Street food business ideas. How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: where to start? The nuances of registering a business

  • 11.04.2020

Street food is promising business, which requires a minimum of investment, quickly pays off and is actively developing even in times of crisis. In the article, we have collected 15 ideas on how to open a street food point.

Today, street food is a global gastronomic trend. The street food market is actively developing - only in Moscow it grows by 3-5% annually. The main advantages of street food as a business are that it does not require big investments, quickly pays off and is realized even during the economic crisis. Opening a fast food outlet for an aspiring entrepreneur can be the best business option.

There are many directions in this area. Consider possible ideas for street fast food and choose the one that interests you.

Distinctive features of the street food format:

    monoproduct specialization;

    high speed service;

    relatively small range of products;

    cooking in the presence of customers;

    the importance of location;

    difficult conditions for compliance with SES standards.

What are the difficulties of street food

Modern entrepreneurs see street food as a promising business. The number of retail outlets on the streets is growing exponentially, but a large proportion of them close just as quickly.

The problem is high competition and organizational difficulties. Street points are not welcomed by SES, so it is not easy to get official permission to operate. The main reason for refusal is most often the lack of communications that are necessary for catering establishments. The issue of water supply is solved with the help of a container with water and a sink with a storage tank for draining. This option is used by most street food establishments.

To avoid problems, you must comply with all sanitary norms, issue sanitary books for sellers, have certificates for purchased products and technological map. In fact, the paperwork for opening a street point does not differ from the registration of a standard catering establishment. Read about what documents are needed to open a restaurant. Another difficulty is the high competition in the market. Due to the low entry to the market, there are a lot of participants - and you can only succeed if you take advantage of the location.

How to choose a location

Eating quickly and cheaply is an urgent problem for any person who is in a hurry: a student, office worker etc. Street food allows you to eat almost on the go. Therefore, if you locate such an institution near an office center, market, train station, university or other crowded place, you can count on profit.

Bet not just on crowded places, but on places where your target audience. For example, you want to sell seafood rolls. Who can become your buyer? Probably, these are working people who have the opportunity to buy not the cheapest product. Means, good option for accommodation will be the area next to the business center. But if you made a bet on a budget and hearty lunch, which is prepared in 5 minutes, then students will appreciate your offer. Therefore: before looking for a place, decide on your target audience.

An important nuance to consider: the format of the institution. It can be a fixed or mobile point. In general, both stationary and mobile trading are subject to similar requirements. But in practice there are often unauthorized outlets, which may lead to the deprivation of permission to operate and administrative liability.

On what site to locate a street food establishment:

    Rent a private area

    Rent a municipal lot

    For mobile outlets, participation in events is also relevant: festivals, fairs, food festivals, picnics, etc. In this case, the entrepreneur concludes a lease agreement with the organizer. The cost depends on the scale and status of the event.

When choosing a place, study the plans of the city administration for the development, reconstruction and improvement of a certain area. So it is possible to find promising areas or assess the future position of the site you like.

You will have to arrange the lease of the site in the local administration. The whole procedure can take about three months, as all bureaucratic procedures must be followed. Therefore, from the point of view of simplicity and speed of leasing, private plots are more suitable.

Summarize. The choice of location depends on many factors - product, format, target audience and average check. But, as practice shows, the least costly and risky points are markets and food courts.

Which street food format to choose

The choice of location depends on the format in which you intend to work. For street food, the formats of a stall, a small pavilion, an open area, a mobile stall, an island in a shopping center or a place on a food truck are suitable.

How to decide on the format?

    Choose the direction of street food. For example, for selling boiled corn, a mobile tray format is suitable. Shawarma is usually sold in stalls. A mini-coffee shop can be opened in the pavilion and put 2-3 tables there. Burger can be placed in a van and drive around the city.

    Assess your financial capabilities. Without serious calculations, it is clear that opening a stall will be cheaper than buying a van and equipping it as a mini-cafe.

