Competition for the best riddle. Contest - riddles cool for adults. Fortune telling as a joke on the main event of the New Year

  • 13.11.2019
A riddle is a puzzle to be solved. This is a poetic description of the subject, its main features. To avoid mistakes when guessing riddles, you must:
- listen attentively;
- think about each sign of the guessed object;
- do not rush, but think through everything, carefully weigh your answer.

What are riddles, tongue twisters, where did they come from? As soon as a person learned to speak, and this did not happen immediately, he began to make sentences. The first gestures appeared, and then the first verses. Riddles and tongue twisters are also poetry, poems. For the first time, some ancient person asked another person not an ordinary question, but a riddle question. He hid the property of an object in a short poem and asked him to guess what kind of object it was. For example: “Toothy, but not biting?” (Rake) And why do you think "toothy?" (rake has teeth)

I can wash.
I can water.
I live in faucets all the time.
Well of course I

It’s convenient to bake a cake from me,
Just don't eat it, my friend.
I am loose, yellow, inedible.
Guess who I am? I

Everything is white - white today,
And light, even though there is no sun.
Cold falls from the sky
White - white soft


I can jump and roll
And if they drop me, I'll fly.
Laughing faces all around
Everyone is happy round

Why are puddles everywhere?
Mom takes her umbrella.
Why? Why?
(it's raining)

Blue scarf, dark back.
Small bird,
call her

Who wags its tail merrily?
Who knows how to take care of the house?
Who's chewing on the big bone in the corner?
Who is curled up on the floor?
Who drove the cat out of the kitchen away?
Who barked all night long:
Woof! Woof! Woof?

Horned, tailed
She stood and was silent.
tailed, horned
Suddenly mumbled.
Who is tailed?
Who is horny?
Who mumbled it? Well, guess what?

You probably all love fairy tales. We will dedicate our second competition to fairy-tale heroes. But it is imperative to fulfill the following condition - listen to the riddle to the end and answer with the whole team. The team that does it better will win.

The grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat
Girl forgot her name
Well, tell me, what was her name?
Red Riding Hood

Heals young children
Heals small animals
looks at everyone through glasses
good doctor ... Aibolit

He loves everyone forever
who would not come to him.
did you guess? This is ... Gene
This is Gena the crocodile

Long unknown to many
he became everyone's friend
all according to fairy tales interesting
boy onion sign.
Very fast and short
He is called .... Chippollino

Nose - round nose
it is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
ponytail small crochet
instead of shoes - hooves
Three of them and what
Brothers are friendly!
Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are?
...Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf

Near the forest on the edge,
three of them live in a hut,
there are 3 chairs, three pillows
three beds and three mugs,
guess without prompting
who are the characters in this story?
3 bears

Mixed on sour cream, cold on the window,
round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... Kolobok

He is cheerful and not evil,
This cute weirdo.
With him is a friend Piglet.
For him, a walk is a holiday,
And honey has a special scent
This is a plush prankster, Bear cub ... Winnie the Pooh

He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But there are no more such people in this world,
Because he is not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a marmot,
But filmed for film
And known to all for a long time
This cute face, but it's called ... Cheburashka

Walks to school with a primer
wooden boy,
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is that boy's name?

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.
The girl slept in a nutshell.
What a girl. How small she is!
Who read this book
Know the baby girl?

Someone grabbed hold of someone tightly:
- Oh, do not pull out!
- Oh, sat down firmly!
But more helpers will soon come running ...
Will win the stubborn
Friendly common work
Who sat down so tight
Maybe it's ... Turnip

cross-eyed, small,
In a white coat, in felt boots.

And the road is not easy
And the basket is high
Sit on a stump, eat a pie.
Masha and the Bear

Evening would soon come
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball.
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.

An old woman picked a flower from the garden,
I gave it to the girl Zhenya.
In the flower, in the petals there is Magic power
Their girl Zhenya asked for something
What should I say when cutting off the petals?
What is the name of this fairy tale?

The horse galloping is not simple,
Miracle golden mane,
He carries a boy over the mountains,
But it won't drop him.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
An amazing horse, nicknamed ... The Hunchback

At the door he looks in alarm
lame washbasin,
All washcloths commander
In a wonderful fairy tale ... Moidodyr

And then there are riddles - jokes. Who among you knows such riddles?Riddles - jokes are a special kind of riddles. They differ from all others in that they do not suggest an answer, do not lead to it, but, on the contrary, make thoughts work in the wrong direction. The essence of such riddles is a trap or a play on words. They are witty, amaze with the unexpectedness of the answer.It is very difficult to guess the riddle.

1. What is one thing in a person, but twice in a crow, it will not be found in a fox, but three times in a garden? (Letter O)
2. What is in the center of the word earth? (Letter M)
3. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)
4. Which month is the shortest in the title? (May)
5. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? (From the railway)
6. In what word, consisting of five letters, there are five "O". (again)
7. You, yes I, yes we are with you? How many of us? (Two)
8. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket? (give 1 apple to the child along with the basket)
9. Seven brothers have one sister each. How many? (eight)
10. What travels around the world staying all the time in one corner? (brand)

1. What word is always misspelled? (The task is a joke.)

That word is "wrong". It's always written that way - "wrong". The effect of this joke problem is that it uses the word "wrong" in two different senses.

