What is included in the consumer portrait of the product. How to make a psychological portrait of the buyer: stages and examples. Where to get information

  • 13.11.2019

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There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

New client generator. 99 Ways to Massively Attract Customers Mrochkovsky Nikolay Sergeevich

Potential client portrait

The decision to buy is always made by people, regardless of the type of market - the market is B2B or B2C.

It is important to understand WHO these people are and WHY they are buying a particular product.

The same product can be bought by the most different people and for a variety of reasons, therefore, for successful marketing, you need a criterion for finding and selecting potential customers.

The main reason for the purchase is ALWAYS DESIRE (desire), so the most important sign of identifying (associating) potential buyers is the similarity of their desires and / or PROBLEMS that they want to solve.

People with similar desires and / or problems, to which the company has the opportunity to reach out and offer them a solution in the form of a product, just make up the desired part of the market, or niche.

To make it clearer, let's analyze this using the example of a portrait of a potential buyer.

The easiest way to disassemble the portrait of a potential client is with the help of Compass. This is a slightly modified Stephen Pierce model that has been successfully applied in many of the companies we have worked with and in several of our trainings. And she always gives good results.

What is this model?

If you draw a potential buyer on a piece of paper in the center, and draw arrows to the left, right, up and down from him, then these arrows, together with their symbols, are similar to the symbols of the cardinal points on a compass.

Therefore, the model was called "Compass".

Compass portrait of a potential client from the training "5 steps to excellent selling texts for your site" www.lnfoPraktik.Ru/5steps

Rice. 2. Compass-portrait of the client

The Wish block is the desires of our potential client.

Common desires are the most important sign by which people can be united. You work with a certain market, with a niche, and this niche includes people with similar desires.

In order to achieve their desires, people usually need to do something. This is determined by the Needs component - necessary, necessary.

All this happens not in the air, but against the background of Experience - a certain experience: how a person has already achieved what he wants, or not achieved, what feelings he experienced about this, and in general, how he feels about it.

There is another important part - this is the problem (Problem). A problem is a contradiction between what a person wants and what he actually needs to achieve what he wants.

If your solution (Solution), your products or services help a person achieve what he wants, give him what he needs, resolve the contradiction taking into account his life experience, then everything will be in order - your product will find its consumer quite easily.

To make it clearer, let's look at some examples.

Example 1

The market (niche) is people who want to quit smoking. They are easy to combine on this basis. Some goods and services are already being produced for them. They have a desire to quit smoking.

What is really needed for this? To do this, you need to stop buying and smoking cigarettes.

What kind of life experience can they have in this regard?

Smoking helps relieve stress and calm down. Someone tried to quit, but it pulls again. Someone suffers from being aware of the harmfulness of smoking, and from the fact that it is inconvenient for him to be in places where smoking is prohibited.

Thus, a contradiction arises: I want to quit, but at the same time I want to continue smoking.

One solution is e-cigarettes, which allow you to quit smoking without actually quitting. The person still puts some kind of imitation cigarette in his mouth and may refuse regular cigarettes.

Example 2

Another common example that a compass portrait can illustrate is the market for people who want to lose weight.

To lose weight, most often you need to eat less and move more. But this is precisely what those who want to lose weight most often do not want.

Thus, there is a contradiction.

If you could find a product that would allow these people to maintain their former lifestyle: eat whatever they want, move little, but at the same time would allow them to lose weight, then such a product would be in demand.

It is on this that the demand for weight loss methods that you have probably seen is built. "Don't eat these three foods and you'll lose weight without changing your lifestyle."

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For a long time it was believed that the main way to successfully develop a business is to increase product range and maintaining a lower price than competitors. It is customary to lay the foundation of business plans to the maximum financial indicators devoting only a small portion of human resources. With some irony, we can say that there is too much assortment and low prices- the two main reasons for the collapse of firms! Studies show that about 70% of buyers refuse services due to inattention and indifference to their needs, 15% due to disappointment in the product, and only 10% due to the fact that someone offered a better price.

The rapidly changing situation in the service market strongly dictates the need to put a client-oriented approach at the head of the company's successful development. If there are no significant differences between your product (service) and their competitors, the more there should be differences in how you do business with people.

Consumer Scale

Why is it so important to classify modern consumers? Yes, because the methods of working with each of their categories differ in form and content. Unfortunately, the vast majority of entrepreneurs do not own this methodology. This often leads to errors already at the stage of project planning, substantiation of priority development tasks, selection of tools for achieving goals. Many firms fail to really turn around precisely because, for all the temptation of the project, they fail to attract the attention of potential buyers and keep them as their adherents.
Modern consumers can be divided into five categories:

  • potential buyers - people who may be interested in buying goods from you or using your services;
  • visitors - people who have visited your company at least once;
  • buyers - those who have purchased one or more products or used one or more services of your company;
  • customers - people who regularly buy your products or use your services;
  • adherents - those who constantly use your product or service and tell everyone how great your company is.

