Offices of IT companies. Ideal space: how the offices of the world's leading IT companies are arranged The whole company any modern office

  • 24.04.2020

The capital of Russia is the largest city. Many people call it a place of opportunity. It is here that provincials come to go to college and find. Unfortunately, visitors often face deception. They get a long-awaited job, but do not see the profit from it. In order not to encounter such a situation, you should first familiarize yourself with the best employers in Moscow. In total, there are 10 organizations in which people recommend coming for an interview.


The rating of the best employers in Moscow is headed by the legendary company PROCTER & GAMBLE. She appeared in 1991. Its main direction is the production of elite cosmetics and hair care products. The company is currently actively developing. Industrial points are organized not only in the capital of Russia, but also in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk.

Employees who have had to deal with this organization, mostly speak positively about it. First of all, they highlight the possibility of learning. You can come to the company as a beginner, and during your work you can become a qualified specialist. Another advantage is that it is stable, and it can increase simultaneously with work experience. Employers are very kind to each employee. Several times a year, awards are given to the most outstanding specialists.


When it comes to the list of "TOP Best Employers in Moscow", Sibur cannot be ignored. People working in it can "touch" the most popular minerals. They are engaged in the reception, processing and transportation of petroleum gas, carbon raw materials and various fuel additives.

Such an industry has a detrimental effect on human health. Despite this, many future employees seek employment in this company. There are several reasons for this: a full social package, a convenient work schedule and high wage.

On the territory of Russia there are several points of this company. Each employee is given the opportunity to move to Perm, Samara, Tolyatti, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen and other major cities.

PJSC Gazprom Neft

It is hardly possible to meet a person who would not dream of working for Gazprom Neft PJSC. This is one of the firms offering the highest paying jobs, not only in the capital, but throughout the country. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best employers in Moscow.

Young people like a convenient work schedule. It becomes possible to combine labor activity with study. For each New Year Employees are paid good bonuses. Lazy people are not liked in this place. But for the most active and energetic specialists, there is an opportunity for career growth, and, accordingly, wages.


Is it worth explaining what MTS employees do? This is practically the most popular mobile operator in Russia. The number of subscribers is growing daily, each new user remains satisfied with the quality of services provided. This company is also supportive of employees, otherwise, it would not have been included in the rating of the best employers in Moscow.

It is quite simple for a beginner to get a job - you need to pass a simple interview. In a short period of time, it becomes possible to "grow" from an ordinary seller to a manager or administrator. Outlets distributed throughout the country. If you need to move to another city, then there will be no problems with new employment. Employees value friendly staff memorable gifts and direct contact with your favorite customers. average but stable.

The Boston Consulting Group

What does a job seeker pay attention to when choosing an appropriate company? Of course, on its stability. If you pay attention to this factor, then the list of the best employers in Moscow is headed by The Boston Consulting Group. She is engaged in. Most specialists in the field of economics, jurisprudence, programming, humanities and mathematics dream of getting a job in this place.

According to statistics, more than 30 thousand resumes are received annually for one vacancy. Each newly formed employee appreciates his position and is afraid of losing it. First of all, this is due to the stability of the company. Excellent working conditions are created here for every person. Newcomers undergo an internship, the duration of which is three months, only after that they begin their duties. If you wish, you can improve your skills after one year of successful work.

Employees also praise respect for people: employers try to understand their subordinates and do not punish them for minor violations of labor discipline.


The main office of the most successful, stable and reliable company is located in Moscow financial company Sberbank of Russia. Employees assure that she is the best employer in Moscow for several main reasons:

  • Excellent Each specialist has a convenient work schedule. For each of them a comfortable office uniform is issued.
  • Learning opportunity. For beginners, an experienced mentor is provided who can competently tell you about all the intricacies of banking.
  • Decent and stable, including good pay sick leave, vacation and administrative days.
  • Ability to transfer to work in any other city in the same position.
  • Friendly staff, employees are always ready to help each other.

Unfortunately, getting through a job interview is not easy. The company values ​​its rating, therefore, it accepts only people with higher economic education in its team. An important quality is a neat appearance.


