Family farms for 10 cows. Dairy farm in numbers: relevance, profitability, prospects. Standard projects of cowsheds

  • 03.03.2020

Unfortunately, in Russia and other CIS countries production not very tuned up. Only some categories of goods are in such a huge demand that entrepreneurs and businessmen are ready to invest in the production of a product. We are now talking not about the industry, with which everything is more or less normal, but exclusively about consumer goods. Now the CIS countries produce, in the vast majority of cases, only essential goods such as bakery products, sausages, dairy products, as well as alcoholic beverages (probably one of the most "trading" goods, unfortunately).

In this article, we will show a typical dairy farm business plan that you can implement on your own, as well as give information on how much money and effort you will need to organize such a business and what is the average profitability.

It is worth saying that dairy products are very popular with us, milk is not just a “drink”, or the “first” goods made from it (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.), today it and dairy by-products are used in most industries. For example, the so-called milk powder, without which no bread-factory can do, as well as ice cream and many other types of products.

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Previously, due to the shortage of “native” production in Russia and other neighboring countries, a lot of dairy products were sold from abroad, this is a huge minus for the entire economy, because such products are much more expensive than “our own” ones - this time, the profit from the sale does not go to the treasury ( in the form of taxes), as well as our residents (who would be engaged in production), and, for the most part, an imported manufacturer. But due to the high exchange rate in last years(and especially for months), imports of dairy products have significantly decreased and there is a need for “our own” milk. So now you can make good money by opening a dairy farm, the only difficulty for most people is absolute ignorance of this topic, because cows are living creatures and they need careful, special care.

Despite many difficulties, do not be afraid to start a business. Recently, the conditions have changed and now technology helps on such farms in most processes. And having drawn up a competent business plan for a dairy farm, or finding an existing one, you can calculate in advance how much money you will need to purchase cows, build premises, as well as all the necessary equipment and livestock maintenance (this is also a significant part of the costs, especially at the initial stage when money flies away for everything-everything).

How to open your own dairy farm and what to look for

Now we go directly to the dairy farm business plan - how, what and how much, as well as in what time frame. It is worth saying that there are 2 main directions in this field of activity and, depending on financial capabilities, you should immediately decide what you will pull. In most cases, newcomers want to “rise” in this type of business, so:

The first is the opening of an industrial farm of a huge scale (starting from 100 heads you can have huge incomes, with a competent organization of production, of course), which requires millions of investments (in rubles) at the initial stage. The second - "part-time work", or not the main type of activity, is suitable for those people who have money for the organization own business and live in countryside(well, or near it, in order to be able to control all processes personally).

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In the case of the first option, a huge plot of land is purchased, on which a modern farm is being built, taking into account the latest trends in this market (in other words, very expensive), the equipment is taken as automatically and best as possible, so that the least number of people take part in milk production. To do this, they buy "milking machines" that are available to cows around the clock, when they want - they come up to them and "give" milk, respectively, the "organizers" of this process, which are needed on small farms, can not be involved and their wages can not be paid, but the equipment such a plan will cost oh so expensive. The same applies to the direct purchase of livestock, a cow costs, on average, from 40 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the breed, “state” (how and where it was grown, whether it has the necessary vaccinations and stuff like that) and size, so 100 heads will pull at least 5-10 million rubles.

The second option is suitable for most of our audience, as it can be implemented even with a small amount to start. In some not very progressive village, buying land or a barn, as well as reconstructing it, will not be too expensive, especially if you are an entrepreneur, you can save money at all stages and do some types of work yourself, or with the help of local residents who want to earn money, who will take where less money for the object, rather than "urban". For the purchase of 10-15 cows, you will need an amount of ~ 600-800 thousand rubles (or about 17-20 thousand dollars), you need a minimum of equipment, there is also not too much feed at first (namely, about growing cows and the nuances associated with this business, read on in our dairy farm business plan).

So decide for yourself whether you have enough strength and money to start such a business. At the initial stage, it will be very difficult, but in the future, when work will improve, it will be possible to have additional income without any problems and increase the livestock, becoming richer over time, which will allow you to modernize the farm and increase production even more.

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Features of this type of business as a dairy farm

Russia's need for milk is huge - today the required volume is much more than 60 million tons per year, so many will be able to squeeze into this business, ultimately there are still imported goods that can be displaced if you try hard (due to the conditions business, importers simply will not be able to compete with local manufacturers on price). For the right start of this, and any business, it is worth deciding on all the stages of action and gaining knowledge about each of them, because any little thing at the initial stage can be for you both an opportunity to save extra money, and lose it if you are in the dark. We offer a basic business plan for a dairy farm, which allows you to get an overall picture of such a business as the production and subsequent sale of milk to buyers.

The most important thing here, as you already understood, is the cows, which are the producers of the main product - milk, therefore, providing them with everything necessary and properly caring for them, you will have a good milk yield and sales, otherwise it will be difficult even to return the initially invested money spent for the construction of a dairy farm and the purchase of livestock.

