Scheduled production formula. The average daily output of one worker formula is an example. In the food industry

  • 22.05.2020

The effectiveness of the use of personnel in the work of the company is characterized by indicators of labor productivity.

Labor productivity is an economic category that expresses the degree of expediency and fruitfulness of the activities of the employees of the enterprise for the production of spiritual and material benefits.

Labor productivity is determined by the amount of time spent by an employee on the production of a unit of output (or on the performance of a certain work) or the amount of output (volume of work) that an employee produced in a certain unit of time (shift, hour, year, quarter).

Labor productivity is determined through a system of indicators of labor intensity and output.

Working out

Output (W) - the actual productivity of labor, in the economy is understood as the quotient of dividing the volume of work performed (output) by the number of employees (labor costs).

W = q / T

Labor intensity

Labor intensity (t) is determined by dividing labor costs (number of employees) by the amount of work (output). Labor intensity indicators characterize labor costs per unit of output (work performed), and output indicators characterize the volume of work performed (product received) per unit of headcount.

t = T / q

Where q is the volume of manufactured products, T is the cost of working time.

Basic coefficients of labor productivity are calculated both separately and on average for the organization.

The production of products and the output at individual work sites and places involved in the production of products are always determined in kind, in the volume of produced units of products.

For example, the volume of certificates issued on average by a telephone operator at the GTS information service per hour, the volume of written correspondence sorted by one sorter per hour. At individual workplaces, the volume of output, as a rule, is normalized - each employee is assigned a separate planned task or a specific output rate.

It is rather difficult to characterize the labor productivity of maintenance workers of various means of communication in terms of production indicators, since they are engaged in the adjustment and elimination of damage, and their work activity often involves only staying at their workplace. Therefore, at this stage, it is important to measure the indicators of labor intensity, that is, the amount of time spent, for example, on eliminating communication interference.

The volume of labor productivity in a communications organization is determined by the indicator of the average amount of output. However, in a communication company it is impossible to know the output in physical terms as a whole, since the company carries out various kinds services and works, so the output is determined in monetary terms- the total volume of the company's products sold will be displayed by the revenue received, therefore, when calculating labor productivity, the indicator of sales revenue is generally used.

The formula for calculating labor productivity is as follows:

PT = O / H

Where O is the amount of work per unit of time, PT is labor productivity and H is the number of employees.

  • Before carrying out calculations, determine the indicators by which the calculation will be carried out: production output or labor intensity.
  • Choose the method by which the volume of labor productivity will be calculated: labor, natural or cost. The natural method is used to calculate the exact amount of output and output produced (in quantity, mass, cubic meters or square meters).

Examples of calculating labor productivity

Consider following examples:

  1. The company, which employs 50 workers, produced 50,000 nails in a month. The output of one worker will be: 1000 pieces of nails / person (50,000 divided by 50).
  2. The company, which employs 50 workers, produces about 30,000 window frames per week. Under such conditions, the output will be calculated as follows: 30,000/50 = 600 window frames (one worker produces per week).

With the labor method, the quantity of products is determined in standard hours, it is not suitable for medium or small businesses, it is used mainly big companies. For example, a turner grinds 0.5 bushings per minute of his shift. In the cost methodology, value expressions are taken as the basis.

Let's give an example: two factories produce products worth 1,000,000 rubles in one day. One factory employs 10 people, the other 40. Calculation: 1,000,000/50 = 20,000 rubles (one factory employee produces products for this amount).

When making calculations, take into account the fact that the volume of labor productivity is a variable value, which depends not only on employees, but also on the head (owner) of the company: what better conditions labor in the enterprise, the higher and more reliable will be the motivation of employees and their productivity.

It is very important to correctly calculate labor productivity for an enterprise, since the work schedule and staffing employees, as well as the cost of products (services), the costs of its production and the final profit of the company.

Labor productivity in accounting

Not only an enterprise economist, but also an accountant can calculate labor productivity. The indicator of labor productivity can also be determined by indirect indicators reflected in the balance sheet. To do this, you must use the following formula:

PT \u003d Vvr / PE

Where PE is the number of personnel, PT is labor productivity, Vvr is the amount of work performed, which is indicated in the balance sheet.

An increase in labor productivity in 100% of cases means a reduction in costs and an increase in the profitability of the company, and also indicates that the company has a competent leader. Productivity growth should not be short-term and sudden, for example, due to sharp increase workload on employees rather gradual and smooth. Labor productivity is directly related to the cost of goods (products, services) - the higher the productivity, the lower the cost and vice versa.

Factors affecting labor productivity

Labor productivity indicators change under the influence of various factors, which may be internal or external to the company.

The following can be distinguished external factors :

  • Political: by decision of the state, capital is accumulated in the hands of a certain circle of high-ranking officials, which leads to a mass unwillingness of the people to work.
  • Natural: in difficult climatic conditions (heat, fog, humidity, cold), the overall productivity of labor is significantly reduced.
  • General economic: tax and credit policy, systems of quotas and licenses, freedom of entrepreneurial activity.

To internal factors relate:

  • Application of modern achievements of science and technology in production.
  • Change in the structure and volume of production.
  • Improving the organization and stimulation of the work of employees.
  • Modernization of the organization of production and management in the company.

How to increase labor productivity

To improve performance, if we are talking about the production of products, the management of the enterprise needs to:

  • Implement automated lines.
  • Don't be sorry financial resources to a new software and training their employees to use the latest technologies.
  • Optimize logistics, because if an employee spends most of his working time on downtime and waiting, then the efficiency of his work will be low.

The right motivation of employees also plays a big role - an employee who has four shifts a week and no additional motivation will produce fewer parts per hour than an employee who has two shifts and additional bonuses from the company:

  • Additional health insurance policy.
  • Holiday awards.
  • Discounted pool membership.

Labor productivity is very difficult to calculate in the activities of managers who are not involved in direct sales or employees who are engaged in the service, maintenance or recruiting industry. To make the work of such employees more efficient, it is necessary to use methods non-material motivation. For example:

  • Attendance by employees of free trainings on effective communications and team building.
  • Praise and recognition of work.
  • Contests, competitions.
  • Motivating meetings.
  • Discounts for services.
  • Congratulations on significant dates.
  • Informing other employees about the achievements of their colleagues.
  • Incentive trips.

Video: how to calculate labor productivity

In order to analyze and predict the productivity of the enterprise, the following indicators are used:

  • Private: display the time it takes to produce a unit of output, or show how many items specific type in kind is produced in a certain unit of time.
  • Generalizing: average daily, average annual, average hourly production of products (goods) per employee. These indicators are calculated by dividing the volume of production in rubles or standard hours by the total number of employees or the entire industrial production staff companies.
  • Auxiliary: give an idea of ​​the employee's time spent on performing a unit of any work or on the total amount of work carried out per unit of time.

The value of output per 1 employee is one of the key production indicators used both for production planning and for evaluating the results of labor and its effectiveness. At the same time, the output per worker can be studied and established different ways and imply different periods - a shift, a month, an hour or other time periods. Knowing the formula for output per 1 worker, you can calculate it quite easily - however, different types of calculations may be required in different types of activities.

Production per 1 employee - what is it

At many enterprises, the most convenient mechanism for distributing tasks among employees is the appointment of a production rate. The production rate is a set of work that an employee must perform under his existing working conditions. At the same time, the mechanisms for assigning production standards can be applied to almost any category of employees, however, the most effective and simple this decision will be if it is applied to workers employed in the production of goods of the same type.

Output per worker, in turn, is an indicator that is used in many calculations - both to determine the productivity of the employee himself, and to determine the potential of the organization or its structural unit to produce the required volumes of goods. Also, the analysis of output per 1 worker per shift can be applied with the aim of subsequent modernization of production - both through technical innovations and by introducing changes in the process of organizing the workplace.

A distinction should be made between output per worker and output per main worker or worker. Thus, output per worker is an indicator applied to all personnel of the enterprise - both directly or indirectly involved in production, and not. This situation also takes into account service staff. By output per main worker is meant the total output per employee directly employed in final process production. The output per worker, on the other hand, provides for the participation in the calculations of precisely the production personnel, but including those indirectly related to production.

Since the concept of output per 1 employee is not regulated by law, there may be various interpretations of it. For example, the output per worker can be applied both to the entire company as a whole and to individual structural divisions or specific employees to calculate their personal and labor productivity.

How to set the output per 1 worker

It should be noted that the output per 1 employee can be used as an indicator used to plan future economic indicators and labor rationing at the enterprise, as well as an indicator determined after the fact based on the results of a certain period. Regardless of the specific situation, the determination of output per worker involves two main steps:

Thus, a specific indicator of output per employee can be obtained - by dividing the accounting period by the norm of time. However, this is only general principle, because in practice, employees rarely engage in exclusively the same type of actions. At the same time, it is possible to set production rates per 1 employee even in professions not related to production.

For some types of activities, legislation establishes approximate production standards. However, they are only recommended for use, and not mandatory - only certain exceptions can be made. state institutions and companies, where the relevant requirements can be fixed by specific regulations and documents.

Output per 1 worker - a formula for more complex situations

The general formula for output per worker described earlier would look like this:

  • V = FV / NV

B - production, PV - total time fund, HB - time norm for one unit of production.

If direct production requires some preparation, then the employer should also take into account the preparatory stage when developing the output rate for 1 employee. The formula in this case looks like this:

  • B \u003d (VS - VP) / HB

Sun - shift time, VP - preparation time, HB - time norm.

In cases where an employee is engaged in solving various tasks during his work, the employer should take into account an additional coefficient in the production rate. For example, you should define the minimum unit of account - the simplest work operation. When determining production rates, one should take into account the amount of time spent on the production of a particular product in relation to the minimum unit of account.

In general, the output per 1 worker is extremely important for HR specialists, because it is on its basis that employees can be attracted to or vice versa encouraged. In addition, this indicator is also used in deeper economic research within the enterprise.

For example, when looking for solutions to optimize labor, because an increase in output per employee will mean an overall increase in the conduct of work activities.

Output is the amount of output produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker for a certain period (hour, shift, month, quarter, year). It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of manufactured products (OP) to the cost of working time for the production of these products (T) or to average headcount workers or workers (H). Let's calculate this indicator in dynamics by years:

Let's calculate this figure by year:

  • 2009: 4241/236 = 19.97 thousand rubles / day
  • 2010: 3986/236 = 16.89 thousand rubles / day
  • 2011: 4193/236 \u003d 17.77 thousand rubles / day

The highest rates were demonstrated in 2009, then there was a decrease by 3.08 thousand rubles/day. By 2011, there is a tendency to increase the output of 0.98 thousand rubles / day, and at the time of the study, the daily output of all employees of the enterprise was 17.77 thousand rubles per day. V = OP/H

This indicator is also calculated in dynamics for three years for ease of comparison:

  • 2009: 4241/28 = 151.5 thousand rubles / person
  • 2001: 3986/26 = 153.3 thousand rubles / person
  • 2011: 4193/31 = 135.3 thousand rubles / person

From the calculations carried out, it can be concluded that the enterprise demonstrated the highest output in 2010, when, with the number of 26 people, the average annual output per employee was 153.3 thousand rubles. In 2011, the number of employees increased by 5 people, but the efficiency of their work decreased by 20 thousand rubles per person per year. This decrease is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff due to poor motivation and deteriorating working conditions. In 2011, the average annual output per employee was only 135.3 thousand rubles.

There are also average hourly, average daily, average monthly, average quarterly and average annual output.

Indicator of average hourly production of products (per hour):

Per hour = OP/T hour

where T hour is the number of man-hours worked.

To calculate this indicator, average data on the volume of production per day by one employee are taken. In most cases, workers work 8 hours. When calculating the hourly output, the composition of the worked man-hours does not include intra-shift downtime, so it most accurately characterizes the level of productivity of living labor. Calculation of average hourly output:

  • 2009: 713/8 = 89.125 rubles/hour
  • 2010: 649.6/8 = 81.2 rubles/hour
  • 2011: 573/8 = 71.6 rubles/hour

Thus, there is an annual decrease in the rate of average hourly output, which is an extremely negative trend.

The indicator of the average daily output (In days) of products reflects the average volume of output produced by one worker in one day worked and is calculated by the formula:

In days \u003d OP / T days

T days - the average number of days worked

This indicator is less accurate than hourly output, since when calculating daily output, all-day downtime and absenteeism are not included in the worked man-days. In this case, the numerator is the annual output of one employee, and the denominator is the average number of working days. Calculation of the indicator:

  • 2009: 151.5 / 236 = 642 rubles.
  • 2010: 153.3 / 236 = 649.6 rubles.
  • 2011: 135.3/236 = 573.3 rubles

It should be noted that in accordance with the decrease in the rate of average hourly output at the enterprise, the average daily output also decreased. This is an extremely negative trend, in 2011 there was a decrease in daily output per employee in the amount of 76.3 rubles. compared to the previous year.

If labor costs are measured by the average number of workers, then they get an indicator of the average monthly (average quarterly, average annual) output, per one average worker (depending on which period of time the volume of production and the number of workers refer to - month, quarter, year) according to formula: V \u003d OP / H

where OP is the volume of production (monthly, quarterly, annual) depending on the type of calculated output,

H - the number of people for a given period.

Calculate the average monthly output:

  • 2009: 353.42 / 28 = 12.62 thousand rubles / person
  • 2010: 332.17 / 26 = 12.78 thousand rubles / person
  • 2011: 349.42 / 31 = 11.27 thousand rubles / person

Thus, we can conclude that the enterprise showed the highest output in 2010, when, with a number of 26 people, the average monthly output per employee was 12.78 thousand rubles. In 2011, the number of employees increased by 5 people, but the efficiency of their work decreased by 11.51 thousand rubles per person per month. As already noted, this decrease is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff due to poor motivation and deteriorating working conditions. In 2011, the average monthly output per employee was only 11.27 thousand rubles.

How to avoid delays in the commissioning of construction projects?

How to control the productivity of builders?

How to increase labor productivity and reduce construction time?

Prolonged construction problems

Sometimes the construction of objects is delayed, the deadlines for commissioning housing are disrupted. It is believed that the main reasons for such situations are the general economic instability in the country, the fall in the solvency of the population, and the decline in industrial production.

However, not everything can be attributed to the economic crisis. The determining factor in the timeliness of the commissioning and commissioning of buildings in many cases is the organization of labor at construction sites. Employment of low-skilled personnel, marriage and poor quality of work, sluggishness of employees of the supply and accounting department, poor control over the execution of work by the heads of the enterprise, heads of facilities and construction sites, incorrect calendar and operational planning, failures in the operation of transport and mechanisms, inefficient labor motivation - and this is not a complete list of the reasons for low labor productivity at construction sites.

And the pace of construction largely determines its cost. This means that labor productivity requires close attention and constant monitoring.

Labor productivity in construction is characterized by such indicators as labor intensity and output per main worker.

Labor productivity indicators in construction

Actual indicators of labor productivity in construction in most cases are calculated in accordance with Form No. 2 - an estimate-act is formed in the Grand Estimate program or in another similar program on the basis of the Acceptance Certificate for the work performed (compiled by site managers).

The act is internal document organization and can be drawn up in free form. The main thing is that it contains all the information about the implementation of a certain stage of work in kind at a specific facility.

The act is checked and approved by the representatives of the department capital construction(technical supervision).

The act is drawn up for each construction site at the end of the reporting period after the completion of a certain stage of construction and installation works (each site performs a certain type of general construction work). Approximate list of sites:

  • finishing works;
  • masonry work;
  • electrical work;
  • low current works;
  • electrical repair work;
  • special works and gas cutting;
  • plumbing work and installation of plumbing systems;
  • installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • installation and manufacture of metal structures;
  • monolithic works, etc.

Labor intensity: we calculate and analyze

The estimates-acts formed by the estimate department on the basis of acts of acceptance of the work performed at construction sites indicate the amount of work performed in kind and value terms, taking into account the estimated standard cost of a unit of work, overhead costs and estimated profit.

In the upper field of the generated documents, the total estimated and normative labor intensity of construction and installation work is indicated (labor costs for the entire volume of completed construction and installation activities under the act).

The estimate itself indicates the estimated and normative labor intensity (labor costs) of the work performed in the context of operations, types and subtypes of work for each unit of work (column 15) and for the volume performed (column 8). Of these, the total labor intensity of the work performed specified in the act is formed.

To analyze labor productivity construction organization mainly data on the total labor intensity of work and the cost of work performed under the act are used.

This is due to the fact that during construction, many types and subtypes of work are performed, which, among other things, are also divided into operations. In addition, the units of measure for the volume of work can be different (square, cubic and linear meters, tons and kilograms, pieces, etc.). Therefore, it is quite laborious to analyze the labor intensity by operations, subtypes and types of work.

However, if the construction schedule is significantly disrupted and the backlog is growing, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause and / or those responsible. In this case, it will be necessary not only to analyze the indicators of actual labor intensity for most of the nomenclature positions of construction and installation works, but also to conduct timing and photography of working time directly at the workplace.

Timing will also allow you to find out how the estimated norms of labor intensity correspond to real and optimal labor costs.

Labor intensity of construction and installation works- this is the amount of labor per unit or amount of work in man-hours, man-days, etc.

The amount of labor costs for the volume of construction and installation works(TZO) is calculated as the sum of the working time spent on the production of this type of work by each employee of the site (team, organization):

TSO \u003d B 1 + B 2 + B 3 + ... + B n ,

where B 1 is the time worked by the first main worker, etc.

For example, in a team of monolithic workers - 20 people. Each of them worked in August for 184 hours on pouring floor slabs (according to timesheets). The actual labor costs for the amount of work or the labor intensity of work on the installation of floor slabs amounted to:

184 h × 20 people = 3680 man-hours

Estimated and normative labor intensity determined according to the State elemental estimated norms for construction work, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia in 2001

UESN are used to calculate the need for various resources (labor costs of construction workers, machinists, operating time of construction machines and mechanisms, material resources) when performing construction and installation works and for drawing up on their basis cost estimates (estimates) for the performance of these works by resource and resource-index methods.

In our example, the estimated and normative labor intensity consists of the sum of labor costs for positions 43, 44, 52, 54, 56, 58 gr. 15 estimates and is 2696 man-hours.

Let's determine how much higher the actual labor costs are than the estimated normative:

3360 man-hours - 2696 man-hours = 664 man-hours

Now let's figure out what the reason is, and try to eliminate it.

It would seem that it is easy to calculate the actual labor input and carry out its elementary analysis. However, not all so simple. And first of all, because from the available documents (acceptance certificate for construction and installation work and estimate certificate) it is impossible to single out either the volume or labor intensity of work in progress of past periods completed and executed by an acceptance certificate in the reporting period. That is, the above calculation of the actual labor intensity may be completely wrong if at the beginning of the reporting period there was a “work in progress”.

How to solve this problem?

Construction site managers are required to keep production logs and note in them the date of commencement of the work stage. In addition, the logs should keep records of the daily performance of the shift task in physical terms in the context of the work performed with distribution to the site personnel (who, when and where did what work).

Thus, on the basis of the log data, it is possible to determine the actual complexity of performing a particular stage of work. The period of work performance before the date of acceptance and closing, taking into account the "incompletion" of previous periods, must be indicated in the internal act of acceptance of construction and installation works:

Thus, the calculation and analysis of the actual labor intensity of the work will look different.

Actual labor intensity - 4168 man-hours.

The total excess of actual labor costs over estimated and standard labor costs:

4168 man-hours - 2696 man-hours = 1472 man-hours, or 54.5%. This size of deviation requires serious analysis.


Labor costs for the production of work on the installation of floor slabs are more than the estimated and normative labor intensity by 1472 man-hours. This means that the deadline for commissioning the object only due to the increase in labor costs for the construction of floor slabs has moved forward by:

1472 people-h / 20 people = 73.6 hours, i.e. more than 9 average shifts of 8 hours or more than 6 shifts of 12 hours.

Shifted deadlines for the delivery of monolithic works - this is a delay in the performance of masonry, finishing, roofing and installation internal networks home and other jobs. We need to find out the reason.

First of all, the operation of the concrete pump and the quality of the concrete mix can affect the magnitude of the labor intensity of monolithic works, in particular:

1. The composition of the concrete mixture.

2. Diameter of the concrete pipe.

3. Operational power of the concrete pump.

4. The length of the concrete pipeline, the floor of the object under construction.

5. Weather conditions (low air temperature).

6. Concrete pumping system.

7. The number of bends in the pipes of the concrete pipeline.

8. Quality of installation of all concrete pump systems.

9. Violation of the operating conditions of the concrete pump.

The reason for the increase in labor intensity may also be longer than the estimated standards, the necessary technological breaks: the beginning and end of the shift, breaks in the delivery of concrete, lifting and transferring reinforcement to the place of laying, checking and cleaning the formwork, etc. This is where timing data and photos of the working day of the site of monolithic works.

If the reason for technological breaks is recognized as objective, and their duration is justified, this should be taken into account when analyzing labor intensity.

The reason for the increase in the complexity of all types of construction and installation works can be:

Low qualification of workers and engineers;

Inefficient system of labor motivation;

Low level of labor and production discipline of workers at the construction site;

  • downtime caused by lack of materials due to malfunction of machines and mechanisms, irregular work of the supply department;
  • poor organization of construction and installation works, lack of effective planning and control;
  • staff turnover;
  • lack of elementary mechanization of construction works or its low level (the main workers at the facility must be provided with modern mechanized construction tools);
  • weather conditions (low air temperature significantly slows down the pace of construction);
  • weak technical equipment and the use of outdated technologies.

Using this method calculating the labor intensity of work, it may be difficult to attribute the data on the worked man-hours recorded by the time sheet of the site to one or another act of acceptance of work performed, if several acts are closed for the site per month and the work performed of a different nature is carried out during the month almost in parallel .

In order not to complicate the task and not to carry out unnecessary calculations, it is possible to analyze the amount of labor intensity of work for several acts of acceptance of completed construction and installation works for the reporting period.

Working out

One of the most important indicators labor productivity in construction is production- completed for a certain period (hour, day, month, quarter, year) the volume of construction and installation work per one main worker. This is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

Production in construction can be determined in physical and cost terms. In practice, to analyze labor productivity, the most commonly used indicator is production in value terms, based on the total volume of construction and installation works according to the estimate-act of acceptance of work performed.

In general, according to the results of the work of the site and the construction object, the output is determined by the sum of all acts of acceptance of the work performed.

To determine the output per worker or per man-hour in value terms, it is necessary to divide the volume of construction and installation work by the number of key personnel who performed these works, or by the number of man-hours worked.

By using comparative analysis normative and actual performance indicators, you can determine how productively a particular section or team worked, find out the reasons for low labor productivity and take measures to reduce construction time.

Consider an example of calculating planned and actual output and the procedure for its analysis.

Standard yield calculation formula:

V \u003d O / H sr / cn,

where B is the output;

O - the amount of work performed;

H sr / cn - average number.

That is, to calculate the output per employee, you need to know the number of employees. The standard formula for calculating the output includes the average headcount, by which the volume of completed construction and installation work should be divided.

However, one of the features of construction is a high level of staff turnover due to difficult working conditions and a low level of wages.

In addition, if construction company builds several objects at the same time, it can "transfer" workers from one object to another (to meet deadlines).

It is necessary to take into account frequent absenteeism, drunkenness, injuries - all this is far from uncommon in our construction.

Therefore, the calculation of output, taking into account the average number of construction sites and the construction organization as a whole, will not give the correct result.

How to correctly determine output?

In any construction organization, the output of workers should be taken into account in the time sheets and in production journals. Based on these data, it is possible to compile a daily summary of the output of construction workers to construction sites in the context of construction sites. And when calculating the number to determine the output, use the average daily number of workers.

Consider the differences in the results of calculating the average payroll and average daily headcount in a construction organization.

The average headcount is calculated as follows:

H cf / cn = (Number at the beginning of the period + Number at the end of the period) / 2.

Calculation of the average number - in table. 1-3.

Table 1

Calculation of the average headcount for sites and facilities as of 08/01/2016

Day of the month


Finishing area

Site of masonry work

Area of ​​low current works

Plumbing area

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

table 2

Number as of 31.08.2016

Day of the month

Site name

Finishing area

Site of masonry work

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 3

Average headcount


Site name

Average headcount for August

Finishing area

Site of masonry work

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 4

Calculation of the average daily population


Site name

Total average daily population for two objects

In total, the average daily number of the object on the street. Zhuravleva, 46

In total, the average daily number of the object on the street. Pankrashchenko, 44

Finishing area

Site of masonry work

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 5

Deviation of the actual average daily number from the average number


Site name

Deviation for two objects

Deviation on the object on the street. Zhuravleva, 46

Deviation on the object on the street. Pankrashchenko, 44

Finishing area

Site of masonry work

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total Deviation


The average number of the construction organization in August is more than the estimated average daily number of actual output by 34 people. This suggests that the calculation of output by the average headcount will be incorrect.

Let us calculate the actual and estimated normative output per one operating section of monolithic works according to the number of actual output and the estimate-act of completed monolithic works on the facility at Pankrashchenko Street, 44 per month.

Actual output = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 17 people = 17,913.34 rubles/person

Let's define the estimated-normative output (B norms) per hour:

In norms \u003d TZO norms / P months,

where П months is the duration of the period in hours.

Normal = 2696 person-hours / 184 hours = 14.65 people.

184 hours - working time standard in August 2016

Hence B norms per month = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 14.65 people = 20,786.8 rubles/person

So, the actual output for the month is lower than the estimated normative by 2873.46 rubles per person, or by 13.8%. Possible reasons for this situation are listed above.


When calculating actual output, work in progress of the previous period closed in the reporting month may not be taken into account. Such an analysis will not reveal a discrepancy between the estimated normative and actual output per one worker based on the average payroll or average daily number for the full period of work, taking into account the "incompletion".

In this case, the output per person per day should be calculated, since the number of days in the presence of work in progress at the beginning of the reporting period and their closure in the reporting period will be greater than if there was no work in progress.

First, we determine the actual output per worker per day:

RUB 3,045,206.8 / 17 people / 31 working days (from July 22, 2016 to August 31, 2016) = 5778.38 rubles / person in a day.

Normative production per day:

RUB 3,045,206.8 / 14.65 people / 23 working days in August 2016 = 9037.56 rubles / person in a day.

As you can see, the actual output is one man-day lower than the estimated normative by 3259.18 rubles / person, or 36%.

To control labor productivity, you can calculate the actual (In h / fact) and standard (In h / norms) output per person-hour:

In h / fact \u003d O / TSO fact,

In h / norms \u003d O / TZO norms.

This indicator will be correct if there are work in progress at the beginning of the reporting month, included in the act of completion of the reporting month.

In our example:

RF / fact = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 4168 person-hours = 730.62 rubles / person-hours

HF / norms = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 2696 person-hours = 1129.53 rubles / person-hours

As you can see, the actual output per man-hour is lower than the estimated normative by 398.91 rubles / person, or by 35.3%, i.e., more than a third.

The discrepancy between the actual production and the estimated and normative one indicates a high probability that the deadlines for putting the facility into operation will be disrupted, unless, of course, timely effective measures are taken to increase labor productivity.


Calculations have shown that to control labor productivity in construction, it is advisable to use three indicators:

  • labor intensity of work in man-hours (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared and in dynamics);
  • output per person per day (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared and in dynamics);
  • output per man-hour (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared in dynamics).

Missed deadlines for commissioning an object can be fraught with a significant increase in the cost of maintaining the object (lighting, heating, security, remuneration of management and other personnel, interest on loans, etc.). In addition, long-term construction has a negative impact on the image of the enterprise.

To comply with construction schedules and calendar plans, it is necessary to identify weak links in time in common process construction. A good tool for solving this problem is the control of labor productivity, but only on condition that all indicators are calculated correctly.

L. I. Kiyutsen,
Head of PEO LLC "Corporation Mayak"

The daily rate of output helps to improve labor productivity, increase the amount of profit received by the enterprise and reduce costs. Moreover, the type of organization is not important: production, warehouse complex or construction teams.

Typical optimization of the workflow of each department is one of the key points efficient operation of the company as a whole. Failure specifications leads to lower wages for piecework. How to calculate the completion rate or percentage of overfulfillment, how many hours per month or per year are spent on the production of a unit of output.

To study issues related to the establishment of the workflow, it is customary to use certain terms.

labor standards

A specific task that an employee (or team) must complete for the allotted working time, is called the labor norm (NTr). As stated in the second article of the Labor Code, each employee is obliged to comply with this norm.

NTr can be individual and collective. In the second case, general works calculated for a group of employees united in a single team, for example, this applies to:

  • brigades;
  • production sites;
  • departments;
  • workshops.

NTr can be specified in employment contracts, but are determined by the planning departments of enterprises. If the employer has decided to change labor standards, then he is obliged to notify employees of this no later than 1 month in advance, according to article 103 part 2 of the Labor Code.

Important! Violation of this rule leads to the cancellation of the introduced changes, and the calculation of wages must be made at the old rates.

Labor legislation obliges the employer to provide employees with appropriate conditions that will allow them to fulfill the relevant NTr, namely:

  1. Provide serviceable equipment and fixtures necessary for work.
  2. Ensure timely access to up-to-date technical documentation.
  3. Deliver on time the materials and tools needed to complete the plan, of acceptable quality.
  4. Monitor the uninterrupted supply of electricity, gas, and other energy sources.
  5. Comply with the rules of technical safety at the enterprise. This includes requirements for lighting, space heating, ventilation, elimination of harmful factors (vibration, radiation).

It should be noted that with the improvement of working methods, the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, NTr can be revised. At the same time, if an employee or a team was able to independently achieve increased output through the use of new production methods or self-improvement of jobs, then there is no reason to increase NTr.

Norm of time

The period of time required to create one unit of production, to perform one or more specific work operations, is called the norm of time (NVR).

When calculating this parameter, the subject of development is considered(object produced by worker) as:

  • one detail;
  • one item;
  • one production operation;
  • one cycle of production operations;
  • one type of service.

For a more accurate determination of NVR, a clear timing of each operation should be used. while complying with all technological standards.

Formula for calculating the norm of time:

НВр = Вр_пз + Вр_з + Вр_rev + Вр_exc + Вр_pt
Вр_пз - preparation for the workflow;
Вр_з - main time;
Vr_ob - the period of care for the workplace;
Vr_otl - time for personal needs;
Time_pt - technological breaks.

Production rate

The number of products, operations, services performed per unit of working time is called the production rate (Nvyr). The time interval is selected depending on the characteristics of the enterprise. This can be the duration of the shift (for example, 8 or 12 hours), one working hour, and any others.

It is customary to indicate the Nvyr parameter in units specific to the industry: the number of products, liters of products, tons of goods, etc.

To determine the production rate, use the formula:

Нvyr \u003d Vr_cm x H / Hvr
Вр_см – shift duration;
H is the number of the team;
Hvr - the norm of time per unit of production, operation.

The production rate is an appropriate coefficient when it comes to constant work of the same type. For example, laying parquet, painting, etc.

population rate

Attention! The number of workers of a certain qualification, necessary for the implementation of a cycle of production or other volumes of work, is called the number norm (NChis).

Calculated according to the general formula:

NChis \u003d HBr x V / Vr_cm
НВр - the norm of time per unit of production or a cycle of operations;
B - the planned amount of work for the shift;
Vr_sm - the duration of one shift.

The parameter helps to estimate labor costs for a number of professions, specialties, individual cycles of operations throughout the enterprise or for its individual divisions (sections, workshops, etc.).

Service rate

The number of objects that an employee (a group of employees) is able to serve during one time unit (shift, hour) is called the service rate (NOb).

The calculation can be made if the norm of time (НВр) is known:

  • NOB \u003d Vr_cm x K / HBr
    Вр_см - duration of the considered time interval;
  • K - the degree of use of working time, expressed by the coefficient;
  • Nvr - service time.

Calculations are useful for evaluating the activities of repairmen, service personnel, warehouse workers, etc.

Normalized task

The amount of work that an employee or team must complete in a certain period of time is called a normalized task (NZd). Similar to the output rate (NVr), this parameter determines the estimated result of the actions of an employee or a joint group for a specific time, being essentially a more general case.

Units of measurement can be both standard hours and standard rubles. NZD should take into account the qualifications of a particular specialist, the characteristics of working conditions, the degree of harmfulness and other points.

Groups of workers should be distinguished according to the actions they perform:

  • the same cycle of work at a permanent place;
  • various work performed;
  • work carried out at different sites or objects.

The first group includes, for example, conveyor workers, their NZD is determined according to the specifics of the norms of pieceworkers.

For reference. The second type of employees is engaged, for example, in various repair or adjustment work within the enterprise. NZD must be consistent with the schedule or plan of technical measures of the manufacturing enterprise.

The third group, whose activities may be related to traveling, is supplied with individual NZD, for example, this may be an application for a car repair or maintenance.

Formula per worker

Calculation of NVR per person will allow you to optimally organize the workflow of the entire team. On the large enterprises This is done by specialist timekeepers. On small production sites and other enterprises, the calculations fall on the shoulders of the heads of production.

Without NVR it is impossible to predict the output of products, which can cause a delay in the estimated delivery time, and as a result, penalties from the customer. As an example, you can use the formula Nvyr = Vr_cm x H / Nvr, where N (number of employees) will be equal to one.

If automated equipment is used in production, then a different formula should be used.

Nvyr \u003d Nvyr_ter * Kpv
Нvyr_ter – theoretical value of the indicator;
Kpv - useful factor for one change of time;

And for large mass production, you can apply the following rule:

HVr = Vr_cm / Vr_unit
Вр_см – shift duration;
Vr_ed - the period for which one product is created.

These Nvyr calculations are made every quarter in the planning and economic department of the enterprise.

Examples for different types of activities

Different industries are characterized individual features, which must be taken into account when analyzing production processes.

In agriculture

NVR are characterized by features of time periods (seasons) for field work , as well as the climate features of the area, the availability of mechanization at the enterprise, the amount of land on which agricultural activities should be carried out.

To study the process and calculate HVr, they resort to photo timing, this is the actual fixation of the working day with the participation of photo or video equipment, further analysis of the data obtained to obtain an objective picture.

In the food industry

Features in the definition of NVp are considered to be the calculation of the balance between the capabilities of production lines and manual operations.

Important! Reducing the manipulations carried out directly by employees to the necessary minimum greatly increases the production rate. However, the complexity of the mechanisms does not eliminate the need for maintenance and adjustment of equipment, therefore, the NVr of repair teams should be optimized.

In construction

Highly specialized work is easier to calculate, but it is necessary to proceed from the qualifications of craftsmen or teams. The average value is 1 cu. m. per hour.

Also, the design complexity and requirements for SNiP II-22-81 affect the NVr.
It is believed that about 20% of the duration of the entire work shift of a bricklayer is preparatory work and cleaning at the end of the day.

Loading and unloading operations

Performance given type work depends on the type of equipment, the qualifications of the driver, the features of the working premises. The calculations made regarding road construction work also take into account the volume of buckets and the average speed of the equipment according to various types objects (flat area, rough terrain)

Up and down factors

An increase or decrease in labor productivity can be associated with both human factor, as well as with the features of the operation of equipment.

For example, the wear and tear of even high-tech equipment will cause more frequent breakdowns and longer repair work, the same will happen when using low-quality machines and production lines.

Re-equipment with modern types of equipment leads, as a rule, to an improvement in labor productivity at the enterprise, but this will not happen overnight. Staff will be forced to retrain to work on more modern machines, therefore, Nvyr should be increased step by step.

Proper planning and organization of the workflow also affect the value of production rates. Constant downtime associated, for example, with the poor performance of the supply departments, will negatively affect the work of the entire enterprise as a whole, as well as the purchase, for example, of materials of inadequate quality.

Training and retraining of employees - important factor practical and psychological impact on Nvyr. The employee receives skills that are useful for work, at the same time he feels like a valuable member of the team, which motivates him to further optimize the functions performed.

Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption during the operation of cars and other types of equipment is one of the key parameters affecting the profitability of production. The main factors determining the consumption:

  • engine's type;
  • the degree of deterioration of the engine;
  • weight without load;
  • the weight of the transported cargo;
  • average speed of movement;
  • fuel theft.
Attention! The need to maintain the good condition of the fleet is the basis for saving on spare parts and fuel. European cargo carriers have long reduced the life of vehicles to 3-4 years, after which they are written off. Further costs for both fuel and spare parts make the costs too high.

It is possible to improve performance with the introduction of monitoring equipment. These are devices that allow you to prevent unauthorized draining of fuel, track the position of the car (or other equipment).

It is also necessary to find the optimal speed of movement on roads (or objects), which, on the one hand, will allow the equipment to perform its functions normally and on time, on the other hand, it will prevent unreasonably high consumption.


It is impossible to imagine the work of even a small enterprise without a planning department, in one form or another.

Important! The production rate is one of the most important planning parameters; the size of the profit of any company depends on it. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to increase production rates in accordance with the development of the enterprise, optimizing the number of employees, introducing new technologies and methods of organizing labor.