NVIDIA is also one of the best employers in Moscow. Its main mission is to produce high-quality video cards. Employees give this company an assessment - a solid "excellent". Work is well paid here, especially they value going to non-working days. The most beautiful offices in the capital are organized here, it is a pleasure to work in them. I also like the polite communication of the authorities, they never raise their voice, they try to explain all the information as calmly and intelligibly as possible. There is also a great opportunity for career growth, often people rise from ordinary workers to leadership positions.


LEROY MERLIN is one of the most ancient companies, which was organized back in 1923. In Mytishchi, the first office appeared only in 1998. Can it be considered one of the best employers in Moscow? Undoubtedly yes! This is primarily due to the good salary which increases every year. Employers are always pushing employees to reach new heights - they pay them for advanced training courses.

It's nice to work here. Management treats every employee with respect. A friendly team becomes a second family that you never want to part with.


PwC is exactly the place where newcomers are made into experienced and qualified employees. An approach is found here for each person. Leaders have good psychological qualities. They seem to see through a person - they reveal the potential and direct it in the right direction.

In 1989, the first office appeared in Moscow. The main goal of the firm is to create a high-quality audit network. Students without work experience are accepted for work, for them this is a great chance to achieve the first heights in life. The only drawback is that only a person who has received an education in Moscow and the Moscow region can get a job.

The opportunity to raise your career from scratch, stable salary, responsible approach to each employee - all this served to ensure that the company was included in the list of the best employers in Moscow.

Customer:"Work station"

Executor: Room Design Studio

Where: Leninsky prospekt, 30, bldg. BUT

Mikhail Komarov

Owner of coworking "Workstation" and Komnata design studio

“In this place in the garden there used to be the ruins of a burned-out ballet school - Gorky Park removed them, cleaned everything and put up a typical wooden pavilion. Coworking is focused on people communicating with each other, so we did not divide it into parts at all (only the meeting room was separated), we set up tables two meters long so that four people could sit at them at once, well, huge windows - outside the window forest, beautiful view, natural light. All furniture is wooden - tables, for example, we put together ourselves. We wanted the coworking space to be as different as possible from an office building - that's why, for example, we have not office chairs, but wicker, garden ones. Most of the money we spent on equipment, ventilation and glass - we paid about two million rubles for them. Coworking works equally well both in winter and in summer - there is both heating and ventilation - it's just that in the warm season there is also a lecture hall on the street - with sockets, Wi-Fi.

The Cube

Executor: architectural bureau "Practika"

Where: Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 12

Grigory Guryanov

Partner and founder of the Praktika architectural bureau

“The aim was to make an exhibition space, but from the very beginning it was assumed that it should be flexible. As a result, we came up with such a nesting doll: a black box with legs was inserted inside a large space and three platforms turned out at once - the main one on the lower level, a chamber room inside the box, which later became known as a cube, and a roof terrace. The idea is that in this three-level structure, different events can be held at the same time: for example, an exhibition downstairs, a lecture on the second level, and a buffet on the terrace. This opens up unusual opportunities for those who will organize events there. We used extremely cheap materials: sheets of metal mesh, which cost a penny, but thanks to which an interesting effect is obtained, lamps were hidden behind this mesh - also the cheapest ones, for the first time we tried to use cement-bonded particle board as a finishing material. The difficulties that we encountered are common when working with a dilapidated structure: a workshop in a ruined state, cracks in the walls. But working with industrial buildings is exciting and interesting, they have a characteristic romance and provoke bold decisions. I'm sure they are the future."

MLP/PGP Development

Customer: partner companies MLP (engaged in industrial and warehouse real estate) and PGP Development (implements retail real estate projects)

