Methodology for the study of Sadovnikov's writing skills. Methodology for the study of writing skills by I. Sadovnikova (Sadovnikova IN) The structure of the methodology. I Sadovnikova - violations of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren Sadovnikova violation of writing

  • 04.06.2020

Methodology for the study of writing skills I.N. Sadovnikova

(Sadovnikova I.N., 1998)

The structure of the methodology

  • 1. Copying words and sentences from handwritten text.
  • 2. Writing off words and sentences from printed text.
  • 3. Writing under the dictation of letters:
    • a) lowercase letters;
    • b) capital letters.
  • 4. Dictation of syllables.
  • 5. Dictation of words of various structures.
  • 6. Recording a sentence after a single listening.
  • 7. Captions for subject pictures (words).
  • 8. Signatures for plot pictures (sentences).
  • 9. Drawing up and recording a story based on a series of plot pictures (for students in grades 2-3).

Main goals: determination of the degree of literacy, taking into account the stage of training and requirements school curriculum at the time of the examination; identification of violations of the letter (the nature of specific errors, the degree of severity).

Below is a tested speech material for examining a letter that meets the following requirements:

  • - speech material includes the sounds of all phonetic groups;
  • - provides for the positional proximity of sounds that have an acoustic-articulatory similarity, as well as letters mixed by kinetic similarity;
  • - includes words of varying complexity of syllable-rhythmic structure.

Survey tactics are built flexibly - from what the student has achieved

level: if a student can write a text dictation, you should start with it. If such a task is unbearable for the child, you need to move on to copying the text or dictation of words, letters - to determine the formed and broken links of grapho-lexical activity.

  • 1. Copy words and sentences from handwritten text.
  • 2. Write off words and sentences from printed text.
  • 3. Write lowercase letters under dictation (in case of forgetting, mark the letter with a dot):
    • a) lowercase letters: p, i, w, t, m, w, h, c, e, g, l, e, y, b, e, f, d, h, e, s, c, g, b , X;
    • b) capital letters: G, 3, D, R, N, K, H, U, E, T, C, P, D V, M, F, E, F, SH.

Dictation of syllables: as, mo, ase, ly, ri, ale, yar, me, zhu, sa, sho, chi, ats, bapo, dozhu, leri, shazi, zhne, ashu, znu, goof, cor, pla, kro, ast, Glu, Ark, Smi, Kra, Gro, Astka, Glor, Izhbo, Schats, Vzdro, Chit, Shus, Hvy, Aika, Shos, Kret, Vach

Dictation of words of various structures:

old lady

4. Record after listening once:

The tree has a fluffy bunny.

Auditory dictation.


There was a maple at the house. Birds perched on maple branches. These are jackdaws. Seryozha gave them crumbs of bread and grain.

Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. The tail of Ryzhik is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.


The sun shines brighter. The snow has darkened. Large puddles all around. Buds on the branches. Green grass on the lawns. Rapid streams gurgle. Spring is coming.

2nd grade


December has come. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the whole earth with a white carpet. Rack frozen. The birds are hungry. They are looking for food. Children put bread and grains in the feeder. In summer, crops need protection. The birds will save the harvest.

3rd grade


Night. The inhabitants of the forest rush to prey. The wolf came out of the thicket and wandered towards the village. A fox crawled out of a hole. Hares gathered in the depths of the forest. Silence all around. Only a light wind shakes the tops of the pines. Here is a snowball fell from a spruce branch. The hares got scared and rushed off into the thicket.

Give captions to subject pictures (words); to plot pictures (sentences).

Compose and write down a story based on a series of plot pictures (for students in grades 2-3).

Additional material for the examination of writing

The forest covered with snow was fabulously beautiful. From time to time, swift thunderstorms came up with peals of thunder and serpentine lightning.

The rains have passed - wait for the mushrooms. The rains will rustle on the iron roofs - and again silence. A terrible blizzard swirled on the tops of the mountains.

Fluffy white clouds floated across the sky. The first thawed patches appeared in the fields. Buds swelled on willows.

The dreary autumn drags on for a long time. Winds, rain, cold. Everything is shrouded in a dull haze of fog. All nature is waiting for Mother Winter to come.

How elegant rowan in August! Her clusters burn with fire through the green lace of flexible branches.

On bare stumps, the blizzard pushed puffy hats. The stumps now look like huge mushrooms.

Bush rustles - gray bunny trembles. Zhurka turned out to be a funny crane. A living grid of fluffy snowflakes swirled in the frosty air.

Cranes occasionally called to each other with the leader. And there was something proud and confident in this cloudy conversation.

Yellow flowers swayed on the ledges of the mountains. They looked like a bunch of golden keys. The larches are full of cones. Bushes of wolf's bast dressed in pink. The trees in the thicket merged into a blackening mass.

Texts of auditory dictations

The children were walking in the meadow. Seryozha and Lera were picking flowers. Sasha tore the sorrel. Misha has a net. He is catching a butterfly. Time to have lunch. The children go home.

The cat catches mice. The dog guards the house. The cow gives milk. The horse carries loads. Sheep provide wool and meat. Rabbit fur is used for fur coats and hats.

The car brought a lot of coal. We heat the stove with charcoal. Smoke comes out of the chimney. In winter, severe frosts crackle. Often there are blizzards. And the house is always warm.


April has come. Loose snow melts. Streams gurgle all around. There is a big puddle on the porch. The kids put away their skates and skis. They launch boats. Everyone welcomes spring.

The boys went out onto the lawn. Good spring in the forest! Fragrant lily of the valley bloomed. Birds chirp. The children saw a hedgehog. He curled up into a ball. They won't touch the hedgehog.

Autumn was coming. It rained more often. The ground in the garden is already strewn with yellow leaves. The voices of songbirds are heard less frequently. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

The study of the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing among schoolchildren in various types written works (Eletskaya O.V., 2008, 2015)

The structure of the methodology

  • 1. The study of the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing at the indicative stage of educational activity (detection of "erroneous" places).
  • 2.1. In auditory dictation.
  • 2.2. When inserting missing letters.

1. The study of the current level of the formed ™ spelling skill of writing at the indicative stage of educational activity (detection of "erroneous" places).

The state of the spelling skill is studied in such activities as auditory dictation, insertion of missing letters, copying, finding other people's mistakes in written works and detecting “error-prone” places. Main task this direction is to study the current knowledge of students and identify gaps in the assimilation of program material.

speech material consists of words, phrases, sentences and texts containing spelling tasks for 25 spellings to be studied in a secondary school course. Of these, 22 spellings are included in 10 main spelling blocks (OB), 3 spellings are not included in any of the presented blocks (separate spellings - 00).

The list of spellings to be studied under the program of a general education school in grades 1-5 and included in the structure of the research methodology

Spelling blocks (OB)

  • BLOCK 1 (OB-1). Unstressed checked and unchecked vowels in the root. Spelling of prefixes (except PRE-, PRI- and ending in 3-, C-).
  • 1) Unstressed checked vowels in the root.
  • 2) Unstressed unverifiable vowels in the root.
  • 3) Vowels and consonants in prefixes.
  • BLOCK 2 (OB-2). Alternating vowels in word roots.
  • 1) Letters O-A at the root -LAG- - -FALSE-.
  • 2) O-A at the root -RAST- - -ROS-.
  • 3) The letters E and I in the roots with alternation.
  • BLOCK 3 (OB-3). Spelling of consonants in the root of the word.
  • 1) Checked indistinctly audible consonants in the root of the word.
  • 2) Unpronounceable verifiable consonants at the root of the word.
  • BLOCK 4 (OB-4). Spelling of prefixes ending in 3 and C.
  • 1) The letters 3 and C are at the end of the prefixes.
  • BLOCK 5 (OB-5). The letters Y and I after C.
  • 1) The letters Y and I after C in the roots of words.
  • BLOCK 6 (OB-6). The letters O and E (E) after hissing and Ts.
  • 1) O and E (E) after words hissing in the roots under stress and without stress.
  • 2) The letters O and E after hissing and C in the endings of nouns and adjectives.
  • BLOCK 7 (OB-7). The use of capital letters.
  • 1) The use of capital letters in proper names.
  • BLOCK 8 (OB-8). Vowels at the end of words.
  • 1) The letters E and I in the endings of nouns.
  • 2) Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.
  • 3) The letters E and I in the endings of verbs 1 and 2 of conjugation.
  • BLOCK 9 (OB-9). Spelling b.
  • 1) The use of b to indicate the softness of consonants.
  • 2) The use of b at the end of nouns after sibilants.
  • 3) Short adjectives with a sibilant stem.
  • 4) b after hissing in the indefinite form of the verb and in the 2nd person singular.
  • 5) -TSYA and -TSYA in verbs.
  • BLOCK 10 (OB-10). Continuous and separate spelling NOT and NOR with different parts of speech.
  • 1) NOT with verbs.

Individual spellings (00)

  • (00-1). The letters I, U, A after hissing (F, W, H, W).
  • (00-2). Separate writing of prepositions with independent parts of speech.
  • (00-3). Separating b and b.

Research material.

speech material, consisting of words and texts containing spelling tasks for 25 spellings. Of these, 22 are included in the 10 main spelling blocks (OB) to be studied in the course of a secondary school.

When compiling the methodology, in OB-9 "Spelling b" the spelling "Using b to indicate the softness of consonants" was included. From the point of view of modern linguistics, this rule can be attributed both to the scope of the syllabic principle of graphics (for example, in a strong position - spelling b at the end of a word), and to the field of spelling (for example, in a weak position - in case of assimilation, in the middle of a word between two soft consonants).

Three spellings are not included in any of the presented blocks and are studied separately (separate spellings - 00), where the spelling rule governing the use of the letters I, U, A after the hissing Zh, Sh, Ch, Sh, is considered as a limitation of the operation of the syllabic principle of graphics , and the rule of using dividing b and b - as a deviation from this principle (Zinder L.R., 2007; Ivanova V.F., 1966, 1977, 1982, 1991; Panov M.V., 1989).

Research material.

speech material, used in the tasks "Detection of erroneous places", "Choosing", "Insert missing letters" and "Finding errors", presented in printed version on special forms.

A) Find in the words and mark the places where you can make a mistake.

Exercise 1. OB-1: dining room, jam, seem, pillars, look, nurse, shock, fantasize, dark, call.

Task 2. OB-1: aquarium, route, to the right, freedom, car, agronomist, to the right, everywhere, painting, piano.

Task 3. OB-1: emphasize, feel, count, write, build on, get rid of, guess, add, sneak, intermediary.

Task 4. OB-2: to believe, provision, proposed, state, dispose, tax, lay down, believe, assume, lay down.

Task 5. OB-2: grow, growth, algae, grow up, grow up, vegetable, fusion, grow together, grow, grow up.

Task 6. OB-2: grind, select, wipe, tear off, rub, rip off, erase, advance, shine, wipe.

Task 7. OB-3: pipe, boat, embroidery, palm, box, year, smooth, bold, light, creepy.

Task 8. OB-3: verbal, beautiful, bodily, gigantic, out of place, ruthless, crunch, travel, stairs, sheer.

Task 9. OB-4: drink, see through, unravel, unsystematic, painted, make noise, spew, immortal, stir up, expand.

Task 10. OB-5: tiptoe, tits, dial, constitution, citrus, provocation, numbering, chicken, top hat, cyclone.

Task 11. OB-6: cross out, check, even, click, comb, hairstyle, rustle, black, stale, hell.

Task 12. OB-6: pencil, capital, Easter cake, bird, roof, brother, towel, Chinese, key, ladle.

Task 13. OB-7: Mikhail Zoshchenko, the story "Meeting", the city of Tver, the Dnieper River, Dmitry Ivanovich, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, the ballet "Giselle", the magazine "Bonfire", Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Task 14. OB-8: on the outskirts, in a sanatorium, on the edge, in a section, in a rocket, about a prize, in a clearing, in the vicinity, on a veranda, in a kiosk.

Task 15. OB-8: in frosty, for the younger, in wool, over wheat, in the opposite, about interesting, about terrible, about distant, with good, on beautiful.

Task 16. OB-8: smiles, drives out, admits, deepens, sees through, we will see, depends, drives away, endures, drives away.

Task 17. OB-9: line, nurse, read, danger, bring, urgent, valor, sister, ponytail.

Task 18. OB-9: quiet, ball, Voronezh, bitterness, thing, with a twist, Kerch, watchman, rook, raincoat.

Task 19. OB-9: lucky, sticky, omniscient, crackling, fizzy, handsome, knowledgeable, sighted, handsome, dense.

Task 20. OB-9: distract, whisper, captivate, attract, forget, burn, get sick, lie in wait, laugh, cut.

Task 21. OB-9: doubt, heat up, oppress, rush, grow, burn, unfasten, get married, trample, fight.

Task 22. OB-10: will not overgrow, do not assume, be indignant, will not take, will not pull out, be perplexed, ill, dislike, will not force, malnourished.

Task 23. 00-1: sensitive, wide, slightly, hare, dinner, seagull, fat, sound, ears.

Task 24. 00-2: from the road, from under the elm tree, over the village, before the turn, by right, in labor, on the fly, across the country, at depth, aside.

Task 25. 00-3: hare, ears, knock down, bird, pre-anniversary, object, saved, departure, barrier, accident-free.

B) Find in the phrases and mark those places where you can make a mistake.

Exercise 1. Fly away on vacation, attach a shelf, dance to the music, moan in pain, melt the stove, remember the good, sonorous voice, drown in flowers.

Task 2. Successfully hunt, come closer, ask for some bread, strain through teeth, keep close, line up on time, repeat the rule, sign an order, support a friend, pay for everything.

Task 3. Approach to the right, cook potatoes, see ahead, be late for breakfast, eat a tomato, get on a ship, come on Saturday, at the seventh kilometer, green car, read in the newspaper.

Task 4. Add blocks, write a song, put down a bag, state of the country, make an effort, offer a job, sit in a movie theater, factorize, put a pillow, a mathematical term.

Task 5. Child age, young sprout, quickly grown up, home plant, dense thicket, industrial branch, warmly grown, seaweed, mean pawnbroker, tropical vegetation.

Task 6. Dust, wash clothes, wipe with a handkerchief, burn on a board, set fire to firewood, grind ointment, the soul froze, shine with the mind, lay on the sofa, spread the bed.

Task 7. A neighbor's bulldog, a spoonful of broth, a snowdrift on the sidewalk, a pillow of herbs, a close friend, a turn on the highway, a long overpass, cheerful people, a small siskin.

Task 8. An unknown incident, joyful news, branches crackled, in a beautiful forest, much to bad weather, about a painful time, in an oral story, a ticket, a furious rain, with a Scottish accent.

Task 9. Write out a notebook, scare away the birds, unsystematic approach, awaken memories, kindle a fire, destroy the soul, tasteless fruit, chill in the wind, cultivate arable land, dispel the last doubts.

Task 10. A young gypsy, a short tail, a large figure, clean streets, a sports section, went to the circus, an acacia blossomed, a compass in a case, put down a mat, went to the police.

Task 11. Yellow ball, eat gooseberries, evil bees, put on a hood, silk from the store, sew a seam, puff out cheeks, long bangs, an acorn sprouts, sit on a perch.

Task 12. Admire the palace, march, take cover with a cloak, a golden ring, a hot sun, an oblique beam, admire a mill, talk with a doctor, think about a task, many wrestlers.

Task 13. The Battle of Kulikovo began, we read the Ogonyok magazine, we walk along Sadovaya, the hero city of Stalingrad, the Ural Mountains, the Chelyuskin ice drift, the turbulent Yenisei River, read the fairy tale Nightingale, show the ballet The Nutcracker, Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov.

Task 15. A younger sister, in purple, about a blue hood, a nightingale song, a bright night, a fascinating story, a clear sun, in a silk dress, in picturesque places, about a green meadow.

Task 16. He draws superbly, finds a notebook, hears a rustle, delays after school, drives down the street, draws superbly, whispers in his ear, turns green in the sun, takes him out of the barn, rolls along the ground.

Task 17. Carrier pigeon, finish the letter, perpetual motion machine, elastic material, predatory look, pouring rain, sick person.

Task 18. Pretty nonsense, a solid brick, a forged penny, an interesting bag, a pair of black galoshes, unnecessary luxury, a fat lesh, a sky without clouds, endless dryness, a powerful tractor.

Task 19. Wind, wind, you are mighty; the forest is dense, the tea is hot, the honey is viscous, her voice is melodious, the white snow is flying, the sand is hot, already creeping, the hedgehog is prickly, the cold is burning.

Task 20. You forget your mistakes, you see the dawn, you discover America, lie down on the sofa, watch a performance, burn a fire, play hide and seek, harness it to a cart, burn in the fire.

Task 21. Skiing, decided not to give up, afraid of the dark, overthinking, kids swimming, diligently studying, running down the street, blending into the background, created by scientists, shining and sparkling.

Task 22. Not seeing a cat, not replacing a textbook, not forgetting a lesson, captivating a person, not watering flowers, hating evil, not wanting to learn, not feeding a dog, cannot walk, dislikes a neighbor.

