The uniqueness of the law firm. Attracting clients to the law firm. Three golden rules in working with the media

  • 17.04.2020

How to attract clients to lawyers and lawyers who are just starting their professional activities? How not to burn out and create a really successful business? One of the important points is the skillful promotion of your own company, the active attraction of customers. Consider the main tools of legal marketing.

Own site

Now almost all companies and firms have websites. Moreover, a legal organization cannot do without it. To make the resource as informative and useful as possible for the client, first put yourself in his place. Think about what first of all excites the visitor to your site, and place this information on the main page.

A clear structure is also important - a person should not wander and waste time looking for what is necessary. Design is another aspect to pay attention to. Special attention. It is desirable that the stay on your site is aesthetically comfortable for a potential client. Post beautiful pictures in good quality, make the text large enough for easy reading.

Consider filling. You can limit yourself to the most necessary: ​​information about services, employees, benefits, customer reviews. However, on such a site, people will not linger for a long time. Therefore, it is worth taking care of placing interesting and at the same time selling articles on various legal issues.

Competently composed content and high-quality layout of the site - great way attract clients to the law firm.

Email promotion

No, this is not spam, as you are now thinking. This is communication with an already established client base through Internet correspondence. Let's say a potential client came to your site, became interested and signed up for an e-mail newsletter. Reading your letters, a person should gradually become convinced of your professionalism and receive really valuable information, otherwise the mailing list will go to spam.

It is important to understand the scope here: it makes no sense to send anything to just five subscribers. But if the “hot” base has already reached the mark of at least one or two thousand, then you can (and even need to) try.

By the way, e-mail communication allows you to keep in touch with old customers. Receiving your letters, they continue to remember you, and at some point they will certainly ask for help.

Hosting an event

An event can be of several types:

    Webinars are online conversations. It is necessary to choose a suitable platform, decide on the time and notify the participants.

    Seminars and round tables are meetings in reality, offline, and therefore they require more thorough preparation. You need to find a suitable hall that can accommodate everyone, think about what guests will do during the break, etc. The likelihood of customers contacting you after such an event becomes significantly higher.

Lead generation

As you have noticed, there are many ways to attract clients to a law firm, and it is rather difficult to engage in all these activities without breaking away from legal practice. Therefore, it would be more logical to turn to lead generation specialists. Professionals in their field look for potential clients who are ready to use your services and provide you with their contacts. And then you are already involved in the matter, and it depends only on you whether the client decides to use the services of your company.

One of the most important advantages of lead generation is that, if desired, you can specify the specific parameters of future customers: age, topic of treatment, solvency, etc.

Now you know how to attract clients to a law firm. Only an integrated approach guarantees a stable result. The more promotion channels you use, the more effective the result will be.

There are studies that the cost of the same legal entities. services from different companies Moscow can differ by 60 times. Want to advertise your legal services in such a way that they are bought from you 60 times more expensive?

1. Types of clients in the legal business

To hook customers, maybe not 60, but 2-3 times better - you can sell not to “everyone”, but individually to everyone. Clients (and at different stages) will be convinced by different selling arguments.

For example, a company engaged in outsourcing legal. services in addition to typing clients by business size, geography, industries ..., there is a division of clients:

  • who do not have a full-time lawyer - for example, they are not big enough to hire a lawyer on staff (we cling to value: regularly solve typical tasks, saving money, time, nerves - including when choosing, and then when managing a specialist in an area that is incomprehensible );
  • having a full-time lawyer, but caught in emergency situations with which he cannot cope (we cling to the value: to solve an acute problem - almost for any money).

And here it works well for use on the site, in the social. networks and presentations of colors and styles of government agencies and courts + emphasis on the presence of connections that allow solving issues ... faster, more efficiently.

Those involved in bankruptcy persons, there is a division of customers:

  • those who go bankrupt (we cling to value: protection, security - write off debts, avoiding criminal / subsidiary / administrative liability, retaining the opportunity to travel abroad, take loans, buy real estate);
  • those who bankrupt the debtor (their key value is often not so much to collect the debt as to punish the debtor: to fight in blood, to spend more on processes than can be sued - but to take revenge on the offender).

And here the slogan effectively fulfills: “You were thrown? Bankrupt the goat!"

