Program design activities of the public access center. The best library projects, or what librarians play…. The project has its own properties

  • 02.05.2020

The program-targeted activity of the libraries of the MBUK BGO "BTsBS" contributes to a qualitative change in library services, the development of innovative forms and methods of library and information services for the population of the BGO, as well as the social demand for libraries and library resources. Software design mobilizes forces for a non-standard solution to many aspects of library activities, captivates specialists and serves their professional self-assertion.

A series of conversations "With an open heart, with a kind word" and the Central City Hospital. V. Kina

in the Central City Library. V. Kina continues to operate the Center for Spiritual Education "Insight", which received financial support in 2011 from the Foundation of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The work of the Center "Insight" is aimed at promoting the best examples of spiritual and moral literature, the revival of spirituality.

IV All-Russian Festival of Russian literature and culture "To the glory of Boris and Gleb".

On August 6-7, 2015, the ancient city - the fortress of Borisoglebsk, named after Saints Boris and Gleb, turned into Cultural Center, which brought together more than a hundred of the most talented creative people from different regions of our country, cities of the near abroad (Minsk and Lugansk) and, of course, the Voronezh region. For the fourth time the Festival has united all the creative intelligentsia, for which the main objective is the support of Russian culture, the promotion of the Orthodox worldview and the revival of national identity, the education of patriotism and love for the Fatherland, the disclosure of new creative talents and the strengthening of cultural ties between the regions of Russia.

"The Russian word opens Dagestan to the world"

In 2014, the Borisoglebsk Central City Library named after V. Kina took part in the competition of library projects International program reading "The Russian word opens Dagestan to the world", announced by the Khasavyurt Central City Library named after. Rasul Gamzatov with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The program is aimed at restoring and strengthening social ties between Russians and citizens of neighboring countries, recreating their historical community and unity in the cultural space.

Ball of wise men and smart girls

May 21, 2014 in the Central City Hospital. V. Kina hosted the final event of the project "Information and Research Agency "Evrika" - the Ball of Smarties and Smarties, to which the winners and participants of the project were invited - high school students, students and teachers of educational institutions and the head of the culture sector of the department of culture, sports and youth policy administration of the Borisoglebsk city district O.V. Zagrebin.

Project “Mobile Information Center “Biblionavigator””

Since September 2013, the Central City Hospital. V. Kina participates in the creation of a model of interlibrary interaction of the mobile information center "Biblionavigator" of the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library. I.S. Nikitin and the municipal central libraries of the regions of the region. The project “Mobile Information Center “Biblionavigator”” was supported by the M. Prokhorov Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and is aimed at systematic information support for students, graduate students, teachers and researchers.

Within the framework of the project "Information and Research Agency" Evrika ", a cycle of educational interactive games" We discover the secrets of the world" was held

In March 2014, within the framework of the project of the Central City Hospital named after. V. Kina "Information and Research Agency "Evrika" passed a cycle of educational interactive games "We open the secrets of the world", which included:
- educational game "From earth to sky" (about plants and animals of the planet);
- game-journey "Unsolved Land" (in geography);
- historical game "Secrets of ancient civilizations".

Project "Information and Research Agency "Evrika"

In April 2013, the Central City Hospital. V. Kina took part in the Open Charitable Competition of Sociocultural Projects “The New Role of Libraries in Education”, presenting the project “Evrika Information and Research Agency”. The goal of the project is to create conditions on the basis of the library for the formation and development of a sustainable interest of adolescents and young people in the scientific knowledge of the world around them. The project won a grant charitable foundation M. Prokhorova.

Program "Information Center for Additional Environmental Education"

Gubarev rural library No. 8 works under the program " Information centre additional ecological education”. Library won Grant of the Governor of the Voronezh Region . The purpose of the program is to develop an organizational and financial model of interaction between the library and educational institutions of the village, to deepen the creative approach in the development of educational subjects of an environmental orientation.

Program "I know the world"

City Library No. 4 the target program "I get to know the world" is being implemented . She is Designed to work with junior and intermediate users school age and is aimed at popularizing literature on various branches of knowledge, developing in children in the process of reading popular science literature skills and abilities for further successful reading activity.

“Program-targeted and project activities of libraries: methodological recommendations Vologda Department of Culture, Tourism ...”

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Initiation - after the registration of the project and the presentation, a decision is made on the start and timing of the project. For the presentation and visual fixation of the project, you can use diagrams, models or a project map. The structure of the project map is similar to a tree and looks like the growth of its trunk by branching. In such a structure, the principle "from general to particular" is used.

Schematically, the "project tree" consists of six parts:

the roots of the tree - the formulation of the problem (the origins of the problem situation);

from the roots rises the trunk - the idea;

large branches (goal) diverge into smaller ones - tasks;

leaves are strung on the branches - measures to achieve the goals;

fruits grow among the leaves - the expected results of the project.

It is not necessary to present goals, tasks or a project in the form of a map, model, scheme, but it is desirable, because this has a number of advantages: the main goal is clearly visible; semantic connections are clearly located (goals - tasks - methods); the project becomes more visual and better remembered.

There are currently various computer programs about creating a project map. Using them in your work, you can easily make this map. It is desirable that its structure should contain no more than three different "geometric shapes", otherwise its perception becomes much more complicated.

Project planning is the development of a strategy to achieve them. Planning is carried out throughout the life of the project. It is important to determine the work of which the project consists, and then calculate the time and cost of its implementation. As a result of planning, the organizational structure of the project is built, calendar chart stages.

Execution - coordination of all resources for the implementation of the plan.

Control - collection of actual data on the performance of work and their comparison with planned tasks. Unfortunately, deviations between planned and actual figures always happen, so decisions can be made to speed up the implementation of certain critical tasks by devoting more resources to this.

Analysis - determining the compliance of the plan and project execution with the set goals and objectives, making decisions on the need to apply corrective actions. In the course of the performance analysis, the status and forecast of the project's success are evaluated according to the criteria defined at the planning stage.

2.4. Completion of project activities

The main content of the works of the final phase is as follows:

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The main task of completing the project is to consolidate all the knowledge and skills gained during its implementation. Important in the final stage of the project life cycle is the analysis of achievements and mistakes, the identification of new management techniques.

Here is the formation of a report on the results of the project. The main thing is that the report should show and prove that the goal of the project has been achieved. The report is compiled in full accordance with the text of the project - in the same sequence as it was written. It includes: all organizational documents (orders, instructions, instructions, memos ...), reviews and reviews, media publications, screenshots of Internet sites, letters of thanks, photographs, videos, financial documents, etc.

Every project, whether successful or not, provides a unique experience for the team working on its implementation. The success of the project consists in the acquisition by the team and the organization of certain knowledge, skills, which can be applied next time to repeat success or avoid mistakes.

Chapter 3. Program-targeted activity of the library The program-targeted method of planning the activities of libraries should be understood as a way to develop and implement a targeted comprehensive program based on an analysis of the problem in all its aspects, aimed at achieving the final goal, preferably the final result.

The use of program-target planning in the activities of libraries involves an in-depth analysis, targeted study, the so-called "target justification of plans", in which all planned tasks should be oriented to the goal, to the final result of the library's activities. Program-target planning requires, first of all, a clear and precise formulation of the goal, and the requirements for it are increasing. The main thing in setting a goal is to specify what and when, and not why it should be achieved. To the question "why"

should be answered before the decision to achieve the goal is made. With such an analysis, library performance indicators cannot be reduced to simple lists of activities or the assignment of some quantitative characteristics, after all, questions arise and require answers:

why exactly these measures appear in the plan, whether they can be replaced by others, for what purposes, for what tasks they are intended and, in this sense, to what extent they are mandatory.

The program-target method of planning the activities of libraries involves solving the following questions: what acts as the ultimate goal in the work of the library and can be considered as its final result; what are the ways, methods of achieving this goal (system of goals). The ultimate goal of the library can be considered the maximum satisfaction of the needs of library readers for information.

Target programs, being the main form of target-oriented planning of library activities, have the following distinctive features:

1. purposefulness, that is, an attitude towards achieving results;

2. consistency - the development of a system of measures for the implementation of programs (organizational, economic, administrative, technological, etc.) taking into account the concept state development library sphere;

3. complexity - the relationship of the main goal of the program with the elements of the program structure, ensuring the achievement of more specific goals and sub-goals;

4. resource security (human, financial, material, information resources);

5. priority allocation of directions in accordance with the general concept of the development of librarianship in Russia.

Regional programs have received the greatest distribution in the library sphere.

Therefore, the development of regional programs is a process of mobilizing all the possibilities of the regions. Regional programs are a kind of targeted integrated programs and serve as a tool for regulating and managing a regional strategy for economic, socio-cultural, scientific and technological development, a way to prioritize the concentration of resources to solve urgent problems.

In the practice of libraries, significant experience has been accumulated in the use of regional programs that have:

a certain territorial affiliation (republic, territory, region, district, city, village), functional orientation (information, environmental, educational, etc.), differing in the scale of the program task (highly specialized and complex), industry localization (medicine, culture, sports etc.), duration of execution (short-term, medium-term, long-term), etc.

The practice of library programming proves the effectiveness of this form of work. The implementation of programs enables libraries to more assertively and convincingly express themselves and gain the favor of local authorities. great deals about business cooperation, making her also a stakeholder in the implementation of a well-designed program. Where understanding is found and programs are supported by local authorities, libraries receive a new status and additional funding.

The main conceptual apparatus of program-target planning includes the following elements: program-target approach, program-target planning, complex target program, program-target method.

The program-targeted approach is the most general concept, which characterizes the use of individual elements of program-targeted planning in the practice of making planned decisions on the economic and social development of the control object (especially at the initial stages of developing plans when setting goals and determining the main ways to achieve them). In particular, the program-target approach can be used not only in the development of complex target programs, but also in business planning, long-term and medium-term plans.

Program-target planning is a method of managing the economic and social development of a country (region, industry, complex of enterprises) through the development and implementation of specific planning documents - complex targeted programs.

Program-target planning is built according to a logical scheme: "goals - ways to achieve them - ways (tools) to achieve the goal - means necessary to achieve the goal." At the same time, goals are formed to solve an important problem and are more specific.

A comprehensive target program (KTsP, program) is a directive and targeted document linking a set of socio-economic, production, research, organizational and economic and other tasks and activities aimed at solving the most important and urgent problem effectively ways in a timely manner.

The program-target method determines the techniques and methods for developing programs and reflects the sequence of making program decisions in time and space. Feature this method is not forecasting the future states of the system, but drawing up a specific program to achieve the desired results.

Another feature of program-target planning is the way it influences the planned system. The focus is not on the already established system and its structure, but on elements of the program that may not coincide with the system (measures are being developed to change the system).

The main advantage of the program-target method in modern conditions is the concentration of resources for the implementation of interrelated activities, the ability to control their spending, adjust and stimulate their effective use.

