Secrets of the Firebird. The heat bird is a fabulous creature What is the heat bird where does it come from

  • 21.06.2020

Chapter first

At the very bottom, dreaming of nothing,
Once upon a time Midia lived, not knowing grief.
She spent her whole life in the depths
And life seemed quite enough.

There was no Light, but it was calm.
And that was enough for the Mussels.
But at night disturbed her sometimes
A charming dream where she is like a star

Illuminated all the inhabitants, the creatures of the sea,
And she lit the way to the Gulf Stream.
And in the morning she woke up in delirium:
“I will definitely find this Light!”

But the days passed, as before, in the mist.
And where can he get it, at the very bottom?
But once something bad happened to her:
A grain of sand seeped through its doors.

She began to slightly irritate the body,
All the time interfering in peace to sleep.
But Midia decided to end it.
She surrounded her with mother-of-pearl.

And suddenly a pearl began to grow in it,
As if a flashlight was lit inside.
Mussel became proud of the pearl
And keep on working on it.
She, as best she could, sent her Light,
And she blossomed more and more in response.

One day, the Mussel's sash opened,
And the space around was lit up with Light.
That pearl shone like a star in the sky,
And Midia immediately melted into bliss.

To this Light, fish, jellyfish sailed,
And even the lobster squirmed in the silt.

Nobody wanted to offend anyone

And the Light from the pearl burned brighter.

But Midia suddenly closed her doors.
And a flock of fish immediately swam away.
"I will not shine for everyone in the sea, -
She said, “I will keep my Light!”

And she became suspicious, angry.
She was annoyed and disturbed by anyone,
Who accidentally swam near the bottom,
Who invited me to visit him for an hour.

Since then, she has not been calm at all.
She was very tired of keeping the Light within herself.
She wanted to open the doors, as before,
But it was a pity to give Light to everyone!

She hid from everyone under a rock.
Deeper, into the crevice, into the very darkness.
And there, finally, away from everyone, Revealed.
"Shine for me alone!"

But the darkness did not dispel, did not change.
A pearl turned into a simple stone.

Midia wept: “What can I do?
How to sparkle, shine and shine again?

Then a sea hermit crawled out to Media:
“I could help you with this trouble.
And if you wish, I will give wise advice,
How can you get back your lost Light.

“Ah, good hermit, I really want
Find out why I don't light at all?
And what should I do to return the Light?
I want to shine like a star again!

“So listen carefully. Star in the sky
Shines for everyone. Correctly?
“After all, Light is a gift that the Creator gives us,”
The hermit, the great sage, said to her,

Someday everyone will understand
That only the one who distributes it is happy.

Then only you will be able to return your Light,
When you forget about yourself And go
You will go, helping everyone along the way,
Filling the pearl with love again.

Then she will shine, as before.
Take Faith, Love and Hope with you.
And remember: the more you distribute the Light,
The brighter you burn and the happier you live. —

The hermit said so and suddenly disappeared.
Or maybe he just dreamed of Mussels?
I don't know, but Midia still decided
To return her Light and hurried on the campaign.

Chapter Two

"Farewell! I'm going to the far seas!
And I'm on my way as soon as possible,
She told everyone who knew her,
I will not return to my parents' house soon.

But she didn't get far.
It was hard to walk without legs.

Mussel jumped up: one, two and three.
There is only one leg, and besides - inside!
Only a crab and a flock of cod laughed.
And our Midia was completely sad.

Suddenly he looks, slowly rolls along the bottom,
Dreaming about something, cuttlefish clam.
She sings and does not know grief,
Meanwhile, a flock of cod swims up.

Here is a predatory flock surrounded her.
Here the toothy mouths opened wider.
They are about to seize the unfortunate victim.
But Midia shouted to the predators: “Enough!”.

Then she gathered her strength,
She kicked off as far as she could,
And jumped right into the cod flock,
Just a thought flashed by:
"Well, that's it, I'm dying!"

From her impudence
The military order was broken.
And the Cuttlefish woke up
The ink rose like a cloud
And like a fast arrow
She immediately swam away.

The cod was left without dinner.
"I did it! Victory!
I was able to overcome myself
And help cuttlefish!”

And then it became clear to our Media
That doing good is very nice!
As if bliss was overflowing in a wave.
Or maybe the pearl lit up a little?

When the ink dispersed into the sea,
The clam-cuttlefish sailed again.
And Midia started a conversation with her,
In which she invited me on a hike.

The survivor was not surprised.
And gladly agreed to go with her.
“For a long time I dreamed of seeing the sea.
I want to jump, laugh and sing!

Everyone knows that it's more fun to go with friends.
— Oh, how glad I am! Swim quickly!
Her Cuttlefish in "hands" took
And sailed to a distant unknown land.

Chapter Three

Mussel with his new girlfriend
They sailed many days and nights.
Anyone in need was helped along the way.
Warm words warmed the hearts.

Have seen a lot. Learned a lot.
Distant distances became their home.
Mussels really wanted to open up,
To enjoy the pearl again.

She was only afraid that again
A pearl stone will lie.
In general, she did not dare to open up.
So at least there is still hope!

And then one day, on Sunday evening,
They had a meeting with Dolphin.

