Development of a plan for the social development of the enterprise. The essence of the social development of the enterprise

  • 19.04.2020

Each organization can be seen as social organization, which

characterized by its territory, goals, leadership, social conditions.

The classification of social groups is carried out according to various criteria:

Conditional (uniting people on some basis for the purposes of analysis);

Formal and informal small groups. In a formal group for all its members

All positions are clearly defined job descriptions, all roles are strictly distributed, the structure

authorities. An informal group is formed and arises spontaneously, it does not have relationships according to

vertically, this group is formed on the basis of mutual likes or dislikes;

reference groups. They serve as a standard, performing comparative and normative

Each group is characterized by the main parameters: composition, structure, group

processes and norms, system of values.

The composition of the group is characterized by such features as age, profession, work experience,

the level of education..

The structure of a group can be characterized on the basis of features such as the structure

communications, preference structure, power structure.

Group processes of a socio-psychological nature include adaptation,

communication, identification and integration.

Group norms are the rules developed and adopted by the group. Regulations are closely related to

values ​​that are formed in each group on the basis of attitudes towards certain

social phenomena.

Social processes in the enterprise must be managed, these goals are served by social

planning or planning for the social development of labor collectives.

However, it should be noted that socio-economic instability in society,

characteristic of Russia in the mid-90s, the struggle of enterprises for survival in the new market

environment pushed the issues of planning social development at enterprises into the background. Tem

however, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance.

stabilization processes in the country will inevitably pose problems of managing social

development as a priority. This is evidenced by the experience of economically developed countries of the world.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing the management of social development on


Changes in the social structure of the team are closely related to the movements of its workers,

some of which are planned in advance (retirement, study, etc.)

The most important process of social development of the team is the improvement

production area, which has a great impact on health and longevity

human life, his performance, socio-psychological climate in the team.

Improving working conditions creates the prerequisites for a more favorable course of social

processes in the sphere of labor - adaptation, motivation, labor movements, team building.

The transformation of the Russian economy has affected the sphere of work, property, systems

wages, relations between the administration of the enterprise and employees.

The trade union and the collective agreement are becoming real instruments for protecting the rights and

the interests of workers.

Collective agreements usually include:


Hiring and firing employees;

Operating mode;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Social sphere;

Protecting the interests of persons in this moment not working for


Social planning at the enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive

sociological study of the labor collective, the purpose of which may be to study

the social structure of workers, identifying its weak links and areas for improvement.

The issues of people's attitude to work, factors of attractiveness and

the unattractiveness of labor in the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions.

Particular attention must be paid to:

1) the study of the degree of content of labor,

2) its conditions and level of payment,

3) staff turnover,

4) labor disciplines,

5) value orientations in the team.

Sociological research ends with the development of evidence-based recommendations

on changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for

various areas of work in the company's team. Similar recommendations and suggestions

become the basis of social planning for the current period (year) and perspective (3 - 5 years and

In parallel with the social development plan of the collective, many enterprises

the so-called social passports of enterprises were developed. This experience is useful

use at present.

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators,

reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It is characterized by:

1) the social structure of the enterprise team,

2) its functions,

3) working conditions,

4) provision of employees with housing, preschool institutions,

departments of social infrastructure at the enterprise itself.

The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and

other questions. Data from the social passport is used in the development of a social


In addition to social development plans, specialized

social programs such as "Health", " Women's labor", "Youth", "Housing",

working conditions, etc.

Planning for the social development of labor collectives ensures the growth of social

efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important

a prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.

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Plan developmentsocial developmentFor exampleOJSC Vladivostok International Airport


1. Theoretical basis social planning

1.1 The essence of the social development of the enterprise

1.2 Structure of social development

1.3 Sociological service as a subject of planning

2. Planning for social development on the example of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC

2.1 Peculiarities of activity of JSC Vladivostok International Airport

2.2 Analysis economic activity

2.3 Evaluation of the social service at the enterprise

3. Development of a social development plan for JSC Vladivostok International Airport

3.1 Activities for the development of the social sphere of Vladivostok International Airport JSC


List of sources used



To date, the search for ways to activate human factor within the organization and taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of all members of the workforce is one of the decisive conditions for increasing the efficiency of any organization. More and more employers understand the importance and growing importance of the social component of the organization and the fact that without management that takes into account and implements the social factor as fully as possible, it is impossible to survive and successfully develop in constantly changing external conditions of functioning.

