both small and large!” So the fish will grab you by the tail. The longer you sit, the more you learn.

The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole, sits and says:

Catch, fish, both small and large,

Catch, fish, both small and large!

And the fox walks around the wolf and says:

Clear, clear the stars in the sky,

Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!

The wolf asks the fox:

What are you, godfather, talking about?

And I'm helping you, chasing a fish on your tail.

And herself again:

Clear, clear the stars in the sky,

Freeze, freeze, wolf tail! The wolf sat all night at the hole. He has a tail and froze. In the morning I wanted to get up - it was not there. He thinks: “Eka, how many fish have fallen - and they can’t be pulled out!”

At this time, a woman comes with buckets for water. I saw a wolf and screamed:

Wolf, wolf! Beat him!

The wolf - back and forth, can not pull the tail. Baba threw the buckets and let's beat him with a yoke. Beat, beat, the wolf was torn, torn, tore off his tail and took to his heels.

“Well, he thinks, I’ll repay you already, godfather!”

And the fox climbed into the hut where this woman lived, ate from the kneading dough, smeared her head with dough, ran out onto the road, fell and lay moaning.

Wolf towards her:

So that's how you teach, godfather, to fish! Look, I've been beaten up...

The fox tells him:

Eh, kumanek! You don’t have a tail, but your head is intact, and they broke my head: look - the brain came out, I dragged myself by force.

And that's true, - the wolf tells her. - Where do you go, godfather, sit on me, I'll take you.

The fox sat on the back of the wolf. He took her. Here is a fox riding a wolf and slowly singing:

The beaten unbeaten is lucky

The beaten unbeaten are lucky!

What are you talking about, godfather?

I, kumanek, speak your pain. And again herself:

The beaten unbeaten is lucky