The most beautiful names of construction companies. How to come up with a name for an LLC that brings good luck? Are there rules for naming construction companies

  • 11.12.2019

The name of the company is an important component of its success and image. The need for his choice appears along with the formation of a new business. Before anyone who wants to create their own business, the question arises: ? But even after his decision, there remains a lot important tasks. One of them is the choice of a beautiful name for the LLC, which will bring success and prosperity to it. It should evoke positive emotions, be easy to remember and have the resources to become a brand. Having come up with a good name for the company (construction, legal, furniture, or any other), the owner will create an intangible asset, which over time will begin to work for its creator and bring him income.

How to come up with a brand name?

A brand (from the Old Norse “brandr”, that is, “burn”, “fire”) is a successful trade or service brand that enjoys a high reputation, widespread popularity among consumers, and also creates a holistic image of a product or service in the mass mind. This term can denote a name, sign, design, product, service for their identification from competitors' offers. It has a unique name and its own symbol.

Huge amounts of money are spent on the creation, improvement and distribution of brands, and the rights to use them become a source of large financial income, because almost every business founder is sure that a catchy logo and a successful name are one of the most reliable guarantees against failure in the competitive struggle. To a large extent, this is true, so choosing a beautiful company name is a very important mission. When creating options, you need to consider that it is formed as offer on the basis of a pronounced positive image of the product, offering unique opportunities to meet consumer needs.

Having come up with a good name for an LLC, it will be possible to save time at the stage of transformation small business into a large one. But if it is planned, for example, without development prospects throughout the country, then the requirements for the name can be slightly reduced and focused on general rules. It will be useful to organize a survey among potential customers and hear their opinion about the names in the list of proposals of the owner.

Advice A: A brand is not a product. The name should not describe its essence, characteristics, but only disclose, show its differences from similar offers of competitors.

Name the company in a way that embodies its value, creates a strong connection between the buyer and the product or service. Almost any name can be used to create a successful brand, as long as efforts are constantly made to give it a unique meaning. For example, Coca-Cola reflects the composition of the drink, Marlboro - the area. The name should have a connection with the specifics of the product or service, be focused on the prospects for their development and not depend on the commodity situation at the time of creation. What are the principles for choosing the right brand? Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. It is necessary that it does not directly describe a product or service, because such a name should distinguish, not describe them (the latter function will be successfully performed by advertising, marketing, there is no need to duplicate this information in the title). In addition, a descriptive name limits the ability to promote it, especially if competitors start copying the product. Over time, this will lead to the transformation of the true trade name into a generic product (as is the case with the first penicillin-based antibiotics - Vibramycine, Terramycine). But modern drugs for the treatment, for example, ulcers are already being produced under various brands protected by a patent: Zantac, Tagamet.
  2. A successful company name may not be related to product characteristics (as is the case with Apple). This approach will only emphasize its long-term uniqueness.
  3. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the time factor. Over time, the name should remain relevant. List of examples of unsuccessful names: Radiola (from Latin the root of the word is translated as "warmth", and the goods sold are associated with household appliances, which do not work based on heat), EuropAssitance (indicates a close connection with a certain region and prevents distribution around the world), Sport 2000 (linked to the year makes the product look old-fashioned), Silhouette (translated as “silhouette”, now promoting the idea of ​​​​drinking yogurt for health benefits, not weight loss). This rule is especially relevant when choosing a name for LLCs selling technology-related products.
  4. The name should not interfere with the development in the international format. For example, Nike cannot be registered in some Arab countries, products American company Consumers sometimes confuse CGE with competitor's offerings - GE (General Electric).

Now, individual approaches to creating a brand name are especially popular: syllables from surnames, names of the founders, combining the creator’s surname with the prefix K °, off, displaying the product theme in the name without direct mention - compare drops for washing the nose based on Dolphin sea water and many others names that focused on the root aqua, the theme of the sea and merged together - Aquamaris, Aqualor, Morenazal.

Advice: in order to direct your thoughts in the right direction or see examples of beautiful brand names, you can use special sites with free "generators" of proposals, which give out a whole list of proposals. Another way out is to contact special agencies (they are engaged in naming, that is, they select good names), which will help to name the company correctly and beautifully, and offer creative ideas.

How to choose a business name that brings good luck?

Choosing a beautiful name for your company (for example, construction, legal, furniture), you must first of all focus on the consumer and his reaction, emotions. It is worth inventing those that will be understandable to the target audience. To confirm the success of a potential name, you can conduct a small survey among consumers.

When choosing a successful name for an LLC, first of all, you need to focus on the general principles of choice:

  1. The names of the company in the proposed list should not cause unpleasant, double-digit, confusing associations (the Vityaz flower shop, the Elena Prekrasnaya cafe).
  2. It does not have to contain information about the type of service or product. But it is imperative that the name is easy to pronounce and evokes positive emotions in the consumer.
  3. It is better to name the company in such a way that it does not feel tied to a geographical point. This will allow at any time to expand the development prospects without renaming.
  4. If the name is a foreign word or includes their roots, it is important to know exactly the meaning and possible interpretation of the name (Chevy Nova was not sold on the market South America because of the translation "does not go", subsequently the name of the model sold in this region was renamed).

What not to do:

  • call the enterprise (construction, furniture, legal) name, surname. There may be problems with a possible sale, personal negative associations of customers may form;
  • come up with a complex name or containing a negative meaning;
  • the name of the LLC should not be template based on hackneyed phrases;
  • in accordance with Art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the name of the company cannot contain even the abbreviated names of states, the official names of Russian federal bodies state power, bodies local government, public associations, contrary to public interests, principles of morality, humanity.

Unlike the brand name, the name of a company that does not claim to develop on a very large scale can reflect the type of activity (for example, "Breeze" is a company engaged in the production and repair of air conditioners). But here it is important to feel the edge. Names that are difficult to pronounce and remember will not bring good luck to the owner (Stroypromconsult, Moskavtotransservis). But, for example, in the title you can safely use words that directly indicate the characteristics of the product.

Advice: the words Russian Federation, Russia and derivatives from them can be included in the name of the organization, but only after obtaining special permission. For this you will need to pay an additional state fee.

