Indicators of equipment repair efficiency. Methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the use of training aids in the training of crews of mobile maintenance and repair facilities. Repair Strategies

  • 02.06.2020

I. S. Nazmutdinov, D. V. Vedishchev

VUNTS Air Force "VVA them. professors N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin»

The purpose of determining the efficiency is to optimize the technical support (TO) system in the process of its creation and selection of an option for the implementation of the one closest to the optimal one in terms of the chosen efficiency indicator and modernization of the existing system.

Under the efficiency of the TO system, it is customary to understand its properties to create a useful result for a certain period under certain conditions, the degree of adaptability to perform certain functions in specific conditions for a given time. At the same time, to evaluate the effectiveness, a generalized and a number of private indicators are used that characterize the degree of fulfillment of tasks for the maintenance and repair of radio equipment (RTS).

In accordance with the results of scientific research, it is recommended to evaluate complex systems, which include the maintenance system, based on a separate assessment of the technical and economic efficiency the system under study, i.e. according to the complex criterion "efficiency - cost". The criterion of technical efficiency is the result of a comparison (for example, in the form of a difference or ratio) of the technical efficiency of real and ideal systems, or the result of a comparison of the real efficiency of the system with its required level, i.e.

The criterion of economic efficiency is the result of comparing the real cost of implementing the maintenance system (costs for ensuring the technical efficiency of Y) with the minimum possible:

The approach to assessing a generic indicator can be broken down into sequential steps that involve:

determining the purpose of the system;

determination of the range of tasks and conditions for the functioning of the system;

the choice of generalized and particular performance indicators, and, if necessary, a complex system is divided into constituent elements;

determination of the most probable state of the system elements; assessment of the system's effectiveness according to the selected indicator.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the maintenance system, it is necessary to have some indicators. The main requirements for indicators are reduced to the fact that these indicators make it possible to measure efficiency in strict accordance with the purpose of the system, characterize the quality of task performance, and evaluate the effectiveness of solving problems by the system. They must be sensitive to changes in the situation, have a quantitative expression, have reliability and accuracy, have a simple expression and have a physical meaning. In addition, system performance indicators are selected taking into account a systematic approach. It is desirable that the indicator be one - generalized, since the solution of the problem in the presence of two or more indicators is difficult and can lead to all kinds of unreasonable decisions. The maintenance system is characterized not only by a large number of elements, but also by complexity. internal structure. Therefore, it is first necessary to solve a number of issues in a structural order:

rate the quality Maintenance, repair and logistics;

perform measures aimed at improving the serviceability of the RTS; create an optimal structure of the maintenance system;

meet the requirements for operational flexibility and survivability of the system;

determine (limit) at some level the costs of the system.

If we analyze the main characteristics of the maintenance system, with the help of which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness, then these characteristics can be conditionally combined into three groups.

The first group - characteristics that determine the operational-tactical effectiveness of the system, assess the degree of fulfillment of the tasks facing the maintenance system.

The second group - characteristics that determine the technical efficiency of the system, are quantified by operational and technical indicators.

The third group - characteristics that determine the economic efficiency of the system.

Consider the above groups.

Under the operational-tactical effectiveness of the system is understood as a set of indicators quantitatively characterizing the ability of the system to solve the tasks facing it. The operational and tactical efficiency of the system helps to identify the degree of compliance of the MRO system with the requirements of the tasks being solved.

Under technical efficiency understand indicators quantitatively determining technical side system, the capabilities of the RTS used in the system.

Economic efficiency - a set of indicators characterizing the material costs of the system. To determine the economic efficiency of the system means to answer the question: at what cost is the operational-tactical and technical efficiency achieved.

To assess the effectiveness of the TO system, it is necessary to determine the degree of its influence on the supersystem, i.e. to a higher order system. Take as a supersystem radar system(RL system), by which we mean a set of radio equipment, located in a certain way on the territory and functionally interconnected to solve the problems of airspace control.

Since the main purpose of the radar system is timely detection, identification, determination of current coordinates, and continuous tracking of airborne objects, operational-tactical efficiency, that is, a set of indicators that determine this efficiency, is of paramount importance in assessing the effectiveness of maintenance.

In addition, the quantitative result of achieving efficiency is determined by the readiness of the RTS for use. With this in mind, a generalized (integral) indicator of the efficiency of maintenance can be proposed to assess the effectiveness of the maintenance system. The coefficient, which is determined by the following formula:

where To^ - realizable and required coefficients of trace continuity; K ° r, - realizable and required frontier security coefficients; K rlp, K^ p- realizable and required coefficients for the area of ​​the radar field; - availability factor of RTS used in the radar system.

The readiness factor of radio equipment can be determined by the formula:

where M correct - the number of serviceable RTS; M total- total RTS; K t(- readiness factor of the 1st RTS.

The number of serviceable radio equipment is determined as follows

If a Kef.calc >, then the maintenance system ensures the fulfillment of the task. If not, then it is necessary to increase the number of RTS, increase the production capabilities of the maintenance system.

Thus, the calculation of the generalized indicator of the efficiency of the maintenance and repair system of the proposed option may look like this:

  • 1. We calculate the efficiency of the maintenance system according to the selected indicator.
  • 2. Calculate the maintenance efficiency factor, taking into account the serviceability of the RTS, production possibilities repair bodies, materiel, forces and means of repair.
  • 3. The efficiency factor is calculated after the restoration of faulty RTS.
  • 4. The calculation results are analyzed.
  • 5. The calculated efficiency of maintenance is compared and measures are determined to improve the existing system.