Task 23. Always spare, poor animal, beautiful shepherd dog, run away to rosha, new miracles, in an old hut, often visits, best painter, comfortable dwelling.

Task 24. In flexible reeds, without a long sleep, near a tree, in a green meadow, over a wonderful lake, with great feeling, because of the forest, without any movement, by the hare island, under a wide shade.

Task 25. A snowstorm, a misfortune happened, sparrows flew in, look into the lens, performed with honor, the congress of winners, I sew a suit, beautiful sewing, drive onto the bridge, magpie chirping.

C) Find in the sentences and mark the places where you can make a mistake.

Exercise 1. The trees were covered with thick leaves. There are telegraph poles along the road. A red calf follows the moose cow. Cheerful squirrels are visible on the pine tree.

Task 2. Grandma decided to bake a cake. Grandma bought two kilos of flour, sugar and milk. And for the filling - lemons, cottage cheese and cabbage. Breakfast will be amazing!

Task 3. The goat ran into the garden. The verbs to put on and put on have different meaning. The trees are covered with raindrops. Grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The fox played a trick on the hare. The pioneers took the kids out of kindergarten home. By paw prints, you can find out which animal passed through the clearing.

Task 4. Fog fell over the fields. We proposed to hold a gathering of tourists on the banks of the river. The guys settled down by the fire and ate baked potatoes with pleasure. State the content of the textbook paragraph. We assume that we will be going on the road before dawn. I propose to rewrite the presentation. Touching the creations of the great masters encourages reflection. Each sentence written bears the imprint of the writer's talent. Towards evening a thunderstorm gathered, beyond the Volga the sky was overlaid with black clouds. We spread out a small light.

Task 5. We propose to lock up the grown crop in the barn. These industries are developed in Rostov. Young trees grew very closely. Play, children, grow up freely. Three proud palm trees grew high. Thickets of shrubs formed an impenetrable thicket. Rice grows in marshy places. The seashore is covered with algae. These places surprise with rich vegetation.

Task 6. The moon breaks through the wavy mists. We decided to take part in the election campaign. The dying warrior with a beating heart made his way through the dense forest. All doors were padlocked. I conjure you - tell the truth! White steam spreads over the water. The lion approaches its prey. Soon I will choose a suitable profession for myself.

Exercise 7. Outside there was an old abandoned pond. Leaf fall is the most beautiful time of autumn. The house has a big snowdrift. The whole pond was covered with ice. There is snow on the roads. The kids put on mittens and play snowballs. Memories will last a whole year.

Task 8. Beautiful, wonderful, lovely summer morning. Forest smells make the heart beat faster. We took off our overcoats and went up the stairs. The sun has barely risen above the horizon, and so the trees and shrubs cast giant shadows. The forest imperiously calls to itself, and the discordant song of birds rings. Right under their feet, like a crystal of a diamond, glass flashed.

Task 9. Neither eternal joy nor endless sorrow. Gold is tempted by fire, but man by adversity. In a smart conversation, gain your mind, and in a stupid one, lose yours. Judge first, judge later. Walk around the guests, but dissolve the gate! You won't live forever without truth. Here the craftswoman pinched off a piece of clay, rolled it out with a sausage, and bent the sausage with a rocker. And now Russian stoves are blooming with roses, smart little children are clinging to the painted skirts of their mothers.

Task 10. Shout, chatty birds! In Florence, in Italy, I saw a statue of Venus. At the cook, not a single carrot gets into the soup without taking the shape of a rhombus or a trapezoid. A man sits in a cart and sells scythes for one and a half rubles in banknotes. Petya stood on tiptoe next to his friend and peered through the broken glass. The Germans, according to Horya, are a curious people, and he is ready to learn from them. The wound needs to be disinfected urgently. There must be iron discipline in the classroom. Without a compass, it is impossible to draw a circle and an oval.

Task 11. Along the wooden fence was a wide running track of yellow sand. Nazar poured heavy rustling oats into the Emerald manger. The reins become stiff for the Emerald and twist the neck down. The stable rider looked at Emerald's entire body from bangs to hooves. The long black galleries in the shaft seemed endless to Vaska. The emerald walked at an even, sweeping trot. Grain flowed with a dry silky rustle along the wooden troughs into the square hatches of the holds. The tomatoes were packed in thousands of monotonous slatted boxes. A watery cloud faintly appeared in the black sky.

Task 12. Trees were on fire in the gardens. A Cossack in a gray goat hat came out of the next room. The Tatar's eyes sparkled. The blue patch of sky flared up like a summer. He was wearing a nice calfskin shirt. A flag flew over the porch. Heads had to be tied with a towel. We listened to a series of lectures on medicine.

Task 13. My class and I visited the museum of V.M. Vasnetsov. Andrei's drawing took first place in the competition, and Olga Viktorovna presented him with a gift. What wonderful theaters there are in Moscow. Tanya liked the paintings of Surikov and Repin. Smoky pulled a sausage out of the bag. The complex on Poklonnaya Hill is the people's memory of the Great Victory.

Task 14. It is wonderful to live in St. Petersburg! At home, you need to write out the necessary rules from the notebook. We were not able to arrive from the village in time because of the thaw. The tail is used by animals as a support when running, as a rudder when swimming and flying, as " extra hand» when climbing. The tail takes an active part in animal communication. Who knocked over the cupboard in the physics lab yesterday?

Task 15. It was dark inside the spacious travel carriage. My father pushed a small reddish star towards me, affectionately hiding under the ashes. I reached out to her with the index finger of my right hand. The greenish waves of the swell played with sparkles of the blue sky. It seemed to me that my mother was always the same beautiful, blue-eyed woman.

Task 16. In summer, the sun rises between east and north and sets between west and north. We are moving to the cottage in July. The student is preparing for exams. The snow never melts in these mountains. In the morning, the edge of the sky turns red. A sparrow chirps under the roof. There is a lone cloud in the sky. A field is green in the distance. The student will definitely learn the rule.

Task 17. Do you girls like to draw? In autumn, squirrels will store nuts, acorns for the winter, and prick mushrooms on sharp twigs. The boys took their fishing rods and set off. Catch fish with net and hook!

Task 18. A miserly rich man is poorer than a beggar. Better a bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Day and night - day away. The rook calls his cub white, and the hedgehog - soft. A good doctor, an experienced doctor, will barely hear a child's cry, at an early hour and at midnight he will rush to help.

Task 19. The air is fresh and transparent. The young man was broad-shouldered and handsome. How the son looks like his father! The brown bear is only at first glance clumsy. How good is this old movie! Painfully their ataman was ebullient and hot! The flower was sticky and fragrant.

Task 20. You were a grouchy old man, and you will become a ringing stream. You will leave the forest bowl and run straight into the river. If you give her work, the pencil worked in vain. Very small, fast, like a bird. If you want, it will rush across the sea. You touch it with your finger - it's smooth, and you take a bite - it's sweet. When you go out to the river on open glades, you immediately go down and drink cold water.

Task 21. Every bird flaunts with its feather. From the small, the big is born. Who loves to work, he has something to be proud of. Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything. The parental word is not spoken by. Whoever fights for happiness, to that it tends. Literacy is always useful to learn.

Task 22. It does not sink on water, does not burn on fire, does not rot in the ground. Meth, meth, I will not sweep. I'm taking it, I'm taking it, I'm not taking it. The topic did not know where the Bug had gone. A spark burns the sky, but does not reach us. It won’t knock, it won’t rattle, it will suit anyone. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

Task 23. Fluffy snowflakes fall to the ground. Mice and snakes hid in thick reeds. Breathe deeply. Help your friends more often. Participate actively in class life.

Task 24. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf was a steamboat. He had a trumpet: yellow and on it were two black belts. Rope ladders went from the masts to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, polished, with windows and a door. And from below under the stern - the steering wheel. There are two anchors on the bow.

Task 25. One pours, the other drinks, the third grows. It's a pity the seal lying down is not an example to follow. The congress of teachers lasted two days. On the third day, a break was announced for a detour and inspection of schools. A barrier of fallen trees blocked the way for the tanks. The enraged tiger with one jump found himself on the back of an elephant. This plant can be classified as edible.

D) Find in the texts and mark those places where you can make a mistake.

Exercise 1. OB-1.

The winter frosts have receded. The spring sun is shining brighter and brighter. The road is dark and dry. Turned blue, thawed and floated on the river ice. Streams rang in the forest. Sparrow bathes in a puddle. The buds puffed out on the birches. The wind walks in its branches. Busy ants ran over the bumps. The bears and badgers woke up. The larks sing loudly in the sky. Frogs croak merrily. Colorful butterflies flutter. (55 words)

Task 2. About B-2.

The composer liked to live in the house in which he grew up. He did not like to shine in the light. Only occasionally did he go to Rostov. At night the floorboards crackled as if they were singing a song. The old woman helped him with the housework: she wiped the dust, washed the linen, spread the bed, rubbed the herbs, set fire to the firewood, tore off the dirt, locked the doors.

In the morning the composer hurried to the piano in order to put on the notes the delight of the spilling light. Everything was caressed by the light: newly grown grass, algae in the lake, thickets of growing pines, dewy shadows, growing edges, young growth of birches, a snowdrop making its way through the old foliage. The vegetation of the south will not replace native nature.

Impressions have developed into amazing music. Fog was already falling on the fields when a forester appeared on the porch and confusedly reported on the misfortune that had befallen: “The landowner blew the forest. Can't pay off. I conjure - help! The composer understood the situation and offered to buy the land, although he had little money. He always made efforts to save nature, no matter what difficulties he experienced. (144 words.)

Task 3. OB-3.

It was a wonderful morning. We went fishing. We walked along a narrow path through a ravine. At the bottom, a lovely stream gurgled. We went to the low bank and got into the boat. Dropped fishing rods. The minutes dragged on. And now the caught fish flashed its scales in the sun. The claw was wonderful. Suddenly, a branch crackled on the shore. His heart began to beat uneasily. A friend or a ruthless enemy hiding in the forest? We were afraid of the unknown. We froze in anticipation. The riddle was soon solved. A spiny hedgehog got out on the shore. (75 words.)

Task 4. OB-4.

In the spring, when the buds barely open on the trees, the rhododendron blooms in all its glory. On the slopes, a bright lilac-pink paint is spilling. Rhododendron blooms in the second half of May, before the split leaves bloom. Vibrant flowers accentuate the delicate curve of the thin branches spreading over the ground. In winter, the cut branches of this tree, arranged in vases, are covered with delicate painted flowers. (51 words.)

Task 5. About B-5.

Lived in the middle of the twentieth century in provincial Kaluga a strange man. His name was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Once he worked as a mathematics teacher, drawing circles, cylinders and trapezoids with a compass. Chickens roamed the streets. A circus performed in a wasteland, gypsies led a bear on a chain. Cicadas chimed in the ravines. And in one of the Kaluga houses, a blind-sighted eccentric designed manned space stations. (59 words)

Task 6. OB-6.

We do not know what the goldfinch in the thicket echoes with the cuckoo. Do not become a songbird under the bright sun! We will not understand what the whisper of the hard leaves of the reeds, which surrounded the pond with a dense ring, is about. We will not translate the buzzing of bees and the black-bellied bumblebee. The bumblebee is tired, but he is doing well! A piece of sky flaring up like a fire under a sunbeam will not tell us the answer. Leaning over the forest key, we will scoop up ice water with a ladle. And let's think about the fact that every rustle that a yellow dandelion makes, a prickly gooseberry, a little mouse and a stiff lilac thicket has its own meaning. (91 words.)

Exercise 7. About B-7.

In the early morning, the sounds of birds are heard over the bay. These are terns. This bird can be found in Kamchatka, and near the Arctic Circle, and on the Black Sea coast, and in Central Asia, and in Chukotka. Wherever there is water, it will hunt for fish. Migratory birds fly to the Caucasus and the Crimea, Egypt and India. Terns prefer to spend the winter at home, where they were born and raised. (63 words.)

Task 8. About B-8.

In May, at its very beginning, a flock of swallows flies to us. You look at them and you understand - spring is coming. The fuss begins. The flock arranges nests under the windows of the house and chirps, chasing prey. The house looks merrily at the revived nature. Everywhere it became good: in an apple orchard, in a birch grove, in a pine forest, in a wide field. In a small village and in a big city. In the orchard, apple trees are already dropping blossoms. On the garden path, their delicate petals lie in abundance, as if someone is painting bright spots on it. In the dark, impassable thicket of bushes, the sonorous singing of birds sounds. Their songs are scattered all over the district. (97 words)

Task 9. OB-9.

It is worth forgetting about pressing matters and going into the forest, as you forget about the bustle of the city. You go into the depths of birch groves and pine thickets, breathe in the air, which is fragrant and fresh. The forest is dense. Quiet all around. It is worth plunging into the forest river from the July heat. The drops sparkle in the sun.

At first it will seem like you can't breathe. But soon you will come to your senses and swim. Then you will get dressed, rest for a couple of minutes and go look for the chanterelles that you dreamed about in winter. Here is the boletus! How good and handsome he is! And at home, when the stove flares up, you will listen to the cuckoo counting the years. Her voice is omniscient and melodious. And it will foam, murmur, falling from the steep, cold key. Night will fall soon. You can no longer see the stars because of the clouds. The rook, the dove and the doctor of the trees, the woodpecker, fell asleep. Fantastic flowers open. Their nectar is fragrant and sticky, and the bush itself is prickly. If you take care of him, he grows and is covered with flowers. (141 words.)

Task 10. OB-10.

You never get tired of being surprised by the appearance of some animals. You will not notice these insects on the branches of plants, so they look like green sticks. Stick insects are never in a hurry. They glide a little noticeably along the stems until a succulent leaf of a plant comes across their path. If the hungry stick insect does not come across a leaf, he will feast on the paw of his relative. But the stick insect will not be upset if relatives eat off part of the limbs. Will grow back. But stick insects cannot be called defenseless. In case of danger, they freeze. And if the enemy does not leave, they can spray him with a caustic liquid. (83 words.)

Task 11. 00-1.

The little bear cub lagged behind the bear. Suddenly he found himself in a bowl. Scary little bear. Around the roots, like tentacles. It seems to him that behind every tree a fabulous monster awaits him. The poor little bear is standing, trembling. Suddenly the branch snapped. The bear rushed to run and ended up on the shore of the lake. Around the reeds rustle, and in the reeds the snakes hiss. There was a crack behind him. This bear smelled her son. (59 words.)

Task 12. 00-2.

The kittens were born in a cookie box. Mother cat tried not to leave the kids. The kittens began to crawl out of the shelter. They fussed around the box, and after playing enough, they fell asleep in front of the house. The cat often went away and one day did not return. The poor kittens huddled in the crack and trembled with fear. So they sat until the morning. In the morning a cat appeared. She was exhausted, and a tuft of fur had been torn out from under her ear. The cat licked her babies, warmed them and fed them. (78 words.)

Task 13. 00-3.

Tanya came to the village. In the morning she woke up, put on a dress, went to the stream. The path ran through weeds. Here you can hear the nightingale, collect raspberries for jam. If you overcome a small rise, you can see an immense field. Recently, Tanya met an angry bull at this place. A birch, eaten away by bark beetles, stands near the cliff. Deftly, like a monkey, Tanya climbed onto the top of her head. (54 words.)

procedure and instructions.

When completing the task, the children were asked to use the "sign of spelling doubt": to indicate those letters in the spelling of which one could make a mistake.

Evaluation of results.

Correlation of actually made (nі) and probabilistic (n2) errors is revealed for each of the listed rules, or the frequency of erroneous spellings per spelling (k):

  • 2. Study of the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing at the implementation stage.
  • 2.1. Cheating

Purpose of the assignment: assess the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing, identify gaps in the assimilation of program material when copying.

Research material.

The same as in the task of detecting erroneous places.

procedure and instructions.

A) Write down the words.

b) Write down the word combinations.

B) Write down the sentences.

D) Write the text.

. Evaluation of results.

See formula above.

2.2. Inserting missing letters

Purpose of the assignment: assess the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing, identify gaps in the assimilation of program material when inserting missing letters.

Research material.

The same as in the task for detecting erroneous places, in which letters are omitted in accordance with the declared orthograms. For work, special forms are used (Appendix 7), on which words, phrases, sentences and texts are printed. Letters, the writing of which in accordance with the stated rules may cause difficulties, are omitted.

Exercise 1.

St ... lova, in ... rain, seem, st ... foreheads, see ... a third, k ... militsa, shock, fantasize ... zat ... a lot, sound ... a thread.

Task 2.

Aquar ... mind, m ... route, (c) rights, free ... boda, auto ... mobile, agr ... nom, (c) right, in ... here, to ... rtina, pi...nino.

Task 3.

Task 4.

Lie ... lie, position, offer ... propose, state ... live, settle ... lie, lie ... lie, serve ... live, lie ... lie, propose ... live ,

Task 5.