A comprehensive target program may have terms that are not related to planned periods. At the same time, program indicators are reflected in the plans of the executors of program tasks and activities, which predetermines the breakdown of the program period into terms combined with the planned periods. In Russia, such programs are mainly developed and implemented with the involvement of budgetary funding (from federal, regional or local), which affected the structure of programs and the timing of tasks (they are tied to the system of state planning, development and execution of budgets). Subsequently, almost each region developed programs for the development of a particular area of ​​activity, the most important for the region.

Program-targeted planning has been used most intensively in Russia since 2000 to solve socio-economic problems related to the quality of life, demography, the priority development of knowledge-intensive industries, as well as service industries (tourism, culture, hotel industry, etc.).

The distinctive features of the integrated target program as a planning document are the following:

1. The program solves the most important, priority problem that is clearly defined and localized. The list of problems and the selection of the most important ones that require a programmatic solution is determined in a strategic plan, when various options for the development of enterprises, industries, complexes in the future are justified and the gap between their possible and necessary development is determined. This gap indicates the problem, which is assessed by the degree of influence on the performance of the economy of the country, region, intersectoral complex, enterprise;

2. The goals, objectives and activities of the program are specified for the program problem, ensuring its solution within the required, established time frame;

3. Activities and resources allocated for their implementation are targeted, which increases accountability and responsibility for the implementation of activities and targeted use of funds and resources;

4. The program is resourced on a priority basis, in full and on time, both in quantity and quality;

5. Programs are local in nature, which predetermines the composition of their participants;

6. Programs are episodic, and their need disappears when the problem is solved.

The rules, requirements, framework for the development and organization of the implementation of programs are determined by the principles that are formed based on the methodology of program-targeted planning.

These principles can be roughly divided into two groups:

1) general, on the basis of which all are developed planning documents, including targeted comprehensive programs (directiveness of plans and programs, scientific character and reality of planned and program activities, continuity of plans and programs of various time boundaries, etc.);

2) specific, inherent to a greater extent only programs. Such specific principles include: the complexity of measures that provide a solution to the problem, the focus of program activities on solving the problem, the unity of goals and resources.

The principle of the complexity of software solutions determines the need to reflect in the program of activities and tasks along the chain of their relationships, as well as by performers, regardless of their industry or organizational and legal affiliation. Thus, a more rigorous inter-sectoral linkage of program indicators is provided than in the plan, the program reflects not only tasks of a sectoral nature, but also tasks for other industries, enterprises that ensure the achievement of goals. The requirement of this principle can be ensured provided that the purpose of the program is clearly formulated and the main ways of its implementation are determined. At the same time, it is necessary to more visibly outline the boundaries of the problem being solved and the range of organizations and enterprises included in the program.

The next principle of program development, closely related to the principle of complexity, is purposefulness. The principle of purposefulness means ensuring the priority of the goal, defined as the final result, over resources. The program is called targeted because it is aimed at achieving a specific goal. When formulating the goal of the program, firstly, the long-term goal of developing the object of program-target planning is taken into account, secondly, the functions and tasks performed by the object of planning in the future, and thirdly, the local problem that the program is aimed at solving.

The principle of unity of goals and resources predetermines the interconnection of the planned tasks and activities of the program with resources, executors and deadlines. It is advisable for each task of the program to calculate the necessary resources (financial, labor according to the qualification composition, material according to their structure), provided that the efficiency of their use is increased. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the sources of receipt of resources by their types, volume, and qualitative composition.

These fundamental principles program development define the main directions of using the program-targeted approach for effective solution problems in the socio-economic development of the country, region, intersectoral complex, enterprise.

The principles of program-target planning find their concrete manifestation in the methods, techniques and procedure for developing a comprehensive target program as a document.

The program allows you to meaningfully get the most useful result in the activities of the institution, it serves as a kind of compass or map that allows you to determine the right route in the development strategy or activity. It is also the basis for financing, since it does not bring a quick and noticeable social effect in itself.

Usually the program serves as a basis for the development and implementation of certain projects.

Sitting down to write any program, first of all, you should decide who needs it and why. Because an uninteresting and irrelevant program will simply get lost among a thousand of its kind. Having solved this question for yourself, you can start developing.

So where do you start?

Many people suggest starting with a goal, or a mission, or tasks, etc., as a "seed". In all this, of course, there is a rational grain and common sense. However, all these elements are somehow very much separated from each other. It would be better if all the elements at the same time would act as a starting position when writing a program, since they would go "united front". To do this, there is a logical frame of the program (or any project), in which all elements are inextricably linked and interact with each other.

The program includes at least the following sections:

1. Explanatory note Within this section, it is usually described why the need to write this program arose. Here the problem, its importance and urgency are stated. For greater objectivity, all this is supported by statistical data from fresh and reliable sources.

Write how your program differs from others in the same field of activity.

The note should be written in such a way that the person who will read the program immediately understands that it is absolutely necessary and the problem described needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

2. Goals and objectives Goals and objectives give an idea of ​​what results will be achieved. This section should give a clear idea of ​​what will result from the implementation of the program, what changes will occur in the existing situation.

The goal is usually one (maximum, 2-3, clearly connected in one logical chain), and in fact this is what the project is being undertaken for. She paints an image of the desired result.

A task is a private goal, a mini-goal. This is a concretization of a common goal, a step towards its achievement. There can be quite a lot of tasks leading to the achievement of this goal.

Strategically, they can follow one from the other, when without the first link of the intended work it is unrealistic to attach the second one, but they can be solved in parallel.

If, after mentally achieving all the tasks set, you have achieved your goal, then you did everything right, if not, then the tasks should be reviewed.

When formulating a section, remember that the goals and objectives must be achievable and measurable.

3. Target group This is the group of the population to which the developed program is directed, which will benefit. You can write not just “youth”, “schoolchildren in grades 7-9”, etc., but give them a more complete description: social status, gender, lifestyle.

4. Terms of implementation For what period the implementation of the program is planned.

5. Place of implementation On the basis of which institution the program will be implemented.

6. Normative-legal regulation of the program Write down what laws, acts it relies on, through what legal documents the legal relations of the program are regulated.

7. Stages of the program implementation Here you should give a name to each stage and briefly describe what its implementation is aimed at. Breaking down the activities into stages will, as a result, make the work more purposeful.

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9. Resources Resources are the means by which a program is implemented.

There are the following resources:

personnel (who takes part in the development and implementation of the program:

developer, lecturers, trainers, etc.; clearly define who reports to whom, areas of responsibility and functions);

logistical (for example, office equipment, stationery, etc.);

informational (where does the necessary information for the development of materials come from: the Internet, the library, etc.);

temporary (time spent watching a movie, lecture, debate, etc.).

Think about what resources you have to implement the program and what you will need. Estimate the costs for the program as a whole and/or for each of its stages.

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10. Expected results Expected results are the specific results that are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the program. When describing the results, one should be guided by the requirements for the formulation of a block of goals and objectives: concreteness, reality, achievability.

List the strengths and weak sides program, so that even an outsider can understand that you see flaws, which means that you are well versed in your program.

It should be clear to the developers and executors of the program how the result obtained during the implementation of the program is supposed to be evaluated.

It is necessary to specify specific criteria and indicators, which are divided into qualitative and quantitative:

quantitative (what can be measured in numerical terms, for example, the number of people reached);

qualitative (change in the state or certain qualities of an object defined by the purpose of the program).

To determine the achievement of indicators, it is necessary to indicate the methods of analysis (questionnaires, expert opinions etc.), the persons who will be involved in this, and the form of reporting.

11. References We have presented only the main points that are included in any program, in fact there may be more, depending on the idea of ​​the program, the requirements for it and the institutions themselves, both for participation in competitions and for grants.

Conclusion Program-targeted and project activities of libraries belong to the category of innovative, creative activity, because it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved.

is a real opportunity to create workplace both within existing institutions and organizations and outside them.

This manual covered the following issues: the concept of sociocultural programming, its most important principles, the basic concepts of project activities, the classification of projects, life cycle project, program-targeted activities of libraries.

Sociocultural programming is a technology of activity aimed at transforming the sociocultural sphere, which is characterized by the need for a detailed study of the design object and the identification of specific tasks that together will achieve the goals of this project.

Basic principles of socio-cultural programming:

purposefulness, consistency, complexity, security, priority, realism, economic feasibility.

Any project is a complex of interrelated works, for the implementation of which appropriate resources are allocated and certain deadlines are set.

A project is a one-time activity that:

has an ultimate goal and intermediate tasks;

produces a clearly defined end result that can be evaluated;

consists of consecutive interconnected works;

uses a limited amount of resources: financial, information, time;

has a designated time frame (date of commencement and completion of work).

The project must be based on an idea. In order to get money for this idea, you need to prove what can be done with the help of these funds within a certain time frame and under what conditions.

From this idea, a project should arise - a businesslike, clear document in which the idea should lead to the setting of goals, specific tasks facing the institution, as well as to the demonstration of the result.

In other words, a project is a unique, non-routine, unique activity with a set deadline, budget, and implementation mechanism.

The project differs from the work plan in that it takes the activities of the institution beyond the usual framework. It is based on the experience of the library, on knowledge and analysis of the specific situation in the region (that is, it takes into account local specifics), and has a clearly limited time frame (most often a year).

In addition, a limited number of people with certain functions should participate in the project. It is necessary to evaluate all available resources (financial, human, etc.).

The life cycle of the project is the time interval between the development of the project and the moment of its liquidation (completion). A typical project life cycle consists of four phases: the initial phase (concept), the development phase, the implementation phase, the completion phase.

If all requirements are met, a successful project is written, which is recognized as the winner, then the organization (or individual) receives a grant. What is a grant? A grant is funds donated by a benefactor (foundation, corporation, government agency, individual) to a recipient (legal entity or individual).

Components of the project:

1. Name. It can be in the form of a slogan. It should be catchy, well-remembered.

2. Statement of the problem (or justification of needs). This section describes the situation that prompted the development of the project. The problem should be socially significant, relevant for the region and in no case should it solve the internal problems of the organization.

3. From the problem that is formulated in the project, goals and objectives should logically follow. A goal is a general statement that shows the type social problem. It most often cannot be quantified. Specific tasks are quantifiable, these are “steps” towards achieving the goal. They are as specific as possible. Usually there are several of them. They are real, implemented within a certain period of time by forces project team or invited experts.

4. Activities and methods. This section describes the activities that need to be carried out to achieve the intended results, tasks, that is, the organization scheme for the project + advertising is described. Methods are detailed description what will be done, how, by whom, when, in what sequence, what resources are needed. It is very important to show the reasons for choosing just such events, to justify them.

5. Stages and terms. This section is given in tabular or text form.

6. Results. The project must bring tangible concrete results, that is, something that can be measured. Criteria can be quantitative and qualitative.

7. Prospects of the project. It is necessary to describe the prospects of the project, try to justify that it will continue in time after the provided funding is exhausted.