Modern conditions of the activity of organizations dictate the need to build fundamentally new foundations for managing the social development of organizations. At the same time, the main emphasis should be placed on the person as the main element of this system. The content of social activities of the enterprise is fixed in collective agreements and tariff agreements, the importance of which should increase: in particular, the forms, systems and amount of wages; establishing allowances for employees; additional payment for work in harmful and difficult working conditions; employment; housing construction; social and cultural services; social benefits for pensioners, families with children; medical service, Physical Culture; personal insurance (in addition to contributions to state system social insurance); cash subsidies (for the purchase of housing); training and retraining of personnel, etc.

On the basis of this, a social plan of the enterprise should be drawn up, which includes the named social programs. Only an integrated approach to the solution social problems limited financial resources will allow to develop a sustainable trend to improve the living standards of the company's employees.

The departure of the state from solving a number of social problems necessitates the activation of entrepreneurial firms in the social sphere, the expansion and renewal of their social functions. The higher the competitiveness of the market, the more diverse and weighty both the internal and external social policies of entrepreneurial firms should be. Reduction public services on social security does not lead to a decrease in the need of citizens for social protection. On the contrary, in the conditions of growing social differentiation modern society it will increase. Therefore, it is quite natural to expect an increase in the importance of measures taken by enterprises (business) for the social protection of citizens from life's difficulties. The task set by the country's leadership makes the increase in the role of entrepreneurial firms in the implementation of social policy even more relevant.

The purpose of the thesis is to explore the planning of the social development of an enterprise on the example of JSC "International Airport of Vladivostok" and to identify ways to improve it.

Work tasks:

To study the essence of the social development of the enterprise

To study the structure and sociological service as a subject of social development planning;

Consider the features of the activities of JSC "International Airport of Vladivostok";

Conduct an analysis of economic activity and investigate social development at the enterprise;

Give an assessment of the social policy of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC

Explore the main factors in the development of the social sphere of the enterprise;

The subject of the work is social development at the enterprise. The object of the work is the economic activity of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC.

The practical significance of the thesis research lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for planning social development, which will contribute to the implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility businesses in practice and their transition to sustainable development.

The theoretical basis of the study was textbooks and study guides on the topic of research, articles and materials of specialized journals and the Internet.

social development planning economic

1 . Theoretical foundations of social planning

1.1 The essence of the social development of the enterprise

In all economic systems, the main productive force is the personnel of organizations. Through his work he creates material and spiritual values. The higher the human capital and the potential for its development, the better it works for the benefit of its enterprise. Employees of the enterprise, closely related to each other in the process labor activity, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations, the social and labor sphere becomes the basis of life as individual workers, and individual professional groups, entire production teams. The combination of personal and production motives for the activities of employees is one of the critical tasks both social planning and, in general, the entire production management.

The social development plan of a modern enterprise contains such human indicators and factors as increasing the income and quality of life of employees, improving the labor potential and social structure of personnel, improving the social, labor and living conditions of employees, ensuring high performance and labor productivity of performers, motivation and satisfaction the needs of all categories of personnel, the development of personal and creative abilities of employees, and so on.

Planning for the social development of the enterprise team acts as a method of managing social processes in the life of the team.

For modern stage development of domestic market relations, the following social and labor problems formulated by A. Marshall are especially important in the field of social and labor activity:

What should be done in order to increase the favorable and reduce the harmful effects of economic freedom, bearing in mind its final and intermediate consequences?