Executor: Line Architects

Where: Seleznevskaya, 19/2

Arseny Goryaev

General Director of the architectural bureau Line Architects

“There are two partner companies sitting in this office - PGP, which is engaged in retail real estate and retail, and MLP, which occupies a leading position in the warehouse real estate market. Despite the fact that their activities may sound boring, there is a spirit and microclimate within the company that we felt from the very beginning. The building is unique, historical, and we wanted to emphasize this in the interior: for example, where we lacked the existing brick, we added it - we dismantled an old house in the Smolensk region, brought authentic brick from there with stamps of the 19th century and made additional partitions. We completely preserved the structure of the wooden beams and even strengthened it - restored it and painted it gray. There are also interesting floristic solutions that have not yet been implemented, because we have just rented an office: greenery is needed in order to soften the brutality of the space - the partners of the company are men, and the interior turned out to be masculine and ascetic. In this building, before we started working on it, for quite a long time there was a well-known restaurant in Moscow, Bely Kvadrat. We decided to leave some things from him - for example, a bar in the representative part. From the bar there is access to the patio - a unique thing for an office in the center of Moscow. In general, we treat this project with trepidation, because designing an office in a historical building is, of course, much more interesting than in a new one.”

K.S.Büro and T+T Architects

Customer: K.S.Büro and T+T Architects

Executor: T+T Architects

Where: Luzhnetskaya embankment, 2/4

Sergei Trukhanov

CEO of T+T Architects

“We are not formally connected with K.S.Büro in any way, we just have a very good personal relationship, and when we needed an office, and they needed a showroom, we decided to cut each other’s expenses: we didn’t spend money on furniture (they supplied it), but they did not spend money on architects and extra space - and show their furniture to clients right in the office: look, people are sitting behind it, working. The office turned out to be bright, large (despite the fact that it occupies only 500 meters), there is a lot of air, and not only because it is an attic, but also because of the successful layout. We placed a rectangular room, all meeting and public areas in the middle, immediately dividing all the remaining space into two large open spaces - the K.S.Büro zone and the T + T Architect zone. There are very few classrooms as such, they are mostly open spaces, and if there are divisions, then they are made of glass - they don’t seem to be deaf, but there is already a psychological barrier. The glass needed to be closed somehow, but at the same time it should not be a dull matting: we took the fabulous drawings of the Finnish artist Klaus Haapaniemi and decorated the glass planes with them. Our main pride is a media platform at the end of the office with a podium auditorium, a large window, a bar area where you can chat and drink something strong. In general, we wanted to make sure that people do not run away from work on a call at seven o'clock, but that they want to stay, communicate with colleagues, so that the office becomes part of everyday life. Even now we are opening the season: some of the jobs have been moved to the roof.”

D.K. Project

Customer: DK Project, a design and interior design company, official dealer furniture company Vitra in Russia

Executor: architectural bureau Megabudka

Where: Nizh.Syromyatnicheskaya, 10, building 2, Artplay Design Center

Artem Ukropov

Architect bureau Megabudka

“The company is the main dealer of Scandinavian interior items - furniture, lighting, etc. The difficulty was that we had to make an office and a showroom at the same time: that is, something bright that would attract attention and at the same time make it convenient for people to work there. We solved the problem this way: we brought into the center of the space a voluminous art installation of cubes, each of which is a separate space: the director's office, the administrator's office, a meeting room, a showcase. People can see how the furniture DK Project sells can be used in real time. It turned out very interesting: the space is addictive when you get into it. Another difficulty was related to engineering: there is no such thing that air conditioners hang somewhere from above, everything is built in and nothing sticks out. The materials are economical: a metal frame sheathed with wood on top, a heater inside - nothing overly fancy. Everything is interesting with the light - it is controlled from the iPad, although, of course, there are also ordinary switches. Each cube has two facades: one looks out onto the street, the other into the interior. The first is white, the second is colored. At first we wanted to cover the cubes with old wood to make them feel like they were a long time ago, but it turned out that finding purposefully old boards is a whole story, so we figured out how to paint them so that they look aged. In general, this project is similar to our others: for example, we have a playground project where a child can run endlessly and get confused all the time. Here we also wanted to make an interesting climbing frame, so that it would be confusing and cool.”