“Look, Cuttlefish, do you see, Dolphin?
The cub is still completely alone.
The poor man rushes about, does not know what to do.
We need to get closer to him!

Our friends swam up to the baby,
- What's wrong with you, little one? they asked in unison.
The Dolphin told them a story.
I give it to you this very hour:

“To be honest, I was just born.
In the morning I swam with my mother, frolic.
Suddenly an unexpectedly angry shark
She closed her teeth in front of me.

Mom shouted to me: “Darling, swim!
Meet me near the rocks, near the ground."
I got scared and quickly swam away.
What happened next, I don't remember. Forgot.

When I woke up, it was already evening...
Mom is probably waiting among the rocks.
I can't find them at night.
There are no stars in the sky. It's scary to scream.
Maybe a shark will swim to my cry.
What should I do? And how can I be?

Good Midia almost cried:
“Oh, this villainous shark to me!”
If only I could shine
That Dolphin, of course, saved!

He could lift me to the surface
And find your mother among the rocks.
How I want to give the Light to me!
-I believe. You can, dear, shine! —

Her friend supported her as much as she could, -
You just try! The wave has passed.
And Midia slowly opened the doors.
Suddenly the Divine Light illumined everyone!

Oh miracle! The pearl glowed brightly.
She was filled with kindness and love.
As if there had never been a stone before.
Only Faith, Love and Hope remained.

- Take me, Dolphin, rather.
I will light the way for you instead of fire!
Travelers joined their hearts
And together they swam to the blackening rocks.

And here, near the formidable mysterious rocks,
The kid saw his mother among the waves.
Everyone was happy to meet this!
Gratitude and happiness flowed like a river.

The clam cuttlefish said in the morning:
We sailed with you, my friend, a lot.
You have found the Light, like a bird of paradise.
Do you think it's time to return?

To which Midia replied:
-You know,
I'm home. I'm always at home, you know?
And everyone that fate sends me
Fills me with Divine Light.

You know people sometimes say
That in the sea, in the night, the lights are burning.
And these pearls glow brightly.
Lost Souls Return Home.

Elena Ponkratova

The uniqueness of Russian fairy tales lies in the fact that they combine pagan and Christian ideas about the world around them. Paganism is a fictional idea of ​​the people about the universe. It is associated with the deification of various forces of nature: fire, water, earth, animals, plants, heavenly bodies. All this is widely reflected in fairy tales. Time and place are sometimes indefinite in a fairy tale, as well as in myths. The fairy tale is full of motifs that contain belief in the existence of the "other world" and the possibility of returning from there. Old Russian culture is turned to the inner world of man. It is characterized by "the emphasis not so much on the knowledge of the world as on understanding it, extracting human meaning, comprehending the laws of the moral life of a person." The heroes of fairy tales do not remake the world, but with the help of the elements, animals, birds, heavenly bodies, they find personal happiness.

Fire birds in mythology

Since ancient times, among the most diverse peoples, birds have been intermediaries between heaven and earth. The researcher of Slavic mythology P. Troshchin suggests that initially the "sky" and the huge bird "eagle" were designated by the Slavs in one word. In ancient times, there was a certainty that every ten years the eagle throws itself into the flame, then into the sea wave, and regains youth. Among the Khanty, a tree was considered sacred, on which eagles nested for several years in a row. The falcon among the ancient Slavs is the first bird and the first god of the world. According to legend, it was the FALCON bird that brought fire to the earth - a spark from the sun, and heavenly fire appeared from the ignition of a tree on earth. “The rooster was revered by the pagans as a bird dedicated to Perun and the hearth, and at the same time an emblem of happiness and fertility,” writes Afanasiev. The image of the Firebird goes back to the image of the Sacred Bird - the Fiery Messenger of the Gods. On Russian folk cups of the 18th - 20th centuries. The Firebird can often be seen depicted in the form of a Fiery - Fire-feathered bird, the Irian Messenger, somewhat reminiscent of a peacock. The firebird personified fire, the sun, and creativity.

Light image of the Firebird

This research work based on Russian texts folk tales, revised by A. N. Afanasyev, P. P. Ershov’s fairy tale “Humpbacked Horse”.

How is the Firebird described in fairy tales? The verbal description by eyewitnesses of the Firebird is as follows: “bright, rare, flies through the air, glows, shimmers with different lights,” etc. - why not a peacock? Peacocks were known at princely courts. These birds were imported from the East. But why was this bird, little known to the common people, so popular among the people? What caused her deification? And why is it called "Heat" - that is, "burning coal"? A fire bird?

Under all descriptions of the "Firebird" falls not only a peacock. All these characteristics are a description of... ball lightning. Already such and such a "bird", flying through the air, glowing and shimmering with lights, was well known among the people. They knew and were afraid.

One of the bad habits of the Firebird is to leave circles of fallen cereals on the field. Judging by Russian fairy tales, for a long time the peasants guarded the villain. However, nothing could be obtained from the frightened watchmen, except for vague descriptions of either the FIRE-bird or the SHAR-bird. “Fiery red and golden feathers, wings like flames, and eyes sparkling like diamonds…”. Despite the blinding light, it has long been observed that the "Firebird" does not give off any smoke or heat.

