What is the Secret of a Happy Life? The secret of a happy life What is the secret of happiness

  • 05.06.2020

The secret of happiness, by and large, is only one - this is your positive internal state, but not everything is so simple in modern world. Get rid of problems and develop properly.

Many people imagine a happy life in different ways, but few people know why misfortunes are attracted to this or that person. This problem is rooted in bioenergy, in science that studies the human biofield and the influence of various objects or events on its strength.

Bioenergetics and happiness

The reason for the appearance of problems is simple - a weak biofield. The energy of a person must be at its best so that the center of abundance of the Universe successfully feeds this person with good luck. The appearance of happiness and a strong biofield are interdependent phenomena: when you are in a good mood, you strengthen your aura, and when your aura or biofield is strong, then your mood itself goes up.

In the modern world, there are a lot of different factors due to which your energy suffers. Based on research in this area, experts identify the 10 most important rules for a happy life and the successful attraction of prosperity, money, and good mood.

Remember: only you can make yourself happier. Try not to stay still, in your comfort zone. Go beyond it, because only in this way you can learn to love life and become stronger.

10 secrets of happiness

The first secret: success comes only from excess. You need to find what you love and do it as often as possible. Naturally, this really should be a "deed". It means that lying on the couch is not a thing. You should find a hobby for yourself that would capture you, could “ignite”. A prosperous person is not just a lucky person. Rich people are often true fans of their business, devoting everything free time to one thing. Remember the simple truth - it is impossible to become rich and successful and have good mood every day, dividing your attention.

The second secret: a healthy person is a successful person. Don't be afraid to spend money on medical checkups once a year. Look after your teeth, your skin, your digestive tract. Get rid of harmful attachments such as eating fast food, laziness, physical amorphism. Go in for sports, and if it’s hard for you or you can’t, at least walk more, have an active rest. Quit bad habits like smoking. They are dangerous not only in the physical plane: they destroy the emotional background and energy. A person should be dependent only on something creative.

Secret three: timely rest is the best assistant to success. It is necessary to replenish energy reserves in a timely manner. At work, you should be able to find 10 minutes per hour for relaxation. Any person needs from 5 to 10 minutes per hour, one or two days a week and one to two weeks every six months in order to take a break from work. A change of scenery is a powerful tool for replenishing energy reserves in any situation. Learn to disengage from the hustle and bustle around you. Rest, travel, trips will save you from emotional problems. Say no to routine.

Secret Four: Interacting with successful people, you will become one. There is nothing easier - just find a friend who is successful for yourself. You will unwittingly adopt some important skills from him. Don't be afraid to be honest with yourself and your friends about your problems. Normal people will always help you - if not by deed, then by advice. Communicate more live, and not on the Internet.

Secret #5: To see a happy future, forget about the past. Both the good and the bad must be left behind. The fact is that you should be driven by the desire to change, to grow. The past is what you have already recorded on tape. The past cannot be changed. It must not be forgotten in order to be happy. You need to learn to see only positive aspects in it. Don't dwell on what has already happened.

Secret six: resentment is the main enemy of spiritual and financial prosperity. There is such a thing as negative programs. They represent bad thoughts that have entered your mind. Resentments are very similar to these programs, but they are much easier to get rid of. Forget everything bad as quickly as possible and never take revenge on people. Fate itself will punish those who deserve it, but even this is unnecessary information for happy and successful people.

Secret Six: By conquering your fears, you will emerge from a self-created prison. It's not about a fear of heights or a fear of spiders. This refers to the fear of failure, the fear of something new, any kind of self-doubt. All this must be conquered, rejecting any chance of failure. Of course, it is impossible to become successful and happy at the snap of your fingers, but it is not so hard as to be afraid of changes in life. Positive attitudes for every day, such as “I can handle everything” or “life is much more pleasant than it seems” will help you move to new level awareness of themselves.

Seventh secret: a correctly set goal is always more important than the means to achieve it. Don't be afraid to write your life goals in a special notepad. Then, when you realize your plans, it will be nice to look at the list of what you managed to achieve. Try not to wish for too much, because unattainable goals will torment you, forcing you to lose self-confidence. An alternative option is to make a list of goals for the future, which will eventually lead to some kind of common result. smash challenging tasks to simpler ones.