8. The most important part of the project is the budget or estimate. Moreover, the budget must be real, related to the text of the project.

A social project, and in libraries all projects are social, must be supported by other organizations, at least nominally. Any organization (commercial or non-commercial) can support the project. The existing or planned partnership system in project activities is the cornerstone in its implementation.

What is the project activity for?

this is an alternative source of funding, moreover, it is an honorary source of funding (for example, the Federal program "Culture of Russia").

project activity creates an attractive image of the organization, since the project is accompanied by forced advertising, and advertising is one of the conditions for the implementation of the project.

innovative activity in the library is one of the conditions for its existence in today's changing world.

Thus, design is a purposeful, consistent activity aimed at achieving specific results in conditions of limited resources over a certain period of time. A project differs from a program in scale and complexity of implementation.

A program is a broader concept that includes a set of projects. The timing of the program is broad, the project is specific, measurable. The project is implemented when the planned activities are completed by the specified date. The result of the program is a change in state, an impact on the situation, i.e. even its partial implementation can be successful, and the resulting effect can exceed all expectations. The implementation of the program is more difficult than the implementation of the project, since all components of the task need to be coordinated.

In conclusion, I would like to wish librarians to be active, purposeful, persistent in mastering design technologies.

The appendices contain examples of a well-designed project and program of Vologda libraries, although if they participated in the competition for a grant, they would need to be improved.

Appendix 1 Youth Environment Project

MBUK "Kharovskaya centralized library system»

“Russia today needs courageous, creative and educated people who are not afraid to take the initiative and make decisions, so the state should give young people every opportunity and create conditions so that they can prove themselves in all spheres of life.

Youth is beautiful - the whole life is ahead: you can strive for any undertakings, make the most daring discoveries. The dreams and goals that young people aspire to should have the right to be realized, and not remain unrealized.

Russian Youth Union

Relevance of the topic:

Youth is a period of intensive personality development, when a person from the world of childhood and adolescence passes into the world of adulthood, it is time to search for one's place in life. Adolescence and adolescence are an acute period in which conflicting trends are intertwined. social development. For this life stage, negative manifestations are indicative: the instability of the system of interests, the protesting nature of behavior, increased conflict. At the same time, the independence of young people is increasing, their relationships with peers and adults are becoming more diverse and meaningful, the sphere of leisure activities is significantly expanding and significantly changing. At this time, the formation of a life position, moral attitudes and moral principles takes place.

This age is characterized by both a strong susceptibility to other people's influence, and the desire to get out of the real or imaginary guardianship of adults.

One cannot help but worry about the situation of youth in modern society: social vulnerability, insecurity, displacement of life values ​​and guidelines. Modern conditions the formation of a young person's personality is also complicated by such factors as serious changes in the areas of education, employment, family education, mass communication etc. The high level of criminalization, alcoholism, drug addiction, homelessness and homelessness, the growth of unmotivated murders and suicides among young people are also alarming today.

Libraries, aware of their share social responsibility, are trying to provide young users with alternative forms of spending free time and the whole variety of leisure opportunities for the individual. For them, active forms and methods of organizing leisure are used: meetings with interesting people(writers, poets, musicians, artists, idols of the youth environment); disputes and discussions, presentations, tournaments, various competitions, games. When conducting leisure activities, librarians take into account the level of development target audiences, speak to young users in a language they can understand. Therefore, events are held for one audience by analogy with television: hit parades, brain rings, “Guess the book”, “Field of miracles”, “Guess the melody”, “KVN”, etc. For other groups, electronic resources and new information technologies are widely attracted, arranging, for example, "Informins", contests of websites, video clips, competitions in computer literacy, and so on.

The task of libraries is to form a system of skills and abilities that provide young people with effective socialization through spiritual and moral education. All planned activities are aimed at raising the level of civic position, one's social significance. Special attention will be given to the moral guidelines of the children and ethical standards relationship to the whole world.

Objective of the project:

To help young people find their place in society, form their own "I", become a whole person.

Project Objectives:

providing broad information on relevant youth topics;

creation of conditions for self-knowledge and realization of the potential of the individual;

studying the needs and demands of today's young users;

assistance to the individual in overcoming life's difficulties and problems;

the formation and development of young people's interest in reading;

raising the status of the library as an information, educational, leisure center for young people;

uniting the efforts of interested organizations, public formations, citizens for the socialization of youth.

Project partners:

The greatest efficiency in the work on the socialization of youth can be achieved if the library's activities are coordinated with other socializing institutions (family, school, media), as well as with institutions and organizations that can provide information to help the socialization of youth.

The implementation of the Project is ensured through cooperation with organizations:

- educational institutions of the district;

- cultural institutions of the region;

- Leading specialist on work with youth of the department of culture of the Kharovsky district;

Chief Specialist and executive secretary of the commission for minors and protection of their rights;

- regional children's social organization"Contact";

–public youth association "Leader";

- MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities";

– BUSO Center social assistance family and children” of the Kharovsky municipal district;

- Editorial office of the regional newspaper "Call".

Resources involved in the Project:

1) information technology institutions;

2) the material and technical base of the library;

3) personnel potential institutions.

Description of the Project and activities:

Activities within the framework of the Project are carried out on the basis of the Central district library of the city of Kharovsk every first Wednesday of the month during the working day of the library and lasts until 21:00. This will provide young people with an additional platform for spending their leisure time.

Project activities are organized based on the results of a survey among young people and are planned for a year. Media coverage of the Project's activities will be carried out by the Youth Press Center.

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Methodological support of the Project:

seminar on work with youth together with the regional youth library;

development of regulations on competitions included in the Project;

development of sociological surveys of youth;

study and generalization of the experience of institutions on youth topics, business trips.


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Expected results:

1) socialization of young people, involving them in active social activities;

2) the formation of an active life position, moral attitudes and moral principles among the younger generation;

3) attracting young people to the library for organizing educational leisure;

4) increasing the prestige of the library and reading.

Appendix 2 The program of the local history circle "My native land" Turovets rural branch of the MBUK "Mezhdurechenskaya CBS"

Designed for students aged 13-16, the implementation period is 3 years.

Explanatory note At present, there is an acute need for the revival of spirituality, the study of the culture of one’s people, the study of the past and present of one’s own “ small homeland”, restoration of spirituality for the formation of the moral personality of a citizen and patriot of his country.

The idea that a small homeland, fatherland, native land plays a significant role in the life of every person is undeniable. A particle of the beloved Fatherland, places dear to the heart. But it is not enough to talk about love for the native land, one must know its past and present, rich spiritual culture, folk traditions, and nature. All this also applies to our native places - to the wonderful Mezhdurechensk land. Today, more and more regions of Russia are creating new programs and methodological developments that meet the long-awaited need to educate from childhood love for their small homeland, their native land. The program is designed for students aged 13-16, implemented for three years, 2 hours a month, for nine months a year. Total 18 hours per year and 54 hours for three years.

Program goals:

1. to introduce students to the historical and cultural heritage of the Mezhdurechensky district, the village of Turovets;

2. to form the features of patriotism and citizenship; upbringing of spirituality.

Program objectives:

1) Study of the past and present of the Mezhdurechensky district, the village of Turovets.

2) Raising patriotism through local lore knowledge about the village and the region.

3) Development of cognitive interest in the study of the history of the native land.

4) Development of skills for conducting feasible research work in the field of local history.

5) Formation of information culture skills. The use of the Internet and information technology in the study of local history.

6) Replenishment of the library funds with the work of local history circle members.

Main directions: historical, spiritual local history, local history in the field of literature and art.

Forms of conducting classes:

conversations, messages, conversations-meetings literary and historical assignments, quizzes, presentations, holding exhibitions of peasant life, applied art, work with documents, research activities.

Program principle: From direct impressions and emotions that form the feeling of a “small homeland” to systematized knowledge about the native land.

Classes: Classes are held once a month for 2 hours.

Predicted results: children are expected to develop and strengthen a sense of love for their native land; through knowledge of the history and culture of the native land, the personality of a patriot and a citizen of his country is formed.

Thematic planning classes

FIRST YEAR. “Memory of the Native Land” The task of the first year of classes in the circle is to give an idea of ​​the historical past of the region, to acquaint with the main sights, to study the history and culture of our region through acquaintance with famous personalities who glorified our region, to develop interest in the life of specific people.

–  –  –

SECOND YEAR. “The land of the fathers is my land” The task of the second year of classes is the development of interest in the past of their village, acquaintance with the life of the population of the newly formed village, our fellow countrymen participating in the Great Patriotic War, showing history in context with the country's history.

–  –  –


The task of the third year of classes is to study the history and culture of our village through acquaintance with famous personalities, developing interest in the lives of specific people, cultivating a respectful attitude towards their loved ones, grandparents, showing history in the context of the country's history.

–  –  –

List of used literature

1. Kovaleva I.A. Project activity libraries, or How to write a grant application: training materials / I.A. Kovalev. - Surgut, 2005. - 24 p.

2. Meyhen M. Manual for the preparation of applications for grants / M. Meyhen. - B.m.,. - 77s.

3. Experience of socio-cultural design in the Vologda region: based on the materials of the IX Regional competition of projects in the field of culture "Star Lace of the North" / State-financed organization culture of the Vologda region "Regional scientific and methodological center of culture";

[comp. Ya. B. Timofeeva]. - Vologda: ONMTsK, 2014. - 116 p.

4. Ryazantseva L.M. Secrets of the success of project activities // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 36-48.

5. Ryazantseva L.M. Secrets of the success of project activities // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2009. - No. 4. - P. 46-59.

6. Confident librarian: educational and methodological complex for distance learning of rural librarians / authors-comp. L.L. Kuchapin, I.N. Scrobot; OUNB named after N.K.

Krupskaya. - Orenburg, 2008. - 64 p.

*** Guryan Z.P. Project activities of libraries [ Electronic resource] / BUK "Regional Library for Children and Youth". Omsk. – Access mode: Project activities in the library [Electronic resource] / MBU "Centralized Library System" of the Dalnerechensky urban district. - Access mode: Project development technology [Electronic resource] / Municipal autonomous institution culture "Inter-settlement central library of the municipal district Tuymazinsky district". – Access mode:

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Chapter 1. Social design: basic concepts and provisions.

Classification of projects and programs……………………………………………………..4-11 Chapter 2. Project: from idea to implementation (recommendations for the development and design of the project)

2.1. Preparation for design. General Tips to the authors of the project………….………12-14

2.2. Development and design of the project…………………………………………………...15-30

2.3. Project implementation………………………………………………………………………….31

2.4. Completion of project activities…………………………………………….……...32 Chapter 3. Program-targeted activities of the library…………………………..………33 -37 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………........38-39 Annex 1.Project “Youth Environment »

MBUK "Kharovskaya centralized library system"…………………………40-44 Appendix 2. Program of the local history circle "My native land" Turovets rural branch of MBUK "Mezhdurechenskaya CLS"……………….………. .45-47 List of used literature…………………………………………………………48

"Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee Cultural Institution" Centralized Library System of Bobruisk "Bobruisk" Central City Library. M. Gorky Department of Library Marketing City Library №4 named after M. Gorky B.M.Mikulich excursion (dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Bobruisk from the Nazi invaders Bobruisk 2014 Department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Bobruisk city executive committee ... "

“41 O.P. Ilyinitskaya T. DREISER’S NOVEL “SISTER KERRY” AT EXTRACTIONAL CLASSES IN LITERATURE IN SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL The study of world literature in the senior (9th-11th) grades of secondary general main periods and directions, mastering the basic concepts of the theory of literature, developing in students the skills of independent reading and evaluating the phenomena of literature, development ... "

"V.A. T i s h k o v. Perception of Time Living time (or lifetime) should be considered as the dominant reference in construction of historical temporality and in a choice of its main pillars. Time references provide a test of political loyalty and they facilitate group solidarity. Time perception and chosen temporality frameworks safeguard not only vertical (generational) but also political and emotional bonds. Dualistic constructions of "our" and "other" times should be replaced with co-evolution..."

“Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA Culture of Neighborhood Intercultural Early Childhood Education Curriculum in the Republic of Moldova Chisinau, 2015 373.3(073.3)=135.1=161.1 C 94 Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA Curriculum on Intercultural Early Childhood Education in the Republic of Moldova developed within the framework of the project "Intercultural education on both banks of the Dniester" which is being implemented with the assistance of the "Support for Confidence Building Measures" Program, ... "

«ISSN 1813-405X Brestsk University of Navukov-Tearetychny HOURS Out of the snow in 1997 Chasnoўskі Gray humanities and grammatical sciences Sendzer Name of a galounaga editor in the gray humanities and grammatical sciences: HISTORY A.A. Garbatsky Editorial advice on the gray CULTURALOGY of the humanities and grammatical sciences: A.A. Vysotsky PEDAGOGYKA B.M. Lyapeshka L.G. Lysyuk PRAVA International advice on gray humanitarian and ... "

«0 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION KRASNOYARSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY named after V.P. Astafieva L.V. Kulikova INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS On the material of Russian and German linguistic cultures KRASNOYARSK LBC 81 K 90 Astafieva Reviewers: Doctor of Philology, Professor I.A. Sternin Doctor of Philology Y. Roth K...»

"Theory and methods of preschool education Nebylitsa Irina Vladimirovna specialist, educator of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Combined Kindergarten "Rainbow", St. Petersburg SOCIALIZATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN CULTURAL ACTIVITIES preschool age. The characteristics of the concept of "socialization", various positions of the child in the socio-cultural space are given. The age of 3-6 years is the most important period in the formation of personality. Based..."

“MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION “SARATOV STATE CONSERVATORY NAMED AFTER L.V. SOBINOVA" Ave. Kirova S.M., 1, Saratov, 410012 December 1, 2015 Feedback from the presenter FGBOU organizations VO "Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov" for the dissertation of Furukin Aleksey Vadimovich "Natural horn: history, theory, performing practice", submitted for defense for competition ... "

«MAY – JUNE 2015 VOLUME XIII SPECIAL ISSUE From West to East and from Right to Left Fedor Lukyanov 5 Self-Determination of Russia Eurasian way out of the European crisis 8 Sergey Karaganov Russia needs Europe not only and not so much as a source of modernization, but as a cultural anchor. Europe, on the other hand, needs Russia as an inoculation of realism at a time when the Old World is retreating into a world of its own illusions. Unidentified National Interests of the Russian Federation 21 Gleb Pavlovsky Example of the Helsinki Accords forty years...»

"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution" Kindergarten No. 5 "Joy" r.p. Bazarny Karabulak of the Saratov region "Seasons. (Project on ecology in the second junior group) Project leaders: Gracheva Valentina Lvovna Kopenkina Irina Yurievna Relevance Analysis external environment Parents pay little attention to observations of objects and natural phenomena Parents do not pay attention to the incorrect attitude of children to natural objects Parents do not involve children in joint ... "

“PRO Kazan Kazan is a city in the Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, a major port on the left bank of the Volga River. The city is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, cultural and sports centers Russia, the second largest city in the Volga economic region (after Samara). Kazan has a registered brand "the third capital of Russia" until 2017. According to the results of the 2010 census, the resident population of Kazan is 1,145.4 thousand people. Around Kazan...»

“2 GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE. “Ecology” is a discipline that studies the relationship of all life on Earth and the direct impact of human activities on the environment and living organisms. The purpose of the discipline is to give knowledge to future specialists to understand the role of man in wildlife. The course gives a competent perception of the problems associated with the protection of nature, overcoming the ecological crisis, forms an ecological worldview and culture, is a link between natural and humanitarian knowledge ... "

“Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” CHELYABINSK REGION: SOCIO-CULTURAL PORTRAIT Monograph Chelyabinsk UDC 304.2 LBC 60.522.6 Ch 41 Chelyabinsk region: socio-cultural portrait. Monograph [Text] / Under the general editorship of S.G. Zyryanov. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk fiCh 41 Lial RANEPA, 2013. - 288 p. Team of authors: Zyryanov S.G., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor (introduction, conclusion, section 5, section 7, section 10);...”

and the problem of their translation. The article discusses culturally specific connotations of Russian proper names ending in and issues related to using them in translated texts. The national and cultural specificity of suffixes is manifested, first of all, in the fact that Russian and English do not contain similar suffix elements, and, secondly, ... "

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Recently, there has been a decline in interest in the book, the printed word. The book is out of fashion. Market forms of mass culture are replacing the book. People most often spend their leisure time not on reading. Business reading replaces reading for the soul.
In the media, on the Internet, at professional meetings, the problem of a decrease in interest in books and reading, a decrease in the number of readers of public libraries is increasingly being raised.
Stimulation of reading, revival and development of interest in the book among all segments of the population is an urgent task of society and, first of all, libraries, as cultural institutions directly called upon to popularize the book.
The program is a summary of the work structural divisions on attraction to reading and is organically combined with a number of author's programs implemented in the library:
Program Goals:
Raising the status of the book and promoting reading, attracting residents of Novouralsk to reading and using libraries, raising the intellectual level and developing the reading taste of citizens, positioning reading as an interesting, prestigious occupation that brings joy and pleasure

Program for working with people with disabilities, the elderly and socially neglected children

Since its opening, the Central Public Library has been striving to help people with disabilities expand their horizons, develop their intellect, expand their social circle.
Goals and objectives of the Program

  • Formation of a positive attitude towards the library and the need to use its services among people with disabilities;
  • Assistance in social rehabilitation;
  • Introducing people with disabilities and socially neglected children to reading, promoting the formation of a culture of reading, developing creative abilities, spiritual enrichment;
  • Meeting the reading needs of the elderly.

List of main activities of the Program
Individual service for people with disabilities
Holding mass events
Information support of activity participants


Ecology program

A small child still does not clearly imagine what nature is, he does not have enough life experience, abstract thinking and worldview are not developed.
And at the same time, he, often himself in need of kindness and affection, is able to generously and disinterestedly give his kindness to all living beings on Earth.
In dog and bird, butterfly and flower, he sees his brothers.
Our task is to help the child not only to preserve just such a sense of nature, but also to develop a sense of beauty and goodness, to cultivate sympathy and care in relation to plants and animals.
The program consists of several blocks: "People's World"; "Kingdom of animals", "Kingdom of plants"; "Natural Elements"; Animal Writers.
Meetings are held with the use of video and audio materials, design of book exhibitions, electronic presentations.
The program on ecology includes such forms of work as conversations-discussions; ecological travel; games; quizzes; contests, etc.
The program is designed for preschoolers of preparatory groups and students of grades 1-2.
Program implementation period- 1 year.
Additionally, students are offered classes in the circle "Nature and Fantasy"

Program for familiarization with the outside world of students in grade 2

The program is designed to help students master the school course in the world around them.
Our tasks are to awaken children's curiosity and thirst for knowledge, as well as to help them develop a sense of belonging to the phenomena taking place in the world, a sense of responsibility for the world around them.
Events that take place in the form of oral journals represent the world around us in all its diversity and interconnection, and familiar things and phenomena from an unexpected side
The program is designed for 1 academic year.
Business Reading Room


Program for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills for students in grades 3-5

The program is designed to help the school in the formation of students' valeological knowledge and skills
It includes activities that in an entertaining way will help to realize the need to protect health, reveal the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and teach how to assess the functional state of the body.
The guys will find out why a person is called the eighth wonder of the world, why you need to take care of your teeth and how to do it right, discover the secrets of the skeleton and vision, find out the truth about beer and cigarettes, find out whether it is worth considering a computer as a friend.
The program is designed for 1 academic year and is aimed at students in grades 3-5
Business Reading Room


Patriotic Education Program

The purpose of the program is creation of conditions for educating the younger generation of respect for the traditions of the history and culture of their people, as well as the spiritual heritage of all mankind, the formation in children of a steady need to draw "new - well-forgotten old from the inexhaustible source of folk culture".
The program consists of two blocks and spans two academic years. The first block (program of the first year) involves students getting acquainted with the culture of Russia. The second block (second year program) focuses on the history and culture of the Urals, our small homeland. If desired, the group can choose any block and take part in the work for one year.
The program includes activities that can be held for different age categories. Each conversation is tailored to junior schoolchildren and for students in grades 5-9, taking into account their age characteristics and intellectual development.
Business Reading Room

Patriotic education program for children of preschool and primary school age

The purpose of the program is to introduce and familiarize children with the culture and history of their Motherland, its heroic past and rich heritage, instilling a sense of respect and pride in the past and present of their country, encouraging the child to realize their importance in the future of the Fatherland and, as a result, instilling love for Motherland, through love for one's land, city, family.

The program consists of several blocks:

  • "We are Slavs" - introduces children to the history and culture of Ancient Russia, its glorious past;
  • "Modern Russia"- opens the pages of history for children modern Russia and its recent past, includes conversations about the period of the Second World War, space exploration, the introduction of new technologies into our lives, including introduces the history of some famous inventions;
  • "My small homeland"- includes conversations about the native land, the city, their history, about the family and its traditions, and this block also contains review conversations that allow children to get to know some of the peoples living in the Urals.

Forms of work: conversations (including using the opportunities electronic presentation), game programs, book exhibitions, book reviews, quizzes, conversations with elements of applied art, exhibitions of creative works.
Department of Intellectual Recreation


“Only by becoming a patriot of your small homeland, your region, you can become a citizen of Russia, master its huge culture and comprehend the outstanding values ​​of world civilization.”
I.V. Shakhmatova

The program is aimed at the patriotic education of teenagers and youth through love for their native city and region.
Local lore education implies not only the study and dissemination of knowledge about the past and present of one's region, its features and sights, but also the development of the need for effective care for its future, the preservation of its cultural and natural heritage.

