Contests for the holiday on February 23. Congratulations, invitations, scenarios, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you at the Holiday Center! Best Freken Bok

  • 11.03.2020

In Russia, it has its own special meaning. This is not only the Defender of the Fatherland Day, but also the day when all women, girls and girls show special love for all, even the smallest, men - their main defenders. A day when, first of all, of course, we thank the veterans of the Second World War, who gave us a clear blue sky above our heads and life. But real men are not left without attention, because they act as defenders every day.

It's great to get together on holidays like this. big company. Work team, family, friends or all together. In such situations, it is important not to forget that even the most mature and serious man at first glance is a child at heart. And since everything is for our defenders on this day, try to organize a memorable holiday for them.

To do this, dilute verbal congratulations with contests! Yes Yes! Any age boy with great passion and desire will take part in various relay races! Contests for men on February 23 you can choose below on our website! When organizing, the main thing is to put your soul into everything that you do for relatives and friends. Have a great celebration!

Protect the orange
The first number in the competition list for men on February 23 is the "Protect the Orange" competition. Two men are required to participate. Each of them must hold a spoon in their teeth, put an orange, a potato or an egg on it, and their hands must be brought behind their backs. The task of the participants is to use their spoon to drop the opponent's orange, while holding their own.

army kitchen
it joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

four ends
The third men's competition for men on February 23 is called "Four Ends". You need 2 thick ropes of equal length. They are tied in the middle, and loops are tied at all four ends. Participants take the loops in their hands and stand at the corners of the impromptu square. At a distance of two meters from each participant, a stone or any other object is placed to the periphery. On a signal, all players try to grab their stone. The one who does it first wins.

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. A belt is attached to their waist, to which a pencil is tied on a thread - this is a fishing rod. Fishing will be winter, so you will have to catch in the hole. A hole is the neck of an empty bottle. Whoever hits the hole first with a fishing rod wins the competition.

Balloons are required for this competition. Male/female couples are invited to participate. The stronger sex is located on chairs, on everyone's knees hot air balloon. At the command of the leader, the “bombardment” begins - women take a run to sit on the ball of their “pilot”. The couple whose balloon bursts and the man survives the blow wins.

Test of strength

Toward the end of the evening, when enough cans of beer have accumulated among the empty containers, it's time to check the accuracy of the guests. Everyone, as in a shooting range, orders the number of bullets he needs, receives a children's Chinese pistol from the host and shoots at the cans. The one who knocks down the most jars wins.

For the price of good socks, but a bit more original.

We have already written several times about gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day. But these materials are intended for women, since it is not customary for most men to give gifts to each other on this holiday. And there are relatively few ladies on this site.

This article is about how a man can please the next of kin of the same sex on February 23rd. After all, holidays are a great occasion for family leisure.

Here is a small selection of interesting places in Moscow where the reader can take his son, grandson or brother, giving them a few hours of his attention and a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Residents of other regions should not lose heart, because there are probably similar places in your city.

Museum of military equipment

For whom: fans of games from Wargaming.

Airplanes, tanks, artillery mounts, ships, submarine cabins, etc. There are models, but there are real war trophies (Japanese technology of the early 40s is of particular interest). You should not miss the "partisan clearing" with dugouts, trenches and an observation tower. Also of particular interest is the exposition dedicated to the military railway. Do you know, for example, what the Hook destroyer looks like?

Beside: Memorial Synagogue (Holocaust Museum), Poklonnaya Gora, Borodino Battle Panorama Museum.
Address: Victory Square, 3


For whom: the smallest protectors.

A unique technical museum where exhibits can be touched. There is a water mill, a magnetic cloud, a thermal imager and over a hundred more exhibits with explanatory texts that help children and adults understand how the laws of physics work. The institution's website regularly publishes announcements about lectures, quests and other thematic events that take place within its walls.

Address: Leningradsky prospect, 80, building 11


For whom: photographers and gamblers.

An amazing atmospheric place where you can briefly travel back a hundred years and test your luck by betting on a horse you like. The schedule of races and the rules for accepting bets can be found on the official website. And photography fans will be able to take hundreds of bright shots with horses and riders here.