Secret number eight: love is the best helper. Your soulmate should become your best friend and helper. It's always easier together, that's why main secret happiness is love. Do not take the wedding and formalities seriously. The main thing in love is only what you feel. The thought that someone needs you gives you strength. The realization that your loved one needs you gives you an incentive to develop and does not allow you to relax. Luck and money come with love, with a happy marriage and mutual understanding.

Secret Nine: Learn to Believe in Something. People need faith in God not to show their superiority, but to gain additional confidence. It can be simple signs, signs of fate. Believe in what is closest to you in terms of perception, upbringing and attitude. Respect other people's beliefs and don't be afraid to believe what others don't. This is just your own business.

Secret #10: Help Other People. When your energy is high, when everything is good, try to lend a helping hand to other people. This is what strong people always do, who value their happiness and do not want to part with it. Selfishness has never been strong point successful people. The positive mood of those whom you once helped motivates you to new good deeds. In the future, most people will return the same coin to you.

The main rule of a happy person is life according to the laws of the Universe. Try to visualize your dream, think of it as something alive and real. Do good and surround yourself with the right things, people, events. Your energy will increase along with luck and mood. This will lead to noticeable spiritual and material growth. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

In ancient times, people depicted happiness in the form of a girl with a long braid. She flew through the air and circled mischievously. The wind brought her close to the ground at times, allowing her to reach out to a tree branch and stay on the ground.

If the girl did not have time to do this, then she was again blown up. The meaning of this image is simple: happiness is not only a birth under a lucky star, but also the ability to take advantage of a chance in time. After all, it is he who is able to help a person achieve his goals, filling life with meaning.

What is happiness?

The first category of people sees their happiness in new knowledge, promotion. Such individuals work tirelessly, master new skills, strive to bring something individual into social life. When they find their admirers or discover something new in the world of science or politics, they experience complete satisfaction.

The second category of people believes that happiness is solitude. Adherents of this point of view are annoyed by the crowd, gossip and worldly fuss. They can experience pleasure only by being alone with themselves. Working on the ground, seeing the crimson sunset and the heady smell of the forest make them feel a sense of real harmony.

The third category of people is focused on a strong marriage, healthy children and mutual love. Many seek happiness in their personal lives, realizing their tenderness in caring for loved ones. Both women and men need this.

The march of Mendelssohn and the fervent cries of the guests: “Bitter! Bitterly!" Perhaps 5 years or 10-15 have passed since the wedding. No matter how long the spouses live together, the moment will come when each of them will think: is he happy in family life?

Psychologists highlight the main points that affect couples. It has been noticed that lovers at first notice each other only the best sides. Unfortunately, this feature is lost over time.

Mutual admiration is replaced by discontent and irritation. Therefore, the simple secrets of happiness in the family begin with the ability to focus on the positive character traits of your chosen one.

Experts in the field of psychology have noticed: the faster the couple learns to say the phrases: “we”, “our”, “we decided so”, the more chances they have for a strong and long union. This is the main secret of the happiness of lovers. The family is one entity. And if each of the spouses begins to live their own lives, then such a relationship is doomed.

What influences happiness in a couple?

Social life takes the lion's share of a person's time and energy. Everyone in the couple strives for financial independence, and, as a rule, it arises. In the morning, the spouses go to work, have lunch separately, and come home at different times in the evening.

Despite different life circumstances, a couple is recommended to visit public places together at least once a week, watch humorous TV programs and pay due attention to the sexual sphere. Family happiness is the ability to breathe the same air, make common plans and empathize with each other.

And the birth of children only strengthens the bond between husband and wife. In fact, the secrets of family happiness are available to every individual. The main thing is to pay attention to them in time.

Scientific studies have shown that lucky people from birth are given to be units. Others in an attempt to find happiness often have to break the usual line of behavior. But you have to start with a mindset.

