Units of measure for the material flow. Material flow: concept, types, dimension. Stochastic flows in logistics. B) afraid of heat

  • 08.12.2019

Is the key to logistics. material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished goods- from the primary source of raw materials up to the final consumer.

Fig.1. circuit diagram material flow on a wholesale basis

material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one enterprise. Before forming the definition of a material flow, let us analyze a specific example of a material flow flowing within a separate enterprise.

Figure 1 shows circuit diagram material flow at the trading wholesale base. As follows from this scheme, the goods unloaded from the vehicle can be sent in one of three ways: either to the receiving area, or to the storage area, or, if the goods arrived in working time, on a straight-through expedition. In the future, the goods one way or another are concentrated in the storage area.

The ways of movement of cargo from the storage area to the loading area can also be different. Figure 1 shows 4 options:

a) storage area - loading area;

b) storage area - dispatch expedition - loading area;

c) storage site - acquisition site - dispatch expedition - - loading site;

d) storage area - picking area - loading area.

Along the way, various operations are carried out with the cargo: unloading, palletizing, moving, unpacking, storage, etc. The volume of work for a separate operation, calculated for a certain period of time, for a month, for a quarter, etc., represents the material flow for the corresponding operation.

At wholesale depots, material flows are calculated, as a rule, for individual sections. To do this, summarize the amount of work for all logistics operations carried out in this area.

The material flow is called goods, parts, inventory items, etc., considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and related to the time interval.

The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, which includes the unit of measurement of the cargo (pieces, tons, etc.), and the denominator - the unit of time (day, month, year, etc.).

When performing some logistics operations, the material flow can be considered for a given point in time. Then it turns into a stock.

Concerning specific logistics system material flow can be external and internal. The external material flow flows in the external environment, i.e. outside the logistics system. The internal material flow is formed as a result of the implementation of logistics operations with cargo within the logistics system.

Fig.2. Types of material flows

Distinguish between input and output material flows. The input material flow enters the logistics system from the external environment. The output material flow comes from the logistics system during external environment. For the wholesale base, it can be determined by adding up the material flows that occur during loading operations. various kinds Vehicle.

If the enterprise maintains stocks at the same level, the input material flow will be equal to the output.

The classification of material flows is shown in Fig.2.

1. For the system in question:

a) internal flows - circulate inside the system;

b) external flows - are outside the system;

c) incoming flows are external flows coming from the external environment into the logistics system;

d) outgoing flows are internal flows coming from the logistics system to the external environment;

2. By degree of continuity:

a) continuous flows - at each moment of time, the flow path moves a certain amount of objects;

b) discrete flows - are formed by objects moving at intervals;

3. According to the degree of regularity:

a) deterministic flows - characterized by the certainty of the parameters at each point in time;

b) stochastic flows - are characterized by the random nature of the parameters, which at each moment of time take a certain value with a known degree of probability.

4. According to the degree of stability:

a) stable flows - characterized by the constancy of the values ​​of the parameters for a certain period of time;

b) unstable flows - characterized by changes in flow parameters.

5. According to the degree of variability:

a) stationary flows - characteristic of a steady process, their intensity is a constant value;

b) unsteady flows - characteristic of an unsteady process, their intensity varies over a certain period.

6. By the nature of the movement of flow elements:

a) uniform flows - are characterized by a constant speed of movement of objects: in the same periods of time, objects pass the same path, the intervals for the beginning and end of the movement of objects are also equal;

b) uneven flows - characterized by a change in the speed of movement, the possibility of acceleration, deceleration, stops along the way, changes in the intervals of departure and arrival.

7. According to the degree of frequency:

a) periodic flows - characterized by the constancy of parameters or the constancy of the nature of their change after a certain period;

b) non-periodic flows - are characterized by the absence of a regularity in the change in flow parameters.

8. According to the degree of compliance of changes in flow parameters with a predetermined rhythm:

a) rhythmic flows;

b) non-rhythmic flows.

9. By degree of difficulty:

a) simple (differentiated) flows - consist of objects of the same type;

b) complex (integrated) flows - unite heterogeneous objects.

10. By degree of control:

a) controlled flows - adequately responding to the control action from the control system;

b) uncontrolled flows - non-responsive to the control action.

By the nature of the generating objects, the following types of flows can be distinguished: material, transport, energy, Money, informational, human, military, etc., however, for the logistics of the economic sphere, material, informational and financial flows.

1.2 Material flow: concept, types, units of measurement

The concept of material flow is key in logistics. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the end consumer.

Material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one enterprise.

material flow - it is a material product that is in a state of motion, considered in the process of applying logistics operations to it and related to a certain time interval. The material flow is not in the time interval, but in this moment time goes into inventory.

The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, in the numerator of which the unit of measurement of the cargo is indicated (pieces, tons, etc.), and in the denominator - the unit of measurement of time (day, month, year, etc.).

The material flow is characterized by a certain set of parameters:

Nomenclature, assortment and quantity of products;

Overall characteristics (volume, area, linear dimensions);

Weight characteristics; physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo;

Characteristics of containers (packaging);

Conditions of transportation and insurance;

Financial (cost) characteristics, etc.

Classification of material flows:

1.In relation to the logistics system distinguish between internal, external, input and output flows.

2.By nomenclature material flows are divided into single-product (single-type) and multi-product (multi-type). The nomenclature is understood as a systematized list of groups, subgroups and positions (types) of products in physical terms for accounting and planning.

3.By assortment material flows are classified into single-assortment and multi-assortment. The product range is the composition and ratio of products of a certain type or name, differing from each other in grade, type, size, brand, exterior finish and other features. The assortment composition of the flow significantly affects the work with it. For example, the logistics process in a wholesale food market selling meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and groceries will be significantly different from logistics process to a potato storage that works with one item of cargo.)

4.By quantity material flows are divided into mass, large, small and medium.

- Mass- this is the flow that occurs during the transportation of goods by a group of vehicles (for example, train or several dozen wagons, a convoy of vehicles, a caravan of ships, etc.).

- Large- these are the flows of several wagons or cars.

- small- these are the flows of goods, the amount of which does not allow the full use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle, and during transportation it is advisable to combine them with other, passing cargo.

- Medium flows occupy an intermediate position between large and small ones. These include flows that form goods arriving in single wagons or cars.

5. By specific gravity the material flows forming the flow of goods are divided into:

- heavyweight, providing full use carrying capacity of vehicles. Heavy-weight flows form cargoes in which the mass of one piece exceeds 1 t for water transport and 0.5 t for rail transport, for example, metals.

- lightweight, not allowing full use of the carrying capacity of the transport. One ton of light weight flow cargo occupies a volume of more than 2 m 2 (for example, tobacco products).

6.According to the degree of compatibility material flows are divided into compatible and incompatible. This sign is taken into account mainly during the transportation, storage and cargo processing of food products.

7.By physical and chemical properties material flows are divided into:

- Bulk cargo(for example, grain), which are transported without containers. Their main property is flowability. They can be transported in specialized means: bunker-type wagons, open wagons, on platforms, in Containers and in motor vehicles.

- Bulk cargo- as a rule, of mineral origin (salt, coal, ore, sand, etc.). Transported without containers, some may freeze, cake, bake. Also, like the previous group, they have flowability.

- Packaged goods, which have different physical and chemical properties, specific gravity, volume. They can be transported in containers, boxes, bags, as well as without containers: long and oversized cargo.

- liquid cargo, transported in bulk in tanks and tankers. Logistics operations with bulk cargo, such as reloading, storage and others, are carried out using special technical means.

According to the characteristics of the cargo during transportation, material flows can be separately classified according to the transport factor including such characteristics as the type of transport and the method of transportation, the conditions of transportation, etc.

Each material flow corresponds to a certain information flow, however, the material and information flows are usually displaced relative to each other in time and in direction.

2. The concept of logistics service. Determining the optimal level of logistics service

2.1 The concept of logistics service

In the article by L.B. Mirotin and Y.E. Tashbaev "Logistics: basic concepts and provisions", published in the appendix to the journal "Loginfo", the service is defined as a service, both in the broadest sense of the word, and in relation to the repair and adjustment of technical means, household equipment, municipal equipment. Here, the authors note that the word "service" comes from the English "service" - service, service.

In the terminological dictionary "Logistics" edited by A.N. Rodnikov, the following definition of service is given: “Service is the services provided to the buyer by the organization that sold the goods, in the form of delivery, installation, adjustment, repair of goods” .

There are several rules for the organization of logistics services that have received recognition in world practice. These rules were formulated by V.I. Sergeev in the book "Logistics in business":

Guaranteed logistics service;

Quality of logistics service;

Preparedness of personnel who have mastered the standards of logistics service;

Assessment of the quality of the logistics service (Fig. 1) .

Figure 1. Service organization rules established by world practice

The logistics manager needs to constantly monitor how the level of the company's own services and those of competitors meets the expectations of customers. Finding flaws in the logistics service system can be done through a number of techniques, such as conducting comparative purchases, regular customer surveys, installing suggestion boxes, and creating a system for handling complaints and claims. All this will help the entrepreneur to create an idea of ​​​​how he works, and to satisfy disappointed customers.

Yu.M. Nerush writes in his book “Logistics: a textbook for universities”: “Abroad, such a form of service as lectures and consultations for buyers is widely practiced. How to choose meat; how to cook shrimp; how to choose fruits and vegetables are all typical consultation topics organized and advertised by logistics managers. Another example of service activities of this type is the acquaintance of buyers with the history of certain goods, with the methods of growing and producing products, with their nutritional value.

Logistics service is inseparable from service culture. Without a cultured and attentive service, the service loses its appeal. Conversely, without a logistics service, a service culture is much less effective than with a high-quality and comprehensive service. Therefore, these two definitions must be considered in their clear relationship and influence on each other.

To decide on a complex of services in logistics, the logistics manager should study the consumers in order to understand what basic services could be offered to them and what is the relative importance of each of them. A.M. Gadzhinsky gives the following practical example: “Canadian buyers industrial equipment named 13 logistics service factors in descending order of importance:

1) reliability of supplies;

2) promptness in the provision of proposals for prices;

3) the possibility of obtaining technical advice;

4) granting discounts;

5) after-sales service;

6) scales trading network;

7) ease of making contact;

8) product replacement guarantee;

9) wide production capabilities supplier;

10) the possibility of developing a product according to to an individual sample;

11) the possibility of granting a loan;

12) availability of testing equipment;

13) availability of equipment for machining» .

This sort of ranking suggests that in this market, the seller should at least be on par with competitors in terms of reliability of supply, promptness in bidding, technical advice, and other types of services that customers consider most important.

However, the question of what kind of services should be provided is still not so simple. A service can be extremely important to consumers and yet not be decisive in the choice of supplier if all available suppliers provide it at the same level of quality.

Consider next example. Monsanto Co. was looking for a way to improve the logistics service package. The clients were asked to compare Monsanto and DuPont and Union Carbide on several dimensions. Among consumers, all three firms were famous for the reliability of supplies and the good work of their sales agents. However, none of them, according to customers, did not provide a sufficient amount of technical services. Monsanto immediately conducted a study to determine the value of technical services to chemical buyers and found that these services were very important to them. Since then, the firm has hired and trained additional technical professionals and launched a campaign to position itself as a leader in the field. Maintenance. In the minds of buyers interested in receiving technical service, all this gave Monsanto a clear advantage.

2.2 Determining the optimal level of logistics service

IN AND. Sergeev emphasizes that “the consumer is interested not only in certain services in themselves, but also in their volume and quality. If bank customers have to stand in long lines or deal with surly employees or cashiers, they can change banks.

The firm needs to constantly monitor how the level of its own services and those of competitors meets the expectations of customers. Flaws in the service system can be identified through a number of techniques, such as conducting comparative purchases, regular consumer surveys, installing suggestion boxes, and creating a system for handling complaints and claims. All this will help the company to have an idea of ​​​​how it works, and to satisfy disappointed customers.

Professor B.A. Anikin writes in a textbook on logistics: “The logistics manager must decide in what forms various services will be provided. The first question is: what prices should be set for each type of service work? Consider, for example, what Sony has to offer as a service for repairing their televisions. She has three choices:

1. Offer free TV repair within a year of purchase.

2. Sell the service contract to another firm.

3. Do not offer repair services at all, leaving the freedom of action for repair specialists.

In addition, Sony can offer repair services themselves in one of three options:

Hire and train your own repairmen and distribute them throughout the country.

Agree that repair services will be provided by distributors and dealers.

Leave the repair worries independent organizations» .

Each type of service can be provided in different ways. And the decision of the company will depend on the preferences of customers, and on the approaches used by competitors.

List of used literature

1. Gadzhinsky A.M. Logistics: Textbook. - M .: IVK "Marketing", 2000.

2. Logistics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. B.A. Anikina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

3. Mirotin L.B., Tashbaev Y.E. Logistics: Basic concepts and provisions: Supplement to the journal "Loginfo" // Loginfo. - 2001. - No. 1.

4. Nerush Yu.M. Logistics: Textbook for universities. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000.

5. Novikov O. A., Uvarov S. A. Logistics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Business-npeсca", 1999.

6. Logistics basics: Tutorial/ Ed. L.B. Mirotin and V.I. Sergeev. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

7. Rodnikov A.N. Logistics: Terminological dictionary. – M.: Audit, UNITI, 2002.

8. Sergeev V.I. Logistics in business: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001.

Novikov O. A., Uvarov S. A. Logistics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Business-npeсca", 1999, p. 208.

Mirotin L.B., Tashbaev Y.E. Logistics: Basic concepts and provisions: Supplement to the journal "Loginfo" // Loginfo. - 2001. - No. 1, p. 84.

Rodnikov A.N. Logistics: Terminological dictionary. – M.: Audit, UNITI, 2002, p. 65.

Sergeev V.I. Logistics in business: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001, p. 149.

1.2 Material flow: concept, types, units of measurement

The concept of material flow is key in logistics. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials up to the end consumer.

Material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one enterprise.

The material flow is a product that has a material form, which is in a state of motion, considered in the process of applying logistics operations to it and related to a certain time interval. The material flow is not on the time interval, but at a given point in time goes into the inventory.

The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the unit of measurement of the cargo (pieces, tons, etc.), and the denominator is the unit of measurement of time (day, month, year, etc.).

The material flow is characterized by a certain set of parameters:

Nomenclature, assortment and quantity of products;

Overall characteristics (volume, area, linear dimensions);

Weight characteristics; physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo;

Characteristics of containers (packaging);

Conditions of transportation and insurance;

Financial (cost) characteristics, etc.

Classification of material flows:

In relation to the logistics system, internal, external, input and output flows are distinguished.

According to the nomenclature, material flows are divided into single-product (single-type) and multi-product (multi-type). The nomenclature is understood as a systematized list of groups, subgroups and positions (types) of products in physical terms for accounting and planning.

According to the assortment, material flows are classified into single-assortment and multi-assortment. The product range is the composition and ratio of products of a certain type or name, which differ in grade, type, size, brand, exterior finish and other features. The assortment composition of the flow significantly affects the work with it. For example, the logistics process in a wholesale food market selling meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and groceries will be significantly different from the logistics process in a potato store that works with one item of cargo.)

On a quantitative basis, material flows are divided into mass, large, small and medium.

Mass is a flow that occurs in the process of transporting goods by a group of vehicles (for example, a train or several dozen wagons, a convoy of vehicles, a caravan of ships, etc.).

Large ones are flows of several wagons or cars.

Small - these are the flows of goods, the number of which does not allow the full use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle, and during transportation it is advisable to combine them with other incidental goods.

Medium flows occupy an intermediate position between large and small ones. These include flows that form goods arriving in single wagons or cars.

5. According to the specific weight of the goods forming the flow, material flows are divided into:

Heavy, ensuring the full use of the carrying capacity of vehicles. Heavy-weight flows form cargoes in which the mass of one piece exceeds 1 t for water transport and 0.5 t for rail transport, for example, metals.

Lightweight, not allowing full use of the transport capacity. One ton of light weight flow cargo occupies a volume of more than 2 m 2 (for example, tobacco products).

According to the degree of compatibility, material flows are divided into compatible and incompatible. This sign is taken into account mainly during the transportation, storage and cargo processing of food products.

According to physical and chemical properties, material flows are divided into:

Bulk cargoes (for example, grain) which are transported without container. Their main property is flowability. They can be transported in specialized means: bunker-type wagons, open wagons, on platforms, in Containers and in motor vehicles.

Bulk cargo - as a rule, of mineral origin (salt, coal, ore, sand, etc.). Transported without containers, some may freeze, cake, bake. Also, like the previous group, they have flowability.

Packaged cargoes that have different physical and chemical properties, specific gravity, volume. They can be transported in containers, boxes, bags, as well as without containers: long and oversized cargo.

Liquid cargoes transported in bulk in tanks and tankers. Logistics operations with bulk cargo, such as reloading, storage and others, are carried out using special technical means.

According to the characteristics of the cargo in the process of transportation, material flows can be separately classified according to the transport factor, which includes such features as the type of transport and method of transportation, transportation conditions, etc.

Each material flow corresponds to a certain information flow, however, the material and information flows are usually displaced relative to each other in time and in direction.

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  • Material flow is inventory items that are in a state of motion or at rest, to which logistics operations are applied related to their transformation in the process of producing a product or service, related to a time interval. The composition of the material flow can be represented material resources, semi-finished products, work in progress, finished products. A material flow that is at rest is a stock. The material flow is measured by quantitative units of measurement of material objects to the unit of time. The dimension of the material flow is expressed as a fraction: in the numerator of the unit of measurement of cargo (t, pieces, l), in the denominator of the unit of measurement of time (hours, days, months). The material flow from the perspective of logistics can be classified according to various criteria:

    1. in relation to the logistics system - external, internal, input, output;

    2. by assortment - mono-assortment and poly-assortment;

    3. according to the degree of certainty - deterministic and stochastic;

    4. on the basis of continuity in time - continuous and discrete.

    material flow - these are inventory items that are in a state of motion or at rest, to which logistics operations are applied, ensuring their transformation in the process of producing a product or service, related to a time interval. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. Material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one enterprise.

    Types of material flow:

    1) acceptance of goods

    2) issuance / issue from the warehouse

    3) warehousing

    4) storage

    5) transportation (external transportation)

    6) intra-production movements

    7) equipment

    8) loading

    9) unloading

    10) packing

    11) marking

    The composition of the material flow can be represented by material resources, semi-finished products, work in progress, finished products. A material flow that is at rest is called a stock. The material flow is measured by quantitative units of measurement of material objects to the unit of time. The dimension of the material flow is expressed as a fraction in the numerator of the unit of measurement of cargo (tons, pieces, liters), and in the denominator of the unit of measurement of time (hours, days, months). Mat. The flow from the perspective of logistics can be classified according to various criteria:

    1. In relation to the log.system - external, internal, input, output.

    2. by assortment - mono-assortment and poly-assortment.

    3. according to the degree of certainty - deterministic and stochastic.

    4. on the basis of continuity in time - continuous and discrete.

    Management of material flows within the framework of intra-production logistics systems can be carried out different ways, of which there are two main, fundamentally different from each other.

    The first option is called "push system" and is a system of organization of production, in which the objects of labor entering the production site are not ordered directly by this site from the previous technological link. The material flow is “pushed out” to the recipient by a command received by the transmitting link from the central production control system.

    Raw materials warehouse → Shop #1 → Shop #n → Assembly shop

    Push models of management, flows are typical for traditional methods of organizing production. The possibility of their application for the logistics organization of production appeared in connection with the mass distribution of computer technology. These systems, the first developments of which date back to the 60s, made it possible to coordinate and quickly adjust the plans and actions of all departments of the enterprise - supply, production and marketing, taking into account constant changes in real time.

    Pushing systems capable of using microelectronics to link complex production mechanism into a single whole, nevertheless have natural limits to their capabilities. The parameters of the material flow “pushed out” to the site are optimal as far as control system is able to take into account and evaluate all the factors affecting the production situation in this area. However, the more factors for each of the numerous sections of the enterprise must be taken into account by the control system, the more perfect and expensive should be its software, information and technical support.

    The second option is based on a fundamentally different way of managing the material flow. It bears the name "pull system" and is a production organization system in which parts and semi-finished products are fed to the subsequent technological operation from the previous one as needed.

    Here, the central control system does not interfere in the exchange of material flows between different sections of the enterprise, does not establish current conditions for them. production tasks. The production program of a separate technological link is determined by the size of the order of the next link. The central control system sets the task only for the final link of the production technological chain.

    Process approach- one of the principles of the organization of production. In the context of production logistics, it is used in pull systems for organizing the movement of material flow. In the world practice of enterprise management, the construction of production into a single workflow - Workflow is currently actively used. The essence of this approach is expressed in the organization of the interaction of information and material flows in the implementation of processes of a streaming nature. Workflow technology is based on the description and subsequent analysis of the sequence of actions or tasks that must be performed to achieve the goals of production and / or provision of services aimed at meeting the needs of the client. Workflow technology allows you to create a system for transferring work items officials controlling specific production procedures. The system creates a uniform workload for the entire team of the enterprise, provides information on the deadlines for performing operations, monitors and plans the smallest elements of work. In addition, it identifies the elements of the process that contribute to the lengthening of the time of production of products and services, and therefore increase costs. It becomes possible to carry out a cost reduction analysis by the entire team in interaction with the client and increase the motivation of the team to work.

    In the printing industry, this concept is used in two ways: an approach to organizing activities and the name of a set of equipment for performing work (Agfa, Creo, Scitex systems). Implementation information technology in the implementation of enterprise management allows you to formalize management processes. Build business process implementation schemes as a conveyor through which manufacturing process moves from one performer of work to another and is regulated by the information flow in accordance with the set of procedural rules or protocols of the corporate information system adopted at the enterprise.

    The process approach in the organization and management of the enterprise allows you to increase the transparency of business processes, make them available for analysis, modeling and improvement. Performers get a real opportunity to act more efficiently, correctly understand their functions, level of competence and work with a greater degree of comfort. When interacting with partners and customers, the enterprise increases information readiness, increases the degree of trust and reliability in fulfilling obligations Using the principle of the process approach is one of the requirements of the ISO 9000 series standards for creating enterprise management quality systems.

    material flow called goods, inventory items, details considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and related to the time interval.

    Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the end consumer.

    Units of measurement of material flow

    The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the unit of measurement of the cargo (pieces, tons, etc.), and the denominator - the unit of measurement of time (day, month, year, etc.).

    Scheme of material flows in the warehouse of the trading base

    Goods arriving during working hours after unloading can be sent directly to storage, or they can get to the storage site, having previously passed acceptance. On weekends, the arrived cargo is placed in the acceptance expedition, from where it is transferred to the warehouse on the first working day. All goods received at the warehouse, in the end, are concentrated in the storage area.

    The ways of cargo movement from the storage area to the loading area can also be different:

    A. storage area - loading area;

    B. storage site - dispatch expedition - loading site;

    C. storage area - picking area - dispatch expedition - loading area;

    D. storage area - picking area - loading area.

    It is possible to minimize storage costs by directing goods from the storage area directly to the loading area. This means the rejection of assortment selection operations at the picking site, as well as the rejection of the delivery of goods to customers (operations in the dispatch expedition). However, by refusing to provide services, the company loses its position in the market, which is also associated with economic losses.

    The search for an acceptable compromise is possible only with an established cost accounting system that allows generating information on the most significant costs.

    Types of material flows

    Material flows are divided according to the following main features; relation to the logistics system, the natural-material composition of the flow, the number of goods forming the flow, the specific gravity of the goods forming the flow, the degree of compatibility of goods, the consistency of goods.

    In relation to the logistics system material flow can be:

    · External the material flow flows in an environment external to the enterprise. This category is not made up of any goods moving outside the enterprise, but only those to which the enterprise is related;

    · Interior the material flow is formed as a result of the implementation of logistics operations with cargo within the logistics system;

    · Input the material flow enters the logistics system from the external environment;

    · Day off the material flow comes from the logistics system to the external environment. For the wholesale base, it can be determined by adding up the material flows that take place when performing operations for loading various types of vehicles.

    By natural composition material flows are divided into single assortment and multi-assortment. Such a separation is necessary, the assortment composition of the flow significantly affects the work with it.

    By quantity material flows are divided into:

    Mass - flows arising in the process of transporting goods not by a single vehicle, but by a group of them;

    · Large streams - several wagons, motor vehicles;

    · Shallow flows form quantities of goods that do not allow full use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle and require, during transportation, to be combined with other accompanying goods;

    · Medium flows occupy an intermediate position between large and small ones. These include flows that form goods arriving in single wagons or cars.

    By specific gravity the material flows forming the flow of goods are divided into:

    · Heavyweight flows provide full use of the carrying capacity of vehicles, require less storage volume for storage. Heavy flows form cargoes in which the mass of one piece exceeds 1 t and 0.5 t;

    · Lightweight streams are represented by loads that do not allow full use of the carrying capacity of the transport. One ton of light weight cargo occupies a volume of more than 2 m 3.

    According to the degree of compatibility the material flows forming the flow of goods are divided into compatible and incompatible. This sign is taken into account mainly during the transportation, storage and cargo processing of food products.

    By cargo consistency material flows are divided into:

    · Bulk goods are transported without packaging. Their main property is flowability. They can be transported in specialized vehicles: bunker-type wagons, open wagons, on platforms, in containers, in motor vehicles;

    · Bulk cargoes, as a rule, of mineral origin. Transported without containers, some can sinter, cake, and also have flowability;

    · tare-piece cargoes have a variety of physical and chemical properties, specific gravity, volume. It can be cargo in containers, boxes, bags, bulk cargo, long and oversized cargo;

    · Bulk cargoes - cargoes transported in bulk in tanks and tankers. Logistics operations with bulk cargoes are carried out with the help of special technical means.