Program goal:

  • to give primary knowledge of local history of the native land, to reveal the role of the Ural land in the fate of Russia;
  • to cultivate a sense of patriotism, respect for one's historical past, for the surrounding society;
  • develop the desire to develop their own positions on the basis of local history knowledge.

The material is organized into two blocks:

  • "Ritual Culture"
    • "Russian folk holidays" - Christmas, Christmas time, Epiphany, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala, etc.
    • "Traditional Russian family" - its customs and traditions
    • "Russian family rites" - wedding rites, maternity rites, funeral rites, etc.
    • "Folk Menologion" - folk signs, proverbs and sayings, games, fortune-telling, ritual actions associated with the seasons
    • "Rites of the indigenous inhabitants of the Urals"
  • "My world"
    • "Me and People" - on the street, in the yard, at school you are surrounded by people, you come across a lot of people different ages. By your attitude towards others, you are judged as a person. How to learn everything that is called in one capacious word - humanity.
    • "Me and ecology" - to love and protect nature, to promote a healthy lifestyle - our events teach.
    • "Me and the Fatherland" - to learn about the region where we live, to get acquainted and take part in the revival of folk traditions, customs, crafts, to form national identity, the best features of the national character, to study the history and spiritual values ​​of the people, to find out how our Motherland lives.
    • "Me and my family" - learn about your last name, family, get acquainted with the famous families of the Ural land.

The program of local history education of youth

Goals and objectives of the program:

  • Education of a morally healthy, cultured, free and responsible person, a citizen and a patriot.
  • Raising love for home, school, city, region, Fatherland. The program pays special attention to the education of patriotism.
  • Preservation and promotion of objects cultural heritage cities, involving a wide range of children and youth in activities to study their native land.
The material is organized into three blocks:
  • "My homeland is Novouralsk"
    Task: to create in children a figurative picture of their city as part of the Ural Territory.
  • "The history of the formation and development of Novouralsk"
    Task: to show the history of the development of Novouralsk in the historical, local history and socio-cultural aspects.
  • "Novouralets is a citizen of Russia"
    Task: to create such a cognitive environment that would allow children to discover by example life path outstanding countrymen of the past and present, the possibility of self-realization and self-creation of a person.

A series of talks about the Holocaust

Are we fully aware of the reason why the murder of man by man has regained such gigantic power as during the Second World War?
The world of the Holocaust still exists, because the Holocaust is not a purely Jewish issue. Genocide, racism, nationalism can affect any nation.
The tragedy of the Holocaust is not only a part of world history, it is a conversation about the problems of modern civilization, about its illnesses, about the danger that threatens it.
The study of the terrible past, the preservation of the memory of the dead is one of the conditions for the survival of modern man.
Conversations are designed for students in grades 8-11
Local History Center


Regional Marathon

Regional Studies Marathon is a cycle of events for students of educational institutions of the city, including thematic talks and exhibitions, quizzes, competitions in Russian and foreign languages. The program of the Regional Studies Marathon is designed for 3 years.
Targets and goals:

  • To develop students' interest in studying the cultural traditions of the world.
  • Help broaden the horizons of students.
  • To teach how to use reference literature to obtain additional information, including using non-traditional media and geographical maps.
  • Stimulate the mental and search activity of the marathon participants.
  • To interest participants in improving and / or learning a foreign language.
  • To acquaint the participants of the marathon with the fund of the Department of Literature in Foreign Languages
Department of Literature in Foreign Languages


Russian Language and Speech Program

The purpose of the program is to help in the formation of the language culture of students.
Tasks: acquaintance with the history of the native language, enrichment of vocabulary, disclosure of the creative possibilities of children.
During the classes, participants will be instilled with an awareness of beauty, figurativeness of speech; the ability to feel the language of a work of art
Forms of work: conversations - discussions; conversations - games; quizzes and contests; dramatizations.
Classes are held 5 times during the academic year, the fifth game is the final one.
Age of participants: students in grades 2-4; students in grades 5-6
Department of Intellectual Recreation


The purpose of the program is to develop children's interest in the history of literature, in the names of outstanding writers, to form in children the need for systematic work with the book and to provide information support school subject, i.e. provide additional opportunity students and teachers to better meet their educational needs.
The program defines events that tell about the history of the creation of adventure and adventure novels that have become classics of the genre, and about their authors; help to raise the intellectual and general cultural level of schoolchildren and develop their creative and cognitive activity.
The main objectives of the program:

  • awaken in children an emotional response to what they read, stimulate figurative vision, expand the scope of observation of the characters, penetrate into the motives of their behavior, into their thoughts and feelings, seek sympathy in their own souls and thereby influence the moral self-development of the individual;
  • to acquaint children with the biography of the writer, his attitude, to reveal the main thoughts he put into the work;
  • based on the interest of children in the genre of adventure literature, to form in the children the need for systematic work with the book.

The program is designed for one academic year and is aimed at students in grades 5-7
Business Reading Room


The purpose of the program is to activate the reading of children in the group and to involve children in the use of the library.
Program objectives:

  • to reveal the creative possibilities of the child as a reader; contribute to a more in-depth perception of the material read and the development of the intellectual abilities and thinking of the child;
  • give a broad idea of ​​the diversity of literature and help expand the horizons of children;
  • increase the rating of the book in the leisure of schoolchildren and stimulate the desire for systematic communication with the book;
  • to form a culture of reading and skills of careful handling of the book;
  • promote joint creativity of children and parents.

The program is designed for one academic year.
Program for 1st grade students
Business Reading Room


Raising a reader is not at all the same as teaching to read. Even before school, you can awaken a reader in your child without teaching him a single letter. Unfortunately, not all parents are willing to spend time and effort teaching their child the ability to read books - to read correctly, truly, thoughtfully, with pleasure, and someone simply does not know how to do it correctly.
The purpose of the program is to give parents an idea of ​​the ways and methods of introducing children of primary school age to books and reading.
The program is designed for one academic year.
The program is aimed at parents of students elementary school. Each meeting is 15-20 minutes long and takes place within parent meeting at school.
Business Reading Room


Aesthetic Art Program for Preschoolers and Students lower grades

  1. Children in the art world
  2. Russian traditional art
  3. Everything about everything

The theme "Child and Art" is fraught with many mysteries and questions. How, in what way, in the most natural way for a child, to introduce him into the mysterious world, called by us, adults, Art.
Children are naturally curious. They experiment, explore the world, playing with a wide variety of materials: paint, clay, pebbles, paper, sound, words ... Any object that falls into the hands of a child, becoming a toy, acquires new life, new meaning. And if at this time we organize a game, one way or another connected with art, in which, along with objects familiar to the child, colors and sounds, pictures and music will appear, then he will easily and naturally enter the world of art, the world is beautiful, but complex.
The main goals and objectives of the program.

  • Introduce the child to the world of figurative representations of art.
  • Through the synthesis of the arts (music, painting, poetry) to instill a love for the classical heritage.
  • Enrich the spiritual world of the child, improve his moral principles.
  • Expand the horizons of children.
  • By creating situations that evoke an emotional response of the child, to contribute to the emergence of a feeling that encourages creative self-expression in different types art.

The program is designed for 1 year and is focused on preschoolers
Arts department


In the conditions of new thinking and the concept of a single world civilization, interest in the culture, history, culture of the Russian people in particular, has increased extraordinary. It is paradoxical, but true: Russian culture remains little studied in our country.
The 21st century has emphasized the special importance of historical and cultural traditions, as well as the connection between culture and education, which throughout national history, was the indisputable moral basis of the process of education.

The program "Heritage of the Ages" reveals the history, pedagogy, culture, customs and traditions, art of various peoples of the world.

Program activities:

  • Protect your home
  • Seven wonders of the world: classic and "modern"
  • Russian publishers of the XVIII-XIX centuries
  • The history of the creation of school uniforms
  • Valentine's Day
  • Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and New Year
  • Humorina April 1
  • Russian art of the 18th century
  • Russian art of the 19th century
  • Day of the Charter of the Sverdlovsk Region
  • Two-level education in Russia: Bachelor's and Master's programs

Aesthetic education program

  • Musical steps "(for preschoolers and younger students
  • "Great Music of Great Times" (middle and high school)
  • "Stars of the forgotten stage" (for the older generation)
  • "Musical Kaleidoscope" (for high school and adults)

The purpose of the program is the aesthetic education of readers, the promotion of musical art, the education of the musical taste of the broad masses of the population.
Participants get acquainted with classical and modern composers and performers, acquire new musical knowledge and impressions.
The events of the program are held in the form of conversations, literary and musical compositions, competitive programs. Required use of audio-video materials
The program consists of 4 thematic blocks.
Music steps« for preschoolers and younger students; "Great music of great times"; "Musical Kaleidoscope" and " Stars of the forgotten stage» for middle and high school students.
Classes of each block are designed for 1 academic year.
Arts department


Program on the culture of children's communication

The purpose of this program is teaching children to build relationships with people based on courtesy and mutual understanding. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are supposed to be solved:

  • help the child to realize himself as a person.
  • through reading, develop a positive outlook on the world that will help him find his place among other people.
  • on the example of analyzing the actions of literary characters, encourage the child to analyze their own and other people's actions.
  • contribute to the education of the child's cultural behavior skills.

The program is designed for students in grades 1-4. Designed for one academic year. It is possible to organize individual events by choice.
Department of Intellectual Recreation

Program for the formation of moral values ​​among students in grades 6-9.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, wealth, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. Many successfully achieve their goals, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. In order to help teenagers achieve harmony with themselves and with the world around them, become successful and happy in life, a program has been developed to form moral values, develop the process of self-knowledge and introspection skills in high school students.
Program goal:
The development of skills in adolescents independently, by their own inner impulse, to set important life goals and achieve them.
Program objectives:

  1. To form a positive attitude of adolescents towards themselves and the world around them based on an understanding of the diversity of life.
  2. Contribute to the awareness of adolescents of personal characteristics, value orientations, spiritual needs.
  3. Support adolescents in understanding and accepting both present and future social roles, including family ones.
A series of conversations for teenagers will help:
  • be able to win over people, cause their respect and sympathy;
  • get out of all sorts of difficult and conflict situations with honor and dignity;
  • successfully build interpersonal relationships.



A real test of knowledge and ability to work independently with a book is for high school students participating in the "Intellectual Games". This is a team game, and the victory of the whole team depends on how smoothly and amicably all participants work.
When determining the theme of the games, the wishes of the participants are taken into account.
Game frequency: 4 meetings per academic year.
Games are held in two age categories: schoolchildren of 8-10 grades and students of 1-2 courses.
Department of Intellectual Recreation

creative, entertaining educational program for preschoolers and students in grades 1-4

In 2015, the public libraries of the Vyborgsky District continued to work on previously launched projects and implemented new. In total, 16 different projects were implemented in libraries during the year, work was carried out on 26 educational, environmental, socio-cultural programs, during which about 2000 events took place.
Projects and programs of the Intersettlement Library
AT reporting year The Intersettlement Library joined two international charitable projects of the Herzen State Pedagogical University: in the first half of the year it Project "Wewe all needlove", from June to November - "Kaleidoscope of smiles" The idea of ​​the projects belongs to Dasha Okladnikova, a student at the Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen, a library reader with many years of experience. “Any project has goals, objectives and planned results. The purpose of my work is to create a new book. The task is to attract a large number people to the process of its creation. And the result should be children's joy” - these were the goals and objectives of the projects, they were determined by Dasha. Throughout the year, she and her classmates visited Social Center"Vyborg", Regional Tuberculosis Hospital (Vyborg), Federal State Professional educational institution"Interregional Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Hearing Problems (College)" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation, design department (Pavlovsk). Dasha read her stories and fairy tales to the children, they created drawings, the best of which were included as illustrations in new books. Students of the Linguistic Lyceum M. Grigoletti (Italy), teachers and schoolchildren from Sweden joined the projects - they translated Dasha's fairy tales into Italian and English. Readers of the Children's Library of the city of Mezen, Arkhangelsk Region, also became participants in the project. Children created drawings that inspired Dasha to compose a new fairy tale- "The Tale of the Arrogant Goat and New Year's Roses."

As part of the project “We all need love”, the library exhibited an exhibition of photographs “My Italy, with love” by Vera Vakhova, teacher of the Russian language and literature at the Linguistic Lyceum M. Grigoletti (Italy). This exhibition was born at the request of Russian friends V. Vakhova. Fairy-tale Venice with its magnificent carnivals became the inspiration for her photo searches. Some of the photos were taken with a 50mm monocle lens and are photo watercolors, while others are processed in a vignetting style to capture the magic of this holiday. The exhibition in the Library on Rubizhnaya, 18 was visited by 217 people.

Events within the framework of these projects are reflected on the website of the Intersettlement Library. Upon completion of the projects, presentations of books were held at the Library at 18, Rubizhno Street: in May, the book "The Parable of Happiness" was presented to readers, in November - "The Easel of the Soul."

A project implemented jointly with the Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg in the Intersettlement Library "Red Cross Above Us".

On May 13 at the Library on Rubizhnaya, 18 the opening of the traveling exhibition "The Red Cross Above Us" took place. The exhibition is dedicated to the grandiose epic of saving almost a thousand Petrograd children who were sent from the starving Petrograd to the Urals and fell into inferno civil war. The children traveled a long way across Russia, from Petrograd to Vladivostok, along the Trans-Siberian Railway and the KVDZh. Then, on the Japanese ship Yomei Maru, they traveled across two oceans, visited Japan, America, France and Finland, from where they were transported across the Soviet-Finnish border to their homeland. By train, by boat, on foot and on horseback, again by boat and again by train - two and a half years of suffering. Employees of the Red Cross not only saved the Petrograd children from death, went out, taught them how to live, but also returned them to their parents. This amazing story Olga Ivanovna Molkina, whose grandparents met on this journey, told our readers. The exhibition features photographs and relics from family and museum collections, archives and libraries. Number of people who attended project events from 13 May to 30 June - 87 people.

The partners of the Intersettlement Library were also teachers and students of the Vyborg Institute (branch) of the AOU VPO “LSU named after V.I. A. S. Pushkin. "Atno warfemale face"is a student actionyear of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. They prepared a literary and musical composition and showed it to the residents of the city and the region. In the multimedia hall of the Intersettlement Library, a screening was held for students of grades 9 a and 9 "B" of secondary school No. 8 and for librarians of the Vyborg district. Heartfelt poems and music, compositions on the theme "If only there was no war" left no one indifferent.

For several years, the Intersettlement Library has been operating cultural and educational project "Friday Meetings in the Library at Rubezhnaya, 18". Every Friday, library readers meet writers, poets, artists, actors, travelers, archaeologists, historians, local historians. The project includes book presentations, creative exhibition openings, educational lectures, and film screenings.

Last year, meetings were held with the writer Evgeny Borisovich Belodubrovsky, Elena Vasilievna Konyukhova, executive director Memorial Library of Princes Golitsyn (St. Petersburg), art critic, historian, curator of the Tsaritsyn and Olgin Pavilion Museums (GMZ Peterhof) Olga Pashinsky, Alexander Burov, researcher at the State Museum of the History of Religion (St. Petersburg).

At one of the September meetings in the library, the fate of the Vyborg Castle and other cultural heritage sites was discussed. A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, a member Board of Trustees Vyborg Castle, and now the director, Vladimir Tsoi.

The October cycle of meetings is dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society. The guests of the library were artist and traveler holder of the title "Outstanding Traveler of Russia" V.S. Ketov,employee of the Leningrad State Regional Archive D. Kuzmenko, who spoke about the Russian traveler Gavriil Sarychev and his book "Journeys of Captain Sarychev's Fleet in the Eastern Part of Siberia, the Arctic Sea and the Eastern Ocean for Eight Years", stored in the LOGAV funds.

At a meeting with a Petersburger Ekaterina Georgievna Udalova, granddaughter of V.L. Albrecht, the audience learned the story of the salvation of almost a thousand Petrograd children sent in 1918 from starving Petrograd to the Urals, who fell into the heat of the civil war and made an amazing round-the-world trip across Russia, from Petrograd to Vladivostok, along the Trans-Siberian Railway and the KVJ, visited Japan, America, France and Finland, from where they were transported across the Soviet-Finnish border to their homeland.

"History of Vyborg in material culture"- one of the events of the Intersettlement Library was devoted to such a topic, where Alexander Smirnov, a researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, met with residents and guests of the city. In the summer of 2015, as part of an archaeological expedition, he participated in excavations on the territory of the Vyborg Castle, near the tower of the Town Hall and the old Cathedral.

Lecture in December "The siege of Vyborg in1706 year. Unknown siege of the Northern War, Alexey Melnov, senior researcher at the Vyborg Museum-Reserve.

During the year, 28 events were held within the framework of the project, which were attended by 764 people.

Since 2012, on the basis of the Intersettlement Library of the Vyborgsky District, it has been successfully implemented project "Grandma and Grandpa Online".

The purpose of the project: mass involvement of elderly citizens in the development of information and communication technologies and public services e-government.

Tasks: overcoming the informational and social isolation of the elderly; preservation of the labor and intellectual potential of the older generation; overcoming the psychological barrier in the elderly before new information and communication technologies.

The course on the basics of computer literacy for the elderly consists of 14 lessons, the duration of one lesson is 2 hours. Classes are held twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday, from 15.00 to 17.00) and are built taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each student, taking into account the presence or absence of initial computer skills.

As part of the project, older people learn how to work on a computer, get acquainted with text editors and application programs, master the skills of working on the Internet, including on the public services portal, e-mail and social networks.

Lesson topics:

During the project, a computer-consulting center was created on the basis of the library, interaction was established with the Vyborg Committee for Social Protection of the Population, a database of course graduates was created, and a schedule for the course of consultations was developed. Today, groups of 10-12 people take courses at the Intersettlement Library. Since the start of the project, 16 groups - 180 people - have been trained in the courses (2015 - 4 groups of pensioners - 48 people).

Since 2010, the MBUK "Intersettlement Library of the Vyborg District" in partnership with the State Russian Museum has been working on project "Russian Museum: virtual branch". This is a long-term program of the State Russian Museum to create an integrated network of multimedia centers in the cities of Russia and abroad based on scientific, educational and methodological developments leading experts of the museum.

The Information and Educational Center "Russian Museum: Virtual Branch" in the city of Vyborg consists of two zones: a multimedia cinema with 50 seats and an information and educational zone equipped with 6 computers. In the Multimedia cinema for library visitors are held:

  • collective viewing of films from the media library

  • virtual tours and travel;

  • interactive lessons and classes using the resources of the media library;

  • master classes and meetings with artists;

  • a series of online lectures "Conversations about art with the Russian Museum";

  • information service individual visitors.
Since February 2014, the MBUK "Intersettlement Library of the Vyborg District" has become a participant in the project of the Russian Museum « Online lectures at the Multimedia Center of the Russian Museum» , which includes online broadcasts of lectures on theory and history visual arts, thematic online meetings and consultations with the staff of the Russian Museum, holding specialized seminars and conferences organized as part of the Russian Museum: Virtual Branch project. Online lectures are held in the format of videoconferencing between the Russian Museum and the Library at 18, Rubezhnaya Street. In 2015, the library hosted ten online broadcasts of lectures Russian Museum on the history of fine arts for the adult audience of the library:

  • February. "Symbols of Old Russian Art"
The lecture is devoted to the symbols of ancient Russian art, which are reflected in many monuments of the X-XVII centuries.

  • February. "Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich"
The lecture is dedicated to the exhibition of the same name, which took place within the walls of the Mikhailovsky Castle, the favorite brainchild of the emperor, in which he was killed by conspirators on the night of March 11-12, 1801. The lecture told about the childhood and youth years of the future Emperor Paul I. Materials related to the biography of the Grand Duke were collected for the first time as part of a special exposition, which was conceived as part of the large-scale project "The Saga of the Romanovs".

  • March. Lecture About the festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia"
The lecture is dedicated to the eponymous exhibition of garden art and landscape architecture, which takes place annually in the Mikhailovsky Garden during the white nights.

  • March. "Scarves and shawls in Russian folk costume"
Picturesque works in the collection of the State Russian Museum, telling about the life of traditional Russian society, cannot be imagined without the image of a folk costume. Colorful outfits of peasant women and merchants, complemented by bright scarves and shawls, are captured on the canvases of Malyavin, Ryabushkin, Kustodiev, Nesterov and other artists. During the lecture, employees of the Department of Folk Art spoke about the most valuable works and the history of the formation of the collection of the Russian Museum.

  • April. "Masterpieces of the Museum of Mordovia"
During the lecture, a gallery of iconic works by a talented village artist F. Sychkov, who stood at the origins of Mordovian professional fine arts, was presented



Program-ma re-a-li-zo-va-na in those 2006-2010

Targets and goals:


For-mi-ro-va-nie among children, stay-chi-vo-go in-te-re-sa to the book, ras-shi-re-nie of their chi-ta-tel-sko-go kru -go-zo-ra, attracting to reading the best about-from-ve-de-niy-paternal and world-howl-te-ra-tu -ry, re-pi-ta-nie gram-mot-no-go chi-ta-te-la.


  • To-you-sit in-te-res to the n-chat-no-word-woo, raise the pre-stige of reading
  • Contribute to increase-li-che-niu to reading in the structure of free time for children and youth
  • Protect under-growth from the influence of the street. Pro-fi-lac-ti-ka right-in-on-ru-she-ny.
  • Re-a-li-zo-you-vat years of reading programs, some-ry give the opportunity to unite the efforts of the biblio-te-thread ki, out-of-school institutions and urban la-ge-rays from-dy-ha in or-ga-ni-za-tion to-su-ga de-tei let-tom
  • Within the framework of the program, we are reading to create a si-ste-mu bib-lio-gra-fi-che-so-biy, where would we go from yes times types: book-stores, pa-myat-ki, book-le-you, re-ko-men-da-tel-lists-ki-te-ra-tu-ry
  • Attract the media to the pro-ble-me of children's reading


Program-ma re-a-li-zo-va-na from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015.

Tse-lew Program-we are yav-la-et-sya co-building a center for reading children, under-growth and mo-lo-de-zhi on the basis of-no-ve vza-and- mo-actions of the GUK “Ki-rov-skaya ob-last-naya children's library-te-ka named after A.S. Green", children's and rural libraries of the Kirov region, family and society.

Program-ma pre-smat-ri-va-et re-she-nie next-du-u-s for-dachas:

  • Mo-ti-va-tion and support for children’s and youthful reading, perfection-shen-stvo-va-tion and development of bib-forms lyo-tech-no-go service of children, under-growth, mo-lo-de-zhi, se-mei;
  • You-yav-le-nie, study and ras-pro-country-not-tion according to the lo-zhi-tel-no-go experience of reading;
  • Implementation of in-for-ma-ci-on-noy support for reading, applying modern technologies;
  • Or-ga-ni-for-tion of continuous-burst-no-go-high-pro-fess-sio-nal-no-th level of biblical-tech-special-ci-a- sheets on the pro-ble-mums of children's reading.
  • Creation of the background-yes of me-to-di-che-sky ma-te-ri-a-lov in the help of ru-ko-vo-di-te-lyam of children's reading ( bib-lio-te-ka-ri, pe-da-go-gi, ro-di-te-li) according to or-ga-ni-za-tion and development of reading.
  • On-la-zhi-va-nie interaction-and-mo-action of various structures of society, bodies of state power, business not-sa, ro-di-tel-society and children's libraries-tech of the Kirov region-la-sti on questions of support and pro-movement of reading, in-osch-re-niya of the best chi-ta-te-lei and chi-ta-yu-s-mei.

Providing a wide re-cla-we reading, using internal and external re-cla-mu, the media and the Internet.

“TO THE FUTURE WITH THE BOOK” Regional li-te-ra-tour-no-creative program of the Kirov-go-region-no-go-state -no-go budget-zhet-no-go institution-zhde-kul-tu-ry "Ki-rov-skaya ob-last-naya bib-lio-te-ka for children and youth them .A.S. Green" for 2016-2018

1. Justification of the program

Reading is a functional, basic skill for learning and living in a modern society. One-to-one all over the world from-me-cha-ut-gen-gen-gen-den-tions: pas-de-nie prestige reading and abbreviation of time -me-no, de-la-e-mo-go reading; worsening on-you-kov reading. Reading has become in a significant step-pe-ni ori-en-ti-ro-va-no on in-for-ma-chi-on-no-prag-ma-ti-che -sky in-requirement-no-sti.

The printed word-in-the-morning-chi-va-et has its exclusive role in the general in-for-ma-ci-on-space. Modern de-ti and under-growth in the go-times-up to a greater degree-pe-no see-there than chi-ta-te-li and listen-sha-te-li . Computer-pu-ter-naya era of prin-qi-pi-al-but me-nya-et volume-e-we, but-si-te-li, form-mu-su-stu-stvo-va-niya, pe -re-da-chi and re-pri-i-tiya in-form-ma-tion.

Biblio-te-ka, the most ancient public institute, an inseparable part of modern culture has the possibility -no-sti, using new approaches and technologies, successfully overcome many problems of reading. Kom-pyu-te-ri-for-tion sa-ma doesn’t solve pain-shin-stva in-for-ma-qi-on-no-ob-ra-zo-va-tel problems, since the main pre-city is the low level of the chi-ta-tel-kul-tu-ry, and the chi-ta-tel-skaya cul-tu -ra yav-la-et-sya fun-da-men-tom in-for-ma-chi-on-noy culture-tu-ry and general culture-tu-ry as a whole. Chi-ta-yu-shaya na-tion - na-tion once-vi-va-yu-shcha-ya-sya.

2. Are the goals of the program

  • Development and support of the public in-te-re-sa for reading and books, support of you-with-whom prestige reading in the public consciousness
  • Admission to reading and using the bib-lio-te-koy de-tey, mo-lo-de-zhi and shi-ro-kih so-qi-al-nyh layers-ev on-se-le-nia; development of stability-chi-howling according to the need-to-sti in reading, especially ben-but for children, for-mi-ro-va-nie of the culture of reading, skills, poses-in-la-yu-shih chi-ta-te-lu sa-mo-sto-I-tel-but for-mi-ro-vat your circle of reading, use-pol-zo- to read reading as a tool for knowing the world and self-knowledge;
  • The development of na-you-kov eff-fek-tiv-no-th reading in the conditions of the modern bib-lio-te-ki, ovla-de-nie chi-ta- te-la-mi modern-men-us-mi tech-no-lo-gi-i-mi ra-bo-you with text, book, development of love for reading, raising the level of reading.

3. Terms of re-a-li-for-tion

Program-ma re-a-li-zu-et-sya from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. The program is yav-la-et-sya complex, with-o-ri-tet-noy, long-term and represents one of the hundred -yan-nyh on-right-le-ny ra-bo-you bib-lyo-te-ki. Program-ma mo-der-ni-zi-ru-et-sya, co-ver-shen-stvo-is-sya and ras-shi-rya-is-sya, yav-la-yut-sya new on-right-le-niya ra-bo-you, introduce-rya-ut-sya new me-to-di-ki and tech-no-logies.

4. Basic new tasks

  1. Pro-pa-gan-yes of knowledge, reading and support, pro-movement of in-te-re-sa to reading, to print-chat-no-mu- woo.
  2. For-mi-ro-va-nie chi-ta-tel-kul-tu-ry. Support and ak-ti-vi-za-tion chi-ta-tel-sky de-i-tel-no-sti.
  3. Search, development and implementation of the most effective methods of developing creative reading de-tey, under-growth and mo-lo-de-zhi with the use of all the advantages of the modern biblio-te-ki.
  4. At-attracting pol-zo-va-te-lei in bib-lio-te-ku, raising pre-sti-zh and ro-li bib-lio-te-ki, for-mi -ro-va-nie in-zi-tiv-no-go, friend-love-but-go im-ja bib-lio-te-ki.
  5. Ak-ti-vi-za-tion in de-i-tel-no-sti bib-lio-te-ki se-mei-no-go reading with the goal of supporting families with children , the creation of favorable conditions for the development of family forms of resurrection and the establishment of personal-no-sty re -ben-ka.
  6. Dis-covering bo-ga-tei-she-go in ten-qi-a-la books and reading, in-form-ma-qi-on-nyh re-sur-owls bib-lyo -te-ki, the creation of a mak-si-mal-but b-go-pleas-yat-ny conditions for a better so-qi-al-but valuable book-but -journal-noy, audio-vi-zu-al-noy and multi-ti-me-diy-noy production, spo-s-svo-u-sche pro-movement of reading- niya, during temporary or permanent use, further development of the si-ste-we in-for-mi-ro-va-nia about whether-te-ra-tu-re and so-perfect-shen-stvo-va-nie bib-lio-tech-no-in-for-ma-qi-on-no-go service -tion.
  7. Giving children and mo-lo-de-zhi the opportunity to get the pleasure of reading and enjoying from communion to knowledge-ni-pits and hu-to-same-pro-of-ve-de-ni-pits. Development of love for books and reading, de-shi-re-nie kru-go-zo-ra chi-ta-te-ley through the study of knowing-va- tel-noy, educational and hu-do-the-same-no-te-ra-tu-ry, raising their in-tel-lek-tu-al-no-go-raz- vi-tiya.
  8. Promotion of reading and books, not only in the environment of the pol-zo-va-te-lei bib-lio-tech, but also among the so-called. "weak chi-ta-te-lei", people not included in the book culture, as well as among such ka-te-go-ry , as pre-old-re-ly and people with limited-no-chen-ny-mi physical-che-ski-mi-possible-but-stya-mi, service -something about-from-in-dit-sya at home or in sta-chi-o-na-rach (bib-lio-te-ra-piya, skaz-ko-te-ra-piya, etc. .).
  9. 9. Pro-ve-de-ing PR-campa-ny about ro-li bib-lio-te-ki as the most important fact-ra-preservation and development vi-tiya in-tel-lek-tu-al-no-go in-ten-qi-a-la and cultural-tur-no-go wealth of the country.
  10. 10. Raising the qua-li-fi-ka-tion co-work-ni-kov bib-lio-te-ki, ru-ko-vo-di-te-lei reading, at- attracting specialists to the bib-lio-te-ku on the problems of reading.
  11. Ak-ti-vi-za-tion research-follow-before-va-tel-sk-ra-bo-you in the field of reading, through or-ga-ni-for-tion of your own photos ru-mov, conferences, se-mi-na-ditch and participation in ana-logic-me-ro-at-i-ti-yah inter-du-on-rod- no-go, all-Russian-si-go-go and re-gio-nal-no-go levels, install-new-le-tion of long-govre-men-nyh, si-ste-ma-ti- che-sky contacts with As-so-qi-a-qi-i-mi reading, development of correspondence from-reply-stu-yu-shchy contacts with ros- si-ski-mi and for-ru-bezh-us-mi-kol-le-ha-mi.
  12. Cooperation with all for-in-te-re-with-van-ny-mi in support and pro-motion of reading or-ga-ni -for-qi-i-mi, institute-zhde-ni-i-mi and ve-house-stva-mi, power-us-mi structures-tu-ra-mi and the media, educational-us-mi-for-ve -de-ni-i-mi, background-da-mi and societal-us-mi or-ga-ni-for-qi-i-mi.

5. Target Audience

The program “With a book in the future” ori-en-ti-ro-va-na for different target audiences:

  • Pol-zo-va-te-li bib-lio-te-ki and other ka-te-go-rii on-se-le-nia:
    • De-ti: pre-school-no-ki, school-no-ki younger and middle age-ra-ta.
    • Under-growth.
    • Youth and youth.
    • Adult audience-to-riya: ru-ko-vo-di-te-whether children's reading.
    • Pol-zo-va-te-li bib-lio-te-ki, chi-ta-yu-schi in online mode, not-se-scha-yu-schi bib-lio-te- ku
    • People with ogre-ni-chen-ny-mi physical-che-ski-mi-possible-but-sta-mi
  • Bib-lyo-te-ka-ri, pe-da-go-gi, vo-pi-ta-te-li and sp-tsi-a-li-sta in the field of reading and book-but th de la.
  • Represent the media, partner, sponsor organizations and foundations, represent tour.

6. Re-source software

For the re-a-li-za-tion of me-ro-pri-i-ty Program-we-pre-la-ha-et-sya attracting funds from the region-no- go budget and out of budget sources

7. The mechanism of re-a-li-for-tion

Basis-new-us-mi is-pol-no-te-la-mi Program-we are-la-ut-sya all structural sub-divisions of de-le-tion of KOGBUK “KOBDYU them. A.S. Gri-on.

7.1. With the goal of development-work-ing and successful re-a-li-za-tion of the Program "With a book in the future" co-creating creativity che-sky la-bo-ra-to-riya of chi-ta-tel-sko-th taste-sa, becoming part of someone-swarm-dyat for-ve-du-yu-schi from-de- la-mi and se-to-ra-mi, sp-tsi-a-li-sta me-to-di-che-sko-go from de la, other sp-tsi-a-li-sta , for-no-ma-u-schi-e-sya pro-ble-ma-mi reading. river-to-ra on ra-bo-te with chi-ta-te-la-mi. -bo-ra-to-rii yav-la-yut-sya:

  • anal-liz and pe-ri-o-di-che-sky mo-no-to-ring chi-ta-tel-sky de-i-tel-no-sti pol-zo-va-te-lei bib-lyo -te-ki (in-ten-siv-ness, mo-ti-va-tion, pre-reverence, pro-ble-ma-ti-ka reading, etc.), what pos-in-la-et you-ra-bo-tat co-ot-vet-stvo-yu-schie re-ko-men-da-tion for further de-i-tel-no-sti according to the re-a-li-for-tion on the one hundred-I-schey Programs;
  • bib-lio-tech-studies-follow-up-va-nia (an-ke-ti-ro-va-nie, in-ter-view-i-ro-va-nie, surveys, so-cis -follow-to-va-nia);
  • analysis of the existing me-di-che-sky ma-te-ri-a-lov and experience-ta ra-bo-you-other-or-ga-ni-za- tsy, bib-lio-tech, as-so-qi-a-tsy, foundations on problems of reading;
  • raz-ra-bot-ka tech-no-lo-gy and me-to-dik ;
  • you-ra-bot-ka re-ko-men-da-tsy.

LIBRARY PROJECTS them. A.S. Green on

year 2000 - project "Ve-ryu to Russia" po-lu-chil grant Pre-zi-den-ta RF

The purpose of the project is: the development of the is-to-ri-che-pa-my-ti-children and adolescents, the resurrection of the feelings of the household and-on your own land, pat-ri-o-ta and citizen-yes-ni-na, through effective and different-sides-it-us-pol-zo- va-ing in-for-ma-ci-on-nyh re-sur-sov ODB named after A.S. Gri-on; raz-ra-bot-ka me-to-dik, raz-vi-va-yu-schi programs, means of vi-zu-al-no-go ori-en-ti-ro-va-nia with per- spec-ti-howl of their use in the children's biblio-te-ka ob-la-sti.

Funds, received from the grant of Pre-zi-den-ta of the Russian Federation, would it be used to get-to-re-te-com-drink -ditch, that it is possible to co-create in the ODB named after A.S. Gri-on the center-tra in-for-ma-tsi-on-noy support-ki pat-ri-o-ti-che-go-vos-pi-ta-niya de-tey and under-growth- kov: or-ga-ni-zo-va-ny DB in electronic and tra-di-ci-on-nom va-ri-an-te: “Is-to-riy Ro-di-ny” , “Kra-e-ve-de-nie”, “Vyatka region”, “Is-th-riya of the region in persons”, “Childhood”.

Within the framework of the program-grams, we co-sto-yal-xia-launch netra-di-qi-on-ny in-for-ma-qi-on-no-bib-lio-gra-fi-che- in-so-biy: “Dym-kov-skaya, clay-nya-naya, ras-pis-naya” (bib-lio-gra-fi-che-sky uka-for-tel-ras-kras-ka with use-pol-zo-va-ni-em folk-lore-no-go ma-te-ri-a-la); a series of give-jests about de-lo-vy people of Vyatka) go-ber-na-to-ry, merchants and pre-pri-ni-ma-te-li, etc.) ; a series of information blocks about in-the-res-places of the Kirov region: "Ancient lizards", "Nur -gush-sky za-po-ved-nick "and others.

2002 - project "Book of Vyatka for children" was announced in the Fe-de-ral-noy program “Development and preservation of culture and art of the Russian Fe -de-ra-tion". The purpose of the project: to attract attention, to call in-te-res and practical actions of society to the problem reading by children of books of Vyatka pi-sa-te-lei and their publication. To-me-tit the way of co-work-no-thing: Vyat-sky pi-sa-tel - book-ga - chi-ta-tel.

The project received a grant from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and financial support for De-par-ta-men-ta culture and is- art of the Kirov region.

Within the framework of the pro-ek-ta would-la times-ra-bo-ta-on the regional program-ma de-I-tel-no-sti children's biblio-tech ob- la-sti “Book-ga Vyat-sky for children” in the course of someone-swarm with-hundred-I-moose study of the book-no-go-fon-da-kra-e-ved- che-sky whether-te-ra-tu-ry, including books of Vyatka pi-sa-te-lei, races-about-countries-not-us an-ke-you by study reading books of Vyatka pi-sa-te-lei by children and ru-ko-vo-di-te-la-mi children's reading, collection and si-ste -ma-ti-for-tion ma-te-ri-a-la for collecting-no-ka, etc.

For children, a regional competition “Chi-ta-em, write and draw a Vyatka book for children” was announced. More than 400 ra-boats from 30 district-o-new ob-la-sti in-lu-chi-la ODB named after A.S. Gri-on. Ri-sun-ki, business-ki, cross-word-dy, verses, smoke-kov-sky game-rush-ka, from-zy-you on the books of A. Gri-n, A. Li-ha-no-va, N. Ru-si-no-howl, V. Sit-ni-ko-va, T. Death-ti-noy, V. Po-no-ma-re-wa you-becoming-le-na in the chi-tal-nom for-le bib-lio-te-ki.

Rezul-ta-vol project-ek-ta appeared from yes-niya: bio-bib-lio-gra-fi-che-sky collection “Book of Vyat-sky for children” and chre-sto-ma-tia for children of the younger school age with an analogous name.

2004 - project "Ras-them pat-ri-o-ta-mi of the Vyatka region" presented as an application for participation in the State program “Pat-ri-o-ti-che-vo-pi-ta citizens of the Russian Federation”. Ru-ko-vo-di-tel pro-ek-ta Eme-lya-no-va G.I. ben-knowing-knowing-of-moral-no-go and pat-ri-o-ti-che-th-debt, approval of the hundred-tu-sa children's biblio- flowed like the center of pat-ri-o-ti-che-sko-go-vos-pi-ta-niya de-tey on the edge of the Ved-che ma-te-ri-a-le.

Project on-lu-chil-finan-co-support of the Fe-de-ral-no-go agency for culture-tu-re and ki-ne-ma-to-gra-fi and de -par-ta-men-ta cultural-tu-ry, in-for-ma-tion and public relations of the Kirov region. Within the framework of the project, there was a competition of children's biblio-techs of the region “Own knowledge and love for the Vyatka region of the re-da-dim de-tyam. 66 children's and rural libraries from 20 regions of the region took part in the competition. All in all, in the bib-lio-te-ku in-stu-pi-lo 210 ra-bots from 194 av-to-ditch, some-rye volumes-one-not-us in 6 volumes of regions -noy children's ru-ko-pis-noy Books of Pa-my-ti "Vyat-sky az-bu-ka". Each volume keeps its own theme: “Na-se-len-ny points”, “Is-to-riya”, “Temples”, “Kul-tu-ra”, “Pri- ro-da”, “Noble people”.

Another rezul-ta-tom pro-ek-ta became from the children's en-cyclo-lo-pedia "Vyat-skaya az-bu-ka". Her apparition-le-nie you-call-but to life-no for-sa-mi kra-e-ved-che-te-ma-ti-ki of younger school-ni-kov. Need-ho-di-my whether-te-ra-tu-ry, adapt-ti-ro-van-noy for ma-lys, there is no practical-ti-che-ski. “Vyat-sky az-bu-ka” - en-tsik-lo-pe-diya-pu-te-vo-di-tel along the native land, on-pi-san-naya to the steps for children, in a language-com, in-stro-e-na according to the principle-qi-pu “Question-from-vet”. So-hundred-vi-te-li en-tsik-lo-pe-dii: Eme-lya-no-va G.I., Bird-ni-ko-va I.A., Shev-chen-ko L. AT. Ofor-mil kni-gu hu-doge-nick Alexander Vik-to-ro-vich Se-le-zen-nev.

2006 - "Vyat-ka and Vyat-chan": en-cyclo-lo-pedia for teenagers in-lu-chi-la financial-co-support of the Fe-de-ral-no-go agency by pe-cha-ti and mas-so-com-mu-no-ka-qi-yam in re-zul-ta-te con-course-no-go from-bo-ra from-da-ny to Fe-de-ral-naya target program "Culture of Russia" for 2006.

En-tsik-lo-pe-diya yav-la-et-sya pro-long-same-no-em and to-half-no-no-em to "Vyatka az-bu-ke". So-hundred-vi-te-la-mi en-tsik-lo-pe-dia on-row-du with bib-lio-te-ka-rya-mi: Shev-chen-ko L.V., Eme- lya-no-voy G.I., Berd-ni-ko-voy I.A., Bush-mele-voy A.Yu. yav-la-yut-sya chi-ta-te-li - de-ti, participants-no-ki of the last-no-go-kur-sa “Own knowledge and love for the Vyat-sko- to the edge of pe-re-da-dim de-tyam. The best ra-bo-you entered the publishing house "Vyat-ka and Vyat-chane".

2012 - "To reading through the game": received financial support from the Government of the Kirov region in the course of the regional state governments and mu-ni-qi-pal-nyh institutions on the basis of de-gentle means for re-a-li-za-tion so-qi-al-but-mean-chi- my projects (programs). The project pre-smat-ri-va-et develops and ras-shi-re-nie spheres de-i-tel-no-sti Te-at-ra of the book “Zur-ba- gan "KOGBUK" Kirov-skaya regional library for children and youth named after A.S. Gri-on", the creation on its basis of the ex-pe-ri-men-tal-noy square for Te-at-dov books in children's libraries kah ob-la-sti with the aim of for-half-non-niya kul-tour-no-go va-ku-u-ma in the children's-youth-she-sky environment; attraction to reading the class-si-che-sky and hu-to-same-whether-te-ra-tu-ry that part of the under-growth-of-howl-audi-to- rii, some-paradise of this morning-ti-la to her in-te-res; in-attraction of under-growths into the so-qi-al-nuyu practice-ti-ku by way of development of good-ro-vol-che-sky (in-lon-ter-sky ) de-i-tel-no-sti and co-labor-no-che-stvo with vo-lon-ter-ski-mi or-ga-ni-for-qi-i-mi go-ro-yes and about -la-sti.