There is a close relationship between productivity and "live" weight of a cow. The larger the animal, the higher the efficiency, for example - a cow weighing 450 kg gives milk, more than its own weight, only 6.5 times, while having a mass of 750 kg (not even 2 times higher than the previous one), we will get "milk" 14 times the mass of a cow. And this is just one of the nuances, so it’s not worth saving on the necessary care and food, because the larger the animal, the more milk you get and the less the cost of one liter will be for you, as a producer.

The same applies to feed consumption - the more productive the cow, the less she consumes "per unit of product", or, more simply, a liter of milk. And this means the following - at the initial stage, you will need a maximum of cash injections in order to "feed" the cows to their best form, when they give a lot of milk, the cost of which will remain the lowest possible for you.

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Who is the best dairy farm business plan for?

Of course, everyone can open their own dairy farm, but there are a huge number of nuances that make it much easier and more profitable to do it in a rural area (and living in it) than being a resident of a metropolis. If we consider a dairy farm as a business for beginners, then it will be most productive to build (or buy from neighbors an abandoned, if any) barn, after which it is enough just to buy a dozen heads of cows. With the most efficient approach to raising livestock, in the near future you will be able to make good money selling milk to buyers.

Speaking about efficiency, we return to the topic of the mass of a cow - the more it is, the more milk it can give, so it’s definitely not worth holding money for feeding livestock - the larger it becomes, the lower your costs for the production of one liter of milk become, accordingly, you can earn more on a dairy farm. The business plan for a dairy farm is quite simple - especially when it comes to a small farm near your own home. It will be enough just to have a room and a few heads of livestock (for starters), after when the money appears, the business can be scaled up, it’s just that initially you are unlikely to pull a large farm (for example, to open a dairy farm for 250 heads, you will have to spend tens of millions of rubles, which they can afford very few).

In the current difficult socio-economic conditions, the creation of farming many people are interested. Although everyone has different goals - business, hobbies or the meaning of life - nevertheless, everyone wants to have environmentally friendly products on the table. clean production and to subsidiary farm also brought profit. There is nothing impossible in this. Today, there is such a variety of building materials that you can easily build and equip a barn on your own in any region of the country, regardless of difficult climatic conditions.

Typical design device

First of all, remember one rule: cow comfort comes first. Only in this way you will get meat and dairy products good quality and recoup your costs. Regardless of the livestock, a convenient barn consists of the following sectors:

  • stalls with a feeder, drinker and waste disposal;
  • food storage room (kitchen);
  • maternity area for newborn calves;
  • area for walking animals;
  • storage room for inventory;
  • manure collection area;
  • a compartment for storing milk, as well as the content of milk containers;
  • boiler room for heating all rooms.

Stalls are arranged in rows depending on the number of heads. In an individual farm, there are mainly single-row premises, two-row or three-row.

There should be enough free space between stalls

The animals should not be crowded, so the passage between the rows is made moderately wide.

Types of barns

How productive the farm will be depends on the correct choice of the barn. Many factors are taken into account here: separate keeping of heterosexual animals, the proportion of young animals, the number of heads, etc.

For small farms with a maximum of 50 heads, as a rule, mini-cowsheds are built - pre-fabricated frame hangars, well lit and ventilated, which are warm and cold. The latter are more suitable for large cattle because cows, calves and bulls do better in cool buildings (outside temperature). In such conditions, they get sick less, develop better and give more milk yield.

It is more appropriate to build frame hangars in regions with year-round warm weather conditions

Unfortunately, in most regions of our country, severe weather conditions do not allow animals to be kept in cold barns. It is necessary to build insulated stables with a large number of windows that are constantly kept open, which provides a suitable microclimate for animals. However, when keeping more than 30 cows, it is already necessary to take care of additional ventilation - install fans or polyurethane ventilation curtains, light-aeration skates or a Frivent DRW ventilation unit (if finances allow).

Additional ventilation avoids excess moisture and regulates temperature regime

Although there are many varieties of cowsheds, any of them should be cool, light and cozy.

According to the materials used in the construction of cowsheds, there are:

  • in the form of buildings made of metal profiles, with a temperature in the rooms close to the street;
  • as buildings from heat-insulating building materials;
  • type of hangars from sandwich panels.

For basic design:

  • 2+2-row barn for free keeping of animals (loose) with a high trapezoidal roof made of metal profile with a minimum number of beams, which will ensure good air exchange;
  • 3 + 3-row for the joint keeping of dairy cows with calves and a separate milking parlor;
  • 3-row barn where the calf section and the milking area are in the same room;
  • A 4-row cowshed makes it possible to fully mechanize all work - milking, distribution of water and feed, manure removal.

Video: supply and exhaust ventilation of a barn for 200 heads in the Irkutsk region

Preparing to build a barn

At the preparatory stage of the construction of the barn, it is necessary to solve a number of critical tasks so that your efforts will be successful.

