Own business on the rental and installation of billboards. Noise barriers guarantee comfort How to advertise on a federal highway

  • 05.05.2020

The Ministry of Internal Affairs plays on the nerves of representatives of the advertising business. The fact is that the department has prepared its own version of the strategy to reduce road accidents until 2024, one of the points of which is to reduce the number of billboards along the roads. The Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that they distract the attention of drivers, which, in turn, can lead to an accident.

For this reason, they support GOST, which tightens today's standards for installing billboards along highways. Recall that since 2016, such structures have been allowed to be placed at a distance of 0.6 meters from any road. Now these rules want to change.

In fact, the new GOST, including those relating to the activities of advertisers, became mandatory last week, but it is the billboard clauses that will come into force in the summer of 2019. So, until that time, either side has the opportunity to change them.

The future standard provides for the return of an older norm: it will be possible to place a billboard 5 meters from the road. However, according to Izvestia, the Ministry of Transport decided to propose even stricter rules: in settlements they want to increase this distance to 10 m, outside of them - up to 40 m.

Such measures are supported by representatives of auto communities. So, according to the head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia (FAR) Sergey Kanaev, within 0.6 m from the road should be located only road signs. Apparently, he opposes advertising that can mislead the driver (for example, if it visually resembles a sign). Also, such structures can close traffic lights and prevent lamps from illuminating the road.

Advertisers, in turn, want to leave the old norms (from 2016). If the earlier rules are returned (5 m from the edge of the road), this will affect 80% of the market, Elena Mikhailova, president of the National Association for Visual Communications (NAVC), previously reported. This will entail the termination of contracts with local authorities, and most of all it will hit the budgets of the regions that earn on the "outdoor".

Recall that last year Rosavtodor decided to take away from the regions the functions of installation and dismantling outdoor advertising along federal highways. But the Federal Antimonopoly Service considered this proposal unreasonable, although they agreed that it was the federal road builders who should make the final decision on the installation of such advertising structures. However, this did not give them official access to the money that is "spinning" in this segment.

If the “voice” of advertisers is not heard, then according to the new GOST, from July 1, 2019, advertising will be prohibited on the roadsides. So far, the following have come into force: time requirements for clearing snow and ice, clearing road signs, etc.

Due to the increased number of vehicles, silence is becoming a luxury even in the private sector. Noise barriers allow for more comfortable living, especially in areas located near highways or railways.

This is what soundproofing fence looks like

Noise - vibrations of sound waves, with a certain amplitude, frequency and loudness. The frequency of a sound wave is expressed in hertz, where one hertz is one oscillation per second. A person is able to distinguish a frequency from 16 to 20,000 Hz.

Loudness is measured in decibels. By sanitary standards the maximum allowable volume level is 55 decibels during the day and 45 at night. Noise exceeding the parameters of SNiP can have a serious impact on the human body. A constant source of high sound vibrations does not allow you to fully relax and depresses the central nervous system, and in the future can cause more serious health problems. Of course, it is not possible to completely get rid of the sound accompaniment with the help of a noise protection fence.

Soundproofing fence option
But reducing the sound level to sanitary standards is quite realistic.

Fences designed to reduce high background noise can be divided into three categories:

  • noise-reflecting;
  • noise-absorbing;
  • combined.

Consider the features and differences of each of these types of fences.

Noise reflective fence

Noise-reflecting fence - reflects most of the sound wave in the opposite direction and returns it to the source of noise. This creates an increased sound load on unprotected objects opposite from the barrier.

If noise baffles are installed in parallel, for example on both sides of the road, the effectiveness of both barriers may be reduced by multiple sound reflections.

Scheme of the design of the soundproof fence

The following materials for the fence have sound-reflecting properties:


One of the most popular materials for the construction of noise barriers is polycarbonate. This polymer material has high reliability, good soundproofing properties and aesthetic appearance.

Noise barriers made of polycarbonate can often be seen on large highways, railways, around large factories and enterprises.

Polycarbonate is produced in the form of transparent and opaque sheets. The thickness of the panels can be from 2 to 12 mm. There are two types of polycarbonate: cellular and monolithic.


The range of concrete barriers is very diverse. Modern technologies allow you to produce with different textured surfaces and use a variety of coloring pigments.

Classic soundproof concrete fence

Concrete has many characteristics that make it the most suitable material for the construction of noise barriers. Concrete fence is very strong and durable.

It is able to withstand huge mechanical loads and block unwanted sounds and strong vibrations. In addition, the cost of concrete barriers is quite affordable.

glass fences

Glass fences are often erected as a noise-reflecting screen. Tempered glass railings are durable and aesthetically pleasing. Transparent noise-reflecting panels do not visually overload the space, even if a very high fence is required for effective noise protection.

Main advantages:

  • high mechanical strength;
  • excellent soundproof characteristics;
  • resistance to moisture and pollution;
  • simple care;
  • lack of shading on the site;
  • Beautiful design.