The name of the Firebird is given by the color of plumage. The word heat in circulation is an old form of an adjective used as a definition. It is formed from hot "fiery, ore-yellow" or "red-yellow, orange", that is, it originally had a color meaning. In the fairy tale, the color of the Firebird is golden, and the golden cage, and the beak, and feathers. The symbolism here is obvious: the Firebird is a solar bird, the sky is the home of the Sun, gold is the metal of the sun.

In fairy tales, the Firebird acts as a kidnapper. She feeds on golden rejuvenating apples, which give eternal youth, beauty and immortality, and in their value are completely equal to living water. Perhaps that is why they believed that her singing heals people.

Both in Ershov's fairy tale and in the folk tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna" the hero picks up the Firebird's feather, thus violating the ban.

What is the prohibition that the hero violated? Where does the miracle bird live and why can't everyone get there?

In a Russian folk tale, a bird lives in a garden behind a stone wall, which is the boundary between "own" and "foreign" worlds. In P.P. Ershov’s fairy tale, the Firebird lives in the kingdom of the thirtieth kingdom in the garden of the Tsar Maiden. This kingdom is fabulously rich lands that were dreamed of in ancient times. The Tsar Maiden lives in a fabulous golden palace, this motif is also taken from folklore, more precisely from the period of pagan beliefs about the palace of the god - Yarila. Ershov captured and embodied in his "fairy tale" the very essence of folk culture, which is associated with early pagan and later Christian ideas.

The firebird is created by popular imagination from the ideas of heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance blinds the eyes just like the sun or lightning. The unusual fiery color indicates her belonging to another, inhuman world, so it was impossible to pick up the Firebird's feather. “That” world is exactly “the other world”, the world of the dead. The main participant in the events of the tale is the hero because he manages to return from where no one returns.

But after all, not every person is given the Firebird in the hands. Why is help given to the third son in the fairy tale? What do we know about him? In fairy tales, these are the youngest sons in the family. The older sons got married, received their allotment, left the family, and the younger ones stayed with the elderly. They left behind that part of the inheritance that belonged not even to the father, but to the whole family, in a word, what was connected with the ancestors.

The attachment of the youngest son to the stove is also interesting, which is found in many fairy tales. According to ancient ideas, the Furnace, the home Hearth, is the basis and symbol of the House and tribal well-being. So, only those who are initially connected with their parents and ancestors are allowed to get into the “other” world and return from there, it is he who is given a magical assistant. But the protagonist achieves success thanks to his personal qualities. In search of the Firebird, the hero of the fairy tale overcomes his fear, doubts, makes mistakes, but still goes forward, achieves his goal. As a reward, the hero of the fairy tale receives not only a magical horse and the Firebird herself, but also a beautiful princess and a kingdom in addition. Even his appearance changes: he becomes handsome, handsome. The heroes of fairy tales are helped to acquire bodily health by the elements, spiritual health - the feather of a firebird - the fire of joy, creativity, strength. Thus, the study showed that in Russian folk and author's fairy tales, the image of the Firebird personifies good power and is a symbol of good luck, victory, embodies a person's dream of happiness, is given into the hands of only a kind person.

The image of the Firebird in the life and culture of the Russian people

The Slav often imagined himself as a free bird and dreamed of flying over the blue sea. The dream of freedom and happiness completely merged with the image of a bird. This bird, no doubt, is connected with the sun: this is evidenced by its plumage and the light that comes from it. The sun for ancient people was one of the main patron gods. According to popular ideas, life depends on the radiance of the sun, the creative, fertile power of which lies in its bright spring and summer rays. Among the Slavs, a bird with outstretched wings symbolized the sun.

In Russian folklore, most of all songs, fairy tales, legends, riddles are about birds. Light images of heavenly creatures often appear on dishes, spinning wheels, and in embroidery. The folk costume in its silhouette is similar to a bird: wide sleeves-wings, a headdress-tuft, chest and waist decorations-feathers. Sacred birds adorn the platbands of houses, and decorations - amulets in the form of birds are the strongest. Later, people began to paint dishes with bright images of a bird so that the luck and happiness bestowed by the Firebird would not leave them. So the Firebird became the guardian of the world and the embodiment of a dream.

Slavic mythology is the key to understanding the soul of the Russian people, its history and culture. The fiery birds, according to the views of our ancestors, include: the eagle, since it was associated with heavenly power, and it was a symbol of victory, speed; the falcon for an ancient Russian person was the embodiment of beauty and prowess, the speed of its flight was compared with the speed of lightning; the rooster was considered a symbol of the sun, fire, fertility. The firebird personified fire, the sun, and creativity. This is evidenced by her plumage and the light that comes from her. Perhaps this is a poetic image of the dawn. The firebird is the wind, the cloud, the lightning plus the heat in the peasant oven, the red rooster outside the outskirts.

Firebird - serves good. Radiates an unusual, magical color that helps people in their earthly affairs. A lot of trials and dangers lay in wait on the way of those who dared to go in search, for any path to a creature that keeps the fire of the original creation in itself is thorny and unpredictable. And this one long haul one could try to pass - in one's heart, overcoming and changing oneself. Only a desperate daredevil with a pure soul and heart, led by a dream through life, could see her, having overcome many trials. The light of divine radiance that surrounded the Firebird fell on a person, endowing him with what he most wanted in his heart: talents, skills, happiness.

