How to deal with subordinates. How to behave with subordinates: the best recommendations of psychologists for managers. Criticize When Needed

  • 11.12.2019

The manager's etiquette covers different aspects, but at its core, these are the rules for communication and interaction with people: colleagues, subordinates, visitors, partners. Regardless of whether a person manages a department in an office or big company, the psychological climate and the effectiveness of the work of employees depend on his behavior. Observance of etiquette will help to become a first-class leader, create a favorable atmosphere for work in the team and establish long-term relationships with partners.

Basic principles of leader behavior

For effective work, the leader must develop a type of management and interaction with subordinates. He is responsible for the atmosphere in the team and must create space. If intrigues, squabbles and quarrels flourish among employees, the boss first of all needs to think about his behavior and the manner of managing people. The principles of conduct and rules of the leader should include not only etiquette business communication but also moral and ethical standards: respect, care, sympathy, honesty, justice. At good management There are no bad team relationships.

Qualities of an ideal leader:

  • politeness;
  • mutual respect;
  • friendliness;
  • competence;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • performance.

mutual respect

A competent leader always observes business etiquette, treats subordinates with respect, without familiarity and familiarity. Each employee, regardless of position and age, is first and foremost a person who deserves a respectful attitude. Feeling a worthy attitude towards himself from the boss, the subordinate will experience appreciation and a sense of gratitude, which will positively affect his work.

Entering an office or office space, the boss should always be with his subordinates. Failure to greet employees will be seen as a sign of arrogance and disrespect. The culture of behavior and upbringing of the leader affect the entire team - over time, employees adopt the behavior of their director. The courtesy of the chief is an obligatory component of the business etiquette of the head.

Maintaining a business atmosphere

The business atmosphere in the team implies not only high efficiency of employees, but also positive interpersonal relationships. Compliance with business etiquette, respect, correctness in communication, calmness and restraint are necessary to create a productive working atmosphere. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette allows you to create a favorable psychological climate in the team. An employee who feels comfortable in the workplace strives to do their job better.


The boss must be able to people and the company. He must set an example in everything: observe business etiquette, work conscientiously, be punctual, always remain honest. It is also necessary to remember that the senior manager is the face of the company. When building business relationships, every nuance is important:,, behavior, manner of speaking. Respectable appearance, professionalism, competence, self-confidence and strict observance of business etiquette - these are the qualities of a successful leader.

Attention to employees

The leader must treat all his subordinates equally. It is unacceptable to single out "favorites" who are allowed more than other employees. Favoritism has a negative impact on the psychological climate - it divides the team, contributes to the development of envy and hostile relations. The boss should look for an approach to all subordinates, because each of them is an individual, with their own moral and ethical principles, outlook on life, attitude to work and their duties. Be understanding when employees ask for help, listen carefully and be sure to praise them when they deserve it.

The leader is the face of the company and an example for subordinates. The task of a good leader is to create a favorable psychological climate in the team that contributes to high performance and increased efficiency.

Basically all successful organizations have the right personnel policy. The productivity of the company and thus its prosperity depends only on the labor of the workers. If there are uncomfortable working conditions for employees in the team or they are poorly motivated, then the work becomes not so effective, and there is also a large staff turnover.

The main task for every manager is to provide all employees with good working conditions. But you need to know the measure in everything and, of course, you should not go too far, as well as be mistaken. It is not correct to believe that the boss should not communicate with his subordinates, but only give them instructions. In such a situation, people feel like slaves, which can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of work results. This happens because a person loses interest in work, since such behavior of the leadership humiliates and underestimates him. Work turns into hard labor. Such an employee will not show creativity and initiative on his part. He just does what he is ordered to do.

But at the same time, the leader should not behave too liberally and allow subordinates to communicate with him on an equal footing. In this case, problems with performance and discipline cannot be avoided, which in turn worsens the workflow.

The abilities of all subordinates must be objectively assessed by the leader. Do not let an enterprising, energetic person perform routine tasks. By doing such work, he will not give all his best and does not realize his potential. And vice versa, a calm, diligent and assiduous person should not do work that requires commitment, activity and energy, perhaps he simply will not be able to do it properly.

Everyone in the team should treat their leader with respect, perceive him as a tactful and adequate person. The leader must give orders competently and clearly, all his decisions must be based on professionalism and competence. If a subordinate copes with his duties all the time and each time with great success, then the manager needs to encourage him for this in the presence of other employees verbally or even materially. If the subordinate, on the contrary, does not cope with his duties and his work does not bring the desired result, he should be reprimanded only in private, without outsiders. Everything that the leader is dissatisfied with must be clearly and clearly stated. If a person made a mistake and did not correct the mistake in time, and the manager noticed this, there is no need to shout and scold him, it will be enough to point out this to him and explain how to avoid this in the future.

And finally, the most important thing. Every leader must be impartial. He should not single out anyone and divide the team into an intimate circle and everyone else, in this way it is possible to disrupt the friendly atmosphere in the team, and besides, this is not objective. There should be no favorites - everything is on the same level. The leader must always be fair. In an enterprise where the boss punishes and encourages his subordinates, in fairness he will always work effectively and prosper.

Almost all young employees dream of becoming a boss. Although anyone can take such a post, only a few can become a real leader. The newly minted boss faces not only organizational issues, but also issues related to subordinates. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready for leadership, and to know how to behave with subordinates. The article will talk about the features of the behavior of the boss.

Types of leadership

How to behave with subordinates? There are two main systems of leadership. The first is democratic, and the second is command or authoritarian.

In the first case, a shorter distance in communication is established between the boss and subordinates. In this case, he uses persuasion methods. In such a team, employees perceive themselves as full-fledged partners in a common cause. Responsibility is perceived as a special trust and equality on the part of the first persons of the enterprise.

The authoritarian method is mainly present on large enterprises. Employees act as small details in a large and single mechanism. They perform tasks and achieve the goals set for them by the leader.

In the first case, employees have initiative, and in the second it is completely absent. What is needed for a leader - he chooses himself. It is best to look for the golden mean. After all, putting pressure on the team is not recommended, as well as ignoring subordination.

Adaptation of a young leader

How to behave with subordinates? When the management of the company changes, the boss will need the ability to plan, communicate and achieve positive results. The new leadership is stressful for the team. Therefore, he should not immediately make changes in his work. The main thing in the work of any leader is to feel their employees, to be confident and responsible.

Personal example

How should a leader behave with subordinates? The company is a mirror image of its boss. Few employees feel positively about the prospect of staying in the office after the manager leaves. It is necessary to plan the working day of subordinates correctly, and in the same way create your own schedule.

Deadlines and force majeure can be present in the work of any company, but not always. When this becomes the norm, it is the wrong approach to the organization of work. When at the enterprise all employees adhere to a clear working time, the correct attitude to its planning is formed as a result.

clear goals

How should a boss deal with subordinates? When the manager defines tasks, it is necessary to provide them with the necessary information. It is difficult for an employee to work all day without knowing what he is working on.

An effective boss sets clear goals and indicates the contribution that each subordinate should make to the common cause. They are quickly implemented and contribute to the motivation of the staff.


How to behave with subordinates? Management style can be characterized by two opposites:

  • meticulousness and constant monitoring of employees, even in small things;
  • connivance with subordinates, expecting that all tasks will be completed correctly and on time, without the participation of the boss himself.

A good manager sets realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, and coordinates them in the process of work. He knows how to motivate employees and give them the tasks that they will certainly complete. If the requirements are exorbitant, the team will not be able to fulfill the intended goals, and if the requirements are too light, they can unnecessarily relax.


How to behave with subordinates? A system that includes a complex of rewards and punishments must be present. And it must be applied equally to all employees. It is especially difficult to do this when close relatives, friends, and sometimes loved ones work in the team.

Here you can follow the following tips:

  • do not hire close relatives, because in this case it is quite difficult to maintain objectivity;
  • no need to start office romances, which will avoid addiction.

Employees always notice the injustice that the boss allows himself. Everyone should understand that with excellent work they will be rewarded, and with poor work they will be punished. If this does not happen, then the authority of the boss will be completely undermined.

