All in the style of the USSR. New Year's Eve at the Information Library Center. How to decorate a room

  • 26.03.2020

The USSR is long gone, but the memory of it is still alive. This is reflected in many ways: films, books, fashion and, of course, the very memories of those who were lucky enough to catch him. And how great it would be to plunge into the Soviet atmosphere again.

So why not? A party in the style of the USSR is the best occasion. This, of course, is no longer original, but always fun and bright.

Don't know where to start? Start with the history of a great power.

Approaching reality: the USSR - what was it like?

So, the generation born in the 90s knows about the USSR only from textbooks, films and stories from their parents. But the topic is of interest to many, and most would like to be at least for a moment in this amazing country with a shortage on store shelves, ice cream for 3 kopecks and faith in a bright communist future.

In order for the celebration to be not only fun, but also more reliable, at least a superficial study of the Soviets would be useful. What is the USSR?

  • A huge territory that brought together a considerable number of nationalities.
  • A closed state that severely restricts travel to the border, as well as suppressing the propaganda of everything American and European.
  • Free medicine and education, which were at the highest level.
  • Octoberites, Pioneers and Komsomol members.
  • Soda machines for 3 kopecks.
  • Lack of unemployment and contempt for parasitism.
  • Letters, telegrams and pay phones instead of smartphones.
  • Long queues for scarce goods.
  • Olivier salad, "herring under a fur coat" and "Soviet" champagne for each New Year.
  • The same outfits in public, and the desire to stand out was regarded as an attempt to introduce a foreign mentality.
  • Absence of mortgages, credits and loans.

And many, many more that could be listed forever. But the Union, which was also called the "scoop", was a good country without any consumer attitude.

What and where to celebrate?

A USSR themed party requires preparation. And no matter what celebration is planned to be held. Whether:

  • birthday. Especially true for those who were "born in the Soviet Union, made in the USSR";
  • corporate evening in honor of February 23, March 8, May 1. A New Year's party in the style of the USSR, and costumed, will be very memorable;
  • corporate evening in honor of the company's birthday;
  • meeting of school or university graduates;
  • professional holiday in the organization: the day of the teacher, builder, lawyer, etc .;
  • family reunions and even weddings.

If there was a reason to gather, the style was chosen, now it is necessary to think over the place where the event will be held. Of course, you need to build on not only the conceived topic, but also on the number of invited guests.

An apartment is also suitable for a small family celebration. And if it is also furnished with Soviet furniture, which is still found in our time, then it will be very cool. One problem (design) will be less. A small company can also meet in the following places:

  • in a dorm room (relevant for student gatherings);
  • in the school gym (for a meeting of graduates or for teachers on a professional holiday);
  • rent a hall in a themed cafe, decorated in the Soviet style;
  • rent a canteen, especially one that has been preserved since Soviet times;
  • rent a room in the House of Culture, of which there are many in the provinces;
  • order a hall of a modern restaurant or cafe and arrange accordingly;
  • on the fresh air: a park, a courtyard of your own house or a trip to nature. An excellent option would be a summer playground, then it will be possible to recreate a holiday in the style of Soviet summer dances.

To make it easier for yourself, you can turn to professional organizers of celebrations. They will pick up the place and arrange it from "a" to "z".

The theme of the evening: how to celebrate?

If you decide to organize a themed party in the style of the USSR, then you will need to be more specific about what you really want. You should not be limited only to pioneer ties and doctor's sausage sandwiches. No. It is necessary to approach the solution of the task in a broader way, to come up with and simulate some kind of Soviet situation.

Here are some examples:

  1. If it will be a New Year's party in the style of the USSR with a script and contests, then you can recreate the situation based on the Soviet film "Carnival Night". This is relevant for corporate organizations with a large staff. Everyone can be assigned a role in your "movie" and instructed to build a similar costume.
  2. we invite you to remember your youth and plunge into the fun time of the Komsomol. And younger people can return to the pioneers for a while and arrange a path, if not bonfires, then a festive meeting with initiation into pioneers and tying the legendary red tie.
  3. A celebration or a party can be held based on collective farms, dressed as tractor drivers, workers, milkmaids and, of course, where without an agronomist and a chairman? "Lift the virgin soil" at your event.
  4. Similarly, you can spend the evening, recreating the atmosphere of working, factory life.
  5. The younger generation can remember the 80s, when youth discos were held with the music of Modern Talking, C. C. Catch, etc.
  6. The Soviet-style party itself is unusual, but you can make it even more creative. For example, in the spirit of the subcultures of that time (the well-known forbidden dudes or punks, hippies, rockers penetrating the ranks of Soviet youth).

To make it easier, you can turn to Soviet cinema for an idea and simply repeat what many have loved so much: "The Irony of Fate" is an excellent script new year party in the style of the USSR, "Office romance", "Ivan Brovkin", "Love and doves". Not only the plot, but also the costumes can be adopted from the films. It will be especially fun to bring to life some kind of children's film, such as "Guest from the Future" or "Electronics".

Particularly creative and courageous young couples can spend their wedding day not in the way everyone is used to, namely in the spirit of the Soviets. Brides can look through their mother's or grandmother's closet for a wedding dress or have a custom-made one that matches the style. Music, food, contests do not deviate from the theme. There is one but. Most weddings in the USSR were sober: no hard liquor, and student weddings sometimes even banned champagne. And since it is now almost impossible to imagine a wedding without alcohol, you can be resourceful: serve alcohol in teapots instead of bottles. And of course, the doll on the hood of the wedding "Volga".

"Notification to you": how to notify guests in an original way

The date of the USSR-style party has been set, it's time to start inviting guests. Even if a modest family celebration is planned, it is still worth showing your guests that the atmosphere of the holiday will be unusual.

Whether a birthday is planned, a New Year's corporate party or a Soviet wedding, there should be an invitation. But in what form it should be processed and sent?