R ... sti, pore ... spruce, water ... merged, aged ... become, grow up ... fly off, r ... vegetative, wed ... schenie, wed ... eat, razr...stay, podr...ate.

Task 6.

Sweep...remove, select...remove, wipe...remove, separate...remove, sweat...remove, sd...remove, erase...remove, advance...go, bl. ..becomes, vyp...raetsya.

Task 7.

Tru...ka, lo...ka, vysh...ka, ok...ka, short...ka, go..., eye...cue, der... cue, le.. .cue, zhu ... cue.

Task 8.

Mustache, beautiful ... bodily ... ny, gigantic ... sky, inept ... ny, pitiless ... ny, crunch ... whine, passable ... noy, forest ... nipa, hello ... hello.

Task 9.

And... to drink, ra... bite, ra... confuse, be... systemic, ra... painted, ra... shu-rush, and... cast, be... mortal, ra ... stir, ra ... expand.

Task 10.

On the c...kidneys, tits..., c...ferblat, constitutional...I, c...coward, provocative...I, numbering...I,, c. .. lindr, c ... clone.

Task 11.

List ... shout, shch ... chka, h ... tny, sh ... click, start ... scribble, moreover ... ska, sh ... roh, black ... rny, h. ..rsty, ch...rt.

Task 12.

Pencil ... m, capitals ... th, Easter cake ... m, birds ... th, roofs ... th, brother ... m, towels ... m, Chinese ... m, key. ..m, bucket...m.

Task 13.

Ikhail Zoshchenko, story "...arrow", city...believe, river...nepr, Dmitry...vanovich, ...instralia, ...the Pacific Ocean, ballet "...izel", magazine " ... sharp, ... beautiful asilisa.

Task 14.

(On) the outskirts, (in) the sanatorium, (on) the edge, (in) the section, (in) the rocket, (o) premiums, (in) the clearing, (in) the neighborhood, (on) the veranda, (in) kiosk.

Task 15.

Frosty ... th, younger ... th, in wool ... m, wheaten ... m, in reverse ... m, interesting ... d, oh fear ... m, oh far ... m, with good ... m, beautiful ... m.

Task 16.

Smiling... pushing... t, admitting... t, deepening... t, sawing... t, seeing... m, hovering... t, driving... t, enduring. .t, run...t.

Task 17.

Line ... ka, nanny ... read, read ... tee, danger ..., brought ... tee, urgent ... ny, valor ..., sister ... ka, needles ... teak.

Task 18.

Quiet ..., ball ..., Voronezh ..., grief ..., thing ..., with a twist ..., Kerch ..., watchman ..., rook ..., raincoat ... .

Task 19.

Lucky ..., sticky ..., omniscient ..., crackling ..., fizzy ..., handsome ..., knowledgeable ..., sighted ..., handsome ..., dense ....

Task 20.

Distract ..., whispering ..., captivating ..., attracts ..., forgets ..., burns ..., gets sick ..., waits ..., laughs ..., cut. ...

Task 21.

Doubt, heats up ... they oppress ... they rush ... they grow, they burn ... they unfasten ... they get married ... they trample ... they rush ... sya.

Task 22.

(Does not) grow, (does not) suppose, (does not) yearn, (does not) take, (does not) pull out, (bewildered, (does not) harass, (does not) like, (does not) force, (does not) eat up.

Task 23.

Ch...tky, sh...rocky, ch...t-h...t, hare...that, really...n, ch...yka, fat...rny, sound. ..t, uh....

Task 24.

(C) roads, (from under) the elm, (above) the village, (before) the turn, (by) the right, (in) labor, (on) the fly, (across) the country, (at) the depth, (in) side.

Task 25.

Hare ... I, ear ... I, sow ... birds ... and, before ... an anniversary, object ..., with ... saved, from ... trips, a bar., without ... emergency.

Read the phrases. Insert missing letters

Exercise 1.

Ultat on vacation, cover ... drink a shelf, pl ... sit to the music, just ... - nat from pain, melt ... drink the stove, zap ... you miss the good, sonorous g ... l .. .juice, ut...drink in colors.

Task 2.

It’s good to p...hunt, come p...closer, p...ask for some bread, sip THROUGH your teeth, don’t let it get close, p...line up on time, P-repeat the rule, p... sign an order, a friend, for everything.

Task 3.

Approach (from) the right, cook a ... potato, see (in) in front, be late for tomorrow ... to, eat and ... midor, get on a ... ship, come to su ... otu, on the seventh k ... meter, green in ... rut, read in g ... zeta.

Task 4. cubes, compose a song, a bag, position a country, make an effort, offer a job, sit in a movie theater, factorize, sub... live pillow, mathematical term.

Task 5.

The age ... of a child, a young r ... stock, quickly grew up ... sla, home r ... sten, dense plants ... s, industrial industry ... s, grown ... in warmth, sea ​​waters ... sting, stingy r ... stovshik, tropical vegetation ... vegetation.

Task 6.

Wipe ... dust, wash ... linen, wipe ... with a handkerchief, burn ... on a board, set fire to firewood, grind ... rub ointment, freeze ... soul, bl...become a mind, post...pouring on the couch, spread the bed.

Task 7.

Bulldo... neighbor, lo...ka broth, snowdrift... on the sidewalk, blow...ka from herbs, close friend, vira... on the highway, long overpass..., cheerful people ..., little chi....

Task 8.

An unknown ... event, good news, branches cracked ... in a beautiful forest, much to hatred ... about a difficult ... time, in a ... story, proe ...noy ticket, furious rain, with a Scottish accent.

Task 9.

And ... write a notebook, ra ... scare the birds, be ... a systematic approach, ra ... awaken memories, kindle ... a fire, ... destroy the soul, be ... delicious fruit, and. chill in the wind, to... cultivate arable land, ra... sow the last doubts.

Task 10.

Young ts...gan, short tail, big ts...fra, clean streets..., sports section...i, went to the ts...rk, akats bloomed...i, ts ... rkul in a case, put a ts... novka, went into the militia ... yu.

Task 11.

Zh ... lt ball, eat kryzh ... vnik, evil bees ... ly, put on a hood ... n, Sh ... LK from the store, stitch sh ... v, inflate sh ... ki, long bang ... lka, well ... the bog sprouts, sit on the railroad.

Task 12.

Admire the palace ... m, pass the march ... m, take cover with a raincoat ... m, golden ring ..., hotter than the sun ..., oblique beam ... m, admire the mills ... th, talk with the doctor ...m, think about the, a lot of wrestlers...c.

Task 13.

The battle of Ulikovo has begun, we are reading the magazine "... Gonek", we will walk along ... hell, the city ... Talingrad, ... the Ral Mountains, the ice drift "... Elyuskin", a stormy river ... Nisei, read the fairy tale "... tin", they show the ballet "... ate-kunchik", ... alentin ... leksandrovich ... erov.

Task 14.

Task 15.

Younger ... sister, purple .. in color, about a blue ... hood, nightingale ... songs, bright ... at night, fascinating ... story, clear ... sun, in silk ... dress, in painting... places, about green... meadow.

Task 16.

I draw...t great, find...t a notebook, hear...t rustle, delay...t after school, GON...T down the street, whispering...t in my ear, greener...t in the sun, removal ... t from the barn, cat ... t on the ground.

Task 17.

Postal naked..., finish... writing, perpetual motion..., elastic material, hi... ny look, pouring rain..., bo... ny man.

Task 18.

Lovely chu ..., durable brick ..., forged gro ..., interesting sak-howl ..., a pair of black kalo ..., unnecessary luxury ..., fat le ..., sky without that .. ., endless dry..., powerful traction....

Task 19.

Wind, wind, you can...; the forest is drowsing..., the tea is burning..., the honey is craving..., I sing her voice..., the white snow is flying..., the sand of grief..., I'm already crawling..., the hedgehog is pricking..., I'm burning cold....

Task 20.

Forgetting... mistakes, see... the dawn, discovering... America, lie... on the sofa, look... a performance, well... a fire, playing... hide-and-seek, harnessing... a cart , burn... on fire.

Task 21.

Skiing ... skiing, decided not to give up ... fighting ... in the dark, overthinking, little ones bathing ... learning hard, learning hard ... running ... down the street, plum. with the background, be created by scientists, shine and

Task 22.

(Not) see a cat, (not) replace a textbook, (not) forget a lesson, (not) let a person, (not) water flowers, (not) see evil, (not) want to learn, (not) feed a dog, (not) ) can walk, (not) fall in love with a neighbor.

Task 23.

Always spare ... to give, poor woman ... a beautiful sheep ... rka, run away to the groves ..., new h ... desa, in an old hut ... not, often visits ... the best well ... vopisets, cozy well ... less.

Task 24.

(In) a flexible reed, (without) a long sleep, (near) a tree, (on) a green meadow, (above) a wonderful lake, (with) a great feeling, (because of) the forest, (without) any movement, (at ) hare island, (under) a wide shadow.

Task 25.

Snowy ... south, it happened an accident ... e, a thief swooped in ... and, look at the o ... - ective, performed with honor ..., ... rides of the winners, ... th costume, beautiful shi ... e, enter the bridge, soro ... I'm chattering.

Read the suggestions. Insert missing letters

Exercise 1.

Dense L ... STV covered trees ... trees. Along the road ST ... YAT telegraph st ... foreheads. Behind the l.-.sikhoy is a red-haired l ... hay. On the s...sleep in... the bottoms in... the villages


Task 2.

Grandmother r ... sewed to bake p ... horn. Grandmother bought two k...logra...and flour, sugar...r and M...LOKO. And for the filling - l ... mona, tv ... horn and k ... empty. Tomorrow will be wonderful!

Task 3.

P ... a goat ran into the garden. The verbs...child and n...child have different meanings. The trees are covered with raindrops. Grandfather took the hare and carried it home. The fox slyly joked over the hare. Pioneers ... took the kids home from kindergarten. By ... paw prints you can find out which animal passed ... walked through the clearing.

Task 4.

L...the fog lived on the fields. We proposed to hold a gathering of tourists on the banks of the river. The guys settled down by the fire and ate baked potatoes with pleasure. Outline the contents of the paragraph of the textbook. We assume that we will get ready for the road before dawn. I propose to rewrite the presentation. Touching the creations of great masters invites contemplation. Each sentence written bears the imprint of the writer's talent. In the evening a thunderstorm gathered, beyond the Volga the sky was covered with black clouds. We decomposed...lived a small light.

Task 5.

We propose to lock up the harvested crop in a barn. These industries are developed in R...stov. Young trees are very crowded. Play, children, r... stand in the wild. Three proud palms are high up...sli. The dawn of the bushes formed an impenetrable bowl. Rice r...stet in marshy places. The seashore is covered with water ... fir trees. These places surprise with rich vegetation.

Task 6.

The moon breaks through the wavy mists. We decided to take part in the election campaign. The dying... warrior with... a beating heart made his way... through the dense forest. All doors were locked. I slay you - tell the truth! White steam above the water is dispersing. The lion picks up .... rushes to his prey. Soon I will choose a suitable profession for myself.

Exercise 7.

Behind the outskirts was an old abandoned pr.... Leaves ... - the most beautiful time of autumn. There is a big snowstorm at the house ... . The whole pr ... forged le ... . On the roads of a dream ... . The kids put on and play in a Memories will last for a whole year ....

Task 8.

Beautiful, wonderful ... oh, sweet ... summer morning. Forest smells make the heart beat faster. We took off our greatcoats and went down the stairs. So...tse has barely risen above the horizon, and therefore the trees and shrubs cast giant...shadows. The forest is vla ... but it calls to itself, and the discordant song of birds is ringing. Directly underfoot, like a diamond crystal, glass shone.

Task 9.

No eternal joy, no endless sadness. Gold is consumed by fire and ... eaten, and man by misfortunes. In a smart conversation, gain your mind, and in a stupid conversation, lose your mind. ... judge first, and then judge. Walk around the guests, but open the gates ... create! You can't live without truth and ... you live. Here the craftswoman plucked off a piece of clay, rolled it with sausage, sausage and... bent it with a yoke. And now Russian stoves are blooming with roses, smart little children are clinging to the painted skirts of their mothers.

Task 10.

Ts...ts, chatty birds...! In Florence, in Italy, I saw a statue of Venus. At the cook, not a single carrot gets into the soup without taking the shape of a rhombus or a trapezoid ... and. A man sits in a cart and sells scythes for one and a half rubles in banknotes. Petya stood next to his friend on the t...kidneys and looked into the broken glass. The Germans..., according to Horya, are a curious people, and he is ready to learn from them. The wound needs to be disinfected urgently. There should be an iron discipline in the classroom. Without a circle, it is impossible to draw a circle and an oval.

Task 11.

Along the wooden fence there was a wide treadmill made of yellow sand. Nazar poured heavy rustling oats into the Emerald manger. The reins become stiff for the Emerald and twist the neck down. The rider of the stable looked at the whole body of the Emerald from black to hooves. Long

The black galleries in the mine seemed endless to Vaska. Emerald sh...l

a smooth, fluffy trot. With a dry silky rustle, grain flowed over wooden zh...heads into the square hatches of the holds. The tomatoes were packed in thousands of uniform crates. A watery cloud faintly appeared in the black sky.

Task 12.

There were trees in the charred gardens. A Cossack came out of the next room in a gray goat hat. The eyes of the Tatars sparkled ... nk. Flashed like a summer blue KLOCH ... To the sky. He was wearing a beautiful kumach ... wai shirt. A flag fluttered over the porch. Heads had to be tied with TOWELS...M. We listened to a series of lectures on medical ... not.

Task 13.

The class and I visited the museum of V. M. ... Asnetsov. The first place in the competition was taken by the drawing of ... ndreya, and ... lga ... Iktorovna handed him a gift. What wonderful theaters there are in ... oscve. ... Anya liked the paintings ... Urikov and ... Epin. ...Ymka pulled a sausage out of the bag. The complex on...Oklonnaya Hill is a people's memory of...a great victory.

Task 14.

It's wonderful to live in Petersburg...! At home, it is necessary to write out from the tradk ... the necessary rules. We were not able to arrive from the village in time because of the thaw.... The tail is used by animals as a support when running... as a rudder when swimming... and flying... as an "extra hand" when climbing.. .. The tail takes an active part in the communication ... of animals. Who knocked over the cupboard into the office yesterday... a physicist...?

Task 15.

It was dark inside the spacious ... dear ... carriage. Father pushed a small reddish star towards me, tenderly hiding under the ashes. I reached out to her with the index finger of my right hand. Greenish ... waves of swell played with sparkles of heavenly blue. It seemed to me that my mother was always the same beautiful ... th, blue-eyed ... woman.

Task 16.

In summer, the sun rises ... between east and north, and sets ... between west and north. We are moving to a dacha in July. The schoolboy is getting ready for exams. In these mountains, the snow is never the same ... that is. In the morning, the edge of the sky is ale ... t. Chirika sparrow...t under the roof. The sky is white...t a lone cloud. Far greener ... t field. The student must learn the rule.

Task 17.

Do you girls like to draw? In the fall, there will be a supply ... for the winter of nuts, acorns, prickly ... for sharp veto ... mushrooms. The ma...chiks took the fishing rods and moved into the na.... Catch fish and and!

Task 18.

A miserly god... poorer than a beggar. The bitter truth is better than the beautiful lo.... A day, yes, but... - a day about.... A gra... calls her cub white, and e... - soft. A kind lie ..., an experienced lie ... just hear a child's cry ..., at an early hour and in full ... rush to help ....

Task 19.

The air is light... and clear. The young man was broad-shouldered ... and ready ... . Like a son looks like a father ...! The brown bear is only at first glance clumsy ... . How good... this old movie! Painfully, their ataman was a pile ... and grief ...! The flower was linden ... and groin ... .

Task 20.

You were a grouchy old man, and you will become a ringing stream. Po-kin ... you sew a forest thicket and run away straight into the river ... you. Very small, fast, like a bird. If you want ... you will rush across the sea. Throne ... shish with a finger - smooth, and bite ... sh - sweet. When you go out ... to the river on open glades, immediately go down ... you go and drink cold water.

Task 21.

Every bird is beautiful with its feather. From the small, the big is born. Whoever loves to work, he has something to be proud of. Friend zadruga holding ... sya - not afraid of anything ... sya. Parental word past do not say ... Xia. Whoever fights for happiness ... that's what it tends to. Learn to read and write ... always come in handy ....

Task 22.

On water (does not) sink, on fire (does not) burn, in the ground (does not) rot. Meth, meth, (not) sweep. I carry, I carry, (I can’t) endure. The topic (not) guessed where the Bug had gone. A spark burns the sky, but it (does not) reach us. (Does not) knock, (does not) blur, it will suit anyone. What is written with a pen, you (not) cut down with an ax.

Task 23.

Fluffy ... thick snows ... nks fall on the ground. The mouse ... and already ... hid in the thick reeds ... . Breathe...deeper. Wh...she help comrade...m. Actively participate in the life of the class.

Task 24.