2. How many months in a year have 28 days?

All months

3. How fast must a dog run in order not to hear the sound of a frying pan tied to its tail?

The dog needs to stand still

4. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked two hundred meters. How did she do it?

Her rope was not tied to anything.

5. How to jump off a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?

Need to jump from the bottom step

6. What can be seen from eyes closed?


7. What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water?


8. Who do the Australians call the sea wasp?


9. What should you do when you see a green man?

Cross the street (this is a picture on a green traffic light)

10. Moscow used to be called white stone. And what city was called black?


11. Residents medieval Europe sometimes wooden chocks were tied to the soles. For what purpose did they do it?

For protection against dirt, as there was no sewerage and slop was poured directly into the street

12. In what process did water replace the sun, after 600 years sand replaced it, and after another 1100 years mechanism replaced them all?

In the process of measuring time - hours

13. In the old days, barns were built on the outskirts, away from dwellings. For what purpose?

To prevent the fire from destroying food supplies

14. Under Peter I, the coat of arms of the Russian Empire depicted an eagle holding maps of the four seas in its paws. List them.

White, Caspian, Azov, Baltic

15. The name of which Germanic tribe gave the name to an entire European country?

The Germanic tribe of the Franks gave the name to France

16. Finish the anecdotal Polish proverb: God is everywhere, except for Kowalski's closet, and that's why ...

that Kowalski has no closet

17. Not wanting to admit that the Red Army could defeat them, they argued that the Great Patriotic War General Frost, General Mud and General Mouse won. With regard to frost and dirt, everything is clear. And what's with the mouse?

Mice gnawed through the electrical wiring of German tanks

18. Name five days without naming numbers (1, 2, 3, ..) and names of days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...)

The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

19. Thirty-two warriors have one commander.

Teeth and tongue

20. Twelve brothers

They roam one after another

They don't bypass each other.


21. How to say correctly: “I don’t see a white yolk” or “I don’t see a white yolk”?

The yolk is usually yellow

22. Is it possible to light an ordinary match under water so that it burns out to the end?

Yes, in a submarine

23. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into the house?

When the door is open

24. There were two fathers and two sons, they found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could it be?

They were grandfather, father and son

25. What dishes can not eat anything?

From empty

26. Small, gray, like an elephant. Who is it?

Baby elephant

27. Which hand is better to stir tea?

The one with the spoon

28. They knock, they knock - they don’t tell you to be bored.
They go, they go, and everything is right there.


29. Very fast two knights
They carry me through the snow - Through the meadow to the birch,

Pull two strips.


30. When is a person in a room without a head?

When he sticks it out of the room (for example, out the window).

31. What question cannot be answered with “yes”?

Are you sleeping?

32. What question cannot be answered with “no”?

You are alive?

33. When can the net draw water?

When the water freezes and turns to ice.

34. Bold as ...,
insidious as ...,
cowardly like...,
cunning as...
wicked like...,
hungry like...,
hardworking like...,
faithful as...,
stubborn like...,
clueless like...,
quiet like...
free like….

Lion, snake, hare, fox, dog, wolf, ant, dog, donkey, ram, mouse, bird

35. How do day and night end?

soft sign

36. Magpie flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be?

Yes, the dog sits on its own tail, a magpie flies nearby

37. What should be done to keep five guys in one boot?

Each of them take off a boot

38. How much is 2+2*2?


39. In what month does chatty Svetochka speak the least?

February is the shortest month

40. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you?

Your name

41. How to find last year's snow?

Go outside right after the start of the new year.

42. What word always sounds wrong?


42. A man has one, a cow has two, a hawk has none. What's this?

Letter -O-

43. A man is sitting, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting?

On your knees

44. What stones are not in the sea?


45. What sign should be put between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 and less than 5?


46. ​​Can a rooster call itself a bird?

No, because he can't speak.

47. What disease on earth has no one been ill with?


48. Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts?

Yes, 0 - 0

49. What can be cooked but not eaten?


50. What number will decrease by a third if it is turned over?

Number 9

51. At a square table, one corner was sawn off in a straight line. How many corners does the table have now?


52. What knot cannot be untied?


53. What is the cow in front and the bull behind?

Letter -K-

54. What is the most terrible river?


55. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

temperature, time

56. What do all people on earth do at the same time?

Are getting older

57. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible?

Both people played different parts with other people.

58. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break?

You need to throw an egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly by.

59. A man was driving a large truck. The headlights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

It was a bright sunny day.

60. Where is the end of the world?

Where the shadow ends

61. Man learned from spiders to build suspension bridges, from cats he adopted the diaphragm in the camera and reflective road signs. And what invention came about thanks to snakes?


62. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far?

Poplar fluff.

63. What kind of comb will not comb your head?


64. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?


65. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner?

Postage Stamp.

66. You are sitting in an airplane, a horse is in front of you, a car is behind you. Where are you?

On the carousel

67. What notes can measure the distance?


68. What won't fit in the biggest pot?

Her cover.

69. Russian riddle. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and a wooden smoke streaming over the boat. What's this?


70. A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can this be?

One hour and forty minutes equals one hundred minutes.

71. Name at least three animals that Moses took into his ark?

Prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark, righteous Noah did it.

