How many basic general management functions. Basic management functions. General and specific management functions

  • 08.05.2020

Function (lat. fundio- performance, implementation). The essence of any phenomenon is expressed in its functions, i.e. the tasks for which it is intended. The content of each management function is determined by the specifics of the tasks performed within the framework of this function. Therefore, the complexity of production and its tasks determines the complexity of management and its functions.

This provision is of great methodological importance for revealing the essence and role of individual management functions, which in modern conditions have expanded, become more complex and differentiated due to the growth of the scale of economic activity, diversification and internationalization of production.

The functions of managing the company's activities, and, accordingly, the methods of their implementation, are not unchanged, they are constantly modified and deepened, and therefore the content of the work performed in accordance with their requirements becomes more complicated. The development and deepening of each management function occurs not only under the influence of the internal laws of their improvement, but also under the influence of the requirements for the development of other functions. Being part of the overall management system, each of the functions should be improved in the direction determined by the general goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the company in specific conditions. This leads to a change in the content of each function.

For the first time, the management functions were formulated in A. Fayol's book "General and Industrial Management", published in 1916. A. Fayol considered management as a sequential series of operations or functions, which are divided into six groups:

  • 1. Technical operations - production, manufacturing, processing.
  • 2. Commercial transactions - purchase, sale, exchange.
  • 3. Financial transactions - capital raising and management.
  • 4. Security operations - protection of property and person.
  • 5. Accounting transactions - balance, costs, statistics.
  • 6. Administrative operations - foresight, organization, command, coordination and control.

Administration is only one of the six operations-functions with which management is obliged to ensure the normal course of production. A. Fayol believed that administration occupies a special place in management.

Let's take a closer look at administrative functions.

Foresight is the study of the future, the definition of a program of action, it covers the previous five operations. A. Fayol here drew attention to the fact that in order to develop an effective program of action, a leader must have: the ability to manage people, activity, moral courage, sufficient stamina, the necessary competence in this field of activity.

Organization - providing the enterprise with materials, capital, personnel. Two aspects stand out here - material and social, that is, provided with all the necessary material resources staff should socially be able to complete the task.

Management - puts into action the personnel of the enterprise, after the creation of a social organism. This is the task of management. The goal of management is to get the most benefit from employees. In all areas production activities management is an essential element of work that requires certain qualities.

Coordination aims to give each element of the social organism the opportunity to perform its part of the work in interaction with other elements, i.e. link and unite all actions and all efforts.

Control - it is necessary to ensure that everything happens according to the established rules and given orders. It is required to note shortcomings and errors so that they can be corrected and prevented from recurring in the future. The controller must be: competent, have a sense of duty, have an independent position in relation to the controlled object, be reasonable and tactful.

Control must be effective, i.e. carried out in a timely manner and have practical consequences; if violations are not addressed, then such control will be ineffective.

Thus, the five functions listed above were the basis of the administrative doctrine of A. Fayol and the basis for all subsequent authors on the problems of the management process. M. Meskon believes that "the management process is the total sum of all processes."

Literature review reveals the following functions: planning, organization, management, motivation, leadership, coordination, control, communication, research, evaluation, decision making, recruitment, representation and negotiation, deal making.

M. Meskon identifies four primary management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. These functions have two General characteristics: they all require decision-making, and for all, information exchange is necessary, i.e. these two characteristics link all four managerial functions ensuring their interdependence.

The planning function, according to M. Mescon, proposes a decision about what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to supposedly achieve these goals. The planning function answers the following three questions: where are we currently? where do we want to go? and how are we going to do it?

The function of the organization involves the formation of the structure of the organization, first the distribution and coordination of the work of employees, and then the design of the structure of the organization as a whole.

The motivation function is the process by which management encourages employees to act as planned and organized.

The control function is the process by which management determines whether the organization is achieving its goals, highlights problems and takes corrective action before serious harm occurs. Control enables management to determine whether plans should be revised because they are not feasible or have already been completed. This connection between planning and control completes the cycle that makes process management interrelated functions.

IN Gerchikova approaches the content and development of management functions in relation to the activities of TNCs. Each of the functions is aimed at solving specific and complex problems of interaction between individual divisions of the company, requiring the implementation of a large set of specific activities.

Each of the management functions is determined by the influence of objective requirements. Being part of the overall management system, each of the functions should be improved in the direction determined by the general goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the company in specific conditions. This leads to a change in the content of each function.

I. N. Gerchikova distinguishes three management functions: intra-company planning, marketing and control. Of interest is the function of marketing, the purpose of which is to ensure the activities of the company on the basis of a comprehensive, in-depth study and careful consideration of market demand, the needs and requirements of specific consumers for the product, so that it becomes really possible to obtain the highest results: maximum and sustainable profit.

For a deeper understanding of the essence of this management function, it must be emphasized that the most important integral feature of marketing is a certain way of thinking, an approach to making design, production and marketing decisions from the standpoint of the most complete satisfaction of consumer requirements, market demand. Hence marketing - not only the principles, functions, methods, structures of the organization, but also mandatory marketing thinking. Without this, it is impossible to achieve a high quality competitiveness of products, to consolidate positions in the markets. Therefore, marketing as a theory, way of thinking, philosophy entrepreneurial activity requires scientific study and a realistic approach to use in management practice.

The internal life of an organization is a large number various activities and processes. Depending on the types of organization, its size and type of activity, certain processes and activities may occupy a leading place in it, while some, widely implemented in other organizations, may either be absent or minimally carried out. However, despite the huge variety of actions and processes, it is possible to distinguish a certain amount of groups. O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov suggest five groups of functional processes, which, in their opinion, cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functions are; production, marketing, finance, work with personnel, accounting and analysis of economic activity.

The production function assumes that the relevant services, managers of a certain level manage the process of processing raw materials, materials and semi-finished products into a product that the organization offers to the external environment.

The marketing function is invoked through marketing activities for the implementation of the created product, to link in a single process the satisfaction of the needs of the organization's customers and the achievement of the organization's goals.

The financial function is to manage the movement process financial resources In the organisation.

The function of personnel management is associated with the use of the capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

The function of accounting and analysis of economic activities involves managing the process of processing and analyzing information about the work of the organization in order to compare the actual activities of the organization with its capabilities, as well as with the activities of other organizations. This allows the organization to uncover the issues that it needs to pay close attention to and choose the best ways to carry out its activities.

Some authors also identify five general management functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, and motivating. Of interest here is the organizing function, the task of which is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide everything necessary for normal operation - personnel, materials, equipment, buildings, in cash etc. In a plan drawn up in an organization, there is always a stage of organization, i.e. creating real conditions for achieving the planned goals.

The second, no less important task of the organizing function is to create conditions for the formation of such a culture within the organization, which is characterized by high sensitivity to changes, scientific and technological progress, and common values ​​for the entire organization. The main thing here is work with personnel, development of strategic and economic thinking in the minds of managers, support for employees of an entrepreneurial warehouse who are prone to creativity, innovation and are not afraid to take risks and take responsibility for solving certain problems.

The authors consider the central function of the management process to be coordination, which ensures its uninterrupted and continuous operation. The main task of coordination is to achieve consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational links between them. The nature of these links can be very different, as it depends on the coordinated processes.

B. R. Vesnin also identifies five management functions - planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control. All of these functions do not just form a single whole, they are intertwined with each other, penetrate each other so that it is sometimes difficult to separate them.

S. U. Oleyniki and others distinguish 4 management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

A somewhat different approach to management functions is presented by S. G. Popov. When performing any managerial function, the synthesis (association) of employees is carried out to perform the tasks set, and their activities are coordinated. It is this element of synthesis in managerial activity that distinguishes management functions from executive functions. Production management functions are a relatively independent type of synthesizing activity, due to the presence of a division of labor in production management. The relativity of this independence lies in the fact that any management decisions and actions are subordinated to the ultimate goal of management.

Management functions are divided into general and specialized management functions.

Functions general management are designed to ensure the basic order of the functioning of production, as well as the interaction of this enterprise with external organizations and institutions. These functions are performed by production management bodies, endowed with the rights of linear management.

The functions of specialized management are divided into three groups: technological, providing, coordinating.

Technological functions include the development of rational systems for the production of products, technologies for its creation, processing, storage and transportation.

Providing functions provide for the fulfillment of the requirements of production technology by providing it with everything necessary. This includes engineering, logistical, cultural and household and economic services.

Coordinating functions provide forecasting of the development of the enterprise; production-economic and operational-technical planning; organization production processes and labor of people; control and regulation of the production process.

The marketing function is considered separately. It includes the study of market conditions (demand, competition, consumers), the development of commodity, marketing, pricing and communication strategies for behavior in the markets. Marketing allows you to connect the interests of producers and consumers of products. Since everyone is a consumer, marketing allows you to decide on the release of only those goods that are necessary for society.