(At) grandmother (above) the table had a shelf. And (on) the shelf was a steamboat. (He) had a pipe: yellow and (on) it two black belts. (From) the masts went (to) the sides of the rope ladders. (At) the stern there was a booth, polished, (with) windows and a door. And from below (under) the stern - the steering wheel. (On) the bow are two anchors.

Task 25.

One, another, the third is growing. It's a pity, seal...e diligent...e not an example to follow...I am. The teachers' ride lasted two days. On the third day, a break was announced for going around and inspecting schools. A made of fallen trees... blocked the way for the tanks. The furious tiger with one jump found himself on the back of an elephant. This plant can be classified as edible.

Read the texts. Insert missing letters

Exercise 1.

Winter m ... roses have come. All brighter and brighter shines In... SENNNЄ the sun. Sweat ... mnela, pr ... dry d ... horns. P ... blue and ... melted ice on the river. Ringing ... neli in l ... su streams. B...r...bay a puddle. N ... fragrant buds pouted on b ... cuts. Wind...r walks in its branches. P... b... stinging on the bumps chl... n... putrid ants. Pr...m...dvedi and b....rsuki dreamed. Loudly p .... yut in the sky zhav .... ron-ki. Weight ... lo croaking l ... guds. Multicolored butterflies flutter...

Task 2.

The composer liked to live in a wooden house in which he grew up. He didn't like to shine...become in the light. Occasionally he went on business to R...STOV. At night, the floorboards of the house crackled, as if they were singing a song. The old nanny helped him with the housework: she wiped the dust, washed the linen, spread the bed, crushed the grass, set fire to the firewood, pulled off the dirt. And in the evening she locked the doors.

The composer wanted the poetry of this region to music: lush forest shadows, overgrown forest edges, young spruce...spruce pines, a sunbeam piercing through the branches of trees. The vegetation of the south will not replace native nature. In the morning, the composer hurried to the piano to... live on the notes of delight from the spilling light. Everything was caressed by the light: water ... drained in the lake, dawn ... drained, growing ... pines. Impressions were served in amazing music. The composer worked late. Fog was already LIVING on the fields when he went out onto the porch. An old forester rushed towards and confusingly continued about the misfortune that had befallen: “The landowner blew the forest. Can't pay off. I conjure - help! The composer got to the bottom of the situation and offered ... to buy out the land, although he had little money. He always made efforts to save nature, no matter what difficulties he experienced.

Task 3.

It was a miracle ... morning. We went fishing. We walked along a path through a ravine... At the bottom, a lovely stream murmured. We went out to no ... cue ... and sat in a lo ... ku. Dropped fishing rods. Tough... but the minutes dragged on. And here is a fish caught ... ka ble ... ula with scales on so ... tse. The nibble was perfect. Suddenly, a branch crunched on the shore. Se ... ce began to beat anxiously. A friend... or a ruthless... enemy... hiding in the woods? We were frightened by the unknown. We froze in anticipation. The riddle was soon solved. A thorny e got out on the shore ....

Task 4.

In the spring, when the buds barely open on the trees, the rhododendron blooms in all its glory. On the slopes, a bright lilac-pink paint is spilling. Rhododendron blooms in the second half of May, before the opening of split leaves. Bright flowers emphasize both ... exquisite and ... the bend of thin branches, rushing about above the ground. In winter, the cut branches of this tree, arranged in vases, are covered with delicate painted flowers.

Task 5.

A strange man lived in the middle of the twentieth century in provincial Kaluga. His name was Konstantin Eduardovich Ts...olkovsky. Once he worked as a mathematics teacher, drawing circles, cylinders and trapeziums with the help of a circle. Chickens with chickens roamed the streets. The ts...rk performed in the wasteland, the ts...gane were led by a bear on a chain. In the ravines, ts...kady rang. And in one of the Kaluga houses, a blind-sighted eccentric designed space manned stations ... and.

Task 6.

We do not know what in the forest bowl ... be in common with the cuckoo ... goldfinch. Do not become a songbird for us ... th under the bright sun ... m! We don’t understand what the whisper ... sweat of hard ... reed leaves that surrounded the pond with a dense ring ... m. We will not translate the buzzing of bees ... l and a bumblebee with a black belly. The bumblebee is tired, but he is doing well ... m! A blazing conflagration ... m under a sunbeam ... m a shred ... to the sky will not tell us the answer. Leaning over the forest key...m, we will scoop up a ladle...m of ice water. And let's think about the fact that every sh ... roh that the yellow dandelion emits, the prickly kryzh ... penetrated, the little mouse ... the nok and the black ... thickets of lilacs have their own meaning.

Task 7.

In the early morning, the sounds of birds are heard over the bay. These are terns. This bird can be found both in ... Amchatka, and at the very ... polar circle, and on the shore ... of the Black Sea, and in ... the middle ... zia, and ... on the duck. Wherever there is water, it will hunt for fish. Migratory birds fly to ... the Caucasus and ... the eye, ... Egypt and ... India. Terns prefer to spend the winter at home, where they were born and raised.

Task 8.

In ma ..., at the very beginning ..., arrival ... a flock of swallows to us. You look at them and you understand - spring is coming. The fuss begins ... A flock arranges ... nests under the windows of the house and whisper ... t, chasing ... prey. It's fun to watch the house at the revived nature. Everywhere it became good: in the apple tree ... m garden, in the birches ... rocher, in the pine ... m forest, in the wide ... m floor .... In the small ... village ... and in big city .... In the garden with apple trees are already falling ... t color. On the garden ... th path ... abound ... their tender ... petals are lying around, as if someone is drawing ... bright spots on it. In the, thicket...the bushes sound...t ringing...birds singing. Their songs scatter around the district ... .

Task 9.

It is worth forgetting ... about urgent matters and going into the forest, as you forget ... about the bustle of the city. Go... into the depths of birch forests... and pine teas... breathe... the air that smells... and light.... The forest is drowsy.... All around.... There is a perch. ..from the heat to the forest river. Drops sparkle in the sun. At first, it will seem ... that you can’t ... breathe .... But soon you will come ... to yourself and swim .... Then get dressed ... rest, rest ... a couple of minutes and go ... look for foxes...and, about which winter. Here is the boletus! How good he is ... and pri...! And at home, when we flare up not ..., we will ... listening ... as the cuckoo counts the years. Her voice is omniscient... and I sing.... And it will sing...singing, murmuring..., falling from the circle..., a cold key.... Soon it will come down, but.... Because of that one. .. the stars are no longer visible. The gras fell asleep ..., the goal ... and the enemy ... of the trees - a woodpecker. I open ... bizarre flowers. I grove their nectar... and linden...., and I prick the bush itself.... If you take care of it... it grows... and we are covered with flowers.

Task 10.

(Do not) get tired of being surprised at the appearance of (not) some animals. These insects and (not) notice on the branches of plants, so they look like green sticks. Stick insects (never) when (not) in a hurry. They glide a little noticeably along the stems until a succulent leaf of a plant (not) falls in their way. If a hungry stick insect (not) comes across a leaf, it will feast on the paw of its relative. But the stick insect (not) will be upset if relatives eat off part of the limbs. Will grow back. But stick insects (not) can be called defenseless. In case of danger, they freeze. And if the enemy (does not) leave, they can spray him with a caustic liquid.

Task 11.

The little bear cub lagged behind the bear. Unexpectedly ... he was very ... til-Xia in h ... sh. Scary little bear. Around the roots, like sh ... fingers. It seems to him that behind every tree a fabulous monster awaits him. There is a poor bear cub, trembling ... that is. Suddenly the branch snapped. The bear rushed to run and ended up on the shore of the lake. Around the reeds ... they make noise, but in the reeds ... sh ... they stomp. There was a crack behind him. This bear son taught ... yala.

Task 12.

The kittens (po) appeared (into) the world (in) a cookie box. Mother cat tried not (from) to go (from) babies. The kittens began (you) to climb (from) the shelter. They fussed around the box, and (on) playing, fell asleep (in front of) the house. The cat often (absent) went away and one day did not return. The poor kittens (huddled) huddled (in) the shell and trembled (from) fear. So they (about) sat (until) morning. In the morning (po) a cat appeared. She was (from) tormented, and (under) her ear a tuft of wool was torn out. The cat (licked) her babies, (co) warmed and (po) fed.

Task 13.

Tanya came to the village. In the morning she woke up, put on a dress, went to the stream. The path ran through the storm ... yang. Here you can hear the nightingales ... I, pick up raspberries for varen ... I. If you overcome a small rise, you can see an immense field. Recently, Tanya met a furious bull at this place. At the cliff stands a birch... eaten by bark beetles. Deftly, like a monkey, Tanya climbed onto the top of her head.

procedure and instructions.

a) Read the words. Insert the missing letters.

b) Read the phrases. Insert the missing letters.

B) Read the sentences. Insert the missing letters.

  • D) Read the text. Insert the missing letters.
  • Evaluation of results.

Correlation of actually made (n1) and probabilistic (n2) errors is revealed for each of the listed rules, or the frequency of erroneous spellings per spelling (k):

2.3. Auditory dictation.

Purpose of the task: assess the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing, identify gaps in the assimilation of program material when performing auditory dictation.

Research material.

The same as in the task for detecting erroneous places, in which letters are omitted in accordance with the declared orthograms.

procedure and instructions.

Dictations are conducted without prior preparation of the student, underlined articulation, without analysis possible difficulties, highlighting difficult words and questionable sounds. The pace of dictation is slightly slowed down so that each student has time to write dictations in full. A series of words and texts are offered for writing in random order.

Evaluation of results.

See formula above.

3. The study of the current level of formation of the spelling skill of writing at the control stage of educational activity (finding errors).

Research material.

speech material(the same), in which the correct spelling in the area of ​​action of the spelling corresponding to the task is replaced by an erroneous one. Words and texts are offered in printed form on special forms.

Find and correct the mistakes in the words.

Task I

Stalovaya, vorenie, show off, stalbs, look at, nursery, shake, fantasize, zatimno, call.

Task 2.

Aquareum, sea route, right, freedom, car, agrarian, right, vizde, cortina, pionino.

Task 3.

Task 4.

To posit, position, it is proposed, lay out, settle down, tax, harmonize, posit, suppose, fix.

Task 5.

Grow, grow, algae, grow up, grow up, growth, fusion, grow together, grow, grow up.

Task 6.

To rub, to choose, to wipe, to pull off, to rub, to pull off, to grow old, to advance, to shine, to be wiped off.

Task 7.

Corpse, tray, vyshifka, palm, koropka, goth, smooth, daring, light, creepy.

Task 8.

Oral, beautiful, bodily, gigantic, inept, ruthless, crunch, travel, ladder, hello.

Task 9.

Drink, bite, unravel, unsystematic, painted, make noise, spew, immortal, stir up, expand.

Task 10.

On tiptoes, tits, dial, constitution, citrus, provocation, numbering, chicken, dust, cyclone.

Task 11.

Overshoot, shock, chotny, click, comb, hairdo, rustle, black, nasty, devil.

Task 12.

Pencil, capital, Easter cake, bird, roof, brother, towel, Chinese, key, ladle.

Task 13.

Mikhail Zoshchenko, the story "Meeting", the city of Tver, the Dnieper River, Dmitry Ivanovich, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, the ballet "Giselle", the magazine "Koster", Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Task 14.

On the outskirts, in the sanatorium, on the edges, in the section, in the rocket, about the prize, in the clearing, in the neighborhood, on the veranda, in the kiosks.

Task 15.

Frost, about the youngest, in blue, about wheat, in reverse, interesting, about terrible, about distant, from good, to beautiful.

Task 16.

He smiles, drives him out, admits, deepens, sees through, we will see, depends, drives him away, endures, drives him away.

Task 17.

Line, nurse, read, danger, bring, urgent, to-brilliant, sister, tail, daughter.

Task 18.

Tish, ball, Voronezh, bitterness, weight, steep, Kerch, watchman, rook, raincoat.

Task 19.

Lucky, sticky, omniscient, crackling, hissing, handsome, knowledgeable, sighted, handsome, dense.

Task 20.

Distract, whisper, captivate, attract, forget, burn, get sick, lie in wait, laugh, cut.

Task 21.

Doubt, heat up, oppress, rush, grow, get burned, unfasten, get married, trample, fight.

Task 22.

You don’t grow up, you don’t suppose, you don’t yearn, you don’t take, you don’t pull out, you don’t understand, you don’t wind up, you don’t love, you don’t force you, you don’t walk.

Task 23.

Sensible, wide, chut-chut, hare, dinner, gull, fat, sound, ears.

Task 24.

On the road, from the garter, over the village, after a turn, on the right, in labor, on the fly, across the country, in depth, aside.

Task 25.

Hare, earing, sobyut, birds, pre-anniversary, object, saved, departure, barer, accident-free.

Find and correct mistakes in word combinations

Exercise 1.

To go on vacation, to attach a shelf, to splash to the music, to simply be in pain, to melt the stove, to remember the good, ringing galasok, to drown in flowers.

Task 2.

It’s good to hunt, to come closer, to ask for some bread, to poke through your teeth, not to let you get close, to line up on time, to follow the rule, to sign an order, to support a friend, to pay for everything.

Task 3.

Approach from the right, cook a potato, see in front, be late for breakfast, eat a pamidor, get on a ship, come on Saturday, at the seventh kilometer, green vogon, read in the newspaper.

Task 4.

Adjust the cubes, compose a song, lay down the bag, position the country, apply efforts, offer a job, settle down in the cinema, factor out, adjust the pillow, mathematical term.

Task 5.

The age of a child, a young sprout, quickly grown, domestic growth, dense thickets, industrial growth, grown in warmth, seaweed, stingy loan shark, tropical vegetation.

Task 6.

Wipe the dust, wash the linen, wipe it with a handkerchief, burn it on the board, set fire to firewood, grind the ointment, the soul froze, shine with the mind, spread it on the sofa, spread the bed.

Exercise 7.

The bulldock of the neighbor, the broth of the broth, the snowdrift on the sidewalk, the cushion of herbs, the close friend, the virash on the highway, the long overpass, the cheerful narot, the little chish.

Task 8.

An unknown event, good news, the branches crackled, in a beautiful forest, to a great misfortune, about a difficult time, in an oral story, a ticket, a fierce rain, with a Scottish accent.

Task 9.

Write a notebook, scare the birds, unsystematic approach, awaken memories, kindle a fire, ruin the soul, tasteless fruit, chill in the wind, cultivate arable land, dispel the last doubts.

Task 10.

A young gypsy, a short tail, a big figure, clean streets, a sports section, went to the circus, the acacia blossomed, the compass in a case, put down the mat, went to the police station.

Task 11.

Yellow ball, eat gooseberries, evil bees, put on a hood, silk from the store, sew a chevron, inflate shocks, long hair, an acorn sprouts, sit on a zhordochka.

Task 12.

Admire the palace, march, cover yourself with a cloak, a golden ring, a hot sun, an oblique beam, admire the mill, talk with a doctor, think about a task, many fighters.

Task 13.

The battle of Kulikovo began, we read the magazine "Spark", we will walk along the garden, the hero city of Stalingrad, the Ural Mountains, the Chelyuskin ice drift, the turbulent Yenisei River, read the fairy tale "Nightingale", show the Nutcracker Ballet, Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov.

Task 14.

Task 15.

A younger sister, in purple, about a blue hood, nightingale-nai songs, bright at night, a fascinating story, a clear sun, in a silk dress, in picturesque places, about a green meadow.

Task 16.

He draws superbly, finds a notebook, hears a rustle, delays after school, drowns down the street, whispers in his ear, turns green in the sun, takes him out of the shed, rolls on the ground.

Task 17.

Carrier dove, finish the letter, perpetual motion machine, elastic material, predatory look, pouring rain, sick person.

Task 18.

Lovely chush, durable brick, forged penny, interesting sack-voyage, a pair of black galoshes, unnecessary luxury, fat lesh, a sky without clouds, endless dry land, a powerful tractor.

Task 19.

Wind, wind, you are mighty; the forest is dense, the tea is hot, the honey is malleable, her voice is sing-song, the white snow is flying, the sand is hot, creeping already, the hedgehog is prickly, the cold is burning.

Task 20.

You forget your mistakes, you see the dawn, you discover America, you lie on the sofa, you watch a play, you burn a fire, you play hide-and-seek, you hide in a cart, you burn in the fire.

Task 21.

Skiing, decided not to give up, afraid of the dark, overthinking, kids bathing, learning to always be useful, blending into the background, created by scientists, shining and sparkling.

Task 22.

Not to see a cat, not to replace a textbook, not to forget a lesson, not to force a person, not to water flowers, not to hate evil, not to want to study, not to feed a dog, not to walk, not to fall in love with a neighbor.

Task 23.

Always spare, poor animal, beautiful sheepdog, run away to the grove, new miracles, in an old hut, often hangs, the best painter, a cozy life.

Task 24.

In a flexible reed, a long sleep, on a tree, a green meadow, a marvelous lake, a feeling of sickness, from behind a forest, without any movement, narrowing whose island, a wide shadow.

