Party in the style of dudes: entertainment, music, refreshments. Airplane Games Development of Airplane Games

  • 30.05.2020

The basis of the party is the initiation of its participants into dudes. They come to celebrate, but when they enter a retro-styled room, they find themselves in the middle of the 20th century. Guests should immediately be immersed in the atmosphere of that time and the film. Hang at the entrance 1-2 large paper sheets with the inscription "Uncle Yosya works here?".

Who will benefit from this book?
Presenters, event managers and just those who want to organize an event, whether it's a wedding or birthday, corporate or team building.

When the guests are assembled, the host explains where and for what reason everyone has gathered. The host informs that, in accordance with the spirit of the time in which they have fallen, the guests must decide on their views. However, one desire is not enough - you need to pass the "strength" test.

Starting the program itself, invite guests, in the form of a quiz, to remember the prices of goods that were at that time. Ask style questions. Let slow jazz compositions and Elvis Presley songs sound in the background. All this will set the invited guests for the evening to immerse themselves in an interesting topic.

By quiz:
1. What distinguishing feature dude? (Bright, provocative clothes).
2. What is the name of the boots with high rubber soles? (Boots on "semolina").
3. What accessory did the dude prefer, which ordinary people definitely didn’t have, was there a big shortage? (Sunglasses).
4. The most favorite drink of dudes? (Cocktail).
5. Is the name of the fashionable hairstyle dudes - men? (Cook).
6. What did dudes usually give to their dudes after spending the night together? (Stockings).
7. Who is a dynamist? (The girl who gave the dude false hope, and she herself ran away early from the party in a taxi. Taxi was then called the "dynamo machine").
8. The word "dudes" was offensive. What did the dudes call themselves? (Staff). When asking questions on the quiz, the presenter uses the answer options, so it will be more interesting and more fun.

First test: business card of each style group:
the jury evaluates hairstyles, clothes and protection of the name of the group, also the wit of the response to the password
All those who arrived at the party, in order to go further, need to respond to this password - that is, come up with an interesting, funny answer and write it with a marker under the password. You can't repeat.

Quiz on the film "Dandies"
The host invites those who want to join the camp of dudes to come out this evening. There are 4 people in total. You will need the same number of cheap ties, preferably bright ones, that are tied to volunteers.
The host, putting on a Komsomol badge and picking up scissors, explains:
“So, you are already almost dudes, and now I am acting as a redneck, or rather, a commissioner. And what did the rednecks do with the dudes? That's right, they cut the dudes' clothes. This is what I will do. But I will cut only ties and only those who cannot answer my question correctly.
Then the host asks questions to the participants in ties in turn. For those who could not answer correctly, the presenter cuts off a small piece of tie. When all the questions have been asked, the participants take off their ties and compare their lengths. Those 2-3 people whose ties turned out to be longer receive a prize from the presenter.

Sample questions for a quiz (on the film "Dandies" and on the subculture in general) for a party in the style of dudes
1. What book did Fred give Mels after he got ripped off by Good? (Kama Sutra)
2. How was Mels moonlighting to buy himself a new stylish outfit? (unloaded wagons)
3. What was made in Tambov in Mels' first style outfit? (tie)
4. What did the girl on the bike say when she first saw Mels in an outfit? ("I will not lie under the dude")
5. Originally planned another name for the film "Dandies". Which? (Boogie on the bones)
6. At the beginning of the Komsomol meeting, at which Mels was expelled from the Komsomol, he told a friend that, in the opinion of a certain girl, the saxophone looked like ... What? (on the phallus)
7. What does the name Mels mean? (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin)
8. What breed was Fred's dog whose coat he dyed in bright colors? (English bulldog)
9. What was the nationality of medical dude Bob? (Jewish)
10. What was the name of the American jazz saxophonist whose spirit Mels communicated with while learning to play the saxophone? (Charlie Parker)
11. What country did the real father of Polza's child come to the USSR from? (from USA)
12. How did the dudes in the film call the "non-dude"? (goons)
13. Who was the first to sing the song that sounds in the movie "Dandies" in the scenes of transformation appearance Melsa? (Valery Syutkin, song "I'm what you need")
14. Fred is going to leave for the USA. Betsy, along with other dudes, sings a song about what he doesn't need ... Who doesn't he need? (American wife)
15. What did Fred's father find after the dude party in their apartment? (women's bra)
16. What famous musical group performed the song that sounds in a modified form in the scene of Mels's expulsion from the Komsomol? (Nautilus Pompilius)
17. What was in the hallway near the front door in Bob's dude's house? (suitcase)
18. Where did they take the dude Dryn to serve? (on a submarine)
19. What did Fred call the girls who want to dress stylishly, but mom doesn't allow it? (ruddy loaves)
General questions on the subculture:
20. Stilyagi - this is the name of the subculture was invented by the journalists of the humorous magazine "Crocodile". The word "dudes" was offensive, so the dudes themselves did not call themselves that. And what did they call themselves? (staff members)
21. What did the dudes call the high white rubber sole of stylish low shoes? (semolina)
22. How did the dudes call things of Soviet tailoring? (Coupled)
23. Who was called a phaser? (father of dudes)
24. Our dudes have invented their own variations of the boogie-woogie dance. Styles such as Canadian, triple Hamburg and ... What was the name of the third style were known? (atomic)
25. What did the phrase “throw a break” mean, which is part of the lexicon of dudes? (walk, walk along the boulevard)
26. What did dudes most often give dudes after spending the night together? (stockings)

Host: What is a stylish party without incendiary dances?
Test two: dancing to rock and roll music

Turnip scene. We invite 7 people.
What is autumn without turnips in the garden?! Now you will all be actors, choose your role.
"Turnip" says - I stand as if rooted to the spot
"Grandfather" - both
"Baba" - I'm ready
"Granddaughter" - and I can't bear to get married
"Bug" - I'll bite everyone
"Cat" - I walk by myself
"Mouse" - pee

The task of the actors is to say their phrase whenever the host calls their role. Go. Reading a fairy tale.

Competition "Bright Personality". All participants are divided into small teams of several people. Each team gets a set for creativity paints, felt-tip pens, cardboard, paper, fabrics and so on. Each team needs to present an interesting character to the general court - a person with an unusual name, surname and occupation. Of course, the person will look unusual.
Teams are given time - about 15 minutes. During this time, the participants come up with a character, dress him up, give him a name. The team that “created” the most interesting character gets a prize.

Bridge Contest. Imagine that you need to go to the other side. You have no boat, no bridge, nothing. All you have is some things (dresses, shirts, trousers) in a suitcase. With these things you need to create a rope that will allow you to cross to the other side. The teams really need to hand out a suitcase. The captain of each team chooses the suitcase himself. And then a surprise awaits some participants - for example, let one suitcase be filled only with small handkerchiefs. Then this team will have to work harder than others - after all, tying handkerchiefs into a rope is harder than the same shirts. This competition is for speed. The team that completes the rope the fastest wins. But the channel still has to pass strength tests. To do this, we use the following competition.

Competition "Styling Rope". Now the created ropes will be tested by the “who will pull” competition. If someone's rope breaks, that team is out of the game. But usually, nothing is torn from anyone, so this contest is more likely not to win, but “for friendship”).

Competition "Chocolates". This competition consists in the fact that the participants need to feed each other with small sweets. Skittelz or similar sweets are ideal for this purpose. Choose 3 pairs of volunteers. One person in a pair sits on a chair, the second stands and is blindfolded, and then twisted in place 3 turns. Then they hand over a ladle with sweets. He must feed the seated person without spilling a single piece of candy.

Translation from style. The host reads out a line in which a phrase from a song is encrypted. Who guesses first correct phrase and the name of the song, receives a prize.
Hatok fell, fell to the floor (hat fell, fell to the floor - gr. Na-na)
My blue-eyed girl (my blue-eyed girl - E. Belousov)
And I style folklore in orange shoes (and I dance lezginka in orange shoes - M. Grebenshchikov)
A stylish orange taek has become a faithful dude to me (a stylish orange tie has become a faithful companion to me - “Bravo”)
Dynamo, dynamo, take, take (taxi, taxi, take, take - Nikolaev)
And I'm sick, throwing a break around the capital (and I'm walking, walking around Moscow)
Drink beer morning, drink beer evening (drink beer at dawn, drink beer before going to bed - gr. "Accident")
Oh, John, look what funny dudes (oh, Van, look what clowns - V. Vysotsky)

Competition - game "Rebuilding letters"
Defeated all enemies
Bogatyrskaya - POWER!
Forests of dark beauty
Red cheat - FOX!
Format F4 is white and clean,
Familiar to anyone white - LEAF!
Film with the participation of Viktor Tsoi,
The inseparable girlfriend of the thread is the NEEDLE!
A place where small children are taken
And a corral for cattle - CRASH!
Spoils trees, gnaws stems,
Such a glutton, green - APHI!
Old woman, evil hag,
Since childhood, a well-known woman - YAGA!
Beautiful women's eyes and breasts, and beyond
And most importantly, it is WAIST!
Student, scientist, worker,
Here on Broadway you are a STYLYA!

a s i and t g l o

Test fifth , final: "I heal along the Ford"
Those who have not yet participated in any competition and have not received a distinctive ribbon are invited. From beer cans, plastic bottles or disposable cups, a kind of “curb” is made for a narrow path. The participants are blindfolded one by one and sent to "heal along the Ford" - that is, to walk along an impromptu path, and in such a way as not to touch the curb. Who hurt - he is "not worthy" of the title of dude, and therefore receives a red ribbon. Well, the one who was able to pass without hitting the curb receives a prize.
You can play a trick on the last participant by removing the border. He will try to heal carefully - his senseless attempts will be funny. Of course, you need to leave the non-offensive participant in the end. He also receives a prize.
In the final, we hold a general dance marathon to the music of the 50-60s allowed and prohibited in the USSR.

Event setup:
Three pillars on which all fantasies on the theme of Hipsters are based: music, costumes, symbols of the era of the USSR. Therefore, it is important that everyone come in attire, with hair and makeup in the style you have chosen. For girls - bright dresses, patent leather wide belts, large bright plastic jewelry, babette-style hairstyles, arrows on the eyes, stockings with a scruff, short gloves. For young people - a whipped “cook” on the head, socks (English socks stockings, socks) bright socks that should have been visible from under the trousers, bright ties, pipe trousers, bright Hawaiian-style shirts.
To inspire colleagues to a feat, send them an invitation in the form of a disc with the film "Dandies" or a clip with excerpts from the film.
Don't forget to collect any Soviet-era symbols for the party in Grandma's attic, from an old retro-style radio and telephone to old editions of Engels and Crocodile. The younger generation will be delighted with these little things "with a beard."
And whenever possible, turn on the music on the chosen topic. Tram, trolleybus or the legendary Pobeda can be used as transport.

Venue for style event.
The most suitable option is a bar in the style of the Soviet era, where you can arrange a stylized photo session, dance and not only enjoy ice cream. But you can arrange a real heeling along Broadway, and an apartment lounge party.

The site is set up:
1.Cocktail Hall Poster. Made of cut out letters, garlands are included around. It will be enough to create red draperies and hang garlands with light bulbs - this will partially recreate the atmosphere of the Cocktail Hall, where dudes liked to spend time.
2. hang at the entrance 3 large paper sheets with the inscription "Uncle Yosya works here?". 3 markers
3. hang a garland of gramophone records (real or sham) under the ceiling.
4. make your own posters with inscriptions and hang them on the walls:
On a bright red drapery (stylish):
“You need to squeeze the goon out of yourself drop by drop” A.P. Chekhov;
"Hey dudes - hello! We frail along the Ford, leaving the sad goons behind”;
“Do you want to spend time with benefit? Come to Broadway!";
“There is no need here higher, stronger, faster! Here you need a drive! ”;
“It’s good when all people are different!”
“On a gray wall (“ideologically sustained”:
"From the saxophone to the knife - one step";
"Bound by one chain, connected by one goal ...";
“Today he plays jazz, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland”;
"The saxophone is also a weapon, a weapon of our class enemy."
5. A bright wall can be additionally decorated with colored ties and scarves, images of American dollars and a saxophone, and a gray one with Soviet badges, a pioneer tie and an image of a bugle.
6. Ties for this competition, by the way, can be simply cut out of dense fabric.
Dress code for a stylish party. You can declare a dress code in the style of the 50s and 60s, that is, do not tie outfits specifically to dudes.

Musical arrangement.
The song "Train to Chattanooga" is considered to be the hymn of dudes.
You can actively use compositions from the movie "Dandies":
Man and cat - Sergey Garmash
I am what you need - Andrey Birin
Boogie-woogie every day - Igor Voinarovsky
My little babe - Konstantin Pona
Old ship - Alexey Gorbunov
Summertime - Charlie Parker, Igor Chernov
Let everything be as you want - Konstantin Pona
Eighth grader — Andrey Birin, Oksana Akinshina
American wife - Natalia Gura, Alena Romanovskaya, Tatyana Reshetnyak, Elvira Solovey
Bound by one chain - Evgenia Brik
Go ahead - Andrey Birin
Good jazz compositions, rhythms for boogie-woogie, the music of Glenn Miller's swing orchestra.
We connect the well-known compositions of past years by Count Bravo, Count Secret, Valery Syutkin, Count Accident, Elvis Presley and Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Zhanna Aguzarova:
Moscow Bit
love girls
Black cat
About the Moscow student
I love boogie woogie
Give me this night
Goodbye mom
Twist till morning
Moscow lights
Major rock and roll
She does not understand
A thousand records
Only time
Rock around the clock

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Fortunately, you, those who are going to organize a party in the style of dudes, will not have to suffer the throes of creativity and invent something exclusive for the musical decoration of the holiday. Everything has already been thought up and assembled into one dynamic musical by the composer Konstantin Meladze. Yes, of course, we are now talking about the movie "Dandies" in 2008. Soundtracks for the film (famous pop hits of the 70s and 80s, created in a fit of nostalgia for the frantic 50s), with slightly reworked lyrics, can be safely included in the list for the holiday.

Particular attention should be paid to the work of the groups "Bravo", "Zero", "Zoo", "Time Machine", "Chayf", "Kino", "Nautilus Pompilius". In addition, we must not forget about the immortal works of Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Buddy Holly.

A tentative list of songs that can top your stylish party playlist:

Bravo,"Yellow Shoes", "Give Me This Night", "Black Cat", "Of Course Vasya", "King Orange Summer", "Moscow Beat", "This City", "Love Girls"

Zero, "Man and cat"

Secret, "A Thousand Records", "Major Rock and Roll

Zoo, "I love boogie woogie"

Garik Sukachev, "My little babe"

Time Machine, "Old Ship"

Charlie Parker, "Summertime"

Chaif, "17 years"

Kino (or "Mumiy Troll"), "Eighth grader"

Robert Lenz and BRAVO, "Road to the Clouds"

Zhanna Aguzarova and Bravo, "Leningrad rock and roll"

Ani Lorak"Goodbye Mom"

Nautilus Pompilius, "Bound in one chain"

And, of course, "Lets Twist again", "I Wonder", "We are Gonna Rock Around The Clock", "Yes baby", "Western Union" and other songs by Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry.

This music is recognizable, it is easy to dance to it in the “style” popular among dudes, and it will also be an excellent background for various contests and games that we are going to offer you as an entertainment program for a party.

... Rock music, as a cultural phenomenon, has given rise to the so-called "rock and roll lifestyle", a certain style of behavior and a system of life values, and also has a relatively large exciting energy (drive). It can give the individual freedom from established social principles and stereotypes, from the surrounding reality.


A stylish holiday should start with an original meeting of guests. After all, it is the outrageous opening of the party that can give a good positive impetus to the whole celebration.

We meet guests

At the entrance to the house you need to put a "nix" (or patrol). Let him check the “authenticity” of dudes (hairdress, cook, dress, jackets, etc.).

It is very important that the “nixies” are played by guys relaxed, with an excellent sense of humor and the ability to navigate in any, even the most unexpected, situation.

In addition to appearance, it is important to check that everyone who comes to the party knows the password. Moreover, it does not matter what you ask your guests. For example, following the best Odessa traditions, you can set the password to the question: “Excuse me, does Aunt Rosa live here?”. Or, echoing the movie "Hipsters", ask: "There's a dude asking for a sax. Pays good money. Will you fit?"

Guests who were not warned about the password before the holiday, and that they were not told to answer, begin, as a rule, to improvise on the go. Your task is to write down all the answers, and at the end of the evening - to read to those present. The author of the most inimitable, fun and stylish response will be rewarded with an amazing souvenir for the memory of an extraordinary party.

Another very good option to start the holiday (especially for those of your guests who came without a “dress” in the spirit of dudes) is selling stylish things from under the floor. For example - bright ties, glasses, "foreign" scarves and beads. A cute decoration in the spirit of the era will help guests not to stand out against the background of a motley audience and, for sure, will ignite their hearts with excitement. And the money they pay for a stylish thing can be presented at the end of the evening as the main prize to the winner of various games and contests.

Games and contests

At least 50% of the entertainment program in the spirit of "Dandy" should be all kinds of dance programs, fun and competitions. And you also need to open the party with enchanting foxtrot or waltz pas, so to speak, in order to check what “style” the audience is capable of. Well, then - the main task is to maintain the constant taste of the "dudes" for dancing, drive and the fullness of life. It is necessary to make sure that no one gets bored, somewhere in a dark corner of the hall. For the most active - come up with a funny reward system, for the most passive - invent a "terrible" punishment.

As a reward (for correct answers, for winning contests, for best knowledge“style”, etc.), you can give guests emoticons or cool textile “stylish” key chains in the spirit of the times.

At the end of the party, the absolute dude with the maximum number collected "victory souvenirs" need to be awarded some significant prize. For example, a certificate for a stylized photo session is a personal film in the genre of "Dandy". Or - a trip to the studio where the film was shot. Something that would be interesting to compete for.

And, of course, the punishment for "shirking" should be weighty, scary, funny. For example, you can set the penalty for kissing for sitting while dancing in the shade. If a guy and a girl are sitting, let them kiss while the music is playing, while others are dancing! Why waste time? Who knows, maybe such a punishment for one of your too modest dude guests will turn into an encouragement ...

Well, now - in more detail about the possible games and contests.

Game 1. Dancing charades


Charade dancing is an interesting cocktail game in which the brain and legs interact. The brain has to remember popular musical films seen before, and recreate the emotions, situations, era and even love (after all, as a rule, all such films are based on love) of that time. And the legs - to beat off the situations characteristic of the era and genre. Tap dance, waltz, Argentine tango and even rumba with samba. The game turns out to be interesting, very musical and saturated to the limit with passion! I personally love her very much!

Props: papers with the names of popular dance movies (for example, Dirty Dancing, Saturday Night Fever, Flash Dance, Last Dance Behind Me, The Stripper, etc.)

Number of participants: everyone (mainly couples, although it is possible to provide for single dances in the notes).

Rules: Preparing for the party, the host must take care of the container where he puts the notes with the names of the films (you can even specify exactly which scene from this film needs to be played). Further - pairs of players "pull" notes and begin to prepare for their "cinematic" performance. Preparation time 15-20 min. The jury (and its mission is to guess the names of the film and the names of the dancing characters) are all guests-spectators who did not want to participate. The first person to guess the name of the movie earns a point towards their "Golden Stylish Fund". Naturally, the person with the most points at the end of the "show" wins.

Game 2

An old, kind, wise youth game that allows you to confidently declare: “Attention! I'm going to get closer to the girl I like! I’m moving closer and I don’t see any obstacles!” For a stylish party (and mods, as we remember, preached looseness of morals and sex without barriers), this game will be just a godsend! Especially if among your friends there are a couple of very shy Mels.

Props: several records, music of different styles (boogie-woogie, jazz, tango, waltz, flamenco, rock and roll).

Number of participants: at least three couples (boy + girl).

Rules: In this game, each pair of participants is given a record. Their task is to dance the dance to the rhythm of the music that will accompany the game, so as not to leave the record. The pair of participants that do not keep their balance (and this is very difficult to do, especially when dancing rock and roll or boogie-woogie on such a limited dance floor!) - leaves the competition. The same two who on the fly caught the rhythm of each other's movements and without words were able to agree on "supports" (and therefore - made friends firmly and reliably with the record) and become winners!

Game 3. Steal a couple

A game for those who cannot imagine their life without an adventure!

Props: a musical collage consisting of Charleston, bullseye, boogie-woogie and other characteristic dances of the era.

Number of participants: everyone (a pair of people).

Rules: Participants break into pairs and prepare to dance. Judges (a committee of honorary judges is also chosen before the game by voting (or - at random, as it is more convenient for anyone) and it should consist of an unpaired number of people, at least three) include all their attention, as they will be required to choose the best pair of dancers. Although, it will be very difficult to do this! After all, musical compositions should change one another non-stop, and the pairs-participants should also respond to the change of music without the slightest delay by changing the partner. Moreover, there is one essential condition: the partners of the originally formed couple should not meet again in the dance step until the end of the sound of the musical collage.

Well, the most intelligent, rhythmic and professional dancers with a good reaction of the judges must be noted with a tangible replenishment of the "golden" fund of points!

Game 4

Members: all the guests of the party.

Rules: Before the start of the game, you need to choose a leader. His duties will include from time to time to announce publicly one single phrase: "snowball"! So, the music turns on, all participants become in a circle, and 3-6 people in the middle. "Center" - they dance in random order to the beat of the music, and the "circle" stands holding hands. Key phrase leading "snowball" - a signal for dancing in a circle. After him, the task of the dancers is to break the "cordon" and draw one more person into the circle of dancers. As a rule, everyone succeeds, and the snowball gradually grows, turning into a bewitching mass dance.

Game 5

If your guests are tired, and it's time to defuse the situation, offer them such a dance-humorous fun.

Members: All comers.

Rules: At the beginning of the game, choose a lead dance coordinator. His task is to name any part of the body from time to time. And the task of the dancers is, after the name of the body part is heard, stop using it in the dance. For example, the leader says: “right leg!” - the dancers begin to use support, jump on one left, but the right one - in no case will they use it. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need (despite the limitations) to maintain the rhythm of the dance and echo the partner. As a rule, there is only one winner in this competition game! Naturally, a couple of the most intelligent, funny and inventive! And, of course, for such merits, they need to put several “golden” balls into the general credit fund.

Game 6

Another game for the smart, funny and resourceful!

Members: at least 3 pairs.

Props: balloons, thread (4 pieces for each pair).

Rules: The couples line up. One is tied to the ankles of each participant in the game. balloon. The task of the couple is to dance in such a way as to hit the legs of other participants as often as possible with their balloons. That couple, whose “weights” burst or deflated, leaves the funny dance floor. The best ones get well-deserved rewards!

Game 7

Members: at least 3 pairs.

Props: ribbons, at least 2 m long (according to the number of pairs-participants).

Rules: Couples are preparing for the “performance”: the girls wind ribbons around their waists, and give the free end into the hands of their partners. The task of the gentleman is to rewind the ribbon from the partner's waist to his belt as quickly as possible in the rhythm of the dance. Naturally, the winner is a couple with a swift, almost cosmic speed!

Another tip from me for the organizers of dance fun. The best option for a party in the spirit of "Dandy" - dances with movements. They, as a rule, do not leave anyone bored on benches and in dark corners, and are quite accessible to "dancers" of all skill levels. Even those guests who have never danced before and were very shy will soon feel all the courage from such fun!

And now - I will offer several options for competitions of a slightly different nature, not dance. I promise they will be liked by those party guests who came to the celebration with a specific goal - to leave with just the two of you! Naturally, to leave in the most outrageous "style"!

Game 8


In addition to dancing, Stilyagi is love in all its manifestations and without restrictions! What is the best expression of love? Of course, kiss!

Bottle - the most favorite game of the youth of the USSR at the end of the last century! Therefore, trying on that era, you simply cannot miss it!

Props: ordinary glass (or even plastic bottle) or - a special board game, arranged according to the principle of a rare game.

Number of participants: 6-8 people (4 girls and 4 guys).

Rules: All participants sit in a circle. The host spins a bottle in the center of the circle. That pair of participants, who were indicated by two opposite ends of the bottle, are obliged to kiss.

Game 9. Kiss according to the map

In our interpretation, "Dandies" are very gambling people who love all kinds of risk and respect fate!

Props: playing cards (a new deck, where each card is signed).

Members: everyone (a pair of guys and girls).

Essence of the task: girls and boys sit in a circle. Each of them has the right to take only one card from the deck. The action must be indicated on the card (kiss on the lips, cheek, nose, forehead, even the stomach of the person sitting next to him). The game continues in a circle. The one of the participants who refused to fulfill the indicated on the map leaves the circle. Naturally, the most uninhibited "dandy" wins.

Game 10

Props: a bottle of hot ketchup (or other sauce), a timer, a hat with the guys' names on them.

Number of participants: a couple of applicants.

Rules: Each participating girl takes a note from the hat and learns about her couple. When the couples are formed, the girl puts a drop of hot sauce on her tongue and starts kissing the guy chosen by lot. The challenge is to last as long as possible. To do this, a judge with a timer is watching the kiss of each couple, and all the other guests support the couple with applause!

The winner - a couple with an amazing love for spicy - replenishes their stock of "stylish zlotys" and is one step closer to the absolute victory of the party!

And now - some stylish proposals for fun-variations on the theme of the plot of the famous modern film about dudes.

Game 11

Props: suitcase with a full set of "stylish" things.


Essence of the task: All those wishing to participate are divided into two teams: one team dresses a dude guy, the second - a girl. Although there are several significant nuances. All stylish things are in one suitcase (for both teams) and you can take them from there to the next participant only when the previous one has finished putting on the “mannequin” the item he has chosen. The main task is when the "imported clothes" run out in the suitcase - so that two very stylishly dressed mannequins stand in front of the audience - with feeling, sense, freedom and outrageousness! Well, the audience will determine the winner with their applause!

Game 12

Remember how in the film the Soviet voluntary "correct" warriors caught dudes, cut their clothes and cut their hair? As a shake-up for the holiday, you can play this moment!

Props: caps and red ties.

Members: everyone (pair number).

Rules: All guests of the party are divided into two teams: "Komsomol members" and "dudes". Komsomol members are given a "badge" - caps and ties. When the game starts, dudes, as always, go along Broadway, and then, out of nowhere - an outfit! The brawl starts! Horror! Who will win? We will determine at the end of the game by trophies! According to the rules, the "Komsomol" must have time to tear off any item of clothing from the "dudes". And dudes, in turn, from the "Komsomol" - a tie or cap. The skirmish should last no more than 3-5 minutes. After this time - each team must return to the "location" (to the "hut") and count the trophies!

I tried to offer you the maximum possible and fantastic games by their nature! I hope that you choose only the best for your party, something that will be close to the soul of your special fashion friends!

Oh yes, I almost forgot! At the end of the entertainment program, invite all the dudes to count the number of points in their gold fund and determine the main winner! And then, under the solemn salvo of champagne, give him the promised prize! Well, for all the other guests - small bright souvenirs as a keepsake of a cheerful, incendiary, loud, full of love and freedom party!


Be sincere - and everyone around will envy your style!

Tell your friends about the games!

Aircraft games development

First computer games flying games on airplanes appeared back in the 80s of the last century and were 2d arcade games in which you had to fight with a huge number of enemies advancing on you in order to knock you down from heaven to earth. In the middle of the 90s, the first games appeared with a more developed graphic component and more exciting gameplay. However, aircraft control in most of these games was a secondary task, included in the plot of the game along with control of tanks, cars and other military equipment, so, in fact, it had nothing to do with real piloting.

A major change in the development of the gaming industry has been made by flight simulators, which allow you to fully immerse yourself in control. various types air transport, thanks to special joysticks. All simulators are divided into several types: arcade - in which more importance is given to interesting gameplay, rather than accuracy and complexity of control; realistic - control in which occurs through specialized joysticks, and the control of the aircraft itself is very close to reality; and the latter are professional, practical, fully simulating flight and requiring special skills. Most often, professional flight simulators are installed in flight schools and other similar institutions.


One of the most famous real-world simulators that tells about the life of big cities and their inhabitants. It is noteworthy that fictitious names were invented for all cities, districts and streets so that players would not transfer virtual events to the real world. Starting with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, the game has the ability to fly airplanes different types, starting from passenger liners and ending with maize crops irrigating the fields. With each new GTA series, the number of new models has increased, so even the most real fighters are planned to be introduced into GTA 5.

Battlefield 3

One of the most famous online first-person shooters that allows you to fight with opponents both in ranged combat, using pistols, rifles, machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers and other types of ranged weapons, and with the help of military equipment- cars, tanks, planes and helicopters. In total, the game has several types of fighters capable of conducting aimed fire at both air and ground targets, as well as launching homing missiles. As for the realism of the gameplay, it is in better side different from what we saw in GTA.

War Thunder

Released recently, but has already gained immense popularity and many fans from all over the world, an online simulator that tells about air battles during the Second World War. The player can buy various aircraft and upgrade them by changing their appearance and technical characteristics.

Notable is the fact that all battles take place exclusively on aircraft (although the developers promise that they will soon add an army and navy, which, for now, are controlled by a computer), thanks to which the gameplay has been adjusted precisely for such control, and you have the opportunity, in addition to the keyboard, control the unit using a joystick or a special gamepad.

What planes will we fly?

Modern games about airplanes recite several tens or even hundreds of aircraft models. In GTA games, you will be able to fly supersonic fighters, passenger liners, private VIP carriers and even propeller planes designed to spray fertilizers and chemicals over the field to repel dangerous pests.

Screenshot from War Thunder by Gaijin Entertainment.

True, the differences in flight on all types of aircraft will be minimal. The most important difference will be visualization, because flying on a huge passenger liner and a small collective farm "tractor with a motor" is not the same thing. But in the simulators you will find even more models of aircraft, and for each of them you will need to adjust the controls.