Competitive program for the day of the elderly. Scenario of the program for the Day of the Elderly “Let the autumn of life be warm! Comic test "Acquaintance"

  • 13.11.2019

Larisa Stepanova
The scenario of the sports and game program for the Day of the elderly "Supergrandmothers"

Leading: Today the group gathered the most relatives,

Our dear grandparents

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you are healthy

To make your grandchildren love you

Visited more often.

And if together - Grandmothers and grandchildren,

There will be no place for the saddest boredom.

1 child: I know! I remember! Did not forget -

Grandma's holiday has arrived!

Congratulations repeat

I won't lose my words

I've been saving them for a whole year.

2 child: Grandma dear, dear,

Best of all - one of these!

Even if I'm kidding

Still love you!

Song "About Grandma"

Leading: Grandmothers, they prepared for you,

Sports competitions, we'll start them now.

And I want to introduce the participants of the competition "Supergrandmothers",

who came to us to play and show themselves, well, and the granddaughters of the granddaughter will help them.

(Participant introduction)

So, we present the team "Zadorinki"

Their rivals are the Cheerful team

The most competent jury - our audience - will evaluate the performances of the teams. "Good" - green card, "excellent" - red card.

Leading. Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,

Everyone is in a hurry to harvest.

Whether in the garden, in the garden, potatoes grew,

Her grandmothers and grandchildren clean deftly.

Competition - relay race "Harvest"

1 participant runs, plowing the field with a hoop, the 2nd one plants potatoes, the 3rd one puts them in the car, the 4th one drives the car. Everyone takes turns doing it.

Summing up the competition (raise cards one by one for each team)

Leading. And now, rather, prick up your ears,

We will sing ditties about grandparents!


1. We will sing ditties to you at our holiday,

How my grandparents and I live a lot of fun!

2. Grandma says to me: “I have pain all around!

“I sat with her for three days, I got sick!

3. My grandmother began to treat her unhealthy,

She put a three-liter jar on her back!

4. Grandmother began to dance and tap dance,

So amused - the chandelier fell down!

5. Grandma baked ninety-two pancakes for me,

And only one pie - eat, dear little granddaughter!

6. I ate pancakes easily - ninety at once!

There are two pancakes left: help yourself, grandma!

7. Pine-trees, prickly, green,

Even our grandmothers are in love with our grandfathers!

8. If I were a girl, then I would become a grandmother.

Grandchildren, I would not scold, but only spoiled!

9. And my grandmother Lena does not scold, does not grumble,

He goes to "parties" with me, talks to suitors!

10. These are great grandparents,

Together with them we have fun conversations!

Leading. And we continue our competition and the next competition "Grandma at the wheel".

We need 2 cars on strings, grandmothers - team captains wind the string around a pencil, pulling the car towards them. The one whose car comes first wins.

Leading. Something our viewers began to get tired, we need to entertain them a little. For you - fairy tale quiz

What bakery product ran away from grandparents? (kolobok)

Whose grandmother is the longest in the world? (boa constrictor)

Which character has the longest nose? (Pinocchio)

Name the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)

In which fairy tale did the grandfather, who pulled out a huge plant, have to call for help from all the household members? (turnip)

Which heroine flies on a broomstick? (Baba Yaga)

Which hero does not like chocolate or marmalade, but loves only small children (Barmaley)

Which character is very fond of jam? (Carlson)

Leading. Well done, you know fairy tales well. And ahead of our teams another competition

Competition "Hanging clothes" n a rope is pulled for drying clothes; linen is offered - children's for parents, adult for children, clothespins are given. From the common basin with clothes, each contestant chooses the necessary thing and runs to hang it to dry, hung it up - passed the baton. After all the linen is hung, the audience evaluates by raising the cards. Then the children are invited to collect the laundry for ironing.

Leading. For beloved grandparents, children have prepared dance "Chamomile". Hey guys, don't sit, come out, dance.

Leading. Our competitive program continues with the sports game "Venikobol"

Teams line up near their line of cones and receive a broom and balloon(one per team). All the grandmothers have to do is roll the ball with a broom on the floor between the cones in one direction and the other. After the grandmothers run the distance, they pass the brooms to their grandchildren, and they enter the competition.

Leading. Children prepared poems for grandparents.

Poem "Grandmother's Years"

Our grandmother walks, knocking with a stick,

I tell my grandmother: "I'll call the doctor,

From his medicine you will become healthy,

It will be a little bitter, what's wrong with that.

You will suffer a little, and the doctor will leave,

We are with you, grandmother, we will play ball.

We will run, grandmother, jump high,

See how I jump, it's so easy."

The grandmother smiled: “What do I need a doctor for,

I'm not sick, I'm just old

Just very old, gray hair,

Somewhere I lost my young years.

Somewhere behind the huge, behind the dark forests,

Beyond the high mountain, beyond the deep river.

People don't know how to get there."

I say to my grandmother: “Remember this place!

I'll go there, I'll swim, I'll go,

Young years I will find yours!


Our grandfather is very businesslike:

Walks around the house, forgot about peace.

He helps his grandmother all day,

Doing this is not at all lazy for him.

He constantly loses points,

He will break something, then he will break it,

Always in a hurry, but tired of business,

He sits down with a newspaper - already snoring.

Leading. The final contest of our program -

"Sweet Contest"

Grandmothers are standing near the table, on which there are candy wrappers. And the children have spoons in their hands, with which they will catch sweets from their pans. The task of the children is to overcome the track, catch the sweets, and at the same time not help with their hands, and bring the caught sweets to grandparents. And they are already starting to wrap the candy back into the wrappers. Who will cope with the task faster, he won.

