Strategic destruction of communication in the organization. Encyclopedia of Marketing. Management style: involving team members in decision making is the prevailing approach in the work of communications professionals

  • 01.12.2019

Voronov Alexander Alexandrovich Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Marketing Department of the Expert Group of Companies, Krasnodar

Glukhikh Liliya Viktorovna Ph.D.

The current state of affairs in the country's industry cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, the fuel and energy complex, namely, mining companies, due to the positive external economic situation in resource prices, managed to provide the cash receipts to the country's budget necessary for the socio-economic stability of the Russian state and society, on the other hand, the enterprises of these industries are satisfied with everything, they have there are no real incentives for development, and they perceive the current state of affairs as a kind of given, unchanged in the future. The country's industrial management system today does not fulfill the task of creating a full-fledged market environment for industrial enterprises, which should have become the basis for their sustainable development, and as a result - the growth of the welfare of workers and owners, the growth of taxes and social contributions, the growth of safe and competitive output. industrial products. Industrial enterprises today can be clearly differentiated into three groups based on their attitude to state power:

  1. enterprises that enjoy informal (but real) government support at various levels and branches of government;
  2. enterprises that use disguise and do not look attractive to government officials;
  3. enterprises that are attractive to provide real state support, but have not yet agreed to its implementation.

Obviously, in such a situation, which is characterized by a very high level of uncertainty, it is difficult to talk about the basis for the sustainable development of the country's industrial sector. At the same time, the national competence of Russia, expressed in the world's largest resource endowment per capita with all types of resources (subsoil, land and territorial resources, aquatic and bioresources, etc.) can find its competitive embodiment in the country's industry, for Due to this sector, it is possible to ensure the stability of the vector of the socio-economic development of the nation.

Home, Starting point development of the industrial sector of the country should be the construction of a "picture of the world" (according to the terminology proposed by Vladimir Tarasov in the book "The Art of Management Struggle"), in scientific terms - the creation of a strategic information system about this sector National economy country, giving an idea of ​​the economic system. In turn, the system (from the Greek. systema - a whole made up of parts; connection) - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. In accordance with the definition of Vladimir Tarasov, acceptable for management purposes, this system is a labyrinth, visible only from above, but not visible to its participants, who can clearly see only parts of the “picture of the world” that are close to them. If the main elements of the industrial sector are easily identified (using statistical and marketing methods collecting information), it is much more difficult to identify the relationships and connections between them, and to assess their real significance at the current level of development information systems difficult. However, these relationships and connections are of decisive importance for the development of the country's industry, directly determining the direction and speed of the main business processes at industrial enterprises. This explains the importance of communications in real life. management activities and that is why, having a powerful material and production base, the domestic industry does not ensure the world pace of development, losing to successful international competitors in the open domestic and foreign markets. Thus, the quantity and quality of communications directly determine the competitiveness of the domestic industry and the main results of its activities.

In the absence of a fair market business environment, the absence of a viable state policy regarding industry, combined with real support only the largest and economically efficient enterprises, for the rest, it is communications that become a strategic reserve for survival and development. This is due to the quantity and quality of environmental factors that have a real impact on the activities of industrial enterprises. V.M. Tereshchenko in his book "Marketing Therapy" emphasized the decisive role of all kinds of changes for the prospects for the development of domestic enterprises, noting that the speed of perception and response to changes is becoming the main competitive advantage of a modern enterprise. It is the communications in modern conditions management become a tool for transforming obscure changes in environmental factors into real market chances and threats, make it possible to identify urgent problems in the development of enterprises and organize their reasonable solution.

The essence of the scientific and practical problem of organizing communications in the industrial sector of the country's economy can be characterized as follows: the lack of effective managerial communications reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of industrial enterprises, negatively affects their competitiveness.