In general, the sale of bankruptcy services is impulsive - it is important to be in time before the assets are stolen by other creditors, and even respectable uncles behave like children in this rush (especially if you scare them with cases about how someone filed documents a couple of days late and lost everything). What can not be said, for example, in ordinary property disputes - there, until they weigh everything 10 times, study the regalia and recommendations - they will not buy.

Although I knew a man whose "clients" section says "You'll never know who I consulted. And no one will know that I consulted you.” And he did not live in poverty, working with clients who valued confidentiality above all else.

It is ideal, of course, to work out communication with each type of client, for each line of business... For one lawyer in Crimea, this gave a CTR of 9.16% on search and 0.12% on YAN, cf. click cost 34 rubles, lead cost 250 rubles. in the first 1.5 weeks of the advertising campaign.

And one woman lawyer even planted a psychologist to meet clients. He consulted himself + selected the right “keys” for each client in order to sell the very expensive services of a lawyer. Very quickly, a queue lined up for a lawyer for months ahead. And everyone said: “Here is a man who inspires confidence!”

It's irrational. But how to rationally choose a lawyer if a non-lawyer cannot evaluate his professionalism. And the price of a mistake is financial, administrative, and even criminal risks.

And which niche is more profitable?

Each lawyer (with his particular set of competencies, connections, employees ...), in each geography, at each moment of time, will have something of his own profitable.

For example, in Moscow in 2016, the specialization in inclusion in the register of creditors for the developer SU-155 worked out very well. 700 clicks to the site at a price of 35 rubles, conversion to an application is 5%, to a sale - more than 50% with an average check of 30,000 rubles. (income of 500 thousand rubles with advertising costs of 25 thousand rubles).

And in Bryansk, a couple of years ago, auto-themed turned out to be the most profitable - 100 ads for this target audience with a USP “free document analysis and an hour-long legal consultation” = 1,715 clicks, 115 LEADs worth up to 300 rubles in 1 month.

  • Reducing the cost of services (standardization, automation, reducing requirements for personnel and reducing costs for it). But significant investments are needed to build production capacity and the corresponding management system, IT ... in order to earn on economies of scale + you need to be a brilliant manager.
  • Thanks to a truly unique product - unique connections (I know guys who got rich by joining the government group discussing changes to Federal Law 214, which changed the development industry and left only hundreds of thousands of companies on the market), unique competencies, unique ways of providing services - but to create something something really unique is difficult even for a brilliant inventor, innovator.
  • Thanks to niche - to acquire the necessary competencies and re-engineer marketing and sales for a narrow niche, as a rule, is not so expensive; the question is in choosing a niche - here you need to be a brilliant marketer. I know an example when they created artificial competitors, each of which said that they specialize in specific services specific target audience– each client trusted each brand more, the conversion was higher.

Indirect competitors

Apart from other lawyers, you are competing with "figure it out and do it yourself". But here you can write: “if you want to do it yourself - study ..., ... and ... (X man-days), collect documents ..., ... and ..., submit them to ..., standing in line ... ".

There was an example when a lawyer involved in the coordination of extensions to houses increased the conversion of his site by 2 times, writing on home page how to independently coordinate the extension.

competitive wars

If you have problems with a particular competitor, I also recommend.

3.3. When the client came to us


In America and Turkey, it is common practice for lawyers to receive clients at home - it increases confidence, disposes (in these countries, such a gesture demonstrates a guarantee of privacy, confidentiality).

Speak the same language

4. Product/business model change

Collectors in reverse

The bankruptcy niche is super-profitable - in order not to pay yourself / in order to receive from the debtor, the niche for protection from collectors is also profitable. One of the most original promising niches I've come across is helping savers get their money out of floundering banks.

Automation of routine tasks

The guys from the Moscow Solver, apparently, initially reduced their costs by automating and outsourcing typical tasks in regions with cheap labor. Now out to international market with a service that allows you to solve typical legal tasks many times cheaper than analogues.

Template Documents

The French online service Wonder.Legal helps to create documents based on templates based on user responses. For six months, the service has reached the international level, the payback in each country is from 3-5 months, in Australia every 3rd visit to the resource ends with a sale.

Online service for selecting lawyers

"Find a Lawyer" selects lawyers who are ready to accept at a convenient time for the client, in the right region (including the USA, Thailand, Europe) and a suitable budget. 600 calls per month with a conversion to a service order of 20-25% (120-150 per month).

