Lean manufacturing presentation. Lean. The history of lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is

  • 27.04.2020

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(lean production, lean manufacturing - English lean - lean, slender, no fat; in Russia, since 2004, the translation “thrifty” has been adopted, although previously there were options “slender”, “sparing”, “prudent”, now there is also a variant with transliterated "lin") - a management concept created at Toyota and based on a steady desire to eliminate all types of waste.


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Lean production involves the involvement of each employee in the process of optimizing the business and maximum customer orientation. The goals of lean manufacturing are: reducing labor costs, reducing development time new products, reducing the time for creating products, reducing production and storage space, guaranteeing the delivery of products to the customer, maximum quality at minimum cost.

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The starting point lean manufacturing

Value for the consumer From the point of view of the end consumer, the product (service) acquires real value only at the time when direct processing, manufacturing takes place. technological elements. Anything that does not add value to the customer, from a lean manufacturing point of view, is classified as waste and should be eliminated.

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Basic principles

Determine the value of a particular product. (Value is a product or service for which the Customer pays). Determine the value stream for this product. Ensure the continuous flow of the product value stream. Allow the user to pull the product. Strive for perfection.

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Other principles

Excellent quality (first sight delivery, zero defects system, detection and solution of problems at the source of their occurrence); Flexibility; Establishing long-term relationships with the customer (by sharing risks, costs and information); Self-organization, evolution, adaptation

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Lean Tools

TPM system (Total Productive Maintenance) - General maintenance of equipment. The 6 S system (sort, tidy, keep clean, standardize, improve). Quick changeover (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (literally "quick change of molds" - changeover / retooling of equipment in less than 10 minutes). One-touch setup - a variant of SMED, but the changeover time is already changed by units minutes, that is, no more than 9). Kaizen (kaizen) - continuous improvement. Gemba kaizen is continuous improvement at the point of value creation. Kanban Pull Manufacturing - Products are "pulled" by the customer rather than "pushed" by the manufacturer. Informing the previous production stage that work needs to be started; Just in time - a system for synchronizing the transfer of a product from one production stage to another using Kanban cards. Components should be transferred to the next stage only when it is needed, and not a minute earlier. "Poka - yoke" ("error protection", "fool protection") - a method of preventing errors - a special device or method due to which defects simply cannot appear.

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Algorithm for the implementation of LEAN - ideology

Find an agent of change (you need a LEADER who can take responsibility); Get necessary knowledge according to the LEAN system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source); Find or create a crisis (a good motive for introducing LEAN is a crisis in the organization); Map the entire value stream for each product family; As soon as possible, start work in the main areas (information about the results should be available to the organization's staff); Strive for immediate results; Implement continuous improvement according to the Kaizen system (transition from value creation processes in the shops to administrative processes).

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Common Mistakes when implementing lean manufacturing

Seven types of major mistakes have been identified: Misunderstanding the role of management in the implementation of the LEAN system Building a "System" that does not have the necessary flexibility "Paralytic analysis" (endless analysis of the situation, instead of continuous improvement) Do without support

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Lean culture

Lean manufacturing is impossible without a lean culture. The main thing in Lean culture - human factor, team work. Emotional intelligence (EQ) of employees provides significant support for this. Lean culture also corresponds to a certain corporate culture.

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Kaizen is a true philosophy

The philosophy of continuous, unhurried improvement of all processes It is worth working only with real facts Collecting and analyzing accurate data + process improvement = Kaizen concept

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The kaizen concept includes most of the well-known Japanese management techniques: “just-in-time delivery”, kanban, total quality control, company-wide quality control, a zero-defect system, a proposal submission system, and much more.

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Kaizen system

In the Kaizen system, each employee is an equal partner of the company

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"Just-in-time deliveries"

The consumer, as any subsequent process The essence - the product must be delivered to the consumer in an ideal way. No defects, at every previous stage.

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KANBAN system

(CANBAN, pull system, pull system) - the most common type of just-in-time system - a system that ensures the organization of continuous material flow in the absence of stocks: production stocks are supplied in small batches directly to the necessary points of the production process, bypassing the warehouse, and finished products immediately shipped to buyers.

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Striving for inventory reduction is a method of identifying and solving production problems. Inventory piling and high production volumes hide: frequent breakdowns and shutdowns of equipment, manufacturing defect. The main requirements of the CANBAN system are "zero inventory", "zero defects". The CANBAN system is impossible without the implementation of a comprehensive quality management system.

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Important elements of the CANBAN system are: Information system, which includes not only cards, but also production, transport and supply schedules, technological maps; System for regulating the needs and professional rotation of personnel; The system of general (TQM) and selective ("Jidoka") quality control of products; Production leveling system.

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The main disadvantages of the "just in time" system: the difficulty of ensuring high consistency between the stages of production; significant risk of disruption of production and sales of products.

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Quality system

The Fourteen Principles of William Edwards Deming Constancy of purpose - product and service improvement. A new philosophy for a new economic period by letting managers know their responsibilities and take the lead on the path to change. Further, addressing managers, Dr. Deming urges: End reliance on mass control for quality; Eliminate the need for mass control by making quality an integral part of the product, "embedding" quality in the product. End the practice of purchasing at the cheapest price; instead, one should minimize overall costs and strive to select a specific supplier for each product needed in production. Improve every process to improve quality, increase productivity and reduce costs. Put into practice the training and retraining of personnel. Establish "leadership"; the process of supervising employees should help them do their job better; the personnel management system needs to be carefully considered. Banish fears so that everyone can work effectively for the enterprise. Destroy barriers between divisions; research, design, production and sales must be combined to anticipate the problems of production and operation. Give up empty slogans, calls for production staff, such as "zero defects" or new performance targets. Such appeals are meaningless, since the vast majority of problems arise in the system and are beyond the capabilities of workers. Eliminate arbitrarily set targets and quantitative norms. Give employees the opportunity to be proud of their work; remove the barriers that rob workers and managers from taking pride in their work. Encourage the pursuit of education and improvement. A commitment to improving the quality and effectiveness of top management is needed.

"Production program" - Production capacity. theoretical productive capacity. net production. Price. The concept and indicators of the production program. Manufacturing method and type of production. Stages of drawing up the production program of the enterprise. Development of the production program. Gross production.

"Location of production" - Von Thunen's model. Types of raw materials according to Weber. Alfred Weber Triangle. W. Launhardt. Location of production. Theoretical basis course. Placement theory. labor costs. Economics of the regions of the world. The presence of objective laws. Industrial enterprises. Raw factor.

"Production at the enterprise" - Technological operations. Production flows. Operations. Technology improvement. Interoperative waiting time. Number of workplaces. Composition and structure of working time. Principles of organization of the production process. Phase. industrial production. Break times. The production cycle and its structure.

"Production is the basis of the economy" - The main source of economic benefits. Opportunities to compete. The operation of the market mechanism for regulating the economy. The main source of economic benefits. Division of labor, specialization, labor productivity. Interview. Ensuring centralized pricing. Ensuring producers' profits.

"Value stream" - Customer requirements. Delivery details. Communication. Product family. Data for each stage. Creating a Current State Map. Value stream. The main stages of the process. Process steps. Add the date and information about the author. Calculation of order lead time. Process data. Who is responsible for the value stream.

Lean Manufacturing System - Albert Einstein. The number of alternative scenarios is infinite. The starting point of lean manufacturing. standard work. Basic principles. Philosophy. Quality system. Sorting. Typical mistakes. Production sizes. Kaizen. Deliveries. The desire to reduce stocks. Kaizen system. 9 types of losses.

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

(lean production, lean manufacturing English lean lean, slender, no fat; since 2004, the translation “thrifty” has been adopted in Russia, although earlier there were variants “slim”, “sparing”, “prudent”, now there is also a variant with transliteration “ lin") a management concept created at Toyota and based on a relentless pursuit of eliminating all types of waste. Toyota Lean Manufacturing

Lean production involves the involvement of each employee in the process of optimizing the business and maximum customer orientation. The goals of lean manufacturing are: reducing labor costs, reducing the development time for new products, reducing the time for creating products, reducing production and storage space, guaranteeing the delivery of products to the customer, maximum quality at minimum cost.

The starting point of lean manufacturing Value for the consumer From the point of view of the end consumer, the product (service) acquires real value only at the time when direct processing, the manufacture of technological elements takes place. Anything that does not add value to the customer, from a lean manufacturing point of view, is classified as waste and should be eliminated.

Basic principles Determine the value of a particular product. (Value is a product or service for which the Customer pays). Determine the value stream for this product. Ensure the continuous flow of the product value stream. Allow the user to pull the product. Strive for perfection.

The 5 Principles of LEAN Value is what the Customer actually buys Value Chain How Value is Created Flow Value Chain Improvement Pull flow management based only on real needs Improvement is a continuous never ending process of improvement

Other Principles Excellence (First Sight, Zero Defects System, Finding and Solving Problems at their Roots); Flexibility; Establishing long-term relationships with the customer (by sharing risks, costs and information); Self-organization, evolution, adaptation

Lean manufacturing tools TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system Total maintenance of equipment. The 6 S system (sort, tidy, keep clean, standardize, improve). Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (literally "quick change of molds" changeover / changeover of equipment in less than 10 minutes). i.e. no more than 9). Kaizen (kaizen) continuous improvement. Gemba kaizen continuous improvement at the point of value creation. Kanban, which pulls production, products are "pulled" by the customer, not "pushed" by the manufacturer. Informing the previous production stage that work needs to be started; Just-in-time system for synchronizing the transfer of product from one production stage to another through Kanban cards. Components should be transferred to the next stage only when it is needed, and not a minute earlier. “Poka yoke” (“error protection”, “fool protection”) method of preventing errors is a special device or method due to which defects simply cannot occur.

Algorithm for the implementation of LEAN - ideology Find a conductor of change (you need a LEADER who is able to take responsibility); Get the necessary knowledge on the LEAN system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source); Find or create a crisis (a good motive for introducing LEAN is a crisis in the organization); Map the entire value stream for each product family; As soon as possible, start work in the main areas (information about the results should be available to the organization's staff); Strive for immediate results; Implement continuous improvement according to the Kaizen system (transition from value creation processes in the shops to administrative processes).

Common Mistakes in Lean Implementation Seven types of major mistakes have been identified: Misunderstanding the role of management in implementing LEAN Building a “System” that does not have the necessary flexibility Starting implementation not from the “basics” Jobs change, but habits do not change Everything measure (collect data), but don't react to anything "Paralytic analysis" (endless analysis of the situation, instead of continuous improvement) Do without support

Lean culture Lean manufacturing is impossible without a lean culture. The main thing in Lean culture is the human factor, teamwork. Emotional intelligence (EQ) of employees provides significant support for this. Lean culture also corresponds to a certain corporate culture.

The kaizen concept includes most of the well-known Japanese management techniques: - "delivery-just-in-time" - kanban - universal quality control, company-wide quality control - zero defect system - quotation system and much more Kaizen

The KANBAN system (CANBAN, pull system, pull system) - the most common type of just-in-time system - is a system that ensures the organization of a continuous material flow in the absence of stocks: production stocks are supplied in small batches directly to the right points in the production process, bypassing the warehouse, and finished products are immediately shipped to customers.

Striving for inventory reduction is a method of identifying and solving production problems. The accumulation of stocks and overestimated production volumes hide: frequent breakdowns and shutdowns of equipment, manufacturing defects. The main requirements of the CANBAN system are "zero inventory", "zero defects". The CANBAN system is impossible without the implementation of a comprehensive quality management system.

KANBAN system The important elements of the CANBAN system are: Information system, which includes not only cards, but also production, transport and supply schedules, process charts; System for regulating the needs and professional rotation of personnel; The system of general (TQM) and selective ("Jidoka") quality control of products; Production leveling system.

KANBAN system The main advantages of the CANBAN system are: short production cycle, high turnover of assets, including stocks; there are no or extremely low costs of storing production and commodity stocks; high quality products at all stages of the production process.

The main disadvantages of the "just in time" system: the difficulty of ensuring high consistency between the stages of production; significant risk of disruption of production and sales of products.

Quality System The Fourteen Principles of William Edwards Deming Constancy of purpose to improve product and service. A new philosophy for a new economic period by letting managers know their responsibilities and take the lead on the path to change. Further, addressing managers, Dr. Deming urges: End reliance on mass control for quality; Eliminate the need for mass control by making quality an integral part of the product, "embedding" quality in the product. End the practice of purchasing at the cheapest price; instead, one should minimize overall costs and strive to select a specific supplier for each product needed in production. Improve every process to improve quality, increase productivity and reduce costs. Put into practice the training and retraining of personnel. Establish "leadership"; the process of supervising employees should help them do their job better; the personnel management system needs to be carefully considered. Banish fears so that everyone can work effectively for the enterprise. Destroy barriers between divisions; research, design, production and sales must be combined to anticipate the problems of production and operation. Give up empty slogans, calls for production personnel, such as “zero defects” or new performance targets. Such appeals are meaningless, since the vast majority of problems arise in the system and are beyond the capabilities of workers. Eliminate arbitrarily set targets and quantitative norms. Give employees the opportunity to be proud of their work; remove the barriers that rob workers and managers from taking pride in their work. Encourage the pursuit of education and improvement. A commitment to improving the quality and effectiveness of top management is needed.

Conditions hindering the implementation of the implementation of the quality system Lack of constancy of goals; The pursuit of momentary profit; Personnel appraisal and ranking systems; Constant rotation of managers; Using only quantitative criteria to evaluate the company's performance.

Quality system Action plan 1) management, relying on all 14 principles, fights against "deadly diseases" and obstacles, coordinates the concepts and directions of plans; 2) the leadership gathers its courage and internally tunes in to move in a new direction; 3) management explains to company employees why change is needed; 4) all the activities of the company are divided into stages (stages), while each subsequent stage is, as it were, the customer of the previous one. Continuous improvement of working methods should be carried out at each stage, and each stage should work towards quality; 5) build as quickly as possible organizational structure that will work for continuous quality improvement. 6) each employee can take part in the improvement of work at any stage; 7) For the construction of a quality system - the participation of knowledgeable specialists is required

9 types of waste Learn to see these wastes and get rid of them: INJURY - causing harm to people's health TRANSPORTATION - moving things WAREHOUSES - things waiting in the wings MOVEMENT - unnecessary movement of people WAITING TIME - waiting for something OVERPRODUCTION - too many products / resources OVERPROCESSING – doing things that add no value MARRIAGE – “wrong” things that need to be improved 32 6 S Sort Sort Sort Get rid of unnecessary Simplify Simplify/Straighten Tidy up, organize according to fit Sweep Sweep Scrub/Sweep Keeping clean, making it possible to see and solve problems Safety Safety Safety Eliminate unsafe conditions Standardization Standardization Standardize Who does what and when to keep the process running Stabilization Stabilization Sustain/ Self-discipline Self-discipline and keeping in order

Pull Connects the flow cells together Contains 3 elements: Ready Ready item for the next step in the chain - item is only pulled when needed.

is a PHILOSOPHY based on the idea of ​​eliminating waste in processes and the principles of interdependence, respect and continuous improvement. is an effective SYSTEM OF SIMPLE SOLUTIONS, which includes methods, approaches and effective tools aimed at eliminating losses and optimizing processes. Lean Manufacturing 3

A bit of history The Lean concept was created on the basis of production system Toyota and over the past decades has been enriched by the experience of world industry leaders. The founder of the Toyota Production System (TPS) is Ohno Taiichi. four

Trends Currently, the concept of lean production is being studied and implemented in many countries of the world, including Russia. Lean manufacturing is being implemented in such large and famous companies as: Sukhoi Aviation Company Kamaz Sberbank of Russia Baltika Brewing Company Tikkurila Uralmashzavod 5

Value Creation Stream Total Lead Time Development Production Delivery Value Adding Activities Losses (Muda) Value Stream All the activities, both value-creating and non-value-creating, that take a product through the entire process from concept development to production launch and acceptance order before delivery. 6

The result of the Lean project in the assembly - packaging area 12 Release of 10 out of 12 operators! Increase in productivity by 2 times, and in terms of one operator by 6 times! The problem with the quality of preservation has been completely solved. The "human factor" is excluded Economical effect only from the modernization of the "assembly - packaging" operation more than 1 million rubles. in year!

Project Lean modernization throughout the plant AZNO 13 Lean ideas: 1.Reducing losses in individual operations 2.Linking processes into a flow 3.Aligning the time of cycles of operations in a flow 4.Building quality into a flow Main actions: 1.Training the project team in the basics of Lean manufacturing 2.Construction of Lean maps of the current and future state 3.Construction of a "spaghetti" diagram of the section of the production of couplings 4.Timekeeping of operations 5.Identification of the "bottleneck" 6.Development of a technical solution to the conservation quality problem 7.Linking processes into a flow 8.Replanning and revision auxiliary equipment 9.Analysis of the potential for increasing productivity

Lean project at the garment factory KazSPO, Almaty 16 Actions: 1. Construction of Lean maps and spaghetti diagrams 2. Timing of operations 3. Distribution of operations by takt time 4. Linking processes into a stream. 5. Re-planning of equipment 6. Training of seamstresses in related operations 7. Organization of jobs according to 5S 8. Organization of a buffer warehouse of components 9. Development of rules for replenishment of components 10. Change in the system of motivation for seamstresses

Results of the Lean project at KazSPO Before the projectAfter Productivity per day 22 units 29 units. (+30%) Full Time production cycle 20 days 2 days (10 times) WIP 29 days 2 days (14.5 times) Manageability Weak predictability of daily results High predictability of daily results

Actions in the Lean project at KM JSC Conducting training for the Project participants Organization of flow in the pilot zone Involvement of the pilot zone personnel in the transformation process Development of current state maps » places in manufacturing process Distribution of operations in accordance with the flow cycle Organization of workplaces according to the 5S system Cutting a window between rooms Reconfiguring a piece of equipment

Results of the Lean project in JSC "KM" Before the projectAfter (calculated) Productivity (ED repairs per month) 10 units 20 units. (+100%) Full production cycle time (ED repair time) 35 days12 days (3 times) Engineering time (2 people) for planning and dispatching 8 (6+2) hours per day 2 (1+1) hours per day

Lean project at CJSC "MC Sibirskiy Bereg" Project objectives: Reducing the time of the complete production cycle from the client to raw materials on one of the lines. Increasing the flexibility of production. Production of the entire range of the family on a daily basis Increasing the productivity of the line

Analysis of line bottlenecks Increasing the fryer throughput to 300 kg/h will increase the total productivity of 40g and 70g bags by 30% Share of 40 and 70g: 63% Total increase in line productivity will be 0.63 x 0.3 = 19% 52% Loaded 49% Loaded 95% 12SKU: 4 flavors (onion, ham, bacon, kebab) 3 grams each (g) Flexibility Personnel involved Change format (grams) Change taste Line downtime per shift Future state of Capex 700 t. rub. Current status 12 SKUs in 3 days (4 SKUs per day or 2 SKUs per shift) 1.5 shifts per day min 60 min % 72 SKUs in 3 days (24 SKUs per day or 12 SKUs per shift) 1 shift per day 11 min 10 min 16%
Evaluation of the economic potential of the project Economic potential working capital Unsecured demand RUB 3.1 mln RUB 1.1 mln RUB 0.3 mln RUB 4.9 mln RUB 2.1 mln RUB 4.8 mln Transport RUB 0.4 mln RUB 9.7 mln per year