    Based on the parameters of the outlet you have chosen. For example, if you only have 3 sq. m. of retail space, then your format is just a stall. And in the shopping center, you will have to take into account the requirements of the landlord to appearance point of sale.

    Evaluate competitor offerings. If one burger on wheels is already driving around the city, then it’s worth considering whether it is necessary to open a second one? Or is it better to bet on something else. Sometimes you can be located next to a competitor, luring customers with a convenient format. For example, if you place a coffee pavilion with three tables and fresh pastries next to a stall selling takeaway coffee, then customers are likely to go to you - because it is more convenient for you.

How to choose a direction

One of the main mistakes of a new entrepreneur in this field is the desire to focus on your product and then try to sell it to everyone. But as practice shows, it is better to start choosing a concept with the question: what is missing for the consumer where you plan to open your business? In this case, you will estimate the demand for products in advance - and customers will be guaranteed to you.

To choose the right direction for street fast food, you should consider various factors:

    The level of competition. The absence of competitors in the chosen area does not always mean good trade prospects. Perhaps this is due to the lack of consumer demand;

    Seasonality. Assess your expectations from a particular business and its capabilities. For example, if you plan to make a monthly profit throughout the year, then it makes no sense to open an ice cream stand that is unlikely to be profitable during the cold season;

    Equipment. Different types of fast food require different equipment. Its cost and specifics of work are different. Therefore, be guided not only by the amount of costs, but also by the possibilities of operation (employee skills, available area, working conditions, power requirements, etc.);

    Culinary education and work experience. Of course, for most fast food outlets, culinary skills do not play a major role. Usually, fast food is an easy-to-prepare meal. But still, modern fast food is quite diverse, and some areas require certain knowledge and skills of the cook;

    Demand in a certain area. For example, in residential areas and the business center of the city, different products will be in demand.

After collecting and analyzing all the data, choosing the appropriate direction, you can begin to draw up a business plan. It is necessary even for a small outlet. This will help to assess in advance the possibilities and prospects of the idea - and, in particular, its financial side. A business plan is a model of your business: how much money you need to invest in opening, how much you can earn, how to advertise a point of sale, what is the time frame for project implementation, etc. This allows you to identify potentially dangerous moments at the preparatory stage and eliminate them in advance.

Ideas for street food

And now we offer 15 ideas for street food - among them, both market-tested concepts and new options.

Attachments: 100 000 ₽

Corn dogs are a great option for beginners: minimum investment, simple technology, quick payback in 2-3 months. According to experts, the popularity of small fast foods for last years grew by almost 30%, so the root dog as a business is a very promising direction.

A corn dog is, in fact, an analogue of a sausage in a dough or a hot dog. A corn dog is different in that the dough is made from cornmeal. Served on a wooden stick, which is very convenient for the street food format.

You need a minimum of equipment to get started. The most important thing is the device for making root dogs. It must have a capacity of at least 30 pcs. in hour. You can find Chinese models - this is a more budget option, or European ones - which will last longer, but will cost more. At the start, a Chinese-made device will be enough. Such equipment that supports the simultaneous baking of six root dogs and a capacity of 35-50 pieces. per hour will cost about 25 thousand rubles. In addition, you need a dough mixer - professional models can cost 30-60 thousand rubles. You can find out more about the business in this type of fast food.

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

We continue the theme with variations of hot dogs. Not so long ago, twister dogs appeared on the market, which combined the sausage + potato tandem that is familiar to many. It turned out the new kind dishes: potatoes are cut into thin long strips, this potato spiral is wound around a sausage and then deep-fried. To implement this idea, you will need special equipment for spiral chips and a deep fryer.