A peculiar approach to the functions of production management is presented by VV Glukhov. It proposes a division of functions in the following areas. On the basis of a managed object - an enterprise, workshop, site, team, unit (worker); on the basis of activity - economic, organizational, social; on the basis of homogeneity - general, specific; according to the content of labor - scientific research, preparation of production, operational management, supply and marketing, technical and economic planning and analysis, accounting, personnel management, planning and accounting of labor and wages, planning and accounting of finances; by the nature of the tasks - planning, organization, regulation, control, accounting and analysis, stimulation.

The described functions of intra-company management allow us to conclude that there is no single scheme, a single content of functions. However, despite this, all nine options for functions have much in common. A characteristic feature of all variants is that functions such as planning, organization and control are found almost everywhere. The function of motivation is widespread, in some cases it has a slightly different name. The functions proposed by S. G. Popov stand apart, although the usual content is behind the specific names.


Issues under consideration:

Selection in management individual functions- an objective process generated by the complexity of production and management. The emergence of management functions is the result of differentiation of purposeful influences, division and specialization of labor in the field of management.

AT general form under control function is understood as a set of objectively necessary, steadily recurring, actions, united by the same content and target orientation .

AT the present time exists many qualifications of management functions. However, management is always a set of cycles, interconnected, in many cases repeating, which can be identified as general management functions. These include: planning, organization, motivation (including selection and placement of personnel), control and coordination. Moreover, the works related to the coordination function are inherent in the works on other functions to one degree or another, as if woven into them. Therefore, it is expedient to graphically depict the listed functions as shown in Fig. 6.1.

To some extent, isolating these functions, it should be remembered that:

In the process of executing one of them, the others are necessarily executed;

Without the implementation of any of them, the control process is violated.

Let's take a closer look at these functions and the activities that make them up..

Planning - designing the achievement of the organization's goals under existing constraints (determining what and when should and can be done). Planning usually involves the following activities:

1) forecasting - assessment of the prospects for the development of the situation in which the managed organization is located and the possibilities for carrying out its activities in this situation;

2) setting goals means the definition of the desired results of the activities of the managed organization, as a certain reaction to its impact external environment(superior, interacting and public organizations, as well as social groups and individual members of society), due to the current economic, political, scientific, technical, social and other conditions for the development of society. Determining the nature and range of work for the future;

3) specification of goals - formulation of specific goals of the activity of the managed organization with specification of the resources required for this;

4) development of a work plan (programming) - formation of an action plan to achieve goals, carried out, as a rule, on the basis of a previously developed strategies. Estimation of resource and time costs for individual stages of work. Determination of the time sequence of work to achieve the goal. Calculation of the volume of costs and distribution of resources for the stages of these works with linkage to all other existing plans.

Organization- definition of forms, rules and methods of performance of works on achievement of the purposes, creation of the organizational environment. Organization usually involves the following works (actions):

1) structuring - breakdown (differentiation) of work to achieve the goal into elements and a corresponding breakdown of available resources. Clarification of the functions performed by them. Technological grouping of these resources with respect to sub-goals and in accordance with the functions performed;

2) formation of procedures - development of expedient and systematized methods of work performance;

3) setting organizational policy - final formation of the management structure (checking the compliance of the current management structure of the organization with the planned activity plan), establishing general rules actions, drawing up guidance documents (formalization of the management structure).

Motivation- creation of conditions for the performance by teams and individual employees of the actions necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, which usually involves the performance of the following works (actions):

1) selection and placement of personnel . Analysis of works and determination of requirements for their performers. Identification and appointment of persons with the necessary qualifications;

2) personnel training - training in methods and techniques of work. Creation of conditions for professional development of employees;

3) targeted impact on staff is to organize jobs and work of individual performers in order to ensure the required efficiency of their activities. Influence on people in order to carry out the actions desired for the organization;

4) the formation of a favorable internal culture the team is associated with the development of interpersonal relations, stereotypes of behavior of workers and their favorable informal relationships, unity regarding production, economic and social goals.

Control- comparison of the actual state or functioning with the set goals, identification of the causes of deviations and options for their elimination. Usually, the implementation of the control function involves the following works (actions):

1) creation of evaluation criteria aimed at determining the recorded and evaluated parameters (indicators) of the organization's activities and the performance of work to achieve the goals, at establishing methods for evaluating and forming a scale for measuring the results of these works;

2) measurement of work parameters - assessment of the compliance of the actual results of the work with what is established in the planned targets and other regulatory documents;

3) corrective actions - identifying the causes of emerging deviations and developing proposals for improving the parameters of work to achieve the goals.

Coordination- establishing harmony between the participants in the performance of work, which usually involves the implementation of the following work (actions):

1) ensuring communications - creation of a socio-psychological climate and conditions for the exchange of information for effective joint work interconnected organized units;

2) task distribution - assigning responsibility to specific performers for the work entrusted to them;

3) With voicing - prevention of disproportions in the work aimed at achieving group goals.

Function coordination allocate not all authors (for example, its concept is present in the textbook by V.R. Vesnin " Management"). Indeed, the “coordination” function is, as it were, auxiliary, and, apparently, its role and place are more correctly reflected as shown in Fig. 4.1. Moreover, the well-known textbook by M. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri "Fundamentals of Management" deals only with the four main functions of management, and one of the most popular textbooks in the United States by S. Robins and P. Coulter "Management" is broken into 6 parts, of which 4 parts are devoted to the functions: planning, organization, leadership ("coordination" in it), control.

Theme 6

Control functions

In this topic, the interested reader will find answers to the following questions:

    the concept and meaning of the management function;

    the place of the management function among the categories of management;

    types of management functions;

    general (basic) management functions;

    specific (specific) management functions;

    special control functions;

    planning as a management function;

    organization as a management function;

    leadership as a management function;

    motivation as a function of management;

    control as a function of management;

    carriers of general and specific management functions;

    interconnection of management functions;

    the role of a specific management function when creating a management body;

    control function as an object economic analysis control system.

In production and economic practice (and in the economic literature), we often find expressions: such and such a specialist performs his functions well, the specialist does not cope with the performance of his duties, the personnel department performs the functions (development of current and long-term plans for staffing the enterprise, studying business qualities specialists of the enterprise for the purpose of recruiting personnel to fill vacant positions of managers, issuing certificates of current and past labor activity of employees, etc.).

It turns out that certain functions are performed by both the specialist and the department. In addition, in one case, the employee of the administrative apparatus performs functions, and in the other case, official duties. What is it, an inaccuracy of expression or some kind of contradiction? Let's try to figure out why we consider the conceptual apparatus of the category under study.

6.1. The concept and meaning of the control function

Before turning to the concept of a control function, let us consider the concept of a function in general.

Function(from Latin functio - execution, implementation) has a number of meanings

    activity, duty, work;

    work performed by an organ, body (function of the liver, salivary gland);

    duty, range of activities (job responsibilities of a labor economist);

    purpose, role of one or another structural element (function of the landing gear of the aircraft, gearbox of the car);

    the role played by a particular social institution in relation to the whole (function of the state, family in society);

    dependent variable (in mathematics, physics).

From the consideration of the concept of function, it follows that any work performed by an individual employee or unit can be called a function quite reasonably. But due to the established norms and rules, when drawing up organizational documents (regulations on subdivisions and job descriptions of employees), a list of work performed by a subdivision is called functions, and a list of work performed by an employee is called job duties. In the latter case, it is emphasized that the official is given a range of duties for which the employee is responsible, since the job description determines the legal status of the employee.

Now about the control function as a special category under study, the general concept of which we have already given. It remains only to emphasize the specifics of managerial work, where management functions are implemented.

Control function - a type of management activity, with the help of which the subject of management influences the managed object.

All functions performed by employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups (Fig. 6.1.1.):

Rice. 6.1.1.

Or otherwise, the control functions are performed in the control system, and the production functions - in the controlled system.

The control function answers the question of who does or should do what in the production management system.

Production functions - this is the activity of production personnel for the production of products and services.

The value of the control function. In the theory of production management, the issue of management functions is one of the central ones. It reveals the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

The emergence of management functions is the result of differentiation of purposeful influences, division and specialization of labor in the field of management. The content of management is connected with the content of production, is determined by it and follows from it.

The place of the management function in a number of main categories of management science is determined by the following scheme (Fig. 6.1.2.):

Fig 6.1.1

Judging by the distribution scheme (see Figure 6.1.1.), the management function occupies a key place among the main categories of management science. This suggests that the development of the structure, the application of management methods and tools, the selection and placement of personnel, etc. should be carried out taking into account the composition and content of management functions and the effectiveness of their implementation, i.e., the use of most management categories involves linking them with management functions.

Control function - special kind activity, expressing the direction of the implementation of a targeted impact on the controlled object.

Two ways to implement the control function. The formation of the control system and the impact on the controlled system are two directions for the implementation of the control function.

Rice. 6.2.1.

These two areas are in constant communication and interaction, their unity characterizes the stability and correlation of the production process and the management process.

Definition of the control object. AT general view any specific joint production and economic activity can serve as an object of management. But since the types of activities in a separate production system are very diverse, and their number is large, it is advisable to single out only structurally separate production links as an object of management.

The control object is a structurally separate production unit that performs one of the stages or part of the stage of the production and economic process and is the receiver of a purposeful control action.

