How to find a point of sale for a product. How to find distribution channels for new products? Where to look for a dealer to sell your products: available options

  • 16.04.2020

How can a small business owner or inventor get their product in retail stores, in particular, in national retail chains such as Auchan, x5, Magnit or Azbuka Vkusa?

Below are our experts' answers to entrepreneurs at every stage of their business development and subsequent growth.

1. Develop a plan for the first step in retail.

Gain access to a national retail network by developing a list of retail stores you would like to enter. For example, this is Metro, Lenta or 7Continent. Make sure your product matches theirs current plans merchandising. Then approach buyers and distributors with an offer package that includes transmittal letter, press reviews, and product samples.

2. Hit right on target

Buyers from national retail chains will give you limited time to present your product, so it is essential to be well prepared with short presentation. Skip the boring stories and hit right on target. Provide critical data for your products, pricing policy, product warranties, production capabilities and data on consumer needs.

3. Know the product better than retailers

You will have a great advantage if you do your research to find out about your competitors' products in chain stores. It's also good to find the essentials for your type of product. Regardless of the situation, you need to understand how their stores will promote the product and make sure you choose the right retail chain.

4. Brand yourself with a brand

One of better ways to get into the national retail chains Auchan, Metro, X5 or Dixie, is to create popularity through social media sites. Before you go to your first meeting, make a name for yourself so that retailers know your brand.

5. Sell to independent chains

Start small and sell to independent stores and even web stores. More exposure and you'll get better sales by creating legitimacy for your product so that you can walk up to big retailers and say, "I sell 10,000 widgets a day, would you like to sell them too?"

6. Reach for contacts

The network is the fastest way to sell in highly competitive markets, and what grabs attention faster than a personal introduction? Sometimes, online decision makers are easier to reach than you might expect. Use social networks and other platforms to find out their contacts, which will help you get into their spotlight.

Start by developing your business and build your brand, get your product into local stores before moving on to national chains. Make sure your business is ready for the high volumes that the networks will demand from you. Once you feel that your company can support this structure through regional managers, only then continue your way up the retail ladder.

8. Is my product eligible for hypermarkets? Prove that you can

The biggest concern for many retail chains dealing with small businesses is whether the supplier is able to keep up with them. That is why many businesses and trading companies start with deliveries to small shops.To skip this step, you must show that you will be able to handle large volumes of product and information.

9. Get to know the purchasing departments

Most retail chains, especially federal ones, have purchasing departments. These are the people who decide what to buy, from whom, at what price and say very little about such decisions, so you'd better be best friends with the retail chain's purchasing departments.

10. Try, try again

Every industry and product is different, but those who consistently work hard have the best chance of success. Try to find those who can help you succeed and your efforts will be rewarded in the end.

11. Guaranteed success

Tell the stores that you will guarantee sales and it's not a risk to them by letting you go in there and sell your product. Start with one store that sells it, move on to another, and so on. It's important to build trust with retailers because they invest in you by selling your product in their stores.

12. Find the right distributor

Distributors already have relationships with major retail chains and use your relationships to list your products with them. Big retailers don't like wasting time, they want someone who already knows their trading system. Find a partner who understands the type of customer you're targeting and who already has relationships with the retailers that fill your target market.

13. Large volumes, fast turnover, small size

The best retail product is the one with the most high profitability, fast turnover and smallest footprint. This means that networks are making a lot of money selling your product by the ton in a small area. If you don't have a product with these criteria, you don't have a retail product.

In any case, write or call us at ABX-Consulting and we will help you place your products in large retail chains

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


The organization of efficient production of goods is far from the central problem of the modern entrepreneur. Created products must also be sold profitably and promptly. For these purposes, the scheme of attracting partners and dealers seems to be very effective. Where and how to quickly find business intermediaries?

Main types of sales of products: development of a sales scheme

Creation efficient structure distribution network - a guarantee of prompt and effective sales of products.

To achieve this goal, a chain of movement of goods must be formed: "producer-intermediary-buyer".

At the same time, we can now talk about the existence of several options for the types of sales, including:

  1. Direct channels - selling goods on their own.
  2. indirect channels – use of services of intermediaries (one or more).

Important point: Direct channels can only afford to use large companies with a well-known brand among consumers. It is better for new producers, as well as small and medium-sized firms, to focus on the services of intermediaries.

Indirect (intermediary) distribution channels include many varieties, including:

  • Single layer channel provides for the presence of one intermediary (broker or dealer).
  • Bilayer channel includes two intermediaries (wholesaler and retailer).
  • Three-level channel consists of three intermediaries (the seller of large wholesale lots, the seller of small wholesale lots, the retailer).

In addition to the above classification, we can talk about the existence of several types of intermediaries:

  1. - These are wholesalers who carry out all trading operations on their own behalf and at their own expense (in fact, they acquire goods in their ownership).
  2. Distributors – may participate in wholesale and retail sales of goods; although the purchase is carried out at their own expense, they trade on behalf of the manufacturer.
  3. commission agents - intermediaries, whose scheme of work is opposite to the functioning of distributors: they receive goods at the expense of the manufacturer, but act on their own behalf.
  4. Agents - act at the expense and on behalf of the manufacturer, providing him with a small fee, access to retail buyers.
  5. Brokers special kind intermediaries, whose function is expressed in establishing links between legal entities. who are interested in the supply of products.