Task 25.

A snowy blizzard, it happened more unfortunate, sparrows flew in, look at both assets, performed with honor, the assembly of winners, a suit, a beautiful coat, drive onto the bridge, roaring chirping.

Find and correct errors in sentences

Exercise 1.

Trees were covered with dense forest. There are telegraph poles along the road. A red-haired lass is following the cockerel. On the sasna, you can see ... village bilchats.

Task 2.

Grandmother riila bake a feather. Grandmother bought two kilograms of flour, sa-khor and maloko. And for the filling - lemons, cottage cheese and cabbage. Breakfast will be amazing!

Task 3.

The goat ran into the garden. The verbs to wear and wear have different meanings. The trees are covered with raindrops. Grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The fox slyly joked over the hare. Pioneers took kids home from kindergarten. By paw prints, you can find out which animal passed through the clearing.

Task 4.

Fog rolled over the fields. We proposed to hold a gathering of tourists on the banks of the river. The guys settled down by the fire and ate baked potatoes with pleasure. State the content of the textbook paragraph. We assume that we will be going on the road before dawn. I propose to rewrite the statement.

Task 5.

Touching the creations of great masters encourages reflection. Each sentence written bears the imprint of the writer's talent. By evening a thunderstorm had gathered, beyond the Volga the sky was screwed up with black clouds. We've broken a little fire.

Task 6.

We propose to lock up the grown crop in the barn. These industries are developed in Rastov. Young trees grew very closely. Play, children, grow in freedom. Three proud palms rose high. The bushes formed an impenetrable bowl. Rice grows in marshy places. The seashore is covered with water ... fir trees. These places surprise with rich vegetation.

Task 7.

The moon breaks through the wavy mists. We decided to take part in the election campaign. The dying warrior with a beating heart made his way through the dense forest. All doors were padlocked. I'll seal you - tell the truth! White steam spreads over the water.

Task 8.

Behind the outskirts was an old abandoned rod. Listopat is the most beautiful time of autumn. The house has a big snowdrift. The whole rod forged years. Snow on the roads. The children put on mittens and play snowballs. Memories will last for a whole goth.

Task 9.

Beautiful, wonderful, lovely summer morning. Forest smells make the heart beat faster. We took off our overcoats and went up the stairs. The sun has barely risen above the horizon, and therefore the trees and shrubs cast gigantic shadows. The forest is damp, calling to itself and the discordant song of birds is ringing. Directly underfoot, like a diamond crystal, glass shone.

Task 10.

No eternal joy, no endless sorrow. Gold is tempted by fire, and man by adversity. In a smart conversation, gain your mind, and in a stupid one, lose yours. Judge first, judge later. Walk around the guests, but open the gate! You won't live forever without truth. Here the craftswoman pinched off a piece of clay, rolled it out with a sausage, and bent the sausage with a rocker. And now Russian stoves are blooming with roses, smart little children are clinging to the painted skirts of their mothers.

Task 11.

Zitz, chatty birds! In Florence, in Italy, I saw a statue of Venus. At the cook, not a single carrot gets into the soup without taking the shape of a rhombus or a trapezoid. A man sits in a cart and sells scythes for one and a half rubles in banknotes. Petya stood on tiptoe next to his friend and peered through the broken glass. The Germans, according to Horya, are a curious people, and he is ready to learn from them. The wound must be urgently disinfected. There must be iron discipline in the classroom. Without a compass, it is impossible to draw a circle and an oval.

Task 12.

Along the wooden fence there was a wide running track of yellow sand. Nazar poured heavy rustling oats into the manger for Emerald. The reins become stiff for the Emerald and twist the neck down. The rider of the stable looked at the whole body of the Emerald from the hair to the hooves. The long black galleries in the mine seemed endless to Vaska. The emerald shoal was running at an even sweeping trot. With a dry silk rustle, grain flowed along wooden troughs into the square hatches of the holds. The tomatoes were packed in thousands of monotonous slatted boxes. A watery cloud faintly appeared in the black sky.

Task 13.

Trees were burning in the gardens. A Cossack in a gray goat hat came out of the next room. The Tatar's eyes sparkled. The blue patch of sky flared up like a summer. He was wearing a nice calfskin shirt. A flag flew over the porch. Heads had to be tied with towels. We listened to a series of lectures on medicine.

Task 14.

My class and I visited the museum of V.M. Vasnetsov. Andrey's drawing took the first place in the competition, and Olga Viktorovna presented him with a gift. What wonderful theaters there are in Moscow. Tanya liked the pictures of Surikov and Repin, the haze pulled the sausage out of the bag. The complex on Poklonnaya Hill is the people's memory of the great victory.

Task 15.

It is wonderful to live in Petersburg! At home, you need to write out the necessary rules from the notebook. We were not able to arrive from the village in time because of the thaw. The tail is used by animals as a support when running, as a rudder when swimming and flying, as an "extra hand" when climbing. The tail takes an active part in animal communication. Who knocked over a cupboard in the physics classroom yesterday?

Task 16.

It was dark inside the spacious travel carriage. My father pushed towards me a small reddish star, affectionately hiding under the ashes. I reached out to her with the index finger of my right hand. The greenish waves of the swell played with sparkles of heavenly blue. It seemed to me that my mother was always the same beautiful, blue-eyed woman.

Task 17.

In summer, the sun rises between east and north and sets between west and north. We are moving to the cottage in July. The student is preparing for exams. Snow never melts in these mountains. In the morning the edge of the sky is aleit. A sparrow chirps under the roof. There is a lone cloud in the sky. The field is green in the distance. The student will definitely learn the rule.

Task 18.

Do you girls like to draw? In autumn, squirrels will store nuts, acorns for the winter, and prick mushrooms on sharp twigs. The boys took their fishing rods and set off. Catch fish with net and hook!

Task 19.

A miserly rich man is poorer than a beggar. Better a bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Day and night - day, etc. The rook calls his cub white, and the hedgehog - soft. A good doctor, an experienced doctor, will barely hear a child's cry, at an early hour and at midnight he will rush to help. The air is fresh and transparent. The young man was broad-shouldered and handsome. How a son looks like his father! The brown bear is only at first glance clumsy. How good is this old movie! Painfully their ataman was ebullient and hot! The flower was sticky and fragrant.

Task 20.

You were a grouchy old man, and you will become a ringing stream. Throw you a forest bowl and run straight into the river. Very small, fast, like a bird. If you want, it will rush across the sea. Touch with your finger - smooth, and bite - sweet. When you go out to the river on open glades, you immediately go down and drink cold water.

Task 21.

Every bird flaunts with its feather. From the small, the big is born. Who loves to work, he has something to be proud of. Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything. The parental word is not to be said by. Whoever takes on happiness, it tends to that. Literacy is always useful to learn.

Task 22.

It does not sink on water, does not burn on fire, and does not rot in the ground. Meta, meta, non-met. I carry, I carry, I cannot bear. The topic had no idea where the Bug had gone. A spark burns through the sky, but does not reach us. It won't knock, it won't rattle, it will suit anyone. What is written with a pen, you cannot cut with an axe.

Task 23.

Fluffy snowflakes fall to the ground. Mice and snakes hid in thick reeds. Breathe deeper. Help your comrades more. Learn actively in the life of the class.

Task 24.

Grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf was a steamboat. He had a trumpet: yellow and two black belts. Rope ladders went to the sides of the mast. At the stern stood a booth, polished, with jugs and a door. And below the feed is the steering wheel. I'm bringing in two anchors.

Task 25.

One years old, another pet, the third is growing. It's a pity that the diligent seals are not an example to follow. The meeting of teachers lasted two days. On the third day, a break was announced for obezd and inspection of schools. A barer made of fallen trees blocked the way for the tanks. The enraged tiger with one jump found himself on the back of an elephant. This plant can be classified as sedobium.

Find and correct mistakes in texts

Exercise 1.

The winter frosts have set in. The sun is shining brighter and brighter. Patimnela, the daroga dried up. Pasenel and attayal ice on the rick. Streams called to the fox. Varobey bathes in a puddle. Fragrant buds swelled on bireses. The wind walks in its branches. Busy ants crawled over bumps. The Medvedi and the Borsuks fell asleep. The larks are singing loudly in the sky. Frogs croak heavily. Colorful butterflies flutter.

Task 2.

The composer liked to live in a wooden house in which he grew up. He did not like to shine in the light. Occasionally he went on business to Rastov. At night, the floorboards of the house crackled, as if they were singing a song. The old nanny helped him with the housework: she wiped the dust, washed the linen, spread the bed, rubbed the herbs, set fire to the firewood, and pulled off the dirt. And in the evening I locked the doors. The composer wanted to set the poetry of this region to music: racist forest shadows, overgrown forest edges, young pine trees, a sunbeam piercing through the branches of trees. The vegetation of the south will not replace native nature. In the morning, the composer hurried to the piano in order to put on the notes the delight of the spreading light. Everything was caressed by the light: algae in the lake, thickets, growing pines. Impressions blended into amazing music. The composer worked late. The fields were already foggy when he stepped out onto the porch. An old forester rushed towards and inconsistently reported on the misfortune that had befallen: “The landowner blew the forest. Can't pay off. I swear - help! The composer got into the position and offered to buy the land, although he had little money. He always made efforts to save nature, no matter how difficult it was.

Task 3.

In the spring, when the buds barely open on the trees, the rhododendron blooms in all its glory. When it blooms, bright lilac-pink paint seems to spill on the slopes. Usually rhododendron blooms in the second half of May, before the leaves bloom. Bright flowers emphasize the exquisite bend of the thin branches of the plant, scattered above the ground. In winter, in frosts, when in nature there is still nothing to say about the approach of spring, the cut branches of this tree, arranged in vases, are covered with delicate painted flowers.

Task 4.

A strange man lived in the middle of the twentieth century in provincial Kaluga. This man's name was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Once he worked as an ordinary teacher of mathematics, drawing circles, cylinders and trapezoids with the help of a compass. Hens with chickens roamed the streets of Kaluga. A visiting circus performed in the wasteland, the gypsies led a tame bear on a chain. Burdocks, nettles and chicory grew near the fences. Grasshoppers and cicadas chirped in the ravines. And in one of the Kaluga houses, a blind-eyed eccentric designed manned space stations.

Task 5.

We do not know what the sho-gol goldfinch echoes with the cuckoo in the forest thicket. Do not become a songbird under the bright sun! We will not understand what the whisper of the harsh reed leaves that surrounded the pond in a dense ring is about, no matter how sensitive it sounds. We will not translate into our language the buzzing of bees and black-bellied bumblebees. The bumblebee is tired, but he is doing well! A patch of sky flashing like a fire under the last sunbeam will not tell us the answer. Leaning over the forest key, we will scoop up ice water with a ladle. And let's think about the fact that every rustle that the yellow dandelion, prickly gooseberry, and rough lilac thickets makes its own meaning.

Task 6.

In the early morning, the sounds of birds are heard over the bay. These are terns. They came to the bay to fish. This bird can be found in Western Ukraine, and in Kamchatka, and near the Arctic Circle, and on the Black Sea, and in Central Asia, and in Chukotka. Wherever there is water, she will look for fish and caviar. Migratory birds fly to the Caucasus and the Crimea, Egypt and India. Terns are in no hurry to leave their homes. They prefer to winter at home, where they were born and raised.

Task 7.

In May, at the very beginning of it, a flock of swifts and swallows will fly to us. You look at them and you understand - spring is coming. The fuss begins. The flock arranges nests under the windows of the house and chirps, chasing prey. The house looks merrily at the revived nature. Everywhere it became good: in the apple orchard, in the birch groves, in the pine forest, in the wide poly. In a small village and in a larger city. In the orchard the apple and cherry trees are already dropping blossoms. Their petals lie in abundance on the garden path, as if someone is drawing bright spots on it. In the dark, impenetrable thickets of bushes, the sonorous singing of birds sounds. Their songs are scattered all over the district.

Task 8.

It is worth forgetting about pressing matters and going into the forest, as soon as he forgets about the bustle of the city. You go into the depths of birch groves and pine thickets, breathe in the air, which is fragrant and fresh. The forest is dense. Quiet all around. It is worth plunging into the forest river from the July heat. Drops of water sparkle in the sun. At first it will seem like you can't breathe. But soon you will come to your senses and swim. Then he will get dressed, rest for a couple of minutes, and you will go is-kat chanterelles - wonderful gifts of the forest, which you dreamed about in winter. Here is the boletus! How good and handsome he is! And at home, when the stove flares up, you will listen to how the cuckoo counts the years. Her voice is omniscient and melodious. And it will foam, murmur, falling from the steep, a cold key. Night will soon descend. You can no longer see the stars because of the clouds. The rook, the dove and the tree doctor, the woodpecker, fell asleep in their nests. Fantastic flowers open. Their nectar is fragrant and sticky, and the bush itself is prickly. If you take care of him, he grows and becomes covered with huge flowers.

Task 9.

A small, stupid bear cub lagged behind the bear. Suddenly he found himself in the thickest. Scary little bear. Around the roots, like shyu-fingers. It seems to him that behind every tree a fairy tale awaits him. The poor bear cub is standing, trembling, not moving. Suddenly the bump fell, frightened the bear. He took off running. And did not notice how he ended up on the shore of the lake. Around the reeds rustle, and in the reeds snakes hiss. And there was a crack from behind. This bear smelled her son.

Task 10.

You never get tired of being surprised by the appearance of some animals. These insects are invisible on the branches of plants, so they look like green sticks. Stick insects are never slow. They glide a little noticeably along the stems until a succulent leaf of a plant falls in their way. If a hungry stick insect does not come across a leaf, it will feast on the paw of its relative. But the stick insect will not be upset if relatives eat off part of the limbs. Will grow back. But stick insects cannot be called defenseless. In case of danger, they freeze. And if the enemy does not leave, they can spray him with a caustic liquid.

Task 11.

The kittens were born in a cookie box. Mother cat tried not to leave her babies. The kittens began to crawl out of the shelter. They fussed around the box, and after playing enough they fell asleep in front of their house. The cat was often away. One day she didn't come back. Without her, the kittens were very lonely. A large dog appeared next to him. The poor kittens huddled in and trembled with fear. So they sat until the morning. In the morning a cat appeared. She was exhausted, and a tuft of wool had been torn out of her pillow. The cat licked her babies, lay down next to them, warmed them and fed them.

Task 12.

Tanya came to the village. In the morning she woke up, put on a dress, sat down for breakfast and went to the stream. The path ran through the storms, then through the forest. Get a little confused and pass your favorite place. But Tanya did it. Here is the secret corner. Here you can hear the nightingale, collect raspberries for jam. There are many edible and non-edible plants around. If you overcome a small rise, you can see an immense field where the peasants harvest the ears. Last year, Tanya met an angry bull, a notorious bully, at this place. At the cliff stands a birch pitted with bark beetles. Deftly, like a monkey, Tanya climbed onto the top of her head. Tanya took a walk. She needs a serious explanation. No matter how the delay hastened the departure!

Task 13.

It was a wonderful morning. We went fishing. We walked along the Uska path through the ravine. At the bottom of the ravine gurgled a lovely stream. We went to the low bank of the river and sat down in the tray. Dropped fishing rods. The first minutes of waiting dragged on. And here is the first success! The first fish caught glistened with scales in the sun. Clef was wonderful. Suddenly, a branch snapped on the shore. My heart was beating uncomfortably. Druje or a ruthless bug hiding in the forest? We were afraid of the unknown. We froze in anxious anticipation. Anxiously, we peered into the thicket of the forest. The riddle was soon solved. A thorny yash climbed out of the forest to the shore.

procedure and instructions.

  • a) Find and correct the mistakes in the words.
  • b) Find and correct mistakes in word combinations.
  • c) Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
  • d) Find and correct errors in the text.
  • Evaluation of results.

Correlation of actually made (nі) and probabilistic (n2) errors for each of the listed rules, or the frequency of erroneous spellings per spelling (k) is revealed.

The problem of writing disorders in schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for school education, since writing and reading from the target primary education become a means of further acquiring knowledge by students.

The book reflects the results of many years of scientific and practical activities the author who develops the problem of writing and reading disorders in relation to the contingent of students in a general education school and, mainly, primary school, because the main task of a school speech therapist is to timely identify and overcome writing disorders, preventing their transition, which complicates the educational and cognitive activity of students, to the subsequent stages of education.

The first section of the book highlights the prerequisites for the formation of writing and reading in the norm and the mechanisms of violations that lead to persistent specific errors in written speech; the disclosed typology of such errors is illustrated by examples from student work. An original system for identifying and accounting for specific writing errors by a speech therapist is presented. The criteria for distinguishing dysgraphia from the immaturity of writing skills, characteristic of the stage of literacy, are described. Diagnostic tasks are proposed to identify dysgraphia in students of grades 1–3. Materials are given for a comprehensive study of schoolchildren with dysgraphia, which characterizes the state of a number of their sensory-motor and gnostic functions that are important for the formation of written speech.