The production and economic activity of an enterprise can be divided into three stages and eight stages (objects):

1. The preparatory stage contains three stages (objects):

1) scientific and technical preparation of production;

2) economic preparation of production;

3) social preparation of production;

2. The production stage contains three stages (objects):

1) main production;

2) auxiliary production;

3) service production.

3. The final stage contains two stages (objects):

1) sales of products;

2) financial activity.

Stages of production and economic activity are structurally isolated and are objects of management.

In turn, each of the stages can be divided into smaller structurally separate control objects in accordance with the different levels of the control system.

For example, at the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production, the following control objects can be distinguished:

Research and design work;

Development of technology for manufacturing products;

Experimental production.

6.3. Classification of control functions

All control functions are divided into three groups (Fig. 6.3.1.):

Rice. 6.3.1.

General (basic) management functions. These include:

1) planning;

2) organization;

3) leadership;

4) motivation;

5) control.

In the management literature, there is no single classification of general (basic) management functions. Various authors call these functions differently and number them from four to seven. Thus, the function "leadership" is called coordination and regulation, and the function "motivation" is called stimulation. In addition, accounting and analysis are often referred to as common functions. But accounting, as we will see below, has a specific function, and analysis is one of the methods for studying economic processes.

All five general (basic) control functions are arranged in a logical sequence.

General management functions are performed by the heads of management units (departments, services) together with their subordinate specialists, as well as the heads of production units with their headquarters. In other words, without exception, all managers and management units perform common (basic) management functions.

Concrete (specific) control functions. The content of specific management functions at various enterprises reflects the specifics of production (type, complexity of production and products, specialization, scale, etc.).

Each specific function is closely related to a dedicated control object. Therefore, the establishment of the quantitative composition of control objects serves as the basis for determining specific control functions corresponding to each selected control object.

Specific functions and the controls assigned to them are formed according to the following logical chain (6.3.2.):

Rice. 6.3.2.

The number of specific management functions in the enterprise will be as many as the areas (types) of production and economic activities that serve as objects of management. To manage a particular area of ​​activity, a management body (department, service, bureau) is created.

The formulation of a specific management function begins with the word "management". Specific management functions include:

    scientific management technical training production;

    main production management;

    management of auxiliary and service production;

    product quality management;

    labor and payroll management;

    personnel management;

    logistics management;

    financial and credit management;

    product marketing management;

    capital construction management;

    management of the social development of the team.

A specific function is assigned to a management body (accounting, personnel department, financial department, planning and economic department, etc.), whose team is engaged in the performance of this function along with participation in the performance of all five general (basic) management functions.

Each specific function at the enterprise is complex in content and includes five general management functions (planning, organization, leadership, motivation and control) to influence organizationally separate management objects.

Carriers of general and specific management functions. The carrier of general (basic) management functions is the entire management system, and the carrier of specific (specific) management functions are parts (departments, services) of the management system (Fig. 6.3.3.).

Rice. 6.3.3.

The functions of the links (departments, services) of the control system, allocated with respect to specific management objects (areas of activity), represent the content of specific functions, and those allocated with respect to the entire control system represent the content of general functions. Thus, the management of any of the selected objects consists of general and specific functions.

Special control functions. These are sub-functions (parts) of specific control functions. Each specific function has the ability to be divided into components (Fig. 6.3.4.):

Rice. 6.3.4.

Of all the components of a particular control function, for the time being, we will only be interested in a subfunction (or a separate work). For example, a specific function "Management of Accounting and Reporting" can be divided into the following subfunctions:

Accounting for objects of labor;

Accounting for fixed assets;

Accounting for working capital;

Payroll accounting;

Accounts with employees.

Subfunctions of a specific function (special functions) are separate areas of work that characterize the division of labor within the management unit. Special functions are performed by specialists and technical performers in each subdivision of the control system.

6.4. The relationship of control functions

All common (basic) functions interpenetrate each other. Thus, for example, planning is organized, motivated, controlled, and managed. The organization is planned, motivated, controlled, etc. Each specific function includes all general functions. It turns out that in any management unit, all three groups of management functions (general, specific and special) are performed, which closely interact with each other in time and space and form a complex of activities carried out by the subject of management when influencing the object of management.

The totality of all management functions performed by managers, specialists and technical executives in the management system forms the content of the management process, which will be discussed in a separate topic.

The relationship between general and specific management functions can be seen in the diagram below (Figure 6.4.1).

Fig 6.4.1.

As can be seen in the diagram, each specific function performed by a particular management unit includes all the general (basic) management functions. This fundamental point should be taken into account when regulating and analyzing managerial work, as well as building an organizational structure and shaping the management process.

All the control functions we have listed “work in one team”, preparing a control action aimed at a specific control object. Many management units at various levels of management, while performing all groups of management functions, take part in the preparation of the control action.

Let's look at the picture of the preparation of the control action on various issues of production and economic activities on the example of the assembly shop of the washing machine plant (Fig. 6.4.2.).

Fig 6.4.2.

The number of participants involved in the preparation of the control action depends on the nature of the action (information carrier). If the impact is labor standards, then its participants are: the department of labor and wages, the regulatory research laboratory (bureau) and the shop bureau of labor and wages. If the impact is the technology and modes of operation of the equipment, then it is prepared by the chief technologist service (CDP). To prepare a set of control actions for such a control object as a workshop, which is part of production, almost all management departments at various levels of management are involved.

6.5. Control function as an object of regulation and analysis

Managerial work, as well as work on the production of products and services, must be organized on a scientific basis. Only under this condition can the profitability of the enterprise and its competitiveness be ensured. The most important principle of the scientific organization of labor in production management is the regulation of management functions or managerial work.

The principle of regulation means the establishment and strict observance of certain rules, regulations, instructions, instructions, standards, based not on the arbitrariness of persons vested with power, but on the objective laws inherent in the scientific organization of labor.

The work of any employee of the administrative apparatus (employee) consists of functions, works and operations, and we should talk about the regulation of such work in three areas (objects of regulation), which are:


Labor costs.

The regulation of the content of labor is designed to solve the following tasks:

Determine the list of functions, works and operations that should be assigned to employees in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise;

Determine the content, volume, frequency and forms of information necessary for the employees to perform their functions, work and operations;

Distribute functions, work and operations between management units in accordance with the principles of a rational division of labor and building organizational structures and fix them in the regulations on units;

Establish specific job responsibilities of each employee for the performance of certain functions, works and operations based on the requirements of a rational division of labor and the use of employees' qualifications with consolidation in job descriptions.

The regulation of labor results solves the following main tasks:

Establish a list of indicators that characterize the most important results of the activities of employees of the enterprise as a whole and each structural unit, based on the main criterion - the degree of influence of the considered private results on the implementation of the ultimate goals of the organization;

Set order quantification each indicator that characterizes the results of the collective and individual work of employees;

To create a basis for an objective assessment of the results of the work of employees, the development of their creative activity, the determination of the contribution of each team and employee to the achievement of the overall results of the enterprise.

To solve these problems, it is advisable to develop standard lists of indicators of the results of the work of employees, methods for their quantitative assessment.

The regulation of labor costs aims to establish the norms for the quantity and quality of labor necessary to perform the functions, work and operations assigned to employees, as well as to achieve the required results. This regulation is based on the creation and use of standard and developed on the basis of time standards, service standards, staffing standards, qualification handbooks and other regulatory materials on managerial work.

To determine the complexity of management in a structural unit, it is necessary to take into account the costs of all special functions (works) and all general (main) functions and calculate according to the formula

, (6.5.1)

where is the complexity managerial work, hour; is the complexity of the special function of the i-th type, h; - the complexity of the main function j-th species, h; i = 1, 2, … n– number of special functions; i = 1, 2, … m- the number of basic functions.

Based on the complexity of the functions, works and operations performed in the unit for a certain period (month), it is possible to calculate the required number of managerial personnel. The direct method of calculating labor costs for managerial work is associated with certain difficulties. Therefore, indirect methods are most acceptable.

Analysis of control functions. The purpose of the analysis of management functions is:

In establishing relations between the elements of the system that perform control functions and their properties;

In determining the direction, intensity and number of connections, the cost of their implementation.

When conducting an analysis, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the formation and regulation of the management function. These include:

Clear definition and structural separation of control objects and structural separation of control objects based on the developed criteria;

Allocation of specific management functions, types of work and operations;

A clear division of labor between the functional and linear bodies of the control system;

The presence of provisions on structural divisions management system and job descriptions of employees.

6.6. Planning as a management function

Planning is the process of preparing for the future decisions about what, by whom, how, when should be done.

A. Fayol defines planning as follows: “An action plan is both an expected result and a course of action to be followed, and stages to be passed, and methods to be applied. It is a kind of picture of the future, in which the coming events are outlined with some certainty, while the distant events appear less and less clearly. It covers the area of ​​activity, as it can be foreseen, and what can be available within a certain period of time.

About the meaning of planning A. Fayol writes: “The expression “to manage means to foresee” gives an idea of ​​the meaning attached to planning in the business world. And this is true, since foresight is, if not everything in management, then at least its most important part.

Consider the planning stages (Fig. 6.6.1.):

Rice. 6.6.1.

It is important for the manager to know the components of the plans, we will show them (6.6.2.):

Rice. 6.6.2.

The most important goals that are pursued in planning the activities of the enterprise are:

Volume of sales of commodity weight;


Market share.

Program - this is a part of the plan that defines a set of actions for executors to achieve the goals set, agreed on terms, results and resource provision.

The program may include the following types of activities:

    placement of orders for the supply of additional raw materials;

    the purchase of new machines to increase production;

    hiring additional personnel to operate new equipment, etc.

Regulations - these are the estimated values ​​of the costs of working time, monetary and material resources used for planning the economic activities of the organization (enterprise).

The rules determine the direction and general boundaries of the actions of the administrative apparatus.

Procedure - this is a strictly established sequence of actions in specific, often repeated situations.

Method - a way to achieve a goal, solve a specific problem, a certain toolkit for performing actions.

Planning involves a set of all methods of tactics and procedures that managers use to plan, predict and control future events. All types planning techniques range from traditional methods such as budgeting (revenue and expenditure plan) to more complex methods such as modeling, developing plans or separate ego sections based on game theory and scenario projects. Using this planning technique reduces uncertainty, improves forecast accuracy, and helps managers track or analyze factors that affect the plan.

estimates These are the plans for spending money necessary for the success of any enterprise.

The following types of estimates are used in planning:

    estimate of current expenses;

    cost estimate for the purchase of materials, components;

    estimate of income from sales;

    investment estimate;

    cash plan (receipt and expenditure of cash).

Planning tasks. The plans developed should provide:

    complex solution of social and economic problems;

    accelerating the implementation of scientific and technical innovations;

    rational use of production assets, material labor and financial resources, strengthening the austerity regime and eliminating losses in all stages of production;

    the formation of material and financial resources necessary for the proportional and balanced development of production.

Planning principles. These include:

completeness of planning taking into account all events and situations that may be important for the development of the organization;

planning accuracy the use of modern methods, tools, tactics and procedures that ensure the accuracy of forecasts;

planning continuity this is not a one-time act, but continuous process;

economy of planning planning costs should be commensurate with the gains from planning.

Types of planning. Planning is determined by the tasks that the enterprise sets for itself in the future. Accordingly, planning can be long term, medium term and short term.

Long term plan(3-5 years) is descriptive and defines the overall strategy of the enterprise, since it is difficult to predict all possible calculations for such a long period. As part of long-term planning, new product-market strategies are being developed, which include an analysis of the possibilities for developing new industries, the creation of branches, etc.

medium term plan is compiled for 2–3 years and contains quite competitive goals and quantitative characteristics. Based on changes in the nomenclature and competitive strategy for each product group, plans are drawn up for an enlarged product range.

Short term plan(for a year, six months, a month) includes the volume of production, profit planning, etc. Short-term planning closely links the plans of various partners and suppliers, and therefore these plans can either be coordinated, or certain points of the plan are common to the manufacturing company and its partners.

There are two types of intra-factory (intra-company) planning:

Technical and economic;

Operational and production;

Technical and economic planning divided by promising(long term) and current. The form of current planning is the annual plan - a model of economic and social development enterprise (or business plan), which reflects all aspects of the production and economic activities of the enterprise team.

Operational and production planning provides for the development, on the basis of an economic and social plan for the development of production, of operational plans and schedules (monthly, ten-day, daily, shift and hourly) for individual workshops, and within workshops - for production sites, workplaces.

6.7. Organization as a function of management

Organization function it is the advance preparation of all that is necessary to carry out the plan.

The purpose of the organization as a function (organizational activity) is:

In creating a formal organizational structure;

In the right selection of personnel;

In the placement of employees by jobs, professions and qualifications;

In setting production targets.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that tools, equipment, materials, work premises and many other things required to carry out the plan.

A lot of time and money is spent unproductively due to the inability of individual managers to properly organize the work process. To prevent such losses, when starting to implement the plan, you need to provide for the following:

Availability of employees of the required number, composition and qualifications;

Each worker must know his role in the production process and the relationship of his work with the tasks of others;

Each worker must be trained to carry out the part of the plan for which he is responsible;

To fulfill the plan, employees must be provided with everything necessary (tools, equipment, materials, premises) at the required time and in the specified place.

Organization principles:

1. Recruitment. The success of any organization depends on correct selection frames more than anything else. Almost all business problems boil down to a human problem.

2. Duties of employees. By agreeing to the proposed terms of employment, the employee thereby undertakes to fulfill his/her duties in the prescribed manner. job responsibilities under the supervision of a direct supervisor.

3. Powers of the manager. Managers have the right to perform their duties and give orders to their subordinates. Powers and responsibilities are transferred from the boss to the subordinate, forming a relationship of subordination.

4. Delegation of authority - this is the empowerment of the rights and obligations of any person in the field of competence of the relevant manager.

Principles of delegation of powers. There are five principles that increase the efficiency of delegation of authority:

1) the principle of control range;

2) the principle of fixed liability;

3) the principle of compliance of rights and obligations;

4) the principle of transferring responsibility for work to the lowest level of management;

5) the principle of reporting on deviations.

Control range. There is an optimal number of employees directly subordinate to one manager (the norm of controllability or subordination). There is a limit to the amount of work and the number of subordinates that one person can effectively manage. This limit is called the control range. It is determined by factors such as the ability of the boss, the ability of subordinate employees, the type of work, the territorial distribution of employees, the motivation of employees, the importance of work.

Fixed liability principle. Delegation of responsibility to a subordinate does not remove this responsibility from the person who transferred it. Delegation is the process of sharing responsibility with subordinates. Responsibility remains fixed (or assigned) to those managers who initially had it.

The principle of matching rights and obligations. The scope of delegated rights must correspond to the scope of delegated responsibilities. When delegating authority, a common mistake is that the subordinate is not given the rights necessary to successfully perform the duties assigned to him.

The principle of transferring responsibility for work to the lowest level of management. Any task should be transferred to the lowest level of the production and management hierarchy that can successfully complete it. It is human nature to shy away from creative work, because such work is always hard.

Principle of variance reporting. Any actual or expected deviations from the plan should be reported immediately. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to report that everything is going according to plan.

So, the function of the organization is to establish permanent and temporary relationships between all departments of the enterprise, determining the procedure and conditions for its functioning. It is the process of bringing together people and means to achieve the goals set by the enterprise.

6.8. Management as a function of management

We use the term "leadership" to describe one of the functions of management, which is associated with the management of people in solving a problem. Most of the research done on leadership theory has shown that the attempt to give a clear definition of "leadership" has not been more successful.

The concept of leadership. When defining governance, there are often four components:

Personal qualities and characteristics of the leader;

Leadership style;


Manager's functions (general or basic management functions).

Some definitions of guidance take into account one or another of the listed components.

Management is the process of using personal influence and communications by the manager.

Characteristics of leaders. Most studies highlight the following important characteristics of a leader.

Intelligence Capabilities above average, ideally the leader should be a little smarter than his subordinates.

Initiative or the ability to understand the need for action and then act. This characteristic seems to be closely related to energy and vitality, in many cases the latter declines with age.

Confidence or the ability to believe in what you are doing. This character trait is associated with a person's understanding of his place in society, with a strong desire to achieve a goal. However, this confidence should not be aggressive, but rather inconspicuous.

The ability to look at the situation "bird's-eye" is the ability of a successful manager to "rise" above a given situation and consider it in a broader context, and then "lower" back and do smaller, but more specific things.

Leadership principles. Let's name two main principles:

The first principle is the orientation of leadership towards the ultimate goal. The main task of the manager is to direct the actions of employees towards clearly defined and clearly understood goals of the organization.

The second principle is unity of purpose. It consists in coordinating the goals of the company and its employees. An organization functions best when its goals and those of the individual are aligned.

The role of the leader. What should be a good leader:

    he is distinguished by the ability to a) inspire his subordinates and b) strengthen their desire to achieve the goals of the organization;

    he knows where he is leading and is able to encourage subordinates to follow him;

    it is characterized by high results;

    from being proud of the high quality of their work and the fact that it corresponds to their position.

Leadership efficiency. It is evaluated by the results of the work of his subordinates. Therefore, the manager should strive to:

    to the effective use of the abilities and energy of subordinates;

    prove their ability to stimulate the achievement of high results by each employee;

    form an effective unit, attracting and retaining good employees.

Leadership style. Became a topic of discussion after K Levin published his study of different leadership styles in 1938. He explored three types of styles:

    dictatorial - the leader himself decides what needs to be done and how;

    democratic - decisions are made after discussion;

    conniving - group members work independently, the leader himself is a member of the group.

In Levin's experiments, the most productive was the work with dictatorial management, but the presence of the head was necessary, otherwise the work was stopped. Members of this group showed aggressiveness towards each other and were fond of looking for "scapegoats". Democratic the manual was the most popular and produced consistent results in both quality and performance. conniving leadership style was the worst in all respects.