Many employees are motivated by recognition. It's a pity that some bosses are too stingy with rewards. Surveys conducted revealed that only 5% of employees received praise from their management. This attitude greatly affects the moral climate of the team and the results of work. After all, employees do everything to complete the assigned tasks flawlessly.

In addition to expressing gratitude verbally, the manager can encourage the employee financially. In this case, the boss, who can appreciate the merits of his subordinates, will be respected in the team.

Conflict resolution

How should a boss deal with subordinates? It must be understood that any person does not feel comfortable without positive self-esteem. Therefore, any leader should see in his employees, first of all, a personality and show goodwill, respect and tolerance.

If an employee made a mistake or committed an offense, but understands his guilt and adequately treats the punishment, then when the manager hurts his pride, he will not forgive him. Therefore, when resolving conflict situations, it is necessary to criticize the actions of the offender, and not himself.

The boss deserves respect, who praises in front of everyone, but scolds in private, does not complain about his subordinates, and sometimes takes their blame on himself.

Despite personal dislikes and sympathies, the manager must treat his employees equally, without personal preferences. In front of strangers, he should call them by their first and middle names, regardless of age.

Psychology - how to behave with subordinates - based on such advice, will allow the boss to maintain a working atmosphere in the team and win the respect of his employees:

  1. The leader should set only clear goals. Subordinates must understand what is required of them. You can push one or another employee to improve their professional qualities giving him a task of particular difficulty. However, it must be fulfilled.
  2. How should a subordinate behave? Employees expect action from the leader. If they do not exist, then labor productivity will decrease, and its authority will also fall. You should constantly evaluate the result of the work of subordinates, because they are waiting for it.
  3. There is no need for the boss to give employees ready-made solutions. It is best to push them to the right execution.
  4. The leader should not walk around the office idle or constantly drink coffee, in which case he will quickly lose his authority.
  5. You should not brush aside conflicts in the team so that an unresolved problem does not corrode it from the inside.
  6. The manager should not create unhealthy rivalry by constantly praising the same employee.
  7. The boss should be interested in important events in the life of his subordinates (wedding, birth of a child).
  8. The norms of behavior in a team depend on the leader, in this case, the leader. It is he who creates a favorable climate at work.
  9. The boss must be able to properly distribute the responsibilities of his subordinates. It is important that each employee is responsible for his specific area of ​​work. The leader should not go in cycles in everything on himself, it is necessary to trust his employees.

To become a boss, it is necessary to develop not only professionally, but also in terms of human relations. After all, there is nothing impossible in this. To create a cohesive team aimed at the effective performance of work - this is what a leader should strive for.

Subordination is a delicate matter. On the one hand, the boss is the same person as you are - two arms, two legs; on the other hand, your fate directly depends on his will.

To build with the boss normal business relationship, rely on a few golden principles. Here they are.

We are not slaves, we are not slaves

Maintain your dignity under any circumstances. Serfdom was abolished long ago, and we all work not for the masters, but for ourselves.

The employer is well aware of this. Moreover, any director (unless, of course, he is a dinosaur of the times of the command economy) in the depths of his soul wants to see initiative specialists next to him. It is simply unrealistic to manage a modern dynamic company with obedient puppets.

Don't be afraid to protest if you have reason to doubt the boss's decisions. Yes, perhaps his objections will make him angry (power corrupts everyone to one degree or another), but then he will cool down and appreciate your directness.

You haven't drunk on brotherhood yet

Feeling confidential intonations in the voice of the boss, do not rush to portray yourself as a shirt-guy or a broken woman. You don’t need to be the first to switch to “you” with the leader, slap him on the shoulder in a friendly way, make eyes at him or poison obscene jokes when meeting in the office corridor.

Even a very democratic boss will consider such an attitude suspicious familiarity. Maybe one day you really will become friends, but this takes a long time and special circumstances.

Let's say more: somewhat distant communication is most convenient for you. So you will not look like a sycophant in the eyes of colleagues equal in rank.

At first, always address the boss by his first name and patronymic. If he himself sets the European style of address (that is, he will call you by your full name, but with “you”), you have the right to call him in the same spirit. True, we emphasize that the latter assumption is relevant only with a slight difference in age.

In any case, knock on the director's door before entering.

Deeds speak louder than words

Beware of boasting to the boss of past achievements and giving him abstract promises. Verbosity in no way will decorate you. To earn trust is really only a responsible attitude to the new work.

Demonstrate attention, interest, and competence frequently.

Do not allow yourself to look at the smartphone screen during meetings or get carried away with tea parties. Do not be late, do not delay the solution of the tasks that you agreed to take on.

No gossip behind the eyes

In almost every team there are people who are inclined to pull the bones to the boss.

Learn to avoid such conversations - sometimes they are started on purpose.

However, there is no need to join the gossips, even if they scratch their tongues sincerely, at the call of the soul. People feel when someone discusses them behind their backs. Your boss is no exception; he will guess everything and will not pat you on the head for ridicule.

Form your impression of the director not according to colleagues, but according to your own impartial observations. They will be especially indicative in some conflict situations, the development of which is convenient to follow from the outside.

Accountants are among those “lucky ones” who, at work, have to contact the manager more often than others. And, as you know, they don’t choose him: whoever got it, you need to adapt to that. And it’s good if you are lucky with the boss: reasonable, balanced, understanding. And if he is a person, to put it mildly, with a complex character?

By the way, in women's and men's teams, the term "difficult boss" is understood differently. For women, this is, first of all, the one who allows himself an inappropriate style of communication: shouts, insults, intimidates, can throw documents in the face or, conversely, groping weak sides character, quietly subtly terrorizes employees. And men call difficult bosses authoritarian types that do not allow them to develop and grow professionally.

I would like to understand: you can only escape from a difficult boss by running away by writing a letter of resignation, despite the fact that all other aspects of the work suit you, or is not everything lost yet?

It is necessary to separate the concept of “difficult boss” from the concept of “inadequate instructions from the boss”, which include, for example, requests:

  • determine profit for one specific product when the company's product range includes more than 5000 items;
  • “draw” “profitable” statements, and in a week ask why there is profit on the papers, but the organization has no money;
  • carry out some personal expense in the accounting department, which you can’t bring down under any expense item (for example, a bedroom set).

You can fight off such requests by explaining to the director what negative consequences this can lead to.

That other guy...

First, let's see what types of bosses exist and how to try to find a common language with each of them (based on the typology proposed by the German psychologist Michael Eichberg).

Type on-head-no-ka Description What an employee needs to understand What annoys the boss How to Earn Your Boss' Favor How to defend your ideas and interests
Despot Practices an authoritarian management style. Exaggeratedly strict, overly demanding, cuts down the manifestation of any initiative, does not hesitate to humiliate his subordinates in front of others. Never admits his personal mistakes As a rule, such a management style hides a large inferiority complex or chronic loneliness. When an employee "knows all" or otherwise demonstrates superiority in a professional or personal area Almost impossible. He can only be impressed by the excellent results of your work. However, the criteria for excellence can be so high that it is simply unrealistic to achieve them. Calmness and business reasoning. If you have been yelled at or insulted, in no case do not show your feelings. Give free rein to emotions and even more so to tears - you are guaranteed to lose
Patriarch He is firmly convinced that he alone knows what is good for the company. And all subordinates must unquestioningly follow the course chosen by them. Despite the signs of authoritarianism, he delves into the problems of his subordinates, takes part in solving them with advice or deed, for which he is recognized and even loved by the team He is driven by a paternal instinct that needs reinforcement Actions not coordinated with him, in other words, when they "climb across the father" Ask him for advice on any more or less significant work issue. Behave like an exemplary "daughter" (or "son"). Emphasize in every possible way how much you have learned under his guidance. "Patriarch" believes only in his own ideas. Your ideas will only see the light if you play the role of his intelligent student. Therefore, try to present your own ideas as a logical development of his thoughts.
lone fighter He prefers to isolate himself from his subordinates in every possible way, creating “anti-tank ditches” around him in the form of a strict secretary and always closed office doors. Reluctantly and extremely dosed gives out any information, even necessary for work Such people are strained by the need to create communications within the company and obey them. Therefore, suggestions or explanations transmitted through the secretary in writing will be more effective than an hour-long conversation with such a boss. When he is pulled over trifles (and he considers most work issues to be such). Also frequent and too long conversations or negotiations Good results of work without too much contact with his eyes. He also appreciates restraint in showing emotions and composure. All your ideas and proposals should be thought out in detail, clearly formulated, well argued and at the same time set out on paper. In fact, this style of communication is preferred by many bosses.
The Iron Lady Cold, authoritarian, self-confident. He is fluent in the rules of intrigue and intrigue. He perfectly knows the weaknesses of his subordinates and, if necessary, can put pressure on them. Expects discipline and loyalty from the environment Such bosses, as a rule, deny everything emotional, believing that it is necessary to manage the team rigorously and even in minor matters one cannot follow his lead Explicit or covert disregard for her orders, as well as outright hack work The "Iron Lady" is impressed by her own traits: ambition, professionalism, ambition Be as confident as possible. Without going into polemics, let you feel that you have professional knowledge and experience on your side
Older brother Practices discussions and teamwork. Being a strong personality, he likes to have equally strong colleagues working next to him. Takes it for granted to patronize his subordinates, which ultimately only favorably affects the work of the entire company For such a boss, not only the business, but also the social component is important. In addition to absolute dedication to work, he also appreciates team thinking in employees. Gossip, intrigue in the team, shirking work At meetings or meetings, put forward interesting ideas and suggestions Since the “big brother” considers discussions to be the driving force of the team, express your best arguments at the collective meeting.
Amateur Such people get into leadership positions most often either by accident or by patronage from above. As a rule, they are incompetent in the areas entrusted to them, but they carefully try to hide it. When solving production issues, they rush from side to side, doubting the correctness of the chosen path The subordinates of the “amateur” have great scope for independent decision-making. But remember: being a layman in work matters, the “amateur” will not miss the opportunity to rise due to even a small mistake of his subordinate. open rivalry. This is perceived as a declaration of war with all the consequences negative consequences for an employee Support his self-confidence and constantly convince him that the decision he made is the right one (if it really is) Stay loyal. As long as the “amateur” chief sees you as his ally, you will have a free hand in a certain sense.

It is easy to see that a good relationship with a boss of any type is always based on the competent and professional performance by an employee of his official duties.

Be afraid of the boss - do not go to the office

Or maybe the "complexity" of your boss is largely far-fetched? And the key to solving the problem is to look for in yourself?

Many employees, especially women, admit that they experience an unaccountable panic fear of the boss. They fall into a stupor at his mere appearance, and if the director addresses them, they have one desire - to immediately evaporate somewhere. Such fear is somehow justified if you work under the supervision of an eternally screaming half-madman, splashing saliva and stamping his feet.

But if your boss doesn’t look like a monster at all - doesn’t freak out, doesn’t demonstrate his power at any opportunity, adequately responds to work problems, refuses to take time off if necessary and doesn’t threaten to be shot for being late?

Then there is no objective reason to tremble with fear. It is highly likely that you are not afraid of the boss himself, but of his bossy status, as well as possible criticism against you. Perhaps these are echoes of children's fear of adults. But you should know that if you constantly broadcast your sense of "victim" outward, then the "monster" will definitely appear. And this will only be your fault.

We are all in interpersonal communication we play certain roles. And any relationship, even the boss - subordinate, will inevitably change if one of the participants changes his role. It is worth working on your self-esteem and the way you present information in order to move from the “wolf - lamb” scheme to the “VIP person is her ally” scheme.

There are some really difficult bosses out there. And of course, each person has their own story in stock. However, this is a story not only about oppression and humiliation, but also about how a person became stronger and firmer. The experience of compromises and experiments, acquired in the course of working with a difficult boss, will definitely come in handy later in life.

And further. A person who lives in harmony with himself is able to communicate on an equal footing with others (including subordinates), without trying to humiliate anyone. If your boss is trying to assert himself at the expense of others, then most likely he is notorious and, by and large, an unhappy person. Therefore, one can only sympathize with him. Take him condescendingly, as a person who needs a careful attitude. Just let this knowledge be your secret.