The second section reveals a system of remedial education to overcome violations of written speech - in four main areas. Each chapter is preceded by the necessary methodological commentary that defines the tasks and ways of organizing the proposed types of work. The range of topics, content and forms of work are determined by the specifics of speech therapy tasks, but at the same time they correlate with the key issues of the Russian language program in elementary school.

Dysgraphia sessions should not become an endless process of writing or rewriting. It is necessary to provide a variety of speech practice for students - for the development of language ability and observation, for the formation of speech communication skills. For these purposes, a sufficient amount of various exercises is offered, most of which are performed orally with a clear organized system signals feedback(cards, symbols, number row, ball and clapping actions, etc.), i.e. to some extent, we can say that we form writing operations without a notebook and a pen. Entertaining speech material should also help relieve tension and fear of writing in children who feel their own failure in graph-lexical activity, and create a positive emotional mood in children during group classes.

The book is addressed to a wide range of people:

§ speech therapists of general education and special schools of various types;

§ Primary school teachers and teachers of the Russian language;

§ students of defectological faculties;

§ speech therapists preschool institutions(for the implementation of continuity in correctional work);

§ practical psychologists of school institutions;

§ parents of children who have found it difficult to master writing and reading, to organize systematic homework.




Written speech is one of the forms of the existence of a language, opposed to oral speech. This is a secondary, later in time form of existence of the language. For various forms of linguistic activity, both oral and written speech can be primary (compare folklore and fiction). If oral speech singled out man from the animal world, then writing should be considered the greatest of all inventions created by mankind. Written speech not only revolutionized the methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information, but it changed the person himself, in particular his ability to think abstractly.

The concept of written speech includes reading and writing as equal components. “Writing is a sign system of fixing speech, which allows using graphic elements to transmit information at a distance and fix it in time. Any writing system is characterized by a constant composition of signs "( FOOTNOTE Russian language: Encyclopedia. M., 1979. S.205)

Russian writing refers to alphabetic writing systems. The alphabet marked the transition to symbols of higher orders and determined the progress in the development of abstract thinking, allowing speech and thinking to be made objects of knowledge. “Only writing allows you to go beyond the limited spatial and temporal boundaries of speech communication, as well as to preserve the impact of speech even in the absence of one of the partners. This is how the historical dimension of social self-consciousness arises" ( FOOTNOTE: Granovskaya R. M. Elements of practical psychology L., 1984. S. 182)

Both oral and written forms of speech are a kind of temporary connections of the second signal system, but, unlike oral, written speech is formed only in conditions of purposeful learning, i.e. its mechanisms are formed during the period of literacy and are improved in the course of all further education. As a result of reflex repetition, a dynamic stereotype of the word is formed in the unity of acoustic, optical and kinesthetic stimuli (L. S. Vygotsky, B. G. Ananiev). Mastering written speech is the establishment of new connections between the word heard and spoken, the word visible and written, because. the process of writing is ensured by the coordinated work of four analyzers: speech-motor, speech-auditory, visual and motor.

The shortest unit of speech, in accordance with this, can be conditionally represented by a trace. way:

Motor A. R. Luria defined reading as a special form of impressive speech, and writing as a special form of expressive speech, noting that writing (in any form) begins with a certain idea, the preservation of which helps to inhibit all extraneous tendencies (running ahead, repetitions etc.). The letter itself includes a number of special operations:

§ analysis of the sound composition of the word to be recorded.

The first condition for writing is to determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

The second is the refinement of sounds, i.e. the transformation of sound variants audible at the summer time into clear generalized speech sounds - phonemes. At first, both of these processes proceed completely consciously, in the future they are automated. Acoustic analysis and synthesis proceed with the closest participation of articulation;

§ translation of phonemes (audible sounds) into graphemes, i.e. into visual schemes of graphic signs, taking into account the spatial arrangement of their elements;

§ “recoding” of visual schemes of letters into a kinetic system of successive movements required for recording (graphemes are converted into kinemes).

Recoding is carried out in the tertiary zones of the cerebral cortex (parietal-temporal-occipital region). Morphologically, tertiary zones are finally formed at the 10th-11th year of life. The motivational level of writing is provided by the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. Including them in a functional writing system ensures the creation of an idea that is held through inner speech.

Retention of information in memory is ensured by the holistic activity of the brain. As A. R. Luria notes, “ specific gravity each of the writing operations does not remain constant at different stages of motor skill development. At the first stages, the main attention of the writer is directed to the sound analysis of the word, and sometimes to the search for the desired grapheme. In the developed skill of writing, these moments recede into the background. When writing well-automated words, writing turns into smooth kinetic stereotypes. (FOOTNOTE: Luria A.R. Higher cortical functions of a person and their disorders in local brain lesions. M., 1962. P. 64)


1981 -1986 – Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (MESI), specialty "Statistics", qualification - economist.

1993 - Defense of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.12 "Accounting, Statistics" (MESI).

1995 - Assignment of the academic title of associate professor in the department "Theory of Statistics and Forecasting" MESI.

2004 -Defence of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in the specialty 08.00.12 "Accounting, Statistics" (MESI).

2004 - Assignment of the academic title of professor in the department "Theory of Statistics and Forecasting" MESI.

2016 - Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

2017 - Active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Labor activity:

1981 - 2015 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI):

1986 - 2010 - Engineer of the Research Laboratory of ACS, postgraduate student, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the Department of Theory of Statistics and Forecasting, MESI;

2013 - 2015 - Head of the Department "Theory of Statistics and Forecasting" MESI;

2015 - 2016 - Head of the department "Industry and business statistics" of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.

2016 - present- Head of the Department "Statistics" of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.

Teaching activity

Head of the educational program "Statistical and mathematical methods of analysis and forecasting of the economy" (master's degree) in the direction of Economics.

Expert-analyst of an investment financial company and other organizations on the problems of assessing the state and prospects for the development of business processes in various fields of activity.

The number of citations of articles published over the past 5 years in peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the RSCI - 996 .

Hirsch index - 14 .

Readable disciplines:

Business statistics and forecasting

Dynamic analysis and forecasting of business processes


Socio-economic statistics

Theory of Statistics

General work experience

General experience work 32 years old

Work experience in the specialty

C work experience in the specialty 28 years

Advanced training / professional retraining

Refresher courses and professional retraining:
  • Teacher in the e-learning environment (e-learning).
  • Presentation technology in MS Power Point.
  • Preparation and use of Power Point presentations during training sessions.
  • Usage modern technologies and teaching methods in the information and telecommunications environment.
  • Postal system and means of collective work.
  • Information educational technologies used when working with an active board.
  • Information competence in the professional activity of the university. Spreadsheet "Microsoft Excel".
  • Information competence in the professional activity of the university. Spreadsheet "Microsoft Access".
  • Introduction to SPSS for Windows.
  • Effective working practices in SPSS.
  • Time Series Analysis with LBM SPSS Forecasting.

Scientific research

Sphere of scientific interests– statistics; theoretical and methodological aspects, problems and methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Participant of intra-university, inter-university and international conferences.

Conference presentations (last 5 years)

  • All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Students and Postgraduates (September 9-10, 2010, Shakhty).
  • I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Volga Research Center. Yoshkar-Ola. 2011.
  • Economy, science and education in the XXI century. III regional scientific-practical conference of scientists, students and graduate students. March 24-25, 2011, Shakhty.
  • Regions of Russia: strategies and mechanisms for modernization, innovation and technological development. 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference May 26-27, 2011.
  • All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Socio-economic development of Russian regions". May 23, 2011
  • Modern economic model Russia. Problems and prospects. V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Magnitogorsk state university. Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2011.
  • The effectiveness of educational technologies for improving education in Russia in the XXI century: interuniversity scientific and practical conference, April 28, 2011, Kolomna.
  • Innovative development of the Russian economy. IV International Scientific and Practical Forum, 2011.
  • Industry innovation National economy as a factor in solving the socio-economic problems of our time. 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference. December 5-6, 2012.
  • Economy, ecology and society of Russia in the 21st century. 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. SPb. 2013.
  • Values ​​and Interests modern society. International scientific and practical conference. 2013, 2014.
  • Economic and legal aspects of the implementation of Russia's modernization strategy: global, country, regional dimensions. International scientific and practical conference. Krasnodar, 2013.
  • VI International Scientific and Practical Forum "Innovative Development of the Russian Economy". 2013.
  • Innovations in the sectors of the national economy as a factor in solving the socio-economic problems of our time. III International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, December 5-6, 2013).
  • International Conference ICDE "Open, distance, e-learning: a world without borders". 2014.
  • VII International Scientific and Practical Forum "Innovative Development of the Russian Economy". Innovations and the Russian economy in the context of global economic processes. 2014.
  • Expert Council for the evaluation of research projects presented at the exhibition NTTM-2014 in the direction of H-2. Economics, management, marketing; H-3. Statistics, accounting (combined section). June 24-27, 2014 at VDNKh in pav. No. 69.
  • Forum "Teacher with the E-LEARNING environment. July 01, 2014 MESI. Section 3. Open educational resources.
  • International Conference of the International Council on Open and distance education(ICDE) "Open, distance, e-learning: a world without borders" (THE ICDE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2014. CONNECTING THE WORLD THROUGH OPEN, DISTANCE AND E-LEARNING).
  • Economy, ecology and society of Russia in the 21st century. 17th International Scientific and Practical Conference. May 19-20, 2015. SPb.
  • All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Statistics and challenges of our time" June 25-26, 2015. June 26, 2015 Section "Methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena".
  • 13-15.01.2016 GAYDAR FORUM 2016 "RUSSIA AND THE WORLD: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE". Participant.
  • XV International scientific-practical conference "Domestic science in the era of change: the postulates of the past and the theory of modern times". Yekaterinburg. 06-07.11.2015.
  • International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for Modernization modern science November 10, 2015
  • VI International Scientific Conference, Vol. 1, Chicago, November 18-19th, 2015.
  • VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education and Science in modern conditions". Cheboksary, 2016
  • VIII International scientific-practical conference "Priority directions of development of science and education". Cheboksary, 2016
  • III- International scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical problems of the development of modern science". Makhachkala, 2016.
  • VIII- International Scientific and Practical Conference " Modern economy: concepts and models of innovative development. February 19-20, 2016 Moscow. G.V. Plekhanov".
  • International scientific and practical conference dedicated to professional holiday- Day of the statistician "Improving the openness of domestic statistics". Moscow: FGBOU VO "PREU named after G.V. Plekhanov", 2016.
  • IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Development of the Russian Economy". Moscow: FGBOU VO "NAMED AFTER G.V. Plekhanov", 2016.
  • 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Science and Arts.
  • Scientific-practical conference "Strategic resources for the development of the healthcare system". Moscow. 2018.
  • I International Conference on Research, Learning and Development: Conference Proceedings, March 31th, USA, Los Angeles. 2018.
  • NORDSCI 17-19 July 2018 Meeting park forum. Helsinki, Finland. 2018.
  • Insurance in the era of the digital economy: problems and prospects. XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2018.
  • International scientific-practical conference "STATISTICS IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY: TRAINING AND USE" February 1-2, 2018, St. Petersburg.
  • International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education of the Future: New Personnel for the New Economy" March 21 - 23, 2018 Financial University Section: "Data Science and Statistics in the Education of the Future".

    School of Business Administration and Humanities, Mogolian University of Science and Technology. 2018.

Head and co-executor of research works and grants for the development, improvement and applied use of the methodology of statistical analysis, modeling and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and processes. For the period 2010-2016 took part in 21 research projects (Customers: Rosstat, Ministry of Communications of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, etc.)

Completed projects

Head and co-executor of research works and grants for the development, improvement and applied use of the methodology of statistical analysis, modeling and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and processes. She took part as an expert-executor in the following research and educational projects:

  • Creation of a prototype distributed regional information system collection of general and primary statistics vocational education based on the principle of subject-to-object accounting". Program: "Federal Program for the Development of Education". Direction 2.2. "Development of education statistics and monitoring the implementation of the main directions of modernization of the education system". State contract No. 1848. Ministry of Education Russian Federation. 2003.
  • Construction statistics. Development of methodological approaches and statistical toolkit to organize statistical monitoring of construction products by aggregated types construction works. Block I Development of a program for organizing statistical monitoring of the construction of residential and industrial facilities on the basis of issued building permits and commissioning of these facilities. Block II Development of a program and organization of statistical monitoring of the service life and age structure of fixed assets by their types and types economic activity. Rosstat. 2008.
  • Development of guidelines for the organization of selective statistical monitoring of the agricultural activities of horticultural and horticultural non-profit associations of citizens based on the materials of the 2006 All-Russian Agricultural Census. Rosstat. 2009.
  • Minimizing the information load on respondents based on the application modern methods statistical observation. Formation on the basis of the statistical register of an information base for conducting censuses of economic entities, continuous and selective statistical observations. Methodological recommendations on the use of new methods of selective observation in the context of modernization of the technical and technological base of the state statistics system. State. contract No. 20Н/2009. Rosstat. 2009.
  • Algorithm for the formation of a sample population for statistical observation of medium-sized enterprises and enterprises that are not related to small and medium-sized businesses, based on sampling methods with a probability proportional to the size of enterprises. Rosstat. 2009.
  • Improving the methodology for constructing production indices in terms of mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water and deflator indices for goods (including exported goods). Rosstat. 2009.
  • Organization and conduct of distance learning courses for employees of the central office of Rosstat and territorial bodies of Rosstat on the use of the Statistical Register for conducting federal statistical observations. BEA Foundation. 2010.
  • Development of tools for surveying the performance of credit and insurance organizations for information support for the development of basic input-output tables. State. contract No. 146-NR-3V-2010. Rosstat. 2010.
  • Rendering educational services on educational programs of additional professional education to improve the skills of federal state civil servants of the state statistics system at the rate "System for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating statistical information". Rosstat. 2010.
  • Development, implementation and maintenance of multimedia software for training all categories of census workers of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. LLC "Multimedia Technologies" 2010.
  • Formation of the methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting economic indicators time series. Project No. 3.1.3/6596. Severneft. 2011.
  • Methodology for the formation and monitoring of statistical indicators of implementation and indicators of the effectiveness of projects of the ONDP (Main Directions of the Government's Activities) in the field of communications, telecommunications and computer technologies. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Rosstat. 2011.
  • Information and analytical support of activities in the field of protection of the marine environment, atmospheric air and environment in specially protected natural areas when planning state policy for the period up to 2020. 2011.
  • A methodology for obtaining and statistically evaluating indicators of actual final consumption based on the development of a household budget survey program in accordance with the recommendations of the ILO (2003) on household income and expenditure statistics. Rosstat. 2012.
  • Methodology for the formation and monitoring of statistical indicators of implementation and performance indicators of the EDP projects (Main Directions of the Government’s Activities) in the field of housing and regional policy and to improve the efficiency of the use natural resources. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Rosstat. 2012.
  • Development of proposals for the implementation of methods strategic management into the activities of the bodies state power, topic code 0201-19-12. 2012.
  • Execution of development work functionality information system for ensuring the openness of the activities of federal executive bodies, implemented within the framework of government programs Russian Federation. 2012.
  • Provision of educational services for educational programs of additional professional education to improve the skills of federal state civil servants of the state statistics system under the program "Methodological recommendations for the organization of statistical observation in the housing and communal sector in the context of reform." Rosstat. 2012.
  • Provision of educational services for educational programs of additional professional education to improve the skills of federal state civil servants of the state statistics system under the program " Methodological foundations statistical observation of finished construction products". Rosstat. 2012.
  • Provision of educational services for educational programs of additional professional education to improve the skills of federal state civil servants of the state statistics system under the program "Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS)". Rosstat. 2012.
  • Provision of educational services for educational programs of additional professional education to improve the skills of federal state civil servants of the state statistics system under the program "Fundamentals of the System of National Accounts 2008". Rosstat. 2012.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020)" and the development of proposals for its improvement "in terms of the subprograms "Information and telecommunications infrastructure", "Information environment". 2014.
  • Improving the methodology for developing state programs of the Russian Federation, as well as assessing their implementation. 2015.
  • Development of methodological recommendations for calculating the average monthly accrued wages of employees in organizations individual entrepreneurs and individuals, taking into account international recommendations based on the use of various sources of information, Rosstat, 2015.
  • Applied use of the methodology of statistical analysis in pedagogical research, Mordovian State Pedagogical University. M.E.Evsevyeva, 2015​ .
  • Employment of disabled people - graduates of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education: increasing the effective interaction of employers, the employment service, training organizations and job seekers, and the reasons for non-employment. Autonomous non-profit organization “Council for Management and Development. 2018.

  • Performance of work on the development, filling and implementation of a system for monitoring vacancies and requirements for competencies in areas of professional activity. FSBI "All-Russian Research Institute of Labor" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. 2018.
  • Development of basic approaches to statistical observation for prices in the commercial real estate market in order to obtain information for the system of national accounts. Federal State Statistics Service. 2018.
  • Development of evidence-based guidelines and conducting experimental calculations of the indicator of the average monthly accrued wages of employees in organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals with a quarterly frequency in the city of Moscow. State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow Analytical Center» . 2018.