Forum Design

Customer: Forum Design coworking space

Executor: Forum Design coworking founders

Where: Berezhkovskaya emb., 20, building 6

Natalia Anahina

Architect and co-owner of co-working space Forum Design

“We were looking for an industrial building, choosing between Red October, Artplay, Flacon, but in the end we chose the Plastik plant on Berezhkovskaya embankment. It is in a convenient location, it is quite quiet there - everything is ideal for free creative people. The architecture of the room seemed so beautiful to us that we decided not to make any partitions and preserve the atmosphere of the loft space. There is a lot of daylight and air in the room, bright details against the background of light walls: a reception made of colored plumbing pipes, concrete sinks, a multi-colored staircase made of OSB, vintage light. It is not easy to find our site on the territory of the plant (the elevator does not go there - only up to the fifth floor, and then on foot), but we believe that this is compensated by a wonderful creative atmosphere. In general, compared to other coworking spaces, ours is closer to a club one: it so happened that mostly graduates of the same decor school where we studied ourselves come to us.”

Align Technology

Customer: Align Technology is the company that developed aligners - dental linings that correct the bite.

Executor: Pridex company

Where: Warsaw highway, 9, building 1B, "Danilovskaya manufactory"

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Managing partner construction company Pridex

“The company's offices are scattered all over the world: the client center, for example, is located in Costa Rica, and the IT office that develops corporate software is located in Moscow. The office occupies a separate three-story building at Danilovskaya Manufactory; according to the concept, it should have been suitable for work requiring concentration. At the same time, the customer wanted a significant part of the office to be dedicated to public needs, which we did: on the two upper floors there are large coffee points 45-50 meters, on each floor there are about five so-called think-tanks, that is rooms for individual work, there is a recreation room with a real wood-burning fireplace, meeting rooms for employee training foreign languages. On the ground floor there is a large conference room with panoramic windows in the passage from one building to another (it is used, for example, as music studio and hold corporate parties), a dining room, from which there is access to an open terrace, and there is a barbecue, barbecue and at the same time a smoking room - a rare thing in a business center. There is also a chill-out where you can lie on pillows and a gym with exercise machines, a ping-pong table and a sauna. We emphasized the elements of the old building: we partially restored the original brickwork (we held a tender for the selection of bricks of a similar structure and found a very similar one from a regional manufacturer), additional decorative elements were welded onto the cast-iron columns, focusing on the historical component of the building.”

smart food

Customer: Tactics Group, which launched a chain of canteens Smart Food in Moscow

Executor: frontarchitecture

Where: Letnikovskaya, 2

Khoren Morozov

Partner and architect at Frontarchitecture

"Most office space Vivaldi Plaza is occupied by the Otkritie corporation, and we roughly understood the level of employees, although the customers themselves also conducted research. The customer himself chose the Scandinavian direction, because the interiors of these countries do not irritate anyone. Materials in general are quite economical - for example, inexpensive porcelain stoneware on the floor. The only thing we have seriously invested in is furniture - the iconic chairs of the Swiss company Vitra, which are found in many canteens and restaurants throughout Europe. The main shades are natural: wood, white walls, gray floors, the only bright accent is those very red chairs. This does not blur your eyes: you immediately see where your colleague is sitting, who came earlier and took a seat. At rush hour, up to 2,000 people can pass in the dining room - largely because it is not the waiter who puts the food there, but the people themselves take the dishes already laid out on plates. We have been designing Correa's restaurants and their Cantina business class canteens for five years, and I want to say that only two or three years ago people began to understand what business food is: when you can eat and work in the canteen, no smells will bother you and make pizza and pasta in seven minutes. After all, in general idea the dining room is what: came in, smelled, left, got poisoned, or maybe not. And a good canteen is like coming to Respublika and quickly buying the right moleskin for yourself, and not looking for it on the shelves of the Moskva store.



Executor: architectural bureau UNKproject

Where: Luzhnetskaya emb., 2/4, building 45

Julius Borisov

Chief architect and head of bureau UNKproject

“We used to have a chic office on 1905 Street, but we grew out of it in size and also dreamed of a space with high ceilings so that there would be room for creativity. As it is difficult to surprise hairdressers with a new haircut, so it is for us with a design. Therefore, we immediately decided for ourselves to focus on comfort, and not on external paraphernalia. Initially, it was a metalworking shop. When we arrived, we saw a dilapidated building without windows, floors, with a cracked foundation and a leaky roof. We immediately had the idea to keep the industrial spirit. To do this, we left the metal structures, painted the walls with white paint and applied a concrete coating on the floors. The result is a game of contrasts: deliberately rough metal structures, along with light modern furniture and designer lighting. On the walls we used a vinyl magnetic coating, on which drawings are well attached, and on the ceilings of offices and meeting rooms we used environmentally friendly pressed straw, which absorbs sound well and does not allow it to spread. For the facade, we used a polymer coating on a metal frame with a special pattern, the elements of which correspond to the number of projects created by the bureau to date. Plus, the facade serves as curtains and does not interfere with the work of people at computers - the sun does not glare. When it gets warm, we will open a summer veranda where we plan to place a cinema and a bar.”