Many philosophers and scientists are trying to find their happiness algorithms. Many literary works have been written on this subject. One of latest editions It's called "10 Secrets of Happiness". Adam Jackson - the author of this book - tries to convey simple truths to readers, resorting to the help of a parable.

The main plot is simple: a man meets an old man who talks about how he came to his happiness. Along with this, the author introduces the reader to interesting stories of various people who meet on the way of the storyteller.

Based on these stories, Jackson identified 10 secrets of happiness:

  1. Relationship strength.
  2. Body strength.
  3. The power of the moment.
  4. The power of self-image.
  5. Target strength.
  6. The power of humor.
  7. The power of forgiveness.
  8. The power of giving.
  9. The power of relationships.
  10. The power of faith.

Happiness Facts

Many psychologists have come to the conclusion that health is undoubtedly the first key to true happiness. This is a natural gift and should be treasured. Good physical shape and help the individual to walk positively through life.

The second key is Happiness implies a certain attitude of a person to his destiny and specific actions. It is development, and not aimless existence, that gives fullness of life and satisfaction. Learning new things and merging into the flow of developing events, a person imperceptibly receives the necessary result. Yes, it comes with experience, which is not always positive. But this has its own salt. Negative experience teaches and helps to draw conclusions. Therefore, many psychologists recommend asking yourself the question: “Why did this situation arise?”

Perhaps a person is given a chance to work through his mistakes and achieve even greater happiness than he expected. After all, it is not without reason that there is a saying: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.”

The third key is the ability to appreciate every moment and love yourself. A person who does not attach importance to his appearance and postpones everything for “later” is unlikely to be satisfied with life. It has been proven that those who make their image more attractive and live "here and now" have greater stress resistance. After all, being in a harmonious state of mind, a person experiences confidence and moral satisfaction. Maybe the main secret of happiness lies in this?

In fact, each of the readers can name their own factors responsible for a quality life. Some will call them "Seven Rules for a Happy Life", others - "Ten Secrets of Wealth, Happiness, Love, Health". It's not about the title itself and not about the number of paragraphs. And in what principles the individual adheres to, what are his priorities, and whether he has the necessary resources.

Obstacles on the path to happiness

What is the secret of happiness? Some consider it to be a positive personality trait. Character traits often determine the future of an individual. As you know, nature endows everyone with a certain type of nervous system, of which, as you know, there are four: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. But correct your personal qualities any of us can.

Therefore, it is necessary to soberly evaluate yourself as a person. If it turns out that the leading position is occupied by complexes, then it is necessary to get rid of them. Nothing makes a person more unhappy than depression and self-doubt. Therefore, follow the wise proverb: “If you want to become happy, become it!”

Psychologists advise writing down negative traits of your character on a piece of paper, and then steps to correct them. For example: "I often get into a bad mood because I'm clumsy and can't talk to my peers." The line below should write how to solve this problem: “To develop plasticity, you need to enroll in a dance school. Complete a training on the art of communicating with people.

It’s not bad to choose an object to follow: an actor, a politician, a businessman. The goal is not to blindly copy his style, but rather the choice of a behavior strategy. With great confidence we can say: a complex character can become the main obstacle to finding harmony. Self-development and tireless work on oneself is the main secret of happiness for every person.

Secrets of a businessman

According to him, almost every individual creates a program in his subconscious. She forces to live, obeying certain conventions. Of course, values ​​also leave their mark, forcing a person to constantly doubt and look back at others.

It has been proven that the less a person adheres to conventions, the more chances she has to find her happiness. The 5 principles of the mentioned businessman will help with this. They are tougher than the advice in 10 Secrets of Happiness. Adam Jackson submitted information using a collective image. And how right is the businessman who wished to remain anonymous? For starters, you should read his recommendations.

Down with stereotypes

The first principle is permissiveness. It's not about breaking the law. It is important to free your mental activity from all the prohibitions that a person has come up with for himself. To realize that everything is permitted is not easy! But if this succeeds, then the individual will be able to move through life much better than others.

The second principle is to do what comes to mind first. Because that alone is intuition. Any thought that comes after is the result of logical thinking, which is not always correct. The best thing to do is to ask yourself the question: “Will this really bring me happiness?” This is very important - to act, giving yourself free rein, not obeying generally accepted dogmas.

Do not regret anything and think about yourself

The third principle is to be guided by your own interests. It is curious that many individuals depend on the opinions of others. What will they think? Will they be inconvenienced? In fact, in any situation, you should only take care of yourself and your loved ones. Strangers are unlikely to say "thank you" for interfering in their lives. Even if these intentions were the most plausible.

The thing is, people have different ideas. For some it's good, and for others it's bad. Therefore, first of all, it is always important to think about your affairs. This will help you focus on your goals and avoid negative criticism from others.

The fourth principle is to regret nothing. Everything that has already happened is irreversible. No matter what thoughts weigh on the inflamed brain, a person must realize that nothing can be done better in the situation that has occurred. The main thing is to set yourself up for the fact that this trouble is getting further and further every day. And there are new challenges ahead. Regret, sad thoughts make a person seem to rewind the tape, depriving him of a positive attitude.

The fifth principle is to be present in everything you do. This applies to various life events. You must always live every moment, no matter how unpleasant it may be. What does this have to do with happiness? The most direct. If a person has a fight ahead, theatrical performance or negotiations, then he should think only about them. For many readers, this secret of true happiness may become the main one.

After all, it is the psychological and physical presence in the process that helps to understand that happiness is not a ghostly bird that is worth catching. It lives in everyone's heart. One has only to help him get out by slightly opening the door of the golden cage. And then the surrounding world will sparkle with iridescent colors, and the soul will be filled with harmony. Be happy!

What is the secret of a happy life? and got the best answer

Answer from Amanda[guru]
On the way to her

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the secret of a happy life?

Answer from Acpid snake[guru]
in poherism

Answer from ***I***[guru]
gotta be an optimist

Answer from Sergei Belov[guru]
In money. The more, the better everything else.

Answer from Kitty Pale[guru]
The fact that everyone has their own happiness, and do not be equal to others.

Answer from Olga Oleinik (Maletina)[guru]
Just live, achieve a lot for yourself, enjoy every day of life, etc. Isn't that happiness. There is no special secret, just live in harmony with yourself.

Answer from roller.[guru]
... We are not the masters of our lives, from birth to death we are connected with others, with the past and the present. And our every act, like every good deed, gives rise to our future .... (Laws of Manu.)

Answer from Marina Andreeva[guru]
The more happiness you give to those around you, the more remains with you.

Answer from Born in the USSR[guru]
Surely, almost all people living on our planet Earth have had moments in their lives when everything is going to hell. Many people feel that everything is over, there is no strength to go on, life has failed, failures are pursuing one after another. They even came up with a name - “black streak”, and, by the way, the proverb-excuse is remembered: “Trouble does not come alone”. But it's not like that at all!
For a long time there is a secret of success, prosperity, a happy life. It was owned at all times only by some people, those whom we now call great. Possession of a secret opens the door to a completely different life for us, helps us achieve everything we want, live according to our own scenario and just feel like ourselves. happy man in the world! Sounds crazy and a little weird? But it is so! Have you ever thought about the fact that some “work hard” tirelessly and have nothing, while some work with pleasure and at the same time have everything you could wish for?
So, what is this miraculous secret, how can we find this key to success? I will tell you a secret: this secret is in the power of our thoughts. You have probably heard more than once that thought is material, and scientists have confirmed this fact.
The first thing you need to do is imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts what you want to yourself. But do not forget the main thing: the magnet attracts both good and bad. Therefore, try, if possible, not to think about the bad, throw out of your head all the muck that poisons your life, concentrate on the good. Fall down, get up and move on! Decide clearly on the positions that you need, everything to the smallest detail. For example:
1. Machine (brand, color, interior ...);
2. House (big or small, with or without a garden…);
3. Earnings (how much income would you like to receive per month, per year ...);
4. Place of vacation (country, city, islands…);
5. Health of relatives and friends, the birth of a baby, etc.
This list can be replenished indefinitely, and do not hesitate - everything will be fulfilled. The universe is infinite, and its resources for the fulfillment of desires, the realization of dreams will be enough for absolutely all the people inhabiting our planet. The universe is a genie from a magic lamp that tells you: “I will fulfill any of your desires. I hear and obey, my lord! .
The so-called "visualization effect" helps in fulfilling our desires. What needs to be done for this? You need to create a "wish board" or "happiness collage". Cut out everything that you like, what you want to have from newspapers and magazines, stick it on a board or whatman paper and hang it in the most visible and most visited place (kitchen, desktop, near the fireplace, in the bedroom). Do not forget to put in the center a photo of yourself and your loved ones, with whom you would gladly share your desires. And believe, wish - everything will come true! Live as if you are already a happy owner of all this. Do not think about how you will get all this, the Universe will tell you.
Remember that a miracle, like all other processes, happens only to those who believe in it with all their heart and soul. Haven't you ever noticed that by constantly thinking about the disease, it is very difficult to recover. Remember the story of the magic pills that one doctor created and healed many from incurable diseases. Before his death, he admitted that he made these pills from ordinary sugar, but people believed him, and it was this faith that healed them.
Try to change the course of your thoughts, tell yourself firmly and confidently what you want. And most importantly, believe in yourself! Remember that you are the creator of your destiny, and it is you who can become happy and successful. Do not hesitate, believe, all dreams will come true. And do not forget to give thanks, to say "Thank you" for every wish fulfilled.

Numerous studies among today's youth show that most young people dream of becoming rich, famous and influential and make this the goal of their lives.

Not the worst trend. At least many of us were brought up in this way: to bet on a career, to become a successful, respected person.

The question is, will this trend make today's young people happy? And what makes us truly happy throughout our lives, from childhood to old age?

The study that got the answer

Back in 1938, scientists at Harvard University began to conduct the longest and most unique study in the history of research, in order to get one clear and unambiguous answer to the question: “What makes people happy and healthy throughout their lives?”

The study involved 724 young men from two groups: the first group - first-year students at Harvard College, the second group - young men from the poorest areas of Boston from the most disadvantaged and disadvantaged families. For 75 years, scientists have been monitoring their lives year after year. The boys grew up to become factory workers, lawyers, builders, and doctors, and one even became President of the United States. However, not all participants found happiness and realized themselves in life, someone drank himself, someone spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital. There were also those who climbed the social ladder from the bottom to
the very top, and some made the same journey, but in the opposite direction. Scientists knew absolutely everything about their health and life, constantly communicated and observed their families, saw how the fate of these people was developing. So what answer did they find? What is the true guarantee of a happy life? The answer was shared by Robert Waldinger, current curator of the study.

It's not wealth, fame, or hard work.

After 75 years of observation, scientists have come to the conclusion that only good relationships make people happier and healthier. They identified three main lessons and conclusions from their study.

1. Constant loneliness is a serious threat to a person.

It turned out that people who have a strong connection with family, with friends, with society, are much happier, physically healthier and live longer than people who are deprived of the company of other people. The state of loneliness has been proven to poison a person's life, depriving it of meaning. A person's life is full and brings joy, mainly when a person feels useful, needed by someone and significant in this world. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to become happy alone.

2. The quality of relationships with people close to you is important.

Living in a state of conflict is extremely harmful to our health. Conflict families, for example, where there is not enough love and warmth between partners, have a very detrimental effect on health, much more serious and dangerous than divorce. Too high internal tension and a constant state of stress in families can become the norm. Therefore, it is so important to learn to build strong, trusting relationships, especially since such relationships serve as a certain protection for a person from the blows of fate and from aging, both physical and psychological. Living in a spiritual environment is a protection for a person.

3. Good relationships protect not only our body, but also the brain.

It turns out that a reliable and strong attachment to another person protects us. People who are in relationships where they can really rely on each other during difficult periods of life retain good memory longer, and people whose relationships do not allow them to truly rely on each other have memory problems much earlier.

For 75 years, research by Harvard scientists has confirmed that those people who relied on relationships in the family, with friends and like-minded people lived better. Main conclusion: A happy life is built on good quality relationships.

Only another question arises, how to build real strong relationships?

Best regards, Lilia Kim