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is a letter. You need to write an invitation by hand, if many guests are planned, you can print it on a regular sheet in a box and seal it in an envelope, indicating the address and index on it. Everything is the same as when there was no SMS, e-mail and social networks. For speed of distribution, it is better not to rely on mail, but to spread it out yourself in mailboxes guests.
  2. The telegram is another Soviet way of communication and communication that was very popular. Of course, now there is no such service at the post office, so you will have to look for sample forms on the Internet and print them out. What to write is up to you, do not forget only about "point" and "spot".
  3. Soviet postcards. If you have clean postcards of that time lying around at home, then consider it time for them to find their addressee.
  4. A diploma as an invitation will amuse every guest.
  5. The party ticket is a very important and respected ticket of the USSR. And greet guests theme party in the style of the USSR with the words: "Show your party card" is very funny.
  6. Posters and slogans are another symbol of the Union. Therefore, feel free to adopt this idea as an invitation. Of course, you should not diligently draw or print an invitation on whatman paper. A reduced copy the size of a postcard is sufficient.

There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is to try not to resort to the help of modern gadgets.

What does a party in the style of the USSR imply? Costumes, location and, of course, food. Treats - that's what will give you a little trouble, because in the Union there was a well-known shortage and either government officials or high-ranking officials could get good provisions, and then with coupons.

Where to look for food attributes of a party in the style of the USSR? In the store, and besides, this will not require special costs, unless, of course, you are going to repeat the festive table of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

So, what to serve as a treat? Of course, what was on the festive New Year's table of a Soviet person. It was on New Year's Eve that people tried to lay the most luxurious, as they say now, table. On other holidays, the menu looked a little more modest.

  1. Olivier - without him, a holiday is not a holiday. Moreover, this tradition - to cook this salad for the New Year - still exists in many families. It was also called "Winter". And it is worth preparing it according to the classic recipe: with boiled sausage and peas.
  2. "Herring under a fur coat" is a favorite dish for Soviet, and now Russian people and a complete misunderstanding for foreign people.
  3. Mimosa is the second most popular salad among Soviet people. And its demand was not only in the taste of the dish, but also in the fact that all its ingredients were available for sale.
  4. Aspic. If it was possible to get a pork knuckle, then this meant that on holiday table there will definitely be jelly, which was used to fill the shelves of the refrigerator or the balcony.
  5. Sandwiches with black bread and sprats - cheap and cheerful, and most importantly, delicious.
  6. Jellied fish, which is an analogue of meat jelly. Not to say that it was cooked in every family, but the popularity of this dish was high.
  7. Processed cheese "Friendship".
  8. "Soviet" champagne is a must-have alcoholic drink for your USSR style party. Special costs are not required, since champagne is inexpensive. From "Soviet" alcohol, you can also put cognac, vodka or port wine on the table.
  9. For non-drinkers, it would be appropriate to put Duchess, Baikal or Citro soda, as well as birch or apple juice.
  10. From a sweet treat, a cake with roses, chocolates "Mishka in the North", " bird's milk", cakes "Potato" and "Basket", tubes with cream, "nuts".
  11. For the New Year's celebration, you can add fruits - tangerines - a real symbol of the USSR.

You can complement the table with red caviar, cold cuts and other delights of gastronomy. But if the party is in the style of a working Soviet person, then it is better to refrain from such treats.


In the style of the USSR? There are no restrictions here, the main thing is not to deviate from that era. If the scenario of a party in the style of "Back to the USSR" is focused on some Soviet film, then everything is simple here: the host of the holiday is the main character and must dress appropriately. And guests can choose other roles.

If a specific decade of the Soviet Union is chosen, then the clothes for a party in the style of the USSR should be characteristic. For example:

  1. The 1930s were a difficult time of repressions and eternal suspicions. And the costumes must be appropriate: budenovki, caps, leather coats, red scarves, high tarpaulin boots.
  2. If you want to recreate the military theme of the 40s, then you can rent an army uniform, a nurse uniform.
  3. For a party in the style of "Back to the USSR" of the 50s. Suits-deuces for men of discreet colors are suitable. And the main "trick" - trousers tucked into boots. For girls, dresses of a simple cut with a collar, white socks are suitable. No makeup.
  4. The 60s can be spent in the image of dudes. The movie of the same name has been watched by everyone. The idea with costumes can be adopted from there.

If a specific period is not set, then you can choose any suit that matches the time. Costumes for girls for a party in the USSR style should be modest, dim (if not dudes), and no defiant makeup. A more relaxed look is permissible for the 80s.

What other options are there? You can dress up as schoolchildren in the corresponding truly legendary uniform: with pioneer ties or You can find pioneer costumes. This is not only a red tie, it is a white top and a blue bottom, as well as caps.

Make a party of Soviet fashionistas dressing in jeans. Or just look in the chests of your parents and grandparents for clothes bought in the Soviet Union. You will be ordinary citizens.

Remember that the dress code (costumes) for a party in the style of the USSR is the main condition of the event. So dudes are allowed to enter.

What's a party without music? Therefore, for the corresponding celebration, you need to choose the appropriate playlist. What did they listen to in the Soviet Union? Why were Soviet citizens fanatics?

  • In the 30s and 40s: romances performed by Fyodor Chaliapin, orchestral music and songs by Dunayevsky.
  • In the late 60s - early 70s: early electronic music, songs of the Soviet pop-variety, songs of VIA, author's work, rock music of Soviet production.
  • In the 80s there was a total "bloom" of the musical tastes of Soviet citizens: Russian rock was gaining tremendous momentum - "Kino", "Alisa", "DDT", "Bravo" and others, disco, electro-pop and so on. The youth was also attracted by foreign music. Such well-known groups as "Electroclub", "Mirage", "Tender May" appeared.

Choose the music you like and download the playlist. But the preparation does not end there. If you want to bring the atmosphere of the Union as close as possible, then take care also of where the selected repertoire will sound from. The devices of the USSR were as follows:

  • The gramophone is the earliest type of record player. He played vinyl records and worked from a mechanical factory. Later, electric gramophones appeared;
  • over time, other types of players began to appear - tape recorders. With their advent, vinyl was replaced by reels of music. The devices were bulky and required as much space as a television set. The most popular were "Dnepro" and "Jupiter";
  • in the late 60s, cassette tape recorders appeared, but at the same time, reel-to-reel options and vinyl players did not lose their relevance.