In order to develop an optimal scheme for the sale of goods for the company's products, you can use one of three approaches to the formation of distribution channels:

  • Exclusive distribution involves the definition of specific markets between which it is necessary to distribute goods. Depending on their number, the number of intermediaries is selected.
  • intensive distribution involves the involvement of the maximum possible number of intermediaries to cover a significant number of territories.
  • selective distribution suggests that in some cases the manufacturer uses exclusive, and in other cases - intensive distribution.

Thus, the choice of a particular type of marketing products depends on the goals and objectives of the marketing policy of the enterprise.

Where to look for a dealer to sell your products: available options

One of the key questions for manufacturers: where to find professional, conscientious and efficient dealers:

  • Firstly , it is necessary to study all available printed publications announcements, as well as information from specialized Internet resources.
  • Secondly , it makes sense to visit product exhibitions, which are always attended by qualified dealers, including those by industry.

Important point: Regardless of the way you search for dealers, you should pay attention to the professionalism and experience of these specialists.

If we talk about the process of searching for dealers on the Internet, then it makes sense to pay attention not to public resources - forums and bulletin boards, where all citizens who want to be dealers offer their services (mainly without experience and relevant qualifications), but to special paid portals that search for dealers for companies.

What are the benefits of using these services:

  1. On such resources, as a rule, only professional dealers who already have experience in the trading field register.
  2. In this case, the administration of the corresponding portal is engaged in the search for partners for manufacturers.
  3. Through this kind of sites, you can reach dealers that work not only for domestic, but also for foreign markets.
  4. The need to register on the resource screens out applicants who are potentially uninteresting to the company.

When it comes to finding dealers through trade shows, professional resellers with more experience are more likely to reach you, but this sort of activity is not common.

When choosing a dealer for a company, you need to pay attention to such information about this specialist as:

  • The presence of a significant number of successfully concluded transactions.
  • Work experience, including in the industry of interest to the manufacturer.
  • Favorable reviews from other manufacturers.
  • Knowledge of this market: its features and structure.
  • Availability of the necessary material bases for the purchase of products.

The main tasks that the dealer will need to solve are to conduct an active trade policy and promote the name and products of the company in specific markets.

How to interest a potential dealer in the sale of goods: the secrets of negotiations

To ensure favorable conditions for the sale of products, it is important not only to find a dealer, but also to interest him in cooperation with a particular manufacturer.

First of all, the company guarantees to the intermediary:

  1. Delivery of high-quality products with the documents necessary for successful implementation and a full set of necessary information about each type of product.
  2. Notification of a change in details, work procedure or the owner of the company.
  3. Reimbursement of part of the costs of advertising events.
  4. Providing information about new types of goods.

Important point: Discounts and bonuses for experienced, qualified dealers are always significantly greater than for beginners.

Special attention it is necessary to devote to negotiations with dealers, which should result in the conclusion of an agreement. In this regard, the manufacturer must already at the first stage demonstrate goodwill, openness to long-term cooperation, and friendliness.

In addition, you can use one of the well-known ways to attract dealers, including:

  • Pre-order system . The manufacturer sends product samples and catalogs to dealers. They prepare a batch of orders, which, at their request, the manufacturer delivers to them within the time period established by the contract. Such a system is the basis of multi-level distribution channels. At the same time, upper-level dealers can expect to receive more significant sales benefits than lower-level intermediaries.
  • Large-scale promotions with coupons . The manufacturer distributes coupons to potential buyers and notifies dealers. The last extremely beneficial is the service of customers presenting such coupons.
  • First free pack . An effective but costly way to get the attention of dealers. The manufacturer sends a free consignment of goods to his intermediary, subject to the further purchase of a certain volume of products.
  • Consignment . The manufacturer sends one or more batches of goods to the dealer with full preservation of all property rights to it. The unsold part of the production is returned back to the manufacturer.

Applying certain methods of attracting dealers, the manufacturer should not forget about


What are patents: to whom, how and when can they be applied? Is it worth sending small business employees for internships? Do entrepreneurs need an ombudsman and what will he do? We touched on these and other topics in our permanent heading "Business". Today on the pages of "MS" we publish the answer to a reader's question asked on the website of the information agency "Gallery Chizhov".

