Means targeting. See what "Targeting" is in other dictionaries. How to start from scratch, a quick step-by-step guide to getting started on any social media. networks

  • 28.11.2019

Targeting- a sample of all, and concentration on a group that meets the specified criteria (on the target audience). concept targeting comes from English target - target.

Targeting goal- creation of a targeted advertising and informational message with a concentration on a certain part of the audience, and, thereby, increasing the efficiency of interaction with the audience, obtaining greater returns from such interaction.

Targeting allows show ads target audience, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the advertising message. Internet targeting allows you to display advertising banners in accordance with the interests of visitors to the information site (information page).

Targeting mechanism.

  1. At the stage of collecting information, the audience is monitored. At this stage of targeting, they track the tastes of consumers, find out which web pages, stores they visit, what actions they take on the Internet, what they are interested in, etc.
  2. The information analysis stage allows, from a significant amount of data on a large number of users, to draw a conclusion about the preferences of the target audience, tastes, communication methods, purchase methods, etc. Accordingly, only those target groups are selected for the advertising campaign, which include the largest number potential recipients of your ads.
  3. At the next stage, it is possible to present an informational message, product, service in a profitable way for the target audience. After the audience is defined, an advertising and informational message is created.
  4. Advertising is placed only on those information resources that the potential audience visits (certain sites, pages, sections of stores, sections in magazines, television programs.

Types of targeting.

  • Thematic targeting;
  • Contextual targeting;
  • Geographic targeting (geotargeting);
  • Time targeting;
  • Socio-demographic targeting;
  • Behavioral targeting (BT).

Targeting tasks by types:

  • Thematic targeting. Display of advertising and information messages on information platforms corresponding to a specific topic;
  • Contextual targeting(targeting by interests, contextual advertising). Demonstration of a message in accordance with the interests of visitors to the advertising platform;
  • Geographic targeting. Showing ads to a geo-restricted target audience, limited to some geographic region selected by the advertiser;
  • Time targeting. Displaying ads, say, only in the morning or in the evening, on weekdays or weekends, allows you to limit the display of advertising and concentrate on the time preferences of the target audience;
  • Socio-demographic targeting- concentration on a certain age, gender, income, social status, etc.;
  • Behavioral targeting. One of the most promising types of targeting. The essence of behavioral targeting comes down to the introduction of a mechanism for collecting information about user actions: travel routes, favorite places to visit, ways to make purchases, etc.

Feature of behavioral targeting. Behavioral marketing works best not on its own, but in combination with other techniques. Behavioral targeting is also often used for so-called retargeting. Behavioral targeting works especially well when selling niche products, and in cases where manufacturers do not need to reach a large part of the Internet audience.

Retargeting- re-targeting the advertising and informational message to those who were already covered at the previous stages of the advertising campaign and took certain actions signaling their readiness to purchase.

Limiting the number of impressions per user- one of the subtasks of targeting - allows you to control the number of impressions of an advertising message to one unique user in the process of his interaction with the advertising platform. Most often used in banner advertising with pay per impression.

Example targeting:
On the Internet, the movement of the audience between sites, visits to certain sites are tracked using cookies, and subsequently analyzed. The information is collected in the so-called profiles and contains data about visited sites, search queries, purchases in online stores, etc. Having received such a profile, the advertising service can clearly imagine the portrait of the object, find out its habits and preferences, and become the owner of contact information. After the audience is defined, an advertising message is created, advertising is placed on those resources that the potential audience visits. As soon as one of these users appears on any of the thousands of sites, a banner ad will be shown to him.

Number of impressions: 67919

There are a huge number of varieties of advertising on the Internet, the placement of which costs a lot of money. There are several ways to save on advertising and increase its effectiveness. One of them is targeted advertising.

What is targeting?

Targeting is one of the marketing mechanisms that allows you to select a target audience from all users on the Internet according to certain criteria (for example, by age, place of residence, gender) and advertise your product to it in order to achieve best effect from advertising.

Targeting makes it possible to rationally use the marketing budget and receive from advertising campaigns maximum benefit.

Targeting is used in search engines, contextual advertising, banners and social networks. In each of these services, you can set the necessary parameters by which the target audience will be selected, taking into account its interests.

Why is targeting necessary?