Leading. Well done, you are smart.

Scene "Meeting of two grandmothers"

1 grandmother: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

2 grandmother: What are you, I still homework didn't do...

1 grandmother: What task? You finished school a hundred years ago, but you didn’t go to kindergarten at all?

2 grandmother: Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do the task for the grandchildren. I want to try it, although it is probably terribly unpedagogical.

1 grandmother: What is it? Yes, all my life I have been doing homework and assignments for my grandchildren. kindergarten I am doing.

2 grandma Really? Is that how you pamper them?

1 grandmother: I do not indulge! I know how strict with them. Here I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it clean, I’ll make crafts, and they themselves carry it to the kindergarten.

2 grandmother: Yes ... you are really strict.

1 grandmother: I am!

2 grandmother: Well, if it’s not difficult for you, check how I learned the verse ...

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden Chain on Oak Vol.

And day and night the dog is a scientist ...

1 grandmother: Wait, what dog?

2 grandmother: Well, I don’t know what breed he has, maybe a bulldog, maybe ...

1 grandmother: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

Grandmother 2: Ah, I understand. Well, I then first.

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden Chain on Oak Vol.

And day and night the cat is a scientist,

With a string bag he goes to the grocery store.

1 grandmother: With which shopping bag, in which grocery store, where did you see this?

2 grandmother: In the circus. Cats don't do that with a clown yet.

1 grandmother: Oh, that’s it, you don’t have the strength, you chatted, but you still need to collect leaves for the herbarium, and you shouldn’t be late for the choreography circle.

2 grandmother: And what are you, also dancing at that age?

1 grandmother: Yes, not me, but my granddaughter attends an art school, but I also have to master it.

2 grandmother: Well, show at least one movement, maybe it will come in handy for me. Well, sit grannies, kids, come out and help. (takes out all guests)

A flashmob is underway.

Leading: Our dear Grandmothers, you all did a great job with our contests, and, of course, friendship won. (Rewarding) And now accept gifts from your grandchildren.

(Children give Grandmothers gifts made by themselves)

Child. We wish you all not to grow old, not to get sick,

All problems and hardships are steadfastly overcome.

Child. Get more pension on time

And celebrate holidays with family more often.

Leading. Well, our holiday has come to an end.

All that is the best in life, we wish for you today!

The sun of clear, well-being, warm words and friendly eyes.

Well, and most importantly, let them not age your soul for a year,

Health is stronger, so that you don’t get sick for a century, live, don’t grieve, and don’t grow old in your soul.

We wish the heart to beat rhythmically, so that the years slow down.

So that troubles disappear, sadness does not occur, and happiness lasts forever.

Competition program

Come on, grandmothers!

Two leaders come out

1st What kind of holiday is being prepared here?

It looks like guests of honor will come?

Maybe the admirals will come?

2nd Not!

1st Maybe the generals will come?

2nd Not!

1st Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?

2nd Not!

1st Quit guessing!

Look! Here they are, the guests!

Honorable, most important!

These are grandmothers, mother's mothers!

These are grandmothers, father's mothers!

2nd They are kind, wise, brave and skillful, gentle and strict, affectionate and demanding! They have a huge experience behind them, which helps both their children and their grandchildren!

teacher's word

Our dear guests, dear grandmothers! We are glad that you came to visit our class, to your grandchildren. It is wonderful that every year our country officially celebrates the Holiday of Wisdom, life experience, patience, endurance. These qualities do not appear in the character on their own, they are developed through great work on oneself. But that is why it is very easy for their grandchildren to work with grandmothers, because they are the grandmothers who know how to patiently listen to their grandchildren, always come to the rescue, and most importantly, they love them deeply! We are grateful to you that, despite your busyness, you found the time and came.

1st host: And we start the holiday.

2nd host Dear grandmothers, we invite you to the contest "Come on, grandmothers!". I ask the jury to take their places. (Jury presentation)

1st host: Grandmothers, we offer you to choose a token and take a seat at the table.

Grandma chooses a token and goes to the corresponding table

Pupils (boys) come out.

1st student: Who can be more precious than a grandmother?!

Who brings light and joy to us?!

When we are sick and stubborn,

Who will pity and save?

2nd student: Who will blow adversity into the wind,

Will dispel fears, sadness and shame?!

Who will brighten up the dullness of bad weather,

The heavy load of grievances is extinguished ?!

3rd student: Smiling casually

Brew fresh tea in the morning.

Torn with a heavy string,

January and May hurry home.

4th student: Her work is responsible

Being a grandmother is hard work!

Daily care -

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.

5th student: Grannies forgive a lot

Not offended, not scolding.

Just patiently explain

Not judging, not blaming.

6th student: Where so much strength and patience

They take grannies on the ground,

To hide the anxieties and worries

And give happiness to you and me.

2nd leader: Our first competition is called "Let's get to know each other!"

1st host: Dear grandmothers! Tell us a little about yourself, your grandchildren, work, hobbies.

2nd leader:

    Your name?

    Where were you born, where did you study?

    What profession do you have?

    Where do you work or have you worked?

    How many children, grandchildren?

    What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

1st host: Well done, grandmothers! Finished our first competition! Song "Grandma"

Kuznetsov Sergey and Katya will perform for you - participants in the children's musical theater"Nightingale".

3rd leader: Our grandmothers are a storehouse of wisdom and fair, sometimes difficult decisions.

4th presenter: After all, how many times have you found yourself in situations that require the most real Solomon's decision.