To what extent will the desire for a more equal distribution of wealth justify changing forms of ownership or restricting free enterprise, even if they can lead to a reduction in total wealth. In other words, how far should we go in the direction of increasing the income of the poorest classes and reducing the volume of their work, even when they are associated with some reduction in the material wealth of the country? To what extent can this be done without committing injustice and without weakening the energy of the leaders of progress. How should the burden of taxes be distributed among different groups in society?

Should we be content with existing forms of division of labor? Is it inevitable that a lot of people will be engaged exclusively in non-creative work? Is it possible to gradually instill in the vast masses of workers a new ability for them to fulfill higher labor standards and, in particular, to exercise collective management of the enterprise in which they themselves work?

What is the proper balance between individual and collective action at the stage of civilization in which we now find ourselves? What economic activity should the society itself carry out, acting through its government agencies, federal or local?

When the government itself does not intervene directly in economic activity, to what extent should it allow individuals and corporations to conduct their affairs as they see fit? To what extent should it regulate the management of monopolies, as well as land and other large resources that man himself cannot increase? Is it obligatory to preserve in full force all existing property rights, or perhaps the original necessity to which they were called has already passed to a certain extent?

Are the existing ways of using wealth completely fair? To what extent is the moral pressure of public opinion on the government permissible, when its inflexibility and violent intervention can do more harm than good? In what sense do the duties of one country towards another in economic matters differ from those of the citizens of one country towards each other?

Thus, in market relations, the main socio-economic problems are the fair distribution of common wealth, the regulation of personal income and the formation of wages.

Any wealth, as noted by A. Marshall, consists of things that people want to have and which directly or indirectly satisfy all human needs. Things or goods necessary for people are divided into tangible and intangible.

Wealth consists of useful things, goods, and materials, and all rights to own and use material things, or to benefit from ownership of one's things, both in today's life and in tomorrow's life. Examples of material goods are all natural gifts of nature, land and water, air and climate, products Agriculture and fishing, mining and processing goods, buildings, machinery and tools, as well as mortgages and other debt obligations, shares and shares in public and private enterprises, all types of monopolies, patent and copyrights and other rights to use all types of personal and intellectual property.

Intangible human benefits are divided into two groups. To one are his own qualities and faculties for action and enjoyment, such as mental and business faculties, professional education and practical skills. All these benefits are contained in the person himself and are called internal. The second group includes external benefits, consisting in the presence of a good reputation and business connections of a person, etc. Both tangible and intangible benefits can be transferable and non-transferable. The former usually include material values, and the latter - personal qualities and abilities, as well as business connections, favorable climatic conditions, etc.

As can be seen, material goods, human qualities and climatic conditions that a person has are the most important characteristics of the quality of life of people.

Among other factors that determine the quality of life of the personnel of the enterprise, the most significant is the spiritual (life goals, value orientations, ethical standards and so on), economic (the volume of production of goods and services, the efficiency of resource use, the state financial system and so on), technological ( technical specifications products, level technological equipment), political (free economic activity, safety of life and work, and so on).

In the process of labor activity of personnel, the main socio-economic results can be expressed in the volume, composition and quality of products, goods and services, working conditions, safe work and health of workers (morbidity), attitude to work, wage level, absenteeism and loss of working time, the number of conflicts, complaints, strikes and other financial, economic, social and labor factors and indicators. If an enterprise provides the expected level of such results for all employees or members of labor collectives, then they have a motivated desire to make their personal and group professional contribution at the level of their efforts and overall labor results that they consider acceptable or possible given the given labor, motivational or market relations. The extent to which an enterprise motivatedly determines the functions and duties of an employee at a given wage depends on its perception of the goals of the system and the desire to provide the necessary or possible result. Stimulation of the required level of labor productivity of employees can be achieved in two ways: either by selecting personnel with appropriate internal motivation, for which their internal satisfaction with the results achieved is important, or by external motivation, in which the desires and needs of a person are satisfied through a system of incentives, as material as well as moral.

The main objective of the social development plan for the team is to develop and implement a system of measures that ensures harmonious and comprehensive improvements in the quality of life of the company's personnel at home and the quality of working conditions.

The development of a social development plan is usually within the competence of the planning and economic department and the sociological service of the enterprise with the involvement of the trade union committee.

Social planning is part of the technical and economic, since in the course of drawing up a social development plan, many technical and economic tasks are solved - increasing labor productivity, organizing the workplace, improving wages, ensuring the quality of work and products, and so on. The qualitative feature of social planning, due to the object itself (comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual and the team), requires additional and specific information and standards: data on the social and age composition of workers, on their needs and inclinations, education, qualifications, relationships in the team. Such information can be obtained only as a result of specific sociological research carried out according to special programs and methods. To obtain information in the preparation of social development plans, the following main methods are used:

Direct observation of the collective and the activities of its public organizations, conversations with workers and leaders;

The study of service documentation and materials of public organizations that characterize the social structure of workers, the degree of satisfaction of material and cultural needs;

Questionnaire survey and interviewing in order to find out the opinions of employees and their proposals on various issues of the social life of teams; the structure of the questionnaires and the method of data processing are selected according to the recommendations of sociological services;

Analysis and use of the experience of planning the social development of teams at other enterprises, as well as literature data;

A social experiment, the purpose of which is to test the feasibility and effectiveness of the recommendations developed as a result of the analysis of the collected information;

Statistical analysis of mass data.

The plan for the social development of collectives of enterprises, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of a prospective five-year plan with a breakdown of tasks by year of the planned period. Typical structure the plan for social development of the enterprise team includes four sections: changing the socio-demographic structure of the team; advanced training and education of employees; main measures to improve working conditions and labor protection, improve the health of workers; improvement of socio-cultural and living conditions of workers and members of their families.

In order to ensure the fulfillment of tasks for all points of the plan, specific tasks, deadlines and persons responsible for implementation are established; necessary funds are allocated; the team is mobilized to carry out the planned activities and work; control over the implementation of the tasks of the plan is introduced. The activities of this plan are included in the operational calendar plans of the relevant production units and departments, which are responsible for their implementation along with production plans.

All activities of the social development plan of the team are consistent with other sections and, first of all, with the labor plan, technical and organizational development production, financial plan.

The sources of funding for social development plan activities are varied, but must be precisely defined. Depending on the nature of the activities, they can be financed from the fund allocated for reconstruction, development funds new technology, development of production, as well as from bank loans, from part of the depreciation deductions going for major repairs.

Thus, the planning of the social development of the enterprise team acts as a method of managing social processes in the life of the team. It should be noted that social planning involves a comprehensive solution of problems and participation in the process of implementing the plan not only by the current team of the organization, but also by family members of employees; pensioners who have retired from this organization; young employees serving in the army; women on maternity or parental leave. Employees of the enterprise, closely connected with each other in the process of labor activity, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations, the social and labor sphere becomes the basis of the life of both individual workers and individual professional groups, entire production teams.

1.2 Structure of social development

An important means of consciously influencing social processes in order to optimize them is social planning - a system of methods for systematic management of the development of the workforce of an enterprise as a social community, targeted regulation of social processes and the development of social labor relations at the enterprise level. The purpose of social development planning is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through social factors, create conditions for better meeting the needs of employees and for the development of members of the workforce, reducing differences between them in terms of conditions and content of work, the level of educational and professional training.

The social development plan is a set of evidence-based activities, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most efficient functioning of the enterprise's workforce. The structure of the plan for the social development of the labor collective includes four sections (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Structure of the social development plan

To develop a plan for social development at the enterprise, it is necessary to create a social development service, consisting of highly qualified specialists - economists, sociologists, psychologists. Their task is to regularly conduct sociological research in order to develop and implement measures aimed at creating more favorable socio-psychological conditions that increase the degree of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of workers, as well as an increase in labor productivity and production efficiency. Work on the social development plan is carried out in several stages (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Stages of developing a social development plan

For planning and managing social development, it becomes necessary to quantification, for which you can use the system of criteria and indicators presented in Figure 3.

The analysis of quantitative indicators of social development makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the social development plan. Efficiency can be economic - increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, reducing its cost, increasing the profitability of production - and social - improving the social structure of the labor collective, raising the social status and cultural level of its members, rational use of free time, increasing the well-being of team members.

Figure 3 - Indicators of social development of the labor collective

Thus, the goal of social development planning is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through social factors, create conditions for better meeting the needs of employees and for the development of members of the workforce, reducing differences between them in terms of conditions and content of work, the level of educational and professional training. The social development plan is a set of evidence-based activities, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most efficient functioning of the enterprise's workforce. Structure of the social development plan

1.3 Sociological service as a subject of planning

The management of the social development of an organization is a specific type of management and, at the same time, an integral part of personnel management, has its own area of ​​manifestation and its own object of managerial influence. Social management provides for the creation of favorable working and leisure conditions for employees of the organization, remuneration and social protection personnel, maintaining an optimal moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, ensuring social partnership and business cooperation. To him, attach the appropriate forms and methods, techniques, methods and rules that allow solving social problems on the basis of a predominantly scientific approach to regulating social processes in an organization.

The subject of social management - management units and circle officials designed to deal with the social development of the organization and social services its personnel, endowed with appropriate powers and bearing certain responsibility for solving social problems. The presence of a social service in an organization is all the more necessary because changes in the life of society, caused by the acceleration of scientific, technological and social progress, lead to an increase in the role of the human factor in labor activity and the importance personal qualities workers, reinforce the need for social partnership.

In fact, on every large enterprise foreign countries, especially those that follow the social orientation of the national economy, the management of social processes separately and specialized. There are managerial units that work with personnel (human resources), regulate social and labor relations and relations with trade unions, provide social services staff, spending funds for charitable purposes.

AT Russian Federation Until recently, in most enterprises, along with the indispensable departments of personnel, labor and wages, there were management services that dealt with issues of safety, health care, housing and communal services, work supplies, household services organizing a competition, etc. When implementing measures aimed at the transition from planned, over-centralized management to a socially oriented market economy the purpose, formation and practical activities of these and other social services have changed markedly.

In the new conditions, the functioning of such services is determined, on the one hand, by the form of ownership, scale, industry affiliation and location of the organization, and on the other hand, by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its personnel, the increased responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers of any level for the more complicated decision as production and economic, as well as social tasks. The definition of social services must now take into account the socio-economic consequences of the privatization of former state property; changes of a fundamental nature in the remuneration system, dictated by the establishment of market relations by the commercialization of the provision of an increasing range of social services; reforming various kinds social insurance and social assistance; the withering away of a number of former social functions of the trade unions. We have to take into account the fact that the real concern for the social sphere is increasingly being shifted to non-state, primarily municipal, bodies and organizations themselves. Depending on the specific situation, social development management is carried out either by the directorate of the organization itself, or by specially authorized persons, or by autonomous units that are elements of the personnel management structure, social services. A typical variant of the organized structure provides for the position of deputy director for personnel with subdivisions (departments, sectors or groups) subordinate to him and individual specialists in charge, in particular, of the regulation of labor relations, safety and labor protection, labor motivation, social protection, the functioning of social infrastructure facilities .

If an organization has an extensive network of its own social infrastructure, it is usually managed separately. In this case, a variant of the structure is possible, providing for the position of deputy director for social and domestic issues, giving him subordinate management and officials in charge of housing and communal services, institutions of medical and preventive profile, education and culture, Catering and consumer services, other social facilities.

The tasks performed by the social service of the organization have their own characteristics, due to the ambiguity of the object of management and the nature of emerging social problems, the originality of methods for achieving social goals, the need to strictly comply with the requirements of social and labor legislation and ensure close cooperation of all parties interested in social partnership. In Russian conditions, one must also take into account state of the art domestic economy and social sphere, in which organizations and their staff continue to experience Negative consequences the recent significant decline in production and hyperinflation, and managers are facing serious obstacles, objective and subjective, in their efforts to raise wages, improve working and living conditions, and increase the interest of workers in new forms of management.