Tape recorders of the 70-80s are likely to be found from parents and grandmothers. And older devices should be looked for in pawnshops, antiques stores. But the quality of the reproduced sound can be very lame. And if the party is going to be noisy, then it is better to resort to modern audio systems, and arrange rare ones as an entourage.

"Your pass, comrade", or How to meet guests

Guests are greeted from the doorstep, so this should also be done in the spirit of the Soviet era. The scenario of a party in the style of the USSR, or rather, a meeting of guests, can be like this:

  1. The hosts, dressed in costumes, let guests in according to the availability of invitation cards. If the guest forgot to take it with him, then he must be "fined": let him sing a song or tell some Soviet rhyme.
  2. If the guest came "out of shape", then he needs to make a "reprimand", but at the same time give out some attribute: a badge, a pioneer tie, a Budyonovka or something else.
  3. Incoming guests can be recorded in the notebook "Registration Book" against signature.
  4. As soon as the guests gather, they should be greeted with a solemn speech. Suitable options for a welcoming speech sounding at a party congress, at Komsomol or pioneer meetings, etc.

Fun time

In the scenario of a party in the style of the USSR, there must be contests. Here, the combination is not forbidden: Soviet entertainment can be combined with modern. They can be conducted by a hired host or the host of the celebration. And in addition to competitions, you need to hold any entertainment games and activities.

This is what the entertainment of Soviet citizens consisted of:

  • guitar songs;
  • lotto, chess, charades;
  • dancing;
  • active outdoor games, such as "Zarnitsa".

So how can you entertain your guests? What competitions for a party in the style of the USSR are suitable?

  1. Do a quiz about the Soviet Union. After all, Soviet citizens were the most reading nation.
  2. Arrange competitive contests: who will tie a pioneer tie faster and more correctly, who will name more aphorisms from Soviet films, who will quickly make a hat out of a newspaper, who will quickly find objects of the Soviet era among a bunch of different things.
  3. An improvisation contest will be interesting: give guests cards with Soviet abbreviations (CPSU, CEC, VLKSM, etc.) and invite them to decipher them, but not in the right way, but fun, let them come up with something fun. For example: CPSU - when will we sit down to drink today, etc.
  4. From mobile entertainment should be not only dancing. Contests can be as follows: "Waste paper collection" - while the music is playing, it is necessary to collect as much paper as possible. Or invite guests to remember the famous "rubber bands" or "classics".

As prizes and promotional souvenirs, you can use the attributes of the era of the Soviet Union: badges, flags, cassettes, magnets with the image of the country, portraits and busts of heads of state, "Soviet" champagne and much more.

At the end of the party, you can give certificates to especially distinguished guests, for example, "For activity", "For original costume", "Excellent student of competitions" and so on. The scenario of party contests in the style of the USSR can be supplemented. Go outside and release red balloons or an Olympic bear balloon into the sky.


Remember that the USSR is a whole era of 69 great years. What will your Soviet-style party be like: troubled 30s, military 40s, agricultural 50s or youthful 80s? Whatever you choose, you will not escape from stormy emotions and pleasure.

The history of the country remained only in the photo. Party in the style of the USSR, which we talk about in the article, will remind you of the past and bring a lot of pleasure.

Scenario New Year's corporate party"Back to USSR"

1 feast


There are so many wonderful holidays
Everyone gets their turn
Only the very best holiday
Of course, it's New Year's Eve.
He will have to rush to us for a long time
Bring happiness and good luck
Laughing with us,
This wonderful holiday is the New Year.

- So today we have gathered to celebrate this magical holiday in the circle of our beloved employees and the word for congratulations is given to the headmaster - Malikhova L.N.

Director's greeting. Toast.



Dear friends, dear comrades! Yes, yes, it is comrades, not gentlemen, because today we will go on an exciting journey through time. New Year is always a fairy tale and magic, and today we will be transported to those years when the country was different. With joy and nostalgia, we will go to our Soviet cloudless childhood.Today we will take a trip to Magic world 80 and 90! why?

It’s just that our time is tense, fast-paced, when we no longer go to work, but run, we don’t go shopping, but fly, and we crawl home tired and exhausted from work. Our world, connected by the web of the Internet, has become so small.Today we get to know each other in contact, and at 90 we invited each other to a slow dance in the school auditorium! Now the piano can only be found in concert hall, and then he stood in almost every school and brought more joy! But most importantly, in the 90s we ourselves were different: more fun, sincere and simpler. In the 90s, we did everything with you different things, someone walked under the table, someone skipped physics classes, someone was already an uncle. But this is not the point, the main thing is that we are all from the 90s!



Do you remember, buddy, Vietnamese sneakers?
Knee bulge of children's tights?
Table hockey at the thieves' neighbor?..
I would like to remember what year it is?
Do you remember those knitted mittens,
Yes, yes, on an elastic band from old pants,
Our parents' happy faces...
Gagarin... Kharlamov... Blokhin... Morgunov...
Do you remember - we chewed gum for a week,
Putting it in the fridge overnight?
Do you remember Eaglet? That was great!!!
It is broken, before our children did not live
Do you remember the former dashing in the school yard?
And the first, with an overnight stay in tents, hike?
And, remember, we DECIDED to kiss ...
I would like to remember what year it is?


We invite you to return to the USSR again! Attend a feast of remembrance. Today, during this New Year's Eve, festive evening, we will remember what was popular during the Soviet Union, and more specifically, we will cover the period from the late 70s to the 90s.

There will be an opportunity to compete in the ability to dance DISCO, participate in competitions and watch funny musical numbers.
And, of course, what is an evening without a disco. So, are you ready? Fabulous! Healthy team spirit, as in an exemplary pioneer detachment!

Our concert opens with the Great Children's Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio.

The choir comes out.


Dear Larisa Nikolaevna, we want to congratulate you on your birthday, wish you good health, success in your work, clear skies above your head and give you a song.

Composer Vladimir Shainsky. Poems by Alexander Timofeevsky. Soloist: ………. "Song of the Crocodile Gena".

Performance of the song.

LN, do you remember your pioneer childhood? Today we invite you to become a pioneer again. Do you agree?

The oath.

I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after (Name of the Director), solemnly promise in the face of my comrades: to love my (company name) passionately. Plow, work and fight like

Support the teacher, with a word and a ruble.

Leave a bad mood at the door and put on the mask of a happy, businesslike, rich, charming and attractive woman every morning.

Happy birthday congratulations

We wish you happiness, joy.

Keep your oath faithfully

Follow all laws.

Do it without further ado!

Be ready!

Always ready!

Tying a tie and presenting a gift. Horn

We offertoast for twice pioneer and birthday girl Malikhova Larisa Nikolaevna.



Friends! It seems to me that at our holiday someone is clearly missing !! Whom…….????
That's right, of course, Santa Claus!
So let's call him the old, ancient but most reliable way!

New Year's welcome guest
Well, of course ... (in chorus !!! - Santa Claus !!!)
In the new year of gifts,

Who brought us-?
Father Frost! (in chorus)
Rose pattern on the window

Who is drawing?
Father Frost! (in chorus)
Cold hands, cold nose

Where are you, where are you?
Father Frost! (in chorus)

Santa Claus: How glad I am, how glad I am

See you today!

Has finally arrived

New Year's holiday.

On this day, in good hour

I congratulate everyone!

Happiness, joy, success

I wish everyone!

I brought you gifts in a bag

Put your hand down

and without looking into my bag
take something.

Guests choose gifts-dresses from the bag by touch and put them on.

Santa Claus: How beautiful everyone is, now you have a New Year's mood. But this is where my surprises begin. Now I will read your thoughts. I have a magic hat, on whom I will put it on, we will find out the thoughts of that person. Let's try.

Hat game.

Songs: “Let me go to the Himalayas”, “I’m walking like this all in Dolce Gabana”, “And in a restaurant”, “I want to get married”, “We are all bitch women”, “If I were a sultan”, “And I will sit down into a convertible”, “Let's pour”, “I was born in the Soviet Union”, etc.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and it’s not without reason that our presenter thinks about the Soviet Union. We celebrate our New Year's corporate party in retro style.

DM: I really love those times. ThisThe era is filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties.

Snow Maiden: Do you remember what wonderful films there were at that time. Let's remember the songs from the films of those times.

Association Competition.

Musical competition.What movie is this song from?

And a smile without a doubt suddenly - "Carnival Night"

In the dark blue forest, where the aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand"

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Ivan Vas."

When spring comes, I don’t know “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”

Somewhere in the world" - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you like - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"

Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - “It was in Penkovo”

Fatigue Forgotten - New Adventures of the Elusive

And now the task becomes more complicated, you need to know the songwith 2 letters.

Oh ... viburnum blooms

Oh ... frost

And in our yard

Eh .. it's good to live in a Soviet country

We ... honestly want to tell you

Where the maple makes noise

Kings Can Do Anything

Thank you, Snow Maiden! Please fill your glasses
and "Spend the old year"!


Presenter: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, isn't it time for us to dance? The most fashionable dance direction in the late 70s and early 80s was disco. It is in vogue now. Would you like to learn how to dance in disco style?

Snow Maiden: Nothing is impossible in the new year. Today we have a famous dance teacher who will teach anyone present how to dance DISCO.

Flashmob DISCO


2 feast


Now for a little quiz. Do you remember what prices were then?Now we'll check it out. Attention!

What could be bought

1. For one penny (a glass of gas water without syrup, a box of matches)
2. And for 2 kopecks? (call from pay phone)
3. 3 kopecks? (gas water with syrup, notebook, tram fare)
4. 5 kopecks? (travel by bus, trolleybus)
5. For 22 kopecks? (Eskimo, cake)
6. 1r 50 kopecks. we paid - for an application to the registry office.

7. For 5000 rubles? (Car "Zhiguli")
7. For 10,000 rubles ... - the Volga car.

8. How much did a loaf of black bread cost? 16 kopecks.

9. And white? ... 20 kopecks!

10. American dollar (56 kopecks)


How much did a bottle of vodka cost in the 80s? (2r 87 kopecks)

Prize - a bottle of vodka

Host: Let's fill our glasses and drink to our beloved socialist motherland! Three cheers!


Presenter: What is the New Year without ... a TV? Even now, more than half a century after the blue screen lit up Soviet apartments with joy, it remains an unchanged festive attribute. For many years, on the evening of December 31, all citizens froze in front of a black and white TV.

Brezhnev's address.

I suggest you remember what programs were then and guess them from the screensavers.

We divide the hall into two teams: Friendship and Orbit, like good old processed cheese.

    Competition “Guess the TV show by the screensaver” (“Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “Time”, “In the Animal World”, “Obvious Incredible”, “Alarm Clock”)

2. competition "Catch phrases". You remember well the domestic films of the USSR, don't you? And now we will check it.

Whoever from the team gives the correct answer first, that team will win.

- “They will send you, but you don’t steal” (Beware of the car)

- ... and you will be cured ... (Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession)

To live well, and to live well is even better! (Caucasian captive)

Wake up with us in Kolyma, you are welcome, (Diamond hand)

Stole, drank - in jail! Romance! (Gentlemen of fortune)

I demand the continuation of the banquet! (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

Announce the entire list please (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then – bam! – second shift (Big break)

Beauty is a terrible force! -(Spring)

Lepota - (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

Down with prejudice! A woman is a person too! (White sun of desert)

Yes, because without water - neither there nor here (Volga-Volga)

You’re sitting in vain, no apartments are expected until next spring (Girls)

Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow head will fall ... (Gentlemen of luck)

Everybody is dancing! - (Ivan changes you, etc.)

There were good people. Warmed up, robbed, i.e. picked up and warmed up.

Komsomol member, sportswoman and just a beauty (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

The speaker makes a short report like this, for about forty minutes ... (Carnival Night)

What a disgusting thing - this is your aspic fish. (The Irony of Fate)

3 contest

Karaoke competition "Songs from films" (films of the Soviet era)

(Music from the films "Three White Horses", (Sorcerers) "Alexandra ..." sounds, (Moscow does not believe in tears), "It's time, it's time, we will rejoice in our lifetime! (Three Musketeers)," If you don't have an aunt "

The last film is irony of fate.

Dear comrades, I would like to say a little more about this film, because it is probably the best New Year's film in our country. New Year without this film is like winter without snow for us. Even a Christmas tree, champagne and Olivier will not save if on December 31, at least one of the channels does not show "Irony of Fate". This "originally" Russian tradition was born on January 1, 1976. Then the whole country watched the premiere of the picture in one evening. Literally a month later, the film was repeated due to numerous, or rather countless, requests from viewers. Since then, the annual review of this touching story has become an obligatory ritual of the most magical holiday, a part of the miracle that we are waiting for every New Year ...

A toast to Soviet cinema.



3 feast

For many years, on the evening of December 31, all citizens froze in front of a black and white TV in anticipation of a truly kind and sincere “Blue Light”. We invite you to the blue light.

Performance of pop stars.

Indicate the year when the artists were popular.

Well, pull up the leggings and straighten the set bangs. Before you is the group "Combination"

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Toast: for the Soviet stage.

Disco 90s.


1. Contest "Quick shot" . Stand in a circle and dance to the music, passing a glass of wine. When the music stops, whoever has a glass in their hands drinks it. The competition lasts until the alcohol runs out or until someone drinks one three times.

2. The biggest bubble . In the days of disco it was hard to get chewing gums, so remember your childhood and inflate the biggest bubble

3 . Competition "Rubber". In those days, girls played rubber bands. Whoever remembers more figures from this game, he won.

Oh, those stormy 70s! The time of disco, hippies, feminism, it was then that the emergence of the environmental movement began in Europe, the Vietnam War took place ... In short, it was an era rich in changes in all areas of life. So, we have enough material at our disposal to organize a super party!


- Cut out a circle from paper and decorate it like a vinyl disc, or take a real disc that is no longer needed and write the text of the invitation in the center of the label.
- Find on the Internet a photo of a popular artist or actor in the 70s (for example, John Travolta in the movie "Saturday Night Fever") and use computer program replace his head with yours.
- Make a foil disco ball and stick the invitation on top or put it inside.
- Make a collage of vivid images and events of that era on a plain sheet of paper.
- Glue a CD cover out of paper, write your invitation on it, and insert a CD with music from the 70s inside to immerse the invitees in the appropriate atmosphere.
On a holiday in the style of the 70s, a costume party suggests itself! Ask guests to come in costume. The choice is huge: disco, punk, hippies, Abba, manga ... Almost everything is suitable!
Here are some ideas:
Disco: flared trousers, shirt in bright colors or sequins.
Hippies: Indian tunic, printed T-shirt, Afghan waistcoat, oversized glasses, headscarf, bell-bottoms, very bright clothes, often with floral motifs and embroidery, sandals, long beads (usually with pacific).
Abba: all white, flared trousers, platform shoes.
Punk: very aggressive style, ripped jeans, leather jacket, studded bracelet or necklace, oversized boots, appearance slightly unkempt, mohawks of all colors, pins.

Relax! There is so much to do here! Get ideas from the following list:
- disco ball;
- emoticons;
- flashy colors: orange, green, purple, yellow, and also necessarily brown;
- posters with quotes from the hits of the 70s;
- glitter, vinyl discs and magazines from the 70s, which can be found at flea markets;
- a banner with the slogan "Welcome to the 70s!";
- photos showing you and your friends in that era. You can even use them as seat markers;
- items that were popular in those days, for example, a rotary telephone;
- hallucinogenic, vulgar and floral motifs in patterns;
- wallpapers of that era;
- badges with slogans or emoticons.
Who knows the 70s better?
Here are some possible jobs:
- pair a singer (actor) from one list with the name of a song (movie) from another list:
- according to a quote from a song, say who performed it;
- Guess what the speech is about by an excerpt from a song or a screen saver for a film.
dance competition
There are several options for organizing a competition:
- “do as I do”: one person stands forward and begins to move in disco style, others must repeat after him. Those who do not cope gradually drop out;
- classic: a competent jury is selected, which selects the best by voting and grading;
- the longest chain: one person stands forward and shows the first movement, everyone repeats after him, then he shows the second movement, the task of the group is to repeat the combination of the first and second movement, and so on. The one who gets confused is out;
- disco lessons: you invite a professional to the event who teaches everyone the typical movements!

Despite the fact that this game originated in the mid-60s, it became most famous in the 70s. In addition, watching her is no less interesting and funny than playing.

Roller skating racing
Roller skates were very popular in the 70s! If each of the guests has them, then you could move the holiday from home to the street and arrange a small check-in. Imagine how fun it will be not only for you, but also for those around you who will see you in bright costumes!
What's this?

For this game, you will need items (or images) typical of the 70s, which are no longer in modern life. The task of the participants is to guess or remember what it is called and what it was for.

find the equivalent
Make a list of items or activities that were popular in the 70s and ask your guests to find equivalents in modern life, or vice versa. For example, cash payment - payment bank card(purchase on credit, through a mortgage), postal letter - email, telegram - sms.
In the 70s it was very fashionable to wear badges. Then there were a great many options: different colors, with slogans or images. Invite guests to make a badge as an entertainment and addition to their image.

In the 70s, there were many trends in fashion: disco, punk, rock, soul and reggae. Do your eyes wander?
Then here is a small selection of artists and bands: Abba, Bee Gees, Bob Marley, Bonny M, Doors, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Queen, Sex Pistols…

The interpretation of the film can also be a theme for the holiday. Why not ask guests to dress up as the Godfather mafia or disco like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever?
You can also arrange a movie screening as part of the entertainment, use scenes from it as scenery, or just get some ideas from it for the holiday!
Here are some more of the most popular films of that era: Rocky, A Clockwork Orange, Charlie's Angels ... From cartoons, one can note such as Dragon Ball, Grendizer, Candy Candy ...
- Fondue: then, almost everyone had it! With homemade sauce or classic cheese or chocolate sauce.

The scenario of the program “I live in the USSR” will appeal to all those who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.

The use of this scenario would be appropriate at a corporate party, birthday party, and also as a theme. entertainment program for a cafe.

The scenario "I live in the USSR" will allow you to gather at the same table people with similar interests who have something to remember and talk about, have something to laugh at and feel sad about.

This is a great idea for a virtual return to childhood and adolescence.

It will be useful for the younger generation to learn, see, try and feel how people and parents lived in the distant 70s of the last century.

The program of the evening "I live in the USSR" includes video clips, games, contests, a disco of the 80s. An unforgettable atmosphere filled with smiles and memories of past years can work wonders even for those who are hopelessly obsessed with own affairs and problems, and long ago forgot how to smile and dance.

Hall design and program organization


  • Posters (you can buy them or download them on the Internet and print them yourself on a color printer).
  • Slogans (perhaps left in the archives of organizations or you can write them yourself).
  • Flag of the USSR (most likely it can be found in the school archive or ordered through an online store).
  • Pioneer horns and drums (can be borrowed from the house of creativity, the former home of the pioneers).
  • Pennants.
  • Red carpets.
  • Velvet tablecloths.
  • Faceted glasses.
  • Aluminum cutlery.

As well as:

  • Wall projector or large screen for watching video clips.
  • Stylized paper money of the USSR in denominations of 1, 3, 5 rubles (they need to be printed on a color printer).
  • Invitation cards.
  • Clothes for fashion show.
  • improvised money.
  • Price list.
  • Menu.
  • Stylized labels for vodka (made in the USSR according to GOST).
  • Diplomas.
  • Candles.
  • Photos of past years.

For the museum it is quite useful:

  • Adding machine.
  • Accounts.
  • Samovar on coals.
  • Iron on coals.
  • Old radio.
  • Kerosene.
  • Vintage lampshade.
  • Rubber boots.
  • Pioneer or Komsomol badge.
  • Bust of Lenin or Stalin.
  • Inkwell.
  • Fountain pen.
  • Old suitcase.
  • Map or atlas highways Soviet Union.

In addition to the stylized design, according to the author's idea, it will be necessary to prepare an impromptu museum, for the creation of which it is necessary to involve all those who arrive at the party.

For an invitation to a party, you need to prepare invitation cards, they must be handed over in advance so that the invited people have enough time to prepare and think through their outfit. It is desirable that the participants of the program should be dressed in the style of the 60s-70s-80s.

At the entrance, guests can be offered to tie pioneer ties, which can be easily sewn from a piece of red fabric.

The program of the evening is designed for 2.5-3 hours.


Good evening, dear Comrades! Greetings to all those who have decided to plunge into their childhood and youth. Those who remember how we lived then, how we were friends and what we valued. Welcome to the era of the USSR! I'll ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounds.


We will start our evening, as I promised you, with very bright and positive emotions. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself in childhood and youth, remember what surrounded you and made you happy, remember your school friends and girlfriends. So, sit down comfortably, I ask everyone to pay attention to the screen.

H and the video clip "The First iPhone" is launched on the screen.


Tonight at our evening will be held thematic competitions and quizzes. I have money in my hands. Each correct answer of the quiz and participation in the competition will certainly be paid. For the money received, you can purchase certain goods. There is a price list on the bar counter.

And now, dear Friends, Comrades, Citizens and Citizens, the first and, perhaps, the most serious quiz of today's event. Let's remember some historical facts. I have 10 questions for you, the price of each answer is 5 rubles.

Quiz "Top 10"

  1. Day, month, year of formation of the USSR? (Answer - December 30, 1922).
  2. How many republics joined the Union initially? (The answer is 4 republics). For the answer, which republics they were, another 5 rubles are given (answer - RSFSR, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Transcaucasian).
  3. Which 4 republics were the last to join the Union in 1940? (The answer is Moldova and the Baltic republics).
  4. How many republics were united under the flag of the USSR? (The answer is 15 republics at the time of the collapse of the USSR).
  5. Name the leaders of the USSR in the order they were in power? (The answer is Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev).
  6. Under what leader was Prohibition introduced? (Answer - Mikhail Gorbachev). For the answer, in what year it happened, another 5 rubles are given (the answer is 1985).
  7. Under which leader were food stamps introduced? (The answer is under Gorbachev).
  8. Which republic was to become the 16th in the USSR? (The answer is Bulgaria).
  9. Date of the end of the existence of the USSR? (Answer - December 26, 1991).
  10. When and where was the document on the termination of the existence of the USSR signed and what was its name? (Answer - on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed in Belarus near Brest, which went down in history as Belovezhskaya, on the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS).

The song “I was born in the Soviet Union” by O. Gazmanov sounds.


My friends, I ask again your attention to the screen. Let's remember the flags of the Soviet Republics together. Each correct answer is worth 3 rubles. (Pictures depicting the flags of the Union republics must be downloaded in advance).

Quiz "Flags of the USSR"

A flag is shown on the monitor, the audience answers which republic it belonged to. The price of a correct answer is 3 rubles.


Well, now a little break. Those who wish can visit our impromptu museum, as well as buy goods at the bar counter for the won banknotes. The most interesting things are ahead of us.

Musical pause. 15-20 minutes background music of past years sounds.


Wait a minute, Citizens and Citizens, our next quiz will be a little fun and even comical. It's called "I Remember How It Was." I ask everyone to take an active part. For each correct answer you get 1 ruble.

Quiz "I remember how it was"

1. What did the leaders of the CPSU promise to every family in the USSR?

  • Apartment*
  • car
  • passbook

2. Who didn't play hockey in the Soviet Union?

  • Old man
  • Coward*
  • Loser

3. Thanks to what program did the Soviet people learn about what was going on abroad?

  • Morals and morals
  • Life behind the hill
  • International panorama*

4. Today it is called UBEP, but what was the name of the authority in the days of the USSR?

  • OBHSS*

5. If you believe Nikita Khrushchev, then in 1980 the following event should have occurred?

  • Olympics
  • Communism*
  • End of the world

6. What were secret institutions called in the USSR?

  • Mailbox*
  • Postal trailer
  • Postal address

7. What military-patriotic game did Soviet children play?

  • Pioneer dawn
  • True Komsomol member
  • Zarnitsa*

8. What did the three poplars stand on in the Soviet film?

  • On Beaver
  • On horsetail
  • On Plyushchikha*

9. What company were the first televisions in the USSR?

  • Ruby
  • Electron*

10. Who said but did not « Life has become better, life has become more fun! » ?

  • Stalin*
  • Gorbachev
  • Brezhnev

11. What was the name of a sample of a masterpiece from the chefs of the USSR?

  • Romantic dinner
  • communist lunch
  • Tourist breakfast*

12. How much did a subway ride cost during the stagnant period of the Union?

  • 5 kopecks*
  • 1 ruble
  • 10 kopecks

13. Where did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev menacingly thump with his boot?

  • At the Pentagon
  • At the White House
  • At the UN*

14. What information about a citizen of the USSR was allowed to be entered in a passport?

  • Religion
  • Blood type*
  • criminal record

15. Construction of the century BAM what does the letter a mean?

  • Angarskaya
  • Amur*
  • Atlantic

16. What was the affectionate name for elementary school students in the USSR?

  • Schoolchildren
  • October*
  • September

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk*.


Well, excellent results, and the mood in the hall is just wonderful, as I see it. You did an excellent job with the task and we have already identified candidates for the presentation of diplomas. Yes, yes, at the end of the official part of the evening, I will present three diplomas to the most active participants in our wonderful evening.

And now it's time for everyone to take a break from mental labor and smile! I invite two participants for the next competition, and I ask everyone else to support the participants or join them.

The game« Charger»

To carry it out, you will need to say a sound recording that sounded every morning on the radio in the Soviet Union. You can find it on the Internet.

Leading: Wonderful. The bones were crushed. You can eat and dance a little!

Musical break 15-20 minutes. Dance music from the 80s.

Leading: It's time to remember the movies of yesteryear. They are probably familiar to everyone from childhood, or maybe not from childhood, and if we don’t remember, then we will remember. We listen carefully! The correct answer costs 3 rubles. Go!

Game "Guess the melody"

To conduct the game, you will need a selection of songs from all the familiar movies and cartoons of past years. In this scenario, 30 audio files were used.

Leading: My dears! Unfortunately, our life is so arranged that we are created from birth for separation! Let us now remember those who left us for another world. I will ask you to turn off the lights in the hall, turn off all your Cell phones and light the candles that are on every table.

Watch the video clip "Departed Actors".

Leading: Now, my friends, there is a small musical pause, and you help yourself, communicate and soak the parched organs of the body. Don't forget to save up the won banknotes and shop at the bar. I will return to you soon.

Musical pause.

Leading: I am with you again and I ask those who wish to participate in the next competition, which is called " New life in the old fashion." I ask brave thinkers and dreamers to come up to me and take cards with abbreviations from the times of the USSR. You will need to come up with a new decryption for them. The price of the game is 3 rubles.

The game "New life according to the old model"

Citizens and Citizens must come up with new decodings for well-known abbreviations. For example: TRP - ready to hug you, and so on. Use the cards of the CPSU, VDNKh, DOSAAF, VLKSM and others. All participants receive a banknote of 3 rubles.


You and I have done a great job. Now let's take a break and enjoy looking at ourselves from the outside. I ask you to sit comfortably and all attention to the hall. We are starting a fashion show!

The fashion show will require preliminary preparation of clothes from the times of the USSR. It can be found in old parents' suitcases, grandmothers' closets, or ask friends. We assure you that it is quite possible to find it. If you still can’t find it, then you can replace the fashion show with a video of the same name. You can also replace the fashion show with the video "I'm taking a photo."


Here it is over official part evening entitled "I live in the USSR." Next in our program is the Disco of the 80s and the presentation of diplomas: 1. Forerunner of dance work. 2. Contest Activist. 3. Excellence in dance work.

Approximate menu:

  • Aspic;
  • Salad "Olivier";
  • Jellied fish;
  • Boiled potatoes with dill;
  • Sausage cutting;
  • Pickled cucumbers;
  • Sprats, sprats in tomato;
  • Processed cheese "Friendship";
  • Squash caviar;
  • Lemonade (n pour drinks into faceted glasses).
Anniversary in the style of the USSR

Good evening, dear friends!
It is very pleasant that the event that we are in a hurry to celebrate today has gathered so many kind and good people, relatives and friends, true friends, colleagues and colleagues. Everyone who appreciates, respects and sincerely loves Raisa Aleksandrovna ……………….!
Today we have a great reason to celebrate.
On September 13, Raisa Alexandrovna celebrates her special birthday - a birthday with two fives.
And I ask everyone to fill their glasses and raise them in honor of our birthday girl. The more happiness you wish her, the more fully pour into glasses, the more long years of life, love and joy you wish her, the higher raise filled glasses.
We wish you love and happiness
Do not know pain and bad weather,
Let the house be a full bowl
Fun, joy will be in it!
May your life become brighter
May there be many friends in it!
Po - more luck and only luck!
Happy Anniversary Birthday!!!
1 toast For our birthday girl, we drink standing up and to the bottom.

Raisa Alexandrov…………… was born in the village A………… T……………… of the L district………. region, in an amazing country that was called the Land of Soviets, the Soviet Union or simply the USSR. And I invite you to return back to the USSR, the country of your childhood, your youth. Remember, grieve a little about the past and rejoice at what has left an indelible mark on your memory. Ready?
Dear comrades!
Relatives and friends of the birthday girl, friends and work colleagues are invited to the meeting hall to hold a solemn meeting, the birthday girl and honored guests represented by the family of Raisa Aleksandrovna take the seats in the presidium.
A festive evening dedicated to the shock and timely completion of the ELEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN by Raisa Alexandrovna ...... considered open. Who is "FOR" I ask you to fill your glasses. There are no objections and abstentions, the proposal was adopted unanimously.
The first item on the agenda of the event is a report on the work done.
During the 1st five-year period, Raisa successfully learned to walk, speak, use a spoon and achieve her goal using all the strength and power of her voice, which all the relatives of the birthday girl unanimously affirm. Everything that was produced in the Soviet Union - as they wrote then MADE IN THE USSR - the best had a QUALITY SIGN. And our birthday girl deserves it. But .... In the USSR, the quality control department was responsible for the quality (department technical control), and here Aunt Maria Ivanovna takes on this role, as the brightest and most experienced representative of the Soviet people.
2 toast - congratulations from aunt

The 2nd five-year plan in the life of Raisa was marked by important events: the 1st grade at school, joining the OCTOBER group and, of course, her acceptance into the ranks of the young Leninists - PIONEERS. When with a red tie tied, she uttered a pioneer oath. The words of which "BE READY - ALWAYS READY!" I'm sure you all remember today.
Shouting pioneer:
We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
Happy birthday to congratulate ....
Be ready! Always ready!
Get ready to sing songs loudly
Spare no votes
And walk as long as possible
Be ready! Always ready!
Let's drink our Raisa
Immediately in one gulp without sips
Toast to say today everyone
Be ready! Always ready!

3 toast congratulations
In the 3rd and 4th five-year plans, our birthday girl, by personal example, proved that she deserves the title: Komsomol member, sportswoman and SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL. For exemplary behavior, excellent studies and active participation in public life, Raisa Alexandrovna was accepted into the Komsomol, but when joining the Komsomol, it was necessary to write a questionnaire and answer questions from the commission. Let's see if the answers change.
question and answer game
4 toast - congratulations

Having cried with the whole country, saying goodbye to the departing Olympic Bear, in the 5th five-year plan, Raisa directed all her strength to choose life path, obtaining a profession and professional development. (Whom to become a chemistry teacher or master the trade industry?) The choice is made - you did not regret it? Well, if you go back to the Soviet years, what could Raisa Alexandrovna afford to buy for 1 kopeck?
1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches
2 kop - call from the machine
3 kop-g azvod with syrup, notebook
4cop is the most erotic condom question, ride the trolley
5 kopecks - a bun, bus fare
10 kopecks - milk ice cream, haircut
22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate
30 kopeck lottery ticket
56 kopecks cost a dollar
96 kopecks - wine autumn garden»
1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office
2r.82 kopeck - a bottle of vodka
120 rubles - salary of an engineer
10000 - "Volga"
15000 get 15 years with confiscation

Money can buy a teacher, but you can't buy knowledge
For money, you can buy a house, but you can't buy family well-being,
For money, you can buy a rich table, but you will not buy friends who gather at it.
5 toast - congratulations

In the 6th five-year plan, at the call of the party and the government, as well as her young ardent heart, Raisa was engaged in creating a unit of society - the family and increasing the number home country. Every Soviet woman dreamed of being married, unmarried women were looked at suspiciously. And every woman kept her husband in any way:
German - food
Georgian woman - attention
Czech - power
Spanish - passion
Cuban - dancing
Polka - caress
Chinese woman - flattery
Mexican - revenge
Greek - beauty
Armenian - completeness
French woman - body
American - business
Italian - chic
Jewess - shout
And in the Soviet Union - the local committee, trade union committee, party committee.
What is the secret of long and happy life Raisa Alexandrovna?
Husband toast

Although there was no sex in the USSR, children were born.
toast - congratulations from children.

In the Soviet Union, it was customary to live under slogans and mottos. For example: “Five-year plan ahead of schedule!”, “Sobriety is the norm of life!”.

I suggest that you come up with slogans for our Raisa Aleksandrovna that will begin like this: “NOT A DAY WITHOUT……”
Slogan auction
It was under such slogans that the 7th five-year period of life passed
Toast - congratulations

The 8th five-year plan saw the very perestroika in which the country survived only thanks to women like Raisa Aleksandrovna, real Russians. stood in those years of the Board of Honor, the central place was to be occupied by the portrait of Our birthday girl. Let's restore justice.
Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

Well, in the 9th five-year plan, every day, in work and caring for the family, Raisa Aleksandrovna turned from a bright flower into a juicy, appetizing berry.
Acclaiming list
Wife ___________________
Employee _______________
Neighbor _________________
Woman ________________
(name adjectives and write in the sheet)
9 toast

The 10th five-year plan was completed with a golden jubilee to which the hero of the day came with new achievements. Raisa Alexandrovna is an extraordinary woman of Balzac's age, of medium height, of pleasant fatness, in the prime of her unfaded strength, the result of the past years.
1. Work.
I left for work in the morning - 7688 times, came to work in the morning - 6076 times.
I was late from lunch - 4216 times, I was not late from lunch - 279 times.
I dined at the workplace and fell asleep there - 365 days (1 year).
She asked for a salary in the accounting department - 744 times. Brought home a salary - almost all, almost always
Quarreled with the boss - 2945 times, of which: he scolded her - 2914 times; she his - 31 times.
2. Family life. Housework:
Hammered a nail - 6031 times.
Washed the dishes - 11315 times.
Planted a garden - 31 times.
Cleaned the garden - 31 times.
Did repairs in the apartment - 30 times.
She scolded everyone who could not help her in this - 17459 times.
3. Quiet family joys.
Watching TV with a cup of tea - 2531 times.
Invasion of guests - 3658 times.
I gave instructions to children - 1460 times, to which they did not react 500 times.
I went to the bath - 1488 times, returned from there "drunk" - 88 times.
4. Other.
She voted in the elections - 15 times, her candidate was chosen - 1 time.
I went to resorts - 10 times.
I improved my qualifications - 5 times, I improved my qualifications.

Total for the reporting period: joys - 80%,
troubles - 20%.
What will be the job offers: to recognize excellent, good or satisfactory?

And now the 11th five-year plan has been completed. You can judge the achievements by the appearance of the birthday girl and telephone congratulations from our government as recognition of her merits.
(Telephone call - congratulations from Medvedev, Zhirinovsky, Putin)
The game "Mobile friend" who is the first of those present to get through to the hero of the day

TOAST - congratulations

Certificate of honor and the medal is awarded today
For the fact that Raisa Alexandrovna is different from everyone
Mind and talent, energy, strength,
With a young soul and a beautiful smile!
For stubbornly striving for the heights
And in this she managed to achieve success!
For what goes through thorns to the stars!
For being a good woman!
For it's all for sure waiting for you
Love, respect, glory, honor!
A medal to you and this diploma forever.
Long live our dear man!
We wish you not to know failures in the future,
To be young, happy, blossom, prosper!

In the dance-competitive part:
music in the style of the 70-80s
Games: "Socialist competitions" - team games
"Soviet Sport" - boxers, weightlifters (dance with a lady in her arms), football players (juggling balloons)
"By pull" - any version of the game "bring"