New Year's scenario is interesting for a corporate party. New Year in the working team (corporate). Materials for writing a script, with games, contests and riddles. Train of happy people

  • 21.06.2020

Time goes by so fast that you won’t have time to look back when it’s time to celebrate the next New Year’s corporate party. In order not to be caught off guard and have time to adequately prepare for the upcoming event, you need to think in advance about solving the following issues.

Where and how to hold a New Year corporate party 2017?

The place for meeting the New Year with colleagues depends on the budget of your company.

If it is limited, then the celebration can be organized in the office. You will only have to order catering services, DJ.

A more expensive option is to hold a corporate party in a restaurant. First you need to choose a specific room (preferably with a spacious dance floor), decide on the menu, and then order a professional presenter, musicians and entertainment program. But in this format, the holiday will surely be remembered by all employees.

You can celebrate the holiday with the whole team and not quite in a standard way- in nature, for example, in a rest home or boarding house.

The main thing is to provide that there are conditions for both quiet leisure and active recreation, so that everyone can find something to do with their interests.

How to celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster?

For next year to be successful in every sense, you need to choose the right outfit for his meeting. And for this you need to have an idea about the symbol of the coming year.

The rooster is an ambiguous and unpredictable animal: on the one hand, calm and important, on the other, bold and fearless.

Taking into account the motley color that the bright handsome man flaunts, preference in clothes can be given to the red palette, emerald and sand shades. And be sure to complete your look with golden jewelry and shiny accessories - this will certainly please the smart host of the year. A headdress decorated with feathers will look beautiful and symbolic.

What exactly should be avoided when choosing a festive dress is leopard prints on it and predatory colors, since the rooster really does not like felines.

With what to raise glasses to the chimes?

  • Champagne- a traditional sparkling drink, without which it is difficult to imagine any New Year. Pairs well with fruits, seafood, white meats.
  • Vodka. When choosing the second most popular drink, there should be a sufficient amount of fatty snacks on the table that reduce the rate of alcohol absorption into the blood.
  • Wine. Red wine is usually served with meat (pork, lamb), vegetables, mushrooms. Cheese, fish, seafood, poultry meat are suitable as snacks for white wine.
  • Whiskey. An excellent choice can be one of the types of the world's best-selling strong drink: malt, grain, bourbon. Cola or soda will help make it less strong in taste.
  • Rum. Suitable for drinking neat or with ice cubes. An interesting option for making cocktails.
  • Gin. It is strong in itself, so it is often used as an ingredient for cocktails. It is good to eat gin with cheese, fish, smoked meats, citrus fruits.

How to have fun at a New Year's party?

A corporate event should be held in a relaxed, fun atmosphere that is conducive to communication and promotes team building.

Option 1

A few preparations before the start of the celebration:
- it is necessary to purchase several not expensive souvenirs (as many as there will be guests + 4 ... 5 pieces additionally, just in case);
- you need to prepare lottery tickets, they can be printed on a computer, draw a New Year's drawing on a lottery ticket, for example, a snowflake and the inscription Lottery ticket No. 0001. There should be as many numbers as there will be guests + a dozen more;
- it is necessary to make a piggy bank, for this you can take an ordinary metal coffee can with a plastic lid, make a slot in it for coins, stick a copy of a ruble bill or dollar and the inscription “Piggy bank” on the tape;
- warn everyone to be with a change, if the team is rich in money, then decide on the size of the contributions yourself;
- before entering the hall where the celebration of the New Year will take place, the host puts the “Piggy Bank”, and each person who enters puts a few coins or banknotes into the jar and receives a lottery ticket, it is necessary to explain to everyone that this piggy bank with money will go to one of the guests at the end in the evening (it is better if the presenter writes down the number of the lottery ticket for himself on a piece of paper, who got it, this will come in handy later in the course of the evening);
- the contests given in the script can be replaced with others that you like more.

Dear colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into glasses and listen to me for a while.

There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
Most the best holiday- New Year!
He comes on a snowy road
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and strict beauty!
Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment mysteriously ringing
My love is the fuse of all my deeds.
My first toast is for your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you
For the joy of meeting that awaits us -
For the thirst that knows no quench!

(we drink and eat)

Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce it with a special feeling, because you can say them only once a year. And that “once a year” has finally arrived. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our "beloved leader" Pal Palych.

(a fiery, exciting speech is made, after which everyone has a long snack)

Dear friends, colleagues, today we have an unusual evening, today is the evening of receiving congratulations, surprises and winnings. You all received a lottery ticket, the drawing of lottery tickets will begin immediately from the very beginning of the evening. But I have a few more lottery tickets that I offer to buy for everyone, the money from the sale of the ticket goes to the general "Piggy Bank". In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not wish to participate in any competitions, or will prompt other participants in the competition, the correct answers, or will behave too indecently during the evening, then he will be immediately punished with a fine, in the amount of (what install it yourself), which will immediately go to the common piggy bank.

The host starts selling lottery tickets, which may not be enough, in my experience, there are a lot of people who want it, especially if the price is reasonable. Immediately after the end of sales, the presenter continues to lead the evening:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night, it’s impossible without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

And now we will arrange a star shower of smiles in this hall. Now we will start the drawing of the "Merry New Year's Lottery". The following ticket numbers are announced as winners (here and below you need to know which ticket number someone has):
- let's say ticket numbers 0001, 0010, 0020, 0030 - these are all participants in the next competition;
- ticket number 0002 - wins the right to be called a judge of all today's competitions and competitions (he is awarded a carnival mask prize so that he will not be recognized when he judges);
- ticket number 0011 - wins the right to pronounce a New Year's toast after this competition, while he is given the opportunity to prepare for such a great honor for him - to congratulate everyone on the New Year! (he is awarded a prize, for example, a pocket calendar for the next year);
- bits No. 0003, 0021, 0031 (depending on the number of tables) - are appointed by the main managers of the tables at which they sit, it is their responsibility to ensure that the neighbors always have full glasses and plates, all of them and torches in their hands (all they are awarded prizes - sparklers);
- ticket No. 0004 is announced by the main disc jockey of the evening, his duty is to announce musical breaks and dances, and if necessary, for example, to monitor the music center;
- ticket number 0025 is announced by the chief banker, our piggy bank is handed over to him for temporary storage, and he is obliged to monitor the replenishment of the piggy bank.

Those who are dissatisfied or disagree with the announced winning ticket numbers are allowed only once, and only now, to exchange their tickets with other participants, in the future, ticket exchanges will be punished to the fullest extent of the law of the table, evening. The rest of the prizes will be announced later, keep your tickets until the end of the evening.

The first three participants of the competition are already known, they will now try to win the prize.
So, the CONTEST "Enchanted glass"
The host invites all participants in the competition to pour full glasses, and says: “I will now conjure these glasses. I can hold one or even two glasses at the same time in my hands, and as many as I like, and any of you will not be able to cope with this task, and will throw them or put them on the table, before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not leave your place.
Then the presenter "talks glasses" and gives them to the participants of the competition. Then the countdown begins: “One, two ... And I’ll tell you three tomorrow.” Naturally, no one will keep until tomorrow
The host continues:
Well, if you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can drink something? Whoever had the ticket number 0011, I hope you are prepared to make a toast that you deserve the right to win.

(a toast is made and everyone drinks)

Attention Armenian Radio says: “The broadcast for the deaf is over!”

Without promising good luck, I hope that the New Year
He will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for Drugov, and I believe in it fervently,
What awaits us all now is something that has never happened before.

And we are waiting for the continuation of the "Merry New Year's Lottery". Whoever has ticket number 0004 - you won a prize. Come out here and try to take the prize, if you manage to take it, of course. (The game is as follows: A prize, for example, chocolate Santa Claus, an apple, a candy, is placed on the edge of the table and is closed with a paper cap, but it is possible without a cap., and the participant is given his back to the prize, he is blindfolded. Then he takes a few steps (let's say 5) turns around the axis, and goes for the prize and tries to take it.You can complicate the procedure for holding the competition and replace the prize with a glass of vodka, which he must take, moreover, someone must hold the glass on the roof so that the contestant does not drop it. continues until one of the participants of the following numbers of lottery tickets wins a prize.
The winner is given the floor.

Dear friends, the evening continues. I ask for some attention! Let's continue with the lottery. Now we will find out the happiest participants of the next competition. We won tickets No. 0006, 0007, 0012, 0013, 0022, 0023. I propose to play a small game called “I AM THE MOST INTELLIGENT”
The host attaches a piece of paper, the size of a matchbox, to each forehead or hair, using an ordinary paper clip. The name of an animal, insect or bird or fish is written on a piece of paper. Everyone can see what is written by others, but not by themselves. Players take turns asking each other questions and, based on the answer, they must guess who he is. Answers can only be "YES" or "NO". Hearing "YES", you can ask another question, hearing "NO" the word goes to another participant in the competition. The one who guessed correctly leaves the game and watches the rest. At the end of the game, the winner is declared - the one who guessed first. He is awarded a more substantial prize, the rest are consolation prizes.
The loser in punishment should congratulate everyone and make a toast.

Dear colleagues, if alcohol suddenly runs out, we will stop respecting each other - it was a joke. I know my limits: if you fall, then enough is enough, and the degree of intoxication depends on the frequency of raising the glass and does not depend on the amplitude - this is also a joke. Well, enough jokes for now, let's move on to serious matters, to the VECTORINA "OH LUCKY"
The essence of the game:
A question is asked and several answers to it, and only one is correct. Everyone starts to answer, the judge judges, Who named the correct answer to that the chief banker hands over a candy wrapper or candy, whoever collects more candy wrappers or sweets is the winner.
The answer to the questions "VALAAM'S ASS", or they are with *:
1. What is the name of a dish of whipped yolks with sugar?
V. Gogol - Mogol*
W. Herzen - Pertsen
B. Pushkin - Mushkin
R. Bryullov - Murlov

2. Who rode under the Christmas tree in the forest?
U. Wolf - click teeth
A. Bunny gray *
J. Santa Claus
L. sober forester

3. Andrey Cherkizov hosted the program on NTV:
D. Day of the snake
R. Year of the alligators
L. Hour of the bull*
M. Epoch of maggot

4. In what clothes did Shelenberg come to the service?
b. Dress uniform
H. field overalls
A. Civil suit*
Y. Home bathrobe

5. How does Lermontovskoe Borodino begin?
A. Tell me uncle *
S. Shut up, aunt
G. You have the floor Comrade Mauser
Y. Shut up y'all

6. What was the Englishman Francis Drake doing "part-time" when he made the second round-the-world trip in history?
M. Piracy*
C. Scientific experiments in the field of zoology
A. helping the natives
I. Testing new guns

7. What is "ZGO" id of the expression "no OGI is visible"?
B. Star in the sky
Z. Lonely tree
O. Ring on a horse arc *
N. Spark in the distance

8. Winston Chertill used to drink cognac on the day:
O. 75 grams
C. 150 grams
L. Half a liter
B. One liter*

9. The famous "Royal Kurgan" is located in the Crimea near the city:
A. Kerch*
I. Feodosia
Y. Bakhchisaray
E. Balaklava

10. What was Cheburashka made of, by his own admission?
N. From the bottle
O. Made of wood*
U. From fur
T. made of plastic

11. Is there only one toilet for ... (how many) rooms? (According to V. Vysotsky)
F. 28
I. 29
E. 39
S. 48*

12. The first nuclear bomb was called:
R. Fat Man
A. Dorothy
L. Kid*
W. Ann

13. Observation of village girls helped create a vaccine against smallpox:
P. vegetable growers
K. needlewomen
I. Milkmaids*
L. Pigs

14. The modern local name of this river is "El-Bahor". What about the generally accepted?
A. Amazon
I. Indus
C. Congo
C. Neil

15. Which of the stars of the scene replaced the "burning" surname with this cold pseudonym?
A. Alexander Ostuzhev * (there used to be a fire, and when they shouted “Fire on stage”, panic began among the audience)
N. Vera Cold
T. Tatiana Snezhnaya
M. Mikhail Zimin

(you can add your own questions, for example, such as 1. In what office does the head of the company sit? 2. What was the surname of such and such an employee before marriage? Etc.)

After summing up the results, the winner is announced, he is given a small souvenir and given the floor. The host announces: “We will now check with what words our respected (May_ erudite) can please us. Pour him (her) intoxicating water and everyone else too.


Hear the music again sounded:
This is Friends dancing start!
Everywhere fun and joy sparkle
In the waltz, let each of you spin!

The floor is given to our "Disc jockey".
(The music manager wishes everyone a Happy New Year and invites you to take a break.)


During the break, additional competitions are held.


Dear guests, I ask everyone to the table. Our treasurer, keep track of who did not sit down at the table, and also keep track of the replenishment of our “Piggy Bank:.
Dancing is a load on the legs, now let's work on the head and hands. It is necessary to replenish the expenses incurred by each of you during the break. While everyone is pouring into glasses, we will continue our lottery draw. So we won lottery tickets No. 0007, 0009, 0016. 0017, 0024, 0026, 0027, 0028. I will ask everyone to leave the table and come to me. Of the six participants, 4 are selected, two men and two women, the remaining are declared understudies, and help the referee judge the game. The game is called "WHERE TO INVEST MONEY AND WHERE TO GET MONEY".
The essence of the game:
The host prepares the props in advance, i.e. on paper of two colors, for example, white and blue, money is printed on a copier, for example, 10 ruble bills, in the amount of 20 pieces of each color (bills can be replaced with candy wrappers). The selected 4 players are placed in pairs. Women are given banknotes, each of a different color. They count them, both of them should have the same number. Their task is to open jars, not glass of course, and as many as possible. Men will serve as banks; their clothing - pockets, lapels, collars, underwear, etc. In each bank (let's say a pocket) you can put only one bill. Women must invest as many banknotes in their partner as possible within 1 minute, in his place - one banknote. The host starts the countdown: three, two, one, started, and the judge marks the time by the clock. After a minute, the game stops and it is calculated how many banknotes each woman has left in her hands. The game continues. The woman changes places. Within 1 minute they must find the hidden banknotes, i.e. search another partner. According to the results of the competition, the winner is announced, who is awarded the prize, the rest of the participants are also awarded prizes, but of lesser value.

The word for congratulations is given to the best Banker.

Everyone drinks and eats

I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
Put your sadness, your longing in a bag for him
Let him collect everything and take it away as soon as possible!

While Santa Claus takes away your longing and sadness, we will continue the lottery. Won another ticket number 0033. Now our winner will take part in the next contest and try to win a prize. The competition is called "THREE FVAZ"

The essence of the game:
The host announces: “If you can repeat three phrases after me, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Ready? We started."
- the first phrase is "What a beautiful evening tonight." The player must repeat word for word.
- the second phrase = "You are just beautiful", while the leader does not behave confidently, and after the player pronounces this phrase, the leader happily spreads his arms and says: "So you lost!". This was the third phrase that the player had to repeat. Players most often make mistakes and ask what they did wrong and lose. The player is awarded a prize if he wins, or a consolation prize if he loses.

The word for the solemn speech is presented to the lucky (or unfortunate loser),

At the end of my program, I want to propose one more competition, everyone should take part in this competition. The competition is called "PINK", or "GREED"

The essence of the game:
A common piggy bank filled during the evening is taken. Everyone who believes that he is generous with his soul, likes to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts on New Year's Eve (meaning money and other promises) should throw a coin from 1 kopeck or more into the piggy bank, no matter how much you feel sorry for.
A banker with a piggy bank goes around everyone and collects tribute. The host announces that this piggy bank will now be drawn, and it will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it. The winner will be the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
Each participant names approximately the amount that may be in the piggy bank. The judge writes down the named amounts on a piece of paper. The banker counts the contents of the piggy bank. The judge and host announce the winner, after a meeting and review of the figures named by the participants.

The host offers the winner a word for congratulations, and relieves himself of the duties of toastmaster. Then the evening continues according to an unplanned scenario with breaks for dancing until you drop.

New Year is one of the most important holidays in the life of every person. Any self-respecting enterprise or firm will organize an event within the team in honor of him. Such a measure contributes to the rallying of employees and allows you to get to know each other in a completely informal setting, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the organization as a single organism. In order for the holiday not to become an ordinary and boring action, corporate New Year 2017 should be thought out to the smallest detail, and the organizers are required to take a responsible approach to their business. You can make a holiday program on your own, this will require a rich imagination and a good sense of humor accompanied by a sense of tact, if there are difficulties with this, then there are many ready-made scenarios that can turn ordinary gatherings at the table into a real holiday. If there are not so many organizational skills, you can turn to specialists and everything will be arranged for you, based on the wishes and requirements of the client.

The scenario of the corporate party for the new year 2017 involves not only an interesting plot, but also funny contests that will cheer up everyone present. Do not forget about the symbols, the coming year 2017 is marked as the year of the rooster, based only on this fact, you can come up with a lot of comical and very cool stories. If there is no time for this, you can use ready-made scenario, adjusting it to your taste and discretion.

An interesting scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2017.


  • Snowman
  • Santa Claus
  • Snow Maiden
  • Baba Yaga
  • Rooster

Easy-to-perceive music plays in the hall, setting a festive mood. The guests are seated in their places, communication begins.

Very little time passes, and a young man appears in the form of a rooster and tells all the guests present about how Baba Yaga, resorting to a cunning plan, stole Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, gifts and the New Year itself! After that, guests are invited to help in solving the problem. To do this, you need to get the old woman drunk in order to reduce her vigilance to zero. This will have to be done as follows:
Everyone present begins to come up with all sorts of synonyms for the word "get drunk." The last one who can sound the original word gets some kind of encouragement.

Synonyms can be very different, such a contest will bring back memories of all the comical situations associated with alcohol and, of course, will cheer up everyone present. After the prize is presented, you can take a break with soft music playing in the background and allow guests to continue communication.

At the end of the break, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear in front of all those present, the rooster joyfully greets them and suddenly wary, even apprehensively sneaks up to the key character in the robe of Santa Claus. Further, according to the scenario of the New Year 2017 corporate party, the following conversation takes place:

Rooster: I can see, a spy has appeared among us! You don't look like our Grandfather Frost, and the beard is not the same, and the clothes are overseas! Why did you come, and who sent you? Answer!
At this moment, the rooster can grab Santa Claus by the breasts with undisguised pressure. Here the Snow Maiden intervenes

Snow Maiden: So it is, so it is, it’s not Santa Claus, but our dearest guest Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho! Cool down, Cockerel, it's all right. I am here with you, and Santa Claus is an exchange student in Lapland.

The rooster releases Santa Claus and says with relief: Wow! Well, you scared me, and I already thought that our Grandfather was gone.

Snow Maiden: Oh, Cockerel, would you know .... Santa and I managed to escape, but the witch left all the gifts. She sat down on our bag, so she sat on it and remained .... And what is the new year without gifts!?

Rooster: Puzzled .... Well, what can we do, we will have to amuse the drunken grandmother. This is the only way to divert her attention, then I can bring this bag. The task, however, is not an easy one, I don’t know any fun contests to carry out my plan.

Santa Claus: Don't worry about it! I know a lot of competitions! And our Snow Maiden will definitely support me and provide the necessary assistance.

Rooster: Oh, I don’t believe it will work! Oh, I don't believe! After all, you, Santa, are a foreign guest, don't forget! An old woman drunk may not understand your humor. The difference in mentality, you know.

Snow Maiden: come on, Cockerel! He will cope, after all, our man!

Rooster with undisguised distrust: Something I doubt ...

Snow Maiden: Santa, come on, prove it!

At this moment, an assistant from the audience takes out a serving with a filled glass and a snack, which he serves to Santa Claus.

Rooster startled: Yes, you do not lean, I believe, I believe!

Corporate for the New Year 2017: cool contests.

Quantity cool contests can be different, it all depends on the allotted time and the number of guests. The main thing during their conduct is not to deviate from the given scenario, then the corporate party for the New Year 2017 will be held with due enthusiasm and will be of interest to everyone present, coming to its logical conclusion.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it and not drive guests to death. Be sure to have breaks between competitions to eat and relax.

Dance with balls.

The competition is paired, men inflate balloons, and women tie them with thread so that they do not blow away. Most often, the competition is held under a slow romantic composition, but for a corporate party for the New Year 2017, a perky melody is also suitable.

Inflated balloons are placed between the couple and the dance begins. Correcting the balls with your hands, popping and dropping them means dropping out of the competition. The dance continues while the music is playing, at the end of which, the participants must snuggle up to each other so that the clap still occurs. The first to succeed are considered winners and receive a prize. Remember that a friendly atmosphere is needed, so applause and consolation prizes will not be superfluous.

At the end of the awarding of prizes, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden thank the participants and offer to take a break.

A pair for each.

On sheets of paper, the names of animals are written each in two copies and folded into two piles with the same set of names. An equal number of men and women are called, who randomly draw one piece of paper. The task of everyone is to find their partner to cheerful rhythmic music, without making sounds and words, only gestures can be used. The winners are the first "reunited" pair. It is advisable to guess those animals that are quite difficult to explain using non-verbal communication, so the competition will be much more interesting.

The best artisan.

The competition is for girls. The participants are given a rope on which, under sounding music, women will have to tie knots, trying to do it as neatly as possible and at the same distance. The winner is the participant whose result more than the others meets the requirements of the competition.

Santa Claus gives promotional gifts. By the way, in order not to deviate from the script, it will be very good if Baba Yaga is played by a person with excellent charisma and theatricality. During the competitions, you can have a fun time listening to funny comments and remarks from a mischievous old woman.

Russian roulette.

All men present are invited and line up. The host holds a container of eggs in his hands and invites everyone, in turn, to break one of the products on his head, explaining that one of the eggs is raw. It is quite fun to watch how the representatives of the stronger sex, before completing the task, try to get up comfortably, so that in case of failure, they get as dirty as possible. The competition is usually accompanied by advice from the ladies and frightened exclamations, in general, the atmosphere is quite cheerful. The catch is that there are no raw eggs among the props at all, they are all cooked.

Dance in the newspaper.

Pair competition. Men and women turn to each other in front, join hands, and raise them to the sides. The hosts “pack” all the pairs, fastening the participants with a newspaper over the shoulders, in the armpits and at the waist, using a regular stationery stapler. The task of the contestants is to actively and rhythmically dance to cheerful music, while trying to harm the newspaper as little as possible. The winners are the most active pair with the least damage on paper.

At the same time, Baba Yaga can actively interfere with the participants by getting underfoot, most importantly without assault.


Participants are divided into pairs, the task of men is to wrap their partner around, under sound accompaniment, in the manner of a mummy, toilet paper. As soon as the music ends, everyone present determines the most spectacular and cutest mummy. Subsequently, the melody turns on again, this time the mummy must be unwound, allowing as few breaks in the roll as possible. The winner is the pair whose result is closest to the rules of the competition.

After two couples entertainment, you can again take a short break, after which provide an opportunity for men to prove themselves in a friendly atmosphere.

Arm wrestling.

Since the evening is already in full swing, the atmosphere is friendly, the competition will be fun and without injuries. Prizes should be given not only to the winner, but also to the first loser for courage and courage, so to speak.

Do not forget that breaks between cool corporate contests for the New Year 2017 can be arranged not only with the help of musical breaks, but also by conducting various quizzes that will be appropriate according to the scenario and the general theme of the holiday.

Queue for gifts.

All guests present can be involved. Participants are blindfolded and given a serial number. The task is to take their place in line according to their number to cheerful music, without using verbal communication. The competition can be extended and made more interesting as follows: after the chain is lined up, the presentation of gifts is announced. It will be just great if the gifts are addressed by a personal name, and their issuance is made in accordance with the serial number. In this case, the person who took the wrong place will receive someone else's present. As a gift, you can use ordinary signed postcards, for example.


The more participants there are, the more interesting the contest will become. People stand in a circle and take each other under the arms, one of them holds the bottle between his legs, just above the knees. The task is to transfer, in this way, the projectile to a neighbor without uncoupling. The pair that does not cope with the task is out. The competition should be accompanied by fast and cheerful music, as if urging the participants on. The last two players are considered the winners.

By the end of the competition, Baba Yaga may appear with a bag of gifts and hand it to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with the words:

Baba Yaga: Wow, the damned amused, the old woman amused herself!

The main characters of the evening open the bag, and suddenly it turns out that it is empty and there are no gifts. Santa Claus, in a paternal manner, consoles all those present and promises that all wishes come true in return for missing gifts.

This stage of the evening can be held in the form of public wishes to each other for all kinds of blessings in turn, thereby securing a friendly atmosphere. Then the leading fairy-tale heroes they say goodbye to all those present, thanking for a great evening, and wishing all the best, bow out. Santa Claus, in turn, finally promises that Santa Claus will definitely return to his homeland by the evening of December 31 and personally congratulate all compatriots.

This is not the whole list of cool contests suitable for holding a corporate party for the New Year 2017. You can complete the evening program for every taste and color, everything will depend on the personal capabilities of the organizer and the time allotted for the holiday.

Scenario of a corporate party for the New Year 2017 can be the most diverse, as well as its completion. You can arrange a themed disco or go outside the box and watch a famous movie, for example, under the funny comments of the heroes of the evening. It all depends on the possibilities and wishes, the main thing is to observe a friendly atmosphere and the mood of the holiday. Happy New Year!

It is necessary to announce to all members of the team that there will be competitions for the best salad, the coolest mask, the best toast.
And also the team is divided into groups, each of which comes up with a scene of congratulations, which will be shown in front of all the guests (dressing in costumes is welcome)

Another year has ended, it was special for everyone, with difficulties, joys, unforgettable events. It is safe to say that everyone hopes for the new year, they expect great success, pleasant events and impressions from it, that our relatives and friends will be healthy. This is the main wealth.
And also with dignity it is necessary to spend the year of the Fire Monkey, to thank her for all the good things, waiting for the next universal cycle. The corporate will be divided into two main branches, the first of which will be official, serious, with a speech by the administration, the directorate. There will be a summing up of the results of the past year, about what successes the professional team has achieved, who were encouraged. All the best members of the team were noted, awards and encouragement were held.
The second part of the event will be fun.
The fun part will consist of a festive program.
Conducting competitions, quizzes, dances. By no means forgetting about carnival costumes, awarding the winners for the best costume, the best New Year's dish, the best toast, etc.

The beginning of the fun part of the holiday

Oh you, guests, gentlemen
You didn't come here for nothing
Let's have fun
Say goodbye to the monkey

The holiday begins
The rules are announced:

It is forbidden to be bored
And stand on the sidelines
Gotta have some fun
Sing, dance, don't be lazy
Participate in competitions
The holiday can begin.

The holiday continues with collective scenes of congratulations.
Everyone comes out in order, the first group performs, the second prepares, the rest watch, the second performs, the third prepares, puts on costumes, etc.

Comic horoscope for 2017.
Dear guests, humanity is always interested in what awaits it in the future. We are also reverently waiting for the year 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster. And everyone dreams of at least a glimpse into the future.
We present such an opportunity, but we warn you not to take these comic predictions seriously.
Also, there is some truth in every joke.

Horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs

2017 will be a year of fun and adventure for Aries. This is a good time to start new business. Don't forget to take a trip with your loved ones in 2017. Health problems are not expected, especially if you exercise regularly. Personal life will develop successfully, but on the condition that you do not make promises that you cannot keep.

The prognosis for Taurus is good. A harmonious and peaceful year is expected for representatives of this sign. This year you will be inclined to harmonize your inner world. Don't let your insecurities ruin your well-being. Lonely Taurus have every chance to find their soul mate, and married couples have a baby. Worth paying Special attention healthy eating if you don't go get health problems.