Since the social service, as a subject of management, deals exclusively with people, its primary task is to focus on the person, its intellectual and moral potential, culture of communication and interaction of employees. Providing the desired changes in the social environment of the organization, social service specialists are forced not only to overcome the difficulties of economic and technical order, but also mainly deal with socio-psychological, spiritual and moral problems related to the relationship of people to nature, scientific and technological achievements, work and, of course, to each other.

The head of an organization, a professional manager, needs to have the necessary minimum of humanitarian and ethical knowledge, psychological and pedagogical tact, and the ability to choose the manner of behavior appropriate to the circumstances. To a certain extent, he should act as an educator who takes into account the psychological characteristics of individuals and social groups, and when choosing options for solving social issues, consult with those whose interests this problem affects.

Social service specialists are required to be extremely attentive to a person, to take maximum care of each employee of the organization, satisfying his requests, respecting rights and dignity. They are called upon, using the means at their disposal, to stimulate the interest of employees in business and highly productive work, to develop social activity, the desire of employees to effectively implement their knowledge, experience and skills. It is important to raise people's awareness of the importance of discipline, creative initiative and independence, individual and collective responsibility for the results of joint work.

Involvement in the management of social processes is associated with concern for improving the working and living conditions of people, with sincere responsiveness to the requests of employees for assistance in solving everyday problems, no matter how small they may seem, with a willingness to provide the necessary assistance. At the same time, discretion is needed in granting any privileges. Indulgences often divide the team, lead to conflict situations, confrontation. Of course, blind leveling is also contraindicated.

The most important task of managing social development is the use of various types of social, humanitarian technologies as a set of means for streamlining, reproducing and updating the social environment of an organization, as a kind of algorithm for obtaining the desired results in this matter. Such technologies, based on knowledge about a person, about the content and forms of social ties, are used in management activities in order to humanize labor, create conditions conducive to joint work free and all-round development of the individual.

Humanitarian technologies in work with personnel are usually designed to give scope for the manifestation of individual and personal qualities of employees, optimize interpersonal relationships and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, stimulate professional growth, creative initiative and business partnerships. This takes into account the real possibilities of the organization, the sectoral specifics of its functioning, the socio-demographic characteristics of the city or region where it is located.

An indispensable component and, therefore, the task of modern, based on a scientific approach, the management of social development is the observance of social norms - established by society, the state, a separate organization of rules, techniques, patterns of behavior, principles of activity that correspond to generally accepted values ​​and moral ideals. They allow in a verified and accessible form to express both the main goals of changes in the social environment and the requirements that apply to staff.

In the literal sense, the concept of "norm" means the guiding principle, the rule. Therefore, the norm, the standard is a certain standard, which must be equaled and by which certain events, objects, processes must be evaluated.

Social norms are quantitative, and in most cases quality characteristic requirements for the conditions of human life, social groups. They are treated as legal regulations, enshrined in the laws of the country, as well as moral and ethical guidelines, regulated values ​​of social indicators.

The norms of the social sphere, as well as other areas of society, are formed as a result of practical activities people and social experience, scientific research, expert opinions of authoritative specialists. They find expression in legislative acts, government decrees, industry guidelines, regulations of regional governments, orders of the local administration and other regulatory documents. Mandatory standards require strict implementation, and norms that are advisory in nature serve as a methodological guide in solving social problems.

In particular, Russian standards in the field of social and labor relations establish the duration of the working week and the duration of labor leave; the level of physical and intellectual requirements for representatives of certain professions; ergonomic and sanitary and hygienic working conditions; minimum dimensions salaries, pensions and scholarships, compensation payments and benefits; limits of rational consumption of food products, non-food products and services; average indicators of provision with housing, amenities, healthcare, education, culture, etc.

The program of social reforms currently being carried out in the Russian Federation considers the formation of a system of state minimum social standards to be one of the most important measures to stabilize and improve the living standards of the population. Some of them have already been installed - as already mentioned, the federal standard for the social norm of housing area is determined on the basis of 18 square meters. m of total housing area per family member, consisting of three people or more, 42 sq. m - for a family of two and 33 sq. m - for citizens living alone. Organs state power The subjects of the Federation establish regional standards, guided by federal ones.

