Job description of the head of the operational department. What does a director of operations do? IT Operations Director Job Responsibilities

  • 23.05.2020

Recently, the presence in the company of a separate person - a manager who would deal with operational issues, has become more relevant than ever. Today, the director of operations in St. Petersburg is one of the most sought-after vacancies: ambitious, modern enterprises must be flexible and efficient, paying much attention to improving their work efficiency and reducing material and labor costs.

Operational activity is the work of the company, the purpose of which is to make a profit or solve other problems. production tasks: performing work or providing services, manufacturing products, selling goods, etc. Speaking in simple terms, operating activities include any activity of the enterprise, except for investment and financial.

Director of Operations: Functional Responsibilities

  • Mobilization and competent distribution of the company's resources, as well as the management of its strategic assets.
  • Ensuring the continuity of the enterprise and managing operations.
  • Improvement of the operating environment and optimization of operational processes.
  • Developing principles for implementing strategies in practice and putting plans into practice.
  • If necessary, the transformation and updating of the business model, the stimulation of key initiatives for the transformation of the business, as well as the formation of its future concept.

Director of operations in St. Petersburg - who is he?

According to statistics, a typical director of an operations center in St. Petersburg is a man or a woman, average age who is 47 years old. Education - higher, most often these are masters or people with a higher scientific title. The specialization that a director of operations has, as a rule, depends on the industry of the company.

Most often, people holding this position are part of the company's board or executive management. Particularly attractive in their work, most COOs find a wide area of ​​responsibility and a lot of tasks that have to be solved. At the same time, the heads of the operational direction, as a rule, consider critical or unstable conditions as a favorable working environment in which it is necessary to see new trends and find new prospects for business development.

Representative of the profession executive director- this is a leader who reports only to the general director (or the meeting of founders, if any). The functions of the executive director include careful control over financial flows, personnel management of the company and the solution of all organizational problems of production and sale of goods or services.

High responsibility, a large number of duties and extremely high pay work make this profession very prestigious.

An executive director is necessary for any medium and big business. Usually than larger enterprise the more such a leader is needed.

History of the profession

In any work collective there is always a need for a leader who can direct people to achieve a common goal. If during the primitive communal system, the role of the leader was performed by the leaders, then in modern times they are the general directors.

Chief Operating Officer

They distribute responsibilities, organize people and manage the work of the team.

With the development of the economy and the emergence large corporations, CEOs began to hire assistants: executive, financial and commercial directors.

Responsibilities of the Executive Director

Main official duties executive director include:

  • enterprise management;
  • coordination of work of departments;
  • selection and training of employees;
  • ensuring high quality of services/goods;
  • implementation of the sales plan and approved budgets;
  • negotiating with customers, contractors, partners;
  • building and improving business processes;
  • implementation and control of enterprise work standards.

Executive director requirements

The main requirements for an executive director are:

  • higher education;
  • 3 years of work experience in the field of activity of the company-employer;
  • experience in planning and budgeting;
  • negotiation experience;
  • managerial and organizational skills;
  • knowledge of the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation that affect the activities of the employing company;
  • personal characteristics:
    • leadership skills;
    • focus on results;
    • stress tolerance;
    • discipline.

Own car is welcome.

Executive director resume template

Resume sample.

How to become an executive director

To become an executive director, first of all, you need a higher education (it is desirable that it corresponds to the field of activity of the employer). On the construction company require a building education medical center- medical, in the bank - economic. Often, executive director positions require good legal knowledge.

Apart from higher education extensive practical experience is required (the minimum requirement is 3 years of experience in a managerial position) and a set of personal qualities: time management, negotiation, leadership.

Executive director salary

The salary of an executive director varies from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month, depending on the city and size of the company. In addition to the salary, the director always has a bonus part, depending on the result achieved.

The average salary of an executive director is 70 thousand rubles a month.

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer controls all processes that occur in the structure of the enterprise, ensures the smooth operation of the network.

Job Description Director for Operations

A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of the manager, who oversees the points of sale and coordinates between them.

Today, there are not enough such specialists in the labor market in the country. In the future, new stores are planned to open, so the popularity of this profession will increase, as will their wages.

The main functions of the operating director

The scope of duties of this specialist includes supervision over the quality of work performed and compliance with safety regulations, as well as the creation of a personnel motivation system, including Call-center operators. The main directions of its activity:
- develops a pricing policy, manages the development of the assortment and its classification;
- chooses a strategy for cooperation with suppliers, normalizes and optimizes product stocks;
- planning methods for managing customer flows;
– analyzes the factors that influence the choice of consumers, analyzes the behavior of likely consumers, layouts trading floors, the rules of effective price tags;
- builds effective system retail network management, distributes responsibilities among staff;
— provides a store automation and security system, preventive measures to reduce losses;
— conducts work with employees, improves the efficiency of an already functioning system;
— develops a strategy for improving the network (selection target audience, designation in the sales market, development of loyalty programs, etc.).

Qualities of an Operations Director

This versatility of the leader gives him great potential as a creator and the ability to actually influence the development of the entire business. But combining the duties of an operator and a strategist is quite difficult, for which the COO must have a set of clear leadership qualities. A specialist, comparing the data obtained, should be able to identify new trends and develop new approaches to building a business in the future. The main qualities in this specialty are the ability to analyze and predict.

Professionals holding this position, unlike auditors, need to have such personal qualities, how:
- confidence, efficiency, responsible attitude to work, discipline, commitment and vigor;
- sincerity and honesty;
- communication skills, delicacy, ability to negotiate and diplomacy;
- the ability to improvise, creativity;
- resistance to stressful situations.

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The Self-Learning Organization (SLO) is a model that has been talked about in earnest relatively recently. She combines the perfect company from the point of view of backbone management and production of innovations.

Chief Operating Officer

The only “disadvantage” of OEO is that without a connection to the formation of corporate culture, the scheme remains only a scheme, and the plan is devoid of any life prospects.

In 1990, American Peter Senge published his famous work The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Self-Learning Organization, where he defined COO as a structure in which people constantly expand their ability to create the results they actually aspire to. According to Senge, there are five "disciplines" that everyone in an organization should practice.

  • The first "discipline" "Awareness of mental maps and characteristics of information assimilation"- sets positive rules for communication between employees, creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding, prevents distortion of information and reduces the level of conflict.
  • The second discipline "Encouraging Collective Learning"- aims to create a team of like-minded people through trainings and other methods of team interaction, in which everyone is included. This creates a situation of implicit learning.
  • The third discipline "Acquisition and promotion of personal excellence" is devoted to material and non-material incentives for professional development.
  • The fourth discipline "Developing the ability to see prospects, create a better future"— helps each employee learn to assess the level of his professional development: at what stage he is now, where he should strive and what resources are needed for this. This makes it possible to work on achieving goals, develop a sense of purpose and adequately assess behavior.
  • Fifth discipline - "Development of systems thinking"- focuses on a clear definition of one's role in the overall structure of interaction, acceptance of responsibility and the ability to provide for the details of the implementation of one's projects.

Another, “European” COO model was developed by T. Boydel, N. Dixon and P. Senge. They identify 11 characteristics of COO:

  • A "learning" approach to strategy development (strategy and policy are seen as dynamic, so business plans are constantly being improved).
  • "Participatory" management policy (employees take part in the development of the company's strategy and policy).
  • Information openness (information is taken into account, and not used for reward or punishment).
  • Accounting and control of the organization's activities (accounting, budgeting and analysis systems are built so that each employee feels responsible for the resources that he manages in the course of work).
  • Internal exchange of services (subdivisions have the ability to exchange services at their discretion).
  • Flexible remuneration mechanisms (all personnel are involved in the process of determining the optimal forms of remuneration for the employee's contribution to the overall performance of the organization).
  • A structure that provides employees with opportunities (positions and roles are distributed so that there are conditions for experimentation and growth; all regulations are discussed).
  • Constant "scanning" environment(at each meeting, events taking place in the company's business environment are considered, employees carefully analyze changes in the market).
  • Joint projects of the organization and related groups (the company acts as an initiator in the implementation of joint projects with consumers and suppliers, not missing the opportunity for joint training).
  • A climate conducive to learning (every employee strives to learn and improve what they do, everyone has the right to make mistakes and has time to discuss and analyze practices).
  • Constant self-development of each employee (a budget is allocated for each employee for his self-development on topics chosen by him).

The main difference between COO and the traditional organization of personnel training, in our understanding, is that interaction within the company is focused not so much on adapting to market changes, but on actively shaping these changes.

Thus, SOO implies the possibility of moving away from stereotypical responses to preventive behavior and creative management at all levels. (We recently wrote about creative management and its implementation on the example of the RBI holding in the article “The Practice of Implementing Creative Management”). Many definitions of OSH are given only through the concept of learning, we do not think that this is correct, since learning is a means of change applied with a specific goal, and not a goal. For example, M. Pedler summarizes that COO is an organization that promotes the learning of all its members and is in the process of self-transformation.
K. Argyris and D. Sean identified two main learning cycles.

  1. A single cycle where the emphasis is on problem solving, identification and correction of deviations. At the same time, the norms and models of the company's activity as a whole do not change.
  2. A double cycle, when a company critically analyzes its activities and changes its norms and behaviors. This integral approach to problem solving plays an important role in COO.

I. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi, developing the approach of Argyris and Sean, propose four types of cyclic learning processes (SEKI model).

  1. Socialization (from implicit knowledge to implicit): following the example, learning by trial and error using forms of mentoring, brainstorming and group discussions.

    At this stage, knowledge is difficult to formalize.

  2. Externalization (from implicit knowledge to explicit): documenting knowledge using metaphors, analogies, theories, infographics, etc., including the translation of implicit knowledge into explicit (this is one of the most challenging tasks in the construction of the COO).
  3. Combination (from explicit knowledge to explicit): categorization, classification and systematization of existing knowledge into a knowledge bank.
  4. Internalization (from explicit knowledge to implicit): explicit knowledge becomes an asset of the company, the staff is offered and recommended specialized literature, book novelties and periodicals, "learning by doing" allows you to build connections and create new models, it is the integration of the three processes described above with the systematic dissemination of explicit knowledge among employees throughout the company.

This model is a good illustration of the words of G. P. Shchedrovitsky that a person who receives knowledge, due to this knowledge, acquires a mode of action, which turns into his ability. It is considered in world practice one of the most promising in the creation of COO. Unfortunately, in Russia, the idea of ​​it is still rather superficial.

The view of Nonaka and Takeuchi on the formation of a “team of experts” or the so-called “organizers of knowledge” is also interesting. This team consists of "knowledge officers" (top managers), "knowledge engineers" (middle managers) and "knowledge practitioners" (full-time employees).
Knowledge Officers able:

  • clearly articulate the vision of the company;
  • broadcast this vision to members project team as the basis of corporate culture;
  • choose a worthy project leader;
  • brainstorm, creating controlled chaos within the project team;
  • protect the quality of knowledge created based on organizational criteria and standards;
  • successfully coordinate the team;
  • manage the knowledge creation process.

Knowledge Engineers able:

  • manage the project;
  • produce hypotheses and create new concepts;
  • combine different methodologies to create knowledge;
  • encourage dialogue among team members and help formulate proposals;
  • create an atmosphere of trust among team members;
  • to assume a future plan of action based on an understanding of experience and its systematization.

Knowledge practices must:

  • have high intellectual abilities;
  • feel responsible and need to create new knowledge;
  • have a broad outlook;
  • be successful in communicating with both clients and colleagues;
  • be open and sincere in discussions and debates.

The tasks of forming the COO are traditionally:

  • changing the company itself - its transformation into a self-learning organization;
  • creation of a unified management culture;
  • development of uniform standards for the quality of work with clients;
  • creation of a personnel reserve;
  • retention of valuable employees through development motivation;
  • reducing the risk of loss of knowledge, breaking the technological chain when one of the employees leaves.

However, the main task, generalizing all the others, is to achieve the viability of the company in the face of fierce competition. To solve it, the company must have its own pool of basic learning and decision-making tools. Now, despite the different interpretations and visions of this tool, COE is one of the most systematized tools for personnel development, against which many training programs are just small injections of “motivation for self-development”.


Chairman of the PC Director of the Central House of Culture and Culture "Uchastie"

Kamysheva V.V. Bulanova O.E.

"___" ___________2012 "___" ___________2012




1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2006 No. 413 “On Approval model provision on the committee (commission) for labor protection.

1.2. The commission is created on a parity basis from representatives of the administration and trade unions and carries out its activities in order to organize cooperation and regulate relations between the employer and employees in the field of labor protection in an educational institution.

1.3. The number of members of the commission and the terms of its powers are determined by the collective agreement.

1.4. Members of the commission perform their duties on a voluntary basis, without being released from their main work. The commission carries out its activities in accordance with the work plan, which is adopted at a meeting of the commission and approved by its chairman. Commission meetings are held as needed, but at least once a quarter.

1.5. In its work, the commission interacts with government bodies management of labor protection, supervision and control of labor protection, trade unions, labor protection service of an educational institution.

1.6. To perform the assigned tasks, the members of the committee (commission) must receive appropriate training in the field of labor protection under a special program at the courses at the expense of the organization.

1.7. The Commission in its activities is guided by legislative and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation on labor and labor protection, collective agreement, local regulations educational institution.


The following main tasks may be assigned to the commission:

2.1. Development on the basis of the proposals of the parties of a program of joint actions of the administration and the trade union to improve conditions and labor protection, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

2.2. Consideration of proposals for the development of organizational, technical and sanitary measures for the preparation of a draft of the relevant section of the collective agreement.

2.3. Analysis of the current state of conditions and labor protection in an educational institution and the preparation of relevant proposals within its competence to solve problems of labor protection.

2.4. Informing employees about the state of conditions and labor protection at the workplace, the existing risk of damage to health and the personal protective equipment that employees are entitled to, compensations and benefits.


To fulfill the tasks set, assign the following functions to the committee (commission):

3.1. Consideration of proposals from the administration, the trade union, as well as individual workers on the creation of healthy and safe working conditions in the institution and the development of recommendations that meet the requirements of preserving the life and health of workers in the course of work.

3.2. Consideration of the results of a survey of the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces, in departments and in an educational institution as a whole, participation in surveys at the request of employees and, if necessary, developing recommendations for eliminating identified violations.

3.3. Study of the causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken on labor conditions and labor protection, preparation of information and analytical materials on the actual state of labor protection in an educational institution.

3.4. Analysis of the course and results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

3.5. Assistance to the administration in introducing more advanced technologies into the educational process, new technology in order to create healthy and safe working conditions.

3.6. Studying the condition and use of sanitary facilities and sanitary and hygienic devices, providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, and the correctness of their use.

3.7. Providing assistance to the administration in organizing training at the enterprise on safe methods and techniques for performing work, conducting timely and high-quality briefing of employees on labor safety.

3.8. Participation in the promotion of labor protection in an educational institution, increasing the responsibility of employees for compliance with labor protection requirements.


In order to perform the assigned functions, the committee (commission) may be granted the following rights:

4.1. Receive from the administration and the labor protection service of the educational institution information on the state of working conditions at the workplace, industrial injuries and occupational diseases, the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors.

4.2. To hear reports from the administration at its meetings on the issues of their fulfillment of their obligations to ensure healthy and safe working conditions in the workplace and compliance with the guarantees of the right of workers to labor protection.

4.3. Participate in the work on the formation of measures of the collective agreement on issues within the competence of the commission.

4.4. Make proposals on bringing employees to disciplinary responsibility for violations of the requirements of norms, rules and instructions on labor protection.

4.5. Contact the relevant authorities with a request for prosecution officials in cases of violation by them of legislative and other normative legal acts on labor protection, concealment of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

4.6. Make proposals for moral and material incentives for employees labor collective for active participation in the work to create healthy and safe working conditions in an educational institution.

Deputy Director for Security

Mikhailov V.B.

  1. Chairman of the PC director of mou school No. 10


    Agreed I approve ChairmanPCDirector MOU secondary school No. 10 ________ / Barskaya T.G. / … holding a meeting chairman methodical association is obliged to notify the deputy directors methodically...

  2. Chairman of the PC Director of the OGO SPK


    ... No. 10. to the Collective Agreement AGREED: I APPROVE: ChairmanPCDirector OGOU SPO "SPK" ______________ N.I. Raspopov ...

  3. The job description of the storekeeper, No. agreed, I approve the chairman of the PC, the director of the school


    … ____.20___ g No. _____ AGREED APPROVED ChairmanPCDirector school ___________ (________________) __________ O.A. Putilova ... work schedule, orders and directives directors, this job description), employment contract ...

  4. Chairman of the Trade Union School Principal (3)


    … term: calendar days – chairmanPC; 5 calendar days - members PC on submission chairman: 5 calendar days … . 8.3. Turn on chairmanPC part attestation commission to ensure his participation in meetings with director. 9.TERM…

  5. Chairman pc mbousosh No. 8 Director mbousosh No. 8


    ... secondary school No. 8 Agreed I approve ChairmanPC MBOUSOSH No. 8 Director MBOUSOSH No. 8 ____________ Karaseva N. V.

    … school number 8 Agreed I approve ChairmanPC MBOU secondary school No. 8 Director MBOU secondary school No. 8 ____________ Karaseva ...

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Many modern companies provide for the position of chief operating officer, the functionality of which can be extremely wide, as well as his job responsibilities. In fact, the COO is the second or even the first person in the company that carries out commercial activity. Learn all the features of the work of the chief operating officer and the tasks that may be assigned to him.

Operations Director - who is it

Now many companies provide for the position of chief operating officer, or, according to the foreign wording, COO (Chief Operational Officer). This specialist performs a wide range of tasks and actually ensures the conduct of the main activities of the entire company. This position belongs to the category of top management of the corporation, and if there is a board of directors in the company, the operating director is necessarily one of its permanent members.

It should be noted that the position of COO is not mandatory. In many companies, it is simply not provided. Instead, all tasks can be solved directly by the general director or the owner of the enterprise. However, in large companies still, separation of responsibilities even at the senior management level is preferable, and the position in question is of great importance for the effective conduct of business, especially on a large scale.

The main tasks of the chief operating officer are inherently related to the daily activities of the business - daily and ongoing operations, as can be seen from the title of the position. At the same time, specific job responsibilities, tasks and the level of responsibility of specialists in this category are almost always established in individually depending on the characteristics of the activities of a particular company.

Modern experts in the field of personnel and enterprise management recommend establishing the position of an operating director in staffing and look for employees on it even within small business at its start. This approach can help the owner find and train an effective specialist and delegate part of the important tasks, which, at the same time, are not directly related to global development company, but are dedicated primarily to ensuring its stable daily operation.

COO vs COO - the difference

One of FAQ, which is set by the owners and ordinary employees of the company - this is what is the difference between the operating and executive director. Most often, these concepts are completely synonymous. The difference, first of all, lies in the fact that the wording "executive director" is adopted in the post-Soviet space and in companies that have grown on the basis of the existing basis of technologies and methods of personnel management.

The position of the operating director is a direct translation of the position provided for in the standard Western model corporate business and their management. At the same time, the scope of responsibility, job responsibilities and functionality of these specialists can be completely and completely the same for both domestic and foreign businesses.

However modern tendencies and business trends demonstrate the emergence of a division of duties and responsibilities between even almost identical positions. So, in some companies, the position of both operational, and executive and general directors may already be present at the same time. With this approach, the following distribution of tasks is usually provided:

With such an approach, the position of the operating director is the most “mundane” and related specifically to the implementation of routine basic tasks and operations, but still within the entire company. The executive director in this situation plays the role of a link in the global strategic management and tactical management.

The position of the operating director is not regulated in any way by the current Russian legislation, therefore the employer himself has the right to determine the full range of tasks, areas of activity and responsibility of the operating director and other managing employees of the company. The only positions that have special principles legal regulation in the Russian Federation, one can name the position of the general director, his deputy, as well as the chief accountant of the enterprise.

The functionality of the operating director in the company - what tasks does he solve

As already defined earlier, the main function of the operating director at the enterprise is to ensure the conduct of the main activities of the company as a whole. At the same time, the operating director himself refers to the administrative staff - that is, to the one who ensures the functioning of the enterprise. At the same time, the main task of this specialist is precisely the organization of not accompanying processes, but the main processes through which the business makes a profit. Thus, the responsibility of the COO may include the following tasks:

  • Development of plans. Most often, global goals for the company as a whole are set by the CEO or board of directors. However, it is the COO who usually develops practical mechanisms for implementing previously developed strategic decisions and programs.
  • Selection and management of subordinate managers. First of all, the COO is the link between the outside world, with which the CEO works, and the internal world of the company - directly by the leaders structural divisions, branches and departments of the company.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the company. The tasks of the operating director include not only the direct management of management, but also the regular assessment of the effectiveness of the fulfillment of the tasks set by his subordinates and the achievement by the enterprise of the indicators set in accordance with the plans.
  • Issuance of orders. Most often, it is the COO in the company who is the person who ensures the issuance and signing most local regulations and internal documents.
  • Interaction with contractors. Working with suppliers and large consumers is also the responsibility of the operating director, because this activity is directly related to the performance of the company's main function, which is to maintain certain activities for the purpose of making a profit.

It must be understood that in order to implement the above tasks, the COO must have extremely broad powers within the business entity. The main powers that are issued to the COO include the right to conclude and terminate, publish at the enterprise, conduct business on behalf of the company and represent its interests in all areas, including without providing a separate power of attorney.

Chief Operating Officer Job Responsibilities - Rough List

Since each business and each enterprise is unique, it cannot be said that the list of job responsibilities of the operating director should have any strictly defined form. On the contrary, it should always be adapted in accordance with the specific characteristics of an individual business entity. At the same time, using a simple template, you can clearly and concisely indicate the main responsibilities of the COO, which can be easily expanded or supplemented if necessary with items necessary in a particular case. The following list can be used as such a template:

  1. General provisions

1.1. The COO belongs to the category of top management of the company and reports directly to the CEO and the Board of Directors.

1.2. The hiring and dismissal of the chief operating officer is carried out solely on the basis of the order of the general director.

1.3. The position of the operational director is replaced by a specialist with a specialized higher professional education and X years of work experience.

1.4. The Operations Director must have the following knowledge and practical skills:

1.5. The Operations Director must possess the following personal qualities necessary for the effective implementation of his professional activities:

  • Authority.
  • High social skills.
  • Striving for self-development.
  • Flexibility of thinking.
  • The ability to take responsibility.
  1. Responsibilities of the Operations Director

2.1. Conducting the management of the normal day-to-day activities of the company in all aspects of the implementation of the main tasks of the enterprise.

2.2. Organization of effective interaction of all structural divisions of the company that are in the area of ​​responsibility and ensuring their management through subordinate managers.

2.3. Ensuring the execution of orders of the General Director and the Board of Directors, development, implementation and control of regulations.

2.4. Search, analysis, development and implementation of new technological and organizational solutions to improve the efficiency of the company.

2.5. Ensuring the planning of the organization for the conduct of core activities over a long period.

2.6. Conclusion of employment contracts, publication of internal documentation of the enterprise.

2.7. Preparation of the company's budget for various periods.

2.8. Protecting the interests of the company when working with government agencies, courts, authorities.

2.9. Representing the interests of the company in negotiations with partners, suppliers, contractors and consumers.

  1. Rights of the COO

3.1. Making suggestions for optimizing all aspects of the company's activities.

3.2. Independent decision-making on the conduct of operational activities and their reporting to subordinates.

3.3. Representing the interests of the company before partners and public authorities without a power of attorney.

3.4. Conclusion of employment contracts, issuance of orders and other local regulations.

3.5. Obtaining all social guarantees provided for by law and the employment contract.

  1. Responsibility of the operating director.

4.1. The COO is responsible for all his actions in accordance with the requirements of Russian law.

4.2. The operating director is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and the requirements of the employment contract and additional agreements to him.

4.3. For causing material damage The operating director is responsible to the employer in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. When hiring, the COO signs an agreement on full liability.

4.4. The operating director may be held liable for violation of the requirements, employment contract and other violations provided for labor law.

Download "Job Description of the Head of Operations Department (Russian)" from (MS Word, 45 Kb) (name of institution, organization) I APPROVE (authorized person) (full name, signature) » » 200_ JOB INSTRUCTIONS OF THE HEAD OF OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT I General provisions

  1. This instruction establishes the scope and content of the duties of the Head of Department, the procedure for interaction with the Bank's divisions, the requirements for the level of professional and theoretical training.
  2. When performing the tasks assigned to him, the Head of the Department is guided by: - ​​the legislation of Ukraine, - the Charter of the Bank, - decisions of the Council and the Management management, - Official instructions from the Head of Department.
  3. The Head of Department reports directly to the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank.

Chief operating officer: job description

Recently, the presence in the company of a separate person - a manager who would deal with operational issues, has become more relevant than ever. Today, the director of operations in St. Petersburg is one of the most sought-after vacancies: ambitious, modern enterprises must be flexible and efficient, paying much attention to improving their work efficiency and reducing material and labor costs. Operational activity is such work of the company, the purpose of which is to make a profit or solve other production tasks: the performance of work or the provision of services, the manufacture of products, the sale of goods, etc.
e. In simple terms, operating activities include any activity of an enterprise, except for investment and financial activities.

Job Description Director for Operations

And also, organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, workshops and production units, directs their activities to the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing sales volumes and increasing profits, quality and competitiveness of products , its compliance with world standards in order to conquer the domestic and foreign markets and meet the needs of the population in the relevant types of domestic products. The director of the enterprise ensures that the enterprise fulfills all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor agreements (contracts) and business plans.

Chief Operating Officer

Therefore, especially at the Seed Stage, the founders of the company are engaged in both drawing up a plan and strategy for the development of the company, compiling specific tasks and then distributing them among themselves. Experience Staply In our startup Staply, as you already know, 2 founders - Gregory and me. We agreed that I would be the General Director, Grigory - the Operations Director.


The distribution of the company's shares - 30% for me, 70% for Grigory. I want to draw your attention to the fact that owning a large number of shares in a company does not mean that a person should occupy a position higher than those who own a smaller percentage of the shares. At Staply, we decided that the COO should report to the CEO, since I am developing a strategy for the development of the company + I have management experience in an IT company.

Job description of the operating director of the retail network


He is assigned the duty to control employees so that they do not violate safety rules, the products produced are of high quality and meet all standards. He is responsible for all production costs and meeting deadlines. The job description of the executive director includes the need to take measures that can increase the growth of production efficiency, taking actions designed to reduce product defects, optimization measures technological processes as well as increasing labor productivity.

The officer holding the position of chief operating officer is responsible for personnel management. His responsibilities include planning to hire the necessary number of employees to fulfill the company's plans, calculating personnel costs, including financial resources needed for his education.


Act on behalf of an organization (enterprise) without a power of attorney. 3.5. Open current and other accounts in banking institutions. 3.6. Dispose of the funds and property of the organization (enterprise) in compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulations, the charter of the organization (enterprise).

3.7. Conclude employment contracts(contracts). 3.8. Issue powers of attorney for civil law transactions, representation, etc. 3.9. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its professional duties and exercise of rights. 3.10. For an additional vacation to the main one. 3.11. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.12. [Other rights provided for by labor legislation]. 4. Responsibility of an employee Director for Operations is responsible for: 4.1.

Job description of the director of the enterprise

Under his control is also the management of administrative employees, if their staff exceeds 100 people. The COO must control the timely fulfillment of the deadlines for meeting obligations to the company's customers. He should also deal with all other operational issues, including the provision of production services, control information technologies, work technical support and similar working moments. Job categories In practice, in modern companies employees are required for leadership positions that fall into the four categories of varieties of duties of the chief operating officer. You can choose the right type of employee only by clearly defining what goals the company sets for itself and what result is required from such an employee. Innovator More often than not, companies need an innovator.

Operations Director

by the most the best option there will be a selection of an employee who is able to supplement the existing leadership with his knowledge and skills. There are two examples that can show the ideal combination of the principles of the work of two people in leadership positions. In the first case, the CEO can be soft and liberalistic, while the operational one, on the contrary, is tough, and very carefully checks all areas of the company's work.

In the second case, the ideal combination is the CEO who is involved in the development of the company, searching for new niches in the market and other external issues, and the second head should be in charge of internal processes and monitor the finances of the enterprise. What a person who wants to take this position should be able to do First of all, when applying for a job for this position, they look at the presence of higher education.

Operations Director Job Description

prospects for the development of this industry;

  • specialization, profile, features of the structure of the enterprise;
  • production technology of the organization's products and the possibilities of its production facilities;
  • methods of managing and managing an enterprise in a market economy;
  • features of drawing up and coordination of business plans for the economic and financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • features of developing programs for entering new sales markets;
  • the procedure for organizing production and labor, developing and concluding labor contracts and regulating social and labor relations;
  • fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;
  • legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Personal workers! please help me figure it out.

Requirements for the qualification of the director of the enterprise 3) Requirements for the qualification of the director of the enterprise. A typical job description for the director of an enterprise should include a “Qualification Requirements” section. For the director of the enterprise - higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in leadership positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

1. General provisions 1. The director of the organization belongs to the category of managers. 2. A person with a higher professional education and at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions is appointed to the position of the director of the organization. 3. The director of the organization is appointed to the position and dismissed (by the founder of the organization, the General Meeting of Founders or other body) 4.

Responsibilities of the Operations Director

For example, if you do not use this phrase and write, for example, in the job description - “Sales Management”, then it will subsequently be difficult to prove that the person did not fulfill this job responsibility. For example, such a person can always say that he managed sales by looking for outsourcing companies that could help with sales, while other tasks were not completed. This phrase will help prevent this situation. In order to secure the company more, it is better to say in advance, before signing the contract, what specific tasks are planned to be performed in this area.
After that, don't forget to list them after the phrase “including, but not limited to”. What's next? In the next article, I will begin a line-by-line breakdown of our agreement between the founders. If you wish, you can use our template in your company.

I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M. P. 1. General provisions 1.1. The Director of Operations belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to the General Director of the organization (enterprise). 1.2. The position of Director of Operations is accepted by a person who has a higher professional education and at least [value] years of experience in senior positions in the relevant industry. 1.3. The director of operations is accepted and dismissed from work by order of the general director. 1.4.

Chief operating officer: job description

Job Responsibilities of the Chief Operating Officer Typically, the Chief Operating Officer is the 2nd person in a company who manages and controls the operations of the company and later of the group of companies. In some companies, the COO is subordinate to the CEO.
In others, the COO reports to the founders/shareholders of the company. I am also familiar with companies where the COO is the Deputy General Director.

In your company, you can decide for yourself what job responsibilities and to whom the Operations Director will report - as you can see, there are no standards here. Additionally, in a startup environment, due to lack of resources, the founders of the company combine the work of several positions at once - General Director, Operations Director, Marketing Director, Sales Director, Developer.

Job Description Director for Operations

Professionally important qualities: [list qualities]. 2. Job responsibilities of an employee The following job responsibilities are assigned to the Operations Director: 2.1.

Management of the daily financial and economic activities of the organization (enterprise) in accordance with the constituent documents. 2.2. Organization of work and effective interaction of all structural divisions of the organization (enterprise), taking measures to improve the efficiency of the organization (enterprise).
2.3. Management of all functional divisions of the organization (enterprise) through the heads of these divisions subordinate to him. 2.4.

Chief Operating Officer


Interacts with banks on the placement of free financial resources on bank deposits (certificates) and the acquisition of highly liquid government securities, monitors the conduct of accounting operations with deposit and loan agreements, securities. 3. The rights of the director of the enterprise The director of the organization has the right: 1.

Act on behalf of the organization, represent its interests in relations with all structural divisions of the organization, as well as other organizations on economic, financial and other issues. 2. Conclude, amend and terminate employment contracts with employees in the manner and on the terms established by the Charter of the organization, Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal laws.
3. Request from the structural divisions of the organization and independent specialists the necessary information about the work of the organization. four.

Job description of the operating director of the retail network

Job search tips, publications for job seekers Operations Director The Operations Director controls all the processes that take place in the structure of the enterprise, ensures the smooth operation of the network. A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of the manager, who oversees the points of sale and coordinates between them.

Today, there are not enough such specialists in the labor market in the country. In the future, new stores are planned to open, so the popularity of this profession will increase, as will their wages.
The main functions of the operating director The scope of duties of this specialist includes supervision over the quality of work performed and compliance with safety regulations, as well as the creation of a personnel motivation system, including Call-center operators.


Education - higher, most often these are masters or people with a higher scientific title. The specialization that a director of operations has, as a rule, depends on the industry of the company.

Most often, people holding this position are part of the company's board or executive management. Particularly attractive in their work, most COOs find a wide area of ​​responsibility and a lot of tasks that have to be solved.
At the same time, the heads of the operational direction, as a rule, consider critical or unstable conditions as a favorable working environment in which it is necessary to see new trends and find new prospects for business development.

Job description of the director of the enterprise

This specialist will be able to take on the responsibility of maintaining a new strategic direction, to manage the implementation of a set of measures that increase the efficiency of the company. In this case, you should choose applicants who have charisma, they should attract attention to themselves in order to interest employees with their ideas, lead the staff to achieve the goals of the organization.


Mentor If the company has a young and inexperienced CEO, then it is worth considering the type of mentor. Specialist this direction will become a solid support, it will help to debug business processes, including the sphere of marketing, finance, sales, and so on.

If the company has a need for such an employee, then you need to look for a professional with a large stock of knowledge, experience and proof of their implementation in practice.

Operations Director

Independently make a decision on the promotion of distinguished employees, on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of industrial and labor discipline. 5. Require employees to perform job duties and respect for the property of the employer and other employees, compliance with the internal labor regulations of the organization. 4. Responsibility of the director of the enterprise The director of the organization is responsible in the following cases: 1. For improper performance or non-performance of his official duties under this job description, within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.

Operations Director Job Description

The main areas of its activity: - develops a pricing policy, manages the development of the assortment and its classification; - chooses a strategy for cooperation with suppliers, normalizes and optimizes product stocks; - plans methods for managing customer flows; - analyzes the factors that influence consumer choice, analyzes behavior potential consumers, layout of trading floors, rules for effective price tags; - builds an effective system for managing a retail network, distributes responsibilities among staff; - provides a store automation and security system, preventive measures to reduce losses; - works with employees, improves the efficiency of an already functioning systems; - develops a strategy for improving the network (selection of the target audience, designation in the sales market, development of loyal programs, etc.).

Personal workers! please help me figure it out.

In his activities, the director of the organization is guided by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the organization;
  • this job description;
  • internal labor regulations of the organization;
  • decisions. (of the founder of the organization, the General Meeting of Founders or other body)

2. Job responsibilities of the director of the enterprise Director of the organization: 1. Manages all types of activities of the organization in accordance with the current legislation. 2. Organizes the work and effective interaction of production units, workshops and other structural units. 3. Ensures that the organization fulfills tasks in accordance with the established quantitative and qualitative indicators, all obligations to suppliers, customers and banks. four.

Responsibilities of the Operations Director

Managing the tasks of the founders of the company, including General Director, employees (if they were hired), third parties, including freelancers, individuals and legal entities).

  • Management of all design activities, including, but not limited to: UI (User interface)/UX(user experience) development and analysis, coordination of external designers work. custom
  • interfaces and scripts, coordinating the work of external designers).
  • Administration of product testing. (Product test management)
  • Management of all marketing activities, including, but not limited to marketing strategy development, searching for creative and PR (public relations) agencies, exhibitions preparations.