Logistics in the enterprise example. Logistics information system of the enterprise. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

  • 22.05.2021

The multiplicity and heterogeneity of the links in the logistics chain makes it necessary to look for the best ways of their communications or information interaction.

Information is a function that drives the logistics system. It is information that keeps the material flow system open, capable of adapting to new conditions. To provide flexible, customer-oriented logistics system it is necessary that the physical system function in parallel with the information system.

A significant element of any logical system is a subsystem that ensures the passage and processing of information, which, upon closer examination, itself unfolds into a complex information system consisting of various subsystems.

Just like any other system, Information system should consist of orderly interconnected elements and have a certain set of integrative qualities. The decomposition of information systems into constituent elements can be carried out in different ways. Most often, information systems are divided into two subsystems: functional and supporting.

The functional subsystem consists of a set of tasks to be solved, grouped according to the common goal.

The supporting subsystem, in turn, includes the following elements:

a) technical support, i.e. a set of technical means that ensure the processing and transmission of information flows;

b) information support, which includes various directories, classifiers, codifiers, means of formalized data description;

c) software, i.e. a set of methods for solving functional problems. Logical information systems, as a rule, are automated information systems for managing logistics processes. Therefore, software in logistics information systems is a set of programs and a set of programming tools that provide solutions to the problems of managing material flows, processing texts, obtaining reference data and functioning of technical means.

The organization of links between elements in logistics information systems can differ significantly from the organization of traditional information systems. This is due to the fact that logistics information systems must provide comprehensive integration of all elements of material flow management, their prompt and reliable interaction. The information and technical support of logistics systems differs not in the nature of the information and the set of technical means used for processing, but in the methods and principles used to build them.

The conclusion is conditioned, the definition of an information system can be formulated as follows: an information system is a certain way organized set of interconnected computer equipment, various directories and necessary programming tools that provides the solution of certain functional tasks (in logistics - the task of managing material flows).

Information systems in logistics can be created to manage material flows at the level of an individual enterprise, and can help organize logistics processes in a region, country, and even a group of countries (Figure 4).

Figure 4. - Types of information systems used in logistics

At the level of an individual enterprise, information systems, in turn, are divided into three groups:

1. planned;

2. dispositive (or dispatching);

3. executive (or operational).

Logistic information systems included in the category groups differ in functional and supporting subsystems. Functional subsystems differ in the composition of the tasks to be solved. Supporting subsystems can differ in all their elements, i.e. technical, informational and mathematical support. Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of individual information systems.

Planned information systems are created at the administrative level of management and serve to make long-term decisions of a strategic nature. The following tasks are possible:

Creation and optimization of links in the logistics chain;

control of conditionally constants, i.e. little changing data;

production planning;

· general management reserves;

reserve management

and other tasks.

Dispositive informational ones are created at the level of warehouse or workshop management and serve to ensure the smooth operation of logical systems. In this case, the following tasks are to be solved:

Detailed inventory management (storage areas);

Disposition of intra-warehouse (or intra-factory) transport;

selection of goods according to orders and their completion;

accounting of shipped goods

and other tasks.

Executive information systems are created at the level of administrative or operational management. The processing of information in these systems is carried out at a pace determined by the speed of its entry into the computer. This is the so-called real-time mode of operation, which allows you to receive the necessary information about the movement of goods at the current time and timely issue the appropriate administrative and control actions on the control object. These systems solve problems related to:

material flow control

operational management of production services,

management of premises, etc.

The creation of multilevel automated material flow management systems is associated with significant costs, mainly in the field of software development, which, on the one hand, should provide the multifunctionality of the system, and on the other hand, a high degree of its integration. Therefore, when creating automated control systems in the field of logistics, the possibility of using relatively inexpensive standard software with its adaptation to local conditions should be explored.

In accordance with the principles of the systems approach, any system must first be studied in relation to the external environment, and only then within its structure. This principle of consistent progress through the stages of creating a system must be observed when designing logistics information systems.

From the standpoint of a systematic approach, three levels are distinguished in logistics processes.

Figure 5. - Levels in logistics processes from the standpoint of a systematic approach

First level - workplace, on which a logistics operation with a material flow is carried out, i.e. moving, unloading, packing, etc. cargo unit, detail or any other element of the material flow.

The second level is a site, workshop, warehouse, where the processes of cargo transportation take place, jobs are located.

The third level is the system of transportation and movement as a whole, covering the chain of events, the beginning of which can be taken as the moment of shipment of raw materials by the supplier. This chain ends when finished products enter final consumption.

In planned information systems, tasks are solved that connect the logistics system with the total material flow. At the same time, end-to-end planning is carried out in the chain "sales - production - supply", which allows you to create an effective system for organizing production, built on market requirements, with the issuance of the necessary requirements to the logistics system of the enterprise. By this, planning systems, as it were, “tie” the logistics system into the external environment, into the total material flow.

