Where can I get orders for the designer. Creation of a logo. Get a free logo design consultation

  • 27.03.2020

Foreigners are wary of Russian products. They don’t eat buckwheat, they don’t understand herring under a fur coat, they don’t even try to cook borscht. Yes, at one time the world enthusiastically accepted vodka, but that was already in the 16th century! Since then, there have been no examples of such a successful expansion of Russian food and drinks. How did the immigrants from Eastern Europe manage to teach modern London to drink ryazhenka, buy Borodino bread and order birch sap on the Internet? ZIMA talked to three entrepreneurs about how to enter the English market with a Russian product.

What to sell

If you ask Russian entrepreneurs who moved to the UK what prompted them to start producing Russian food here, many will answer: they missed the taste familiar from childhood, but they could not find an analogue. So in England, in particular, the production of fermented baked milk appeared - the company was the first to launch it. Bio-tiful Dairy. Its head, Natasha Bowes, had 15 years of experience at KPMG and Barclays in Moscow, Dublin and London and had been drinking kefir since childhood. Having moved to England, she could only find Polish kefir here, which did not suit her taste at all. After drawing up a business plan and doing research, Bowes realized that there was practically no competition in the British market for fermented milk products.

The first customers of Bio-tiful Dairy were Russian-speaking visitors to Harrods and Whole Foods. This was inevitable, although from the very beginning the product was not positioned as “Russian”, so as not to limit the scale of the business. However, in 2014, Bio-tiful Dairy signed an agreement with Ocado and Riverford Organic, marking the end of the pilot phase of the project and the start of "real work," according to Bowes. Since then, Russian-speaking buyers have been in the minority. Today, Bio-tiful kefir is available in Sainsbury's, Co-op and Whole Foods chain stores.

Bowes believes that when positioning a product, it is important to rely on its fundamental qualities, and not on Russian roots. In the case of fermented baked milk and kefir, three factors turned out to be fundamental: health benefits, pleasant taste and convenient packaging. “Now the main trends all over the world are health and convenience. The demand for organic products in light and convenient packaging is growing very fast. At the same time, it is clear that no matter how useful and beautifully packaged a product is, it will not be successful if it does not taste good,” Bowes is convinced. Can not argue.

A similar foundation was laid in the basis of her product by Anna Skopets, who founded the company TreeVitalise, which produces birch sap. The drink turned out to be so unusual and incomprehensible to the British that it took a lot of effort before consumers, retailers and distributors understood what they were offered. To do this, TreeVitalise arranged free tastings in stores and at exhibitions, carefully thought out packaging and built pricing policy, realizing that there will be no quick return on investment.

“In England, the very concept of “products from the forest” is missing,” says Skopets. - To convince people to try our juice, we had to draw an analogy with maple syrup, which is essentially the same tree sap, only concentrated. With just 10 calories per bottle and tons of beneficial micronutrients, birch sap is a good substitute for sugary juices and coconut water. It perfectly quenches thirst, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, flushes out toxins, stimulates the liver and kidneys. And at the same time it has a light and fresh taste. Today, two years after starting the TreeVitalise business, the company's products can be found in TK Maxx, Selfridges, HomeSense and Holland & Barrett stores in the UK and Ireland.

How to set up production

Birch sap for TreeVitalise is collected and bottled in the Carpathians. The need for imports is explained by the fact that early spring in Eastern Europe is more turbulent. The land oversaturated with melt water feeds birch trees, and each tree produces about five liters of sap per day, while in England, where the climate is milder, it would take several days to collect the same volume, and it would be difficult to keep the juice fresh - it starts very quickly. to roam. In addition, it turns out that only a certain type of tree is suitable for the production of good birch sap - silver birch, the most common in Russia, the Carpathian region, the Baltic states and Scandinavian countries. After collection, the juice is packaged in glass containers - plastic is not good, the bacteria in it multiply faster. “This has almost become a problem with UK distributors who prefer plastic for safety reasons,” says Anna Skopets. “I had to convince and persuade.”

Bio-tiful Dairy buys sourdough from Russia and produces kefir and fermented baked milk from British milk on a farm in West Sussex. Any food production is associated with marketing risks due to the short shelf life of the product: it is necessary that everything is in order with refrigerators along the entire chain from the source of raw materials to the store, so the logistics and distribution process is expensive and difficult.

“It was difficult to work with distributors, because in England they don't do sales, only logistics. They have a lot of products in the catalog and you have to first sell the idea to distributors, then sell the product to each store individually, then convince the consumer to buy the product. Often the latter is the easiest to convince,” Anna Skopets admits.

The UK food industry has a well-established start-up support system, which allows you not only to find investors, but also get valuable advice on scaling and promoting your business.

Nadezhda Genchas, the founder of the Karaway bakery, whose clients include Harrods, Selfridges, Whole Foods, prestigious restaurants The Delaunay, Fischer’s, Le Gavroche, as well as the London office of Gazprom, agrees with this. Having set a modest goal for its business 12 years ago to feed people from the CIS with delicious rye bread, today Genchas has won recognition not only from the general public, but also from experts: its products have been awarded the stars of the national Great Taste Awards competition, and Lithuanian Scalded Rye bread Lithuanian custard bread with cumin , which is baked on dried bulrush leaves, has been named one of the UK's Top 50 Foods. “Chefs and buyers are very conservative and afraid to change something, we have to break the ice,” says Genchas. - It is much easier with the end user. Customers evaluate the product instantly for taste and quality and immediately decide whether to take or not to take. And retailers want it to be cheaper, simpler and hassle-free. Therefore, in August, after a break, our store will open again in mall Westfield Stratford, where all our products will be collected - not only bread, but also buns, cookies and cakes.

Natural rye bread Karaway produces in London. It is made by hand on grandfather's sourdoughs by natural fermentation, the dough matures for several days and bakes for more than an hour, unlike ordinary bread, which is baked in a store in 20 minutes from quick mixes. This is reflected in the price: Karaway bread is several times more expensive than store-bought loaves. But, according to Genchas, there is a stable demand for products: “There are only 10-15 artisanal bakeries in London. And most produce mainly wheat bread, rye bread is very expensive, and the choice is small. For them, rye bread is an additional assortment, for us, on the contrary, it is the main one.”

Where to get money

The production and sale of Russian food in England does not bring quick returns. So, in addition to solving other problems, entrepreneurs have to look for an answer to the question of where to get money from.

For the first three and a half years, Natasha Bowes funded Bio-tiful Dairy from own funds(She did not disclose the amount spent). Last year, Natasha took part in the iconic business and start-up program Dragons' Den, which has been airing on BBC Two for many years. There she received an offer from British businessmen to sell 45% of the company for£ 250 thousand, but, much to the surprise of both the "dragons" and the audience, she refused. But six months later, she attracted investments into the company on the terms that she considered right for herself.

Anna Skopets also started a business on her own, then attracted multi-stage investments. To find investors, she advises actively making acquaintances in your field of business, going to consulting forums and meetings with famous entrepreneurs. The UK food industry has a well-established start-up support system, which allows you not only to find investors, but also get valuable advice on scaling and promoting your business. In particular, for those who, like her, intend to turn food into a business, Skopets advises to pay attention to startup accelerators Cinnamon Bridge and Bread and Butter.

How to get to the shops

This is perhaps main question. “You can promote your product in the media as much as you like, but if people cannot find it on the shelf of the nearest store, then it’s all in vain,” says Natasha Bowes.

She admits that at the beginning she had no idea how competitive the UK food industry would be. At the initial stage, it is quite possible to succeed. Difficulties begin further when you need to get on the shelves of chain stores and somehow stand out from the huge variety of products that appear on the market every day: “This is an industry where 97% of the market is concentrated in the hands of four or five large chains, and it is almost impossible to break through. The people say that the email Buyer's Waitrose is pouring in 500 new offers a day. Huge stream. And the buyers who make decisions about your product niche in these stores are very conservative.”