Bureau Brochet

Customer: design bureau Bureau Brochet

Executor: designers Anastasia Schukina and Mikhail Danilevsky (Bureau Brochet)

Where: Pyatnitskaya, 9/28, building 2

Mikhail Danilevsky

Creative Director at Bureau Brochet

“Our project can be called “French attic in Russian realities”. Francois Mansart began to use rooms under a sloping roof for domestic purposes 400 years ago, the next evolutionary step of the attic is a loft, and a loft is always art. When we equipped our loft space, we developed for ourselves such a method as “moderate aestheticization of the utilitarian”: we took simple things, transformed them in every possible way and received art objects. For example, a pictogram with boots and holes worn on the floor instead of a “Wipe your feet” rug, backs of chairs instead of ordinary hangers, because when we hang a jacket on the back of a chair, the seat is really not needed. They used furniture from Ikea, but at the same time tried to change it: combine it with something, repaint it, transform it. Huge lamps are industrial, we brought them from Austria. We also deliberately opened a brick wall by removing drywall - we are sitting in a historic building, albeit rebuilt, and this is the very case when the exterior determines the interior. Everyone who comes to us says that our office is more like an apartment, and it is clear why: the space in which the company operates is a reflection of its activities. The architecture of the bank should be tectonic, talking about stability, and the designers in their office should show all the ideas that they are capable of. To be honest, in this project we don’t even have anything to criticize ourselves for.”



Executor: Nefaresearch

Where: Varshavskoe sh., 9, building 1B, "Danilovskaya manufactory"

Dmitry Ovcharov

Lead Architect Nefaresearch

“Since several companies were supposed to unite in this office, the main ideological task was to make sure that they all became friends. Therefore, for example, a floor in a small building where everyone goes to eat, we made it so that you can get there not by the shortest route, but only by somehow mixing with other people. We created a place where everyone communicates, where lectures are held, not on some middle floor, but on the roof - designers, for example, go there through the gallery and through the editorial office. Since there are several companies and they are engaged in different businesses, it was necessary to bring them as close as possible to the conditions in which it is convenient for them to work. For example, the editorial office sits in open space with large windows, because, in our opinion, journalists write better when they look out the window, while programmers, on the contrary, look at monitors, so they sit in a room where there are windows only on the roof. If we talk about the interior, I wanted to make such a wonderful country, maybe a little out of touch with life, a little hypertrophied and different: the editorial office sits in a communal apartment and goes to the communal kitchen, the designers in the museum, and the office is just in the office. Bright colors, colored windows, it all mixes and sparkles. We initially wanted to make the Rambler floor more abstract: mathematicians work there, and we suggested putting cold white cubes in the center, but the management liked all the other warm and joyful floors so much that in the end we created an atmosphere of the deck and the sea there. The materials are the cheapest: concrete floor, glass, on which the most inexpensive color film is pasted, Russian herringbone parquet. To be honest, we are used to making such interiors: even advertising agencies leading big brands like Marlboro and Wrigley's have small budgets."

For many of us, it has long been no secret that finding a customer for a short-term or long-term project on the Internet is a very difficult task. Basically, because there is a lot of competition: they want maximum work from you for minimum money. And when you respond to a particular task, you just get into a long line of candidates. Of course, they don’t taste very good for the most part, which is obvious from the posts of many employers / recruiters who write articles here on Habr. However, I am sure that each of us evaluates himself more or less objectively, and if he does not imagine himself as the guru of everything and everyone, then at least he deserves respect, because every person deserves respect - without exception. But the freelancing market is oversaturated. Each hirer has 10 candidates per day for one project.