72. In one hand the boy carried one kilogram of iron, and in the other the same amount of fluff. What was harder to carry?


73. In 1711, a new unit of 9 people appeared in each regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?

Regimental Band.

Plane crashes.

75. There is a story about a little boy who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to iron a gift." What is this gift?


76. What animals always sleep with their eyes open?


77. It is known that at one time silkworm eggs were exported from China on pain of death. And what animal was taken out of Afghanistan in 1888 with the same risk?

Afghan Hound.

78. What insects are domesticated by man?


79. A problem invented by the learned monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735-804).
The peasant needs to be transported across the river wolf, goat and cabbage. But the boat is such that only a peasant can fit in it, and with him either one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave the wolf with the goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave the goat with the cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?

Solution 1.: It is clear that we have to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other shore, where he leaves him, but he takes and carries the goat back to the first shore. Here he leaves her and transports the cabbage to the wolf. Then, returning, he carries a goat, and the crossing ends happily. Solution 2: First, the farmer again transports a goat. But the second one can take the cabbage, take it to the other side, leave it there and return the goat to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other side, return for the goat and again take it to the other side.

80. In the old days in Russia, married women wore a kokoshnik headdress, the name of which comes from the word "kokosh", meaning an animal. Which?

Chicken (remember what she says when she rushes?).

81. Why can't a porcupine drown?

He has hollow needles.

82. To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-30 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep?

They don't sleep at night.

83. Name the fifth largest country after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.


84. A man went to the market and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But soon he noticed that the horses had risen in price, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to ride on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he thought about how not to get a scolding from his wife for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he gain as a result of the manipulations?

Answer: -50+60-70+80=20

85. The only bird that has auricles?


86. Two approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet, without outside help, everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it?

They sailed from different shores.

87. In Chinese, the combination of three hieroglyphs "tree" means the word "forest". And what does the combination of two hieroglyphs "tree" mean?


88. Residents of Kansas are very fond of Russian nuts. What is it if it is known that we can meet them in any market?


89. The Romans made a revolutionary innovation in the design of the fork - all subsequent models became only variations of the solution found. And what was the fork before this innovation?

Single tooth.

90. Chinese martial artists said that fighting is for fools, for smart people it is victory. And what, in their opinion, is for the wise?


91. Name the language that is native to the largest number of people.


92. In Ancient Russia they were called broken numbers. What are they currently called?


93. A brick weighs two kilograms and half a brick. How many kilograms does a brick weigh?

If a floor of a brick weighs two kilograms, then a whole brick weighs four kilograms.

94. For some reason, these people, returning to their homeland, brought with them branches of exotic plants, for which they received their nickname. What are these people?

Pilgrims, they brought palm leaves.

95. In terms of production, bananas rank first in the world, followed by citrus fruits. What fruits are on the third?


96. In the US state of Arizona, they began to protect the desert from thieves. They steal that without which the desert is threatened by desolation and devastation. What are the thieves taking out of the desert?


97. Name the plant that has the largest fruits.


98. Neither fish nor meat - what was this Russian proverb originally about?

At crayfish.

99. In Spain they are called Portuguese, in Prussia they are called Russians. What are they called in Russia?


100. Who do the Malays catch with a locked boombox cage with a live pig inside?

Pythons, after eating a pig, they could no longer get out of the cage.

101. A hedgehog has 4 g, a dog has 100 g, a horse has 500 g, an elephant has 4-5 kg, and a person has 1.4 kg. What?

The mass of the brain.

102. In 1825, the streets of Philadelphia were cleared of garbage by domestic animals. What?


103. What dish was invented in the 17th century by Marco Aroni?


104. What does any astronaut lose in flight?

The weight.

105. As you know, all native Russian female (full) names end either in A or in Z: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one female name that does not end in either A or Z. Name it.


106. The Gallic priests found a trouble-free way to quickly mobilize soldiers in case of war. For this, they sacrificed only one person. What?

The last one to arrive.

107. Once in the city of Nice they held a competition for the most enduring smoker. One of the participants set a record by smoking 60 cigarettes in a row. However, he did not receive the prize. Why?

He died.

108. A person has twelve pairs of ribs. And who has more than three hundred ribs?

At the snake.

109. In the mouth - a pipe, in the hand - a tambourine, under the arm - a mug. This is how buffoons were portrayed in Russia. As for the pipe and tambourine, everything is clear, but what is a mug?


110. Everyone knows that "one cannot take dirty linen out of public." But what was supposed to be done with him if he couldn’t stand it?


111. In what place did Russian men put on hats and mittens, regardless of the season?

In the bath.

112. How is stickleback fish similar to birds?

She builds nests, laying eggs there.

113. What is the tallest grass?


114. Name a crop that burns 90% and 10% is thrown away.


115. The Greeks used it to protect certain parts of their body. It was made from sandalwood bark. Name it.


116. The first greenhouses appeared in France. Why do you think?

For growing oranges (orange - orange).

117. The owner of the largest horn is the white rhinoceros (up to 158 cm). What animal has the softest horns?


118. This is what football referees used before they used the whistle.


119. What is considered dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?


120. In practice, when moving along a curve, this ball makes 5,000 revolutions per minute, and when moving in a straight line, more than 20,000 revolutions per minute. Where is this ball located?

In a ballpoint pen.

121. The great Hippocrates was asked: “Is it true that genius is a disease?” “Absolutely,” said Hippocrates, “but very rare.” What other feature of this disease was noted with regret by Hippocrates?


122. What was the name of the city in England, where in 1873 the Indian game, popular to this day, was first demonstrated?


123. Where, judging by the name, did the ancient Slavs attach a case for hunting edged weapons?

On the foot. These are scabbards.

124. Three painters had a brother Ivan, and Ivan had no brothers. How could it be?

Ivan had three sisters.

125. The Russian princes had various nicknames that came from the names of cities (Vladimir, Chernigov, Galitsky), from bright personal qualities (Udaloy, Wise, Kalita). What was the nickname given to Prince Vsevolod, who had twelve children?

Vsevolod the Big Nest.

126. In 1240, the first census was conducted in Kievan Rus. Who did it and for what purpose?

Genghis Khan (to collect tribute from the population).

127. It was the year 988 ... A large crowd of residents of ancient Kyiv for some reason moved to the Dnieper. What was the name of the road that the townspeople walked along?

988 - the year of the baptism of Russia. The street is called Khreshchatyk.

128. Russia consisted of Great Russia (Russia proper), Little Russia (Ukraine), White Russia (Belarus). And what was the name of Manchuria, which was part of this state?


129. The Italian flag is red-white-green. Which cutaway berry helped the Italians choose these colors?


130. Socrates did this "in order to sharpen the mind." So did Seneca. Horace was cured of a serious illness in this way. Suvorov was a big fan of this. A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy also liked to do this. What were they doing?

They walked barefoot.

131. How was a philosopher called before in Russia?


132. What flower was considered a symbol of royalty?


133. If the Turks wanted to say "protect the village", they said "kara avyl". How are we talking now?


134. The ancient Romans wore a tunic. And what did they wear when the cold came?

Several tunics worn one over the other.

135. What is the Tatar word for “shoes”?


136. We mainly use only the beginning of this proverb, and its end: "... just choked on his tail"?

Ate the dog.

137. Say "Close your eyes" in Danish.

Ole Lukoye.

138. Barbarians were easily recognized by this piece of clothing.


139. What literary character had 300-year-old calluses?

Old man Hottabych.

140. These three brothers can be called architects.

Three pigs.

141. As you know, grandfather Mazay saved many hares from the flood. Name the person who saved eighteen doves and a sparrow during a fire.

Uncle Styopa.

142. With what words does a proverb begin if its ending sounds like this: “... and cows lay eggs”?

They say that chickens are milked ...

143. With what words does a proverb begin if its ending sounds like this: “... there will be Great Lent”?

Every day is not Sunday…

144. How does the proverb begin: "... a large stump, but a hollow one"?

Small spool but precious.

145. Everyone knows the expression "Keep as the apple of your eye." What is the "apple of the eye"?

Eye pupil.

146. This word literally means "what will happen after the morning." What is this word?

Tomorrow - tomorrow.

147. He really wanted to become a real boy and eventually became one. Who is he?


148. What fairy tale hero from birth spoke three languages?


149. In Russia, it was eaten everywhere, the Romans called it a stinking plant, and Pythagoras called it the king of spices. Name it.


150. Before the advent of the potato, it served as the main food of the poor in Europe. And we know this better from a short work with six characters.


151. What kind of plant is this, which embodies both a native and an adoptive relative?


152. Among all garden weeds, according to traditional medicine, it is very useful, especially if you cook a salad with it ...


153. Russian riddle: "The girl is beautiful, and her heart is stone." What's this?


154. Which peaceful ships do not have captains, but commanders?


155. What is the most popular mode of transport for logging in hard-to-reach areas of Asia.


156. Once upon a time, an officer named Siverst-Mering served in the Russian army, who, like Baron Munchausen, became famous for his indefatigable imagination. What phraseologism was born in connection with his name?

Lying like a gray gelding.

157. He has four, but if they are all cut off, then he will have as many as eight. What is this about?

About the corners of a quadrilateral.

158. Catherine II bought works of art all over the world in order to place them in a “secluded refuge”. What do we call it now?


159. Julius Caesar ordered his soldiers to decorate their shields and weapons with jewels. What for?

To be a pity to quit.

160. How is running different from walking? Before answering this question, remember that running can be slower than other walking, and that sometimes even running in place.

Running differs from walking not in the speed of movement. When walking, our body is always in contact with the ground at some point of the feet. When running, there are moments when our body is completely separated from the ground, not touching it at any point.

161. All victims of accidents in the city were sent to the hospital in Kukuev. Most of all there were drivers and passengers injured in the accident. To reduce their number, the city authorities have made the use of seat belts mandatory. Drivers and passengers began to wear these belts, but the number of accidents remained unchanged, and the number of people injured in them who were admitted to the hospital even increased. Why?

The use of seat belts has reduced the number of deaths in road accidents. Many people who would have died without a seat belt (and ended up in morgues) survived but were injured and needed treatment. Therefore, the number of people admitted to the hospital has increased.

162. There are two guards on the road. One looks in one direction of the road, and the other in the opposite direction, but at the same time they see each other. How can this be? Options with reflections, etc. - excluded.