Leadership style it is the firm opinion of the leader regarding the degree of freedom that should be given to subordinates in the preparation of decisions.

R Likert(1961) developed K. Lewin's approach by proposing four leadership styles:

The deliberative (consultative) leadership makes a decision, but first consults with the whole group;

Collegial , meaning joint decision-making by management and employees (Fig. 6.8.2.).

Fig 6.8.1.

Choice of leadership style. In How to Choose a Leadership Style, Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) proposed an approach to explaining leadership style that depends on the balance of leadership power and the freedom of action of subordinates (Figure 6.8.2). Their theory states that the leadership style applied reflects and depends on four variables.

    leader - his personality and his preferred style;

    subordinates - the needs, attitudes and skills of subordinates or employees;

    task - the requirements and objectives of the work to be performed;

    situation organization, its values ​​and prejudices.

Fig 6.8.2.

good communications necessary condition for successful leadership. Communication is a process of two-way exchange of thoughts and information leading to mutual understanding.

For most people, communication processes take up to 70% of the time. Ability to communicate (the ability to speak, listen, write and read) is, apparently, one of the most important abilities of a person.

Since managers must be able to make others work, they must master the art of communication. Estimates show that up to 80% of the time of managers at all levels is spent on different kinds communications.

There are two main areas of business information dissemination:

1) vertical (up and down the levels of the hierarchy);

2) horizontal (at the same level of the hierarchy).

The effectiveness of communication and feedback in these areas is significantly different. The efficiency of horizontal flows reaches 80–90%. This is because those working at the same level of management are well aware of the nature of the work of their colleagues, they know their problems and largely guess the content of the message received.

Vertical communications are less effective than horizontal ones. Studies have shown that only 20-25% of the information coming from the management of the enterprise reaches the workers and is correctly understood by them.

6.9. Motivation as a function of management

motives are active driving forces that determine the behavior of living beings.

Human behavior is always motivated. He can work hard, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, or he can shy away from work "in protest." Personal behavior can have any other manifestations. In all cases, you should look for the motive of behavior.

Motivation it is the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal and organizational goals.

Managers have always been interested in the conditions under which a person is motivated to work on someone else's assignment. This interest increased as the subordinate's personal freedoms expanded and he became a partial co-entrepreneur. The freer a person became, the more important is the realization of what drives him, what makes him more useful.

The desire of a person to realize himself in his business is undeniable. Where the management and organization of labor provides employees with such opportunities, their work will be effective, and their motives for work will be high. So, to motivate employees is to affect their important interests, to give them a chance to realize themselves in the process of work.

Modern theories of motivation. Various theories of motivation of the psychological and organizational-economic direction can be divided into two groups:

2) procedural theories of motivation - more modern, based primarily on how people behave, taking into account education and cognition (expectation theory, justice theory and the Porter-Lawler model of motivation).

1) physiological needs (food, water, clothing, shelter, reproduction);

2) security needs (protection from criminals and external enemies, protection from poverty and help in case of illness);

3) social needs (the need for friendship, communication with people, belonging to a team);

4) esteem needs;

5) needs of self-expression.

According to Maslow's theory, all needs can be arranged in a strict hierarchical structure (Figure 6.9.1).

Fig 6.9.1.

With such a hierarchy, Maslow wanted to show that the needs of lower levels require satisfaction and, therefore, affect human behavior before the needs of higher levels begin to affect motivation.

As a result, the conclusion is: the manager must decide what active needs drive people in a given period of time and focus on them when solving the problems of motivating employees.

Herzberg's two-factor theory. In the second half of the 50s. F. Herzberg developed a needs-based motivation model.

Herzberg identified two groups of factors (Figure 6.9.2):

motivation - success, promotion, recognition and approval of the results of work, a high degree of responsibility and opportunities for creative and business growth;

hygiene- company policy, working conditions, earnings, interpersonal relationships, the degree of direct control over work.

Herzberg's theory of motivation has much in common with Maslow's theory. His motivations are comparable to the needs of Maslow's higher levels.

Fig 6.9.2.

Process theories of motivation.(expectancy theory, equity theory and Lawler's Parter model). The main idea of ​​the theory of expectations is the hope of a person that the type of behavior he has chosen will lead to the satisfaction of the desired. Expectancy theory emphasizes the importance of three relationships between labor input and output; results - remuneration, remuneration - satisfaction with remuneration.

The way people distribute and direct their efforts to achieve their goals is answered by the theory of justice. We are talking about the fact that people subjectively determine the ratio of the reward received to the effort expended, and then correlate it with the reward of other people doing similar work.

If the comparison shows imbalance and injustice, then a person experiences psychological stress. In this case, it is necessary to motivate this employee, relieve tension and correct the imbalance in order to restore justice.

Due to the fact that there are different ways motivation, the manager should:

Establish a set of criteria (principles) that strongly influence the behavior of an employee;

Create an atmosphere conducive to motivating workers;

Communicate actively with your employees.

6.10. Control as a function of management

Control - This is the process of measuring (comparing) the actual results achieved with the planned ones.

Control provides feedback between the expectations defined by the original management plans and the actual performance of the organization. The ultimate purpose of control is to serve the various plans and objectives of management.

The creation of all control systems should be based on the following basic requirements-criteria:

1) control efficiency - the success, usefulness of control is determined (reducing the costs associated with the detection and elimination of deficiencies identified in the control process, reducing the cost of control, the cost of personnel and control equipment);

2) effect on people the question is clarified whether the applied control technology causes positive incentives or negative, stressful reactions (labor demotivation) in workers;

3) performance of control tasks - control should identify coincidences or deviations in the production management system, help eliminate deviations, develop effective solutions;

4) determination of the boundaries of control - control measures cannot be carried out without restrictions. The length of the sections to be checked must allow deviations to be detected at the earliest possible stage.

There are the following types of control.

1. Preliminary control. It resembles an iceberg, most of which is hidden under water. This is because some aspects of control may be masked among other control functions. Preliminary control is called because it is carried out before the actual start of work. The main means of exercising preliminary control is the implementation (and not the creation) of certain rules, procedures and lines of conduct.

In the organization, pre-control is used in three key areas: human, material and financial resources. In the field of human resources, control is achieved through the analysis of those business and professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform specific tasks of the organization, in the field of material - control over the quality of raw materials to make an excellent product. In the field of financial resources, the preliminary control mechanism is the budget in the sense that it gives an answer to the question of when, how much and what kind of funds (cash and non-cash) the organization will need.

In the process of preliminary control, it is possible to identify and anticipate deviations from the standards at various points. It has two varieties diagnostic and therapeutic.

Diagnostic control includes categories such as gauges, benchmarks, warning signals, and so on, indicating that something is not right in the organization.

Therapeutic control allows not only to identify deviations from the standards, but also to take preliminary measures.

2. Current control. It is carried out during the work. Most often, his object is employees, and he himself is the prerogative of their immediate superior. It allows you to exclude deviations from the planned plans and instructions.

To carry out current control, the control apparatus needs Feedback. All feedback systems have goals, use external resources for internal use, monitor deviations from the intended goals, correct deviations to achieve these goals.

3. Final control. The purpose of this control is to help prevent errors in the future. As part of the final control, feedback is used after the work is done (with the current one - in the process of its implementation).

Although the final control is carried out too late to focus on problems at the time of their occurrence, it:

1) provides management with information for planning if similar work is expected to be carried out in the future;

2) promotes motivation.

At all levels of management, managers perform all five management functions of planning, organizing, directing, motivating and controlling.




Today, complex changes are taking place in society, in politics, in the economy, in all spheres of our life. To direct these changes in the right direction will help comprehend the art of management. In this paper, management functions and the improvement of their application will be considered.

Rusinov F.M. and M.L. The management function was once defined as a certain type of management activity or an objectively necessary type of relationship between people.

Maksimtsova M.M. attributed management functions to a separate type of activity. Which are necessary for the implementation of the goals of functioning and is achieved through decision-making.

M. Meskon believes that the management function is a special type of management activity of the same type, singled out according to a certain attribute.

Vikhansky O.S. and Naumov A.I. in their textbook, they defined management functions as relatively independent, specialized and isolated areas of management activity that emerged in the process of division of labor in management.

The relevance of this work, in my opinion, is as follows:

.Without the manifestation of management functions, the normal functioning of the organization is impossible.

2.Management functions play an important role in the system of industrial relations at all stages of management. They are decisive in the formation of the management structure.

.Functions occupy a special place in the management system and play a key role in its formation.

The purpose of this course project is to reveal the essence of management functions and improve their application.

1.1 Essence and content of management functions

Management functions are a certain type of management activity, which is carried out by special methods and methods, as well as the corresponding organization of work.

One of the main components that make up the content of management are functions. Therefore, in order to perform this or that work, it is necessary to determine in advance what needs to be obtained as a result, how to organize the work process, motivate and control its implementation. These are the control functions.

Each management function represents a scope certain process management, and the activity management system is a set of functions related to a common management cycle.

Function is a fairly common word that has many meanings. A function is a duty, a range of activities, an appointment, a role. This concept used in all fields of knowledge and in all fields of activity.

Management must be considered as a cyclical process, consisting of certain types of management work, called management functions. The function is considered as a necessary area of ​​the management process, which has the final effectiveness, that is, the achievement of a clearly defined goal.








But very often they talk about only four management functions - planning, organization, motivation and control.

In market conditions, not only functions should be fixed, but also resources associated with the performance of these functions and decision-making, specific types responsibility for management performance.

Management functions have a specific nature, special content and can be carried out independently, be both unrelated and inextricably linked, moreover, they seem to interpenetrate each other. In other words, in the management system, all management functions are combined into a single integral process.

1.2 Classification of control functions

Any kind of human activity can be represented as a set of individual operations performed by the participants in this activity. And in management activities, such operations are usually called functions that have as their goal the provision of the work of the organization as a whole or its subdivision. The concept of "function" is closely related to such a management category as a task, a task in conjunction with the technology for its implementation. They form the functions and apparatus of management.

Management functions are diverse. There are various approaches to their classification. One of such approaches can be the division of functions into general and specialized ones. It is customary to refer to the general ones: planning, organization, or more correctly organized, motivation and control. Sometimes these functions include coordination, but more often it is considered a subfunction that ensures the coordination and interaction of other functions.

Specialized features include management of:


2.Economics and finance;

by the staff;


.Technical policy and innovation .

Specialized functions to a greater extent than general ones depend on the nature of the organization's activities - entrepreneurial or budgetary. Within the public sector, there are differences in functions, such as educational, medical institutions.

The main functions of the organization management are:








Let us consider in more detail the essence of each of the control functions.

Planning function. Carrying it out, the leader formulates the goals and objectives facing her, develops an action strategy, draws up necessary plans and programs. Planning provides a clearer coordination of the efforts of structural units and thus strengthens the relationship between the heads of different departments of the organization. Therefore, plans should not be prescriptive, but should be modified according to the specific situation.

The most important thing in planning is the choice of the purpose of the organization. In order for the goals to contribute efficient operation organizations, they must meet a number of requirements.

The beginning of the planning function is the setting of goals. It includes the following steps:

Target selection;

2.Search and identification of alternatives for decision making;

.Choosing the best alternative among those available;

.Execution of the plan.

When performing the planning function, as a rule, effective solutions.

When performing the planning function, the principle of accepting obligations is carried out, which is considered taking into account the flexibility of planning itself to reduce the risk of losses (financial, material.)

The reliability of planning depends on the accuracy of the actual indicators of the past. For this, various kinds of reports (production, statistical.) are used, while the most reliable of them are accounting reports. The quality of planning largely depends on the experience of employees, their deep knowledge and intuition. The system of plans reduces risks, but is not a guarantee of achieving the goal.

Organization function- this is the formation of the structure of the organization, as well as the provision of everything necessary for its work - personnel, materials, equipment, funds. The organization of management ensures the creation of the most favorable conditions for achieving goals. The organization has four sub-functions:

· formation of the subject and object of management;

· organizational impact of the subject on the object of management;

· increasing the adaptability of the organization and structure to changes in the external environment.

A. Fayol spoke about organization as one of the management functions: "To organize an enterprise means to provide it with everything that is necessary for its functioning: raw materials, equipment, money, personnel."

The essence of organizational work is the establishment and maintenance of a certain order in activities. Organization in the field of management is work with personnel, marketing, information and economic activity team. In order for an organization to achieve its goals, its objectives must be aligned through a vertical division of labor.

The function of motivation is influence in the form of incentive motives for effective work, collective and individual incentive measures. Employee motivation is one of the essential functions government controlled. It requires special skills, perseverance and understanding of human nature. After all, certain motives underlie the behavior of each person; internal aspirations, values ​​that determine the direction of their activity and its form. Their understanding contributes to the explanation of the behavior of each person and the possibilities of influencing it.

Motivation in organizational communication is the process of encouraging oneself and other employees to be active in order to meet personal needs and to achieve the goals of the organization.

A simplified model of the motivation process seems to consist of three elements: Needs, Purposeful Behavior, Satisfying Needs.

The function of motivation in the process of managing the activities of an organization is one of the most difficult, since the main actor is the personality of the employee.

To direct the aspirations of the employee to achieve the goals set, the term "labor stimulation" is often used, which refers to a wide arsenal of methods for fulfilling decisions taken and planned work.

The control function is expressed in the form of influencing a team of people by identifying, summarizing, accounting and analyzing the results of the production activities of each industry and bringing them to the heads, in order to prepare management decisions. This function is implemented on the basis of operational, statistical, accounting. Control is characterized by checking the compliance of the process of functioning of the object and subject of management with goals and other criteria. In the process of control, the following are revealed: the correspondence of goals and results, results and plans, as well as the results of the impact, the progress of the implementation of specific decisions, the identification of the causes and perpetrators of their non-fulfillment, the extent of deviations. The main function of the final management is to preserve, maintain and improve the favorable mode of functioning of the management system. It is at this stage that problems are identified that require new managerial decisions, new organizational efforts.

Control is one of the main functions of ensuring the management process. It takes up most of the manager's time. The control function has to be performed daily.

The implementation of the control function is a constant comparison of what is and what should be. And only the one who knows what really should be can control.

Performance monitoring is very important because it determines the success of the organization. Evaluation of the main results of the implementation of the tasks set by the organization is a prerequisite for targeted control.

Coordination function- aimed at achieving consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational between them. The interaction between the subsystems of the organization is established, the unity and coordination of all stages of the management process, as well as the action of managers, is ensured. It is thanks to it that the dynamism of the production system is ensured, the harmony of the interconnections of production units is created, and the maneuvering of technological and labor resources within the enterprise is carried out in connection with changes in technical and economic tasks. The object of the coordination function is both the controlled and the control subsystem. Thus, the coordination of activities means the synchronization of the efforts made, their integration into a single whole, which would allow the most effective and efficient achievement of the set goals. The main task of coordination is to achieve consistency in the work of all parts of the organization through the establishment of appropriate links (communications) and the exchange of information between them.

Control functionensures the maintenance of the dynamic balance of the system in the course of ensuring its vital activity. It contributes to the adaptation of the system to constantly changing situations. Regulation is designed to give the activity a normal and smooth course.

The need to regulate the system is not only due to negative phenomena. Most often this is due to the need for a natural dynamic development of the organization, with the emergence of new management tasks, with the transition of the system to a new state under the influence of internal and external factors. The regulation process is the final stage in making a managerial decision.

regulation -This is an activity that represents the influence of a leader on subordinates in such a way that they perform work to achieve the goals of the organization.

Only a dynamically stable enterprise can respond to the impact of the external environment. Timely prevent the impact internal factors, the regulation function helps to eliminate their consequences.

All other functions (planning, organization, motivation, control) will not achieve their goal if the regulatory function is not effectively implemented.

Usually, the management decisions made determine what the people in the organization should do, what work should be done and who will do it. Therefore, decision-making is the beginning of the implementation of the regulatory function.

The regulation function also has a stimulating purpose. If the interests of the employee coincide with the work, then this increases the efficiency of its implementation. Therefore, his behavior will depend on the stimulating effect on the employee.

As a result of the correct operation of the regulatory function, the organization is able to eliminate various uncertainties in the system, is able to maintain a "dynamic balance" in relation to various influences.

Therefore, the goal regulation ismaintaining the stability of the organization by maintaining the necessary ratio between its various elements, timely elimination of their possible deviations from the established norms in the functioning of control objects.

The normalization function should be considered as a process of developing scientifically based calculated values ​​that establish the quantity and quality of the assessment of the developed elements used in the production and management process. This function influences the behavior of the object with clear and strict norms, disciplines the development and implementation production tasks, providing a uniform and rhythmic course of production, its high efficiency. Calculated according to this function, the calendar and planning standards serve as the basis for planning, determine the duration, the order of movement of plans in the production process.

In an organization, in subdivisions, standards are created and operate that determine the technical level of products, regulatory documents that characterize the rights and obligations of various levels of management, and form rules of conduct. In this sense, rationing refers to the function of organizing a system.

In this regard, the functions of organization and regulation are of a dual nature. So, the function of the organization characterizes the creation (improvement) of the management system and is implemented with the direct management of production. The normalization function is implemented using normative documents, instructions for creating the system.

function management municipal management

2.1 a brief description of municipal state institution "Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the executive committee municipality city ​​of Kazan"

The municipal state institution "Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the Executive Committee of the municipal formation of the city of Kazan" (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) was created in accordance with Article 31 Federal Law No. 83-FZ of May 8, 2010 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation in connection with the improvement legal status state (municipal) institutions", Federal Law dated 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ "On general principles organizations local government in the Russian Federation", Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated July 28, 2004 N 45-ЗРТ "On local self-government in the Republic of Tatarstan", the Charter of the municipality of the city of Kazan, the decision of the Kazan City Duma dated 06.12.2010 N 6-2 "On the establishment of the body of the Executive Committee of the city of Kazan - the municipal institution "Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the Executive Committee of the municipal formation of the city of Kazan".

The Administration is a territorial body of the Executive Committee of the municipal formation of the city of Kazan (hereinafter referred to as the Executive Committee of the city of Kazan), has the status of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the legislation on registration legal entities okay.

The founder of the Administration is the municipality of the city of Kazan represented by the Representative body of the municipality of the city of Kazan - the Kazan City Duma (hereinafter referred to as the Kazan City Duma).

The municipal district includes 2 districts of the city of Kazan, these are the Vakhitovsky district and the Privolzhsky district.

Full name of the Administration: municipal state institution "Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the Executive Committee of the municipal formation of the city of Kazan". Abbreviated name: MKU "Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the city of Kazan".

The subject and purpose of the Administration's activity is the performance of managerial functions in the field of implementation of issues of local importance, the implementation of state powers transferred in accordance with the procedure established by law, determined by municipal legal acts bodies of local self-government of the city of Kazan on the territory of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the municipality of the city of Kazan within its competence, within the limits established in accordance with the legislation, the Charter of the municipality of the city of Kazan, these Regulations and other municipal legal acts.

The Administration is the executive and administrative body of local self-government of the city of Kazan, endowed by this Charter with the authority to resolve issues of local importance, as well as to exercise certain state powers transferred to local self-government bodies of the city of Kazan federal laws and laws of the Republic of Tatarstan.

To achieve the main goal, the Administration sets a number of tasks. The main tasks are:

creation of favorable conditions for the life of the population;

implementation of a unified regional policy and implementation of legal acts for the integrated development of the region;

strengthening economic fundamentals and the stability of the area;

providing a comprehensive solution to the issues of servicing the population, thereby achieving political and social stability in the region;

The organizational structure of the management of the administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts is linear-functional. Line managers are single bosses, and they are assisted by functional bodies. The line managers of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional heads of the higher levels of management. The results of the work of any service of the administrative apparatus are evaluated by indicators that characterize the implementation of their goals and objectives.

The structure of the city administration includes:

· head of the city administration;

· deputy heads of the city administration;

· head of the administration of the city;

· territorial bodies - administrations of districts of the city, created in order to ensure the management of intracity districts.

· functional bodies of the city administration: departments, committees, administrations - legal entities.

Organizational culture should include the norms and values ​​shared by the members of the organization, which in turn will contribute to stability in the functioning and development of the organization. It influences the behavior of the members of the organization, their labor activity, the level of motivation, and therefore, the existing organizational culture in a sense helps the management of the organization in management.

The staff of the Administration is made up of municipal employees who are citizens who perform, in the manner prescribed by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the duties of a municipal service position for a monetary allowance paid at the expense of funds local budget, which are united in structural divisions and on which managerial influence is directed.

I will give information on the dynamics of the age and sex composition of employees of a state (municipal) institution for 2012 - 2014, people.

Composition of employees 201220132014Muzhins - Total 756983v, including under the age of 25 years246 to 35 to 35 years old262212ot 35 to 50 years 353543 steel 50 years121625 - Total 404654v, including at the age of 25, 25 to 35 years old111412ot 35 to 50 years171617 years old 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years 9 years old 91117

From this table, we can conclude that the largest number of employees working in the Administration are aged 35 to 50 years. The minimum number of employees over the age of 50.

I will also give data to determine the indicators of the movement of personnel of a state (municipal) institution for 2011-2013, people.

Indicators 201120122013Availability at the beginning of the year162138154Received743Retired536Availability at the end of the year160153141

At the beginning of 2013, the number of employees was 154 people, which is 2% more than the number of employees at the beginning of 2012. By the end of 2013, the number of employees decreased by just over 4% and amounted to 141 people

I would like to provide information on the number and salary of the Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of the Executive Committee of Kazan for 3 years.

№ p/pPeriodNumber of employees in total, people payroll fund of employees - thousand rubles in 12011 160 20 23122012 153 24 14332013 141 26 07741 sq. 2014 137 27 538

2.2 Application of management functions in the organization

Management is a cyclical cycle of implementation of functions and decisions made. It is an ongoing process of purposeful action. Plans don't always work out the way they were originally designed; people do not always accurately and correctly perform tasks; The external environment is changing and the organization must adapt to it.

Determining whether the organization has achieved its objectives, when to start the adaptation process, is achieved through control. In other words, managers use control to check how reality corresponds to what should be.

Control is understood as a process aimed at detecting quantitative and qualitative deviations from planned indicators.

In the Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts, the function of control is performed by the Head of the Administration, the First Deputy of the Administration, the Chief of Staff of the Administration, as well as all heads of departments.

The function of control is performed by each leader, this is an inherent part of his official duties. The object of control is the organization. Within the organization, the processes taking place in it and individual elements of the system are subject to control. And the subject of control is the quantity and quality of products, compliance with norms and rules, the timing of work.

There are several types of control that are repeatedly used in the Administration. This is preliminary control, current and final.

Preliminary control is used in relation to human, material and financial resources. For example, business and professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform certain job duties are analyzed, the minimum acceptable level of education or work experience in this area is established. When applying for a job, an interview is conducted with the candidate, it is revealed to what extent his characteristics correspond necessary requirements.

The task of current control is to timely identify and correct deviations that occur in the course of work from the specified parameters. Its object is the subordinates, and the subject is their superiors. For example, a department head found errors in the work of subordinates and informed them that their work was unsatisfactory. As a result, subordinates corrected mistakes and increased their attention to the task. Thus, control makes it possible to respond in a timely manner to changing factors.

Final controlcarried out after the work is done. The actual results obtained are compared with those previously established. It shows what results employees have achieved, shows omissions and shortcomings in the work.

In order for control to be effective, department heads communicate to their employees both the established standards and the results achieved.

I would like to consider how the motivation function finds its application and how it is implemented in the Administration of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts. Motivation -it is the process of motivating oneself and others to achieve personal and organizational goals. In this case, motivation is considered as motivation to work.

There are several ways to reward employees for their work:

  1. The material reward for more intensive work is its quality.
  2. Promotion, rank.
  3. promotion free time or giving the employee the opportunity to independently plan their working day.
  4. Public and personal recognition of an employee's merits through awards, acknowledgments, diplomas, press, praise, trust, benefits and privileges for the best work.

Clearly designed workflows and good wage does not always lead to an increase in labor efficiency. Basically, the needs of people are satisfied with money. To do this, the Administration uses material incentives, such as increased wages, bonuses. They also use incentives such as rewards, rewards and gratitude. For example, in the Administration, an employee who took extra work an employee who is on vacation is rewarded with a day off. Or, heads of departments, choose an employee who has shown labor activity this month, is awarded with a certificate and encouragement in the form of sweets or a cake. Thus, employees have not only financial incentive but also moral. They want to stand out, be better, and show their worth.

As you know, planning is the initial stage of the management process.

Planning involves being preoccupied with what may happen in the future and preparing measures to prevent those undesirable events that can be avoided.

Planning is, first of all, a decision-making process that allows to ensure the effective functioning and development of the organization in the future, to reduce ambiguity.

In making such decisions is the planning process. In a narrow sense, planning is the preparation of special documents - plans that determine the specific steps of the organization in the implementation of the decisions made.

The essence of planning is to determine the main goals of the organization and is aimed at determining the intended end results.

As regards the Administration I am considering, this moment the main objective of the activity is to create favorable conditions for the life of the population, the favorable development of the region and the strengthening of the economic foundations and stability of the region.

I believe that the Administration lacks long-term planning, which is a sine qua non of strategic planning. Short term plans a period of 1-2 years is compiled, no more. This speaks of serious miscalculations in the activities of the leadership.

3.1 Improving the application of management functions

The success of any organization largely depends on its staff: on qualifications, discipline, and the quality of performing tasks. And in order to encourage employees to achieve the company's goals and objectives, the personnel motivation system serves.

In personnel management, motivation is considered as a process of activating the motives of employees and creating incentives to encourage them to work effectively. A significant role in the system of material incentives is played by regular bonuses paid for performance results.

Consider what requirements the system of material incentives for personnel must meet in order to be effective.

First of all, it should encourage employees of the Administration to achieve specific goals of activity, that is, stimulate the effective work of each employee.

In most cases, bonus indicators are defined only for the organization as a whole and are not focused on individual structural units and officials. Thus, it is not possible to assess the contribution of an individual unit or employee.

Improving the function of motivation, in my opinion, will be the decisive factor that influenced the economic results of the organization. This can be facilitated by a well-constructed motivation system, which includes both material and non-material factors. As already mentioned, material is wages. It is necessary to radically revise the existing system of organization of wages.

I believe that in order to increase the effectiveness of staff motivation, managers should review the structure of payments to staff. For example, official salary, bonus for personal performance, bonus for the performance of the unit.

I also think that attention should be paid to maintaining the corporate spirit, holding holidays and events together, and joint trips for recreation in their free time.

If the system of material incentives is well developed, then the effect of its implementation will be positive. In order for the motivation function to be effective, material incentives for personnel must meet the following requirements: encourage employees of the Administration to achieve the results they need (specific performance goals), that is, stimulate the effective work of each employee; ensure the recruitment of highly qualified employees.

Control is effective if it is aimed at achieving certain results, timely, flexible, simple and economical.

The Administration uses two forms of control: financial and administrative.

Financial control implemented on the basis of comparison with financial plan organization of the results achieved, it is carried out by obtaining from each department of the Administration a financial report on the most important economic indicators activities.

Administrative control is carried out in accordance with the results of the indicators planned in the current budget;. The functions of planning and organization discussed above help in the implementation of preliminary control. The main means of exercising preliminary control is the implementation of certain rules, procedures and lines of conduct. Since rules and lines of conduct are developed to ensure the execution of plans, their strict adherence is a way to make sure that the work is moving in the right direction. As forms of preliminary control are used job descriptions, regulations on structural divisions, rules work schedule etc. In the Administration, prior control is used in three key areas - in relation to human, material and financial resources. Preliminary control in the field of human resources is achieved through a thorough analysis of those business and professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform certain job responsibilities and the selection of the most prepared and qualified people.

I believe that the ultimate goal of control is to solve the problems that the organization faces. To be effective, control must be integrated with other management functions. Control will be effective only when the organization achieves the desired goals and is able to define new goals.

I believe that it is necessary to use new control technologies. This is the only way to centralize the management of the organization. For example, creating computer system control. This will reveal the financial and information flows in the organization, which in turn will determine its optimal structure.

The heads of departments of the Administration submit weekly reports to the Chief of Staff on the activities of their departments and the results of their work.

Heads of departments receive the following types of management decisions from the Chief of Staff: orders and recommendations.

Final control is carried out immediately after the work is done. Either immediately upon completion of the controlled activity, or after a predetermined period of time, the actual results obtained are compared with the required ones. Here there is a comparison of the planned amount of profit with the received one, the planned level of labor productivity, staff turnover, sales volume, costs, etc.

In the Administration, the final control performs two main functions: the leaders analyze the actual results obtained and the required results and evaluate how realistically they made plans. This procedure also allows you to receive information about the problems that have arisen and formulate new plans so as to avoid these problems in the future. The second function of final control is to promote motivation.

As mentioned earlier, the Administration has a well-established process of short-term, operational planning, but there is no long-term and strategic one. This suggests that the Administration does not have a clearly defined strategy for further development, there is no strategic vision, there is no mission.

The formulation of the mission is an important part, because the mission is a common goal, the development of which means determining the direction of the organization.

The mission of the organization gives the subjects of the external environment general idea about what the organization is, what it strives for, what means it uses in its activities, what is its philosophy.

A well-formulated mission should clarify, firstly, what the enterprise is and what it aspires to be, and secondly, show the difference between the organization and others like it.

Thus, as a result of considering the main management functions in the Administration, we can conclude that the most "lame" of them are motivation, control and planning, which I paid special attention to in the third part of this work, trying to give recommendations for eliminating existing shortcomings. .


Summarizing the above, a number of conclusions can be drawn. Management functions play a decisive role in the system of industrial relations at all levels of management, they are also decisive in the formation of the organization's management structure, therefore, functions occupy a special place in the management system and play a key role in its formation.

Management functions are one of the main components that make up the content of management. Each management function is the scope of a specific management process, and the management system for a specific object or type of activity is a set of functions connected by a single management cycle.

The author of the classification of management functions in terms of management itself was Henri Fayol. He chose the time factor as the main classification criterion and functions in his classification are presented as successive stages: foresight, organization, command, consent, control.

Management functions are of a specific nature; they are inextricably linked and combined into a single integral process.

Management functions affect the effectiveness of the organization. They play a decisive role in the system of industrial relations at all levels of management and are decisive in the formation of the management structure; without the manifestation of functions, the normal functioning of the organization is impossible.

List of used literature

1.Binkin B.A., Chernyak V.I. Management efficiency: science and practice. - M.: Nauka, 2012.

2.Brass A.A. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. - Mn.: IP "Experspektiva", 2010.

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Key Management Functions

The study of the management process in terms of its functions allows you to set the scope of work for each of the functions, determine the need for labor resources and, as a result, form the structure and organization of the management system.

The management process consists of four interrelated functions:planning, organization, motivation and control.

1. Organization as a management function, it ensures the ordering of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects of the activity of the controlled system at all its hierarchical levels. At the same time, another meaning of this word is a team whose efforts are aimed at achieving specific goals common to all members of this team. But any organization must have such important resources as capital, information, materials, equipment and technology. The success of its functioning depends on complex, variable environmental factors. Organization - a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals for all.

2. The most important task planning is forecasting or, as it is often called strategic planning. Forecasting should ensure the solution of the set strategic task, achieve a certain goal with the help of scientific foresight based on an analysis of the internal and external relations of the organization, and the study of economic trends. Forecasting is essential tool making strategic decisions.

Planning functioninvolves deciding what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to achieve those goals. At its core, the planning function answers three main questions:
Where are we currently?Managers should evaluate strengths and weak sides organizations in important areas such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, research and development, labor resources. Everything is carried out with the aim of determining what the organization can realistically achieve.
Where do we want to go?By assessing the opportunities and threats in the organization's environment, such as competition, customers, laws, economic conditions, technology, supply, social and cultural change, management determines what the organization's goals should be and what might prevent the organization from achieving those goals.

3) How are we going to do it?Leaders must decide, both broadly and specifically, what the members of the organization must do to achieve the goals of the organization.

Planning - this is one of the ways in which management provides a unified direction of the efforts of all members of the organization towards the achievement of its common goals. Due to changes in environment or errors in judgment, events may not unfold as management envisioned when making plans. Therefore, plans need to be revised so that they are consistent with reality.

3. Motivation - the process of stimulating the activity of a person or a team, aimed at achieving individual or general goals of the organization.

The leader must always remember that even the best plans and the most perfect organization structure are of no use if someone does not follow through. actual work organizations. Each member of the group who received a specific task will respond to it most in a different way sometimes unpredictable. People's actions depend not only on necessity or their explicit desires, but also on many complex subjective factors hidden in the subconscious or acquired as a result of education. A taskmotivation functionsis that the members of the organization perform the work in accordance with the duties delegated to them and in accordance with the plan.

Managers have always carried out the function of motivating their employees, whether they themselves realized it or not. From the end of the 18th century to the 20th century, it was widely believed that people always will work more if they have the opportunity to earn more. Motivation was thus thought to be a simple matter of offering appropriate monetary rewards in return for effort. This was the basis of the approach to the motivation of the school of scientific management.

Research in the behavioral sciences has shown the failure of a purely economic approach. Managers have learned that motivation, i.e. creation inner urge to action is the result of a complex set of needs that are constantly changing. We now understand that in order to motivate of their employees effectively, the manager should determine what these needs really are and provide a way for employees to meet these needs through Good work. To effectively stimulate activity, it is necessary to know the desires of a person, his hopes, fears. If the leader does not know the needs, his attempt to provide motivation for human activity is doomed to failure. At the same time, it is important to understand that a person is driven not by one isolated need, but by a combination of them, and priorities can change.

The management process takes place in a constantly changing environment and is characterized by varying degrees of uncertainty. Did the control action achieve its goal? Do management decisions need to be adjusted? These questions are answered by the control that is carried out in the control system with the help of feedback.

4. Control function is one of the main levers of influence.

Almost everything that a leader does is directed towards the future. The leader plans to achieve the goal at some time, fixed as a day, week or month, year or more distant point in the future. During this period, a lot can happen, including many unfavorable changes. Employees may refuse to perform their duties in accordance with the plan. Laws may be passed to prohibit the approach that management has taken. A strong new competitor may enter the market and make it much more difficult for the organization to achieve its goals, or people may simply make a mistake in the performance of their duties.
Such unforeseen circumstances may cause the organization to deviate from the main course originally set by management. And if management fails to find and correct these deviations from the original plans before serious damage is done to the organization, the achievement of goals, perhaps even very survival, will be in jeopardy.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization actually achieves its goals. There are three aspects of managerial control.Setting standards- this is a precise definition of goals that must be achieved by a designated period of time. It is based on the plans developed during the planning process. The second aspect is measurement what was actually achieved in a given period, and comparison achieved with expected results. If both of these phases are performed correctly, then the management of the organization knows not only that there is a problem in the organization, but also about the source of this problem. This knowledge is necessary for the successful implementation of the third phase, namely the stage at whichaction is being taken, if necessary, to correct major deviations from the original plan. One possible action is to review the targets to make them more realistic and relevant to the situation. Your teacher, for example, through a system of tests, which is a way of monitoring your progress in learning in comparison with the established norms, saw that your group could absorb more material than was originally determined. As a result, he may revise educational plans to allow more material to pass through.
The four functions of management—planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling—have two characteristics in common: they all require decision-making, and all require communication, exchange of information, in order to obtain information for decision making. right decision and make this decision clear to other members of the organization. Because of this, and also due to the fact that these two characteristics link all four management functions, ensuring their interdependence, communication and decision making is often called
bridging processes.


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