I wonder how exactly the recruiter thinks?

Somewhere recently there was an article that the hirer considers only 2-3 people out of 100 interviewed candidates to be adequate, and that a good candidate is a person who believes in your product, believes in you, and in the pasta monster, and in bitcoin for $300k. In other words, the ideal hired employee is just an unconscious being who, for some reason, must believe in someone else's business (and it is in fact someone else's, because it is not his property, but the employer, and he knows him only 2 hours), believe in you, and sacredly believe in "Our" just cause, great coding and building architecture, and money here plays a far from the main role.

A very comfortable position, isn't it? I want to find a senior / team-lead developer who will foam at the mouth and write a project with zeal, giving everything of himself, and not asking for good money for it. What you just read is a demonstration of the employer's complete disrespect for the future employee. Good quality and competent work should be paid in full.

Moscow is the business, financial and diplomatic center of Russia. Most of the central and main institutions of the state are located in the capital. Do not stay away from this tradition and business. The largest Russian companies, as well as representative offices of international organizations, prefer to open their head offices in Moscow. The headquarters of the companies are located in the newest extravagant buildings and historical structures. Someone creates their own facilities, and someone rents certain areas. However, everyone is trying to act with scale.

The information portal about commercial real estate conducted a study based on the information provided by the leading players in the real estate market about the largest headquarters of various companies in terms of area can be found on the map of the capital.


(area sq.m.)DescriptionPhoto

Gazprom, Nametkina st., 18

(140 thousand) JSC "Gazprom" is a Russian gas production and gas distribution company, the largest company in Russia, the largest gas company in the world. The building was put into operation in 1995. The building was designed by workshop No. 12 (headed by M. E. Belenya) of JSC Mosproekt.

Vimpelcom, Krasnoproletarskaya st., d. 2

(126 thousand) VimpelCom Ltd is a holding company that controls telecommunications assets in the CIS countries, Italy, and a number of countries in Asia and Africa. The Hermitage Plaza business center combines three different-storey buildings. The leased area of ​​the first building is 24,000 sq.m, the second - 2,300 sq.m, the third - 3,500 sq.m. All three buildings create a courtyard between them. The architect of the project was the architectural workshop "Sergey Kiselev and Partners".

Sberbank, st. Vavilova, 19

(70 thousand) Sberbank of Russia is a Russian commercial bank, one of the largest banks in Russia and Eastern Europe. Building designer: Mosproekt-1, workshop No. 11. General contractor: Heussler Group (Germany) Contractor: Hochtief (Germany). 1994-1996.

(FSK) Belovezhskaya street, 4

(42.6 thousand) "Federal Grid Company" (OJSC "FGC UES") - Russian energy company, operator of backbone electrical networks Russia. Business Center "Western Gate" is a seven-story building located in the Mozhaysky district of the Western District of Moscow (CJSC). Not far from the complex are the Minsk and Mozhaisk highways.

THK-BP, Begovaya st., 3

(37.7 thousand) TNK-BP is one of the largest Russian oil companies (third in Russia in terms of oil production). The company ranks 235th in the Fortune Global 500 (2011). Architecturally, the building is a 42-storey tower, about 170 meters high, with an extensive stillobate part (7 floors), where a covered parking for 300 cars is located. Put into operation in 2009.

Aeroflot, Mezhdunarodnoe sh., 31, building 1

(35.5 thousand) OAO Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is the largest Russian airline. It was founded on February 9, 1923 by a resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of the RSFSR "On the organization of the Council for Civil Aviation" and "On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet." The headquarters is in Moscow. The decision to build the complex was made in 2005. The building was designed by TPO "Reserve".

Ernst & Young Sadovnicheskaya st., 82, building 2

(34.4 thousand) Ernst & Young (E&Y) is a British audit company, one of the largest in the world (part of the Big Four audit companies). The Aurora Business Park complex combines many buildings of different heights, with different types of office space, designed for different tenants. The building was built in 2003.