3rd leader: Tell us how you managed to solve difficult family situations

(Leaders in turn)

4th presenter: Almost all grandchildren in childhood did not like to eat very healthy, but such unwanted porridge. How did you persuade them to eat porridge?

3rd leader: It's time to sleep, but the grandchildren do not want to. What did you do in this case?

4th presenter: A grandson or granddaughter came home from school upset: they quarreled with their best friend. How will you help him or her?

3rd leader: The grandson brought a call from the parents to the director from school because of bad behavior and asks not to tell the parents. How will you do it?

4th presenter: It happens that parents undeservedly severely punished children. What will you do so as not to drop your parental authority and help your beloved grandson?

5th presenter: While the jury is evaluating the answers, the next test awaits the grandmothers.

6th presenter: The contest is called « Ambulance ". The grandchildren are late for school. Who, if not grandmothers, are in a hurry to help?

5th presenter Imagine this situation: in the morning, a grandson or granddaughter is late for school. (grandchildren “sleep”, stretching on a chair) Grandmother needs to quickly collect a briefcase and dress her grandson: jacket, hat, scarf and bring to the jury.)

6th presenter: And we are looking at the number amateur performances- dance

performed by Gassieva Olya and Mizernaya Vlada

7th presenter: The next competition is called "Overtaking".

8th presenter: Grandmothers often have to answer the most different questions grandchildren. Sometimes it's hard to understand what he's talking about. You will be offered three definitions of the subject or concept.

7th presenter: Your task is to understand as early as possible what is at stake.

8th presenter

"Overtaking No. 1":

If it is not there, then there is no joy, without it there is no life, but existence.

It is always wished to each other, especially in letters.

You can't buy it for any amount of money. (Health)

7th presenter

"Overtaking No. 2":

Every person dreams of him, wants everything to be good in his life.

But no one knows where to look for it.

There is fairy bird that brings it. (Happiness)

8th presenter

"Overtaking No. 3":

This is when a person brings everything to his house: what he needs and what he does not need.

He does not like to give gifts, share sweets.

It is better not to ask him for anything, because he will not give anyway. (greedy)

7th presenter

"Overtaking No. 4":

A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed.

Adults say that it helps to educate correctly.

A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to walk, watch TV, play computer, etc. ( Punishment)

8th presenter

"Overtaking No. 5":

We always miss her.

She always accompanies someone, and therefore he is happy.

We often wish her to someone who is leaving or leaving . (Luck)

1st host: Dear grandmothers! Today all songs and poems are for you!

The reader comes out - Nefedov Maxim

Mom has a job

Dad has a job

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me.

Seated, feed:

Don't rush

Well, what happened to you, tell me?

I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt.

We're good together like this

What is a house without a grandmother?

-th leader: Our next competition is called "Clever and clever".

-th leader: A living word is more precious than a dead letter, and proverbs and sayings are the most lively genre of oral folk art.

-th leader: What Russian proverbs and sayings are similar in meaning to these proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world?

-th leader: We invite you to unravel the proverbs of different peoples and write similar Russians next to them. (Hand out leaflets with proverbs on the tables)

Arabic - I ran from the rain, got caught in a downpour. (Out of the frying pan into the fire)

Dagestanskaya - Hasty people lack wisdom (Hurry - you make people laugh)

Iraqi - Where there are no fruit trees, beetroot will pass for an orange. (On lack of fish and cancer fish)

Ukrainian - And live to old age, and study to old age (Live and learn)

Finnish - He who asks will not get lost. (Language will bring to Kyiv)

Kyrgyz - Will you slowly go far, but will you get tired of dancing? (The quieter you go, the further you'll get)

Czech - A scalded rooster runs away from the lantern. (Burned with milk, they blow on the water)

Malay - Finished sewing - broke the thread (Finished the job, walk boldly)

Vietnamese - A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky horse. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get)

Karakalpak - According to what proverb can teeth be not in the mouth? (Put your teeth on the shelf)

5th presenter: Well done, grandmothers!

6th presenter: Your knowledge and experience helped you in this competition. We invite you to relax and listen to a poem performed by Matvey Posokhov.

1st host: And now we are waiting for the final stage competitive program"Come on, grandmothers!"

2nd leader: Each of you, of course, has a favorite song. We ask you to sing at least one verse from it.

1st host: Roman Rebrov will gladly perform for all those present

play ( After the performance of the play, the 1st presenter continues) We know that every grandmother is worthy of the highest title "The Best Grandmother".

2nd leader: After all, how often you have replaced our parents! You are our backbone. How often people bow to your shoulder to find support and comfort. Thank you for your warmth and patience.

1st host: While the jury is summing up, we bring to your attention a scene from the school life "Day to Help Parents"

2nd leader: Characters





The jury sums up. Each grandmother receives a thank you letter, card and flowers.

The final word of the teacher, a poem by Pyotr Gradov

Here we come to the end of our holiday program. We really hope that we have brought you, dear grandmothers, pleasure. Although I think everyone enjoyed it. I would like to finish the official part of our holiday with a poem by Pyotr Gradov. Today, during the competition program, we all once again became convinced that grandmothers can do everything, in a word, grandmother is the person who keeps the house.


1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

4.Where do you work or have you worked?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

6. What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

4.Where do you work or have you worked?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

6. What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

4.Where do you work or have you worked?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

6. What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

4.Where do you work or have you worked?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

6. What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

1.What is your name?

2.Where were you born, studied?

3. What is your profession?

4.Where do you work or have you worked?

5. How many children, grandchildren?

6. What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

7. How do you pamper your grandchildren?

Anastasia Nikolaevna


Cheerful music sounds. Before the start of the holiday, there is a tasting of dishes brought by grandmothers.