  • 1. Oleinikov L.F. Maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment radio engineering troops at the stage of rearmament. - M.: Military Publishing, 1990. - 216 p.
  • 2. Scientific and technical report on research "Mycelium". - Tver: military unit 03444, 2000. - 92 p.

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Don State Technical University

Features of evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of mobile car repair shops in the maintenance of automotive equipment

A.I. Nedoluzhko

A.A. Kotesova,

M.F. Detler,

A.V. Krivorotov,

A.Yu. Parubets


The features of the activity of mobile car repair shops are considered. Suggested mathematical models definitions of indicators that take into account the randomness of receipt of requests for services and the duration of the services themselves.

Currently, maintenance and repair of automotive equipment is carried out at stationary services and mobile auto repair shops (PARM). PARMs are used for preventive, repair and emergency work on highways, in the army, in agriculture, at large mining and oil producing enterprises. The effectiveness of the PARM is determined by its strategy and the territorial distribution of consumers. Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the PARM can be made using a generalized criterion

where Pki is a complex indicator for the i-th estimated parameter, Квi is the weighting coefficient of the i-th complex indicator (determined by the Delphi method, the “brainstorming” method, etc.), i = 1,2,3,...,n - - number of estimated parameters. The complex indicator for the i-th estimated parameter of the enterprise is determined by the formula

workshop maintenance automotive mobile

where Kj is a single indicator characterizing the state of the j-th factor affecting the complex indicator of the estimated parameter (for all components of the estimated parameters Kj = 0...1); Квj - coefficient of weight of the j-th factor; j --1,2,3...n -- number of factors affecting the estimated parameter.

Most researchers propose to include as mandatory parameters to be evaluated: The volume and range of services (works) provided; technical equipment PARM and its staffing, equipment and the possibility of technical control, environmental safety, economic requirements. At the same time, the assessment of some single indicators for PARM has a number of features, consisting in the randomness of the moments of receipt of requirements for services, the duration of the services themselves and the territorial location of service consumers. To evaluate such indicators, we use the apparatus of Markov random processes. Figure 1 shows the simplest labeled system state graph

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Rice. 1 System state graph

where S1 is the working state (performance of work); S2 - transport state (moving to the place of maintenance and repair, dislocation point, etc.); S3-non-working state PARM (accommodation point); -probability densities of the transition of the PARM from the state Si to the state Sj; Рi-probability of the PARM state at the time ti. Having data on the density of transition probabilities, we calculate the probabilities of all states of the system at different points in time. For a labeled state graph, the system of equations of A.N. Kolmogorov takes the form:

Let's find the final probabilities characterizing the average residence time of the PRM in the corresponding states, equating the left parts of the equations to zero and using the ratios P1 + P2 + P3 = 1. We get:

Cyclic Markov processes can be used to analyze the operation of cars (Fig. 2). In this case, the car can be serviceable and work (S1), wait for repair (S2), be repaired (S3), wait for work after repair (S4) and work again (S1). For marginal probabilities dP/dt=0

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Rice. 2 Diagram of a Markov cycle process

Assuming the process to be Poisson, we find the transition probability densities by relating them to the average residence time of the PARM in a certain state Si:

Where did you come from general view, (5)

Taking into account (4) and (5)

Let us determine the average residence time of the PARM in the corresponding states for several points of technical impacts. For a constant travel speed, we have:

where Li is the distance between the points of technical impacts and location (dislocation PARM); n is the number of territorial requirements for technical impact; n+1 is the number of transport states of the PARM, taking into account the return to the home base. The total time of work of the PARM during the shift is equal to:

where tРi is the time of technical impacts on i-th section; tnv is the normative labor intensity of the j-th impact (TVj) equal to the reciprocal of the hourly productivity of the PARM, m is the number of types of technical impacts. The duration of the technical impact for a specific requirement is a random variable, which is influenced by many factors. In a number of works, these factors are proposed to be taken into account using various coefficients.

where?j is the complexity of the j-th technical impact; Kmj - coefficient taking into account the level of mechanization of work at the j-th impact; KD coefficient, which takes into account the reliability of information in the diagnosis; KPIj ​​- coefficient taking into account the loss of working time for organizational reasons under the j-th impact; Tcm - shift duration; C-number of shifts; Pj is the average number of people working at the same time at the j-th impact; Kptj - coefficient taking into account the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the workers.

The time spent at the point of deployment can be determined by the dependence:

where it determines the form of work of the PARM (shift method, or with a daily return to the point of deployment after completion of work).

Taking into account expressions (3), (6) - (9), we determine the probability of finding the PARM in work at the first point

Probability of finding PARM on the way:

Probability of finding PARM at the point of deployment:

Consider an example: requests for technical maintenance of equipment with a volume of impacts were received from three points: at the first one, one TO-3 (18 hours), at the second and third, 2 TO-3 each. The points are located at distances of 30 and 50 km, respectively, the distance from the place dislocation PARM to the first point 35km, to the last 45km. The duration of the shift is 16 hours. PARM works on a rotational basis 6 days. The average speed of a car is 60 km/h.

Using dependencies 7,8,10 we find: ,

The probability of finding the PARM in working condition at the first point

On the second and third points

The total probability of finding the SARM in working condition indicators of the effectiveness of the SARM work depend on the size of the flow of requirements and its variation, on the performance of its component service facilities. For the simplest failure flow, the probability of a certain number of requirements occurring can be calculated from the dependence

where is the average number of failures occurring over time t, is the failure flow parameter. In real working conditions, PARM is usually taken equal to 1 (1 hour, 1 shift, 1 week, etc.). The randomness of the flow of requirements and the duration of their implementation lead to the costs of the functioning of the entire system. These costs can be set by the functional:

where C1 is the cost of car idle time in the queue, is the average length of the queue, C2 is the cost of idle PARM, n is the number of idle PARMs, is the demand flow parameter, is the intensity of service. It is required to organize the work of PARM in such a way that Нu = min.


Vishnevetsky Yu. T. Technical operation, car maintenance and repair. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2006. - 380 p.

Vlasov V.M. Car maintenance and repair. - M.: "Academy", 2003. - 480 p.

Vasiliev V.I., Zharov, S.P. Improving the methodology for adjusting the standards for managing the operation of the rolling stock of road transport enterprises of regional transport systems. // Contemporary Issues science and education. 2012. No. 6. With. 7-9.

Detler M.F., Krivorotov A.V., Nedoluzhko A.I., Parubets A.Yu. On the issue of applying the standards of the preventive maintenance and repair system to modern cars // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2017, No. 2 URL:

Kuznetsov E.S., Boldin A.P., Vlasov V.M., etc. Technical operation of automobiles. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - 535 p.

Bazanov A.V., Bauer V.I., Kozin E.S. Determining the need for mobile equipment to ensure the performance of automotive and tractor equipment during the repair of main oil pipelines / / Scientific and technical bulletin of the Volga region (Kazan), 2012, No. 3. c. 50-53

Klyuchnikova, O. V., Tsybulskaya, A. A., Shapovalova A. G. Principles for choosing the type and number of construction machines for the integrated production of works // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2013, No. 4 URL: ivdon. ru/ru/magazine/archive/n4y2013/2064.

Louit, D., Pascual, R. and Banjevic, D. Optimal Interval for Major Maintenance Actions in Electricity Distribution Networks // Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2009. No. 31. pp. 396-401.

Samuel Karlin. A First Course in Stochastic Processes, 1968, p. 557

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Reliable and safe operation of systems, equipment, buildings and structures of enterprises is inextricably linked with repair activities. EZh spoke about the directions for improving the management structure of the maintenance and repair system last year (see No. 32). Today we will talk about approaches to assessing the effectiveness of maintenance and repair work. Vladimir Minaev says CEO OJSC Atomenergoremont, Ph.D.

The maintenance and repair system is a set of processes, organizational structures, means of technical equipment for repair, methodological support, providing efficient service and repair of company equipment.

Repair Strategies

Here are three main strategies.

The first is the classic scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR). It involves a repair cycle (a predetermined sequence of repairs of a certain type and intervals between them) and a task of the scope of work when performing repairs of a certain type. In the PPR variant, called "planning by operating time", with given volumes and maintaining a fixed sequence of repairs, the time between them is determined not on a calendar basis, but depending on the operating time of the equipment (hours of operation, number of starts, etc.).

The second is failure repair. The equipment is repaired (or replaced) due to its failure and the impossibility of its further use. Technically, this is justified for some types of equipment if its elements fail accidentally, regardless of the duration of their operation; economically, when the consequences of a breakdown are insignificant, and preventive measures are more expensive than replacing a failed unit or device. When there is clear evidence of impending failure ( increased vibration, oil leaks, temperature rises above acceptable limits, signs of unacceptable wear) you can select the “repair as soon as defects” option.

The third is “repair according to condition”. With this strategy, the volume of repairs and the time between them are not fixed in advance, but are determined by the results of regular revisions (examinations) of equipment and monitoring of its condition using automated control and diagnostic tools. This strategy can significantly save resources, so it is considered the most progressive for complex and expensive equipment.

For the customer, the method of aggregate repair, which involves the replacement of the unit either in its entirety or part of it, and after-sales service of the equipment, is becoming more profitable and a priority today. This method significantly reduces repair time. In many industries, after-sales service is common and, although it costs the customer a little more, it has a great chance for the future.

Our maintenance and repair system is mainly based on carrying out maintenance work. In the near future, it is planned to switch to the repair of a number of equipment according to its technical condition and the use of the method of aggregate repair and maintenance of equipment.

MRO efficiency

The efficiency of maintenance and repair is determined by the ratio of the maximum possible result of maintenance and repair (high quality of work while observing the standard repair period) to the minimum possible operating costs (the minimum reasonable level of costs without loss of quality and volume of work performed).

The result of maintenance and repair works, as well as reconstruction and modernization of equipment of power units, plant-wide systems, external facilities of operating NPPs, is their reliable and trouble-free operation in the planned overhaul period. Economically, this means no financial losses for under-produced electricity due to unscheduled shutdowns and downtime of NPP equipment for repairs.

The performance of the repair personnel, as a rule, is estimated by the average monthly output per worker (see diagram).

Such a measurement of labor productivity has a significant drawback - it depends on the limited funds for repairs, the price structure, the number of staff and the billing of work. And when manipulating coefficients to estimates, directive cost reduction in terms of maintenance and repair limits, the existing regulated duration of repairs, this approach does not reflect the actual labor productivity - the price component is too high.

It is more correct to use resource assessment methods 1 .

Here are three such indicators.

The complexity of repair is the main resource indicator. Labor intensity is regulated quantitatively by technical regulation 2 .

For example, the labor intensity of an average repair of a serial block of a nuclear power plant is 520,000 man-hours, the duration of repairs in one case is 40 days, in the other - 35 (13,000 man-hours / day and 15,000 man-hours / day, respectively). Obviously, in the second case, the productivity of the repair personnel is higher.

Normative number of personnel for repairs - other important indicator labor productivity (the ratio of the standard number of employees, calculated according to the regulatory framework, to those actually employed in repairs).

The third indicator is the labor productivity index. It can be represented on the basis of actual and natural resource data in the form of dependencies:

IPT \u003d TrE / DlR;

IPT \u003d LF / HF,

where: IPT - labor productivity index;

TrE is the complexity of the block repair;

DlR - the duration of the block repair (can be standard and actual);

LF - normative number personnel required to carry out repairs to the unit;

HF - actual number personnel involved in the repair of the unit.

According to the methodology approved by the concern 3, one of the indicators is the reduction of the repair period 4:

  • at the stage of forming a repair schedule for the planned year - an assessment of the forecast financial result from reducing the repair time compared to the normative ones to determine the feasibility of making a decision to reduce the repair time;
  • based on the results of the completion of repairs - an assessment of the actual financial result from the reduction of the repair period in order to confirm the correctness of the decisions made during planning.

The results of assessing the effectiveness of reducing the repair time are used to motivate the work of NPP repair personnel and contractors.

And since the duration of the repair cannot be reduced to the detriment of the reliable and safe operation of the NPP, the methodology provides the main directions for reducing the time:

At the same time, the reduction in repair time is associated with additional income in the form of proceeds from the sale of additionally generated electrical energy (provided that it is in demand on the market) and expenses due to the intensification (transition to three-shift work) of the labor of repair personnel.

Reducing the repair time is economically efficient, provided that the additional costs are covered by the proceeds from the sale of additional generated electricity and at the same time there is additional profit.

Ways to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair

Increasing the efficiency of maintenance and repair is the process of reducing losses from underproduction of electricity due to shutdowns and downtime of NPP systems and equipment in repair while optimizing the costs of maintenance and repair without losing the quality of work performed.

In the nuclear power industry, the ability to manage production and make timely decisions is especially important because of the possible consequences if managers are inactive. A branched structure with many levels of management can lead to confusion in production, making erroneous decisions, or, even worse, not making them at all. Eliminating the consequences of such management is very expensive.

Here are the main ways to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair and directions for their implementation.

1. Improving the management structure of the maintenance and repair system (see "Ezh", 2012, No. 32).

2. Optimization of scheduled PPR deadlines.

2.1. Putting into operation a unified sectoral system of economic resource planning.

Given the extensive branch network, the use of a unified approach to resource planning is a priority for the company. And the desired result can be achieved only with a rigid economically justified centralization of resources.

2.2. Introduction of new technologies for the repair of equipment and means of technological equipment for maintenance and repair.

As part of the technical re-equipment, an investment program has been developed, including:

  • development and mastering of new technologies;
  • equipping with modern technological means of repair;
  • construction and equipment of production bases;
  • training and retraining of repair personnel.

2.3. Improvement of technical documentation for processes.

Since the technological documentation for maintenance and repair was prepared many years ago and is based on the technologies of the last century, its quality needs to be improved:

  • constant updating in connection with changing regulatory documents;
  • finalization due to the need to apply technologies on the same type of equipment of different NPPs of the same project in order to unify processes.

Documentation, especially good documentation, has long been a commodity, and its distribution is limited. Like experience, it is the legacy of the current generation, so its relevance and improvement will affect the quality and reliability of the work of those who come to replace us.

2.4 Improving the quality of training of repair personnel in specialized training centers using full-scale mock-ups and full-scale equipment samples curricula in 37 specialties).

3. Reducing losses from underproduction of electricity as a result of unscheduled shutdowns and equipment downtime for repairs.

3.1 Improvement of the maintenance and repair management system by switching to management of maintenance and repair as a project:

  • an integrated approach to resource planning (taking into account the availability of material and human resources);
  • scheduling of work
  • MRO (typical - based on a comprehensive analysis of their performance in previous periods and at other facilities. Preparation for the performance of non-standard special works should be started at least a year before the start of their implementation);
  • resource dispatching for maintenance and repair (management of material and human resources should be carried out under the conditions of a single procurement standard).

3.2 Creation of a repair management subsystem based on ACS-Remont, integrated into a single industry information system:

  • creation of a unified database of equipment;
  • creation of a unified maintenance and repair resource management system;
  • maintenance and repair logistics management (creation regulatory framework inventories);
  • optimization of PPR planning (reduction of PPR terms at those sites where it is relevant and economically feasible).

3.3 Creation of a workable quality assurance system during maintenance and repair includes the development of:

  • sectoral guidance on the establishment of a quality system (the guidance should cover activities at all stages life cycle from the design phase to decommissioning);
  • quality assurance systems at NPPs of the concern, taking into account the improvement of the system for developing and monitoring the implementation of corrective actions, and not corrections, for violations in work related to equipment repair;
  • maintenance and repair quality management program that meets current trends industry, taking into account the features of the equipment of the units being operated and under construction, as well as describing effective measures and methods of quality management, and not just its control.

4. Reducing operating costs in terms of total maintenance and repair costs.

4.1. Optimization of repair work volumes:

  • development and approval of new normative documents for the implementation of maintenance and repair with supervisory authorities and manufacturing plants;
  • justification for the transition from a four-year to an eight-year repair cycle of metal control;
  • introduction of a comprehensive diagnostics of the technical condition of equipment (very little attention has been paid to this area of ​​activity so far, even new equipment for units under construction is not sufficiently equipped with these devices).

4.2. Optimization of the distribution of work performed by the economic and contracting method.

Proposals for optimizing maintenance and repair costs, taking into account the specifics of the financial and economic activities of the company, are given in the table.

The transition to new equipment repair technologies, primarily to repair according to technical condition, will significantly increase the efficiency of maintenance and repair.

The principle of organization of repair according to technical condition can be implemented in the organization of service maintenance of equipment with the solution of the following issues:

  • who, in what ways, with the help of what criteria (technical, economic) will determine the technical condition of the equipment and the feasibility of its repair or replacement;
  • responsibility for decisions made and their consequences;
  • communication with the authors of the project, equipment manufacturers and registration of the necessary approvals with design, engineering and supervisory organizations and authorities;
  • collection of statistical data, their systematization and analysis, assessment of the residual life of equipment, its elements and development of recommendations for necessary measures;
  • development of new regulations and normative and technical documents on repair technology;
  • tracking world achievements in repair technology and technical equipment, adapting them to the real conditions of Russian nuclear power plants, implementing and providing scientific and technical support;
  • development and implementation of new diagnostic systems for the technical condition of equipment;
  • examination of projects for the construction of new NPPs and development of proposals in terms of repair services;
  • training and retraining of repair personnel.

Within the framework of the investment program - organization of the NPP MRO production process - it is planned to carry out measures to organize the repair of equipment according to the technical condition:

  • preparation of "medical records" of equipment repaired according to technical
  • condition (together with NPP);
  • monitoring the availability of equipment diagnostic tools (not provided in the factory supply) and selection of a supplier (together with the NPP);
  • development of programs and methods for diagnosing equipment (with the determination of controlled parameters) being repaired according to its technical condition;
  • training of personnel for work on modern equipment and diagnostic devices.

All ways to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair work are associated with costs to varying degrees, and it is the customer's prerogative to decide which of them to use. Only an integrated approach in choosing ways to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair works leads to the best result.

1 The resource approach to assessing labor productivity and production efficiency is traditionally used to a greater extent in the production of goods, rather than in the provision of services.

2 Technical regulation - the establishment of technically sound standards for labor costs, machine time and material resources per unit of production.

3 Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the work of repair personnel in optimizing the terms of repair of NPP power units.

4 According to the methodology, the reduction of the NPP unit repair time cannot be done to the detriment of the reliable and safe operation of the NPP.

Measures to optimize maintenance and repair costs

Cost level




1. Optimization of the number of personnel involved in the performance of maintenance and repair work - substantiation of the optimal ratio of the concern's costs for maintenance and repair, performed by economic and contract methods.

2. Establishment of the criteria used in the process of budgeting the company as a service company of the concern

1. The need to bring the expenditure items of the concern's budget into line with the revenue items of the company's budget.

2. The need to take into account the possibility of increasing the costs of society when performing maintenance and repair in a contract way


1. Optimization of the number of the company's personnel - optimization of the ratio of own costs to the costs of attracting subcontractors.

2. Building financial and economic relations with the concern in order to prevent cash gaps and ensure the financial stability of the company. Reduction of receivables.

3. Implementation of the financial policy of the company in the field of compliance with the expenditure and revenue parts of its budget. Improving budget planning processes.

4. Development and implementation of a cost reduction program.

5. Implementation of financial policy in financial relations between the central office and branches of the company. Refinement of the company's operating documents in terms of providing financial discipline branches. Improving internal cash flow management processes.

6. Improving management processes accounts payable

1. The requirement to unconditionally meet the needs of customers in high-quality comprehensive services for maintenance and repair, reconstruction and modernization of systems and equipment, buildings and structures of nuclear facilities. Since when performing work “at the peak of repairs”, the company must have a sufficient number of repair personnel with the necessary qualifications, its costs are less tied to revenue (production volumes) than in classical production enterprises.

2. An increase in the share of own costs leads to an increase in the productivity of employees and, consequently, an improvement in the financial condition of the company.

3. An increase in the share of own costs should be accompanied by an increase wages and social guarantees employees.

4. Increasing the share of own costs in excess of the optimal one will not allow realizing the advantages of the economic method of performing maintenance and repair in comparison with the contract method

At present, the situation has developed that in road transport the efficiency social production First of all, it is determined by the efficiency of the use of rolling stock, on which labor productivity, the cost of transportation, the amount of profit and the level of profitability of the motor transport enterprise depend.

As noted by D.P. Velikanov, the efficiency of using a vehicle can depend and be determined, on the one hand, by the perfection of its design and compliance with operating conditions - transport, road and climatic, on the other hand, it depends on the organization of transportation; the duration of the daily time on duty, the number of days of work per year, the rational organization of transportation routes, the mechanization of loading and unloading operations,

The experience of evaluating the work of the rolling stock of road transport shows that the “ton-kilometer” indicator has serious drawbacks. Natural ton-kilometers, which determine the volume of transportation work, are the product of weight and travel distance. Therefore, each ton-kilometer separately characterizes one unit of work performed, regardless of the nature and conditions of transportation and labor costs for their implementation. Because the by car a wide variety of transportations are carried out, differing both in the nature of the transported cargo, and in the distance of transportation, and in their quality, then in specific conditions of transportation per unit of work, expressed in one tonne-kilometer, there may be a very different amount of labor costs. A natural ton-kilometer does not characterize the usefulness and consumer value of the work performed, as well as the amount of labor costs socially necessary for the production of work, does not establish a connection between the transportation process and the national economy.

The indicator for evaluating the efficiency of the transport process "ton" also has disadvantages. It only determines the amount of transported cargo and does not characterize the economic costs associated with its movement. And society is interested not only in the fact that the cargo is transported, but also in the fact that the transportation costs are as low as possible. The profitability calculated as the ratio of profit to production assets cannot be used to assess the efficiency of the transportation process. As experience shows, profit in road transport is not an objective factor in assessing the activities of a motor transport enterprise, the efficiency of using various types of rolling stock. The profit depends not only on the technical, operational and economic performance of the motor transport enterprise, but also on the tariffs for the transportation of goods. Tariffs, on the basis of which the income of the enterprise is formed, are not entirely perfect and can put some enterprises in more favorable conditions than others.

The cost of rolling stock is not proportional to its carrying capacity. Motor transport enterprises with different rolling stock will be in unequal economic conditions, i.e. will have different specific gravity profits per ruble of production assets with the same income. Therefore, profitability, defined as the ratio of profit to the production assets of a motor transport enterprise, does not objectively reflect the efficiency of the transportation process.

In the conditions of the modern division of social labor, the efficiency of road transportation consists of the following components: the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the serviced enterprise in the transportation of goods, the efficiency of using the rolling stock of road transport and the efficiency of using loading and unloading and other means. Therefore, the performance indicator should combine the efficiency of the functioning of the transport team and the impact of cargo transportation on the activities of the serviced enterprises.

Efficiency is a socio-economic category that characterizes objective causal relationships or quantitative relationships between costs and results. There is a difference between the concepts of "production effect" and "production efficiency". The effect of production is its result. Production efficiency is not the result itself, but its relation to costs, that is, efficiency is the ratio of the beneficial effect (result) to the costs of obtaining it. Evaluation of the effectiveness of such complex system, as a transport process that changes depending on changes in the external and internal conditions of the organization of transportation, should include a combination of many properties and indicators of individual links and components of the transport complex organized for the carriage of goods. The efficiency indicator of the transportation process, on the one hand, should characterize the volume of transportation performed, and on the other hand, the consistency of the transportation performed with the satisfaction of the needs of the enterprises served, with the stability and proportionality of the functioning of the links of the transport complex. The complexity of the assessment lies in the fact that road transport transports a wide variety of goods and rolling stock operates in a wide variety of conditions. The problem lies in finding a specific form of interconnected summation of the quantitative and qualitative functioning of individual links and components of the transport complex.

At present, comparable indicators of the functioning of various components of the transport complex can be cost or labor costs. At the current level of economic development, cost costs are used to determine the efficiency of production processes. In the current and proposed methods for determining economic efficiency, it is recommended to take into account: the time factor; integral economical effect; economic efficiency of the use of new technology; assessment of the effectiveness of measures to improve nature management; foreign economic, social, environmental factors and uncertainty factors; taking into account the spillover effect (which may occur in industries or areas not directly related to those in which the activity is carried out); formation of a system of payments for various types of resources used.

At present, it is generally accepted that a reduction in transportation time leads to a decrease in the volume of cargo mass in transit, and, as a result, to a reduction in working capital. This statement is true only for consumer goods, the volume of transportation of which is about 3%. For the sphere of production, in which 96% of the volume of transportation is carried out, it is not the speed of transportation that is characteristic, but the delivery time of the cargo. In this area, an increase in the speed of rolling stock, and consequently, a reduction in the delivery time can even lead to undesirable consequences - the need for warehousing at the recipient, storage of cargo and additional costs caused by this. Therefore, when measuring the efficiency of the transportation process, all these factors must be taken into account.

As a rule, transport complexes are organized for a short time, usually for a year. This is due to the fact that every year there is a redistribution of assignment of suppliers of products to consumers, as well as clarification and change in the volume of cargo transportation. In addition, a significant part of the transportation of goods by road is seasonal. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the efficiency of transportation performed for the entire planning period(year or season) for which the technological project of cargo transportation is developed.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of transport complexes does not affect long-term economic standards. When determining the national economic costs associated with the implementation of the transportation process, it is necessary to take into account the technical and economic indicators of the rolling stock used (carrying capacity, technical speed, use of the rolling stock, downtime under loading and unloading operations, etc.), transportation distance, costs associated with the implementation loading and unloading operations, with damage and loss of cargo, with violation of the delivery time of cargo and others.

In our case, the cost of transportation will serve as a criterion for the efficiency of the transportation process. Due to the fact that our proposals will only directly affect the process of centralized delivery of goods, the economic effect of the introduction of new technologies will be measured simply as the difference between the cost of transportation on existing routes and on the planned ones:

E \u003d C pr - C noun, (16)

where E is the economic effect of the introduction of new technologies;

С pr - the cost of transportation on the designed routes;

With noun - the cost of transportation on existing routes.

In turn, the cost of transportation is determined as the sum of:

C \u003d C at + C cm + C then, p + C ash + C amo + C from + C nr, (17)

where C at - the cost of automotive fuel;

C cm - the cost of oils and lubricants;

C then, p - the cost of maintenance and repair;

C ash - the cost of restoring wear and repair tires;

C amo - depreciation deductions for the restoration of rolling stock;

From - wage fund;

С нр - overhead costs.

Let's now consider each of these indicators:

1. Car fuel costs:

С at \u003d (L total * P) / 100 * C t (18)

where L total - total mileage per day, km;

P - fuel consumption per 100 kilometers, l;

Ct - the price of one liter of fuel.

2. The cost of oils and lubricants - are determined in the amount of 10% of the cost of fuel:

C cm \u003d 0.1 * C at (19)

3. Costs for maintenance and repair of vehicles operating on the route:

C then, p \u003d 0.001 * (N cp + N cf + N mat) * L total * A e, (20)

N zp - the rate of costs for maintenance and repairs in terms of the wages of repair workers equal to 1051 rubles per 1000 kilometers;

N sch - consumption rate for spare parts, equal to 589 rubles per 1000 kilometers;

H mat - the cost rate for materials, equal to 10% of the cost rate for spare parts;

A e is the number of cars in operation.

4. Costs for restoration of wear and repair of tires:

C ash \u003d L total * A e * (N w * C w / L w), (21)

where N W - the number of tires of the vehicle;

C w - the price of a car tire, rub.;

L w - car tire range

5. Depreciation deductions for the restoration of rolling stock:

C amo \u003d C b * N am * L total / 100 (22)

where C b - book value of the car;

N am - depreciation rate equal to 0.3% of the book value of the car;

6. Payroll fund:

Partial wages of drivers:

ZP sd \u003d Q months * T * K prem * K inf, (23)

where Q months - the volume of delivery of products per month;

T - piece rate;

K prem - premium coefficient;

K inf - coefficient of inflation.

Bonus payroll premiums are determined at the rate of 57% of the piecework wages of drivers:

FOT prem \u003d 0.57 * ZPs d (24)

Wages for unworked time (holidays, days off) are set at 9.5% of the FOTprem:

ZP additional \u003d 0.095 * Payroll premium (25)

The total salary of drivers is determined by:

ZP total \u003d ZP sd + ZP additional + PAYMENT prem (26)

The contributions to social needs and the pension fund account for 37% of the total wages of drivers:

OTCH soc \u003d 0.37 * ZP total, (27)

The wage fund on the route is determined by:

FOT \u003d ZP total + OCH soc. (28)

7. Overhead costs up to 40% of drivers' wages:

C nr \u003d 0.4 * ZP total (29)

Thus, as a result of studying various methods optimization of transportation during the transportation of goods, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Vehicle performance is significantly affected by such technical and operational indicators as the load capacity utilization rate, the mileage utilization rate, the technical speed of the vehicle, idle time under loading (unloading), and others. So, for example, the value of the performance of a car will be the greater, the greater the utilization rate of the run and the higher the technical speed. An increase in the length of the journey with a load and the idle time of the rolling stock under loading and unloading leads to a decrease in productivity. The degree of influence of the use of mileage becomes especially significant when driving a car with high speeds, increasing load capacity and reducing downtime under loading and unloading operations. At low values ​​of the technical speed, its change will have a much greater impact on the change in the performance of the car than at large ones. With an increase in idle time for loading and unloading, productivity will decrease, and approaching zero, and the degree of influence of time for loading and unloading on productivity will be the smaller, the greater the value of the idle time of the car.

2. One of the main ways to reduce the costs of the transport process is the optimal choice of the mode of transport. There are several methods for choosing the type of vehicle. The simplest and most efficient method is comparative analysis according to a generalized indicator, the essence of which is as follows:

First, a set of indicators is determined by which it is supposed to evaluate the rolling stock;

For each indicator, the best value of all options is selected and taken as one, the remaining values ​​are represented by relative values ​​that will reflect the degree of deterioration of the value of this indicator compared to the best;

The indicators under consideration have a different influence (weight) in the formation of a generalized criterion, therefore an additional column "rank" is introduced and the indicators are placed in significance from 1 to 10 places;

Then each relative value of the indicators is divided by its rank and added up by columns;

The resulting value is the value of the total coefficient, which is taken as a generalized indicator;

The highest value of the total indicator corresponds to the best option.

3. One of critical tasks during the delivery of goods is the compilation of routes for the movement of rolling stock. Of the whole set of methods for solving routing problems, we are interested in the method of "benefit" functions and the method of sums - the "traveling salesman problem". The method of "benefit" functions is based on the concept of the effect (benefit), which is obtained from the combination of two pendulum routes into one circular one. Some routes can be combined, according to the value of the "benefit", into larger routes. If, at the same time, for possible associations, routes are used, the value of the “benefit” on which is of the greatest importance, then we can expect that the resulting solution will be close to optimal and the costs associated with transportation will be minimal.

The decision ends when no further merging of routes becomes possible. This can be for two reasons: either there is not a single positive benefit value left (that is, it is unprofitable to merge), or when merging, the car's cargo capacity is exceeded.

4. When implemented in manufacturing process new technologies, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of innovations. Currently, several indicators are used to measure the efficiency of the use of rolling stock: profit, profitability, productivity of the rolling stock in tons and ton-kilometers, specific productivity of the rolling stock, etc. The most accessible and convenient criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of transportation is the cost of transportation. Due to the fact that our proposals will affect only the process of cargo delivery itself, the economic effect from the introduction of new technologies will be measured simply as the difference between the cost of transportation on existing routes and on those being designed.

The main goal of the repair service (RS) of the enterprise is to maintain the operable condition of the equipment while ensuring the minimum level of maintenance and repair (MRO) costs.

Effective methodology for assessing the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production allows not only to qualitatively analyze the maintenance and repair system, the effectiveness of RS activities, provide information support for the decision-making process, but also promptly identify existing shortcomings, determine ways to improve and develop.

There are technical and economic approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise's RS. Technical approaches aimed at assessing indicators characterizing the performance of the equipment. Economic approaches focused on comparing the costs of maintenance and repair and production losses due to the condition of the equipment.

At present, the question is generalized feasibility study the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production, which would allow a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the equipment maintenance and repair system, should be classified as insufficiently developed.

In this regard, an approach is proposed to a comprehensive technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production, combining and improving existing methods [ , , , ].

A comprehensive technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of the maintenance and repair system includes consideration and comparison of direct and indirect costs (costs) due to the repair maintenance of production and the condition of the equipment.

Direct costs for maintenance and repair of equipment, including for the content of the RS, (PP) are an increasing function of the intensity (volume) of equipment maintenance and repair.

Loss of production costs, (PP) are the sum of two functions:

  • production losses from equipment downtime due to scheduled maintenance and repair, which are an increasing function of the intensity (volume) of equipment maintenance and repair;
  • production losses from equipment downtime due to unscheduled repairs(elimination of emergency failures), which are a decreasing function of the intensity (volume) of equipment maintenance and repair. This also includes production losses due to a decrease in equipment productivity and product quality (marriage).

The total cost curve has a minimum () - optimum RS. The search for the optimum RS is a mathematical formulation of the problem of forming effective system MRO of equipment.

Figure 1 - Typical behavior of cost and maintenance curves

As technical indicator, which characterizes the provision of equipment operability, an extended indicator is used overall equipment efficiency(Overall Equipment Effectiveness, OEE).

OEE factors include three performance criteria:

  • availability (Availability, A);
  • performance (Performance, P);
  • quality (Quality, Q).

OEE analysis starts from Plant Operating Time (POT) and examines its losses in three main categories:

  • stop losses (Down Time Loss, DTL);
  • loss in speed (performance) (Speed ​​Loss, SL);
  • loss in quality (Quality Loss, QL).

The Availability Criteria analyzes the Stop Loss (DTL), which includes any scheduled and unplanned downtime. Working time, remaining after taking into account downtime, is called operating time (Operating Time, OT):


Availability criterion calculation:


The performance criterion takes into account the loss in speed (SL), which includes factors that cause a decrease in equipment performance. Performance criterion calculation:

P = ICT / (OT / TP) = (TP / OT) / IRR,

where ICT- ideal cycle time (Ideal Cycle Time) - the theoretical minimum time required to produce a unit of production; IRR– ideal production rate (Ideal Run Rate) – theoretically maximum amount products produced per unit of time (inverse of ICT); TP– production output (Total Pieces) – the actual number of units of production released during the operating time OT.

The quality criterion takes into account the loss in quality (QL), which includes the production of products that do not meet standards. Quality criterion calculation:


where GP– Good Pieces – the actual number of Good Pieces produced during the operating time OT.

OEE is calculated as follows:

OEE = A×P×Q.

As economic indicator characterizing the performance of the enterprise production tasks, used total cost of goods produced(SSPP) manufactured by the enterprise for sale.

The SSPP can be expressed in terms of OEE as follows:


where PRICE- the price of a unit of production manufactured by the enterprise for sale.

According to PP:

PP = ∑ ( × ROT × IRR × PRICE).

For a comprehensive technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production, it is proposed to use the indicator relative costs of maintenance and repair(OI MRO), the economic meaning of which is to establish the share of the costs of MRO of equipment per unit cost of products manufactured by the enterprise for sale:

OI MRO = (PZ + PP) / SSPP = PZ / SSPP + ∑ ( / OEE).

At the same time, the first term in the formula takes into account the direct costs of MRO work and the maintenance of the RS, and the second characterizes the costs due to production losses (time, productivity, quality). Minimization of OI MRO formulates the direction for improving the MRO system and indicates an increase in the efficiency of repair maintenance of production.

The proposed approach to a comprehensive technical and economic assessment of the efficiency of repair maintenance of production provides not only an analytical tool, but also a lever for managing the maintenance and repair system, increasing its efficiency.

Link List

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