Potential buyer

We are all potential buyers. Having opened the newspaper, we immediately come across a huge number of advertisements. We turn on the TV - and every 15-20 minutes an advertising block follows. Radio, billboards, the "war paint" of urban transport? everywhere we are offered something. Mail carriers deliver hundreds of flyers to homes and offices offering "extremely good deals" and the like. Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to offer something for sale.

Potential buyers are the most controversial and mysterious category of consumers. They are extremely essential to the success of a business and it is the job of any entrepreneur to attract as many of them as possible.

Potential buyers do not know you, your product and, like most sane people, tend to doubt your competence. There is only one way to include them in the orbit of your business: make sure that a potential buyer has a desire to come to you.

As you know, the engine of commerce is advertising. For example, newspapers are viewed by a huge number of people every day; therefore, newspaper advertising can be an excellent means of introducing potential buyers to a product or service. There are many tutorials out there on how to write an advertisement. However, there is a strong impression that these manuals are either not read to the end, or not read at all. An example of this is a huge number of newspaper ads, like two drops of water similar to each other, as well as a lot of flyers, "without trial or investigation" sent from mailboxes into the urn. Let me give you some interesting facts.

Before turning a newspaper page, the reader lingers on it for an average of four seconds, and the text advertisement Only one out of ten will read it. Therefore, the heading should be composed in such a way that there is a desire to read the text to the end, that is, to state there the primary and most important. It is necessary to load the first three paragraphs of the text with information as much as possible. Be sure to include a price. Nine out of ten newspaper readers say that the price influences the decision to buy and choose a particular product. If you accompany the ad with an illustration of the product "in action", this will further increase the readership.

The great advertising expert David Ogilvie said, "Unless your advertising campaign is built around some basic idea, it will wander in the dark like a ship in the night." You need to find something special in the advertised product. The more such "highlights" to describe in the text of the ad, the easier it will be to sell the product.

In addition to newspapers, advertising on radio and television can be successfully used. the main objective advertising campaign- get a potential buyer to come to you for the first time.


Visitors are by nature skeptical. They know something about your business, but they haven't made a decision to buy anything yet. Do you have at your disposal to make the right impression on visitors? just a few seconds.

A survey of a huge number of buyers showed that they decide on a purchase in the first eight to ten seconds of being in the store. Four out of ten visitors judge the competence of the seller by appearance. This statistic is, of course, curious, but it only makes sense when you seriously think about it. It is in the first seconds that a person evaluates the general atmosphere of the store, the attitude towards customers, the layout of goods and advertising. If the staff is polite, if the premises are clean and well appointed, if the products and services are good enough, and if the prices are reasonable and clearly marked, then there is a good chance that many visitors will become customers. But if the company is not able to meet the expectations of visitors, they leave forever. In business, as in personal life, Golden Rule: "There will be no second chance to make a first impression."


At the heart of any purchase are two main reasons: to enjoy a new thing or service and to satisfy any needs of the buyer. If you can meet any of these conditions, the transaction will be completed. From now on, you will have a buyer.

Think about your product or service. How can they be presented in order to fulfill one of the above conditions for making a purchase? Find features in your product that can satisfy the needs of visitors.

Pledge successful work with the buyer - professionally trained personnel. It is sellers and sales agents who daily "fight at the forefront" for the success of your business. It is their faces that buyers associate with your company.

It is extremely important to give the buyer the opportunity to express their wishes about your business. The visitor to the store, strange as it may sound, rarely complains about the behavior service personnel. At least half of the people who have trouble making a purchase (both retail and wholesale) never complain to anyone. Those who decide to state their claims, as a rule, file a complaint with ordinary employees who are not always able to satisfy it. Therefore, it is not surprising that every company annually loses a solid part of its customers: having a negative attitude towards it, they simply prefer to go to another store or company. Top managers, firstly, do not even suspect that they have lost part of the profits, and, secondly, they do not know why this happened.


Customers are people who regularly buy your products or use your services. This is the stage when a person is ready to buy whatever you offer him. This is the "golden box", the very 20% that make 80% of the turnover of any company.

Clients need to know. Customers need to offer something special. The client base should be on a special account. As a rule, these people prefer to communicate with those who conduct their business: with the seller, sales agent, manager or company executives, and rarely with a "company representative".

Remember: customers are the best of the best. They rarely abuse their position. They are just pleased that you treat them in a special way, and they can sometimes give even a small, but very valuable thought that did not even occur to you. It is very important that these thoughts have the opportunity to reach the upper levels of the company's management. One of the main reasons for the loss of customers is inattention to their person.


Adherents are people who carry your name "to the masses". They tell all their friends and even strangers about you, those who are interested in your product. These free praises are probably the most powerful form of advertising.

Followers' recommendations are a huge energy potential of the company, which, unfortunately, is not always used. Take television advertising. Well-known and respected people recommend this or that product, people publicly praise washing powder and pads. When applying for a job in any company, you will definitely be asked for recommendations. So why are the comments of satisfied adherents of this company nowhere to be seen in small shops and huge supermarkets? Probably worth considering.

How to keep adherents? It is necessary to provide something exceptional only to them and no one else. In the West, special clubs for such privileged persons have become very widespread, membership in which gives participants the opportunity to receive various benefits.

"The customer is always right!"

The situation on the service market is rapidly changing, and life itself forces entrepreneurs, young and old, to turn their eyes primarily to the buyer. Gone are the days when it was a downtrodden and inconspicuous little man - a pawn in a big game. Today's buyer is undoubtedly smarter than yesterday's, and what until recently was in the order of things for him is now becoming an anachronism. Gone are the days when the store first raised prices, and then lowered them a little, announcing discounts. Gone are the days when crowds of people went to the New Year's sale: today, "sales" take place almost every day. Gone are the days when a customer purchased a product at one price and found it tomorrow at a lower price. These times are gone forever. Thoughtlessly "selling" becomes not only unprofitable, but also dangerous for the business as a whole.

Today's buyers no longer want to be "gray masses" - they want to be people. They want to be recognized and respected, smiled at them and said "thank you". They want you to consider the fact that they are spending their money on your business.

Today's buyers compare stores, carefully study services and offers, leisurely look at labels and inscriptions on packages, and ask a lot of questions. And such a familiar phrase "The customer is always right!" pronounced without any irony.

Practical experience

Marat Kim
network CEO computer centers POLARIS

Undoubtedly, one of the main priorities of the company is customer orientation. Our target audience is people with an active life position, in particular representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Naturally, maximum efforts are reduced to attracting this particular category. The new marketing strategies being developed by the company, which are based on a client-oriented approach, also need appropriate advertising support. All media are involved here. Our task is to convey to the potential buyer the benefits that he will receive by coming to us.
In this regard, marketing campaigns of well-known computer equipment manufacturing companies have proven themselves perfectly, when buying products of which each buyer receives a variety of gifts. As a rule, our stores hold an average of five to seven such promotions every week, which allows us to increase their attendance by 30-40%.
POLARIS is making a gradual transition from over-the-counter to a supermarket system. Of course, this is a more expensive sales technology, but POLARIS deliberately goes to such costs in order to create more comfortable conditions for our customers. Firstly, this will minimize the time for customer service and get rid of the queue in trading floor, which is very important, especially during the period of "seasonal" sales. And secondly, it will give our buyer the opportunity to hold the product in their hands, evaluate its quality and merits. Obviously, it is much more convenient for the buyer to take the product in hand than to view it through the window. The price list of the company is very convenient. In fact, it is an illustrated information collection, where, in addition to the prices of various goods, store addresses and location maps, information about ongoing promotions and new computer equipment, and credit conditions are placed. Special prices, contact numbers and much more are given.
But no matter how wonderful the stores and assortment are, the goods are sold by people.

Of course, sellers from God are now, alas, a rarity, and for the formation of long-term relationships with the buyer, staff turnover in the store is the worst thing that can be.
Therefore, it was decided to focus all efforts on the human factor". Investments in personnel training are an integral part of our corporate culture. To date, the company has developed and successfully operates a developed system for training personnel in product knowledge and technology effective sales with mandatory annual certification. This made it possible to reduce the percentage of turnover and significantly increase sales volumes.
Four times a week in the evening we hold for our customers free seminars, where we teach how to choose or upgrade a computer correctly, introduce the latest in the computer industry. In the future, it is planned to expand and deepen the topics of seminars.
Of course, sometimes we have to deal with customer complaints. It is known that the main reasons for the loss of customers are the lack of proper services, disappointment and dissatisfaction. What to do, even the most reliable equipment sometimes breaks down, and the seller is also a person and is not immune from mistakes. However, we try to satisfy all requests as much as possible, including by providing additional benefits to customers. It can be a discount, free shipping, and even a special gift, a kind of compensation for moral damage. Therefore, dear customers, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to express your wishes! By the way, on the website of our company you can always state any claim or give recommendations on our work. It is gratifying to note that the number of such appeals is growing. And this is not bad at all - it would be worse if the buyers silently left and never returned.
There is a rule in business: you can only truly succeed when customers become regular customers. One of the achievements of our company is the introduction of a cumulative discount system. Depending on the volume of purchases, discount cards are divided into standard, silver and gold. Almost all of our regular customers and adherents - owners of a gold discount, and, of course, the company always goes towards this category. The gold card serves as a kind of "voucher" for the provision of various additional services, opportunities and guarantees. For example, computer technology as a technically complex product cannot be returned to the store. Buyers know this and usually do not expect this kind of service. Clients are a completely different matter! What they want is what they get. And if our client wishes to have an exclusive thing, he will definitely have it.
One of the priorities for the further development of the company is the automation of business processes, the purpose of which is to maximize the release of sales personnel by reducing the work associated with the purchase, and focusing the main efforts on working with the buyer. In this regard, of course, the wishes and recommendations of our customers help us.