Possibility to sue someone else

The Platforma service allows you to invest in paying the legal costs of third parties for 20%-40% of the amount they win. So people without funds can stand up to strong opponents in court, and lawyers and investors can earn excess profits (up to 133% per annum) if successful. The platform takes 10% of the investment for selecting cases with a probability of winning from 75% + bonus in case of winning. In the USA, 30% finance this way lawsuits, in Russia the niche is almost not occupied.

business medium

I know a person who does business on anticipation of changes in legislation. When we first met, he dealt with deceived equity holders and property disputes of legal entities. persons. Then he went into buying up apartments from bankrupt auctions. Further, having learned about changes in the law on hostels, I went to create the “correct” networks of hostels. Each time he found more and more profitable niches (we discussed returns of 20% -30% per annum with almost zero risks due to the provision of real estate investments). And every time he did this, not going into something fundamentally new, but relying on previous experience and established connections.

Goal setting. Why SMART goals are not achieved.

GOAL-SETTING. WHY SMART GOALS ARE NOT REACHED. There is a well-known goal-setting technology - how to set goals so that they are achieved (by themselves) - SMART (Specific - Specific, Measurable - Measurable, Achievable - Achievable, Relevant - Relevant, corresponding to our other goals, Time-Bound - limited in time). Example: An example of a "dream" that is unlikely to come true Increase sales by increasing the […]

With an experienced business expert?
Let's communicate!

When starting a business in any area, it is important to find and formulate the benefits that the client will receive by contacting you (this will be the USP - a unique selling proposition). If not, you are no different from other companies. In this case, you will have to compete on price - dumping, losing profits.

Surprisingly, this simple and free promotion tool is not used by most businessmen. There is a chance to bypass them already at the start! To inspire you, we have selected 13 USP examples of Russian and foreign companies that have been able to stand out from the crowd and succeed.

And how are they? Top 5 Western USPs

Avis car rental service

“We are number 2. We work harder"

("We're number two. We try harder").

A great example of how you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage. For many years, Avis has been operating in the shadow of a more successful competitor - Hertz, which has positioned itself as No. 1 in the market.

FedEx delivery service

"When it should absolutely be delivered tomorrow morning"

("When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight").

This slogan is no longer used by the company, but it is still cited as a proper USP. FedEx guarantees customers that their shipment will arrive intact and on time.

This phrase combines two advantages: the promise of the safety of the cargo and high speed delivery (one night). Unfortunately, the company's management subsequently abandoned this slogan, replacing it with a less “strong” one that does not contain competitive advantages.


"Melts in your mouth, not in your hands"

("The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand").

Original: flickr

An example of how a whimsical USP can attract customers. Thinking about how important it is not to get dirty when eating chocolate, M&Ms created candy in a special dense shell.

Conclusion - if this or that characteristic is important for your customers, feel free to use it as a competitive advantage. No matter how stupid or insignificant it may seem.

DeBeers Corporation

"Diamonds Are Forever"

("A diamond is forever").

This slogan has been used since 1948 to this day, and was recognized by the Advertising Age magazine as the best slogan of the twentieth century. The idea is that timeless diamonds are the perfect symbol of eternal love (not without reason that they are emblazoned on many engagement rings).

Pizza chain Domino's Pizza

"You will get a fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or for free"

("You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it's free").

This is a rather long slogan, but it can serve as an example of a good USP, because. contains a warranty. The conditions are described very clearly, customers understand what to expect from the company.

Unfortunately, Domino's stopped using this slogan because drivers who tried to meet the allotted delivery time violated the rules traffic and provoked accidents with a tragic outcome.

How are things going with USP in Russia?

We are in Directors Club For example, we don't just sell ads. We guarantee the acquisition of potential customers through the use of native advertising. This USP contains two killer arguments at once: a guarantee of the result and an explanation of how it will be achieved.

Taxi service

One Moscow company increased sales by 380% by hiring female drivers. Many ladies will prefer to get into a car driven by a woman, they will rather decide to send a child to classes with her. In addition, women are less likely to smoke and violate traffic rules, which turned out to be fundamental for many clients.


Declaring “We always have sober loaders”(and in keeping with that slogan), the company dramatically increased its customer flow. Those who used to be afraid to entrust fragile or valuable things to the drunk "uncle Vasya" gladly dialed the number of responsible workers. It was in the early 90s, since then this “trick” has been adopted by many companies, but the pioneers managed to profit from their idea.


