What if there is no purpose in life. What to do if there is no life goal? Detailed description of each item, why you need it

  • 04.12.2019

In this age of the Internet, there is a lot of different information on how to quickly achieve positive results in the implementation of your goals and desires. But it often happens that a person wants to achieve success, become financially independent, but does not know where to start, because he simply does not have a life goal. This is a problem that affects many people and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Having specific and clear goals, a person will be able to more easily concentrate his thoughts and actions on certain tasks. You will be able to imagine how you will act and in what direction you need to move forward.

1 List of vital areas you need

This list will help you understand your interests in life. Write in it everything that you need and that you like. Compose it, not particularly correcting and delving into the check, this can be done during the process. Here is the most common example: health, my home, finances, business, sports, leisure, communication, self-development.

2. Detailed description of each item, why you need it

The next step, what to do if there are no life goals, is a complete analysis of the list you have compiled. It is necessary to understand why you need this or that life area that you have written down, and what interests it affects. For example, let's go through our records.

  • Health. It is a very important point. Having excellent health, a person is in good mood, with a cheerful spirit, full of vitality and strength.
  • House. This is my sweet and cozy corner in which I want to have comfort and convenience. It is necessary to make repairs, update equipment, furniture, and make it even more beautiful and comfortable.
  • Finance. This area allows me to get everything that I want, and also not to depend on anyone. I want to have a regular income of $5,000 a month and invest some of it.
  • Business. This life purpose determines what I want to do and what I enjoy. In this direction, I want to achieve great results and heights, because it is exciting and enjoyable.
  • Sport. It is beneficial for the whole human body and health. Also, sport is the first assistant in strengthening the nervous system, relieving stress and getting rid of depression. A certain sport relaxes and brings pleasure to the soul and body.
  • Leisure. Of course, business and sports sections are wonderful, but you also need to be able to relax. In the evening or on a day off, you can go fishing, go to the movies or visit the park and cafes with your family.
  • Communication. This is a meeting with comrades and close friends. Communication and acquaintance with interesting people always pleasant and informative.
  • Self-development. It is important for permanent personal growth and personal positive qualities of a person. Constantly developing, you can learn a lot of different interesting and useful information, gain new knowledge that will help you achieve greater success in life and achieve life goals.

3. Setting a clear life goal

After you have compiled a complete analysis of all the areas that you need and are interested in, you can begin to set clear goals. For each item, think about what exactly inspires you, desires to receive or learn. Let's look at two areas. Business - you like cars, open your own car repair shop or parts store, or maybe a car dealership.

If you like fishing, then trading in various gear and goods will be just right, but it is even better to create your own blog in which you will share all the useful information with your subscribers.

There is a lot of information, both on the Internet and in books on psychology, about how to achieve tangible results in achieving your life goals. But it also happens that the goal in life is not certain, and this is really a problem that needs to be solved as quickly as possible.

The fact is that having specific goals, you will be able to focus your thoughts and your actions on specific tasks, you will imagine how to achieve them and how to move on. So how do you get started?

1. Make a general list of areas of life that matter to you.

This list will give you general idea about your interests. Try to write without going too deep into checking and correcting the list, in any case, it can be written and supplemented already in the process. Here you have, for example: my health, sports, my business, my apartment, my leisure, self-development, reading books, professional activity, play games, communication.

2. The next step will be a description of why you still need it.

Ask yourself why this or that item on your newly baked list is valuable and important to you, what interests are affected in each item and why you need it. Let's go through our list for an example.

My health is important to me because a healthy person always feels in good shape, he has excellent working capacity and he simply enjoys life.

Sport is important for health, and there is a great desire to play sports, as this is a huge relaxation for, it helps to cope with and distract from life's problems.

My business is what I want to do in life, where I want to achieve great results, I like it and it's exciting.

My apartment is my comfortable corner, I want to make repairs, buy new furniture and make it even more cozy and comfortable.

Leisure is an important part of the life of any person, in addition to sports and doing business, you also need to relax, visit, for example, any good restaurant or go to a pizzeria.

Self-development and reading books, in principle, can be attributed to the same category, self-development is important in life for the constant growth of personal effectiveness and personal qualities, for this, accordingly, it is necessary to read books, by the way, it has already been written about.

Professional activity is associated with the growth, first of all, of business, because without the constant growth of one's knowledge and skills, there will be no development. And it's quite interesting and exciting.

Playing games is fun, also a kind of leisure activity. Computer games for example enough an exciting activity, you can also play various sports games tennis, football.

Communication with friends and interesting people is always exciting, I want to get to know each other and communicate more.

3. Now we have a general list of values ​​that we can use to set more specific goals.

Now you can decide what is really important for you in each specific area and what causes you inspiration and a passionate desire to learn and achieve something. For example, in the field of sports, we set ourselves the goal of enrolling in a karate sports section and achieving a certain level of skills.

When setting specific goals, you must also be guided by some recommendations, which we will discuss in the next article “”.

Trying to understand the secrets of the success of people who have achieved significant heights and achievements in life, it turns out that the main basic component of this secret is motivation. It is closely and directly related to the competent and correct setting of goals. Motivation, as a process of one's own, internal "pushing" to solve problems, achieve any heights, cannot exist autonomously and independently, regardless of the presence and direction of a person's goals.

But many people have significant difficulties with setting goals and, accordingly, their own motivation. Problems and violations in the process of motivation lie in two planes: physical and psychological.

Problems physical plane may be related to:

  • Violation of human health, the presence of any disease, a weakened state
  • In the environment of a person there are people who also have neither goals nor motivation and do not strive for this.

The problems that lie in psychological plane broader, it may be associated with the following psychological blocks:

  • Fear of failure, dictated by previous negative experiences
  • Misunderstanding the Real Factual Importance of Motivation for Success
  • Loss of meaning to achieve any goal

Violation of primary motivation and what can it lead to?

But it happens that a person’s problems with motivation come from deep childhood, when certain limits were imposed on the child in the process of socialization. By suppressing the primary, childhood motivation by the closest relatives and other environment, a significant contribution was made to the formation, or rather the lack of formation of goal setting and further strategic motivation of a person in adulthood.

It is even worse when, in the process of improper upbringing of a child, such a moment as negative motivation is instilled, when the child performed some actions not out of his own need and interest, but in order not to be punished. In the future, it blocks all the ways for penetration into a person's life of another motivation - a strategic one, which is able to influence a person, advancing him on the path to success. Channels for acquiring strategic motivation are simply cut off.

In the case when the process of formation of primary motivation in a person has been disrupted, no personal growth trainings and other similar events will help a person restore this missing link. Under the circumstances, the true and only right decision there will be a work of a person with a specialist to unblock the channel of primary motivation, by understanding the reasons for its degradation and drawing up a program of work on it. This work is done through the application of trance techniques, i.e. you have to interact with your subconscious.

Watch the webinar “Proper goal setting” by Denis Burkhaev.

Goal is the direct path to success. Properly choosing it, and systematically moving towards it, success will not keep you waiting. The basic principles of correct goal setting are summarized in the following paragraphs:

  • The goal should be formed as accurately as possible, broadly cover all the nuances in this area;
  • It should not contradict the basic principles by which a person lives;
  • It is advisable to set a time frame for the goal, this will help optimize all efforts aimed at achieving it;
  • And most importantly - the goal should be fully meaningful and deliberate.

Achieving success often depends on the literacy and correctness of setting, and the goals, in turn, directly depend on the quality and degree of motivation of a person, his interest in his own success. But all this works, unless there are deeper problems from childhood, which were mentioned above.

No purpose in life, problem of purpose in life- very often repeated phrases of people, in letters or comments, the meaning of which is disappointment in one's own life, only because one's own has not been found "global" goal, which means that action no, respectively.

And even worse, it means “I’m worthless, and it’s not at all clear why I live. As a basis for today's post, I took 2 comments from reader Yuri, to my previous posts /, /, and combined them, since they are about the same thing.

Since, in these comments, I “heard” a request and a question to me, which means that I will answer, as I see and understand!

"Have a nice day! Long enough I've been thinking about purpose in life and ... often came to a standstill! I swore at myself, what am I doing, how I live without a goal. I'm not a plant!

Sometimes I thought that I would give my son an education, earn a lot of money for him, or buy a big house and we would all live with our parents or .. Well, in general, on reflection, I realized that all of the above is achieved and then what????? I continue to live without a goal, having achieved my goal, or I set even smaller goals, achieve them and grow old!!! Creepy, again in the plants! For myself, I decided that the main thing is self-improvement in conditions of comfort!!! We are still far from revealing our abilities! But I am sure and feel it that we can do a lot, but somehow someone “closed” us or put us in “prison.”

“Hello, I completely agree with you that it is imperative to set goals and feel the end result for yourself, and not for someone else, to have a kind of pleasant benefit and enjoy the result. I can’t figure out a bit with the word “process” and how to visualize it. For example, I go along the chain to my main goal (it is not material), but the links of the chain consist of goals (including projects that will bring funds for life). You wrote that there is no need to think in what ways the goal will be realized! What then is the process, how it looks visually. It seems to me that this is some kind of action aimed at achieving the goal. But the actions and methods, in my opinion, are the same, to be honest, I got a little confused. ”

Yuri, if I also knew some minimum about you: how old are you, who and where do you work, marital status ... It would be easier for me to explain to you that you are very mistaken, and simply engage in intellectual masturbation.

The more you think, the more this process will suck in and form into habit of thinking, but not act. And this, as you know, will not help you achieve and have something.

Did you reach a dead end because you couldn't come up with a “final” goal? Everyone has one “ultimate” goal, and there is no need to invent it. All others "global" goals called in one word LIFE. The problem of the purpose of life, only in the head of a particular person, but in reality everything is different. If you look at a new day with old ideas, then you will tell yourself all your life that you no purpose in life.

The very fact that you are alive and well today, and everything that you have today, is yours. goals that you have "achieved". In 5 years, you will also be alive and well (if you want it), and this will also be your dream come true.

How? Very simple. You will need to feed yourself for these 5 years, somehow feed, clothe, pay monthly utility bills. I think at the minimum, not taking into account the price increase, but since, in our country, this is nonsense, therefore, you can safely double the final figure (I multiply everything by 5 years): food for a family of 3-4 people 15,000 rubles * 12 * 5 \u003d 900,000 rubles. , comm. payments 300,000 rubles, clothes 300,000-800,000 rubles, rest (vacation) with the family 300,000 rubles, treatment (pharmacies, hospitals) from 300,000 rubles, car maintenance from 300,000 rubles. etc. Total, at least 2,500,000 rubles of the Russian Federation

I do not think that this money is falling on your head, you earn it one way or another in order to maintain your existing way of life. Which means you and realize your goals.

If, for example, you dream about your house and car, then do not forget to dream about the maintenance of all this. In other words, you must always be ready, until the end of your life, for daily work, earnings, additional income to pay for the entire standard set of material goods, which, too, were once goals.

And before scolding yourself (blaming), you need to understand the concepts and analyze your reality. Most likely, you are acting within your current capabilities, but rushing beyond their borders. Going into the "red zone" (beyond your physical and mental capabilities) will only bring you stress, and a serious "breakdown", which is very long and difficult to treat. If you consider yourself against the background of someone, or in comparison, and note only pluses in these people, then do not forget to ask about the minuses there as well. Are they as happy as they say? Are they perfect in all areas of life? It may turn out that you are much happier than them.

"…what `s next?????"- everything is the same until you understand that the buzz is caught from the process, and not from goal achievement. If you live from goal to goal, then paraphrasing, it turns out: “I enjoy life once every 3-5 years, and then not for long, a few days. And if I find my global goal, and come to it at the age of 70, then I will truly live!”

“I continue to live without a goal, having achieved my goal, or I set even smaller goals, achieve them and grow old !!! Creepy, again in the plants! For myself, I decided that the main thing is self-improvement in conditions of comfort!!! We are still far from revealing our abilities! But I am sure and feel it that we can do a lot, but somehow someone “closed” us or put us in “prison.”- Old age can be different: active and rich, or weak and immobilized. All in our hands! If you follow at least the recommendations that I have been writing on my blog for many months, then you will surely live a long, active and happy life!

I don't know what abilities you're talking about. Of course, people have more potential than they think about themselves, but then again, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself, only acting in different, unusual directions!

People “close” themselves, this is called “avoidance”. Over the entire previous life, a person collects a huge baggage of all kinds of emotions, many of which are negative: fear, anger, aggression, indignation, resentment, guilt, anger, etc. This is a natural reaction to any situation. And, if all this is suppressed, then they are forced out into the subconscious, and deposited in the body in the form of physical entities. Any emotion is associated with a situation from past experience, whether it is remembered or not. And since these feelings are unpleasant in themselves, cause mental or physical pain, discomfort, then, accordingly, you don’t really want to act, past experience does not give. A person will find a lot of excuses, even prefer to get sick for real, just not to experience these feelings again.

Emotions are not selective. “Closing” from negative emotions, you need to understand that you lose all feelings: you lose touch with reality, intuition fades, you cannot love, rejoice, experience happiness, etc.!

“I can’t figure out the word “process” a bit and how to visualize it.”

Let's figure out what is visualization. This is “artistic”, figurative, self-programming, i.e. picture, image, photograph, landmark, for your subconscious.

"Processes", no need visualize, they are either written in the form step by step plan, instructions, procedures (at enterprises), or simply act, as they know, in everyday matters.

Suppose you have planned to build a house. If you lie in bed and visualize all your steps: how do you go to the administration, find out the availability of free land plots, what will they tell you there, where will they send you, what will you answer, how will you run around a lot of offices of the same administration, write a statement, you will wait a year for approval, between neighboring offices in administration. And, in the meantime, you will run very quickly through other organizations, trying to find out if there are any under the proposed section of the pipeline, or cable, or mines from the time of the war. Before you reach the kiosk and buy a building materials newspaper, you will need to make a lot of unpleasant movements.

And if you try it all over again visualize, then in the morning you will not rise, you simply will not have the strength. I'm not talking about the fact that you will easily give up on your goal.

“actions and methods, in my opinion, are the same, to be honest, I’m a little confused.”

Imagine that you have been allocated a plot for building a house, and you need to dig a foundation pit. You have a choice: a tractor with a bucket, a shovel, a shovel. What do you prefer to dig? It will be your choice way digging. But, whatever you choose, you will dig in any way, i.e. act.

If you think that you haveno purpose in life and in this problem ... If you want to deal with your emotions, life does not “play with colors”, it’s boring, hard and dreary in your soul .... If you need to deal with your personality ... If it seems to you that you have lost your life guidelines, and everything “falls out of hand "... If you are struggling to solve some problems or tasks, but at the last moment everything breaks down ... I recommend taking courses to choose from: . They will relatively quickly “bring you to your senses”, give you a sense of harmony, calmness, inner balance, confidence and an active life position.

If you want to develop your charm and be a magnet for the people and situations you need. If you want to regain confidence, quickly solve problems, and achieve your goals, I recommend taking the training:

Believe me, the quality of life that my clients get is impossible to evaluate!

Sincerely, Tatiana Mamai