Since ancient times, man, protecting himself from evil forces, covered his clothes and dwelling with images - amulets. The firebird for the Slavic peoples was not only a symbol of fire, but also a symbol of happiness and good luck. A fairy tale always opens up the widest scope for reflection and comparison. The results of a survey among students showed that for a modern person the image of fire has become secondary, not so significant, the meaning of divinity, a talisman disappears. A person perceives this bird as a bird that brings good luck, wealth.

firebird in modern world is a symbol of happiness.

Secrets of the Firebird

In different parts of our world, there are legends about amazing animals and birds that no one has ever seen, but the descriptions of which are strikingly similar.

In different cultures, the image of the Firebird acquired its own details and shades. The Slavs have the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) - a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak has reddish feathers), wings like flames, and eyes glow like a crystal.
It is about the size of a peacock.
The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage.
At night, it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit fires.

The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality.
The Firebird has a healing song, and when it sings, pearls fall from its beak.
A blinding light surrounds her. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring.
Sometimes you can find a dropped feather from the tail of the Firebird, brought into a dark room, it will replace the richest lighting.
You can’t catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage.
The fallen feather retains the properties of the plumage of the Firebird for a long time. It glows and gives warmth. And when the pen goes out, it turns into gold.

And only then people, so that the luck and happiness that the Firebird bestows, do not leave them, they began to make amulets and amulets, paint dishes with its bright images.

According to a Russian fairy tale, each feather of her "is so wonderful and bright that if you bring it into a dark room, it shone so much, as if a great many candles had been lit in that peace." The golden coloration of the Firebird, its golden cage is connected with the fact that the bird arrives from another (“thirtieth”) kingdom, from where everything that is painted in golden color comes from. The Firebird can act as a kidnapper, in this case approaching the Fire Serpent: she takes away the mother of the hero of the fairy tale "to distant lands."

Comparative analysis suggests an ancient connection between the Firebird and the Slovak “fire bird” with other mythological images embodying fire, in particular with Rarog, the fire horse-bird.

Firebird - fairy bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, is usually the target of a hero search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and with their brilliance amaze the human eye.

The extraction of the firebird is associated with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets for his sons in a fairy tale. Only a kind youngest son manages to get the firebird. Mythologists (Afanasiev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and the sun. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, one can compare the firebird with medieval stories, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature, about the Phoenix bird reborn from the ashes. The Firebird is also the prototype of peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixes.

Feather of the fire bird is the subject of Russian folk tales, known for its magical properties. Who has not read or listened in childhood to the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, who found the feather of the fire bird. It was from this find that his adventure began.

Many different fairy tales are associated with the firebird and its feather, which eventually became legends. More famous, perhaps, is only the fern flower. It can also be noted that our fire bird is clearly a relative of the phoenix - a fiery bird from European legends and fairy tales.

According to descriptions from fairy tales and illustrations for them, the fire bird looks like a peacock, and the fire bird's feather also resembles a feather from a peacock's tail. The firebird is also about the size of a peacock, while the phoenix is ​​described as being about the size of an eagle.

They say that the only way to catch the heat of a bird is to use the bait - a cage with golden apples inside. Since not only the found feather of a fire bird, but also all its plumage burns with fire, you cannot grab such a bird with your bare hands, you will instantly burn yourself. So Ivan had to lure her into a cage and put on a bag so that the heat would not reach her hands.

Also, according to legend, the fire bird guards the fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala, when it blooms only once a year, and many young people go into the forest to look for it.

fire feather bird fire
For all famous fairy tale Ivan the Fool found a feather of a fire bird in the forest on a stump when he passed by at night. This feather glows in the dark, it burns as if glowing with fire. At first, Ivan even decided that it was a fire burning in the darkness of the night, but, coming closer, they saw a feather of unearthly beauty.

According to some descriptions, this feather is golden, like all the plumage of the firebird, some talk about the red, orange, yellow and even crimson color of the firebird feathers. Someone mentions that the heat bird glows with silver and gold, and its wings are fiery, which once again proves the connection between the fire bird and the phoenix. In books, the heat of the bird and its feathers are usually drawn in red and orange.

Fire bird feather properties
The feather of the heat of a bird can illuminate any, the darkest room, so that at night it will be light, as it does not happen on the clearest day. If you remember the tale, this is how the servant of the tsar noticed that Ivan the Fool had a feather of a fire bird, instantly reporting this to his master.

According to legend, over time, the feather of the fire bird ceases to glow and burn with fire, hardening and turning into gold. If you find a few of these feathers, you can get rich pretty well, if only you knew where to look.

Also, they say that with the help of the feather of the heat bird, you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden pen attracts the gold stored in the earth.

The feather of the heat of the bird for a long time, until it becomes golden, retains the properties of the plumage of the heat of the bird. And besides the fact that it glows brightly, it gives warmth. Apparently, not so much that they could burn themselves, since Ivan the Fool took it with his bare hands, but enough so that he could warm himself from it. Such a good heating pad.

Somehow I accidentally came across an article in which, referring to a Slavic legend, it was said that when the gods saw that people walk the earth without loving anyone and destroy themselves with the cold of their hearts, they sent a magical fire of love to the earth in the form of a bird - Firebirds.