One of the drinking establishments in St. Petersburg increased the number of visitors at minimal cost. A screen was hung in the hall, on which they began to broadcast sports matches, and for each goal scored by the Russian team or Zenit, a glass of vodka was poured free of charge to all those present.

As a result, those who used to root for their favorite team at home began to go to the bar and bring friends with them. The cost of buying vodka and a screen paid off many times over.


Laundry management found a seamstress who needed orders for custom tailoring. Returning clean clothes to the client, the administrator pointed out to him the existing shortcomings (zipper breaks, a button comes off, etc.) and offered to fix them free of charge.

Most, of course, agreed. Items after repairs were returned in a bag containing the seamstress's business card and a catalog of clothes that can be ordered from her. The cooperation turned out to be beneficial for both parties: customers passed information about bonus laundry services to each other, and the seamstress provided herself with orders.

Construction company

One of the teams that started in a competitive market with no budget came up with a great USP. Advertisements were posted on: “We will remove the old wallpaper for free!”. 80% of customers who ordered this service subsequently invited builders to repair their apartment. These people have already demonstrated their accuracy, accuracy and reliability - why waste time looking for someone else?

Examples of USPs from B2B

Printing house

A company from Nizhny Novgorod opened in its office business card museum famous people . Businessmen played on public interest in the lives of the rich and famous. As soon as information about the exposition was spread, the flow of orders increased 5 times!

The media became interested in the museum, they began to publish reports about it, and the need for paid advertising dropped.

recruiting company

The management thought about how to stand out from the background of numerous competitors. And offered a unique service - employee rent. Need a courier for a few months? No problem! Designer for a couple of weeks? Let's pick it up!

As a result, applications from businessmen who do not want to spend time searching for freelancers or hiring / subsequent dismissal of a specialist who are needed for a short period of time rained down.

During his latest seminar on increasing sales and customer acquisition for restaurant owners, a well-known marketer took turns asking the participants the same question: “What business are you in?”. And one by one, the participants answered: "Restaurant", "I own a chain of cafes", "I run a small bistro", etc.

To which the marketer replied: “You are all wrong! Whatever business you are in, you are all in marketing business where the main task is to attract customers.

The legal business is also no exception. It is important not only to be a good lawyer and do your job well, but also to be able to sell effectively, attract clients, manage income and employees…

What prevents a law firm from increasing the number of clients and profits?

My opinion is that the main difficulty in promoting a law firm lies precisely in the fact that the company very often makes mistakes, eliminating which, the company receives a sharp increase in both the number of clients and the profit that these clients bring.

So, let's look at 8 critical mistakes that reduce profits in the legal business.

Mistake No. 1: Confidence in your knowledge and skills in the field of promoting legal services

While creating own company, it is important for a lawyer to understand that he is a professional in the legal field, and marketing is a completely different professional sphere. And the success criteria of a specialist and a company leader are also completely different.

There is always a way out. Learn " smart marketing Every head of a law firm should. Since the success of a small business is 80% dependent on how it is promoted.

It is not enough to simply “blindly” copy what competitors are doing. And even more so marketing activities large law firms. Because it is fundamentally different from marketing in a small law firm.

Attempts to use "peeped" developments, ultimately, lead to the fact that the company is lost in the lists of other competing companies for one simple reason - for a potential client, all offers will seem the same and he will choose solely by price, since other criteria are simply no.

Mistake No. 3: “blind” use of copied developments from competitors

In fact, the company uses a two-stage sales model. The first step is to attract a client to an office, supermarket, store, due to the very low price of a certain group of goods or one service. The second step is the sale of the main service or other products at prices that bring in a good income.

Now, if we transfer such a model to the legal business and, for example, reduce the price of one of the main “monetary” services, as the “big player” of the market did, you can quickly spend the entire budget and go bankrupt. Unless, of course, a two-step sales model has not been thought out before.

Mistake #4: Using ineffective tools to promote legal services

There is a big difference between building a brand and increasing sales in a small business.

How often do we hear from lawyers and heads of law firms: "In order to have many clients, you need to be famous and have a name." Indeed, it is. The only problem is how to earn a reputation if the budget is not so big, there are not so many customers yet and the company is quite young in general…

Mistake No. 5: skeptical attitude towards non-standard and unusual methods of promoting a law firm

And any non-standard methods that are used, for example, by Western law firms, are discarded in our country for the reason "this is not serious" or "this will not work for us."