Supervisor of graduate students in the specialties 08.00.12 "Accounting, statistics".

Additional Information

  • Active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • Active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
  • Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
  • Member of the Board of the Moscow Section Russian Association of Statisticians.
  • Expert in the scientific and technical field (Certificate No. 08-06690 dated 11/26/2015).
  • Member of the attestation commissions of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) for attestation and qualification examinations of federal state civil servants of the central office, heads and deputy heads of territorial bodies of Rosstat ( attestation commissions) and competition commissions of Rosstat for holding competitions for substitution vacancies of the federal state civil service and for inclusion in the personnel reserve for filling vacant positions in the federal state civil service in the central office of Rosstat (competition commissions), and, on the instructions of the Customer, takes part in the work of attestation and competition commissions as an independent expert (Contract No. 3 dated 03.03. 2016).
  • Expert of the Profaccreditation Agency for accreditation expertise in the framework of professional public accreditation educational programs implemented educational organizations Russian Federation (Expert certificate No. 007/36-16 dated March 25, 2016).


  • Gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow. 2018.
  • Badge "For contribution to the development of state statistics" ( federal Service state statistics).
  • Badge "Excellent worker of statistics" (Federal State Statistics Service).
  • Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census" (Federal State Statistics Service)
  • Honorary silver medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For merits in the revival of science and the economy of Russia" (Decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences No. 267 of November 24, 2015).
  • Sign " Honorary Worker higher professional education of the Russian Federation.
  • Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


Features of the manifestation of violations of written speech in children of primary school age

Many authors studied the writing process of children of primary school age: M.E. Khvattsev, R.E. Levina, R.I. Lalaeva, G.V. Chirkina, L.F. Spirova, O.A. Tokareva, A.N. Kornev. We would like to dwell on the manifestations of violations of written speech from the point of view of the pedagogical classification of I.N. Sadovnikova.

I.N. Sadovnikova applied the principle of level-by-level analysis of specific errors - for the convenience of their systematization, both for the purpose of their further research and for the purpose of corrective action. This made it possible to distinguish three groups of specific errors:

1) errors at the level of letters and syllables;

2) errors at the word level;

3) errors at the sentence level (phrases).
1. Errors at the letter and syllable level.

This is the most numerous and diverse group of errors. Let us first consider the errors that reflect the difficulties in the formation of phonemic (sound) analysis; then - errors of phonemic perception (i.e., differentiation of phonemes), and then errors of a different nature.

a) Sound analysis errors.

D.B. Elkonin determined sound analysis by establishing the sequence and number of sounds in a word. VC. Orfinskaya singled out simple and complex forms of phonemic analysis, among which are the recognition of a sound among other phonemes and its separation from a word in the initial position, as well as a complete sound analysis of words. Simple forms of analysis are normally formed spontaneously - before the child enters school, and complex forms already in the process of learning to read and write.

The unformed action of sound analysis is manifested in the letter in the form of the following types of specific errors: omission, permutation,

inserting letters or syllables.

The omission indicates that the student does not isolate all of its sound components in the composition of the word. The omission of several letters in a word is the result of a grosser violation of sound analysis, leading to distortion and simplification of the structure of the word.

According to the observations of I.N. Sadovnikova, the following positional conditions contribute to the omission of a letter and a syllable:

    The meeting of the same letters at the junction of words;

    The neighborhood of syllables that include the same letters, usually vowels, less often consonants. It is assumed that children, accompanying the letter with pronunciation that is not consistent with the tempo of the letter, go astray when they encounter a repetitive sound in the composition of the word.

Permutations of letters and syllables are an expression of the difficulty in analyzing the sequence of sounds in a word. The syllabic structure can be preserved without distortion. More numerous are permutations that distort the syllabic structure of words. So, monosyllabic words consisting of a reverse syllable are replaced by a direct syllable. In two-syllable words consisting of direct syllables, one of them is replaced by the reverse. At the same time, the most frequent permutations are in words that have a confluence of consonants.

Insertions of vowels are usually observed in confluence of consonants. These insertions can be explained by an overtone that inevitably appears when the word is spoken slowly during writing and which resembles a reduced vowel.

b) Errors in phonemic perception.

Such errors are based on the difficulties of differentiating phonemes that have an acoustic-articulatory similarity. In oral speech, the non-differentiation of phonemes leads to substitutions and mixtures of sounds. With regard to writing in such cases, a mixture of letters is found, but not a replacement, which would mean the complete exclusion from the letter of one of the mixed letters, which does not happen. The confusion of letters indicates that the writer singled out a certain sound in the composition of the word, but chose the wrong letter to designate it. This can take place when: the instability of the correlation of the phoneme with the grapheme, when the connection between the meaning and the visual image of the letter has not been strengthened; fuzzy distinction between sounds that have an acoustic-articulatory similarity.

Voiced and deaf paired consonants in a clear position (i.e., cases of stunning voiced and voicing deaf in accordance with orthoepic norms are excluded):


Labialized vowels: O - U, Yo - Yu;

Back lingual: G - K - X

Sonorants: R - L, Y - L ";

Whistling and hissing: C - W; 3 - F, S "- W,

Affricates: Ch-Sch, Ch-Ts, Ch-T", Ts-T, Ts-S;

c) Mixing letters by kinetic similarity.

Researchers traditionally explain any confusion either by the acoustic-articulatory similarity of phonemes, or by the optical similarity of letters - equally for reading and writing. There is a whole group of optically similar letters in Slavic graphics (their similarity is especially enhanced in cursive writing). Let's compare pairs of optically similar letters with the most frequently mixed (in pairs) letters in a letter, schoolchildren; these last pairs of intermixed letters are not related to pronunciation and do not fall into any of the known categories of errors. At the same time, a high prevalence of mixing of letters was revealed, while mixing of optically similar letters in the writing of students of a mass school was not detected.

Consider examples of mixing letters in writing by kinetic similarity: o-a, b-d, i-y, t-p, x-f, l-i, G-R;

Mixing letters according to the kinetic principle should not be taken as harmless "misprints" on the grounds that they are not related to either the pronunciation side of speech or the rules of spelling. Such errors can lead to a decrease in the quality of not only writing, but also reading, although the configuration of the letters in handwritten and printed font is different. This phenomenon is based on the fact that, with the indicated mixtures, schoolchildren “blur” the fragile connections between sound and letter: between the phoneme and the article, on the one hand, and the grapheme and kinema, on the other. Thus, the mixing of letters by kinetic similarity is natural and persistent character. It reduces the overall quality of writing and reading, has a pronounced upward trend and, in the absence of preventive and corrective measures, hinders the development of the speech-cogitative activity of schoolchildren.

d) Perseveration, anticipation.

A peculiar distortion of the phonemic content of words occurs in oral and written speech according to the type of phenomena of progressive and regressive assimilation and is respectively called: perseveration (stuck) and anticipation (anticipation, anticipation): a consonant, and less often a vowel - replaces the displaced letter in the word.

Perseverations can occur in writing:

a) within a word

b) within the phrase

c) within the offer

Examples of anticipation in a letter:
a) within the word ("on the girls"),

b) within the phrase, sentence ("Beetle brooks").

The errors of these two types are based on the weakness of differentiated inhibition.

2. Errors at the word level.

If in oral speech the words in the syntagma are pronounced together, on one exhalation, then in written speech the words appear separately. The discrepancy between the norms of written and oral speech introduces difficulties in the initial teaching of writing. Writing reveals such a defect in the analysis and synthesis of audible speech as a violation of the individualization of the word: the child was unable to catch and isolate stable speech units and their elements in the speech stream. This leads to the continuous writing of adjacent words, or to the separate writing of parts of the word.

Separate spelling of parts of a word is observed most often in the following cases:

    when a prefix, and in non-prefixed words, the initial letter or syllable resembles a preposition, union, pronoun.

    at the confluence of consonants, due to their less articulatory fusion, a word break occurs.

Service words (prepositions, conjunctions) are usually written together with the next or previous word. It is not uncommon for two or more independent words to be spelled together:

Word boundary displacement errors are peculiar, including both the merging of adjacent words and the break of one of them, for example:

"at dedmo Rza" - at Santa Claus",

In some cases, the merging of words is, as it were, provoked by the presence of the letter of the same name in the composition of adjacent words - in other words, the child goes astray by pronouncing the word while writing: the sound passes to the next word. In this case, as a rule, there is a omission of part of the first word.

Cases of gross violation of sound analysis find expression in the contamination of words:

sculpt a woman - "leptbau"

Morphemic agrammatism is a reflection in writing of the difficulties of analyzing and synthesizing parts of words. Mistakes are found in the word-formation operation. So, when trying to select test words to clarify the final consonant sound, formations unusual for the language are created: ice - "ice".

Forming nouns with a suffix - seek-, students of 2nd and 3rd grade often do not take into account the alternation of consonants in the root, and even after oral analysis they write:

hand - "arms", leg - "legs".

Violation of the function of sound formation is found especially clearly when an adjective is formed from a noun, for example:

flower growing in the field - "log flower"

Children do not realize the generalized meaning of morphemes, often mistakenly use a prefix or suffix:

"The fireman waters the fire" - instead of pouring;

Children with dysgraphia also find it difficult to choose the appropriate form of the verb by tense or aspect - (perfect, imperfect).

3. Mistakes at the sentence level.

At the initial stage of education, children hardly learn the articulation of speech units, which is reflected in the lack of designation of sentence boundaries - capital letters and dots.

To a certain extent, such a description is explained by the fact that at first the child's attention cannot be productively distributed among many tasks of writing: technical, logical, spelling. The lack of formation of the ability to perceive the intonational design of phrases and correlate it with the basic rules of punctuation is also important.

The bulk of specific errors at the level of phrases and sentences are expressed in the so-called agrammatisms, i.e. in violation of the connection of words: coordination and control. Changing words by category of number, gender, case, time forms complex system codes, allowing to streamline the designated phenomena, highlight the features and relate them to certain categories: Insufficient level of sound generalizations sometimes does not allow schoolchildren to catch categorical differences in parts of speech.

The test of writing skills is preceded by an examination of the state of reading, sound pronunciation, phonemic development, and the lexical and grammatical structure of each student's speech.

The tasks of testing writing skills include: identifying the degree of literacy, taking into account the stage of education and the requirements of the school curriculum at the time of the survey; identification of violations of the letter (the nature of specific errors, the degree of severity).

There are the following types of tasks: copying words and sentences from handwritten text, copying from printed text, writing under dictation in lowercase letters, uppercase letters; dictation of syllables with different syllabic structure; auditory dictation; creative tasks (statements, essays).

Conclusion. Thus, there is the following typology of specific errors in writing:

a) errors at the level of letters and syllables;

b) errors at the word level;

c) errors at the sentence level;

Corrective work depends on the nature of specific errors and their severity.

When choosing the most appropriate methods of correction, a speech therapist cannot confine himself to a formal classification of errors. It is necessary to establish the origins of errors, taking into account the totality of specific errors characteristic of each student.

Preventive and corrective work in case of violation of written speech in junior schoolchildren.

The main criterion for diagnosing dysgraphia is considered to be the presence of so-called "specific errors" in writing - persistent and recurring errors in the writing process, which can be grouped as follows: distortion and replacement of letters; distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word; violations of the continuity of writing individual words in a sentence; agrammatisms in writing.

However, according to experts, the diagnosis of dysgraphia should be complex.

For example, T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva and G.V. Chirkin propose the following scheme for identifying writing violations.

A speech therapy examination of children with dysgraphia should establish:

the degree of assimilation of sound analysis skills;

the degree of assimilation of writing and reading skills;

the state of oral speech in general, i.e. the level of development of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of the language.

One of the conditions for the development of written speech is the ability to consciously analyze and synthesize the sounds that make it up, without which the processes of writing and reading are impossible. Thus, first of all, it is necessary to reveal the child's readiness to analyze verbally the sound composition of words. For this purpose, there are many different methods:

1. Distinguishing and isolating sounds from the composition of a word.

2. Inventing a child of words that begin with a given sound.

3. Selection by the child of pictures, the names of which begin with a given sound.

4. The distribution by the child of pictures, the names of which begin with the sounds most often mixed by children.

5. Comparison of words (paronyms) by sound composition (cancer - varnish, beetle - onion, etc.).

6. Dividing sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds.

The examination of the letter begins with the simplest tasks. The most accessible task for a child is to add words from a split alphabet.

In addition to the techniques listed above, children's writing skills are tested using auditory dictations.

Of particular importance is the test of independent writing skills, which makes it possible to identify such errors that cannot be detected when writing from dictation (for example, agrammatisms, poor vocabulary, inaccurate use of words and prepositions, etc.). Such independent writing also makes it possible to understand the extent to which the child speaks written language in general.

To test the skills of independent writing, children are offered to describe in detail the plot picture or compose a written story based on a series of paintings. You can ask the child to describe the events of the past day, the past holiday, the movie they watched, the book they read.

When examining writing skills, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the writing process, i.e. can the child immediately spell the word phonetically correctly or pronounce it several times, looking for the desired sound; whether he makes corrections (crosses out, rereads and corrects again) or he cannot at all and does not try to find errors, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to specific dysgraphic errors (specific phonetic substitutions, violation of the syllabic structure of the word, grammatical errors, spelling errors, graphic errors).

R.I. Lalaeva and L.V. Benediktova offer the following scheme for assessing the writing skill of younger students:

1. The quality of assimilation of graphemes - strength, correctness, automation and differentiation of sound-letter connections. For this, the following techniques are used: the child selects the named letters from the cut alphabet; writing letters from dictation; writing off letters from a printed image;

2. Classification of errors in written works - it is required to separate episodic and systematic errors - persistent substitutions of letters, omissions, permutations, agrammatisms. A good test for detecting dysgraphia is copying and correcting deformed text.

3. Violations of calligraphy - dysfunction of the motor component of writing: the child is asked to write the phrase "Masha came to school" for 2 minutes as quickly as possible. Calculate the average number of characters per minute.

L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya proposed the following scheme for examining children with writing disorders:

1. Personal data and the study of medical and pedagogical documentation.

2. Anamnesis.

3. The structure of the organs of the peripheral section of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Speech motor skills.

5. Auditory function.

6. The state of sound pronunciation.

7. The state of phonemic analysis, synthesis and representations.

8. Phonemic perception (differentiation of phonemes).

9. Features of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

10. Features of the dynamic side of speech.

11. The state of visual function: biological vision, visual gnosis, mnesis, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations.

12. The state of the reading process (the meaning of letters, the nature of reading syllables, words, sentences, text of varying difficulty); speed and method of reading (letter-by-letter, syllable-by-syllable, verbal-phrasal reading).

13. The state of various types of writing (copying, writing from dictation, presentation and composition, writing texts with defective sounds, with sounds that are not differentiated by ear, with graphically similar letters).

The speech therapy conclusion indicates the degree and type of reading and writing disorders and their correlation with the state of oral speech.

Diagnosis and correction of dysgraphia should be carried out by a speech therapist who knows how to help a child suffering from these forms of disorders.

Modern techniques allow successful correction of dysgraphia. Classes conducted by speech therapists help children get rid of these problems.

The system of providing assistance to children with dysgraphia is determined by the complex of problems facing these children. Assistance should be comprehensive and should be carried out by a group of specialists: a doctor, a psychologist, a speech therapist and a teacher.

A.V. Yastrebova recalls that the task of a speech therapist in a general education school is to identify children with the considered deviations in speech development and organize their remedial training. Such training involves the elimination of existing gaps in the development of oral and written speech and the resulting difficulties in mastering program material in the native language. Fundamental here is the development and improvement of children's oral speech, and, above all, the formation of phonetic (phonemic representation), morphological and syntactic generalizations, on the basis of which writing and reading are corrected.

Speech therapy work (correction of deviations in speech development) should be closely linked with the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of those sections of the program material in the native language, the assimilation of which depends on the ability to clearly analyze the sound and morphological composition of the word, and streamlining their educational activities. Thus, when organizing speech therapy classes, it is necessary to provide for:

overcoming deviations in speech development (ordering and formation of language tools necessary for the implementation of full-fledged speech activity);

filling gaps in the knowledge of program material in the native language, due to a lag in the development of oral speech;

implementation of corrective and educational impact.

A.V. Yastrebova suggests the following sequence of corrective work. At the beginning of the work (stage I), the main attention should be focused on overcoming the shortcomings of the phonetic side of speech (including the formation of phonemic representations). Then (stage II), as students accumulate ordered phonetic generalizations, it is necessary to fill in the gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure. After that (stage III), the tasks of developing and improving coherent speech are solved.

Methodology speech therapy work to eliminate violations of written speech, proposed by L.S. Volkova and S.N. Shakhovskaya, includes the following types of corrective work:

development of phonemic perception in the elimination of phonemic dyslexia, articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia and dysgraphia based on violations of phonemic recognition;

development of language analysis and synthesis in the elimination of phonemic dyslexia and dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis;

development of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

The elimination of articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is preceded by work on the correction of violations of sound pronunciation.

When eliminating the agrammatic manifestations of mixed dysgraphia, the main task is to form in the child morphological and syntactic generalizations, ideas about the morphological elements of the word and the structure of the sentence. The main directions in the work: clarification of the structure of the sentence, the development of the function of inflection and word formation, work on the morphological analysis of the composition of the word and with words with the same root.

When eliminating the optical manifestations of mixed dysgraphia, work is carried out in the following areas:

Development of visual perception, recognition of color, shape and size (visual gnosis).

Expansion and refinement of visual memory.

Formation of spatial representations.

Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

ON THE. Nikashina emphasizes that the main methodological premise of the system for eliminating writing shortcomings in younger schoolchildren is the position of interaction between various aspects of speech, and this interaction should proceed in the process of developing phonetic-phonemic representations in children.

Along with this, N.A. Nikashina puts forward the basic principle of dysgraphia correction - the principle of the correct combination of pronunciation correction and the development of sound analysis, a close relationship between them.

Both of these sections of the work are aimed at the development of students' cognitive processes, observations and generalizations in the field of speech sounds, at the conscious determination of the articulatory and acoustic properties of sound and at the assimilation of its semantic role.

ABOUT. Inshakova in the work on correcting the difficulties of learning written speech includes the following steps:

1. Correction of defective sounds (classes with a speech therapist in the presence of such a complication);

2. Working with a Russian language teacher using special methods:

the formation of phonemic perception and attention to words when reproducing oppositional phonemes in writing;

formation of sound-letter analysis;

word synthesis;

development of abilities of analysis and synthesis of words;

development of the ability to construct phrases and coherent statements, the pace of writing;

vocabulary expansion.

3. Working with a psychologist:

development of attention and memory;

development of verbal abilities and comprehension of verbal material;

identification and correction of violations of mental operations (identification of essential features, comparison and classification of concepts, generalization and limitation of concepts, systematization of material, construction of logical conclusions);

increased self-esteem, emotional stability;

increasing learning motivation (reducing the level of anxiety and negative emotions);

formation of self-control processes.

I.N. Sadovnikova in her works highlights such a violation of writing as a mixture of letters by optical and kinetic similarity, which is not associated with either the pronunciation side of speech or spelling rules. .

School speech therapists often face this problem. According to I.N. Sadovnikova, in the prevalence of confusion of letters in terms of optical and kinetic similarity, the unlawful requirement of "uninterrupted" writing of words without the stage of element-by-element writing of letters plays a negative role.

For the prevention and correction of dysgraphia, it is necessary to carry out systematic corrective and speech therapy work to develop and clarify spatio-temporal representations. It is necessary for the child to realize the scheme of his own body, to determine directions in space. Here are some examples of such exercises:

The differentiation of the right and left parts of the body begins with the selection of the leading right hand.

Show which hand to eat, write, draw, greet, and say what this hand is called. Then the children should raise their right hand and name it. Show left hand. Raise your right hand, then your left hand. Show the pencil now with the right hand, then with the left hand, etc.

Corrective work at the phonetic level

Corrective work is carried out at the phonetic level. Work at the phonetic level includes two main areas:

1) Development of sound analysis of words (from simple forms to complex ones);

2) The development of phonemic perception, i.e. differentiation

phonemes that have similar characteristics.

Phonemic representations are formed in children as a result of observations of various variants of phonemes, their comparison and generalization. This is how constant phonemic representations are formed - the ability to perceive each speech sound in various versions of its sound as identical to itself.

During the first three years of study, students practice various types of writing, each of which has a certain significance for the formation of full-fledged writing skills, meeting the objectives of teaching, consolidating and testing relevant knowledge and skills. Consider certain types of writing, refracted to in relation to the tasks of speech therapy work.


a) from a handwritten text,

b) from printed text,

c) complicated by tasks of a logical and grammatical nature.

Writing off like simplest form letters are most accessible to children with dysgraphia. Its value lies in the ability to coordinate the pace of reading the recorded material, its pronunciation and recording with the individual capabilities of children. It is necessary to teach children as early as possible to memorize the syllable, not the letter, when copying, which follows from the position on the syllable as the main unit of pronunciation and reading. Consequently, the correct syllable-by-syllable pronunciation, consistent with the tempo of writing, becomes the specific task of writing.

Auditory dictation with visual self-control corresponds to the principle of interaction of analyzers participating in the act of writing. After writing the auditory dictation, bypassing the students, the speech therapist notes and announces the number of errors of each of the students. For a few minutes, the text of the dictation is opened, written on the blackboard to correct errors.

Graphic dictation performs a control function, but is a gentle form of control, as it excludes other spellings from students' field of vision. Graphic dictation allows you to train students to distinguish between mixed sounds on words that are complex in sound composition, which cannot be included in dictations.

The graphic dictation is carried out as follows.

The children are tasked with identifying by ear only the sounds being studied, for example, voiced h and deaf With (cases of stunning a voiced consonant are not included in the text at this stage). Words that do not contain the indicated sounds are indicated by a dash when writing; containing one of the sounds are indicated by one corresponding letter; containing both sounds - by two letters in the sequence in which they follow in the composition of words. If one of the sounds occurs twice in a word, then the letter is repeated.

In addition to checking the main theme of the dictation, this type of work allows you to consolidate a number of other writing skills: students perceive by ear and reflect in the record the division of the text into sentences, sentences into words; learn to pick out prepositions. Graphic dictations expand the vocabulary of children, while with text recording, the choice of words is limited by the complexity of their writing.

Development and refinement of space-time representations.

The sequence in time of sounds and syllables that make up a word, as well as the temporal sequence of words that make up a phrase, in a letter is reflected in the corresponding spatial sequence of letters, syllables, words located on the lines of a notebook or record. Exercises in determining the sequence in space and time create the basis for the education of sound-syllabic and morphemic analysis of words.

A necessary condition for the successful differentiation of mixed phonemes in written speech is the preliminary elimination of substitutions and mixtures of sounds in oral speech. Usually, the correction of sound pronunciation disorders is carried out in individual speech therapy classes before the student is included in group classes to overcome dysgraphia.

Differentiation of letters having kinetic similarity (b-d, o-a).

The work begins with the refinement of optical-spatial differentiations, on actions with pictures, geometric figures, and mosaics. Children practice in the analysis of the composition and structure of graphic signs, in comparative analysis letters (from coarser differentiations to finer ones).

Turning to the handwritten font, the children practice writing alternating elements of letters, mixed according to kinetic similarity: according to the model, according to the original instructions, under the command - with a gradual acceleration of the tempo. When differentiating such letters, the main task of a speech therapist is to teach children to identify "supporting", signal signs that distinguish mixed letters.

In all exercises main goal is the consolidation of the connection between the phoneme - the article - the grapheme - the kinema.


Vowel sounds

    Vowel recognition (by ear)

    Isolation of a vowel sound (by ear)
    From a number of vowels (in the initial position).

From a series of syllables with a repeated vowel sound:

From the word (in the initial position, under stress).

consonant sounds.

Consider the articulation of individual consonant sounds, the pronunciation of which is available to all students (identify essential articulatory features for the formation of sound-producing differentiations).

Recognition of a consonant sound (by ear)

Differentiation of phonemes with acoustic-articulatory similarity (yo-yu, oh-y)

Voiced and voiceless paired consonants ( v-f, b-p, d-t, d-t, s-s, g-k, f-sh).

For this, a number of exercises can be carried out: clarification of the articulation of paired sounds, comparison of sounds by articulation (what is common and how they differ), correlation of sounds with a letter, reading syllables in chorus, element-by-element recording of letters with pronunciation, selective dictation of syllables.

Corrective work at the lexical level.

This work should begin with clarifying and replenishing the vocabulary of students on the proposed approximate list of topics. The main tasks of lexical work:

    quantitative growth of the dictionary (due to the assimilation of new words and their meanings);

    qualitative enrichment of the dictionary (by mastering the semantic and emotional shades of the meanings of words, the figurative meaning of words and phrases);

    Cleansing the dictionary of distorted, colloquial and slang words.

Students practice syllabic and morphemic analysis and word synthesis; observe the phenomena of polysemy, synonymy, antonymy and homonymy, both words and morphemes.

Work is underway to clarify and expand the vocabulary of students:

Synonyms (in phrases, indicate words that are close in meaning, indicate the 4th “extra” word);

Antonyms (find words in the text that have the opposite meaning, indicate antonyms in proverbs, selection of antonyms in the text);

Homonyms (compose sentences from phrases), find words in the text that sound the same, explain the meaning of the highlighted words in the text, explain the direct and figurative meaning of expressions in proverbs).

When teaching syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, a number of classes are carried out: composing words and syllables, dividing words into syllables. To do this, a series of exercises are carried out:

Dividing into syllables, add a syllable to make a word, many-one game, word chain.

Work is being carried out on the topic "Stress in the word", on unstressed vowels, on the composition of the word (word root, prefix, suffix)

Corrective work at the syntactic level.

The main tasks of the work;

    Overcoming and preventing erroneous phrases in the speech of students, their assimilation of the compatibility of words, the conscious construction of sentences.

    Enriching students' phrasal speech by introducing them to the phenomenon of polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy of syntactic constructions.

In this work, it is important "predominant or even absolute attention to the form. This is the case, for example, when considering many forms of management that are not amenable to semantic comprehension and must be learned in dictionary order (ex: happy with what ?, but happy with what? Work at the factory, but work at the state farm, etc.)"

It is very important to bring children to understand the connection of words in a sentence, which is distinguished by a question from the main word in the phrase to the dependent word.

The consideration of cases in the course of speech therapy classes does not aim to teach children the spelling of the endings of inflected parts of speech, but is one of the means of eliminating agrammatism in students' speech (both expressive and impressive).

Work is underway to draw up sentences on reference pictures (we show the children that sentences consist of words, the coordination of words in a sentence). To do this, a number of tasks are carried out: read the text and highlight complete semantic units - sentences, practice reading the text with intonation, determine where the phrase is, and where the sentence is, making sentences using phrases.

Work is being carried out to harmonize words in number, gender, cases, prepositions, prepositions and prefixes are being studied.

Thus, analyzing the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

Such a system of correctional work is built taking into account the speech-motor, visual, speech-auditory and motor analyzers.

The preparatory stage of correctional work is the development of space-time representations. Corrective work itself is systemic in nature and includes work on:

    phonetic level

    lexical level,

    syntactic level.

Work at each of these levels must be carried out sequentially, and a systematic transition to work at each next level is possible only after the completion of work at the previous one. Such a system of work provides a gradual correction of violations of the letter and, with the right work, the final result will be the complete correction of these violations.

R.I. Lalaeva, to correct visual perception disorders, inaccurate ideas about the shape, size, color, underdevelopment of visual memory, spatial perception and ideas, difficulties in optical and optical-spatial analysis, undifferentiated optical images of letters, suggests working in the following areas:

development of visual perception and recognition (visual gnosis), including alphabetic;

clarification and expansion of visual memory;

formation of spatial perception and representations;

development of visual analysis and synthesis;

formation of speech designations of visual-spatial relations;

differentiation of mixed letters in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, texts.

Thus, the analysis of guidelines for conducting speech therapy work to eliminate violations of the writing process showed that work to overcome dysgraphia implies a complex correctional and speech therapy impact on the development of oral and written speech and higher mental functions.

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During the first three years of study, students practice various types of writing, each of which has a certain significance for the formation of full-fledged writing skills, meeting the objectives of teaching, consolidating and testing relevant knowledge and skills. Consider the individual types of writing, selected in relation to the tasks of speech therapy work.

Cheating: a) from a handwritten text, b) from a printed text, c) complicated by tasks of a logical and grammatical nature.

Copying as the simplest type of writing is most accessible to children with dysgraphia. Its value lies in the ability to coordinate the pace of reading the recorded material, its pronunciation and recording with the individual capabilities of children. It is necessary to teach children as early as possible to memorize the syllable, not the letter, when copying, which follows from the position on the syllable as the main unit of pronunciation and reading. Consequently, the correct syllable-by-syllable pronunciation, consistent with the tempo of writing, becomes the specific task of writing.

In cases where the child poorly learns this requirement, allows numerous omissions of letters, it is useful to offer words and texts for copying that are already divided into syllables by dashes.

From the first exercises in copying, it is desirable to develop self-checking skills in schoolchildren, for which the teacher, looking at the work, does not correct mistakes, but only marks them in the margins of the corresponding lines, inviting the student to check his record with the text of the textbook, card, board.

A little later, a method of mutual verification is introduced. Pupils exchange notebooks in pairs, mark the mistakes noticed in the margins with a colored pencil. Notebooks are returned to the owners, who make corrections. When evaluating the work, the speech therapist takes into account the quality of the initial assignment, the correction of errors in accordance with the notes in the margins, as well as the completeness of the identification of errors in the work of a friend.

All types of writing reading performs control function.

Auditory dictation with visual self-control corresponds to the principle of interaction of analyzers participating in the act of writing. After writing the auditory dictation, bypassing the students, the speech therapist notes and announces the number of errors of each of the students. For a few minutes, the text of the dictation, written on the board, is opened to correct errors. Students make corrections not with a pen, but with a colored pencil (to distinguish them from corrections that may have taken place during the writing of the dictation). When checking the work, the speech therapist notes the number of corrected errors, writing this number under the first in the form of a fraction: 5 / 3, i.e., out of five errors made, three were corrected. Such tasks gradually accustom children to rereading, checking what they write (in speech therapy classes, in the classroom, at home). A speech therapist, keeping a record of errors, can assess the dynamics in the development of this skill.

The selection of speech material for auditory dictations for children suffering from dysgraphia is not an easy task, since in any, the most simple text, something inaccessible to students at this stage of learning can be found.

This circumstance prompted us to develop a new, non-traditional form of writing under auditory dictation - graphicdictation. This form most fully meets the task of checking the assimilation by children of the topics covered by the differentiation of mixed pairs of phonemes, that is, those that make up a significant part of the entire volume of speech therapy work in the correction of dysgraphia.

Graphic dictation performs a control function, but is a gentle form of control, as it excludes other spellings from students' field of vision. The verification of the assimilation of what has been passed takes place in facilitated conditions, therefore it is not the last stage of control, like a regular text dictation, where the student faces many tasks at the same time. However, it is the graphic dictation that allows students to train students to distinguish between mixed sounds on words that are complex in sound composition, which cannot be included in text dictations. Here, as it were, the child's "ray of attention" narrows, concentrating on two mixed sounds, which he must distinguish from a rich sound range (word, phrase, text).

The graphic dictation is carried out as follows. The children are tasked with determining by ear only the sounds being studied, for example, voiced h and voiceless s (cases of stunning a voiced consonant are not included in the text at this stage). Words that do not contain the indicated sounds are indicated by a dash when writing; containing one of the sounds are indicated by one corresponding letter; containing both sounds - by two letters in the sequence in which they follow in the composition of words. If one of the sounds occurs twice in a word, then the letter is repeated twice. So, the dictated phrase: “There is a resinous smell in the pine forest” - in the record it looks like this: “- ss with ssh".

During the graphic dictation, the speech therapist separately pronounces the words of the phrase. At the first listening, students bend their fingers according to the number of words. When re-reading, they write down, comparing the number of written symbols with the number of words in the sentence. Each sentence is written on a new line, since such a record does not contain capital letters and periods.

In addition to checking the main theme of the dictation, this type of work allows you to consolidate a number of other writing skills: students perceive by ear and reflect in the record the division of the text into sentences, sentences into words; learn to pick out prepositions. Graphic dictations expand the vocabulary of children, while with text recording, the choice of words is limited by the complexity of their spelling.

Errors in graphic dictations come down to the following: omission of a word - dashes in a sentence; skipping a letter, especially if it occurs 2-3 times in a word. For example, when differentiating vowels and- s: word caught marked and(instead of ii) were surprised- ai(instead of iii).

Errors of the first type are overcome with the help of a preliminary analysis of the phrase into words, selective naming of the second, fourth, first word. Students consciously strive to memorize each sentence. The volume of auditory memory is noticeably increased. Having made a mistake of the second type when checking the dictation, he must say the word aloud, "probing every sound." Gradually, the skill of accurate and quick analysis of words by sound composition is being improved, based on articulation.

A graphic record can also be used to consolidate other studied topics of the remedial course.

Usually children willingly write all graphic dictations. New designations do not cause them any difficulties, since the principle of notation is the same for different topics. For example:

when checking the skill of determining the number of sounds in a word.

words are dictated: students designate sounds:

When checking the ability to determine the number of syllables:

word dictation

or show pictures: entry:

When fixing the theme "Soft sign":

Little skaters learned how to slide and jump on skates. "n - s lt - t - n"

During the passage of the topic "Prepositions": An old man with a lantern stood at the entrance to the house.

Sadovnikova I. N. - Disorders of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren.