Fundamentals of merchandising or 26 basic. Merchandising basics. #3 - Strange people at the deli

  • 27.03.2020

I am sure that every entrepreneur has heard this word. After all, merchandising is the art of selling, its basis and support. So say all, without exception, business coaches in the field of retail and the like. But not every entrepreneur and seller knows all the subtleties of merchandising.

Let's try to put everything on the shelves with the most in simple terms. And in the end, we will understand why marketing and merchandising are completely different things in sales.

During the years of my childhood, and these were the dashing nineties, I always wondered why imported products were so bright and colorful, while ours were colorless and insipid? Those who caught those times remember how fashionable it was to collect all kinds of packaging from chewing gum, chocolate bars and beer cans.

Everything that was brought “from there” was so desirable and attractive that food packaging was not thrown away for several years after its use. In addition, all this happened against the backdrop of a general shortage of goods in the country.

We all come from childhood

At that time, I had a strong feeling that a domestic product cannot look as bright as an imported one. It seemed that if you only change the “English” letters to “ours”, then all the coolness of the packaging could immediately disappear.

It was only later that marketers, packaging designers and merchandisers appeared in our latitudes. They then put things in order on the market and even transformed the very attitude of sellers to buyers.

Aunt Glasha is the best merchandiser

Indeed, even in Soviet times, the seller behind the counter was considered the standard of ignorance and rudeness. And the empty shelves in the store were perceived as completely ordinary and did not surprise anyone.

And people weren't even struck by the fact why minced beef was sold in the Fish store, and there was a queue for herring in the Meat store. Do you remember these packages from childhood? Against the background of this gray design, everything imported was perceived as if from another planet.

Children are the most grateful connoisseurs of merchandising. They just can't get past all these innovations in the store. They immediately pull their parents by the hand, demanding to buy a new product). Yes, and they place all these childish pranks “for some reason” right next to the cash register when you are standing in line.

Merchandising is, first of all, the art of showing the product in such a way that the buyer wants to buy it. Let's figure out where this craft, necessary for increasing sales, originates.

When did merchandising begin?

Presumably, this phenomenon originated at the dawn of mankind and, most likely, even before the appearance of the first money. People, exchanging goods and services, had to somehow communicate with each other.

And since in those days each tribe had its own language, the goods on the market were placed intuitively for the buyer. Yes, the first merchandisers are sellers in the market. Indeed, sometimes, in order to beautifully arrange the goods, it came to fights and internecine wars.

All the dullness and emptiness of stores that we had in the dashing nineties was recorded in the USA during the era of the Great Depression. Then the store owners began to use various tricks to lure the buyer to them. After all, in fact, the goods in the stores were the same.

By the way, all free lessons are now in one place. Right here - ! Now you can see everything in one place! Remember that knowledge is not power, but strength.

And the visual design of the outlet began to come to the fore. That's when marketers started tracking the impact of product design and placement on how much people buy. Merchandising became an independent science in the 70s of the last century.

What is merchandising and why does no one notice it?

If you want my personal definition. then merchandising is a visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital impact on a person in order to increase the average check at a point of sale. Let's take a closer look at all the concepts given in this formulation.

To begin with, let's accept the fact that the price of a product is 70% central to the purchasing decision. The remaining 30% of the influence is exerted by various factors. Among them, how loyal the buyer is to a particular brand.

By the way, on our channel there is an excellent video on this topic. How exactly does a sale happen when a person goes to a self-service store. Check it out, it won't take long, but it will be super helpful.

The buyer has an impression about the product in his head. And it depends on this opinion whether he buys this one or not. Merchandising became a separate science as soon as it determined for itself the main goal of influencing people's attitude towards a particular product.

How does a person perceive information?

Let's add some basic knowledge about neurolinguistics and psychology. If you didn’t know, then research in these areas of humanity was funded exclusively by marketers for quite mercantile reasons.


Everything is simple here: the eyes are the most important tool to receive information from the outside world. More than 60% of the world's population consider sight the most preferred channel for communication with the outside world.

In merchandising, exposure through this sense organ is achieved through: packaging design, color schemes, lighting, and so on. Everything that a person can visually distinguish for himself from other goods.


This communication tool is the main one for 5% of the population. This usually includes people with absolute pitch and musical education. This is a rather rare type of buyer for whom the world of sounds provides the most complete information about the outside world.

Have you heard unobtrusive musical accompaniment in retail outlets? So you are an auditory if you notice him). But seriously, the sound track in the speakers shopping center designed for this category of visitors. One of my business partners is in the process of increasing the average check in supermarkets by introducing musical accompaniment.


