What should a carpentry shop look like? Business plan for a carpentry workshop in a garage with calculations. How to open a carpentry workshop: a step-by-step plan

  • 24.11.2019

Do-it-yourself carpentry workshop in the country is great way be realized by any man.

The dacha is perfect for creating a workshop, because there is a lot of free space. You should not spend extra money and hire workers to create a workshop, this task is quite feasible for you on your own.

To properly use the available space, follow our simple recommendations.

The first thing you should remember is that not every room will suit you.

A carpentry workshop in the country with your own hands is feasible only in a room that has an area of ​​​​5 square meters. meters. You must organize the space of the future workshop correctly.

A separate place should be allocated for massive tools, such as machines and a workbench. Take Special attention storage of tools that you plan to use in your carpentry workshop.

Do not forget that in your workshop there should be a place for a heater, which will be an indispensable attribute in the winter season. You should also think about lighting in the workshop. This is a very important aspect, because you really need good lighting, which is why we recommend creating a workshop in a room equipped with a window.

You should also consider that the workshop must have a very good soundproofing, which will save your loved ones and all sorts of sounds that can be heard when working in the workshop.

We recommend that you think through all the nuances in advance. To avoid unwanted dusting of the space, we advise you to place a vacuum cleaner in the workshop. In the workshop, there must be a metal bucket without fail, it will be needed to collect nails and other used parts.

Do-it-yourself carpentry workshop in the country

This is a great opportunity to combine business with pleasure. In order for the workshop to benefit you, carefully consider its arrangement. You must take into account that the floor in the workshop must always be hard and dry. it Golden Rule to be followed.

When calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workshop, please note that the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be 2 times the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space occupied by the tools. Creating a workshop is not an easy process and it is worth approaching it thoroughly. The carpentry shop must have adequate ventilation. The most important thing you should consider is that there should be no sources of fire in the room. This will be a guarantee of security.

Carpentry workshop in the country

Country house It's a great way to store things. A carpentry workshop in the country is a great idea that will help brighten up your leisure time.

It is very important that you do not forget about safety when creating a carpentry workshop in the country. The simplest thing you can do to protect yourself is to place a fire extinguisher in the workshop. This is the most affordable fire extinguisher.

Never forget to dispose of waste. Do not store flammable paints and varnishes for too long. These substances can cause a fire. When you start working with substances that are of a chemical nature, do not forget to wear a protective mask. It is very important.

A carpentry workshop in the country is a responsible step.

The most significant tool in your workshop is likely to be a workbench. You can place either locksmith or carpentry material in the carpentry room.

If you plan to work mainly with metal, then we recommend purchasing the first option, and if the main material is wood, then the second. A carpentry workshop in the country will be a great place to store tools. This is a great opportunity to do something useful and create or repair the necessary things or appliances.

How to equip a carpentry workshop at home

If you are a hardworking person, then you probably want to create nothing more than a carpentry workshop in your home. it great idea to make it a reality, follow our simple recommendations. The first question that you must answer correctly is how to equip a carpentry workshop at home.

You must start by organizing your workplace. This is the most important area of ​​the room. Most likely it will be Workbench, which should also be purchased. When choosing this tool, pay special attention to the little things. Start with appearance. This tool must be massive. It is very important. It is desirable that it has a fixation. The height must be appropriate and safe.

You may want to immediately purchase other tools that may come in handy in the workshop. It can be a machine tool and other electrical tools.

We recommend that you do not place objects in this space that you will not use when working. Let your workshop be filled with only important and necessary tools, because there is not too much space in the room anyway.

You must purchase these simple tools like a hammer and screwdrivers. Pliers and other tools will be indispensable in the work. Let there be a caliper in the workshop. Don't forget the primitive stationery.

How to open a carpentry workshop

The opening of a carpentry workshop is an event for which you should prepare well. How to open a carpentry workshop correctly, we will tell you today.

Start small. write a good business plan. This is the initial stage, which is very important. Consider your financial capabilities and compare them with the real cost of everything you need. This will be the first step. Find out what equipment you have and what you will need to purchase.

The main step towards opening a personal workshop will be the selection of premises. Pay special attention to this moment. We recommend that you purchase premises on the outskirts of the city. This option will allow you to quickly increase your clientele. You should not save on equipment, because the level of goods that you plan to produce will depend on its quality.

In order not to spend extra money, find direct suppliers of raw materials. This will help you save money. Opening a carpentry workshop will help you not only make a profit, but also discover the talent of handicraft.

In fact, this business is a great opportunity to earn money. Few people want to engage in this way of making money, so there is practically no competition. You will be able to engage in the production of exclusive goods from wood.

Such work is always worth a lot. If you are determined to do this way of earning money, do not be lazy to read additional literature. If you want to open it only for yourself or friends, then it will be enough to place it in the garage or basement of the house.

Turn on your imagination, and you will be able to create a real masterpiece from wood or metal. It is enough just to calculate everything. This is a real business with a lot of risks. Think over your range of products in advance. It may not be very large at first, but over time you will be able to expand your business.

Today you learned how to open a carpentry workshop without any problems. Just take into account all the recommendations, and you will be able to fulfill your dream without any problems.

And also you can watch the video carpentry workshop

In the process of building a dacha or a country house with your own hands, there is a desire to make it so beautiful and individual that envy wakes up among friends and neighbors. But even if you have the ability and desire to carpentry, you need a tool and a room in which masterpieces of wooden art will be born. We invite you to consider the construction of a carpentry workshop as the embodiment of your hobby. Although maybe later it can become your small business.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to equip a carpentry workshop on our own on finished example. The area of ​​the workshop presented below is approximately 400 m² (but you can make a small one). The whole workshop is divided into two rooms, where working processing machines are located.

Which is better: building a new one or using an old one

The carpentry shop will look much more functional in the new freestanding building for a number of reasons:

  1. Noise. The operation of machines can hardly be called silent production, plus the operation of ventilation systems.
  2. Smell. It is not easy to get rid of the smell of paint and varnish products, even if the ventilation system.
  3. Trash. Even with a thorough cleaning of the workshop, dust will involuntarily enter the living quarters.
  4. Safety. Availability cutting tool on machines and the use of a three-phase power supply, is considered equipment of increased danger, and access by unauthorized persons is prohibited.
  5. Production area. It is unlikely that there will be a room in the house of sufficient square to comfortably accommodate everything. necessary equipment for a full-fledged carpentry workshop.
  6. Auxiliary area. It is necessary to choose a place for storing tools, as well as for storing blanks and finished products.

There is an opinion that a carpentry workshop at home should take up to 6-7 m2, but this is catastrophically small. On such an area it will not be possible to place maximum amount equipment. Moreover, the recommended length of the room should be at least 4 m. Even if, by a lucky chance, you can fit everything you need, then there will be no room for normal work. There is nothing to say about the storage of material and finished products.

Do-it-yourself carpentry workshop

Not possible with a garage either. This is a specialized place for the machine and risking its integrity during operation is not a good option. In addition, the workshop requires normal temperature regime, which is difficult to maintain in a garage. You also need to allocate space for storing automotive parts and tools.
The barn is already closer, but still hardly suitable. Rather, such a decision will require a radical redevelopment and restructuring, commensurate with the new construction.
Carpentry requires a solid foundation of slabs. Equipment that is not installed stable will vibrate, which, in the end, will lead to its breakdown.
Having considered all the options, we decide to place the workshop in a newly built building.

Workshop site

When determining a place for a future carpentry workshop, it is necessary to take into account some axioms of its location:

  1. As far as possible from the residential area and buildings with domestic animals, if any. The noise produced by working equipment will adversely affect the nervous system of your household.
  2. It is advisable to choose an open space. The absence of shadows will allow you to save a little on heating the workshop in the winter and on lighting throughout the year. Solar radiation will heat and illuminate the room.
  3. To prevent flooding of the building during rains and snowmelt, it is not necessary to build it in places with a low overall level. This can lead to problems with the building itself and even to emergency situations, such as a short circuit in the electrical wiring.
  4. It is desirable to ensure ease of access in all weather conditions in order to avoid constant snow clearing in winter, and to prevent flooding of the building during spring snowmelt.
  5. A plot of soil not suitable for agriculture will be a great place for a future builder

Workshop project: where to start

The first step in the implementation of the design is to determine what specific work in the workshop you will be doing. It is advisable to think over and write down all the planned work, both in the near future and in the future. Based on this list, it is necessary to make a list auxiliary equipment necessary to complete the assigned tasks.

Next, determine the availability of the necessary tools (from a chisel and a hammer to a drill and a jigsaw), nails and self-tapping screws, blanks and finished products. Don't forget to complete the list with a powder fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. Then determine how to lay out all of the above things, what cabinets, racks and shelves are needed for this. Let's move on to the list of basic equipment. The list must be complete:

  • workbench;
  • machines, according to the list of works;
  • advanced equipment;
  • industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • heating radiators;
  • a box of sand;
  • washbasin;
  • water container;
  • a locker for special clothes;
  • stool.

workshop equipment

After that, cabinets and racks with items from the first list must be added to the second. Next, we determine the place for future blanks. Recommended minimum size such a rack is 1 m × 6 m, it must also be added to the second list. Such a detailed list will allow you to calculate the dimensions of the future carpentry.

Subtleties in drafting projects

When all the preparations are completed, it's time to design. The result of your efforts should be a document that is a project of the future workshop. For construction, there is no need to draw up construction drawings in accordance with all the rules, rather detailed sketches indicating the actual dimensions of the future premises and the dimensions of the main and auxiliary equipment indicated by you in the second list.

There should be several sketches. On one projection it is difficult to indicate all the elements of the structure. Therefore, your sketches should contain all the details to the smallest detail. The external and internal dimensions of the room and its elements are indicated without respect to scale, but must reflect the actual position of objects and building elements.

Approximate calculation required area for the workshop there will be a product of the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball equipment, racks and cabinets and a coefficient equal to 1.5-2.
Nevertheless, if computer graphics seem to you like unplowed virgin soil, then the visual layout of the carpentry can be done using the old-fashioned method. Take a sheet of graph paper, draw on it the room of the future carpentry on a scale of 1:20, agreeing with the approximate calculation and pre-made drawings.

From the same paper, cut out rectangles of equipment and auxiliary structures to scale, but in real size. This will make it possible to properly place them in the workshop, taking into account jobs and aisles. If necessary, you can move the rectangular layouts to determine the perfect layout of the workshop:

  1. On a sheet of graph paper, we draw two lines perpendicularly, meaning walls.
  2. We draw the door of the room. The size of the doorway should be slightly larger than the largest piece of equipment. Then there will be no problems during its transportation. We carry out the arrangement of equipment;
  3. We draw the remaining walls;
  4. We determine the location of window openings and put on the drawing. It is desirable to equip the eastern and southern walls with windows. This will allow you to get more sunlight and heat;
  5. Measure all dimensions and, taking into account the scale, apply to the layout of the workshop.

This will be your guide to the next steps.

Completion of the project: finishing touches

A few more necessary actions that must be completed in order to get a project that has the right to life.
In the workshop, it is desirable to provide several rooms:

  • The main one, where carpentry work is directly performed;
  • Auxiliary, where they are produced additional work not related to woodworking, such as painting and drying finished products;
  • Ancillary, intended for domestic needs, for example, changing clothes and relaxing, equipped with a locker for clothes, a table, a kettle for organizing a snack, a couch for a short break.

These premises will help to divide the areas of activity into zones and will contribute to comfort during the work process.
The scheme of the utility room with the dimensions of its furnishings must be made on the same sheet as the main workshop.

A place for storing long wood or lumber should be located opposite the front door, for ease of storage. Near the rack should be placed a machine for sawing blanks.
After receiving the layout of the carpentry, we proceed to draw up its sketch. We determine the material for the walls, their thickness and height. Choose the type of roof and roofing material. Here it is recommended to rely on your wishes, budget and the ability to do it yourself.

An important issue in the design of a carpentry workshop is the development of a ventilation system. It must be forced, forced-air and exhaust. Such a system will ensure chip removal and harmful substances, complete air recirculation and microclimate control not only in the carpentry room, but also in the paint shop. Draw on the sketch all the components of ventilation, indicating the parameters and dimensions.

The final design stage is the creation of a power supply circuit, lighting, both main and individual for each workplace, and a ground loop. Each workplace must be equipped with an earthed socket, each machine must be earthed. Upon completion, a sketch of the approach to the building of the communications workshop is made.

Building a carpentry workshop with your own hands

The place has been chosen, the project has been prepared, you can start building a carpentry workshop. Construction should be divided into several stages:



  1. At a pre-selected place, we mark the perimeter of the future workshop.
  2. We select the soil to a depth of 70 cm for the future slab foundation.
  3. Along the edge of the pit, we put the formwork 20 cm above ground level.
  4. We prepare the base of gravel and sand, carefully tamping to a thickness of 20 cm.
  5. We do reinforcement. We take the armature mesh, lay it on the base. We fasten the second layer of the reinforced mesh to the bottom one using pieces of reinforcement 250 mm long with knitting wire Ø1.5-2 mm.
  6. We install anchor bolts in the places of installation of machines.
  7. We fill with concrete grade M200.
  8. We cover the concrete with a tarpaulin or film and leave it to completely harden for 3-4 weeks. In hot weather, it is advisable to periodically pour concrete with water.


Installation of walls primarily depends on the material chosen. If the structure is wooden, then for fastening the lower crown, when pouring the foundation along its perimeter, it is necessary to lay threaded studs. Further, the construction of walls is reduced to the construction of a wooden structure. The room at your discretion can be made of brick or foam concrete blocks. After making the box, install window and door blocks. Do the roof according to a pre-prepared sketch with your own hands.


Floors in a carpentry shop play an important role. Usually it is made of several layers. On the foundation, a foundation is made of sand 5 mm thick, then covered with roofing felt and flooring from boards is laid on top or an armature mesh is laid and poured with concrete. The second option is more reliable and popular.

If the carpentry is made of wood, then it is necessary to impregnate the walls with flame retardants.
Next, you need to bring all communication networks into the room and perform wiring. All cable lines in cross section must correspond to the current load imposed on them during further operation. In the workshop of wood in order fire safety in case of a short circuit, they are laid in metal pipes; in other buildings, a corrugated pipe made of self-extinguishing polymers is used.

Heating in the workshop is equipped with oil radiators or water heaters. autonomous heating. An electric boiler can be used as a source of heating the coolant, and if it is possible to equip a room for a boiler room, gas or solid fuel boilers can be used. It is better not to use solid fuel boilers in a wooden workshop, as there is a high probability of accidental ignition.

How to equip a carpentry workshop

Fig 1. General form to the workshop

In the center there is a sawing machine, near the wall there are blanking machines that allow you to perform end processing of the board, make cuts, etc.

Fig 2. Harvesting area

Here, prepared or processed wooden blanks, veneer, blanks for the facade of furniture, doors, etc. are stored.

Fig 3. Trimming machine

The trimming machine is used to "dissolve" lumber. For example, 6 meter boards are shortened to 4 meters, the length is selected depending on the type of processing machine, the size of the room and the required dimensions. finished product. At the bottom of the machine, various wastes are stored after trimming the sawn timber.

Figure 4. Drum grinder

Near the end machine is a drum grinder, which is also made by hand.

Fig 5. Hood - how important factor carpentry equipment

This drum sander extractor is designed to collect all the wood dust after the sanding process.

Fig 6. Circular machine

Next to the drum-grinding machine is a circular one, which is also used for "rough" dissolution of lumber.

Figure 7. Jointer

In the center of the workshop is a jointer, which was made back in the USSR. The table is 2800 cm long and 420 mm wide.

Figure 8. Thickness gauge

The thickness gauge is located next to the jointer with a workpiece size of 420 mm.

Figure 9. Aspiration

Between the planer and jointer there is a powerful suction unit, which collects all the wood dust during processing into a special reservoir, which can then be easily cleaned.

The milling mechanism was borrowed from the factory machine, and the work table, frame, aspiration and control system were made independently. Milled titanium was used as a countertop. Shaft factory from milling machine was removed and, according to the dimensions of the working part of the machine, a new one was machined. The shaft turned out without any cones for the old landing cutters, which is very convenient.

Fig 11. Milling machine shaft

Figure 12. Lathe

Fig 13. SHLDB machine

Fig 14. Trimming machine

Do-it-yourself carpentry will require not only specific skills for fine-tuning and assembling machines, but also significant financial costs for the purchase of the necessary materials.

Figure 15. Band saw type "Corvette 33" factory-made

Figure 16. Angle trimmer

Fig 17. Sharpening machines: emery, diamond and felt

These machines are used for sharpening chisels, drills and other working tools.

Fig 18. Slotting machine

Some elements from the slotting machine were borrowed from the factory milling machine. The frame base, desktop, controls were made independently. The motor is used at 380 volts with a bearing installed in the rear. The bearing was installed in order to increase the power of the engine, which simply did not work under such a load without modification.

Fig 19. Sliding slipway on tripods

Figure 20. Homemade universal machine(planer, saw)

Tabletops are made of high quality and durable titanium.

Figure 20. Saw-milling factory machine with the ability to adjust the height and angle of processing lumber.

Figure 21. Drilling machine

The figure shows a factory-made drilling machine from the times of the USSR. The engine was modified and the pulleys were reground.

Figure 22. Workbench

Figure 23. Rack with hardware

Fig 24. Cabinet for chisels near the workbench

Figure 25. Cabinet for working cutters

The second room of the carpentry workshop

Figure 26. Homemade press

The dimensions of the press are 900 mm long and 2700 mm wide. A workpiece is placed on plastic stops, which is then compressed by a press.

Fig 27. Universal sharpening machine

Here is a jointer, emery for sharpening cutters and knives.

Figure 28. JET 16-32 drum grinder with a modified work table and feed roller.

Figure 29. JET drum grinder

The factory machine with modified base plates, an internal aspiration casing is installed.

Figure 30. Painting room

In this place, processed blanks are installed on tripods, which are subsequently carried out with paint and varnish work using a spray gun, brushes.

Fig 31. Compressor for painting

One of the prerequisites in a paint and varnish room is the creation of an effective supply and exhaust ventilation. It should be noted that in winter this room, where painting work takes place, should be well heated. Otherwise, you will not be able to qualitatively paint or apply varnish.

Fig 32. Stapel

The slipway is located in the assembly and grinding room, where the final stages of processing wood products take place. The slipway is made of high quality laminated plywood, which is mounted on a metal frame with the ability to adjust in height. This is done in order to make a perfectly flat surface in rooms with uneven floors.

Additional photos of the carpentry workshop

1. Shelving


2. Crosscuts

Trimmers are used for cutting (dissolution) of workpieces. Near the trimming, you can immediately organize a place for storing wooden trimmings that can be used in the future.

In order to be able to make any wooden product, it is better to equip the workshop with several trimmers - with a six-meter longitudinal, with a transverse and with a rotating table.





3. Drum grinding machines

Drum grinding machines

Drum grinding machines

Drum grinding machines

4. Circular


5. Electric jointers

Electric jointers

Electric jointers

6. Planer

7. Vertical milling machine

Vertical milling machine

Vertical milling machine

Near the milling machine, it is best to place a cabinet for storing various cutters.

Mill storage cabinet

8. Lathe


Grinding machines with bobbin and disc (ShlDB)

Grinding machines with bobbin and disc (ShlDB)

10. Band saws

Such equipment is designed for cutting wood with a band saw. Unlike circular saws and trimmers, this machine provides a lower surface roughness, which means that the surfaces (ends) obtained as a result of sawing do not require finishing.

It is better to equip the carpentry with two band saws - for sawing large and small parts.

Band saw machines.

Band saw machines.

11. Sharpening machines

Sharpening machines

Sharpening machines

Sharpening machines

Sharpening machines

12. Slotting machine

In woodworking, a slotting machine is needed to create rectangular and oval grooves in wooden blanks.

The working table, with the workpiece attached, can move along and across the body, as well as tilt at a certain angle, which allows you to create grooves of various configurations.

slotting machine

13. Sliding slipway

Sliding slipway

14. Drilling machine

The carpenter in the workshop cannot do without drilling machine for drilling holes of various depths and diameters.

Drilling machine

Near the drilling machine, it is rational to place a cabinet with interchangeable tools - drills of various sizes.

Tool cabinet

15. Aspiration


17. Place for metal work

The zone for processing metal blanks should be equipped with related equipment and tools (vise, anvil, hammer, pliers, etc.), which are best placed on the table and the racks and shelves surrounding it.

Place for metal work

18. Carpenter's table

The main equipment of the carpentry workshop is a reliable working table for making drawings, manual processing wooden products and other desktop carpentry operations.

Carpenter's table

19. Paintwork area

The ideal option is to allocate not a zone, but a whole room for painting and varnishing wooden products. In any case, this place of work should be equipped with a good hood and have a window.

Area for paint work

20. Final assembly jig

As a slipway for assembling furniture, you can use any flat and clean surface. Ideally, if the slipway area is at least 10 m 2.

Final assembly jig

21. Goats (wimes)

Screws are used to facilitate the assembly and gluing of joinery.

Shelves with tools (glue, adhesive tape, tape measure, screwdrivers, rulers, pencils, compasses, etc.) should be located near the workbench.

Storage space for carpentry tools

Storage space for carpentry tools

To store chisels, it is better to allocate a cabinet where each tool will be in the place allotted for it. Such orderliness will help to increase labor efficiency.

Storage space for carpentry tools

23. Storage space for hardware

Any metal fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws, nails, etc.) and accessories (handles, legs, guides, etc.) are best packaged in separate jars and sign each of them. Hardware distributed in containers is placed on shelves near the furniture assembly area.

Storage space for hardware

Before making carpentry or a carpentry workshop in the country with your own hands - you need to purchase suitable premises and then purchase all the necessary equipment. All the machines described above, which are necessary for working in a carpentry workshop, can be purchased from metal-cutting and woodworking equipment distributors on their websites or trading floors. You can also visit special exhibitions and get acquainted in detail with the presented examples of carpentry fixtures in order to choose best option for your carpentry.

Video tour of the carpentry workshop

Most of the woodworking joinery machines used in the video were made independently using some of the ready-made factory elements that have been finalized and improved. Another important aspect in the carpentry workshop – efficient extraction. In this article, they answered the question in more detail - how to make a carpentry workshop or carpentry with your own hands. As can be seen from the material described above, this is a laborious and costly process. However, having all the necessary woodworking machines and tools, you can easily make not only wooden windows, doors, furniture and interior items, but also restore especially valuable wood products of past centuries. Good luck.

We also recommend you:

For a man, a car garage and his condition are like a dressing room for a young lady - at the same time a hobby, and relaxation, and a means of self-realization. There is a special aura here with the smells of engine oil, sawdust and rubber. Quite often, the garage space becomes multi-purpose. It can be both a parking lot and a mini-workshop for small carpentry work. Actually, each owner is able to independently equip his favorite place according to his needs. However, do not forget some subtleties, which we will talk about today.

The minimum requirements for safety and comfort require that the area of ​​​​the room for carpentry activities be at least 10 "squares". An empty box will be at least 20 m², but even ten can accommodate a carpentry workbench and a drilling machine.

Before setting up a garage workshop, it is important to remember five factors that guarantee safe and comfortable work:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Efficient heating.
  • Complete lighting.
  • Productive soundproofing.
  • Uninterrupted ventilation.

Fire safety

quality - a mandatory thing, but in our case we can not do without it. All machines are connected to the ground loop. In addition to this measure, the presence of the following elements is desirable:

  • Powder fire extinguisher - must comply with the ABC class and have a capacity of at least 4.5 kg. Have a fire extinguisher in an accessible place.
  • Sand container - additional measure to fight fire. A box or barrel of sand is placed at the entrance.


In this case, the issue of space heating is very important. If you are interested in what carpentry looks like in a garage and how to equip it, then first of all, attention should be paid to heating. This is especially true when you are going to craft all year round. With a warm microclimate, we get at least a few positive points:

  1. Wood retains its qualities.
  2. Well-being and performance remain at a high level.
  3. The tool stays in working condition for a long time.

Of course, it does not make sense to connect the object to centralized heating. But the oil heater will be just right. A good option would be fan heaters or infrared heaters. The listed devices will quickly heat even a small carpentry workshop, even a large one. If possible, pay attention to the thermal insulation of the building.


If you already did , then you already know the effect of such an event. This is important when the garage is located next to the house or even under the same roof with it. To implement the idea, you can use standard tools.


Good light is half the battle. Not only the safety of work depends on it, but also the safety of vision. In conditions of poor visibility, the likelihood of injury when working with a woodworking tool increases dramatically. Therefore, additional illumination of the working area is simply necessary.

Important! In case of insufficient natural light, it is worth using the configuration from lighting fixtures different spectrum. Traditionally, fluorescent lamps are used for general lighting, and conventional incandescent lamps are used to illuminate the workplace. The use of the same type of lighting lamps negatively affects the state of vision.

Before you equip a high-quality workshop in the garage, it is important to take into account the required cross-section of the electrical cable for supplying power to machines and equipment. Wiring must be laid in pipes or metal boxes to reduce the likelihood of a fire in the event of a short circuit in the circuit.


When implementing the layout of the premises, places for ventilation equipment must be taken into account. Even the most basic forced ventilation can make your work hours more enjoyable. You don’t have to inhale wood dust, but it can cause not only irritation of the respiratory system, but also their diseases.

If you plan to install woodworking machines, then installing a special chip blower will help solve several pressing problems:

  • Availability a large number wood dust in the air threatens to ignite from the slightest spark.
  • In winter, warm air stays indoors.
  • Operational connection of the unit and ease of maintenance.
  • No need for organization special place for the apparatus.
  • Occupies a minimum area of ​​the room.

Layout or how to equip a carpentry workshop in a garage near the house

If at the beginning organizational measures all the above requirements were taken into account, then there is enough space for all the zones necessary for work:

  • Racks for tools and blanks.
  • Machine area.
  • Place for assembly table and workbench.
  • Compartment for storage of cleaning equipment.
  • Waste storage tank.
  • Hinged structures for storing hacksaws, tape measures and other things.
  • Storage space for lumber and finished products.
  • Hanger or wardrobe.

To save some space, many craftsmen make folding workbenches. Here is a direct answer to the question of how to equip a small carpentry in the garage, because such equipment allows you to freely park a private car here. Dimensional objects are best placed along the walls or, if possible, mounted directly on them.

To determine the minimum free zone near the machine, you need to multiply the area occupied by the machine itself by two. Tools that are used for technological scheme together, should be located next to each other. In general, the basic rules for organizing the workspace are as follows:

  • Any workbench or machine must have free access from three sides.
  • The floor must be level and dry, and only non-slip material should be used as a surface.
  • For garbage, two containers are needed: one for sawdust, and the other for the rest of the garbage.
  • The first-aid kit and a supply of water are placed in a conspicuous place.
  • The empty space of the carpentry should be more area occupied by machine tools and racks.

Important! In the process of work, we do not forget about personal protective equipment: goggles, a respirator, overalls must be available.

How and how to equip a workplace in your own garage: tools

The carpentry tool is the most important attribute that contributes to high-quality work. In the household of many skilled men, there are already a screwdriver, an electric jigsaw and even a circular saw. But it is hardly possible to fully work with a tree with such a meager set.

As practice often shows, it is better to buy an instrument of the middle price category. We do not consider inexpensive samples, since they suffer from build quality. Professional components are expensive, and their functions are practically not in demand at home, so it makes no sense to buy them.

Masters who know how to equip a workplace in the garage assure that in addition to shelves for storing attachments for equipment, you will need at least the following tools:

  • A thickness gauge is an electric planer fixed permanently on a separate bed. Gives the chance to process boards on the set thickness.
  • Circulating plunge-cut saw with a tire - allows you to quickly cut any sheet material, which will replace the panel saw.
  • Band saw - used for curved cuts and cutting out non-standard patterns.
  • Miter saw - used for trimming workpieces and processing ends. The unit needs to be connected to a chip extractor, since a mass of dust and sawdust is formed in the process.

  • Jointer - makes the entire surface of the workpiece even. Parameters such as table length and planing width are important.
  • A grinder can be either a manual machine bolted to a table or a full-fledged machine, which is much more expensive. The choice is yours.
  • Hand router - helps in drilling holes and forming edges and patterns. You can expand the functionality of the tool thanks to a small frame, which is made independently.
  • Chip ejector - is an engine and a container for chips. Highly desirable for workshops with multiple machines.

A lot of equipment for a small carpentry shop can be finalized on your own. It all depends on the requirements of the master and the tasks he performs.

Own carpentry workshop is an interesting but difficult business. It is not enough to be able to create high-quality and beautiful things from wood. It is also important to have an entrepreneurial spirit in order to profitably sell yourself in the market. One without the other in such a business is impossible.

Benefits of a carpentry business

  • The main advantage of this idea is a small number of competitors in the field of small business. As mentioned earlier, not every craftsman dares to open his own enterprise. As a result, most craftsmen remain hired workers. There are a large number of large firms, but they are not competitors for you, as they only accept large orders.
  • The items you create are popular at all times. It is difficult to imagine a home without windows or furniture. Therefore, continuous demand is guaranteed to you.
  • Unlike resellers, you are the sole owner of your products. Therefore, you are not afraid of the economic crisis, fluctuations in the dollar and other nuances that affect the "salespeople".

Carpentry workshop business plan: assortment

The following wood products are most popular:

  • Furniture: cabinets, chairs, tables, chests of drawers, etc.
  • Wooden fences and gazebos
  • Stairs, windows
  • Decor elements
  • Finishing products (beams, doors, parquet, etc.).

There are a lot of options for marketing products:

  • Retail trade at fairs and markets
  • Delivery directly to customers
  • Cooperation with furniture, hardware stores
  • Opening your store.

Room search

Start your business plan by looking for a space. At first, you can do this activity in the garage. The main thing is to exclude drafts and insulate it. You will also need three-phase electricity for the smooth operation of the tool.

You can also rent a room. But if you analyze the business plan with calculations, then it is more profitable to rent a garage than a covered production facility. The initial investment of a garage business is much lower.

The table below lists all the necessary equipment, tools and supplies to get started:

Step-by-step production of interior items from wood

The work of the carpentry workshop looks something like this:

  1. The master prepares wood. To do this, he removes branches and knots from sawn trunks, saws the product into boards and bars. This is followed by drying to 6-8% moisture content.

The carpenter, taking into account the tolerance for the thickness of the tool, cuts the blanks, which are then subject to processing due to the inevitable deformation. Refinement includes obtaining the required shapes and sizes.

At this stage, you will need an automatic or manual feed planer, as well as a planer or longitudinal milling machine. After the blanks have taken the desired shape, they are trimmed.

  1. Eyelets, grooves for fasteners and spikes are formed. This is done by cylindrical or flat milling on special machines. There are universal devices on which you can perform several manipulations at once: milling, thicknessing, sawing, drilling, etc.
  2. Grinding in order to prepare for facing and finishing work.
  3. Gluing. Glue is applied manually or on a special unit. After applying the adhesive, the parts are clamped and fixed for the required time.
  4. The prepared workpiece is ground or putty. The process of veneer preparation includes marking, cutting and jointing of edges. Then the cladding is carried out using hydraulic presses.

As a sample business plan for a carpentry workshop in a garage, we will give an example of the production of doors. As a specialist, you will produce up to 15 interior doors per month. If you sell them at a price of 3-4,000 each, then for 15 units you will earn 60 thousand rubles.

Now subtract the costs:

  • Payment for electricity - 1,000 rubles
  • Buying a tree - 12,000 rubles
  • Consumables - 3,000 rubles.

As a result net profit will be 44,000 rubles.

For more detailed calculations, you can download a business plan on the Internet. But even this small example proves that during the first two months the first investment will pay off.

Is hired personnel necessary?

To operate a carpentry workshop, you will need two employees: a manager and a carpenter. But you can also work alone.

Official part

Registering an activity is not worth it right away. To get started, work in the garage for a while, evaluate all the pros and cons of such a business. And only if you decide that this activity is for you, open an individual entrepreneur or LLC and look for an assistant.

A neat, well-organized workshop is the dream of many do-it-yourselfers and professionals. A corner in a room or garage is all you need to start setting up your workshop.

If you plan to often spend your time in it, then it is worth putting some effort now so that later you can work comfortably and safely. The functionality of the workshop is ensured by sufficient space for work and storage, the availability of electricity, lighting and ventilation.

The arrangement of your workshop will depend on its intended use. For some, it is enough to allocate space for storing tools and simple repair work others will need special equipment to pursue their hobby.

Place for a workshop

If you are lucky, then you may have a studio, shed or garage that you can use for your needs or hobbies. The space available will determine the content of your workshop, so you need to plan very carefully to make your workshop as efficient as possible.

If you're into car tinkering, you'll need a garage for at least one car, but if you're into woodcarving, four to six square feet in the corner of a spare room might be enough. In any case, it is important that the workshop has good organization, good lighting, good ventilation, ensured the safety of work and ease of cleaning.

Workshop lighting

The workspace must be well lit, as poor lighting can lead to poor results. Windows in the south wall will provide plenty of natural light without direct sunlight, which is ideal for woodworking.

If there is no window, then a flexible tube skylight with a reflective coating is an excellent and easy-to-install alternative. Where artificial lighting is required, 150-watt halogen floodlights are best; fluorescent lighting, although popular, is not very suitable for workshops because it distorts colors and creates a so-called stroboscopic effect, which makes a rapidly rotating object appear to be stationary. This is a serious job safety hazard when variable speed mechanized tools such as milling machines, drills and lathes are used.

Linear halogen floodlights

Place lights so that they are either directly above the workbench/desktop, or to one side. Do not place them so that they shine into the eyes or behind, which creates shadows on the processed objects.

Workshop ventilation

Through (cross) ventilation will be the best option, so place your workbench between the door and the window if possible.

If the work is dusty or you have to use solvents or other volatile substances, then cross-ventilation with air flow coming from your back is preferable. This, together with an appropriate mask/respirator, will provide reasonable protection against airborne substances and particles.

Consider artificial ventilation with fans if it is not possible to provide adequate air circulation in the room. In cold climates where windows and doors are kept closed and the room is heated, circulate air around the room with an air circulation fan system, preferably one with an easy-to-clean filter. Adhesives and paints can release fumes, so cross-ventilation is useful to disperse these fumes and also help glues and paints dry.

When working with wood, the air must be dry so that the wood does not warp or swell.

Workshop layout

First of all, you will need a solid, flat work surface in the form of a wooden workbench or table and enough space to assemble and move products.

If the work area will be used for other purposes at the same time, consider a folding workbench and a wall-mounted tool box. In a limited space, a wall-mounted workbench or workbench, under which there is a place to store various items, will be more useful.

If you are the lucky owner of a large workshop, then a freestanding workbench will give you the most flexibility in its use. You will probably need some sort of vise on your workbench, so think about where to make them and how much free space you need to handle the elements of your projects.

If you have machine tools, such as a saw, drill, or lathe, try to place them so that you can easily and freely move between different work stations.

The surface of the floor needs serious attention, especially if you will be standing on it for long periods; The floor should be easy to sweep and keep clean. Cover or eliminate low spaces under cabinets and shelving where dust can accumulate and where small parts can get in that can be difficult to get out.

Keep the tools in close proximity to the workplace, each in its place, so that you can always easily find the necessary tool.

The worst place to store tools is the “big shelf”, that is, the floor.

Most hand tools are usually stored on a wallboard. A low open shelf under a workbench or nearby is good for storing hand-held power tools such as a drill or circular saw. The upper limit of tool storage space is determined by where you can easily reach, and the most frequently used tools should be kept at or above workbench height to avoid unnecessary tilt.

Workshop layout example

The practical and comfortable layout shown in the image above was originally designed for a cabinetmaker. Interesting points can be noted: a wallboard with its tools, a small cabinet and various shelves are located close and conveniently relative to the workbench. The band saw, as the most commonly used machine, is also nearby. The windows are very well positioned and maximize natural light, which is complemented by several halogen floodlights (not shown). Machines are located so as not to fall under direct sunlight. There is enough space between the roller doors and the workbench to assemble large items.

Power supply in the workshop

Suspended universal electrical outlets are convenient and safe. Above the workbench, they keep power cords of handheld power tools out of the workbench and floor where they can be accidentally damaged or caught on them, and in addition, they increase the range of the tool.

You may also need additional lighting, which should be positioned above the workstations and properly directed to avoid annoying shadows and dark areas. Ask your electrician to provide sufficient wiring capacity (capacity) for possible installation of additional outlets that may be required later, and learn about special outlets and electrical circuits that may be needed if you plan to use machine tools or welding equipment.

Make sure that there will be enough outlets and they are conveniently located around the work area and equipped with residual current devices (RCD) to ensure safe work. Small power tools such as jigsaws and drills will suffice with standard 220 volt single-phase power, but machine tools such as band saws, drills, and circular saws may require three-phase power.

All electrical work must only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

Work safety - how to ensure

Keep your workplace clean and tidy, not only to create a pleasant working environment, but also to ensure safety and protect health.

Always follow good work practices, such as using appropriate work clothing and protective equipment and using tools exactly for the purpose for which they are intended. Be careful and protect yourself, your family, friends and anyone else who may have reason to enter your workshop.

Eye protection is required whenever necessary, e.g. when using a milling machine/machine, drill, power saw, lathe or any tool with a fast moving working body.

Noise-protecting headphones or ear plugs ("ear plugs") are very important when working with very noisy equipment; hearing damage often goes unnoticed for several years after it has occurred.

Safe comfortable shoes is a necessity, and protective work clothing such as overalls or coveralls is essential when conditions are or will be contaminated with dust or other contaminants.

Close fitting clothing and a hair net will help prevent loose clothing or hair from getting into the machinery.

Machine tools, stationary machinery must have safety switches such as circuit breakers and emergency switches. Automatic disconnectors automatically turn off the machine when the power supply from the network is interrupted, making it impossible to accidentally turn it on when the power supply is suddenly restored.

Emergency stop button

The emergency switch is usually a large red button that, when pressed, will turn off the machine. As additional protection many of these devices must be manually reset before the machine can be turned on again. Check these devices regularly so they don't let you down in an emergency.

Disposable face shields/respirators provide adequate protection against normal dust, but if you work in environments with toxic fumes or very fine dust, respirators with replaceable cartridges should be used. When using a mask/respirator, carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations and, if the work requires the use of toxic substances, carefully read the description of the substance in order to observe the necessary precautions.

If a lot of dust is generated during operation, it would be wise to invest in a dust extraction system. All wood dust is potentially hazardous, especially from fiberboard (MDF, PSP) and chipboard. The simplest solution for a small workshop can be a household vacuum cleaner, but if there is a lot of dust or work is carried out on a large area, then the best thing would be a system with dust extraction pipes leading to each type of equipment, or you can use a mobile dust collector that can be transported around the workshop to those places where it is needed. Keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit handy for emergencies.

As a result, there are several basic protective equipment that you need to have in your workshop:

  • Protective glasses. Protect your eyes when working with power tools.
  • Respirator with replaceable cartridges. More effective than disposable dust masks/respirators and suitable for handling toxic substances.
  • Gloves. They provide some protection against accidental injury, but should not be worn when operating machines with a rotating tool.
  • Earplugs and headphones. Disposable earplugs provide good hearing protection. Some find ear protection to be more comfortable and effective.
  • Working shoes. Durable hard boots with non-slip soles.
  • Jumpsuit/Robe and hairnet. Close fitting clothing helps prevent loose clothing and hair from entering the machine.
  • Anti-dust respirator/mask. Disposable respirators effectively protect the respiratory system from wood dust.

Which workbench to choose

While an old table can be strong enough for small jobs, most carpentry projects will require a sturdy workbench.

The workbench should be approximately 850 mm high and have braces on the legs to ensure rigidity. The table top should be made of thick wood that can withstand impact, especially at the front. Thinner wood can be used in the back or middle to create a tray where tools can be safely placed.

If the workshop space is limited, then you can work with a portable folding workbench. When not needed, it can be folded up and put away or carried to construction site. Its tabletop is divided into two parts, which can be moved and pushed apart, using as a vise.

Workbench accessories include adjustable planing pins, crosscut benches, a beveling miter box, a tool or hardware storage box, and a carpenter's vice. The latter differ from bench vices in that they fix the workpiece next to the workbench, and not from above, and also have wooden sponges to protect the workpiece. Goats and various ladders will be useful.

Tool storage

Proper storage and care of instruments will ensure their good condition. Tool racks and shields will protect them and help you always find right tool. A well-designed shield is a very useful item in any workshop.

You can make your own tool shield to suit your toolbox and available space, and there are many special fasteners available commercially to secure your tool. Many tools are already sold in a storage container. Even if it's just cardboard box, it will serve well for a while. If the tool will not be used for some time, remove them, especially at the end of the working day.

Keep hardware and fasteners in their packaging until they are needed - it is designed to protect and preserve the complexity of products. Store screws and nails in a clearly labeled box.

Workshop Tools

There are a huge number of tools, but you can build your tool kit gradually, buying tools as needed. For best results, only purchase brand name products. Here is a basic set of tools to get you started:

  • hammer with nail puller (570 g)
  • plane
  • thickness gauge
  • combined measuring angle
  • steel tape (3 m)
  • three chisels/chisels (10, 18 and 32 mm)
  • hacksaw for cross cutting (length 650 mm)
  • backed hacksaw
  • nail puncher (3 mm)
  • set of twist drills set of screwdrivers (flat, cross Posidrive and cross Phillips)
  • whetstone (whetstone)
  • sanding block
  • variable speed electric drill
  • jigsaw