“Somehow I read on the Internet that such a business as a quail farm can bring good profits. I'm going to open a small farm, but I don't know where to sell my products - quail eggs? And if I suddenly change my mind: I open an atelier and sew clothes, then how to establish sales in this particular area? I think this is a problem for many aspiring entrepreneurs. What sales channels are there or could be, how to look for them?
Marina, 28 years old

According to Arkady Sludnov, a business consultant and column expert, the reader outlined the main problems of small businesses: where to look for customers and how to enter the market. Often, novice entrepreneurs have an erroneous idea: to create your own business, you need to start producing a new product or provide a service - and the “mechanism” will certainly work. That is why the “newbie” focuses on the “production department”, and along the way, he faces a lot of financial and organizational problems. These are the registration of an enterprise, management and accounting, tax reporting, costs of organizing production. And sales are taking a backseat.
“However, at present, it is the sales of products that come to the fore,” the expert of the rubric notes. - For example, any entrepreneur can bake pies, make cocktails or sandwiches that taste better than in well-known and already promoted catering outlets. The whole question is who will be able to line up a queue of customers for their orders. A businessman will be able to develop any business if he learns to sell and effectively use "sales levers". At the same time, it does not matter what kind of product or service the company offers. It will thrive if the business system is properly built and debugged.

From wholesalers to retailers
Entrepreneurs need to know what distribution channels exist today. “These are wholesale companies, firms that deliver goods to various retail outlets and retail stores directly,” explains the business consultant. “The sales department should establish relations with them, but if there is none, the businessman himself, the owner of the company.” You can also look for buyers in this way: go around the shops or ring up restaurants, cafes with an offer to buy quail eggs. But at the same time, you need to understand: before you start selling a product, you need to be sure of its quality. These two things depend on each other: if the product is of high quality, sales will be effective. Another, the simplest, option that will help you find out how much the product or service will be in demand and where it is more convenient to purchase it is a survey of friends, relatives or neighbors. Find out if they are interested in your offer, and after that make a presentation and test sales.

Unfounded advertising
We must not forget that sales is the search for the right customer, target audience, so saving on advertising, especially at first, is not worth it. Gradual promotion contributes to the fact that consumers will learn more about new services or products every day. “It is necessary to concentrate on one quality and “spin” the entire PR campaign around it,” advises expert Sludnov. “What to bet on is up to the entrepreneur to decide, the main thing to remember is that this information should not be unfounded, invented.”
Summing up, the business consultant notes three positions for finding a distribution channel for products. The owner of the new company must provide the buyer with a quality product, make attractive advertising, find distributors, or look for places to sell it yourself. “How effective the sales market will be depends on the entrepreneur, on his determination, imagination, creativity,” sums up the expert Sludnov. – Business is not exact science, here everything is run by creativity and non-standard thinking. Act!”

If you novice businessman, then defining your niche is especially important for you, since you do not have sufficient resources to correct even the most serious mistakes. You need to choose a market large enough to attract customers and have the funds to grow. But at the same time, it must be small and specialized enough to have good protection against competitors.
One of the problematic aspects of marketing- this is how well the characteristics of the newly offered product are known to customers, which make it different from the product of competitors and more attractive. The most common mistake in making sales forecasts is underestimating the severity of the competitive pressure.


What are patents: to whom, how and when can they be applied? Is it worth sending small business employees for internships? Do entrepreneurs need an ombudsman and what will he do? We touched on these and other topics in our permanent heading "Business". Today on the pages of "MS" we publish the answer to a reader's question asked on the website of the information agency "Gallery Chizhov".

“Somehow I read on the Internet that such a business as a quail farm can bring good profits. I'm going to open a small farm, but I don't know where to sell my products - quail eggs? And if I suddenly change my mind: I open an atelier and sew clothes, then how to establish sales in this particular area? I think this is a problem for many aspiring entrepreneurs. What sales channels are there or could be, how to look for them?
Marina, 28 years old

According to Arkady Sludnov, a business consultant and column expert, the reader outlined the main problems of small businesses: where to look for customers and how to enter the market. Often, novice entrepreneurs have an erroneous idea: to create your own business, you need to start producing a new product or provide a service - and the “mechanism” will certainly work. That is why the “newbie” focuses on the “production department”, and along the way, he faces a lot of financial and organizational problems. These are the registration of an enterprise, management and accounting, tax reporting, costs of organizing production. And sales are taking a backseat.
“However, at present, it is the sales of products that come to the fore,” the expert of the rubric notes. - For example, any entrepreneur can bake pies, make cocktails or sandwiches that taste better than in well-known and already promoted catering outlets. The whole question is who will be able to line up a queue of customers for their orders. A businessman will be able to develop any business if he learns to sell and effectively use "sales levers". At the same time, it does not matter what kind of product or service the company offers.

It will thrive if the business system is properly built and debugged.

From wholesalers to retailers
Entrepreneurs need to know what distribution channels exist today. “These are wholesale companies, firms that deliver goods to various retail outlets and retail stores directly,” explains the business consultant. “The sales department should establish relations with them, but if there is none, the businessman himself, the owner of the company.” You can also look for buyers in this way: go around the shops or ring up restaurants, cafes with an offer to buy quail eggs. But at the same time, you need to understand: before you start selling a product, you need to be sure of its quality. These two things are dependent on each other: if the product is of high quality, sales will be effective.

Another, the simplest, option that will help you find out how popular a product or service will be and where it is more convenient to purchase it is a survey of friends, relatives or neighbors. Find out if they are interested in your offer, and after that make a presentation and test sales.