Children from preparatory group enter the hall together with the presenter.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We have gathered today to congratulate you on the holiday.

Child 1. On the lips of a smile,

At the temples of gray hair,

Adults and children -

We are always united!

Child 2. Grandparents

We respect you very much

And Happy Holidays

Congratulations to all of you.

Leading. Let's sit well

Let the whiskey be powdered

Lived on earth

You are not in vain.

Let the song begin

Ascends to heaven

Let it fill with light like the dawn.

A song is being performed "Grandmother". The children leave the room.

Leading. Today we will competition"Best Grandma". Introducing our members.

Grandmother #1.

Grandmother #2.

Grandmother #3.

Grandmother #4.

Grandmother #5.

Grandmother #6.

Grandmother #7.

Leading. And now I present to you our jury, which will "to scold" our today competition and award honorary titles to our grandmothers.

Jury presentation.

Leading. The first competition - business card . Participants should tell about themselves, about their hobbies.

Held competition"Business card".

Presenter 2. Dear participants, the second task for you "Continue the proverb". I will say the beginning of the proverb for each of you in turn, and you must continue it.

Held competition"Continue the proverb".

Competition"Continue the proverb".

Away is good (and home is better);

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn (sheaves);

Children are not a burden (and in joy);

The earth is painted by the sun, and human(work);

When the sun is warm, and when the mother (good);

Do you like to ride (love to carry sleds);

Bread for everything (head);

The forest is cut down (chips fly);

House carry on, no sleeve (shake);

When the family is together and the heart is on (location);

The hut is not red in the corners, but red (pies);

Called a load - (get in the trunk);

The hostess in the house that the pancakes in (honey).

Leading. While the jury members sum up the results for the first two competition, the little ones will dance for you "Cloud".

Children enter II junior group №1.

Child. Elderly people,

We respect you

We are proud of you

And we offer a dance.

A dance is being performed "Cloud".

Leading. We give the floor to the jury.

Presentation by the jury members.

Leading. Now it's time for the next one competition"Baby".

Held competition"Baby". Grandmothers, on command, dress and swaddle the doll. Who is better and faster.

Leading. Well done grandma, you did a great job. Go to your seats. We have the next competition"Tales for grandchildren".

Held competition"Tales for grandchildren". Grandmothers take turns calling the names of fairy tales, who knows more.

Leading. While the jury is deliberating, Marina from the preparatory group will perform the song "Matryoshka".

Song "Matryoshka".

Jury word.

Leading. We heard what fairy tales our participants know, but how they read to their grandchildren - no. Next competition"Read the story".

Competition"Read the story". Grandmothers are given books with children's fairy tales and leaflets where it is written how to read an excerpt from a fairy tale (fun, sad, tired voice, etc.)

Leading. Autumn scatters leaves

Congratulations to you grandchildren

Wishing you happiness and health

An autumn song is being performed for you.

A song is being performed "Autumn, dear rustle"- a subgroup of children of the preparatory group.

Jury word.

Leading. I announce the following competition"chastushki".

Held competition"chastushki". Grandmothers sing ditties that they prepared in advance at home.

Leading. Look, people

We have a garden.

The chefs got down to business

They cook soup skillfully.

A dance is being performed "Tasty soup" - senior group №1.

Jury word.

Leading. Let's collect an autumn bouquet.

How bright and good he is!

And golden in the sun

He looks a little like.

I announce competition"DIY craft".

Competition"DIY craft". Leaves and glue are laid out on the tables. Paper, in three minutes you need to make a craft, put it on the jury table.

Leading. Our grandmothers are jacks of all trades. In the evening, when all the work is done, I really want something tasty, for example, grandmother's pies. I announce the final competition"Grandma's Pie".

Competition"Grandma's Pie". Grandmothers present their dish.

Leading. While the jury is preparing the final words, the guys will perform a song "Kashka".

A song is being performed "Kashka"- a subgroup of children of the preparatory group No. 2.

The response of the jury, rewarding the participants.

Leading. My old people are old

Imperceptibly how it happens

And already with someone's light hand

Everyone calls my mother grandmother.

And the father worries more and more,

Even if he pretends to be healthy.

For me there is nothing more precious than hearts,

Than the hearts of these two old men.

Presenter 2. Good health and happiness to you. I invite you to tea.

Guests go to drink tea.

Dear visitors, we bring to your attention script for the Day of the elderly in the House of Culture.

Probably someone needs it.

Probably God willing

To honor people who deserve

Not secretly, but like this, publicly.

So that from different parts of the village

All here to gather you for a meeting -

You are responsive, in love with life,

You are marked by life in different ways.

And call you old

My tongue, believe me, refuses

You are active, you are alive

You are all handsome and beautiful!

You don't need dates in your passport,

If the eyes are still shining.

You are just like you used to be

In the spring they are able to fall in love.

And it’s a matter of turning some -

Youth can't keep up!

In general, a holiday, my heroes,

It should be called differently:

Day of the special, the wisest,

The most, most deserving people,

Who stood in the cares of the difficult,

The most devoted, the most necessary.

Hello dear fellow villagers. On the first day of October, we all celebrate the Day of the elderly!

Old age is a precious period of life, when people are characterized by a special clarity of mind and passions no longer cloud their minds, everything is decided by life experience - a treasure that has no price. Old age is the autumn of life. So let your autumn remain golden for a long time.

And even fuller and more beautiful is the life of the one who adequately raised a person. You have worked gloriously in your lifetime, raised children who have become parents. Heartfelt thanks to you, long life, good health to you and incomparable human joy from the selfless love of your grandchildren who will bestow you for your wisdom, for your tender and touching care.