Among the disadvantages of glass railings, one can note their high price and complexity of installation. Installation requires professional tools and skills.

Noise-absorbing fences

Noise-absorbing fences are a more effective type of fence, the design of which is able to dampen sound waves. Sound dissipation properties are achieved due to the multi-layered and rough surface of the noise barrier. The same concrete with a more porous surface or embossed pattern becomes somewhat of a sound absorber.

The design of the noise-absorbing fence consists of perforated panels made of plastic, aluminum or steel, between which sound-absorbing material is laid.

Perfectly absorb and disperse sounds and vibrations, the following fillers:

  • mineral wool;
  • polyester felt;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool.

Combined fences

Soundproof fences of the combined type are buildings that combine the functions of reflective and scattering fences. Feature - the presence of two or more types of panels.

Internal structure of the sound absorbing panel

The most common is the combination of perforated sound-absorbing panels and sound-reflecting polycarbonate sheets.

The combined screen is often combined with transparent inserts so that a high blank fence built along the roads does not impair visibility for drivers of vehicles, does not create a feeling of isolation and poor lighting.

With the help of a combined fence, protection from sound waves is carried out more effectively, however, the cost of such an acoustic screen will be significant, and installation will require the involvement of specialists.

Everyone knows what noise is. Wherever a person is, noise sounds accompany him everywhere. Natural phenomena (thunderstorm, rain, wind), as well as everything that is created by man (cars, factories, elevators, railways, subways and other benefits), are accompanied by noise effects. Soundproof fences will help to cope with unpleasant decibels.

No one doubts that noise (hum) is the essence of our life and should be perceived as reality. But everything is fine if the noise does not exceed the permissible values. Otherwise, especially residents of megacities, are prone to noise discomfort and, as a result, numerous stresses and illnesses.

If it is impossible to eliminate all noise sources, then it is quite possible to reduce their level to a minimum (optimal) level using noise-absorbing fences.

Noise Features

Random vibrations of sound, which are called noise, are characterized by:

  • amplitude;
  • frequency;
  • sound volume.

A strong influence on the level of noise that we hear in a room has a distance to the sound source, humidity, air temperature and even wind.

Advice! As the distance to the noise source increases, the sound pressure level decreases by 6 dB.

Types of fences


All fences that are designed to combat noise are divided into:

  • sound-reflecting;
  • noise-absorbing;
  • combined.

The optimal and cost-effective solution to reduce the level of noise from the road, railway, construction site is a noise barrier. This design provides comfortable living conditions.

We will tell you what a soundproof fence is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and also determine in which cases it is possible to require the installation of a screen in St. Petersburg.

What is a noise barrier - its difference from a conventional fence

Noise protection structures are made of a special material that can reduce the noise level and absorb it.

Such an improved fence of several layers has been created.

You cannot install the screen yourself, this is - main feature, since the fence requires calculations.

Here's an example: Having installed an ordinary fence enclosing the construction site of a new high-rise building, the residents of the building, located 500 meters away, still suffered from noise.

The fact is that the waves emanating from the construction site passed from all sides of the installed fence - and did not absorb the noise in any way.

Experts say that noise barriers have enough great length. It requires calculations from the organization responsible for the improvement of the territory.

Soundproofing fence solves such problems:

  1. Protects from noise. Can fence off a quiet, residential area from a highway, railway, etc.
  2. Holds road dust, dirt.
  3. Protects residents from the possible consequences of an accident.
  4. Limits the visibility of residents to the unaesthetic territory of the landfill, industrial zone, depot and railway tracks.
  5. Some absorb harmful substances produced by transport.
  6. Some generate electricity thanks to built-in photovoltaic panels.

The above are the features that distinguish an ordinary fence from a soundproof one.

Noise standards from the road, distance standards from the house to the road - who and how makes the calculations and fixes the indicators?

The noise level can be fixed commission, which includes employees of a specialized organization or laboratory for measuring noise.

It is the professionals who must determine what the noise level is, how long it lasts, whether the level is acceptable for comfortable living for residents of a certain area to which the noise is directed.

These and other indicators are documented.

Design and construction standards (SNiPs and SanPiNs) are legally established, which specify the conditions under which noise-insulating barriers can be installed.

Document Number

Title of the document

SNiP 23-03-2003

Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation "Protection from noise".

Sanitary norms SN 2.2.4/

Noise at workplaces, in residential premises, public buildings and in residential areas.

MGSN 2.04 - 97

Permissible levels of noise, vibration and sound insulation requirements in residential and public buildings.


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

SNiP II-12-77

Construction norms and rules “Design standards. Noise protection.

Industry road methodological document No. OS-362-r dated April 21, 2003.

One of the documents noted that the screen should be placed as close as possible to the noise source. Its material must be made from solid sheets or individual panels.

A mandatory requirement for the material is that it must be sound-absorbing.

The fence must be installed so that the noise-retaining cover is directed towards the source.

Note what the noise level should be at different times of the day

Permissible noise level



Daytime (from 7.00 to 23.00)

Night time (from 23.00 to 07.00)

No more than 40 dBA

No more than 30 dBA

No more than 55 dBA

No more than 45 dBA

Let us indicate what noise level occurs under different conditions:

*If measurements show more than normal, you can require the installation of a protective screen.

Background level in residential premises, subject to the installation of sealed windows

Outgoing noise level, dB

Windows on the avenue

Windows to the courtyard in a quiet area of ​​the city

Out of town, away from the highway

Let's define the norms of noise from different sources:

Noise source

Outgoing noise level, dB

Passenger car (at a distance of 1 km)

Passenger car (at a distance of 3 m)

Loading - unloading of goods (according to SNiP)

Playground (according to SNiP)

Siren, car alarm (at a distance of 1 m)

Siren, car alarm (at a distance of 30 m)

Kutuzovsky, Leninsky, Leningradsky, etc. Ave. from 6 am to 1 am

Aircraft during takeoff and landing (at a distance of 2 km)

Railway, tram (at the front of the building)

Since a specialist fixes the noise level, residents can only provide audio, photo, video recording, which will record the noise source.

For example, construction is carried out without fences and fences.

Evidence will come in handy.

But if the noise comes from tram tracks, highways, railways, then evidence is not required here. One has only to indicate their dissatisfaction and put forward a claim.

Where to go to St. Petersburg to install a noise barrier between the house and the road - a step-by-step instruction

Follow the steps to achieve the installation of a noise screen in your area of ​​residence:

Stage 1. Filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor

You should prepare a written application-complaint, in which you indicate all the complaints and dissatisfaction, the possible reason for the increased noise and uncomfortable living.

Rospotrebnadzor specialists must collect sanitary and epidemiological expertise at your request and entrust its implementation to a specialized organization.

Such an examination will be free of charge for the applicant.

You can get acquainted with the results in Rospotrebnadzor with a specialist who dealt with your issue.

As a general rule, a written response must be sent.

Stage 2. Contacting the administration

If Rospotrebnadzor ignored your complaint, you can contact the authorities and ask them to deal with the problem.

The application is written in the same free form. All important points are indicated.

Representatives of the administration are obliged to check the data, send a request to the noise measurement laboratory for an examination.

The answer must be provided to the applicant in writing.

Stage 3. Writing an application to the Prosecutor's Office

Law enforcement agencies will help resolve the issue if the above authorities refused to consider your complaint - or simply ignored it.

A complaint to the prosecutor's office is written in an arbitrary form, but - taking into account the requirements for documents.

It is better to write in a formal style, concise and clear.

Stage 4. Implementation of measures and installation of a soundproof screen

If the noise level is increased, then the commission conducting the examination must put forward requirements that eliminate noise sources - or isolate a residential building / quarter / district from them.

The measures will be spelled out in a written response, which you should receive from the authority you applied to. You just have to wait for the decision.

Stage 5. Conducting a re-examination

The company that will comply with the order must prepare a statement in which it will report on the implementation of the measures.

For example, it could be private organization or the administration, if it was necessary to protect a municipal, state facility - and it was he who was the source of noise.

Stage 6. Filing a claim with the court

A claim can be filed with the court if the source of noise caused damage to the life and health of a citizen or his property. This fact must be documented.

In addition, you must insist on an expert examination to prove the defendant's guilt.

Do not forget to attach all the answers received from the authorities to which you applied.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a soundproof fence or soundproof screen

We will tell you what benefits the citizens of the Russian Federation will receive when installing a noise screen or fence:

  1. They will acquire peace and tranquility by isolating their house from the source of noise.
  2. The design will have an aesthetic appearance, perfectly fitting into the urban landscaped environment. Some panels are even coated with "anti-graffiti".
  3. The house or residential area can be fenced off from dust, dirt, reagents and other harmful substances.
  4. It will be possible to be sure that the structure will withstand mechanical stress and provide a comfortable life for citizens, protecting it from accidental incidents.
  5. The construction is fire resistant. It will be able to contain a fire if it happens, for example, in a field.
  6. Citizens will not have to install the fence themselves. This will be done by installers and specialists.

There are also disadvantages from installing such screens:

  1. For motorists, a feeling of limited space is created.
  2. The illumination decreases, the color and image may be distorted.
  3. The area is divided into 2 unconnected sections. In an emergency, the fence is a problem. The same happens if any site must be immediately left, for example, in an accident.
  4. High price. Calculations are carried out taking into account the price of the material. The approximate cost of 1 square meter of protection is 3-10 thousand rubles. The fence should be made long enough to absorb noise.
  5. The screen may not absorb noise, but only change its direction. It is worth considering carefully the choice of design. Otherwise, later they will begin to complain about the extermination of birds, which often happens from a deafening noise directed upwards from the fence.