Transport company name - examples

The name of a successful transport company must comply with the general principles of choosing a beautiful name and be different from the names of competing firms. You can beat an English word, for example, arrive (arrive), artway (art, road), combine initials or parts of surnames, names of co-owners. It is also important that it is easy to pronounce and sound beautiful (AvtoTrans, AvtoGruz, VestOl, Rota Leasing, TransLogistics, TRUST, Zodiac Avtotrans, Azimuth, TransAlyans, Inteltrans). To create the original name of an LLC, you can focus on the following list of directions:

  • connection of parts of names and prefixes auto, trans - RusAl, AlRosa;
  • beat associations with the road, speed - Traektoria, Smart transportation;
  • use a metaphor (use in a figurative sense based on comparison, similarity) or beat a word, for example, Avis, that is, a bird;
  • come up with derivatives of "transport, express, speed";
  • use an abbreviation, for example, MTL (Management Transportation Logistics - Management Transportation Logistics);
  • come up with a new word (neologism).

In any case, the name of the company (construction, legal, furniture, etc.) must be so that the name is easily pronounced, euphonious, not interpreted ambiguously, and also does not have floating stress and negative associations in sound, sense, causes pleasant visual comparisons.

Construction company name - examples

The name of a successful construction company should form in the mind of the consumer associations with reliability, comfort, and be easy to understand. Examples: Cozy House, RiMake, Domostroy, StroyService. It is necessary to avoid names that will be consonant with the names of competing firms, abbreviations. But in the name of the LLC, you can display the profile of work or services. Sample list: RegionStroy, StroyMaster, Safe House, StreamHouse, MegaStroy, GarantElite, ComfortTown. Another option is to play with the word (StroyMig, Build-ka, PoStroy), add a prefix (Derwold & Co). Recently, more and more company founders are opening their business online, but the importance of a correct and beautiful name does not change from this. building materials can be through ads, including online, on special sites.

Law firm name - examples

The name of a law firm must necessarily inspire trust, confidence in competence, a sense of reliability. It is desirable that it is not long and well remembered, for example, "Right". Often the owners decide to combine parts of surnames or names, including foreign ones. Here is an example list: SayenkoKharenko, White&Case, Yukov, Khrenov & Partners, Spencer & Kaufmann. You can also use a foreign base, which will be revealed in the slogan (the name Avellum, combining the first letter of the Greek alphabet and vellum, denoting parchment for legislative acts).

List of useful tips:

  • the name of the LLC should be sonorous, easy to perceive and pronounce;
  • it is desirable that the name of the law firm does not contain more than 3 words;
  • for work at home, it is best to come up with a name in Russian, it is possible in Latin, and only after that it is worth considering options in English;
  • when using neologisms (new words), it is desirable to attach a transcript, for example, in the company's slogan, in order to form positive associations and outline the scope of the company;
  • if the name consists of several words, it is necessary that their abbreviation be harmonious;
  • it is better not to use legal terms, they sound trite and almost all beaten;
  • if you use a common name, there may be problems with trademark registration.

The name of a law firm should be a mirror reflection of professionalism, personal values ​​of its owner and employees. It is also worth paying attention graphic design logo, colors.

Furniture company name - examples

When choosing a name for a successful furniture company, it is worth focusing on some aspects: style, luxury, leadership, comfort, all of which should evoke positive associations. You can also focus on geography (Eden). If the profile allows, you can beat the English glass (mirror, glass) - Sunglass, Glass Tower. The basis for the name “furniture” is always suitable - Mebelink, MebelLux, MebelStil or an emphasis on the type of activity of the enterprise, positive associations, for example, Interior, Empire, Comfort Formula, Triumph, Residence, Soft Line, Furniture Formula. Another way out: add the prefix K °, use symbols (Furnish & Ka, Glebov and Co., Prima-M). You can also play around with the word a little: MebelYa, SoftZnak, Mebelius, Mebelion, or use the English base - MebelStyle, IC-Studio. Sometimes the name of the LLC includes a surname or a name (Furniture from Petrov).

Names of accounting firms - examples

The name of such a company must be perceived positively, inspire confidence and indicate the solidity of the company. It is impossible to beat humorous names (for example, BUKA - AccountingConsultingAudit). The company should be named in such a way that the name indicates the type of activity, creates a positive image (ExpertPlus, Garant, AuditService, Your accountant, Openwork, Chief Accountant, Referent, Accountant, Balance, Accounting and audit with a guarantee of results). You can beat English words, prefixes, for example, Account (account), TaxOff.

Recently, abbreviations are often used - BOND (Accounting Statements Tax Declarations), connect parts of the surname or names of the owners, of course, if the name turns out to be harmonious. Creating your own business, you can without problems. Need to register for state portal fill out the form using step by step instructions. Then a letter will be sent to the post office with the date when you can pick up the certificate at the tax office.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider the most common questions from users.

Is it possible to call a store the name of a cartoon (for example, Barboskins)?

A good name is the basis for building successful business. Its creation can be entrusted to a specialized company, but it’s really possible to do it yourself, of course, after studying the theory and some practical points. The choice of name must be approached responsibly, because if you make a mistake, this will negatively affect the image of the organization and profits.

A lot of outlets are named after cartoon characters, but not always under this legal basis. When choosing a name, it is important to first clarify whether copyright applies to it (according to Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It should be borne in mind that such objects also include processing of another work, its components (names of characters, geographical places invented by the author), if they are the result of a creative process. But at the same time, ideas, concepts and principles of implementation are not covered by copyright.

Important: if the entrepreneur decides to name the store by the name of the cartoon or the name of the character, it will be illegal, even if the copyright is not registered. But if the owner uses the plot of the cartoon and creates his own hero on its basis, there should be no complaints against him. But you cannot use the name of the character, cartoon (for example, Barboskins, Fixies, etc.) in its original form for the name of the store.

Where can I read about copyright? What is possible and what is not?

Detailed explanations regarding copyright objects, protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization can be found in Art. 1259, 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clarification of various points - in other articles of Chapter 70 of this Code. A lot of useful information, practical advice is posted on legal forums, sites where questions are asked to lawyers.

If an entrepreneur works as a legal entity and plans to seriously engage in his business, experts recommend registering the exclusive right to use the company name. The procedure and practical details are described in Art. 1474 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. An individual entrepreneur cannot have a company name; in documents it is listed as " individual entrepreneur". But if desired, a person has the right to register exclusive rights to a service mark or designation to individualize the services provided. You cannot use names that are identical to the already registered one, similar to it to the point of confusion, if entrepreneurs work in the same area.

To avoid unpleasant situations and losses, it is worth at the initial stage to clarify the presence of a name in the USRIP or USRLE, to agree on granting the rights to use the name of the cartoon character with its author. If this is not done and rush to start activities without prior agreements, the owner of an already registered name, literary, cartoon character or his heirs have the right to demand not only a change in name, but also compensation, compensation for losses incurred.

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It will not even be able to fully function without a beautiful name. Its choice is not an easy task, because you need to take into account a large number of nuances that will largely ensure the success of the business. The name of any company (construction, legal, furniture) should be harmonious, easy to pronounce and evoke positive associations. To get professional help in creating a successful company name, you can contact special naming agencies, use name generators on special sites that will show sample list offers.

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The question of how to name an LLC is a very serious one. Simply put, how the ship is named also depends on how it sails.

And speaking specifically, the name of the LLC refers to a marketing tool, and there are known cases of changes in the financial condition of the organization after changing its name.

Besides, business card the name of the company should evoke positive associations and impressions among consumers and others. Especially if customers are still not familiar with the company.

Gone are the days when the same signs hung on all stores; in times of competition, choosing a company name requires a special approach.

Basic rules for choosing the name of an LLC

How to choose the name of a firm or company, based on the laws of the Russian Federation?

The Civil Code, Article 1473, part 4, confirms that a legal entity must choose an individual name, reflected in the main documents commercial organization. It must be registered in the Unified state register legal entities.

There are certain rules that explain how to choose the name of the organization. Violation of the conditions for choosing a name may result in refusal of registration in the register.

Rules for the formation of the name of a legal entity:

  1. There should be a reflection of the legal form, for example, CJSC or LLC.
  2. If it is composed of Latin, English or any foreign words, there should be a variant of the name in Russian.
  3. There is a restriction on word combinations with parts "Mos" or "Ros" that are derived from "Moscow" or "Russia". Permission is required to use them.
  4. There should not be coincidences with the names of various departments, law enforcement agencies and ministries.

The LLC sign must be memorable and resonant. It is desirable that it be associated with the profile of the organization.

Note: coined phrases should be based on federal law No. 14 of the Civil Code, adopted on February 8, 1998, describing the requirements for companies with limited liability.

How to name a company

How to come up with an interesting, memorable name? Even customers will be happy with a simple and pleasant name of the organization, it will serve as an advertising tool.

How to choose the right brand name?

An easy-to-pronounce, positive-emotion sign can:

  1. Be related to the product, but do not describe it.
  2. Consist of the surname of the owner and the prefix K +, or his name. Although it is possible that in the future a situation may arise when it is necessary to change the surname or name. Of the well-known, there is a concern "Mercedes", bearing the name of the owner's daughter.
  3. Display the concept of the organization, for example, "Windows - home".
  4. Be an abbreviation of initials or objects, e.g. "OiD" means "windows and doors".
  5. Be original through the use of sonorous foreign words such as "Corporation" or "Promotion".
  6. Include characters from history or Greek myths, such as the Perseus pool.
  7. Be compiled according to Feng Shui, harmoniously combining symbols and positive meaning.

Lucky titles should not have a time frame, they are aimed at the future prosperity of the organization. For example, "Sport - 2001" will not be relevant in 2018.

It is worth noting: do not look for a list of free titles. If the name coincides with the one already listed in unified register, your organization will have a different registration number. Therefore, name your company whatever you want, but within reasonable limits.

How is it forbidden to call an LLC

The main condition that must be observed when choosing the designation of an organization is the inadmissibility of designations that violate the principles of morality, public interests and humanity.

Prohibited use:

  • patented names, there can be no second "Adidas";
  • full or abbreviated names of any state;
  • names of bodies related to state power at any level;
  • profanity, slang, obscene words;
  • complex words and words that have a negative meaning;
  • hackneyed phrases and patterns;
  • full or abbreviated names of public associations and international organizations.

Consider: if you want to add a part of “Ros” or “Mos” to the name, you must obtain permission from the Interdepartmental Commission, where you will need to pay a state duty of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Permission to use the words "Russia" or "Ros" is obtained if:

  • the organization has representative offices in the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, occupying half of the country;
  • the organization is considered a large taxpayer, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the company plays a leading role in the market for a particular product.

The use of the word "Moscow" is justified by the Decree of the Government of the capital No. 147, issued on March 27, 2015. It discusses the order in which the state symbols of the capital can be used.

Violation of certain rules for composing the name threatens with legal claims and lawsuits that may result in bans on this name and financial losses.

Examples of beautiful company names

Creative LLC names can be obtained from naming agencies that can be contacted online. The options proposed by them can be very different, the main thing is that they be happy.

And experts select them as they like, sometimes just alphabetically. For example, listing beautiful words with the letter "A".

However, their services will not be free.


Brand names for construction companies can be justified by the reliability, trust and competitiveness of the organization.

Construction company name options:

  • "Uyutdom";
  • "Your house";
  • "Build House Service";
  • "In order" and others.

Here you need to be very careful. Clients are unlikely to believe that the builders of Mig Dom Stroy can build, for example, a medical center with high quality and on time.


Trade objects need to be decorated with memorable and accurate signs, rich, reflecting the type of activity of trading companies:

  • assortment of purchases - "Books", "Stockings";
  • the scale of the display of goods - “Lavka”, “Bazaar”;
  • product quality - "Budget", "Extra";
  • the relevance of the types of purchases - "Second Hand", "Fashion";
  • gender and age characteristics of buyers - "Modnik", "Cavalier", "Madame".


Brands of transport companies should stand out from competitors.

Their names may be:

  • using English words, for example, artway - translates as "road with art";
  • with the union of the initials or part of the owner's surname with the prefix "trans" or "auto", for example, "AlexTrans";
  • with the association of transportation, road, speed, for example, "Trajectory";
  • using the abbreviation BNK, which stands for Speed, Reliability, Quality.

Examples of the names of companies engaged in cargo transportation are Avtotrans, Transservice.

For taxis often use - "Mustang", "Fast and Furious".

The prefix "Auto" is widely used, for example, "Favorite auto".

Furniture organizations

The names of furniture enterprises can be justified:

  • creation of elite furniture - "Vip Style", "Elite Style";
  • production of furniture items of certain styles - "Empire House", "Baroco - Style";
  • using cool popular words - “Stool”, “Papa Carlo”;
  • the presence of style and luxury - "Furniture Style", "Prima - M".

law firms

Such organizations have weighty and unshakable names: "Partner", "Advisor", "Themis". Such brands create an opinion about the high qualification of the company's employees who are able to solve any legal issue. The best of them achieve high goals.


Brands in tourism depend on the specialization of the company.

For a beach holiday suitable: "Sea Breeze" and "Sunny Beach".

In the presence of sightseeing trips - "Oasis", "Columbus", "Traveler". Prefixes "Cruise", "Travel", "Line" and "Tour" are common.

Neutral names are given to companies with a diversified business, those that do not cling to any profile. For example, a historical name or the name of a mythical hero.

If you do not consider yourself an idea generator, you cannot come up with an original and successful name for your company, then re-read the article and the answer will come by itself. Good luck!

Watch the video which gives practical advice What is the best name for an LLC?

The name of the company is the first thing that potential customers, suppliers and other partners pay attention to. Therefore, choosing it is an important step in building a successful business. The name should be unique, catchy and memorable in order to stand out from the competition and evoke a positive reaction from consumers.

Below are tips for choosing a name for an LLC, examples of company names from different industries and restrictions established by law.

How to choose a business name that brings good luck?

Choosing a name, the company should build on the reaction of customers. If it is understandable to the consumer, causes positive emotions and thus contributes to sales growth, then it can be considered successful.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • The name of the company should not mislead the client. For example, Bogatyr LLC should not be called if the company sells flowers.
  • It is better to refuse variants of names with reference to the location of the company. This may become a problem in case of expanding the geography of sales and may require renaming.
  • The name does not have to be directly related to the organization's activities or products. It is better to focus on memorability and ease of pronunciation.

Advice: using foreign words in the name of the LLC, clarify their meaning so that consumers do not have problems with interpretation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

To find out whether the energy of the name of an LLC corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to represent each letter of the name as a number and sum up until a single digit remains. Example:

  • "Magnet" - 5 (M) + 1 (A) + 4 (G) + 6 (H) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) \u003d 19.
  • 19 is 1+9 = 10.
  • 10 is 1+0 = 1.

After doing the calculations, you need to turn to the decryption:

  • 1 - a good choice for firms involved in innovative developments, new technologies, etc.;
  • 2 - suitable for medical and educational organizations, design firms, hairdressing, cleaning companies;
  • 3 - for business in the field of entertainment, catering, advertising;
  • 4 - a number that brings good luck to large LLCs whose activities are related to agriculture, engineering, design, construction;
  • 5 - the energy of the five favors the field of sports and recreation (sale of inventory, sanatorium complexes, fishing accessories);
  • 6 - will bring good luck in creative industries, floristry, decor, cosmetology and medicine;
  • 7 - suitable for companies producing expensive and exotic products;
  • 8 - contributes to the success of the accounting, auditing business and everything related to finance;
  • 9 - promises good luck to charitable and educational organizations.

LLC name - examples (list)

Consider options for different companies.

Construction company name

In this area, it is important to create a sense of reliability in customers. The most popular prefixes in the names construction firms are "house" and "build". List of examples:

  • "DobroStroy";
  • "Your house";
  • "ZhilStroy";
  • "MasterStroy";
  • Comfort Town.

Law Firm Names

The name should inspire the client with confidence that his problem will be solved by competent specialists. The sonorous names of the founders and words associated with law and law are often used. List of examples:

  • "Smirnov and partners";
  • "Your right";
  • "Hand of Themis";
  • "Code of honor";
  • "Letter of the law".

Names of the transport organization

The name of the transport company, as a rule, should evoke associations with the road, delivery and cargo. List of examples:

  • "Cargo Technologies";
  • "Vesta-Trans";
  • "Azimuth";
  • Alfa Logistic;
  • "Steam Trans".

Travel company names

Associations with the sea, sun and relaxation will be appropriate. If the company is highly specialized (only last-minute tours, trips to certain countries, etc.), this should be reflected in the name. List of examples:

  • "Let's go with us";
  • "Fire tours";
  • "Fly Asia";
  • "Tropic Tour";
  • Holiday Time.

Accounting company names

For a positive perception of the company, you should choose solid names that directly or indirectly indicate the type of activity. You can play around with the words "audit", "expert", "balance", "accounting", etc. List of examples:

  • "Audit Premier";
  • "Predicate";
  • "BukhBuro";
  • "Audit 911";
  • Phoenix Account.

Names of the medical organization

Clients perceive medical terms and words related to health best of all. List of examples:

  • "Best Clinic";
  • "Good doctor";
  • "Harmony of health";
  • "Family doctor";
  • "Paracelsus".

Furniture company names

The name of the company can be associated with luxury, comfort, style or interior items. List of examples:

  • "Trio-Interior";
  • "Pan Divan";
  • "Chair and table";
  • "Mebellion";
  • "33 dressers".

Advice: if you are planning to open a business, check out.

What is not allowed in a company name?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, prescribed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code, the following cannot be used in the name of an LLC:

  • offensive designations and words in relation to individuals or groups of the population;
  • full or abbreviated names of foreign countries - for example, Sweden LLC;
  • names of public associations;
  • names of state authorities and local self-government;
  • the words "Russian Federation", "Russia" without special permission;
  • names that are intellectual property and protected by copyright law.

In general, the following requirements are imposed on the names of an LLC:

  1. The full name of the enterprise must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet - transcription is used for foreign words, Roman and Arabic numerals can also be included.
  2. In constituent documents, the name must be written in Cyrillic, Latin is used only when filling out forms in a foreign language.
  3. The unique name of the LLC is indicated in quotation marks and follows the legal form; an example is the limited liability company "Health Key".

In addition to what is forbidden legal regulations, in the name is not recommended:

  • use long and hard to pronounce words - they are difficult to remember, and they often look too formal;
  • abuse abbreviations - the name may turn out to be faceless;
  • speculate on the names of popular brands - as a rule, names like "Adibas" and "Dolci Goban" cause only mistrust among customers;
  • use the adjectives "selective", "exclusive", "elite" - often they have the opposite effect, and the name looks cheap in the eyes of consumers.

Where can I order a name for my organization?

Often, businessmen entrust the development of a name for their company to professionals in the field of naming - this is the name of the process of creating an original name for an organization. The specialist's task is to come up with a commercially successful name that will be used as a marketing tool.

You can turn to numerous design studios for help by entering the phrase “order naming” in the search engine. Freelance copywriters also provide this service. You can find a contractor for an order or hold a competition among authors, for example, on the site

Summing up

When coming up with the name of an LLC, it is recommended to focus on ease of pronunciation, memorability and originality. If you need a name that brings good luck, you can create it based on the principles of numerology. The name should not be offensive and violate the rights intellectual property. You can order a company name in a studio that provides naming services.

The name of any organization or firm is its calling card.
Without even knowing the specification of the enterprise, a potential client can form quite stable associations and impressions based on its name alone. The name of the LLC should be sonorous, memorable and at least partly hint at the profile of the organization.

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Assigning a company name during registration

You need to think about how to properly name your company even at the stage of its registration, and this process itself is regulated by fundamental regulations.


The main documents that should be followed when choosing a name for an organization are:

  1. Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 08.02. 98 "On Limited Liability Companies";
  2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The basic rules for determining the name of an LLC can be determined by the following list of requirements:

  • the name must indicate the legal form of the company;
  • it is possible to use in the name of the company foreign borrowings indicated in Russian transcription;
  • it is possible to use in the name of indications that the enterprise belongs to Russian Federation or its subjects;
  • the inclusion of the words "Russian Federation" or "Russia" in the name itself is allowed only with special permission;
  • you cannot use company names that are identical to the names of other legal entities, or confusingly similar to them;
  • It is unacceptable to use designations that are contrary to the principles of humanity, morality and public interests.

How can you name the company?

There is a whole branch of knowledge, techniques and methods aimed at the optimal choice of brand names - naming. Based on many years of development and practice of specialists in this area, a number of points have been identified that can be followed when choosing a name for a company.

So, naming suggests:

  • Choosing a company name based on the name of its owner. This is the easiest way that does not require special ingenuity. The firm can be called by its own name, surname or even initials, or using the names of relatives. For example, the Mercedes concern got its name in honor of the daughter of its owner.
  • Inclusion in the name of the name of the main product. If the company will produce windows, then maybe it is worth starting from this word, adding a consonant addition to it, something like “Window-Grad”.
  • Definition in the company name of its main concept. For example, a Taxiplane will very accurately express the idea of ​​​​its owner - a taxi with a fast transportation of customers;
  • Using a regional approach. Allows you to express in the name of the organization its geographical location: "Astrakhan windows".
  • The use of abbreviations for better memorability and easy perception of the name. By shortening long and boring names, you can get more sonorous names, for example, PID - “Ceilings and doors”.
  • The introduction of foreign words into the name. Originality and adherence to Western traditions can be brought to the name by such words as "Promotion", "Corporation", "Food" and other sonorous words in English.
  • Activation of fantasy. If the owners do not have a lack of it, then the choice of names for an LLC can be simply inexhaustible.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code:

  1. It is impossible to use the names of states in the names of companies, including abbreviations;
  2. It is unacceptable to use the names of any power structures of the Russian Federation and their subjects;
  3. It is forbidden to use the names of other international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  4. The use of obscene, obscene, immoral words and expressions in the name of the LLC is excluded;

It is unacceptable to create names that are too closely reminiscent of already existing brand names (protected by copyright law).

If you do not adhere to these rules, then the owner of the organization may be subject to serious lawsuits and claims, which in the end will result in large financial losses for him and prohibitions on the further use of the chosen name, and hence the loss of the already promoted brand.

Choosing a name for an LLC (examples)

Choosing the name of your company, you should proceed from its specification. Of course, the name of the company retail products can be very different from the name of a construction or law firm. Therefore, here too, naming specialists presented a number of recommendations to entrepreneurs.

Video about choosing a name for an LLC

There are several main styles of company names and trends:

  • standard– cases where everyday, simple word forms are used in the name of companies;
  • different- when rare or infrequently used words or expressions that have a special meaning are used in the name of firms;
  • obvious- cases in which common names of objects are used in the crosshairs, which make it easy to determine its direction of activity by the name of the LLC;
  • fashionable– are more used in tech companies that follow all the trendy technologies and choose their name from their name.

Below, options will be offered on how to name the LLC company in accordance with its main direction.

Construction firm

When choosing a name for a construction company, it is best to focus on its reliability and emphasize competitiveness. Clients' requirements for developers are quite simple: quality and deadlines construction works must comply with all relevant standards.

There are quite a few examples: Domostroitel, StroyDomService, StroyKo, Your Home, Megapolis. But do not overdo it in an effort to emphasize your own uniqueness.

Such a name as MigDomStroy may be associated by customers with the low quality of construction work due to the emphasis on the speed of their production.


lack of outlets Today there is, perhaps, nowhere. Therefore, the name of the store, whether it is the sale of food, clothing or technology, must be given accurate, attractive and memorable.

When choosing a name for a company, you can proceed from various factors:

  • by product range: Shoes, Clothes, Wardrobe, Down jackets, Trousers, Stockings, Food, Food, etc.;
  • according to the scale of the assortment display: Giant, Bench, Bazaar, Floor, Enfilade, Island, etc .;
  • according to the quality of the offered goods: Premium, Extra, Elite, Glamor, Queen, Budget, Economy, etc.;
  • according to the relevance of product groups: Squeak Fashion, Second Hand, Fake, Season, Boom, Fashion;
  • by gender and age of the audience: Miss, Madame, Fashionista, Children, Baby, Drive, Cavalier, Macho, etc.

These groups of names possible options are not exhausted.

Names can be mixed and matched to create meaningful names that match the LLC's profile.

Even a simple grocery store can be named in such a way that remembering it among many similar companies will not cause difficulties for any fleeting customer.

Transport, taxi and cargo transportation

It is better to give companies with such a profile a light, memorable name. It is precisely the quality of the speed and safety of the delivered cargo that is important to all consumers of transport services, whether it is the transportation of people or building materials.

For a taxi service, the following names can be very sonorous and quite meaningful: Derby, Fast and Furious, Drive, Mustang.

For companies engaged in cargo transportation, the prefix "Trans" will give an obvious semantic load: TransService, Auto Trans, BystroTrans, Regional transport company(RTK).

Often they use the prefix, suffix or ending "Auto" in the name of such companies: AutoForward, FavoritAvto, MoscowAvtoRulevoy (MAR), etc.

Catering enterprises

When opening a catering enterprise, when choosing a name, they usually focus on its concept and catchiness of the name. Some names are suitable for a coffee house, others for a bar, and others for an elite restaurant. In addition, it makes sense to take into account the main menu card offered in this institution.

So, companies that present their customers with a large selection of sushi dishes should be given a name that will include this word: ears bar, Sushi restaurant, Tasty sushi.

The coffee house will attract its client with such names as: Cup, Mocha, Cappuccino. A cafe with an oriental slant can be named after the fairy tale of the same name "1001 nights".

The sports bar will become memorable with sonorous names Bet, Favorite, classic dining establishment – ​​significant Tavern, Break or, for example, by the name of the owner - Uncle Kolya.

LLC for the construction of oil and gas wells

Such companies often have their own industry prefixes, such as:

  • "oil",
  • "gas",
  • "those",
  • "oil".

The names of such firms do not shine with a special variety, but even here you can turn on your imagination by naming your brainchild in a more original way: GasOilResource, OpenOil, Storms and Swing, Pathfinder, etc.

Medical organization

In order to evoke the right associations among service consumers, various private medical offices or centers, it is customary to give two-syllable combinations: the first part of the name usually indicates the field of activity of the company, and the second - its specialization. For example, Clinic Dentist or Medical Center Pediatrician.

Such firms are usually targeted at an audience that is more or less dissatisfied with the quality of free health care and has sufficient funds to provide themselves with a first-class medical service.

Examples: NeBoleika Clinic, Hippocrates Medical and Diagnostic Center, Health Center.

Law and consulting firms

Law firms usually position themselves as centers with highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence, capable of solving any problem both in the field of servicing legal entities and individuals. The name of such firms must be strong and unshakable: Advisor, Themis, Standard, Partner, Navigator.

For consulting and recruitment agencies, emphasis is also placed on the professionalism of the staff.

It is also allowed to use word forms that reveal the direction of the work of such companies: Freeze Frame, Governor, ConsultPlus, Guide.

travel companies

It all depends on the specialization of the agency. If this is mainly a beach holiday, then the name of such a company should be associated with the sea, sun and sand - Sunny Beach, Paradise, Sea breeze or concise Sun Beach.

If the travel agency is more focused on organizing sightseeing trips, then in this case it is more convenient to use word forms associated with geographical discoveries or features various countriesColumbus, Almanac, Traveler, Oasis.

The most common prefixes for complex names: T ur-, travel-cruise-, line-etc.

car service

Almost any company that distributes spare parts or provides car service, car wash, tire fitting, etc., cannot do without a weighty and meaningful “car”.

But even here you can experiment and offer euphonious variants of names: Autoleague, Inter-Auto, Autonomy, Authority. Names such as Pilot, Phaeton, Engine, Helmsman, TuningClass.

Furniture manufacturing

An active start of a furniture manufacturing company will give an idea of ​​its target audience. If a company specializes in the creation of luxury furniture, then this gives every reason to use such prefixes as “elite”, “vip”, “exclusive” in its name: EliteStyle, ExclusiveMebel, VipStyle.

For a company whose specialization is the production of furniture of certain styles, such names as: Rococo House, Baroque Style, Empire House, Renaissance Classic.

They will attract their client and such names as 12 chairs, Wood, Papa Carlo, Stool.

Neutral names for diversified businesses

If it is planned to create a diversified company covering several areas, then it will be more successful to choose a neutral name that does not cling to any one narrow profile.

Or you can combine several parts at once in one name that describe the company's activities in the service market: TorgService, StroyConsult, AvtoVoz.

In a thrift store, you can sell not only clothes, but also household goods: furniture, household appliances. Read

Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of construction companies operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, more and more people are finding advantages in cooperation with private repair and construction teams. At the same time, many master builders are striving for independence and organizing their own work crews. Without a doubt, such a business can bring income, but only if you approach this issue competently and rationally.

Names of law firms

The names of law firms and consultations are most often formed from words related to legal practice.

What is the original name for an interior decorating company?

These can be professional terms, phrases, including the words "right", "legal", "law", "lawyer", "attorney". Neologisms are very common, which include the roots "yur" and "yust". Sometimes titles law firms reflect their specialization or contain an indication of which clients they work with: citizens or legal entities. In variants targeted at a business audience, the most common marker words are “business” and “business”. Outside the list were examples of law firms and law firms named after one or more partners. This is a widely used technique.

Top Law Firm Names

Alpha and Omega
A priori best
bankrupt expert
Without compromise
Letter of the law
Your right
You're right
De jure
Doctor of Law
Pros and cons
Law is law
legal force
I have the right
Code of honor
Le Juriste
Nevsky bastion
first instance
By right
under the wing
Full right
Last resort
Right to protection
right to right
Legal technologies

just cause
Hassle free divorce
Russian left
Angry citizen
Force of law
No sooner said than done
Word and deed
According to the law
Defense strategy
Intelligent lawyer
pivot point
financial health
good lawyers
Person and law
Shield and sword
Justa Grata
Yu Firma

Other titles

7 firms
Art De Lex
black fox
De Fendo
Jus Privatum
Legal Partners
Littera Lex
Nota bene
prime legal
Suprema Lex
Tabula Lex
Ultima Ratio
auto defender
auto lawyer
The ABC of Inheritance
Alt Group
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Practice
A priori
Arzis Premium
White square
White Lion
white standard
Banks of the Neva
Business and Law
Business and law
Business Garant
Business partner
Business Law
business lawyer
Goddess Themis
big eight
Your Attorney
Your representative
Your legal adviser
Your lawyer
Your Honor
Your cause is right
Law vector
Veles Lex
The right decision
Eastern wind
you and right
Law guarantee
Right Guarantee
Main argument
the globe
Golden City
Gorodissky & Partners
state law
Civil case
Edges of law
business alliance
business age
Business partner
Business fairway
Business Services
De facto
luck dealer
Dynasty of Lawyers
Good will
Good deed
Trust and protection
House of Law
Ermak and comrades
For your right
Law and taxes
Law and order
Law and law
legal solution
city ​​laws
Protection of the right
Green corridor
Green light
Land issue
Golden mean
Golden Rule
golden ratio
Golden Dragon
Golden Lion
golden scorpion
Law Zone
Mind games
idea of ​​law
Intelligence and Law
Intellectual resources
intellectual capital
A stone bridge
Capital Law
Code of Justice
comme il faut
Consul & Rubicon
Corporate practice
Kurgan Gambit
Laguna Vista
Lex Foree
Defense League
League of Professionals
justice league
Legal Aid
Leader of the right
Law line
line of defense
Line of law
personal law
Master of Laws

world of law
My right
my interest
My lawyer
Reliable partners
tax profile
Our lawyer
Our business
New Perspective
New Horizons
New facets
Rule of law
exemplary business
Optima Lex
The foundation
Special opinion
First Consul
A person
Persona grata
Petersburg lawyer
chargé d'affaires
Useful advice
The truth of the law
Right no problem
Legal protection
legal star
legal republic
Legal sphere
Legal field
Legal solution
Legal aspect
Legal business
Legal Dialogue
Legal Navigator
legal principle
Legal Advisor
legal standard
Legal incentive
legal expert
Legal innovations
Legal Answers
Legal Resources
human rights
Law control
law and order
right bank
Principle of law
A priority
Simple Solutions
Let's break it!
Region Lex
Republic of law
Roman law
Robin Hood
Russian truth
Russian lawyers
Russian law
Russian law
bright path
north bridge
Family Attorney
Family Lawyer
Synergy of law
Law system
Slavic law
Snow Leopard
Business Assistance
Solomon group
Law standard
State Councillor
Trial Attorney
Territory of law
Law Technologies
Subtleties of law
Tula quarter
Wagon Garant
Ural guild
Themis Center
Financial freedom
Finance and law
Force Majeure
Force majeure
law center
Justice Center
Central District
Judgment Hour
Private right
Honor and right
Four griffins
Four Pi
El Law
Era of law
legal standard
legal industry
Juris Pride
legal adviser
legal department
Legal partner
legal service
Yus Liberum
Yust Group
Justice Bureau
Justice College

Need to come up with a name?

That way.

How to come up with the name of a construction company or company

The construction business is one of the most profitable in modern Russia. There are already many different firms and companies in this sector.

What is the name of the construction company?

Along with them, new ones continue to be created. In order for the start of a business to be successful and to flourish in the future, quite a lot is needed. But first of all, you need to come up with a good and reliable name for the construction company.

What to consider when choosing a name

In order to come up with a name, it is not necessary to resort to the help of naming specialists - specialists in this field. This is quite expensive and not always effective. Here it is enough to follow some rules.

  1. Define and target the name to the audience for which your company will work. For example, if the activity is aimed at interacting with a middle-income customer, you should not use names like "Babylon" or "Elite". This will immediately scare off a potential client. He instantly decides that the prices here are not commensurate with his income.
  2. It is better that the name begins with the first letters of the alphabet. After all, when you advertise in a newspaper, it is in alphabetical order. The number of companies offering their services is huge and it is difficult for a client to decide. According to psychologists, out of a large number of advertisements, a person pays close attention to the first 10 ads.
  3. To make it immediately clear to the client what exactly the company does, include in the name and scope of activity.
  4. A client can become interested in the services of your company at the subconscious level if he experiences positive emotions and a certain interest. So when you come up with a name for your construction company, do not forget about psychological techniques.
  5. It is impossible to create a unique and expressive name in an hour. This may take a week, or even two. There is no need to rush here, because the success of all your work depends on the brand by 70%.

Do not focus on what first came to your mind, it most likely already happened. It is necessary to work with associative thinking, knowledge of certain approaches used by professionals can help you with this.

If you plan to work with individuals directly, then choose a name that is not very complex and easy to remember.

When working with more complex or foreign partners, your company should have a catchy, modern, creative and at the same time serious name.

Examine the provisions on the name of firms in the legislation. Without this knowledge, certain problems may arise.

The main requirement of the law when registering a company is that its full name must be written only in Russian.

For a name to be valid, it must appear on all official documents.

If a company, in addition to the Russian one, operates on international market, then in the name of the company abbreviated words are allowed for English language but in small letters. For example: "MEGASTROY intrn".

Brand is a comprehensive concept

By coming up with a good name, you create a worthy brand for your company, thereby ensuring credibility with the consumer. One has only to remember such construction brands as Knauf, Bosch, Makroflex, Ceresit, Bergauf, we immediately understand that the goods produced by these companies are of very high quality, and you can buy them without hesitation.

It is more effective to create a brand in addition to the name. This is a collection of names, signs or symbols. It will guarantee the quality of the service to the consumer, and will add responsibility to the company's employees for the services provided. Believe me, each employee will value the reputation of the company, realizing that his well-being depends on it.

Moreover, a well-chosen name creates an excellent mood in the team and a lot of positive emotions.

Choosing a name is by far the most important step in building a brand. Here are some approaches that can be used for the name of a company in the construction business:

  • Changing a known concept or name;
  • Analogy with a well-known concept;
  • Cutting out parts of a syllable or letters from a word;
  • geographical name;
  • Images from mythology;
  • Adding prefixes in superlatives;
  • The use of neologisms (new words with certain associations).

When looking for a name for your company, you don’t need to use the approach: “like everyone else, so am I.”

Try to come up with an original and extraordinary name for your construction company, because everything trivial is of no interest to anyone.

What to avoid when choosing a name

To make it immediately clear what your company does, avoid using abbreviations. After all, after reading, for example, "SKM", no one will understand that this is a Monolith Construction Company, and not something else.

Also, do not use the names of your relatives or friends, common surnames or surnames famous people. This approach is determined by the associative memory of clients. In the life of every person there is a negative experience of communication, and it is associated with a certain name or surname.

It is forbidden to use the names of the country, cities, regions and subjects of the Russian Federation. This can be done only with the permission of the Government, while paying a state duty.

The name should correspond to the construction activities of your company, so as not to mislead potential customers.

Do not come up with a name by abbreviating four or more words. Few people will pronounce StroyCompBarSpetsInvestMontazh.

Do not use names very similar to those already famous brands. This provision is protected by copyright law.

If you ignore the above rules, you can get legal action and lose an already promoted brand.

The main task is that of all the beautiful, original, fashionable names of different construction companies, the client chooses yours. Remember, in the construction industry, customer requirements are quite simple. Everything should be of high quality, competitive, beautiful and not too expensive. Therefore, choose names, guided by these requirements.

How to name a construction company.

Coming up with a good name for a construction company is a very troublesome and difficult task. And in fact, a seemingly simple task drives into a stupor. What is the name of the construction company? And what is the correct name for a construction company?

Perhaps it is worth starting with the rules for naming a company. There are some simple and unpretentious rules, according to which you need to come up with a name for a construction company. The first rule is focus on the target audience. CA is the target audience In other words, your customers. If you work directly with individuals, then you need to choose a name that is simple and memorable.

How to name the company? List of finished items, Yekaterinburg

And vice versa, when working with companies, and even more so with foreign partners, you should come up with a name that is not only memorable, but also modern and demonstrating your seriousness.

The second rule is that it should be clear from the name what your company does. Very often there are mistakes when a construction company is called by an abbreviation, for example "SGS" (modern housing construction), but no one except the employees of the company will know about it. Pronouncing the full name of the company all the time is extremely inconvenient and difficult to understand. For example, if your construction company specializes in prefabricated buildings, then you can beat the name, like QuickStroy, ShuStroy, StroyMig, etc.

How to name a construction company: examples

To give direction to fantasy, we offer several examples of the names of construction companies: Termit, CityStroy, Stroygrad, StroyDom, NeoStroy, Building the Future, StroyCity, Megastroy, Vysokostroy, Stroyinvest, Stroyprom, ZhilStroy, RegionStroy, Stroy-Alliance, UniversalStroy, StroyMaster, StroyGarant and etc.

We hope these examples of names of construction companies will help you come up with your own unique, sonorous and memorable name. Never come up with the name of the company alone: ​​involve as many people as possible in this work. Try to give people an incentive to come up with a good construction company name: for example, money prize for the best option.

How to name a construction company

All your employees should gather in a relaxed atmosphere and take turns saying the names that come to their mind. In this case, it is necessary to completely exclude criticism: not a single proposal should be rejected or ridiculed. Write down all options on a piece of paper or a special board. The next step is to select suitable names from the list.

Immediately it is worth crossing out those sentences that repeat the names of competing companies.

How to name a construction company

The first rule is focus on the target audience.

Target audience is the target audience, in other words, your customers. If you will work directly with individuals, then you need to choose a name that is simple and memorable.

And vice versa, when working with companies, and even more so with foreign partners, you should come up with a name that is not only memorable, but also modern and demonstrating your seriousness. The second rule is that it should be clear from the name what your company does.

Name for construction firms and hardware stores

· Form style
Logo, sign design
· Labels and packaging
Names and naming
· Creation and design of websites
· Marketing, research
· Slogan for advertising.
· Signboards, outdoor advertising
Advertising on transport
・Heroes characters
· Books, catalogues, covers
· Calendars and printing
· Articles and texts about advertising
· Portraits and paintings
· Design sketches
Our awards
Our portfolio
· Illustrations and pictures
Postcards and valentines

The construction market is booming.

Many new firms are emerging. As a rule, all of them are called with the word "system". Other options are also possible. Consider the classification of building and business names.

Competition for the best construction company name

"EcoDom" "Your Future" "PROStroy" "First Cottage" "Cottage Stroy" "BudVse" "New Technologies" "Compact" IC "Project" IC "Prosto" +100% professionalism Hello Everyone! If you look at ordinary people and what kind of construction company they would choose for themselves, then I think an ordinary person paid attention to some kind of Russian name, well, something like this, 1 (. STALIN'S HOUSE)

The choice of the right name of the company largely depends on its further success.

Statistics show that a beautiful name is well remembered, which helps to increase the number of sales of goods or services.

A creative name for a home renovation and construction firm

This is especially important if the company operates in the construction industry.

Before giving a name, you need to consider that it should be remembered and easy to read.

Because if it is difficult to pronounce, customers will figure out how to easily call your company, and this can introduce misinformation and confusion.

It should be comfortable. This means that after hearing it, a potential client may be interested in your offer.

For example, if a person is interested profitable offer buying a home in a cottage village, you can play on his feelings and on what would be acceptable for him (beauty of nature, location away from the city, etc.) For example, by naming a company: "Birch Grove", "Cherry Orchard" or "Clean Lakes".

It is desirable that the name of the company reflects the type of its activity.. it can be invented using brainstorming, i.e.

going through a large number of different options. And then by means of voting to choose the most optimal of them.

What is the original name of the house-building company?

Gather a team and try to find, come up with the name of the company YOURSELF! It will be more correct, and if everything goes uphill, then you will also be overwhelmed with pride for the fact that you came up with the name yourself!

Choosing a name is a serious step in the development of a construction company. Associations in pronunciation should be just as you say about affordable and quality housing!

Do not rush to make a choice, think it over well, in the end you can turn to specialists, to professionals in this field.

How to come up with a company name: selection online and for free

If these are purchases, then the use of the word forms Buy, BestDeal, etc. is appropriate. Beauty Salon - New Image, Your Style, Creative, Elegant, Beauty Studio.

For a travel company - Voyage, Cote d'Azur, Around the World, Tourservis.

Transport company - Autoavia, Transit, On the road, Easy flight.

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is not registering and protecting the company's copyright.