There is no definite answer to the question of what exactly needs to be done in order to be guaranteed to break into large supermarkets. “We ourselves don’t know what worked, which of our team’s tireless efforts led to Bio-tiful Dairy kefir and fermented baked milk, in particular, on the shelves at Sainsbury’s. We were talking to one part of the industry, and the offer to deliver the product came from another. Yes, they communicated with each other, but this clearly did not happen directly, - argues Bowes and adds: - One thing is for sure: in our field it is very important to be able to build business relationships with people at every level, from employees and customers to suppliers and regulators . In England it is impossible not to be a pleasant person. So, if we learn to add English politeness and courtesy to our natural qualities, this combination can create a very winning combination.

Hey designer!

Like most other creatives, you don't like looking for new clients, right? But what to do if all the exchanges are organized on the basis of tenders - whoever offers the lowest price is the customer! Take part in competitions for best design? It’s also nonsense, you waste your time and energy, and it’s far from a fact that your job will be chosen.

More recently, an "exchange" has appeared, which works on the principle of a store. No, not the store where they lay out layouts that were not accepted by customers, but a service store. The principle is simple: you place a service in which you indicate what exactly and for what price you are ready to do.

For example: “I will make 5 variants of the logo for 4000 rubles.” Then your service is moderated and voila, literally the next day you start receiving the first messages and orders from customers.

Is it cool? No search for clients, no bidding in the style of “why is it so expensive? can you make a discount? ”, just fulfill incoming orders with a soul and get reviews with fives, each review increases the number of customers at times.

Of course, this is not all free, the store will take a commission of 20% from each completed order. It may seem like a lot at first, but think about it! If you make me a logo for an average of 2000 rubles, set the price in the store to 2500 and continue to get my 2000 further.

The advantages are that orders come by themselves and the buyer makes a 100% prepayment for the service, which means that the elimination of the risk of fraud is much more valuable than these 20%.

Money for completed orders can be withdrawn to Yandex.Money, Qiwi or Webmoney. Payment is made within 3 working days from the date of order.

Well, are you ready to try? I even sketched instructions for you so that you definitely get a lot of orders, otherwise I won’t earn my million for a Mercedes with a 3% affiliate program :)