And since then she has been flying on the ground and spreading the fire of love.
Happiness to the one who manages to catch her, but a hundred times greater happiness to the one whom the Firebird will honor as his master. After all, the Firebird is more like the molten metal of which it most likely consists. You can catch it only in mittens, it is very hot - you can get burned very badly. To the one to whom she submits of her own free will, she will give her beneficial warmth all her life. But as soon as she feels indifference, she will immediately fly away - she cannot stand it, and it's easy to kill her ... Put her in a cage and she will die. Her fiery body will cool down and there will be a cold piece of gold in the cage instead of hot love ...

This is such a beautiful legend. It is a pity that I could not find the original.

The Egyptians believed that the Phoenix is ​​a link between the divine plan and the embodiment of the plan in life, reminds of divine creation and the revival of life. Phoenix is ​​the soul of Osiris, it is the hope of overcoming the path of the dead. In the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" it is written: "Like a phoenix I will pass through the regions of the other world."

The Greeks, who took the story of the Phoenix from Egypt, believed that the life of the Bird is cyclically connected with world history and depends on the course of the planets (the Sun, the Moon and other planets return to their "former" places). The Stoics, in support of this, said that the world, like the Bird, perishes and is born in fire, and there is no end to this transformation.

The Iranians knew another name for this bird - Simurgh. The bird had the gift of foresight, but its nature was dual, containing the "good" and "harmful" halves.

In Sufism, the Simurgh symbolizes the Perfect Man, possessing the knowledge of the Divine Essence. This Essence, like the legendary bird, cannot be seen.

In the early Christian apocrypha of Baruch, it was written about the Bird: “This is the guardian of the world ... If it were not for covering | the fiery eye | sun, neither the human race, nor all creatures on earth would live from the heat of the sun.

The Chinese fiery Feng Huang was one of the four sacred creatures, and symbolized immortality, perfection and generosity. The appearance of such a bird, even in a dream, meant a turning point in a person's life, the need to commit a significant act or the birth of a child endowed with special talents.

Alchemists medieval Europe considered the Phoenix a symbol of rebirth, completion " Great Work". For them, it also meant the purifying and transforming fire, the chemical element sulfur, and the color red.

The description of the Bird is very similar for different peoples. “The air blossomed with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful sounds came from the feathers and wings of the bird, a pleasant smell emanated from it ...” - this is how it was said about the miraculous bird Simurgh in an Arabic treatise of the 13th century. “There is another sacred bird there, ... and its name is Phoenix,” Herodotus wrote. “Her appearance and become very reminiscent of an eagle, and her feathers are partly golden, partly red.” “The cinnabar bird, the substance of the flame”, “its color pleases the eye, its crest expresses righteousness, its language is sincere” - the Chinese said, referring to Feng Huang, the ruler of the South. The fire bird, the Slavs believed, meaning the Firebird, you can easily get burned on its plumage. Each feather glows like a multitude of candles, and is sharper than damask steel. And she herself shines either blue or crimson light.

“O Atum-Khepri, you shone [in the form] of Benu on the eternal Hill of Ben-Ben…” - this is how the words of the ancient Egyptian Hymn about the creation of the world sound. Not created by anyone, the originally former bird flew over the waters of the ocean, until it finally built a nest for itself on Ben-Ben Hill. Or maybe it was not Benu at all, but a beautiful white goose the Great Gogotun, who laid an egg on the same hill, from which the sun god was born? However, many nations tell stories that a bird took part in the process of creating the world. It is unlikely that people knew exactly who created the world, but the image of a dazzling bird remained in myths and legends, and obelisks shone, reflecting the sun, on a memorial hill near Heliopolis.

If we try to restore the story of the fabulous Firebird, or, as it is more commonly known, the Phoenix, according to the surviving legends, then we can tell such a legend.

The beautiful Bird with dazzling plumage existed from the very beginning of the world, perishing and being reborn in the purifying flame at the turn of the eras. She herself sacrificed herself, and each time, rising again from the ashes, she turned her gaze beyond the earthly limits, through the stars, to the world of pure light, to the place where the once immortal gods were born, and where she went in those three days until her body turned to dust, and her soul became free. The bird knew what was, what is and what will be, and yet it kept the world in which it built its nest. People who heard about the Bird believed that, like her, they also have an immortal soul that only changes shells.

Lived magic bird far, far away, on the very edge of the earth. Exactly where, no one knew. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others said that she built it in the middle of an endless desert, in the thirtieth "other" state, perfect and far from worldly fuss. A lot of trials and dangers lay in wait on the way of those who dared to go in search, for any path to a creature that keeps the fire of the original creation in itself is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, one had to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Annihilation and Death. And one could try to go this long way along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves, or one could - in one's heart, overcoming and changing oneself.

Rarely have mortals been able to see the beautiful Bird in all its glory. For this to happen, peace and harmony had to reign on earth. Only a desperate daredevil with pure thoughts, led by a dream through life, could see her, having overcome many trials. No wonder the Bird was sometimes called the Firebird, because heat, fire is both creativity, and creation, and “burning”.

She was a perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw her even from a distance became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of the divine radiance that surrounded the Bird also fell on a person, endowing him with what he most wanted in his heart: talents, skills, happiness. And now the person who received the gift from the Bird himself carried a reflection of magical light.

Legend of the Firebird

If you want - believe, if you want - check.
If you want - listen, if you want - hear.
But it was, the reality grew,
and what was not - fiction.

Only in one distant kingdom,
heavenly state
lived, were, red girls -
they are all such needlewomen,
your article is bright and pretty,
the beauty of the soul is fine.
Only with people, who of them was known,
pretended to be a bird of paradise
burning fiery bird,
light the world of the soul illuminating.
Because they were all called Firebirds,
expelling all that is unclean,
that's why all people are not just like that
songs birds of paradise now hear.
But a fiery bird is waiting for everyone,
that you can’t take it with your hand, don’t touch it,
where the goblin did not even walk,
The tree is one life true,
a beautiful bird sits there,
glowing with heat and with a marvelous voice
gives the traveler sweet peace
and burns everything that is wrong in it.
It is unlikely to be able to reach the Tree on your own,
dark forces do not let people in,
strict guards guard from the eyes
by command from above.
For a long time escorted there
were that they knew
go around like dark thickets
and impassable mountains.
But worthy only and lucky
could lead to the Tree of Eternity,
so that when meeting with that bird girl
the fire ceased to burn her.

That's the whole tale of that marvelous one.
Who was obedient, to feast - for that.
for good, for health, but for glory
to live, but at the same time not to be twisted !!!

Legend of the Crimea about the Firebird
Long ago, peace, joy and prosperity reigned in our region. Overseas guests came with outlandish gifts, welcomed them locals, led to look at the wondrous marvel - the Firebird.

There was that bird of extraordinary beauty: every feather on it burned and shimmered, and it shone in the night like the clear sun. The Firebird flew in every night to feast on the rejuvenating apples that grew at that time on our fertile land. Having eaten, she began to sing angelic songs in a heavenly voice. The guests listened to healing singing and admired such a rich land and its kind people.

Year after year passed, and somehow, with one ship, Greed sailed from across the sea. She went into the huts to people, whispered evil intentions in her ear.

The neighbors began to quarrel with each other, looking for richer guests so that they would get the best and richest gifts. Black thoughts entangled their heads, fierce envy settled in kind hearts. People became greedy, evil and inhospitable, they began to slander and often stomp their feet in anger.

And the earth hardened, went to stones, dried up without human love.

From this apple trees with bulk apples dried up, there was no one to look after them. Yes, and magic apple trees never grow on earth, where brother will not give a hand to brother and where discord reigns between people.

The marvelous Firebird stopped coming for her favorite delicacy. The last bulk apple fell from the branch, the grains fell into the earth's cracks, and did not germinate again.

So they lie there until now, waiting for the soil to become soft and caring again. And the earth will be better only if kind and good people begin to live on it.

As soon as people begin to coexist in love with each other again, they stop envying and intrigues to repair evil, so the earth and nature will answer them the same. And then the seeds of the rejuvenating apple tree will sprout, and the Firebird will again fly to us. And again, overseas guests will come with gifts to look at the wondrous marvel, listen to angelic songs, and will praise our wonderful prosperous land.

In Indian mythology, the fabulous bird Garuda (Garudha) is known, with beautiful golden wings; know it and the traditions of other peoples. In Russia, she is known as the Firebird, among the Czechs and Slovaks ptak Ohnivak - names indicating her connection with the heavenly flame and fire in general: heat - red-hot coals in the furnace, heat - hot summer time.

The feathers of the Firebird shine with silver and gold (the bird Ognivak has reddish feathers), its eyes glow like a crystal, and it sits in a golden cage. At deep midnight, she flies into the garden and illuminates it with herself as brightly as thousands of lit fires; one feather from her tail brought into a dark room can replace the richest lighting; such a pen, says the fairy tale, is worth nothing less than a whole kingdom, but there is no price for the bird itself! The Germans call this bird golden - der goldene Vogel, which is based on the direct philological and mythical connection of gold with fire and light.

Such a poetic image has been attributed to the god Agni since ancient times; in the Vedas, Agni is called a fast, golden-winged, pure and fiery bird and a powerful falcon. Agni is first of all the deity of the heavenly flame of lightning, and then already of the earthly fire, stolen from heaven and transferred to people; consequently, the Firebird is the same incarnation of the thunder god, like the light-clear falcon, to which the fairy tale gives colored feathers and the ability to turn into a good fellow, or an eagle carrying thunderbolts. She eats golden apples, which give eternal youth, beauty and immortality, and in their meaning are completely identical with living water, according to Horutan legend, instead of golden apples, she steals ripe bunches from a glorious vine, which every hour gave a bucket of wine (wine = rain ), and her bile (= the light of the sun hidden in the clouds) restores lost sight.

When the Firebird sings, pearls fall from its open beak, i.e. along with the solemn sounds of thunder, brilliant sparks of lightning scatter. The Czechs are convinced that her singing heals diseases and removes blindness from the eyes, i.e. the tunes of a spring thunderstorm brighten the sky from clouds darkening it and give life to nature. The peals of thunder and the howling of a storm were likened to speaking and singing, and on this basis, fantasy endowed all the personifications of thunderclouds with a word and a prophetic gift; therefore, the fabulous bird of Perunov was called the talking bird. From the same source arose a legend about the Nightingale the Robber, nesting in tall oaks, whose children turn into black crows with iron noses.

Herodotus wrote down the legend of the miraculous bird Phoenix, in appearance similar to an eagle, with red-gold feathers; at a certain time, she flies up to the sanctuary of Helios, sings a funeral song and, burning in a solar flame, is reborn from her ashes again. This legend in one of our ancient manuscripts is told as follows: that bird is alone, a nest, has neither its friend nor children, but it remains only in its nest ... But when it grows old, fly up to a height and take on the fire of heaven, and so descending, she lights her nest, and burns herself, but again, in the ashes of her nest, she is hurt. - The meaning is this: a lightning bird, having grown old (= having lost its strength) in the winter, becomes younger with the advent of spring; when the bright rays of the spring sun warm the cloudy sky, the bird-cloud ignites with a lightning flame and dies in it to the sound of its own song, i.e. to the sound of crashing thunders and howling whirlwinds. But dying in a thunderstorm, she is again reborn from the vapors and mists rising from the earth following the falling rains. However, we must not forget that in mythical representations one cannot look for a strictly defined relationship between an image created by fantasy and exclusively one kind of natural phenomenon; these representations were born from metaphorical similitudes, and each metaphor could have various applications.

The bird throwing lightning arrows was at the same time both a whirlwind bird and a cloud bird; personifying the flame of a thunderstorm, at the same time it could serve as an emblem and rising sun. Ancient man constantly drew an analogy between the daytime dawn and a spring thunderstorm and painted both in identical poetic pictures. Just as a thunderous flame destroys dark clouds and kindles the lamp of the sun extinguished by them, so the glow of the morning dawn drives away the darkness of the night and brings out the clear sun: like a golden-winged, shining bird, it rises to the vault of heaven and illuminates the wide earth with its rays. That the sun really seemed like a bird is attested to by the Vedas: I knew you in spirit, - the poet says to the rising sun, - when you were still far away, - you, a bird ascending from the clouds; I saw (your) winged head, flowing in straight paths and clean from dust! - The Indians of the Vedic era personified the sun in the form of a falcon and a flamingo goose. Traces of such personifications are found among the Germans and the Slavs.

The spring sun, washed in the rain streams of thunderclouds, was shown to the eyes of mortals - enlightened, brightly shining, and was likened to a snow-white swan bathing in the waters, or to other water birds: a duck and a goose. In lower Germany they lament in the rain:

Lass den Regen tibergehn,
Lass die Sonnewiederkommen!
Sonne komme wieder
Mit deiner Goldfeder,
Mit goldenem Strahl
Beschein uns allzumal...

The name of the swan, meaning white, was quite consistent with the concept of a white deity of daylight. Taking the sun for a beautiful goddess, the Germans believed that she could turn into a swan; hence the legend about the swan-maiden, as the daughter and companion of the sun, was created. The goddess Synna (sun) and Dagr (day), according to ancient myth, gave birth to a daughter named Svanhvit Gullfjodhr (Schwanweisz Goldfeder - white golden-feathered swan), i.e. morning dawn, and this latter had a son, Svanr hinn raudhi (Schwan den Roten), i.e. golden rays of the sun.

The Greeks endowed the goddess Zorya (Eos) with light wings. From the morning dawn and the rising sun, these poetic similitudes were transferred to the Day they cited, which, according to ancient monuments, like a bird of prey, sticks its sharp claws into the darkness of the night. The memory of the bird-sun is still preserved in the Little Russian riddle, which calls the daytime luminary - a spinning bird: there is an oak-starodub, on that oak a bird-vertinitsa; you won’t get any of them - neither the king nor the queen. The bird-sun sits on an old oak tree; the annual flow of time, determined by the movement of the sun, was likened by folk fantasy to a growing tree on which the bird-sun nests, lays white and black eggs and incubates from them day and night. Other riddles speak even more clearly about the representation of the sun - by a bird: the falcon has come, all the people have gone - i.e. with the dawn of the day people wake up; Serbian: a bird without a tooth, but svshchet izjede = the sun drowns (eats) white (light-like) snow.


The Firebird and its feather are the theme of many magical Russian epics. They gave rise to most of the legends, which are second only to the flowering fern in terms of fame.

Probably only a baby does not know the tale of Ivan the Fool. It tells how one night, passing by a stump, Ivanushka saw, glowing in the darkness, an object that turned out to be a feather of unearthly beauty nearby.

Some say that it was orange, others - yellow, red, even crimson. In some sources, the miracle bird sparkles with gold and silver, has fiery wings.

Firebird according to ancient beliefs, brings happiness, good luck, eternal youth, prosperity, healthThe Firebird is a fabulous bird from the Slavic epic, the embodiment of the radiant sun god and at the same time the angry thunder god. In the popular imagination, the Firebird is inextricably linked with the heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance is as blinding to the eyes as the sun or lightning. Firebird depicted in a golden fiery plumage and with a sparkling long tail, embodying the dream of happiness.

The incarnation of the thunder god, in Slavic fairy tales, a wonderful bird that flies from the thirtieth kingdom. These are fabulously rich lands, which were dreamed of in ancient times, for the color of the Firebird is golden, a golden cage, beak and feathers. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give eternal youth, beauty and immortality, and in their meaning are completely identical with living water. When the Firebird sings, pearls fall from its open beak, i.e. along with the solemn sounds of thunder, brilliant sparks of lightning scatter.

The extraction of the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is the main task of the hero.Fabulous good fellows go after the Firebird, and great happiness comes to those who master at least one of its feathers.

Our ancestors considered the mythical miracle bird a messenger of Paradise or, as they said then, Iria: a holy place where there is neither death nor winter, where everyone is content and happy.

In the Slavic legend, it was said that when the gods saw that people walk the earth without loving anyone and destroy themselves with the cold of their hearts, they sent a magical fire of love to the earth in the form of a Firebird.

And since then she has been flying on the ground and spreading the fire of love.

No one knew for sure the location of the bird's nest, because those who decided to get closer faced a difficult path and serious trials.

To see the Phoenix in all its glory, one should wait for peace on earth and have pure thoughts. Those who were lucky enough to see her became the owners of a fantastic gift. The light of the bird was transmitted to man, endowing him with everything that his heart dreamed about most of all.

What does this seminar provide?

FIRE - BIRD - herald of absolute peace.

We are in for a wonderful time! You will make incredible discoveries for yourself and will be able to realize the unrealized and make your wildest dreams come true.

  • Just think: in Yav, that is, into the physical world, the Iria program will be launched(of the absolute holy world, ideally tailored.), and at the same time it is not at all necessary to become a righteous man, to fall into asceticism and religious ecstasy.

Everyone is waiting for an amazing way of existence in 2 worlds: at the physical level (in Yav) and psychological (in Iria).

We are waiting for a kind of fitting of wings on a robe. We will live in two worlds: physically - in Yavi, and on a psychological level - in Iria. Heat - The bird carries the message better world and universal consent, and through this message - relief and peace of mind. She will remove the burden of problems, ease suffering and remind us who we really are: immortal beings temporarily residing in Reveal. The veil will fall from our eyes, we will begin to see clearly and will be able to comprehend the truth.

For many centuries, Iria is the space where our ancestors live, there is hope to get a wise answer from them to the questions that have arisen.

According to the Slavic cosmogonic system, a man who ended his existence in Yavi, went straight to Paradise, where eternal summer reigns, and the sun never sets. He stayed there for as long as his soul wanted, and then returned to Earth again, but in a different guise. Hell in the view of the ancient Slavs did not exist. Nobody intimidated them with boilers, pitchforks, or frying pans. People knew for sure that after death a better life awaits them, a bright and wholesome life, and such confidence had the most beneficial effect on the state of the soul.

The world of ancestors will become closer, we will be able to better understand our ancestors, reconcile with relatives who are on the other side of life, and even receive their help and blessings. And such support, as you understand, is worth a lot.

On the physical plane, everything will be as usual. But we will become easier to perceive any vicissitudes of life, because the soul of each of usspread its wings and this allows you to open the light in yourself.

  • This mythological bird is colored gold and red, symbolizing the rising sun.

Energy HEAT - BIRDS(Phoenix) - the fire of rebirth has a gently golden color - the color of the energy of the Higher powers. It is intended mainly for personal growth and development, improves understanding of Christhood, strengthens the connection with the Christ Self. Helps to realize the essence of Eternity, Rebirth and Enlightenment, the essence of Reincarnation and the Path. The meaning of life and death. It is a symbol of eternal renewal, the cycle of life, rebirth / reincarnation.

  • And all worked out with my inner "I"

energy information program

you will recreate in the manlala.

The creation of a mandala is the creation of an individual symbol that reflects our inner "I". The circle is a symbol of the interaction of different parts of the inner world with each other, he initiates them to wholeness. In the process of drawing a mandala, internal conflicts are resolved and tension is relieved, so the mandala is a unique tool for self-development and self-knowledge, which allows you to solve your most important problems. -66

  • MAIN, A lot of trials and dangers lay in wait on the way of those who dared to go in search of the FIRE-BIRD, because any path to the creature that keeps the fire of the original creation in itself is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, one must overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Annihilation and Death.

And this long way can be done in two ways

    along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves

    in your heart, overcoming the coldness of your soul, filling your heart and soul with love and changing yourself.


During the training - workshop we will walk this path together..


THE FIRE BIRD is a perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw it even from a distance became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of the divine radiance surrounding the Bird also fell on a person, endowing him with what he most wanted in his heart: talents, skills, happiness.

Happiness to the one who manages to catch her, but a hundred times greater happiness to the one whom the Firebird will honor as his master. After all, the Firebird is more like the molten metal of which it most likely consists. You can catch it only in mittens, it is very hot - you can get burned very badly. To the one to whom she submits of her own free will, she will give her beneficial warmth all her life.A person who has received a gift from the FIRE BIRD himself bears a reflection of magical light.

But as soon as she feels indifference, she will immediately fly away - she cannot stand it, and it’s easy to kill her ... Put her in a cage and she will die. Her fiery body will cool down and there will be a cold piece of gold in the cage instead of hot love ...

What will you get as a result of this

training - practicum?

  • Practices done will help you to win, to come to triumphant success in the long and difficult business of gaining new happy opportunities.
  • You will make a new turn of your destiny, because. pay off all "debts", get rid of everything in your life that hinders your happiness, success and effective movement forward.
  • You will plan your life in the best possible way for the near future.