Key performance indicators of adaptation. Criteria for the effectiveness of adaptation of personnel in the organization. The Human Resources Department keeps records of the number of employees at the enterprise and employs people. The final decision is made by the director

  • 12.12.2019

Adaptation can and should be managed, first of all, to minimize damage to both production and workers. On the example of the experience of the ZSMK company, we will consider the features of managing the personnel reserve, because when an employee from his staff is appointed to a managerial position, it is adaptation that becomes the final stage in the preparation of a manager.

Everything's under control

The adaptation of the management personnel deserves special attention. In this process, the following main problems arise:

1. Restrictions due to age characteristics. The least difficulty arises with two models: “equal among equals”; senior, authoritative manager and young team. It is especially difficult for a young leader who finds himself in a unit where people have rallied over the years of work. Then distrust on the part of subordinates or even provocation of the conflict is likely.

2. Non-optimal ratio of knowledge levels. The lack of the necessary balance of knowledge between the boss and subordinates reduces the efficiency of the work process and causes misunderstanding among the team.

3. Difficulties in organizing succession and transfer of power. When a new manager takes office, his independence at the first stage is limited. Often this happens if the former manager is still in the management or has the ability to significantly influence the newcomer. The easiest way to adapt is to the successor of the boss who did not enjoy great authority among colleagues and subordinates, but it is more difficult to compete with the "star". The personnel service needs to take into account that the departing managers, wanting to be remembered as strong managers, recommend workers with much less abilities than themselves to their place.

4. Strengthened administration. As a rule, due to his incomplete understanding of the management system at the enterprise, a beginner activates work in this area. The result is obvious - the resistance of the collective.

5. Natural alertness of subordinates. Employees do not know what to expect from a new leader.

6. Envy and alienation of "former" colleagues. These phenomena are raised to a power if the newly minted boss, when he was an ordinary worker, did not enjoy authority among his colleagues. Most likely, he openly demonstrated a desire for career growth, perhaps he showed some organizational skills.

7. Insufficient understanding of the situation in the unit. A beginner is sure to fail if he does not orient himself in the internal relationships in the team. For example, you can enlist the support of an employee who temporarily performed the duties of a boss before him.

8. Expectations of others. It is necessary to selectively and thoughtfully take into account the interests of subordinates and superiors.

A significant part of the problems considered can be solved by creating a system of purposeful work with continuity by the personnel service. At the same time, it is necessary to determine a strategy for managing the personnel reserve of managers, to draw up a complex normative documents governing its organization, formation and development, enlist the support of the heads of the company.

Experts offer the following technology of secondary adaptation when an employee is promoted to a managerial position:

  • education, participation in competitions and trainings;
  • study of theoretical issues of management and regulatory documentation;
  • interaction with the curator (getting used to the role of a manager, getting to know fellow bosses, clients, senior management, implementing an induction program);
  • practical activities without a mentor according to a formed plan (with specific goals and objectives), internship in a position.

However, adaptation is not a “thing in itself”. In addition to the methods of its implementation, it is important to evaluate its results, especially when it comes to the highest level of personnel.

Indicators related to adaptation goals and objectives

Currently, only three types of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of adaptation are used: professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological. This, however, is not enough to comprehensively determine the results of this process: the criteria by which it is possible to quantification, should be "in conjunction" with the goals and objectives of adaptation. Let's take a look at these metrics.

An indicator of the assessment of start-up costs for the period. When selecting, one should carefully analyze the professional knowledge and skills of the candidate, correlating them with the requirements of the vacancy, and when introducing an employee to a position, minimize additional costs (mainly for training). The indicator is calculated by the formula:

where Z training. fact actual expenses for the training of the appointed manager, rub.;
З training - the costs necessary for its preparation in accordance with the requirements of internal regulatory documents, rub.

Another task of adaptation is to reduce the turnover of assigned personnel and analyze its causes. Calculation the turnover rate of new managers from the personnel reserve must be carried out in accordance with the adaptation periods: up to 1 month, up to 6 months, up to 1 year.

High turnover at the stage up to 1 month indicates an unfinished adaptation process. The core of the problem may lie both in the shortcomings of the initial briefing, and in the mismatch of the skills and abilities of the employee with the requirements of the vacancy.

The reasons for the high turnover in the period up to 6 months are difficulties in establishing communication links with colleagues or a mismatch between the newcomer's expectations and his capabilities.

If employees leave the enterprise en masse after the first year of work (there are such examples), this may be due not only to poor organization of adaptation, but also to insufficient material motivation.

An indicator of the concern and uncertainty of the adaptable worker. The most preferable situation is when this criterion for newly minted bosses tends to zero by the end of adaptation (the overall performance of the unit reaches the level that was under the previous leader, or exceeds it) tends to zero. Assessed through a questionnaire.

The indicator of the time spent by the environment of the adaptable employee (boss, colleagues and subordinates) on his counseling related to the introduction to new position or lack of professional experience in the performance of the main job. Reducing this time is one of the goals of adaptation. The example presented in the table shows that the appointment of an untrained reservist increases the costs of this type by an average of 32%, and an employee not from the reserve - by 48% in relation to the time spent when appointing a trained reservist.

Indicators determined by research

Satisfaction with the results of their own activities. It is established by questioning a beginner. Adaptation is effective if this factor is close to 100%.

An indicator of the opinion of the environment. The impression made by the employee is proposed to be assessed using surveys of people who are part of the environment of the adapted manager. The indicator is calculated by the formula:

where N nop - the number of positive reviews about the manager for the period;
N op is the total number of reviews about the manager for the period.

The ability to join the team can be assessed by questioning the subordinates of the new leader. In this case, the indicator of the level of his perception is calculated by the formula:

where N A - the number of employees who associate the new leader with their workforce according to the results of the survey;
N O - the total number of team members who participated in the survey.

An indicator of loyalty of an adaptable leader, which indicates the commitment to the philosophy of the organization, calculated by the formula:

where N PL - the number of answers to the questions of the questionnaire, confirming the loyalty of the head;
N General - the total number of answers to the questions of the questionnaire, aimed at studying the loyalty of the leader.

The indicator of satisfaction with the quality of work is calculated by the formula:

where N Y is the number of answers to the questions of the questionnaire, confirming the manager's satisfaction with the quality of work;
N General - the total number of responses to the questionnaire about satisfaction with the quality of work.

Indicators based on the data of accounting and reporting documentation

It is also possible to quantify the effectiveness of adaptation on the basis of information from accounting and reporting documentation.

The indicator of the fulfillment of the job description, violations of technology is calculated by the formula:

where N violated - the actual number of violations of the job description and technology by the adaptable manager for the period;
N cf. violations - the average number of violations of job description and technology by managers of a similar level in the enterprise who have passed the adaptation period.

The best option is to compare N violations with the average number of violations by managers of the same level in the structural unit under consideration.

The indicator of the quality of the work performed can be estimated by the formula:

where NAR - the number of fixed units of products, services that do not meet the standards, from the adaptable leader;
N PR - the number of fixed units of such products, services from the previous boss.

It is possible to compare with the average level of inappropriate products among managers who have undergone adaptation.

In addition, indicators of the amount of work, labor productivity are analyzed by comparing the actual values ​​with the planned ones. You can also use the planned indicators of the previous leader (or similar teams, shifts, sections, units).

Interest in work is assessed according to criteria such as willingness to work overtime, take initiative, contribute rationalization proposals to participate in the social life of the team. An example of a criterion that allows you to quantify the attitude of staff to work is the level of absenteeism. Most often, it is defined as the total number of lost working days (or hours) or as the frequency of absences of an employee from work (both for good and for no good reason).

A significant indicator of the adaptation process is the desire of the appointed manager to improve skills and professional growth. The assessment in this case can be carried out according to the following criteria.

The indicator of participation in training events (seminars, conferences, competitions on the specifics labor activity). Calculated according to the formula:

where N part - the actual number of cases of participation of the appointed leader in learning events for the period;
N events - the number of events held during the period, recommended by the personnel service, which the manager could visit, but did not take part in them for reasons not related to production activities.

The indicator of advanced training in the course of optional training is calculated by the formula:

where N PK - the actual number of advanced training programs for the appointed manager for the period (optional training), taking into account the activities that the adaptee missed for reasons related to production needs;
N 3PK - the number of planned (but optional) advanced training programs for the period of adaptation of the appointed manager.

An indicator of professional growth that allows you to quantify the degree of success career advancement as a result of adaptation, is calculated by the formula:

where N Y is the number of managers who, after adaptation, received an increase in wages or were transferred to a higher position;
N Total - the total number of managers who underwent adaptation.

Obviously, the adaptation of the future leader is the final stage in the personnel reserve management system. And the effectiveness of adaptation depends on how it functioned at the previous stages, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of the entire personnel management system.

Expert opinion

Galina Pogodina,
IVECO HR Director in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Technology for calculating the effectiveness of adaptation of managers

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The goals of LLC "StroyExpansiya":

5) modernization of StroyExpansiya LLC with an investment of 100,000 rubles. management adaptation personnel foreign

6) restoration of the facade of the building LLC "StroyExpansiya"

7) carrying out appropriate measures for environmental protection

8) increase in revenue from the sale of services;

9) holding marketing research needs of consumers of construction services;

10) advanced training of all employees related to the provision of services and work with clients;

11) reduction in staff turnover.

The main goal of LLC "StroyExpansiya" is to increase the volume of work, namely: to increase the volume of construction services by 2010 by 25% of the 2009 level.

Table 6 Life goals and employee criteria


Value of indicators (%)

1. Health and performance

Health diagnostics, weight, height, good nutrition, wellness complex, sports achievements, sick time, alcohol consumption, smoking cessation

2. Professional knowledge and skills

Average prof. education, higher prof. education, professional development, professional retraining, new profession (qualification)

3. Work and professional advancement

Career planning, change of profession (position), promotion, small business, opening a new business, duration of work. days, quality of working life

4. Social benefits and guarantees

Financial assistance for vacation, payment sick leave, life insurance, travel expenses, sabbatical, annual leave, retirement time, pension and benefits

5. Material well-being (position)

Year. business income, wages (salary, tariff), property, income taxes, consumer spending, cash accumulation (bank, houses)

6. Family and relatives

Marital status, family structure and size, distribution of household responsibilities, improvement of family climate and equality, upbringing of children and grandchildren, relationships with relatives

9. Relationships with other people

Famous, influential people, friends, neighbors, business partners, management, colleagues, subordinates

10. Public life position

Political party, state institutions, social activity, ethics of business relations, attitude to religion, belonging to the social. group, government awards and titles

Let's break this strategic long-term goal into short-term and medium-term goals. Then the increase in sales volumes up to 2010 by 25% will be carried out due to the following:

1) From the beginning of 2010, hire the required workers and specialists and conduct training and retraining of personnel in construction specialties.

2) Attract new consumer firms with the quality of products.

3) Conducting effective marketing research. Develop an advertising base and flexible working conditions with buyers to attract at the expense of best quality services compared to other firms, new consumer firms.

Figure 8 shows a list of tasks that need to be carried out to achieve the goal of LLC "StroyExpansiya" to increase the volume of sales of goods. The goal is the foundation for setting key corporate goals that top management should aim to achieve.

Hosted at

Figure 8 - The tree of goals of LLC "StroyExpansiya"

The tasks facing StroyExpansiya LLC:

Introduction of new forms and methods of management;

Improving the effectiveness of marketing;

Reduced production costs;

Reduction of accounts receivable - accounts payable;

Share increase own funds in current assets at the expense of a part of the consumption fund and the implementation of short-term financial investments;

Sale of surplus equipment, materials, work in progress, finished products based on inventory;

Other activities.

The following activities can be considered as measures aimed at obtaining an enterprise in the future:

Increase in sales volume;

Search for new sources of income;

Reducing the cost of repairs, downtime due to the fault of employees;

Application the latest technologies and technology;

Improving the qualifications of employees;

Studying the needs of consumers.

Responsible for the implementation of these tasks and executors are officials enterprises.

The philosophy of the organization is a set of intra-company principles and rules for the relationship of personnel, a kind of system of values ​​and beliefs, perceived voluntarily or in the process of education by all the personnel of the organization.

source documents organizations for the development of philosophy are: the Constitution (basic law), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code Russian Federation, collective agreement, experience of the best enterprises and organizations in the industry.

Any production is focused primarily on economic efficiency in its core business. The company's social policy is aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for the efficient work of employees and a favorable social environment in the region.

The employee is guaranteed, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Pension provision, payment of sick leaves;

the right to protection and safe working conditions;

the right to leave (minimum - 28 working days);

the right to education (tuition and student holidays are paid);

the right to fair remuneration;

Promotions and prohibitions:


The initiative of employees aimed at increasing the income of the organization from all types of activities;

reduction of costs for construction services

· professional development of employees;

· attraction of creative employees.

The company attaches great importance to the development of corporate culture, sponsorship and charitable activities. Days of the Builder, Days of the Elderly, Days of Quality are held.

It is forbidden:

disclosure of information - commercial and official secrets

use of material assets of the organization for personal and selfish purposes;

Drinking alcohol and appearing at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Qualities of an employee acceptable in the organization:


hard work;



entrepreneurial spirit;



· attentiveness;

The ability to accept criticism

· decency;

· honesty.

Unacceptable: indiscipline, irresponsibility.

Further training of employees related to the requirements for the position and profession is the most important task HR department services.

Working conditions:

equipment modern equipment, technique;

comfort, convenience.

2.2 Indicators of production and economic activity

Indicators of production economic activity enterprises used in economic and organizational research are linked into a system. The central place in this system is assigned to the indicator of the volume of production, which determines the amount of the enterprise's income and characterizes the effect of production. Planning the output of products, a well-founded forecast of growth rates and proportions, certain types of products for the future, is of exceptional importance. The volume of contract work is one of the main indicators characterizing the activity construction organizations performing work under a contract. It is defined as the cost of construction and installation works, capital and maintenance, as well as other contract work performed under general, direct and subcontracting agreements at the expense of various sources of financing.

Construction is an industry with a long production cycle, and therefore the cost of its products is taken into account as they are produced, and not completed. The cost of construction products is determined as the cost of construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures carried out by contract or economic means, as well as the cost of construction of individual residential buildings. The commissioning of fixed assets is the main indicator of the final result of construction activities and represents the cost of construction projects fully completed and put into operation in the reporting period.

Profit is a general indicator of the economic activity of the enterprise. Consider the main technical and economic indicators of LLC "StroyExpansiya" in table 7.

Table 7 Main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise


Growth rate 2009 in % to 2007

Growth rate 2009 in %

Revenue from sales, work performed

(services rendered), excluding VAT ths. rub.

Cost of goods sold, work performed, thousand rubles

Gross profit. thousand roubles.

Selling expenses

Profit (loss) from sales.

Management expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Net profit (loss) of the reporting period


Average number of employees, pers.

average salary

Labor productivity, thousand rubles/person

From table 7 it follows that the growth rate of sales revenue in 2009. in relation to 2008 and by 2007 dropped sharply. This is due to the increase in competitors in the construction services market, as well as the general financial crisis that has engulfed the whole world and the construction business in particular.

The profitability of an enterprise is the ratio of the amount of profit to the cost of services rendered. It shows how profitable the company's activity is, this indicator shows us how much profit falls on one ruble invested in current assets.

Analyzing table 7, we can conclude that the profitability of StroyExpansiya LLC in 2009 is higher than in 2007, although compared to 2008 it decreased by 5%. Sales revenue also declined in 2009.

Thus, from table 7 we see that 2008 was the most successful for the organization. In 2009 deterioration in all respects. In an attempt to improve the current situation, the management decided to increase the staff and hire more qualified personnel to improve the quality of the services offered.

Labor productivity for the analyzed period also decreased. The most active influence on labor productivity and the organization of the technological process is exerted by technological equipment and mechanization means.

The main components of the fleet of special equipment are shown in Table 8.

When analyzing the technical condition of the equipment, one should consider what measures are taken at the enterprise to replace obsolete, unsuitable for modernization equipment, i.e. what is the renewal ratio. The higher this coefficient, the more updated the equipment.

Table 8 The main components of the park LLC "StroyExpansiya"

Unfortunately, the park is formed mainly from cars that were previously in use for over 5 years. The equipment fleet for the subsequent period is formed based on the needs of the company when performing work at the facilities and growth plans for the near future in accordance with the plan strategic development until 2011. The degree of use of fixed assets is characterized by indicators of capital productivity and capital intensity (table 9).

Table 9 Efficiency of use of fixed assets


Fact ratio 2009 (%)

The volume of work performed, thousand rubles.

Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles

Capital productivity, rub./rub.

Capital intensity, rub./rub.

Analyzing table 9, we can conclude that the capital productivity in the organization decreased in 2009 compared to 2008 by 27.6% due to a decrease in the volume of work performed, while capital intensity increased by 40%, which once again confirms the heavy financial position organizations .

2.3 Analysis of the personnel of the organization

The organizational structure and staff of LLC "StroyExpansiya" are presented in appendices 2 and 3. The organizational structure is built in the form of a linear functional diagram. This means that this structure combines the advantages of linear and functional structures, but vertical (command) connections of the “leader-subordinate” type remain dominant. Functional management links are deprived of administrative power in relation to lower performers and managers, functional managers of higher levels exercise only functional management of lower functional services. Thus, the linear-functional system provides a form of division and cooperation of labor in management, in which decision-making and control actions are carried out by line managers, and functional ones develop draft decisions, consult, coordinate, and inform. StroyExpansiya LLC has a linear-functional management structure.

With this management structure, the advantage of a linear structure in the form of the principle of unity of command is preserved, and the advantage of a functional structure in the form of specialization of management. However, this structure also has a number of disadvantages.

First, such a structure hinders the introduction of innovations, and any changes require significant management efforts.

Secondly, the segmentation of subsystems causes their excessive isolation, which prevents the organization from functioning as a single system.

Thirdly, the structure is centralized, which causes an overload of top management and requires a special establishment of direct links between subsystems.

Fourthly, limited opportunities are being created for the training of top-level managers.

The structure of StroyExpansiya LLC is based on a specialized division of labor, that is, work among people is not distributed randomly, but is assigned to specialists who are able to perform it best from the point of view of the organization as a whole.

Let us evaluate the conformity of the organizational structure of the society with its mission and goals. The following officials of the enterprise are responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks and goals of the company and the performers:

1) The director knows the needs of customers, therefore, he has information about the range of goods and services in the volumes required by the consumer. He passes this data to the head of the commercial department.

2) The Human Resources Department keeps records of the number of employees at the enterprise and employs people. The final decision is made by the director, who signs the admission order.

3) The chief accountant with the accounting department keeps records of operations for working with buyers and suppliers, for accounting for wages, the movement of goods and, as a result, compiles reports on the volume of services sold, and so on.

4) The storekeeper monitors the current state of the warehouse. He informs the director about the condition of the premises, the compliance of the premises with the requirements for the storage of goods, the need to expand it with a large volume of supplied goods. The director submits a discussion to the board of founders of the company.

5) Part of the marketing work, such as: studying prices for similar products of competitors, working with the main supplier and consumers, is carried out by the commercial department. But for a more effective achievement of the goal, it is necessary to carry out other marketing activities aimed at increasing the demand for the company's products.

The availability of labor resources is important for the effective operation of the enterprise in StroyExpansiya LLC, as well as for the formation of financial stability. The company operates a full working week - 5 days.

Table 10. Gender and age structure of Stroyekspansiya LLC in 2009

From the above diagram, it can be seen that the organization is dominated by men aged 20 to 30 years. The number of women aged 20 to 30 and 30 to 40 is almost the same. There are no employees who have crossed the retirement age. The organization employs employees of different categories and different levels of education. All of them are engaged in the main production. Table 11 shows the composition and structure of the enterprise's employees. largest specific gravity among the staff are specialists and employees with completed higher education.

Figure 10 - Gender and age structure of the personnel of LLC "StroyExpansiya"

Table 11 Composition and structure of employees of the enterprise by category and level of education

The proportion of specialists and employees with higher education increased by 12.4% over two years. This means a change in the qualitative composition of the staff. Many employees study by correspondence in lyceums, colleges and technical schools of communications and universities.

Figure 11 - Dynamics of changes in the composition and structure of employees of the enterprise by category and level of education

Figure 11 shows the dynamics of changes in the composition and structure of employees of the enterprise by category and level of education.

The diagram in Figure 12 shows the educational structure of the StroyExpansiya team in 2009 (as a percentage of the headcount).

The diagram shows that more than 53% of employees have higher education, 21.2% this moment receive higher education in various higher institutions of the city. The remaining 25% have an average professional education. stimulating factor in getting higher education is the increase in wages, as workers doing the same job, but with different levels of education receive different wages.

The movement of the labor force in dynamics is shown in Table 12. After analyzing the data, we can conclude that for 2007 - 2009. in LLC "STROYExpansiya" the number of employees increased by 6 people. The growth took place in production staff, and more precisely, in the main production. Which has a positive effect on performance. The increase in the number of employees was mainly due to an increase in the number of workers and specialists.

Table 12. Change in the number of employees for 2007 - 2009 In Stroyekspansiya LLC


Change in 2009 (+,-)

Average number of employees, pers. including:

production staff, of which:



employees including:



The staff turnover rate is calculated by the formula:

To fluid. \u003d (H uv.s.zh. + H uv.nar.disc.) / H average list. x 100% (2.3.1)

To fluid. - coefficient of fluidity, H uv.s.zh. - the number of people laid off own will, pers., H - the number of those dismissed for violations of labor discipline, people, H sr.list. - average headcount for the period, people;

Usually, along with the turnover, experts calculate several more indicators.

The acceptance turnover ratio is calculated by the formula:

K \u003d H prin. / H average list. x 100% (2.3.2)

K - turnover ratio for reception, H prin. - the number of people accepted for the period, people, H sr.spis. - average headcount for the period, people;

The layoff turnover ratio is calculated by the formula:

K ob.uv \u003d H dismiss. / H average list. x 100% (2.3.3)

K vol.uv - the turnover ratio for dismissal, P dismissed .. - the number of dismissed for the period, people, H average list. - average headcount for the period, people;

The staff retention rate for a certain period is calculated by the formula:

To post. \u003d (From the list number - H dismissed) / H average list. x 100% (2.3.4)

To post. - coefficient of staff constancy, C list number. - headcount at the beginning of the period, people, h dismissed. - the number of those dismissed for the period, people, H average list. - average number for this period, pers.

The staff turnover rate is an indicator of the health of the company and the management decisions made in the organization.

It is imperative to calculate and analyze it, understanding that a high percentage of staff turnover is only a consequence of the current state of affairs, and the true reason may be in illiterate selection, inefficient adaptation, and unhealthy corporate culture.

The movement of the labor force is characterized by turnover ratios for admission (K post.) - there is the ratio of the number of recruits to the average number of personnel, and the departure of personnel (K selection) - there is the ratio of the number of retired to the average number. Negative reasons for the movement of the labor force are violations of labor discipline, at their own request, etc. The ratio of the number of employees laid off under these items to the average number of employees is the turnover rate. Staff turnover is a negative phenomenon, because it is associated with the loss of working time for registration of dismissal and admission, for the training of new workers and costs Money to pay compensation to retired workers.

From table 13 it follows that the average number of employees in 2009 increased compared to 2007 by 6 people. Most people were hired in 2009, which is 5 people more than in 2008. However, the number of retired workers has increased. In general, the deviation of the permanence coefficient in the reporting year 2009 was - 0.12, the deviation of the turnover coefficient on disposal was +0.1.

Table 13 Calculation of staff turnover rates of Stroyexpansiya LLC

Deviation (+,-) in 2009 by 2007

1. Average number of employees, pers.

2. Number of hired workers, pers.

3. Number of retired workers, pers.

4. Number of employees dismissed for unexcused reasons, people

5. Number of employees who worked for the entire reporting period, pers.

6. Turnover ratio by acceptance (page 2: page 1)

7. Retirement turnover ratio (p. 3: p. 1)

8. Staff turnover rate (page 3: page 1)

9. Replacement rate

(page 2 - page 3) : page 1)

10. Frame Consistency Ratio (p. 5: p. 1)

The staff turnover rate also increased and amounted to +0.12.

2.4 Personnel management system at StroyExpansiya LLC

Personnel management of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with personnel policy OOO "StroyExpansiya" which is annually developed and determined in the business plan of OOO "StroyExpansiya". In accordance with the personnel policy of the enterprise, work is carried out with the personnel, according to the program "Personnel - 2007", approved by the director of the organization.

Training, training, advanced training of personnel is carried out in accordance with curriculum OOO "StroyEkspansiya", approved by the head of the department of work with personnel Semenov A.A.

There is also a set of measures to train employees of StroyExpansiya LLC. Applications are being collected for the training of employees of the unit for a certain period (next year).

In OOO "StroyExpansiya" by the department of work with personnel, with the assistance of all structural divisions, annually developed and approved perspective plan training, retraining and advanced training of personnel. The annual training plan throughout the year is adjusted by monthly plans, taking into account the needs of production. When implementing plans, all applications submitted for staff training in the current year are taken into account.

Table 14 Personnel training in LLC "StroyExpansiya" for 2007 - 2009

The personnel training system of LLC "StroyExpansiya" includes: advanced training, professional training, retraining of personnel and training of employees newly admitted to the organization. Employees of the company have the opportunity to improve their skills at least once every three years. The annual coverage of the training of the personnel of LLC "StroyExpansiya" is 10-15% of total strength working. Table 14 shows workers trained in three recent years in various educational and methodological centers in Orenburg.

After analyzing table 14, the organization increases the cost of training employees every year. Due to the crisis and rather high staff turnover, the organization had to reduce the cost of retraining and increase the cost of training newly hired employees.

2.5 Problems of adaptation in StroyExpansiya LLC

The main task of the probationary period is to find out how new employee professionally fit and wealthy as a specialist. The adaptation period, as a rule, has a longer period, and its main task can be formulated as the establishment of a system of relationships and interdependencies of an individual (newcomer) with a new material for him - social environment in which he will have to realize himself as a specialist and personality for a long time.

The purpose of the employee adaptation management system at StroyExpansiya LLC is to reduce the adaptation period, reduce the number possible errors associated with inclusion in the work, the formation of a positive image of the organization, reducing the discomfort of the first days of work. General management of the adaptation of newly hired employees is carried out by the head of the personnel department. Technical issues are solved by mentors, issues of stimulating new employees and their mentors - by the head of the personnel department. Determination of the abilities and professionalism of employees is carried out on the basis of objective data on their theoretical training (level of education, special training by profession, specialty), practical work experience and real productivity and quality of work. When placing employees, career advancement, business qualifications, natural inclinations, character traits (a penchant for design, organizational talent, etc.) and a real ability to perform qualitatively and in full not only their work, but also more complex ones are taken into account. In connection with the global crisis that hit the entire construction sector in Russia, a significant decrease in production volumes, the wages of the company's personnel fell sharply. As a result, staff turnover in the organization has increased. To date, the main problems of adaptation are:

A long period of adaptation of newly hired workers to the requirements and working conditions at the enterprise;

High staff turnover;

The lack of a favorable and positive attitude towards work among new employees, the presence of a feeling of discomfort, anxiety and insecurity among new employees;

The presence of costs associated with the time required for new employees to achieve the required performance indicators.

Due to the high turnover of staff, the organization is forced to spend large amounts of money on training newly hired employees. Thus, we see that LLC "StroyExpansiya" has not developed an effective adaptation system, as a result of which the organization has a high turnover of personnel, which increases the cost of maintaining personnel.

3. Development of a personnel adaptation system (algorithm, business process)

3.1 Staff adaptation program

A good worker adaptation and orientation program in the workplace has the following qualities: it is carefully planned, its content is very clear, the roles of the participants in the process are clearly defined.

The management of the organization believes that the adaptation of personnel does not lead to efficiency, the director does not see the relationship between the employee's work efficiency and the adaptation system. At the same time, the assessment of the effectiveness of adaptation processes is not carried out.

We have identified three interrelated components of the management plan of OOO StroyExpansiya.

Table 15 Business plan for the adaptation of personnel in StroyExpansiya LLC.

Consider all the points of the business plan:

1. Strategic goals of the company

The mission, goals and objectives of StroyExpansiya LLC are described in the second chapter.

2. Analysis of personnel work.

A detailed analysis is given in the second chapter.

3. Development of an adaptation complex.

According to research conducted by Western companies, a quality adaptation program can reduce staff turnover by 30-40% per year.

The Human Resources Department is encouraged to take advantage of a variety of effective methods selection of candidates for jobs. For effective work on recruitment, a system of competitive three-stage selection should be introduced, including questioning, testing and a mandatory interview with the director. On the basis of testing and questioning, the performance of trial work, candidates should be assessed for compliance with the requirements of the workplace, vacant position specialist and manager.

It is proposed to accept candidates for work with a probationary period of 3 months, as well as to practice hiring workers under fixed-term employment contracts. On a competitive basis, form groups for vocational education and training of workers in scarce professions. Having concluded a student agreement with the enterprise, having studied the theoretical material, after completing internships and internships at the workplace, successful delivery final exams, students are transferred to work vacancies. To reduce the labor costs of personnel officers, it is proposed to purchase software for automating testing, questioning and training procedures.

Due to the fact that the existing staff of the HR department is not effective, it is advisable to increase the staff of the department by one unit - the HR manager.

Without the support of the director to build effective system adaptation of personnel is impossible. First of all, the director must accept as an axiom that only an enterprise with a developed system of adaptation can succeed in a free market.

It is advisable for a director who understands this to take the following steps to support the adaptation of personnel in his enterprise:

1. Introduce the position of an HR manager in the organization's staff. Set him a task and give him broad powers. Consider it as one of the main participants in the production activities of the enterprise.

2. Develop a system of adaptation of employees of the enterprise performing functions aimed at improving the climate of the organization, enterprise.

3. Hire qualified professionals. These people are expensive, but the company gets a great return from them.

It is proposed to develop an ethical code for StroyExpansiya LLC, in the process of developing which, to determine the values ​​of the enterprise, managers and representatives of all departments of the company should take part, and materials from a sociological survey of employees of the organization should be used.

The new employee himself is interested in being brought up to date as quickly as possible and without any complications. Experience shows that it would be a good idea to choose an employee for the first few months who would take patronage over the newcomer, so that there would be someone to ask about the norms and traditions of the organization. It is proposed to introduce a mentoring system in the organization. The mentor must write out a plan for introducing the "newcomer" to the course of affairs and follow it clearly.

Quite quickly, strong and weak sides new employee. It is advisable to talk with him about the opportunities for further training. The sooner this happens, the more painless for the organization will be his absence for several weeks. If a newcomer sees the interest shown by the organization in deepening and improving his knowledge and skills, he will try to meet the expectations of management.

Organizations have to spend a lot of money to find a capable specialist, but losing him is even more expensive. Anyone who believes that a beginner must find the strength in himself to win his place, must bear in mind that he can find the strength in himself to leave it.

If a new employee is well instructed, he will have confidence in the manager, the organization, he will learn their requirements, he will feel comfortable, efficient and willing to work.

The proposed adaptation program allows you to determine the course of action for the implementation of the adaptation process. For this you need:

1. Make a list of employees who will be included in the working group for the development and implementation of the adaptation program. Include in this group an HR manager - a psychologist, technical director, head of the construction site, head of the commercial department, economist.

2. Develop an adaptation program for newly hired employees of the organization.

The entire adaptation procedure is divided into four stages, each of which involves the performance of certain tasks, which, in turn, are assigned to one or another participant in the procedure.

Personnel adaptation procedure

I stage. Three days before a new employee leaves.

1) Call the employee on the eve of his official entry to work and make sure that everything is in order.

2) Inform employees about the arrival of a new employee in advance.

3) Prepare all information materials that will be given to the employee on the first day of work, namely:

List of internal telephones, list of city telephones of the company;

Application form for connection to the Internet and e-mail;

Rules for making international and long-distance calls, personal calls;

Application form for connection to corporate communication.

4) Prepare the necessary passes and parking permits.

5) Provide and check whether prepared workplace:

Personal computer (standard set of office programs, minimum necessary documentation user, connection to local network, network printing rules and the location of network printers in the office, etc.);


Office equipment (location of fax, copiers and other office devices, rules for their use, etc.);

Basic set of stationery and consumables.

6) Prepare a set of printed materials, including the following sections, if necessary:

Company mission, company history;

Corporate culture,

Regulations on personnel, intercompany relations;

Organizational structure, position on the division, job description;

Work technologies, safety precautions;

List of employees with position, workroom, phone number, e-mail;

A list of answers to the most common newbie questions, with an indication of the persons to whom you can contact for additional clarifications;

7) Determine the need for special training activities for the new employee to master their job responsibilities.

8) Determine the criteria for the success of the probationary period, options for its early termination.

1) Make sure that the job description is prepared and true.

2) Determine the curator.

II stage. On the first day of a new employee...

1. The personnel service specialist is obliged to:

1) Meet a new employee and lead to the workplace. If accepted, hand over a "newcomer's package" -- corporate paraphernalia.

2) Properly conduct personnel registration of a new employee and all related briefings.

3) Discuss the management style, culture, traditions, norms, etc. adopted in the organization.

4) Discuss the first working day.

2. The immediate supervisor is obliged:

1) Introduce the employee to subordinates, colleagues, introduce him to the curator.

2) Analyze together with the new employee his official duties and complete a work plan for a trial period.

4) Explain the incentive system used at the enterprise and the rules for applying penalties.

5) Explain the rules for compensation of possible costs, as well as the procedure and payment of wages, payment of sick leave and vacations.

6) Familiarize yourself with the organizational structure.

7) Discuss the first working day.

The curator must:

1) Familiarize yourself with the rules of the internal work schedule and provide the following information:

Working breaks for rest, time and duration of lunch;

The procedure for reporting involuntary absence from work (for example, to the head of the department or secretary by phone);

Care outside the company working time;

appearance requirements;

Access system, the order of opening and closing the office.

2) Provide information personal plan: the location of the dining room, toilets, places to relax, smoke, parking, etc.

3) Provide information about the traditions of the department or group in which the employee will work, and the rules valid for this position.

Table 17 Indicative content of the adaptation program

Who conducts

General familiarization with the organization: types of activities of the organization, its goals, priorities, development trends, market position, problems of the organization, general organizational structure, senior management information

Head of Human Resources Department

Familiarization with the remuneration system in the organization: norms and forms of remuneration, ranking of employees; with holiday pay labor cost; penalties

Chief Accountant

Familiarization with social benefits: types of insurance, various benefits, features of pensions, training opportunities, social infrastructure of the organization, rules for calculating social benefits

Chief accountant, chairman of the trade union committee

Familiarization with labor protection and safety, fire safety and control rules, rules of conduct in case of accidents.

Technical Director

Familiarization with the attitude of the employee with the administration and the trade union: the principles of personnel policy and recruitment, terms and conditions of employment; rights and obligations of employees; functions of trade unions; discipline and penalties; trade secret protection rules

Head of Human Resources Department, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee

Explanation of the functions of the construction site: goals, functions and priorities of the unit, its structure, relationships within the unit and with other units

Head of the construction site

Explanation of duties and responsibilities: job responsibilities, scope of work and expected results; an explanation of its importance and correlation with other work in the unit and in the organization; duration and schedule of the working day, breaks; requirements for the quality of work; criteria and methods for its evaluation; possible additional requirements

Foreman, master

Studying the rules-prescriptions: rules specific to a given workplace or department, safety and labor protection rules; the types of help that can be provided, when and how to ask for it; relations with local and national inspectorates; problems associated with theft; removal of things from the department

Technical Director, Acting HSE Engineer, Site Foreman

Inspection of the unit: fire safety, fire alarm button; behavior in case of accidents; informing about accidents and dangers; smoking areas, first aid places; hygiene standards


Salary, its relationship with the results of work and qualifications, the accrual mechanism, the possibility of increasing

Chief Accountant

Presentation to department employees


Socio-psychological entry into the team


Professional training (if necessary)

Foreman, courses in the organization, courses outside the organization

4) Familiarize yourself with the procedure for communications and communications by position (within the department, with other departments).

5) Familiarize yourself with the behavior in case of unforeseen situations.

6) Discuss the first working day.

III stage. During the first working week of a new employee...

1. The personnel service specialist is obliged to:

1) Familiarize yourself with the basic procedures and policies regarding personnel (career opportunities).

2) Analyze competence and develop an individual advanced training program.

2. The curator is obliged:

1) To acquaint with the detailed history of the company, its mission, strategy and goals, the policy in the field of work with partners and consumers, the stages of bringing products to the consumer.

2) Familiarize yourself with the list of documents that a new employee needs to familiarize with first.

3) Explain how the administrative and economic system of the organization operates, existing rules and procedures (for example, ordering vehicles, stationery, etc.).

4) Introduce those employees with whom the new employee will cooperate.

5) Familiarize with the content of the work, the requirements and standards for the performance of work, the limits of authority, responsibility.

6) Familiarize yourself with special procedures.

7) Familiarize yourself with the reporting system.

IV stage. After the expiration of the probationary period.

1. The personnel service specialist is obliged to:

1) Let the new employee fill out evaluation paper(Appendix 5) .

2) Review the completed assessment sheet prior to discussion.

3) Conduct a discussion and focus on what is expected from the employee feedback(to find out his opinion about the company as a whole, about the ways of doing business, suggestions for improvements, etc.).

2. The immediate supervisor is obliged:

1) Inform the employee about the end of the probationary period and set a date for discussing the results of his work during this period.

2) Conduct a discussion and focus on the expected feedback from the employee (to find out his opinion about the company as a whole, about the way of doing business, suggestions for improvements, etc.).

For employees accepted for managerial positions, the mentor is the immediate supervisor. To control the work of an employee during the probationary period, the Worker's Performance Evaluation Sheet during the adaptation period is filled out (see Appendix 6).

At the end of the probationary period, the employee fills out an Employee Report on the results of the probationary period (see Appendix 7).

During the probationary period, the immediate supervisor fills out the Sheet "Evaluation of the employee after passing the probationary period" (see Appendix 8).

At the end of the probationary period, both documents are transferred to the personnel management service. An employee accepted for a working position undergoes a safety briefing in the workshop again, receives production instructions. The mentor introduces the newcomer to other members of the team, explains and shows him how to work with the equipment. Throughout the onboarding process, the mentor provides feedback to the new employee. Adaptation of the worker lasts two months. At the end of the second month, the newcomer is assessed. Depending on its results, the employee is offered either to extend the training or continue to work as a certified specialist.

In order for the mentoring system to be effective, the organization needs to develop a system of motivation for mentors. So, the latter receive a bonus if the newcomer successfully passes the adaptation process. The specifics of production in the organization is such that high staff turnover affects the quality of construction services, since its production requires the participation of qualified specialists. It can be noted that a well-built adaptation program plays one of the key roles in reducing staff turnover. well thought out and correct organized system adaptation allows the enterprise to achieve the following goals:

Reduce costs by reducing the time it takes for new employees to achieve established performance standards. The latter acquire the necessary skills earlier, reach a given level of productivity and begin to make a profit.

To form a feeling of satisfaction with the work of the new team member, as a result of which the level of anxiety will decrease in the latter, he will feel more confident.

Get the opportunity to "grow" your professional staff.

Reduce employee turnover and recruitment costs. The fact that a large number of newly recruited employees leave in the first months of their work in the enterprise is widespread. A well-established adaptation system allows you to both get to know the employee better and help the latter to integrate into the organization. Thus, it is a mutually beneficial process.

We have listed the main components of an adaptation plan. The HR manager is required to put together a plan for a particular employee, taking into account his previous experience and personality characteristics, and from all participants in the process to control the implementation of the developed adaptation plan.

Control can be effectively exercised using the method of evaluation interviews, which are conducted with the participation of a new employee, his immediate supervisor, and a higher-level manager. As a rule, such interviews are held at the end of the probationary period, but it is permissible to establish a different frequency, for example, at the end of each month of work for three to six months. Again, in this case, everything depends on the characteristics of a particular situation (complexity of the case).

The presence of problems in the company is indicated by the dismissal of an employee of his own free will during the first year of work. Even if this is an isolated incident, it is a sign that something is not right. Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the more attention should be paid to the organization of the process of adaptation of new personnel.

Always remember that managers are dealing with people. Respectful, humane attitude not only to the newcomer, but also to all other employees of the company, guarantees the avoidance of many problems.

3.2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the adaptation process of StroyExpansiya LLC

Let's consider the proposed measures in more detail and calculate the economic efficiency of their implementation.

Indicators to be analyzed include:

1) The cost of adaptation of one employee (by profession).

This indicator is calculated through the cost of the working time of the persons involved in the process, as well as the cost of handouts, workstations, etc. It is advisable to calculate this indicator in the context of employees.

2) The cost of training a mentor (by profession).

Mentor preparation is understood as the amount of investment invested in the development of the professional competencies of the mentor, in the development of training activities that mentors will conduct for beginners.

3) Percentage of employees performing the functions of mentors (by profession).

The percentage determines the personnel service. It depends on the number of divisions, first of all, and on the number of newcomers in these divisions.

4) The percentage of employees who successfully passed the probationary period, in relation to the total number of employees hired.

5) The opposite of this is the indicator "Percentage of employees who left the company during or at the end of the probationary period." It is important for the personnel manager to analyze who initiated the termination of the employment contract: the employee or his immediate supervisor.

It is important to remember that if such cases are not isolated, then the reason may lie in an imperfect recruitment system, and it is necessary to analyze whether the company hires employees.

6) The cost part of the project is formed from the costs associated directly with the implementation of the project.

Project implementation costs include:

1. Costs associated with the search for a new employee (expansion of the HR department).

2. Expenses related to the additional remuneration of the hired employee and deductions for social needs from the wage fund of the new employee.

3. The cost of purchasing the necessary furniture and equipment to organize the workplace of a new employee.

4. Expenses for filling vacancies of dismissed employees.

5.Expenses for software (software) "Kadrovik".

These are the expenses for the purchase of software, maintenance, installation of the program, as well as for the purchase of one workplace for a personnel officer.

Let us consider in more detail the costs associated with the implementation of the project.

1. Expenses associated with the search for new employees.

For a long time, StroyExpansiya LLC, when looking for new employees, uses the services of the Region TV company, placing an ad in the Employment section. I consider it appropriate to place an ad for a week. The cost of one ad will be equal to 1000 rubles.

2. Next, we calculate the costs associated with the remuneration of one accepted employee of the HR department at StroyExpansiya LLC. These costs are reflected in table 18.

Table 18 Costs related to the remuneration of new employees

Let's calculate deductions for social needs from the additional payroll fund in table 19.

Table 19 Calculation of deductions for social needs

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You can evaluate different aspects of the adaptation process - the system as a whole, the adaptation of a particular employee, a specific tool or event. The main thing is to make competent management decisions based on the results obtained. Silvano Fashion Group (SFG) is a vertically integrated holding, which includes: lingerie manufacturers JV ZAO Milavitsa (Belarus) and AS Lauma Lingerie (Latvia), manufacturer women's clothing PTA (Estonia) and OBLICIE, a multi-brand chain of lingerie stores (Russia). The SFG Group controls the entire technological and marketing vertical - from production to the end customer. The total number of personnel is 3000 people. Key Performance Indicators for Adaptation

Indicators to be analyzed include:

1. The cost of adaptation of one employee (by profession). It is calculated based on the cost of the work of persons involved in the adaptation process - a mentor, immediate supervisor, HR specialists, as well as the price of handouts and other materials. This indicator should be calculated for different professions(example see Appendix*).

2. The cost of training a mentor (by profession)- the amount of investment invested in the development of the professional competencies of the mentor, in the development of training activities that he will conduct for beginners.

3. Percentage of positions covered by the onboarding system. Ideally - 100%. It is most convenient to track the real situation using the "adaptation matrix", which allows you to find out which actions are already being taken and in relation to which category of employees, and which ones are still in the plans.

4. Percentage of employees serving as mentors (by profession). This indicator is determined by the HR service. It depends on the number of personnel of the departments and the number of newcomers in them.

5. The percentage of employees who successfully passed the probationary period, in relation to the total number of employees hired. Desirable - 100%. The reverse of this is the indicator "Percentage of employees who left the company during or at the end of the probationary period." It is important for the HR manager to analyze who initiated the termination employment contract- the employee himself or his immediate supervisor. If such cases are not isolated, their reason may lie in the imperfection of the selection system.

Staff turnover

The staff turnover rate is an indicator of the company's health and the correctness of its management decisions. It is imperative to calculate and analyze it, because a high percentage of turnover is only a consequence of the unfavorable state of affairs that has developed in the company, the true reason for which may be illiterate selection, inefficient adaptation, and an unhealthy corporate culture.

Staff turnover rate calculated by the formula
where Кcurrent - coefficient of fluidity;
Chuv. s.zh. - the number of those dismissed at their own request, people;
Chuv. nar. diss. - the number of dismissed for violations of labor discipline, people;
HR write-off d - the average number for the period, people.

Staff turnover should be calculated from several angles.

1. By divisions.

To find the reasons, it is important to find out from which departments employees leave.


The director of one of the stores of the retail network, in a conversation with the personnel manager of the central office, explains the high percentage of turnover among sellers of their low salary. Before reviewing the amount of payments, the HR manager decided to analyze how much the staff turnover in this store differs from the average for the network. It turned out to be significant. Therefore, it is not a matter of wages which is the same in all outlets, and the real reason may lie in the fact that the director himself, when hiring new employees, does not choose in favor of the best candidates, and this, in turn, is a consequence of the underdevelopment of his own interviewing skills.

2. According to the period of work in the company.

This period depends primarily on the average duration of work in the company and can be:
six months - for enterprises with high staff turnover (for example, for logistics terminals or large supermarkets);
1 year - for most organizations;
3 years - for companies, entry into which requires a significant amount of time (for example, for design bureaus that attract graduates of specialized universities and additionally train them for another one or two years).

An indicator such as the percentage of employees who left the organization during the first year of work can be an indicator of the imperfection of the adaptation system if the newcomer made the decision to leave in the first weeks of work, but for some reason did not do it right away - he gave the company more one chance, or simply did not want to "spoil" his work book.

3. Based on the grounds for dismissal.

It is no secret that although employees write statements of their own free will, the true reason for parting with the company often lies elsewhere - in a disciplinary violation or inadequacy of the position. The personnel service needs to record the real grounds for the dismissal, as well as its initiator. For example, the following indicator can be taken into account: “Percentage of employees of workshop No. 7 who worked for less than a year and were dismissed at the initiative of the company.”


The HR manager of the company does not have the opportunity to talk personally with employees leaving remote offices. Therefore, once a month, he selectively calls former employees to find out whether the reasons given by their leaders for leaving are true, and whether the phrase “moving to another city” is not hiding job dissatisfaction or deceived expectations.

Sample questions for dismissed employees.
When you went to work, who explained to you the duties, rules, features of your functions?
Have you read the New Employee Folder? Were you given printed materials? Did you understand everything?
Did someone help you with your work if something did not work out? Who exactly (manager, colleagues, a little bit of everything, no one)?
Did you have any problems in the team? With whom (manager, colleagues)? How were the problems solved?
How can you characterize the atmosphere in the team as a whole?
What are the reasons for your dismissal?
Could you recommend to your friends a job in this division, in our company?

Usually, along with the turnover, specialists calculate several more indicators.

Turnover ratio on admission is calculated by the formula
Cob. pr. \u003d Chprin. / Chsr. write-off x 100%,
where is Cob. pr. - turnover ratio for acceptance;
Chprin. - the number of people accepted for the period, people;
HR write-off - average headcount for the period, pers.

Termination turnover ratio calculated by the formula
Cob. uv. = Chuvol./Fr. write-off x 100%,
where is Cob. uv.- coefficient of turnover on dismissal;
Chuvol. - the number of dismissed for the period, people;
HR list - average number for the period, pers.

Personnel retention rate for a certain period calculated by the formula
Kpost. \u003d (C list number - H dismissed /) / Hav. write-off x 100%,
where is Kpost. - coefficient of staff constancy;
Listed number - payroll at the beginning of the period, people;
N dismissed / - the number of dismissed for the period, people;
HR list - average number for this period, pers.

Staff turnover research

According to the results of the AXES Management study, there are significant differences in terms of "staff turnover" among companies different industries business (see Figure 1). The highest is in the retail sector.

Despite the difference in numerical values, the overall trend of fluidity in certain categories personnel is saved everywhere. The percentage of turnover among top managers and managers is lower than among specialists and employees of special categories (salespeople, cashiers, workers). This is due to the fact that with the growth of the position, the opportunities for career, financial and status growth in the company increase, which “binds” people to it.

The main question in determining the effectiveness of adaptation is how much it should cost. HR specialists believe that the optimal ratio of the cost of finding and attracting a new employee and the cost of his adaptation is approximately 3:1.

A study by Mellon Financial Corp. among US mid-sized and big business, showed that the cost of training and adaptation of newcomers ranged from 1 to 2.5% of the total annual income of the company.

US and European HR directors are able to compare their onboarding costs to industry averages and assess their effectiveness through annual research from leading consulting firms. They are also held in Russia. Thus, Axes Management's annual study “HR benchmarking. Key performance indicators of the HR service” includes statistics on HR performance indicators for 2006-2008, collected in the course of a survey of HR specialists of domestic and Western organizations working in Russia.

Methods for assessing the adaptation process

Most common in Russian services personnel adaptation assessment methods (see Appendix).

1. Interviews with employees after one, two and three months of work (can be conducted by a personnel service specialist - either responsible for adaptation or any other).

2. Questioning of employees after the completion of the adaptation period.

3. "Pulse" - a survey of employees who have worked in the company for less than a year. This is a corporate study on a specific topic, including just a few questions and addressed to a specific group of employees.

4. Inclusion of questions about adaptation measures in the annual comprehensive surveys of satisfaction.

Satisfaction surveys

According to AXES Management, 83% of employees conduct job satisfaction surveys trading companies. Among enterprises in the industrial and financial sectors, the share of such surveys is much smaller - 52% and 50%, respectively (see Fig. 2). At the same time, the most frequently analyzed the following factors:
working conditions;
awareness of what is happening in the company.

Sample interview questions for an employee.
What was the most difficult and incomprehensible for you on the first day of work in our company?
On what day of work did you meet your mentor?
On what day of work did you first talk to your line manager?
Were you assigned tasks for the probationary period? What difficulties have you encountered in the past period?
How often did you discuss the results of your work with a mentor and / or direct supervisor?
How and when were the results of your work for the first months summed up?
How quickly did you get answers to your questions?
From what sources did you get information about the company?
How long did it take you to get comfortable in the office, remember the location of the company's divisions?

The feedback received from new employees allows us to understand their attitude to the events held, and for the newcomers themselves - to evaluate their own successes and the work of the mentor.

The listed tools are effective if, based on the data obtained, competent management decisions are made aimed at optimizing the activities of the HR service and the company as a whole.

Personnel appraisers should adhere to following recommendations:
choose indicators whose calculation algorithm is clear and information on which is available;
collect statistics on these indicators;
track the dynamics of indicators for periods (quarter, half year, year);
Based on the analysis of changes in indicators, justify decisions made, for example, on adaptation tools, duration of training or increase in the number of mentors.

Labor potential is one of the basic components of the overall economic potential commercial enterprise, which includes a set of resources in the form of the main and working capital, as well as employees using these resources in accordance with a given purpose. The most important goal of the total labor activity of the staff is the turnover, the increase of which is always considered as a positive result of the work of a trading enterprise. If such a result is achieved with a simultaneous increase in labor productivity, then this indicates an increase in the efficiency of the production and trade process in terms of minimizing the cost of human labor. The indicator of labor productivity characterizes the volume of sales of goods achieved by one employee per unit of time.

The implementation of a set of adaptation measures should help reduce staff turnover, stabilize human resources and, consequently, increase the efficiency of the labor process at the enterprise. As a result, the time required for new employees to reach the level of productivity and downtime should be reduced. Thus, by improving the use of such a factor as working time, the enterprise should increase labor productivity and turnover.

Each managerial decision requires certain costs. As a basis for labor productivity the most important indicator use labor resources is a comparison of the results obtained with labor costs.

One of the ways to assess the cost of funds spent on the development and implementation of a personnel adaptation system at an enterprise is the method of functional cost analysis. To apply this methodology, the development and implementation of the system is presented as a process - a sequence of internal and dependent honey a functional action and is calculated hourly payment labor of each participant in the process.

Approximate data for estimating the costs of conducting the adaptation process of one new employee are given in table 16.

Table 16 - Estimation of costs for the adaptation process in Laska LLC

Stage name

The number of specialists involved in the process and the cost of their work

1 Preparatory stage

1.1 Evaluation of the adaptable, preparation of a conclusion and recommendations

  • 100 rub. - adaptable (1 h)

1.2 Development of the Adaptation Program, filling out the form, formulating tasks

  • 150 rub. - leader (1 hour)
  • 100 rub. - adaptable (1 h)
  • 100 rub. - mentor (1 hour)

1.3 Coordination and approval of the Adaptation Program with the heads of the unit

2 Implementation of the Adaptation Program

2.1 Excursion, acquaintance with the policy of the company

  • 140 rub. - HR specialist (1 hour)
  • 100 rub. - adaptable (1 h)

2.2 Meeting with an adaptable during the Program

  • 210 rub. - HR specialist (1.5h)
  • 150 rub. - adaptable (1.5 h)

2.3 Meetings with the mentor and the head of the unit during the Program

  • 100 rub. - mentor (1 hour)
  • 150 rub. - leader (1 hour)

2.4 Drawing up reports on the results of meetings held

100 rub. - HR specialist (1 hour)

3 Assessing the success of adaptation

  • 3.1 Conduct peer review the effectiveness of the work of the mentor and the adaptable as a result of adaptation:
    • - selection of experts (who will evaluate);
    • - Distribution of forms of experts and instructions on how to fill them out; - generalization of the results with their inclusion in the individual characteristics for 1 person.

280 rub. - HR specialist (2 hours)

3.2 Preparation (final completion) of the Adaptation Program with comments by all participants in the process

  • 70 rub. - HR specialist (0.5 h)
  • 75 rub. - leader (0.5 h)
  • 50 rub. - mentor (0.5 h)
  • 50 rub. - adaptable (0.5 h)
  • 3.3 Planning and holding a meeting of the commission:
    • - coordination of the place and time of the event with all participants in the process;
  • 70 rub. - HR specialist (0.5 h)
  • 150 rub. - leader (1 hour)
  • 100 rub. - mentor (1 hour)
  • 100 rub. - adaptable (1 h)
  • - holding a meeting;
  • - preparation of the minutes of the meeting, signing

by its members of the commission, preparation of an order on the appointment of an adaptable to a position and on the encouragement of a mentor

Total whole process

Table 17 - Indicators of the movement of personnel in Laska LLC for 2009-2011

If consider indicators of personnel movement (table 12), it can be assumed that after the introduction of adaptation procedures, the number of those who left for subjective reasons will decrease, and the number of those who leave for objective reasons will remain at the same level, then the company will have to adapt about 8 people per year. And then the cost of adaptation of newly hired workers per year will amount to 23,000 rubles. (2875 rubles x 8).

The efficiency of using the working time of sales and operational personnel, as one of the important elements of the organization of their work, significantly affects the productivity of employees. How less loss working hours (due, for example, to the absence of an employee or a long time for a new employee to reach an acceptable level of productivity in the company), the greater the fund of working hours and the higher the output per sales employee, and consequently, the average labor productivity in the whole enterprise.

The formula for the relationship between labor productivity and the main factors of the degree of use of working time of sales personnel can be expressed as follows:

PT \u003d Y x D x P slave x PT hour,

Where PT is the average annual labor productivity of one employee, thousand rubles; Y - the share of sales workers in the total number, coefficient; D - the average number of days worked by one employee, days; P slave - the average duration of the working day, hours; Fri hour - the average hourly labor productivity of one employee, thousand rubles.

It is advisable to determine the degree of influence of these factors on labor productivity on the basis of the calculation of absolute deviations, which will immediately reveal the influence of a particular factor on the analyzed indicator. Initial information for calculations is presented in Table 17.

Table 18 - Labor productivity and indicators of the use of working time of employees in Laska LLC

An increase by 8 days in the average number of days worked by one sales employee per year (from 213 days to 221 days) will be a factor in increasing labor productivity by 32.94 thousand rubles:

0.655 x 8 x 9.5 x 0.6617 = 32.94 thousand rubles.

An increase in the average duration of effective work per day by 0.5 hours (from 9.5 hours to 10 hours) should contribute to an increase in labor productivity per year of one trade and operational employee by 47.89 thousand rubles:

0.655 x 221 x 0.5 x 0.6617 = 47.89 thousand rubles.

The cumulative impact of these two factors will amount to 80.83 thousand rubles. That is, by reducing the time of inefficient work of new personnel and downtime due to layoffs, the enterprise will profit from increasing labor productivity in the amount of 2909.86 thousand rubles.

If we consider efficiency as the ratio of the result obtained to the costs, then the effectiveness of the implementation of the adaptation system at the enterprise will be 126.52.

As a result of the costs of developing, implementing and maintaining an effective tailoring procedure, the organization should achieve the following results:

  • - reducing the number of layoffs of employees undergoing a probationary period, both at the initiative of the administration and at their own request;
  • - reducing the cost of finding new staff;
  • - formation of a personnel reserve (mentoring is an opportunity for an experienced employee to gain leadership experience);
  • - reducing the time to reach the point of profitability for new employees.

The benefits received by an employee after undergoing adaptation can be: obtaining the full information required for effective work; reducing the level of uncertainty and anxiety; increasing job satisfaction and developing a positive attitude towards the company as a whole; mastering the basic norms of corporate culture and rules of conduct; building interaction schemes with colleagues; receiving "feedback" from the mentor and line manager following the results of the probationary period.

The benefits received by a company with a built-in adaptation system are: creation of a mechanism for assessing professional and managerial competencies employee and his potential based on the results of work in the first months; identification of shortcomings of the selection system existing in the company; the possibility of planning the career of a new employee for a period of 1-2 years; development of managerial competencies of mentors and line managers; justification personnel decisions in relation to both beginners and mentors after the end of the adaptation period; increasing employee loyalty to the employer.

The topic of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of recruiting and staff adaptation is little discussed, since there are a number of beliefs that a good recruiter is the one who fills a vacancy as quickly as possible, respectively, most companies estimate the number of vacancies that a recruiter can manage at the same time and the number of closed vacancies per month. And the quality, respectively, is the difficulty of choosing between the best candidates. For staff adaptation, the approach is similar, determining the key number of employees who have completed a probationary period from those who have entered a probationary period.

At first glance, everything is logical, the main thing is to close vacancies as quickly and efficiently as possible, and that those who have entered the probationary period pass it.

But is it really enough? Is this approach an opportunity to fully evaluate the activities of recruiting and staff adaptation departments? Are we missing out on the quality of the recruitment process in the pursuit of closing applicants quickly and securing a selection among a few of the best candidates?

How big date tools are changing hiring practices

The current hiring practices of most companies have 2 key trends. First, it's hiring for yesterday. The request that we already need a person or as soon as possible is the reality of both internal and external recruiting. Second, we want to see more. This is when management is convinced that the choice should be at least 5-7 candidates, while there is no argument for the number of candidates for selection, as such. As a result, many companies build a recruitment system, prioritizing the speed of searching for a candidate and the number of candidates to select. As a result, the quality of hiring is evaluated at the stage of entry into the company, and not the return on the newcomer and the value for the team and contribution to the overall result of the company.

In our opinion, the priority in terms of the speed of closing a vacancy, that is, the efficiency of providing recruiting with the current need for personnel, should be shifted to the system of planning the need for personnel. At the same time, taking into account the complexity, multilayeredness and speed of changes in the business environment and business climate in which companies operate today, the personnel marketing system should be as flexible and adaptive as possible. The point is that the system for determining the need for personnel and ways to cover it should and can be correlated with the system for managing internal and external talents. How can this be put into practice?

Big data tools today make it possible to form a database of existing employees, candidates who have already been in the company or potential candidates with the possibility of different levels of grouping and sampling. For example, classifications by competencies and their levels of knowledge, by certain knowledge (knowledge of certain programs with an indication of the level of knowledge), skills, languages, work experience, experience in working on certain projects and team management, etc. Accordingly, if the company has only a request arises, for example, with certain specified requirements, you can immediately set the criteria and get a list of those employees who are already working in the company today, or candidates from the database.

Of course, in order for this tool to be an assistant, you need to define the criteria very clearly and precisely, as well as know your employees well, be able to evaluate candidates in a multifaceted way and record data in the system. To do this, the company, among other things, must have a knowledge management system that will display the experience and contribution of each employee in each project, that is, the history of his work in the company. as well as descriptions of personal characteristics, habits, hobbies, hobbies, personal characteristics, which in some cases are decisive.

Can be created, including programs - search engines that are able to search for candidates on the Internet according to the specified parameters (analysis social networks, professional communities, open groups, chats, publications in the media). Tools for both recruitment and selection of personnel will become simpler in form, but more complicated in essence. Which opens up huge opportunities for recruiters, but requires them to have brilliant data management skills, data analytics, and excellent knowledge of candidate search and evaluation tools. At the same time, we are talking, among other things, about the base of freelancers, temporary staff, and remote staff, that is, candidates who can be recruited for temporary projects or remote work. This approach allows companies to solve the issue of staffing needs in real time, while ensuring the quality of candidates, since the list of candidates is immediately formed according to the specified parameters.

The more detailed the characteristics for which the search is carried out, the more difficult the selection tools should be - compliance with the specified parameters, checking their reliability, accuracy, as well as assessing the potential of the employee, the risks of working with this employee. That is, the stage of selection of candidates can be somewhat stepped, depending on the search result, it can only be a confirmation of the data received - checking recommendations, analyzing the results of evaluating the work of an employee. And tools can be used as an individual and group assessment of candidates.

This kind of programs, among other things, meet two key requests that companies form - these are search speeds, which can be reduced to several minutes, the correct search task. And sampling from several candidates, in the presence of a large base of potential candidates.

Recruiting efficiency and effectiveness indicators

The goal of recruiting is not to close the vacancy as quickly as possible, but to find exactly those candidates who can become highly productive employees and bring returns to the company. Since the average term of work in one company is decreasing and this indicator today is less than 1.5 years among employees under 30 years old. And this trend will continue. We highlight the following indicators:

  • The number of newcomers who have been employed for more than 1 year from the number accepted in the past 2 years. How many of those who did not leave during the first 2 years of work in the company from the moment they joined it.
  • % of employees who were promoted to higher positions or more complex jobs in the past period (1-2 years). How many employees who have career and professional growth within the company since joining it.
  • % of employees whose results are above the average for the company, among those who were attracted or transferred within the company in the last 1-2 years. Evaluation of the return on the work of new employees and the number of highly productive ones. Since if a highly productive employee gets into the team, then the results of the team’s work, synergy from interaction increases.
  • % of positions closed by internal and external candidates. Finding a balance that creates opportunities for professional and career growth within the company and renewal due to attracted new candidates.
  • The cost of hiring one employee for the company. Costs (both direct and indirect) to attract one employee compared to similar companies in the market.

Personalization of newcomer onboarding programs

If we consider the process of adaptation of candidates from this point of view, then it is worth noting that a complete position (adaptation to the position, content of work, company, team, management, as well as teams to a newcomer) takes 1.5-2 years according to world studies. And for leadership positions maybe 2-2.5 years. At the same time, taking into account the fact that for some positions, such as front office, cashiers, call center operators, the average tenure may be less than 1 year.

Taking into account the fact of reducing the term of work of one employee in one company, a situation is created in which a newcomer leaves before the period of full adaptation to the position has passed. This, in turn, requires a significant revision of the approach when creating personnel adaptation systems. We are talking about the transition to personalized adaptation programs for each specific newcomer, determining his personal drivers of motivation and development in the company and, based on them, building personal adaptation programs.

Indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of personnel adaptation

The purpose of adaptation is to create conditions for the fastest entry of a newcomer into a position, conditions for full adaptation, and getting feedback from an employee. This category of indicators includes:

  • The coefficient of passing the IS (trial period), the ratio of the number of people accepted for IS and passed IS for the period (every quarter, year).
  • Adaptation coefficient, the ratio taken over 1-2 years to the total number of personnel.
  • % of staff working under 2 years who achieve their goals
  • % of staff working under 2 years who exceed the set targets in relation to the total number of personnel accepted for a trial period for the period.
  • % of staff replacements, working up to 2 years in the organization.
  • The cost of replacing one employee for the company. Costs (both direct and indirect) to replace an employee compared to similar companies in the market.