How to make a feeder out of plastic bottles. DIY bird feeder: a selection of ideas. Vertical feeder with dispenser

  • 18.11.2019

Birds living in wild nature needs protection and care. It is especially difficult for them during the winter: when it is cold outside, it is so hard to find shelter and food.

That is why caring people try to feed our younger "brothers" as much as possible. One of the ways that will not only help the birds, but also decorate your garden, is a feeder made from improvised materials.

In this article, we have collected some of the most available options- focusing on descriptions and photographs, using already unnecessary items (plastic bottles or old dishes), you can easily equip a place where flocks of birds will gather.

Material selection

After evaluating the resources you have to create a feeder, you can choose an idea to your liking. However, it is worth remembering that not only it depends on the configuration appearance, but practical characteristics such as sustainability.

That is why a good feeder must meet the following requirements:

Wear resistance and durability. Preference should be given to wood or plastic that can withstand weather conditions without getting wet from rain and snow, without collapsing under gusts of wind.

In addition, the birds themselves are often the cause of damage to the feeder - in search of crumbs, their beaks and claws scratch and tear fragile materials.

Proper size. Remember that if you cut a small feeder, for example, from a tetrapack, then large birds they will not be able to feast on it, and the small ones will start fights for a place and shake out food on the ground.

No sharp edges, "pulling out" carnations, etc. Birds are very delicate creatures, their feather protection and skin on their legs cannot prevent cuts from sharp objects, so make sure that your feeder is not dangerous for them, especially if it is made of glass, plastic or knocked together from planks!

Location and installation

Choosing the right place is extremely important!

Choosing the most suitable position in terms of landscape design, evaluate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, too open, and then, with a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more agile than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Ideas for creating a do-it-yourself feeder

There are a huge number of different types of feeders - it all depends on your imagination and the materials available.

We will try to consider both the simplest and the most original ideas.

House made of wood or plywood

Despite the apparent complexity, such a design can well be assembled with unnecessary boards, pieces of wood, glazing bead, plywood and, of course, special glue or nails.


The basis should be a heavy flat plank. For the manufacture of walls and roofs, you may need a drawing, however, it is quite possible to get by with an eye.

A wooden feeder, depending on how much attention you pay to it, can become not only a place for feeding birds, but also an elegant decoration of your garden.

Plastic bottle feeder

This type of feeder is very easy to make and is great if you decide to involve children in the process of creating. You need to cut one or two holes in the bottle in such a way that it is possible not only to pour the food, but also access to it is not difficult.

Of course, you should try to make the cut edges come out neat and not too sharp (in addition, it is advisable to glue them with tape).

If you are using a small bottle (1.5-2 liters), then you can do it in two ways: cut a square or rectangular hole in the bottle, or prefer a U-shape so that you can bend a piece of plastic and make a visor.

In the event that you decide to use a large bottle (5-6 liters, in which drinking water), you can make a large side cut. So it will be possible not only to fill up more food, but also give the birds room to maneuver.


In order to prevent the wind from ruffling a light bottle, it is worth putting a stone or a brick fragment on the bottom. This also applies to the next type of feeder.

Tetrapack bird feeder

In order to make a bird feeder, you can also use juice or wine boxes.

To do this, follow the same technology as in the previous case: mark the place of the cut, cut it out in shape, glue tape (or adhesive tape) on the underside of the opening, then make holes for a strong rope in the upper part of the tetra pak. It remains to hang the feeder in the place of your choice.

Shoe box feeder

The cardboard from which the shoe box is made cannot be considered a durable material, but it is sufficiently resistant to moisture, and if it is cold outside, such a feeder can hang until spring.

The manufacturing technology of the feeder, as in previous cases, is also very simple: make four to six holes for the rope, cut on the sides and put a weight on the bottom - for stability.


Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found in any country house. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and a saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in winter, halves of an orange peeled from the pulp are suitable for this. Such feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate the garden!

DIY bird feeder photo

A master class on making feeders will be relevant for those who want to help birds during the cold winter. There is a huge variety of material suitable for such crafts. Today we will talk about how to make bird feeders, which are easier than ever to make from unnecessary plastic bottles, also with their own hands.

We make a bird feeder from plastic bottles with our own hands

Necessary materials:

  • Bottle 1-2 liters
  • Two wooden spoons
  • Scissors

Four holes are cut in the bottle so that wooden spoons can be inserted through. The wide part of the spoon should remain outside. It is here that food will spill out and birds will sit down. Do not place spoons one under the other so that several birds can use the dining room at the same time.

Now it remains to fill the bottle with food and hang it on a tree.

We make a feeder from a five-liter bottle in a simple MK

Necessary materials:

  • Plastic bottle 5 liters
  • Scissors
  • Stationery knife
  • Rope
  • sticks

A feeder from such a bottle will turn out to be quite roomy. You can put in it a large number of feed, and birds of all sizes can fit in it. How to make a canteen for birds from a five-liter bottle?

So, first you need to outline the dimensions of the entrance on the side of the feeder. It can be cut to any shape. The main thing is to remember that a bird should crawl into it. You can not cut off the part to the end, but leave a little at the top of the entrance. Then bend the remaining piece to get an additional roof over the entrance.

Further inside the feeder, you can add sticks or twigs by cutting small holes on the sides for this. This is necessary so that the birds are comfortable during the meal.
The next step is to tie a rope or wire to the bottle and fix it in a predetermined place. It remains only to add food and wait for the birds to visit.
If you would like to ready product pleased not only the birds, you need to think about the decor. The photo below shows options for how you can decorate the resulting feeder.

When breeding chickens, a very important point is a properly balanced diet of the bird. as well as its timeliness. But it is not always possible to feed the chickens on time, as there is a lot of work in the private sector, and it can be difficult to keep track of the time of feeding.

To simplify this procedure, you can use homemade feeders. They are filled with food once and then allow for several days without worrying about it. The design of the feeder allows you to consume food gradually.

What should be?

Feeders for chickens have the following requirements:

From bottles: pros and cons

Plastic bottle feeding chicken design has the following advantages:

  • Ease of manufacture. The feeder is a container with holes at the bottom, from which the chickens receive food.
  • Can be used to feed small chickens.
  • Stable round base. The chicks are evenly spaced, do not choke.
  • The use of plastic construction reduces feeding costs by 20%.

The design has few disadvantages - it has sharp and uncomfortable edges, and during wind and bad weather it can fall, so they use this design indoors.

Options you can buy

Every farmer has the opportunity to purchase plastic feeder ready-made for chickens by contacting the following manufacturers:

Where do you need to start?

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the feeder, it is necessary to prepare materials and make sure that each bird has free access to food. During feeding, they should not crowd or interfere with each other.


In order to make do-it-yourself feeders from a 5 liter plastic bottle, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle - 5 l;
  • a tray (you can buy it in a store with separators or use some kind of basin, the diameter of the tray should be 20-30 centimeters larger than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket);
  • nails;
  • scissors.

How to do it yourself?

A plastic bottle feeder is the most budgetary and easiest option in terms of manufacturing.. You can do it like this:

  1. Select and prepare containers. Use 5 liter bottle, in which the narrow part (neck) is shorter. Take the container, remove dust and other contaminants from it, if any.
  2. Run markup. Use a marker to draw holes on the bottle. There will be 5 of them, and the diameter will be 1.5-2 cm. This size is suitable for young animals, but for older birds, make rectangular windows 5x7 cm. This is enough for the chicken to stick its head in and peck at the food. They are located in a circle where the stiffeners begin.
  3. Run dispenser. Cut off the neck with scissors, install it in the second part of the bottle with holes. The installation is carried out with the neck down, but not all the way, but leaving a small space (3-5 mm). So that the neck does not “walk”, fix it with tape.
  4. Fix the bottle in the tray with liquid nails.
  5. Pour compound feed inside the feeder until the container is completely filled.
  6. The weight of home-made plastic structures is small. They are quite large in size. So chickens can easily flip such a device. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to fix the structure to the wall through the holes made in the plastic bunker.

How to feed?

So, the feeder is done. Now, when the chickens want to have a snack, you just need to scroll the bottle by the neck so that the tray is filled with food. Chickens can come and eat grains. Chickens will uninterruptedly receive food throughout the whole day, not pushing and crushing weaker individuals.

The importance of a proper diet

Basically, chickens are kept for eggs. In order for their number to be large, it is not enough just to choose a breed with high egg production rates. It is important to properly organize the diet. Breeds that are distinguished by a high number of eggs at wear present high requirements regarding care and feeding.

Egg production is also affected by the age of the chicken. She begins to lay eggs from the 26th week of life, and the peak productivity comes at 26-49 weeks. With the right feed, you can delay the process of reducing the productivity of birds.

To do this, they should have vitamins, proteins and other useful substances in their diet. The food should be light, complete and well digestible.

To increase egg production, the course in the diet should be legumes. So stock up on:

  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • beans.

Chickens are not accustomed to such feed, so at first they need to be given grains steamed in advance, and then added to regular feed or mixture. It is enough to feed adults 2 times a day, and young animals up to a month - 3-4 times a day.

Do-it-yourself plastic chickens have many advantages, including ease of manufacture and use, low cost.

Every owner will have all the materials necessary to obtain such a design, and even a person with no experience can make it. It is enough to spend only 20-30 minutes of free time, but your chickens will always be full and will thank you with generous egg production.

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The feeder is very simple device, but very necessary in any period of winter, because at this time the birds need food, which is very difficult for them to find on their own. Therefore, it is possible to make a feeder from a 5 liter plastic bottle, which will have a simple design, but can provide food for a large number of birds.

Benefits of plastic bottle

Feeders can be made from a variety of materials. Plastic packaging is the most popular in this regard, as it has a large number of advantages. These include:

  • availability;
  • low cost;
  • ease of processing;
  • the ability to protect feed from wind and precipitation;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

As for the plastic container with a volume of 5 liters, it is especially popular in the manufacture of feeders. This is due to the fact that she:

  • has a wider bottom, which can accommodate more birds;
  • has a good capacity, which means that more feed can be poured at a time.

Tools and materials

To make a feeder from a 5L bottle, you do not need an expensive tool. A complete bird design can be made using:

  • bottle
  • rope or wire;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • awl;
  • tape or duct tape.

Step by step instructions for making

A large number of different feeders can be made from a 5 liter plastic bottle. It can be a horizontal or vertical design, with or without a cover. It is also possible to manufacture a product with automatic feed supply.

Horizontal design

The horizontal design allows you to feed a large number of birds. In addition, it is easy to manufacture. To build a product, you need:

If you take bottles of different colors for such a product, then it can become a decor for a personal plot.

Simple execution

Sometimes there is no time to make a complex feeder or you need to make several of them in a short period of time. For such situations, there are two options for the simplest designs from a 5 liter bottle. The first option is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make a wide hole at a distance of 4-5 cm from the bottom. It is recommended to seal the edges of the hole with electrical tape to eliminate the risk of injury to birds.
  2. Put any dense material (for example, plywood or tile) on the bottom of the bottle. This measure is needed for weighting.
  3. It is necessary to tie a wire or rope to the neck, for which it will be possible to hang the structure on a branch.

The second option involves a horizontal arrangement of the feeder, which makes the design even simpler. In advance, you need to prepare only a bottle, wire and a knife. Thereafter:

  1. Cut off the bottom and neck.
  2. Put the bottle on the side. In the upper part, make two holes through which to stretch the rope or wire. For the resulting loop, hang the feeder on a branch.

Winter design with a roof

From a plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters, you can make the so-called correct winter feeder. It will have a roof to protect the food from snow and water, high walls, thanks to which the wind will not be able to blow the food out, and a good mount that holds the structure to the tree.

To make such a feeder, you need to prepare one large bottle and two containers of 1.5 liters. No special fixtures are required. The manufacturing process is carried out according to the following plan:

Making bird feeders with your own hands is easy, and the process of making them does not take much time. But such a useful thing will help the birds to winter and not have problems with food. In order to make feeders, no special skills and abilities are required, moreover, such improvised material as a plastic bottle can be found in every home. Attention to the photo selection:

Video tutorials on making bird feeders

The selection of videos below will explain several ways to make feeders. It will be shown how to make feeders from plastic bottles, which have different shapes and different capacities.

How to make bird feeders from plastic bottles

The master class proposed in this article will help you figure out how to make a feeder from a two-liter bottle. For work you will need: the bottle itself, you must first wash and dry it, you will also need scissors or a construction knife, a rope and wooden spoons or sticks. First, you need to outline the contours of two holes on opposite sides of the bottle, then use a knife or scissors to cut out holes and insert a spoon. Next, you need to similarly make two more holes for the second spoon. After that, you need to fill the bottle with food using a watering can or a paper envelope. In order to be able to hang the feeder, you must first make a hole in the cap of the bottle, then thread the rope folded in half, tie the ends into a knot, then twist the lid, and the feeder is ready.

Another option is also possible: you can cut off the top of the bottle and attach a plastic cap so that the food that is poured into spoons does not deteriorate. And in order to hang the feeder, you should make holes in the plastic cover and thread the ropes, then connect them.

There is a simpler option for making a bird feeder, for this it is enough to prepare a clean two-liter bottle, outline the contours of two windows on both sides, then cut out the windows with scissors or a knife, then you need to make a hole in the lid, fasten the rope, pour food on the bottom and the feeder is ready .

5 liter bottle

If you are thinking of making a larger capacity feeder for more birds, it is better to use a 5 liter plastic bottle. For work you will need: a bottle, scissors or a knife, branches, as well as acrylic paints or self-adhesive film. There are two ways to make a feeder from such a bottle.

The first way: outline the contours of one large window on one side of the bottle, then cut out the window with a knife or scissors, then thread the double-folded rope through the hole made in the bottle cap, make a knot and hang the feeder by the loop. In order to attract the attention of birds to the bottle, you need to think in advance how to decorate the bottle. This can be done, for example, with a self-adhesive film.