Our dear grandparents! For many years now, it has become a good tradition to celebrate October 1 - Day of the Elderly.

Who is this old man?

Who, say, is an old man?

Is this the one who is living his life?

Or the one who knows how to appreciate life,

Who knows how to forgive and love?

Well, maybe it's a storehouse of the mind -

After all, life itself was a teacher!

AT explanatory dictionary written:

"elderly - beginning to grow old", just a beginner. Therefore, live under the motto: "You will grow up to a hundred years without old age." And today, on this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! You are hardened, hardworking, devoted to the family, children, grandchildren, devoted to their native land. Health to you, well-being and attention. We bow low to you, live long, we need you. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories! Accept a musical gift from us.

For cheerful spring branches

The roots of pain, they are related.

Take care of old people

From insults, cold fire.

After all, old age does not have the same strength,

Days unlived is small stock.

Take care of old people

Without which there would be no us!

You are our roots, our family tree, and if now the closest people, children, grandchildren, could be next to each of you, then there would not be a single empty seat in our hall. On behalf of your loved ones, we wish you health again today. And believe me, children and grandchildren love the past in old people and always forgive the present.

Our dear fellow villagers - mothers, fathers, grandparents, your children and grandchildren need you, wherever they live, wherever they are. Write letters to each other more often, call by phone, come to visit.

Let trouble go around your house

Love and peace reign in him forever,

Support will be forever

Care, tenderness and cordiality!

Children, your grandchildren came to congratulate dear grandparents.

They leave forever

Unrepeatable years

Have you ever thought

That you will always be young.

And it seemed to you year after year,

When spring broke into the world,

That nature will have mercy on you,

That you will not be touched by gray hair.

Years pass slowly

You do not give up your heights,

And only the mirror is godless

Your age is still showing.

Look at those gray hairs

That the first snow is whiter,

And these wrinkles, wrinkles,

Like the furrows of our fields.

And these eyes are not easy -

There is no longing in them, no resentment.

As if mother Russia

Looks into your heart.

Blue fog. Huge expanse.

subtle moonlight

The heart is pleased with quiet pain

Something to remember from past years.

Low house with blue shutters

You will never forget him.

Were too recent

Resounding into the dusk of the year.

Years fly away like the fluff of poplars,

Do not be sad, seeing them off with your eyes.

After all, years are not a problem, and quite nonsense.

If family and friends are with you.

You often rushed time

Get used to everything.

Let you not save money

Your years are your wealth.

Let your head be gray

Spring you have nothing to fear

Not only the sadness of your years,

Your years are your wealth!

Destiny bequeathed to me

All my life - and that's the point.

bow down to women

Remember them with a kind word.

There are women in the world

And now, as always,

Whose wrinkles are like cracks

Like the marks of the times.

Now he's smiling

Warmed up at heart

Why, right, not beauties,

Even if they are adults already.

Here in the hall gathered the most relatives,

Grandparents are our dear ones.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you are healthy

To make your grandchildren love you

Visited more often

And if grandmothers and grandchildren are together,

There will be no place for boredom

After all, with grandma and grandpa

Funny conversations!

When we are moms, dads

Working hard

Sometimes we do not notice how children grow up.

But here are the grandchildren - we are happy for them

They are a joy to your heart.

Growing out of diapers

The long-awaited child.

Yes, look, here they are:

The kids are in a hurry to congratulate you.

I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time

She is in everything

Along with me.

I do not know boredom with her,

I enjoy everything about her.

And grandmother's hands

I love everything the most.

And my grandmother has gray hair,

And my grandmother has golden hands.

And in worries the whole day does not lay hands,

Now he knits a scarf on knitting needles, then he patches his socks,

She doesn't have a free minute.

I do not sit idle, I help too,

Because I want to be like her.

The grandmother became old, sick,

She gets tired of walking.

I will soon become a brave pilot,

I'll put her on the plane

I won't shake it, I won't shake it

She will finally rest

Grandmother will say: “Ay, yes, my granddaughter!

Hey, my pilot! Well done!"

You can talk about your grandmother for a long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind, sensitive to them, do not hurt with your words and deeds. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are the people who gave life to our parents, who endured on their shoulders the ordeals of war, devastation, famine and survived in them.

Grandmothers, beloved, do not worry, we will never forget you, we will never leave you. Thank you family for your care and love.

I'll give you a riddle

And you guess it.

Who puts a patch on the heel,

Who irons and mends the clothes?

Who cleans the house in the morning

Who puts a big samovar?

Who plays with little sister

And takes her to the boulevard?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands wise and dry?

Whom I love and pity

About whom did I write poems?

I will draw horses for my grandmother,

To run across the field and fly over the field ...

Wings, manes and tails of unprecedented beauty.

I'll draw blue-blue, and white frost on the wings.

Let over the pink earth, over the bushes and grass

frolic, play, dance and melt

In the clear sky of gold.

I'll tell you a story about...

Tell and draw

Such a wonderful

I'm talking about magic horses for my grandmother.

My grandmother and I are old friends,

What a good grandma.

There are so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count.

And there is always a new one in stock.

But grandmother's hands are just a treasure.

Hands do not order grandmother to be idle

Golden, dexterous, how I love them!

There are no others, probably not to find such.

Old age has its advantages: it is now that a person can sum up the years he has lived, take a mental look at the path traveled, evaluate many events.

Old age has its charms, and older people are always more reasonable, more experienced. But even in old age, a person should try to show his active attitude to life. Save for many years cheerfulness of mood, a bright mind, because, according to scientists, it is those who do not want to grow old who manage not to grow old!

Old people, young at heart,

How many have you seen, you ways-roads.

Warmly loved, and raised children,

And they lived in hope: there would be fewer worries!

Elderly people, Mother Russia,

You were not spoiled by an easy fate.

God give you peace, so that over the river

The sun illuminated the blue dome.

Elderly people, you are like this in everything:

You give your soul, experience and love.

Dear home, young world.

And everything that the heart remembers again.

Elderly people, let the old years

They will be your support, the children will understand everything.

And a low bow to you from relatives and friends

And from the entire Fatherland for priceless work!

You are grandmothers, you love your grandchildren and granddaughters very much. But do not forget that you need to educate hardworking grandchildren, and not do everything for them, as in our skit.

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

But this scene is, of course, a joke. And we want to stay longer as children next to our wonderful grandmothers. I think that our parents would also like to become children again in order to return to the most expensive island for everyone - the island of childhood.

But not only grandmothers love their grandchildren, our wonderful grandfathers love their grandchildren no less than grandmothers. And grandchildren, in turn, value their attention.

Grandpa's hands, grandfather's hands!

They never get bored!

They have no rest on their day off.

Familiar to them is heavy and big.

Working hands, callused, bumpy,

Working and dazzlingly clean.

Everything is done so well and skillfully,

As in the saying: "They argue the matter!".

For everything we have now

For our every happy hour

Because the sun shines on us

We are grateful to our dear grandfathers!

Good mood is the basis of longevity. He lives longer, who laughs more. Many of the centenarians of our village have lived a hard working life, experienced serious hardships, steadfastly endured all hardships, without losing a sense of the joy of life, retaining a sense of humor and youthfulness of soul. Today we congratulate the long-liver of our village Shipilova Claudia Mikhailovna on the holiday.

Klavdia Mikhailovna, happy holiday!

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

Congratulations to all the long-livers of the village on the holiday.

You know, somehow I can’t turn my tongue to call you old people. You are young at heart, you have such soulful, beautiful faces. May I call you young people? Let's celebrate Young Person's Day today, shall we? Do you agree? We want to look great too. Do you want me to give you my recipe for youth?

First, make your motto the words: “No need to be sad - your whole life is ahead!”; second, never tell anyone how old you are.

Thirdly, the daily social load is mandatory, subsidiary farm and vegetable garden. If you work from the heart, you will immediately look younger and stop not only a horse, but a galloping elephant.

And so the occasion is a fable.

"Granny got a pension"

Grandma received a pension.

The government says

That the pension has become big, big.

Grandfather came to pull a pension:

“Give me, grandma, money for cigarettes for the baby.”

And then granddaughter Lyubka:

"Granny, buy a new skirt"

And there the Bug began to ask:

"Woof, Woof, I want Pedigrippal."

The pussy is not far behind:

"Meow, meow, give me Whiskas."

The mouse ran, waving its tail,

Cheese last pulled off.

Grandfather sits grieving

And the grandmother is fighting with problems:

Day plows in the garden

And in the evening he knits socks for sale.

And he says:

“If you want to eat, you need to listen to TV less often,

Don't drop your hands

Rely on the government

Don't make a mistake yourself!"

May every day that fate took away

Brings joy to the sunrise

And a lucky star shines on you

Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

Good luck and sincere laughter,

Health to you for many years.

We wish you success in all matters,

And we are always glad to meet you!

Women's happiness ... For many, this is a good, comfortable home, a caring husband, affectionate daughters and sons. And a woman puts off the happiness of her life, as a rule, until later. Here the grandchildren will grow up, the haymaking will end, the husband will finally understand and regret, and then she sees happiness simply: to sit back and sit quietly like that. No worries. Yes, it rarely works out. The tangle of women's affairs seems to be enchanted, it unwinds, but never melts. And as if by the moment of a magic wand, knitted sweaters and mittens for grandchildren and children, delicious borscht, ruddy pies appear. Thank you, dear ones, for your tireless care for your family, for your kind heart.

Yes, our life is running, the days are flying by. It becomes sad at heart from the thought “How long have we been young?”. Let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let's all smile together and remember the joyful moments of the past - remember about love. And a good song will help us.

Let it be like on this bright day

The sun always shines bright for you

And the shadow will not diminish happiness,

And the wind won't blow you away.

Years pass - it does not matter.

May luck always walk beside

Let happiness fly to you on wings,

And the heart does not know anxiety and resentment.

It's a shame that the years fly so fast

In care, in the bustle of hard days,

But, despite the difficulties, worries,

You are celebrating your glorious anniversary.

But on this day we want to sincerely wish:

Do not get sick, do not grow old, do not be sad, do not be bored,

And many more years to celebrate this holiday.

We wish with heart and soul

Health for many, many years

And also cheerfulness, peace,

And no hardships and troubles.

There is a childish joke.

Parents had no time and Parent meeting grandfather went. He came in a bad mood and immediately began to scold his grandson:

"Ugliness! It turns out you have solid deuces in history. For example, I always had fives in this subject.

“Of course, at the time you were studying, the story was much shorter!”

We want, dear ones, to wish. So that your story continues as long as possible, so that your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will please you. So that the sun would please you more often with warm rays, the rains were only warm and mushroomy. Happy holiday to you, wise, dear people!

And so our meeting came to an end. And we were convinced once again that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be an obstacle. I just want to say many more kind words to you: fighting, provocative, experienced, cheerful, thank you very much!

Everyone dreams of being younger

Let the years go by.

Let's summarize the conversation now.

The recipe here is pretty simple:

Smile, health, success,

And also love and luck,

And to have enough for everyone -

Himself and all loved ones in addition.

We wish you happiness and success.

God bless you and fate.

Let the sounds of grandchildren's laughter

Ringing in your house always.


Organization of leisure for retired educators;

Formation of a friendly atmosphere, positive emotions.

Program progress

Music sounds. Leaders appear in the hall.

Vedas. one:- They say fleeting years

Do not calm down, do not slow down their run,

But over the years, the enthusiasm does not go away,

If a person is young at heart.

Vedas. 2:- And today the country celebrates

And so it will be from century to century

A special day, but by no means accidental -

Day of the elderly!

Vedas. one:- Today we glorify gray hair,

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened, in the old days,

These hands did not know boredom.

Vedas. 2:- Your whole life is filled with work,

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy,

And let the house become comfortable for you,

And let this day not only be joyful!

Vedas. one:- Dear, dear guests! Accept a musical gift from us!

SONG "Nature has no bad weather"

Vedas. 2:- The word is given.......

Vedas. 1 (toast): We invite you to raise your glasses to

So that life always boils with a key,

So that fatigue does not come, it's time,

So that any business is always argued,

Tomorrow was better than yesterday!

Cheerful "village", folk music sounds. The leader throws a colorful scarf over her shoulders. The host puts a cap with a flower on his head.

Vedas. 2:- On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

The elderly and the young.

Vedas. one:- Did you sit by the torch

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs

And they led a round dance!

Vedas. 2:- Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without gatherings -

They should be revived!

Vedas. one:- And so we decided to arrange real Russian gatherings today. It will be a pleasure for us, honored guests, to sit side by side with you and talk in a friendly manner. And where it’s okay to live, the people say, there it’s sung well.

Vedas. 2:- Therefore, let's open our gatherings with a kind word, and a good song! The word is given...

GENERAL SONG "Dream of Retirement"

Vedas. one:- They sang a good song (yes fervent). But it wouldn't hurt to get to know each other!

Vedas. 2:- So, we ask you questions, and we offer you to choose answers to them from the bag (questions are asked to each guest).

Comic test "Acquaintance"

Props: a bag with answers to questions printed on leaflets.

1. Do you like to visit?

2. Do you like to dance?

3. Do you like to interfere in other people's family affairs?

4. Do you always eat that much?

5. Do you have a habit of meeting people on the street?

6. Do you love children?

7. Do you want to win a million?

8. Do you like to solve crossword puzzles?

9. Do you like to swear?

11. Do you often borrow money?

12. Do you often climb into someone else's garden?

13. Do you snore in your sleep?

14. Do you hide your age?

15. Do you often fall out of bed?

16. Do you like to cook?

17. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

18. Do you like to laugh at others?

19. Do you like sweets?

20. Do you like washing dishes?

21. Do you have shortcomings?

22. Do you often stay away from home?


And under torture I will not tell!

Every day and not once.

Only awake and in slippers!

When there are guests in the house.

When no one sees me.

Otherwise life is boring!

This is so nice!

My hobby is this!

It happens, but only at night.

Every other day.

Don't talk about it out loud!

It wouldn't bother me!

Only in the bath!

Just on the edge of despair.

Only in moments of weakness.

Well, who doesn't?

When it's very tempting.

Is it invisible?

Well, do you have to do something?

I resist!

Sometimes you can take a risk!

Don't poke your nose into someone else's question!

Vedas. one:- The proverb is not in vain. All folk wisdom expressed in proverbs. How many of them do we know? Try to finish a few of them.

Competition "Continue the proverb"

Props: prizes for correct answers

1. You can’t be without a penny ... (ruble)

2. Do not wish someone else, but your own …(do not lose it)

3. What we ask in childhood, in old age ... (let's quit)

4. Sleep long - live …(with debt)

5. Teach a wife without children, but children …(without people)

6. He knew how to give birth to a child, be able and … (teach)

7. My son, and his mind …(mine)

8. Eat bread and salt, good people … (listen)

Vedas. 2:- Autumn has come - it's time to harvest, and put it in the cellar. Did you make jam? (Guests answer) With him, the gulls are tastier, and what kind of illness is cured. And can you, dear housewives, guess the taste of what the jam is made from? Those who are interested are welcome to join us. (1 person leaves the table, total - 5 people).

"Sweet" contest

Props: 3-4 jars of jam made from different berries/fruits,

5 spoons, blindfolds, prizes

Vedas. one:- Have you made stocks for the winter, but have you forgotten about warm clothes - socks and mittens? Our guests certainly know how to needlework: sew and knit. Is there anyone who wants to show their skill in winding threads? (selected 5 people).

Competition "Winders"

Props: 5 unwound balls of thread, prizes

Vedas. 2:- What kind of village holiday is complete without songs and dances!

Even the dishes on the tables are jingling and bouncing! Dancing right!

It turns out that glasses with plates can perform different dances.

This is what we will now verify.

Game "Dance at the table"

Props: dishes on the tables of guests

To musical excerpts of various melodies, guests perform a dance on the table: lezginka, quadrille, tango, lambada, folk dance, etc.

Vedas. one: Thanks to our dancers! And now it's time for us to knead the bones! We invite you to dance!


Possible competitions during dances:

Agricultural dances

Vedas. 2:- Dancing has always been associated with labor activity person. And even now, many people like to work with music. Let's perform agricultural dances, especially since they are familiar to us!

Digging the beds… spudding the potatoes… weeding the radishes… watering the carrots… loosening the beds…

Dance in the circle "Give it to your neighbor"

Vedas. one:- Probably, it is not necessary to say how much the neighbors play in the life of a rural person! Sometimes they are like family members. Nothing for them is a pity! Even their own body parts! Don't be scared! We will give them to the neighbor on the right only for the duration of the dance! So ... Give to a neighbor:

Hand to a neighbor;

Elbow to a neighbor;

Nose neighbor;

Neighbor ear.

Dance in pairs with newspapers

Props: newspapers (9-10 pieces)

Vedas. 2:- We announce couple dances! The guests are divided into pairs.

Each couple holds a sheet of newspaper between their foreheads. In this position, you need to dance (the presenter shows the movements).

Dance in pairs "Musical Islands"

Props: newspapers (9 - 10 pcs.)

Vedas. one:- The next dance is called "Music Islands"!

The same newspapers will play the role of islands. Each couple gets their own "island". The task of the participants is to perform the dance in different ways (at the command of the leader):

On one leg;


Vedas. 2:- We want to continue the feast, friends,

Please take a seat at the tables!

The guests sit at the tables.

Vedas. one: - You can't do without music,

Let's sing merrily, friends!

The Rehash Contest is Announced!

Competition "Rehashing"

Vedas. 2:- Try to guess the song itself from the musical passages. And then do it all together.

Excerpts of songs known to guests sound

Vedas. one: - How will we drink tea

Without gingerbread - cheesecakes?

How are we at gatherings

Yes, without clockwork ditties?

Vedas. 2: - Prick up your ears -

Let's sing ditties!


Props: ditty words printed on postcards

1. We invite you, friends,

For our gatherings

We promise to show

All our tricks!

2. To make the stove flare up,

Gotta turn up the heat.

So that the ditty sang better,

We need to dance to help!

3. We sing ditties to you,

We never get tired.

Grandmothers, great-grandmothers sang,

And now we will sing!

4. Taught me everywhere

But I'll still be a weaver

And from threads, like a miracle,

Cloths natku I people!

5. Everything around has already turned yellow

And mushrooms have grown.

My soul sang with joy

Eh, they would take out the accordion!

6. My granddaughter, though small,

But he knitted me mittens.

I did not have time to praise -

He left them and ran away!

7. Never lose heart-

Not today, not yesterday.

I will buy threads at the market,

I will do miracles!

8. I dance and sing

Shiu is always great

And besides, look

Very cute!

9. Frank girls,

We can't grieve!

Without ditties - jokes,

We can't even live a day!

Vedas. one:- And again we invite you to dance! We continue the "Russian dance"!

DANCE BLOCK. Folk songs sound

Vedas. 2:- Always wondering what awaits us tomorrow? No wonder people love to guess so much.

Vedas. one:- For a long time in Russia there have been many different fortune-telling: fortune-telling for the harvest, for marriage ... there were even so-called "understood" fortune-telling.

Vedas. 2:- And we will tell fortunes on the pie! Whoever pulls out what piece - with what pattern - is waiting for him in the near future!

Divination on the pie

Props: drawn, cut out of paper, cake, cut into pieces (according to the number of guests). Pictures are drawn on the back of each "piece of the pie". Tray.

- heart- love;

- book- knowledge;

- 1 ruble- money;

- sun- success;

- letter- news;

- human face- a new acquaintance;

- arrow- goal achievement;

- watch- life changes;

- road- the trip;

- gift- surprise;

- lightning- tests;

- wineglass - holiday;

- bell- happy event;

- broom- chores;

- smile- fun;

- child - meeting with children, grandchildren;

- wallet- purchase;

- magnifying glass- find;

- rainbow- astonishment;

- Magic wand- fulfillment of desires;

- handshake- dispute won

Vedas. one:- And now, in front of your eyes, we will hold the first and last prize draw - do not worry - a WIN-FREE lottery!


Props: box with "barrels", prizes

1. Though not a poet, not a winner,

And I want to wear laurels

You yourself will weave that wreath

Then put it in the soup! (Bay leaf)

2. Do not think to be angry with us -

But a soap dish in the household will come in handy! (soap dish)

3. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week! (Toothbrush)

4. You got a flower - a rose,

She does not wither from the cold (flower)

5. You wanted to win a flashlight,

But I got just a ball (balloon)

6. You got this soap,

To wash your hands more often (soap)

7. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy (notebook)

8. Pour this into a glass

And drink slowly (wineglass)

9. After a glass of snack -

The matter is very important.

Here's a sleeve for you

Paper napkins (napkins)

10. Do not be angry, my friend,

Useful boxes (casket)

11. Do not be sad, do not grieve,

Kiss your neighbor! (pomade)

12. And for dessert we have

Chocolate for you! (chocolate)

13. Would you like an apartment,

And got a picture (card)

14. In life, you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn't stick (glue)

15. Get the main prize,

Here are some eggs for you! (eggs)

16. Not good for health

If you don't drink juice (juice)

17. We give you toothpaste,

For you to be sharp (toothpaste)

18. Hooray! - shout to the whole world,

You have a car - a souvenir (toy car)

19. When you go for a walk,

So that the tights do not fall off,

You have with you

A pin made of steel! (box of pins)

20. Sweet life in winter and summer

Will be with delicious candy (candy)

Lyric music sounds

Vedas. one:“Unfortunately, our gatherings are coming to an end. We hope you enjoy them. Thank you for participating in our competition program!

Vedas. 2: We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

So that your affairs are good,

So that trouble never knocks on the house,

And never had to be sad!

Vedas. one:- We wish you warm, bright days,

Health is the most important!

Together:- See you soon!

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