For those born under the sign of Gemini, 2017 will be a year of major changes. Don't let your hyperactivity ruin your happiness. Take decisive action in your career throughout the year, and carefully plan your financial spending. Your spiritual level this year will be much higher than in previous years, which will help you better understand yourself and your goals. 2017 can be a successful year for finding love and getting married.

2017 will repeatedly present Cancerians with difficult choices. Be prepared to change in many areas of your life. Don't waste money on things you don't need. Your partner may need your support in overcoming life crises. Health will require Cancers to work hard on themselves.

a lion
For Leo, ruled by the Sun, 2017 will be an incredible year. Good luck will accompany you, and happiness will smile. Fortune will not keep you waiting in your career and personal life. A very favorable period. Enjoy life and move forward! You do not even suspect that this year is your lottery ticket, which falls once in many years!

In 2017, Virgo will need to take the path of diplomacy. Some old conclusions can create problems if you don't make the right decisions. This is the right time to let go of relationships that have been burdensome for you. And don't let stress get the better of you!

For Libra, 2017 will be a year of discovery and innovation. Let your / hell.

The restless Sagittarius in 2017 will be full of enthusiasm and willpower to move forward. Your social life will be remarkably active. In terms of career and business, the year will be difficult, but profitable. Possible manifestation of allergic reactions. Upswing is expected on the personal front.

2017 for Capricorn will be held under the sign of peace and harmony. And although you are very practical, many Capricorns in 2017 will discover new facets in themselves. Love and romance will be an important part of your life. A very auspicious year for marriage.

The stars predict Aquarius in 2017 the opening of many opportunities. Whether it is love or a career, you will flourish and receive a hundred times more than you give. There will be a lot of work, but expect a decent reward! good time for conception and childbirth.

In 2017, Pisces will look at life in a positive and calm way. Their cool demeanor will be the main secret of success in their personal lives and professional field. Beware of illusions when achieving your goals. Carry out your tasks with the utmost sincerity, weighing every action.

Funny New Year's riddles for the corporate party "Secret Horoscope"

Everyone present participates in this competition, it is necessary to correctly guess the riddle, for each correct answer the players receive a sweet prize.

It is important to walk around the yard.
To show everyone the scallop.
We can easily recognize him.
He's handsome...

Legs are tenacious, like hands,
She, of course, is not bored:
Everything is missing without discrimination,
Eating bananas all the way
Her native house is a liana,
What kind of animal is it?
(A monkey)

This beast flies in a fairy tale
Since childhood, he did not know affection,
Three heads on the shoulders
Two wings and one tail!
(The Dragon)

He is fluffy and big-eyed
He is furry and toothy.
Eats grass, carrots,
Having shown his skill -
In the cage, he gnawed a plank floor.
And he's not a bunny, but ... (rabbit)

Not a cow, but with horns:
"Who am I?" - find out for yourself.
I also chew grass
I also give milk
I wake up early in the morning
I'm going to the meadow
I graze there until the evening,
Well, what is my name?

I take a nap - and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm on the hunt -
I am lazy at work.

I am a true friend of a person.
I have many merit.
Tied to a chain in the yard.
In winter I sleep in a kennel.
I hunt wolves with a friend.
I am pasture cows.
I'm running through the age-old tundra
in harness, snowy winter.
I am the best servant in the world.
Who am I? You guessed - (Dog)

No arms, no legs
Creeps on the belly
She has no hearing
Doesn't chew - swallows
Looks - does not blink
How do you like my riddle?
Did you guess? Who- (Snake)

Who's grunting in the shed?
This is what I know now!
Oink - oink - oink, yes oink - oink - oink,
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word...
So she sings for the children.
I'll take a look, of course! Where are you?
Why is this?! - I know -
It's Mommy...! (Pig)

At dawn in a wide field,
Likes to walk freely
Graceful and beautiful
With a lush silver mane,
What kind of animal is there, that's a mystery,
Yes, of course... (Horse)

What a lovely minnow!
Beautiful, cute little mustache.
Here is a cute little animal
Big soft toy.
But pussy is not for children's games,
After all, not a kitten -

He leads the herd
Walking among the cows
If he suddenly sees an enemy,
It will hurt right there!

The fun continues with dancing, feasts and fun contests for the new year.
Happy New Year!

The original scenario of the New Year's corporate evening.

The element is fire. Color - red.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party: opening speech of the presenter

INTRODUCTION SPEECH: This year is worth devoting to yourself, spending time, money and attention only on yourself and not chasing anyone.

For example, the Slavs, when entering a new dwelling, usually let a live rooster into the room, and not a cat.

It is advisable to do so.

This is one of the most ancient creatures, the only bird in the horoscope that combines the 5 most significant positive qualities: Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.

Let today's competitions be held under these signs - Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.
Let our men demonstrate military courage. Bravery. Generosity, and women - Fidelity and Nobility.
And not only today. And not only this year.
This year it is worth paying attention to yourself, spending time, money and only on yourself and not chasing anyone.

Scenario New Year's corporate party: division into two teams and the choice of team names

Split into two teams KOKe(rooster in Japanese) and Qiqi(rooster in Chinese). Along the long table. The first team is the one on the left, the second team is the one on the right.

  1. The rooster is ready to fight in any case of introduction into its territory or sphere of influence. Armwrestling
  2. When the Rooster is upset, then those around you can expect a blow with a "beak"! A battle with wooden rapiers between women. A battle on wooden rapiers in a pair of a woman-man. Defeated hug and kiss
  3. The rooster is always the head of a large family! Or always strives to have one. Find out who of those present has the largest family. Give a prize - COCK.
  4. The rooster has many children (chickens). Find out who has a photo of a chicken (child) in their wallet. Give a prize.
  5. Rooster is a good family man - caring, serious, responsible. Recall a case at work when one of the colleagues took care of another. Prepare two prizes and give the best story to the one who cares more than others.
  6. Only he (or she, if the Rooster is she) knows what needs to be done so that the family lives in abundance. A piece of paper is thrown around. Where advice is written - what needs to be done so that the family lives in abundance - the last one wins. The entire list is loudly announced.
  7. The rooster carefully monitors the order in the chicken coop. By this time, a lot has already been drunk and eaten. Choose two people from each team. They receive an unspoken task to observe who has the most accurate "eater" at the table. Explain in detail. Give a prize.
  8. It's sad, but the Rooster can have more than one favorite hen! The rooster loves to be the only one for several hens at once, and the fairer sex may obviously not like this.
  9. Pre-prepared participants perform Masha Rasputina's song " Divorce«.

  1. Rooster is conservative. We all know that "conservative" comes from the word "canned". Let the men open the cans. Who will open the canned food faster and more beautifully.
  2. The rooster works all day to get food. Reward those who covered holiday tables. Give prizes by name - cockerels.
  3. Roosters are successful top-level organizers: directors, businessmen, military personnel, as well as general teachers. Competition of teachers of a wide profile - first ask those present who does not understand which word, and then invite others present to explain their meaning. The winner is the smartest explainer.
  4. The rooster believes that gifts should be useful (do not voice this at the beginning). The teams must tell who and what gave the children for the New Year - the most practical gift wins.

Scenes for the New Year

  • It is possible and necessary to acquire any equipment, especially if it is new developments.- Make a list of necessary office equipment for management in the new year. The winner is the one whose list is better substantiated and whose application the management promises to fulfill.
  • Monogamy in family life. - List all the advantages of a monogamous life, a life without change. The most faithful woman wins. Because she performs more than others and knows exactly these pluses.
  • The ability to control yourself. There is a moment of complete silence. Everyone literally takes matters into their own hands. The team whose members break the silence first loses.
  • Look for reasons for self-realization. List who worked on what other jobs - read the list not personally, but from the team, in turn. The team with the longest list wins.
  • Completely fence yourself off from flattery. — Choose one member from the team and say nice flattering words to him. The most unflappable wins.
  • As often as possible to be in noisy companies. It is necessary to create as much noise as possible. The loudest team wins. Noise is generated by callsigns KOKe and Qiqi.
  • Ability to listen to your inner voice. Show three characters and ask: “Which one means COCK?” The correct answer is the same hieroglyph.

Games, riddles for the New Year

(always extravagant and extraordinary)

  • Fold the puzzle "Rooster" for a certain time - 12 minutes. The team that completes the Rooster puzzle faster or most of it in 12 minutes wins.
  • Draw a rooster with a few strokes, looking at the watercolor. The most accurate and similar pattern wins.
  • Fire Rooster in verse. Guess the last rhyme.

I am stronger than anyone in the world,
I'm bolder than everyone in the world
I'm not afraid of anyone
No one (I will not submit).

The red beast sits in the oven,
He eats firewood out of anger,
A whole hour, maybe two
Don't touch him with your hand
Bites everything (palm).

He's ready to dine.
You see: how many languages!
He quickly eats firewood in the oven,
Heating bricks.
Don't touch him with your hand
Can bite (fire)

Red Cat
The tree gnaws
The tree gnaws
Lives happily.

And drink water
He hisses, he dies.
Don't touch him with your hand
This red cat (fire)

Can't be sniffed and plucked
This flower is scarlet.
It happens big, big,
It happens very small.

And he doesn't drink water at all.
And if he drinks, then (dies)

Video: Cool New Year's contests