Business plan for the construction of parking at the airport. Conditions for the opening of the parking area. Financial and production plans

  • 03.03.2020
MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

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Need a car park business plan? You have come to the right place, because here is a document that will allow you to calculate all the benefits of deploying this commercial enterprise. There are more and more cars every year, the fleet of foreign cars is growing, citizens and domestic cars are buying. And all this transport requires parking spaces, parking, while the owners want their vehicle to be under reliable protection.

You can evaluate the profitability of the car park as soon as you receive the document in your hands. It is possible to put into operation even a multi-level car park, in combination with a parking lot. Parking services are in demand more and more, this temporary car placement service is in demand, therefore it is excellent investment funds for the entrepreneur. Do not forget that you should purchase special equipment and properly equip the boxes, parking spaces or parking lots, taking into account the regulatory and technical characteristics.

To study the information on opening a parking lot is to understand the intricacies of the legal registration of this enterprise, to understand the digital calculations that are presented by specialists for those who feel the strength to engage in such a business. Of course, this undertaking, of course, requires excellent leadership qualities, because it is necessary to collect a large number of supporting permits, but it should be understood that this business is super-profitable in the future.

The organization of a parking lot as a business requires the collection of a large number of documents. First of all, this is obtaining a permit confirming the right to lease urban land. As a rule, with this there are maximum difficulties. It's good if you have connections in state structures if not, you will either have to lose a lot of time and nerves, or find a person who, for an additional bribe, will do everything for you in the best possible way. Of course, the closer the land is to the residential area, the more customers you can count on. Accordingly, the cost of renting such a site will be higher.

If all problems with the lease have been resolved, the next step will be the preparation of project documentation, which will be required for the approval procedure also in local authorities. After that, all documents are transferred to the Land Committee. Probably, it is not even worth mentioning that at this stage a businessman also faces a lot of problems, the source of which, again, are local officials.

But even if you managed to overcome all the difficulties associated with official registration relatively painlessly, this does not mean that opening your own business - parking lots will go further without a hitch. The real challenges are yet to come, and the success of your business depends on how prepared you are for them.

For entrepreneurs planning to build a business in parking lots or car parks, it may seem that there is nothing difficult about it. Large-scale investments are not required, all that matters is to enclose a piece of land with a high-quality fence and hire security guards. But this is only at first glance. The car park can really become profitable business and it pays for itself in a relatively short amount of time. But there are so many problems and risks associated with the development of this business that it can become an insurmountable obstacle for a novice businessman.

The main risk that can destroy the entire business is associated with land, or rather, with its lease. According to the experience of experienced entrepreneurs, when opening your own business - a paid parking lot, it is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for a long time. Otherwise, the land plot can be taken away from you at any time, in order, for example, to conclude an agreement with another businessman, already on more favorable terms. Just imagine: you have invested hundreds of thousands of rubles in the equipment of parking spaces, and suddenly you find yourself with nothing.

Customer relations are another stumbling block. Suppose the car owner did not notice how he scratched the car while parking, and later decided to file a claim with you. Another significant problem is competition. But you can cope with it by introducing additional services. For example, by opening your business - a parking lot and a car wash with it - you will be able to attract more customers. Of course, the organization of a serious business - parking lots and car washes - requires more significant capital investments, but the income will also grow - do not hesitate! Regardless of where you decide to organize paid parking - near shopping center or close to residential buildings - you can not do without reliable support in the form of a professional parking business plan. This document will become a kind of instruction for you to create an open parking lot. Using it, you can easily deal with such nuances as organizing work on ordering parking spaces and advertising your own services.

The number of cars in Russian cities is growing day by day, and the problem with parking is becoming more acute. Many motorists with pain in their hearts leave their iron horses in unguarded parking lots near the house, constantly fearing that anything can happen overnight. Therefore, the question of whether it is profitable or not to open a parking lot during a crisis, as a rule, is decided positively by the entrepreneur. Thanks to the steady demand for parking, you can make good money from this business.

True, the path to profit can hardly be called easy. First of all, it is difficult to find a suitable piece of land that you will be allowed to rent. Moreover, it is important to conclude a lease agreement for maximum term so that there is no risk of losing a place in a year or two. In addition, you will need to provide various authorities with a weighty package of documents for opening a parking lot, having coordinated your undertakings with Rospotrebnadzor, Pozhnadzor, and the Architecture Committee.

An important nuance: you will also have to provide a program of events aimed at organizing and conducting production control for how sanitary standards will be observed in your parking lot. These requirements apply to both ordinary parking lots for cars, and parking lots for truckers, that is, heavy vehicles.

Having received all the necessary permits for the creation of a car park, the entrepreneur asks himself the following question: how to achieve a full capacity of the car park? Whether your parking lot will pay off depends largely on the organization of your business. Even from such trifles as asphalt impregnation with a special agent that does not allow oil products to be absorbed. This, by the way, is strictly monitored by regulatory authorities. It is worth missing this moment - and you can not avoid a fine.

When planning to open a parking lot from scratch, take care in advance where you will look for employees who will keep a round-the-clock watch. If you want to create a successful car park, you need to understand that employees play an important role in this. Responsibly approach the selection of personnel, and do not forget to control their work. Once you find a security guard at the workplace in a state of intoxication, do not hesitate to fire him.

Parking management is also essential to the development of your business. Attentive attitude to customers will allow you to count on reciprocity, in which drivers will constantly use the services of your car park. More detailed description business processes of the enterprise on the example of a successful car park you will find in a professional business plan for a car park. You will understand what OKVED codes suitable for a business like parking, you will learn how to create a successful advertising sample for a specific parking lot. What is important - the use of this document will minimize the likelihood of risks.

Parking, as a business, attracts an increasing number of entrepreneurs, due to the high demand for these services. In addition, you do not need to have any special knowledge in this matter. The main thing is to decide on the target group for which the parking will be designed, and choose the type and design of the parking lot. The final choice depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, as well as the specific tasks that will be solved with the creation of the parking lot.

Autoparking, as a business, involves the use of both open and closed types of parking, single-level or multi-level structures. In addition, the location of the parking lot is important - underground or ground, as well as the type of its equipment - fully automatic or mechanical. All these options differ not only in terms of time costs and the complexity of implementing plans, but also the total costs for each specific view parking.

The most economical and highly demanded option is open parking lots. But their attractiveness was initially due to the convenient location and large area. If a businessman does not have such an opportunity, it is better to pay attention to other types of car parking.

The lack of free space is the main problem that entrepreneurs often face when they decide to build a business in paid parking lots. In this case, preference should be given to very practical and convenient multi-level parking lots. Of course, the costs here will be completely different, in contrast to the equipment of a conventional open parking lot, but significant opportunities open up. Mechanical multi-level parking is ideal for a metropolis where a free piece of land is extremely difficult to find. When planning to open a parking lot, consider how many meters will separate it from a residential building.

If there are no particular problems with the land, then it is more expedient to build an open parking lot, especially when it comes to the territory located in the immediate vicinity of shopping and entertainment centers. Most large areas will be required if you plan to build a parking lot for heavy vehicles. When parking long trucks, it is very important to maintain the required distance between the rows.

Significant financial investments will be required from a businessman in underground parking lots, which, as a rule, are located under the building or not far from it. When developing a business project for an underground parking lot, you need to prepare a lot of documents, including the results of geological surveys. Regardless of which type of parking you choose, don't forget the importance of advertising your services. Judging by the feedback from entrepreneurs involved in this business, successful advertising samples are of great importance in business development. An even more important role belongs to a competent car park business plan. Based on it, a businessman will learn how to open his own business - a mechanical or multi-level car park and will be able to correctly calculate his financial capabilities.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs are turning their attention to activities in the service sector. Popularity is also increasing due to the fact that almost every resident, especially a big city, uses such services. Such an area is the development of mechanical engineering and the increasing number of cars on the roads.

As can be seen from practice, this situation "plays into the hands" of receptive entrepreneurs who open their own parking lot. In order to start your own business, it is recommended to create a business plan for a car park.

Success in doing business will be in the following elements:

  • an area in an area where there is no parking nearby, but there are a lot of parked cars;
  • ensuring good protection of the territory.

Among the advantages of maintaining a car park is a stable customer base, demand is only growing, there are never many of them and the costs are one-time.

Moreover, you can register as usual individual entrepreneur, which will save you from red tape with accounting and simplify the payment of taxes.

To take into account all the nuances, you must first draw up a business plan for the parking lot.

The demand for parking services is constantly increasing, so the competition is relatively small.

Even if two car parks are located in the same area, they will still be full, because the owner would rather leave his car in a fenced area under protection than in the open.

To start your own business exemplary business parking plan can be downloaded free of charge on our website. The first thing to be puzzled is the future location of the guarded parking lot.

It is quite logical that the closer to the houses it will be, the better, and in the most populated areas. So the likelihood of a quick replenishment of parking spaces increases.

The practical part of opening a car park will involve the following expenses:

  • site asphalting;
  • lighting installation;
  • construction of a cabin with two floors for a security guard;
  • installation of a barrier at the entrance;
  • installation of a fence 500-600 m long;
  • video surveillance system.

The site itself should be 5 thousand square meters. m., then it will be able to stand 200 cars.
For the operation of the parking lot, it will be necessary to hire staff in the form of a director, at least 4 security guards and at least 2 handymen.

Car Park Security- one of the main criteria by which it will be possible to keep the clientele. First, the staff must be responsible. As a matter of labor discipline, the consumption of alcohol in the workplace should be prohibited and severe penalties for breaking the rules. You can install a video surveillance system, then the workers will have no time to relax.

financial part can be organized as follows - even before the opening of the parking lot, give the opportunity to book places. You can also make original pricing policy to places - those that are closer to the exit - are more expensive, and accordingly, the farther from the exit, the cheaper.

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The allowable costs of opening a car park must include the costs of:

  • registration of a package of documents, certification of the layout and territory;
  • construction of a parking lot;
  • workers' wages.

You also need to include in comparison small expenses for business cards and outdoor advertising with parking signs.

Watch the video Automated parking in the underground car park

Now in cities there is a problem with car parking, and you can make good money on this. How to open a car park from scratch? Where to begin? A business plan with calculations, advice and feedback from experienced entrepreneurs, as well as recommendations on project management.

Market analysis

In the cities of the CIS, there is now a real car boom: if in Europe many people are trying to switch to more environmentally friendly motorcycles and bicycles, then in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries the number of cars is only increasing, especially in large cities. The demand for convenient and safe parking spaces is also on the rise.

In Moscow, the government itself is trying to solve the parking situation by opening multi-level and underground parking lots, but the parking market in the regions is not very busy.

Choose a format

There are several standard formats:

  1. Paid parking for cars - popular with car owners, requires compliance with the requirements: the presence of an oil-absorbing coating on the entire area, compliance with a minimum width of seven meters when organizing a traffic lane. Has guardrails.
  2. Parking at the house - remains paid, but is a cheaper version of the previous option due to the lack of fences around the perimeter of the site. Often the places are almost completely filled in case of a good location. At the same time, there is a risk of losing money if at least 20 parking spaces are not constantly occupied.
  3. Paid for trucks - parking for trucks it is worth arranging truckers on the way. And so that at least 50-80 km around there were no competitors.
  4. Underground or multi-storey parking is an option for large cities and capitals. But there is a big risk of not paying off, so beginners are not recommended to try it.
  5. Paid covered parking is a more suitable option for a novice entrepreneur due to the lower cost of project costs.

Here you can download ready-made as an example for free.


You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the scale of the business - for a novice entrepreneur, it is enough to choose an individual entrepreneur.

The next point is obtaining the right to rent an area from the city. And this question confuses many newcomers, because getting even a small land is difficult if you do not have any connections. The situation with this in the regions is much easier, and finding a suitable area close to residential buildings and not difficult at all.

After the conclusion of the lease, it is necessary to draw up a plan for planning and arranging the land, officially coordinating it with the city authorities. In the case of construction, it is also necessary to collect a permit from the District Administration and conclusions from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. The last item is the documents that are needed for future checks. These include contracts:

  • on carrying out deratization;
  • on the removal of solid household waste;
  • for the availability and maintenance of a cash register;
  • for land lease.

Also, we must not forget about the presence of a production control program.

Choosing a parking spot

For paid parking of cars, it is worth finding a place near a residential building. Many entrepreneurs are targeting residential areas under construction, because in large residential complexes there are many who want to leave their car in a guarded parking lot.

Consider what pricing policy to conduct regarding the prosperity of the townspeople, and also determine what Additional services may be required in this region. For a business plan, it is important to determine what specific size of the site will be needed.

Based on 100 cars, the size should be at least 3,000 square meters. Such an area is the minimum for parking in the city according to the law, because at least 25 square meters must fall on one unit of transport.

We improve the territory

Electricity will have to be provided throughout the parking area in order for the lighting to work and video recorders to be installed.

It has already been said about equipping the roadway with a special coating, but the parking lot also needs a heated security gatehouse. Instead of an expensive coating, the canvas can be laid with compacted gravel, which is completely harmless to any car, but cheaper.

Recruiting staff

Obviously, the opening of the parking lot will not take place without recruiting at least a small number of employees. Parking project requires to hire:

  1. Three or four guards.
  2. Janitor.
  3. Accountant.

It is necessary that each candidate for the guards does not have bad habits, and also has such qualities as conscientiousness, stress resistance, courage and sharpness.

We determine profitability

The last thing that remains to be known is how much it costs to open a car park, as well as profitability. Let's take the average cost of opening a project across the country in large regional cities. As an example - a fenced parking lot open type for passenger cars near residential buildings:

Expense Line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Rent land plot 70
2 Improvement of the parking lot and installation of cameras 500
3 Connecting communications and arranging the gatehouse 500
4 Utilities and other services 7
5 Paperwork 40
6 Staff salary 200
7 Marketing Campaign 20
8 Paying taxes 23
9 Unexpected expenses 15
Total: 1 375

On average, they charge 150 rubles per car for services. Approximately 450 thousand rubles come out in a month, it is possible to add several maintenance ideas to them: pump up cylinders, warm up the engine in advance, store seasonal tires in stock, etc.

For a month you can get about 550 thousand rubles in a good scenario. The amount of net profit is about 230 thousand rubles a month.

Video: how to open a car park from scratch?

We bring to your attention a small instruction from the owner of a successful parking lot from Novokuznetsk Irina Merkuryeva. Irina has been running a small parking lot in a suburban Siberian city of 100,000 for almost 15 years. Her small business brings a stable income, on which her whole family lives and lives well for many years. As Irina herself says: “Parking is an “eternal” and stable business.”

How to open a car park from scratch

For large cities, the lack of parking and normal car parks is a very painful issue. Cars literally have nowhere to go, so drivers are forced to violate traffic rules and park cars in prohibited places.

Most motorists would be happy to park the car according to the rules, but two factors interfere - the lack of normal parking nearby or the high cost of services.

In general, the opening of a car park is the kind of business where there is still room for development, despite the high density of competitors. But this does not mean that you should spend money without hesitation.

To begin with, it is worth ordering or drawing up a business plan for a parking lot, solving organizational issues, choosing a place, and so on.

Main types

Before taking any action, you must decide on the type of future parking. There are several main options here:

1. Open parking - the simplest and most cost-effective business option. All that is needed is to find an open area, fence it off, organize an entrance and put up a booth for protection.

You can locate such a parking zone in the center or in a residential area. The main thing is that there is not much competition nearby. The main part of the injections will go to renting a land plot, paperwork, wages employees and fencing.

2. Covered car park will cost a little more. Here, cars are stored in a large building under a capital roof.

As a rule, car enthusiasts trust such parking lots more (after all, the car is more protected from theft and there is no constant exposure to atmospheric phenomena).

3. Parking (ground or underground). This type of riser is more suitable for a large entertainment complex, a large store, a shopping center, and so on.

So big business requires large investments, so it is not suitable for start-up entrepreneurs. As a rule, the owner of the shopping center immediately thinks over the option of parking.

4. Penalty - a specialized institution where detainees for various violations of car owners are brought. As a rule, such organizations belong to public utilities, and organize here private business will not work.

5. Parking lot for trucks. When organizing such a business, you must take care that there are no other parking lots within a radius of 50-60 kilometers.

In addition, it is necessary to make asphalt pavement, organize lighting of the territory, drainage system, video surveillance and security.

We create a business plan for a car park

Starting a business without a clear and understandable business plan wrong decision and such a decision can lead the entrepreneur to serious losses and serious disappointments.

It is possible (numerous facts from the practice of other businessmen confirm this) that without a business plan, you can lose not only the business itself, but also all investments, all investments, as a rule, are considerable.

Of course, having even the best business plan does not guarantee that everything will be OK. But a working, well-thought-out business plan increases the chances of success.

Many successful entrepreneurs at the start of a business, they bought an inexpensive business plan template and reworked it a bit, “fitted” it to fit their needs and indicators, and received an inexpensive but fully working business plan in the yoke:


After you have decided on the type of parking, decide on a place for its arrangement.

There are three options here:

  • parking in the city center. Such a business will always be in demand, but there is a big minus - the high cost of rent. At the same time, very often you have to work not with the owner of the land, but with its tenant or, even worse, with a sub-tenant. Another problem is choosing the right place. As a rule, all good areas have long been occupied;
  • parking in sleeping quarters and in areas of high-rise buildings. Here, too, there are no problems with clients, and the lower cost of renting land will allow you to save a little. Another plus - a large number of unoccupied areas that can be easily identified for parking;
  • business on the outskirts of the city. The main advantages are the cheapness of rent and the absence of problems with registration (as a rule, the authorities allocate the necessary plot without any problems). On the other hand, it will also not work to count on big profits.

On average, renting a land plot will cost from 80,000 rubles per month.

It's useful and interesting!
More than 500 ready-to-use business plan templates in our catalog:

A high-quality selection of franchises for start-up entrepreneurs, collected by us

From this article, you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:


Standard parking can provide services for the placement of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. In addition, winter tires and other equipment can be stored at the site.

When compiling a parking business plan, you can take into account the opening of a tire shop, a car parts store, a car wash and other services.

Form of activity

If you decide not to complicate your life and limit yourself to a fenced area, then you can choose one of the options - IP, LLC. As practice shows, it is better to give preference to IP.

In this case, you can significantly save on costs and simplify the registration process. The average cost of registration of IP - from 30 thousand rubles.

Registration features

When drawing up a business plan for a car park, it is worth considering the stage of registering a car park.

Here you need to follow several steps:

  • firstly, to knock out permission for the right to rent the site you like. Believe me, getting it will take a lot of work. Often, to resolve this issue, you have to attract considerable funds and personal connections. At the same time, much here depends on the district of the city, the area of ​​​​land, as well as the officials themselves;
  • secondly, after the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to prepare a project for a parking lot, which will take into account all the nuances. It must be approved by the prefecture. After that, the project goes to the Land Committee for consideration;
  • thirdly, if you plan to build something on a leased land (for example, to build a building for a covered parking lot), then you need to obtain permission from the authorities.

The average cost of obtaining a permit is from 100 thousand rubles.

Table number 1. Potential of services for consumers of car parks in Russia

How much is car parking as a business

Basic expenses

When organizing a car park, do not forget about the need for additional costs:

  • bring all the necessary communications (primarily light) and install a fence;
  • at the entrance, provide for the installation of a barrier (preferably automatic);
  • equip a two-story guard post with good visibility. At the same time, furniture, a telephone, a computer should be inside the room. Electricity must be supplied to the building;
  • organize a video surveillance system that will help solve many problems and controversial issues;
  • cover the parking lot with asphalt. If this requirement is not met, you can run into a serious fine;
  • ensure high-quality lighting of the parking lot, because it will work around the clock.

It is necessary to allocate from 150 thousand rubles for parking equipment and connection to the network.

Parking ready business or how to increase profits


As a rule, for parking for 50-100 cars, 3-4 guards are enough, who will work in shifts. In addition, you will need one accountant who will be in charge of technical issues.

Total salary costs - from 90,000 rubles per month.


Opening your own car park is a profitable and easy business to set up, but there are several unpleasant moments in it:

  • Firstly, the main owner (tenant) of the land plot may require the closure of the parking lot or its transfer to another location. At the same time, the reasons can be very different - there are better offers, a buyer has appeared, and so on. In such cases, reliable communications in the administration can help;
  • secondly, there is always the risk of car theft. In such a situation, the main responsibility lies not only with the watchman who "missed" the crime, but also with the business owner. Naturally, the financial costs in this case will be very impressive. Surveillance cameras and qualified lawyers can be of great help here. If appropriate insurance has been issued, then the burden of payments falls on the insurance company.


Opening your own car park is a highly profitable business. The average daily rate is from 200 rubles. If 50 cars are placed in the parking lot, then the total profit per day will be from 10,000 rubles.

Accordingly, the monthly income is from 300,000 rubles. Keep in mind that this money will need to pay taxes, wages, rent, and so on.

Wherein net profit will be from 70-90 thousand rubles. The full payback of the project is 1-2 years.

Table number 2. Average prices for parking services in Russia


Let's sum up the intermediate results for this type of business:
Rental permit - from 100 thousand rubles.
The cost of landscaping, the purchase of equipment - from 150 thousand rubles.
Registration of IP - from 30 thousand rubles.
Salary - from 90 thousand rubles per month.
Rent - from 80 thousand rubles per month.
Net income - from 70 thousand rubles.
Payback - from 1 year.

Conclusion: opening a car park as a business is the right decision!

Opening a parking lot is a very promising area for business. The main thing is to immediately decide on the type of parking lot, draw up a high-quality business plan, order project documentation and be prepared to invest a certain amount.

Moreover, always plan ahead. For example, when choosing a site, consider the presence of free territories nearby (for the future), explore the area for the fact capital construction in the future and so on. Be careful and your new business sure to bring in income.

Car parking is one of the simplest types of business, but stable and quite scalable. The business plan for opening a car park, which we compiled, clearly shows the simplicity of this niche. You do not need to purchase a lot of expensive equipment and hire a large staff.

Basically, car parks provide only one service, security and car storage. You can connect some additional services. For example, together with partners, you can always open a hundred or a car wash. All profitability lies in the fact that on your territory is going to the target audience similar services. Do not forget that you can earn money by placing, for example, coffee machines.

What services can be provided:

  • car storage;
  • storage of motorcycles;
  • bicycle storage area;
  • warehouse on site seasonal storage tires.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

You can walk through the nearby yards, lanes and estimate how many cars are parked there. Of this number, many will become your customers. If you do not have a covered area in the parking lot, which is most likely, we recommend that you do so. For example, such a zone and a viewing hole for cars will be convenient for your customers whose car has broken down.

Opening stages:

  1. Analysis of the area where it will open.
  2. Conclusion of a contract for the lease of the territory.
  3. Parking equipment.
  4. Hiring employees.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

You will need a minimum amount of documentation for organizing such an enterprise. Remember that your parking lot should not store chemicals or fuels. Liability in the organization of this business should be in the first place.

Required documents:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • concluded lease agreements;
  • certificate from the fire department.

Stage 2 - finding a room

The premises will most likely be an open area. It is important for you to make parking closer to residential or office space so that people do not go from home or office for a long time to get their car. Also, we advise you to equip the parking lot with video cameras around the entire perimeter of the territory. Often, as an additional protection, dogs are used, which are released at night. The minimum parking area should be from 500 sq. m., and also surrounded by an all-metal fence.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

With the purchase of equipment, special difficulties should not arise, it needs a little. This car park business plan does not include construction costs, such as a fence to enclose the area. It is better to look for the territory with the expectation that it is already fenced.

  • barrier (from 55,000 rubles);
  • round parking mirror (from 5,000 rubles);
  • security booth (from 160,000 rubles).

Barrier system (from 100,000 rubles)

Watchman's booth (from 160,000 rubles)

Anti-speed (from 4,000 rubles)

Mesh fence (from 15,000 rubles)

Stage 4 - recruitment

The number of guards depends on how many shifts you do and how you distribute the work hours. In the list below, we have listed one employee and their monthly salary.

Who is needed - a security guard - a parking attendant (from 30,000 rubles).

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

If you find an area for cars that is close to residential buildings, it will be easier for you in terms of advertising. You can freely paste ads on houses and people will already begin to understand that it is possible to leave the car for the night under guard. Also, if the parking lot is close to office buildings, you can always hand out leaflets to people leaving it.

Financial plan

To answer the question of how to organize parking, evaluate your capabilities. The main expense, in our case, is the rent of the land. If you can somehow, for example, through a tender, buy it out, you can open a parking lot almost from scratch.


  • personnel (30,000 rubles);
  • territory rent (from 100,000 rubles);
  • equipment (220,000 rubles).

Total: 350,000 rubles.

Possible risks

We answered some questions about how to open a car park from scratch, so it's worth mentioning the risks. The main and rather significant risk in this business is the lack of customers. If the business is unprofitable, and the territory is leased, this may lead to the closure of the enterprise.