Unfounded advertising
We must not forget that sales is the search for the right client, target audience, so saving on advertising, especially at first, is not worth it. Gradual promotion contributes to the fact that consumers will learn more about new services or products every day. “It is necessary to concentrate on one quality and “spin” the entire PR campaign around it,” advises expert Sludnov. “What to bet on is up to the entrepreneur to decide, the main thing to remember is that this information should not be unfounded, invented.”
Summing up, the business consultant notes three positions for finding a distribution channel for products. The owner of the new company must provide the buyer with a quality product, make attractive advertising, find distributors, or look for places to sell it yourself. “How effective the sales market will be depends on the entrepreneur, on his determination, imagination, creativity,” sums up the expert Sludnov. – Business is not an exact science, it is all about creativity and innovative thinking. Act!”

If you are a business starter, then defining your niche is especially important for you, since you do not have sufficient resources to correct even the most serious mistakes. You need to choose a market large enough to attract customers and have the funds to grow. But at the same time, it must be small and specialized enough to have good protection against competitors.
One of the problematic aspects of marketing- this is how well the characteristics of the newly offered product are known to customers, which make it different from the product of competitors and more attractive. The most common mistake in making sales forecasts is underestimating the severity of the competitive pressure.


Practical schemes for the sale of building materials through stores (intermediary points of sale).

opening own production building or finishing materials, everyone, sooner or later, faces the problem of marketing their products. Often, advertising in print media, on radio and TV, on the Internet does not give the required sales volume.

In our article, we want to consider one of the ways to ensure constant sales finished products, and more specifically - work with trading organizations.

This type of sales brings much less profit, since you will have to make a discount of 35 - 50% on your products, but ensures a continuous turnover of material and monetary resources.

There are 4 main types outlets:

  • markets;
  • small building stores;
  • large construction stores;
  • trade networks.

Let us consider in more detail the schemes for the sale of building materials through these retail channels.

1) Sales of building materials through markets

Each of us has been to the market selling building materials and has a great idea of ​​what the area looks like. The specifics of working with retail outlets in the market consists of three rules.

  • Goods must always be prepaid.

    How to find a potential market for your new product?

    This is due to the fact that trading places in the market are often subleased many times, and it is very difficult to find the actual owner.

  • It is recommended to create a commodity stock at the point of sale. Many buyers do not want to wait for the seller to pay, pick up the goods from your warehouse and deliver them to the market. A person wants to pick up the goods here and now.
  • Always be able to keep cash in your books. Many retail outlets on the market are extremely reluctant to resort to cashless payments, and prefer to pay for the materials received in cash so as not to have further problems with tax authorities must be able to accept cash.

With all this, it must be taken into account that the largest orders often come from the markets, because. many people are convinced that goods are always cheaper on the market, and it is possible to get a large discount with a large order.

2) Trading through small building materials stores

Small hardware stores are most often interested in expanding the range of products sold and, most likely, will try to get in touch on their own. Typically, such stores do not have a purchasing manager on staff, and all his functions are performed by the owner or director of the store.

The most likely situation is that the store does not have the opportunity to place a large exposition of sold products on its premises and has a minimum stock of running building materials. The course of work with such outlets is recommended as follows.

  • The goods are recommended to be given in advance. Such stores, most often, work with customers on the terms of 50-100% prepayment with a delay in the shipment of goods, so they always receive money for the order in advance and have the opportunity to pay you for the delivery in full.
  • Pickup of goods from your warehouse. You should not exchange for the delivery of the purchased batch of goods to the store itself, or the warehouse of this store. The fact is that often the size of the order is very small, and the delivery time to the final buyer is minimal, so it is unprofitable and simply inconvenient to tie such stores to the delivery of goods by your forces and means.
  • Availability of a high-quality and up-to-date catalog of products offered. The selling space of such stores is limited, and if you have a wide range of products, you can place only a part of the exposition, so it is necessary to place catalogs containing the entire range of products in such outlets.

3) Large hardware stores

Having settled in the markets and in small hardware stores within walking distance for the population, the turn of large hardware stores comes. Although such stores have large sales areas that will accommodate your entire exhibition, high traffic, a large warehouse, and often have their own logistics service, new problems await you in working with such clients.

Most often, such stores already have their own suppliers of similar products and have little interest in expanding the range, there is high competition within the store among suppliers for the placement and design of the exposition in order to attract the maximum attention of the buyer. To work with such outlets, you need to know the following.

  • We will have to ship the goods with a deferred payment. Large stores will obligatorily require a deferred payment for a period of two weeks to 45 days, depending on internal orders to the purchasing service from the store management. In the course of negotiations, it is possible to reduce the terms of payments, but most often you have to ship such stores "on credit".
  • It is desirable to have a couple of unique positions in the assortment. Often, a refusal to work with you can come from the store only because you have “nothing new” and “you are not surprised by anything” in your assortment, so you have to be able to quickly introduce new products and exclusives to the assortment.
  • It is advisable to have a stock in the warehouse of the store. As in the case of markets, the buyer is more willing to take products that the store has in stock, and often more expensive than ordered items, just because “I can pick it up now.”