Dispositive and executive systems detail the plans and ensure their implementation at individual production sites, warehouses, and at specific workplaces.

In accordance with the concept of logistics, information systems belonging to different groups are integrated into a single information system. Distinguish:

1. vertical

2. horizontal integration.

Vertical integration is the connection between the planning, dispositive and executive systems through vertical information flows.

Horizontal integration is the connection between individual sets of tasks in dispositive and executive systems through horizontal information flows.

In general, the advantages of integrated information systems are as follows:

the speed of information exchange increases;

Reduces the number of errors in accounting;

the volume of unproductive, "paper" work is reduced;

disparate information blocks are combined

When building computer-based logistics information systems, certain principles must be observed.

The principle of using hardware and software modules. A hardware module is understood as a unified functional unit of radio-electronic equipment, made in the form of an independent product. A software module can be considered a unified, to a certain extent independent, software element that performs a specific function in a common software. Strict adherence to the principle of using software and hardware modules will allow:

· to ensure the compatibility of computing equipment and software at different levels of management;

· improve the efficiency of the functioning of logistics information systems;

Reduce their cost

speed up their construction.

The principle of the possibility of a phased creation of the system. Computer-based logistics information systems, like other automated control systems, are constantly evolving systems. This means that when designing them, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of a constant increase in the number of automation objects, the possibility of expanding the composition of the functions implemented by the information system and the number of tasks to be solved. It should be borne in mind that the definition of the stages of creating a system, and this is the choice of priorities, has a great influence on the subsequent development of the logistics information system and on the effectiveness of its functioning.

The principle of a clear establishment of junction points. “At the junction, the material and information flow crosses the boundaries of authority and responsibility individual divisions enterprises or across the boundaries of independent organizations. Ensuring smooth crossing of junction points is one of the important tasks of logistics.”

The principle of system flexibility in terms of the specific requirements of a particular application.

The principle of acceptability of the system for the user of the dialogue "man - machine".

The processing of information circulating in logistics systems is at the heart of the material flow management process

The information flow is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for the management and control of logistics operations. Its existence is possible in the form of paper and electronic documents.

Classification sign

Figure 6. Types of information flows in logistics

Types of information flows:

1. depending on the type of systems connected by the flow: horizontal and vertical;

2. depending on the place of passage: external and internal;

3. depending on the direction in relation to the logistics system: input and output.

The information flow can be ahead of the material flow, follow simultaneously with it or after it. At the same time, the information flow can be directed both in one direction with the material one, and in the opposite direction:

The leading information flow in the opposite direction contains, as a rule, information about the order;

advance information flow in the forward direction - these are preliminary messages about the upcoming arrival of the cargo;

· Simultaneously with the material flow there is information in the forward direction about the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the material flow;

· Following the material flow in the opposite direction, there may be information about the results of the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, various claims, confirmations.

The path along which the information flow moves may not coincide with the route of the material flow.

It is possible to manage the information flow:

changing the direction of the flow;

limiting the transmission rate to the corresponding reception rate;

· limiting the volume of flow to the value of the throughput of an individual node or section of the path.

The information flow is measured by the amount of processed or transmitted information per unit of time. For the unit of the amount of information, a binary unit is taken - a bit. When using a computer, information is measured in bytes.

In practice, information about economic activity is usually measured also:

the number of processed or transmitted documents;

The total number of document lines, processed or transmitted documents.

In addition to logistical operations in economic systems, valuable operations are also carried out, accompanied by the emergence and transmission of information flows. However, it is the logistical information flows that make up the most significant part of the total information flow.

Conclusion to chapter 1

Logistics comes from the Greek word "logistike", which means the art of calculating, reasoning.

The history of the emergence and development of logistics goes far into the past. In this chapter, many interpretations of logistics are considered. I would like to add that logistics is a form of optimizing market relations, harmonizing the interests of all participants in the process of goods distribution. It represents the improvement of the management of material and related information and financial flows on the way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. finished products based on a systematic approach and the use of economic compromises in order to obtain a synergistic effect.

There are several levels of development of logistics in enterprises. This chapter discusses in detail all four levels of development of logistics and the factors influencing both them and the development of logistics in general. An analysis of the levels of development of the studied science clearly showed that companies where an integrated approach to logistics management has been established improve their performance.

The chapter gives the very concept of a logistics system and discusses its main features. Any logistics system consists of a set of subsystems, links and elements between which certain functional connections and relationships are established. Based on this, a logistics chain is built. From this it follows that the formation of a logistics system is the most important task of the strategic planning of a company's business.

The activity of any enterprise or organization largely depends on the development of information links with the internal and external environment. Therefore, one of the elements of logistics management is information process management, which has its own specific characteristics:

Firstly, information orientation and speed of decision-making;

secondly, taking into account the ongoing direct and reverse information processes when making management decisions;

· thirdly, the organization of information support in the conditions of the existing system of data exchange at the enterprise and its organizational structure.


Logistics is the science of planning, managing, controlling and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the end user.

Logistics, although it has deep historical roots, is nevertheless a relatively young science. It received especially rapid development during the Second World War, when it was used to solve strategic problems and clear interaction between the defense industry, standard and supply bases and transport in order to timely provide the army with weapons, fuel and food. Gradually, the concepts and methods of logistics began to be transferred from the military to the civilian field, first as a new scientific direction on the rational management of the movement of material flows in the sphere of circulation, and then in production.

Logistics subdivisions have been created at enterprises of industry, the agro-industrial complex, transport, in the NATO apparatus, they are included in the organizing committees for major international competitions, etc.

By the end of the 20th century, logistics science appears as a discipline that includes purchasing or supply logistics, logistics of production processes, marketing or distribution logistics, transport logistics, information or computer logistics, and a number of others.

Each of the listed areas of human activity has been sufficiently studied and described in the relevant literature; the novelty of the logistics approach itself lies in the integration of the above, as well as the areas of activity in order to achieve the desired result with minimal time and resources through optimal end-to-end management of material and information flows.

Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods. In structure social production transport belongs to the sphere of production of material services. Transport as an integral part of a larger system, i.e. logistics chain, led to the need to consider it in different aspects. From the point of view of studying the efficiency of individual modes of transport, the transportation of goods between the points of departure and destination on each of them is of interest. However, from the standpoint of the organization of transportation, it is advisable to analyze the entire transportation process as a whole from the consignor's door to the consignee's door. If the interests of the clientele are taken into account, then it is necessary to take into account not only transportation by main modes of transport, but also processing, storage, packaging and unpacking, supply of materials to the machines in the workshop and all related information processes that accompany the material flow. This approach contributes to the optimal choice of transport services, because the quality of transportation, as a rule, is more reflected in the total costs than the cost of transportation.

From the point of view of specialization and cooperation of production, the study of transport cannot be limited to the sphere of individual material and technical relations. It must be considered throughout the supply chain, from the primary supplier to the end user, including intermediate steps.

Target term paper– systematization, consolidation, theoretical and practical knowledge on transport logistics.

The objectives of the course work are to identify the essence and tasks of logistics, as well as to consider the impact of logistics on transport policy, to indicate the tasks of optimizing transport transportation.


1.1 The essence of logistics and its functional areas

Logistics - management of material flows in the areas of production and circulation.

Currently, commercial relations are being formed in conditions of high competition, uncertainty and instability of the market environment. In order to succeed in entrepreneurial activity, it is no longer enough to use only marketing approaches, it is required to use modern highly efficient methods and methods for managing flow processes. The most progressive scientific and applied direction in this area is logistics.

The growing interest on the part of entrepreneurs in logistics is due to the potential for improving the efficiency of the functioning of material-carrying systems. Practice shows that companies using logistics have achieved an advantage over competitors and significantly increased profits by reducing costs associated with reducing production costs in the field of resource potential. Passage of goods through various technical operations production process occupies about 90% of all time costs. The use of logistics can significantly reduce the time interval at all stages of the production cycle. The reduction of time occurs primarily in the production process between the acquisition of raw materials, materials and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer.

The efficiency of the functioning of an enterprise using logistics is achieved mainly due to:

a sharp decrease in the cost of goods;

improving the reliability and quality of supplies.

The peculiarity of logistics lies in the systematic consideration of the totality of all links of the production process from the standpoint of a single material production chain, which is called the "logistics system". The interaction of individual links of this chain is carried out at the technical, technological, economic, financial, methodological and other levels of integration. Reducing resource costs and minimizing time costs is achieved by optimizing the end-to-end management of material and information flows.

Information flows arise where there are material flows and are a characteristic of these material flows. Therefore, the use of the term material flows implies the existence of information flows and the optimization of management affects both material and information flows. The use of logistics speeds up the process of obtaining information and improves the level of service of the production process.

The material flow consists of:



distribution center;


The use of logistics in one enterprise involves close interaction with a partner / buyer, which is aimed at making commitments to reduce costs and accurately fulfill their obligations to a partner.

The basis of successful activity when using the logistics approach is formed by the principles that imply a high degree of coordination between the participants in the movement of goods in the field of technical equipment of cargo processing systems.

When organizing logistics in an enterprise, six rules must be followed:

cargo - the desired product;

quality - the required quality;

quantity - in required quantity;

time - must be delivered at the right time;

place - to the right place;

costs - with minimal costs.

If these six rules are met, then the goal of logistics activities is considered to be achieved.There are five main functional areas of logistics:

procurement logistics - solves issues related to the provision of the enterprise with raw materials and materials. Analysis is carried out among suppliers, contracts are concluded and their execution is monitored. The mechanism of interaction with the supplier is used in case of violation of the terms of delivery and prompt measures are taken to correct the situation. The area of ​​interaction, which is the main content of procurement logistics, is determined by the terms of the contract with suppliers and the composition of the functions of the supply service within the enterprise;

production logistics - solves the problem of creating wealth or providing material services. The bulk of the work is carried out within the territory of one enterprise. Participants in the production process interact with each other not as a result of concluded contracts, but as a result of decisions made by the enterprise management system;

distribution logistics - solves the problem of selling finished products. To solve these problems, two options for promoting finished products are used: manufacturers themselves and trading and intermediary enterprises are engaged in sales;

transport logistics - solves the issues of material flow management in transport areas. Transport work performed in the process of bringing the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. Transport operations carried out by logistics can be divided into two large groups performed by: Special transport organizations (public transport), Transport owned by the manufacturer of finished products (non-transport enterprises);

information logistics - rationalizes the organization of the movement of information flows. Information systems provide management of material flows, using microprocessor technology, information technology and other components of the informatization process, achieving effective management of information flows.

1.2 Organization of logistics at the enterprise and the formation of logistics systems

The use of a logistics system in a small enterprise provides for the management of all operations as a single activity. To do this, the company needs to organize a special logistics service that will manage the material flow, starting from the formation of contractual relations with supplies and ending with the delivery of finished products to the consumer. The material flow on the way from the warehouse of material resources to the warehouse of finished products passes through a number of links in the main production. Management of material and information flows at this stage has a number of specific features and is called production logistics.

planning and control;

planning the release of finished products;

planning of transport processes;

warehouse network planning;

budget control;

Information Systems;

operations management;

in warehouses;

in transport, in the process of servicing production processes;

Inventory Management;

demand forecasting, management and control of stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

choice of containers and packaging.

The production process consists of a large number of elementary and complex logistics activities, united by a given objective function. This objective function is usually formulated on the basis of a marketing strategy and lies outside the direct production cycle. Therefore, an isolated consideration of logistics in the production of finished products (FP) is possible only if the goals and limitations of the external macro- and micrologistics environment are set. These limitation goals are the basis for the operational volume-calendar planning of the release of a certain range of products.

These prerequisites make it possible to formulate a certain set of tasks for the intra-production micro-logistics system within the framework of a given (forecasted and planned by demand and orders) production program.

The logistics service created at the enterprise in the person of a department or one person must perform the following functions:

operational-calendar planning with a detailed schedule for the release of finished products;

operational management of technological processes of production;

overall quality control, maintenance of product quality standards and related service;

strategic and operational planning of supplies of material resources (MR);

organization of in-house warehousing;

forecasting, planning and regulation of MR consumption in production;

organization of work of intra-production technological transport;

control and management of stocks of MR, NP and GP at all levels of the intra-production warehouse system and in the technological process of production;

intra-production physical distribution of MR and GP;

information and technological support of management processes - intra-production material flows;

automation and computerization of management of material (information, financial) flows in production;

the listed set of tasks should be solved within the framework of a corporate logistics strategy for optimizing the management of material and related flows from the point of view;

Optimization (minimization) of the levels of all stocks of MR, NP, GP inside;

Production and technological cycle and warehouse system;

Reducing the time of the production and technological cycle;

Reducing all logistics costs in the production of HP;

Optimization of the work of the intra-company transport and warehouse complex.

The proposed structure makes it possible to allocate a single function of managing end-to-end material flows at the enterprise. The complexity of implementing a logistics concept in production largely depends on the current technological specialization, and primarily in the field of transport and moving operations.

Cost accounting in the production process involves:

identification of all departments involved in the production process;

determination of the change in costs caused by the abandonment of this business process;

identification of costs that can be prevented if this product is not manufactured and brought to the customer.

To improve the efficiency of modern production, the following tasks are solved at the enterprise:

the task of full capacity utilization is replaced by the task of minimizing the time for the passage of working capital through the enterprise;

the task of maintaining stocks of material resources is replaced by the task of providing information on their acquisition and management of free logistics capacities for their processing;

the task of reducing costs is complemented by the task of faster satisfaction of demand.

The dynamism and uncertainty of demand in the market makes it impractical to create and maintain large stocks. At the same time, manufacturers are very interested in receiving each new, even a small order. All this leads to the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond to demand conditions. At the same time, cost reduction in the face of growing competition is achieved not by the traditional increase in the number of products, but by the logistics organization of the production process in conjunction with the entire complex of logistics operations of material and commodity distribution systems as a whole. Material flow management should be end-to-end and coordinated from one center. All logistics operations must be fully interconnected and interdependent. They should constitute a single process for managing material, information and other types of flows that arise in the production process.

Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials up to the end consumer in a certain period of time.

Material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one enterprise.

For example, the movement of the material flow entering the warehouse during working hours can be immediately sent to storage or preliminarily pass acceptance. On the day off, the arrived cargo is placed in the acceptance expedition. On the first working day, he moves from the receiving room to the warehouse. Ultimately, all goods are moved to the storage area.

In the course of movement, various operations take place with the cargo: unloading, packing into appropriate containers, moving, unpacking, storage, etc. The volume of work for a separate operation, calculated for a certain period of time (month, year), is the material flow for the corresponding operation.

attitude towards the enterprise;

natural-material composition of the flow;

the number of goods forming the flow;

the specific gravity of the cargo forming the flow;

degree of cargo compatibility;

cargo consistency.

In relation to the enterprise, the cargo is distinguished:

external - proceeds in an external environment for the enterprise and are directly related to it;

internal - is formed as a result of an operation within the enterprise;

input - comes from the external environment and can be determined by the sum of the value of material flows during unloading of cargo;

output - comes from the enterprise to the external environment. For the enterprise wholesale trade it can be determined by adding the material flows tracked during the operation of loading various types of vehicles. If the enterprise maintains stocks at the same level, the input material flow will be equal to the output.

By natural composition:

single-assortment and multi-assortment - the construction depends on these parameters logistics process with cargo.






By specific weight:



According to the degree of compatibility:

compatible and incompatible.

By cargo consistency:





A logistics system is an adaptive feedback system that performs certain logistics functions in an enterprise. It, as a rule, consists of several subsystems and has developed connections with the external environment. The purpose of the logistics system is the delivery of goods and products to a given place, in the right quantity and assortment, prepared to the maximum extent possible for industrial or personal consumption at a given level of costs.

The main direction for the development of small enterprises is the creation of a mechanism that would flexibly and effectively ensure the interaction of the main elements of the logistics system (LS): "purchase - production - warehousing - transportation - marketing". Modern conditions for the development of economic processes urgently require the creation of conditions for the unification of industrial, commercial enterprises and market infrastructure enterprises into integrated supply chains. It is they who are able to quickly, timely and at minimal cost deliver products to the consumer.

The prerequisites for an integrated logistics approach are:

a new understanding of the mechanisms of the market and logistics as a strategic element in the implementation and development of the competitive capabilities of enterprises;

real prospects and current trends in the integration of participants in economic relations among themselves, the development of new organizational forms - logistics networks;

technological capabilities in the field of the latest information technologies, opening fundamentally new opportunities for interaction and cost reduction.

Logistics systems are divided into:



A macrologistic system is a large material flow management system covering industrial enterprises and organizations, intermediary, trade and transport organizations of various departments located in different regions of the country or in different countries. The macrologistic system is a certain infrastructure of the economy of a region, country or group of countries.

When forming a macrologistic system covering different countries, it is necessary to overcome the difficulties associated with the legal and economic features of international economic relations, with unequal conditions for the supply of goods, differences in the transport legislation of countries, as well as a number of other barriers.

The formation of macro-logistics systems in interstate programs requires the creation of a single economic space, a single market without internal borders, customs barriers for the transportation of goods, capital, information, and labor resources.

Micrologistics systems are subsystems, structural components of macrologistics systems. These include various industrial and commercial enterprises, territorial production complexes. Micrologistics systems are a class of intra-production logistics systems, which include technologically related industries, united by a single infrastructure.

The boundaries of the logistics system are determined by the production cycle, starting from the organization of production and ending with the delivery of finished products to the consumer. The organization of the production process begins with the purchase of the necessary means of production. They enter the logistics system, are stored, processed, stored again and then leave the logistics system for consumption in exchange for financial resources entering the logistics system.

The allocation of the boundaries of the logistics system on the basis of the cycle of circulation of means of production is called the principle of "paying money - receiving money.

Logistics systems management is based on the method of involving separate interrelated elements in an integrated business process in order to prevent irrational losses of material, financial, labor resources. The majority of firms are organized according to the traditional functional basis, not adapted to extracting additional benefits from logistics.

For the successful operation of the enterprise, the total activity of the subsystems must have the following properties: the desire to fulfill a single goal, have a close and decent relationship of all subsystems of the enterprise, have integrative qualities, i.e. to have the ability to deliver the right product at the right time, to the right place, of the required quality and quantity, at minimal cost, to have the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The logistics system of the enterprise, which has integrative qualities, is responsible for the supply of material, the entire production cycle and the sale of the manufactured goods, while achieving predetermined goals.

Dynamically developing enterprises using a logistics system are able to quickly respond to emerging demand by supplying the right product.

The logistics system must have developed links with the external environment, which allows you to navigate the ongoing changes in the market.

The logistics system sets and solves the problem of designing harmonious, consistent material flows, with given output parameters. This system is distinguished by a high degree of coordination of the productive forces included in them in order to manage through material flows.

There are four main properties of logistics systems.

The first property (integrity and segmentation) - the system is an integral set of elements interacting with each other. The decomposition of logistics systems into elements can be done in different ways. At the macro level, when a material flow passes from one enterprise to another, these enterprises themselves, as well as the transport connecting them, can be considered as elements.

At the micro level, the logistics system can be represented as the following main subsystems:

purchase - a subsystem that ensures the flow of material flow into the logistics system;

production management - this subsystem receives the material flow from the procurement subsystem and manages it in the process of performing various technological operations that turn the object of labor into a product of labor;

sales - a subsystem that ensures the disposal of the material flow from the logistics system;

elements of logistics systems are of different quality, but at the same time compatible. Compatibility is ensured by the unity of purpose, which is subject to the functioning of logistics systems.

The second property (connections): there are significant connections between the elements of the logistics system, which, with a natural necessity, determine interactive qualities. In macrologistic systems, the basis of communication between elements is the contract. In micrologistics systems, elements are connected by intra-production relations;

The movement of the material flow can occur according to the following schemes:

with direct connections (the material flow passes directly from the manufacturer of the product to its consumer, bypassing intermediaries);

echeloned (on the path of the material flow there is at least one intermediary);


The movement of the material flow can be carried out both directly and through intermediaries.

The third property (organization): the links between the elements of the logistics system are ordered in a certain way, that is, the logistics system has an organization. For the emergence of a system, it is necessary to form ordered connections, i.e. certain structure, organization of the system.

Svir's algorithm allows you to divide the entire service area into several sectors. Within each sector, the compilation of a circular route can be carried out by solving the problem of various optimization problems, including the traveling salesman problem.


2.1 Organizational and legal characteristics of CJSC Regata

CJSC "Regata" - Production and sale of alcoholic products.

Location of CJSC "Regata": Legal address: Rostov-on-Don, Gvardeisky lane 7. Postal address: Rostov-on-Don, Gvardeisky lane 7.

The legal status of CJSC "Regata" is determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law on Shareholders of Companies, the Charter, the memorandum of association, and other regulatory documents. CJSC "Regata" owns separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, has an independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property rights on its own behalf, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. CJSC "Regata" independently determines the directions and procedure for the use of profits, guided by the constituent documents and current legislation. The reserve fund of the company is 20% of the authorized capital and is intended to cover losses. The amount of annual deductions to the reserve fund is 10% of net profit. The reserve fund is spent according to the decision of the Directorate of CJSC "Regata" and cannot be used for other purposes. A dividend is a part of the net profit distributed among the founders of CJSC Regata in proportion to the number of shares they own. The amount of dividend per share is determined by the general meeting of founders at the suggestion of the Directorate. supreme body joint-stock company is the general meeting of shareholders, which considers reports on the activities of the company, sets the amount of dividends, and decides other most important issues. Shareholders have a different number of votes depending on the number of shares purchased. Operational accounting and statistical accounting and reporting of a joint stock company is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The financial results of the joint-stock company's activities are determined on the basis of the annual balance sheet. At the location of Regatta CJSC, full documentation is kept in the amount established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the financial and economic activities of a joint-stock company is carried out by an elected auditor by the meeting in accordance with the charter and procedure for its activities. Inspection (revision) of financial and economic activities is carried out based on the results of the activities of the joint-stock company for six months and for the year, as well as at any time at the initiative of the auditor, or by decision of the general meeting of shareholders, if necessary. The procedure for reorganization and liquidation of CJSC "Regata" is determined by the charter of the joint-stock company.

The organizational structure of the enterprise consists of the head, this is the general meeting of shareholders, the general director is subordinate to him, the deputy is subordinate to him. Director General for various issues and deputy. Director General for Transport, the head of the logistics department and the repair engineer report to him, the dispatchers-managers report to the head of the logistics department, and the drivers, car mechanics, forwarders, auto electricians report to the repair engineer.

2.2 Analysis of transport logistics at the enterprise CJSC "REGATA"

CJSC "Regata" uses road transport to transport finished products to various wholesale and retail outlets in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The vehicle fleet of the enterprise consists of the following vehicles involved in the delivery of products (table 1).

Table 1. Vehicle fleet of the enterprise

cargo. van GAZ - GAZELLE


1.1 tons


cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

sales, supply

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

sales, supply

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

sales, supply

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

sales, supply

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

sales, supply

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

for write-off

cargo. van ZIL


5 t.

for write-off

cargo. onboard ZIL


3 t.

supply, sales

cargo. onboard ZIL


3 t.

supply, sales

As can be seen from the presented table, 11 vehicles (mainly with gasoline engines) are involved in customer service (delivery of products). To deliver products to retail outlets in the city and to wholesalers in the city, small-medium-tonnage vehicles are used (ZIL 5 tons, BYCHOK 3 tons, GAZELLE 1.2 tons), and large-capacity vehicles (ZIL, MAZ 7-20 tons).

According to the vehicle distribution system that has developed at the enterprise, in 80% of cases, cars with a gasoline engine, a large payload (5 tons) and a high fuel consumption per 100 km, are sent for a trip around the city. mileage (ZIL). This is due to the fact that it is more convenient for loaders-forwarders to unload products from a large van in order not to re-sort the products given the large assortment.

Table 2 shows fuel consumption rates per 100 km. mileage of vehicles accepted at the enterprise.

Table 2. Fuel consumption rates

Using the data from table 2, we can determine how much gasoline is required on average to complete one full trip for three cars: ZIL (5 tons), ZIL-Bychok (3 tons), GAZ-Gazelle (1.2 tons).

Table 3. Calculation of transport costs













10 903,2


ZIL-Bychok (3 tons)







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At present, the Russian economy operates according to the laws of the market. Each enterprise in such conditions conducts an absolutely independent policy and only it bears responsibility for the results of its activities.

In modern conditions, the market imposes rather stringent requirements on each subject of financial and economic activity, and problems in the Russian economy only exacerbate the already difficult situation of many Russian enterprises. In order to survive and function in such conditions, it is no longer enough for an enterprise to simply produce products to the maximum extent possible, fulfilling its internal plans, it is also important then to sell these products. But in the face of fierce competition, only the enterprise that can offer the market quality products at a lower price than its competitors survives.

If we consider in aggregate the range of problems that logistics considers, then the issues of managing material and corresponding information flows will be common to them.

In domestic and foreign literature, one can find a broad interpretation of the concept of logistics, in which the subject of logistics is not limited to the material flow. Today, logistics includes the management of human, energy, information and other flows that take place in economic systems. Terms such as banking logistics, information logistics and a number of others have appeared. The term logistics begins to be used in situations associated with a clear planning of an agreed sequence of actions.

The expansion of the scope of logistics, which was observed in the 80s and 90s, and especially now, is explained, first of all, by the development of material flow management methods. Naturally, at the same time, the idea and method of logistics begin to go beyond the management of material flows and be applied more broadly. However, the main potential of logistics lies in the rationalization of the management of material flows.

1.1 Logistics. Concept, goals, functions. Logistics management.

The definition of logistics is usually given in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, logistics is the science of managing and optimizing material flows, service flows and related information and financial flows in a particular micro-, meso- or macroeconomic system in order to achieve its goals.

In a narrow sense (from the point of view of business), logistics is an integral management tool that contributes to the achievement of the strategic, tactical or operational goals of the organization through effective (in terms of reducing overall costs and meeting the requirements of end users for the quality of products and services) management of material and service flows, and the accompanying flows of information and financial resources.

Among the logistics functions at the level of business organization, basic, key and supporting functions are distinguished. The basic logistics functions include: supply, production and marketing. These three logistics functions are carried out by almost any commodity producer.

The following are the key logistics functions:

 Maintain customer service standards

 Purchasing management

 Transportation

 Inventory management

 Order management

 Manufacturing process management

 Pricing

 Physical distribution

Maintaining customer service standards, ensuring a given level of product quality, distribution of goods and after-sales service is the primary task of the logistics management of any company. The ideology of total quality management has spread widely abroad, and mandatory certification of goods and services has been adopted using the ISO 9000 series of standards. Logistics solutions play a decisive role in operations to deliver goods of the required quality at the specified time and place, as well as to bring services to the consumer. Much attention in logistics management is paid to the procedures for purchasing material resources to ensure production goals. The organization and management of purchases in a company includes a set of tasks such as choosing suppliers of material resources, planning the need for resources, determining rational volumes and terms of their supply, organizing contractual work, choosing forms of supply and types of transport for delivering material resources to production units of the company and etc. The importance of procurement procedures is also explained by the fact that the factors of time and location of suppliers, the quality of material resources have a great influence on the magnitude of logistics costs.

One of the key integrated logistics functions is transportation. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that without transportation there is practically no material flow. At the same time, the transportation process itself is considered in a broader sense than the actual transportation of goods, namely, as a combination of the process of transportation, loading and unloading, forwarding and other relevant logistics operations. The importance of transportation is also explained by the fact that the cost of transportation in some sectors of the economy reaches 2/3 of the total logistics costs. Transportation management usually involves solving such problems as choosing a carrier and forwarder, choosing a mode of transport, determining rational routes, selecting a vehicle for a certain type of cargo, etc.

Inventory management of material resources and finished products is the process of creating control and regulation of the level of stocks in the supply, production and marketing of products. If the location factor is decisive in transportation, then in inventory management it is the time factor. Usually there is always a certain need for stocks of material resources and production, on the one hand, and between production and the consumer of finished products, on the other. Reducing the risks of a shortage of material resources in the production process or unsatisfied consumer demand for finished products, stocks at the same time play a negative role in the economy, freezing the financial resources of organizations in large volumes of inventory items. Therefore, the most important task of logistics management is to optimize the level of stocks in logistics chains and systems while providing the required level of customer service. The high cost of creating and maintaining inventory levels, from 20% to 60% of total logistics costs, further emphasizes the importance of this key logistics function. The order management function determines the receipt and processing of inventory, the time of receipt of finished goods or the provision of services to the consumer, and also initiates the work of the company's distribution network or logistics intermediaries for the delivery and sale of finished products to consumers. Although the costs for this key logistics function are not as high as for transportation or inventory management, however, its importance in modern business is very high, as it directly determines the quality of customer service.

Production procedure management, or operational management, is a key logistical function in product manufacturing. From the standpoint of logistics, the importance of operational management lies in the most effective (in terms of cost reduction and product quality improvement) management of the flow of material resources and work in progress in technological processes release of finished products. At the same time, the logistical tasks of volume-scheduling, minimizing the level of stocks of material resources and work in progress, forecasting the need for material resources, reducing the duration of the production cycle, etc. are of great importance. These and other tasks of operational management are solved, for example, by micrologistic in-house systems such as "needs / resource planning", "optimal production technologies", KANBAN, etc.

One of the key logistics functions is pricing. The pricing strategy is closely related to the marketing and logistics strategies of the manufacturing company. The logistics strategy sets the level of general logistics costs that form the basis of the price of finished products, and the planned level of profitability and the final sale price of finished products to the consumer, determined by market conditions, the price level of competitors and demand forecasts, depend on the marketing strategy.

1.2 Supporting logistics functions.

Supporting logistics functions usually include:

 warehousing

 cargo handling

 protective packaging

 ensuring the return of goods

 Provision of spare parts and service

 collection of returnable waste

 information and computer support

Warehousing is a logistical function of managing the spatial distribution of stocks and involves performing tasks such as determining the number, type and location of warehouses; storage volume of mineral, finished products; inventory planning; designing transportation, sorting, loading and unloading areas; selection of loading and unloading and other storage equipment, etc.

Cargo handling is usually carried out in parallel with warehousing and also provides the function of maintaining inventory. The elementary logistics operations that make up the process of cargo handling are the movement of material resources or finished products in a warehouse, the placement of products on warehouse racks, etc. This complex logistics function is usually associated with the choice of technological equipment for organizing the movement of goods in the warehouse, handling equipment, organizing procedures for sorting, consolidating and picking goods for order fulfillment and transportation; maintaining a rational volume of warehouse turnover, etc.

In the processes of distribution of finished products of manufacturers, an important role belongs to protective packaging that ensures the safety of goods delivered to consumers by various modes of transport. In addition, packaging is of great importance in marketing, since consumer demand largely depends on its attractiveness. The use of standard size ranges of containers and packaging in the physical distribution can significantly reduce logistics costs by matching the bulk modules of containers and packaging with the carrying capacity of vehicles, as well as the technological parameters of storage facilities and cargo processing equipment.

Logistic support functions also include various procedures for the return of goods that, for some reason, do not satisfy buyers or have not passed warranty period services. Along with the organization of after-sales service, equipment repair and provision of spare parts to consumers, the procedures for returning finished products to manufacturers form an after-sales service system, which is sometimes referred to as a key logistics function.

In the processes of production and marketing of finished products, the so-called secondary material resources arise, which consist of production waste (returnable and non-returnable) and industrial and personal consumption waste. Secondary material resources form specific material flows, the management of which is currently also referred to as an object of research in logistics.

Modern logistics systems cannot function without information and computer support. In many respects, it was the electronic processing of information about material and financial flows, automation of workflow in the organization, product promotion, planning, organization, regulation, accounting and analysis and control of material flows on computers in supply, production and marketing that made it possible to implement the modern integrated concept of logistics. Information and computer support is currently used for almost all logistics activities, both at the micro- and macroeconomic levels.

The considered logistics functions are basic, but do not exhaust all their diversity in terms of possible actions on material flows, service flows and related information and financial flows in modern business. Logistic operations and functions are set by initial conditions, parameters of the external environment, strategy alternatives, characteristics of the objective function. To determine the volume of logistics operations and functions of the company, one should take into account external, inter-shop, inter-section, inter-operational, intra-warehouse and other cargo flows, which depend on a number of factors, and primarily on the level of production organization.