Smell, heat, cold, humidity, dryness. Soft, hard, rough, prickly, sour, sweet. It's all about kinesthetics. About those people who are focused on sensations. How to recognize such characters? If a person strives to take a product or package in his hand, feel it or smell it, then he is kinesthetic.

Marketers for such people organize opportunities to interact with the product in any way. Sometimes they hold tastings or give a chance to touch the product if it is fabric. Or sit on the sofa, in the case of a furniture exhibition.


People who perceive the world in this way, I also call discretes. This is a person who perceives information in a structured, balanced and reasoned manner. If he picks up a product, then to get acquainted with what it consists of, its expiration date, who is the manufacturer, the year the company was founded, who is the founder brand and who owns the production now).

For this type of people, sellers try to convey information about the product as accurately and structured as possible. Such a person should be able to ask the seller a question at any time and get the most complete answer possible.

By the way, if the buyer is visual or discreet, then this does not mean at all that kinesthetics are completely disabled in him. This means only that the vision of this individual is in priority over other channels of perception.

And now the answer to main question what is quality merchandising. Good merchandising simultaneously adapts to all channels of human perception.

Your self-branding

That is, it focuses on a broad . And he does it unobtrusively and imperceptibly for ordinary people. Now let's move on to the basic rules.

# 1 - If you go to the right - you will lose your horse

The next time you walk into a convenience store that you visit every day, pay attention to which way you turn when entering. Usually this is the right side.

Almost all stores try to place the entrance to the shopping area on the right, and the cash registers to the left of the entrance. This is due to the fact that most people are right-handed. And when moving, they stick to the right side.

There are, of course, exceptions. When the owner has to place the entrance to the trading area on the left. But this is due solely to the fact that the premises in which the store is located are simply not intended to accommodate a retail outlet. So the owners have to get out, violating all the laws of merchandising in order to avoid fines from regulatory authorities. They place shop windows not as they should, but as possible.

In general, the unspoken rule says: entry on the right, exit on the left. In addition, we also drive on the right-hand side of the road. In merchandising, there is even such a thing as a movement map. It is developed in the first place, when planning a retail outlet.

The general principle here is this: a person enters from the right side and moves counterclockwise. Well, then, depending on how everything is thought out, the buyer has to go around the entire trading area to get to the cash register and exit.

#2 - Whose products are in a mess so they play hide and seek

What is the most popular product in the post-Soviet space? That's right, salt and bread. Therefore, competent merchandisers hide these products as far as possible. They deliberately arrange them in such a way that access to them is the most difficult.

But the most interesting thing is that merchandisers also do “stretching”. Place the checkout as far as possible, from the most popular products. Here the principle is the same as in the first rule. You need to get a person to walk the distance as long as possible in order to focus attention on something else along the way.

There is an option in which the client may not find the product he needs. To minimize the occurrence of such situations, additional indicators of the types of goods should be placed at the outlet. Ideally, such signs should be visible from any point. trading floor.

By arranging products according to this scheme, merchandisers manipulate you so that you buy some unnecessary item before visiting the store. Or did you think that sales happen without manipulation? Then here's another trick.

Games People Play

One bread, as they say, you will not be full. How else to get people to walk around the store? At the entrance to the store, advertising banners with promotional goods are placed in the most prominent place. Usually they try to place them on the left side of the entrance. Sometimes such advertising can be seen right on the street.

This is done so that the visitor sees the promotional product and goes in search of it in the trading area. It turns out something like a quest in the style of a search for items. pure, otherwise).

But do not overestimate the capabilities of people. Some customers will not be able to find products on sale. Therefore, as with the most popular products, make additional signs to make it a little easier this task. After all, there are hints in the same quests).

#3 - Strange people at the deli

We have already taken the liberty of dividing people according to how they perceive information, as well as how they make purchases. But may differ not only in these features.

For example, your obedient servant goes for groceries almost at night. This is the period when the store is completely empty, and the sellers are exceptionally “polite”). Here you really have the opportunity to review all the new products, get acquainted with the information about the product and fill your grocery wallet without fuss.

And there are people who come to the store in the morning. They stand at the door long before the store opens. Usually these are people of retirement age. They go to bed early and wake up early. So they have to entertain themselves by going for groceries.

Owls, larks and hares

Another group of people comes to the trading floor in the evening, after work. This period of time is the peak for sellers, because busy people are used to shopping on their way home from work.

And of course, there is a category of buyers who fill the store at lunchtime. Usually these are schoolchildren who come running either at a big break, or after the end of classes for the next portion of chips, crackers and sweets.

Good merchandising should take into account all these basic categories of people. Ideally, you can change the placement of mobile displays, change the lighting, or play a different musical accompaniment depending on the time of day.

In any case, statistics are a marketer's best friend. Track all trends based on the average check. Changed the music in the hall and sales increased? Do the same next time.

Your self-branding

And in general, from time to time you need to make minor rearrangements in the store. This will give visitors the impression that every time they enter a new trading floor.

I propose to relax and take a short break, listening to the composition performed by the legendary bands The Doors. This is a song about how different it is . It's called "Strange People".

#4 - Look only in the eyes

For a person to look into each other's eyes is of tremendous importance. It is believed that if there is eye contact, then trust arises between people. Believe it or not, the situation is the same in merchandising.

If you place a product at a level or, even better, just below the eyes of the buyer, then he automatically has sympathy for this product. Love at first sight, as they say.

Such an algorithm can be seen in the department of alcohol, dairy and sausage products. Pay attention to this chip the next time you visit the store. The most popular items are placed at the bottom.

This is logical, because what is already in demand does not need to be additionally stimulated to buy. That's why toilet paper and milk cartons are placed on the lower shelves. Well, any indecency in the form of iced curds, yogurts and desserts is at eye level.

Yes, it's not as simple as it might seem. In the bakery department, the same story: bread and a long loaf at the very bottom, but all sorts of croissants and cakes exactly opposite the heads of visitors.

Since there is not enough space at eye level for all goods, the most expensive goods, or those that pay extra to store owners for such a priority location.

Or here you should leave the products that need to be implemented as quickly as possible. For example, those goods that have suitable terms of use or those that, by mistake of logistics, were delivered in an unforeseen quantity.

Who is the first, that and slippers

Place "under the sun" should be used wisely. As, however, and all other zones. By placing the product at the bottom of the shelves, we complicate its visibility for the digital, because he will have to bend down to get acquainted with the composition of the product, the expiration date, and so on.

And if several people of this type enter the store, this can provoke difficulties in moving for other customers. Who knows, maybe there is an office of a large IT company near your store)).

Once again I am convinced that you need to know your target audience in person.

Your self-branding

Keep in mind that if the outlet operates under a franchise system, then the display of goods there may initially be strictly regulated. There are no other options here but to trust the generally accepted corporate rules.

# 5 - Our own among strangers, a stranger among our own

By putting everything on its shelves, you can ensure that the buyer will still pass by the window and not buy anything. How? Why? After all, a whole staff of merchandisers tried to impress the buyer.

There is such a newfangled expression that I hate to endure, but it fits here just in time: “It didn’t work!”. In other words, there was no “hook” in the way of the visitor that would hook and make them stop near the product.

One of the most important laws of merchandising says that what needs to be sold urgently requires separation from the rest. This is where the “white crow” principle comes into play. And most of the tools for this task are based on the visual component.

How to highlight a product

  1. Marking. This is the easiest way. Some retailers have their own in-network tokens. Here we include: yellow price tag, recommended price, bestseller, out-of-season product, product ends, and so on.
  2. Separate stand. If you put a certain product on an individual showcase, then the buyer will have a feeling of its exclusivity. Usually this trick is used by Coca Cola and other major brands.
  3. Quantity. Who remembers how the illusion of assortment was created in the Soviet past? One product was displayed on the shelf in an incredible amount. This is how pyramids of butter packages appeared on the shelves. Highlight the product in this way, slightly violating the ideal composition. This will give popularity and at the same time accessibility to the product.
  4. Lighting. By directing a bright ray in the dark realm of monotony to a certain place, we select the desired category of goods. Well, if you add different colors, you can achieve a grouping of goods by position and type.
  5. Decorative elements. In jewelry stores, they like to single out a group of goods of the most expensive category in the form of stands and separate showcases with separate design solutions. The same tool can be applied in other areas of trade.
  6. POS materials. Do you remember all the hanging things and stickers on the shelves? It's them. It seems to help encourage the customer to buy. When I worked as a sales representative, our corporate merchandiser would sit at night and make POS materials with his own hands, which we then posted on the network.

#6 - You will know the price of a thing as you lose it

And the point here is not that the price does not need to be indicated on the window. There is a principle in classical trading: do not name the price until you explain the value of this product to the client. But how to do this when it comes to a self-service store?

It was noticed that all 4 types of people (visuals, auditory, kinesthetes, discretes) pay their attention to the same detail: the price of the goods. It is there that the focus of attention of all buyers without exception is directed.

Regardless of the level of wealth, the client looks at the price. And there, in most cases, just the price is indicated. Well, the maximum that you can count on, if this product falls under the action, that the price tag will be underlined or somehow highlighted in color.

But some outlets apply the “value method”. Instead of the client getting acquainted with the information about the product on the packaging, a price plate is installed next to the product, on which a list of the advantages of this product is already posted.

Top Sales Assistants

By doing so, one can achieve that not only discretes will recognize Additional information about the product, but also the other 3 types of buyers. The selling price tag is an additional seller on the trading floor.

He can tell in more detail about all the benefits that the customer will receive after the purchase. Ideally, if at such a price tag utp . Imagine how such a feature can relieve the work of consultants on the trading floor. Instead of asking them additional questions, the buyer independently makes a choice in one direction or another of the goods.

By the way, the price itself does not have to be indicated on the same “price tag”. It can be placed separately so that the client gets acquainted with the cost of the goods after the information about the value of the product is conveyed to him.

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These are, in my opinion, the basic rules of good merchandising. If I missed something, I will be glad to comment at the bottom of the article. What tools do you know for a competent presentation of goods in retail?

Is merchandising marketing or not?

This question is usually asked by store owners who have heard about merchandising from the corner of their ear, but they have not fully understood what it is and how it affects customers.

To understand the difference between the two concepts, let's imagine that all the efforts of a manufacturer or supplier of a product towards sales are marketing. But the final touch, the last impulse, which is ultimately responsible for making a purchase decision - merchandising.

Marketing is selling, merchandising is buying.

Your self-branding

You can give another analogy and remember a dancer who danced a good dance, but forgot to bow in time and beautifully. All the efforts of marketers can be in vain if the most important thing is not at the end. There will be no buyer boost.

Merchandising is an extremely important thing for companies that work for the mass consumer. To distinguish your product from similar ones is a task that becomes more and more difficult every year.

The main mistake in merchandising

Some store managers and owners, when arranging goods, adhere to the principle that it is convenient for the seller, not the buyer. For example, you can see how a running position that does not need additional stimulation is placed at eye level, instead of placing something that really needs to be sold "here and now" in this place.

There is an opinion that merchandising is when the seller laid out the goods at his own discretion. If it's beautiful, then it's right. And then you have to listen to the objections that this whole set of merchandising tools does not work.

To begin with, if at least these 6 laws are implemented, then the results will definitely be.

Your self-branding

Or do you seriously think that the multimillion-dollar spending on research on human behavior on the trading floor is just information noise? Do you really think that global brands are wasting their time and effort? I personally doubt it.

Merchandising is a complex relationship between a person's inner beliefs and how a product is presented. This is, if you like, a set of neural connections in the head of the buyer, which can and should be influenced. Both in one direction and in the other.[Total: 4 Average: 5/5]

What is merchandising?
You have probably noticed that if you focus the attention of the buyer on certain brands or types of goods, you can significantly increase their sale. This effect was the basis for a relatively new direction of trade marketing, called merchandising (from the English merchandising - the art of trading).

A set of activities carried out on the trading floor and aimed at promoting a particular product, brand or packaging is called merchandising.

The result of merchandising is always to stimulate the desire of consumers to choose and buy the promoted product.

Merchandising is the last step to achieve a high level of sales. Merchandising aims to promote products on points of sale, and therefore allows you to achieve both an increase in the client's profits and the level of his satisfaction from cooperation with the company.

How to apply merchandising at the point of sale.

Observations show that the majority of buyers, getting into the closed space of the store, start bypassing it, moving from right to left. Based on this, the placement of the entrance to the store should be thought out (entrance - on the right, exit - on the left) and the placement of the shelves themselves. An actual walkway, or "perimeter aisle", was devised, where shelves with particularly attractive products (these are consumer-attractive products.) are located, as well as promotional novelties and products whose life is relatively short and which will soon be replaced by other products. To attract customers to the central part of the store, the attractiveness and sales potential of the most hot goods(in this situation it can be household chemicals or expendable materials), which may increase the sale of other products located near them, but do not have such an attractive force.

Shelf space must be allocated adequately to the sales and profits brought by certain brands and their types.

Goods can be placed at floor, hand and eye level (hand and eye level is best), they can be grouped or singly, they can be palletized or presented in bulk. When placing goods, it is important to remember that the human eye moves more easily from left to right and from top to bottom, as when reading. The creation of an appropriate atmosphere in the store is facilitated by free access to goods, the ability to take goods in hand and freely handle them, attractive advertising messages, and subtle colors in the design of the store.

Most "working shelves" are at eye level.

From this it follows that on these shelves it is necessary to place a higher priority product. These shelves must be carefully monitored and constantly filled. In addition, more convenient areas for buyers to choose goods are the areas located on the right side in the direction of travel. It is necessary to optimally calculate the quantity of goods when arranging it on the sales area, the sales area should not be empty and in any case it should seem that there is a lot of goods, following the unchanging rule - the sales area is intended for presenting goods to customers. The self-service method is dynamic and has a moment of frequent, chaotic rearrangement of the product when the buyer chooses it, so it is necessary to work with the product, constantly align the product, fill the voids on the shelves. The goods in the hall and on the shelves must sometimes change their location so that the buyer does not get bored with the location of the goods.

Products should be laid out or exhibited in such a way that the search for the desired product is as easy as possible. To do this, it is necessary to create visible blocks on the shelves by brand, size or packaging.

It is important to regularly inform customers about new products, about what is happening in the store. When laying out goods within a group, it is necessary to consider its placement on the racks, taking into account its size, packaging, color scheme(combination of colors when laying out), seasonality, differences in design, manufacturer, etc.

On the racks it is unacceptable to have shelves that are not filled with goods. If there is free space on the racks, displays, the goods are immediately sorted, from the warehouse or by rearranging other goods. It is necessary to think over and make its optimal rearrangement and placement in the department, so as not to violate the basic rules for displaying goods.

It is unacceptable to place the goods, stacking them on top of each other, because. as a result of this, its damage occurs (except when it can be laid out in the form of a pyramid display, laying each row).

What types of layout exist.

Placement within the group can be carried out in the form of a horizontal or vertical display. By appearance packaging or the product itself, you can immediately determine which type of display it belongs to. The goods should be placed at the edge of the shelf or on hooks, in a straight line.

When laying out horizontally, it must be taken into account that on the lowest shelf the goods should be placed in large sizes or less attractive or cheaper. Also, the horizontal display provides for the display of goods from left to right in a series, in order to reduce the volume.

The vertical way of displaying goods provides for the location homogeneous goods in several rows on all shelves of a meter of shelving from top to bottom. This method is convenient in that it provides a good display of goods, free access for buyers of any height. With a vertical layout, a strict distribution of goods of the same type, from smaller to larger, is necessary. The smaller one is located on the upper shelves, respectively, the larger one is on the lower ones. In practice, most often both of these methods are combined, using elements of both horizontal and vertical layouts.

Display layout (additional points of sale) are placed in visible places according to the movement of customers. It is a stand-alone company stand or counter, not tied to the main point of sale of this product.


The subject of this term paper is called: Development of merchandising methods on the example of the Absolut hypermarket.

The purpose of the work is to understand the basics of merchandising and analyze the activities of the enterprise.

Tasks to be solved during the course work:

Define merchandising

Learn the factors that affect the buyer when buying a product

Analyze the enterprise

Identify the direction of merchandising of a particular enterprise

The purpose of the existence of the enterprise is to make a profit and increase it. This can be achieved in many ways. One of them is the creation of an effective layout and placement of goods on the trading floor. Placing and displaying goods on the trading floor are important means of sales promotion. The most progressive retail trade enterprises have long realized the need to pay due attention to these aspects of their activities.

Rational placement of goods on the trading floor allows you to correctly form customer flows and reduce the time of their service. Regular customers know where this or that product is located on the trading floor, and quickly find it. At the same time, the labor costs of store employees in the process of replenishing inventory are also reduced due to the use of the shortest routes for the movement of goods from the back rooms to the placement area.

The laying out of goods means technological processes related to the location, stacking and display of goods on trade and technological equipment. An attractive and well-designed display of goods encourages visitors who come to the store to purchase the goods and thereby provide the store with a profit.

Merchandising Basics

Merchandising Theory

In ancient times, when people were forced to trade with other peoples without knowing their language, the art of presenting one's goods was especially in demand for successful trade. The heroine of our scene in the epigraph could be helped in her choice with the help of this “silent seller”, providing a convenient and understandable arrangement of goods on the shelves for her and thus replacing the living seller for her. In some stores, sales are now carried out only with the help of the universal language of "merchandising".

The main objective of merchandising is to increase sales of goods through a retail network. In addition, the merchandising service performs 2 more important features: collection of marketing information and control over the state of affairs in the retail network (saturation with goods, the work of distributors and sales representatives).

The collection of marketing information, monthly conducted by the merchandising service, is carried out on fixed positions, both of its own and competitors.

Each indicator is calculated both for outlets as a whole and separately for each category (supermarkets, mini-markets, pavilions, etc.).

In addition, monitoring of the presence of advertising and special equipment of competitors in stores, the attitude of stores to the work of distributors, and much more can be carried out.

If a manufacturer needs more detailed data on the level of sales in his product group, then he can contact agencies that collect and provide this kind of information.

Merchandising (Merchandising) is a set of marketing activities aimed at promoting goods / products, which are carried out on the territory of the outlet. An effective result of merchandising is an increase in demand for products, the desire of consumers to choose and buy from the entire range exactly the goods we promote.

Merchandising is a silent seller (not obscuring the product).

Merchandising is carried out by the merchandisers of the manufacturer, supplier or special agency. Its quality depends on the ability of the company to organize the process, prepare merchandisers, supervisors and the head of the department.

The main components of merchandising

translation orders

Gathering marketing information for the customer

Inventory control

Retail staff training


The basic law of merchandising says: "To create competitive advantage The product must be placed in the places from which the greatest sales occur.

What product should be placed in the best places?

The answer of any manufacturer is mine!

Other options: the most expensive; best selling; the most unsold; the one that is paid for, etc.

The correct answer in terms of retail is the most profitable. But the profitability of the product may lie in different things. Let's look at a few examples.

Benefit from the product being sold. When moving a product from the bottom shelf to eye level, its sales increase by 2-3 times. Imagine a conditional product with the following characteristics:

retail price - 100 rubles;

supplier price - 80 rubles (store markup - 20 rubles);

· speed of sale on the lower shelf - 10 units per day.

By moving such a product to eye level, we get a 3-fold increase in sales. The profit of the store when trading from the bottom shelf is calculated: 10 units of goods x 20 rubles = 200 rubles.

Benefit of the store after moving the goods: 30 units x 20 rubles = 600 rubles. At first glance, the benefit is obvious, and the conclusion suggests itself: let's go to the most best places to put the best-selling goods!

Now consider the benefits of the most profitable product. Let's take another product with the following characteristics:

retail price -1000 rubles;

supplier price - 800 rubles;

selling speed on the bottom shelf - 1 unit per day

By moving the product to the top shelf, we get a 3-fold increase in sales. The benefit of the store when trading from the bottom shelf is obvious: 3 units x 200 rubles = 600 rubles. So what to put in the best places, at eye level? The main indicator of the profitability of a product is the efficiency of retail space, that is, such indicators as income and profit per shelf meter. And here the interests of the store and the manufacturer may be opposite.

Benefit from the sale of "hung" goods that have already been redeemed by the store. The benefit is also obvious. working capital store are reduced by the amount of the redeemed (paid, but not sold) goods. Such a product is given a "green light" in the store. Another thing is that the store has special places for sales. First of all, these are pallet racks** at the entrance to the shopping area of ​​the store and the impulse shopping area at the cash desks. In addition, there are several merchandising rules:

The product is located along the buyer's path from expensive to cheap;

large packages are located on the lower shelves;

· The goods are located in blocks by trademarks*** in each product group.

There are also laws of store merchandising, for example: - departments with perishable goods are located first; - departments with goods of daily demand (for example, bakery) are placed at the end of the "inspection" of the store. If you follow these rules, you can significantly increase sales at the point.

Here two sometimes directly opposite desires collide: the manufacturer - "All my advertising materials should be placed in the store, and there should be no competitors"; store - maintaining the style of the store, which can completely exclude any promotional materials. There is an option when promotional materials containing information about the product and the manufacturer (posters) are made by the store itself. This is part of the promotion program.

Other components may be:

Conducting a tasting or other promotion option in the store (for example, issuing a gift for a purchase);

Reducing the retail price by reducing the selling price of the manufacturer, the margins of the supplier and the store;

· Organization of additional display of goods on the trading floor (pallets, branded racks of the manufacturer).

· In networks, the supplier/manufacturer of the necessary components can be selected as desired. Other chains have mandatory "soup sets".

Transfer orders

The essence of this program is that the merchandiser receives an order in the store, but its implementation (shipment) is handled by a sales representative of the distribution company. Such orders are usually "under sorting". A sales representative and a merchandiser visit points on different days of the week. Sometimes the order is generally carried out by phone, according to the head of the section.

Collection of marketing information for the customer. Inventory control

This information is collected at each service point and consists of the following indicators:

· retail price assortment, number of faces **** of the customer's products;

Retail price and product range of competitors;

commodity remains of the customer's products.

For a conscientious store that makes payments on time and fulfills the markup agreement for suppliers' goods, collecting such information only helps, since the manufacturer (or supplier) of goods can adjust the volume and frequency of deliveries to a given point so as not to overstock the store's warehouse, but also not to allow the absence or washing out of the range of their goods. For unscrupulous stores (delaying payments due to the fact that nothing was sold, or overstating the store's markup on goods), such a procedure is at odds with their interests - because then fraud is revealed.

Retail staff training

Merchandisers should train staff outlets: talk about products, their qualities, how best to sell this product, to whom it is intended. Such information is necessary to improve the professionalism of sellers, on which, in particular, the attitude of buyers to the store as a whole depends.

However, shop assistants are sometimes so busy that they do not have enough time for training. In addition, sometimes there is simply no incentive to do so.

*A blister is a dummy product, sealed in transparent plastic, fixed on the inside of the showcase. In the jargon of merchandisers - "icon".

** Pallets (from the English. Pallete - pallet) - beautiful mountains and pyramids of goods in the trading floors of supermarkets.

***If the same trademark is produced in different product groups (for example, washing powder and dishwashing liquid), they should be located in different places, next to similar products from other brands.

**** Facing (from the English. Face - face), - the front part of a unit of production. For example, 1 bottle of ketchup "Baltimore" - "Tomato" glass, weight 0.540 g, standing on a shelf facing the buyer.

Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and by its own will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM Service" LLC) can obtain about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2. The use of the Services means the User's consent to this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Society with limited liability"Insales Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insales"), on the one hand , and

"User" -

or individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or entity, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of implementation professional activity(including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; data on technical systems and equipment, including software elements; business forecasts and information about proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners, information related to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above), communicated by one party to the other party in writing and / or electronic form, expressly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other assignments).

2.Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The parties agree to keep all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, except in cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2. Each Party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least with the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information shall be granted only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform official duties for the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other government agency, or organ local government in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these authorities is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as defined in federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User related to the Services, to protect the Services and Users, and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Insales Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the operation of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The user acknowledges that the equipment and software, used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User's account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User's account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements) . At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User himself, except for cases when the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details:

June 19, 2018

In the photo - the Chinese "Auchan Express" without a single seller on the trading floor

…and without physical goods on the shelves… The photo shows a Korean online supermarket in the subway! Products are presented as photos with QR codes. To buy them, it is enough to recognize the code with a smartphone and place an order with home delivery by courier using mobile application. This is not the future, but the present!

How to be successful in retail sales? How to minimize the losses resulting from the unscrupulous work of live sellers on the trading floor?

In this article, we will tell you the rules and basics of merchandising.

Getting Started: Merchandising Basics

Coming to the store, a potential buyer, first of all, looks at the windows. This is a kind of "face" of the store. Your sales directly depend on how the windows are designed.

Often, for the location of a particular product on the “golden” shelf, there is a real war, in the literal sense of the word, with fisticuffs between representatives of different

Marketers, sales agents of companies are constantly trying to take these places specifically for their products. Indeed, in fact, they all have the same tasks, and the store shelves are by no means “rubber”.

To adhere to the basics of merchandising in grocery store, its owners most often try to sell shelf space to those companies that are willing to pay more for it than competitors. But such actions do not always give the desired result. If the product is obviously bad, overpriced or completely unfamiliar to the consumer - place it anywhere, for any money, but he may not find his regular buyer. One-time transactions may take place, but there will most likely not be repeated sales. therefore seek

Below and above the eyes of the buyer are somewhat more "cold zones".

The height of the placement of goods from floor to ceiling also often indicates the price segment of a particular product. At the bottom, as a rule, are the cheapest and / or not the most popular brands.

Rule #3: Product highlighting

Focusing the attention of the consumer on the product is an art! If you do not "hook" the buyer's eyes, then he will simply pass by. It is important to highlight the goods in the window. How to do it:

  • Proper lighting. Special highlights aimed at the product at times increase its attractiveness to the client. For example, you can install special wall and ceiling lights to highlight certain items.

  • We create mass. A lot of goods, beautifully located in the window, as if "speaks" to the buyer about its popularity and demand. When creating such a "supernatural" inventory, try to add a little "naturalness" to it: remove a few units from the edges. So a person will think: “yeah, someone bought it, so I’ll take it too.”
  • Separate stand for goods. Such a place of sale can be made the main one, or you can create it as an additional one. This technique works great with premium price segment products. The purpose of merchandising is to increase sales. The more places where this product can be taken in the store, the better!

  • Let's play with color. Bright colors attract attention. Such "color spots" allow you to quickly find the desired position. Try to concentrate products of the same color in one place.
  • Word markers. This is a favorite marketing trick. Markers "Only today", "TOP sales", "New" will help to interest the buyer, "hook" on the product and buy it.

Rule #4: Separation

Compliance with the layout of product groups is one of the typical tasks of merchandising. If a person came for juice, he is unlikely to go looking for it in the department with household chemicals. Products must be located separately from non-food items.

If you have a clothing store, then try to divide among themselves in different groups accessories and things. Branding is also welcome.

Do not forget about related products and the checkout area. High-margin “small things” are specially placed there, which buyers often forget when buying the main product, and the cashier can unobtrusively increase average check through timely reminders.

Example: Did you forget the shoe polish? Take a chewing gum / kinder surprise for change? For the purchase of a block of cigarettes today as a gift - an original branded lighter with a beer bottle opener. show you?

Rule #5: Movement

Only at first glance, the movement of customers in the store looks chaotic. In fact, there are tricks here too. Most people are right-handed. By inertia, at the entrance to the store, a person turns his head to the right and starts moving clockwise. In almost all stores, the entrance is on the right, and the exit is on the left. Thus, a person will make a promenade through the entire store. If something catches his eye along the way, he will buy it. When following the basics of in-store merchandising, it is important to remember the principle “Looking for an exit? Walk through all the shelves and departments of the store!” The same purpose is served by signs, traffic patterns on the floor, on walls, on poles and in information kiosks of shopping centers.

Rule #7: Price tags

The price tag should always be in the window! It's just not discussed. No price - no sale. Even if your client is fabulously rich. Indistinctly printed or price tags with an irrelevant price are disrespectful to the client. Merchandising is an element of product promotion, and the price tag is its integral element. If you had a revaluation of the goods - update the price tags without fail. Now there are electronic price tags that do not need to be changed by the sales staff.

Rule #9: Different People

All people are individual by nature. What an older person likes is unlikely to please a young person. It is important to be aware of who is your target audience. Retirees are more likely to shop in the morning or in the morning, busy people go to the supermarket in the evening after work. In accordance with these factors, you can vary the soundtrack or experiment with the temperature and smell in the sales area.

Types of merchandising

  • Visual. Creates a special atmosphere. An effective and correct combination of such aspects as smell, sound, light, helps the buyer to stay with you longer. If you have premium products, then you should definitely know the rules of visual merchandising. The client should not be annoyed. Coming to you, he should feel relaxation and comfort, like at home. Soft light, pleasant jazz music from the 50s, the smell of gingerbread is a great visual presentation solution for a deli meat store.

Planogram- This is a schematic representation of the placement of products on the showcase. It is developed taking into account the assortment of the company, customer preferences, location commercial equipment. According to the planogram, the layout can be:

  • vertical- all products are arranged in several rows one above the other. Large and heavy goods are placed below, light goods are placed on top. On the "golden shelf" they put the most popular or "paid" product.
  • Horizontal- it can be carried out by ascending or descending prices, as well as by product categories.
  • Display- represents free-standing racks or stands that are not in the bulk of commercial equipment.

What is the ultimate goal of merchandising? Of course, sales, not even that - SALES! To achieve it, it is important to use all the tools and means.

General rules, elements and basics of merchandising in a pharmacy

This process is based on standard principles, of course, taking into account the nuances of products. With a well-designed showcase, the pharmacy has a great chance to increase its profits. Medicines must be distributed according to the rubricator so that a person can immediately select the necessary drug. When compiling drug rubrics, it is important to simplify specialized terms with more "human" words (eg, painkillers, herbal teas). Next to the bestsellers, it is worth placing recently released new items.

Photo - from the field sales training by Vladimir Khmelev. Agreed to sell household chemicals and body care products in a pharmacy

Basics and rules of merchandising in a clothing store

  • A large assortment. If your shop windows are empty, then they are dull. Such an atmosphere is not conducive to buying activity. The things presented in your store should not be in 1-2 copies.
  • Location. Lay out and hang clothes in a zoned way, paying attention to the movement of customers. Hang expensive things at the entrance, then a democratic price segment, discounts - at the end of the hall.
  • Visualization. Use whatever you have: shelves, mannequins, hangers. A tastefully designed mannequin will attract many more customers than a neatly folded stack of things on a shelf. It is important for people to see how the clothes will look on them. Take care of comfortable fitting rooms and mirrors in the hall.

Merchandising Basics in a Grocery Store

In a grocery supermarket, it is appropriate to combine product groups. Special attention pay attention to related products. If the buyer is for tea, then it is logical to place confectionery products not far from this department or at the checkout. Beer with chips. The central "alley" in the direction of the movement of buyers is the most accessible place. Place the most liquid products or promotional offers there. The most “advanced” commodity producers, suppliers and retailers have a plan for promotional activity on such an alley - scheduled for the year ahead and the exposition there - changes almost weekly.

Various small or related products are placed in the checkout area: lollipops, candy bars, chewing gum, wet wipes, magazines, batteries.
Inside the trading floor, pay attention to lighting. It is important that the products look appetizing, they would like to purchase as soon as possible.

Summing up

Merchandising is gaining momentum every year. If it is properly organized, then your sales will increase significantly. We recommend not to save on this tool. the main objective merchandising - increase sales. If you want to achieve it, then you should develop such an effective model for your business right now. The consultant and business coach-practitioner Vladimir Khmelev can help you with this. In his practice, he has repeatedly implemented the most ambitious sales development projects in various fields.