Rosneft, Dubininskaya st., 31a

(29.9 thousand) Rosneft is the Russian state oil company. The former "House of free apartments for widows with children and students of girls named after the Bakhrushin brothers." Built in 1894 (author - academician of architecture F.O. Bogdanovich). The building complex housed a shelter, Kindergarten, workshops, canteen, hospital and pharmacy. In 1903, the house church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was consecrated. In total, by 1912, about 2000 people lived in the complex of buildings. In Soviet times, the building housed the Ministry of Oil and gas industry USSR.

PwC, Lesnaya st., 5

(27.1 thousand)PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is the world's largest international network of companies offering professional consulting and auditing services. The company has existed for over 160 years and is part of the so-called. Big Four accounting firms. Multifunctional business complex "White Square" consists of 3 class A buildings connected by pedestrian zones. Construction: 2004-2009

Metalloinvest, Rublevskoe sh., 28

(25.7 thousand) Metalloinvest is one of the largest mining and metallurgical holdings in Russia. The Profico business center is a 26-storey class A office and business complex. The building area is 0.246 hectares. Year of entry - 2008.

The goal of the project is to identify the largest companies in the stationery and office supplies industry, increase their recognition in "foreign" markets, confirm the reputation of industry-forming enterprises, possibly expand the circle of customers, and also obtain statistical confirmation of their market positions.

As the main criterion for compiling the ranking " Major companies of the Russian Stationery and Office Supplies Industry – 2017” adopted the revenue indicator for 2017.

We did not set ourselves the task of ranking companies in any particular way, assessing their financial well-being or reliability, studying their activities or intentions, but only sought to identify the largest ones. All judgments are evaluative and subjective.

Also, we did not divide the participants into groups (wholesalers, manufacturers, retail chains, individual stores), since “everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house” - often companies work in several directions at once. If a player is unknown to you, you can click on the name to follow the link to the company profile on our portal and get additional information.

As this is the first major public work in our market, we are aware that there are companies that have not yet made it to this list. This is primarily due to the limited information available in open sources. A particular problem was the secrecy of information about individual entrepreneurs who are actively working in our market and are really noticeable. We have not forgotten about them, these are OPTIMIST (IP Zakharova), WATERCOLORS (IP Kozhevnikov), LISTREYD (IP Pechersky), TPK "BEES" (IP Lavrov), KANTSOPTTORG (IP Pivovarov), BURATINO (IP Vinnichek), OFFICE-CLASS ( IP Kidalinsky) and others.

In addition, there are a number of very serious Russian companies(MERLION, TRADING HOUSE GAMMA (LEONARDO), BUKVOED, ROSMAN, SIMA-LAND, MPF SOYUZPAK, large book chains, online stores and others), which produce or are the largest distributors of stationery, office goods, goods for children's creativity, BBP and etc., but due to their active work in other product segments, it is very difficult to single out “our” share. This also applies to global companies with Russian offices (BIC CIS, 3M RUSSIA, etc.).

There was also a question about the inclusion of a number of manufacturers and sellers of office equipment (shredders, laminators and others, except for computers and IT equipment) and presentation equipment. Of course, we consider them to be participants in the "office" market, which is reflected in the availability of these products in the range of companies listed in the table. Unfortunately, there are few of them and most of the data is not available. But be sure to note - ACCO BRANDS, PROFIOFFICE, GLADWORK, COMPSERVICE (

And the last. The list does not include manufacturers of cut paper (not to be confused with white paper products), because with their size and significant presence in the segments of printing paper, cardboard and packaging, they are outside the scope of the stationery and office market and our study, despite a serious impact on it . The company PZBM is left in the table, because in addition to the production of paper and cardboard, the company is known on the market for notebook products. Experts also note that PROF-PRESS's revenue includes book publishing.

We hope that this ranking will become the most representative list of the leading (first of all) stationery companies in Russia, and its results will be widely cited by Russian and foreign portals and the media.

Based on the results of 2017, an extended and more detailed report will be prepared, stay tuned.


When reprinting or quoting a direct active link to the portal site is required! (https://site/top100/)

- All data is taken from open sources.

— The list is in the process of being updated.

* Ranking is a table built on the basis of a given criterion that has a quantitative expression. Ranking, unlike rating, provides information, but does not give ratings or recommendations.