  1. Choose the direction of farming - you plan to deal only with milk or meat, you will process the resulting products yourself, or sell milk to dairies, and hand over the cows in live weight. Whether young animals will be purchased or produced locally. What is the size of the herd, how much labor will be automated.
  2. Decide on a place for construction - not only the terrain is important, but also the level of groundwater. The prevailing direction of the winds, their intensity. Availability of convenient access roads and whether it is possible to organize a pasture nearby.
  3. Choose a suitable barn project. Or, based on the model, do it yourself, taking into account all your desires and capabilities.

Standard norms for keeping animals

Premises for keeping animals must meet certain standards:

  1. Loose housing - 6 m² per head of an adult and 4–4.5 m² per calf. If calves are kept together with cows, the area should be 10 m².

    Loose keeping of cows is most often used in farms with large livestock: animals are kept on a farm without stalls, with a milking parlor, move freely both indoors and on walking areas

  2. Tethered housing - the construction of individual boxes, the dimensions of which depend on the sex and age of the animals. An adult cow is given an area of ​​1–1.3x1.8–2.1 m, a bull is enough for 1.3x1.4 m, a calf will be comfortable in an area of ​​1x1.5 m, a cow with a calf 1.5x2 m.

    Tethered housing of cows has its advantages - there will be no collisions between animals, this method of housing increases milk production by 15% compared to loose housing, and reduces feed costs by 10%

  3. The average dimensions of the barn are: width 4 m, length 6 m and height 2.5 m.

Table: dimensions of stalls and stall equipment, depending on the weight and dimensions of the livestock

The size of the cowsStall dimensionsRestraints heightHeight of the front wall of the feeder, cm
live weight, kgoblique body length, cmlength cmwidth, cmfront, cmside, cm
up to 450139–143 140 105 118 75 16
451–500 142–147 145 105 122 75 18
501–550 146–152 150 110 125 80 20
551–600 152–160 155 110 127 85 22
601–650 157–163 160 120 130 90 24
651–700 160–168 165 120 133 90 26

Standard projects of cowsheds

A mini-farm involves keeping from 2 to 10 cows. For such a quantity, it is not difficult to draw up a barn plan on your own. The main thing is to adhere to the area standards for keeping animals.

The main principle of mini farming is to make the most efficient use of available resources.

An average farm provides for the presence of 20 to 50 heads of cattle. The scheme of the barn looks quite simple.

It is advisable to entrust the construction of a farm of 100 or more heads of cattle to professionals.

If you are just starting a cow farm, it is better to start with fewer cows.

Well, only a team can handle the construction of large farms experienced craftsmen. It is impossible to do this independently according to the rules and regulations.

Designing a project isn't everything. We now need to get approval from the relevant authorities. This procedure is troublesome. If possible, consult with a lawyer. Perhaps, after such a consultation, you will change the concept of your farm or choose a different site for construction.

The choice of materials for the construction of the barn

To build a farm with your own hands you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • burnt brick or durable concrete for the foundation;
  • waterproofing material (roofing material is more often used);
  • wooden boards for flooring;
  • covering material for the roof - slate, for example, or tiles;
  • building material for building walls.

Walls and floors are of great importance in the construction of a barn, since barn heating, as a rule, is not equipped even in harsh climatic regions. Well-insulated walls and floors will suffice.

Wooden structures performed well in terms of thermal conductivity, only they are short-lived. Brick barns are widespread, but in the northwestern regions it is recommended to make a two-layer structure, laying insulation between the layers. And this is an increase in the cost of construction. Therefore, cowsheds made of foam blocks and sandwich panels deserve more and more attention - they are easy to assemble, durable and well maintain the required temperature in the room.

But adobe is considered the best building material. It keeps the cowshed warm, keeps the house fairly dry, and is relatively inexpensive. The adobe is laid in 1.5 bricks (hollow in one) on a good cement mortar, lined with ordinary bricks from below. Inside the walls are plastered, leveled and whitewashed.

The floor of the truss must be warm, dry, level and waterproof. Fitted wood flooring is ideal for all these requirements. However, due to some properties of wood, it will have to be repaired every 3-4 years. Therefore, more often they choose for the device a burnt hollow brick, laid on an edge on top of roofing paper or slag. Such a floor in an aggressive environment will last at least 14 years without repair. True, it is not too warm, which is why in the winter the floor in the barn is covered with a thick layer of bedding or rubber mats are used.

The floor in the barn should help maintain the health of animals and increase their productivity; for this purpose, rubber flooring is used.

Video: cow stall equipment

Material calculation

The amount of material depends on the area of ​​the barn, which, in turn, is directly related to the number of animals kept. We will show the principle of calculation using the example of building walls from adobe, since this option is the most profitable. Moreover, adobe can be made independently from the straw of any cereals, clay and sand.

Adobe for a cowshed is a convenient, cheap building material that our ancestors have been using for centuries

Calculation of wall A: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, one doorway measuring 1x1.8 m, total area 13.2 m², doorway area 1.8 m², wall area without doorway 11.4 m².

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 5 window openings with dimensions (0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.4 m, 0, 6x0.4 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1.68 m², wall area without window openings 11.52 m².

It will be more practical to install PVC windows in the barn, which will be lifting-sectional or hinged with filling in the form of colorless polycarbonate

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 4 window openings with dimensions (0.6x0.6 m, 0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1.56 m², wall area without window openings 11.64 m².

Depending on the climatic features of the region, it is possible to install inflatable or roller blinds on the windows, as well as lifting sectional windows.

Calculation of wall G: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, blank wall (without door and window openings), total wall area 13.2 m².

A blind wall without windows will protect the cows from strong winds

Determine the amount of adobe for building a cowshed:

  1. Let's derive a single formula for calculation. The area of ​​any wall is - the total area of ​​the wall (height x length) minus the total area of ​​all openings (windows, doors). The area of ​​each opening is also equal to height x length. So: S common. \u003d (S A + S B + S C + S D) - (S openings A + S openings B + S openings C + S openings D) \u003d (13.2 + 13.2 + 13.2 + 13.2) - (1.8 + 1.68 + 1.56) = 47.76 m².
  2. Find out the area of ​​one adobe brick. S sk \u003d W sk x H sk (usually 0.08 m²). If you make adobe bricks yourself, then its area may be different, depending on the size of the mold for making.
  3. We determine the amount of adobe that will be needed to build a barn. K c \u003d S total. : S sk \u003d 47.76: 0.08 \u003d 597 pcs. Round up to 600 pcs.

Table: calculation of adobe blocks for the construction of a barn with dimensions (6x6x2.2) meters

WallS walls, m²Doorway, m²Window opening, m²Manure removal doors, m²Walking doors, m²S calculated, m²Adobe brick, pcs.
BUT13,2 1,8 - - - 11,4 142,5
B13,2 - 0,72 0,48 0,48 11,52 144
AT13,2 - 0,72 0,84 - 11,64 145,5
G13,2 - - - - 13,2 165
Total 597

For the manufacture of 600 pieces of adobe blocks you will need:

  • clay ≈ 4600 kg (2.8 m³);
  • sand ≈ 1500 kg (1 m³);
  • straw ≈ 230 kg (4 m³).

Any material is calculated in the same way - brick, blocks of sawdust concrete, panels, wooden beams, flooring according to the floor area, roofing material according to the size of the roof, etc.

Set of tools

The necessary tools depend on the building materials used, but in any case, you will have to use:

  • crowbar and shovel;
  • building level;
  • trowel, spatula and self-tapping screws;
  • rope;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer.

Building a barn with your own hands: step by step instructions

They build cowsheds using two technologies - a frame scheme and a frameless one. The frame method is considered more promising. Its main advantage is the speed of construction and the ease of laying communications - ventilation, water supply, manure removal, etc. The construction of a small utility block consists of several stages:

  1. Laying the foundation. Any - columnar for small wooden utility blocks, tape or monolithic for heavy buildings. Remove the top layer of earth on the site. They usually deepen up to 50-70 cm and fall asleep with rubble. With frame erection, the laying of the foundation ends here. For the construction of a brick barn, a solid foundation is made - tape or monolithic. A trench is dug to a depth of 1 m, formwork and a reinforcing cage are installed, the bottom is covered with rubble and poured with concrete. Roofing material is laid on top as a waterproofing material.

    The base of the barn must be strong, able to withstand heavy loads

  2. They lay out the walls using a trowel and a building level, not forgetting to leave openings. In order for the walls to retain heat, they make good thermal protection.

    Since the cowsheds do without heating, it is necessary to insulate the walls well: the adobe masonry is lined with brick from below, laying foam insulation

  3. Mount the roof. At the top of the walls, wooden logs are installed and a crate is made. Then covered with roofing material. Usually slate is used, as it is more affordable and cheaper. It is customary to cover the ceiling with reed slabs and plaster with clay. It is desirable to have an attic - this is additional insulation, there you can store hay and other feed. The roof of a barn without an attic must be insulated.

    For the slate roof of the barn, a grate is stuffed with a step calculated for slate sheets

  4. Install windows and doors.
  5. Perform internal work. Special attention give to the floors. The soil is compacted, a layer of roofing paper or slag is made, and the floor is laid with small gaps and a slope so that animal feces flow into the drain pit. A litter of straw or sawdust is placed on top, where peat can be added.

    Cows will be comfortable to rest on a bed of straw

Cowsheds on a large number of livestock are built in the same way, equipping each stall with a feeder 1 m long and 0.65 m high.

barn ventilation

The simplest scheme of the cowshed ventilation system: an exhaust pipe made of boards is equipped on the roof of the building. One or more, depending on the length of the room, equipped with a fan and a damper in case of bad weather. Fresh air penetrates into the barn through window openings. If there are none, then for the entry of air at the bottom of the walls, almost at the very foundation, intake holes with dampers are created. The stale air is removed through the exhaust pipe.

Air exchange occurs by itself: warm air exits through the exhaust shafts on the roof of the building, and cold air enters the room through special openings in the walls of the barn

To reduce the penetration of infections from the street, a box of sawdust is placed in front of the entrance, which is periodically moistened with creolin. In barns with 200 or more animals, additional ventilation is provided in the form of a canopy on the roof.

Manure removal system

  • water flush or self-alloy;
  • delta scraper or belt conveyor.

More often, farmers use a self-alloying room cleaning system. To do this, pipes with plugs wrapped in slippery cloth are laid at an angle over the entire area of ​​​​the barn, when opened, manure flows into special tanks.

barn lighting

There are certain requirements for barn lighting that must be followed:

  • lighting standards - in the stalls 50 lux, in the place of feeding - 75, in the entire barn - 200 lux and no more, otherwise the output indicators will decrease;
  • it is necessary to use LED lamps, since fluorescent lamps emit low-intensity light when the standard temperature drops to 20–25 ° C;
  • when arranging lighting in the barn, it is important to correctly calculate the length of daylight hours and smoothly change the lighting during this period - from 4.00–4.30 to 8.00–8.30, the illumination is increased, and from 16.00–16.30 to 20.00–20.30 gradually decrease.

For the normal development of animals in the barn, it is necessary to make high-quality lighting - in daylight, cows give more milk, and calves eat better and grow faster

Absolute darkness in the barn is unacceptable in order to avoid injury to animals. For night lighting, 10 W red spectrum lamps are used.

Video Compilation: Farm Life - Do-it-yourself barn building

Start of construction. Preparation and breakdown of the site under the cowshed. Welding of frame elements.

Video: building a barn - the beginning

Foundation laying and frame erection. The foundation is made tape, the formwork is mounted, into which the previously made frame elements are installed according to the level and fixed. The trench is then concreted.

Video: foundation and barn frame

Continuation of construction. Another video report in real time - what we did during the week.

Video: we continue to build a barn

Roof arrangement. The design of the barn determines the materials that will be used to cover the roof. Inexpensive options are slate and tile.

Video: barn roof

Plumbing. The water supply in the barn begins with a riser Ø 32 mm, to which the main ring main line of pipes Ø 25 mm is connected. In the room itself, automatic drinking bowls, watering and water taps are installed.

Video: plumbing for a barn

The final stage of setting up the plumbing and septic tank. It is necessary to adhere to sanitary standards - with parallel laying of water and sewer pipes Ø up to 200 mm, the distance between them must be at least 1.5 m. It is advisable to lay water pipes in a protective case.

Video: we finish the plumbing and septic tank for the barn

It will take more time to build a barn on your own than to install a finished structure or build a team of professionals. But this is perhaps the only drawback. But mansions for cows, warm, solid, cozy, made with their own hands, will cost much less. We hope that with the acquired knowledge you will build a cowshed that will faithfully serve you for many years.

A mini-farm for cows will help ensure a stable income. Initially, you can buy a small livestock. Gradually, the business will increase, the number of bulls and cows in the herd will increase. The proposed recommendations will help to organize and equip everything correctly.

A mini-farm for cows will help ensure a stable income

If you are planning to organize a farm, you need to carefully consider and calculate everything. Sample business plan dairy farm for 20 heads includes the main points of the organization of the process and financial issues.

The main points include:

  • choosing a place for a future mini-farm;
  • rent or buy land plot(if not available)
  • purchase of inventory;
  • purchase of the initial livestock - bulls and cows;
  • organization of proper care for each individual;
  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • cleaning of waste products - manure.

Financial issues include items of expenditure and ways to earn income on the farm. Necessary investments determine the value initial capital needed to organize a business.

The main expenses are as follows:

  • purchase of building materials;
  • construction of a mini-farm;
  • purchase and delivery of livestock;
  • wages for hired personnel;
  • fodder preparation;
  • payment for veterinary services.

In fact, the productivity of these animals is extremely high.

A mini-farm for 10 cows will pay off very quickly. Such an enterprise can generate income in several directions. It could be:

  • sale of milk and dairy products;
  • sale of high-quality beef and/or meat by-products;
  • sale of skins;
  • sale of bulls and heifers, i.e., young animals;
  • sale of manure as an organic fertilizer;
  • paid provision of breeding individuals for mating (mating) to owners of other farms.

In addition, you can also organize the sale of hay and / or silage. Of course, subject to the availability of appropriate land plots.

Farm from scratch (video)

The right choice of location

In order to build a farm for cows without any problems, you need to choose the right piece of land. It should be a level and well-trodden area. The presence of a small forest belt near the mini-farm will protect the animals from drafts and / or strong winds.

Natural reservoirs and/or springs drinking water on legal regulations of the relevant laws of the Russian Federation must be at least 30 m away from places where large livestock are kept, otherwise the owner may be fined a large amount. In this case, the mini-farm will have to be moved to another site.

An equally important point - the absence of residential and / or other buildings near the place where the mini-farm will be equipped, cattle - this is an inevitable unpleasant smell. Do not create discomfort for residents of nearby settlements. On its own plot, a mini-farm for cows is being set up closer to the place where fruit and vegetable crops are planted. This will make it easier to use the manure to fertilize the soil. From a residential building, a modern farm should be located at a distance of 15 meters or more. Additionally, the main wind direction in the region should also be taken into account.

To easily build a farm for cows, you need to choose the right piece of land

Saving money

For a novice farmer to maintain, for example, ten or twenty heads, it is better to rent land. It will be much cheaper than buying. You can pick up a site with ready-made buildings, which, after a small repair, will provide proper living conditions for cattle. A leased plot and/or a cowshed for 50 heads has such a significant advantage as the ability to terminate the contract without any problems. For example, if a more suitable option was found.

The farm project and the initial estimate should be drawn up, focusing on recycled material. Used bricks, wood, etc. can be purchased much cheaper. The main thing is to check the quality of the goods - the degree of wear, safety, etc.

Sawdust is used for bedding in the barn. You can cook them yourself. To do this, you can buy old wood - frames, boards, lumber that are not usable.

Preparing for construction

To ensure proper housing and / or care of cows, a farm plan will help, which must be prepared in advance. You can make it yourself or find a suitable mini-farm project from friends and acquaintances.

On the job site markup needs to be done. At the same time, a place is necessarily prepared for storing building materials and tools.

Independent construction of a farm for cattle requires significant labor and time. You can speed up the process by inviting assistants. Hiring a construction team will be very expensive.

Tools and materials

Before building a farm, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. For work you will need:

  • dry concrete mix or cement and sand;
  • brick, wood or blocks;
  • slate;
  • ruberoid;
  • insulation;
  • fasteners;
  • bars and/or beams.

The tool kit must include:

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • roulette construction;
  • plumb and level;
  • technical knife;
  • puncher or electric drill;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer;
  • solution containers;
  • saw and / or hacksaw;
  • mason's tool;
  • wire cutters and/or pliers;
  • hammers and sledgehammers;
  • overalls;
  • rag.

To store a supply of materials and working tools, you can equip a small barrack or a fenced area with a canopy.

Mini farm (video)

Barn dimensions

The health of cattle directly depends on the conditions of the herd. To make the animals feel comfortable, it is necessary to plan the following dimensions of the barn:

  • main area - 500 m² for 50 heads (at the rate of 6 m² per 1 adult or 10 m² for queens with offspring);
  • additional area for storage of feed, inventory and equipment;
  • wall height - from 2.5 to 3 m;
  • height to the roof ridge - not less than 3.5 m.

Experienced livestock breeders do not advise building very large barns for a wide range of livestock. In small rooms for 10 or 20 animals, animals feel more comfortable. At the same time, the cows on the farm are healthy and give a good milk yield. In the event of infection of one or more individuals, the main livestock will be easier to protect from the disease. In addition, a barn for 20 heads is easier to keep clean and tidy in order to obtain high-quality milk and / or meat.

Independent construction of a farm for cattle requires significant labor and time

barn construction

The selected version of the mini-farm and barn project needs to be studied and, if necessary, slightly modified. This will help tailor the proposed projects to specific conditions.

A brick structure for cattle must be built on a massive foundation. Under frame, wooden or block walls, you can make a lightweight version. The roof is made 2-pitched with a high ridge. A hayloft and a storage system are being equipped from above necessary equipment, equipment, etc. Another option is a modern hangar-type barn with an arched roof. The profile for it is gradually increased to the required size.

The ceiling of the cattle room is usually made of thick board. For cold regions, double decking is required. Joints are sealed with clay. To keep warm, it is necessary to pour sand or sawdust. The layer thickness is at least 10 cm.

The floor in the barn is best made of concrete. It is bred and poured using conventional technology. The concrete floor is durable, animal friendly and service personnel. Maintaining cleanliness does not require significant effort and time.

Plank floors are cheaper. However, it is necessary to cover the connecting seams with clay. Mandatory slope for the floor in the barn - no more than 2 cm per 1 m. This is safe for cows and convenient for cleaning manure.

Inside the barn, it is necessary to equip stalls measuring 170 by 110 cm. For the manufacture of partitions, you can use the following materials:

  • board;
  • reinforcing bar;
  • log;
  • beam;
  • metal pipe.

The floor is covered with dry chopped straw or sawdust. You can make wooden flooring. In the center of the room you need to leave a wide passage for the farm staff.

A canal or gutter is arranged at the back for the drainage of manure masses. Be sure to make a slope towards the tank for collecting liquid manure. The gutter is brought out through a special hole (opening) in the wall. It needs a latch.

Drinkers and feeders are easy to make with your own hands. They are placed in front of the stalls. The width of the bottom is 40 cm. From the bottom up, the feeder expands to 70 cm. The height of the outer side is 70 cm. The inner side facing the animal is not higher than 30 cm.

Conditions of detention and sanitary standards

The microclimate is very important for cattle. Therefore, in the barn of a farm for 50 heads, windows are needed for ventilation. They are located at a height of 120-150 cm above the floor. Ventilation system and a heating device (if necessary) will help ensure the temperature and air circulation.

The area of ​​thermal neutrality, i.e., the optimal temperature regime, is provided in the barn, depending on the breed of animals. Usually required from +4 to +20 °C. For young bulls and heifers, warmth is especially important. Large rooms will require artificial lighting. Electrical wiring must be installed by a specialist during the construction period.

Demand for raw milk in Russia exceeds supply. The profitability of production in the southern regions of the country reaches 37% in 3-5 years after the start of the farm and the repayment of loans.


For a long time, milk production in Russia was considered profitable only for large agricultural complexes. The constant shortage of raw materials has forced processors to pay attention to small producers, moreover, they offer goods at competitive prices and of higher quality. A dairy farm as a business for small entrepreneurs and peasant farms has become especially attractive after the introduction of state support.

To assess the prospects of investing forces and resources in this labor-intensive and difficult production, consider:

  1. product demand, market trends;
  2. FEO of opening a dairy farm;
  3. manufacturer support programs;
  4. examples of successfully operating peasant farms.

Brief overview: how much milk you need and where to get it

Milk is included in the list of the Doctrine of National Food Security, it belongs to strategically important products. Its consumption in 2015 amounted to 230 kg per person, which is 2 times less than the recommended norm. According to the Russian Food Market magazine, its sales in 2015 grew by 7%, and in general, dairy products increase by 2.5% every year, despite prices.

Almost the only importer today is Belarus, and the total share of imports last year was about 16%. According to Soyuzmoloko, processing capacities are only 60-70% loaded.

Economists always compare current figures with the level of "pre-perestroika" 1990. By comparison, milk consumption fell steadily until 2000, when it reached an all-time high of just 51% of per capita consumption in 1990. After that, the trend has changed, and there is a constant increase. If there is enough milk in stores, then the same cannot be said about other products derived from it. The production of domestic cheese already in 2011 was 65% of the level of the base year 1990, and butter - only 26%.

The bulk of milk for processing is produced by agricultural organizations. Households receive about the same amount of it, it is also consumed there, a small part is sold on the market. The share of peasant farms and small farms is only about 7%, but it is steadily increasing from year to year. In 2015, farmers overtook agricultural enterprises in all indicators: the increase in the herd, its productivity, marketability of products (Fig. 1). The average number of cows is 40 in peasant farms, and about 300 in organizations.

By region, milk production is very uneven (Fig. 2). The leaders are Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Altai and Krasnodar Territories, Rostov Region. In total, 15 regions of the country provide 50% of the production. In 2015, 91.5% of the planned volume in the country was produced, while the deficit is about 30%.

The distribution of marketable milk is very different from the general picture, for example, in the Siberian district it is only half of the volume. The distribution of state subsidies occurs depending on this indicator. Who received the most public money in 2015 can be seen from the diagram - these regions are more likely to receive real support(Fig. 3).

How Much Does a Dairy Farm Cost: Financial and Economic Case

When organizing a farm, it is necessary to focus on modern technologies for keeping and feeding livestock, new means of mechanization. Good profitability is shown by farms that use high quality rough and succulent fodder, robotic installations that provide milk accounting, automatic filtration, and cooling. Such machines are equipped with a washing and disinfection system, which allows you to get high-grade milk. Here are two investment calculations. They are compiled for completely different regions of the country, however, the main indicators are very similar.

Table 1. Vologda region. Korobov family farm, 6 people. Share land allotment of 100 hectares, own production of hay, haylage and silage.

Basic expenses, rub.

Source of funds, rub.

Purchase of cows

3,000,000 (50 heads)

Credit funds (Rosselkhozbank, 13% for 3 years)

Purchase of milking equipment, mechanization

Subsidy under the program of the Vologda Oblast

Premises construction

Own contribution

Sales of products

Delivery to the processing plant

Loan repayment

2 223 800 per year

Total profit


Profit after taxes

Table 2. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia. KFH Malykhin, 3 people, 100 hectares of land.


Expenses, rub.

Attachment Source

Acquisition of livestock

1,600,000 (30 heads)

Grant of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic

Buying a feed truck

Rosselkhozbank loan (14% per annum)

Homemade barn construction

Own funds

Sales directions

Retail: markets, individuals

Planned revenue per year

Net profit

Payback period and profitability

48 months

The level of investment in dairy production is high, so a well-thought-out business plan is needed. It is required for both subsidies and concessional loans. The advantages of small farms are that they produce environmentally friendly products, providing a relatively low cost due to labor efficiency. Profitability increases many times if the entrepreneur himself is engaged in milk processing.

Support and lending to milk producers

1. Programs of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The main types of assistance are provided under the state subprogram "Development of dairy farming".

  • Subsidy per liter of commercial milk sold. Provided to all producers, since 2015 only the highest grade is subsidized. It is determined by the processor. Regional authorities can introduce their own conditions: the number of calves, the percentage of fat and others. To receive a subsidy, you need to apply with an application to the local administration department, head of agrarian issues.
  • Subsidized interest on loans. Support is provided through accredited banks. The state repays part of the interest in the amount of 100% of the refinancing rate, regional authorities up to 3% of the amount taken. Due to this, banks reduce interest for agricultural producers, and the loan is cheaper.
  • Reimbursement of part of the costs of business projects. The application is made through the administration of the district, region. Provides for the return of funds for new investment projects, the cost of modernization and re-equipment - up to 40%, for the purchase of highly productive dairy breeds - up to 50%. The money is transferred to the account of the commodity producer not earlier than 2 years after the start of the project, provided that it reaches its design capacity. When buying animals - not earlier than the 5th year.

Three examples of successful work of "dairy" peasant farms

In 2002, he organized his own farm, took a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank, in 2012 he registered a peasant farm and received a grant for development. Now he keeps 70 cows, cultivates 150 hectares of land, delivers 150 tons of marketable milk per year for processing. In comparison with a large farm located in the neighborhood, the cost of milk is several times lower due to complete autonomy (own feed), labor efficiency (2 people).

Alexander is only 25 years old. He set up his business in 2012. There are 38 dairy cows on the farm, 100 hectares of land are leased. Milk is sold fresh through its own outlets in the markets of the city of Abakan. He receives 300 liters per month from one cow, and 3,900 in revenue. He dreams of changing the herd, buying a Simmental breed of cows, and dramatically increasing milk yield. He believes that without his own feed base, milk production will be unprofitable.

Established in 1992, in 2004 there were 50 heads of cattle, now there are 122 cows on the farm. In 2006, they reconstructed the farm, purchased German milking machines, a mini milk processing plant. They produce 10 tons of milk per day, packaged on their own equipment, deliver to stores in their city and Yekaterinburg, supply the plant Catering, schools, kindergartens.


There is a demand for milk, it is growing, and exceeds the supply. Especially, given the course to increase the production of their cheeses and butter. Accordingly, a dairy farm as a business looks like a profitable business in the long run.

The risks are also high: crop failure leading to feed shortages, rising prices for seeds, breeding animals, seasonality in milk production, delays in subsidy payments - they must be taken into account when planning.

The profitability of a dairy business depends on many factors, and one of them is the conditions in which cows are kept. If the barn is dry, bright and well ventilated, this will have a positive effect on milk yield and milk quality. It is not difficult to build a barn for 10 heads with your own hands, if you use the drawings and watch photos and videos.

Cowshed for 10 heads

When starting to build a barn with your own hands for 10 heads, you must first of all choose a suitable place for its location. Experienced farmers recommend building a building away from residential buildings, otherwise unpleasant odors will appear in the room. Considering sanitary norms, it is forbidden to build a cowshed next to a source of drinking water. The optimal distance between the barn and the well should be at least 20 meters.

The choice of building materials is the next important step. It is best to build a barn out of wood, as it is environmentally friendly and keeps heat well in winter and cool in summer. However, many farm owners prefer modern materials and choose:

It should be borne in mind that barns made of stone or concrete are very difficult to warm up in winter. During frosts, the room cools quickly, which adversely affects the health of animals and they often begin to get sick.

Drawing of a cowshed for 10 heads

You can save a lot on the purchase of materials if you use used building materials. Walls made of clay mixed with straw retain heat well. This building material is inexpensive and it is very easy to build a building. According to pastoralists, clay and wood are the best materials with high thermal insulation properties. It is worth abandoning wood floors, as they will not last long and there will be an unpleasant smell of ammonia in the room, since wood absorbs livestock waste well.

Practical farmers tend to build a room with an attic. This not only helps to keep warm in winter and cool in summer heat. The attic above the cowshed is a good place for storing dry feed for cows.

The cowshed needs to be ventilated.

What is the optimal size of a barn for 10 cows? According to the experience of livestock breeders, on average, about 5-6 square meters of premises should be allocated per cow. For a heifer with a baby, the area needs 2 times more. It is also worth providing for sufficiently spacious aisles and places for storing equipment and feed. As a result, the recommended barn area for 10 cows should be about 100 square meters. meters.

In the barn project, it is important to provide for the placement of additional communications inside, namely:

  • spacious;
  • water tanks;
  • hole in the wall to remove manure.

Modern barn for 10 heads

When building a barn, the craftsmen recommend adhering to the following steps:

  1. Building a foundation.
  2. Installation of a framework from a metalwork.
  3. Construction of walls and roofs.
  4. Installation of windows and ventilation.
  5. Conducting lighting.
  6. Installation of doors, gates.
  7. Construction of manure storage of open or closed type.

During construction, it is important to adhere to modern technologies construction. For example, it is very important to provide a good slope for cow waste to drain into the manure storage. If the slope is incorrectly calculated, then the slurry will linger in the room longer than necessary. The optimal slope is at least 3 cm.

Video about building a barn with your own hands:

If you are interested in building a barn for 10 heads with your own hands, the drawings and videos in the article will help you cope with this task as quickly and correctly as possible. You can build a structure from improvised materials. Building a barn in this case will be quite cheap.