  1. To reduce advertising costs by ensuring that these ads are shown only to users who may be interested in your product.
  2. Increasing site conversion. When moving from an advertising message to a website, a person who belongs to the target group is more likely to purchase the product.
  3. As a result of the increase in conversion, the promotion of the site in search engines improves.
  4. The use of targeting removes an extra burden from the staff. For example, if you sell goods only in Kyiv, then why advertise throughout Ukraine? Calls will be pouring in to your managers, who will have to explain to everyone that the service is only for residents of Kyiv.

How targeting works

Targeting technology consists of a sequence of 4 stages:

Types and tasks of targeting

The main types of targeting and their tasks:

  • Thematic - displaying advertising messages on those sites that correspond to a specific topic;
  • Contextual - displaying messages to the target audience according to their interests. This type of targeting is also called “contextual advertising”;
  • Geographic (geo-targeting) - advertising for a group of people limited to a given geographical region;
  • Targeting by time - advertising at a certain time of day or days of the week, according to the preferences of the target audience;
  • Socio-demographic targeting - focus on gender, age, social status of the target user group;
  • Behavioral targeting is a mechanism for collecting information about all user actions on the Internet, his places of visit, views and purchases.

Contextual targeting is based on search queries. Perceived by the user as a hint, since this is exactly what he is looking for. This is where the geographical and temporal factors come into play, as well as targeting the right audience.

Behavioral targeting is based on a person's online activity. For example, you were looking for tours to Egypt. Then in the ad blocks you will see: "Last-minute tours to Egypt."

In addition, there are other types of targeting, such as targeting:

  • by interest,
  • on request,
  • by location,
  • by country and language,
  • advanced geographic targeting,
  • hyperlocal,
  • auditorium,
  • psychological.

Psychological targeting is possible due to the analysis of a person's psychotype according to his pages on social networks. This can enable marketers to predict the actions and desires of the target in the future.

Targeting can also be divided into direct and indirect. Direct is aimed at an audience looking for a specific product or service. In this case, it is better to use plain speech to speak the same language with the user. For example: " . Inexpensive." Indirect targeting targets an audience that is targeted to similar or related products or services. For example, " Do not overpay for SMS mailing, try".

Targeting - where to start

In contextual advertising, the main type of targeting is search by keywords in Yandex and Google. It uses targeting by keywords, by gender and age, by time of day, by sites, interests, topics, and mobile applications.

Google is the largest search engine and targeting platform, the Display Network (Display Network) which provides ample opportunities for product promotion. The network database contains about 2 million sites, YouTube, Gmail, Google Play, which allows you to reach the target audience as much as possible.

Google Display Network covers about 92% of websites. In order to set up targeting, you must first determine the target audience. First in Google AdWords you need to create a new remarketing list and specify which types of visitors should be included in your list. Create a separate remarketing sheet for each audience.

Google offers 14 different ad formats.

Formats of the same size compete with each other for viewers' attention if they are on the same page.

To increase the chances of a user's transition, it is necessary to choose the optimal format of the advertising message. Here is a table that presents statistics on which format of display advertising attracts more attention.

Ad Format share of attention
728×90 25,5%
300×250 25,1%
468×60 12%
160×600 10,1%
336×280 8,6%
320×50 7,4%
300×600 4,3%
250×250 2,8%

Emotional Choice

Also important is the human emotion that your ad evokes. Emotions that make a person click on advertisement in percentage terms, according to research by BuzzSumo:

  • delight - 25%;
  • laughter - 17%;
  • pleasure - 15%;
  • joy - 14%;
  • anger - 6%;
  • sympathy - 6%;
  • surprise - 2%;
  • other - 15%.

Every decision is driven by emotion. It is necessary to try advertising to reach out to the feelings of the user.

Do not forget about the possibility of advertising on YouTube, where using the targeting settings you can set not only the target audience, but also save on advertising costs. If a person watched the video to the end, then you pay for advertising, if you missed it, then advertising is free for you.

It's very easy to target on popular networks like Twitter or Facebook or Instagram.

Google AdWords (RLSA) is the most sophisticated remarketing tool that allows you to target your ads so that your ads are viewed only by customers who are on your remarketing list and this moment looking for exactly your type of product. It works like this: a person who once visited your site is listed. When they search for the same topic again, they will see your ad on the results page. This ensures maximum advertising efficiency and conversion growth.

Audience targeting can be configured using the AdRiver system, which takes into account the interests of users. To set up audience targeting, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the Advertising Campaign tab;
  • Select a campaign;
  • In the menu, click Company Questionnaire and open access to the use of audience targeting;
  • Select the required campaign scenario;
  • Enable audience targeting, put a selector on it and click "Save logic".