How many times have I heard the phrase from business owners “this will not work in our business” ... Yes, indeed, something may not work. But how do you know what if you don't try?

Distrust of fundamentally new programs and external experts does not allow a law firm to develop. A company from year to year can receive the same stable income and not think about any development. But only until a strong competitor enters the market with ready-made tactics and strategies for conquering the market. Then it will be too late to think about innovations ...

Mistake No. 6: the lack of a ready-made and well-thought-out system for attracting customers

Referrals are the main source of new customers. And, of course, this is one of the best sources. At the same time, it is the most unpredictable source of potential customers. If you use additional sources of customer acquisition, this will increase the flow of potential customers that are converted into real ones. And real customers give real money.

Attracting clients in law firms is associated with an increase in their flow. If you increase the flow of customers, respectively, sales should grow. True, only 1-2 ways to increase traffic are often used. Moreover, the company loses 90% of potential customers after the first conversation, and only 10% of interested customers can buy, and of these, 2-3% become real buyers (clients).

And what if he buys not 2-3%, but 5-6%? How will this affect the company's income? Correctly! It will almost double!

Mistake #7: Lack of uniqueness

When a potential client types “LLC registration” in yandex or google and follows the links, he gets to dozens of identical sites. There is an opinion that everyone writes off from one primary source, and in general no one is any different, except as colors, and some other details that do not matter to the client at all, and do not affect the purchase process.

The same is true for printed materials. For example, take a brochure from one of the most large companies market and all information is copied. Please, another clone is ready.

If you find your uniqueness, you will instantly stand apart from your competitors. In the eyes of potential customers, your company will stand out among dozens and hundreds of other competing companies that will not be able to compete with you.

Your focus on working with a certain area of ​​business or only in one direction, service, etc. can become uniqueness.

Uniqueness cannot be a low price.

Mistake #8: Price Wars

Cutting your prices and selling your services cheaper than your competitors is not only a way to reduce your income, but also a way to bankruptcy.

But what if a large competitor law firm cuts prices by 30-50% in order to destroy smaller companies? What then can your company offer to the market? As Western practice shows, this will happen sooner or later.

For your potential customers, the most important and only selection criterion is the price! Until you show the value of your offer, the uniqueness of your company and good service.

Many business executives have the impression that for a client the decisive and most important factor in choosing his company is the price for one simple reason - because clients most often ask about it.

If you increase the prices in your price list by 10-20% right now, you will lose only 10% of the customers who will appreciate it. As a result, you will not lose anything, because those customers who choose by price are in the lower price segment and are often problematic. They call a lot, take up time, “pump rights”, and the income from them is not so big.

It's easier to drop these customers than to spend a large number of their time for them. It is better to have 10 customers who buy at $10 than 100 customers who buy at $1.

Without more effective techniques and technologies in their arsenal, many law firms begin to lower prices, thereby depriving themselves of the profits that can be obtained without it.

Often you even have to work at a loss, just to attract a new client. True, this is a path to the abyss, because there will always be a competitor whose prices will be cheaper.

Show the value of your offering and you'll never have to compete on price again!

Very often, at a seminar, lawyers interrupt me and say: “But how can I tell the client? Then they will go and do it themselves. Why do they need me?
Tell me, if the same dentist tells in detail and shows how to put fillings, will you go to put a filling, even if you have the equipment, your relatives? The answer is obvious. The same is true in your practice. And the client who goes to solve legal issues himself, as a rule, is not your client. In addition to the removal of the brain from such self-taught, you will not get anything.
It's important to understand! The attraction of being free is hardwired into our brains. It is beyond any rational explanation.
If you want to be successful in attracting customers, you will need to implement a free strategy:

2.11. Strategy 11. Bait services

I have repeatedly said that the consumer is constantly haunted by fear: “Did I choose the right lawyer? Will they help me?" These fears do not allow the client to easily contact you and pay you money.
Stepping aside a little, I will say that these fears are quite natural and are present in any human relationship. Take, for example, the relationship between a man and a woman. How does a man meet and establish a relationship with a woman? Immediately invites her to spend the night with him? (No, there is, of course, the method of lieutenant Rzhevsky, but, as you know, you can get punched in the face for it). A man begins with insignificant courtship: invitations to a restaurant, cinema, for a walk. Thus, a man shows: I'm not scary, I can be trusted, everything will be fine.
Remember! The main strategy in marketing legal services is not to sell to the client at the first touch.
How to put it into practice?
There is a concept in marketing front-end(bait) - a service or product for which we catch our client.
How to build such a "hook" in the legal business? General rule is: offer the consumer a low-cost or free service that allows them to interact with your business.
Hook Service Options for Legal Business
Free consultations.
Free document preparation.
Free information products (articles, videos).
Which of these options to choose? The easiest way is to create a series of information products that help the client solve their problem. It can be a series of articles, video consultations, recordings of your seminars.
Remember! Having once spent on recording an information product, you can attract customers for years.
For example, you are engaged in divorce proceedings. Make a series of articles on the topic “How to get a divorce, saving nerves and money”, release a video “10 biggest mistakes when filing a divorce”.
How does this affect the client?
Remember how a man takes care of a woman. The same thing will happen to your client: he will come to the office, get free material, realize that you are a professional in your field, and pay you money for a divorce settlement.
Important note! Such information materials should only contain useful information! No water!
What if the reception doesn't work?
Let me show you how global brands successfully apply this technique in practice:
Printers: penny devices - then there are expensive cartridges.
Gillette Razors: Cheap Razors, Expensive Blades.
IT services (telephony, hosting): the opportunity to use the service for two weeks for free.
Cars: test drives.
To make bait services work effectively, use them as part of a two-step advertisement:

2.12. Strategy 12: Educate clients

The paradigm of selling legal services has changed. Every year it becomes more and more difficult for lawyers to break into sales through the barriers of secretaries, assistant managers, and ordinary employees. What is the reason? The reason is that business schools and books have taught us that the goal of any business is to satisfy the customer's needs. So hundreds of law firms are trying to satisfy this need. All modern sales negotiation techniques are aimed at asking what the client needs and then offering him a solution.
Lawyers are greatly mistaken in thinking that clients clearly understand what they want, what need they want to satisfy. Practice shows that most customers do not have needs formed. They, most likely, notice their legal problems, but do not attach any importance to this. Formulating a new paradigm for the sale of legal services, we can say: first you need to create a need for the consumer, and only then move on to satisfying it.
How do you start generating needs? There is only one answer here: through training clients, increasing general legal literacy.
What do clients want to learn from lawyers?
Clients are more likely to buy your services if you can teach them the following:
How to run a business more efficiently and profitably using legal knowledge and skills.
How to avoid mistakes when solving legal issues in business.
What to do if an error occurs. How to act smart.
To put it simply, clients want you to teach them how to do business more efficiently, how to get more value, how to cut costs by applying your legal knowledge.
The old legal sales paradigm was that clients know what they need. The new paradigm allows you to outperform your competitors by shaping the needs of your customers through their education.
To some extent, sales are being transformed into the approach that is in medicine: the doctor will first train you, give you a consultation, and then write a prescription.
What are the benefits of customer training?
More attracted clients. First, training is a great bait service. For example, by inviting a client to your seminar, you will remove the initial fear and be able to move on to more substantive negotiations. Secondly, by training the client, you make him more professional, he begins to understand legal issues more easily and buys easier.

A simple household example.
The most striking method of teaching smokers not to smoke is to show them the lungs of a smoker. If you want clients to order, for example, the implementation of the bankruptcy procedure, show them what will happen if the bankruptcy procedure is not launched on time.
more sales existing clients. When we start training clients, we form their needs. In practice, we get excellent results, repeat sales increase.
Increasing profit. Training can be a stand-alone service for which you will charge money. One of our clients, a criminal lawyer, conducts trainings at enterprises. He trains employees on what to do in the event of a search. For such instruction, he takes very good money.
Conducting seminars, consulting, trainings can be a good additional source of income.
Customer retention. It is important to understand that customer training is not only additional sales. It is also building relationships with customers, which contributes to their retention.
expert status. A person who teaches becomes a priori an expert in the eyes of people.
Important! The introduction of a customer training system is a powerful factor in building a legal marketing system.
You are professionals. You understand legal issues better than the client. You will have to teach the client. Customer training is a very effective competitive tool.