Attachments: 100 thousand rubles

Everyone loves pizza. It could have become street food if not for the shape. Eating a triangular piece of pizza on the go is not very convenient. But this problem was solved by a new product - konopizza. This pizza is made for one serving and wrapped in a cone. In Russia, this idea was implemented by a few. So the niche remains free for now. From the equipment you will need a press for forming and baking a cone. An apparatus with a capacity of up to 64 pieces per hour will cost about 40,000 rubles.

Rolls and sushi sandwiches

Attachments: 150 thousand rubles

For ten years now, the demand for Asian cuisine has not subsided in Russia. And if earlier sushi and rolls were found only in restaurants, today it has become a familiar food at the fast food level - rolls from sushi bars are ordered even for work as a business lunch. But you can go further and discover convenient format street food. It's about sushi sandwiches. In fact, this is a portion of rolls, combined in one large roll, which will replace a full-fledged snack. This is a good alternative to burgers, hot dogs, shawarma and regular sandwiches.

Attachments: 70 thousand rubles

Fish and chips is an English fast food that has been eaten since the time of Queen Victoria. But what if a similar idea is implemented outside the UK? Moreover, the combination of potatoes and fish is quite familiar to everyone and is to your liking.

The dish is a fish in batter and deep fried. It is served with french fries and sauce. The recipe uses fish with white meat: cod, flounder, haddock, saithe, etc. For cooking, in fact, you only need a deep fryer.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Attachments: 70 thousand rubles

Original desserts in the fast food format are a win-win option. Such a product will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. The dessert is fresh fruit on a wooden stick topped with sweet caramel icing.

As a street delicacy, it has long been common, but in Russia it is not yet so popular. There may not be direct competitors in your city at all. Low price will make it possible to successfully implement the project even in small town. This will require minimum set equipment: caramelizer and device for sticking apples on a stick. These devices allow to produce 80 apples per hour.

Attachments: 100 thousand rubles

In recent years, there has been a popularization of proper nutrition in Russia: a balanced menu, smoothies, gluten-free products, etc. These places are popular with people. different ages and social statuses.

And if earlier fast food was perceived as junk food, today new formats offer the consumer healthy street food. Who will be the clients? Those who are on a diet, watch their diet, adhere to vegetarianism. A separate audience is people with diseases who, according to medical indications give up junk food. In such establishments, you can sell healthy business lunches, salads, soups, sandwiches, sugar-free desserts, tonic drinks, etc.

Attachments: from 100 thousand rubles

The salad bar supports the idea of ​​a healthy diet, which fits perfectly into gastronomy trends. Hearty, balanced, healthy salads can be served ready-made or given the opportunity to assemble the dish yourself.

The target audience of such an institution is people who take care of themselves, adhere to proper nutrition. It is important to open a salad bar in the office center or next to it, close to sports clubs. No special equipment for making salads is required. As a rule, they try to cook such dishes with minimal processing. An interesting format if you are preparing salads in the presence of a client. The main thing in such a project is to create the right menu that will meet the needs of the target audience. It may be necessary to involve specialists.

Attachments: from 200 thousand rubles

Attachments: from 200 thousand rubles

Coffee to go is a business that is growing on the wave of coffee consumption in Russia. The “coffee to go” format captured the megacities, but quickly spread throughout the country. Coffee points take root even in small towns.

The cost of opening one outlet is 100-350 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen format and equipment. For example, you can open a coffee shop. Surely, you have noticed on the streets or in underground passages kiosks selling coffee in cups.

A more complex format is the coffee pavilion. In fact, this is something between a coffee kiosk and a mini-cafe. In this format, you can fit not only the seller’s counter and a mini-window with pastries, but also 2-4 small tables where you can take a five-minute break for a glass of coffee. In summer, you can put additional tables outside, diversifying the menu with cold coffee and lemonade.

And finally, the third version of coffee street food is a coffee shop on wheels. It can be a van, a mobile trailer, a bike shop, etc. Most often there are mobile coffee shops in the form of a special car. He is equipped with everything necessary equipment The average cost of such a car is 600 thousand rubles. You can save money and buy used equipment, which will cost about half the price.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The concept of a cafe on wheels

Attachments: from 800 thousand rubles

Street fast food in all respects is a mobile cafe. Such a cozy, budget-friendly format of the institution can compete with ordinary, stationary cafes.

