Successful business stories with minimal investment. Ideas for business with minimal investment. Problem #3 Building great customer relationships

  • 05.05.2020

How to open a business with minimal investment in 2019? What business ideas from scratch will make your business profitable? How to choose the right business idea for your situation?

Hello dear friends! You are welcomed by entrepreneurs and founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

We are often asked - what kind of business to do with minimum investment are asked to advise a working business idea.

Get comfortable, we're getting started.

1. What business ideas with minimal investment work in 2019

A business idea is the basis of any profitable business. There are commercial ideas that have brought millions of dollars in profits to their creators and continue to work for them to this day. These people started their business from scratch, with only a huge desire to succeed. About that, we talked in detail in one of the popular articles on our site.

Business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs do not have to be brilliant insights (although this option is also suitable): it is enough to use ready-made solutions and just start working according to a certain scheme.

In this article, we offer business ideas with minimal investment for residents of a metropolis, small town, village.

Below you will find projects for women, men, students and retirees.

Some entrepreneurial ideas involve working from home, others require own production or at least a car.

Even in 2019, when some businessmen stop commercial activity due to a sharp decline in demand, there are niches that, with the right approach, can bring good income.

Business niches relevant in 2019:

  • receiving income through the Internet. (read our article);
  • provision of various services to the population;
  • training and consulting;
  • resale of goods through electronic bulletin boards;
  • production of products self made under the order.

All the business ideas described in the article are different, but one thing unites them: the lack of large investments at the initial stage.

The amounts that will be spent to open a case vary in the range from 100 to 15,000 rubles (5$-300$ ).

Agree, almost everyone can find such funds.

However, there are many examples when people managed to achieve stable material well-being literally from scratch. These people just realized their original and cost-effective ideas.

Here is an option for those who primarily think about the safety of their savings: opening a franchise business. You get a ready-made commercial model with guaranteed efficiency and pre-calculated profitability.

We offer you to take advantage of the offer from our partners - a network of Japanese restaurants. One of the co-owners of the network, Alex Yanovsky, we know personally. This is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, who has launched many profitable projects.

Moreover, our one more friend, Sergey, opened a Sushi Master point in Maykom in the “island” format. The 1.5 million he invested paid off in six months. So the scheme works - proven in practice!

In section 5, we will describe in more detail how to competently open a franchise business.

2. Why many business ideas fail at the start

The main reasons for failures in a newly created business are, as a rule, of an organizational nature.

In other words, you must have a business plan (we have already covered in detail) - step by step guide to action. No matter how small the initial capital is, it must be spent strictly for its intended purpose. If the money ends at the start, this means that a strategic mistake has been made.

The most common reasons why entrepreneurs fail are:

  1. Lack of customer focus. You need to interest your potential client. Starting a business, even a very original and new one, think about how to convey its exclusivity to other people.
  2. Mistakes in cash flow management. Financial illiteracy, abuse of loans and inability to properly allocate available resources ruined the lion's share of young projects.
  3. Lack of purpose. If your business idea does not have a clear goal, it will either not work at all or stall in the process of bringing it to life. Decide what level of income you want to achieve and what you will do with the initial profits. The best option is to put them into action.
  4. Lack of competent leadership. If more than 1 person is engaged in business, there must be someone who makes decisions.
  5. procrastination Postponing important business milestones until later. Act now and start from the beginning!
  6. Excessive caution. Unjustified risk will also not be beneficial, but fear is even more unprofitable for development. profitable enterprise. If you constantly wait for the perfect moment to implement your idea, you can spend years waiting for this. As one humorous and at the same time vital phrase says: “If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married.” This refers to those who procrastinate and miss a good opportunity because of it.
  7. Lack of persistence. For some aspiring entrepreneurs, the first failure is immediately unsettling. Such people say “it didn’t work” and step aside. This is the wrong strategy. To make sure the idea is viable, you need to test it several times - the more the better. But you need to do this wisely, constantly refining and adjusting the chosen direction. Let's repeat, correcting, and not just doing the same thing in the same way.

If a person repeatedly repeats the same actions, expecting to get a different result, then he can be called insane.

Albert Einstein

And don't expect instant returns from what you think is the most brilliant business plan. Remember that only the most patient and persistent achieve success.

The main criterion for choosing an idea for a business is personal interest in any direction. Ideally, you need to make money on what you love and what you really understand.

In our opinion, a 100% successful business idea in 2019 must meet the following criteria:

  1. Based on what you love. Even the great Steve Jobs said that it is impossible to achieve great results by doing an unloved thing. Since you will quickly leave him if difficult times come, and they will definitely come.
  2. The idea must be in demand by the market. You may love to cross-stitch or learn the language of the Tumba-Yumba tribe, but these activities are unlikely to bring you a lot of income. Even if people are fond of these areas, the amount of money in these market niches is very small. Even without deep analysis, this can be understood. In other words, with the same amount of work and talent, it will be much easier for you to make money selling real estate, building materials or cars than hamster hats, thimbles or decorative fly swatters.
  3. Contain unique benefits. If you choose a niche or a business idea for a future project and do not know how exactly you will stand out from the competition, then such an idea is unlikely to bring a good monetary result. Be sure to think about your competitive advantages. They can be price-based, for example, if you were able to reduce costs by finding a very profitable supplier. Your unique advantages can also be strategic, for example, if you endow your product (service) with unique consumer qualities.
  4. A business idea must comply with legal and moral and ethical standards. You can earn quickly and a lot, but you should think about whether this earnings will be honest. This is a fundamentally important condition when choosing a direction in business. If you do not want to wake up at night from police coming to the house or hear unflattering words from customers addressed to you, do only honest ways to earn money. Do not spoil your karma and sleep peacefully at night. Although, there are definitely people who are not embarrassed by anything. But this is their choice and everyone will eventually be rewarded according to their deeds.

Significant assistance can be provided by education or work experience in a particular field. For example, a plumber can open an online store for plumbing products.

If you enjoy meeting new people, go into the organizational business. Conversely, if interacting with people makes you uncomfortable and feels better when you are alone, take on a home-based business, such as tailoring and mending clothes or technical translations.

Sometimes having a hobby helps to open a business. For example, people involved in aquarium fish can turn their hobby into a source of income - start breeding fish (algae, plankton) for sale.

For beginners, we can give a few more specific tips:

  • you shouldn’t take a large loan from a bank to start a business, especially if you don’t have other sources of permanent income (it’s better to borrow from relatives if you absolutely don’t have your own funds) and if you clearly decide that you need funds to start your own business, then be sure study our article "";
  • start small: set specific goals for yourself and complete them consistently;
  • if your business is not related to the Internet, but is focused on a local territory, consider whether the level of income is sufficient for potential consumers to make your business work (in other words, it is hardly worth opening a luxury clothing store in a village with a population of 5,000 people).

And most importantly - do not be upset if the project did not work: it did not work out now, it will definitely work out on the next try. Experience in entrepreneurial activity much more important than the availability of start-up capital.

4. Ideas for a business with minimal investment - TOP 15 best business ideas

And now, concrete ideas for those who want to start working for themselves and make a profit today. Let's say right away that you also need to be able to use ready-made projects and ideas. Each option needs to be considered and compared with specific realities.

If you have little experience in business or you are just about to start your own business, check out our selection of business ideas for beginners.

Business idea 1. Resale of things on Avito

Avito is the most popular free ads site in Russia. Thousands of purchase and sale transactions are made here every day: some people buy the goods they need, others successfully sell this goods.

Where big money is circulating, intermediaries are needed. It is not at all necessary to sell your own things: you can search for buyers and sell other people's things to them, while receiving good interest for your services.

Why is it relevant? Many people want to sell something they don't need but don't know how to do it or don't have enough time to do it. In addition, there are sites where you can buy goods cheaply in bulk, and then sell them at retail at a favorable price for you.

If you want to thoroughly understand how to make a profit on Avito and even build a business on it, check out our article "".

In fact, mediation deals with most stores. In this case, you will not need to pay money for renting a warehouse or retail space: all your activities will take place in the Internet space.

You will still have to organize the delivery of goods to the client - but there are already well-established schemes for this: you can use the services of mail or delivery services. If things go uphill, you can think about creating your own online store.

Business idea 2. Organizing a holiday agency

Setting up your own holiday and event agency is one of the easiest ways to start your own business. Birthdays, corporate parties and people celebrate weddings and will always celebrate, despite crises and other cataclysms.

Your task is to help them organize a holiday. You can specialize exclusively in children's parties: the children's audience is less demanding, and it is easier to cheer a child than an adult.

The holiday agency sells services that cannot be touched, so professionalism is the main criterion. First you need to hold 5-10 events at a high level, after which you will definitely be noticed and recommended to your friends. The presence of advertising on the Internet and the media does not hurt, but the benefits of word of mouth should not be neglected. Satisfied customers will recommend you to each other.

Business idea 3. Advertising agency as a business for beginners

A small advertising agency may consist of 2-3 people and does not require large investments at the initial stage. All you need is creative ideas for advertising and a decent level of computer design basics.

Our good friend - Evgeny Korobko opened his own and is now successfully developing it. Zhenya quit his job when the income from his small advertising business exceeded his salary.

Office to start advertising agency can be organized at home: it doesn’t matter where exactly you receive and implement requests from customers. All the initial capital that you have can be fully invested in the advertising of your advertising agency (no matter how paradoxical it may sound): the very first normal orders will recoup the money spent with a vengeance.

It is better not to save on the means of production - a computer, a scanner, a printer - all equipment should be the most modern. It is not necessary to create a full-fledged staff: now there are a lot of freelance artists (freelancers) who will design an advertising layout or create form style per minimum payment. At the final stage, the main thing is the search for orders.

Again, if you correctly use the worldwide network, there will be no shortage of clientele.

Experts in this matter believe that the most profitable advertising industry is creativity: the creation of original ideas, slogans, logos, layouts and banners. You can set the prices for your services yourself. The main indicator of success is the steady growth in the value of the information product you create and the number of its sales over a period, for example, per month.

Business idea 4. Organization of the “husband for an hour” service

The service "Husband for an hour" is especially in demand in medium and large cities, where there are a large number of busy population and even men, not to mention women, it will be relevant to use the services of private masters of all trades.

No initial investment - only advertising. The main condition is professionalism. Can quickly install a switch, fix a faucet, make repairs household appliances, wiring and plumbing? Then this is your business.

It is better, of course, to have your own car in order to arrive at the call as soon as possible.

If you are a good organizer, you can not deal with the implementation of repair and domestic work directly, but coordinate them. It is necessary to organize a network of employees (narrow specialists in a particular area) and distribute calls between them, taking into account the specifics of work and territorial criteria.

Specialists of such a service can be both generalists and specialists in a certain field: electrician, plumbing, finishing work.

We have one friend, his name is Evgeny, who opened such a service in the city of Stavropol, at first he worked on his own, then he began to hire people. Now he has a demanded and stable business.

Business idea 5. Cargo transportation

The organization of cargo transportation is a promising direction, since the need for such services is constantly growing. This is due, among other things, to the development of Internet commerce. Goods purchased by customers need to be delivered, and preferably as soon as possible.

For starters, you can open a small transportation agency in your hometown. You do not even need to have your own fleet of vehicles for the actual transportation. It is enough to find customers for your services and agree with car owners on the price of the transportation itself.

Thus, you organize your dispatch service, which, as an intermediary, earns on the resale of consumer requests (a person or company that wants to transfer goods) to the contractor (owner of the vehicle).

We know a guy, his name is Denis, who first worked as a hired driver on a gazelle for a year, and then bought his own gazelle and started making money on it. Now, 4 years later, he has almost 20 cars, which he gradually took out on credit and put the same hired drivers on them.

How Denis' scheme for cargo transportation works in numbers

Let's look at the example of one car that was taken on credit.

Loan payment per month 15 000 rubles + 25 000 rubles driver's salary + fuel and lubricants and depreciation 12,000 rubles.

Total: costs per car: 62 000 rubles per month.

The revenue from one car at an hourly cost of 400 rubles per day with a 10-hour working day and an average car load of 7 hours a day 25 days a week is 400*7*25 = 70,000 rubles.

It turns out that the profit is equal to: REVENUE 70 000 rubles minus COSTS 62 000 rubles = 8 000 rubles.

*All calculations here are taken as approximate and may not reflect the full picture regarding the specifics of this business.

Again, this final profit figure is obtained if you took a car on credit.

Profit will be either minimal or almost zero. After the loan for the car is paid off and it becomes your full property, the profitability (profit) from this transport unit will increase significantly.

The scope for growth in this area is unlimited.

2) Small town business ideas

Business ideas for a small town have their own specifics. You can make money in small towns on the simplest and most sought-after things. But what if the population of your city is between 10,000 and 100,000 people? Answer below.

Business idea 6. Breeding and selling animals

If you are the owner of a private house and like animal world, you can engage in breeding animals for sale. First, of course, you need to decide what kind of animals you will breed - guinea pigs, dogs, cats, newts, hamsters. The main criterion is the availability of a market for implementation. By the way, thoroughbred dogs and cats with a good pedigree cost tens of thousands of rubles.

Organizing a pet nursery as a business is a good idea to start in small town or even a village (village).

If you look wider and get the appropriate knowledge (education) and documents, you can develop into veterinary clinic and at least open a shop selling feed and related products for pets.

You can also breed rabbits. They reproduce fairly quickly and sell well.

Depending on the size and breed, the price of a live rabbit ranges from 800 rubles ($15) up to 4500 rubles ($65).

If everyone in your city loves boxer dogs, do business with them. Of course, the case requires a preliminary study of all the nuances. It is advisable to talk to a veterinarian about the most common problems when breeding animals of a particular breed.

Business idea 7. Shoe repair and key making

In many cities, including small ones, there are shoe repair shops. If you are not embarrassed to work with your hands and deal with sticky kosha, stuffing heels and replacing zippers on women's boots, then you may well organize such a point in your locality. All you need for this is a room of 5 square meters, a couple of racks, a tool and the ability to engage in this type of activity.

Also, do not forget to officially register as an individual entrepreneur, so as not to have problems with the authorities. Become individual entrepreneur simply, for this, study our article "".

The shoe repair and key making business is often combined into one place due to the similarity of working conditions.

And if there is a crisis in the country, then this is only to your advantage. Under such conditions, people spend less on new shoes and prefer to repair old ones, if possible. If you know how and love to work with your hands and want to be your own boss, this business is for you.

Business idea 8. Private cosmetologist (hairdresser, makeup artist)

To provide the services of a make-up artist, hairdresser, skin, nail and body care specialist, it is not necessary to rent a room and open a SPA-salon with expensive equipment and a lot of employees.

You can cut people's hair and do makeup at home - the main thing is that you know how to provide these services with high quality. Many women prefer to use the services of a home (almost personal) hairdresser - while cooperation sometimes lasts for years.

Having gained a client base, you can have a constant income, without exaggeration, throughout your life. After all, this service is required with a certain frequency by your customers.

Working from home as a private beauty master, you can provide the following services:

  • haircut and hair coloring;
  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • wedding hairstyle and make-up;
  • sale of related products (shampoos, gels, varnishes).

Working as a private master, you can become a full-fledged stylist in the future or open your own beauty studio.

Business idea 9. Tutoring

Good tutors for many students and schoolchildren are worth their weight in gold. This private education business is suitable for professionals in any field.

The services of such a plan are especially in demand in the season before entering universities.

How do customers find out about you? You can advertise in the local newspaper, on television, through the Internet. And the best way to find customers is by talking directly with students or students. For example, most teachers in schools work part-time as tutors before leaving school (graduation class) or vice versa, before entering an educational institution in preparation for entrance exams.

A good tutor earns good money in an hour: at the same time, you can work at home or remotely via Skype. In this case, your customer market is unlimited. We will tell you more about making money using Skype below in the article.

Private lessons are not necessarily science education. You can teach people to play the guitar, cross-stitch and weave beaded bracelets. If you know how to do something very well, why not teach it to others for an appropriate reward?

Business idea 10. Opening a canteen

This business idea is relevant not only in 2018 and 2019, but at all times.

AT small towns, as a rule, there are interruptions with institutions Catering. Opening a canteen where delicious and home-style food will help to resolve this issue for the benefit of the owner and customers. It is not necessary to immediately open a large dining room for 50-100 seats: 5 cozy tables are enough for a start.

The main thing is to keep the brand and cook really tasty. Such activities as individual entrepreneurship are formalized - the only initial costs are: renting a room, purchasing products. Analysts believe that this segment of the market in small towns is very profitable, especially if you have reliable staff and thoughtful serais.

In any even a small town, there are people who want to eat a delicious meal for reasonable money, a full meal with the first and second, and not run around the shops hoping to quickly “intercept” something edible.

Such a business idea will be in demand both in a large and in a small city, where well-known catering chains are practically not represented, and this will reduce competition for you.

3) Business ideas at home

In this section, we have prepared ideas for those who wish to work not themselves without leaving home.

Business idea 11. Making crafts at home (hand-made)

If you know how to make dolls, funny animals, wood products that children like and not only, organize a hand-made business at home and sell your products through the same Avito or a specialized website. Hundreds of people are already doing this and making a profit.

Once we interviewed a girl who earns money in this way and lives with us in the city of Stavropol. And it all started as a hobby. To learn more about how to turn your creative talents into real money, read "" - an interview with Anna Belan, founder of the SUZORAMI creative studio.

The exclusive has always been valued, and if you really approach the creation of crafts at home with a soul, you can earn several thousand dollars and at the same time teach other people this craft for money.

Business idea 12. Opening a home web studio

The latest Internet technologies will bring stable profits if used correctly. Do you have experience in creating websites, Internet applications, or you know how to competently promote network resources in search engines? If so, then you should create your own web studio.

The need of the population to create their own Internet sites is constantly growing - why not take advantage of this demand? By opening your own web studio, you will work exclusively for yourself and, in addition, do what you love.

Starting this business at home, over time, you can expand the enterprise and become the head of your own IT company, and entrust the creation of websites, online stores and selling pages to freelancers or full-time employees.

Business idea 13. Skype training and consultations

The Internet has destroyed borders between states and distances between cities. Now you can teach others without leaving your home. Skype and other methods of Internet communication allow you to give lessons and consultations regardless of location.

Using Skype, you can carry out the following types of commercial activities:

  • teach everyone who wants to learn foreign languages ​​(unless, of course, you are a specialist);
  • give legal advice;
  • consult clients as a psychologist or psychotherapist;
  • educate people about entrepreneurship;
  • to guess, to make horoscopes.

The possibility of distance learning is beneficial for the teacher and the student - no one wants to spend time and money on movement. Any skills and knowledge are now within walking distance - 20 years ago one could only dream of such opportunities.

Now a very popular direction has become work on the Internet, including using Skype. If you have competencies that can be sold remotely, you can travel and work at the same time. And this lifestyle is the dream of millions of people around the world.

Business idea 14. Creating a profitable website on the Internet

If your network resource is popular and well promoted in search engines, then simply by placing contextual advertising and banners on it, you can have a stable and very considerable profit.

We already wrote above that our site is a vivid example of such a profitable site.

If you are truly passionate information technology, then the creation of your site (blog) can become for you both an additional source of income and the main one.

Your visited site will simultaneously solve several problems for you:

  • to form your personal brand and the status of an expert in any niche;
  • bring you profit on a regular basis as a store, cafe or other offline business;
  • motivate you to learn, develop and learn new things;
  • develop talents in different areas: copywriting, management, marketing, negotiation (when working with advertisers).

If you are interested in the topic of creating a site in order to make money on it, read our article "", in which we described in detail, step by step, the entire creation process, what types of sites exist, how to choose a CMS, hosting, domain and much more.

Business idea 15. Home studio - tailoring and repairing clothes

Sewing and repairing clothes at home, like repairing shoes, can become your home business during a crisis.

If it is not possible to buy an expensive item in a boutique, why not alter or repair used clothes for more low price? You do not need to pay rent for a home studio: you just need to launch an advertisement for your business.

We have a friend who works at home and is engaged in sewing dresses, including wedding dresses, and earns more than the average salary in our city.

To open a home atelier, you only need your skills, a sewing machine and a desire to work.

This concludes our list of popular business ideas. We will be glad if you choose a suitable one for yourself and build your own successful business.

We also have an excellent article about the one in which we described over 35 ways earnings through the World Wide Web.

7. 3 legendary business ideas that changed the world

The 3 business projects below most effectively and clearly show how it can work original idea, which, it would seem, lay on the surface:

  1. The creation by American entrepreneur Jeffrey Bezos of the Amazon virtual online store, in the image and likeness of which hundreds of other chain stores now operate, has changed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsales via the Internet. Like many now successful companies The Amazon was located in the garage. Its founder brought in talented programmers from the Silicon Valley to create the project, and thanks to his entrepreneurial talent and customer focus, he became one of the greatest businessmen in history. If you are considering opening an online store as a business idea, then study our article "" - this is a step-by-step instruction from practitioners in their field.
  2. Atari electronic game company. The creation of the first electronic game and video game company Atari by Nolan Bushnell in 1972 marked the beginning of this mass industry. Now electronic games have filled the world. WarCraft, Counter-Strike, Quake, Heroes, StarCraft, World of Tanks and many other currently popular computer games owe their origin to those now distant times, when personal computers were only a big dream of mankind.
  3. Making diapers. In the middle of the 20th century, Victor Mills, an employee of Procter & Gamble, invented the now world-famous disposable diaper consumer product, thereby making a real revolution in the consumer goods market. Now this product seems so ordinary to millions of families. But in the distant 60s of the last century, it was something like a manned flight into space. Now, thanks to the well-known brand Pampers, all diapers have become known as "pampers", although this is only the name of the brand, and not the product itself.

In fact, there are more than three legendary business ideas that have changed the world. Hundreds and even thousands of people have used their talent, intelligence and imagination to make the world as we know it.

Analyze your abilities and talents, find what you like to do. Maybe the next person who will change the world is you!

8. Conclusion

Dear friend, we have told you about the most popular and proven business ideas. Perhaps you have your own original project that will allow you to make money in an even more productive and simple way than those described in the article.

Finally, be sure to watch the video from the Moscow 24 channel about what business ideas and how much enterprising people earn today:

Related posts: What is a startup (Startup) - full review concepts for beginners + 5 practical advice to open your startup project

Beginning entrepreneurs are afraid to take a loan and spend hundreds of thousands of rubles to start their own business. Fortunately, in Russia there is a chance to start a business with minimal investment. The ideas from the article will help you get inspired and gain the courage to work for yourself.

What you will learn about:

Business ideas with minimal investment: the experience of billionaires

Subway, a well-known restaurant brand, records billions in revenue every year. The network has more than 44,000 franchised outlets in different countries, and 26,000 restaurants in the US.

Like some other restaurant businesses, the company started as a small diner opened with $1,000. Subway is a classic example of a business idea for beginners with minimal investment.

According to the memoirs of Subway founder Fred De Luca, he had no intention of developing a restaurant empire. He was 17 when he asked a family friend for a $1,000 loan to start a restaurant to pay his college and medical school bills.

The restaurant changed its name several times, and in the end it was reduced to the Subway we are used to.

De Luca admitted that at the beginning of his journey he knew nothing about making sandwiches and Food Industry. However, they chose the right niche. Despite inexperience, youth and little investment, he was able to succeed on the first day.

He and his creditor, who volunteered to help out, sold 312 sandwiches on the first day, each costing between 49 and 69 cents.

It is safe to say that thanks to the idea of ​​​​a business from scratch with minimal investment, he eventually achieved his goal. Raised money so as not to think about how to pay off the debt for education.

DeLuca served as president of Subway from 1965 until his passing in 2015. He was then replaced by his sister, Susanna Greco.

Let's repeat! De Luca took out a $1,000 loan because he just wanted to get a job to pay for college. He ended up building one of the largest fast food chains in the world.
The Subway example teaches that you should not let anyone doubt your business ideas if you yourself believe in them.

There are many such stories. Recall that Facebook was created in a Harvard dorm at minimal cost, and Microsoft was formed two years later, when Gates decided to drop out of college.

Determine the target audience (people who will need what you offer). If there are more than a hundred such clients, then the business can be scaled up and expanded. Growth is the most important thing in microbusiness.

When the business concept has been formed, it is necessary to start its implementation.

As Walt Disney said:"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Below we have given you two top business ideas with a minimum investment of 50 and 100 thousand rubles.

When a customer purchases an item, the order is routed to the supplier, who fulfills it on your behalf.

However, you are still responsible for customer service. This is the main problem with dropshipping: you need to compete with others not only through marketing, but also by offering a better service. And your reputation depends on the reliability of the supplier.

Despite this disadvantage, dropshipping remains a business idea suitable for earning first capital or testing the market.

Important! Be sure to order something for yourself before selling a product to make sure that your supplier is reliable and that the quality of the product is suitable for selling to your customers.
Dropshipping topped the list of low investment business ideas in 2016, but this way of making money will be successful in 2019 as well.

Organization of weekend trips with a photo report

Russia is a big country, and there is something to see in it. For an entrepreneur who is ready to make money on weekend trips, you need to know the tourist places that are nearby and the ability to develop a route.

The unique selling proposition lies precisely in the photo report of the trip. Your main audience will be tourists who travel alone and do not have the opportunity to take high-quality pictures (a selfie stick will not convey the beauty of mountains, nature, architecture).

Accompanying services:

  • organization of routes for independent travel,
  • booking hotels, cars at a discount.

Organization of weddings, children's parties, anniversaries

The wedding industry is one that will live forever. Preparing a special day for a couple turns into an obligation that future newlyweds would love to entrust to a specialist who would plan everything for them.

If you have organizational skills, you are sociable and pay attention to small details - create a service for organizing weddings and other holidays.

To get started and build a portfolio, offer your services to friends or family members. After a few successful events, start charging other customers.

You can scale your business by expanding services to:

  • sales of holiday paraphernalia,
  • creation of a large event agency,
  • large corporate organizations.
All in all, wedding business undeniably one of the top business ideas with minimal investment.

If you decide to open your own business in the wedding industry, try Business.Ru's CRM system, created specifically for working in the service sector. You will be able to maintain a detailed client base and fill out a calendar of important events so as not to miss an important meeting or call. Also in the system you can store the necessary documents, files and photos and create contract templates.

Printing on T-shirts, caps, covers, etc.

This is another dropshipping model - printing a pattern on clothes (t-shirts, hoodies, caps) on demand. Here you do not need to own your own equipment for printing on fabric, but only create a good website (online store) and develop ideas for designing images for printing on clothes.

Buyers will pay attention to the original design, because, ordering a model in a single copy, they want to stand out from the crowd.

For example, you can make a drawing that imitates some famous artist (the style of Van Gogh, Salvador Dali sells well), or come up with witty slogans, make fun of the owners of dogs and cats ... In general, there is room for creativity.

Printing on T-shirts can also be presented as an option for a business service, corporate gift ideas with minimal investment.

Modern services allow you to use templates to sketch a T-shirt photo, so you do not need to spend money on printing a test T-shirt and photographing it.

Important! Before choosing a fabric printing partner, be sure to order a sample to make sure your product will look good.

Smartphone repair

The number of smartphone users in Russia is increasing, some have two or three mobile phone. New brands and cheaper options are entering the market.

Therefore, in the near future the demand for outlets and individuals offering phone repairs will be diverse. To open such a business, you need to understand electronics so that you can roughly determine and tell the client what the cause of the breakdown is.

However, it is not necessary to be able to repair phones: you can conclude an agreement with the master and take a percentage of the order.

Another option for a small business idea is to sell accessories, glue films and protective glasses, and provide a service for replenishing an account.

Animal care and supervision

People love their pets. When leaving on vacation or a business trip, they cannot take them with them. Therefore, they are looking for those who will take care of the animals left in the city.

The organization of a zoo hotel, of course, will require significant investments. However, if you have a house with a summer kitchen, you can build some spacious enclosures and house the animals there.

It is enough to distribute information about the service in social networks and on free classifieds sites. People are willing to pay for the placement of one pet from 300 rubles a day.

This is an example of a business idea that has a chance to grow, from building a pet hotel with a veterinary pharmacy and a pet store to organizing a large chain of such establishments.

10 business ideas with an investment of up to 100 thousand rubles

Let's present the best business ideas with investments up to 100-120 thousand rubles (up to 2000 dollars).

Children's development studio (drawing, rhythm)

Adults are ready to invest in their children, why not make money on it?

To open a children's development studio, you do not need large investments, it is enough to develop a teaching methodology, purchase consumables (paints, pencils, children's musical instruments), organize advertising campaign(walk through the surrounding playgrounds, offering a free trial lesson) and rent a room.

If the business goes well, then you can expand the service: hire teachers of foreign languages, choreography. However, in this case, do not forget about the license.

Important! An individual entrepreneur has the right to work without this document if he provides educational services on one's own.
Read also: Step-by-step instructions for opening an IP in 2019

Delivery of flowers, balloons and party paraphernalia

Business on public holidays can also be organized using a small investment. You will need to rent a warehouse, purchase essentials for inflating balloons, decorating bouquets. Marketing costs are also mandatory, as this is a highly competitive business.

Important! Choose suppliers carefully so that all the flowers of the ordered bouquet are in stock.
Read also: How to open a profitable flower shop

Production and sale of natural cosmetics

Flowers and holiday paraphernalia need extra storage space, while ingredients for making natural cosmetics can be stored in a home refrigerator.

Buy ingredients in a regular supermarket, pharmacy or specialty store. All recipes are available online.

Investments in the business, according to entrepreneurs, pay off in a few months, when the client base is formed.

The main cost is marketing. For example, advertising on social networks, organizing competitions among buyers and preparing free product samples.

Online store

Dropshipping doesn't make a lot of money. Therefore, if you are looking for trading business ideas with minimal investment at home, then consider opening an online store.

Speaking about general trends, in particular, in 2017, it should be noted that most business ideas with minimal investment are related to making money on the Internet, hand-made or mini-productions in the garage. countryside.

The ongoing crisis has hit large and medium-sized market players hard, but small entrepreneurs remain virtually “unscathed” due to their business mobility.

In our list (the most complete of the existing ones in Runet) you will find a wide variety of options in various areas of life and economy.

We intentionally did not describe every idea from A to Z, since this list is only a list of opportunities, and not a business plan for any project.

Learn more about a particular business model, you can find out in our separate articles, links to which will be placed below.

So, we offer you 70 relevant ideas for your own business, for the start of which you will need a minimum cash investment, as well as your experience.

Opportunities for earning in this segment today just huge, and they keep growing.

First of all, this is due to the stable growth of mobile traffic. and the number of Internet users around the world. Thousands of new online stores, publishers, blogs, etc. are emerging, which in turn creates excellent niches for small businesses.

1 YouTube channel - you can make videos about how to craft, cook, clean, catch or plant something. Anything. You won't believe how many people use YouTube every day - hundreds of millions. The more views, the more profit. It will come from clicks on contextual advertising, and if you become a very popular video blogger, then from direct customers.

2 Blogging - starting your own blog is now easy, fast and very cheap. Millions of people surf the internet looking for stories, guides, reviews, travel reports, and more. If you write a lot and interestingly, you will very quickly gain a permanent audience and a high attendance rate.

In this case, you will receive income from contextual advertising, as well as from placing banners of direct advertisers. You just need to learn how to be interesting about things you know or places you've been to and it will start making money.

3 Copywriting agency. Many webmasters, online stores and web portals need competent and qualified specialists who can proofread or edit an article, write a selling text using the NLP technique, prepare an ideal press release, etc. Demand for quality services in the field of creating and editing Russian language and English-language content this moment huge.

4 Freelancing a wide range- Freelancers used to be considered programmers, photographers, designers and others. Today, the situation has changed radically, as there is a great demand for ordinary services that can be ordered via the Internet. Large portals and entire exchanges have appeared where you can earn your first capital by doing what you are best at. Now anyone can call themselves a freelancer: an electrician, a teacher, a writer, even a lawyer and many others.

5 Creation mobile application - suitable for those who already have programming skills. Demand for smartphone apps in 2017 is perhaps higher than ever. If earlier the lion's share of them was complex and high-budget software, now it has come Golden time for small and handy programs. There are two ways to earn money here. The first and simpler one is for developing the application and handing it over to the customer. The second (more difficult, but also profitable) is from online sales of applications in mobile markets (AppStore, PlayMarket, etc.).

6 Selling your photos to photo stocks- as the amount of content on the Internet is growing exponentially, there is a great demand for photographs on various topics that publishers need to design articles. if you have good camera and you know how to use it, you have a chance to make good money at your job. There are about a dozen large foreign photo stocks (online stores selling photos and pictures) that are constantly looking for new images.

7 Resale of goods from online auctions— eBay, Avito, OLX, Aukro, etc. The level of income in this business model is very dependent on your knowledge of the items you decide to resell. In the CIS, the online sale of things is not yet very developed, so the range of items, as well as the number of potential buyers, is lower than abroad.

8 affiliate marketing- it is also called affiliative (from the English "affiliate"). The essence of this business idea is that if you already have a website (preferably informational or overview), then you can place banners of a partner company on it (as a rule, these are large online stores, for example, Amazon) to promote its products or services. If a user goes from your site to a partner site and buys something there, then you get a commission of 4% to 15%. The most profitable niches for this are electronics, Appliances and e-books.


The general trend in the field of food products and public catering is a clear trend towards greater naturalness and usefulness of food, as well as a factor of originality and mobility.

9 Author's pastries- if you know how to bake deliciously and you have an original idea, then this business idea will be the best for you. The best option there will be a choice of a very narrow niche, for example, author's eclairs, eco-cookies for children and adults, pies according to forgotten recipes, handmade sweets, etc. Do not chase volume, focus on quality and presentation.

10 Food delivery from supermarkets and restaurants. Relevant for big cities. Of the investments, you will need a website with the possibility of online prepayment, as well as a description of the full range of products of the most popular grocery and restaurant chains.

11 Unique sweets both in form and content. In terms of the first, this is the manufacture of sweets and cakes to order. As for the composition, now the use of exclusively natural ingredients is considered original. Such sweets sell well at food festivals and fairs.

12 Mobile eateries- we are not talking about those "booths" with shawarma that "migrate" from one metro station to another. In this business model, an event or event that brings together thousands of people plays a key role.

It can be a multi-day festival, a concert, a large fair, etc. At such events, there is always a demand for fast food and the like. The organizers of such events are almost always open to small businesses, and you can make good money.

Various services

This section includes diverse business ideas that may be of interest to a wide range of people who want to start their own business from scratch.

13 Interior designer, decorator- this is an option for people who have a gift for combining interior items, the colors of various elements, which is supported by knowledge of the rules of good taste when decorating rooms. Ready-made apartments will be the best advertisement for your business, so it is advisable to establish cooperation with a company that deals with repairs.

14 Niche (narrow profile) consulting- is such a business idea that really requires minimal material investments, but requires a lot of knowledge from you. The key to success is to become the best consultant in a very narrow niche.

15 Repair of appliances - in every house it only becomes more. Accordingly, the demand for technical non-warranty service is growing every year. To get by in this case with small investments, you can start by renting a very small room (you can even in the basement).

16 Real estate agent is a rather old idea, but you can implement it in your own way and start to stand out from the mass of your fellow fishermen. For example, to specialize exclusively in commercial real estate or in a narrow target audience (for example, foreigners).

17 Writing and formatting a resume- sounds very simple, but at the moment there are already several recruiting agencies in the CIS that provide this service as an option. It is especially popular for applicants who wish to get a job abroad. The cost of such a service varies from 50 to 300 USD.

18 Sale of rare imported goods- refers to the resale of consumer goods for a narrow purpose, and not rare or antique items. For example, from China you can regularly order all kinds of inexpensive devices or devices that are either not available in our countries at all, or they are sold by a few people. The best place to buy such products is

19 Restoration of furniture and antiques– in our time, specialists who are ready to “breathe” new life in old objects, very few, but there are many things that need them. Therefore, if you know how to do this, then take a closer look at this business idea. You can start with advertising on Avito or OLX.

20 Author's driving courses - there are hundreds of people who want to improve their driving skills. Some want to learn extreme driving, others want to improve their driving skills on highways or in heavy traffic. Experience, an individual approach to the client and a flexible schedule of classes will be your trump cards.

B2B (business services)

Provision of various kinds of services in new small niches (sub-niches) that are not accepted large companies, is a very promising business idea that can be implemented with minimal investment.

As a rule, such services are based on understanding what your enterprise customer needs and knowing where to find it. Undoubtedly, strict requirements are imposed on such services in terms of their quality and qualifications of performers.

21 Research of foreign markets and consulting on these issues. First of all, this concerns the study of new promising directions for the export and import of goods. China, for example, does not count, since it has already been explored far and wide. However, much less is known about trade with countries such as India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Malaysia. If you have a working knowledge of these regions, you can make good money advising companies that are interested in them.

22 Search for highly specialized personnel. In addition to finding good lawyers, accountants and sales managers, many companies have vacancies for which it is very difficult to find a qualified specialist. As a rule, this applies to rare technical, medical and interdisciplinary specialties, as well as top management.

23 Internet marketing and research. You have no idea how many online stores exist that do not track the interests and behavior of their potential customers, as well as such global parameters as market size, number of competitors, price fluctuations in a niche. If you can collect, systematize and arrange such information with high quality, you will definitely not have a lack of customers.

24 Project management is the management of a large project (as a rule, IT or the development of a business development strategy) or its part of a large foreign customer. Working in this business will require you to be fluent foreign language and excellent knowledge of the area in which the services will need to be provided. Very often, such a business is opened by former employees who worked on similar projects, gained knowledge, understood how it works and decided to open their own business.

25 Outsourcing is a search for subcontractors for a foreign customer who has taken on a major project (IT, advertising, production). Basically, the main criterion for finding outsourcers is good quality execution at a low price. That is why many European and American projects are partly made by guys from India, Pakistan, Eastern Europe. If you know and understand how this can be arranged, this business idea is for you.

26 Local courier delivery– with the growth of Internet commerce, the demand for prompt and inexpensive delivery is increasing. Major players in this market inflate prices, and the goods come only the next day. At the heart of this business idea are services for the delivery of goods within one locality on the principle of "delivery on the day of order".

27 Remote IT Services. Large companies have their own IT departments or at least a system administrator. A small business is not ready to have a separate specialist on staff, the need for whose services may arise once a month. But, since iron is not eternal, sooner or later they need to tune up equipment or software. Today, many of these problems can be solved remotely, which makes it possible to work even with foreign clients.

28 Remote Accounting– as in the case of IT services, such services will be very interesting small business(mainly IP). The need for regular reporting, keeping records in strict accordance with the law, as well as the inability to maintain a full-time accountant, force entrepreneurs to seek the help of remote accounting and audit specialists.

For the countryside

Let's make a reservation right away that the realities of our villages are such that in the village itself you are unlikely to be able to sell something. But! The village is an excellent platform for a range of business ideas. If the village is located near the city, then this is very, very good.

It is at the expense of urban residents that you will earn your first capital. So, most likely you have a house there (dacha, garage) and land plot. Naturally, you need to make the most of these resources and here are some suggestions for you.

29 greenhouse cultivation- on the one hand, many people already know about this idea, but on the other hand, quite a few undertake to implement it. And in vain, because fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the village can be easily sold in the nearby town for a good price. the highest profit you will receive in early spring. The range of what can be grown is very wide and you can find all the necessary information on specialized forums.

30 Raising chickens and quails- demand for meat poultry(and eggs) will always be. Even having a small plot, it will not be difficult for you to buy and maintain meat or egg-bearing breeds of chickens or quails. You will definitely need an additional refrigerator (for eggs), and a freezer for storing meat supplies.

31 Breeding fish - at first it may seem that this is an overly expensive idea, but, in fact, it is not at all. You can start artificially breeding fish even in small tanks with a volume of 2-3 cubic meters. The main thing here is to provide uninterrupted filtered water, proper nutrition and maintaining the right temperature regime. You will definitely not have problems with the sale of fish, since it is always in price because it is both tasty and healthy. For example, there is a site that is entirely devoted to the benefits of such a breed of fish as mackerel, a whole site of recipes. And he's very popular.

32 Homemade feed mixtures for animals. Small farmers have to buy feed from resellers with a double or triple mark-up. As a rule, in the village you can get a variety of cereals at a very low price. Knowing the composition of the compound feed (can be found on the Internet), as well as having even a small Soviet grain grinder and the appropriate ingredients, it is possible to produce from 20 to 100 kg of ready-made feed mixtures per day with minimal investment.

33 Manufacturing and assembly of furniture- you will need many different tools, as well as material, but you have a place where to do it. Ideally, such furniture is best made to order on a partial prepayment basis. In such conditions, you can both make furniture from solid wood, and assemble cabinet furniture from chipboard according to catalogs.

34 home preservation- in fact, it is an optional idea, that is, an additional option for what else can be sold to the "urban". As a rule, conservation made by hand at home by a skilled housewife has a number of advantages over factory counterparts. It is these advantages that should be voiced when selling. Jam and pickles are the most demanded in this segment.

35 Homemade bait mixes for fishing- as in the case above, this is more of a way to earn extra money than a separate business idea. It will not be difficult for you to find recipes for various dry baits for different types fishing. At cost, a kilogram of your mixture will cost 3-4 times cheaper than branded counterparts. The first customers for your product can be found on specialized fishing forums.

Best of all, of course, if you can do everything that is listed above in this list. A stable good income will help you move to a different level of the economy: with hired personnel, regular customers and even your own brand.


Caring for pets, especially thoroughbred ones, is always associated with certain costs for their owners. Here are some business ideas on how you can make money in this area.

36 Grooming. Have you noticed how many dogs of small (almost decorative) breeds have become? Yorkshire terriers, Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Havanese and many others need regular grooming. Believe me, their imposing owners will only “for” their shaggy “miracle” to be professionally cut. Plus, there are a number of cat breeds that are trimmed for the summer. Of course, such a business idea makes sense only in large cities.

37 Training. At the same time, guard dogs are also always in demand. Owners of shepherd dogs, standard schnauzers, cocker spaniels, rottweilers and others will be interested in the primary professional training of their pets. Naturally, you must have the proper experience and skill in handling such animals.

38 Breeding purebred cats or dogs. The business idea may not sound new, but if you start breeding rare, and not "pop" breeds of animals, you can make good money in the long run. Greater success here can only be achieved if there is relevant experience and knowledge in this area.

39 Eco-friendly cat scratching posts are a pressed solid cardboard of a certain ergonomic shape, which is most convenient for animals. As a rule, harmless corn glue is used in the production. In Europe, such scratching posts can already be found in every pet store, but for now they can only be found in large cities.


The largest section in this article. This segment is one of the most popular in 2017, and here you can find a lot of good business ideas with minimal investment.

The key factor will be whether you have certain skills and abilities in a particular craft. Believe me, a quality handmade product will always find its buyer.

40 Versatile outerwear for kids- many parents know that children's jackets and overalls are very expensive, and their range is very small. Moreover, as a rule, they are enough for a maximum of one season. As an alternative to factory-made clothes, there are already small ateliers that offer individual tailoring of children's overalls. If you know how to sew and model children's clothes, think maybe this business idea is worth paying special attention to.

41 Ceramic products- especially for products polymer clay. You will need a minimum of time and investment to start making various crafts. They will have a fairly low cost and you can easily sell them.

42 Handmade decorations will always be in demand. As with other handmade ideas, fantasy plays an important role here. Creative approach and high-quality execution will provide you with the first and regular customers. Feel free to post examples of your work on social media.

43 Knitting - but only if it's not banal scarves and socks. The core of this business idea is knitting something very original. For example, one Ukrainian craftswoman began to knit blankets from very large links. She came up with a very original product, which at the moment became very popular, especially in Europe.

44 Master classes (courses) modeling, knitting, sewing and other handicrafts. Again, this is very simple. If you know how to do it, there is a place for a group, there is a desire - spend, teach, have fun and money.

45 Handmade signboards. More and more shops, salons and other small businesses refuse plastic signs. There was a good demand for quality products made of wood, metal and other natural materials. Your potential customers are shops in the mall, fast food restaurants, various beauty studios and others.

46 Tailoring of covers for furniture- a narrow, but rather low competitive niche. Such covers, for example, are very necessary for sofas and armchairs in families with children or pets. Everyone will agree that it is cheaper to order a cover that is easy to wash than to buy a new sofa.

47 Stained glass manufacturing. Another type of "garage" production, which can be implemented without significant investment. You can start with small stained-glass windows, which are often needed by private furniture makers. In the future, you will have orders for large canvases that will decorate someone's rich house.

48 Memorable children's souvenirs- absolutely any child will be pleased to have a small cup on the shelf for his success in sports or any hobby. This will be for him a source of pride and motivation for further development. Copyright memorable gifts will be ordered by both ordinary parents and kindergartens, schools and sports clubs.

49 Mobile trading. Recently, especially in large cities, near shopping centers or at weekend fairs, you can increasingly find small portable "shops" of people who want to sell their crafts. This is a great opportunity not only to sell your product, but also to popularize your brand or product. As a rule, in such cases, the fee for the right to accommodate compactly is very small (from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles).

beauty and health

In this area, there have always been a large number of small and low competitive niches in which you can easily start a business with minimal investment.

50 yoga instructor is one of the most popular business ideas in 2017, especially among women. If you have knowledge in this area, you just have to find a cozy room for group classes. You can promote your services through Facebook.

51 Healthy nutrition consulting- another good idea, the emergence of which is dictated by the growing popularity healthy lifestyle life. For starters, it doesn’t hurt to start your own blog or Facebook page and share your experience. In the future, people will begin to contact you for advice on diet, child nutrition, and much more.

52 Beauty salon at home- a common and well-known idea. This is a great option for starting your small business on the way to opening a full-fledged hairdresser or salon. During this time, you will be able to develop an excellent base of regular customers.

53 Visiting make-up specialist- a good option for big cities, where every day there are all kinds of events and there is a need for the services of a stylist-make-up artist. From investments, you will need high-quality cosmetics, tools, Instagram accounts, and then a small site with many photos of your work.

54 Art tattoo studio. It is impossible not to notice that the number of people with permanent and temporary tattoos has increased over last years factor of. Today it is possible to apply temporary tattoos and henna paintings, which are very popular among today's youth. Such a studio does not need a lot of space, but you will have to spend money on good equipment and materials.

Entertainment and leisure

Despite the crisis, people try not to forget about entertainment. In the conditions of limited foreign tourism for citizens of the Russian Federation, the demand for domestic tourism, the organization of corporate parties and holidays, as well as various master classes, has significantly increased.

55 Aerial photography with a quadcopter is perhaps one of the most modern business ideas, which is rapidly gaining popularity around the world during 2016-2017. Investments are minimal - only the quadcopter (drone) itself. With it, you can shoot stunning panoramic videos that will appeal to honeymooners, organizers of mass events, etc. With this technique, you will leave far behind your competitors who are used to making banal videos.

56 Bike tours. The community of cyclists in the CIS has grown 16 (!) times over the past 10 years. There was a whole mass of people who are ready to break into a long bike trip. Such tours can be organized for the weekend (local areas) or for several days (travel abroad). Now your hobby can become a full-fledged small business.

57 Organization of trips. As with bike tours, this business idea will appeal to those who have been hiking all their lives. The most profitable will be long-term international routes, which far from poor people will be ready to decide on. Having such experience behind you, you can easily organize such group trips.

58 City tours. This idea is especially relevant for tourist hubs, where visitors are willing to pay well for visiting local attractions and interesting story about their history and origins. Investments in this case are minimal: you need to take special small courses and successfully pass the exam.

59 Master classes on tourism and survival. Another one new business an idea that will appeal to experienced lovers of extreme tourism. Many novice tourists know absolutely nothing about equipment, physical training, climate, flora and fauna in a particular area. Such master classes are in demand in big cities, where people of medium and higher incomes are preparing to go on hikes of high complexity.

60 Event management. Services for organizing holidays, concerts, festivals and other major events are also popular today. You have probably noticed how many festivals have been held these days. street food, marathons, charitable gatherings. Event managers and agencies are behind their successful organization.

61 Master classes in drawing and other creative crafts. If you are a creative person who has been doing this as a hobby for a long time, then it's time for you to make money from it. A large number of people strive to learn how to draw, sculpt, embroider, sing beautifully and much more.

62 Organization of children's holidays. Along with big "holidays" for adults, there is a need (demand) for organizing children's events. Birthdays, new year holidays, promotions for children's shops or salons - all this requires the development of a special program, the selection of costumes and performers. Provide all this to the customer "on a silver platter" and start earning.

63 Dance lessons for adults- this is still a good idea for those who have been dancing all their lives and decided to open their own business. You just need to find a good hall, come up with a specialization (Latin, ethnic or other dances) and advertise on the Internet.

64 shopping consultant- at first glance, this sounds frivolous, but, for example, several such consultants are already successfully working in Moscow. Thanks to your sense of style, knowledge of the latest fashion trends and other important news, you can become an indispensable assistant for wealthy women and even men.

Educational services

As in the old days, many people are eager to learn something new, develop and improve their skills. In the age of the internet

65 Cooking master classes. So far, only chefs have been doing this, and then only as a part-time job or for TV shows. However, if you have the skills and the ability to rent a kitchen, you can regularly conduct such practical exercises. Believe me, in large cities there is a demand for this.

66 Organization of seminars and conferences. Here we are talking exclusively about the idea of ​​organizing these events. Considering the huge number of seminars being held today, the demand for such services is extremely high.

67 Own training webinars. An excellent business idea, which is already used by thousands of trainers, experts and other professionals. This model is convenient because no one needs to go anywhere. Everything happens in the form of an online conference. You, as the organizer, only have to bear the small costs of using the service, which makes it possible to hold webinars.

68 Tutoring. This idea is perceived by many as a side job, but in fact it is not. Here a lot depends on the level of income from classes, and it, in turn, depends on the field of knowledge and the audience with which you will work. The most profitable will be individual tutoring for top managers, specialists who are preparing to leave to work abroad, etc.

69 Own educational portal. Sounds big, but you have to start small. You must create unique training material for a specific niche of professionals. This material needs to be formatted in a variety of forms: articles, videos, infographics, etc. Ultimately, you will be able to build an entire course in your discipline and sell it successfully.

70 Coach for personal growth and motivation. This idea is viewed with skepticism by many. Largely due to the "bad" fame of some of these coaches, who are well PR, but teach little. If you are a very energetic person, you know how to light a fire in the hearts and heads of other people, then this path may be for you.

Clients (customers) are your everything!

Therefore, remember one of the most important rules for starting any business with minimal investment - people, your potential customers should know about your skills, your services or product.

You can be the world's best mechanic, trainer, artist or bake the most delicious pies, but if only you know about it, you will not earn money.

Believe me, with the advent of the first customers (provided that they are very pleased with you), the next customers will not be long in coming.

Our team sincerely wishes you success in your new business!

Write in the comments what ideas you liked. We will be grateful for your likes and reposts =)

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New Articles

Starting your own business is one of the most common phenomena today. This is largely due to the fact that there are fewer working masters due to the development of technology, and wages are declining. Also, an increasing number of people strive for independence, confidence in the future, independent control of financial flows and profits. This article describes several options for creating your own business with little investment.

Starting a profitable business that requires little investment

Before investing in a new project, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis. Within it is:

  • determine your personal advantages, what unique knowledge and skills are at your disposal;
  • to formulate an idea that is noted by the needs of society and is close to the novice entrepreneur himself;
  • calculate the required start-up capital, assess the volume of own resources and consider sources of external financing;
  • draw up a business plan that reflects all the details and nuances of the planned business.

The preparatory stage is critical, as a competent calculation will help to avoid unforeseen risks. Also, a structured project will see the chances of attracting resources, not to mention the fact that the parameters written on paper are easier to analyze. Often, after creating a program, an entrepreneur can reduce expenditure items, thereby reducing the size of the initial investment.

Assessment of your knowledge and skills

The analysis of personal advantages makes it possible to identify the main strengths of the business. This action will also reveal weak sides and form what is needed additional knowledge or skills. You can compensate for the missing experience either by self-training or by attracting the right people to the team.

For example, a person plans to open a home delivery business for confectionery. He himself is a first-class cook, but does not have a car and a driver's license. On the one hand, an entrepreneur can buy a car and study at a driving school, thereby solving the problem. He can also find a courier with his own vehicle. This will involve sharing profits, but saving time and money on buying a car. Another person can apply to courier companies that will deliver for a certain percentage.

The choice of a niche should be dictated by three main parameters:

  • personal interest and knowledge in a certain area - an entrepreneur must be informed and competent in the industry, this implies an interest in development, associated not only with an increase in income, but also with the development of the business;
  • relevance to society - the product or service must be in demand among consumers;
  • market analysis aimed at identifying competition - it is ideal to find an unoccupied niche, but this rarely happens today, it is recommended to think over your advantages in comparison with competitors.

When choosing a field of activity, it is important to answer the question: why do people want it? And why would they buy it from me? Five years ago, manicure masters were not so common. Today, in order to form a client base, girls need to stand out, offer services and prices that others do not have. On the one hand, the niche is occupied, but if you identify the strengths of the offer, you can develop.

A financial plan is an essential part of planning. Any mistakes in it can lead to bankruptcy and simply to a significant loss of funds. It is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Write down everything that is needed at the start and in the first few months - rent, equipment, personnel.
  2. Analyze the best prices for each direction. You should not take the cheapest options, the best is the middle price category.
  3. Enter the average cost of each item on the form and calculate the amount.

After receiving the data, it is recommended to analyze how much capital you can contribute yourself. If the amount is sufficient in full - excellent, if not, then it is necessary to consider options for attracting external financial resources. First of all, potential investors include:

  • relatives and friends - they have trust, respect;
  • banks or other credit institutions;
  • state and funds;
  • other structures in the form of business incubators and angels.

When working with potential lenders, be as detailed as possible and use a written business plan. Often, for a business with small investments, it is not so difficult to find an investor among the environment.

goal setting

When there is a formed and written idea and an understanding of where to get financial resources, it is necessary to determine the goal. Moreover, it should be set at three levels:

  • short-term - from six months to a year;
  • medium-term - from one to two years;
  • long-term - from five years.

The more vision an entrepreneur has, the better. It is impossible to build a large and successful business without understanding its prospects for the future.

In today's competitive world, it's impossible to get a good customer base by delivering a mediocre product. Technologies are constantly improving, and quality standards are growing with them. When choosing a product or service that will be promoted, it is necessary to strive to ensure that it is the best that is on the market and available to consumers.

What kind of activity to do without big investments?

The main part of business projects requires significant financial investments, But not all. Every big business starts small. Therefore, with a careful approach, you can always find an option that even a student with his own savings can start.

Niche selection and ideas

When choosing our ideas, you should be guided by the above principles, which boil down to finding what will be in demand among the population. It is also important to choose a project in which you can find a mentor. They might be like successful entrepreneur in the industry, ready to share knowledge and experience, as well as business literature and other information materials. A mentor is a more profitable option, since, on the one hand, he may require less investment, and on the other, give feedback, that is, to point out errors and miscalculations.

Drawing up a business plan involves the inclusion of:

  • a general implementation plan indicating the timing, payback and dynamics;
  • a financial plan showing profit channels, rates of return and ways to get a plus after repayment of debts;
  • a marketing plan that reflects options for attracting new customers and retaining current customers;
  • production plan - principles and methods for creating goods and services, ways to optimize the process.

The business plan is primarily needed by the entrepreneur himself, it is a step-by-step instruction for action. It is also indispensable when attracting investors. For them, this is a key element in making a decision to invest money, especially its financial component.

Implementation Actions

Once the plan is in place, the funds are raised, and the program is in place, action must be taken immediately. Lots of great business ideas were not implemented simply because the person did not take the first step.

Not everything can go according to plan at the start, the main thing is not to yawn and be consistent, look for interesting options to attract customers. Consumers are always wary of something new, but if there is persistent persistent propaganda, then sooner or later a part will respond.

When a product or service has the appropriate quality, customers will become permanent, and an increase in the number of just such people is a guarantee of successful implementation.

Unlike hired work, business requires serious knowledge in the field financial literacy. At a minimum, an entrepreneur must clearly track income streams, and distinguish this concept from profit.

When receiving the first money, it is important to properly manage them:

  • payment of obligations, these include debts, rent, wages and taxes;
  • reinvestment in business, which involves the purchase of resources, expanding the range, etc.;
  • profit - the balance after the calculation in the main areas and is the net income of the owner.

Often at first, due to the presence of debt obligations, a business does not bring significant money, but this is a normal stage through which all novice businessmen went through.

Quick payback business ideas with minimal investment

Let's look at a few examples of freelancing and self-employment that do not require serious investments, although they involve them. It requires the presence of certain skills or the willingness to invest in training.

Today, many people's lives are based on their social media profiles, which in turn presuppose the presence of quality content. Photographers are one of the most sought-after professions, especially those that are self-employed and therefore charge a lower percentage.

To become a professional photographer, you must:

  • availability of high-quality equipment, the cost of a basic set of a professional is about one hundred and fifty - two hundred thousand rubles;
  • knowledge about shooting composition - you can get information both through independent study and experience, and through courses, their cost is at least fifty thousand.

In addition to this, the presence of the first two parameters does not guarantee success, since it is necessary to form a client base, which means investing in advertising and promotion.

The average payback of such a business is from six months to a year.

The sale and rental of real estate has always been and will always be relevant. Along with this, today there are many online resources that act as intermediaries and replace realtors.

Some people, and quite a large number, continue to adhere to the principle of contacting a specialist who will select the appropriate options, thereby saving time.

In most cases, realtors work in agencies, but there are also freelancers. In order to become one, you need to acquire access to the database, and also stand to increase the clientele. Starting investment range from ten to one hundred thousand rubles. As for the payback, it entirely depends on the activity of the person. In most cases, you can get positive in a few months.

Repair of equipment or apartments

Repair work is another budget freelance option that requires a set of skills and knowledge. The easiest way to start to realize in the direction of those who have been doing this for a proper time under someone's guidance.

The investment is based on the purchase of a set of tools. Depending on the specialization, it will cost from twenty to two hundred thousand rubles. Services also cost differently. It makes sense to talk about payback after a year, but maybe faster.

It is recommended to form a client base on a recommendation basis, since advertising of such ads does not inspire confidence. Also, do not forget about social networks, where you can post examples of work, thereby backing up your promises with actual evidence.

The delivery of all goods and services is the most dynamic sector of the economy, and the transport of food is the most developing industry. Despite the existence of several giants in the industry such as Uber or Yandex, today a small supply can also be in demand.

When planning such a business, it is important to choose the right platform, target audience and suppliers. Investments will be based on the creation of a resource through which communication with customers will take place, as well as payment for courier services.

The payback is fast enough if you can find a niche and offer customers a set of benefits, such as faster shipping compared to competitors, or an expanded package of services.

Channel on YouTube

A YouTube channel can be a great business venture or an addition to an existing business. To begin implementation, basic knowledge regarding the use of online programs will be required. Also, this option requires the skills to create high-quality videos and a lot of time.

Types of business from scratch that do not require a lot of investment

Now let's look at some areas of business that require not very large start-up investments, but also have a development prospect. Also, unlike the previous options, they involve the availability of staff and rent, which is associated with additional monthly costs and basic knowledge of accounting.

On the one hand, creating a fast food outlet is a fast-paying business, and on the other hand, it is an option that involves a large number of risks. The start-up capital that is required depends on the location, size and assortment, that is, it is not possible to say the exact amount without a business plan.

Payback depends on the marketing and quality of the products produced, as well as on the price. The main difficulties include:

  • obtaining permits from various departments;
  • spoilage of products leading to losses;
  • competitive environment.

One of the more reliable but expensive options is a franchise. Buying a ready-made business model that is guaranteed to work costs from half a million, not counting the costs of rent, wages, equipment, and more.

Cargo transportation

Transportation is also a good idea if you have the right means of transportation. If the taxi industry is completely under the rule of Uber and Yandex, then they are not so actively represented in cargo transportation.

It is permissible to take a car on lease, but these are monthly expenses. It is worth starting such a business under the condition of obvious demand for services and low market employment. In such a situation, the rate of return will be high, as well as the profit of the entrepreneur.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are considering vending options - selling goods through vending machines. The initial investment is significant, but the business pays off quickly if you choose the right location.


The organization of receptions requires the presence of a competent team and stable agreements with suppliers, as a rule, they are restaurants. You will also need transportation.

The business is quite profitable, although the demand is not very high. Before starting, it is recommended to enlist the support of several institutions for which such services are relevant.

When selecting employees, one should be guided not only by the personal qualities of a person, but also by his professionalism in terms of maintenance and service.

As for starting investments in cleaning services, they are based on the acquisition of tools and funds. It is recommended to give preference to quality products, as people who use such services are demanding and scrupulous about quality.

To form a client base, you can either buy a ready-made one from one of the companies, or use websites open offers. Payback is high subject to regular orders. It is also worth considering a system of gifts and bonuses so that people subsequently apply for services.

What kind of business with small investments can be organized alone?

Creating a team of like-minded people or attracting staff is not always convenient, so it is important to consider examples of businesses that you can organize on your own without involving other people in cooperation. It is important to note the main drawback of such projects - the availability of a bar for income, since no matter what services an entrepreneur offers, he will not be able to serve everyone.

Today there are very long queues in preschool institutions, in addition to this, not all parents are ready to send their kids to crowded groups where one or two educators work.

Opening a private kindergarten is permissible both at home and in a separate room. This is one of the best options for those who have their own small children. Thus, the mother will be able to spend time with her child and receive income for looking after other children.

The start-up capital will be based on the arrangement of the premises, the purchase of basic furniture and toys. It is important to fully comply with the standards of institutions of this type.

The payback is high, provided that regular customers are found, since the services of a private kindergarten are expensive, but many are willing to pay for them.


For a person who is well versed in certain areas and especially in the subjects of the school and university curriculum, tutoring will be an excellent solution.

In fact, this type of entrepreneurship does not require start-up investments, since knowledge is the key product. Of course, it is recommended to constantly improve your professionalism, but in general, it is past experience that can generate income.

Everyone determines the cost of the lesson himself, but, as practice shows, if there are five or six regular students, you can get an income equal to the teacher's salary.


Handmade crafts are the trend of the last few years. Therefore, if a person has the skills and vision of how to create something unique and inimitable, then you can start a business with confidence. The market is quite saturated, so it will take a lot of time to promote, promote and search for customers.

In most cases, the investment is minimal, as it involves the purchase of materials that are cheap. But at the initial stage, you will need to create a portfolio - examples of work. It is recommended to invest money in creating high-quality photos and videos.

Breeder of purebred dogs/cats, etc.

Pet breeding is a profitable business, but more labor intensive than the options above. Firstly, it is necessary to have knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine, in particular, in the reception of offspring and feeding puppies and kittens. Secondly, such a business requires the constant presence of a person at home.

The demand for services is high, especially when it comes to purebred dogs and cats. The payback is not very high compared to the time invested.

As for the risks, they are based on the possibility of obtaining weak offspring. Also, if the animals are not attached at a young age, then adults have to look for a home, which is more difficult, and often such pets are given away for free.

Universal masters are in many ways similar both in activity and in other parameters to those who perform repair work. In this case, the purchase of tools and the availability of specialized knowledge are also required.

As a rule, the services of a master are expensive, since he can solve the problem of people that they have not mastered on their own. But you need to constantly look for clients and organize your time so that most of the work is done in the evening. The fact is that it is at this time that people are at home and are ready to receive the master, and public and even private services are not ready to send a specialist to them after six o'clock.

Business ideas with the lowest investment and quick payback for a small town

When organizing a local offline business in a small town, you can use your location advantages. Basically, they are related to the characteristics of the target audience.

Organization subsidiary farm profitable, if there is a temporary opportunity to care for plants, a suitable climate and demand. Today, more and more people are inclined to purchase natural products, in particular vegetables and fruits. The disadvantage of business is seasonality. This option is a business with small investments alone.

The top profitable businesses include home growing. There is a requirement for the form and principles of conducting.

Raising poultry/animals for meat

The cultivation of animals and birds, as well as their subsequent sale, requires the presence of large premises, as well as serious investments in the purchase of both the business objects themselves and feed for them.

In rural areas, it is easy to organize a project, but it is better to implement it in cities, since there is a higher demand for such products. A business with little investment in this industry is raising chickens or rabbits, but not cattle. Investing in animals is dangerous for an inexperienced person. Open meat sales without information about sanitary standards also not worth it. It will take a long time and hard to pay back the enterprise.

Own bakery is one of the types of business that does not require large investments, moreover, it is permissible to implement it even at home. The key advantage is high profitability, demand. The disadvantage is the loss of money due to spoilage of products and the need to attract customers on an ongoing basis, accompanied by an expansion of the range.

This is a prime example of how a business operates in a small town with little investment. The investment of money in such a profitable project will be appropriate. Even a beginner will cope and at first quickly go to zero.

Fish breeding

Fish farming is an entrepreneurship that is not accessible to many, since at least a pond is required in which it is permissible to do this. In addition, it is a very time-consuming, heavy and dirty process. It is worth addressing this option only with the formed infrastructure. You need to invest money based on the recommendations of experienced real breeders.

Online trading

All business today is moving to an online platform. The advantage is the lack of binding to a specific area. Along with this, when delivering, it is important to take into account the territory and cost of services.

When organizing an online store, you need to highlight your strengths and have certain differences from competitors. Every day there are new sellers, using both social networks and creating websites. In general, this is a business with small investments and a quick payback.

Real examples of successful business from scratch

One of the clearest recent examples of a successful greenfield business is the hypermarkets that people go to on a daily basis for groceries and other goods.

In the zero years, in parallel and independently of each other, students noticed that their fellow students after their studies spend a lot of time going to shops and markets. They opened small stalls on the road from the university to the hostel, supplying them with basic goods. Demand exceeded supply and within a few years, the stalls turned into supermarkets.

Today, brand recognition is high, and those founding students have grown up, so the large hypermarkets located outside the city limits already bring the main profit. This is an example of how a profitable business develops with small investments.

Hello, dear readers of our magazine! Igor Eremenko, an entrepreneur and author of the magazine, is with you. Our next article will be devoted to production business ideas and in particular how to make your business successful.

Today we have prepared for you the most relevant and popular production ideas!😀

❗️ You can implement some of the above ideas right at home (at the dacha, in the garage ...), so you won’t need to invest additional money in renting or buying land / premises to launch them.

To open a manufacturing business, large initial investments are not always required; it is quite realistic to open your own profitable mini-production even for an amount of 10-40 to 300-500 thousand rubles !

By the way, if you have a little more time, then be sure to read the article: 👉, in it we described 30 great business ideas and gave specific examples!

As for this article, we will also be happy to share with you useful experience and knowledge that will help you avoid mistakes when starting your own business!

In addition to all of the above, from the publication you will learn:

  • Which production is profitable to open in 2020?
  • As with minimal risk start your own profitable manufacturing business?
  • Why sales in production is the basis of everything and how to find sources of sales?
  • What is the point of starting your business?

It took us a lot of time to write this article, so we really hope that the information provided will be valuable for you and you will find for yourself the very business idea that you will successfully implement!

Well, we are ready - then let's start! 🙂

1. Which manufacturing business idea to choose?

Despite the seemingly well-established competition in all industries, finding and occupying your niche in the market is more than realistic! I will say more, from personal experience, I have repeatedly been convinced that some niches in a particular city / region can be practically free from competition at all - it remains only to occupy them and make a profit!😀

So, in fact, opening your own profitable production business is not as difficult as you might imagine, the main thing is to approach this business responsibly and choose a business idea that suits your capabilities and interests and that would be in demand among the population.

Below in the article, we just provided a list of the most popular production ideas for small businesses. In order to make it more convenient for you to decide on a particular business, each idea will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • initial investment;
  • required equipment/materials/room…;
  • average profitability;
  • payback;
  • demand for products;
  • production complexity.

If you have a small initial capital, then first of all, pay attention to simple business ideas that you can implement at home / in an apartment / garage (there are a lot of them listed in the article).

In addition, before implementing a business idea, analyze the market, purchasing power and competition in your city or region.

Separately, a few words should be said about competition. Of course, it is easiest to start production in an area where there is little or no competition. Such niches can be found in almost every city. But in this situation, it is important to understand that in some of them the demand for products may be narrow or limited.

As for the high competition, then it should not be afraid - if it exists, then this indicates, first of all, that this product is very in demand among the population. So, with the right positioning, you can always take your place in the market.

❗️ Advice from personal experience:
Do not immediately invest a lot of money in production, especially if you are not sure that the business will go uphill. Start small, and as soon as you are sure that the goods produced are in good demand, expand production.

Also keep in mind that sales of products in production occupies a key place, so you need to pay special attention!

But let's not digress too much from the topic of this article - in more detail about proper organization sales and other important principles for building a successful business that will save you a lot of money and time, you can read towards the end of the article.

Well, now, finally, let's move on to a review of business ideas! 👇

2. Business ideas for production for small businesses - 37 relevant and in-demand ideas

Below you can find a huge number of low-budget ideas and even those that can be implemented almost from scratch! Some of the production business ideas are suitable not only for men, but also for women.

Idea No. 1 - Production of decorative artificial stone

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.

DESCRIPTION OF THE IDEA: Artificial stone is widely used as a decor both indoors (for wall cladding, shelves) and outside (for foundations, facades…).

This is a fairly profitable business, and most importantly, in demand among the population - on average, the demand for decorative stone is growing by 10% annually.

Here it is important, as in any production, to organize the sale of products in the first place. For example, the usual cooperation with finishers often allows you to organize a permanent sale of artificial stone. In addition, it is worth setting up wholesale deliveries to companies that sell building materials.

Additional income can be brought in by stone finishing and delivery services (or recommendations from those who provide such services).


  • matrix forms;
  • cement and sand (or gypsum);
  • pigments (dyes) and other additives;
  • room on average from 30-70 sq. meters (possible at home / cottage);
  • vibrating table (relevant for mass production of stone).

The technology for the production of artificial stone is quite simple: a solution is prepared from cement and sand (gypsum), poured into molds and hardens. Coloring can be done either after the stone has solidified, or when preparing a solution by adding powder pigments to it.

Gypsum stone is mainly used for interior work, and concrete stone is used for facade decoration. However, it has been observed that the demand for concrete stone is significantly higher than for gypsum stone.

The cost of 1 square. m. of such a stone usually does not exceed 200-250 rubles, the market value is on average 500-700 rub. per sq. meter .

Idea number 2 - Making paving slabs

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 80,000 - 150,000 rubles.

DESCRIPTION OF THE IDEA: Another idea similar in many respects to the previous one is the production paving slabs.

This type of business is in great demand, as demand from individuals and the state only grows over time. However, competition in this niche is usually above average.

But with the right positioning, you can always take your place in the market. For example, in small towns, budget paving slabs are very popular; accordingly, in the absence of local manufacturers, such a business can bring significant profit. You can also produce luminous paving slabs, which are now only gaining popularity.

It is worth adding that the production of tiles is a relatively low-cost business and it is quite simple to organize it even right at home.


  • forms (from 20-35 rubles 1 pc.);
  • vibrating tables (about 25 thousand rubles);
  • room 50-80 sq. m.;
  • cement, sand and gravel;
  • pigments and mineral additives
  • phosphor (for luminous tiles).

As a rule, 2-3 people will be enough to organize the production of paving slabs. The production process is not very labor intensive.

💡 The cost of manufacturing a square meter of tiles averages 150-240 rubles at a wholesale price of 350-400 rubles. Even small production- about 300 sq. meters per month brings clean 35-50 thousand rubles .

By the way, another plus of this business is that it does not fall under certification and licensing!

Idea number 3 - Production of building cinder blocks

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 50,000 - 90,000 rubles.


Making cinder blocks is a very profitable business! Since the cost of slag blocks is low compared to brick, gas and foam blocks (one block replaces six bricks), they are widely in demand in construction when building walls and foundations.

It is not difficult to organize this production with small investments and at home.


  • cinder block making machine
  • cement and additives (plasticizers),
  • building materials (slag, sand).

You will also need a warehouse for storing blocks and a production room with a size of 40 sq. meters.

❗️ The cost of one cinder block is approximately 14-18 rubles, and its selling price is 24-26 rubles.

A team of two or three people per shift can usually produce up to 800 pieces, as a result, with such a turnover, it is possible to make a profit aboutt 3-5 t. rub .

You can sell products in bulk construction and trading companies and retail to individuals. Also, good sales volumes can be brought by cooperation with construction teams!

Idea number 4 - Making modular paintings


Recently, modular paintings have become in great demand, which are several paintings united by one theme. Thanks to their originality, they easily allow you to decorate the interior and create a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

But most importantly, such a business idea is not only very popular with low competition and easy to implement, but also highly profitable ( net profit is about 100%).

You can see more about how modular paintings are made in the video below:


  • high-quality color printer or professional plotter;
  • Personal Computer;
  • fabric and stretchers;
  • room from 40 sq. m.

For production, 2 people will be enough. This idea is most relevant for cities with a population of more than 80 thousand people. However, due to the high margin, it is profitable to sell products not only in one city, but throughout the country by creating an online store and / or a community on social networks.

❗️ Retail prices for modular paintings start at 3,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter, the cost of manufacturing on average does not exceed 1500 rubles. With a monthly sale 100 sq. m. profit will be from 150 000 rubles !

Idea number 5 - Production of furniture without a frame

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 10,000 rubles.


Frameless production upholstered furniture(bean running) is a relatively new and unique business. Its main difference is that for production, only material (fabric) and loose filler are needed, which takes the shape of the body of a seated person.

The most in demand are such varieties of frameless furniture as soft ottomans and armchairs (bags), as well as sofas. You can organize the production of upholstered furniture right in your apartment or at home.

The main potential buyers are young families with children with an average income. It is worth noting that due to its originality and low cost, such furniture is especially well sold via the Internet.


  • sewing machine,
  • threads, material, filler.

In addition, it will be necessary to thoroughly consider the design of future furniture (at the same time, be sure to analyze competitors).

The average selling price of a bean bag chair is from 2.5-3 thousand rubles., the cost is usually does not exceed 1500 rubles. Covers for upholstered furniture can be sewn independently or ordered on the side.

Idea number 6 - Making frame furniture

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 70,000 - 200,000 rubles.


Frame furniture is a huge market with tons of business opportunities.

Furniture production can be divided into 2 types. The first is the manufacture and assembly of furniture from start to finish, which requires expensive equipment and correspondingly high costs.

The production of furniture according to individual orders(such production does not require large initial investments and it is much easier to organize it).

Its essence is that you find customers, negotiate all the details and nuances, take an advance payment, purchase all the necessary ready-made materials and assemble furniture to an individual size.

In this business, it is especially important to cherish the client and do your job conscientiously, since most orders come exactly by " word of mouth«.


  • computer and printer
  • drill and other tools (screwdrivers, drills, hammers ...),
  • expendable materials,
  • room from 20-30 sq. m for furniture assembly.

You can purchase the necessary materials and accessories for an advance payment that you receive from the client. It also makes sense to rent a small office of 15-25 sq. m to take orders from customers.

Such a business is very profitable and with minimal investment can pay off in just 1-3 months.

Idea number 7 - Making bio-fireplaces

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 20,000 rubles.


A relatively new and promising business idea in the manufacturing industry is the production of environmentally friendly fireplaces. Such biofireplaces do not require a chimney, since the carbon dioxide that is released during the combustion of biofuels is completely safe for people.

The advantages of this business idea are that, on the one hand, there are very small investments for its implementation, and on the other hand, it can bring very significant profits and pay back all investments within 1 month.

At the same time, all production can be independently organized at home or in the garage.


  • glass cutting tools or equipment;
  • consumables: glass, stainless steel, sealants, biofuels (bioethanol)…

❗️The cost of manufacturing one bio-fireplace is on average 2500-3000 rubles. Market same price finished product exceeds 14 000 rubles(in online stores they are sold even more expensive - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles).

So by making only 20 fireplaces, you can reach a net monthly profit 170-190 thousand rubles excluding all basic and additional expenses.

Idea number 8 - Making country greenhouses and greenhouses

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.


Due to its durability and low cost, polycarbonate greenhouses are one of the most popular at the moment. With all this, they are quite simple to manufacture.

Although this business is seasonal, it is nevertheless very profitable (over 100%) and has a quick payback. So greatest demand greenhouses are in spring and late autumn.

In addition to the production of greenhouses, it is additionally possible to provide services for pouring the foundation and installing greenhouses - this will allow you to recoup your investments even faster.

This idea is also great for small towns with a population of 20,000 or more.


  • equipment for the production of greenhouses: pipe bender, welding ... (from 40-50 thousand rubles)
  • cellular polycarbonate.

In addition, you will need to take care of the marketing of products: advertise in newspapers, bulletin boards ... At the very beginning, it also makes sense to lower prices in order to attract customers.

Idea number 9 - Making gazebos from wood

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 35,000 rubles.


Without pavilions and garden houses, where one could sit and relax quietly, not one can do, perhaps. country cottage area. That is why the production of garden houses and gazebos is a relevant and fast-paying business.

Another significant advantage of this idea is the low entry threshold into this business. And besides, depending on your capabilities, experience and preferences, you can choose for yourself: make gazebos on your own or create your own team of responsible builders.

There are a lot of options for the production of arbors, but one of the most popular on the market is arbors made of wood.


  • equipment and tools;
  • consumables: boards / logs, tiles, self-tapping screws, etc.;
  • workshop space (optional).

Gazebos and garden houses can be made according to individual customer orders, or sold ready-made in a standard size.

❗️ The cost of manufacturing one standard gazebo fluctuates around 30-50 thousand rubles, while the final price of a finished gazebo averages 60-100 thousand rubles. So having only 5 orders per month, you can earn 100-150 thousand rubles .

In the case of a team, subject to an established flow of customers, the monthly profit can be over 300-400 thousand rubles .

Idea No. 10 - Production of wicker furniture

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 30,000 rubles.


Another actively developing market segment is wicker furniture, which is made from environmentally friendly and natural materials A: rattan, vine, bamboo, linden, spruce, vine, etc.

Of all wicker products, about 30% of furniture is made from wicker, and 60% from rattan, but rattan is quite expensive and difficult to get.

Wicker furniture is primarily a luxury item, so the main the target audience consumers with high and upper middle income.

The following wicker products are especially popular: chairs, beds, sofas, tables, chests of drawers and wardrobes.


  • prepare yourself or purchase a vine / shoots from rattan;
  • purchase processing equipment: hand tools or machines.

Sometimes applied Additional materials: plywood, chipboard, wood, upholstered elements for the seat or backrest, etc.

Weaving furniture is especially beneficial if you yourself harvest willow shoots for weaving. Willow twigs are best harvested in spring or autumn. For painting, aniline dyes, potassium permanganate, iron sulfate, etc. are used.

Manufactured products are sold well through furniture stores. Monthly, such a business, with well-established production and marketing, can bring from 50-100 thousand rubles and more.

Idea No. 11 - Production of acrylic countertops

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 70,000 to 200,000 rubles.


The business of producing acrylic countertops (as artificial stone countertops are also called) is considered to be one of the most popular, profitable and least expensive at the same time. So if we compare the cost of purchasing an acrylic sheet and a finished tabletop, then the markup for 1 linear meter reaches 300-500% and above.

In addition, competition in this business area is not very developed (most kitchen manufacturers are forced to purchase countertops from foreign manufacturers).

It is also possible to produce window sills, sinks, wall panels from artificial stone ... therefore, over time, it is possible to expand the range of products.


  • special equipment (milling cutter, grinder, jigsaw ...),
  • acrylic stone,
  • industrial premises from 45 sq. m.

2-3 people will be enough to organize this production.

It is important to note that countertops made of artificial stone are made only according to individual sizes! Such production can also be implemented at home or in the garage.

The manufacture of acrylic countertops, even in cities with a small population, can bring from 30 to 100,000 rubles a month.

Idea No. 12 - Making foundation blocks

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 280,000 rubles.


Foundation blocks are in great demand for accelerated construction, because. no need to wait for the foundation to dry out and gain solidity and stability over time.

For the production of foundation blocks, two technologies for pouring blocks are used:

  • pouring with ready-mixed concrete followed by steaming,
  • vibrocompression of a semi-dry mixture in special forms.

For small businesses, the second method is more acceptable and less costly.

❗️ Blocks size 118/60/58 cm are the most popular in the market.

If you open the production of foundation blocks at home, then you will need an initial investment of 280 tr.


  • molds, forced rotary concrete mixer, lifting mechanism - approx. 250 thousand rubles;
  • cement, crushed stone, sand;
  • rent a room from 200 sq. m. or a canopy in the summer (if necessary).

Two workers will be enough for work.

If you produce 30 blocks per day, then the income will be about 9 000 rub. in a day (300 rubles from the sale of one block). This business has a very good payback - from 2 months.

Idea No. 13 - Making wooden furniture for the garden

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 20,000 rubles.


Another low-budget idea available to just about anyone is making garden furniture. Like gazebos, wooden furniture is in good demand among the owners of cottages and country cottages.

The range of manufactured products can be quite extensive: tables, benches, chairs, armchairs, benches, deck chairs, sofas, hanging swings, flowerpots and much more.

You can sell furniture directly to individuals (through ads on the Internet, newspapers, magazines; website; word of mouth ...). Also, the sales problem will help to solve wholesale customers- furniture and gardening stores.


  • circular saw, drill driver, grinder, jigsaw, etc. - (attachments up to 15 thousand rubles );
  • consumables (board, screws, etc.);
  • room from 25 sq. meters (possible at home).

For the production of garden furniture at the stage of business development, 1-2 craftsmen will be enough. You can also make custom-made furniture according to individual sizes. In the future, if there is a stable sales, mass production can be organized.

This business idea may well bring from 50 000 rubles per month, and in mass production - from 200-250 thousand rubles.

Idea #14

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 10,000-15,000 rubles.


You can also start a stained glass business (you can make your own at home or in a garage).

The stained-glass windows made using film technology are the most in demand among the common population. This idea allows you to significantly reduce the cost and simplify the process, thanks to a self-adhesive film that imitates real colored glass.

To make stained-glass windows using film technology, you do not have to purchase expensive equipment or possess highly artistic skills.

If we talk about investing money, then at a minimum you will need about 10,000-15,000 rubles for equipment and materials. But to organize a full-fledged workshop, an amount in the range of 250,000 rubles will be required.


  • glass and a machine for cutting it;
  • roller, knife, stencil;
  • stained glass films and tapes,
  • room from 30 sq. meters.

Cooperation with design studios can provide such a business with a large flow of customers. In addition, it will not be superfluous to publish announcements on bulletin boards, newspapers, on the Internet, etc.

❗️ Even with minimal investments of several tens of thousands of rubles, income can be from 50 000 rubles per month.

Idea No. 15 - Production of bouquets from soft toys

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 5,000 rubles.


Production of original bouquets from soft toys a fairly new direction, but at the same time no less popular and profitable.

In many cities, such a niche is still free. At the same time, such an idea can also be implemented at home with a minimum investment.

Such bouquets can be made either completely independently from scratch, or by purchasing the necessary components and materials in bulk from intermediaries (for example, on the website fluffy bouquet.rf with delivery throughout Russia).

It is mainly possible to sell bouquets through flower shops (at first, bouquets can be given for sale). But over time, you can open your own point of sale of plush bouquets.

You can watch a master class on making toys in the video below:


  • base for the frame (eg foam rubber);
  • Plush Toys;
  • auxiliary decorative materials;
  • stapler, glue, scissors...

✅ The retail price of one bouquet of toys is about 1500-2000 rubles. The cost of making it is from 250 to 400 rubles. Even selling bouquets in bulk, you can easily charge from 100%!

For example, by selling 150 bouquets in bulk to flower shops, you can have clean 65-80 thousand rubles per month. If you invest well and organize a full-fledged workshop for the production of bouquets, then the profit will be many times higher!

For those who are interested in this business topic, there is another trendy and new idea - the production of vacuum flowers, or as they are also called flowers in glass (such flowers retain their appearance for more than 5 years). You can search for information about it on the Internet!😉

Idea No. 16 - Making wood products

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 100,000 rubles.


Joinery made of natural material - wood, is in great demand in every city.

People order not only souvenirs, toys and other wooden trinkets, but also doors, kitchen utensils ( cutting boards, bread bins, napkin holders ...), wooden furniture (bedside tables, tables, chairs ...), etc.

To open your own mini carpentry workshop, you will not need a large starting capital, an amount of 100 thousand rubles will be enough.

To open a carpentry workshop, it is necessary to study the sales market, competitors and determine the products to be manufactured.


  • equipment (saws, grinder, drill ...);
  • expendable materials;
  • room from 40 sq. m.

The equipment can be taken second-hand, so you can save a decent amount of money.

You can sell your products directly (for example, by submitting advertisements, a website, your own outlet) and / or cooperating with certain stores.

Profitability carpentry business is about 25%, and the monthly profit with minimal investment is from 20-40 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 17 - Production of colored (decorative) crushed stone

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 15,000 rubles.


Colored gravel is actively beginning to be used as a decorative material for the improvement of household and house plots. It is also used in aquariums and terrariums.

The production of crushed stone is a very profitable business with a high margin and a quick payback. And besides, in order to start in this business, you will need a minimum investment - from 10-15 thousand rubles.

Technologically, it is very simple to organize the production of colored gravel (you can do it right at home or in a garage).


  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating sieve for sifting crushed stone (at first, you can do without it);
  • crushed stone, dyes;
  • packing bags.

The whole production process is reduced to:

  1. Sift rubble from debris and small fractions,
  2. Load it into a concrete mixer and paint;
  3. Dry the rubble and pack it in bags.

Crushed stone can be sold both directly (for example, through outdoor advertising, advertising in newspapers, on bulletin boards), as well as through intermediaries (for example, through companies that sell building materials and are engaged in landscape design).

❗️An example of how much you can earn:
The cost of 1 ton of crushed stone is approximately 2,500 rubles + the cost of purchasing paint and packing bags will be about 5,000 rubles. The retail price of colored gravel is about 20-23 thousand rubles. As a result, the approximate profit (excluding wages) from 1 ton will be equal to 12-15 thousand rubles .

Idea No. 18 - Artistic forging

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 300,000 rubles.


Since forged products have a unique design and beauty, the demand for them is growing more and more every year.

Gates, stairs, wickets, fences, openwork lattices, porch visors, garden furniture, gazebos - this is not a complete list of where forged products are used.

Forging is cold and hot. Hot forging is more difficult. Requires extensive metalworking experience. In cold forging, ready-made hot forging elements are used and a lot of experience is not needed here, but it is still advisable to work in a forging shop or find such a specialist first.


Opening a cold forging shop will cost from 300 thousand rubles, this amount will require:

  • rent a production room of about 60 sq. m. (you can work at home);
  • purchase equipment: wave, snail, twister, welding machine, grinder, etc.;
  • rent an office for receiving orders (from 8 sq. m.).

❗️ One meter of forged products costs on average from 2,800 rubles. and higher, at the same time, the cost of its manufacture usually does not exceed 900-1200 rubles.

A good forge earns a month from 200 thousand rubles .

Idea No. 19 - Making mirror tiles

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 8,000 rubles.


Another popular idea, the implementation of which will require a minimum of investment, is the manufacture of mirror tiles.

Mirror tiles are used for finishing residential premises (mainly bathrooms, bathrooms and ceilings), as well as in restaurants, trading floors, etc.

All essence production process comes down to cutting tiles of the required sizes from the purchased mirror sheets, sanding the edges of the tiles and, if necessary, using a stencil and a compressor, apply patterns to it.

It is also possible to produce tiles according to individual size and design to order.


  • tools: glass cutter, grinding wheel or machine, compressor (for pattern formation);
  • consumables: mirror or mirror scrap, sealant, adhesive tape;
  • room from 20 sq. meters.

The production of mirror tiles is a very profitable business with a profitability of 70-100%.

☝️Business in numbers:
The cost of buying mirrors is from 370 rubles per 1 sq. m., but the retail price for the same square. meter fluctuates within 800-1,000 rubles .

As a result, with a small monthly production of 120 sq. m. of mirror tiles, you can have a profit of about 50,000 rubles.

Idea No. 20 - Making seals and stamps

INVESTMENTS: ≈ 100,000 rubles.


The production of seals and stamps is very profitable business(It is especially profitable to open such a business in medium and large cities). The cost of production of such products as printing is about 15 rubles, and it is already being sold to customers at a price of 150 to 700 rubles per unit.

This type of activity does not require a license. The main target audience is novice businessmen and entrepreneurs who register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

❗️ Note:
private organizations that prepare documents or register a business can be a great source of clients!


  • printer and computer
  • equipment depending on the production technology (flash unit, exposure camera or laser engraver)
  • additional equipment and consumables,
  • premises for office and production.

Initial business costs are about 100,000 rubles. For a month, you can receive from the sale of stamp printing an average of up to 80-100 thousand rubles .

With stable sales, the business usually pays off in 2-4 months!

Idea No. 21 - Production of flexible stone

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.


Another new and growing business idea in the construction industry is the production of flexible stone, or as it is also called flexible wallpaper.

This environmentally friendly material has been used in Europe for a long time, but in Russia it appeared relatively recently. It, like artificial stone, is used for finishing walls and foundations.

Its main advantages for consumers are: low price, ease of installation, light weight and durability. For entrepreneurs: very high profitability, ease of manufacture and low financial costs.

There are quite a lot of technologies for the production of “stone” wallpaper, but the main point is that a layer of marble chips, sand (quartz or colored) or small brick chips is applied to the textile base with glue (resin).


  • tools: mixer, trays, thick glass, etc. (automatic equipment will cost from 150 tr.);
  • raw materials: bulk material, coloring pigments, resin or glue, fabric or glass fabric base, etc.
  • room from 25 sq.m.;

Production costs 1 sq. m of flexible stone is about 100-200 rubles, at the same time, its market price exceeds 500-600 rubles - accordingly, the profitability is very high.

❗️One worker per day can produce over 40 square meters. m of "stone" wallpaper, and this is at an extra charge at 300 rubles will bring 12 000 rubles .

Idea No. 22 - Production of promotional products


There are different options for how to properly organize such a thing. If you do not have money for equipment, then in this case you can use your knowledge and skills, at least with the help of Photoshop, to develop an advertising design, and then send it to a printing house for printing.

If you are ready to invest money, then at the first stages of business development you can get by with only the most necessary, simple and inexpensive equipment - it will take about 150 thousand rubles. Professional equipment can cost up to several million rubles.

For example, the most demanded service is the production of outdoor banners.


  • cutting plotter and wide-format printer, computer office equipment;
  • room from 30 sq. m.

If we talk about profitability, then with the cost of 150 thousand for renting premises and buying equipment, you can earn about 100 thousand rubles per month if you have a stream of customers.

Idea No. 23 - Making soft wall panels

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 35,000 rubles.


Another interesting and low-budget idea is to make beautiful and unusual fabric carpets. They are also called soft panels. They well isolate the room from noise, and are actively used as a designer interior decoration.

Wall panels are made mainly of leatherette and textiles. Material costs are quite low.

It is possible to produce panels in a conveyor production at home. All costs will come to you about 35-50 thousand rubles. For a more serious serial production, an amount of 250 thousand rubles or more will be required.


  • equipment (sewing machine, compressor, staple gun and drill driver);
  • fillers (synthetic winterizer / foam rubber), chipboard / plywood, upholstery.

You can also rent a room with an area of ​​17 square meters. In addition, you can earn if you provide services for the installation of soft panels. You can sell products to stores that sell finishing materials.

☝️ Business profitability:
You can sell panels for one and a half to two thousand rubles, at a cost of 600 rubles. Monthly income can reach 150-180 thousand rubles .

Idea #24 - Natural handmade soap

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 3,000 - 10,000 rubles.


But you can start a promising business for the production of handmade soap almost from scratch at home.

The demand for handmade soap, of course, is not massive, but there will definitely be a client who appreciates quality and naturalness. In addition, there is practically no competition in this market (the market is only 30-50% occupied).

In Russia, handmade soap sells well as souvenirs and gifts, and is also in demand among consumers who are used to using only natural products (about 10-15% of the population).


  • soap base (about 200-250 r / kg),
  • aroma oils,
  • other natural supplements.

The soap production technology itself is very simple: the soap base is boiled, after which oils and various additives (herbal decoctions, spices, juices ...) are added to it, and finally, the resulting soap is poured into molds for solidification.

Soap sales can be organized through cosmetics, perfumery, souvenir and gift outlets. As an option, you can produce branded soap with company logos (for example, such soap is in demand among beauty salons).

Idea No. 25 - Making nails (self-tapping screws)

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 140,000 rubles.


In fact, in order to open your own profitable nail business, you will not need any very large investments - about 140 tr. . (used machines), new ones are more expensive.

The production technology is quite simple, consumable steel wire is used to make nails.

Before starting such a business, be sure to study the demand for products and the sales market. In this business, it is very important to establish cooperation with hardware stores.

You can organize production even in the garage. As an option, you can also consider the production of self-tapping screws - the organization of such a business will require an amount of about 450 thousand rubles.


  • wire-nailing machine, sharpening machine and grinding and polishing machine;
  • steel wire;
  • a room with an area of ​​10-25 sq. meters.

1-2 people will be enough to service the entire production process.

The cost of a ton of steel wire is approximately 25-30 thousand rubles, while nails are sold at prices 50-60 thousand rubles per ton . As a result, with an average productivity per month, you can count on 110-140 thousand rubles net income.

Idea #26 - Pottery

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 200-300 thousand rubles.


Despite the fact that the pottery business is not such a common business idea in Russia, it still remains one of the most profitable and demanding businesses in entrepreneurial activity.

Ceramic dishes, decorative pots, vases, mugs, souvenirs, magnets, photo frames and much more are widely used both in everyday life and serve as interior decoration.

Products are especially in high demand in tourist and resort cities, where many tourists buy souvenirs as a keepsake of their vacation and gifts for relatives and friends.

To open pottery business not a lot of capital will be required in the region of 200,000 rubles.


  • pottery equipment;
  • purchase or independent procurement of raw materials
  • kiln for drying and roasting products;
  • clay, paints, glass, varnish and brushes;
  • molds for modeling;
  • if necessary - rent of premises from 50 sq. m.

Cooperation with intermediary companies that will buy ceramic products in bulk from you can bring you the main source of income.

⭐️Real example:
For example, the cost of making a pot for a vase ranges from 50-100 rubles. In this case, the retail price can reach up to 300-400 rubles per piece., and wholesale 150-200 rub .

Depending on the range of products and sales, a pottery workshop can bring good profit - 150-300 thousand rubles and more

Idea No. 27 - Making photo tiles

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 150,000 rubles.


A relatively new, promising and, at the same time, in good demand niche is the production of ceramic photo tiles. And the competition in this business is either low or non-existent.

A photo tile is an ordinary tile, only any pattern can be applied to it using a special printer. After applying the image, the tile is fired in a drying cabinet. Everything, in fact, this and all technological process As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

The only caveat, to develop individual tile layouts, you will need the ability to work with graphic programs and design (or just hire a designer). But at the initial stage, you can do without it.

By the way, such a business idea is also suitable for implementation in a garage or at home.


  • equipment: printer, PC, tile drying cabinet, etc.;
  • consumables - ink;
  • room from 30 sq. m.

You can sell products through stores ceramic tiles, design studios, advertisements, classifieds and social media sites/communities.

💡Cost and profit!
Costs per 1 sq. m. of photographic tiles are about 450-700 rubles. The selling price, on average, exceeds 2,800 rubles per square meter. As you can see, the profitability of this business is very high!

Idea No. 28 - Making decorative candles

INVESTMENT: ≈ 5,000 - 10,000 rubles.


Although decorative candles are not a consumer product, nevertheless, due to the fact that they create a unique comfort in the house and transform the interior, they always find their consumer.

The peculiarity of such a business is that it can be started almost from scratch at home. In addition, the production of decorative candles is simple, high profitability and does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing in this business is to show creativity and a little imagination.

Note also that scented candles have become popular lately.


  • paraffin / beeswax;
  • moulds, wick, dyes/pigments, heating oven.

The retail price of one (average) decorative candle is approximately 350-400 rubles, while its cost is up to 80-100 rubles. So with a monthly sale of 100 candles, the net profit will be approximately 27-30 thousand rubles . Accordingly, such a business pays off very, very quickly.

You can sell products at points selling souvenirs, gifts, restaurants, etc.

In addition, you can organize sales directly via the Internet by creating groups on social networks (such products are sold very well, for example, on Instagram).

Idea #29 - Production of blinds

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 45,000-60,000 rubles.


There is no need to talk about the demand for blinds, because due to their convenience and practicality, they are used literally everywhere: in offices, and in houses, and in apartments.

To implement this business idea, if taken at a minimum, you will need an initial investment of 45,000 rubles. (we are talking about manual production). But to organize a full-fledged workshop for the manufacture of blinds, a more substantial amount of 350-400 thousand rubles is needed.

With special responsibility it is necessary to treat the choice of suppliers of materials, as suppliers often come across offering components of very poor quality. It is important to find the optimal balance between quality and price.


  • equipment and tools (sewing machine, punch, saw…);
  • component materials (fabric, plastic, wood or aluminum);
  • room from 20 sq. m + warehouse.

The process of manufacturing blinds does not require any special skills and abilities. By the way, services for the installation and repair of blinds can bring a good additional income.

Although the profitability of this business does not amount to hundreds of percent, nevertheless, with stable sales, the profit of a small workshop can be from 150-200 thousand rubles .

Idea #30 - Pallet production

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 150,000 rubles.


Wooden pallets are one of the most demanding auxiliary materials used in the transportation and storage of products.

There are 3 types of pallet production depending on the investment:

  1. Make pallets manually (investments from 150 thousand rubles);
  2. Purchase a semi-automated line (investments from 500 thousand rubles);
  3. Fully automate production (from 3 million rubles).

The most popular are pallets made in accordance with GOST 9557-87. Since GOST is almost identical to the European standard, such pallets are referred to as "Euro pallets".


  • equipment: pneumatic stapler, compressor, etc.;
  • mounting table for the manufacture of pallets;
  • boards, nails;
  • room from 35 sq. m.

⭐️ How much can you earn?
One person per month is able to produce about 2,700 pallets (the cost is about 150 rubles, and the market price is 180-210 rubles). So even with the manual manufacture of pallets, you can make a profit 70-120 thousand rubles per month.

The semi-automated line will allow you to bring about 500,000 rubles clean per month.

Idea No. 31 - Production of bed linen

ATTACHMENTS: ≈ from 90,000 - 200,000 rubles.


Bed linen is a commodity of mass and wide demand, which people have bought and will always buy!

In fact, to open a mini-workshop for the production of bed linen, you will not need to invest millions of rubles (of course, if you do not immediately plan to open a medium or large production), an initial amount of 200 thousand rubles will be enough to purchase the most necessary. Production at home, you can start with an amount of 90 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the population is in high demand mainly bed linen. from cotton (coarse calico) and flax therefore, it is advisable to start your business with these materials.

In production, you can not be limited only to sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers, but also to produce blankets, pillows, blankets ...


  • equipment: professional sewing machines, overlock for overcasting cuts, irons, etc.;
  • consumables: cotton fabrics, threads, etc.;
  • a room for a workshop and a warehouse from 70 sq. m.

⭐️The production of bed linen has an average profitability of about 40% and usually pays off within six months.

Idea No. 32 - Mini-bakery for the production of bread and bakery products

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 340,000 rubles.


Recently, there has been a clear trend towards the consumption of the highest quality bakery products, in connection with this, opening your own bakery is a promising and popular idea.

So the main key to the success of a mini-bakery is delicious bread baked according to original recipes. Other pastries should not be left aside: cakes, buns, cookies, pies, French bread, Uzbek flatbread, lavash, other national types of bread - there will also be a buyer for it.

The cost of opening a mini-bakery will be about 340-500 tr, depending on the purchased equipment. Business pays off usually from half a year.


  • purchase equipment: an oven for baking bakery products, a dough mixer, a proofing cabinet, etc. (you can save a lot on used equipment)
  • purchase raw materials;
  • hire workers.

It is also necessary to rent a room from 50 sq. m., in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary, fire and environmental inspections, issue documents from them and purchase all the necessary certificates.

☝️ On average, a small bakery brings its owners monthly 150-200 thousand rubles net profit.

Idea No. 33 - Production of herbal tea (herbal preparations)

INVESTMENTS: ≈ 100,000 rubles.


It goes without saying that it is very difficult to enter the market for the production of black and green tea without any unique offer, due to the huge competition in this business, but it is quite possible to occupy a narrower and more promising niche for the production of herbal teas and teas.

For example, Ivan tea is the most popular in Russia, and you can start production from it. Also relevant is the production of herbal preparations that can be used as a dietary supplement for the treatment of certain diseases.


  • raw materials: herbs, fruits and leaves of plants;
  • package;
  • room from 15 sq. m.

But whether to purchase equipment for the production of tea or make it manually, everyone decides for himself.

To make tea, it must go through a series of steps, from gathering herbs to fermentation/ripening. Alternatively, raw materials can be purchased on the side - this will save you a lot of time.

Opening your own tea business is a very profitable business - sometimes the markup on herbal tea can reach several hundred percent. Depending on the scale of tea production and marketing, you can earn on average from 50 to 300 thousand rubles per month .

Idea No. 34 - Production of soft toys

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 180,000 rubles.


An interesting business option is the production of soft toys. According to experts, the total size of the toy market in Russia is approximately 42% of the entire toy market.

Soft toys are a universal gift for both small children and adults. However, this type of business has a seasonal nature. The volume of sales usually increases before the holidays or during the summer seasons.

By the way, it is very important to decide on suppliers who should supply high-quality and inexpensive materials.

If we talk about costs, then opening your own small workshop will cost you about 180,000 rubles.


  • sewing machines, apparatus for stuffing toys;
  • room from 17 sq. meters;
  • materials for production (artificial fur, filler and accessories).

You can supply (or give for sale) toys in bulk to toy stores, souvenir shops, etc. You can also sell toys through your own outlets, website and groups on social networks.

☝️ Business payback usually occurs after 5-9 months of work. In a month, you can earn on the sale of goods over 100 thousand rubles .

Idea No. 35 - Mini brick production line

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 250,000 rubles.


Brick is a versatile building material that is widely used for the construction of houses and other buildings.

You can open your mini brick factory with a relatively small investment even at home.

For example, it is quite cost-effective and technologically easy to organize the production of hyperpressed bricks. The raw materials can be: mineral waste, screenings, slag, shell rock, limestone, etc.

For production, manual mechanical and automatic presses are used, which form bricks under high pressure. For the purchase of mechanical equipment, investments will be required from 250 tr.


  • equipment for the production of bricks;
  • drying oven;
  • raw materials;
  • cement and dyes;
  • room from 30 sq. m.

⭐️1-2 people per shift can produce about 1000 bricks. So a small mini-factory can bring monthly income depending on productivity. from 30 to 250 thousand rubles (investments in it usually pay off within a year).

Idea No. 36 - Mini-concrete plant

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 440,000 rubles.


Concrete is one of the most popular materials used in construction (peak demand falls on summer period). And besides, opening your own mini-factory is not as difficult as you might imagine.

To open a semi-automatic mini concrete production, a relatively small amount will be required - from 440 thousand rubles (you can produce about 200 cubic meters of concrete per day). But for a fully automated plant, investments of more than 1.4 million rubles will already be required.

The main target audience is construction companies, individuals and municipal organizations.


  • concrete production equipment;
  • cement, sand, gravel;
  • production area from 300 sq. m.

To maintain a semi-automatic mini-factory, 2-3 people will be enough.

The net profit from the sale of one cubic meter of concrete is on average about 270-350 rubles, at the average market price 2800 rub. Even with a low workload of production, such a business can bring from 200 thousand rubles a month.

Idea No. 37 - Making aquariums

INVESTMENTS: ≈ 50,000 - 80,000 rubles.


In order to establish the production of aquariums, you do not need large investments. At first, as an option, you can organize a production workshop right at your home and make aquariums with your own hands, because the production technology itself is very simple.

Yes, this is not such a sought-after product as, say, furniture, but it enjoys its demand among a certain group of people. According to statistics, aquariums in medium and large cities with a volume of about 150 liters sell best.

To learn how you can turn the production of aquariums into a big business, see the video below:


  • glass cutter, grinding equipment and additional tools;
  • silicate or plexiglass, glue;
  • premises with an area of ​​25 sq. m.

Since aquariums are mostly impulse goods, your potential customers can also be people who think about their interior (for example, visitors to furniture stores, design studios, etc.). Word of mouth also works great in this business.

As the business develops, you can engage in maintenance, decoration of aquariums, as well as provide additional services for the sale of fish, lumps ... - this will significantly increase profits.

❗️Aquarium business can bring on average from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles!

3. Sales is a key element of any production! Personal experience and useful recommendations

And now we will devote a little time to one of the most important moments in production - sales of products . Below I will briefly try to explain why, before producing anything, it is important to clearly understand exactly how the products will be sold.

I really hope that the described experience will be useful to any of you and will allow you not to step on the same rake that I did when opening my own business.

In my practice, I have been convinced more than once that often it is not an established and stable sales that leads to the fact that the business never starts to make a profit or brings, but very little.

In life, it usually turns out that many start-up entrepreneurs first invest money, start producing something, and only then think about selling products (and sometimes they have no idea at all how to sell manufactured products).

⚡️ It is important!
Any production lives only due to the sale of products: no sales ➡️ no sales ➡️ no business ! Therefore, before starting a business, carefully plan through which distribution channels and how the products will be sold!

remember, that Sales is the backbone of any business.! 80% of the success of your business depends on sales!

As for sales, there are 2 main channels for selling products:

  • directly to the client (for example: through their own retail outlets/shops/offices; through advertising, newspaper ads and bulletin boards; through their website and/or group in social networks, word of mouth…);
  • through wholesalers and retailers (for example, it is a very common practice to give products to intermediaries for sale, since this does not oblige them to anything, most of them will agree to cooperate).

In order to build a stable and successful manufacturing business, analyze and work through all the marketing options available to you at the moment. After all, often until you try it, you won’t know which of the sales channels will bring the main income.

By the way, also use internet to find new customers- many people underestimate him, but in vain. For example, I know many entrepreneurs for whom the Avito bulletin board is almost the only source of a client, and besides, it’s free!

Here are some more tips from my personal experience:

1️⃣ It will always be useful analyze the market , pricing and evaluate the competition. As I already mentioned, the presence of competition is not always bad, on the contrary, it indicates that this or that niche is in demand in the market!

As for demand, it can be approximately estimated in your city/region using the online statistics service wordstat( from Yandex. And with the help of bulletin boards (Avito, for example), you can test the demand even before you start producing anything!

2️⃣ It does not hurt to make a small business plan on the chosen idea (especially for newcomers to the business). Just do not need to make it 50 sheets, make detailed calculations ... - this will not be of much use, because, as a rule, in life everything turns out quite differently than on paper.

It will be enough to describe the idea on just a few sheets to simply understand from the inside how the business works and how it functions, what is important and what is not ...

3️⃣ For a business to be successful, it is very important to find your strengths and stand out from competitors. For example, you can stand out due to the low price, product quality, high level of service, speed of delivery, etc. Describe your ideal client and focus on their top preferences and interests.

4️⃣ I do not recommend starting entrepreneurs to start production of any innovative products for which there is no demand yet. This requires a lot of experience and a fairly large investment, since in practice only 1-2 out of 10 new products shoot!

❗️ Therefore, it is better for beginners to start with goods for which there is already a steady demand.🙂

5️⃣ Give yourself to your work completely and with love . There is no need to act half-heartedly and with thoughts: it may work, or it may not. Have a clear intention that it will only be the way you intended. And of course, do your business with love for people, then you will definitely succeed!

4. Conclusion

So you have learned about the most common and relevant ideas for production in a small business! I really hope that the information provided in the article was useful for you and helped you find the right idea for yourself!

In conclusion, I want to add, do not be afraid to start your own business - try more boldly and act! Of course, mistakes will be made along the way, but this is completely normal - they learn from mistakes, and only those who do nothing do not make mistakes!

Therefore, have more self-confidence and remember that the modern world is a world of great opportunities, in which everyone can take their place! It all depends on you and your desire!

And money does not always play a major role in creating and building a successful business!

This article comes to an end! I sincerely wish you great success in business and life!!!👍😀

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