4) Trading networks

Retail chains are the elite in the field retail building materials. Be prepared for what you have to give minimum prices on their products, organize delivery to each store of the distribution network, endure numerous inconveniences associated with internal regulations in stores, difficulties with documentation.

But rest assured, by entering into a supply agreement with at least one retail chain, you are guaranteed to ensure continuous sales of your products. Surely you will have to face the following points.

  • A very long and laborious process of entering the trading network. To enter the trading network, you will need maximum effort, money and time. Negotiations can take years. Often you will have to resort to financial incentives for those responsible for your product line, to study, edit, approve and sign a huge amount of documentation.
  • Provision of trade credit. You will ship the goods of the distribution network not just for sale, but for sale with a deferred payment, and this delay can reach 6-8 months from the date of delivery.
  • The most effective exposure. It is necessary to present the product as expressively as possible in the stores of the distribution network in order to stand out from the abundance of competitors and attract the attention of the buyer.
  • hard work with accounts receivable. Retail chains often delay payments for shipped products, you need to strictly monitor the schedule of regular payments and be able to contact those who make decisions on paying overdue debts.
  • Participation in promotions and discounts. For retail chains, the willingness of the supplier to participate in the mechanisms to attract the buyer is very important. This often forces you to ship products to the chain with just a symbolic mark-up on certain commodity items, but it does well to maintain the chain's loyalty to you as a partner.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that working with third-party trading organizations is a mandatory, albeit very troublesome, element of your total sales.

Questions and answers on the topic

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10.4. How to sell your product? (Marketing Methods)

Sometimes a few seconds are enough to make a decision to buy a product. But in order for the transaction to be completed, there must be not only the desire of the consumer, but also the ability of the seller to provide the product of interest. A very simple example can be given. An advertisement for a new yogurt was given. The buyer had a desire to buy it. He goes to one store - there is no such yogurt, in another - neither. After some time, yogurt will be bought from competitors. To prevent this from happening, the company must pay sufficient attention to the distribution system.

The distribution system of goods is a key link in marketing and a kind of last event in the entire activity of the company in the creation, production and delivery of goods to the consumer.

Ultimately, a positive result is determined by the fact of the sale. A sale is directly related to the organization of sales.

The concept of "sales" should include a number of specific functions:

1) transportation;

2) warehousing;

3) storage;

4) revision;

5) promotion to wholesale and retail trade links, pre-sale preparation and actual sale of goods.

The main elements of the distribution system in a market economy are: distribution channel, wholesaler, retailer, broker, commission agent, wholesale agent, consignee, sales agent, dealer.

At first sight a large number of of participants in the trading process only complicates the promotion of goods and leads to excessive, unjustified markup on the price. But you can look at it from the other side.

The owner of the company seeks to reduce marketing costs, but it is necessary to ensure the convenience of the consumer. All the variety and significant number of all kinds of resellers just reflect the specifics of the product, market, the company itself, and also provide the necessary level of comfort to the one who buys.

Particular attention in the marketing policy should be paid to the formation of a distribution channel, which will be in this moment optimal. A sales (distribution) channel for a product is an organization or person involved in the promotion and exchange of a specific product (several groups of products) on the market.

Marketing Methods

It is no coincidence that the concept of a product distribution channel was considered above. Returning to the terminology, it is necessary to consider the concepts of the length and width of the distribution channel.

The length of the distribution channel is the number of participants in the marketing process, i.e. the number of intermediaries in the entire distribution chain. There are several levels of extension, the simplest of which are the following: manufacturer - retailer - consumer and manufacturer - wholesaler - retailer - consumer. This includes the concept of the wholesale method of distribution.

The width of the distribution channel is the number of independent objects of the marketing process at a certain stage, for example, the number of wholesalers of goods.

Wholesale method of selling goods

Wholesale trade is the beginning of the movement of the trading process. This applies to both means of production and consumer goods. At wholesale trade Goods are purchased in bulk. Wholesale purchases are carried out by intermediary organizations for the purpose of subsequent resale to grass-roots wholesale organizations and retailers. Through wholesale trade, the manufacturer sells the goods in very large quantities, excluding contact with the individual consumer. On the commodity market wholesale is an active part of the sphere of circulation.

Wholesale trade is a form of relations between enterprises, organizations, in which economic relations for the supply of products are formed by the parties independently.

It is clear that intermediary organizations are engaged in wholesale trade. Their goal is not to consume the product, but to bring it to the end consumer. Wholesale trade reflects economic ties between regions, industries, determines the ways of movement of goods in the country, due to which the territorial division of labor is improved, and proportionality is achieved in the development of regions. For a rational distribution of the trading environment, wholesale trade must have specific data on the current state and future changes in situations in regional and sectoral markets.

The main tasks of wholesale trade are:

1) marketing study market, supply and demand for products for industrial purposes and consumer goods;

2) production of goods in the range, quantity and quality required by the consumer;

3) timely, complete and rhythmic provision of goods in a wide range of intermediary, retail businesses, consumers;

4) organization of storage of commodity stocks;

5) organization of planned and rhythmic import and export of goods;

6) ensuring the priority of the consumer, strengthening its economic impact on the supplier, depending on the reliability of economic ties, the quality of the products supplied;

7) ensuring the stability of partnerships in economic relations, linking in all time categories (long-term, medium-term, current, operational);

8) organization of the systematic delivery of goods from the regions of production to the area of ​​consumption;

9) wide application economic methods regulation of the entire system of relationships between suppliers, intermediaries, consumers; decline total costs associated with the promotion of goods from manufacturers to consumers.

Wholesale trade is carried out by a broker, commission agent, dealer, sales agent. The wholesale method of distribution of goods is widespread in many countries of the world, and, of course, it is the only one for intercountry trade. From all of the above about wholesale trade, we can conclude that it belongs to the indirect method of marketing, a method in which manufacturers use the services of various intermediaries to reach consumers.


The interaction of goods with the end consumer is provided by retail trade. At retail material resources, which are presented in the form of goods or services, move from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of collective, individual, personal consumption, i.e., become the property of consumers. There is a process of buying and selling, as consumers purchase the goods they need in exchange for their cash. Here, starting opportunities are created for a new cycle of production and circulation, since the commodity is converted into money.

Retail trade provides the sale of goods to the population for personal consumption, organizations, enterprises, institutions - for collective consumption or economic needs. Trade is conducted in places specially organized for this (shops, markets), but it can also be carried out at the production warehouses of manufacturers, intermediary organizations, company stores, procurement centers, workshops, ateliers, etc.

Retail trade performs a number of functions:

1) investigates the situation that has developed in the commodity market;

2) determines the supply and demand for specific types of goods;

3) searches for goods required for retail trade;

4) conducts the selection of goods, their sorting in the preparation of the required assortment;

5) pays for goods received from suppliers;

6) conducts operations for acceptance, storage, labeling of goods, sets prices for them;

7) renders forwarding, consulting, advertising, information and other services to suppliers, consumers.

Retail trade, taking into account the specifics of customer service, is divided into stationary, mobile, parcel.

The stationary trading network consists of large, modern, technically equipped stores, as well as stalls, tents, kiosks, vending machines. At the same time, self-service stores are distinguished, in which the buyer has free access to goods. This network is the most common. A variety of stationary trade are also stores of the "shop-warehouse" type. Goods in them are not laid out on showcases, shelves. This approach significantly reduces the cost of loading, unloading, stacking products, so the sale in them is carried out for more low prices. Such stores operate, as a rule, on the outskirts of large cities.

In the modern rhythm of life, catalog trading is very convenient. Such trade is based on the preliminary selection of goods. Catalogs can be issued to potential buyers who have visited the store or sent to them by mail. The buyer, having studied the catalogs, having selected the goods, sends an order indicating his details to the store by mail (or by teletype, telephone). This approach saves a lot of time for the buyer. The store decides to ship the goods to the buyer. If there is a showroom in the store, the buyer can make a remote order from the catalog or visit the store and personally select the product he needs.

Now appeared the new kind sales of goods through vending machines. They are convenient because they can work around the clock, without sales staff. Machines are installed inside the store or outside it. The subject of trade is usually a certain range of consumer goods (drinks, sandwiches, chewing gum, cigarettes, stationery, postal envelopes, postcards, etc.).

Selling your products through retail stores: trying to figure it out in detail

At the moment, the problem is maintaining the machine at a high technical level.

The mobile trading network brings the seller closer to the consumer. This trade can be delivery using vending machines, wagons, as well as delivery using trays and other simple devices. A variation of this type of trade is the direct sale at home. At the same time, sales agents of manufacturers of marketing, intermediary and trade enterprises deliver and sell products directly to the buyer. True, only a limited range of goods can be promoted in this way. Restrictions arise due to the weight of the goods.

Parcel trade is engaged in providing the population, enterprises, organizations with book products, stationery, audio and video recordings, radio and television equipment, medicines. With the help of this form of trade, consumers can also receive certain products for industrial purposes (spare parts, tools, rubber products, etc.).

The structure of retail trade should take into account the assortment. Goods are usually combined into appropriate groups (subgroups) on the basis of production origin or consumer purpose. In retail trade, in this regard, various types of stores operate.

Specialized stores are engaged in the sale of goods of one specific group (furniture, radio equipment, electrical goods, shoes, fabrics, clothing, milk, etc.).

Highly specialized stores sell goods that are part of a product group (subgroup) (men's clothing, work clothing, silk fabrics, etc.).

Combined stores carry out the sale of goods of several groups (subgroups), reflecting the commonality of demand or satisfying the corresponding circle of consumers (such as cultural goods, books, etc.).

Department stores sell products from many product groups in specialized sections.

Mixed stores are engaged in the sale of goods of various groups: both food and non-food, without forming specialized sections.

The company's highly efficient sales network is very strong competitive advantage which will help you stay ahead of the competition. The company should pay special attention to the mobility and adaptability of this network.

Marketing promotion of goods

Marketing promotion - set various kinds activities to bring information about the merits of the product to potential consumers and encourage them to want to buy it.

In any company, there should be a department or at least one specialist in the formation marketing company. Modern organizations use complex communication systems to maintain contact with intermediaries, customers, various public organizations and layers.

Product promotion is carried out by using a certain proportion of advertising, sales promotion (sales), personal selling and public relations methods.

How to set up sales

Guest_gidius_* 01 Mar 2009


alacom02 Mar 2009

Hello, dear members of the forum In 2006, we accidentally (gave it as a debt) got equipment for the production of ketchup and mayonnaise. Since then, the equipment has stood idle with us. Quite recently we decided to start this production, found a technologist and received the first batch. Now we have a problem , we don’t know how to organize sales. The fact is that our main activity is construction in the field of energy, and we are complete laymen in trade. Tell me how and where to sell our ketchup with mayonnaise. What is the best packaging for us to choose. For mayonnaise, we chose doy-pack (there was a semi-automatic device), for ketchup we were inflated with 350g plastic bottles. How can we enter chain stores and wholesalers ??
Are there organizations that deal exclusively with sales, and where to look for them ??? Or should we hire our own sales manager ??? In general, I would be grateful for any information and good advice.

It all depends on the quality and cost of the product, in a crisis, if this is not an elite product but a tjyjv class, try to negotiate with such stores as Kopeyka Avoska Auchan, but consider one in any of the store chains, a payment delay of at least 60 days, expired goods Expired date will be returned free of charge. More detailed information You can find out on the websites of these companies. plus you need to advertising campaign in the stores themselves, something like a tasting.


zonder_evo02 Mar 2009

Hello, dear members of the forum In 2006, we accidentally (gave it as a debt) got equipment for the production of ketchup and mayonnaise. Since then, the equipment has stood idle with us. Quite recently we decided to start this production, found a technologist and received the first batch. Now we have a problem , we don’t know how to organize sales. The fact is that our main activity is construction in the field of energy, and we are complete laymen in trade. Tell me how and where to sell our ketchup with mayonnaise. What is the best packaging for us to choose. For mayonnaise, we chose doy-pack (there was a semi-automatic device), for ketchup we were inflated with 350g plastic bottles. How can we enter chain stores and wholesalers ??
Are there organizations that deal exclusively with sales, and where to look for them ??? Or should we hire our own sales manager ??? In general, I would be grateful for any information and good advice.

I would go the other way. go to wholesalers who work with networks. If your product is an economy class, then under the current conditions it will find its buyer and wholesalers understand this.


YARIS0102 Mar 2009

For starters, working money will probably be important. Consider working with wholesalers who are ready to pay for goods immediately, or with a small delay. Hire a manager who will work with retail outlets. Again, selling for quick money.
The distributor will also want a deferral. And if you agree to work with networks through him, then get ready for the fact that the deferment of payment to networks will fall on you. Yes, and it is easier for a distributor to work with recognizable TMs that make solid injections into marketing. Are you ready for such big action?


alexeyv05 Mar 2009

Have you worked out the marketing component at least somehow, or maybe it will get through?


PYT27 Apr 2009

Negotiate with wholesalers, less crap for you, they are better


KNV28 Apr 2009

It will be difficult.

How to find a market

We need either a stable volume of at least a small production, but stable. All the doc-tion should be in order on the pratia. In a network with such a scale, you will not break through. If the parties are small, you can negotiate with wholesale bases for sale, if there is transport, then sale in Retail Stores. Well, plus the options that are described above.


How individuals can buy building materials in bulk at a profit

Building materials are needed not only by large developers, but also by ordinary citizens who decide to make repairs in an apartment or build something on their own plot. And if for firms the benefit of buying building materials in bulk is obvious, then a private person is afraid of wholesale - and it turns out to be completely in vain!

It is necessary to immediately clarify that everything that will be discussed further is more relevant for large cities where there is a high business activity citizens and where you can really count on solid discounts for bulk purchases of building materials. This is easy to understand by comparison.

How to find distribution channels for new products?

For example, the Moscow company "Stroysnab 2000" on its official website offers very favorable conditions for bulk purchases, including big discounts on various promotions and convenient delivery. By placing an order here, any Muscovite will actually save an impressive amount by following the tips described below. But for a resident of the town of Vereya, located in the Moscow region, but where the population does not reach 6,000 people, these recommendations are likely to be of little use.

So how to save on the wholesale purchase of building materials
If, nevertheless, the reader of this article is lucky to be a resident of a large city, like Moscow or Novosibirsk, then the possibilities of economical purchases are open to him. There are two main ways for a common person to benefit from the purchase of building material in bulk. The first such method can be conditionally called " Joint purchases”, and the second “Selling excess”. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

Joint purchases

The essence of the method is simple - you need to find a partner who needs the same building material. Anyone can become such a "shopping partner" - a neighbor in the country, a colleague, or even a complete stranger who is also looking for a partner for bulk purchases via the Internet. Related topics can be found in in social networks or city forums, but, for obvious reasons, in small towns the chance to find a “partner” is significantly reduced. But when a partner is found, then everything is simple - you just need to fold and place an order. Eventually required amount building materials will be delivered at a much lower price than it is sold at retail.

