What is a work schedule. Calculation of the calendar plan for the production of works and technical and economic indicators for the construction of a multi-storey building. Calculation of the number of reinforced concrete elements, window and gate openings

  • 06.06.2020

Planning is considered an important component effective management projects. The calendar schedule, the main element of planning, visually represents the time frame for execution, sequence, degree of importance and other characteristics of work.

A well-designed calendar schedule allows you to effectively plan and implement the project due to the coordination of the actions of the performers, meeting deadlines.

Main types calendar schedules

Depending on the scope and scale of projects, the following types of schedules are distinguished:

  • The summary table displays the order of project tasks, the start and end dates, the duration of each stage.
  • The object schedule shows the deadlines for the execution of each stage of the plan, broken down by days or months.
  • The work schedule is prepared for a short period of time in the process of project implementation and is an element of operational management.
  • Time schedules (hourly or minute) are usually prepared by task plan developers. Focused on standard external factors, such schedules in the course of project implementation require numerous amendments.

Schedule levels

When scheduling, a system for distributing schedules by levels is used. Usually 4 levels of graphs are used. (project manager)

Level 1 Calendar Schedule:

The first level includes general, not detailed project plans. Larger plans are developed first of all when starting a new project. Data for charts is collected during negotiations with the customer, often he has his own key indicators by project dates, milestones and final goal. By collecting this data, you can create a common roadmap. Only important key events are included in it. The roadmap is updated depending on the total duration of the project, if the duration of your project is five years, then it is enough to update the first level schedule once a year. If there are many key milestones in the roadmap, then it is necessary to determine the update period in such a way that at least one key event falls into it. The roadmap can be developed both by the Customer and the Contractor, but in general, this responsibility lies with the Customer.

Calendar chart2nd level:

After the roadmap for the project is agreed and approved, the stage of detailing up to certain stages begins. Basically, the second level schedule is an annex to the contract between the Customer and the Contractor. The development of the second level schedule is also the responsibility of the Customer, and is submitted for approval to the Contractor, often the milestone schedule is developed by the Contractor based on its resource capabilities. In the plan of the second level, no special detail is needed, it is enough to follow the sequence of project implementation and, in general, determine the scope of work for the project. Updated along with the roadmap.

Calendar chart3rd level:

After the conclusion of the contract, the Contractor prepares a detailed work schedule for the project with more detailed description work within the stage. Those. general stages second-level schedules are detailed by type of work. The duration of work is from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the total duration of the project. If the plan less than a year, then the detail ends here. Although it all depends on the agreements with the Customer.

Calendar chart4th level

Referred to as weekly-daily planning. Updating the plan every day, two, a week, depending on the needs of control. The most time-consuming, costly and accurate method of project control. The updated information from the fourth level chart goes up the hierarchy, and based on this information, all upper charts are updated. Changes at this level can lead to a recalculation of the timing of the entire plan and to a renegotiation of the timing of implementation up to the roadmap.

Schedule development procedure

Creating a calendar schedule contains the following steps:

  • Preparation of a detailed list of all necessary tasks for the project, determination of their volumes.
  • WBS development, that is, a visual representation of the plan in the form of hierarchical interconnected blocks.
  • The choice of methods and technologies used in the implementation of the plan. Calculation of the complexity of the project tasks.
  • Determination of composition project teams. Development network graphics, visually representing the sequence of execution of all tasks.
  • Preparation of data on the duration and possibility of parallel work - development of a Gantt chart.
  • Comparison of the estimated duration of work with the standard, making appropriate adjustments.
  • Development of schedules for the need for resources (in personnel, equipment, materials).
  • Calculation of labor costs.

Typically, the schedule is developed by the project manager, who consults with the experts involved if necessary.

Scheduling Software

The use of special programs allows you to quickly respond to deviations that arise during the implementation of projects.

One of the most popular universal design tools scheduling is the Microsoft Project program. Using MS Project allows you to build a Gantt Chart, assign the required resources to the tasks, determine the time frame for the project and its budget. The schedule made in Project visually displays the workload of personnel with certain tasks.

Software For scheduling, Primavera is mainly used in large-scale projects with increased complexity, in particular in the engineering and construction industries.

  • I. Declaration-application for certification of the quality system II. Initial data for a preliminary assessment of the state of production
  • I. Collective analysis and goal-setting of educational work with the involvement of parents, students, class teachers.
  • I. Medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in hazardous work and in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors
  • On the basis of the calendar schedule, a schedule of the construction process is drawn up with a clear specification of work and performers, with a focus on the capacity of the construction organization, the standard construction time, taking into account compliance with safety regulations and the technological sequence of work.

    For any construction, you can build a large number of feasible schedules, but the main task of scheduling is to draw up an optimal schedule of work according to the accepted criterion for assessing its optimality.

    When developing schedules, the following requirements are imposed:

    1. Compliance with the regulatory deadlines for the construction of individual structures or complexes and the facility as a whole.

    2. Compliance with the sequence of construction of individual structures (complexes) of the planned order of their commissioning.

    3. Linking, calendar deadlines certain types works with climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological and other conditions construction site and with the designed methods of work.

    4. Providing a wide range of work with parallel execution of their various types.

    5. Ensuring uniform loading of construction machines, mechanisms and equipment at the facility.

    6. Ensuring a uniform need for labor by profession and in general at the facility.

    7. Ensuring a uniform demand for building materials, products, energy resources, etc.

    The initial data for drawing up a calendar plan for the production of works are:

    1. Established volumes by types of work and by their nomenclature.

    2. Accepted methods of production of works, types and brands of machines and mechanisms intended for use.

    3. Established features of the performance of work in connection with the conditions of the construction area (climate, geology, floods, etc.)

    4. Established norms for the production of workers and the need for labor (in man-days)

    5. Establishing the productivity of the selected machines and determining the need for them (machine-shifts).

    To build a calendar plan for the production of works, it is necessary:

    1 - make a list of all works and combine them into consecutive technological processes(cycles);

    2 - determine the scope of these works in the appropriate units of measurement;

    3 - determine the labor intensity (in man-days) of work by dividing the volume of work by the standard output.

    The name (list) of works (Appendix E) is compiled in the technological sequence of their implementation. At the same time, the works are grouped according to their types and periods of execution. This is done to make the schedule concise and more readable.

    The main construction machines (column 5, Appendix E) are planned based on the number of machine shifts required to complete all work on the facility (columns 6, 7, Appendix E). Based on these data, schedules are drawn up for the construction needs in machines, indicating the start and completion dates for each mechanism.

    The total duration of the construction of facilities is determined by the formula:

    T \u003d T p + T o + T s, (38)

    where T is the total construction period, days; T p - the period of preparatory work, days; T about - the duration of the main period, days; T z - the duration of the final period, days.

    The execution time is determined individual works for structures (column 10).

    The number of workers per shift (column 12) is determined in accordance with the complexity and duration of work.

    The number of workers per shift can be found by the formula (column 12):

    According to the duration of the operation of the leading machine T mech, the volume V of the work assigned to the link, and the planned shift of work m, the quantitative composition of each link is determined (column 13):

    P sv \u003d V sv / T mech s (39)

    The quantitative composition of the brigade N br =

    The number of workers by profession and category:

    N br \u003d N br * d,

    where d- specific gravity labor costs by profession and category in the total labor intensity of work.

    The number of workers is assumed to be equal to the composition of the link per shift. If the work does not fit within the scheduled time, then the number of workers per shift (composition, foremen) is taken as a multiple of the number of members of the link (increase the number of links by two or three or more times), but not more than the average daily number of workers for one-shift work or half - for two-shift (H cf).

    The duration of work can be increased by 10-15% against the calculated, i.e. a shift time utilization factor of 0.9-0.85 is provided.

    For mechanized work, the number of machines is taken (column 7). The duration of mechanized work (column 10) is determined by the dependence:

    T fur (40)

    where M is the number of machine shifts; K - accepted number of cars; C - accepted shift of work.

    If the duration of the work is known, then the number of machines is determined as follows (column 7):

    Determination of the productivity of machines - actual and normative (columns 8 and 9).

    The standard performance will be:

    Actual performance will be:

    The required productivity of machines in technologically related operations should be the same or differ, but by more than 10-15%.

    The product of the standard productivity of machines by their number should correspond to the required productivity.

    For work performed manually or using machines on support operations, the duration of work (column 10) is determined by the formula:

    where Tch - the complexity of the work; B - the number of workers per shift.

    Completing the work schedule. In accordance with the accepted technological and organizational sequence, lines are drawn against the relevant works. The length of the line in millimeters (taking into account the scale), must correspond to the duration of the work (column 10) with the addition of the quantity non-working days for this period.

    Above the line indicate the number of workers per day, and below it - the number of working days. The column "Schedule of works" should cover the entire calendar period of construction. It is allowed to take the duration of all months for 30 days.

    The first line is written: Preparatory work". Volumes and resources are not indicated, but a line is drawn in the work graph from the start of the construction period to the start date of the main period.

    Development of a schedule for the movement of machines and workers on the construction site. On the basis of the calendar plan (its right part), they draw up a schedule for the movement of workers by profession. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the quantitative composition of workers with a certain profession remains constant throughout the entire period of construction. If this cannot be achieved, then the best option is such when the "peaks" and "troughs" in the schedule of movement of workers do not exceed 10-15%.

    Drawing up a schedule for the movement of workers is caused by the need to calculate the area of ​​temporary structures (cloakrooms, a canteen, rooms for heating workers, etc.).

    Under the column "Schedule of work" of the calendar plan, a time axis is drawn on the same scale and perpendicular to it - the axis of the number of workers on the accepted scale. Then they transfer from the work schedule the start and end of work and the number of workers, superimposing them sequentially from the start of construction to completion (Figure 16).

    The quality of building a calendar schedule is assessed by the coefficient of uneven movement of workers:

    Kn = Nmax/Ncp< 1,5,

    where Nmax - maximum amount workers per shift in construction, people; Ncp - number of workers equal to W/T; W - the amount of labor costs (column 4); T - the duration of construction according to the calendar plan, days.

    If there are sharp drops on the schedule of the movement of workers or K n does not satisfy the boundary conditions, then the schedule is corrected.

    Figure 16 - Schedule of movement of workers:

    Before adjustment; ---------- after adjustment.

    Drawing up a schedule for the use of machines. In the column "Average daily number of machines" of Table 5, the start and end dates of work from the "Schedule of Work" of the calendar plan are transferred, writing the number of machines above the line, and below the line - the number of working days for the calendar period of work.

    This article describes the scheduling of a contract for construction and installation work between the Owner and the Contractor. It means that project documentation already developed, it probably already has a schedule - see the construction organization project (COS), but this schedule is not always suitable for the implementation of the project (for example, the actual delivery time of equipment, etc. is not taken into account).
    The construction of an object very often takes a long time (sometimes several years), the start of some work depends on the completion of others, therefore, in order to control the timely completion of individual stages of construction and the commissioning of the object on time, a work schedule is drawn up.

    Sample of drawing up a schedule for the construction of a residential building

    The schedule is tied to real numbers and dates, so the construction start date must be known exactly. In the construction organization project (POS) there is a section on the duration of construction - we take the duration from there. For example 12 months. We break the sheet so that all 12 months fit.
    Then we take the estimate documentation, we count the number of estimates. How many estimates, so many lines. We enter the name of the work for which the estimate was made (for example, "general construction work" or "heating of a residential building", taking into account the sequence of work. For each type of work, we also enter estimated cost and labor intensity.
    To determine the sequence of each type of work, you need to think. The laying of external networks and other earthworks is best done when the ground is not frozen. Landing perennial herbs, shrubs and trees at the end of construction and in the warm season. Asphalt concrete pavement until frost. Finishing work in winter they depend on heating. If the heating is from gas boilers, then the gas networks must be completed.
    It is also necessary to indicate the dates of the start-up and adjustment works (CW) in the schedule. The time of their implementation depends on the completion of the installation of equipment, networks and systems requiring commissioning, usually this is the end of construction.
    In the schedule, the last month is conventionally allocated for the commissioning of the facility. This is the time to eliminate imperfections, complete all work, remove temporary buildings and structures, carry out acceptance committee etc.

    The duration of individual stages of work in the schedule.

    To determine the duration of the stage, it is necessary to know the complexity. Labor intensity is the amount of labor time spent on the production of a unit of output. For example: manual soil development with a volume of 400 m3, labor intensity of 500 people. - days. The duration of the stage (days) is equal to the labor intensity / number of people. This means that 1 person will dig 400 m3 of soil for 500 days, and 10 people for 50 days, and 50 people for 10 days.
    The amount of labor input for the schedule is taken from the corresponding estimate. Here, too, you need to think, if the work with great labor intensity is performed on the chart in 2 days, then this is not entirely correct. And vice versa, work with a small labor intensity on the graph is shown to take 8 months, and considering it turns out that 0.5 excavator does it, this is also not entirely true.

    The cost of individual stages of work in the schedule.

    The contract between the Customer and the Contractor usually provides for penalties for failure to meet the deadlines for work under the contract, the annex to which is the work schedule. For each stage, the schedule indicates the cost, start date and end date of the work. The amount of the fine is calculated depending on the number of days of delay and the cost of this stage of work (the calculation of the amount of the fine is carried out in accordance with the contract).

    Sample production schedule

    When a business receives a construction order, it needs to plan organizational arrangements. All stages of work and supervision of their implementation must be clearly defined and scheduled. Read more about how the construction schedule is drawn up.


    The calendar plan for the construction work is a document that establishes the sequence, the relationship of time and deadlines for completing tasks. It is developed according to the norms and rules at the drawing stage. design organization POS. Then it is supplemented by a production plan drawn up by the contractor.

    The goals of planning are:

    • justification of the duration of construction;
    • determination of the terms for putting the elements of the complex into operation;
    • calculation of the duration of work;
    • determination of the size of capital investments, the list of tasks;
    • calculation of terms of delivery of materials and equipment;
    • definition required amount personnel and types of equipment.

    Let's take a closer look at how to make a calendar plan.


    1. A list and scope of work is compiled.
    2. The choice of production methods is carried out.
    3. The standard labor intensity is calculated.
    4. Brigades are formed.
    5. The sequence of tasks execution is determined.
    6. The estimate is calculated.
    7. Intersections of works are determined.
    8. The calculated need for personnel and time is adjusted taking into account the standards.
    9. A schedule is drawn up for the provision of basic resources (workers, machines and mechanisms) and the supply of materials, structures and semi-finished products.

    The development of the calendar plan is carried out on the basis of:

    1. Adopted threading construction.
    2. Standards for the duration of work.
    3. Technical maps, working documentation and estimates.
    4. Data about the participants, the composition of the teams, the available equipment, material resources.


    The calendar plan, an example of which is presented below, consists of a calculated (left) and graphic (right) parts.

    The first part contains the following information:

    1. Enumeration and volumes of works.
    2. Labor intensity, time costs, calculated according to the standards.
    3. The efficiency of the equipment in 2 shifts. Breaks, downtime, changing locations should be minimized.
    4. The duration of mechanized and manual work.
    5. The maximum number of persons employed in production.
    6. Number of shifts: equipment is involved in two shifts, and personnel - in one.

    The graph on the right side clearly reflects the progress of work, their sequence, linkage. The deadlines are set based on the standards.


    First, all measures are taken to ensure the rhythmic conduct of construction. Personnel is recruited, materials, machinery and equipment are purchased in the right quantity. The method of erection of the building is determined, the sequence of works is developed, their duration in time.

    When choosing a method of building a building, you need to consider and discuss the following points:

    • the need to strengthen the walls of the pit;
    • method of supplying concrete, laying walls;
    • type of building;
    • the complexity of the drawings;
    • volumes of events;
    • soil survey data;
    • location of the construction site, transport links;
    • availability of space for equipment;
    • special conditions;
    • restrictions of the local administration, for example, the presence of architectural monuments nearby.

    The structure, the procedure for performing work in the preparatory period depends on the technology, local conditions. On-site work includes installation of tasks, development of the area, activities that ensure the start, development of construction:

    • creation of a reference geodetic network;
    • clearing the territory;
    • demolition of unnecessary buildings;
    • terrain planning;
    • installation of surface water runoff;
    • installation of permanent and temporary roads;
    • transfer and installation of new networks to supply workers with water and electricity;
    • installation of temporary structures;
    • communication device for construction management.

    Duration of work

    The construction time of the building consists of segments of the duration of the individual works. Some events may overlap with each other. This is called an intersection. For example, it is possible to carry out reinforcement and mount the formwork of the basement floor after the erection of part of the walls. The construction schedule must take into account these intersections.

    To calculate the time required to complete all tasks, you need to divide the structure into sections. The list of works is divided into steps for the manufacture of individual elements, information about the volume and cost of resources. Depending on the length of the day and the number of workers, the time required for the construction of the element is determined. The sum of the terms of all works is the period of construction of the building. If the duration specified in the contract is shorter, the desired result can be achieved by extending the working day or increasing the number of staff.

    Time representation

    Drawing up a calendar plan provides for a graphic representation of work. The most commonly used beam scheme. Time segments are displayed in the form of beams: horizontal - days and weeks, vertical - segments of the construction of the building.

    The path-time diagram is used to display specific construction tasks, such as the construction of roads, tunnels. The horizontal axis is called the track axis, and the vertical axis is called the time axis. Using the chart, you can calculate progress, the period of time between groups of work.

    Sometimes a network plan is used. Each segment is displayed on the time axis. In this case, the earliest and latest completion time of the work is shown - the "critical path". The plan is drawn up using a computer.


    The calendar plan for the production of works depends on the congestion of the roads. Due to heavy traffic, the deadlines for completing the task may be extended. And the point is not only in the timely delivery of material and equipment, but also in the soundproofing of the territory. The construction site must be connected to transport links. It is necessary to use the street network as much as possible. Temporary, most often bypass roads are additionally laid on it.

    At the adjacent sites, it is necessary to provide means for the safety of road and pedestrian traffic. Restrictive tapes, new road markings, a place for storing materials should be installed: horizontal, dry, with a bearing capacity, accessible to vehicles. In such places, masonry stones, rebar, sand, gravel, formwork elements are located, which are then moved with a crane.


    Name Volume Expenses
    Equipment Term, days Number of shifts population
    brigade Operating schedule
    Unit rev. Qty Man-days Naim. Number
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Responsible __________________________________________

    Let us consider in more detail how the production schedule is filled out.

    The first column indicates the list of activities and periods (preparatory, main) of their implementation in the technological sequence. Next, the number of works, the need for human (person / day) and machine resources, calculated in accordance with the GESN standards, are indicated.

    Cars are selected first technical parameters(digging depth, lifting capacity, bucket capacity, etc.) and then by economic cost. Depending on the volume and terms of work, the need for equipment is calculated.

    Let's calculate the need for mechanized work (M / R).

    M / R \u003d Km: (Ko x Ks x K), where:

    • Km - the number of machine shifts.
    • Ko - the amount of equipment (6).
    • Кс is the number of shifts per day (8).
    • K - coefficient of overfulfillment of output (1.05-1.25).

    The duration of manual work is determined by dividing labor costs in people / days. on the product of the number of employees, the number of shifts and the overfulfillment ratio (1.05-1.25). That is, the previous formula is used, only the numbers from column 4 of the plan are substituted into the numerator.

    Number of workers

    This indicator is determined depending on the complexity. The composition of the brigade is calculated according to the following rule: the transition between the captures should not affect the number and qualifications of the composition. Algorithm:

    • a set of works for a particular team is determined (column 1);
    • labor intensity is calculated (column 4);
    • labor costs by profession are excluded;
    • recommendations on combining professions are taken into account;
    • the duration of the process is set;
    • the size of the brigade is calculated.

    The complex of works of the brigade consists of the operations necessary for the smooth operation of the main machine. For example, the construction of the visible part of the houses is carried out in two cycles. In parallel with the installation, joinery and carpentry work is carried out to prepare the building for painting.

    In order for the number of workers in the brigade (N) to correspond to the productivity of the main machine, a calculation is made based on the duration of the work:

    N = Q: T, where:

    • Q - labor costs (man-days).
    • T is the duration of the process.

    Nuances of counting

    The equipment operates in two shifts, and handmade performed in one. The number of employees is determined by the composition of the team (10). In column 11, work performed in one shift is indicated by one line, for 2 shifts - by two. Above them indicate the number of drivers and shifts: 2 x 1. Then the standard period is compared with the real one. It is important that the approved schedule matches the actual one.

    The calendar plan is estimated by the coefficient of non-uniform movement (Kr):

    Kp = Nm: Nav, where:

    • Nm is the maximum number of workers.
    • Nav is the average number of employed persons.

    If Kr<1,5, то календарный план считается удовлетворительным.


    The calendar plan contains a visual display of the progress of work. The sequence depends on the specific decisions. For example, the method of laying electrical networks is determined by the stages of plastering and painting. Hidden electrical wiring is installed before finishing the room, open - before plastering. It is also necessary to provide technological breaks.

    Of great importance is the period of the year and the area of ​​construction. In the summer, you need to do earthen, concrete, reinforced concrete work. During this period, their labor intensity and cost decrease. If the decoration falls on the autumn-winter period, then up to this point it is necessary to complete the glazing and installation of heating. To reduce construction time, you can concentrate on parallel and cross-work. But you need to follow the rules of labor protection.

    Scheduling begins with the main process, on which the entire duration depends. The time to complete the work can be reduced by increasing the estimate and the number of personnel. Depending on the time of the year, the plan, the complexity of the tasks, several processes can be distinguished.

    All other works are divided into two groups: performed in parallel and separately. The first group includes plumbing, electrical, plastering. The deadline is tied to the main process, the number of captures is set. Time for the execution of the second group of works is assigned during periods of downtime.


    Construction master plan design

    In this section, justify the size of the construction site, indicate the type of temporary fencing. Justify the choice of storage sites for materials and structures, the need for their reloading (if any), the location of temporary on-site roads with their characteristics, type of pavement, type of foundation, width of the carriageway, radius of curvature of roads. Justify the adopted scheme of traffic, note the method of laying temporary communications (power lines, water supply, sewerage, telephone). Indicate the method of heating temporary buildings and heating water in the shower.

    Particularly carefully justify the zones of restrictions on the operation of the crane. If any, then indicate the type of restriction (mechanical or free) and its designation during day and night at the construction site. Note other fundamental features of the design of the SGP, if any.

    The calendar plan for the construction of an object is designed to determine the sequence and timing of work during the construction of an object.

    When drawing up a calendar plan, it is necessary to take into account: the construction deadline; technological sequence of work; maximum overlap in time of certain types of work; performance of work by leading construction machines in two or three shifts; even distribution of workers; compliance with labor protection and safety regulations.

    The order of development of the calendar plan is as follows:

    A list (nomenclature) of works is compiled;

    In accordance with the nomenclature for each type of work, their volumes are determined;

    The choice of production methods for the main works and leading machines is made;

    The normative machine and labor input is calculated;

    The technological sequence of work is determined;

    Established work shifts;

    The duration of work and their combination are determined, the number of performers and shifts are adjusted;

    The estimated duration is compared with the normative one, and adjustments are made;

    The calendar chart consists of the left tabular part and the right graphic part. The tabular part of the graph has the following form (Table 10).

    Table 10 - Schedule

    Vertical columns (the graphic part of the plan) must correspond to 5 or 10 calendar days for a construction period of more than 6 months and 5 days for a construction period of less than 6 months. The lines separating months and years should be highlighted.

    Columns 1 ... 9 of the calendar plan are filled out on the basis of the statement of labor costs, the need for mechanisms and materials (table 3).

    Determination of the duration of work (column 10) and the number of shifts (column 11).

    First, the duration of mechanized work is set, the rhythm of which determines all scheduling, and then the duration of manual work is calculated.

    The duration of the mechanized work T mech., days, is determined by the formula:

    The number of shifts is reflected in column 11. When using the main machines (mounting cranes, excavators), the number of shifts is taken at least two. The shift of work performed manually and with the help of a mechanized tool depends on the front of the work and the workforce. The number of shifts is also determined by the requirements of the project (continuous concreting, etc.) and the target dates for the construction of the facility.

    The number of workers per shift and the composition of the team are determined in accordance with the complexity and duration of work. When calculating the composition of the brigade, based on the fact that the transition from one capture to another should not cause changes in the numerical and qualification composition, taking this into account, the most rational combination of professions in the brigade is established. The calculation of the composition of the brigade is carried out in the following order:

    ü a set of works entrusted to the brigade is outlined;

    ü the labor intensity of the works included in the complex is calculated;

    ü selected from the calculation of labor costs by profession and category of workers;

    ü the numerical composition of the units and the brigade is calculated; the professional and qualification composition of the brigade is determined.

    The quantitative composition of each link n stars is determined on the basis of labor costs for the work assigned to the link, Q p, people-d and the duration of the leading process T fur., days according to the formula:

    n star \u003d Q p / (T fur × m). (34)

    The quantitative composition of the brigade is determined by summing up the number of workers of all units of the brigade.

    It is necessary to strive for a constant number of workers at the facility. A change in their number is allowed up to 20%. It should take into account the maximum combination of work in time, the technological sequence, grouping into one complex "work" several works performed by one team. For example, brickwork, installation of lintels, floor slabs, balcony slabs, flights of stairs, sanitary cabins.

    The list of works in the calendar schedule must be no less than that given in Appendix A. Data for each type of work is indicated in a horizontal column; all columns are made with the same width and are drawn until the end of the schedule (completion date).

    It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to plan the following works for the winter period:

    o exterior finishing works;

    o roll roofing;

    o landscaping (road pavement) and landscaping;

    o internal finishing works before starting the heating system;

    o a fragment of trenches, pits (later November).

    Planned earthworks in winter should be specifically justified in section 2.3 of the explanatory note.

    Under the right side of the calendar plan, a schedule of movement of workers is performed in the form of a diagram.

    The schedule of the need for construction machines and mechanisms is performed in the lower left part of the sheet in the form of table 11 based on the statement of labor costs, the need for mechanisms and materials and the timing of the work according to the calendar schedule.

    Table 11 - Statements of the need for machines and mechanisms

    In the lower left part of the sheet in the form of table 12, the technical and economic indicators of the calendar plan are also given.

    Table 12 - Technical and economic indicators of the calendar plan

    The following TEP values ​​​​should be entered in the table.

    Construction duration taken according to the calendar plan and compared with the deadlines established by SNiP 1.04.03-85. The duration of construction and installation work according to SNiP 1.04.03-85 is determined by excluding the duration of equipment installation from the total duration of construction in months.

    The duration of construction is expressed by a coefficient determined by the formula:

    where T rpr- the total labor intensity for the construction of the facility, adopted according to the calendar plan;

    V- the amount of work at this facility, expressed in relevant indicators (for example, 1 m 3 of a building).

    Average output:

    where N max- the maximum number of workers according to the calendar schedule;

    N Wed- the average number of workers;

    N cf \u003d T rpr / P rf. (39)

    The coefficient of uneven movement of workers should not exceed 1.5 ... 2.