  • Step 1. Register on the website using this link: https://todo.run/signup. Everything is simple here: enter your email and password, then the mail will need to be confirmed. You can also enter through VK or FB if ​​you are too lazy to enter your mail.
  • Step 2 Go to your profile and fill in everything! This is where most of the sellers I've seen make a big mistake. They don't fill out a profile and then wonder why no one orders from them. It is very important. Upload a good avatar, write a text about yourself, how many years, where you studied, what work experience, what you can do and what you specialize in. By the way, the store displays this text on every page of your service in the right column and on your profile page, so don't be lazy!
  • Step 3 We add a service. How to get there? Either through the big green button in the header of the site "Add a service", or by clicking on the link: https://todo.run/user/service-add. Let's go through the points on how to properly arrange a cool service:
    • Service name. This is the “do something” field. We write the name of the service there, for example: “I will make 3 versions of the logo for 2500 rubles.” It makes no sense to write simply “Logo” or “I will make a logo”, the name should be of interest. Here are a couple of examples of good service names in my opinion: “Express logo in 24 hours”, “Cool logo for only 3000 rubles”, “5 amazing logo options for 5000 rubles”, “Memorable logo + business card as a gift”. Do not copy other people's names, moderation will most likely not miss it, but you should not score either.
    • Price. Everything is very interesting here, in order to avoid price wars between sellers, we divided all prices into segments, here possible options prices in rubles: 100, 200, 300, 500, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 5000 rubles. Don't dump! This will not lead to anything good, set a real price at which you evaluate your services. Here you can say - “What kind of logo is this that costs only 2-5 thousand rubles?”, But do not rush to draw such conclusions, firstly, it is possible to set additional options, limit the number of edits and it is quite easy to pack the basic proposal of even a cool one. designer at a starting price of up to 5,000 rubles. When setting the price, keep in mind that you can’t change the price in the order and 20% for the store’s services will be deducted from the total amount of the order.
    • Service scope. An important point, incorrect, the filling of which can then go sideways. Write in detail what exactly you are willing to do for the specified price. For example: “The price includes 5 logo options, of which you choose 1 and I will bring it to the ideal with an unlimited number of edits” or “The price includes 3 logo sketches and 3 edits.” If the client has complaints about the work performed and he wants to return the money, the store will look at the "Scope of service" item and, based on it, make a decision - return the money to the buyer or close the transaction in your favor.
    • Category. Everything is simple here, if you are a designer - select the “Design” category, after that another list of subcategories will appear on the right, select what the service specifically refers to.
    • Description. Here I advise you to tell in detail why your service is wonderful and what the client will receive as a result. Write what and in what formats you will provide the result, what benefits the client will receive from working with you. Minimum size descriptions - 100 characters, but I would recommend writing at least 500.
    • Instructions for the buyer. Here I would advise you to approach the principle - what would I be the first to send to the client after he made an order with me. Instruction example: “For work, I will need: your company name, field of activity, color wishes, any ideas that you want to reflect in the logo.”
    • Link to YouTube. The field is optional, you can leave it blank. If you have time, of course, you can shoot a video with the presentation of your service, but for a designer, I don’t see much point in this.
    • Image. Here the principle is simple - the more examples of work you upload to images, the better. By the way, a life hack: it’s better to use images in the size of 750x400px, so they won’t shrink and fit perfectly on the service page. Upload only yours own work! Don't copy other people's pictures. Post the coolest picture first, a collage and an inscription duplicating the sentence will work well. Use only those examples of your work, the level of which you are ready to repeat for the specified price, so that there are no problems later. If you make logos or corporate styles- use renders on paper or real objects in pictures - such pictures will attract 2 times more attention!
    • Additional options. If you have the talent of a marketer, you can break down the service in such a way that they will definitely order several additional options. The number of options is not limited, the prices are the same as the service. For example, if you make logos in the additional options, you can take out something simple - business card design, letterhead design, etc. Thus, a client who came to order a logo can be turned into a full-fledged corporate identity with a check over 20,000 rubles! Is it cool?
  • Step 4 After saving the first service, it is sent to the moderators for verification. If you send the service in the evening, then in the morning or afternoon it will be checked. And another important point: when you edit a service, it is automatically sent for re-moderation, even if you just changed the price! Be careful and don't edit the service just so you don't have to wait for it to be published again.
Now you can repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you like, adding all your services. I strongly recommend splitting the big elephant into parts. Create a separate service for each type of work. A separate logo, a separate business card design, a separate corporate identity, a separate leaflet design, etc.

It makes no sense to cram a lot into one service at once: as a rule, customers come to the store for something specific and are more willing to buy “narrow” services than “I will design everything in the world” style kits.

So we have reached the stage when all services are published and you receive the first message from the client or immediately order. How to find out what has arrived? After the first order, you will see the “Deals” section in the top menu, after the first message, the “Messages” section, and you will also receive a notification by mail.

Be careful, the rules prohibit giving your contacts in correspondence with a client and taking the buyer out of the store. You can get off with the last Chinese warning, or you can immediately block the account. Therefore, read the rules and either respect the house where you eat, or leave, I personally have such a position.

Well done, a lot of text has turned out here and it is very valuable that you have reached the end. And since you did, like the post and subscribe to our blog if you want to thank me.

No matter how well the work with customers goes, you must admit that extra money will never hurt. Passive income is one of the beauties of freelancing that allows you to earn money while you take on commissions or other projects.

If you are a graphic or logo designer and want to make money while sitting at home, then you probably need to better understand the following services where you can sell your work. I'm sure there are a lot of sketches and rejected logos gathering dust on your computer that can still bring you monetary gain.

So some of the best places where you can sell logos and earn money.

Let's start with the domestic site, which appeared relatively recently, but has already begun to gain popularity - Freelance.Discount. The service is a convenient place where anyone can sell their creativity, or rather its result - logos and ready-made sites, texts and photographs, graphics and printing. The uniqueness of Freelance.Discount lies in the fact that it is perhaps the only platform that allows you to sell and buy creative work different areas, because most marketplaces specialize specifically in graphic design, photo or text content. That is why Freelance.Discount will be a godsend not only for freelancers, but also for those who are looking for ready-made solutions for their business.

The resource is updated daily with new original works from high-level specialists who are carefully checked by moderators. Just upload your work to Freelance.Discount, enter the price and wait for your buyer to find you.


A marketplace where you can sell not only logos, but also web designs, print designs, illustrations, and more. There is no need for you to submit applications to competitions, to compete with someone: just publish your work and wait until there are buyers.

brand crowd

One of the most popular marketplaces. It is also called the secondary market for logos and brands. It is here that designers sell logos and brands rejected by customers. Each designer, developing a new logo, provides the client with several options, of which only one is selected, and the rest are sent to the folder. Rejected logos will gain new life and find their owners. Designers who sell their work on the site receive 60% of all sales. But the main thing here is that you yourself determine the price of your work.

stock logos

Another place that gives you the opportunity to sell your logos. One of the advantages of this site can be considered the way the logos are presented in the store. The customer has the opportunity to immediately see how the logo they like will look on a black and white background, on a T-shirt, cap, mug, badge and even a car. Thus, the site itself makes short presentation for you.


Small but quite promising marketplace. Here the designer also sets the price for his logo or brand, taking into account the minimum cost of $100. The resource commission is 65% of the sale amount. But if you think that here you can sell all your craziest ideas that are not accepted by customers, this is a good option for passive income.

Of course, how could you forget about Envato - the largest portal where you can sell any design work: website themes, icons, raster and vector images, logos, and more. And although the commission for the sale is quite high, it is 40-70%, which is much better than orphan material that takes up gigabytes on your computer.

Don't stock hundreds of logos and regret selling them at half price. They were created to be recognized and used. Give a chance for another life to your works, and they will answer you with financial profit.

If you decide to order a logo and corporate identity for your company or you already have a logo, you can check it using our tool.

Choice of colors for the logo

Use the sliders below to tell us about your brand and we will translate it into the main color of the logo.










Your primary logo color is red, a universal sign of excitement, passion, anger and sexuality. Looking for a loud, playful, youthful or contemporary color? Red is your path.

Think white is the absence of color? White the color of youth and frugality, but can work for almost any brand. As a neutral color, consider white as secondary accent.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are great way distinguish them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your primary logo color is orange. Orange - invigorating, playful color, derived from red (warmth) and yellow (joy). Use orange for stand out from the crowd. It is used less frequently than red, but still has an energizing effect.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Wanna look stylish, modern and luxurious? Time to use black. Do you want to be economical and affordable? Stay away from the dark side.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your main logo color is violet (magenta), a combination of warmth and coolness, the passion of red with the serenity of blue. Use purple to appear luxurious, ultra-modern or wise. In addition, it contains hint of femininity.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is yellow, it affordable, sunny, friendly. Yellow exudes joy (think sunflowers and smiling faces). Choose yellow and your brand will radiate energy of youth.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo is pink, it symbolizes romance and femininity yet incredibly versatile. From soft pink to neon purple, choose pink for modern, youthful, luxurious look.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your primary logo color is green, maximum versatility. Green is not associated with certain personality traits, but it does have strong cultural associations. He is associated with nature, health, growth, rebirth with money and prosperity. So, whether it's finance or gardening, green might be for you.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Grey colour mature, classic and serious. Use dark shades to add mystery. Use light shades of gray to be more affordable. Stay in fashion! Design trends change every year. While it's impossible to update your brand's color palette with every new trend, just being aware of the latest color trends can bring benefit to your brand.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Make your brand rude, masculine or serious. Brown is very little used so you will stand out from competitors.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your primary logo color is blue, king of flowers. Blue appears in over half of all logos because it represents intelligence, reliability and maturity. technology companies and large corporations tend to sustainability and security blue. True blue will make sure you are treated seriously.