2.13. Strategy 13. Internet Marketing

No one will argue with the fact that the Internet is becoming the main means of obtaining information in our time. An important feature of the Internet is its interactivity. People on the Web not only receive information, but also actively distribute it. There are new mechanisms of word of mouth, which is so loved by lawyers. It can be said without a doubt: which of the lawyers will be better at using the mechanisms of the Internet in the 21st century, that one will be more in demand by clients.
If you want to be successful in attracting customers, you will have to learn and implement internet marketing techniques. I will say right away, as a professional: you will be bored and uninterested in understanding Internet marketing tools. What happens if you don't master them? It's simple: unscrupulous performers will be able to hang noodles on your ears, getting money from you.
Remember! The Internet is a strategic resource for attracting clients to the legal business!

2.14. Strategy 14. We sell services dearly

Do you want to sell your legal services for a high price? I have not met a single professional who would answer this question to me: “No”.
To the second question: “Why don’t you sell then?” - I get the following answers: “Customers will not buy”, “It is cheaper from competitors”, “In our city, no one sells services at a high price”.
Let's see: if high prices are so attractive, how to sell expensive legal services in practice?
Several axioms of pricing.
Prices for legal services are an abstraction. How much does it cost, for example, to conduct a criminal case in court? The lawyers with whom I worked called a range from 30,000 to 1,500,000 rubles for starting work in the first instance. Will a lawyer for 1.5 million rubles protect you 50 times better than a lawyer for 30,000 rubles? You well understand that it is improbable.
The price does not guarantee the quality or quantity of the service provided. Prices depend on many subjective factors.
We do not know how much money the client has. We must admit this. We can guess, but we do not know the exact amount that the client is willing to spend.
The price of the service is a measure of quality. So it happened: if we cannot determine the quality of the service, we choose by price. We stop at the maximum possible amount that we are able to give.
Remember! The worst option in the legal business is to act according to the strategy "Quickly, efficiently, inexpensively." After all, there will always be colleagues who will offer the service even cheaper. They will fall in quality, in professionalism, but they will make it cheaper.
The only reasonable option is to strive to sell legal services at a high price!
Why does one lawyer manage to charge high fees, while another is content with much less? For me, as a legal marketer, high prices are one of the marketing technologies which everyone can use.
Why is it worth learning how to sell legal services at a high price?
Knowing how to sell services expensively, you save your time. Fewer cases at high fees gives you the opportunity to focus on each case, so you improve the quality of your work.
You will increase your expert status. If you learn how to charge high fees, and can justify them to clients, then you will give a great advantage to your practice as a whole - clients will perceive you as a better specialist.

2.15. Strategy 15. Built-in sales system

You will be surprised, but it is not enough just to attract customers. They also need to professionally sell the service. But professional sales suffer greatly in legal practice.
Why should your legal business professional sales?
To win the competition. The client has long wanted a professional approach to everything. Not only when the service is directly rendered to him, but also when it is sold. When you sell professionally, you feel it. You clearly explain to the client what he is buying, saving him time and effort. Clients appreciate it.
To be able to sell your services expensively. Are you chosen by price? Perhaps you are to blame for starting a price war. A professional approach to sales, when you know how a client buys and how to sell your service to him, allows you to sell your services more expensively.
To have financial stability. More customers - more profit - more stability. You clearly form your budget, which will allow you to achieve the most important thing.
To gain confidence in the future. Chronic search for money, chaotic sales of legal services to clients - all this does not have the best effect on the quality of legal services provided. You simply can't take care of a client's problems when you have nothing to pay your employees' salaries.
What is Professional Selling?
Systematic approach to sales.
Understanding the psychology of sales.
Active interaction with the client.
Professional negotiation with the client in the sales process.

Chapter Summary

The key to successfully working with clients is the complex implementation of the following actions:

1. Fill in the table (for the services you provide):

2. Come up with lure services for your customers.
3. Make a brochure for businessmen "7 Entrepreneur Mistakes That End in Court." Promote your brochure.
4. Prepare a guide (5-7 pages) for your clients on the problem they most often come to you with. Tell us about how to prepare for its solution.

Chapter 3

In the previous chapter, we looked at the basic marketing strategies. Now let's figure out how to form an overall strategy.

3.1. Strategic Marketing. Your practice in five years

3.2. How to formulate your competitive advantages?

3.3. Choice of specialization

End of Free Trial