Targeting examples (cases)

For example, you sell bed linen in Vladivostok. Your target audience is women aged 27 to 45 who have children and shop on weekends. Advertising to this audience will bring you the greatest benefit.

These women can be found on the Odnoklassniki website.

As you can see from the screenshot, several types of targeting are used here at once: geotargeting, by gender, by age, by work schedule and by interests.

You can also set up targeting on, VKontakte, Facebook, MoiMir.

If you sell car parts, then your target audience is men from 25 to 55 years old, with high earnings, car enthusiasts.

Determining the target audience is the main task of the marketer, from which successful targeting begins.

For example, Ford worked with audiences from the Google Display Network to find car enthusiasts and captured a large segment of consumers. They found customers who were considering buying a car online, and also connected remarketing tools to increase repeat visits to their site.

Clothing company Bonprix placed its ad on VKontakte for the target audience. Their sales have multiplied. Here is an example of a case of this company.

And this is the dynamics of their orders

Retargeting and its features. How retargeting works

Retargeting can be regular and dynamic.

Normal - re-show ads to users who have already visited your site. If, after visiting your site, the object goes to the weather site, he will see your ad there again. You can set up re-show ads only to those customers who went to the order page, but did not complete the order.

Dynamic remarketing - showing the user those products and services that he viewed on your site or those products that may be of interest to him. This is an opportunity to increase website conversions and significantly increase sales.

Using targeting methods, users will increasingly find your content in the search engine, but many will not make a purchase. For this, there are retargeting methods that give you opportunities such as:

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Greetings, dear readers and guests of the blog. Today we will continue to study the topic of contextual advertising and its general principles of work. If anyone does not know, then when setting up advertising, you need to set clear goals and tune in to the target audience.

Targeting- this word from the SEO dictionary came to us not so long ago, but right now it has become a very popular technique that allows you to single out those who are interested in specific offers from the mass of consumers. The concept came from of English language and stands for "target". In order to understand how this mechanism works, it is necessary to take a closer look at targeting, what is it? is a powerful advertising engine that aims to highlight a specific interested target audience.

What is targeting and how does it work?

In order to understand the whole mechanism, it is necessary to consider how it works and what tools are used.

We constantly make inquiries, fill out various questionnaires, go through surveys in social networks. networks and do not even think about the fact that smart technologies are closely watching and studying us. Sometimes the entire detailed information, on the basis of which you can make a complete picture of a person's life. Search engines Today, every mouse click and link click is taken into account. At the request of the user, you can get a complete picture of his interests:

  • work and field of activity
  • language
  • level of education;
  • income
  • housing;
  • status;
  • interests and much more, you can list indefinitely

From these indicators, it is possible to add up a certain portrait of the user and provide him with the advertisement of interest. All this information is stored confidentially in Yandex systems in Google and others, they are accessed only with the permission of the user himself.

This method effectively saves money spent on advertising, helps to create exactly In its own words, targeting is designed to track consumers who most often visit Internet resources with a focus that meets the requirements of businessmen and make them a target for advertising. With the help of this tool, ads of a certain content are shown exactly to those users for whom it is needed, they are potential customers and can respond to it. Advertising, as a favorite dish is served on a plate to the user. To his audience.


Thematic . This type of advertising is placed on websites of a certain subject and is most often used in teasers. It is shown to users based on search results and is configured in Yandex and Google systems automatically and manually.

Regional . Works on a geographical basis of a specific area; it can be done on certain cities, which, for example, are interested in your products. For example, hats are needed in Kirov, and bathing suits in Krasnodar.

Age. This targeting is configured on the Display Network and is aimed at attracting consumers who belong to a particular age category. Its goal is to determine the age of a person for your business and calculate the appropriate audience. If it is decided to use just such a scheme, then it is necessary to design the site accordingly and include all the necessary parameters that may be of interest to this particular age audience. For example, for older people, new items are interesting medicines, and people from 18 to 25, sports equipment.

By interest . This type defines cookies, they are processed by the index and the data is stored in its storage. The Google system also collects confidential information and analyzes which sites a person visits more often and what he is interested in. This type of targeting is considered one of the most effective and accurate methods, since you can broadcast relevant ads on any partner network resources.

Gender- this one distinguishes users by gender, that is, it divides into men and women., Google and Yandex have such technology. Here, when registering an account, you specify your gender, and the system automatically separates you by this type and broadcasts the appropriate ads.

Professional . Oriented by specialties and working environment, determined by the focus of users.

Educational , allows you to identify a potential client at the place of his study, for example, school or university and recommend him educational advertising. The educational method is rarely used, but still it has a place to be.

Behavioral allows, based on the analysis of visited pages, reaction to advertising, delay time on various resources, to calculate the emotional level of the user and, based on this, broadcast targeted advertising to him. For example, if a user has a negative reaction to targeted advertising, then you have already been warned about this.

Technical . Based on information about devices, gadgets and connections used, as well as providers of cellular and wifi networks. It takes into account the number of visits to resources, how long a person plays, how many times he uses mobile phone or other devices, which applications are most often opened.

Temporal configured by specific hours and time period, for example, during the working days of the company, when specialists can answer the call. This mode can be adjusted according to time zones various countries, and also taking into account working time other regions. The technical view can be configured, for example, for night or day users, take into account weekends and holidays. The systems only need to set up the desired schedule.

In fact, there are a lot of types, it will not be possible to list and describe everything, but a rough picture of what this tool is and what it means - targeting, it became clear.

Benefits of targeting for the company

Content owners widely use this technique and have already proven its effectiveness. Targeted advertising for businessmen:

Many people think that the bearded IT specialist pressed some buttons and with a malevolent grin is watching us and manipulating. In fact, this tool does not bring anything bad for the user, especially since there is always the opportunity to refuse to fill in the data on the site or go to the system settings and turn off this function.

Or you can simply not click on advertising banners and links. But on the other hand, for example, if you look for a rubber boat, you can turn the floor of the Internet, and here profitable proposition always at hand. Or you are interested in breeding cattle, and here is a new breed bred in Brazil, and if it weren’t for targeting, you might never have known about it. Here we have examined in detail and clearly the concept of targeting, what it is and how to use it.

I hope the material was useful and do not forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Targeted advertising involves targeting the target audience and shooting at the very core of that audience. The concept of "Targeting" came to Russia from the English language and literally "Target" is translated as "goal", that is, the goal of some action.

1. Purpose of targeted advertising

Attracting customers according to a specific set of characteristics set by the advertiser

Targeting itself is advertising information, a message, an offer or a review that will be of interest to exactly those people to whom this information falls into the hands. Such mailing or offers are more efficient in terms of time costs and optimization of the activities of the company or the specialist who is engaged in targeted advertising.

Tasks of targeted advertising

Targeting the right audience allows you to solve a number of tasks that the company sets for itself when expanding and attracting new customers:

  1. Increase sales efficiency with targeted advertising.
  2. Visual acquaintance with the company of the audience (logo / name / banner becomes visible and remembered by the target audience, even if the service or offer is not relevant at the moment, which means that if you subsequently need to order a product or service, there is a high chance that your company will appear in the list of agents in the transaction).
  3. Optimization of funds spent on advertising and product promotion.

2. How does targeted advertising work?

The first step in starting the work of targeting advertising is monitoring in order to identify an interested audience from among potential customers. That is, a survey is conducted among users of online stores, what exactly is bought, on which sites, with what conditions, how the purchase or order of the service goes.

After collecting information, a complex process of analyzing this information begins, that is, all data is recorded and charts and diagrams are built according to the volume of users and the percentage of people interested in this or that information, this or that product / resource, method of purchase, payment, etc.

Writing an advertising message for potential customers is the most important, because, as the saying goes, "you will not have a second attempt to make a first impression", and the first impression is always born in the brain from the primary senses (smell, touch, sight, etc.) .

3. Varieties of targeted advertising

  • Contextual
  • Thematic
  • Geotargeting
  • Temporary
  • Social
  • behavioral

Subspecies of targeted advertising

Let's analyze each subspecies of targeting separately.

based on the promotion of contextual advertising, that is, the interests of the target audience are affected.

Thematically targeted advertising- covers forums and resources with the theme of the company, which orders the promotion of the site in this way. For example, when promoting a site for construction tools, all construction forums are considered and informational resources.

Geotargeting distributes information on contextual advertising or company topics with a selection for a specific region, city or country that the customer designates.

Social targeting considers social groups people according to certain parameters- gender, age category, living conditions, income level, etc. This includes targeted advertising in social networks.