The problem of communications is directly related to the concept of engagement (Employee Engagement report by Enterprise IG). According to available data, at any enterprise, depending on the degree of participation in the overall activity, four groups of employees can be distinguished: “champions” (they know and are interested), “observers” (they know and are not interested), “lost” (they are interested, but do not know) , “weak links” (do not know and are not interested). In an average firm, "champions" make up 29% of employees (that is, 71% are passive or active ballast, at best not interfering, and at worst - actively preventing rational management activities). The problem of involvement begins precisely with communications: wrong choice employees, the inability to organize their work, the suppression of rational initiative, the use of manipulation, also ends with communications - active employees begin to use corporate opportunities for personal purposes, passive ones simply do nothing. Summing up what has been said, we note: communications, as such, create a system that is called an enterprise, a branch of industry, and industry as a whole. The lack of communications turns these systems into a set of resources that is not capable of expanded reproduction.

The purpose of the communication system of a modern industrial enterprise should be to increase competitiveness, achieved in the areas of production, finance, marketing, personnel, management (strategy), etc. The specific tasks of the corporate communications system at an industrial enterprise are:

  1. identifying key business figures in the corporate and public sectors that are relevant to a particular enterprise and establishing productive communications with them ( government bodies authorities, competitors, consumers, employees, suppliers and partners);
  2. monitoring industry and cross-industry competitors, studying their experience in managing and organizing business processes, benchmarking and creative copying of the best innovations, organizing cooperation with competitors and using their resources to reduce uncertainty economic activity;
  3. continuous monitoring of consumers: their needs, needs and forms of their satisfaction, loyalty, characteristics of consumer behavior, organizing active interaction with them and forecasting consumer activity in the face of changes in supply and consumption in specific markets for goods and services;
  4. continuous monitoring of changes in environmental factors, verification, analysis and assessment of market chances and risks, planning and adjustment of the activities of industrial enterprises;
  5. continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of internal communications, requiring the involvement of each employee in the process of developing and making managerial decisions, reducing the “vertical of power” to 2-3 levels of management, training in the perception of signals from the external environment, the speed of communications and the development of response actions.

In accordance with the definition of I.V. Sidorskaya, organizational communication is the whole variety of information and communication interactions of an organization, which can be conditionally divided into two types - communication within the organization and communication of the organization with its external environment.

Organizational communication is characterized by two main parameters: the direction of communication flows and the official/informal status of the main channels of information transfer. With regard to such a characteristic as direction, horizontal information flows in an organization take place more often than vertical ones, and the exchange of information in them is less prone to distortion. Vertical flows can move in a downward direction - this is how information is transmitted at the levels of the formal structure from the top manager to ordinary employees, and in an upward direction - it is used for feedback from subordinates to management in order to inform about the results of work and current problems. In the latter case, there is a specific problem of information distortion by a vertical channel that transmits information from the bottom up, due to the fact that the organizational communication system tends to distort information in a direction that increases the likelihood of employees receiving rewards and reduces the likelihood of punishment. Therefore, in order for information going up the formal hierarchy to be accurate and reliable, there must be special channels and mechanisms in the organization that encourage feedback, from corporate "hot lines" to direct inspection by top managers of the state of affairs at the production level.

The effectiveness of the organization's communication channels is determined by how quickly management information reaches the addressee and how it retains its adequacy after passing through these channels. Any deviation from the speed and adequacy parameters set by the organization is called information dysfunction. Information dysfunction in an organization consists in the distortion of information, loss of information, as well as in the production of a significant amount of redundant information, and the fight against one of its manifestations leads to a hyper-manifestation of another (for example, measures to prevent information loss through its duplication immediately lead to an increase in redundant information).

To improve the efficiency of the organization of managerial communications, we propose to use their following classification (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of organizational communications Classification of organizational communications

Formal communications are carried out as part of the implementation of management activities at the enterprise, informal communications occur in spontaneous groups of people and have a significant impact on the speed and efficiency of business processes.

Market communications are rational and aimed at maximizing the benefits of organizing cooperation, in contrast to them, non-market communications take into account the real market power of the state in the industrial sector.

Organizational communications in different functional areas have their own specifics and are modified depending on the direction and composition of communications. Significant problems for industrial enterprises are hidden, first of all, in non-market functional communications. For example, the largest chemical plant in the South of Russia organizes an advertising campaign aimed at promoting a corporate brand in conditions when there is a real shortage of its products on the market due to the fact that its main part is exported and in demand on the European market. The senselessness of using an advertising tool is compensated by the opposite financial flow from the advertising agency to top management.

On the example described above, the following classification feature can also be characterized: according to the degree of efficiency. If the results advertising campaign will be properly analyzed and evaluated by the owner of the enterprise, after which the appropriate management decisions(top managers were punished, the contract with an advertising agency was terminated, an official assessment of the event was given, its results were entered in information centre companies and can be used in the future), then even this seemingly inefficient and meaningless communication can become part of the foundation of the future communication policy of the enterprise. Conversely, if top managers manage to hush up the results, the effectiveness of communications will remain at the same, extremely low level.

A very interesting and practically applicable feature of the classification is the division of communications into direct and indirect. If the purpose of direct communication is to convey information to the appropriate addressee, then with the help of indirect communication this addressee receives a significant amount of additional information correcting direct communication, namely: the reliability of direct communication, its completeness, relevance, correspondence to reality, etc. One of the principles of organizing communications in industrial enterprises is the following statement: “In every business (direct communication), a person puts his attitude this case (indirect communication).

According to the degree of perception, communications are divided into distorted and undistorted. According to V.M. Tereshchenko, communication function personnel can be implemented if:

If any of these rules are violated, communications are distorted.

One of the author's proposed signs of the classification of organizational communications is the assessment of the degree of their information effectiveness and the allocation of operational, tactical and strategic communications based on this criterion. Operational communications arise in the process of buying and selling the main types of resources and manufactured products and cover the price and conditions for the implementation of specific transactions. Tactical communications are implemented at a deeper level of communication and cover an in-depth study of consumers, suppliers, competitors, and other contact audiences that can be systematic study. Strategic communications are aimed at capturing a strategic initiative and implementing strategic plans (under a strategic plan we mean the implementation of an action plan that dramatically and favorably changes the market situation in favor of the initiator of the strategic plan, under a strategic initiative - constant pressure on the main determinants of the market environment in order to obtain competitive advantage and ensuring certainty and sustainability in development). Strategic communications are possible only on the basis of the functioning of the information center of the company, which is an archive of information and data, i.e. fragmentary information about the state of the enterprise and the external environment throughout the history of its operation. The activity of the information center contributes to the identification and elimination of systemic, repetitive errors in the activities of the enterprise, provides an extensive information base for the development of management decisions.

The organization of strategic communications is possible at two levels: enterprises and the state (ie, the country's industrial management structures). Functions at present strategic management scattered among more than 90 organizations that have the right to interfere in the management process, which indicates the loss of strategic management of the industrial sector of the country. The function of strategic communications is partly assigned to Federal Service state statistics, the reports of which are multi-volume sources of unverified data that do not correspond well to the real state of affairs and do not allow making effective management decisions (in terms of industry), partly - on the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development. On the example of an event initiated by this agency within the framework of strategic communications, let's consider their features during the International Investment Forum "Kuban-2007" (September 20-23, 2007 in Sochi).

Direct communication is as follows: the forum "Kuban-2007" is held to create in Russia an international center for communication between the most authoritative representatives of the Russian and foreign business, academia, state structures and public organizations on attracting foreign investment into the country's economy. According to the forecasts of the organizers, about 10 thousand people will come to the forum.

The main venue for the forum "Kuban-2007" will be concert hall"Festivalny", Sochi Marine Station and the adjacent territory. Russian and foreign investors will be presented with investment projects in industry, energy, transport, IT and telecommunications, Agriculture, construction, science and education, healthcare, recreational complex, housing and communal services, natural resources and ecology, the report says. The exhibition pavilion of the Krasnodar Territory will occupy an area of ​​four thousand square meters and will be located next to the pavilion of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The heads of cities and districts of the region will hold presentations of their territories and offer potential investors about 1.3 thousand investment proposals and projects. The forum is organized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Krasnodar Territory.

Indirect communication looks like this: the forum is a commercially effective event that allows the enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex of Sochi to extend the holiday season, and the initiators of the forum to fully recoup the costs of holding it and get 70-100% profitability. Special infrastructure for exhibition activities and organization business negotiations missing. The exhibition will feature hopeless investment projects that are not of interest to real investors due to at least their fame to a wide range of participants. From year to year, the same investment projects are repeated at the exhibition (since the heads of districts are responsible for their provision, not for implementation - but for provision!). On the first day of the forum, the Krasnodar Territory signed 13 investment agreements for three billion dollars - it is immediately clear that these are investment memorandums that are timed to coincide with a formal event and are unlikely to find their practical implementation, signed in a hurry and have no real significance for the region's economy. The program of the forum does not provide for its main purpose - meetings of investors and applicants for investment projects, the main attention is paid to keynote speeches and round tables of an introductory plan. On the other hand, I would like to thank the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory A.N. Tkachev for his active life position and personal participation in the organization of this forum, which subsequently, after the development of communication procedures, will undoubtedly become an effective tool for managerial communications, including in the country's industry. The Governor did the most difficult thing: he brought the organizational communications of the enterprises of the region to the international level, providing them with wide and constantly expanding information and communication opportunities of a strategic scale. At the forum, its participants have a real chance to organize business acquaintances and increase their reputational capital.

In the future, the system of strategic communications of the country's industry is seen by us as follows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. System of strategic communications in Russian industry

The implementation of the principles of unity of command, effective control, encouragement of initiative and real responsibility in the country's industry should help restore the strategic management of the country's industry, increase the transparency and efficiency of such management. The federal agency or the country's industry ministry should organize a network of regional offices that will replace the current industry departments in the subjects of the federation, which do not have real powers to support the activities of industrial enterprises in the regions. Based on the activities of these representative offices, it becomes possible to organize an information center for the country's industry, which, in turn, dramatically increases the information efficiency of management activities at industrial enterprises (by reducing the time and financial costs of obtaining the necessary information).

Monitoring processes are constantly carried out by the relevant ministry. Based on motivated and effective industrial monitoring, it becomes possible to identify and identify growth points industrial production in the country. Industrial enterprises develop small “points of growth” on their own, and long-term targeted comprehensive programs are formed to implement significant national economic tasks, for example, the development of territories, the formation of industrial regions and complexes, etc. (but only within the framework of the activities of the corresponding structure of the country's industry management). Industrial enterprises dramatically increase the transparency of their activities, the availability of a detailed information base reduces the risks of current economic activity. The Ministry of Industry of the country regularly organizes events similar to the Kuban Investment Forum in Sochi, plans, organizes the implementation and controls targeted comprehensive programs, organizes the interaction of foreign investors and domestic enterprises on a mutually beneficial basis (and not just sells state property).

Russian encyclopedic dictionary.

Tereshchenko V.M. Marketing therapy. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2004, p. 89.

The term "strategic communications" has started to be used very often, but in my opinion, it is used by those who want meaning to their plan, as something more than simply communication strategy. After reading a lot of strategic communications plans, I came to the conclusion that this is nothing more than:

  • Analysis;
  • List of stakeholders;
  • A few tactics staged communication tasks.

If you go back a few years, many would simply call it a “communication plan”. So what is the difference between a strategic communications plan and a communications plan?

Let's start with the definition

The term "strategic communications" has become popular in government organizations and has been formed in the last 5-10 years in State Department and the Department of Defense. For example, the Department of Defense now defines "strategic communications" as:

Targeted action by the US government to understand and engage key target audiences in the creation, strengthening or preservation of favorable interests, policies and objectives of the United States through the implementation of coordination programs, plans, themes, key messages (messages) and synchronized products using all tools of state power.

It seems to me that this definition needs to be improved, but a clear difference can already be seen here when it comes to synchronizing the instruments of national influence (for example, diplomacy, information, the armed forces, the economy). Thus, we are talking about interpenetration - communications in non-traditional areas for it, and non-traditional areas in communication.

Strategic communications is a process that includes not only communicators, but also players from other areas of the organization. This is a process, because the communicator assists in the implementation of this process, which is very rarely the "property" of one department. As the Strategic Communications Planner at the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Headquarters in Kabul, we have been tasked with synchronizing and coordinating all activities – both moving and non-moving – to achieve our goals. To use the definition of the American definition of strategic communications, it would mean anything that guides diplomacy, information, the military, and the economy.

At the same time, there is no one person who understands all these areas, so the process is reflected as discussions and synchronization of what goals should be achieved. This means that as a communicator - as part of a larger process of strategic communications - I have to involve more and more people in order to understand the big picture and involve others so that they can better understand the communication aspect of the entire project.

For non-governmental organizations - business - this will mean that the strategic communications plan is not only communications, otherwise it would be called a communications plan. A strategic communications plan is primarily a process that includes all aspects of an organization and all of its members who are working to achieve common goals. This plan will include, for example, an engineering department, operations department, management, legal department, logistics and other departments that make up the company.

And yet, what is strategic communications?

The evolution of the term "strategic communications" includes "a bit of content behind numerous PowerPoint presentations, research articles, and just a few steps that have been taken to develop a synchronized, coordinated multi-agency national agenda." Obviously, this is about the vision of strategic communications in the US Department of Defense, but the same can be said about the corporate sector.

I have read a huge number of articles and books about strategic communications, but they all included only the communication component. Therefore, for me, this is nothing more than a rebranding of the communication plan, which we already compiled long before the emergence of the term “strategic communications”, which has been actively used in the last decade.

The main question everyone should be asking is what is the difference between your communications plan and a strategic communications plan? If your plan includes only communications and communicator tasks, 99% of it is just a communication plan.

The more complex path is to include all areas and areas of your organization's core expertise, departments that don't want to be synchronized, and undefined organization goals and objectives that are scattered across many other parts of the company. If all these processes are defined and described in your plan, then you are definitely close to strategic communications.

Mike Nicholson's answer, clarifying strategic communications and communicator tasks, to a blog question:

"Do you agree that PR and the legal department are often - maybe even more significantly - on opposite sides?"

Not necessarily, but I think it depends on the type of organization. For example, in the army, public relations (feeding information from outside) is at odds with intelligence (keeping information inside) more than in any other department, but these relations have improved recently - at least in my experience - thanks to constant engagement between different departments to achieve common goals.

I think we're doing a disservice to our industry when we try to pass off "communications" and "strategic communications" as the same thing. If they are one and the same, questions arise that are very difficult to answer. Is it "strategic" communications because it is related to the organization's strategy? What, you haven't done this before?

Communications is simple, but I believe that strategic communications are higher and much more complex. Most managers in an organization do not want to be a team integrator. If everything comes from separate pipes of departments, this forces the manager to try to synthesize all these processes. Strategic communications - work for the integration of personnel, primarily led by the communicator, and synthesize all questions before they fall on the manager's desk, and thus provide recommendations for all actions that lead to the achievement of common goals and objectives.

William M. Darley, “The Missing Component of U.S. Strategic Communications, ”Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 47 (2007), 109.

Image taken from U.S. Joint Forces Command ‘Commander’s Handbook for Strategic Communication and Communication Strategy’ Version 3.0, dated 24 June 2010.

What is the most common soft power toolkit? In reality, this is a change in information contexts. They can come into conflict with the picture of the world, leading as a result to its changes. Modern man generally got into a strange state when information contexts change at a faster rate than he can process them. Strongly contradictory contexts (for example, corruption of a particular government) lead to a strong demand for a change of government.

So turning to social media is the next new approach. As always, the first to do this was a business that brought to the fore as social networks, and storytelling (storytelling). But it turns out that the principle of changing the information flow remains a common moment for business, military, and political technologists. If it's a change technical order, that is, a certain gap in time until the audience develops their own options for understanding and resistance to it.

Social networking is of particular interest to computer scientists because, as Pentland points out, individually we are unpredictable, but collectively we are. That is, the mass of people behaves quite predictably, and the deviations of individual individuals can be ignored.

As the audience of exposure is constantly expanding, social networks are attracting more and more attention. Attention builders want to reach ever larger audiences. When information was scarce, attention was not a significant factor. When today there is too much information, attention, or rather, its absence, has become a critical factor. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a new specialty: along with the architects of choice Thaler and Sunstein, attention constructors play an important role in the modern world, on whose work the entertainment sphere completely depends.

As you can see, Rhodes makes culture one of the possible variables. The implication of this is that general patterns of influence may be more important and stronger than certain cultural constraints. In terms of impact, we are more the same than different.

Strategic communications, in terms of theory, are not as old a product as many others. They are not even two decades old. Therefore, they may still have a good future ahead of them.

© Pocheptsov Georgy Georgievich, 2015
© Published with the kind permission of the author

404 means the file is not found. If you have already uploaded the file then the name may be misspelled or it is in a different folder.

Other Possible Causes

You may get a 404 error for images because you have Hot Link Protection turned on and the domain is not on the list of authorized domains.

If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue.

It is also possible that you have inadvertently deleted your document root or the your account may need to be recreated. Either way, please contact your web host immediately.

Are you using WordPress? See the Section on 404 errors after clicking a link in WordPress.

How to find the correct spelling and folder

Missing or Broken Files

When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request.

In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/

notice that the CaSe e sample and E xample are not the same locations.

For addon domains, the file must be in public_html/ and the names are case-sensitive.

Broken Image

When you have a missing image on your site you may a box on your page with see with a red X where the image is missing. right click on the X and choose Properties. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found.

This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab.

In this example the image file must be in public_html/cgi-sys/images/

notice that the CaSe is important in this example. On platforms that enforce case sensitivity PNG and png are not the same locations.

404 Errors After Clicking WordPress Links

When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered.

When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.

Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress, click Settings > Permalinks(Note the current setting. If you are using a custom structure, copy or save the custom structure somewhere.)
  3. Select Default.
  4. Click Save settings.
  5. Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Put the custom structure back if you had one.
  6. Click Save settings.

This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly.

Option 2: Modify the .htaccess File

Add the following snippet of code to the top of your .htaccess file:

# BEGIN WordPress

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-f
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# End WordPress

If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

How to modify your .htaccess file

The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a .htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the .htaccess so those scripts can function.

It is possible that you may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point, for various reasons.This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a .htaccess File

  • Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP
  • Use an FTP program's Edit Mode
  • Use SSH and a text editor
  • Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit a .htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit .htaccess files in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. In the Files section, click on the file manager icon.
  3. Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.
  4. Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)" is checked.
  5. Click Go. The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.
  6. Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the .htaccess File

  1. right click on the .htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the .htaccess file and then click on the code editor icon at the top of the page.
  2. A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.
  3. Edit the file as needed.
  4. Click Save Changes in the upper right hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.
  5. Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.
  6. Once completed, you can click close to close the File Manager window.

integrated marketing communication public

When US President Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded US forces in Europe during World War II, he said, “The plan is nothing. Planning is everything." It can be said that the implementation of the planning of the program of action provides an order and a clear sequence of steps taken.

In order to understand the importance of strategic potential for the sphere of public relations, let's define the concept of "strategy". In the book by S.S. Frolov "Public relations in the work of the company", the concept of "strategy" is correlated with the concept of strategy in the art of war. “The main meaning of this concept has been transferred from the field of military activity to other areas that require long-term unidirectional actions to achieve long-term goals in the face of an uncertain external environment”

In the literature on management, we find the opinion of the authors, shared by the majority, that the strategy essentially concerns the process of managing the interaction between the organization and the external environment of its activities and is aimed at achieving the greatest "conformity" between them.

Thus, we see that there is practically no comprehensive and acceptable to all definition of strategy.

Therefore, we will not try to give a single definition of the strategy, but rather identify those areas in which there is the most mutual agreement. Consider the approach of R. Kerin to the definition of strategy. He analyzed the various interpretations of the strategy proposed by different authors, and identified six key aspects of the strategy. In the thesis, we will rely on the following definition: “A strategy is a motivating force for stakeholders (shareholders, creditors, managers, employees, clients, local community, government, etc.) who directly or indirectly benefit or bear expenses from the activities of their organizations.

Specificity of strategic communications

To understand the specifics of strategic communications, it is important to establish their main elements that will allow you to get an idea about this concept.

Speaking about the main elements of strategic PR, it is worth mentioning the systematic approach. This is a very important point, because depending on the type of systems, one or another strategy of action works. It is important, first of all, to identify the difference between closed and open systems.

Closed or rigid systems are characterized by low permeability of boundaries for matter, energy and information. Open or soft systems are characterized by a freer exchange with the environment, they are more adaptive to the environment and are able to counteract its negative changes and use positive ones. Two types of strategic PR are associated with the process of the system's response to environmental stimuli - reactive and proactive. In the first case, communication specialists are considered only as performers, they are not “supposed” to make changes to the behavior of the system.

In the second case, PR becomes part of the senior management policy and communications specialists participate in the development of the strategy, as well as purposefully monitor the conditions environment and analyze them. This kind of analysis is inextricably linked with the concept of strategic thinking, which is discussed in detail in the textbook by S. Cutlip, A. Senter, G. Broom “Public Relations. Theory and practice". Strategic thinking, as the authors point out, is the prediction or establishment of a desired future target state, the identification of forces that contribute to or hinder movement towards the goal, and the drawing up of a plan to achieve the desired state.

To understand the essence of strategic communications, it is necessary to consider such concepts as strategy and tactics. Of all the variety of interpretations of the concept of "strategy", the clearest is the following: "Strategy - significant goals and actions designed to long term time” Operation with such concepts organically fits into the sections of strategic and operational management. G. Pocheptsov connects the differences between these concepts with the following factors:

1) in terms of the scope of actions: the first are broad and general, and the second are narrower;

2) In terms of flexibility, the strategy is adaptable to changes, but gradually, while tactics involve fast adaptation to the maximum change;

3) by time and action: strategy occurs before the start of actions, and tactics are applied during actions;

4) by resources: strategy is associated with the deployment, and tactics - with the use of resources.

Strategic goals are not only an expression of the strategy, but also of a more specific level - the level of mission implementation. In the literature on strategic management, the two concepts "mission" and "environment" are central. The role of the communicative strategic task in this case is to convey the meaning of the goals, values ​​and norms of behavior to all employees of organizations, as well as to the surrounding public.

The next equally important element in the formation of strategic communications should be the development of a company identification profile (IPK). It includes the name, logo, coat of arms, flag, anthem, color, font, values, opinions, communication style. The IPC should correspond to the strategic goals and be an integral part of them. Therefore, the strategy begins with the development of an identification profile, and does not adjust to strategic goals.

Key questions strategic management mission and vision count. We can say that the mission is a short expression of the function that the organization is called upon to perform in society. Vision, in turn, expresses a picture of the plausible and desired state of the organization.

into the sphere strategic activities communication professionals include participation in the development of the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the organization. It should be noted that the strategic element associated with the mission is not only in its development, but also in informing about it, in its promotion and fixation in the minds of people as the main reference point, integrating everyone around them.

Let's sum up the intermediate results. In order for communications in an organization to have the status of strategic, they must have a number of important elements, namely:

1) strategic communications are based on a systematic approach and analysis of two types of systems (closed and open), which determine different styles of behavior and communication;

2) strategic communications are tightly tied to the concepts of "strategy" and "tactics", which determine the differences between the strategic and tactical content of the activities of specialists;

3) strategic communications are associated with the development and information support of the process of implementing the mission and strategy;

4) the sphere of strategic communications includes the process of formation of symbols (name, logo, coat of arms, flag, anthem, color, font), corporate culture and distribution through the company's IPK communication channels.

Having decided on the concept and features of strategic communications, we can move on to the key issue of the theoretical part thesis- the strategic role of public relations in the system of integrated communications.