Family needs 8 cells.


a) form an idea of ​​the needs of the family;

b) introduce the main terms of the lesson;

c) talk about the rules for buying goods.

Lesson plan

    Organizing time

    Repetition of the material covered.

Answer the questions:

    What is a sole proprietorship?

    What is meant by entrepreneurial activity?

    What is profit?

    The main content of the lesson

Need - it is a conscious need to have something, material or spiritual. Man must work to satisfy his needs.

When identifying the needs of the family and the sequence of their satisfaction, we need to take into account the reasonableness of the needs.

Existrational (reasonable) andfalse (unreasonable) needs. Satisfying false needs only brings harm. These are the needs for smoking, drugs, alcohol, excessive consumption of sweets and t. d.

should be distinguishedmaterial andspiritual needs. Material needs include food, shelter, clothing. They are the basis for all other needs. spiritual needs- it is a need for culture, communication, knowledge, enjoyment of art, etc.

Of course, human desires cannot be reduced to material needs alone. His needs are very varied. The American psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed the concept of the “pyramid of needs”, which, in his opinion, describes the whole variety of human needs and desires in an ascending line.(scheme 1).

Scheme 1 .

"Pyramid of Needs" by A. Maslow

The need for self-realization (achievement of the best professional, sports results, scientific discoveries)

The need for respect from others and self-respect

Social needs (love, friendship, communication with people who have the same interests)

The need for security (protection from criminals and external enemies, protection from poverty and sickness help)

Physiological needs (food, clothing, shelter, reproduction)

The set of necessary items for a family varies depending on many factors: the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the level of material development of society and the level of well-being of the family.

So, your great-grandmother in her youth would hardly have thought that in the kitchen you need to have a mixer for whipping cream, and your great-grandfather probably did not connect his daily existence with an electric razor.

Buying things or products- a focus in which many rays of the economic component of the family gather: welfare, satisfaction of needs, planning, monetary calculation, interpersonal relations, division of labor, management, parenting, thrift.

For any family, the list of things that need to be bought will be strictly individual, since each family has its own income level, its own needs and, consequently, its own expenses. The purchase is preceded by painstaking and long-term preparation. Buying in a hurry can be ruinous.

All items to be purchased can be divided into four groups(Table 1).

Table1 . Classification of purchases on the basis of rational need.

Need level

Characteristic of a group of things


Things to buy immediately. (Urgency is determined by the vital necessity of a thing or a sudden need for it)


Things that provide a normal life for the family and each of its members

Desirable but not required

Things of improved quality, increased comfort


Exclusive items

All things and objects that surround us lend themselves to such a classification: furniture, clothes, dishes and etc. When planning a purchase, draw a piece of paper in half, list all possible pros and cons, and only then make a purchase decision.

Using the example of buying a wooden shelf for books, we will analyze the positive and negative sides goods(Table 2).

Approximate stages of the purchase.

    Compilation of lists of necessary goods.

    Collection of information. We learn about options, quality of goods, their service life.

Wooden book shelf

Per purchase

Against the purchase

Ability to store books, cassettes, papers, etc.

Closes free space on the wall

Decorates the room

Books and objects collect less dust

Bulky compared to a metal shelf

High price

    Planned purchases are "tied" to the appropriate stores: hardware, books, jewelry, children's. This eliminates unnecessary shopping trips and unnecessary temptations.

    The moment of purchase. The most responsible, but also a pleasant stage.

    Evaluation of the purchased product or service.

To correctly assess the quality of the goods, you need to draw upconsumer Portrait Of The Thing, which takes into account the properties of the product:practicality, convenience, beauty, novelty, originality, compatibility with existing thingsand value (tab.3).


Non-standard, originality, conformity to individual

tastes, the ability to emphasize

the dignity of the buyer (interior) or

hide his flaws


Compliance with previously purchased items, the ability to fit into the interior


The property of a thing to maintain and even increase its use value


The collection of all purchase properties

When purchasing things, you need to know the rules of the purchase

(scheme 2).

Table 3 Consumer portrait of the product





Reliability in use, usefulness, compliance with the name of the product



The ability to create a sense of comfort in the home or in individual experiences

the beauty

Compliance with aesthetic tastes, workmanship


Fashionable, modern

Scheme 2

Each of us has to be a customer. In exchange for money, we acquire certain goods and services. Even the one who works as a seller is not exempted from "work" by the buyer.

Buying a product or service requires some degree of creativity; as a rule, it is a free choice from many options.

Practical work N 3

    Calculate the cost of acquiring the things necessary for a 8th grade student (clothes, shoes, textbooks, stationery, etc.).

    Determine the positive and negative qualities of 2-3 things you purchased (Table 3).

    Take, for example, 2-3 pens, pencils or screwdrivers and compare these items in shape, size, weight, color, materials. Which ones look expensive and which look cheap? If you had to purchase just one of these items, which one and why would you choose it?

Summary of the lesson.

In the lesson, you learned about the needs of the family, got acquainted with the basic concepts of this topic(needs rational, false, spiritual, material, physiological, social; needs for security and self-realization; level of well-being) and learn how to shop the right way.


Answer the questions:

1. What is a need?

2 . What types of needs do you know?

3. Into what groups are things divided according to the degree of importance?

4 . List the purchase requirements.


It is impossible to create a successful brand, develop an effective positioning ideology and advertising without having an extremely clear idea of ​​​​the people for whom all this is being developed.

Error in the accuracy of the definition target audience, in a misunderstanding of her lifestyle and preferences, in the perception of many other factors can fatally affect the development of the brand. A brand designed for the wrong target audience will not work effectively. A small mistake at the beginning of the brand journey with the wrong definition of the target audience can work exponentially and can turn into multiple financial losses in the future.

Comprehensive analysis of the consumer environment: competent knowledge of all categories of consumers, taste and behavioral characteristics of the target audience, complete information about the perception of brands by consumers - competitors, all this is the basis that allows the brand to succeed in the market. All this, as a rule, is the specialization of a marketing agency.

It is from clarifying the portrait of the target audience that competent work should begin on creating a new or used existing brand.

Target audiences can be determined not only by standard features - gender, age, financial condition, etc. But the differences can also be of a non-obvious nature, for example, consumers may differ in mentality due to religious affiliation or region of residence, etc. In order to get a clear portrait of the brand's target audience, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the consumer environment: competent knowledge of all categories of consumers, taste and behavioral characteristics of consumers, information about consumer perception of the company's brands.

Comprehensive study and description of the portrait potential consumer- this is one of the basic steps towards creating a successful brand, at this stage it is extremely important to study potential buyers of your product as fully and comprehensively as possible, to understand them consumer behavior, determine the number and other numerical parameters of the target audience.

Portrait and consumer behavior

All successful companies have one thing in common - customer focus. Suffice it to recall the advertising messages of the market leaders. They are understandable and so close to people that they become part of our speech. And the names and appearance them new products seem familiar to us for a long time and beyond doubt. Such a supply of products is the result of the painstaking work of professionals.

The first task in this work is to determine the consumer's portrait, which will reveal the main parameters that characterize the consumer's behavior at the present time. But this is not enough. In order to compete successfully in the market, it is necessary to foresee and anticipate the slightest changes in consumer preferences in a timely manner. To do this, it is necessary to find out: who, how, when, where, what and why buys, the degree of importance of various product criteria at various stages of the purchase decision process, as well as the intentions of consumers. information about the behavior of various categories of consumers during and after the purchase is useful for the correct interpretation of sales data and evaluation of the results of product positioning.

The results of this study are:

Volumes and frequency of purchases;

Purchase location preferences, traditional shopping locations;

Data on existing price ranges, size of preferred price ranges;

Types and characteristics of consumer behavior depending on the time and place of purchases;

The structure of purchase motivation and the ranking of individual factors influencing the choice of a particular product among competing brands;

A set of motivating factors that influence consumers when choosing goods;

A set of incentives under the influence of which a purchase decision is made;

General media preferences of buyers.

Data collection is carried out by conducting a survey of consumers using the method of personal interviews, the method of focus groups and the method of in-depth interviews.