Selling excess

For a person who has money and extra time, it can be advised to immediately purchase a wholesale batch of the required material, and then sell the rest through numerous Internet bulletin boards. The result of such a cunning operation will be the acquisition of cheap building materials, and if you show some grip and find a middle ground between wholesale and retail prices, you can even make some money on resale.

Bulk purchases are a real chance for savings for those who take advantage of this opportunity. modern market building materials. Follow the advice above, and the financial burden that any construction or repair imposes on a person will be much less.

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How to Find Sales for Products. Sales of Products

The most popular building materials in Russia

The building materials market in our country is so vast and diverse that it is just right to get lost. And this is not surprising - Russia was overwhelmed by a construction and repair boom, and manufacturers are simply forced to constantly control demand and improve supply.

And the Russian media decided to conduct their own study of the popularity of building materials in different cities of the country and found out that the following building and finishing materials are the most attractive for domestic buyers in terms of price-quality ratio.

For finishing the floor - laminate. Despite all the functionality of ceramic tiles and linoleum, it was laminate that was recognized as the most original and popular of all floor coverings, since it perfectly imitates wood, has enough good performance strength and wear resistance and allows you to create a flawless surface.

For interior wall decoration, several material options were named, each of which deserves to take first place - high quality frisel wallpaper and individual design, ceramic tile and wooden panels (lining). It is not possible to single out any one material, since the use of certain technologies depends on the functional purpose of the premises.

As the most popular ceiling covering were named stretch ceiling. They are recognized as the best in many respects, and first of all, due to the variety of possible color and texture solutions, as well as the ability to obtain a perfectly flat surface on any plane. By the number of votes "for" stretch ceilings, Moscow took first place, which is not surprising, since it is here that the design of the majority public buildings and living spaces designed with their use in mind.

The exterior decoration is dominated by mineral plaster, which has surpassed other materials in terms of aesthetics and brightness of the created images. In second place are classic materials - brick and natural stone, as well as tiles imitating them, followed by siding and other types of finishes.

And wood was named the most convenient and popular material for the construction of cottages and private houses. Perhaps this is due to the surge in popularity of wooden log cabins, which are being actively built in many cities and suburban areas as a tribute to the original Russian traditional construction.

Current page: The most popular building materials in Russia

A question for those who have their own, do you have your own representatives or your own representative offices in other regions, except for your locality?

See what is happening, basically, people write that there are no representative offices in other regions.

So it was with me, for the time being, I worked to take some positions in the sale of clothing products in my city. My specialization was women's blouses and dresses, and in winter women's trousers and youth women's jackets, women's clothing, and I tried in my segment to occupy the largest possible market in the city, to sell more garments, to open as many outlets as possible, but then such an idea came to my mind.

She helped develop my sewing business.

If they buy in one city, then why not buy in another city. What I've done. I got into the car and began to go around all the settlements that were within a radius of two hours from my house. I began to offer people my garments there, in these cities, in these settlements.

As a result, many, of course, refused, but I found people in every city who agreed to sell my garments.

In principle, then it turned into the situation that we will now analyze with you, this is the search for a representative in another region, in my case it is in another city, another locality.

There are two main options I've come across:

The first option is to open a representative office of a sewing workshop on its own.

What can be done here?

You hire an employee in this city who will sell garments in this region. But this way did not suit me at the stage when I created my representative offices, because this representative had to be paid money, a salary or a percentage of sales.

I'm not saying that this method is unrealistic or something worse than the second one that I used, but I used, exactly,

in the second way, i.e. I was looking for representatives in the region, and not looking for a hired worker, I was looking for ready-made owners of some retail outlets, which then promoted my clothing products.

I used the second option, because if I hired an employee - he had to pay something, this time, and I was not sure that he would be as good at negotiating and promoting my products as I do - this is a threat to my sewing business. In your case, you can look and try on the situation for yourself and do what is best for you. As a result, I found such representatives in 4 cities besides my city, and with the help of these representatives, I created my sales network for the sale of clothing products in all these cities. I focused on finding ready-made business owners. Basically, these were the owners of shops, in one city it was the owner of outlets in several markets of this city. These are the people with whom I managed to work as my representatives in this region.

Will the store agree to represent yours or not, is there any indication?

There are no signs in advance, of course, it is not written on the store or on the face that yes, I will cooperate with you. I learned everything in a personal conversation.

See, many people are planning or promoting their garments in several cities or towns at once. For those who are just planning their own sewing business and sales, I strongly recommend that you do not limit the sale of sewing products only to your city, the country is huge, the Internet is huge, and if you take, by and large, there are even many countries, start with nearby settlements.