Under the mobile format, you can adapt various areas of catering. All kinds of fast food will fit perfectly: hamburgers, hot dogs, shawarma and more. You can organize a station with chilled drinks, a cafe, a pastry shop, a smoothie bar. For such ideas, a small van is enough. An example of a business plan for a diner on wheels can be viewed.

The main mistakes and risks of street fast food

Most start-up entrepreneurs who work in the field of street food make typical mistakes and face the same problems.

    Lack of clear calculations for the project. Any project, even such a tiny one, needs to be planned in advance: analyze, calculate income and expenses, describe the stages of the idea implementation and time frame. Of course, even the most thorough analysis and calculation of possible risks will not save you from risks. But there will be much fewer of them, and preliminary preparation will help to cope with unforeseen situations and reduce their consequences.

    Poor quality of service and non-compliance with sanitary standards. In the conditions of street trading, ensure the implementation of all SES requirements happens to be difficult. But this does not mean that they should be neglected. You can work with violations for a month or two, but then you will run into a check, pay a fine ... or be forced to close. To avoid such a scenario, initially build a business, observing all the rules and regulations.

    Ignore the season. Some street food destinations depend on the season. For example, mobile coffee shops are profitable during the cold season. If your business is seasonal, you must adjust to fluctuating demand and come up with options to keep your outlet selling year-round.

    Vandalism. Street stalls are usually not guarded - in fact, nothing prevents vandals from spoiling it. To prevent this, choose to place places with security (for example, the territory of the market is usually guarded), video surveillance nearby. Avoid dysfunctional, criminal areas.

    The wrong place. good project opened in the wrong place will burn out easily. Unfortunately, novice entrepreneurs do not always correctly assess the prospects of a retail outlet. And sometimes a site chosen in all respects can turn into an unsuccessful place in the future (transfer of a public transport stop, closing of a large store, etc.). So it's a lottery: lucky or unlucky. It is impossible to completely eliminate risks, even if you constantly work on it.

If you decide to open a business in the field of street food:

    to get started, test your idea at city festivals, holidays and fairs. So you can assess whether your product is in demand, whether there is interest in it and whether it is worth investing in it;

    make sure that the main product is tasty, satisfying and quickly cooked right in front of customers. This inspires confidence: people will see that the food is cooked in clean conditions and from fresh products;

    think over the presentation and packaging in advance. The street food format suggests that it is convenient for people to eat your dishes on the go or outside the conditions of canteens and cafes;

    do not chase for a large and varied menu. For the street trade format, 6 types of main products plus drinks will be enough. This will avoid buying a large number ingredients and will be enough to make the assortment varied and interesting.

3604 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 700816 times.

The townspeople are always in a hurry and are not averse to having a bite to eat on the run, however, with the demolition of tents, there are fewer places where you can do this. With the advent of warm weather, demand
for such food will become even higher - it will especially worsen in city parks.
With them, in fact, a new wave of Moscow street food began. Yet
with the permission of Sergei Kapkov, a couple of Frenchmen settled in the Hermitage Garden
with pancakes, food festivals began to be held at the same time, the most successful participants of which began to trade on their own. One example is the tents with steamed buns "Pyan-se", which turned from a festival project into a city network. The Village learned from Alexey Semyonushkin, co-founder of the company, how to properly launch such a business.


A popular business that does not require large investments and numerous employees

Alexey Semyonushkin,

general director of the Pyan-se project

Primorskaya network came to Moscow two years ago. During this time, they managed to accustom Muscovites to Korean steamed buns, open several kiosks and cafes. Next month, Pyan-se is planning to open on
food court "Mega" and sell the first franchise in Sochi and Voronezh.

