What does a regional manager do? Regional sales manager duties. Other instructions in the section

  • 29.04.2021

A territory manager is a person who is responsible for one or more regions, which include a certain amount of cities where the company operates. If a company has its representative offices in different cities, it must have a territorial manager on its staff.

General characteristics of the profession
In many cities, representative offices of the capitals, or foreign companies, whose activity is the sale of products in a particular region.

Job Description Territorial Manager

The position of a territorial manager is introduced if the company in this region will be represented by only one employee (territorial manager), or not more than 4 people providing contacts between points of sale and distributor companies. The sales staff is subordinate to the territorial manager. For example, foreign pharmaceutical companies opening their representative office in Russia hire individuals living in these regions who fully organize the movement and distribution of goods in this region.

Functional responsibilities.

The area manager's job is to:

organization and control of personnel activities in the assigned territory;

profit planning ensuring the fulfillment of planned indicators (the company's management sets the territorial manager distribution goals and sales plans for each city separately);

maintaining effective relationships between the company and distributors/key customers;

regular monitoring of the market, keeping records of sales;

planning and organization of brand promotion activities;

organization of the necessary measures to improve the company's activities in the entrusted territory.

Based on market monitoring, a strategy is developed for future sales of the company's products, in the implementation of which the manager is directly involved. As a result, contracts are constantly being negotiated. Also, the manager is obliged to monitor the range of products, their constant availability in the warehouse, control the pricing policy and product balances.
What should a Territorial Manager know and be able to do?
Any leader must master the basics of psychology. How you communicate with your employees ultimately determines what you get out of it. Young people and adults are motivated by different factors, they need different approaches, and the leader, knowing psychology, must take all this into account, and talk to them in different ways, and set tasks in different ways, but at the same time, so that the results are equally successful.
Also, the territorial manager must know his territories: what is the size of the market in each region, how the market has changed over the course of several years, and analyze the activities of competitors. The territorial manager must be able to predict the volume of sales in each particular region.

Professional and personal qualities

Key requirements for the candidate
The presence of higher education;

Experience with computer programs;

Sales experience; As a rule, it should be at least 3 years, since the employee needs to be well versed in the specifics of the company's activities, pricing strategies and tactics, and also have experience in connecting distributors.

Knowledge of the market of products with which you need to work ( technical direction, food, etc.);

Leadership experience.

Some companies require someone to know a foreign language.

As often, there is a requirement for a driver's license. In the event that the work is traveling in nature.

Passing a medical examination is mandatory.

Personal qualities of a territorial manager
From personal qualities, the main ones can be distinguished:
a responsibility,
ability to negotiate.

Working hours and wages
Usually the work schedule is five days. Most companies pay for meals. It should be noted that the remuneration of most employees in commerce directly depends on sales volumes. That is, a large share of optimism is needed among all their personal qualities because often the result is manifested after a long time. This determines the style of work of such employees as very efficient, focused not so much on the process as on the result.

Job Benefits
Working as a territorial manager gives good prospects: it is an indispensable experience, a chance for career growth and the opportunity to receive a decent salary.

I. General provisions

1.1. Name structural unit: Branch / Representation

1.2. Reports to (head position): Head of Representative Office

1.3. Is the head (positions of direct reports): regional sales representatives

1.4. Replaces (positions, the functions of which are performed by the employee, in their absence): no

1.5. Deputy (positions that perform the functions of an employee in his absence): head of the representative office

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Participates in the implementation of the Company's sales strategy on the territory of the representative office.

2.2. Coordinates and controls sales activities through regional sales representatives and distributors/sub-distributors.

2.2.1. Sets clear and achievable goals for everyone team members that correspond to the goals and objectives of the representative office / branch.

2.2.2. Analyzes the progress of the assigned tasks (when on a business trip; according to the reports received; when discussing by phone with a regional sales representative and a distributor / sub-distributor).

2.2.3. Develops motivation programs for distributors/sub-distributors aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of distribution.

2.2.4. Informs about changes and ensures that all subordinate employees, distributors and sub-distributors comply with the company's policy in the field of pricing and promotions.

2.2.5. Takes an active part in the preparation and implementation of new forms of work with clients, improving the old ones.

2.2.6. Considers requests and complaints of clients, if necessary - participates in negotiations.

2.2.7. Controls changes in status, solvency and other changes in the client base.

2.2.8. Controls work with key, network and complex clients.

2.2.9. Conducts scheduled site visits to understand client needs.

2.2.10. Participates in the search and attraction of new customers (key, network).

2.2.11. Develops profitable new directions, while expanding existing business.

2.2.12. Responsible for the implementation of sales and development plans, and for increasing the quantitative and qualitative distribution in the assigned territory.

2.3. Trains sales representatives in sales technology, negotiation methods, deal making methods.

2.3.1. Gives an assessment of the work of an employee based on joint trips along the route, providing feedback.

2.3.2. Conducts trainings and education of subordinates during direct work with the Client and in the analysis of specific situations.

3. Administrative work

3.1. budgeting: no

3.2. Scheduling: daily, weekly, monthly

3.3. Reporting: daily, weekly, monthly

3.4. Personnel work: operational management of employees, evaluation of the effectiveness of their work, assessment of resources to perform the required amount of work, recommendations for hiring and dismissing employees

3.5. Maintains up-to-date information, databases: client base in the assigned territory

4. Has the right to make decisions on issues

4.1. Financial: no

4.2. Choice of partners: sub-distributors and wholesale customers.

4.3. Approval of documents: no

5. Documents regulating the work

5.1. External documents: Legislative and normative acts.

5.2. Internal documents: Standards of civil defense, Regulations on the branch, Job description, Rules of internal work schedule, Standards of work of employees of the wholesale and retail direction.

6. Criteria for assessing labor efficiency

6.1. Implementation of weekly and monthly planning activities, for which he is responsible.

6.2. Implementation of the quality of weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible.

6.3. Performing weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible.

6.4. Achieve sales targets for all products.

6.5. Satisfaction internal customers(development of the territory, increase in quantitative and qualitative distribution, effective personnel management)

6.6. Satisfaction of external customers (resolution of issues related to the supply and promotion of the Company's products).

7. Qualification requirements

7.1. Education: higher, incomplete higher

7.2. Special training, permits: no

7.3. Skills:

· Conducting negotiations

PC (MS Office package, e-mail, Internet);

7.4. Experience: At least 2 years of experience in the food industry

7.5. Professional knowledge:
Progressive forms and methods of trade and marketing.
The procedure for the conclusion of contracts of sale and execution of the necessary documents.
Conditions for concluding commercial transactions and methods of bringing goods to consumers.

Other instructions in the section:

The regional representative of the company is a specialist who manages sales in a certain territory. A manager of this level makes good money, but the requirements for applicants are very high. How to interview for a regional manager? What questions can be asked to the applicant and what should be covered in the answers?

Convincing an employer of their ability to make a profit is a difficult task, but quite feasible if, without losing sight of anything.

What qualities and skills an applicant for the position of a regional manager should have varies depending on the field of activity of the company, the level of the organization, its financing and the tasks set. But in most cases, firms put forward basic requirements for the candidate:

  • experience in a similar position;
  • successful negotiation skills;
  • high level of self-organization, adherence to the principles of time management;
  • skills of effective work with people (people-management);
  • efficiency in solving current issues;
  • the ability to organize and develop a business from scratch, work for results.

Desirable knowledge of progressive methods of trade and marketing, the procedure for concluding commercial transactions and bringing goods to the consumer.

In addition to the above, it is often required:

  • possession of a driver's license;
  • fluent computer skills;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • willingness to travel.

A candidate for the position of Regional Manager must have higher education, preferably marketing, economic or managerial orientation. Theoretical knowledge about the organization of work in the entrusted area is very important:

  • client base;
  • planning and development of the region;
  • staffing issue.

Qualification requirements are quite high. In this regard, professional knowledge is tested using whole blocks of questions.

Working with the client base

Interview questions for the position of a regional manager necessarily include a block on the formation of a client base. The applicant should be aware of the main points regarding this part of the duties:

  1. The manager is responsible for maintaining the current state of databases about all clients in his territory: the status of firms, changes in their financial and solvent status, etc.
  2. The regional manager should take an active part in projects to develop, improve and implement new, as well as improve old forms of working with clients.
  3. The head of the branch is obliged to put difficult clients under personal control, to consider complaints and requests.

Mandatory participation of the manager in the search for new points of sale. Attracting VIP-clients is often handled by the manager himself, as negotiations take place at a level that is much higher than the competence of the sales representative. The list of such clients includes:

  • key;
  • network;
  • wholesale;
  • sub-distributors.

Over time, this responsibility may be delegated to a deputy or a specially trained sales representative for VIP clients. It all depends on the size of the company.

Work with personnel

Since the regional manager is the branch manager, important has experience personnel work in practice or at least theoretical knowledge of the organization of personnel management.

The work of the regional manager with personnel involves the following list of responsibilities:

  1. Assign operational tasks and responsibilities to employees. Score all necessary resources, their presence in the branch for the full implementation of the goals of the team.
  2. Accompanying recommendations for the implementation of the recruitment and dismissal process. Conducting interviews.
  3. Conducting weekly debriefing meetings.
  4. Organization of competitions and competitions with the issuance of prizes, diplomas or prizes. For example, a competition for the maximum increase in sales per month new products. Sales agents who have received a new brand in their assortment will be better motivated to successfully promote it on the market.
  5. Planned trips along the route of each sales representative to identify "weak points", problem customers, and so on. Providing assistance in resolving conflict situations, a detailed analysis of the situations that have developed on the territory, advice on overcoming difficulties and the effective development of the entrusted area.

At the interview, it is very important to note this particular role of the leader, indicated in the last paragraph. Working closely with the team and Feedback is the key to the successful development of the entire branch.

The regional manager is also responsible for staff training (primarily sales representatives and supervisors). He must periodically test and check the level of knowledge of subordinates in sales technology.

The regional manager can conduct training on his own (if the team is small) or organize an incoming specialist (coach-trainer). The topics of the seminars depend on the scale of the branch and its tasks: “Methods of negotiating”, “The procedure for concluding transactions”, “Working with a client”, “Processing objections”, “Motivation for success”, “How to organize your working day”, “Cold calls " etc.

Planning, control and development

Since the main goal regional representative is the management of regional sales in a controlled area, the conversation at the interview cannot but touch on the basics of planning. Answers should contain information about how the candidate understands the tasks and goals in this direction.

In order to anticipate the course of the interview in advance and know what questions are asked in the interview for the position of regional manager, the best option is to get acquainted with the typical job description.

Among its other points, there are the following wordings regarding the direct duties of the head of the branch:

  1. Coordination and control of sales of products by regional sales representatives and sub-distributors.
  2. Bringing corporate values, strategies and mission of the company to all team members. Formation of plans and tasks that meet the rules for setting goals - clarity, measurability and achievability.
  3. Preparation of reports on indicators of the implementation of plans, analysis of the results obtained, promotion of ideas to improve performance efficiency.

The duties of a regional manager may also include the development of motivation programs for both employees and clients. All this should be kept in mind by the applicant if he is asked to lay out a general plan for the manual.

How to behave in an interview

Requirements to appearance regional manager, his behavior during the interview is standard:

  • business suit;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • compliance with the rules of etiquette;
  • direct answers and clarity of argumentation.

When an employer asks direct questions about your business connections or past accomplishments, don't sugarcoat past experience. First, everything is easy to check. And secondly, the old methods may still no longer work in an age of rapidly changing technologies.

Currently, there is a steady trend of gradual and uniform development of regional markets. The position of the center, as a legislator of trade, is beginning to weaken. The financial development of the regions necessitates the struggle for segments of new markets.

For this purpose, enterprises open their regional representative offices and branches. The main leader of such work in the region is the regional manager (district sales manager / regional sales manager). In terms of status, he is usually equated with commercial director in the region.

Its tasks include representing the interests of the parent company in the region in accordance with the approved development strategy of the latter, forming the market for the promoted product in the region, searching for new customers and partners, developing the distribution network, and coordinating financial flows associated with products sold in the region.

As a rule, a specialist with a higher economic education, who has work experience in leadership positions for at least three years, who knows the current state of the sale and purchase market in the region, is able to see the prospects for the development of the market, and has the talent of a leader and organizer.

The main tasks of the regional manager are: stimulating the demand for goods (services, works), designating the commercial strategy of the enterprise in the region, certifying sales representatives, searching for customers and partners, organizing marketing, clarifying the needs of the regional market.


I. General provisions

1. The regional manager belongs to the category of managers.

3. The regional manager must know:

3.1. federal laws and normative legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation and legal framework of the regions (subjects Russian Federation, municipalities, etc.).

3.2. market economy, entrepreneurship and basics of doing business.

3.3. Regional market, its conjuncture, features and specificity.

3.4. Pricing methods, pricing strategy and tactics.

3.5. Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the basics of marketing management, methods and directions of market research).

3.6. The theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

3.8. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of the offered goods (services, works).

3.9. Conditions for storage and transportation of goods (provision of services, performance of work).

3.10. Principles of organizing trade in the region (rendering services, performing work).

3.11. Psychology and principles of sales (rendering services, performing work).

3.12. The procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, contracts.

3.12. Development prospects and needs of regional consumers (buyers, clients).

3.13. Civil, trade and patent law, advertising law.

3.14. Fundamentals of organizing work to create demand and stimulate the sale of goods (rendering services, performing work) in the region.

3.15. Operating forms of accounting and reporting.

3.16. Ethics of business communication.

3.17. Rules for establishing business contacts.

3.18. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation.

3.19. Principles of management of regional divisions of the enterprise.

3.20. Information processing methods using modern technical means communication and connection, computer.

6. During the absence of the regional manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Regional Manager:

1. Collects information about the regional market (the number and profile of economic entities in the region, the population, the general price level and the ratio wages, the main consumer demand, the activities of competitors in the region, etc.).

2. Analyzes information about the regional market and, based on the results of the analysis, develops a strategy for the presentation of goods (services, works) in the region.

3. Manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the region (logistics, procurement and storage of raw materials necessary for production; sales of products (provision of services, performance of work) in the regional market; settlements for goods sold (services rendered, work performed) .

4. Provides implementation advertising campaigns for the promotion of goods (services, works) in the region, the implementation of PR campaigns to form a favorable image of the enterprise in the region, taking into account local specifics, organizes the presentation of goods (services, works) at regional exhibitions, fairs.

5. Develops sales plans in the region, programs to increase sales and coordinates their implementation.

6. Organizes and develops a distribution system in the region, searches wholesale buyers(clients), partners (for joint development of the regional market).

7. Organizes seminars for potential partners in order to explain the company's policy for promoting goods and involving new partners in this process.

8. Organizes internal certification of regional partners in order to guarantee the quality of goods sold (manufactured), services provided, work performed, maintaining the image of the enterprise.

9. Organizes the work of sales representatives (offices of the company and independent specialists) in the region, coordinates merchandising in the region.

10. Coordinates the conclusion of economic and financial contracts with regional counterparties and controls the timeliness and quality of the fulfillment of contractual obligations; coordinates settlements for goods sold (services rendered, work performed) and financial flows(to the central office of the enterprise, to the reserve of the regional division, etc.), work to expand direct and long-term business ties.

11. Provides intended use financial resources provided for work in the region, prepares and submits reports to the management of the enterprise in the following areas: demand for certain items of goods (services, works) and a list of goods (services, works) that are not marketable; sales volumes; financial and economic indicators activities in the region; change in the position of the enterprise in the region after the first entry into the regional market, trends in its change; __________________________.

12. Coordinates its work with the central office of the enterprise (head enterprise), ensures the implementation of guidelines and orders from the management of the central office (head enterprise).

13. Represents and protects the interests of the enterprise in the region.

III. Rights

The regional manager has the right:

1. Submit proposals for adjusting the strategy for the development of a new region, developed by specialists from the central office (parent enterprise).

2. Manage the financial and material resources entrusted to him.

3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

4. Submit proposals for the promotion and presentation of new products to the regional market, for the development of new regional markets for consideration by the management of the central office (parent enterprise).

5. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance official duties.

6. Request from the management and specialists of the central office (head office) information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

7. Require the management of the central office (head office) to provide organizational and specifications and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. A responsibility

The Regional Manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor law Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Territorial manager

How to make a career? This question worries not only yesterdaygraduates, but also accomplished professionals.

The prospect of career growth for many is even more important than a decent one.salary. And if you are dreaming or just thinking about building a career, then you need to think about what qualities you need to have and what to do for a quick promotion.

Therefore, today I would like to talk about such a profession asterritorial manager of a pharmaceutical company. And what does it take to become one.

Territorial manager is a person who is responsible for one orseveral regions at once, which include a certain number of cities where a pharmaceutical company operates.

The purpose of the work of the territorial manager: to achieve those sales volumes,what the company has planned in these regions. The territorial manager must forecast the volume of sales, control the implementation of the sales plan, understand why in one city we can provide such a volume, and in another - less or more, control reporting and advance reporting medical representatives. Participate in the search and hiring of new employees andconducting their training and adaptation in the company.

Most often, the position of territorial manager is nominated byemployees of the company, providing them with the opportunity for professional and career growth. The most successful and bright employees apply first of all. But if equivalent candidates apply for a vacancy, then a competition is held. Also, an employee from outside the company's headquarters can be selected for the position of a territorial manager. These candidates are subject to certain requirements, such as:

Higher medical or pharmaceutical education

Duration of work in a similar position for at least 2 years

PC - advanced user (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint)

Excellent communication skills

Analytic skills

Initiative, responsibility and diligence

Willingness to travel on business in assigned territory

And during the interviews, the most suitable employee is selected.

What should a territorial manager know and be able to do?

Any leader must master the basics of psychology, because the way you communicate with your employees ultimately depends on what you get at the end. Young people and adults are motivated by different factors, they need different approaches, and the leader, knowing psychology, must take all this into account, and talk to them in different ways, and set tasks in different ways, but at the same time, so that the results are equally successful.

Also, the territorial manager must know his territories: what market size in each region, how many medical institutions are in the region, how the market has changed over several years, analyze the activities of competitors. The territorial manager must be able to predict the volume of sales in each particular region.

If we talk about wages, I would like to provide a smallemployee salary review pharmaceutical companies in Moscow following the results of 2013. These values ​​were obtained by the Recruitment Agency for Unique Specialists "KAUS-medicine" by studying the proposals of employers only, without taking into account the salary expectations of applicants. Therefore, for a correct interpretation of the data below, it is necessary to understand that the real market wage levels are 5-10% higher than the values ​​indicated in the table.

Vacancies in pharmaceuticals

Average sample




Medical representative




Regional Manager




Sales Manager




Account Manager




Head of Sales Department




Territorial manager




Medical Advisor




Quality manager




But what motivates people most often to achieve the highest goals?and career growth? The average salary of a regional manager is 85000rubles. It can be said that today territorial managers are one of the most sought-after specialists in the pharmaceutical market. Accordingly, the requirements of employers for these applicants are quite high. In most cases, employers want to see experienced candidates (for example, with experience in a similar product line). Often the level of wages depends on the level of the company, the volume of its sales as a whole. And, of course, it depends on the seniority and experience of the specialist.

Money? .. I think that they motivate only a short time.

Material stimulation is more important for young people: this is understandable, they want an independent life. But also young people really want to gain new experience, for them this opportunity is extremely important.

And for adults, other factors are more important. It seems to me that the most importantat work is the comfort of the people with whom you work. Because you spend 80% of your working time among your colleagues, and if you are not comfortable, then you are distracted by these experiences and cannot devote all your time to work. Adult employees value the respect with which they are treated, the interest with which their ideas are listened to, the opportunity for personal and professional growth, the stability and confidence in leadership.

I would like to end this article in my opinion with enough wise wordsmaybe not a very famous entrepreneur and writer Robert Kiyosaki:

« Rule number one for someone who wants to be a successful careerist: never take a job for money».

Material preparedVeronika Belyaeva