Business cow milk. Business plan for breeding Cattle (cattle). Water and table salt additives in briquettes

  • 03.03.2020

According to the estimated set of consumer basket approved for 2016, the consumption rate of meat and meat products for the average Russian is about 60 kg per year, milk and dairy products - about 300 kg per year. Actual figures are usually an order of magnitude higher. If you look at these figures from the standpoint of not a consumer, but an entrepreneur, you can see a favorable ratio and an opportunity to make good money in the production of meat and dairy products.

Breeding cows on a personal farmstead as a business

When the preparatory stage has been completed, and suitable conditions have been created for the animals, young animals can be purchased. Consider exemplary business plan breeding cows on the example of the most common dairy breed in Russia - black-and-white.

To start a small home farm, you can purchase 4 heifers and 1 bull. Calves need to be bought from large farms. Healthy, normally developed animals, brought from highly productive cows, should be selected. The appropriate age of a cow for stocking is 1.5 years when the animal reaches sexual maturity.

Business Startup Costs

The cost of a one and a half year old heifer is about 12 thousand rubles, a bull - 18 thousand rubles.

Thus, it will take you 66 thousand rubles to purchase young animals.

Cows will need mandatory vaccination against various diseases, in addition, periodically need to be tested for brucellosis and tuberculosis. About 5 thousand rubles will be spent on veterinary services per year.

One of the most important issues in livestock breeding is the organization of feeding at different times of the year. In summer, the bulk of the cow's diet should be fresh grass. In winter, the animal must be fed with pre-harvested hay, silage, vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes), compound feed.

Feed consumption rate calculated for one cow per year:

  • hay - 2 tons - 7 thousand rubles;
  • straw - 1 ton - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • silo - 4 tons - 4.8 thousand rubles;
  • green mass - 10 tons - 10 thousand rubles;
  • root crops - 2.5 tons - 10 thousand rubles;
  • concentrates - 1 ton - 7 thousand rubles.

It turns out that in order to feed one cow for a year, it will take about 41 thousand rubles. You can save money if the farmer has his own land, which can be used as pasture in the summer and sown with grass for hay.

Attention! Without fail, the cow must be given at least 100 g of salt per day. This will help maintain the acid-salt balance in the body of the animal.

In order to milk cows 2 times a day, you should purchase a special apparatus, which will cost about 27 thousand rubles. However, this point can be saved if you organize the process manually.

If you make a calculation, it turns out that it will take about 300 thousand rubles for the entrepreneur to start a small farm for breeding cows and the first year of work.

When to expect profit

The farm will begin to bring real income only by the end of the first, and more often - in the second year of its existence.

A cow can bring offspring once a year in the amount of 1 cub. Lactation lasts an average of 300 days. At the same time, in the first time after calving (2-3 months), 50% of cow's milk will go to fatten the calf.

On average, 1 cow per day produces 10 liters of milk. Thus, for the first 90 days of the lactation period, the farmer will be able to sell about 5 liters of milk per day from one cow. From four cows - 20 liters, respectively.

The remaining 210 days will be sold all 10 liters per day from one cow, which means 40 liters from the entire farm.

average price whole cow's milk in 2016 is 60 rubles. for 1 liter.

Therefore, for one lactation, the farmer will be able to earn 153 thousand rubles. from one animal and 612 thousand rubles. from all livestock. And this is only when selling the primary product, that is, milk. If you are engaged in the production and sale of cream, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter, then income may increase.

In addition, the brought calves can be either sold as young animals or fattened and put to slaughter with the subsequent sale of beef. At the same time, young animals can be sold immediately after weaning from the cow, and it will take about a year of fattening to grow calves for meat.

Attention! The average weight of a dairy cow at the age of one year is 300 kg, a bull-calf can reach up to 400 kg. The slaughter yield of beef is approximately 50%. The price for 1 kg is 300 rubles. That is, from the sale of meat, you can earn from 45 thousand rubles. up to 60 thousand rubles.

If we compare the costs of maintaining the farm and the possible revenue, it turns out that breeding cows as a profitable occupation, which, although not so quickly pays off, but in the future brings a lot of money and has many development options.

From a personal farmstead to a real livestock farm

Activities in the field Agriculture today is also beneficial in that each farmer has the potential to receive real help in the development of the economy from the state.

So, every year federal budget considerable funds are allocated to promote the target program for the development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms in the regions. Within the framework of this program, entrepreneurs are allocated:

  • grants for the creation and development of the farm;
  • subsidies that provide compensation for costs already incurred;
  • soft loans.

To participate in the competition, a farmer must fulfill a number of requirements, details of which can be found in the regional authority of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Cattle(abbr. KRS) - farm animals of the subfamily "Bulls". The main purpose of cattle breeding is the production of meat and, obtaining skins and sometimes wool. An additional income in each of the main areas is breeding for the purpose of selling young animals.

From the obligatory in any of the directions, you will definitely need agricultural machinery for harvesting and transporting feed, animals, hand tools, a hayloft, a calf barn, areas for walking and grazing cattle, a barn with stalls, thanks to which it becomes more convenient to feed the animals, as well as to control.

You should immediately think about veterinary medicine, since livestock can get very serious and dangerous diseases such as anthrax, various flus, in which all livestock are allowed to be slaughtered. Any farmer must monitor the cleanliness of his production facilities, pastures and periodically carry out the treatment required by veterinary medicine.

Depending on the possibility of peasant farming, climatic features, as well as requirements for meat, several systems for keeping large cattle:

  • stall-pasture. The maintenance is carried out indoors in winter (with regular walking in paddocks), and in summer on a pasture. In warm seasons, camp pens are equipped in which animals are kept. Each cow has access to greenery, water, mineral elements.
  • Stall-walking system. With him, the herd is kept indoors with mandatory daily walks in special runs, platforms, mechanized installations.

Often farmers build sheds under which bulls and cows rest or hide from bad weather.

Breeding bulls for meat

meat breeds

Since the breeding of breeds that produce high-quality meat, for example, marble, has become a trend in recent years, we list first of all meat breeds that have marbling. Many of them are already bred by enterprising businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Aberdeen Angus

This breed is naturally prone to marbling, and proper fattening and care can produce meat of the highest marble category - completely penetrated by the thinnest fatty layers, very juicy and tender. Angus is gaining weight in the region of 1 ton and has a height of up to 1.6 meters. They were bred in Scotland, from where they spread throughout the world, including the CIS countries.


Limousines grow up to 1.5 meters in height and gain weight of about 1 ton. The meat is very tender, juicy with varying degrees of marbling. It is the most exported among the French breeds.


Originally from France, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and has a mass of about 1500 kilograms. The best bulls of this breed have a genetic defect in the form of increased production of the protein myostatin, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. But it is impossible to carry out selection on this basis. However, normal charolais produce excellent marbled and lean meat.


Growth in the region of 1.5 meters, weight - in the region of 1100 kg. Herefords are originally from England and were bred as meat. It is quite unpretentious, therefore they occupy one of the most important places in the meat market. With proper fattening, the meat marmorizes very well.


It was bred in England and is one of the most common. Shorthorns are characterized by high precocity. The weight of cows is 500-600 kg, bulls - 800-1000 kg. The meat is very tender, juicy, with evenly permeated fat. Slaughter yield averages around 65%.

Grain and grass fed

This example is suitable for both a large farm and a small one.

useful links

  • Codex Alimentarius - FAO Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat
  • Everything related to cattle // Forum, communication between farmers on this topic

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Food products will always be in demand by the population. To get more profit from dairy products, livestock farms are opened, but the business of cows and milk is specific. It requires large financial and physical costs.

Experts believe that it is better to start a business with a small homestead. See how much was invested in cattle, how much milk was sold, what turned out net profit. There is no need to set up a private sector. If the entrepreneur is satisfied with everything, he likes the business he is doing, then you can expand, draw up an IP. Lawyers advise using a simplified taxation system: income minus expenses. In this case, the tax will be 6%.

If the activity began with a household, then the entrepreneur has already taken into account all the advantages and complexities of the business. When expanding the farm, it is necessary to pay attention to the following questions that the farmer will definitely face:

It is necessary to analyze the dairy market, study milk prices, the direction for the sale of calves and cows in the region and beyond. Do not consider only nearby enterprises. It is necessary to study areas in which animal husbandry is underdeveloped. There, for sure, dairy and meat products are required.

How many individuals need to be purchased? To obtain milk, dairy breeds of cattle are purchased. For the meat business, they put bulls for fattening. There is no need to hurry with the choice. It is necessary to assess the climatic conditions of the region. Not all cows endure both heat and cold equally. Some animals need high humidity, while others do not.

White breeds of cattle are most often meat. They are hardy, have good immunity. Red, motley, black and white animals have milk productivity or milk and meat. Individually suited to each breed. The quality of meat and the fat content of milk are different. Experts recommend purchasing individuals from local factories or farms in nearby regions. Animals do not have to adapt to new climatic conditions.

Cows need to be properly maintained, to organize optimal conditions for their care. It is recommended to consider the seasonal keeping of cows in the warm and cold seasons. If the corral is open in summer and spring, and it is planned to make it on pastures, then a lease is agreed with the local authorities required area meadow land. One individual should account for at least 0.5 ha. An open camp should not be located far from the pasture.

For the winter, cows are put in stalls or kept in closed pens. The optimum temperature in the room should not be below +10 degrees. Usually, walls and roofs are insulated in a barn, but in cold regions with harsh winters, it is necessary to establish a heating system in them.

For the full maintenance of dairy cows, a certain diet is built. One individual should eat up to 6 kg of succulent feed, 12 kg of silage, 2 kg of dry feed per day. They think over the location of the silo pit, storage rooms for dry feed and hay. It is recommended to build a farm near vegetable farms in order to save money on the supply of vegetables.

If the number of cattle is more than 10 heads, then it will be difficult for one farmer to cope with them. They hire workers who keep the room clean, milk the cows, and control the operation of all automatic devices on the farm. The health of the animals is monitored by a veterinarian. It can be a full-time unit or an invited specialist from a veterinary clinic. An agreement is concluded with him, in which all preventive measures for the improvement of animals are prescribed.

You also need to worry about markets. Milk is a perishable product. It will not be able to stay in the refrigerator for a long time without heat treatment. Sales of milk should be daily. Think over the transportation of products: ways of delivery and mode of transport.

How to write a business plan?

To visually see the construction of a business on cows and milk, calculate all the estimated costs, calculate future profits, provide for investments, predict the return on the farm, they draw up a business plan. It is necessary, first of all, for a farmer to properly organize a business. If there is a need to take a loan from a bank, the credit institution will ask you to present the business plan of the enterprise. What is reflected in the document?

Section 1 is the introduction. The name of the enterprise, address, TIN, statistics codes, bank account number through which all commercial transactions are carried out are indicated. Here are the registration numbers of the PFR, FSS, TFOMS (medical fund number). The characteristics of the farm are briefly described: production and sale of milk, breeding and sale of calves of milk productivity.

Section 2 - production plan. The section reflects all the expenses that the farmer will make:

  • renting a land plot or buying land as a property in order to build a barn;
  • rent of pastures and areas for summer camp animals;
  • barn costs: premises, equipment, automation. How much money will be spent on the arrangement of closed boxes for cows, on the heating system, supplying electricity, organizing feeding and watering;
  • the farm must provide a separate room for hardware milking. It organizes a room for washing animals, disinfecting the udder, hooves and belly;
  • sanitary standards provide for a separate room for calving;
  • equipment of boxes for sick animals;
  • shower rooms for cows, if there is a need to wash them;
  • purchase of heifers or dairy cows;
  • provide for the number and cost of milking machines;
  • purchase of bulls;
  • feed stocks: hay, silage, concentrates, dressings, vitamin supplements, salt, pulp;
  • purchase of milk storage containers;
  • refrigerators for milk and meat;
  • personnel costs. Experts recommend hiring 1 specialist for 10 heads of cattle;
  • medical and veterinary expenses.

All indicators are recorded in numbers. A general calculation is made so that the farmer sees the total costs of the enterprise.

Section 3 is economic indicators. It reflects the projected profit:

  • for clarity, make a table. Monthly income from milk is signed: liters, cost, revenue;
  • the same table is made for the sale of meat;
  • if the farmer plans to sell young animals, then a calculation is made for this type of activity.

All income from the farm is calculated. The farmer clearly sees to come from a certain amount cows and bulls. Separate records are kept for each cow, how much milk she gives per day. The seasonality of milk production is taken into account. Cows reduce their milk supply in winter.

Section 4 - analytical. The farmer analyzes the calculations and calculates the monthly and annual profit or loss. If the finances that were spent on organizing a business were personal, then the farmer analyzes when this enterprise will pay off. good indicator considered 3 years.

Section 5 - investment. It is necessary for credit institution to take out a loan. The farmer requests a certain amount of credit from the bank and makes a technical justification for it. It indicates what he wants to spend the money on, what profit he will receive by putting it into circulation. Which enterprises-buyers the farmer works with. How long can he take out a loan?

Banks usually require a separate technical justification. It makes a predictable profit calculation. In the business plan, the investment section is needed only for the farmer. He sees how much money he lacks for effective activities.

Key business risks

Each commercial activity comes with certain risks. In animal husbandry, the main danger is animal diseases. Even if the farmer has acquired a good, healthy young stock, and his business is developing successfully, diseases can befall other farms in the region. Some entrepreneurs save on animal vaccinations. The cows are sick.

FMD disease is dangerous. They mainly suffer from cattle and domestic animals: cats and dogs. This is a viral disease that has 100% infection. Calves have a high mortality rate. If the veterinarian recognizes foot and mouth disease, he is obliged to report this to the regional authorities.

Is it profitable to keep a cow - many novice farmers think about this. And some expect to breed animals as a business. What a cattle breeder needs to find out in order to make money on such agricultural activities, we will consider further.

Before starting a business with cows, every farmer is advised to take a deeper look at what the whole process of raising horned animals consists of. In the case of cow breeding, several basic points stand out:

  • feeding the cow and keeping it in the stall;
  • regular walking and grazing of the animal in the pasture;
  • harvesting hay for the winter;
  • milk collection;
  • breeding and raising offspring (both dairy cows and bulls);
  • conducting timely veterinary examinations, as well as vaccination against the most common ailments.

Knowing how to do detailed business plan, you can set good start to develop your own business. However, to begin with, write down the main points for raising cattle and then determine what costs will be needed for a particular process.

How to calculate costs and calculate risks

Breeding cows as a business is a profitable occupation, as many experts say. However, in order to appreciate high results, you as a farmer need to understand that the focus is on choosing a productive breed, as well as creating all necessary conditions for its cultivation. And such a process requires a lot of effort and financial investments. Therefore, the second most important point is the need to calculate the estimated costs. At the same time, do not forget to take into account possible risks (diseases, low productivity of cows, etc.).

Premises and equipment

Breeding cows for milk and meat will bear fruit if you approach the equipment of the barn with all seriousness. It is advisable to identify the cow in a brick building with heat-shielding walls. Be sure to apply plaster and whitewash to the surface. Thus, there will be enough light in the barn. Another important point: the presence of wooden floors, and even under a slight slope. Follow these rules, and it will be much easier for you to clear the barn of manure.

As for the feeder, it is also desirable to make it wooden, while its capacity is important. This container should hold at least 7 kg of hay - consider this requirement when building a feeder. Since your cow will spend a lot of time in the stall, especially in winter, consider having a vent pipe in the roof.

The floor should be covered with straw or sawdust.

And in general, in the barn, you need to maintain a dry microclimate and heat. Remember that harmful gases (ammonia and hydrogen sulfide) accumulate here in large quantities. Their formation can be prevented by timely cleaning of the barn and regular change of bedding on the floor.

Purchase of livestock and feed

Raising calves for meat at home will be a profitable activity for you if you take the organization of the process seriously. Of course, the purchase of livestock is of great importance: you need to purchase a cow in special farms. As for feed, the cost of buying them will be significant, but you can’t do without it.

The most expensive are concentrates, that is, grain and bran. In general, farmers usually spend up to 12 thousand rubles a year on this. If you need to purchase hay, be prepared to determine about 4 thousand rubles for an annual supply. Separately, you need to spend money on juicy feed. In general, the amount of estimated financial expenses for one feeding per year can reach 18.5 thousand rubles.

Sales of products

Breeding calves as a full-fledged business is unthinkable without you defining the main ways to earn money. Here everything depends solely on you. You can look for suppliers, cooperate with various enterprises. Some novice farmers prefer to make money on the marketing of dairy products on their own, selling them on the market. Find out for yourself in advance where you will put cow's milk, and you will be able to assess the profitability of your business. Only in this way will you prepare properly for this lesson.

How to file your business

A private farm will bring a full income if you think about the need for official registration at the stage of purchasing livestock and determining key costs. Without this, you won't get far. What is required of you is to collect the necessary package of documents. As a rule, beginners in this business are recommended to open individual entrepreneurship.

As for taxes, it is best to choose a simplified taxation system. Making a business plan to account for all costs is not difficult. However, your efforts will be in vain if all this is not registered at the state level.

Is breeding profitable?

Many beginners think about whether it is generally profitable to keep a cow on the house plot. Whatever you say, but based on the opinions of experts, in last years there is a significant reduction in the number of cows in the country. However, in fact, all this is due to the laboriousness of the process of caring for animals, and not because of unprofitability. Agree, a cow will have to devote a lot of time. Grazing regularly, feeding, milking twice a day, veterinarian checks and keeping the barn clean will all take a lot of your energy.

Raising beef and dairy cows for sale is very profitable business, especially if you manage to put this business on stream. In addition, breeding and selling cows will not require large expenses from the owner of the enterprise, which any novice entrepreneur is afraid of. But, at the same time, we must not forget that beef cattle breeding itself is cheaper than dairy cattle breeding. Although the second does not require any supernatural monetary investments.

A cow business can only become successful if its owner has the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for this. It is simply impossible to start breeding animals without the slightest idea of ​​​​what is happening in the complex, and without having a strategy. Accordingly, before opening such a business, it is necessary to study not only the features of breeding animals of a given species and specific breeds, but also the following points:

  • features of keeping cows in summer and winter;
  • nuances of fattening animals and their main diet, all the characteristics of different feeds, as well as the possibility of their use;
  • what breeds of cows are preferable for the manufacture of meat products, and which ones are better to grow for milk;
  • how, to whom and where it will be possible to sell manure.

When the topic is fully understood, it will be possible to start breeding cows as a business. It primarily involves the creation of an enterprise for which you will need:

  • buy or rent land plot on which the complex will be built;
  • build a barn;
  • buy young animals, choosing animals depending on what it is planned to breed and sell cows for - for meat or for milk.

The production area for cows usually assumes an area of ​​​​30x6 m. It is best that it be located in countryside, and even more preferably, its location in close proximity to other agricultural enterprises, for example, engaged in growing plants. Those enterprises that are located near fields and vegetable gardens will have more chances to sell manure successfully and without much difficulty. In addition to the production room, it is necessary to build a heated room in which the breeding of cows will take place directly. To accommodate 30 heads of cattle, it will be enough to have an area of ​​​​180-200 square meters. m.

What are the formalities

To open a complex for breeding cows for sale, you need to register for an individual entrepreneur by OKVED code 01.2 (livestock). For the very conduct of business and convenient work, it is preferable to choose a simplified taxation system, which implies withholding 6% of tax from the gross income of the enterprise.

When creating a business, you need to think not only about prospective future consumers, but also about competitors. That is, the complex must be located in such a way that there are no similar producers of meat or dairy products, large or not very large complexes for breeding cows for sale, the main activity of which is also breeding cows at home.

  • large markets;
  • retail outlets located in the nearest settlements;
  • private resellers, or small organizations involved in the purchase of products from entrepreneurs in bulk.

What is the Cost of Entering a Cow Breeding Business

As a total amount that an entrepreneur may need as an initial investment in a business, it is 600-700 thousand rubles. It is quite possible to take this money on credit, and they will go to the following:

  • the construction of the complex will cost an average of 170 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of animals usually begins with the purchase of 5 cows, which will cost 250 thousand, and 12, on which you will need to spend about 170 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of feed per year (stocks of hay, straw, barley and oats) will cost about 60 thousand rubles.

At the initial stage, another 20 thousand rubles should be planned for the wages of workers. For the opening enterprise, initially only two laborers will be required, for whose average monthly salary you can count 10 thousand rubles. It is assumed that in the coming months the wages of workers can be allocated from the profits already received from the business.

We should also not forget about the special equipment that will be required when breeding cows on a large scale, in particular about milking machines.

Breeding cows as a business almost always brings its owner a stable income, so such enterprises are already considered profitable. If we talk about specific figures that an entrepreneur can count on, then here are the approximate prices for products sold:

  • retail beef - 250 rubles per kg;
  • sale of beef meat in bulk - 170 rubles per kg;
  • retail sale of milk - 35 rubles per liter;
  • sale of milk in bulk - 24 rubles per liter.

It is assumed that with the above number of livestock per month, it will be possible to sell 300 kilograms of meat and 2-2.5 thousand liters of milk. Thus, the profit can be 50-75 thousand rubles if selling meat, and 48-70 thousand rubles when selling milk. Consequently, the annual income of the enterprise in this case will be 600-900 thousand rubles for the sale of meat, or 570-850 thousand rubles for the sale of milk.

Annually, 60 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of feed, and 240 thousand rubles on the remuneration of workers. If the land plot for the construction of a complex for breeding cows was leased, then certain expenses must be planned to pay for it. Another class of costs is utilities. But both rent and utility bills will be different in each case, so it is impossible to give any figures in advance.

Purely theoretically, general view and complexity, as net income from the business of breeding cows for sale will remain half of the total income of the enterprise. These amounts will be enough to easily recoup the initial investment in it in 1.5-2 years from the start of the business and gradually begin to expand. In this case, the natural expansion of a business means a gradual increase in the number of cattle, entering new, larger markets and a systematic increase in the level of profitability of the enterprise.