Address: Begovaya alley, 22, bldg. one

Museum of the History of Railway Engineering of Moscow Railways

For whom: who dreamed of becoming a machinist as a child.

Here is the famous steam locomotive, in which the coffin with the body of Lenin and other historically significant trains of different eras were delivered to Moscow. As well as other exhibits dedicated to maintenance railway and life of its employees. Warning! After visiting such places, children grow up into railway maniacs who freeze for hours near the tracks to take pictures of the train.

Address: Kozhevnicheskaya street, 2 + branch near the Rizhsky railway station

Polytechnical Museum

For whom: curious men with a technical background.

Now, during the repair of the main knowledge, part of the exposition of one of the oldest museums in the capital is located in pavilion No. 26 at VDNKh (the rest is exhibited in Technopolis and cultural center ZIL"). Here you can see exhibits united by the slogan "Russia makes itself" and dedicated to current state technical sciences. With longing, I recall the unique atmosphere of the museum premises on New Square and advise you to refrain from visiting the "polytechnic" until 2018, when the old building will reopen its doors. But if you rarely visit the capital, then you should not wait.

Beside: Museum of Cosmonautics and numerous pavilions of VDNKh with exhibitions for every taste.
Address: Prospekt Mira, 119

Paleontological Museum

For whom: fans of the movie "Jurassic Park".

There are skeletons (real and dummies) of dinosaurs, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers and ancient birds. And also fossilized plants, corals and mollusks. The third hall houses the most spectacular exhibits - 10-meter diplodocus, which are unofficial symbols of the museum. In the summer, you should definitely go to the courtyard and look at the garden with sculptures of ancient animals.

Address: Profsoyuznaya street, 123

Museum of vintage cars in Lublin

For whom: regulars.

The unique collection, assembled by the Lomakov dynasty of enthusiasts, includes more than a hundred items, some of which are available to visitors. Among them: "The Seagull of Patriarch Pimen", a BMW motorcycle of the late 30s (the famous M-72, which began the history of Ural motorcycles, began to be made in its likeness), Dodge during the Second World War, "GAZ" of the Stalin era, a bicycle Zhytomyr plant with a transfer sticker, which miraculously has been holding for decades. The museum has a restoration workshop and gatherings for lovers of vintage cars.

Beside: shopping center"Moscow" (a huge Chinese market with great prices) + you can get to Sadovod by minibus from metro station Lyublino.
Address: Krasnodarskaya street, 58

P.S. Not far from the metro stations Frunzenskaya and Ploshchad Ilyicha, there are also interesting museums of vintage cars.


For whom: residents of large cities suffering from light pollution.

Huge globes of the Moon, Venus and Mars, an exhibition of meteorites, a sundial, a Foucault pendulum, a 4D cinema and hundreds of other exhibits collected over the 80-year history of the planetarium. The pearl of the institution is a unique star hall, where you can feel like a passenger of a spaceship.

Beside: Moscow Zoo.
Address: Sadovo-Kudrinskaya street, 5

Point G Museum

For whom: men with a sense of humor.

Because of this point, the article is marked 18+. Rubber women for every taste, chastity belts, gynecological instruments, including a chair on which you can climb for a selfie, a library of erotic books and magazines, thematic painting and sculpture. Even at the institution there is a sex shop where you can buy souvenirs for home use. Photography is allowed in the museum.

Address: Novy Arbat street, 15

Museum of the History of Corporal Punishment

For whom: who loves "Game of Thrones" only for the bloody scenes.

A stone's throw from the previous point is a cozy basement filled with tools for medieval torture. Most of the exhibits are copies, but there are also a few originals. Children under 18 are not admitted. Inspection is best done with a guide, since without an expert it is difficult to understand why this or that device is needed.

Address: Arbat street, 25

If you work in a tight friendly team, you need to remember about the holidays and prepare in advance for their onset. Especially one should not forget about such a wonderful holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the contrary, it is worth planning it today. Decide how you will congratulate colleagues, what to give them and cook. And if such an important part as the preparation of the entertainment part fell on your shoulders, you will need competitions for February 23 for male colleagues.

Where to spend February 23 colleagues?

It is unlikely that your colleagues will be happy if you drag them to your dacha, promising them an “unforgettable” holiday. In addition, there are many great alternatives. For example, paintball. Few will refuse a fierce battle for some unpretentious prize. Of the less active and more social games - bowling or billiards. The main thing is not to break the cues. A good option would be a karaoke bar where your colleagues can show their talent. Organize a competition for them to stir up the interest of the public. But the most interesting option, perhaps, will be the quest. Active recreation with the use of logical thinking and the ability to find objects and clues. In general, a fairly peaceful genre, but exactly as long as you do not choose the horror genre. This is where your colleagues will not have fun. But how many emotions!

Room decoration for Defender of the Fatherland Day

If finances allow, this responsible business can be entrusted to a holiday agency that will quickly and tastefully do everything necessary. You will be presented with various design options, and you will choose the one that suits you with the possibility of making your own adjustments.

In case you want to personally prepare a festive site, stock up on the following attributes:

  • Fake weapons(grenades, machine guns, rifles, knives, etc.).
  • Balls. For your taste helium, regular, figured, etc. Colors can be completely in accordance with your tastes. From strictly thematic to multi-colored.
  • Congratulations. Posters, small notes with good wishes laid out on tables or streamers.
  • Musical accompaniment. This is where it's best to stay on topic. Choose the compositions that are most suitable for a particular holiday. And if there are no fans of such music among the guests, refrain from this stage altogether.
  • Table. Tablecloth, dishes, napkins, kind of treats - let all this be done in military style. Men will appreciate!

How to celebrate February 23rd?

It's time to consider the immediate "plot" of the corporate party. In fact, the decoration and style of the room are directly related to it, so it is important not to turn the holiday into a hodgepodge (if the guests do not mind it, of course).

  • Military style. A fairly simple, but nevertheless very practical solution. An appropriate dress code, hats (caps, berets), badges and orders that can be issued to those who won the paintball competition, for example.
  • Cowboy corporate. An option for fans to dream up. Dress some as cowboys, others as Indians. Give some guns, others bows. And may the best man win! Whatever that means.
  • Superheroes. A real platform for creativity, but it is better to be careful with it. Here it is important that everyone feel comfortable, at ease. And so that there are no people for whom the defender of the Fatherland and "some man in leggings" cannot stand in one place.
  • Pirate style. For those who are not averse to capturing a couple of other people's ships. We dress up as sea villains, put on eye patches and take out a bottle of rum!

What to give colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

First of all, of course, you can allow small props to be taken away from the “battlefield”. Funny badges and trinkets will be a warm memory of the past party. More serious gifts should be themed. Prefabricated models of armored vehicles or aviation are quite suitable for lovers of such hobbies.

For the layman - a nominal cap with a surname or nickname. And the male half can be presented with T-shirts and sweatshirts corresponding to the theme of the event. However, the simplest and at the same time useful gift for February 23 will be a memory, a specially organized group photo session. It will leave a lot of positive emotions and will recommend you as excellent organizers. holiday events. It is only important to find a creative approach to any business.

Entertainment is selected for the celebration of the men's holiday in a friendly team. You need a spacious room good mood, small gifts for the winners and pre-prepared props. With such an arsenal, you will arrange an unforgettable holiday for your colleagues!

Competition "Russian Roulette"

For the competition you need: 5 glasses, water and vodka. The first of several players turns away from the table, with 5 stacks filled: vodka is poured into three, and water is poured into the other two. Turning, the participant must drink 2 glasses in a row. Of course, he does not know which one is better to drink first! Also, other players can only guess where the vodka was. Everyone needs to make their own guess. If it was correct, 1 point is awarded, if not, the point goes to the one who knocked over the piles. The winner is the one who scores in 5 runs the largest number points.

Competition "Koschey the Immortal"

The award for the competition is selected and wrapped in paper in such a way that the text of the riddle can be glued onto it. The resulting bundle is wrapped again and glued another riddle. There can be as many riddles and wrappers as you like, but 10 bundles will be enough.

The leader invites those wishing to compete. Participants are invited to sit in a circle, and one of them is given a hidden prize by the host. The player takes off the first wrapper, reads the riddle to himself and tries to guess. If successful, the player removes the second wrapper and continues the game. If the answer turned out to be incorrect, the participant reads the riddle aloud and the one who guesses it first gets the right to remove the next wrapper. Whoever guesses the last riddle wins the prize.

Time bomb game

To start, the leader finds one volunteer and blindfolds him. Then he takes several glasses (more than two) and pours an equal amount of liquid into all. One should contain vodka, the rest should contain water. The public knows where everything is. The man is released from the bandage. A girl comes to the table and sips a little from each glass. Her task is to remain calm and not react to alcohol with a single muscle. The participant observes carefully, then points to a glass in which, on his suspicion, there is vodka. The competition is held until everyone who wants to try themselves in the role of "guessers". The main thing is to keep the principle of "woman against man". At the end, you can calculate which team was luckier and more perspicacious, male or female.

Competition "Intellectual puzzle"

Prepare two sheets of paper with riddles written in such a way that their content is stretched across the sheet. After the leaves should be cut into pieces. Two players are invited to participate in the competition - each will test himself in the role of Sherlock Holmes. Participants are invited to assemble a puzzle from parts of a sheet, read the text of the riddle and guess it. The winner will be the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Erudite"

You need to prepare a list of questions in advance: household, sports, comic. Be sure to include questions about women's "things". The man who gives more correct answers will receive the title of erudite.

  • How far is a penalty kick in football? (From eleven meters).
  • Which of these is never added to unleavened dough - yeast, butter, sugar? (Yeast).
  • When was the centenary of the modern Olympic Games celebrated? (In 1996).
  • How did the people call the Zhiguli VAZ-2101? ("Penny").
  • Why does a woman put nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow on them does not go further).
  • How many times did the old man call the goldfish? (Five times).
  • International name for bandy? (Bandy).
  • What country is the headquarters in? car brand Jaguar? (In Great Britain).
  • What is stone therapy? (Massage with hot stones).

Competition "Seekers of Notes"

The participants of this competition are exclusively men, but the responsibility of conducting and preparing will fall on the fragile shoulders of women. You will need the following attributes: a bottle, a "treasure map" and notes with the text of tasks for the players. The women who help in holding the contest sort out the notes, hide them in their homes and sit down among the guests.
Before the start of the competition, you need to announce that all participants choose tasks themselves! Each player must go to the center of the room, spin the bottle and wait for it to stop. Further, the presenter, taking into account the direction indicated by the bottle, begins, as it were, to “read” the map and suggest where the participant should move. For example, a step to the right, two steps backwards, a jump to the left. The player's task is to guess where the notes are and find them as quickly as possible.

Contests and games are different, but in our case they should be united by one thing: the holiday is purely masculine, which means that the participants are men. Let's make an exception only for pair competitions, in them let the women help their "defenders".

Valuable balls

Inflated balloons should be tied to the ankles and wrists of men. Thus, each participant has four balls on their hands and feet, which they must protect. The task of the players is not only to try to keep all their "values", but also to burst others'. The one with the most whole balls left wins.

Match "golf"

To the men behind, by the belt, empty glass bottles from under the beer on a rope, the length of which is approximately 50 cm. The “stick” should not reach the floor. Matchboxes are placed in front of the players. At a distance of about 10 m from the start, you need to draw a finish line. The task of the participants is to swing the bottle without the help of hands and push the boxes to the finish line with it. The best “golf player” is the one whose “ball” “gets into the hole” the fastest, i.e. crosses the finish line.


Men are given props - each with an empty glass and a bottle of beer. Their task is to pour a foamy drink into a glass without spilling a drop. But the task is complicated by the fact that this must be done without the help of hands. Have the participants hold the bottle between their legs just above the knees and carefully pour the contents into the glass. The fastest and most accurate bartender wins!

Reel in your rods!

For the competition you need a long rope, salted or smoked fish and two participants. Exactly in the middle of the twine, a fish is tied, and at the ends - a small stick each: these are “fishing rods”. The players take the sticks in their hands and, on command, begin to “wind the fishing rods”, that is, wind the rope around the stick. The one who gets to the middle of the rope faster (and therefore to the fish) gets the “catch”.

Anatomical alphabet

Players are given several cards on which letters are written. Their task is to make a kind of “anatomical table” out of themselves in a certain time, where a person is drawn and the names of all parts of his body are signed, i.e. participants must attach cards to those places on their bodies whose names begin with written letters (for example, "R" - mouth or hand). Then, each participant is approached by an “excursion of schoolchildren” led by a “biology teacher”, who check whether the task has been completed correctly and count the cards. The winner is the one who places the most "tablets" in the correct places and manages not to drop any during the "excursion".

Paper shredder

Invite your men to try themselves in the role of "paper shredder", which are usually found in offices. To do this, distribute each sheet of newspaper. Let the participants stand in a row, stretch their right hand with the newspaper forward and try to tear it into small, small pieces. The second hand must be free, it cannot be used in the competition. In fact, the competition is quite difficult, because it is almost impossible to complete such a seemingly simple task with one hand without a certain skill. The man who has the smallest pieces, the newspaper will be torn all over (in general, whose work will be done better), and wins.


As we know, men are polygamous by nature and adore female attention. Invite them to create their own harem from the ladies present in the hall. Give participants different colored rubber bands for money (each in a different color) or ribbons of different colors. Then the “sheikhs” must run around as many women as possible in a certain time and put one of their “bracelets” on each of them on the wrist or on the ankle. The more ladies embraced by the “sultan”, the larger his harem will be. You cannot wear more than one rubber band on one girl. The man with the most "wives" wins.


To find out which of your men is the most observant, offer them this contest. In addition to several Stirlitz, you will need one girl. Let the "scouts" carefully examine her and remember her clothes in the smallest detail. Then the lady needs to be taken out of the hall and one or several small details should be changed on her: unbutton the button on the jacket, remove the earrings, put a ring on her finger or something else. Then the girl needs to be returned back, and let the men look for differences between the previous image of the lady and the created one. The one who finds all the differences or more of them is recognized as the most suitable person for the role of scout.


Another competition for attentiveness and memory. Only for this game you will need not a girl, but a tray and 10-15 different small items (lighters, boxes of matches, key rings, coins, etc.). We put the items on a tray and let our "scouts" look at all this and remember as many things as possible. Then we take the tray away and change something on it: remove one of the items and (or) add something else. Now the task of the “Stirlitz” is to guess what you hid and what you put. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.

caring dads

If you are spending a holiday in the company of adults, then surely many men already have children. Invite them to remember the past and try to swaddle the doll. Those representatives of the stronger sex who do not yet have offspring can also take part in the competition and practice. Players are given plastic babies, diapers, ribbons. The speed and quality of the task are evaluated.

Fairy tales

To play, you will need a children's book with any of the fairy tales known to everyone: "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok" or any other. Then you need to write out all the heroes of the fairy tale on separate sheets of paper. If there are many future “actors”, then write out as many characters as possible, up to the forest, stumps, the tower itself, etc. Then the participants (not necessarily only men) draw out a card with the role of the character they will portray. The facilitator reads the story aloud, and the characters act out what they read. As a rule, it turns out a very funny and unusual production.

water carriers

Surely all the men of your team, when they were little boys, carried toy cars with them on a string. Invite them to remember their childhood and check how their driving skills have improved since then. For this competition, you will need several trucks on ropes of the same length and glasses of water. There are two possible assignments.

1. Men line up along one line and begin to gently pull cars with glasses standing on them, full to the brim. It is important not only to complete the task faster than anyone else, but also not to spill water: the truck, in which the contents of the glass begin to splash over the edges, returns to the start and starts its journey anew.

2. Participants must pass the obstacle course while pulling the car behind them. Arrange a few pins, and let the "water carriers" go around them with a "snake", then they can carry the truck through the bridge (a sheet of paper or a plank on the floor), go around some obstacle and return to the "garage". The winner is the one who brings the water first and does not spill it.

inspired poets

At all times, men dedicated poems to their ladies. Invite your participants to write a few lines of poetry and even help them by handing out pre-prepared rhymes. They should be funny and kind of ridiculous. For example, "a bunch - a cloud", "husband - pears", "song - ladder", etc. Let the players be sure to use these rhymed words in their works.

exemplary soldiers

For this competition, prepare clothes for future "servicemen" - helmets, boots, footcloths, huge pants, etc. "Outfits" can be not only soldier's.

