Open a point of sale of fishing tackle. How to open a fishing shop. What is profitable to sell in a fishing store: assortment

  • 04.04.2020

Fishing - favorite hobby million men. And this means that opening a fishing store is a good idea for a business. But from the idea to the implementation of the plan in practice is a long way. How to open a fishing shop and how much will it cost? We answer questions.

Business classification

To begin with, having decided to open a fishing store, it is worth deciding on the level of business. What exactly do you want: to start simply with the fishing department in the Sporting Goods store or open a large specialized store where the buyer who comes for the hook ends up buying a spinning rod, a set of mormyshkas, and an inflatable boat? The size depends on your choice at the initial stage. necessary premises, and the quantity, as well as the range of goods.

But you can go on a different principle of organizing trade: choose one or two brands of a similar product and engage only in their implementation. In this case, you can conclude an agreement with a specific company for the wholesale purchase of their goods and sell tackle of certain brands at affordable prices. Another example of such a business is fishing supermarkets, in which several specialized outlets with different fishing equipment are collected under one roof.

Registering a business

So, once you have decided which outlet you will open, you need to complete a number of formalities:

  1. Decide what you will have: or , and pass state registration. In practice, it is easier to register individual entrepreneurship. In addition, IP is easier to keep records. And in this case, experts recommend choosing from taxation systems (if for some reason it is impossible to use UTII in your region, then you should choose the simplified tax system of 15% - income minus expenses).
  2. Select codes : 52.48.23 Retail sports goods, fishing gear, camping equipment, boats and bicycles
  3. Register with the territorial office of the Pension Fund.
  4. Buy or rent a space.
  5. Obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Obtain a work permit from the State Fire Supervision Authority.
  7. Make a list of goods and order a wholesale supply.
  8. Select personnel (unless, of course, you plan to use hired workers).
  9. Order a sign and organize advertising.

By the way, a license for a fishing shop is not needed, since the sale of fishing accessories is not licensed.

Shop to be!

Choosing a location for a future store is an important moment. After all, profit directly depends on how convenient the location of the outlet will be. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to premises located in places of constant human flow: public transport stops, large parking lots. This may be a small boutique in mall, where there are always a lot of people, or a cozy shop in the basement of a residential building, where there are shops for repairing shoes or making keys nearby.

As for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet, it should be such that it can easily accommodate the entire assortment of the store. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that all goods must be neatly laid out and clearly visible to the buyer. This means that the area of ​​the store should be at least 80-85 square meters.

Market analysis

Everyone understands that fishing tackle is not bread or matches. And no one will buy them in the first place. But, nevertheless, there is a category of people who annually spend a substantial amount on fishing tackle and accessories. Based on statistics, for every 300,000 population, there are approximately 25,000 potential fishermen who regularly purchase goods from fishing tackle stores. And if we take into account that each of them will spend about 4,000 rubles a season to update their gear, it turns out that stores will earn 100,000,000 rubles from customers. Are you encouraged and inspired by these numbers? You should not rejoice ahead of time, because you also need to take into account the presence of competitors who are already working on the market. Again, let's turn to the statistics: in order for the store's income to be at the level of 4,000,000 rubles, there should be no more than 25 fishing stores for every 25,000 potential buyers. Now count the current competitors in your city. If the market situation allows you to occupy a free niche, then you can open a business.


As for the assortment of a fishing store, it is better to combine the sale of goods directly for fishing with the sale of tourist supplies. It will be convenient for customers who can buy fishing rods, floats, hooks, spinners, barbecues, tents, tourist furniture, and even inflatable boats in one place.

If you approach the selection of goods from a scientific point of view, then you should ensure the sale of at least twenty groups of goods. At the same time, fishing tackle (rods, spinning rods) should be the main product, and consumables (bait, fishing stuff, fishing line, floats, etc.) and related products (equipment, tourist equipment, clothes and shoes for fishermen) should be additional goods. As a percentage, it will look like this:

  • basic goods - 60%,
  • consumables - 30%,
  • related - 10%.


As for prices in a fishing store, not everyone knows that all goods are sold there with fairly decent margins. For example, the sale of basic goods at retail involves a markup of 25 to 75% depending on the product, and consumables usually sold at a 100% markup. If we are talking about the sale of goods from well-known manufacturers, then the margin can reach 300%. Agree, with such pricing, it is not difficult to recoup the costs of wholesale supply. Of great importance is the choice of suppliers of goods. These should be reliable firms with a good assortment. You can also select multiple providers different groups goods with the most suitable prices.


The issue of personnel in this case is extremely important, since you are going to open a store fishing goods and trade in a specialized assortment. This means that sellers should at least understand it, and it is better if they are amateur fishermen. On the one hand, in a store where the overwhelming majority of customers are men, a female sales assistant should be taken. But in this case, this will be justified only if she is well versed in the product and can advise the novice fisherman on all issues of interest. Unfortunately, such applicants for the vacancy of a consultant are quite rare, so it is better to choose several men who are well versed in the topic. A small retail outlet will require three or four salespeople.

production moments

Of course, for any store, the main thing is the product. But do not forget that the outlet needs to be prepared for opening: make repairs and install retail store equipment. In this case, it is important to choose the right showcases, racks and boxes, where the entire assortment will be laid out and all the tourist equipment will be placed. Be sure to take into account that all goods must be available to sellers and buyers in order to be able to consider the proposed gear and quickly find small consumables: hooks, fishing line, floats, sinkers, and more. For small goods, you will need special counters with numerous drawers and display cases in which you can lay out various fishing accessories. In addition, it is necessary to correctly place tourist equipment so that it is convenient for buyers to view and evaluate it.

Ideally, all store equipment should be in the same style. Then the view of the outlet will be attractive, and it will be easier for sellers to navigate the assortment, and the impression of buyers from the establishment will be positive. Therefore, you should not save on the repair and arrangement of the store.

financial question

And now let's calculate how much money will be required to open a fishing store.

The calculations show that the opening of the store will require 830,000 rubles. . But, given that the angler store as a business is a fairly profitable enterprise, the initial investment will return pretty quickly. Indeed, taking into account the trade margin, which will average 100%, the initial wholesale purchase will bring 450,000 rubles of income. It follows from this that the full payback of the initial investment will happen already in three to four months.

We will calculate the necessary costs and potential income of a fishing store with an area of ​​80 square meters, which employs three sales assistants and a director / owner (with the function of a chief accountant).

Based on the calculations, it can be seen that the profitability of such a business is very high, and if the assortment is constantly expanded, then the profit will grow.

Hello friends.

I want to enrich the moneymaker's blog with another useful article, as always - on a commercial topic. Have any of the readers seriously thought about how to open a fishing store from scratch? Has anyone considered this niche as their own, calculated investments and payback, real prospects for trading in fishing equipment?

I must state the fact that with proper organization, the sale of any product will be profitable. And fishing - including, despite their specificity and non-belonging to the group of wide consumer use.

Fishing Shop Features

Should immediately warn businessmen from countryside that this type of business is only suitable for big cities. Even the most avid fisherman from the outback, who knows everything about fishing and knows how to open a fishing store, will not be able to achieve the number of buyers necessary for such an outlet.

But if a store for anglers is the dream of your life, and the city is far away, there is an option for online trading. This is in the current conditions of "internetization" of sales - successful.

One of the features of the fishing store is the possibility of organizing a non-standard format. For example, shop-club. If the owner himself is not indifferent to fishing, he, in addition to selling tackle, fishing rods and hooks, can periodically organize collective fishing trips, deliver thematic magazines about the angler to regular customers, and teach the art of catching fish to beginners. And during events to demonstrate and test new gear or related products from the shop.

good location

The first thing needed for successful sales in a fishing store - to "catch" buyers. Taking into account the fact that the vast majority of target customers are men, it is customary to organize shops with a fishing assortment near car markets, city markets and on the outskirts of the city.

Do not underestimate the stores on the road - if you create an assortment according to the principle "you need to buy more, otherwise you forgot", then you can count on a very high income.

Advertising campaign - constantly

When opening a fishing store, designate the purchase of goods and the promotion of the store as the largest expense items.

Considering the seasonality of the goods and the average frequency of equipment renewal by fishermen 1-2 times a year, the need to attract new customers is always relevant. This means that the need for constant advertising of a fishing store is also relevant.

Tell and announce your store wherever possible: in print and online publications, on forums and announcements on boards, hand out flyers and organize interesting events (mentioned above). Your goal is to ensure that the store is always heard and recognizable.

Another way to promote is to create a unique concept. Before starting fishing from scratch, familiarize yourself with the principle of operation and the assortment of fishing stores near you. There is no point in opening the “same” one, since fishing goods are not essential products. In this segment, it is difficult to develop a completely new concept, but if you think about it, you can offer the buyer something that competitors do not have.

Now - about the amount of goods. The minimum number of positions when launching a store is 7-8 thousand. In the future, you can increase to 20 thousand (I'm talking about the foreseeable future - 2-3 months of trading).

When purchasing goods, consider the fact that small fishing gear is quite expensive. Therefore, do not be surprised that a lot of money was spent, and the goods take up only a couple of shelves.

Fishing shop staff

A store with a fishing assortment is not the place where the buyer comes to quickly acquire the necessary thing and retreat just as quickly. And fishermen are not the people who are used to making purchases in silence.

They need to know exactly, down to the smallest detail, everything about both a small lure and a large boat. Therefore, it is quite reasonable that in such stores consultations develop to the level of fishing stories, and the purchase can last from an hour or more.

Now the question is: can at least one long-legged young lady be able to withstand such a purely masculine theme? Will a woman be able to tell an experienced (or inexperienced) fisherman in detail about all the intricacies of the latest gear? Will she have the patience to listen to several long stories in a row?

Female salesgirls, as a rule, do not get along in stores with a purely male assortment. When recruiting staff for a fishing shop, use the following tips:

  1. Take on this role if you are good at fishing.
  2. Hire men whose hobby is fishing (this is ideal).
  3. Learn the nuances of how to open a fishing online store (you can recruit girls who understand the product, they won’t have to listen to stories on the Internet).


The most popular product in the segment of fishing accessories, the so-called consumables: shoelaces, floats, baits, sinkers, lures, bait. This item must be in stock at all times. required quantity- it makes up a third of the turnover of the store.

Offer gear and accessories either branded, if the store is located in the city center and pretends to be some kind of fashion, or budget Chinese, if the store is in a microdistrict.

Related products: there are two categories - small (dishes, nets, clothes, fishing rod covers, bags and backpacks) and overall (boats, tents, sleeping bags). It is reasonable to divide the section of related products into subsections - for a small and large assortment.

Where to buy goods?

This is a very difficult question, to which I cannot give a specific answer, since it mainly depends on where you live.

You can search for suppliers either using the Internet, or you will have to ask around with existing owners of fishing stores.

In both cases, the answer to this question can be obtained quickly and easily, as there are now more manufacturers than shops.

Payback and profit

It all depends on the general economic situation - according to statistics, during recessions, sales in stores with a specific range of sales can be halved.

Despite the rather strong competition in the market of goods for fishing, this type of business remains a fairly profitable business. The main factors of such high popularity are the popular love of our citizens for fishing, as well as the development of infrastructure (private ponds) near the cities. These factors stimulate a constant demand for fishing products, which translates into a quick payback of the project, which is 9 months. The break-even point falls on the 4th month.

To open a store, you need to rent a retail space. It can be found both in large residential areas, and at the exits from the city on major highways. In the city center, such stores are not in demand. Also, when opening, you will need to hire two sellers and a cleaner. The staff of the store will be 4 people, including the owner.

The assortment of the store will be presented with various products for fishing. The greatest attention should be paid to spinning and gear for them. These products are the most marginal. On average, the markup on goods in the store will be 70%. Average check one purchase - 595 rubles. At the same time, it can vary from 200 rubles to 5,000 rubles. Given these figures financial results projects will be as follows:

Amount of initial investment- 419 800 rubles

Monthly costs- 773,907 rubles

Monthly profit- 83 687 rubles

Payback period- 7 months

Break even- 3 months

Profitability of sales - 15%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The main task of the fishing store will be the sale of goods for fishing. These include: various sinkers, baits, hooks, fishing lines, clothes and rubber shoes, fishing rods, boxes and boxes, as well as other equipment that the fisherman uses in the process of fishing.

Suppliers of goods and accessories can be both domestic manufacturers and imported ones. These include suppliers from China and Europe. However, today the quality Chinese goods no worse, and the prices are much lower in comparison with European counterparts. Therefore, the main emphasis will be placed on Chinese goods.

You can open a shop even in small town. With a city population of 250,000 people, minimum size the target audience will be 12,500 people (5% of the population). These people regularly purchase goods for fishing. The average number of customers who will visit our store per day is 50 people.

To open a store, you will need to install and purchase the following equipment:

  • Cash register
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Shelving
  • Office furniture (table + chair)
  • Showcases

This equipment will be enough at the start of the store. Further, as the assortment grows, it will be necessary to install a warehouse accounting system, as well as a customer accounting system to increase customer loyalty.

In addition to equipment, the store will need a retail space. As noted earlier, it is best to look for a rented area on the outskirts of the city, as well as near large residential areas. The central parts of the city will not work. The minimum store area is 30 m2. Also, the room will need to make cosmetic repairs.

When opening a store, it is necessary to purchase the initial batch of goods.

There is no licensing for this activity. When concluding a lease, ask the landlord for a document certifying compliance with all fire safety requirements.

3. Description of the market

The success of a fishing shop is determined by the quality and prices of the products offered.

The main target audience of the store are men aged 25 to 75 years. It can be both professional fishermen and amateurs. Therefore, the assortment of the store will need to focus on these two segments.

Despite the slight target audience, in our country a lot of men prefer to spend free time fishing with friends on a river or pond. For some, this is a weekly ritual.

In order for the demand for products to be constant, it will be necessary to implement a loyalty program. Regular customers can be offered a permanent discount card, for example, 5% or 10%, for new customers one-time discount coupons can be offered.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To successfully run a fishing store, you will need the following:

  1. Register IP
  2. Find a room
  3. Make repairs
  4. Purchase equipment and the first batch of goods
  5. Find staff
  6. Start working

Stage/duration, weeks

IP registration

Premises for rent

Purchase of equipment and goods


Beginning of work

Since this business does not have strong specifics and large production processes, then it will take about 6 weeks to open. First you need to register entity- IP (OKVED 47.64.2 "Retail trade in fishing accessories in specialized stores"). The tax rate is 6%, the taxable base is "income". Based on the results of receiving all the statutory documents, you can open a bank account.

The fishing tackle trade is a specialized trade. In the "fisherman's" store you can buy all the accessories for fishing.

Fishing is a traditional recreation, entertainment, hobby for many men. For her sake, they are ready to do a lot, get up with no light, no dawn, sit for hours in a motionless position, looking for a bite, fiddling with worms, and so on. If fishing is summer, when it is warm and dry outside, then this type of entertainment can still be understood. But when a fisherman is going fishing in winter, in cold and frost, dragging a lot of necessary equipment, only then can one realize the power of such a hobby.

According to statistics, the disease "fishing" affects up to 18% of the male population. Knowing the number of citizens living in your city, you can calculate the possible number of potential customers.

We multiply the population by a factor of 48% - this is how we determine the number of men in the city, and by 18% - we determine the number of fishermen.

You can open a fishing goods store in one of three formats:

  • A small shop with a large assortment of inexpensive goods.
  • A store that sells fishing accessories from several well-known brands.
  • Elite markets, on the shelves of which products of several trade brands are presented, they can consist of several departments.

Before you open a store, you need to draw up a plan in which to prescribe the main key points, calculate the costs for each item, try to predict the profitability of the business. Registration process.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity:

  • For clearance entrepreneurial activity you must contact the executive committee at the place of residence.
  • The sale of fishing goods can be carried out in the preferential tax regime. Where this system does not apply, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system.
  • Type of activity - retail sale of sporting goods, fishing equipment, tourist goods, boats and bicycles.

Room selection

Room. Trade in fishing goods is very highly specialized, designed for a small segment of consumers. Fishing supplies are not essential goods, they are not bought every day. Therefore, it does not make sense to immediately count on brisk trade. There is a high risk that the business will not work, so it is best to start with a small shop, or a department in a supermarket. Also, those who are engaged in this type of trade recommend starting not with buying a room, but trying to rent it. Fishing goods are not very large, they can be placed on a small, about 50 - 80 sq.m., trading area.

It makes sense to rent in passing places, on the basis of large supermarkets, if there are no similar goods on the territory of the supermarket. If not, then renting an area on the territory of a large store is in your favor, since among a large number visitors will definitely find true anglers who will not only become your regular customers, they will also advertise for you among their friends, the same fishermen as they are.

A shop with fishing goods can be opened at the base and areas of sports shops as a specialized department.

A small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is preferable at first (you need to pay less rent), while the store is little known, and therefore not very profitable.


The main "turnaround" goods are the so-called consumables. It is the most inexpensive, but the most in demand, it is this product that forms a wide base of buyers.

Consumables are:

  • Fishing line, different thickness, for different fish.
  • Bait.
  • floats.
  • Grids.
  • Silicone figurines of fish.
  • Hooks.
  • Loads.

All these goods have a short service life, but not at all because the goods are of poor quality, but because such a specificity of fishing in general. For example, a fish gets on the hook, but breaks. As a result, there is no hook, the fishing line is torn. Without a hook and line, the fishing rod is incomplete, you can’t catch fish on it. The way out of the situation is to go to the store to buy new accessories.
The next segment of the product is more expensive. These are fishing rods, spinning rods, additional accessories for them. According to statistics, anglers update their inventory on average once every two years.
In addition to "fish" inventory, the store must have a department for related products. These can be fishing rod covers, folding chairs, thermoses, overalls, fishing boxes, hand warmers, thermal underwear, and much more. If the area of ​​​​the store allows, then you can trade in boats, tents, and so on.

Supplier selection

Find companies that do wholesale fishing tackle is not very difficult. But you should take into account the fact that if you want to cooperate only with foreign partners and trade branded products, then you will have to look for clients among wealthy people.
Therefore, try to arrange the range in such a way that your product is interesting for both "expensive" and "average" customers. For example, you can make a small trading area where imported goods are presented, and a separate department with goods of a domestic manufacturer, plus products from local craftsmen.
A separate topic for trade is the sale of live bait: worms.


It is very important that a “knowledgeable” person works in a fishing shop. Ideally, if the seller is an avid fisherman himself. Then he will be well versed in what kind of bait the fish bites on, what hook is needed for it, what fishing line will withstand it. He is happy to share this information with customers.
Having even a small room, you can increase sales by organizing an online store. To open a fishing online store based on an existing "live" store, you must first buy or order a website. Then put information on the site about what product is available in the store. Goods must be periodically updated, new ones added, and those that were sold removed. At first, the shop assistant can manage the store.
For small shop two sellers will suffice. Accounting can be done independently, or you can entrust the accounting support to the company. Keep in mind that you will have to pay for bookkeeping. Since such stores operate on a simplified taxation system, accounting is minimal, it is quite possible to master it on your own, and not lay out additional money for keeping records.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

This business plan considers a project to open retail store fishing goods in a city of 200,000 people. The range will include fishing gear for the main types of fishing. The area of ​​the outlet will be 28 sq. meters. The purpose of the store is to meet the demand of the local population for fishing and related products and to create a stable business model that generates a stable operating and net income.

The volume of initial investments will be 1,312,900 rubles. Source initial capitalown funds. The funds invested in the opening will pay off for 2 years of work (13 months). The profitability of the store will be equal to 10%. The financial calculations of the business plan are made for a three-year period of operation of the store. The pre-opening phase will take 2 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

Fishing is very popular in Russia. The number of people who are keen on fishing is impressive and amounts to about 25 million people. The demand for fishing products of such a mass of consumers is huge. By various estimates, the volume of the fishing tackle market in our country is from 300 million dollars to 1 billion dollars. The most capacious category, which gives up to 60% of turnover, is the group of basic goods, which includes fishing rods, spinning rods and rods. The remaining 40% is accounted for by consumables and related products for fishing. Businesstat estimates that in 2014, fishing rods and rods were sold at 10 million units. The market for fishing goods is considered to be unsaturated compared to other Western countries, where the percentage of the population who are fond of fishing can reach up to 25% (USA).

This project involves the opening of a fishing retail store in a city with a population of 200,000 people. The store will occupy an area of ​​28 sq. meters. The offer of the store will be a universal assortment for all types of fishing, including winter ice fishing. The purpose of the outlet will be to meet the demand of the local population for fishing and fishing related products and to create a stable business model that generates a stable operating and net income.

IP will be chosen as the legal form. UTII is preferred as a taxation system. OKVED code - 52.48.23 "Retail trade in sports goods, fishing accessories, camping equipment, boats and bicycles". Responsible for managing the store individual entrepreneur. Two sales consultants will be under his direct subordination.

3.Description of goods

The assortment of the fishing store will include fishing rods, spinning rods, reels, consumables for equipment - fishing lines, cords, floats, hooks, spinners, as well as related products (equipment) of popular Japanese, European and domestic brands. The fishing shop will operate in the middle price segment. The markup will be set at 79%. The assortment will also include a small number of goods belonging to elite categories and brands. The average check will be 600 rubles. In Table. 1 shows the prices for the main product groups.

Table 1. List of goods



Cost, rub.

fishing rods

Bologna rods

Bologna rods Aiko, Daiwa, Maximus, Shimano, Volgar, Volzhanka

Match rods

Match rods Cormoran, Daiwa, Maximus, Shimano

fly rods

Fly rods Daiwa, KOLA, Maximus, Shimano, Volgar, Volzhanka

spinning fishing

Spinners ACME, Daiwa, Forest, Halco, Mepps,



Wobblers Deps, Duel, DUO, Evergreen, Hump, Ima, Imakatsu, Jackall, Jackson, Lucky Craft, Major Craft, Megabass, OSP, Pontoon 21, Rapala, Salmo, SERT, Tsunekichi, Tsirubito, Zirbaits

Jigger sets, packs of 3 (Cormoran, Gamakatsu, Saturn)

soft lures

Soft silicone lures Bait Breath, Berkley, Big Bite Baits, C'ultiva, Keitech, Fox Rage, Gambler, Lunker City, Manz, Megabass, Pontoon 21, Reins, Sawamura

Spinning rods

Spinning rods AIKO, APIA, Banax, Cormoran, Black Hole, Daiwa, Gamakatsu, Kola, Major Craft, Maximus, Megabass, Pontoon 21, Shimano, St. Croix., Talon, Trabucco, Volzhanka


Eared sinkers (cheburashki)


Reels ABU Garcia, Banax, Cormoran, Daiwa, Mitchell, Ryobi, Shimano, other inertial reels

Coil Lubricants

Wash-sprays, coil lubricants


Single hooks

Hooks with a barb, beardless, with a swivel, with a mustache, etc.

double hooks

double hooks

Tee hooks

Tee hooks

offset hooks

Hooks with double shank




fishing line

monofilament line

monofilament line

braided cords

braided cords

Fluorocarbon line

Fluorocarbon line




Feeder rods

Feeder rods Balzer, Black Hole, Cormoran, Daiwa, Nautilus, Shimano, Volzhanka

Top for feeder

Top for feeder

Other accessories

clockwork rings

clockwork rings

Swivels and clasps

Swivels and clasps

Bite alarms

Bite alarms


Method feeders

winter fishing



Ice screws

Ice screws

fishing equipment

Fishing boxes

landing nets

landing nets

Fish grips

Fish grips


Boilies, bait mixtures

An order for a particular product can be made without leaving home - using the official website. Delivery in the city from 2000 rubles. will be made free of charge.

4.Sales and marketing

In retail sales of fishing goods, there are some features that must be taken into account when calculating and forming an assortment. One factor is seasonality. The most profitable months for trading are May, when the demand for summer rods, spinning rods, etc., increases, as well as December, when sales of winter tackle increase. In this regard, the period of 1-2 months before the start of the new season seems to be the most past time for opening a store. When opening a store, market conditions will also be taken into account. At the time of writing the business plan, it is not the most favorable. Since 2014, sales of fishing products have been declining for several reasons. Firstly, fishing tackle is not an essential commodity, so the level of demand is highly dependent on the purchasing power of the population, which has declined markedly since the end of 2014. In particular, according to BusinesStat forecasts, the sales volume of rods and rods in 2016 in kind will fall to 8 million units from 10 million in 2014. Secondly, the volume of sales is affected by rising prices. Imported products are becoming more expensive due to the growth of the exchange rate. In such conditions, cheaper gear options are in demand, which will form the basis of the store's assortment. However, to completely exclude expensive quality products industry experts do not advise. Among domestic fishermen, there is still a love for high-quality tackle, which is sometimes an order of magnitude higher than a fisherman can afford. Russians show the greatest interest in Japanese brands, followed by American and European ones. trade marks. There is potential for development in a particular city. Considering that about 10% of the country's population is engaged in fishing (according to other sources, every sixth adult man is keen on fishing), in a city with a population of 200 thousand people, at least 10-20 thousand fishermen live. Taking into account the average spending on fishing equipment of 4,500 rubles a year, the market capacity will be about 90 million rubles. At the same time, about 35-40% of the city market remains uncovered.

The store will be located in an easily visible area, on the first line of houses. The sign will be easy to read and make it clear that a store is a fishing shop. In addition to the outdoor sign on the facade, the store will use the following tools to attract customers:

Maintaining a website with a catalog of products sold;

Participation in partner, sponsorship events;

Printed products (catalogues, business cards, booklets).

Participation in sponsorship events. For example, in the competitions of the city in sport fishing.

5.Production plan

The store will be located in a city of 200,000 people, on one of the busiest streets in the city leading directly to the exit. This location is advantageous due to high foot and car traffic. IN this direction there is a "fisherman's path": on weekends, a large number of citizens go to nearby suburban reservoirs.

To organize a store for a long-term lease, a room of 28 square meters will be taken. meters. The premises will require partial repairs, the cost of which will be 100,000 rubles. In addition, you will need to purchase commercial equipment - racks, display cases, etc. Together with signaling and signage equipment, the cost of equipping will amount to 177.9 thousand rubles. (detailed equipment costs are given in Table 2).

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Shop counter with showcase

Wall rack

Rod stand

Lighting equipment

Security alarm + installation

Cash equipment

Checkout area furniture


177 900

Since the store will sell a specialized range, the main requirements for sales assistants will be the ability to understand the intricacies of the world of fishing goods. The sellers will be hired, who themselves are fond of fishing, able to talk objectively with buyers. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in sales in fishing shops, tourism stores, sporting goods and similar establishments. Also, when hiring, such qualities as politeness, sociability, the ability to find a common language with a client will be important. The schedule for the work of sellers is in shifts 2/2. As an incentive for sellers, the wage system "salary + percentage of sales" will be introduced.

Table 3 staffing and payroll

With an average check of 600 rubles. and 25 customers per day, the store's revenue will amount to about 450,000 thousand rubles, while net profit will exceed 90 thousand rubles. In the season (May-September, December), the amount of profit can reach up to 170-200 thousand rubles. at a turnover of 640-730 thousand rubles. The costs of the main period will include a variable part (product purchases) and a fixed part. The latter includes payment wages(including deductions - 52 thousand rubles + percentage of sales), rent (28 thousand rubles at the rate of 1 thousand rubles), as well as bookkeeping, advertising expenses, transport, public utilities And so on.

6. Organizational plan

The stage of preparation before the start of sales is planned to be completed within 2 months. All organizational issues at the launch stage and during the main period will be taken over by an individual entrepreneur. In the course of work, he will act as a director and store. He will be responsible for organizing procurement, marketing promotion, hiring and dismissal of staff. Responsibilities for the sales process, consulting customers will be for sales consultants.

7. Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period will include 6 expenditure items and amount to 1,312,900 rubles. (see Table 4). Annex 1 contains financial indicators for a three-year period of operation of the store. The conditions that were taken into account in the calculations: the planned sales volume in the amount of 456,000 rubles. per month (based on 25 average checks per day in the amount of 600 rubles), reaching the planned sales volume by the 3rd month of operation, seasonal revenue growth in May-September and December (the first year of operation - up to 20%, the second year of operation - up to 40%, the third year of work - up to 60%), start of sales - March.

Table 4 Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Premises renovation

Room equipment

Purchase of equipment

Intangible assets

Site creation

Registration procedures, coordination with government agencies

working capital

working capital

Starting product content


1 312 900

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The effectiveness of the store is confirmed by calculated indicators (see Table 5). Starting investments with an average flow of customers will pay off by the 13th month of work, while the return on sales will be 10%.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

Business organization by retail fishing products is well established, there are many examples of stable and working schemes. The features of a fishing store as a project include a low level of initial investment and a quick return on payback, taking into account several factors: a good location, a well-formed assortment, and a competent pricing policy. All these factors will be taken into account when organizing a business, as a result of which the risks of opening a store and ensuring profitability can be called low. In Table. 6 shows the main risks, given prevention measures.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Low store profitability

The choice of a passable place, a universal range, adequate pricing policy, the use of advertising, hiring professional staff

Decline in the purchasing power of the population

Choice in favor of cheap and medium price segments, purchase of the most hot goods working on increasing customer loyalty

"Overstocking", dead headings

Sales analysis, assortment variation, discounts for unsold items

Rent increase

Conclusion of a long-term lease agreement with a fixed rate in rubles, careful prescribing of payment terms

A sharp increase in the number of competitors

Revision of prices for positions available from competitors, increased attention to service, retention regular customers loyalty programs

Decrease in demand due to the season, weather conditions

Off-season discounts, sales promotion with marketing tools

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