How to open a kiosk
with street food

Step 1.

Registration of a company and registration of a patent for the name

Step 2

Rent of a production hall

Step 3

Purchase of equipment

Step 4

Select Suppliers

Step 5

Find a place for a kiosk

Step 6

Hire employees

Step 1. Registration of a company and registration of a patent for the name

The first thing to do in order to open a street food kiosk is to apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Of the documents, only a passport is useful, in addition you need to pay a state fee. An individual entrepreneur will cost 800 rubles, and an LLC is more expensive - 4 thousand rubles, and more documents are needed for it. It is also better to patent the brand name so as not to get into an unpleasant situation with clone kiosks.

Alexey Semyonushkin: The Pyan-se brand has existed since 1994 in Vladivostok, and its name was patented only three years later. In general, pyan-se -
This is a traditional Korean steamed bun with various fillings. If you ask people from Primorye what they associate
with Vladivostok, then among the listed will definitely be pyan-se. At first, the company existed only in Vladivostok, then they opened a division in Khabarovsk, and in 2014 they came to Moscow. At first, buyers had to talk a lot about an unusual product and explain what was happening. “And when will the bun be browned?” - the most common question we heard. The Muscovites looked on in disbelief. But due to the fact that we often participated in various city events (for example, The Village Subbotnik, Lambada Market), we managed to make the product popular. Now we have not only kiosks at VDNKh and Sokolniki, but also small cafe on Tverskaya street,
as well as a delivery service.

Step 2. Renting a production workshop

Many cook food on site. But the bigger the network, the harder it is to deal with human factor: everyone can cook differently, albeit based on the same recipe. In addition, it is not always advisable to buy expensive equipment at each point. Moreover, equipment may simply not fit in some kiosks. Leyla Kantorovich, owner of the Puff Point chain, told The Village about this. By investing in the production hall, the company managed to significantly reduce its costs.

For the production workshop, it is important to take into account all safety rules and coordinate with the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) all the nuances - lighting, ventilation and the location of exits.

Alexey Semyonushkin: We rent an area of ​​​​about 280 square meters in the Pechatnikov district, which costs us, taking into account the payment of a communal apartment, 210 thousand rubles a month. In general, you can rent a decent workshop in Moscow for 150-300 thousand rubles. After the room is selected, you need to invite the SES to it, so that the inspection makes a project of the workshop and breaks it into different sections - cooking, packaging, storage, and so on. And only after that you can make repairs and arrange equipment. The workshop usually works at night to bring in the morning
in kiosks and cafes fresh semi-finished products.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

You should not save on equipment: in this case, you will have to spend money on eliminating breakdowns every month. True, taking into account the current exchange rate, looking at the prices of foreign manufacturers has become at least twice as sad.

Alexey Semyonushkin: Those wooden steamers that we have at every point cannot be found in Moscow, so we ordered them in China. In the workshop we have a French vegetable cutter Robot-Coupe, and we bought a meat grinder, refrigerators and a shock freezer Russian production. All this took about
2 million rubles.

Equipment set:

counter, refrigerator, cash register and so on.

Step 4. Select suppliers

Reliable suppliers who can deliver the right amount of products on time good quality better get it right away. You will have to find them by trial and error.

Alexey Semyonushkin: There were no problems with meat, there are many producers. Now, however, we are going to change suppliers: farmers came to us
from Voronezh, they offered meat of excellent quality and at a low price. We buy cabbage at the Moskvoretskaya vegetable base. But its quality depends
it jumps a lot with the season, and sometimes it is too hard and dry. Then we buy cabbage at the state farm on Dmitrovsky highway. But we could not adapt to some products, among such products are yeast, we carry them from Vladivostok (we buy them in Korea). Dough is made with local yeast
not so airy, with dips. We also buy spices in China, because there are simply no Russian analogues for them.

Step 5. Find a place for a kiosk

If you chose a park as the location of the kiosk, then it makes sense to place it where the most people walk: at the entrance, near the rides or other points of attraction. In the case of opening a kiosk on the streets of the city, it is important to check the documents so as not to rent a place in a building for demolition.

Alexey Semyonushkin: There are three top parks in Moscow: Gorky Park, VDNH and Sokolniki. Moreover, it seems to me that VDNH has already surpassed Sokolniki in terms of attendance and purchasing power. We are not yet in Gorky Park, and it is difficult to enter it, because the sites are all occupied. But we have prepared a kiosk project, we hope that the park management will like it. In order to send your project, you need to wait for the competition, which starts in this park on April 1. The cost for all is approximately the same - about 350 thousand rubles in summer and 150 thousand rubles in winter. True, Sokolniki keeps the same price all year round.

You can also consider small parks, such as the Bauman Garden or the Krasnaya Presnya Park. If it is a separate park, then you need to calculate the logistics. Ideally, put your kiosk at an event that often happens in the summer. And by revenue it will immediately become clear that it is worth taking this place
or not. We had this with Fili, which we decided to abandon.
There are absolutely no people during the day, and on weekends the influx is like in Krasnaya Presnya during the day. Usually in popular parks daily summer revenue is 20-30 thousand rubles,
and in winter ten times less - 3-5 thousand rubles.

If you are going to open a street cafe, then first of all you need to check all the documents so that it does not turn out that the building is being prepared for demolition.
We were demolished twice, one pavilion was on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, which was demolished a week after the opening. You need to take the documents, scan or photograph them and take it all to the boss sales department in control.

Renting a place in the park:

350 thousand rubles in summer and 150 thousand rubles in winter

Step 5. Design the menu

When forming the menu, it is important to understand how you will differ from competitors and what is now popular.

Alexey Semyonushkin: At first we had only one kind of pian-se - the classic one. But we decided that we need to take into account all tastes. Therefore, we added another bun with meat filling, but spicier (with kimchi), fish
and vegetarian. Now we will launch Korean dumplings with kimchi, we will serve them in boxes with chopsticks, like noodles. It's a matter of quality control: if someone can do ten kinds of products well, then why
would not?

Step 6. Hire employees

At first, the founders of the company themselves can sell and cook food, but over time, you will have to take care of hiring sellers - it is important to ensure that everyone has medical books.

Alexey Semyonushkin: We brought the chief specialist - technologist
from Vladivostok. The rest were hired in Moscow: now seven people work in the shop, three or four people per shift. An important point - medical books. We have entered into an agreement with a medical company, in which everything at the reception
to work undergo a medical examination. Rate - 2,400 rubles, which is deducted
from the newbie's first salary. Firstly, it is inexpensive, secondly,
so I, as an employer, can be sure that everyone is healthy
and the product is safe.

For those employees who are behind the cash register, be sure to write instructions on how to work with it correctly and what their duties are. Due to lack of assembly, a novice may not break a check for someone, and the tax office is following this very closely. The instruction will not save you from a fine, but if there is one, then the fine will be levied on individual(10-15 thousand rubles), and not from a legal one (from 40 thousand rubles).


chefs, technologists, salesmen

Photo: Yasya Vogelhardt

The demand for fast food is increasing every year, so many entrepreneurs start their business by opening a point fast food. It can be a pancake kiosk, a shawarma stall or a pavilion where you can buy grilled chicken. At proper planning business, one point can turn into a whole trading network.

The SuperBudka company offers to buy a fast food stall (pancake kiosk, for shawarma or other products). We have own production, we offer standard designs and products made according to individual projects.

Materials for the production of fast food kiosks

We offer to buy a kiosk for fast food (shawarma, grilled chicken, etc.), the frame of which is made of rolled metal, channel or corner. For the manufacture of other elements, we use:

  • walls - sheets of chipboard or OSB;
  • outer skin - galvanized or painted metal profiled sheet and siding;
  • roof - corrugated board.

