I always wanted to stop working for my uncle. Working for an uncle is the greatest dead end of life! The main thing is propensity

  • 11.12.2019

1. Income for dumb people.
Why is getting a job so stupid? Because you only get paid when you work. See the problem? Or are you already fooled so much that you consider it reasonable and justified to receive income only when your working time? Did it ever occur to you that it would be much better to receive money even when you are not working?

Don't your houseplants keep growing even when you're not looking after them? And why shouldn't your bank account grow in the same way?

Most of us won't even notice if you worked 6 hours a week or all 60. But if you can offer us something of value, then most of us will be happy to pull out our wallets and pay for it.

Key moment Separate the value you produce from your time.

Smart people build systems that generate income, especially passive income, around the clock. This could be starting a business, opening a website, investing, or earning royalties for creative work. The system works without interruption, whether you devote time to it or not.

2. Limited experience.
You may think that "it's important to get a job in order to gain experience." The problem with gaining experience from work is that you tend to just repeat the same limited experience over and over again. In the beginning, you learn a lot of new things, and then stagnation sets in. Ask yourself what experience you are gaining now will not lose its value in 20-30 years? Will your work even exist then?

3. Lifetime taming.
Getting a job is like signing up for a program to tame a person. You are learning to be a good pet.

How is your obedience training coming along? Does your owner reward you for good behavior? Does he punish you if you fail to follow his command?

4. Too many mouths to feed.
The tax system is designed to hide the real amount of money you lose: some of these taxes are paid by your employer, and some are deducted from your salary. However, you can be sure that from the employer's point of view, all these taxes are part of your salary.

Your real salary may be three times higher, but most of this money you will never see. It goes straight into other people's pockets.

What a generous person you are!

5. Too risky.
Many workers believe that getting a job is the safest and most secure way to support themselves.

Can you feel safe in a position where with just two words ("You're fired"), someone can completely deprive you of your income?

6. Evil owner-bull.
When you meet an idiot in the entrepreneurial world, you can turn around and go the other way. When you meet an idiot in the corporate world, you will have to turn around and say, "I'm sorry, boss."

7. Begging for money.
When you want to increase your income, do you have to stand up and ask your landlord for more money? Do you feel good about having a little supplement of your favorite Pedigree Pal?

If you have a business and one of your clients tells you "no", then you just say "next".

8. One-sided social life.
A large number of people put work at the foundation of their social life. They communicate with the same people working in the same field. It is considered a great day if the company's transition to a new product color and the unexpected delivery of an additional batch of ballpoint pens were discussed as part of a deep confidential communication.

Why not let your host choose your social circle instead of doing it yourself?

9. Loss of freedom.
It takes a lot of effort to tame a person and make him a worker. The first thing to do is to break his independent free will. Not a bad way - to give him a weighty manual, stuffed with meaningless rules and regulations. This will make the new employee more obedient, making him constantly in fear of being punished for no reason.

10. Turning into a coward.
Have you noticed that employees have an almost inexhaustible ability to constantly whine about the problems of their companies? In fact, they do not want to solve them - they just want to speak out and explain why someone else is to blame. It's like getting a job sucks all the free will out of people and turns them into spineless cowards. If you can't call your boss an asshole without fear of being fired, then you're no longer free. You have become the property of your master.

It doesn't matter how far you've gone in this dead end. It is never too late to regain courage. Never!

You can do everything! Try, go through a couple of tests, but reach the end, because this is your life and only you are responsible for how you live!

Work for uncle. Pros and cons.

Let's now discuss the work itself for an uncle, or as it is also called - hired work.

Pros of working for an uncle:

  • Stability. It is because of this criterion that more than 90% of people choose hired work. Everyone likes to feel confident in the future, but this is due to not being able to build a business correctly.
  • Career. You have the opportunity to develop and climb higher and higher up the career ladder.
  • Salary depends on your knowledge and skills(In most cases).

Cons of working for an uncle:

  • Enough money only for life and a little more.
  • No freedom. For me, this is one of the fattest minuses of hired work, since the lack of freedom is slavery. Work from the word "slave" and there's nothing to be done. This item can also include the fact that the vacation and the work itself are always on schedule.
  • There is always someone above you. People at work are constantly intimidated by those who are Above. This can be attributed to the previous point, but I want to highlight this problem.

As you can see, there is good and bad, but once I saw a wonderful quote that shows the greatest delusion and fear of people in our time:

People spend 40 years working and living paycheck to paycheck, but they are afraid to spend 3 years building a successful business and living in chocolate!

It's true, don't you agree? I'm not saying that working for an uncle is bad, because if you like it, you make good money and enjoy life - what's the problem? I know that there is a billionaire in the world who works for hire. Try telling him that being hired is bad 🙂 .

If you personally like working for your uncle, then do not listen to others - work, but if you feel that you can do more, that you are an entrepreneur and can create your own company and develop it - go ahead!

Especially for you, I wrote several articles that you must read in this order.

Which is better: a career in a corporation or your own business? And can everyone be entrepreneurs? The features, pros and cons of working for an uncle and for herself are discussed by Arina Egorova, a consultant on the search for top managers and the author of a career blog.

- Sooner or later, any young and talented person thinks about what he should do in this life: build a career or build his own company.

Senior management consultant

About builders

Builders (entrepreneurs) are people of a special type and mindset. Almost all of them started reselling something at an early age. By the way, I really like the story of Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman about washing windows in the late 80s. All entrepreneurs are different: someone is a wild charismatic, someone is an absolute introvert. However, as a rule, they are united by 3 important characteristics:

1. Desire to create. I once had breakfast with Oscar Hartmann (serial entrepreneur and philanthropist, founder of more than 10 companies, including KupiVIP, CarPrice and Aktivo - approx. "About business").

And he told his story: “I came to the Moscow office of BCG (Boston Consulting Group), where I subsequently worked for 1.5 years. I looked at the work of a consultant from the inside, and realized that I want to create a product, and not be a person who develops strategies, draws presentations, and then it all goes to the table. I knew exactly what I wanted. I want people to enjoy what I have created.” Next, we omit the details of how he ran around investors in search of start-up capital at $ 300 thousand, fell into despair 10 times a day, but did not give up. Entrepreneurs are definitely people who have a convulsive desire to do something new.

2. Willingness to take risks. It is unlikely that anyone consciously wants to lose a couple of million by investing in their project, but distinguishing feature entrepreneurs is the acceptance of the fact that things may not work out. As strange as it may sound, they love and appreciate their mistakes. Consider the story of Alibaba and its founder, Jack Ma, who was on the verge of bankruptcy 47 times. Entrepreneurs tend to take risks where a sane person disowns. But they do not just take risks, they take responsibility for the risk and are morally ready to burn out, be reborn, burn out again and be reborn again. Personally, I have not met any successful entrepreneur who got it right the first time.

3. Desire to earn. No matter what anyone says about the great mission, you always want to eat. Founders and CEOs of corporations often say that you cannot build something great on the desire to make money. This is, of course, true. Like the fact that the hungrier a person is, the harder he works. Everyone wants to make good money, but entrepreneurs are looking for and finding opportunities for this where others do not even try.

About managers

Managers are also people of a special mindset and character. Here are their strengths:

1. Process management. CEOs (especially successful ones) tend to grow up in a corporate environment from the bottom. Therefore, they are well aware of the internal mechanisms and how this or that department works. They absorb the best corporate practices with the milk of their alma mater and understand exactly how this or that function in the company should be built.

2. People management. A good manager is a person who knows how to competently build not only business processes, but also the teams that will manage these processes. You can't just take and manage 20,000 employees. You need to have an idea how to properly “feed” them all, motivate them, delegate tasks to them. To manage a company effectively, it is not enough to be an ideological inspirer and creator - you need to be a class teacher. And with this, managers, as a rule, cope much better than entrepreneurs.

About defectors

History knows many interesting transitions from one status to another. The most common is when a person was a good leader McKinsey or PepsiCo, got enough expertise, and then went freelance and created his own company.

Reverse transitions are much less common, but in my practice they also happened. For example, a person made his own startup, the startup took off, the founder sold the company to a giant and became the CEO of his offspring, but already within the corporation. Or the person left own business to someone else's to some senior position, for example, marketing director. It turns out that these people quickly built their careers through the creation own company. As a rule, they did not plan such a route along the career path, but in the end it turned out great.

Work in a corporation vs own business

Both working for an uncle and working for yourself have their pluses and minuses. Let's discuss them. Let me start with the first situation.

Benefits of being hired:

Responsibility level. When you work in big company, then you are responsible for your piece of work to your immediate supervisor. The maximum that you face for non-compliance official duties, - dismissal. It's a shame, annoying, but collectors won't come to you.

Work life balance. If you work for your uncle and are not in consulting, then most likely you have an 8-9 hour workday. You go to lunch, and on weekends you completely forget about work. In general, work-life balance is under your control.

Clear career prospects. You roughly imagine when you sit in the director's chair and what is needed for this. Your KPIs are normal, you live on a salary, you know exactly how much you will save next month and who you will be at 35 and 45 years old.

Cons of being hired:

Glass ceiling. At any stage of a career, there is a risk of hitting a glass ceiling and being faced with a choice: "sit out" the boss or wait 5 years until he leaves. You may have to fight for your promotion. Unfortunately, even in international companies Good employees don't always get promotions on merit.

Pressing. Above you there is always a boss to whom you need to report. Even the cool CEO is accountable to the board of directors and owners. And while he was walking to the cherished position, he probably ate a lot of tasteless things on his way, overturned by his bosses.

self-flagellation. As a rule, at those moments when you stop for a couple of years in your career development, cases of young and successful people who have created their companies from scratch appear from everywhere. And you look at them and think: "Damn, I'm 35, I'm here on errands, and the people around create empires." And that's all - long-term depression is provided.

Now let's weigh the pros and cons of your business.

Benefits of working for yourself:

Your own boss. You do not need to ask for leave either on vacation or sick leave, report on what time you came and left the office (if there is one at all), you are your own boss.

Fast growth. While your former classmates are breaking through the glass ceilings in corporations, you are already riding a gelding and making good money. Of course, provided that your business has become successful.

Photo from m. progorod43.ru

Unlimited earnings. If your business is quite successful, you are already earning significantly more than your peers in a paid job. And if your business is very successful, then you have probably already sold your share or left the management of the company, traveling the world.

Cons of working for yourself:

The ground is burning underfoot 24/7/365. Employees often complain about stress. Today the boss pressed them, and tomorrow everything is fine. Entrepreneurs are constantly under stress: customers have left, there is nothing to pay wages, they have invested their last money in a party that may fail, partners are unhappy ...

Foggy prospects. Entrepreneurs, especially start-ups, are constantly in uncertainty: they never know whether the business will work out, whether they will be able to avoid problems with the bank, whether their money will burn out. And now you plow more than your friend from PepsiCo, but unlike you, he perfectly understands how much he will earn tomorrow and in 5 years.

Self-flagellation. Just at such moments, when you are on the verge of despair, sales tend to zero, no one needs the product, you meet a young and successful manager and think: “Damn, I’m 35, I’m like a student, I’m running around looking for investments, but he doesn’t steaming up the career ladder." And long-term depression is guaranteed.

So which is better?

According to statistics, 3 out of 100 startups succeed, and the entrepreneur fails 6 times before launching. successful business. What does it mean? Never mind. Approximately the same can be said about a career in a corporation: 80% of employees remain middle managers, pay off mortgages for a kopeck piece in Chertanovo for 30 years, and go on vacation to Turkey once a year. You can be the best in any industry, in hiring, in your business. The main thing is that the chosen sphere should be to your liking. As the saying goes, it's hard to judge a wine by its label and sommelier reviews - you have to try it.

New things?

Work for your uncle or work for yourself - this is an eternal question. Each option will always have a lot of supporters. Also, each option has its pros and cons, I will not describe them in detail - for each person they are different.

I am a proponent of working for yourself. I quit my job last summer and have been working as a freelance artist ever since. What I want to say is the best time of my life. As illegal Mexicans say, "El mejor momento de mi vida" (" Best time in my life" in Spanish) 🙂 . I am my own boss, I do only what I am interested in, work is also my biggest passion in life - the Internet, blogging, website promotion and development.

When you work for your uncle, you have to do what your uncle needs. No matter how many jobs I had, on each I did not what was interesting and I considered necessary, but what the employer required. Of course, this is logical - once you come to work, do what you are told. But gradually the cup of patience was filled, and in the end I realized that if at the end of my life I realize that all my life I have been doing what employers needed, then what is the point in such a life?

I also did not like the fact that I spent 3 hours daily on transport. I was oppressed by the thought that I spend 3 hours a day absolutely aimlessly without any benefit.

With the development of the Internet, the opportunities to work for yourself have expanded fabulously. You can work anywhere in the world - as long as you have Internet access.

1. Don't quit right away

You don't have to quit your job right away. First you need to prepare the basis in order to earn money on your own. This may take months or even years.

First you need to become a specialist in any field - website promotion, web design, programming, copywriting, layout, etc. It is important that the area of ​​​​future activity you have chosen is truly interesting to you. I advise you to think carefully - will you be interested in the chosen area in a few years?

2. Take everything you need - come in handy

You need to take all the best professionally that work for your uncle can give you. I learned a lot of useful things from the jobs that I had, and largely thanks to the knowledge and skills I received, I was able to realize my idea of ​​working for myself.

3. Ways to attract customers

🔥 By the way! I released a paid course on promoting English-language sites. If you are interested, you can apply for an early list through this form to be the first to know when the course is released and receive a special discount.

@shakinru - promotion in RuNet.
@burzhunet - English SEO.

You need to think in advance which method of attracting future customers you will use. On the Internet, you can attract potential customers in many ways - communicate on specialized forums and communities, be active on freelance exchanges, create your own portfolio website or start your own blog and publish on it interesting materials on the subject of their activities, etc.

In my opinion, the most effective option is to start your own blog, although you can successfully attract customers without having your own website.

4. Freelancing = more work

It must be borne in mind that when working for yourself, in fact, you will have to work much more than for your uncle. Stories about the fact that it is enough for a freelancer to work a few hours a day to live in clover, and the rest of the time you can have fun - nothing more than a myth. The competition in freelancing is high and growing all the time, so you need to be prepared to work hard to compete successfully. There will always be those who want to take your place in the sun.

For example, I work 10-15 hours a day with almost no days off. I won't say that I'm very tired. When work is a joy, you hardly notice fatigue. In general, I am very happy, because all the moments of my work are interesting to me. Work is my favorite hobby at the same time.

An interesting point. When I worked for my uncle, I liked to fall asleep, because in doing so I could forget about various problems and worries associated with work.

When I began to work for myself, I like to wake up - a new day is ahead of me, and every minute of working time gives me joy.

5. Discipline

Discipline is very important when working from home. By the way, freelancing does not always mean working from home - often freelancers rent an office to work in a secluded and calm atmosphere. As an option - freelancers rent an office together.

At home, there will always be a desire to be distracted and relax, besides, a variety of household chores are not conducive to concentration.

In fact, it is not difficult to maintain self-discipline - you just need to devote yourself entirely to the work process. With the right attitude to work, there will be no time to rest 🙂.

6. Instability

It must be borne in mind that when working for yourself, no one guarantees when and how much you will receive. The instability of future income is alarming and scares many people away from freelancing.

For example, you should not think that any way of earning will bring you a stable and good income all your life. On the Internet, as in life, things change quickly.

The solution to this point will be the following.

7. Different sources of income

It is necessary to consider that when working for yourself there is not one source of income, but several. The more and more diverse the sources, the better. For a webmaster, such sources of income can be:

Provision of their services (website promotion, website development, web design services, programming, copywriting, translations of English-language materials, etc.);

Selling your programs or scripts and much more.

I advise you to constantly look for new ways to earn money and experiment.

8. When to quit?

When should you quit and start working for yourself? To answer this question, I recommend a simple scheme.

In your free time from your main job, you slowly start working for yourself and you have additional income. If you are moving in the right direction, then the number of your customers will increase, as will your income. When the income you receive free time, will approach the level of your salary at the main job, you should seriously consider quitting and starting to work for yourself.

9. Consider the circumstances

Of course, there are various circumstances to keep in mind. For example, if your main job brings a good income, there are good career prospects, and if you like this job, then you need to carefully weigh everything - perhaps you should not quit at all, but it is quite possible to successfully combine work in a company and work at yourself in your free time. Many people do just that.

10. Self-education

For successful work As a freelancer (as in any business), you need to constantly learn and improve your professional skills. Therefore, I advise you to allocate time for self-education and reading from the very beginning. useful materials. Fortunately, the Internet provides the widest opportunities for self-learning.

11. Mood

I advise you to tune in so that when you leave, there will be no way back. If we assume that what will go wrong when working for yourself and you can always get a job with your uncle, then this will not allow you to create the necessary psychological attitude. A lot depends on the mood. You must have great faith in your own strength.

Everyone has failures, including freelancers. Don't rush to get a job right away. It is important to learn how to overcome them.

12. Freelancing is not for everyone.

Keep in mind that self-employment is not for everyone. Many people return to work some time after being fired for various reasons - they are used to working in a team, they cannot work at home due to distractions, or they experience depression and a feeling of lack of demand during periods of lack of orders.

I wish you to find yourself and the job that will bring you not only the desired income, but also pleasure!

From the moment you enter the free labor market, you must, first of all, learn how to present your product - that is, yourself. Make a detailed resume, collect a portfolio (if any), start pages on the maximum number freelance sites and communities. Ideally, you can even start your own website, but keep in mind that this will require a small start-up capital and some knowledge of how search engines. If you don’t have either, it’s better to focus on simpler, but no less important little things: for example, set up a signature in e-mail or print at least a hundred visits (it's not that expensive).

2. Give yourself a schedule

Working from home may not be as easy as it seems. TV, telephone, dog and children - all this will certainly distract and seduce you with their closeness and availability. In order not to suffer and not fight temptations all day, set yourself clear working hours with a lunch break and warn relatives and friends about this. At this time, you completely "fall out" from home life.

But it’s not worth locking yourself in four walls forever. In order not to become a hostage of your own " homework”, try to set up business meetings somewhere in a cafe or client (customer) office, and not communicate only by e-mail. Otherwise, unlearn how to talk to people normally, and when you suddenly want to join society again, it will be very difficult to relearn.

3. Never stop working

For a freelancer, all life is a search for a potential order. Not only do you have to go to professional events, browse online "message boards" and surf the Internet for related sites and communities. Ask for "hangouts" and meetings of potential colleagues, be interested in the work affairs of your acquaintances - who knows who and when your professional services may be needed.

Another way to indicate your presence in the market is to publish an article in a small specialized publication with a small circulation, zero fees, but a very important audience for you. In addition, many freelancers take on charitable projects, join programs to help the poor, etc., as this also creates a certain professional reputation.

4. Know your worth

Ignorance of the value of your work is one of the main mistakes of novice freelancers. Yes, a significant "discount" may attract a customer, but, on the other hand, because of the "cheapness" you may be mistaken for a non-professional. Therefore, to begin with, you will have to study the competitive environment - climb the same professional sites, ask around friends, read blogs of specialists. Fortunately, the Internet allows you to see the situation both from the position of your competitors and from the position of potential customers; the main thing is not to advertise the goals of your research.

5. Make a detailed plan

When it comes to money, any freelancer must be meticulous. Many employers perceive hired labor as “unofficial”, and therefore they hope that, if anything, the price can be brought down, the fee paid later, and the agreed terms can be completely forgotten - and so on and so forth. Remember: only you yourself will monitor the observance of your rights. Make a detailed step-by-step estimate of your work, indicating the timing, nature of the matter and cost. This will demonstrate to the customer your seriousness and responsibility, and it will help you compare the work on one project with other orders, calculate the time and take into account your costs.

6. Secure your salary

The easier it is for the customer to pay for your work, the better. Therefore, open a bank account, and even better - an electronic wallet.

And again: set clear deadlines and procedures for paying fees. If the amount is large, and the work is long, do not hesitate to demand a deposit - this is normal practice. Of course, this will not protect you 100% from dishonest employers, but it will at least partially confirm the seriousness of the counterparty's intentions.

7. Think Taxes

According to position tax service Russian Federation, any freelancer (although such a concept is not fixed in the legislation) is individual entrepreneur, which means he must register with the Federal Tax Service without education legal entity. To do this, you must contact the registration authority at your place of residence and submit:

Signed statement of state registration according to the approved form;

Original and notarized copy of the passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation) or other official identity document (for foreigners and stateless persons);

Original and notarized copy of the document confirming the address of the place of residence;

Document confirming the payment of the state fee.

Yes, taxes are unpleasant and difficult, BUT: firstly, it is actually more profitable for any company to work with a private entrepreneur than a "statusless" freelancer or firm. And secondly, the management entrepreneurial activity(namely, Tim is a freelancer from the point of view of the law) without registration is punishable according to the tax and criminal codes - a fine or even imprisonment for up to 6 months.

8. Consider your costs

When setting the price of your services, do not forget about what expenses you will have to endure. Of course, we are not talking about paying for home dinners or hot water, but here electricity (computer operation), communications (Internet), printing and travel to meetings should automatically fall into the final figure in your contract. Well, things like expendable materials(if any) and, of course, the involvement of third-party specialists is generally better to write in a separate line in the estimate and discuss them with the customer in advance. So that later he would not have questions “Who is Pasha the programmer and why should I pay him some money?”.

9. Don't work with friends

Friendship is friendship, but it is better not to mix it with work. Do not engage with comrades and do not involve them as employees. As sad practice shows, this can be the end of your relationship or turn into serious material problems.

If one of your friends or relatives stubbornly stuffs himself into your clients / employees - and it seems somehow inconvenient to refuse, - it’s better to advise him to another pro, referring to the lack of time and the fact that he, the other, is much better versed in question. Save yourself a bunch of nerve cells and protect yourself from unnecessary conflicts.

10. Don't forget to go to the doctor

The absence of an HR department really means that you can "not worry" about sick leave. Nevertheless, you need to go to the doctor - although many freelancers for medical care do not apply and as a result get sick for several months. Yes, you can sit at home and work with a temperature below 39, sniffing and swallowing analgin, but your performance and productivity, to put it mildly, will leave much to be desired. As a result, you will probably delay the deadlines, and even worse - screw up with the order, and then you will vaguely justify yourself to the customer.

If you are sick, it is better to honestly admit it to yourself, and then to the client. Warn him in advance about the forced delay, be treated under medical supervision, and then return to work and hand over the order.