Retargeting - it's like a second blow to the center of the target audience in order to identify reacted and interested customers. After presenting information to the target audience, there is a need to collect the fruits of your work - this is what retargeting in advertising is for.

See also the video - What is teaser advertising

4. Targeted or teaser ads?

Undoubtedly, targeted advertising aimed at specific categories of users can hit the target and attract many targeted users. However, you should not forget about other extremely profitable types of advertising that can work both in combination with targeted ads and as stand-alone ads.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Targeting VKontakte - why you need it and how to use it

There is no point in advertising if it is shown to the wrong people, at the wrong place. You can see an increase in visitors to the site, which will not affect sales in any way. And all because of the fact that women will be shown ads for shaving creams, and men - shower gel scrub with olive oil. To avoid such situations, there is a special mechanism for selecting the target audience. It's called targeting.

How VKontakte targeting works

Let's say you are the owner of a music store in Moscow. In your assortment - gramophones, vinyl records, musical centers for playing CDs. You once created a VKontakte page for your store. There is a small audience that has not been growing for a long time. And you decide to start promoting the group.

The most obvious way is to order advertising. And so you shell out, come up with great ad text. Users see it social network. But ... there is no result.
Your money will be spent, but there will be no new orders. The thing is that together with the residents of Moscow, your ad will also be seen by the population of Samara and Kursk. And people under the age of 25 probably won't need to buy a CD player. They just don't know what it is anymore - they've had all their music on digital media for a long time.
The budget is spent, but there is no influx of new customers.

So that money is not thrown to the wind, our ad must be shown to people over 35 years old living in Moscow. It is desirable that they are interested in music. This task is just for targeting your advertising campaigns. By properly organizing ad targeting, you will achieve the following goals:

Here is an example of creating an advertising post that will be displayed in the feed. You can write good text, accompany it with attachments - photos, audio recordings, videos.

Next is the subject of the announcement. Age restrictions can be set. For example, tobacco products cannot be shown to persons under the age of 18. Next - the most important stage of work. Targeting needs to be done right. To do this, it is important to know your target audience. It is necessary to answer the question in great detail: “Who is interested in my product or service?” different methods defining a portrait of the target audience. You need to research the market, conduct surveys of real customers. Build your buying persona - this is a clear profile of your ideal customer. Marketers define it like this: “This is a reliable customer who constantly buys your products, with a high degree loyalty to your brand."

Let's go back to the example from the beginning of the article. Suppose we have collected data about the target audience. Decided on the age of the buyer, his place of residence. The settings will look like this.

The essence of targeting is to personalize a specific person in your audience as much as possible, to cut off those who are not interested in the offer.

In addition to interests, you can narrow the audience even within a certain educational institution. You can show the ad only to graduates of music schools.

You need to be very careful when targeting an audience by interests.

Keep in mind that a person who is interested in music may well be interested in both active recreation and passive movie watching. Many may not indicate any of their interests at all, which means they will not fall into an advertising campaign. Interest targeting only makes sense, for the most part, when you're selling a very specific product.

When filling in the fields, you need to be careful. For example, if you specify "Choi" - it will not be clear which artist you mean. And the ad will be shown to both rock music lovers and those who prefer pop.

For this, personal profile data is used, as well as statistics on the user's activity in groups and applications, his transitions to external sites. This will partially help solve the problem of an empty profile.

Another handy tool- targeting members of certain communities. You can search by groups to find the publics you need and include them in targeting.

A few words about VKontakte retargeting

This is work with a still “hot” audience. For example, with customers who have already made a purchase in your store.

Statistics show that for such an audience, the success of campaigns increases several times in comparison with "cold" clients.

You will need to prepare a list of your customers - their email addresses, phone numbers, VKontakte profile id. You can use all three types of data, separating them with a comma.

An example of how retargeting works. Let's say a user visits a page in your online store that sells cat food. This information is stored, and such a user can be offered, for example, vitamins for his pet.


Targeting is an essential tool in target marketing. Competent targeting allows you to significantly reduce the cost of advertising campaigns, increase conversion.
There are a large number of different platforms for analyzing the effectiveness of campaigns (Spotlight, OnlyTolk, Cerebro Target and others).

Please note. No matter how great your targeting is, you constantly need to work on commercial offer. You must offer the consumer the most actual product which will satisfy all his needs at once. Without this, no matter how you target the audience, there will be no success.