Many people know that in the army, the rank and file must have time to get dressed while the match is burning. Let your men on command "Rise!" (when a match is lit) they run up to the chairs with clothes and begin to put on everything that they have been given. Whoever manages to pull the most items wins. To make it more fun, put baby caps, nipples, women's toilet items among typically military paraphernalia. And then look at what your valiant defenders of the Fatherland are going to intimidate the enemy. The most suitable "soldier" for service and the most extravagant receive prizes.

Husband feeding

Several heterosexual couples are selected from the audience. “Zhenya” is blindfolded and given a plate with a piece of cake and a spoon in her hands. The “husband” sits on a chair, and his “mother-in-law” tries to feed the “beloved”. A man can tell a lady what to do, but he has no right to help with his hands. The winner is the couple in which the treat was eaten the fastest, and the "husband" was the least dirty in the cake.


For this competition, you will need several empty beer bottles, an ordinary fishing rod and a fairly heavy and voluminous sinker or weight. We hook up a load to the fishing line, arrange the bottles like skittles in a bowling alley. Participants take turns taking a fishing rod and trying to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, and then make a "cut", that is, pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side. And now we note the time for each participant (it should be the same). The winner of the fishing championship is the one who catches the most fish, that is, knocks down the most bottles.

February 23 marks a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many celebrate it as Men's Day. Do you want to make a festive celebration unforgettable for the stronger sex?

After such a holiday, it will not be superfluous to capture memories and make a thematic photo book.

February 23 marks a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many celebrate it as Men's Day. Do you want to make a festive celebration unforgettable for the stronger sex?

Organize fun themed games and competitions for adults. Don't forget to prepare all the necessary attributes in advance and, of course, symbolic prizes to be awarded to the winners.

After such a holiday, it will not be superfluous to capture memories and make a thematic photo book.

Contests for men on February 23

Competitions on February 23 will help to identify the most accurate, courageous, dexterous, talented, athletic, persistent representative of the strong half of humanity.

Fell off!

A strip of wallpaper is laid out on the floor and the men are offered to do push-ups several times. After that, they are offered to repeat the exercise, but already blindfolded: to grope for a sheet of wallpaper, take a position and ... wring out maximum amount once.

While the men are being blindfolded, the presenter's assistants turn the wallpaper over to the reverse side, where naked silhouettes of women are drawn in life-size. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheering with tips and jokes.

Blind Robin Hood

This contest will require a dart board and some darts. The target is hung on the wall in the middle of the room. The host then challenges the shooters to fight for the title of Robin Hood. For training, players are invited to throw a dart at the target. After that, the participants of the competition are blindfolded - whoever hits the dart closest to the top ten becomes the winner and receives an honorary title.

The most daring

The host calls the most daring participant into the hall, and the guests are asked Cell phones and a clock, lay it all out on the floor at a distance of a step, and explain to the "dared man" that he will have to go this distance blindfolded. If during the competition any thing is crushed, the owner will have to compensate for its value. While the host is blindfolding with a handkerchief, rotates the participant around its axis several times, the assistant removes all objects from the floor.

Pour into bubbles

When the liquid is poured out of the bottle, a certain sound will be heard - gurgling. The competition consists in pouring the same amount of liquid into a predetermined number of glasses blindfolded. The winner is the participant who most accurately copes with the task.

Cheerful tankers

The participants of the competition are divided into 2 teams and line up in front of a piece of drawing paper. At the command of the facilitator, blindfolded players alternately run up to a piece of drawing paper and draw on it one detail of the tank. The team with the most similar tank wins.

army kitchen

The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites daredevils to participate in the competition. Everyone assumes that you have to peel potatoes. But, when the participants have already been selected, they are invited to alternately name the potato dishes. The winner is the one whose named dish is the last one.

The best sniper

Before the competition, the host puts the glass in a three-liter jar, and then completely fills the container with water. Everyone who wants to show off their talent as a sniper is invited to participate. The goal is to get a coin from a certain distance not just into a jar, but into a glass. And this is not easy to do, because the water changes the trajectory of the fall of the coin. The winner receives as a reward all the coins that ended up in the bank.

When preparing for the men's holiday, don't forget about symbolic gifts for the winners of the competition. On February 23, it is not at all necessary to give something serious, original and creative gifts for men, which can be bought in many online stores, are quite suitable.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil