How to calculate how much will come for a field exit. Daily work schedule: rest, payment, subtleties of the organization. What designations to put in the report card: numeric or alphabetic

  • 12.10.2020

The issue of engaging military personnel to work outside the limits established by the Constitution Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts countries, including those regulating the life and activities of a serviceman, as a matter of course in military units is not even discussed. Service time, smoothly passing from day to day, often including weekends and holidays, has become the norm in military units. And this applies not only to units of constant combat readiness. But who can imagine that commanders who attract officers, other categories of military personnel under the contract for execution official duties in excess of the established length of weekly service time - often abuse their rights, grossly violate the rights of the servicemen themselves.
Violations begin with the absence in most units, as practice shows, of the corresponding Service Time Log, which, in excess of the established one, the serviceman spent on resolving issues of military service due to the need or whim of the father commanders. The obligation to keep such a journal and its form are prescribed in the Regulations on the procedure for military service (Appendix 2). The same procedure for accounting for service time requires contracted servicemen to confirm by signature the correctness of keeping accounting records. No magazine, no signatures - it means that the serviceman was not involved in the performance of military service duties in excess of the established norm of weekly duty time, or did not participate in events held without limiting the total duration of weekly duty time, and, therefore, does not have the right to demand additional days of rest, leave etc.

As for the abuses of the command in terms of attracting or, more precisely, forcing military personnel to stay longer in the service than established by the official time regulations (daily schedule), we can say the following: the involvement of military personnel, like any other employees, in work, performance of official duties overtime can be episodic but not regular! Not a single law gives the commander the right to use a soldier in peacetime at his own discretion for as long as he likes. The limitation on the commander's rights is confirmed, among other things, by the limited number of days of rest provided to military personnel under the contract as compensation for overtime activities.

In the process of judicial protection of the rights of a serviceman for personal time, granting additional rest time, the court evaluates the available appropriate evidence in the case - the presence of the Service Time Log and its contents. If a serviceman is not interested in his rights and he does not require keeping records, does not control the correctness of filling it out, then a miracle and intercession should not be expected from the court. As a rule, in the absence of written evidence of the involvement of a serviceman in the performance of duties in excess of the established weekly duty time norm, applications (complaints) should be denied. This, theoretically, should have spurred commanders of all levels to restore order in this matter and protect the rights of subordinates. But, as practice shows, the interests of subordinates for many, many bosses are far from being in the first places.
And as a confirmation of the foregoing, I cite the text of the Procedure for recording official time.

Appendix No. 2
to the regulation
military service

1. Accounting for the time of engagement of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract to perform military service duties on working days in excess of the established duration of weekly service time (hereinafter referred to as overtime) and separately accounting for the involvement of these military personnel in military service duties on weekends and holidays(in hours), as well as accounting (in days) of additional days of rest provided to them in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 11 federal law"On the status of military personnel" and the rest time provided to them (in hours) is kept by the unit commander in a journal.
2. The form and procedure for keeping a journal are established by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.
The correctness of the entries in the journal is confirmed weekly by the signature of the serviceman.
3. When the total overtime time (the total time for performing official and special duties on weekends or holidays, taking into account the time required for a serviceman to arrive at his place of service from his place of residence and back) reaches the amount of daily time established by the official time regulations for performance official duties, a serviceman undergoing military service under a contract, at his request, is provided with additional days of rest on other days of the week or they are added to the main vacation.
Additional days of rest in the amount of not more than 30, added to the vacation, are not included in the duration of the main vacation.
4. Information on the number of additional days of rest added to the main leave is submitted by the unit commander to the headquarters of the military unit (personnel body).
5. The time of involvement of a military serviceman who is doing military service under a contract to events held without limiting the total duration of weekly service time is taken into account in days. For every three days of involvement in these events, the specified serviceman is provided with two days of rest, established by paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen" (based on the distribution of service time and rest time in one day - 8 hours and 12 hours). Rest time, compensating for participation in these events, is provided to a serviceman undergoing military service under a contract, as a rule, at the end of these events, taking into account the need to maintain the combat readiness of the unit and the interests of the service.
6. Servicemen (including conscripted servicemen) who participated in the campaigns of ships (vessels, submarines), long-range flights of aircraft, space flights, or who performed special tasks for more than one month to restore constitutional order, who took part in the implementation measures of a state of emergency, in the aftermath of natural disasters and other emergencies, instead of additional days of rest for medical and psychological rehabilitation and restoration of health, rest for up to 30 days (rehabilitation leave) can be organized.

The quality of work of any security company largely depends on the number of employees: if it is not enough, then there is no need to talk about the competitiveness of the organization and an impeccable reputation in the eyes of customers. How to calculate the number of employees needed to effectively perform the required amount of work, given that the guards are people, and sometimes they go on vacation, sometimes they get sick, and sometimes they urgently ask for days at their own expense to take their wife to the hospital? How to determine whether the company's human resources are enough to ensure the protection of another large object - or, in order not to lose a customer, it is necessary to urgently expand the staff? And how to avoid possible troubles with the labor inspectorate, which employees love to turn to in cases where it seems to them that they are working too hard?

Days on duty

The main objectives of the protection of the object are, firstly, providing intra-object and access modes, and Secondly, ensuring the safety of property. And the number of “man-units” required to perform these tasks depends primarily on the number of posts and the mode of their operation (daily activity), the length of the perimeter of the facility, the regime for protecting the territory, and also on the duties assigned to security by the customer of services.

To ensure the access and intra-object regime, the main data for calculating the number of employees required for the organization of security posts are:

The number of entrances / exits to the building and the time of their activity per day (round-the-clock activity or the need to fast at the agreed hours depends on the mode of operation of people at the protected facility). As a rule, one security officer is enough to control each of the active entrances.

The number of transport checkpoints (road or rail) and the time of their activity in hours per day. According to the basic requirements for the protection of objects in the city of Moscow, in order to properly ensure control at the transport (taking into account a thorough check of incoming and outgoing vehicles and the execution of relevant documents), two security officers must be on duty at such posts.

The number of active turnstiles at the checkpoint for the passage of people (checkpoints) and the time of their activity in hours per day. To control the flow of people through each turnstile, one security officer is enough, in addition, if there are several turnstiles, and the human flow is active (for example, the entrance of an enterprise), a senior squad is also needed who will deal with "emergency situations" (employees, those who lost their passes, "non-bearers", emerging conflicts, etc.).

The length of the perimeter fence of the protected area, not equipped with technical means of protection. To organize patrols, at least one security officer is required for every 1,500 meters of the perimeter during the daytime, and for every 1,000 meters at night.

Limits of the norm

The time of continuous stay of an employee at a post should not exceed 6 hours at internal posts and 4 hours at external posts, w The total duration of a security officer’s stay at a post with a daily duty schedule should be at least 18 and not more than 20; with a semi-daily (12-hour) schedule - not less than 8 and not more than 10 hours. While on duty, a security officer should be given time to eat, the duration of which is 2 hours for a 24-hour schedule, and 1.5 hours for a 12-hour schedule.

When patrolling, the length of the patrol route is, as a rule, 8.8 km for a patrol by car; 3-5 km for motorbike or bicycle patrol. The length of the route for foot patrols is up to 1.5 km during the day, up to 1 km at night (for facilities equipped with engineering and technical security equipment, during the day - up to 2 km, at night - up to 1.5). Duration of continuous service by patrols at an air temperature of minus 20°C and below, in the absence of an insulated shelter, and at +35°C should not exceed two hours.

Working two shifts in a row is strictly prohibited and may cost legal entity in an amount ranging from three hundred to five hundred minimum dimensions wages or lead to a stoppage of activities for up to 90 days

In addition, to enhance the protection of property in the interior, at the request of the customer, single stationary posts can be set up to protect especially important areas or provide access control, and internal patrols of the territory can be organized.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each of the employees guarding the facility must be replaced at the time of eating (in the case of daily duty - for an hour in the first and second half of the shift), which leads to the need to introduce such a unit as a replacement guard. He will be able to replace no more than 11 people per day (taking into account the fact that he himself will need two hours to rest), and a shift supervisor or a senior security officer of the facility will be required to manage security officers directly at the facility.

Let's consider the situation with an example.

So, when protecting the territory of an enterprise operating in three shifts (round the clock), with two main entrances to the plant management building (active time from 8.00 to 20.00, at night the objects are protected by technical means); entry and exit of vehicles through two transport checkpoints operating around the clock; checkpoint with three turnstiles operating around the clock, with a length of 4.4 km of an unequipped TCO of the outer perimeter, two daytime (from 08.00 to 20.00) and two round-the-clock stationary posts for protecting equipment on the territory of the plant, as well as the need to organize internal patrols at night along the route with a length of 2 km.

We see that the number of employees on daily duty will be 4+(3+1) + 3 + 2=13 people; for 12-hour daytime duty -2+2 = 4 people; for a 12-hour night watch, 2 more. In addition, two additional officers will be required to reinforce the outer perimeter patrol at night. With so many security guards deployed at the site, two replacement guards would be required to ensure they had the opportunity to rest. Taking into account the senior guard, the total number of employees is 24 people. Combining day shifts (factory control checkpoints and day stationary posts) and night shifts (internal patrols and increased external patrols), we end up with 20 people working full time - the absolute minimum necessary to effectively protect this enterprise during the day.

When calculating for longer periods, another math is used.

All year round five to one post

Employee working week Labor Code should not exceed 40 hours, weeks in a year - 52. Excluding holidays annual rate working time of one employee is on average 1980 - 1995 hours (in 2009 - 1987 hours), while the duration overtime cannot exceed 120 hours per year. That is, the absolute maximum that can be "loaded" on one security guard, without conflicting with the law, is 2107 hours.

One round-the-clock post must be guarded for 8760 hours (365 days a year, 24 hours a day). It would seem that by dividing the annual working time fund into working time norms, as a result we will get the required number of employees: 4.4 security guards in the event that the company strictly observes the Labor Code or is not ready to pay overtime to its employees; and 4.15 - if the guards work out the allowable maximum.

This method of calculation is used by many managers - and they risk getting a lot of problems in the future, ranging from a banal shortage of employees and "processing" of personnel to labor inspections and appeals to the court of employees complaining about violations of labor laws and demanding compensation for material damage.

First, during daily duty working time employee is not equal to 24 hours. From it, you should subtract the time for eating and resting (at least two hours). During this time, the employee must be provided with an official replacement: if the security guard cannot leave his workplace for the rest room during lunch and is forced to combine food with work, then he may demand payment for lunch hours as workers - not to mention the obvious labor law violations. Thus, four people working on a shift schedule, for example, a day after three, can no longer cope with the full-fledged protection of the post - a replacement employee is also required.

Price of small things: 55 thousand rubles - for briefing and lunch breaks

One of the employees of the educational colony sued the employer, demanding to pay overtime work: for a year and a half he worked according to the schedule day after two (the schedule was strengthened “for a while new year holidays» without the written consent of the employees, and remained so after the holidays). The plaintiff pointed out that over a year and a half, processing amounted to 160 shifts, and in addition, during the shift there were no breaks for lunch and rest due to the absence of a shift worker.

The employer did not agree with the claim, indicating that, taking into account the time off provided for processing, the duration of work for the accounting period (year) was not exceeded. Nevertheless, the employee proved that with the 21-hour shift indicated in the timesheet, he actually worked for 24 hours (he was obliged to attend the briefing, ate at the workplace, and did not have the opportunity to rest. There was no room for rest in the building). The employer tried to convince the court that the duty officer was replacing the employee during the meal. Because in job description duty officer did not spell out the need to replace other employees and no notes were made about this, the court considered that the requirements former employee the colony must be satisfied. According to court estimates, processing only due to the briefing time and lack of time for rest amounted to more than 400 hours, and the total amount paid to the employee by court decision was about 45 thousand rubles. In addition, the court estimated the moral damage caused to the employee at 10 thousand rubles.

It must also be taken into account that the time of the post is not equal to the time the guards are present on it. Daily briefing before taking up duty or when summing up the work of the shift is included in the working hours of each of the employees who are required to be present at the post. For example, if the daily shift starts and ends at 8 am, but the employee must appear 15 minutes before it starts - and leaves workplace at 8.15, then this additional half hour must also be recorded by the employer as working time.

Thus, the annual working time fund increases by 0.5 hours per day (the time during which two employees are required to be on duty) and is no longer 8760, but 8942.5 hours.

To correctly calculate the number of employees required to ensure the operation of one daily post, one will also have to take into account other non-production costs of working time (that is, the time when a person is at work, but is unable to perform his immediate tasks at the post). For example, special training; annual check for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of special means and firearms; medical examination, etc. For an example of calculation, let's take the minimum cost - 40 hours per year.

In addition, the "non-production costs" should take into account the employee's annual paid vacations (28 calendar days, that is, 4 weeks of 40 hours each, for a total of 160 hours), as well as provide for possible loss of working time due to temporary disability. In fact, they can range from 2 to 5%, but when planning for the coming year, as a rule, it is recommended to focus on the standard indicator of 2% (about 40 hours).

However, when introducing an adjustment for “temporary disability”, it is necessary to take into account the level of responsibility of employees, their level of education, etc. So, according to Anna Kolesnikova, an HR company specialist, employees with higher education, former military personnel (who are characterized by a high level of self-discipline), temporary disability really averages about a week a year. At the same time, less responsible employees "sick" much more often - especially in summer, during fishing and picnics, and the share of sick leave and absenteeism can reach up to 5-6%.

Thus, even with a minimum amount of non-production costs, in fact, each employee will be able to work no more than 1747 hours a year. Thus, dividing the annual fund of working hours by the resulting figure, we see that for the continuous operation of the post during the year, 5.11 employees will be required - that is, a full-time job of five people plus an additional part-time employee (for example, a replacement guard or a security guard hired by during vacation).

If overtime is possible, the number of employees can be reduced to 5 people, while their total processing will be 207.5 hours (which is within the TC). According to the experience of LUDIREORLE specialists, the calculated data of 5 - 5.5 people reflect real figure the minimum number of security guards required to work at a single daily post.

Obviously, the number of employees required to close a daily post can vary greatly depending on the total amount of non-productive time spent. So, if the company pays great attention to training and advanced training of employees, if additional vacation days are provided for processing hours, if among the employees there are part-time students who are provided twice a year study leave, then five guards may not be enough.

For example, according to the methods for calculating the planned norm of working hours for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (who are provided with additional paid leave, short-term holidays, and also pays considerable attention to initial training and service and combat training), 7.18 employees are needed to close one stationary post.

Algorithm for calculating the number of employees required to ensure the protection of one daily post

. The annual budget of time for guarding the post (GB) -356 X (24+ Tine), where Tine is the time of daily briefing and debriefing /

Based production calendar taking into account weekends and holidays in 2009 is 1987 hours.

“The actual length of working time (FP) for 2009 = 1,997 hours - T nepr (non-production costs)

. Tnepr - Tkv + Totp + Tb, where Tkv - time spent on advanced training and confirmation of qualifications, Totp - annual paid leave, Tb - sick leave

c The number of guards required to maintain a post is calculated using the formula PR = GB/AF

With Tina \u003d 0.5 hours, Tkv \u003d 40 hours, Tom \u003d; 1 60 hours,


AF = 1,997 - (40+ 1 60+40) = 1,747 OR = HD/AF = 8942.5/1,747 = 5.1 1

….and honor the Labor Code

Russian labor law does not prohibit shift work with a shift duration of 24 hours. With the only caveat that they cannot be involved in such work separate categories(for example, pregnant women or teenagers under 18 - both are not particularly relevant for security guards). But in accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code, the work of security guards must be built in accordance with the shift schedule (which must be brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before the entry into force - that is, the staff must be familiarized with the duty schedule for August no later than June 30 ). In addition, this document should have an additional column for the signature of each employee (with the date), confirming that he was familiarized with the information in a timely manner.

It should be noted that work for two shifts in a row is strictly prohibited (for a legal entity, such a violation can “cost” from three hundred to five hundred minimum wages or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days).

In normal mode, based on the requirements of a 40-hour working week, at least 4 security guards are needed to organize a daily guard post (working hours every three or two days for 12 hours / two days of rest). With this mode of operation, one employee has an average of 42 hours of work per week, which is as close as possible to the requirements of the Labor Code and fits into the allowable overtime limits. And when using the summarized accounting of the working hours with the maximum allowable period (year), which is acceptable for security guards, the total count of hours worked allows you to smooth out peak loads in the documentation and avoid overtime payments. In most cases, employees who worked during the year in this mode and used time off during the year, etc., as a result, fit into the annual norms of hours worked.

What about two days?

The “day in two” work schedule, popular in security, obviously leads to a large number overtime work: an average of 16 hours a week, with the need to pay for the first two hours of overtime work at least one and a half times, for the next hours - at least double the amount (Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Not to mention the fact that overtime in this case significantly exceeds the maximum allowable by law standards.

Is it possible to exceed this threshold without getting into trouble with the labor protection authorities? Yes, if again, to the smallest detail, comply with the requirements of the law. According to Anna Kolesnikova, now the employer has a loophole that allows this to be done: if the obligation to work overtime is directly stipulated in employment contract signed by the employee - and if the benefits that the employee receives are indicated ( additional leave, increased wage rates, etc.).

Nevertheless, we must remember that, firstly, in this case, no one cancels illnesses, vacations and other “non-production time costs” - and it will still not be possible to ensure the functioning of a round-the-clock security post by three employees for a long period. In the event of a sudden illness (dismissal, vacation, absenteeism, the need to be instructed), two of them will no longer be able to “keep” the post (work day after day “does not fit” into any framework of the current legislation). Even if those working at the post are workaholics without fear and reproach, they still have to provide them with a replacement guard, and the employee’s consent to processing does not mean that he must work without interruptions.

The full text of the article and other materials on this issue can be found in the journal "Director of Security"

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341. Field money, including for travel time, is paid to military personnel:

a) military units (subunits) withdrawn to practice combat (combat training) training tasks in training centers, training military units of military educational institutions vocational education, camps, to training grounds and alternate airfields by order of the commander of the district troops, fleet, group of troops, separate army (flotilla), head of the military educational institution vocational education, their respective and higher commanders (chiefs) or in accordance with the plan approved by these officials for the withdrawal of troops to training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds and alternate airfields;

b) military units (subunits) involved in maneuvers, field and command-staff exercises (games) conducted according to combat training plans, if the duration of maneuvers and exercises (games) is more than one day.

342. Field money, including for the time spent on the road, is also paid to military personnel:

a) sent to military units (subdivisions) specified in paragraph 341 of this Procedure, for their service;

b) sent (left) alone or as part of units for the protection, equipment or repair of training centers and camps;

c) for the time spent in subdivisions or teams on reconnaissance;

d) sent as part of military units, subdivisions or teams to alternate airfields for a period of up to one year to be kept in combat readiness aviation technology, runways and other airfield facilities;

e) for the time of combat duty as part of duty units outside the point of permanent deployment;

f) sent as part of military units, subdivisions or teams to cordon off quarantine zones in the outbreaks of epidemics;

g) seconded from military educational institutions of vocational education to training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for conducting training sessions (taking exams, leadership) with citizens who are in the reserve, called up for military training, students and cadets (candidates in listeners and cadets);

h) listeners and cadets for the period of stay at training sessions in training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps;

i) sent as part of combat, engineering, airfield, road construction and other construction military units, subunits or teams for a period of up to one year to carry out construction and repair work outside the point of permanent deployment;

j) sent from military construction teams as part of units or teams for a period of up to one year to construction sites located outside the permanent deployment of the detachment, in cases where the performance of work at these facilities, due to their small volume, does not require the redeployment of the entire military construction team ;

k) sent to serve troops as part of mobile institutions and mobile units of military units;

l) sent to perform work or official assignments as part of units, teams (crews of aircraft, helicopters), except for trips to training sessions, field trips and business trips specified in paragraph 323 of this Procedure;

m) students, including those studying by correspondence, and cadets sent to training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for passing exams, to production or educational practice and internship or for the preparation of diplomas (diploma projects, works);

o) sent to training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education and camps for passing competitive entrance exams to military educational institutions of vocational education, including faculties and departments of distance learning.

343. Field money is paid to servicemen at the place of full-time military service for the past month simultaneously with the payment of monetary allowance for the current month on the basis of an order from the commander of the military unit.

344. Servicemen sent on their own to training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, alternate airfields, maneuvers, exercises and to perform the tasks specified in subparagraphs "c", "e", "f "," and "-" m" of paragraph 342 of this Procedure, the payment of field money is made by the military units that are entrusted with the organization and conduct of the relevant event - on the basis of a travel certificate. The payment of field money is recorded on the travel certificate indicating for what period and in what amount the payment was made.

345. Field money, including for travel time, is not paid to military personnel:

a) who, under the terms of the notification, have the opportunity to return daily to the place of military service or residence, if the performance of the official task does not require continuous stay outside the place of military service or residence, which must be indicated in the order of the commander of the military unit;

b) military units and subunits withdrawn to practice combat, combat training tasks in training centers, military training units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, alternate airfields without an order officials named in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 341 of this Procedure;

c) having the right to receive daily allowance or sea allowance;

d) for the period of being in a guardhouse under arrest;

e) conscripted students (except officers) who do not have the military ranks of officers, and cadets who have not entered into a military service contract;

f) occupying full-time military positions in training centers, training military units of military educational institutions of vocational education, camps, training grounds, alternate airfields stationed outside the point of permanent deployment of a military unit (military educational institution of vocational education), intended for practicing tasks in combat (training) combat) training.

The report card can use alphabetic or numeric codes to indicate a particular event, for example, work attendance has the letter I or 01 in numerical terms, absenteeism - PR or 24, additional days off without saving wages- HB or 28.

It should be noted that unified form T-12 can be used in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership, except for budgetary institutions.

AT budget institutions the approved form of accounting is used, which uses other numerical and alphabetic designations in the time sheet.

1. In what cases is the HH code put?

The HH code, or the absence of an employee for unexplained reasons, is affixed every time and as long as the employee is not at work, and the responsible person does not have documents about the reasons for his absence. Even if the head of the absent person swears that the employee is absent (PR code), do not rush to put this code in the primary accounting documents, wait until the person brings a document explaining his absence, otherwise it may happen that the time sheet with the wrong code will be provided to the accounting department, and later it turns out that the employee was absent due to good reason, and then you will have to make changes to the primary accounting documents.

2. How are days off on business trips designated?

There are two points of view on the issue of the code designation of days off when traveling on a business trip: some believe that the code K () should be set, the latter argue that the code B () should be set. Both have their own reasonable and legally justified arguments, but there is no single approach, so proceed from your own established practice.

3. Are days off in the time sheet marked when an employee is sick?

When an employee is on sick leave, code B (temporary disability) is affixed for the entire period of temporary disability, including weekends and holidays.

A similar continuous registration is carried out when employees are on maternity leave (P), on leave to care for a child upon reaching the age of three years (OJ) and unpaid leave (DO).

4. How are days off on vacation indicated?

If, when an employee is on an annual basic paid leave (OT) or on an annual (OT) holiday, a holiday falls on the period of his rest, in the time sheet the code OT or OD must be replaced with B (weekends and non-working holidays), because, in in accordance with Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-working holidays falling on the period of paid leave are not included in the number of calendar days of leave.

5. What designations should be put in the report card: digital or alphabetic?

There are no clear instructions on this matter, therefore, in each organization, information in the time sheet is entered based on established practice and ease of use. If you like the letter designation in the time sheet, use it. If not, enter numbers.

6. What form of the time sheet is more convenient to use to fill out?

The form of the time sheet does not matter, you can choose the form approved by the Decree of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 (, ), you can use the form approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03/30/2015 No. 52n.

Form No. 52n

In general, if you work in commercial organization, you can independently develop and approve your own form with your own alphabetic or digital designations, no one forbids this, the main thing is that it be in fact.

7. Who should keep records of working hours and who should be responsible for this?

If the organization is small, one person can lead.

If the structure of the enterprise is significant, it is advisable to appoint a responsible person in each division.

All responsible persons, regardless of their number, are appointed by orders for the main activity in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.

Responsibility for the completeness and correctness of filling out the time sheet lies with the person authorized by the order.

The head of the department is responsible for the timely submission of the time sheet to the accounting department.

The employer is responsible for everyone.

8. How to keep a record of working time if the company is small and the working hours are five days?

There is no single approach to accounting, you can keep a continuous record (register all the facts), or you can only record deviations (temporary disability, absence for unknown reasons, etc.). The main criterion is the correctness of fixing the actual hours worked on paper, since this document is the primary one for calculating wages.

In everyday work, the first option is more convenient during labor periods, the second option is preferable when the working time is unchanged, as is the case with a five-day period.

In any case, the fixation of working time is carried out daily, and is provided to the accounting department on a monthly basis.

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The working day does not always last 8 hours - sometimes the production process requires a longer work shift.

For example, doctors and nurses, dispatchers, firefighters, police officers, emergency workers and security guards, workers and service staff at night productions "disappear" at work for days. I wonder how the Labor Code relates to such a schedule?

Rest norms

According to the legislation, daily operation is allowed if it is required by the specifics of the enterprise. The schedule is usually set by the employer - as a rule, it is a day after two or a day after three.

“In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the rest should be 2 times longer than the working shift,” says Lyubov Zorina, head of the personnel department of a large plant. “In other words, if an employee works 24 hours, then before the next shift, he must rest for at least 48 hours.”

2 main rules of the "day"

Employees should be familiarized with the new work schedule no later than one month before its introduction. Unfortunately, some employers break this rule and transfer an employee to a new mode without warning.

During the work shift, each employee is given time for lunch - a total of about 1.5-2 hours, divided into half-hour breaks. This personal time can be spent at your discretion. By the way, no one forbids using these 2 lunch hours at a time, instead of taking “smoke breaks” in parts.

Leisure and continuous production

Y. Romanova, an expert consultant at a law firm, explains what the Labor Code advises in this case.

“In accordance with part 3 of Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 of Art. 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an employee cannot leave the workplace, he has the right to rest during the production process. In this case, lunch breaks are included in the time sheet and paid.

In some situations, the employee is given a break for sleep, if the specifics of the activity allows. All the subtleties are discussed in advance, while the employer is obliged to take care of the team and provide everyone with normal working conditions.

Taboo for the employer

Things to keep in mind if a shift schedule is set.

It is strictly forbidden to work 2 shifts in a row. If the replacement employee suddenly for some reason did not appear, you cannot leave the employee who has already worked for the next (repeated) shift. The only thing that can be offered in this case is a maximum of 4 additional hours of work with overtime pay. During this time, the employer is obliged to find a replacement for the employee who did not come to the shift.

“As for work at night, in accordance with Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such work is paid at a double rate, and its duration is reduced by 1 hour without further working time, - says Olga Ratushnaya, an employee of the personnel department of a manufacturing enterprise. - At the same time, the amount of the surcharge for the night shift must be at least 20% tariff rate per hour of work.

Sleep at work

There is no such thing as “time to sleep” in Russian labor legislation, and there are no clear requirements for rest rooms.

The duration of the working break and the possibility of sleeping at the workplace are determined only by the internal regulations.

The employer equips recreation places based on the capabilities of the enterprise. Some employees prefer to doze right “behind the machine”, and there are no prohibitions in this regard in the Labor Code. However, if the employer considers this unacceptable, he must introduce the appropriate clause into the labor regulations, the list of which should be familiar to everyone at the stage of hiring.

The key is measure.

According to labor standards, the permissible maximum working hours per month should not exceed 200. It turns out that with a constant schedule a day after two, the total amount of time worked per month is 240 hours - therefore, the employer must alternate between different schedule options so as not to violate the law.

“For daily work, hourly wages are set,” explains legal consultant Oleg Ignatiev. - Night, overtime and holiday hours are additionally paid, the latter - at least double the amount.

If you work on a daily schedule, do not forget about your legal rights, the neglect of which can lead to fatigue, illness and depression.

Health and good mood- the basis of high labor productivity!