Although sentries look in opposite directions, they do not stand back to back, but face each other.

163. If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect it to be sunny in 72 hours?

No, because in 72 hours it will be midnight again.

164. There is a round deep lake with a diameter of 200 meters and two trees, one of which grows on the shore near the water, the other - in the center of the lake on a small island. A person who cannot swim needs to cross to the island with a rope, the length of which is a little more than 200 meters. How can he do it?

Having tied the rope with one end to a tree growing on the shore, it is necessary to go around the lake with a rope stretched over the water and tie the other end of the rope to the same tree. As a result, a double rope will be stretched between the trees for crossing to the island.

165. A person lives on the 17th floor. He takes the elevator to his floor only in rainy weather or when one of his neighbors is in the elevator with him. If the weather is good and he is alone in the elevator, then he goes to the 9th floor, and then he goes up the stairs to the 17th floor ... Why?

This person is a midget, and only reaches the button on the 17th floor with an umbrella or asks someone to press this button.

166. One person was asked:

How old are you?

Fair enough, he replied.

I am older than some of my relatives by almost six hundred times. How can this be?

For example, if a person is 50 years old, and his grandson or granddaughter is 1 month old.

167. People who came to one village were often surprised by the local fool. When offered a choice between a shiny 10-ruble coin and a crumpled 100-ruble bill, he always chose the coin, even though it costs ten times less than the bill. Why did he never choose the bill?

He was not stupid at all: he understood that as long as he chose a ten-ruble coin, people would offer him money to choose from, and if he chose a hundred-ruble bill, the offers of money would stop and he would receive nothing.

168. The day before yesterday, Petya was 17 years old. He will turn 20 next year. How can this be?

If the current day is January 1, and Petya's birthday is December 31. The day before yesterday (December 30) he was 17 years old, yesterday (December 31) he turned 18 years old, this year he will be 19 years old, and next 20.

169. One king wanted to remove his prime minister, but did not want to offend him too much. He called the prime minister to him, put two sheets of paper in his briefcase and said: “On one sheet I wrote “Go away”, and on the second - “Stay”. The leaf you pull out will decide your fate." The Prime Minister guessed that on both sheets of paper was written "Go away." How, however, did he manage to keep his place under these conditions?

The Prime Minister pulled out a piece of paper and, without looking at it, rolled it into a ball - and swallowed it. Since on the remaining sheet was -Go away-, the king had to admit that on the swallowed sheet was -Stay-.

170. One gentleman, showing his friend a portrait painted for him by one artist, said: "I have neither sisters nor brothers, but the father of this man was my father's son."

The portrait shows the son of this gentleman.

171. There are 8 benches in the park. Three have been painted. How many benches are there in the park?


172. The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two such thermometers show?

15 degrees.

173. A long loaf was cut into three parts. How many incisions were made?

Two cuts.

174. What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton or 1 kg of iron?


175. The truck was going to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village?


176. Twice born, once dies. Who is it?


177. What can't you pick up from the floor by the tail?


178. What always increases and never decreases?


179. The more you take from it, the more it becomes. What's this?


180. The 9-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor there are 2 people, on the second 4 people, on the third 8 people, on the fourth 16, on the fifth 32 and so on. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

First floor button

181. What goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?


182. 7 sparrows were sitting on a tree, one of them was eaten by a cat. How many sparrows are left on the tree?

Not a single one: the surviving sparrows scattered.

183. Guests came to you, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of apple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open first?


184. What Russian city flies?


185. What kind of comb can not be combed?


186. What is not eaten raw, but cooked - thrown away?

Bay leaf.

187. It is thrown away when it is needed, and picked up when it is not needed. What's this?


188. What can be cooked, but not eaten?

Lessons, homework.

189. What two words in Russian are written with three letters "e" in a row?

Long-necked and snake-eater.

190. When the Europeans brought her to Tahiti, the islanders, who had never seen anything like it before, dubbed her a pig with teeth on its head. What do we call her?


191. In Thailand, there are schools for monkeys. What do they teach?

Collect coconuts.

192. How, according to scientists, does a crocodile get rid of excess salts in the body?


193. One of the Japanese airlines paints huge eyes on the nose of their planes. What for?

Scare away the birds.

194. Why do birds choose a cold day to fly away in autumn, and arrive on a warm day in spring?

Choose a tailwind.

195. According to the writer O'Henry, she is the only animal into which nails are driven. Who is it?


196. From the skin of this particular animal, files were first made, which were used to polish wood and even marble.


197. What animal takes the second place after the person in the number of images on pedestals?


198. The absence of what organ does not allow sharks to stop even for a moment, otherwise they will simply drown?

Swim bladder.

199. Who has teeth in his stomach?

At the crab.

200. Until the XVI century. in nature, its varieties existed only in white and yellow. However, Dutch breeders, admirers of the Duke of Orange, brought out the currently known variety of patriotic color. What are we talking about?

About carrots.



It turns out Guessing is a preschool boy.

He is dressed in a bright T-shirt with a question mark.

Guessing game:

I'm a fun guesser

I have a T-shirt with a pattern,

I came to you to play

You guess riddles.

Guys, I invite you to guess the riddles that I myself came up with. Let's organize two teams: girls and boys.

(Vredina comes out - a preschool girl.)

Vredina: I will not play with the boys, they offend us: they pull the pigtails and tease. And in general, I know all the riddles.

guessing game: Then let's see how well you know my riddles.


Of course I guess

Because I know all of them.

I will disturb the boys

They can't solve mysteries.

Guessing game:

Mystery for you girl.

The bird says "chirp"

And the mouth is not big.

Vredina: But you never know how many birds fly, a dove, probably.

Guessing game: And that's not a dove. What do you guys think?

Children: Sparrow.

Vredina(referring to the guys):

I didn't solve the riddle.

Because you interfered!

They looked askance at me

Silently chairs creaked.

guessing game: What's your name, girl?

Vredina: I'm Katya.

guessing game: Sit, Katyusha, on a chair, see how the teams of girls and boys will play.

Vredina: Here's something else I haven't seen here! (Exits.)

Guessing game: I will invite the first team.

(Team of girls exits.)

Guessing game:

I invite boys

I see there are no panties in the group.

(A competition is held between a team of girls and a team of boys. The guesser makes riddles.)

Riddles for the girls' team

1. She loves cheese and lard.

If he eats, he will say little.

“Pee-pee-pee,” he says. (Mouse.)

2. He draws on glass,

Pinches your nose and me. (Freezing.)

3. Soft, comfortable,

Quite suitable for sleep. (Pillow.)

4. He is a coward, he is trembling all over,

It's been knocking on the stump since morning. (Hare.)

5. A very cunning sister,

And her name is ... (Fox.)

6. All day: - Ku-ku, ku-ku,

Who sits on the bitch? (Cuckoo.)

7. Clumsy and shaggy,

He sucks his paw all winter.

He starts crying in the morning

And his name is ... (Bear.)

8. The loaf shines brightly,

We ask him to keep warm.

He is not lazy to work

Goes to bed before dawn.

What kind of caravan? (Sun.)

9. They fled across the sky,

They frowned and burst into tears. (Clouds.)

10. He has no arms and no legs,

And he doesn't need spoons.

Not a ball at all,

And from the dough ... (Kolobok.)

Riddles for the boys team

1. He is mustachioed, striped,

In a warm fur coat.

If the animal is angry

Curves the tail with a pipe. (Cat.)

2. He clicks and clicks with his teeth,

Very scary gray ... (Wolf.)

3. I am not a violet, I am not a mimosa,

And I'm just called ... (Rose.)

4. I am almost alive, homely,

Talking at times.

I pass on the news,

I sing sonorous songs. (Television.)

5. I am a friend to all the kids,

And I'm just called ... (Mug.)

6. Children love to swim in it,

Jump, swim and splash.

They like to relax in the summer

What is the name of this miracle? (Sea.)

7. I love to comb you,

Don't get used to it. (Comb.)

8. I guard your peace

I am both summer and winter.

I will keep you from the rain

Because... me. (Umbrella.)

9. You can't do without me,

Don't zip up without me. (Button.)

10. At night you dreamed of me

You carry the house on your back.

Love the water, don't be a slob

And you are called ... (Turtle.)

Guessing game:

You guys have tried

All riddles solved!

I invite you to a pie

And the filling in it is cottage cheese!

(A tea party is held with cheerful music.)

It would be more accurate to say that the “psychic” himself will come to visit. And the presenter must prepare a soundtrack for this competition with fragments of popular songs, as well as his own funny comments to them. Now the psychic approaches one of the guests and says that he will now read his thoughts. He makes manipulations with his hands, and then a phonogram begins to sound, for example: “Oh my God, what a man, I want a son from him ..” Those present are delighted, and the magician goes to the next guest.

Competition "The most-most"

The leader chooses a player. They give him a small mirror. His assignment is to publicly give ten compliments to himself while looking in the mirror. The player must not laugh, must not repeat himself. The host and other players interfere: they try to make you laugh by commenting on the words of the speaker ...

Meeting guests at the entrance, each is given a note indicating the task and the time when it needs to be completed. It will be funny when at one in the morning someone for no reason sings “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, and at two - one of the guests will begin to recite a verse!

Where to invest money?
The host calls two pairs (in each pair, a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one banknote in each. Get initial contributions! (Gives money to couples candy wrappers). , lapels, and all the secluded places. Try to clear your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready .... Let's start!". The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after one minute the facilitator sums up the results. Presenter: "How many banknotes do you have left? And you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! And now I will ask the women to quickly withdraw all deposits, and since only the one who deposited it and no one else can withdraw the deposit in the bank , You will remove your contribution blindfolded so as not to see other people's contributions." (The women are blindfolded and at this time the men are changed). At the command of the host, women with passion withdraw deposits, not suspecting anything.

Show your walk

Cards with tasks are drawn out. You need to show the gait:

  • fashion model walking in high heels on a cobblestone pavement
  • an old man who decided to hit on a pretty grandmother
  • a man in a hurry for a departing bus
  • very offended person
  • a lover who cannot part with his beloved
  • a person who really wants to go to the toilet
  • a man in a dark alley who thinks he is being followed

Each of the participants writes down a fun task, folds a piece of paper and lowers it into a bag. Players take turns taking out forfeits and doing what is written in them.

Attentive attitude

The game is played by a married couple. The husband and wife are invited to stand with their backs to each other and answer questions from the audience about clothes and appearance partner.

The game can take place as a competition between several couples. In this case, the pair with the highest number of correct answers wins.

Sample questions:
- Does she (he) have a mole on her right hand (cheek, ear, index finger, etc.)?
"What color are his socks (her tights, shoes, laces on his boots...)?"
- What are her earrings (beads, rings...)?
- Did he put on his watch?
What color is her nail polish?

Funny scenes and Funny miniatures for children and teenagers

And then...

Mom, I went for a walk!
- Grab the trash!
- Well... And then I'll take over the whole world!

Everyone will die

Doctor, I ate the pizza with the packaging. I will die?
Well, everyone dies someday...
- Everyone will die? God, what have I done!

Did you hang your clothes?
- Not. I pardoned him.

Who's there?

Who's there?
- Mom, it's me!
- Nooo, son, mom - it's me!


Doctor, look at the patient.
- Yes that I, patients did not see?

Boy - Santa Claus:
- Santa Claus, I want to thank you for the gift that you brought me.
- A trifle, not worth a thank you.
- I think so too, but my mother told me to say.

- Dad, can we go watch TV?
- Of course! Go take a look, just don't turn it on.

Who do you look like

Have you ever been told that you look like Brigitte Bardot?
- No never.
- And rightly so, that they did not say.

- Do you know English?
- Yes I know.
- Then tell me, what does the word "Nothing" mean?
- "Nothing".
- Can't be. It must mean something!

Comic test "Who is who"

As entertainment at the table, you can offer men joke test. For the test, different ranks are written on the cards, and then each man, without looking, pulls out one card for himself. Examples of inscriptions on the cards are given in additional materials.

It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and paste pictures corresponding to the inscriptions.

During the preparation of cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and offend no one.

Examples of inscriptions:
- Intellectual.
- Casanova.
- Ideal husband.
- Secret agent.
- Strongest.
- Psychic.
- Mage and wizard.
- Commander.
- Lord.
- Erudite.
- The most temperamental.
- The best fighter.
- The most dexterous.
- A professional in his field.

In a mixed team (where both men and women are present), it is not recommended to conduct a "female" version of this game. However, in a company consisting of only women, such entertainment will take place with a bang.

Actors (Real Actors Competition)

As you know, a real actor should be able to get used to any role, even if he has to play a dinosaur or an alien (this often happens in movies). This is a good opportunity to check how your guests get used to the role. The host invites guests to portray:
- boiling kettle
- hot iron
- telephone,
- coffee grinder
- alarm,
- Cuckoo-clock,
- pierced balloon,
- wormy apple
- floor mat
- cactus,
- hanger,
- withered flowers.

The guest, who will get used to the role faster and better, is declared the best actor and receives a prize. However, it is quite difficult to portray inanimate objects. Tamada can offer another version of this game. For example, ask contestants to draw:
- anxious cat
- an angry piglet,
- sad penguin,
- offended rabbit,
- gloomy eagle.
You can offer and depict a sculpture:
- sports victim
- the goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth,
- a weightlifter who did not manage to dodge the barbell in time,
- a parachutist who forgot what to pull,
- a gymnast who did not leave the third pirouette on time,
- a skier who did not have time to escape from an avalanche.

Vodka glass contest

For this corporate competition, we need 5-6 real tough men. On command, the participants drink the contents of the glasses offered to them. One of them contains vodka, the other contains water. Men should not show with emotions what was in their glass. The one of the guests who guesses which of the participants drank vodka becomes the winner of this competition. And the participants are entitled to a glass of vodka for courage.

take care of your nose

A couple or several couples are selected (then the competition is held for a while). An ordinary sheet of paper is placed between the partners' faces. Those, in turn, hold him with their foreheads (it's easy). Now, on command, they try to make a hole in the sheet (this is already more difficult). The host must warn the participants that tearing the sheet is strictly prohibited - a fine is assigned for this. Tip: It's easiest to pierce a leaf with your tongue.

Of course, you can try to bite through the leaf, but for some reason, the partner’s nose always comes across with the leaf.


The host invites everyone and offers the following task: take the newspaper by the corner with your right hand and, on command, quickly gather the entire newspaper into a fist. Who is faster - won.


Glue one large cap and several small ones - preferably multi-colored. Small caps are hung on a strong thread. The players take turns putting on a large cap and blindfolding. It is necessary to turn three times around its axis, sit down and, straightening up, get a big cap into a small one.


The host invites the players to salute with their right hand, and at the same time stretch the left hand forward with a protruding thumb, while saying: "In!". Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

Guess the melody

Do you remember such a program, it was also hosted by Valdis Pelsh? This is a great competition for holidays or parties! And you can do it in the following way. Prepare in advance cards with the names (and maybe the first lines) of the most common songs in your company. The first person draws a card and starts humming the melody of the song. The rest of the participants must guess what the song is and sing at least a line from it. The guesser takes the card and becomes the leader (pulls the next card and sings a melody). Whoever earns wins the largest number cards. This is a very funny competition, because not everyone has a good ear and voice, and not everyone can remember the lyrics.


The host asks the contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

Scariest Face Contest

The essence of this competition is simple: participants must portray the most terrible face, using any means at hand is allowed. The operator shoots the face with a camera, the jury then looks through all the pictures and chooses the winner. An indispensable condition - the photographer should not be very drunk. The funniest thing is to look at the pictures again in a day or two.

Fortune telling as a joke on the main event of the New Year

It is necessary to prepare gizmos that will mean events. For example: a car - the purchase of a vehicle, a box of matches - a hike, a dolphin - a trip to the sea, a pyramid - building your own mansion, a scarf - an acquaintance, a ring - an offer, and so on. Don't forget something unreal. For example, a rocket could mean a trip to Mars, and a red pen with a white cap could mean meeting a vampire. It depends on the mood of the assembled society. Now lay out all the items in front of the audience and ask them to choose any to your taste, without explaining the purpose of the operation. When everyone determines what he likes, start predicting. It is desirable that there be more objects than people gathered. Yes, and they can come up with the most incredible characteristics. This is a joke trick!

Force of gravity

The player sits on a chair: the back is straight, does not lean against the back, the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of ninety degrees. Then the player must get up from the chair without changing his position, without moving his legs to the chair, without tilting the body forward. It is very difficult to do this, but it is possible.



PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: Starting with "A" and going alphabetically, everyone comes up with a congratulation on "his" letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

PROMPT: Do not skip the letters G, Zh, Y, b, Y. It will be fun. Ysche how!

Comic fortune-telling on a figure in New Year 2015

This competition is more suitable for a company of women or girls who are always concerned about their figure. You need to prepare small envelopes or boxes of the same size. Put an image of animals or small toys inside. Then everyone who wants to try their luck is invited to choose a prediction. It can be formulated as follows: “The figure and dignity of which animal will I receive in the coming year?”. For more “jokes of humor”, it is better to put unusual animals (mammoths, pterodactyls), unless, of course, you are afraid of the revenge of your girlfriends.

American psychologist

The facilitator distributes paper and pencils to the players (5-8 people) and starts asking questions, having previously explained that the answer should be as detailed as possible.
A list of questions
1. What do you associate the concept of "forest" with?
2. What do you associate the concept of "sea" with?
3. What do you associate the concept of "cats" with?
4. What do you associate the concept of "horse" with?
After that, the answers are collected and begin to be read out with an indication of the author. The host applies the following mappings. According to American psychologists, the forest is associated with life, the sea with love, cats with women, horses with men. The guests' opinions about life, love, men and women are the most amusing!

Mystery this is a problem that needs to be solved. To avoid mistakes when guessing riddles, you must: listen carefully; think about each sign of the guessed object; take your time and weigh your answer carefully.
You must abide by our contest rules. The riddle must be heard to the end and answered collectively.

1 contest "Let's play - guess"

S. Mikhalkov.

What do you guys know
About my poems - riddles?
Where is the answer, there is the end
Who will tell - well done!

1. It is important to walk around the yard
With a sharp beak, a crocodile
I've been shaking my head all day
He muttered something ominously.
Only true it was
No crocodile
And turkeys are your best friend...
Guess who?... (turkey)

2. Yes, turkey, confess, brothers,
It was hard to guess!
A miracle happened to the turkey -
He turned into a camel!
He began to bark and growl
Tap on the ground with your tail.
I'm confused, however,
Is he a camel or... (dog)

3. Horned, tailed
She stood and was silent.
tailed, horned
Suddenly mumbled.
Who is tailed?
Who is horny?
Who mumbled it?
Well guess what? (Cow)

4. You can wash your face with me.
I can spill.
I live in faucets all the time.
Well, of course I... (water)

2 competition "Fairy-tale heroes"

1. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat
Girl forgot her name
Well, tell me, what was her name? (Red Riding Hood)

2. A girl appeared
In a flower cup.
And there was that girl
A little more than a nail.
The girl slept in a nutshell.
What a girl, how small she is!
Who read this book
Know the baby girl? (Thumbelina)

3. The horse is not easy to jump,
Miracle golden mane,
He carries a boy over the mountains,
But it won't drop him.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
Amazing horse
By name… (Hunchback)

4. Near the house on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut,
There are three chairs, three pillows
Three beds and three mugs.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (3 bears)

3 contest "Bird Riddles"

1. White as snow
Black as coal
Spinning, singing like a demon
And the road to the forest. (Magpie)

2. We built together,
For guests spring house,
Or rather, a palace,
Come soon... (starling)

3. The Firebird spread its tail,
It burns and turns golden.
From overseas valleys to us
This tail brought... (peacock)

4. That is not a rainbow or a flame!
What a bird! Guess!
Chatting with us all day
Multicolored … (parrot)

5. White mansions,
Red supports. (Goose)

6. In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistling
The forest telegraph operator is knocking. (Woodpecker)

4 competition "Riddle Question"

1. What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)
2. The name of which plant says where it lives? (Plantain)
3. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
4. The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch)
5. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)
6. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)

5 competition "Encryption"

The team needs to decipher the riddle, guess it. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

2 3 4 3 5 3 6
7 4 8 9 3 10 11 7
12 13 14 15 5 16 4 12 15
17 8 9 3 10 11 7
18 19 4 8 17 20



1. S.V. Kulnevich, T.P. Lacocenina"Educational work in elementary school".