Auxiliary equipment inspection log VSN 012 88. Certificate of actual and estimated cost of construction work

  • 30.11.2019





Quality control and acceptance of works

Forms of documentation and rules for its execution

in the process of delivery - acceptance

Introduction date 1989-07-01

DEVELOPED by the All-Union Research Institute for Construction main pipelines(VNIIST): V.D. Shapiro; M.V. Mashkov

The Main Directorate of State Gas Supervision in the USSR (Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR): V.L. Nemchin; R.G. Toropova

Trust "Orgenergoneft" (Ministry of oil industry of the USSR): V.P. Pokrovsky

The following people took part in the development of the document:

L.A. Paley; V.S. Kernitsky, I.G. Doroshenko, V.P. Trotsenko (trust "Severtruboprovodstroy"); S.P. Velchev, K.N. Denisyuk, V.T. Rumyantsev (SSO “Zapsibtruboprovodstroy”); B.S. Lange (Minneftegazstroy); V.F. Chaburkin, R.D. Gabelaya, V.I. Orekhov, V.D. Lebed, Z.D. Kharlova, L.A. Solovieva, L.I. Anikina, N.P. Tikhonov (VNIIST); F.E. Ksenzov (SSO “Obtruboprovodstroy)”; A.P. Chigirinov (trust “Mosgaztruboprovodstroy”); HELL. Stolyarov (trust “Nefteprovodmontazh”); A.S. Smolyannikov (trust “Komsomolsktruboprovodstroy”); H.H. Khafizov (Kazymtruboprovodstroy trust); IN AND. Rogatin, N.G. Moldavanova (SSO “Podvodtruboprovodstroy”); E.A. Nikitenko (Central Technological Communications Station of Mingazprom); V.P. Zhukov (Glavtyumenneftegaz); B.V. Bylinin, A.Ya. Kapustin, V.G. Reshetnikov, E.A. Hoffman, L.S. Charny (PO Soyuzorgenergogaz); A.G. Ostroglyad, A.A. Starodubov (Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR).



The main scientific and technical department of Minneftegazstroy B.S. Lange (deputy head of the State National Technical University);

The Main Directorate of State Gas Supervision in the USSR V.I. Eristov (deputy head of the Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR);

General Directorate of Design and capital construction Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSR - V.R. Avanesov (deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of Control).

APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction of December 27, 1988 No. 375; by order of the Ministry of Gas Industry of May 19, 1989 No. 93-ORG; by order of the Ministry of Oil Industry dated 16.05.89 No. 239

Developed for the first time

With the introduction of the Departmental building codes “Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works. Part II. Forms of documentation and rules for its execution in the process of acceptance” become invalid “Forms of as-built documentation for hidden work during the construction of main pipelines”, approved by the State Gas Inspectorate of Mingazprom on November 3, 1975, agreed by the Minnefteprom and Minneftegazstroy.


Gosstroy of the USSR (letter No. ACH-625-8 dated 22.02.89)

Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR (letter No. 11-5-2/341 dated 12/09/88)

GUPIKS of the Ministry of Gas Industry of the USSR (letter No. 03-02-4 / 205 dated 13.02.89)

SSO “Zapsibtruboprovodstroy” (letter No. 01-176 dated 03/31/89)

Glavtransneft (letter No. 9-4/319 dated 20.02.89)

Glavtyumenneftegaz (letter No. 23/5-15 dated February 24, 1989)

Bashneft Production Association (letter No. 04-35/312 dated 03/23/89)

Production association "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz" (letter No. 30-89 dated 03/20/89)

Production association “Surgutneftegaz” (teletype 235561/253 dated 04/19/89)

Production association "Kuibyshevneft" (teletype 214319/1004, 10225/4 dated 25.04.89)

INTRODUCED Amendment No. 1, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Oil and gas industry dated 03/11/90 No. 48, entered into force on 04/01/90.

Sections, paragraphs, tables in which changes have been made are marked in this document (K).

  1. General provisions

1.1. Part II was developed on the basis of SNiP 3.01.01-85 “Organization of construction production”, SNiP 3.01.04-87 “Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions”, SNiP III-42-80 “Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines”.

1.2. These departmental building codes are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation engaged in the construction and reconstruction of steel main and field pipelines, constructed in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

Registration of documentation and acceptance into operation of buildings and structures, including engineering communications located at the sites of compressor stations, pump stations, gas distribution stations, SPKhG, BCS and other ground facilities, is carried out on the basis of relevant regulatory documents approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.3. The procedure for appointing the State Acceptance and Working Commissions, their rights and obligations, the working procedure and responsibilities of the parties involved in the construction and acceptance of completed facilities, as well as the form of acts of the working commission and the State Acceptance Commission are specified in SNiP 3.01.04-87.

1.4. The documentation drawn up during the construction process is divided into:

acceptance certificate, submitted in accordance with clause 2.1 by the general contractor of the working commission, and then submitted by the customer in accordance with clause 2.2 of the State Acceptance Commission;

current, i.e. internal documentation drawn up by the contractor for the needs of production.

Acceptance documentation during the construction process is drawn up by the main contractor with the participation of representatives: the directorate of the facility under construction, the technical supervision of the customer, and other interested organizations. The composition of organizations and persons involved in the preparation of acceptance documentation is specified:

in clause 2.1 and in clause 2.2 (in terms of drafting documents);

in the forms of documents p.2.3 (in terms of signing documents).

Acceptance documentation for special objects of linear construction (crossings through large reservoirs, highways, electrochemical protection, cable communication lines, power lines), drawn up by subcontractors as the main performer of the work, is submitted by them to the general contractor for presentation to the working commission.

1.5. In the process of commissioning the facility, the general contractor submits the following acceptance documentation to the working commissions:

various lists, lists, statements, certificates, passports, certificates, etc. (clause 3.5 “a” and “c” of SNiP 3.01.04-87);

executive documentation.

Executive documentation is divided into:

executive project documentation (clause 3.5 “b” of SNiP 3.01.04-87);

as-built production documentation (according to clause 3.5 “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”, “h”, “j” of SNiP 3.01.04-87).

After the end of the work of the working commission, the acceptance documentation is transferred to the customer (directorate of the object under construction).

1.6. The current documentation is divided into:

The current documentation is also executive production, but is not submitted to the working commissions and the State Acceptance Commission, is not acceptance and delivery and is presented to the customer and inspecting organizations at their request.

1.7. As-built production documentation is a set of documents (acts, journals, conclusions, etc.) drawn up during the construction of an object by construction participants and interested organizations for the purpose of legal confirmation:

the fact of performing specific work;

the required level of their quality, compliance with the project and regulatory documentation;

participation of specific performers (organizations, divisions or persons);

possibilities for subsequent work.

1.8. The execution of covert work is documented by acts for covert work, which are an integral part of the executive production documentation. Inspection of hidden work and drawing up acts in cases where subsequent work should begin after a break should be carried out immediately before the start of subsequent work.

1.9. The number of copies of the act filled out in the process of handing over and acceptance of work must correspond to the number of handing over and receiving organizations.

1.10. Executive production documentation should be drawn up directly in the course of work, without delay. At the final stages of construction, the documentation must be issued:

before the start of blowing and flushing of the pipeline - for all firing and previous work in the blown (washed) section;

before the start of testing - for all work, including installation, planning and fencing of crane units;

Note. In the regions of the Far North and Western Siberia, the issues of final backfilling and fencing are resolved on the spot in each specific case in agreement with the customer. The safety of all pipeline testing work must be ensured in all cases.

before the start of the work of the working commission - for all work. It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to have unfulfilled work at the specified time, which does not interfere with normal operation, which is reflected in the "List of deficiencies" compiled by the working commission.

1.11. Before the start of the work of the State Commission, all work must be completed, including the shortcomings noted by the working commission.

1.12. Typical lists of as-built production documentation for special linear construction objects (underwater crossings, crossings through highways, electrochemical protection) are formed on the basis of this document (with the preservation of the form numbers fixed in it) and are given in departmental regulatory documents for the construction of the relevant facilities.

  1. Acceptance documentation

2.1. The composition of the documentation submitted by the general

contractor working commissions:

2.1.1. a list of organizations and responsible persons involved in the construction; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.1);

2.1.2. register of executive documentation; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.2);

2.1.3. a set of design as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind or the changes made (according to clause 3.5 “b” of SNiP 3.01.04-87); completes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.4. set of executive production documentation, including:

forms of executive production documentation;

acts of intermediate acceptance of individual critical structures and assemblies; (according to the application); completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.5. list of installed fittings and equipment; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.3);

2.1.6. project changelog; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.4);

2.1.7. passports and certificates for materials and products (their certified copies), or other documents certifying the type and quality of materials, structures and parts used in the construction and installation works; completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.8. a journal of comments and suggestions on the conduct of construction and installation works; lead by the foreman of the site; (form No. 1.5);

2.1.9. materials of inspections and checks carried out during the construction process by inspecting organizations and state and other supervision bodies (instructions, acts of a commission inspection of the quality of construction, etc.); completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.10. certificate of cleaning of pipeline sections submitted for delivery from building materials, structures and equipment; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); signed by a representative of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG) and the head of the general contracting organization;

2.1.11. certificate of reclamation at the pipeline section; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.6);

2.1.12. list of imperfections; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.7);

2.1.13. documentation in accordance with clause 3.5 “e”, “f”, “g”, “h” of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

2.2. The composition of the documentation submitted by the customer

State Acceptance Commission:

2.2.1. certificate of elimination of defects identified by the working commission; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.8);

2.2.2. certificate of the estimated and actual cost of construction; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.9);

2.2.3. approved design and estimate documentation;

2.2.4. summary materials of working commissions (acts of working commissions according to SNiP 3.01.04-87 and forms according to clause 2.1); completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.5. passports for equipment; completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.6. documents on land acquisition; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.7. document for special water use; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.8. certificate of provision of the received object with operational personnel and sanitary and amenity premises intended for their maintenance, catering facilities, residential and public buildings; is drawn up by the production service of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG), signed by its representative;

2.2.9. certificate of provision with means of communication; is drawn up by the production service of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG), signed by its representative;

2.2.10. documents for a geodetic staking basis for construction, as well as for geodetic work in the construction process performed by the customer; completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.11. references: on the main technical and economic indicators of the object being put into operation, on the compliance of the capacities put into operation (for the initial period of development of the design capacity) with the capacities provided for by the project, as well as lists of design, research and survey organizations involved in the design of the facility, put into operation, are directly included in the text of the act of the state acceptance commission (according to SNiP 3.01.04-87).

Note. The documents listed in clause 4.17 of SNiP 3.01.04-87 are submitted by the customer simultaneously with the act of the State Commission (Appendix 9 of SNiP 3.01.04-87). The composition of the annexes to the text of the act of the State Commission, see clause 2.4.6.

VSN 012-88






Quality control and acceptance works

Part II

Forms of documentation and rules for its execution

in the process of delivery - acceptance

Introduction date 1989-07-01

DEVELOPED by the All-Union Research Institute for the Construction of Main Pipelines (VNIIST): V.D. Shapiro; M.V. Mashkov

The Main Directorate of State Gas Supervision in the USSR (Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR): V.L. Nemchin; R.G. Toropova

Trust "Orgenergoneft" (Ministry of oil industry of the USSR): V.P. Pokrovsky

The following people took part in the development of the document:

L.A. Paley; V.S. Kernitsky, I.G. Doroshenko, V.P. Trotsenko (trust "Severtruboprovodstroy"); S.P. Velchev, K.N. Denisyuk, V.T. Rumyantsev (SSO "Zapsibtruboprovodstroy"); B.S. Lange (Minneftegazstroy); V.F. Chaburkin, R.D. Gabelaya, V.I. Orekhov, V.D. Lebed, Z.D. Kharlova, L.A. Solovieva, L.I. Anikina, N.P. Tikhonov (VNIIST); F.E. Ksenzov (SSO "Obtruboprovodstroy)"; A.P. Chigirinov (trust "Mosgaztruboprovodstroy"); HELL. Stolyarov (trust "Nefteprovodmontazh"); A.S. Smolyannikov (trust "Komsomolsktruboprovodstroy"); H.H. Khafizov (Trust "Kazymtruboprovodstroy"); IN AND. Rogatin, N.G. Moldavanova (SSO "Podvodtruboprovodstroy"); E.A. Nikitenko (Central Technological Communications Station of Mingazprom); V.P. Zhukov (Glavtyumenneftegaz); B.V. Bylinin, A.Ya. Kapustin, V.G. Reshetnikov, E.A. Hoffman, L.S. Charny (PO Soyuzorgenergogaz); A.G. Ostroglyad, A.A. Starodubov (Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR).



The main scientific and technical department of Minneftegazstroy B.S. Lange (deputy head of the State National Technical University);

The Main Directorate of State Gas Supervision in the USSR V.I. Eristov (deputy head of the Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR);

The Main Directorate for Design and Capital Construction of the Minnefteprom of the USSR - V.R. Avanesov (deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of Control).

APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction of December 27, 1988 No. 375; by order of the Ministry of Gas Industry of May 19, 1989 No. 93-ORG; by order of the Ministry of Oil Industry dated 16.05.89 No. 239

Developed for the first time

With the introduction of the Departmental building codes "Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of work. Part II. Forms of documentation and rules for its execution in the process of acceptance" become invalid "Forms of as-built documentation for hidden work during the construction of main pipelines", approved by the State Gas Inspectorate of the Mingazprom on November 3, 1975, agreed by the Minnefteprom and Minneftegazstroy.


Gosstroy of the USSR (letter No. ACH-625-8 dated 22.02.89)

Glavgosgaznadzor of the USSR (letter No. 11-5-2/341 dated 12/09/88)

GUPIKS of the Ministry of Gas Industry of the USSR (letter No. 03-02-4 / 205 dated 13.02.89)

SSO "Zapsibtruboprovodstroy" (letter No. 01-176 dated 03/31/89)

Glavtransneft (letter No. 9-4/319 dated 20.02.89)

Glavtyumenneftegaz (letter No. 23/5-15 dated February 24, 1989)

Production association "Bashneft" (letter No. 04-35/312 dated 03.23.89)

Production association "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz" (letter No. 30-89 dated 03/20/89)

Production association "Surgutneftegaz" (teletype 235561/253 dated 04/19/89)

Production association "Kuibyshevneft" (teletype 214319/1004, 10225/4 dated 04/25/89)

INTRODUCED Amendment No. 1, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises No. 48 of 11.03.90, effective from 01.04.90.

Sections, paragraphs, tables in which changes have been made are marked in this document (K).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Part II was developed on the basis of SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production", SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions", SNiP III-42-80 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines ".

1.2. These departmental building codes are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation, engaged in the construction and reconstruction of steel trunk and field pipelines, constructed in accordance with applicable standards and rules.

Registration of documentation and acceptance into operation of buildings and structures, including engineering communications located at the sites of compressor stations, pump stations, gas distribution stations, SPKhG, BCS and other ground facilities, is carried out on the basis of relevant regulatory documents approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.3. The procedure for appointing the State Acceptance and Working Commissions, their rights and obligations, the working procedure and responsibilities of the parties involved in the construction and acceptance of completed facilities, as well as the form of acts of the working commission and the State Acceptance Commission are specified in SNiP 3.01.04-87.

1.4. The documentation drawn up during the construction process is divided into:

acceptance certificate, submitted in accordance with clause 2.1 by the general contractor of the working commission, and then submitted by the customer in accordance with clause 2.2 of the State Acceptance Commission;

current, i.e. internal documentation drawn up by the contractor for the needs of production.

Acceptance documentation during the construction process is drawn up by the main contractor with the participation of representatives: the directorate of the facility under construction, the technical supervision of the customer, and other interested organizations. The composition of organizations and persons involved in the preparation of acceptance documentation is specified:

in clause 2.1 and in clause 2.2 (in terms of drafting documents);

in the forms of documents p.2.3 (in terms of signing documents).

Acceptance documentation for special objects of linear construction (crossings through large reservoirs, highways, electrochemical protection, cable communication lines, power lines), drawn up by subcontractors as the main performer of the work, is submitted by them to the general contractor for presentation to the working commission.

1.5. In the process of commissioning the facility, the general contractor submits the following acceptance documentation to the working commissions:

various lists, lists, statements, certificates, passports, certificates, etc. (clause 3.5 "a" and "c" of SNiP 3.01.04-87);

executive documentation.

Executive documentation is divided into:

executive project documentation (clause 3.5 "b" of SNiP 3.01.04-87);

as-built production documentation (according to clause 3.5 "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "k" of SNiP 3.01.04-87).

After the end of the work of the working commission, the acceptance documentation is transferred to the customer (directorate of the object under construction).

1.6. The current documentation is divided into:


The current documentation is also executive production, but is not submitted to the working commissions and the State Acceptance Commission, is not acceptance and delivery and is presented to the customer and inspecting organizations at their request.

1.7. As-built production documentation is a set of documents (acts, journals, conclusions, etc.) drawn up during the construction of an object by construction participants and interested organizations for the purpose of legal confirmation:

the fact of performing specific work;

the required level of their quality, compliance with the project and regulatory documentation;

participation of specific performers (organizations, divisions or persons);

possibilities for subsequent work.

1.8. The execution of covert work is documented by acts for covert work, which are an integral part of the executive production documentation. Inspection of hidden work and drawing up acts in cases where subsequent work should begin after a break should be carried out immediately before the start of subsequent work.

1.9. The number of copies of the act filled out in the process of handing over and acceptance of work must correspond to the number of handing over and receiving organizations.

1.10. Executive production documentation should be drawn up directly in the course of work, without delay. At the final stages of construction, the documentation must be issued:

before the start of blowing and flushing of the pipeline - for all firing and previous work in the blown (washed) section;

before the start of testing - for all work, including installation, planning and fencing of crane units;

Note. In the regions of the Far North and Western Siberia, the issues of final backfilling and fencing are resolved on the spot in each specific case in agreement with the customer. The safety of all pipeline testing work must be ensured in all cases.

before the start of the work of the working commission - for all work. It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to have unfinished work at the specified time, which does not interfere with normal operation, which is reflected in the "List of deficiencies" compiled by the working commission.

1.11. Before the start of the work of the State Commission, all work must be completed, including the shortcomings noted by the working commission.

1.12. Typical lists of as-built production documentation for special linear construction objects (underwater crossings, crossings through highways, electrochemical protection) are formed on the basis of this document (with the preservation of the form numbers fixed in it) and are given in departmental regulatory documents for the construction of the relevant facilities.

2. Acceptance documentation

2.1. The composition of the documentation submitted by the general

contractor working commissions:

2.1.1. a list of organizations and responsible persons involved in the construction; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.1);

2.1.2. register of executive documentation; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.2);

2.1.3. a set of design as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind or the changes made (according to clause 3.5 "b" of SNiP 3.01.04-87); completes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.4. set of executive production documentation, including:

forms of executive production documentation;

acts of intermediate acceptance of individual critical structures and assemblies; (according to the application); completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.5. list of installed fittings and equipment; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.3);

2.1.6. project changelog; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.4);

2.1.7. passports and certificates for materials and products (their certified copies), or other documents certifying the type and quality of materials, structures and parts used in the construction and installation works; completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.8. a journal of comments and suggestions on the conduct of construction and installation works; lead by the foreman of the site; (form No. 1.5);

2.1.9. materials of inspections and checks carried out during the construction process by inspecting organizations and state and other supervision bodies (instructions, acts of a commission inspection of the quality of construction, etc.); completes PTO (HPO) of control (flow);

2.1.10. certificate of cleaning of pipeline sections submitted for delivery from building materials, structures and equipment; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); signed by a representative of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG) and the head of the general contracting organization;

2.1.11. certificate of reclamation at the pipeline section; composes the PTO (HPO) of control (flow); (form No. 1.6);

2.1.12. list of imperfections; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.7);

2.1.13. documentation in accordance with clause 3.5 "e", "e", "g", "h" of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

2.2. The composition of the documentation submitted by the customer

State Acceptance Commission:

2.2.1. certificate of elimination of defects identified by the working commission; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.8);

2.2.2. certificate of the estimated and actual cost of construction; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management); (form No. 1.9);

2.2.3. approved design and estimate documentation;

2.2.4. summary materials of working commissions (acts of working commissions according to SNiP 3.01.04-87 and forms according to clause 2.1); completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.5. passports for equipment; completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.6. documents on land acquisition; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.7. document for special water use; is compiled by the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.8. a certificate of provision of the received object with operational personnel and sanitary and amenity premises intended for their maintenance, catering facilities, residential and public buildings; is drawn up by the production service of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG), signed by its representative;

2.2.9. certificate of provision with means of communication; is drawn up by the production service of the operating organization (LPU, LPUMG), signed by its representative;

2.2.10. documents for a geodetic staking basis for construction, as well as for geodetic work in the construction process performed by the customer; completes the production service of the customer (management);

2.2.11. references: on the main technical and economic indicators of the object being put into operation, on the compliance of the capacities put into operation (for the initial period of development of the design capacity) with the capacities provided for by the project, as well as lists of design, research and survey organizations involved in the design of the facility, put into operation, are directly included in the text of the act of the state acceptance commission (according to SNiP 3.01.04-87).

Note. The documents listed in clause 4.17 of SNiP 3.01.04-87 are submitted by the customer simultaneously with the act of the State Commission (Appendix 9 of SNiP 3.01.04-87). The composition of the annexes to the text of the act of the State Commission, see clause 2.4.6.

2.3. Forms of acceptance documentation

2.3.1. Lists, lists, statements, references

Form No. 1.1

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



organizations and responsible persons involved

in construction


Name of the organization and its departmental subordination

Types of work performed (including control)

Full name, position of the responsible person

Signature example



Head of General Contractor

(surname, initials)(signature) (date)

Heads of subcontractors

organizations _____________________ ___________ ____________

(position, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

_____________________ ___________ ____________

(position, (signature) (date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.2

Association, trust _________________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)


SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


executive documentation


Head of VET (OPO)

control (flow) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials)(signature) (date)



customer (directorate) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(position, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.3

Association, trust _________________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ____________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


installed fittings and equipment

Head of VET (OPO)

control (flow) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials)(signature) (date)



(linear) department

customer (management) _____________________ ___________ ___________

(organization, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

Representative of the medical facility

(LPUMG) _____________________ ___________ ___________

(the date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.4

Association, trust _________________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ____________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


project changes


Plot, stationing, or anchoring

Provided for the project (working drawing number)

Fulfilled actually

Documents authorizing changes (date, No.)



Head of Department

(flow) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials)(signature) (date)


technical supervision of the customer _____________________ ___________ ____________

(organization, (signature) (date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.5

Association, trust _________________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ____________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


comments and suggestions for maintaining

construction and installation works

Start of work ____________ 19___

Completion of work _________ 19___


Head of Department

(flow) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials)(signature) (date)


The content of comments and suggestions (revealed deviations from the design and estimate documentation, violations of the requirements of building codes and rules for the production of construction and installation works, etc.)

Recording date

Recorded by (position, organization, surname, initials of the controlling person)

Acquainted with the record: date, signature of the person responsible for logging

Troubleshooting Information

Surname, initials, position and signature of the responsible person checking the journal

Ministry _____________________

Form number 1. 6

Association, trust _________________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ____________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


about carrying out reclamation on the site

pipeline _____________________

from km/PC ________________ to km/PC

This certificate has been drawn up stating that the reclamation on

pipeline section _____________

from km/PC _________________________ to km/PC ____________________________

carried out in accordance with the project ___________________________________,

developed by ___________________________________________________________

(Name design organization, the date)

and current normative documents ____________________________


Head of general contracting

(position, organization, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

Responsible representative

land user _____________________ ___________ ___________

(position, organization,(signature) (date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form number 1. 8

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ___________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


on the " " __ __ _ ___ ___ 19__ _ _ G.



working committee

(position, organization, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

Head of General Contractor

organizations _____________________ ___________ ___________

(control, flow) (position, organization,(signature) (date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.8

Association, trust _______________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ___________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________

INFORMATION on the elimination of defects,

identified by the working committee

" " _ _____ _____ 19___

Compiled in the fact that the shortcomings identified by the working commission on acceptance of completed construction ________ ______________ ___ ________________________ ___________________

(linear part of the pipeline,

_____________________________________ ______________ _______________________________

km, electrochemical protection, other facilities)

_________________________________________________________ ______________ __________,

named in the "List of deficiencies", eliminated in full and in the terms stipulated by the specified "Vedomosti".



working committee _____________________ ___________ ___________

(position, organization,(signature) (date)

surname, initials)

Head of General Contractor

organizations _____________________ ___________ ___________

(control, flow) (position, organization, (signature)(the date)

surname, initials)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 1.9

Association, trust _______________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ___________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


on the estimated and actual cost of construction


(pipeline name, section link)

" " _ ____ _______ 19___

Estimated cost of the launch complex, thousand rubles rub.

Actual cost, thous. rub.









Customer manager

(Directorate) _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials) (signature) (the date)

Chief Accountant _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials) (signature) (the date)

2.3.2. Executive production documentation

and acts of intermediate acceptance

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 2.1

Association, trust _______________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ___________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


for fixing the route (platform)

from "" _ ___ ______ 19___

Compiled by representatives of: design institute ______________ ____________________ _

_________________________________________________________________ ______________ __,

(name of the institute) (position, surname, initials)

customer _____________________________ ________________ ____________________________,

general contractor ________________________________________________ ________________ ____,

(position, organization, surname, initials)

subcontractor for engineering preparation of construction ____ __________________ ___

__________________________________________________________________ ______________ _,

(position, organization, surname, initials)

surveyor ________________________________________________________________ _______________ ______

(position, organization, surname, initials)

that fixing the route _____________ ___________________ ________________ wires,

sites _______ ______ __________ in the section from km _______ ______________ ________ PC before

km __________ __________ _______ PC produced according to the "Instructions on the order fixing and commissioning by the customer of main pipeline routes, housing construction sites and off-site communications", working drawings and SNiP 3.01.03-84.

______ is established along the route (site) _______________________ _________ permanent

and __________ _______ ______________ temporary benchmarks. The whole route is fixed ___________

____________________________________________________________________ _____________

(reinforced concrete, metal, wood, etc.)

columns indicating the picketage.


Representative _____________________ ___________ ____________

design institute (surname, initials) (signature) (the date)


Customer Representative _____________________ ___________ ____________

(surname, initials) (signature) (the date)


Representative _____________________ ___________ ____________

general contracting organization (surname, initials) (signature) (the date)


Representative _____________________ ___________ ____________

subcontractor (surname, initials) (signature) (the date)

Ministry _____________________

Form No. 2.2

Association, trust _______________

Base: VSN 012-88 (Part II)



SMU, SU, PMK, KTP ________________

Construction ___________________

Plot __________________________


An object __________________________


for the right to work

from "" __ ___ _______ 19___

It is allowed to perform work on ______________________________ ___________________

(specify type of work)

on the road ________ ________ ______ wire, pad ______ __________ __________________

on site: from km/pc _______ ________ ______ to km/pc ______ __________ __________________

or the name of the line according to the scheme ______________________ ________________ ______________

VSN 012 88 is a document dedicated to departmental building codes in the construction of main and industrial pipelines. It includes a list of documentation that is required for the construction of large facilities. Today we will present the content of the document VSN 012 88 (part 2) with a description of the acts, statements and other certificates that are included in it.

General provisions of the document VSN 012 88 (part 2)

Departmental building codes for the construction of highways and pipelines were developed back in 1989 on the basis of the All-Union Profile Research Institute and approved with the relevant ministry. Document BCH 012 88 is devoted to quality control and acceptance construction works, and its second part is devoted to the forms of documentation and the rules for its execution upon delivery and acceptance.

These norms on the forms of documentation were adopted instead of the forms of executive documentation that existed from 1975 to 1989 and agreed with a number of industry associations of the Soviet Union.

The general provisions of the document are devoted to the fact that the norms contained in it are mandatory for all companies and enterprises, regardless of their departmental affiliation, which are engaged in the construction and repair of steel highways and pipelines in accordance with existing standards.

All related documentation and commissioning of facilities and communications must be carried out on the basis of existing regulatory documents, including this one - VSN 012 88.

The relevant document on building codes and regulations provides for the procedure for registration of acceptance and working commissions, as well as their duties, rights, procedures and responsibilities of all those involved in the process of construction and acceptance of completed facilities.

All papers that are issued during the construction of an object can be:

  • acceptance;
  • current.

Brief description of acceptance and current documents

Acceptance papers are issued by the main performer of the work and such persons as:

  • object management;
  • technical supervision of the customer;
  • other interested parties.

For some linear construction objects, acceptance documents must be issued by subcontractors.

When handing over the finished object the general contractor must submit to the commission acceptance documents such as:

  • lists and lists;
  • statements;
  • references;
  • certificates;
  • passports;
  • executive papers, which, in turn, can be executive-design and executive-production. When the object is completed and the working commission finishes its activity, these documents are given to the directorate of the object.

Current papers are divided into mandatory and recommended. The current documentation also applies to production, but it is not provided by the working and state acceptance committee, it is only intended for the customer and inspection companies.

Executive production documentation is a set of documents that are made during the construction of the object and can be used as legal evidence:

  • the fact of work performance;
  • the required level of quality and compliance with projects and standards;
  • participation of certain performers;
  • the possibility of carrying out subsequent construction work.

Hidden work must be supported by special acts, which are an integral part of executive production papers.

The number of copies of the act filled out during the delivery and acceptance of work must correspond to the number of receiving and delivering organizations.

All papers of this nature are issued not in advance, but in the course of certain works. Upon completion of construction, papers are drawn up:

  • before flushing and purging the pipeline;
  • before testing for all types of work;
  • before the start of the work of the commission for all types of work.

Before the start of the work of the State Commission, all work, including previously unfinished work, must be completed.

Lists of documents of executive and production type for special linear construction objects must be formed in accordance with these documents and comply with departmental standards, in particular, VSN 012 88.

Acceptance documents in accordance with VSN 012 88 (second part)

The general contractor must provide the following list of papers to the working commission:

  • list of organizations and persons involved in the construction of the facility;
  • register of enforcement papers;
  • working drawings;
  • forms of production documentation;
  • acts of intermediate acceptance of individual sections of work;
  • information about the installation of fittings and equipment;
  • project change notices;
  • passports and certificates of materials and products that were involved in the construction;
  • a journal of comments and suggestions during the work, it is maintained by the foreman;
  • information on inspections and inspections by inspecting organizations;
  • information about the cleaning of pipelines and equipment that are submitted for delivery;
  • certificate of reclamation of the pipeline at the site;
  • notices of deficiencies and other papers.

And the customer must submit to the State acceptance committee the following documents:

  • a certificate of elimination of previously identified problems;
  • certificate of the actual cost of construction and estimated cost;
  • approved design estimates;
  • consolidated materials compiled by the working commission;
  • equipment passports;
  • certificate of land acquisition;
  • documentation for the special use of water;
  • a certificate stating that the object was provided with special premises for sanitary and residential purposes;
  • communication certificate;
  • documentation for geodetic works and a marking basis;
  • other references and lists of organizations involved in the design of the facility.

Forms of acceptance documents (lists, certificates, statements, etc.)

Below is a list of documents of the acceptance type and their main details in accordance with the second part of VSN 012 88.

List of construction participants

At the top of this document, like all subsequent ones, contains information about the relevant ministry, the organization that carries out the construction, information about the site and the object.

  • the name of the organization participating in the construction and its subordination;
  • types of work performed by this organization, including control;
  • FULL NAME. and the position of the responsible person and his signature.

The list must be certified heads of general management and subcontractors with indication of their surnames, initials and their signatures.

Form of the register of executive documentation

The register must include the names of each document, the numbering of drawings, acts, permits and other data that it contains, you should also indicate the organization that compiled it and how many pages it consists of.

Below is the position and initials of the head of the department who submitted the register and information about the representative of the customer who accepted it. Both must put their signatures and indicate the date of acceptance.

This listing must contain data on the names of each piece of equipment, its key characteristics, brand and technical specification number, as well as the country of origin. It is necessary to indicate the number of units and the location of a particular installation.

According to the second part of VSN 012 88, the statement is signed by the following persons:

  • head of the VET department;
  • head of the production department of the customer company;
  • LPU representative.

Design change sheet

The statement must include the following details:

  • the name of the site, stationing or anchorage;
  • working drawing number;
  • the number of actual executions;
  • a list of documents that allow changes to be made.

Document drawn up in the name of the head of department on behalf of the head of the technical supervision group of the customer.

Journal of comments and suggestions regarding construction and installation works

The journal must include work start and end dates. This document is drawn up in the name of the head of the department.

The following is a list of certain proposals and comments, in particular, violations of norms and rules, inconsistencies with design estimates, etc. Each entry must be accompanied by information about the position, surname and initials of the controller who made the proposal or discovered violations. The person responsible for maintaining the document must sign, indicating familiarization with the proposal and record later whether the violations have been eliminated or changes have been made in accordance with the proposals.

Also, after such a mark, the signature must be put by the person responsible for checking the journal

Certificate of recultivation

This document is evidence that reclamation has been carried out on a particular section of the pipeline. It contains the following information:

  • section of the pipeline on which work was carried out;
  • the project in accordance with which the reclamation was carried out;
  • name of the design organization;
  • regulatory documentation in accordance with which the work was carried out;
  • signatures of the head of the general contractor and the responsible representative of the land user.

Notice of bugs

Information about imperfections includes the date as of which certain imperfections are present. Then in a column shortcomings are listed indicating the number of the drawing and section. Be sure to indicate the date of performance and the name of the performer.

The document is signed by the chairman of the working commission and the head of the general contracting organization.

Help for troubleshooting

During the inspection, the working commission may identify a number of shortcomings at the facility. After removing them appropriate certificate must be issued and indicate the list of shortcomings identified earlier, which were eliminated within the stipulated time.

The certificate is subject to signing by the head of the working commission and the general contractor.

Information about the actual and estimated cost of construction work

Be sure to indicate the name of the pipeline and link to the site.

The document is divided into two parts:

  • information on the estimated cost of the complex, including construction and installation works and equipment;
  • information about the actual cost, including those listed above and read the expenses.

To be signed by the head of the customer company and the chief accountant.

Forms of executive production documents and interim acceptance certificates

The following is the data that should be contained in acts, permits and other documents of the executive production type according to VSN 012 88 (second part).

The act of fixing the site or route

This paper includes the following information:

  • Date of preparation;
  • a list of representatives of the design organization - drafters of the act;
  • list of customers, representatives of the contractor company of the subcontractor for the engineering preparation of the facility;
  • list of surveyors;
  • information about the fixing of the route, wire or site in a certain area;
  • the number of established permanent and temporary benchmarks;
  • information about the installation of columns indicating the stationing;
  • surname and initials of the representative of the design organization that handed over the object, with a signature and date;
  • signatures of the representative of the customer company, the representative of the general contractor and the subcontractor.

Work Permit

The permit indicates that it is possible to carry out one or another type of work on the specified site and object, also should be listed preparatory work , regulated by the project, which must be completed before proceeding with the main types of work, including the geodetic breakdown of the route, indicating the date of completion, drawing numbers and numbers of acts of their acceptance.

The document is signed by the head of the customer company and the contractor.

List of involved welders

The list of welders is drawn up as follows:

The document is signed by the head of the department and the chief welder.

Earthwork Log

The journal first indicates the extent of the work, the name and initials of the contractor and the organization he represents, as well as the date of completion and completion of the work.

  • denominations structural elements linear part of the pipeline;
  • site boundaries;
  • whether anti-accumulative and other bottom powders trenches or pits, in which area;
  • whether the leveling of the bottom of the trench was carried out;
  • availability of comments from representatives of regulatory organizations;
  • a note on the elimination of the causes of comments;
  • acceptance note;
  • signatures of the work manager and the controlling person.

Pile driving log

Includes the following data:

  • date of commencement and completion of work;
  • type of hammer and weight of its striker;
  • copra system;
  • pressure;
  • pile head, its type and weight;
  • date of driving;
  • pile type and brand;
  • absolute marks of the pile tip and ground surface;
  • ten stroke bail waiver and design waiver.

The journal is signed by the manufacturer of this type of work. He also signs a summary sheet for driven piles.

Pipe Welding Magazine

Necessarily indicates the location of the pipes(route or pipe welding base), site, joints, then you need to indicate who exactly performed the work and the timing of its implementation.

Then the following information is noted in the log:

  • through numbers;
  • dates of each welding and accompanying temperature;
  • pipe wall parameters;
  • pipe supplier, steel grade;
  • heating temperature;
  • name and number of welded parts;
  • factory numbers;
  • for fixed welding, the binding of the joint is indicated;
  • method of connecting pipes and their position;
  • brand of materials for welding;
  • the foreman and the layout of the welders, the code number of the team compliance with the standards;
  • information about the acceptance of the joint;
  • information about the possible repair and removal of joints, acceptance after repair;
  • heat treatment;
  • cipher of the thermist operator and his initials;
  • what instrument was used to measure the hardness, the results of the measurements;
  • quality assessment by hardness measurements and work results;
  • signature, initials of the official who carried out the hardness control after heat treatment.

Video: Ensuring safety when cutting and tapping defective sections of main gas pipelines

Certificate of welding of warranty joints

The act states that the representative of the technical supervision of the customer, the foreman and the representative of the control service, sign under the fact that in their presence on the indicated day the certificate of welding of the guarantee joint in a particular section of the pipeline. It should be indicated that the assembly and welding were carried out in accordance with the listed regulatory documents, the names of which should be given below.

The act of welding technological holes

The act is signed officials, similar to the previous case, when welding technological holes by welding a branch pipe. Contains the following data:

  • work site;
  • pipe material;
  • electrodes used in cooking;
  • initials and code of the welder;
  • information about the seam control, the method used;
  • date and number of the suitability report.

Conclusions on quality control of welded joints

There are several forms of conclusions on the quality control of welding, each form depends on the method of control and welding method:

  • verification by physical methods;
  • ultrasonic testing;
  • checking the quality of joints welded by electrocontact method;
  • verification by mechanical testing welded joints.
  • All conclusions have different information and registration details.

Permission for the production of wire insulation

The permit is signed by the representative of technical supervision, the foreman and the representative of the control service, who establish that the pipeline section in one place or another needs to be isolated and cleaned.

Data on the quality control of the wire is also filled in, that it does not have scratches, dents and other errors, and the joints are suitable.

Journal of insulation and laying work

At the beginning of the document must indicate the area of ​​work, information about the manufacturer and the date of completion and their completion.

  • dates of carrying out a particular type of work;
  • site binding;
  • current air temperature;
  • design, brands and types of materials used for work;
  • pipe surface temperature before insulation and bituminous mastic;
  • quality control results;
  • types of coatings;
  • information on laying work;
  • surveyor's signature;
  • notes of the representative of technical supervision;
  • information about repair work ah related to isolation;
  • backfill date;
  • handover and acceptance signatures.

Certificate of acceptance of the laid and ballasted pipeline

The act is drawn up on the basis of a set of works on laying, insulation, ballasting and installation on a certain section of the wire, indicating its total length. Next you need specify information about the insulating coating, its compliance with the requirements of the project and drawings.

Also indicated information about the quality control of priming and cleaning, as well as the adhesion of the insulation coating. Next, you need to indicate which insulated wire was laid in the trench and the number of the drawing where the geodetic survey was applied. It is also mentioned that all comments regarding the quality of the work were included in the appropriate journal.

The work done is listed below:

  • installation of weights;
  • installation of anchor devices indicating their type;
  • ballasting with non-woven synthetic material;
  • welding panels to each other;
  • measures to protect the insulation from damage, which was established at the same time;
  • liquidation of damages;
  • connection of connecting wires of control and measuring points, method of connection;
  • pulling out anchor devices;
  • measurement of critical load, used dynamometer and measurement data;
  • execution of a lining that protects the coating from damage, dimensions and compliance with the requirements;
  • implementation of thermal insulation.

After the list of works indicate permission to backfill areas in the indicated places. The document is signed by:

  • representative of the technical supervision of the customer;
  • company and representative of the manufacturer of insulation and laying works;
  • manufacturer of ballasting works;
  • manufacturer of thermal insulation works;
  • manufacturer of instrumentation installation;
  • representative of the regulatory body.

It also provides for the drafting of acts of the following content:

  • an act on the control of the continuity of the insulation coating on the stranded wire;
  • an act evaluating the quality of insulation of completed underground pipe sections by means of cathodic polarization;
  • measurement results;
  • the act of receiving the crane unit, the receiving unit and starting the cleaning devices.

Permission to test the laid area and clean the cavity

The document includes the following items:

  • permission to proceed with cleaning, flushing or strength testing of the pipe indicating the pressure and the agent used for testing or cleaning;
  • pass;
  • site name;
  • compliance with requirements and instructions;
  • information about the performance of work;
  • information on the availability and verification of executive documentation;
  • signatures of representatives of medical facilities, technical supervision and the general contractor.

Video: Testing of the main gas pipeline

The act of cleaning the cavity of the pipeline

The act lists the following:

  • commission-compiler, order on its appointment;
  • information about the chairman and its members;
  • examination of the cleaning of the cavity with an indication of the diameter of the pipeline, section;
  • compliance of the work with special instructions and the project;
  • method of cleaning the cavity of the pipes;
  • results of acceptance of work by the commission;
  • the signatures of its members.

The act of testing the pipe for strength and tightness

At the beginning of the act the composition of the commission and the name of the organization are indicated by whose order it was created. Next comes the date of testing in a particular area and confirmation that the work was carried out in accordance with the instructions and all requirements.

Check parameters are specified:

  • pressure at the lower and upper points during the strength test;
  • holding time under pressure;
  • gauges used.

At the end, the conclusion of the commission regarding the results of the test is written, all its members put their signatures.

Two more documents related to pipeline testing:

  • permission to conduct a preliminary test;
  • act of conducting a preliminary test.

Act of intermediate acceptance of pumping station connection sections, start-up and reception units, flow measurements and gas reduction

The act is drawn up by the heads of the installation organization, the general contractor, the quality and technical supervision service. He provides inspection of work performance on the construction of certain units in these areas in full, including landscaping work with their indication. It also indicates the compliance of the work performed with the approved projects.

The act must indicate that all executive documentation has been checked and is attached. The document is signed by the authors.

The act of laying a protective case at the pipeline crossing through the main

The act indicates the place of crossing and the type of highway (highway or railways), compliance with the project and the number of the working drawing.

The types of work performed and data are listed:

  • laying a protective case;
  • diameter of steel pipes;
  • case length;
  • isolation information;
  • information about the installation of protectors.

The readiness to use the case is confirmed by the signatures of such persons as:

  • representative of the general contractor;
  • representative of the control service;
  • representative of the technical supervision of the customer company.

At the pipeline crossing through the main, such a document as an act of intermediate acceptance of the transition is also drawn up.

Journal of phased acceptance of the underwater transition of the wire for laying

The log contains information such as:

  • types of insulation work and information about their implementation;
  • lining works;
  • information about the installation of ballast;
  • notes on the topic of replacement agreements;
  • date of acceptance of the work performed;
  • signatures of performers and representatives of the customer.

Permission to lay wire across a water crossing

The permit states the following:

  • name of the obstacle;
  • work site;
  • information on the absence of damage to the insulation and confirmation of the completion of work in full;
  • signatures of responsible persons.

Statement of design and actual marks of the bottom of the trench

Enter in the list:

  • axis marks, transition threads, mileage;
  • water horizon marks;
  • distance between measurement points;
  • depth to marks along the axis of the transition thread;
  • design and actual marks, difference.

The statement is signed by:

  • contractor - a representative of the subcontractor company;
  • representative of the general contractor;
  • representative of NRC UPTR;
  • technical service representative.

When carrying out work on laying the pipeline through water barriers, the following documents are also drawn up:

  • the act of checking the laying of the wire in the crossing point through the barrier;
  • list of pipeline laying marks;
  • the act of carrying out bank protection and dredging works;
  • the act of intermediate acceptance of the thread of the wire crossing the barrier.

Video: Laying a gas pipeline in a trench

The act of carrying out hidden work during the construction of various types of grounding

The act is drawn up by representatives of the customer, the operating company and the installation organization. The act confirms that this type of grounding on a certain section of the wire was carried out in accordance with the project, indicating the number of the drawing and the developer organization. Next, you need to put the date of the connections, the method of their implementation and information about their isolation.

If there are deviations from the original project, they should be list and indicate with whom they were agreed.

After that, the document contains a conclusion on the verification of the work performed and permission to close the grounding. To the act you need attach grounding layout and results of current spreading resistance measurements.

The document is signed by its compilers listed above. Further to it there is a special appendix dedicated to the characteristics of grounding conductors. It contains the following information:

  • information about grounding areas;
  • material;
  • parameters of rod and lingering grounding.

The application is signed by an employee of the installation company.

The act of carrying out hidden work during the construction of anode grounding

The drafters of the act confirm the fact that anodic grounding has been performed on a certain section of the pipeline in accordance with the project, indicating the drawing number and the name of the developer company. The method of connection and the applied insulation are indicated. If there are deviations from the project they should be listed and indicated with whom they were agreed.

The characteristics of anode grounding are attached to the act:

  • resistance to current rise at the specific electrical resistance of the soil;
  • conclusion on the results;
  • plan-scheme of grounding placement;
  • anode grounding parameters: its type, brand and number of ground electrodes, laying depth, type and length of the connecting cable.

The act of carrying out hidden work during the construction of a tread installation

The document is drawn up by representatives of the installation and operating organizations and the customer company. He confirms the implementation of the tread setting on the specified section of the wire in accordance with the existing project. Next, you need to write how the connections were made and how they were isolated. The presence of deviations from the project and the reasons for their implementation should be indicated.

The appendix to the act is the characteristic of the tread installation, which contains the following information:

  • protector brand;
  • their number in the installation;
  • laying depth;
  • date of connection of installations;
  • verification conclusion.

Also the act is supported by a plan location of the installation and the results of measurements of resistance and potential difference pipe-to-ground.

The document is signed by its authors.

The act of carrying out hidden work during cable laying

The act is drawn up by representatives of the operating and installation organization, as well as the customer company. He confirms the fact of work completion for laying certain cables that were carried out in accordance with the existing project. If there are deviations, it is necessary to provide grounds for their implementation and approval.

Cable characteristics are attached to the act:

  • brand;
  • section;
  • length;
  • laying depth.

At the end of the document a conclusion is drawn up based on the results of the audit of the work performed, also attached to it is a diagram of cable laying and connection nodes.

The act of performing hidden work during the construction of control and measuring points

The document is compiled by representatives of the customer company, as well as the operating and installation organization. It confirms that the I&Cs are constructed in accordance with existing designs in one way or another, covered with insulation and equipped with markings. All deviations from the project must be listed with an indication of the agreement on their implementation.

And the act is accompanied by a characteristic of the control and measuring point, which includes:

  • installation location;
  • material;
  • control conclusions.

Also need to plan specified in the characteristics of the instrumentation. At the end of the document contains a conclusion on the verification of the object.

The act of carrying out electrical work during the construction of an electrochemical protection device

The drafters of the act:

  • customer;
  • operating company;
  • assembly organization.

Act confirms the work on the installation of equipment, the list and characteristics of which should be listed, in accordance with the existing project. It should be accompanied by technical documentation drawn up in accordance with the standards, in particular:

  • conclusion on the verification of the object;
  • list of technical documents and their summary;
  • list of installed equipment;
  • executive papers.

VSN 012 88 (second part): features of registration of acceptance documents

Some of the forms of documents listed above, and which are included in VSN 012 88 (part 2), require a number of explanations:

  • in form 1.1. the list should include those persons who are responsible for the implementation different types works and those who control production. Listed all persons must be present, whose signatures are in the documents;
  • in form 1.2 all acceptance documentation must be entered in the register, including executive production and executive design;
  • to form 1.3 do not need to enter a list of insulators, fittings for wire and cable fasteners, etc.;
  • in form 1.5, the journal of comments and suggestions for construction and installation works combines the functions of a general production journal and architectural supervision. It is conducted at pipe welding bases and linear sections;
  • a statement of imperfections is compiled in the course of work by a special commission;
  • when drawing up an act of the State Commission to it must be applied certificates on the estimated and actual cost of the construction of the facility, certificates on the elimination of imperfections, providing the facility with the necessary personnel, and their, in turn, housing and communications, as well as documents on the allocation of land plots, for special use of water and geodetic breakdown. The act of the State Commission is signed only after the complete set of other acts is drawn up by the working commissions;
  • permission to perform work is issued by the customer, after the preparatory work in the area of ​​the right of way of the pipeline, the completion of which was required for the continuation of work, has been completed. The document lists all activities carried out;
  • in the process of performing installation and construction work, a list of welders is compiled. A summary list of them is compiled in a similar form before the object is handed over;
  • earthworks log must be completed by the responsible technician during their implementation;
  • act on works in terms of insulation, laying, ballasting and thermal insulation of the pipeline and connection of instrumentation wires compiled in the process by the foreman general contract management. After all remarks on work noted in the log are eliminated, the pipeline section can be accepted by this act;
  • verification of the insulation coating for the continuity of the backfilled pipeline by means of cathodic polarization in the regions of the Far North is not carried out. It is not carried out in other cases provided for by regulatory papers;
  • sections of underwater crossings, which are laid by means of underwater technical devices, must be tested immediately after welding of the pipes. Special permits should be issued for all stages of work;
  • the stage-by-stage acceptance log for laying during the construction of an underwater crossing must be filled out when accepting and handing over work on installing insulation, ballasting and laying the lining. It indicates the fact of the performance of a particular work. If there have been agreed changes in the use of materials, this is also included in the notes. Any such changes must be signed by the client.

VSN 012 88: clarifications on filling out welding logs

Journals for conducting welding work are of the following types:

  • for rotary welding;
  • ceiling welding and others.

Responsible for maintaining these logs is foreman or master welding and assembly area.

Refinements according to the rotary welding log

When turning welding, when filling out the log, you need to know the following:

Clarifications on the design of the ceiling welding log

This journal is also filled every day. In the process of performing work on ceiling welding selective quality control can be carried out welded pipes and welded joints through inspection by a representative of technical supervision.

When filling out the log, the following is taken into account:

  • The first chapter should be completed last. It lists all the serial numbers of the joints along the pipe, some of them, if necessary, are taken out in the fixing log additional work, leaving the general numbering unchanged;
  • column 4 contains data on pipes and serial numbers of parts for welding and other elements of the pipe structure. If the pipes were welded in sections, then information about them is not entered, since it is contained in the rotary welding log. Need to transfer information once a month or after the completion of welding work in the selected area;
  • 6 of the column contains the names of the elements to be welded, they must be written as a fraction of the numbers of the joined sections and indicate the numbers of the surface joints. One-tubes, coils are also recorded here, indicating the length, as well as the numbers of curves and bending angles. Names such as "pipe" or "section" are not allowed. If it was about setting horizontal angles, then put the sign “pr” or “lion”, which indicate their direction;
  • in column 9, pickets must be entered every 100 meters. Accurate binding of pickets is carried out at the beginning and at the end of transitions, within the boundaries of changes in wall thickness, at the beginning and end of intersections with communications and highways and in other places provided for by the second part of VSN 012 88;
  • column 12 indicates the name of the foreman, as well as the number of the welder placement scheme for welding joints. This scheme should be given on the first page of the magazine or from inside its cover. Because of Welder placement patterns can change constantly, you need to bring several drawings, each of which is assigned its own number and recorded in the journal. Each scheme must be signed by the foreman;
  • in the 13th column, the ciphers of the welders are written. In this case, one procedure is established, which registers the position of workers during welding of joints. The ciphers are recorded in the welding log along the way, while they differ depending on what type of work this or that welder performs;
  • in column 14 the signature of the foreman is put, indicating compliance with the requirements of the technology during welding. By your signature he confirms that quality materials are used for the work and prepared accordingly. Only he is responsible for compliance with the requirements for the execution of work;
  • column 15 contains data on the acceptance of welded joints by the foreman. It checks the quality of the joints, the condition of the installed pipes, the absence of splashes of weld metal in the welding area and the displacement of pipes in the joints;
  • column 16 is devoted to acceptance testing of welded joints;
  • columns 17 and 18 are drawn up by direct executors. They contain information on carrying out possible repairs or cuttings;
  • in columns 19 and 20 make notes on how the joints look after repair;
  • in column 21, information is entered and data is entered on the joints in the journal of additional work, and it is also noted whether welding of overlapping and guarantee joints took place.

Journal of additional work on welding

This magazine is no different from the previous ones. It can contain data about cutting control joints, installing additional joints if necessary, etc.

Magazines by welding work should be carried out separately for such areas of work as:

  • linear part;
  • nodes for connection to PS and CS;
  • nodes for receiving and launching cleaning devices;
  • loops of pumping and compressor stations, etc.

To logs of this type on individual nodes diagrams are attached with indication of joint numbers and numbers of equipment installation units, fittings, etc.

The logging rules are:

  • stitching and binding with a seal;
  • all sheets of the document are numbered;
  • at the end, a record is made of the total number of welded and repaired joints;
  • journal follows fill without blemishes, in some cases, corrections are allowed, which must be signed by the responsible employee.

Also to the documents that are devoted to welding and testing of welded joints, there are such explanations:

  • the conclusion of the quality check of the connections by a physical method must be drawn up by an employee of the quality control service;
  • before control welded joints should be inspected, after which they are accepted by the flaw detector in appearance;
  • sectors according to the scheme of the welded joint are designated according to the description in the journal. If in cars resistance welding no recording devices allow visual inspection over the welding process using panel instruments;
  • conclusions on the results of mechanical testing of welded joints can also be issued as a journal.

VSN 012 88: clarifications on filling out the journal of insulation and laying works

Journal of insulation and laying works and repair of insulation is the key document, which captures the work of the conveyor cycle of pipe production. Responsible for its conduct is the head of the site or foreman. Also, a representative of the quality control service can record information about the results of the check. It is necessary to fill out the journal on the day of carrying out certain works.

The instructions for completing it are as follows:

  • in column 4, you need to enter data on the design of the insulation and the method of its application, you also need to indicate the brand of materials used;
  • in column 5, you should put the temperature of heating the pipe before applying insulation, having previously determined it with one or another device;
  • the seventh column is filled in by the laboratory assistant of the quality control service, he enters data on the adhesion test using a special apparatus or the cut-out triangle method. It also records the results of checking the insulation for its thickness. She is measured by thickness gauge or in another way. Also, the results of monitoring the continuity of the material through the use of a spark flaw detector and checking the softening temperature of the bituminous coating are recorded;
  • column 8 indicates the type and design of the thermal insulation coating, and the brand of materials used;
  • column 10 indicates the results of a geodetic survey of pipes;
  • Column 11 is signed by the surveyor of the contracting department, by this he certifies the compliance of the inspection results with the standards and is responsible for the reliability of the control data;
  • Column 12 contains technical supervision comments from the customer and inspectors;
  • in column 13, notes are made on the repair of the insulation and are duplicated in the repair log. Renovated areas must be checked with a special device for continuity;
  • 16 column filled in by the supervisor, he notes the details of the repair in case of defects after backfilling and checking for damage;
  • in column 17 the signature of the quality control officer is put, with which he certifies the results of the checks;
  • Column 18 contains the signature of the contractor, by which he confirms that the records of the working conditions, the materials used and the compliance of the work with the required technologies are correct;
  • Column 19 contains the signature of the customer, with which he confirms the acceptance of work of an insulating and laying nature in a particular area after the elimination of all shortcomings.

List of current documentation for VSN 012 88 (part two)

According to the second part of VSN 012 88, the following list of current documentation is provided:

  • act of geodetic preparation of the route;
  • an act of the results of checking materials for compliance with technical documentation;
  • sheet of admission of welders;
  • a log for checking welded joints by means of physical control methods;
  • journal of registration of mechanical tests and their results of tolerance and control joints;
  • act of backfilling of laid pipes;
  • act of acceptance of the finished trench for laying the key or reserve line of underwater crossings;
  • acceptance certificate electrical equipment for installation;
  • permission to export pipe sections to the route.

Forms of current documentation for VSN 012 88 (second part)

Below we give the forms and content of the current documents that are part of the considered departmental building codes.

Act of geodetic preparation of a route or site

The authors of the document are:

  • surveyor from the general contracting organization;
  • subcontractor surveyors and performers;
  • representative of the client company.

The drafters of the act note the fact of control geodetic center base and perform the following works:

  • linear measurements;
  • angular measurements of rotation angles;
  • leveling between benchmarks;
  • installation of additional signs on the route and the boundaries of the construction strip;
  • rendering of horizontal and elastic bending curves on a PC;
  • breakdown of the picketage along the route;
  • installation of additional benchmarks on a PC;
  • installation of fences around benchmarks and warning signs.
  • The document is signed by the authors listed above.

Tolerance sheet of the welder

The sheet contains the following information:

The act of product inspection results

At the beginning of the document, mark the type of product and its description, as well as the name of the technical documentation to which it must comply.

Representatives construction company, quality control services and the customer company their signatures confirm the fact of inspection of one type or another, which was assigned to a specific project during the construction of the pipeline in the specified section.

Information is noted about checking the marking, the geometric dimensions of the product and the fact that these parameters correspond to the project, indicating its number and drawings. Additionally, information is provided on related documentation, which may be attached along with the act.

Logbook for testing welded joints by physical methods

At the beginning of the journal are the dates of the beginning and end of work, as well as the signature of the head of the quality control service. It also includes the following information:

  • joint numbers according to the magazine or welding scheme, number of the magazine or scheme;
  • codes of the welding team or welder;
  • date and method of control;
  • date of issue of the conclusion on the quality of the connection;
  • conclusion on the suitability of the product;
  • signatures of the radiographer and the head of the quality control service;
  • possible comments from representatives of the control service regarding the quality of the connections;
  • date and signature of responsible persons after elimination of violations and malfunctions.

Journal of registration of the results of mechanical tests of welded joints

Document compiled for the purpose of registration of tests tolerance and control connections by mechanical method. It must indicate the start and end dates of the work.

It should include the following information:

  • justification for mechanical testing of the welded joint;
  • control joint number according to the magazine or coil number;
  • information about the welder-performer, his surname and code;
  • dates of welding and mechanical tests;
  • welding method and position;
  • pipe diameter;
  • the thickness of its walls;
  • information about the supplier plant;
  • grades of steel used and its tensile strength;
  • brand of welding materials;
  • number and date of drawing up the conclusion of checking the quality of connections by means of physical control methods;
  • cross-sectional area;
  • tensile test results and bend angle value;
  • possible defects and places of destruction;
  • signature of a representative of the quality control service;
  • conclusion on the results of mechanical tests;
  • type according to GOST and VSN;
  • initials and signature of the person who conducted the tests.

The act of backfilling the laid pipeline

The act is drawn up by a representative of the customer company and the direct contractor and is a certificate of the fact that the backfilling of the wire is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project and drawings, indicating their numbers, as well as indicating the site of work.

It is indicated that the backfill was made with soil with dimensions that do not exceed the requirements. Also must be certified in the deed. filling the laid wire to protect it from damage, indicating the thickness of the backfill layer.

It should be indicated that the backfill is accepted and made in accordance with all requirements and standards.

The act of acceptance of the finished trench for laying the underwater crossing line

The authors of the document:

The act testifies to the installation of an underwater trench, indicating the array of the work area, the compliance of the work performed with the project and the drawing, indicating its number. Further, the fact of acceptance of the finished trench and its readiness for laying the transition thread is indicated. The act must attach a statement of actual and design marks the bottom of the trench and the axis of the transition thread.

The document is signed by its authors.

Certificate of acceptance of electrical equipment for installation

The act is drawn up and signed by a representative of the customer company and the installation company on the basis of acceptance of electrical equipment for installation on the marked object. An inventory of the handed over and accepted equipment is attached to the act, indicating the places of their subsequent installation.

The description contains the following information:

  • position number;
  • equipment identification;
  • its type and technical characteristics;
  • number of units;
  • equipment installation site.

Permission to transport pipe sections to the route

This document allows you to display links (sections) of pipes with their numbers on the route, while you must specify the name of the object or destination with the location of the pipeline section.

Further, it should be noted that the listed sections were welded from those pipes that corresponded to the design of a certain section, were controlled and accepted, there were no mechanical damages and defects in them.

The document must be signed by a representative of the technical supervision of the customer company.

Clarifications regarding the execution of current documentation

When preparing current documents, the following clarifications should be taken into account:

  • an act in form 3.1 is drawn up only when earthworks are carried out by a subcontractor. If the work is carried out in complex technological flows, this act is not drawn up;
  • during the acceptance of geodetic preparation in areas where underwater technical work is carried out, the corresponding the act must be supplemented with an indication of the presence of an outline of benchmarks indicating points on the ground, it is also necessary to indicate their numbers and types of fencing. In addition, an annex to the act of carrying out underwater technical work draws up a scheme for the actual placement of permanent and temporary benchmarks, at least 2 pieces on each coast;
  • act on backfilling of the laid pipeline should contain information about the division of plots, which are covered with fine soil, and those that were covered with soil of large fractions with preliminary powder.

Contents of the mandatory annex to VSN 012 88 (part 2)

A mandatory annex to the departmental building codes under consideration is a list of forms of executive production documents and intermediate acceptance certificates. This list includes the following papers:

  • the act of fixing the site or route;
  • work permit;
  • list of welders;
  • earthworks log;
  • pile driving log and summary sheet for driven piles;
  • pipe welding magazine;
  • certificate of welding of warranty joints;
  • the act of welding technological holes;
  • conclusion on quality control of welded joints by means of physical methods;
  • conclusion on the results of mechanical tests of welded joints;
  • permission to produce insulation for the pipeline;
  • conclusion on quality control of welded joints by ultrasonic method;
  • journal of insulation-laying and repair work related to insulation;
  • conclusion on the quality of welded joints by means of the electrocontact method;
  • act of acceptance of the laid pipeline covered with ballast;
  • the act of monitoring the continuity of the insulating coating of the pipeline in the backfilled form;
  • an act of assessing the quality of insulation used in the construction of underground sections of the pipeline by means of cathodic polarization;
  • an act of acceptance of the crane unit, the unit for launching and receiving cleaning devices and other assembly units for loading and adjustment;
  • permission to clean the cavity and test the laid pipe section;
  • the act of cleaning the pipe cavity;
  • the act of testing the pipeline for strength, checking for tightness and removing water after the test;
  • permission to conduct stage-by-stage testing of pipelines and some sections;
  • certificate for preliminary testing of pipes and individual sections;
  • an act of intermediate acceptance of the connection sections of the pumping station, compressor station, launching and receiving units for cleaning devices, etc.;
  • the act of laying a protective case at the pipe crossing through the main;
  • an act of intermediate verification of the passage of pipes through the main (railway or road);
  • journal of phased acceptance of the transition under water for laying;
  • permission to lay the pipeline through the water barrier by dragging. Go to document a list of design and actual marks is attached trench bottom along the axis of the pipe transition thread through the barrier before pulling through;
  • the act of checking the laying of pipes in the alignment of the crossing through the water barrier. The statement of laying the pipeline at the crossing through the barrier is attached to the act;
  • act of bank protection and dredging works;
  • the act of intermediate acceptance of the passage of pipes through the barrier;
  • the act of carrying out hidden work during the construction of grounding of various types;
  • the act of performing hidden work during the construction of anode grounding;
  • the act of performing hidden work during the construction of a tread installation;
  • the act of performing hidden work when laying the cable;
  • the act of performing hidden work during the construction of instrumentation;
  • the act of carrying out electrical work during the construction of electrochemical protection devices.

So, we brought to your attention concise and accessible presentation such a document as the second part of VSN 012 88. This will greatly facilitate familiarization with this part of departmental building codes.

1. All acceptance and delivery documentation is entered into the register, including executive production and executive design.

Included in the Executive project documentation includes all working drawings, including plans and profiles of construction sites with the actual position of the pipeline and its elements applied to them. Each drawing must be stamped "To work" and signed by the head construction organization. This means that this drawing is executive. After completing the work according to this drawing, it is signed "completed according to the project" and signed by the head of the construction organization, certified in the prescribed manner. If there are deviations from the project, the actual position of the pipeline and other necessary changes are applied to the working drawing. All changes must be agreed upon by the customer and the design institute, about which signatures must be obtained on the relevant working drawings, agreeing on changes in design decisions. All signatures must be duly certified.

2. Column 1 indicates the serial number of the document.

3. Column 2 indicates the name of the document.

4. Column 3 indicates the number of the document (drawing, act, journal, etc.).

5. Column 4 indicates the organization that compiled the document.

6. Column 5 indicates the number of sheets in the document.

7. Column 6 indicates the page number according to the list.

8. The register is signed by the representative of the contractor (handed over the documentation) and the representative of the customer (accepted the documentation), with a breakdown of the position, full name, date, with certification of signatures with the seal (stamp) of the organization.

(Sample of filling in the register)

executive documentation

No. p / p Title of the document No. of the drawing, act, permit, journal, etc. Organization that created the document Number of sheets List page
Register of executive documentation b/n Geoinform LLC 1-2
b/n Geoinform LLC
Project of work production PPR-031-10 Geoinform LLC 4-123
Input quality control log Geoinform LLC 124-135
General work log Geoinform LLC 136-164
Journal of comments on proposals for the conduct of major repairs Geoinform LLC 165-180
Explanatory note G.0.0019.0038-TSMN-10/GTP-500.001-PZ OJSC "Transfininvest" 1-110 v.1
Technological and design solutions for a linear facility G.0.0019.0038-TSMN-10/GTP-500.001-L OJSC "Transfininvest" 1-23 v.2
Construction organization project G.0.0019.0038-TSMN-10/GTP-500.001-POS OJSC "Transfininvest" 1-99 v.3

Head of VET (OPO)

control (flow) Sidorov N.P. ______________ 10.06.10

(surname, initials) (signature) (date)

Accepted by: M.P.


of the customer (directorate) Head of OKS Petrov A.K.___________________ 10.06.10

(position, full name) (signature) (date)

List of organizations and responsible persons involved in construction

(VSN 012-88 part 2 form 1.1)

1. The list includes persons responsible for the performance of each type of work performed (foremen, foremen and other responsible persons up to the head of the department), as well as persons exercising control over the production of work (workers of quality control services, surveyors and others).

The list must necessarily include all persons whose signatures are available in the work logs and acts.

2. In column 1, the serial number of the organization is entered.

3. Column 2 contains the full name of the organization and its departmental subordination.

4. Column 3 contains the types of work performed by the organization.

5. In column 4, full name, position of the responsible person are entered.

6. In column 5, a sample signature of the responsible person is entered.

7. The list is signed by the heads of the general contractor and subcontractor.

(Sample of filling in the list)


organizations and responsible persons involved

in construction

No. p / p Name of the organization and its departmental subordination Types of work performed (including control) Full name, position of the responsible person Signature example Note
Geoinform LLC Head of the section Pushkin V.K.
Geoinform LLC __ Object: MN "Omsk-Irkutsk" 1 km. Omsk RNU. Omsk LPDS. SMR Foreman Gvozdev R.N.
OAO TsTD "Diascan", Omsk branch, Omsk area __ Object: MN "Omsk-Irkutsk" 1 km. Omsk RNU. Omsk LPDS. Technical Supervision Engineer TN Churkin A.A.
JSC "Transibneft", Omsk regional branch __ Object: MN "Omsk-Irkutsk" 1 km. Omsk RNU. Omsk LPDS. Control Deputy Head of ORNU Kuskov O.G.

Heads of the contract

Organizations Director Petrov I.P. __________________ 10.06.10

(position, full name) (signature)

The act of transferring the section of the oil pipeline by the customer to the manufacturer of works for the production of a major overhaul.

(RD 39-00.147105-015-98 form 1)

1. The date of signing the act is indicated.

2. The positions, surnames, initials of the heads of the operating and contracting organizations signing the act are indicated.

3. It is indicated on which oil pipeline and in which section the work is being carried out.

4. The length of the site where the work is being done is indicated.

5. The act contains a complete list of preparatory work, the implementation of which must be carried out before the transfer of the oil pipeline section to the contractor.

6. It is indicated what documentation on temporary land acquisition was transferred by the customer to the contractor

7. A statement of the intersection of the repaired section of the oil pipeline with communications and technical conditions from the owners of communications, other documentation transferred by the customer to the contractor at his request are indicated.

8. The act is signed by the heads of the customer and the contractor.

(Sample of filling out the act)




We, the undersigned, have drawn up this act on the transfer of the oil pipeline section

MN "Omsk-Irkutsk" with a diameter of 700 mm from 1 km PK 0+ 00 to 1 km PK 0 + 50 with a total length of 0.05 km under overhaul the customer of OAO Transsibneft to the contractor OOO Geoinform for the period from June 10, 2010 to June 30, 2010.

The customer has completed the following preparatory work:

1. The position of the pipeline has been specified.

2. A breakdown of the axes of communications located in the same technical corridor was made.

According to this act, the following documentation was transferred from the customer, OAO Transsibneft, to the contractor, OOO Geoinform:

1. Project for overhaul:

Explanatory note;

Working drawings;

Estimated documentation.

2. Documents on temporary land acquisition:

Certificate No. 736 for the right of ownership of land, perpetual (permanent) use of land issued by OJSC Transsibneft

Decree No. 172-P dated March 31, 1998 of the Head of the District Self-Government of the Omsk District of the Omsk Region on the assignment of land plots occupied by the construction of the Omsk-Irkutsk oil pipeline to the permanent use of OAO Transsibneft

3. List of intersections of the repaired section of the oil pipeline with communications indicating the pickets of intersections and technical conditions from the owners of communications for the performance of work in the intersection area:

Order for the right to carry out work in the security zone of engineering communications.

to "Construction of main and field
pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works

Introduction date 1990-04-01

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises dated March 11, 1990 No. 48.

1. Supplement clause 6.1 (part I) text:

"For main and field pipelines laid in the regions of the Far North, the continuity of the insulation coating by the method of cathodic polarization is not checked until the development and commissioning of a special method of control and the corresponding technological instructions. On these pipelines, it is necessary to control the implementation technological operations for applying insulation in accordance with GOST 25812-83, laying and backfilling of pipelines with mandatory reflection in the log of insulation and laying works in the attached form.

2. When drawing up as-built documentation for the pipelines specified in clause 1:

2.1. Replace in (Part II) form No. 2.14 "Journal of insulation and laying works and repair of insulation" with the attached form No. 2.14a.

Form No. 2.14a

Ministry _________________

Reason: Change No. to

Association, trust ____________

(Part II)

SMU, SU, PMK, KTP and dp.______

Construction ______________

Plot ______________________

An object _____________________


from km _____________ PC ______________

up to km _____________ PC ______________

Start of work ______________ 19 ____

Completion of works ___________ 19 ____

Continuation of Form No. 2.14a

the date

site boundaries,
km, pc

Air temperature, °С


The quality of the insulation corresponds to the project and technical requirements

type (, etc.) t and n

construction (1 ¸ 1, 1 ¸ 2, 2 ¸ 2, etc.)

Adhesive brand (Primer) and brand

insulating tape, number of layers

Brand of wrapping material, number of layers

Information about production control quality of work performed

F., I., O., signature of the responsible executor

F., I., O., signature of the responsible representative of the quality control service

F., I., O., signature of the representative of the technical supervision of the customer

control method

F., I., O., signature of the person responsible for the implementation of operational control

Continuation of Form No. 2.14a

Laying and ballasting

The performed works on laying and ballasting correspond to the technical requirements and the project


Information about the production control of laying the pipeline to design marks

Insulation repair after laying completed

Ballasting area boundaries from km (pc) to km (pc)

Type, weight of ballasting devices, holding capacity of anchor devices

Load step

Full name. responsible person's signature

Full name. signature of the responsible representative of the quality control service

Full name. signature of the technical supervision representative of the customer

design marks of the top of the pipe after laying

actual pipe top marks after laying

completed the check, F., I., O., signature of the surveyor

F., I., O., signature of the responsible executor

F., I., O., signature of the technical supervision representative

2.2. Cancel form No. 2.17 "The act of assessing the quality of insulation of completed underground sections of the pipeline by the method of cathodic polarization."

Deputy Director of VNIIST K.I. Zaitsev

Head of laboratory standardization V.D. Shapiro

Head of Quality Department
construction of pipelines V.F. Chaburkin

Head of Electrochemical Department
protection of pipelines N.P. Glazov

Senior Researcher V.A. Lovachev


Deputy Head of Department
scientific and technological progress
and ecology of the State
gas concern "Gazprom" E.L. Volsky

Chief Engineer
scientific and technical management
Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction of the USSR T.F. Khusnutdinov