Kiosks for shawarma and food from the company Super Booth

  1. We purchase reliable materials from leading companies:
    • "Metalservice" - ferrous metal;
    • "OMI" - metal-roll with a polymer coating and galvanized;
    • "Simplex" - PVC structures;
    • "EuroDesign" - materials for interior decoration;
    • KNAUF Insulation - thermal insulation.
  2. We use only modern equipment. In 2013, we purchased a plate bending machine, thanks to which the quality of product performance has become higher and the cost has decreased.
  3. We fulfill the order in 5-10 days. In case of heavy workload of production, the period may be extended.
  4. We provide discounts. Buy more than 5 fast food stalls (pancake stalls or whatever) and save 5% on their cost.
  5. We carry out delivery. Buy a fast food kiosk (pancake stand, grilled chicken stand or any other) and we will bring it to truck with crane. The cost of delivery of the structure within the Moscow Ring Road is 10,000 rubles.

You can buy a pancake kiosk or a pavilion for selling other fast food from us and equip it with additional equipment (blinds, hoods, etc.).

Question: Hello. Tell me, please, what and from whom do you need permissions to open a street fast food? At the same time, I plan to place fast food on the territory of the Shopping Center, i.e. if I understand correctly, permits from the city administration for land plot no longer required, but only a lease agreement from management company shopping center.

Answer: Opening a fast food outlet (street fast food) on the territory of a shopping center implies the following points:

  1. To start trading, it is necessary to obtain permission from the city council to engage in entrepreneurial activities, as well as a certificate from the tax inspectorate on the registration of the tax payer. (Note that entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation are regulated by Federal Law No. 129 “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as government regulations, which are subject to change from time to time).
  2. The work of the point implies the presence of a specially designated retail space, for which you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner shopping center. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future, the following details must be initially specified in the contract: the cost of the leased area, the number of square meters, the lease period and the terms of its payment.
  3. If you plan to take out the garbage yourself, then you need to conclude an agreement with the appropriate organization. And if the terms of the contract stipulate that you have the right to use the garbage containers of the shopping center, then initially specify when and in what volumes the disposal will be carried out.
  4. Fast food places mean that food can be reheated. Therefore, specify the nuances of the use of electrical energy. Here you need to take into account that if you have a separate energy meter installed, then you must conclude an agreement with the organization (RES), and if you use a common meter with the shopping center, then determine the number and power of the devices used to prevent conflicts with the administration.
  5. Any catering enterprise is controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological station service (according to Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”). You cannot open such an institution without obtaining the appropriate permits (sanitary passports) and certification of services, otherwise you will be immediately fined. Additionally, conduct a sanitary examination of water.

Pay attention to the requirement to have a medical book that gives the right to work in this industry (the list of professions and employees of individual organizations for which it is mandatory to have a medical book is officially approved by a decree of the Moscow government on the basis of Labor Code(Article 213) and a number of federal laws).

  1. Fast food places have an increased risk of fire. Therefore, the conclusion of an agreement fire safety also has important. Plus, you will have to undergo fire safety training in a timely manner.
  2. In the case of hiring employees, each of them must also have a medical book, in addition, do not forget about the corresponding tax payments for each employee.
  3. Service business Catering requires the presence of ventilation shafts and regular disinfection of the premises (Rospotrebnadzor).
  4. The use of a cash register implies its registration (KMM registration).
  5. Food suppliers must provide quality certificates for their products.

The equipment and basic requirements for enterprises related to catering establishments are regulated by the building codes "Design of catering establishments" (SNiP 2.08.02-89).

State sanitary and epidemiological supervision, the issuance of relevant certificates, passports, results of examinations and conclusions is carried out by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor. The latter carry out activities on the basis of standards federal law RF “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, and are also guided by the sanitary and epidemiological rules (including SP