Development of a business plan for a shopping center xl dmitrovka. Description of all investment costs for the development of the proposed building. Market entry strategy

  • 02.12.2019

Nowadays, people are accustomed to receiving a wide range of quality services with minimal time.

To meet this need, shopping centers are being built. The purpose of the construction project shopping center is to receive profit from the subsequent delivery of retail space for rent.

Benefits of building a shopping center
  • Obtaining long-term profit from tenants of retail space with a one-time capital investment. You can invest once, and then receive dividends from this for the rest of your life.
  • If the shopping center is located in a well-accessible place, it is imperative to rent out part of the area for grocery store. People will always buy food, which means they will stop by your mall.
  • social effect. With a competent choice of the location of the shopping center, people living nearby will have the opportunity to purchase goods and services without wasting time on travel.
Shopping center business plan: main stages of project implementation

1. Preparatory stage

In order to minimize risks and increase the chances of a quick financial profit, you should pay special attention to marketing research. After all, how relevant the location is for the future shopping center will depend on the number of customers and, accordingly, the number of potential tenants.

Implementation period 2 months.

2. main stage

At this stage, it is necessary to carry out design and survey work, and then construction. Contractors should be selected on a tender basis to reduce the risk of poor quality work.

Implementation period 8–10 months

3. The final stage

Landscaping. Commissioning of the shopping center and search for potential tenants.

Implementation period 2 months.

Shopping Mall Business Plan: Estimating a project for labor costs during operation

In order to obtain a stable income from the operation of the shopping center for the convenience and comfort of the tenant, the owner assumes the responsibility of maintaining the retail space.

This requires the following state:

  • 8 people of technical staff;
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 manager.

It is especially necessary to approach the choice of a manager carefully, because it is he who will solve urgent issues and communicate directly with tenants.

The financial costs of maintaining retail space consist of staff salaries and the purchase of consumables.

Formation of the cost of renting premises

First of all, it is necessary to monitor the cost per m2 of rent of such premises in this area of ​​the city. The price for tenants must be competitive.

Particular attention in the formation of the price per m2 should be paid to utilities. The owner of the shopping center should pay for them, but at the same time, care must be taken that this amount is proportionally included in the cost of m2.

The market is filled with shopping centers, where, along with shops, there are leisure enterprises. Marketers have long reported that Russians are much more willing to make purchases in shopping centers, turning shopping into entertainment. At first, entrepreneurs who wanted to open a shopping center looked for a building that was abandoned or occupied by an inefficient business and simply bought it. Today, large vacant areas in good places(at transport interchanges) you will no longer find, which means you need to build a shopping center from scratch. A lot of money will be needed, so you need to carefully calculate everything. Let's look at the business plan for a shopping center in Barnaul.


The purpose of the project is the construction of a shopping center with a view to the subsequent leasing of premises. The implementation of the plan will require 10,000 thousand rubles. On the ongoing maintenance- 3,200 thousand rubles. The planned payback period, according to the calculation given in the business plan for opening a shopping center, is about 4 years.

Company information

As part of the implementation of the business plan for the construction of a shopping center, it is planned to open a household goods store, a clothing store, a beauty salon, an optician, a pharmacy, a finishing materials store, etc. These enterprises will operate on a lease basis, i.e. the investor of the shopping center will own only the building itself. It is also planned to set up a compact playground with slides and a trampoline on the territory.

Business environment

After analyzing the Barnaul market, we came to the conclusion that there are not enough shopping centers in the city. Residents of residential areas are forced to go to the city center for many basic things, so the majority of respondents said they would like a new shopping center to appear in their area of ​​the city. When asked whether another shopping center is needed in the central part of the city, the majority of respondents found it difficult to answer. Of course, much will depend on which enterprises will work in it.

Marketing and sales plan

The average income of a shopping center located in a prestigious residential area is 7,000 thousand rubles. in year. That will make it possible to recoup the costs by the 4th year, taking into account the fact that construction and repair work take a calendar year. Such a payback period will not satisfy every investor, especially since the amount of investment is not small, but after reaching the payback period, the annual income will be about 3 million rubles. The profitability of the center can be even higher, provided that the investor manages to find tenants whose goods and services will be in high demand. In this case, the rental price can be increased. However, with a successful course of business, the price per m2 will inevitably grow over time, since a popular shopping center is visited by more people than a newly opened one.

At the same time, having considered a similar business plan for a shopping center that has already been implemented in the region, we see that the construction time is 3 storey building are 2 years. We are laying 1 year, because we do not plan to do expensive repairs and decoration. Those. our plans do not include the construction of fountains and other similar structures. In addition, our building consists of 2 floors, each of which is only 250 m2, so the year included in the project is enough.

operational plan

The first step is to choose the location of the future shopping center. A mistake here will be very expensive, since nothing can be corrected after construction. If a outlet is poorly located, then it will be impossible to attract customers to it either by repair, or by service, or by transport plying to the enterprise. Therefore, you should not save on market research. Yes, of course, the work of professionals will be expensive, but before investing 10 million rubles. you need to make sure that the funds will pay off. Local firms specializing in marketing research charge 40,000 rubles for their work, which is a tiny percentage of the total costs of opening a shopping center.

In addition, the site must meet certain requirements. The future shopping center should be located near the road, or at least be clearly visible from the road. In the vicinity it is necessary to have ample parking, if the required area is not available, and the place is very good, then an underground parking will have to be built. The entrance to the building must be convenient, otherwise the tenants will lose customers, and after them the landlord.

We have chosen a free plot in a prestigious residential area, where you can count on high effective demand. The building will be located on one of the main streets of the district. It is planned to build a parking lot next to it.

The construction plans include a low-rise building - 2 floors, with an area of ​​500 m2, of which more than 100 m2 will go to technical rooms and corridors. It can be raised in at least a year. The cost of construction will be 8 million rubles. Another 1,800 thousand rubles. will need to be spent on repairs and finishing work.

Workforce plan

To maintain the premises, we need technical staff - 8 people and a manager, as well as an accountant. The main staff will be involved in public services, so the manager should have experience in this area. The level of salary in this area is low, so we can claim qualified personnel without spending too much on this item. We include 1,600 thousand rubles in the business plan of the shopping center. for pay.

Financial plan

Investments in the enterprise will amount (thousand rubles):

  • construction - 8,000;
  • repair - 1,800;
  • others - 200.

Total: 10,000.

Variable costs for the year (thousand rubles):

  • maintenance, including personnel costs - 3,000;
  • other expenses - 200.

Total: 3,200.

As we can see from the business plan of the shopping and entertainment center, the investment will pay off in a few years.

If none of the business plans suits you, you can order the development of an individual business plan from our specialists, taking into account all the features of your particular project. A business plan or a feasibility study will be developed taking into account all necessary requirements. When ordering the development of a business plan in our company, we guarantee full compliance with all the necessary standards required by the bank or investor for a business plan, feasibility study, marketing research.

Author:Company "BK-Arcadia"
Region: Moscow
Release Date: October 2009
Number of pages: 53
Report language: Russian
Method of submission: Printed form, electronic form.
Price: 21,000 rubles (with updating of calculations 37,000)
Payment: 100% prepayment - 100% prepayment - non-cash | Sberbank | Bank of Moscow
Delivery: In Moscow free of charge, e-mail or express courier

Business plan for the construction of a shopping center: a brief description

(subject of research, main blocks of a business plan)

The shopping center business plan contains the necessary marketing information about the market. Offers one of the options for organizing an enterprise from the moment of organization legal entity until the full return on investment. The business plan provides practical recommendations in obtaining a license and permits from supervisory authorities, recommendations for the construction of a building. A choice of the main range of services is offered, selection necessary equipment, a detailed calculation of the required initial investment with calendar plan, required amount personnel. The calculation of the required space and the necessary equipment and inventory were carried out in accordance with the established recommendations. It also provides a calculation of the payback of the project and other indicators of the project, depending on the projected amount of revenue.

Business plan for the construction of a shopping center: a complete description

(purpose, methods, structure, sources of information, excerpts from the text)

Name of the project: Investment Money in the construction of a shopping center located in the Moscow region.

The essence of the project: Construction of a shopping center in order to generate income from the lease of retail space.

Objective of the project: Ensuring long-term and profitable business growth by renting retail space at competitive prices. Providing quality service through the use of the internal potential of the company.

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise: Society with limited liability(OOO)

Attractiveness: The retail real estate market is actively developing and showing positive growth dynamics. The growth of the retail real estate market is due to an excess of demand over supply, an increase in the welfare of the population and organizations, which leads to the opening of new and expansion of existing areas. Analysis of experts shows that in the coming years the cost and demand for retail real estate will grow by 10 - 25% per year. All these prerequisites make commercial real estate attractive for investment. It should also be noted that retail all over the world is a gigantic multi-million dollar industry. Russian market has huge growth potential. Colossal development dynamics attracts to domestic markets a large number of potential investors.

Description of the investment object:

    Object name: Shopping Center

    Location: Moscow region (sleeping area of ​​Moscow or nearby satellite town)

    Shopping center with a total area of ​​7500 sq.m. (useful area 6150 sq.m.) will be located on a plot with a total area of ​​10,000 sq.m.

    The main activity of the facility is the lease of the existing space for trading activities.

Terms and stages of project implementation: The investment planning period is 15 years. The duration of the project from the moment of registration of the company to the beginning of the lease of premises is estimated by the project at the level of 18 months.

Financial resources necessary for the implementation of the project: 600,000 thousand rubles

Project financing: The project provides for the determination of the necessary funds for the implementation of the project and its subsequent effective functioning. The amount of investment required for the implementation of the project will be directed to the construction of a real estate object with a total area of ​​7500 m2, beautification of the adjacent territory, connection of the building to communications. Also, this amount will include the cost of acquiring furniture, inventory and necessary equipment, as well as current costs until income is received. The specific source and terms of financing were not determined due to the lack of a single profitable investment option.

Tax environment of the project:

  • Income tax - 20%;

    Property tax - 2.2%;

    UST - 26.2%;

    Income tax - 13%.

Project staff: For the functioning of the shopping center, a staff of 15 people is required. The headcount includes the management staff of 2 people ( CEO, Chief Accountant) and service staff numbering 13 people. Also, to ensure the safety of the shopping center, it is necessary to have security guards, however this staff will not be on the staff, but will be attracted by means of an agreement concluded with a private security company.

Economic efficiency assessment:

Table 1. Indicators economic efficiency

Annual discount rate, %10,0%
Net present value (NPV), thousand rublesRUB 86,668,800
Internal rate of return (IRR), %12,87 %
Return on Investment Index (PI)1,089
Payback period (PP), months87.1 months
Discounted payback period (DPP), months139.4 months


The prices indicated in the project are valid for the 4th quarter of 2009. All prices indicated in foreign currency were converted into rubles in accordance with the conventional exchange rate:

    Euro - 43.5 rubles.

    USD USA - 30.0 rubles.

Central Bank refinancing rate Russian Federation- 10% (dated September 30, 2009).

Sources of information and used in the development of a business plan:

1. Regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN, normative base activities of a small business entity.
2. Internet network.
3. Marketing research market conditions, the cost of services were carried out by specialists of BK-Arcadia LLC.
4. Information of statistical and analytical companies

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