Congratulations on your wedding day in prose - congratulations in your own words. I want a new life! - but for some reason it doesn’t work ... How to understand a new life begins

  • 13.08.2020

Julia Inamora's article, titled, does not quote from the Bible, it is not filled with references to authoritative sources, but it contains thoughts that are useful to any person, including ministers of the church. I think that the reader himself will appreciate it on its merits.

Do you know when fitness clubs have the highest concentration of people per square meter? Mondays and early in the year. It is the same initiators of a new life that come running from Monday. And “starting from scratch” in January is generally a sacred thing. However, most Monday adherents very soon "merge", life returns to their usual course. In order not to become one of them, the following 8 "reasons" should be taken from the contrary. And do the complete opposite!
After some time, they make another attempt to start all over again, and over and over again, all their attempts to change something in their lives fail. Are you familiar with this? Then stop torturing yourself, you still won't succeed. And that's why.

1. You don't know what you want

You understand that you are not satisfied with your life, you know that you want changes, but you do not know where to start and what measurable result you need. Without a clear goal, you will never force yourself to do something. Decide on a goal, write a list of actions that will lead you to this goal or at least bring you closer, select those that need to be done first, and start.

2. You are afraid of not succeeding.

It is difficult to start a business if you do not know in advance what awaits you: will you become successful, or will all your undertakings go down the drain. I'll tell you what awaits us: we will all die! Therefore, there is no point in being afraid of failure in something. Time passes, no need to waste it on empty fears. Better to try and fail than not to try at all.

3. You expect instant results

You want to wake up tomorrow rich, famous, with the figure of a fashion model and the man of your dreams, falling on one knee and begging you to become his wife. But life is not a fairy tale, fairy godmothers do not fly to us to make candy out of shit with a wave of a magic wand. In our harsh reality, even the slightest changes in life will have to work a lot. This is depressing, because you want everything at once. You are not ready for long work, so you see no incentive to start. But a journey of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step.

4. You tend to procrastinate

If the idea comes to your mind to start a new life on Monday, on the first day of the month or after a vacation, then you belong to the category of people who put off any business for later. What happens to such plans is no secret to anyone: they remain only dreams that have never come true.

5. You don't know how to manage your time effectively.

I think you will agree that everything takes time. The mistake of many is that when planning a change, they do not think about planning their new daily routine. After all, to go for a run in the morning, you need to get up early, which means go to bed early. To go to driving lessons or dance lessons in the evening, you need to leave the child with someone. And not just once, but on an ongoing basis. And if all these issues are not resolved in advance, then you will encounter a bunch of obstacles simply because of a lack of time and effort, and after a couple of classes you will send all your Napoleonic plans to hell.

6. You are not ready for difficulties.

You seem to want to take action, but the very thought that you have to change something in your life scares you. Any change is a departure from the familiar, and they are almost always difficult. But if you are afraid of change, hard to get used to new people and environments, then your brain will constantly give you convenient excuses to pull you back into the familiar. And sooner or later he will win.

7. Your environment does not support you.

If family and friends support your aspirations and even push you into real action, then the likelihood that you will start moving rolls increases many times over. And if, on the contrary, they dissuade you or even put spokes in the wheels, then you most likely will not start a new life. It's hard to go on a diet when your husband orders pizza every night and persuades you to eat another slice.

8. You don't believe you need it.

When a person really needs something, he will not wait for Monday, the new year, the second coming or the alien invasion. He will start here and now, because he has already understood why he needs to quit smoking, go to courses personal growth, learn a language or get a second higher education. He sees a goal for which he needs to take certain steps. And he makes them. If you are looking for a reason to start, then you do not believe that you really need it. “Start from Monday” in this case is a kind of kick in the ass, because you can’t find any other reasons.

The fortieth birthday is traditionally considered a difficult age, a crisis frontier. It seems that, having celebrated this sad anniversary, you will instantly turn from a girl or a young man into a woman and a man. Ahead is only old age and decay, lack of prospects and the upcoming pension.

A couple of centuries ago, such an age was indeed considered advanced. But who today will call Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp who celebrated their 54th birthday old? And 43-year-old Angelina Jolie is an old woman?

Even the World Health Organization has made adjustments to the age classification.

Young people are now considered to be between 18 and 44 years old. And 45–59 years is the average age.

This means only one thing: 40 years is a great time, very suitable for starting a new life, implementing bold projects, changing jobs and other actions that are out of the standard life schemes. All you need is desire.

Feel all the benefits

Those over 40 have several important benefits. Behind them, as a rule, they already have education (sometimes more than one), accumulated experience and good connections. They know what they want and represent what it takes to be successful. They don't expect manna from heaven to fall on them. Although such a possibility is not ruled out, because everything happens in life.

They have time-tested friends, relatives and loved ones nearby. Children, most likely, have already grown out of diapers, study at school or university. Communication with them gives 40-year-olds an amazing opportunity to understand how two generations live at once, and draw conclusions from this.

Of course, a lot depends on what kind of baggage and attitude a person has approached this milestone. After all, it also happens that you have spent two decades in the office in the status of an assistant or junior manager.

Remember: it's not too late to change something

The most common phobias associated with the upcoming 40th anniversary relate to the thesis “it’s too late to change something”: they won’t take new job, nothing will work out in my personal life, I won’t understand new technologies, I won’t fit into the team ... But is it really so?

Analyzing the activities of more than twenty-five thousand people, I found that few people achieved outstanding success before the age of forty. Most often they were already under fifty when they gained the necessary speed.

Napoleon Hill, American writer

These words are backed up by many examples:

1. It was at the age of 40 that the American Henry Ford founded the famous Ford Motor Company, which successfully exists to this day. By the way, he designed his revolutionary car Ford T at the age of 45.

2. An American engineer, one of the inventors of the integrated circuit, Robert Noyce, together with a colleague, founded Intel at the age of 41.

3. Harland David Sanders, known as Colonel Sanders, was considered a failure: all his businesses were failures. At 40, he came up with a secret fried chicken recipe that made him and the restaurant chain famous. fast food Kentucky Fried Chicken ("Kentucky Fried Chicken", KFC).

4. Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton laid the foundation stone for his empire at age 44. When he was 67 years old, Forbes magazine recognized Walton as the richest man in America.

5. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, sold paper cups until he was 52 and suffered from diabetes and arthritis. But, as he wrote in his memoirs, he "believed in the future."

6. The star of "Pulp Fiction" and "The Avengers", actor Samuel L. Jackson became famous at 43 after the release of the film "Tropical Fever", where he played, by the way, not yet the main role.

7. Kim Cattrall, the super-hot Samantha of Sex and the City, has been acting since she was 15. But fame came to her when she turned 41 and she reincarnated as one of Carrie Bradshaw's girlfriends.

8. The most charming killer from the film "Leon" Jean Reno woke up famous at the age of 46 (thanks to Luc Besson, who took him to the main role).

9. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist, became famous after 40 years, when his books began to produce multi-million copies.

10. Julia Child wrote her first hit cookbook at the age of 50. And then she became a chef.

11. Christian Dior had to achieve fame for many years. He opened his own fashion house at the age of 42.

12. American Carol Gardner divorced her husband at the age of 52 and was left without financial support. She adopted a bulldog and founded Zelda Wisdom, a greeting card company. Today, her business is valued at $50 million.

13. Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz co-founded Red Bull at the age of 40. Now, 30 years later, his fortune is estimated at almost $15 billion.

14. Vera Wang was a figure skater and journalist until the age of 40, but then she decided to change her life dramatically and became a famous designer in the fashion industry.

15. American academic, mathematician James Harris Simons left the universities where he taught at the age of 44 and founded the private investment firm Renaissance Technologies Corporation. It is still considered the most successful hedge fund in the world.

All these people are united not by millions behind them, but by self-confidence, perseverance and healthy adventurism.

How to start a new life

  • First of all, assess your weaknesses and strengths. What are you proud of, and what can and should you learn. There are now a lot of useful webinars and books on the Web, both paid and free, that help you learn new directions and.
  • Determine exactly what you want. Do not dismiss the most adventurous options, allow yourself the desired forbidden fruit. Look at the examples above: if you want, you can achieve anything. Let "I can afford it" be your motto.
  • Do not think about how others will evaluate you. This is your life.
  • Forget the phrase "last chance". It can spur your desire to change your life as quickly as possible, because of which you will fill a lot of bumps. This is a great age for any start, be it new business or yoga classes.
  • Use your accumulated experience. After all, you have probably already mastered a valuable skill: you learned to think first, and then do.

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

To start a new life, you need to imagine what exactly you want to start from scratch. Do you want to move on after a breakup or divorce? Moved to another city or country? Starting a career in a new field or changing your lifestyle? Or have you lost your home due to a fire or natural disaster? In any case, the beginning of a new life is associated with change. The new often scares us because it has not yet been experienced and is different from what we are used to. It takes courage and determination to make a fundamental change in your life. However, hard work and perseverance can lead you to your goal.


Preparing for a new life

    Decide what you want. Perhaps you are starting a new life because you want change. Or maybe you're forced to start after a personal tragedy that ruined your home, career, or relationship. Either way, the first step to starting over is to figure out what you want out of life.

    Consider the consequences. If changing your life is your own choice, you should take some time to analyze the consequences that your actions may entail.

    Assess the obstacles. If starting a new life was easy, people would do it all the time. The reason why this is not happening is because there are many barriers that make global change difficult. Think about the challenges you might face and how to overcome them.

    • Let's say you want to move and start a new life in another city or country. Assess what aspects of your life it will affect. If you are going far away, are you ready to part with your friends, acquaintances, habitual way of life? Compare the cost of living where you live now and where you plan to go. Can you afford it? Can you find a job in your field? Moving abroad requires more thought and planning than just moving to another city. Find out if you need to obtain a residence permit, work permit, how and under what conditions they can be issued. Renting a house, payments, banking services, insurance, transport - everything will not be the same as you are used to, and you will have to figure it all out.
    • If you don't have enough money to quit your job and start a new life on the ocean surfing, you need to save your permanent job. This doesn't mean you have to give up on your surf dream, but it's a hurdle to consider. Your plans should be as practical and realistic as possible.
  1. Make a plan. Determine what you need to do to achieve your goals and start a new life. It's a good idea to take paper and a pen and write it all down. You will probably come up with several intermediate options, thinking and rethinking different approaches.

    Set the plan aside for a while, then revise it. It will not be created immediately, but in several stages. By giving yourself time to think, you will then most likely add something, and delete something from your original plan.

    Building a new life

    1. Take care of the essentials. In most cases, the beginning of a new life requires organizational work related to finance. Often this means calls or visits to financial institutions. No one usually wants to deal with them, but it is better to take care of money matters in advance so that everything that follows is easier to solve.

      Get a new routine. In the next step, make changes to your regimen that will help implement your plan. It should be understood that as new activities enter your life, there will be more and more such changes.

      Focus on yourself. Don't compare yourself to others. The path you choose is yours and yours alone.

      Ask for help. Starting a new life is a massive task that will be easier to accomplish with the support of others. Whether you yourself decided to change or they were forced, assistance and assistance will be of great importance.

    2. Be patient. New life is not created overnight. Understand that change is a long process. Some parts of this process you can control, others you can't.

      • Time - important factor getting used to a new life. If you are ready to trust the course of events, your new life will unfold to the fullest, and you will adapt to it.
    • As in many other things, knowing what you want and how to implement your plan is the key to successful start new life. It's like a marathon run. You can't decide that you want to run a marathon and run 42.2 kilometers the very next day. You need to make a training plan and gradually increase the distance every week.
    • Be flexible. If something doesn't work for you, don't give up. Change what you can change, revise your plan, and keep moving forward.


    • Think carefully about making important decisions. If you burn your bridges behind you, you will hardly be able to rebuild them.

I will erase you from random access memory. I will format emotions, feelings, in one click, moving the past to the trash. I will download a suitable mood from the library, reloading the program, new sprouts of life will appear, emptying the bins of memory.

From Monday, our family begins a new life that has brightened up in places. I will stop eating after six, dad finally refuses tobacco. Son, what contribution or share will you contribute to our undertaking? I leave with tears my beloved 2nd "A", in general, school.

Tomorrow a new life is born. I register again under the new nickname "Vkontakte".

While we are dreaming, building castles in the air of the future, the present is with us - otherwise, life that does not stop in the universe for a moment.

Best Status:
I put a weighty, bold cross on you. No, I'll draw an invisible cross with a pencil. I'll get bored, in general, I'll erase it with an eraser so that an empty invisible spot turns white in the list of applicants for a new life.

It is important and obligatory to be ready overnight to sacrifice your dear self for the sake of a friend, family, Motherland. With any luck to survive, a new era will begin for the reborn Citizen.

A new life is hindered by the past, which is trying to overtake you at the turn of history, blocking the path to the future.

I start a new life for the “past” - goodbye, and for the “future” - Hello !!!

Nothing in life is promised to you. There was no contract with you.

We do not appreciate what we have, but we regret losing it very much!

failed to start a new life on the first of January? start from March. spring is another chance.

With confident steps, with fresh thoughts into a new life ...

Everything happens in life, but not everyone gets it.

Well, that's it, tomorrow we start a new life! -Ah, well, well. And what time?

it’s easy to say, try it. I wish you good luck, but I couldn’t start a new life and forget him forever…

Do not wait for resuscitation to start a new life!

I do not care! Megaphone said the future depends on me!

Nine months give new life to at least three lives at once!

Do not wait for resuscitation to start a new life!

I want a new life with an old hero...

Yeah ... it was good with you ... and FSUs ... But now I’m cultured: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and at the word “ass” I faint ...

Starting a new life, do not forget to lock the front door, otherwise the past will enter without knocking ...

Don’t you dare start a new life without me…!

In order to really start a new life, you need to get rid of what pulls into the past ... Just let it go and not regret what happened ...

If you don't like the rules, stay out of my life!

Well, what about running out the window? Why through the window? To a new life!

To love something more than life is to make life something more than it is.

I will forget you and start a new life, then when my son will be called by your name! Simple and beautiful: "Sasha"

Life is written at once. No drafts. Whether you like it or not...

failed to start a new life on the first of January? start from March. spring is another chance

Smile... laughter... still a child... for everyone...

I grow out of your love! She presses me like an old dress. And now your embrace is cold! And don't call me yours!

Each of us considers our life as a film that failed due to the fault of the director.

I bought a new flash drive for 8 gigabytes ... do you think happiness will fit?

Life goes in a circle closer to the throat.

From Monday it is impossible to start a new life, and on Tuesday it is already too late.

From Monday it is impossible to start a new life, and on Tuesday it is already too late.

Life is torment. It would be better not to be born at all. But such luck falls to one person out of a thousand.

Don't look at life darker than it looks at you...

At some point, our life becomes beyond our control, and fate begins to control it.

You need to cross out people from your life with a black marker .. and not with a simple pencil, hoping that at any moment you can find an eraser.

With laughter, you can not only prolong life, but also give birth to a new one.

And waking up in different beds

I grow out of my love! She presses me like an old dress. And now your embrace is cold! And don't call me yours!

The determination to start a new life in the new year ends with the advent of the New Year.

Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? -And I? And I can drop out of school...

If I'm gone for a long time, don't worry! I just went looking for... bright colors! Draw yourself a new life ... You can look for me in a fairy tale!

If I'm gone for a long time, don't worry! I just went looking for... bright colors! Draw a new life for yourself ... You can look for me in a fairy tale! ...)

If you decide to start a new life, then the best place for starters, exactly where you are now standing...

In one thing we have no right to complain about life: it does not hold anyone.

In life, everything repeats itself twice, but in the form of a drama only once, and the second time, ridicule, like, in the form of a parody, only a parody ..

You have to be able to close a boring book, ¦?¦? leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...

New life? What for? After all, if you want to live a new life, then you need to give up everything that was in the past: friends, dreams, career, relatives ... Or maybe we just need to continue today's life ... With the present, with the present that pleases us today. And so that there are no tears tomorrow, throw into ignore everything that makes you cry today ...

now she misses her childhood… she has a child in her soul… they force her to grow up… she doesn’t want to… she knows that it’s difficult…

I’ll start everything from a new leaf ... I’ll find love, I’ll find friends ... and away we go ...

Tomorrow you'll start a new life, So many plans for the day, And then come the anchors of excuses, The brakes on hope and the killer of laziness.

Sometimes for the sake of one dream it is necessary to bury another, abruptly and without regret. A new page, new goals... the same new life.

Where can I find a screenwriter? Who will write me a new life. And new actors, but not mediocre ones ... there is no need for such. And such that I myself believe in my role ...

I want new jeans, new shoes and a new life!

Tomorrow I will wake up, open the door, enter a new life!

Only by losing everything to the end we gain freedom.

Write life clean, rewrite not when ...

Life is such a stupid toy that it's only given to babies.

Life: do your thing and go!

And I start a NEW life, I will always smile, and cry only from happiness (c)

Here are collected statuses for those who decided to start a new life. Vote for statuses about a new life!

I just closed the door to the past ... But still someone is knocking on it ... I need to go deaf

Sometimes for the sake of one dream it is necessary to bury another, abruptly and without regret. A new page, new goals... the same new life.

She pours a cup of coffee, takes a piece of chocolate, puts in her headphones, climbs onto the windowsill with her feet and, looking out the window, continues to enjoy life.

If life gives me lemons, I ask her .... salt…. and tequila.

this world has not gone mad. Many simply decided to start a new life from the new year. that's unusual. (With)

On the count of 3 I start a new life!!! -1000000000000; -999999999999; -999999999998; -999999999997…

Well, you're walking around the city, carrying a beautiful head! The arrogance of a dark bang, and heels-needles! There is mockery in your eyes, and there is an order in them not to confuse you with that very former, beloved and loving ...

I want new shoes, a new phone, a new job, a new life!

On a warm October morning, I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then I will sail away on a soaked paper boat to a new life ...

Life is mostly what happens somewhere else.

many are trying to start a new life with the words: “I quit smoking, drinking and swearing”! And I start a new life with the words: “I start smoking, drinking and swearing!”

I just closed the door to the past ... But still someone is knocking on it ... I need to go deaf

I take a step forward! And I forget everything ... I will erase the past !!!

I have a new sign: if you are happy and your personal life has improved, then your ex-boyfriend will soon remember his feelings!

Caution, the doors are closing Please leave all dreams and do not touch happiness. The next station is reality Or my new life with different rules

Why? Yes, I just decided to start a new life once again, in which there is no you, your wife, the pain of tears and constant nervous breakdowns ... Please let me go, I'm very tired !!!

My life my rules!

How are you? - I'm starting a new life ... without deer - That's right. They only interfere with my life with their horns.

Carefully try to take the first independent breath ... (c)

EVERYTHING! STARTING A NEW LIFE FROM TOMORROW!!! P.S. I will make a new page in Contact ...

Well, that's it, tomorrow we start a new life! -Ah, well, well. And what time?

If you decide to start a new life, then the best place to start is exactly where you are now standing ...

I want new jeans, new shoes and a new life!

In different rooms, in different houses, on different streets

What we call life is usually just a to-do list for today.

You want to start a new life, but the old one still takes over the soul. Hits for life. There, in the old one, it was also good. Even if it was bad...

I will forget you! I'll move the past to the trash, format the feelings, download good mood, start a new life and everything will be HO-RO-SHO!

Throwing the past in the trash, starting a new life

I am 150% happy, YES YES YES 150% and not 100%, but you know what my happiness is ... I no longer live with you, I live for myself !!!

Life is such a thing that I would like two pieces

Throwing the past in the trash, starting a new life

If I'm gone for a long time, don't worry! I just went looking for bright colors! Draw yourself a new life ... You can look for me in a fairy tale!

Whatever you do in life will be insignificant ... But it is very important that YOU do it, because no one else will do it ...

Everyone in life has difficult moments and difficult situations. Some overcome them and move on, while others simply give up. By applying positive thinking every day and making simple steps, you can not only get out of negative situations, but also completely avoid them.

10 actions that lead to happiness

Don't make an elephant out of a fly. Very often we wind ourselves up and literally create problems and troubles for ourselves out of thin air. The psychology of poverty manifests itself in a similar way, which uses any means to provoke negative emotions.

Even if something not too joyful happened to you, calmly analyze the current situation and draw conclusions. You don’t need to constantly think about the problem, imagine what others think about you, and further wind yourself up. Think of it as an experience that helped you become a better person and move closer to a state of happiness.

Do not deny the negative emotions you are experiencing. Many decide to be happy, apply positive thinking, so they drive all the negativity inside themselves. However, this is not the best solution to problems. We need negative emotions. First of all, you need to accept them and understand what caused these feelings.

By understanding what lies behind a bad mood or judgment, you can change your attitude and behavior in general. Such an analysis helps to understand in which direction to move on. Once you accept it, the negativity will go away on its own.

Make a list of things that will make you happier. Each of us should have a special leaflet with pleasant little things that can cheer us up. It can be anything from watching your favorite movie to walking in a city park. Let this list be your daily companion on the path to happiness. After all, if you think about it, then our whole life consists of little things that tend to accumulate. And only you can decide whether these little things will be pleasant or not.

Make time for your favorite activity. Think about the last time you did something that you really enjoy and enjoy. If you have not done anything like this for a long time, then try to find at least five minutes a day for your hobby.

Many are so busy that they can't even figure out what brings them pleasure. In this case, childhood dreams and hobbies will come to the rescue. Remember what you liked to do as a child, and start doing it in adulthood.

Think positive. It is important to understand that positive thinking is not only about morning affirmations that you spend a few minutes a day on. Pay attention to what you think about throughout the day and evening. If you spend many hours judging other people, discussing their shortcomings and showing dissatisfaction with life, then no morning setting will help you.

Positive thinking should become a part of your life. And even if something not too joyful happened to you, try to find your pluses and benefits in this. This is the only way you can go to new level thinking, where unpleasant situations will occur less and less.

Learn something new. The movement has always stimulated a person to development and interesting discoveries. Do not sit still, constantly develop, attend interesting courses, learn new skills, travel, be creative. All this causes emotions of joy and makes people not only successful, but also happy.

Get rid of unnecessary things in the room. Take a close look at your workspace and the home you live in. Pay attention to whether there is a lot of free space in it, light, whether it is comfortable for you to be there. Feng shui experts say that it is necessary to periodically clean the room from old thingsthat impede the movement of energy and endow it with negative properties.

If you feel sorry for throwing away good things, but you understand that you will no longer use them, give everything to charity. It will become yours the best investment, because you will not only get rid of the unnecessary, but also show the Universe your ability to give and share.

You don't have to constantly complain about your life. Complaining drains energy from you, which is not as easy to restore as it seems. Be grateful to the Universe even in small things. We know that like attracts like. After a while, you yourself will not notice how your desires will begin to be fulfilled much faster, and life will begin to present even more gifts.

Do not shift responsibility for your life and for making decisions to others. To control your Destiny, you need to clearly realize that everything that happens is the result of your actions and decisions taken. If you continue to blame your failures on your parents, environment, universal injustice, then nothing will change, and happiness in your life will not increase.

Realizing personal responsibility, you will more consciously manage your time, become picky in food, clothing, and even friends. You will get rid of the need to blame others for something and begin to rejoice in your achievements.

Set new goals for yourself. Many set themselves a single goal, which they strive for all their lives. In this case, there is a high probability of being disappointed, without achieving the desired. To be in a state of happiness, it is not necessary to limit yourself to only one task. The more goals, the more likely you are to get what you want. Allow yourself more. Remember that it is not necessary to set ambitious and grandiose goals.

Make wishes correctly, and they will be easily fulfilled. Be open to new opportunities, trust the universe and don't forget to press the buttons and