You have the color of the logo. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three color accents can highlight other brand features. Also, if your brand is represented by different products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

The development of a logo and corporate identity of a company is the creation of fundamental elements of the business image of your company or trademark, so it is extremely important that the logo has a strong personality and style. For the successful development of the brand, it is very important to order a logo from a professional team! Order an identity from us and we will offer unique solutions on time and at a good price.

Development of a company logo - why logos are ordered from us.

Getting Started company logo development, our designers take into account many important aspects. This is the relevance of the business sector for which it became necessary to order a logo, and we also evaluate what will attract and interest your customers. Often a client wants the first glance at his logo to be immediately clear what his company does. However, you need to be extremely careful in this endeavor, you need to weigh the pros and cons.


It may not be worthwhile to reflect all the nuances and aspects of your business in one icon. In any case, the development of a company logo is a close union between the designer and the customer. Together we can make the right decision.

10 steps to design a successful logo

1. Data analysis. Before starting work on the creation of a logo and corporate identity, we necessarily conduct not only meetings with the client, but also our own analysis of the competitive environment of the future logo. This is the most important stage, allowing you to create a logo that will perfectly meet the task.

2. Color solution. We use no more than 5 colors in the logo. Color should be used meaningfully, emphasizing the right details. At the presentation of the logo, we often show only monochrome options so that the discussion and choice of form does not go into the color selection area.

3. Typography. Choosing or creating a font for a brand name. We use ready-made fonts that meet the criteria of readability and originality. If you decide to order a logo for subsequent registration, rest assured that we will finalize the logo font and make it original and unique. We select a paired typesetting font for documentation. Or we create a font composition for a specific logo.

4. Layout. At the presentation of the identity, we demonstrate how the new company logo will live in a real environment, using the example of high-quality visualization printed matter or business documentation: letterheads, business cards, employee uniforms, branded vehicles, etc.

5. Recommendations. When creating a guide for the use of a logo and corporate identity for a designer or a customer, we emphasize important, fundamental points, the non-observance of which can negatively affect the overall perception of the brand.

6. Space. We know how to use free space both in the development of the logo and in the layout of graphic materials. Along with leading designers, we believe that the space between objects contributes to the proper perception of not only information, but also the very identity of the brand.

7. Illustrations. Our illustrators get to work if there is a need to use graphics in the identity, corporate style or in the design of printing. Of course, this is not an end in itself. Illustrations must be appropriate.

8. Creating icons. We at MindRepublic create icons that, while respecting the style of the logo, can be used on a website or when developing infographics for a brand. Important aspect icons - ease of perception and a single style with the brand name.

9. Proportions. Vision can be deceptive, it is important to take into account the basic principles of building proportions, for example: objects may appear visually smaller on a dark background, and larger on a light one. Following these rules allows you to design the perfect logo.

10. Simplicity. When creating a design, we try to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary elements. This allows us to correctly place accents in the logo and corporate identity, to clearly formulate the idea that the brand should convey to its audience.

Trends in the development of the logo and corporate identity of the company

IN last years more and more high-profile brands, having decided to order a logo, are opting for dynamic identities, because consumers are increasingly seeing brand names on the screen instead of paper. AND adaptive visual systems- a logical step in the development of design. To do this, we sometimes not only change the tools, but also learn to understand when and why the identity should be dynamic. You will be surprised to learn that the first attempt to create a dynamic identity was made in 1959 by Karl Gerstner for a music store.

In our work, we also first of all come up with the personality and character that we assign to the brand, and only then we develop a system that will fit all this into itself. The development of a company logo is a very responsible process, often affecting the fate of the brand as a whole.

We also follow modern global trends in creating company identities so that the logo we created will serve you for many years.

Logo design cost and terms. How much does it cost to order a logo.

Number of options: at least 3 (as a rule, we try not to show more than 5-7 options that have passed our strict internal selection)

Logo design cost: from 90 000 rubles
Deadline for logo development: from 7 working days.