Another federal standard is the cost of providing housing utilities for I sq. m of total housing area - is calculated on the basis of a standard set of services for the maintenance and repair of housing, including major repairs, heat supply, sewerage, gas supply and electricity, taking into account the average prevailing consumption rates. The federal standard for the level of citizens' payments in relation to the level of costs for the maintenance and repair of housing, as well as utilities, fixes both the share of household payments in covering the costs of all types of housing and communal services, and the maximum allowable share of citizens' own expenses for housing and utility bills. services in total household income. The ultimate goal of the reform is the full payment of housing and communal services by the population with the payment of subsidies to those families whose housing costs exceed 25% of their family income (in this case, of course, social norms for housing space and utility consumption standards are taken into account).

Peculiar social standard is also an indicator of the subsistence minimum. This value per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups should be determined quarterly on the basis of the consumer basket and data from the State Statistics Committee on the level of consumer prices for food, non-grocery goods and services, as well as the costs of mandatory payments and fees.

The social service of the organization is obliged to ensure the full implementation of social and labor legislation . This refers to the strict observance of the rules of law governing social and labor relations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other laws of the country.

The tasks of the social service of the organization include the development and implementation of activities that ensure social partnership -- mutually interested cooperation between employers and employees in solving social problems. The partners are, on the one hand, entrepreneurs and their associations, and on the other hand, labor collectives and trade union organizations. Such cooperation, as the experience of many countries shows, is carried out constantly, on a bilateral basis, mainly in the form of collective bargaining at the level of individual enterprises and sectors of the economy, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements.

It is equally important for the social service to achieve interaction and coordination of its activities with sectoral and regional structures for managing the social sphere, which represent public authorities and local government. Under certain conditions, especially when social tensions in a country or region are aggravated, they join the permanent participants in social partnership in order to combine efforts at the level of multilateral cooperation in settling disagreements on issues of wages, incomes, social minimum, protection of the rights and freedoms of working citizens, to prevent through mutual understanding in the negotiations, the emergence of social and labor conflicts and bringing them to the extreme point - strikes.

Obviously, social partnership as an effective mechanism for regulating relations at all levels will be further developed. It should be based on the principles of voluntariness, equality and mutual responsibility of the parties, serve essential tool maintaining cooperation and improving its forms.

At the level of enterprises, as noted, the parties to social partnership are the employer (employers) and the labor collective, whose powers, according to Russian law, are exercised by the general meeting (conference) and its elected body - the council of the labor collective. The labor collective realizes the right of employees to participate in the management of an enterprise (organization), to make proposals for improving its work, as well as for socio-cultural and consumer services. He considers and resolves issues of concluding a collective agreement with the administration, self-government of the labor collective, and other issues in accordance with the collective agreement.

Participants in the negotiation process to regulate social and labor relations may be representatives of employers' associations - voluntary associations or unions of both individual citizens and legal entities involved in entrepreneurial activity. Such associations are created to coordinate commercial activities, represent entrepreneurs, protect their common property and other interests.

The role of trade unions in establishing and implementing social partnerships is great.

The functions and the management process itself constitute the content of a targeted impact on people employed joint activities on their social connections and relationships. This refers not only to the functions of the social service, but also the specific forms, methods and incentives that are used to streamline and increase the effectiveness of jointly undertaken efforts. Being an indispensable link in the personnel management system, the social service has its own range of tasks and responsibilities, defined as general requirements to the management of social processes, and the characteristics of the social environment of a given organization.

The functions of the social service include all known management elements: thoughtful planning based on predictive foresight, regulating and coordinating management, incentive motivation, corrective control and informing about the state of the social environment. The proper effect of social development can be obtained only when the social service performs all these functions. Let's consider them in more detail.

Social forecasting and planning - the most important tool for managing social development. It involves a deep and versatile analysis of the state of the social environment of the organization; meaningful diagnostics, clarification and explanation of the relationships that develop between its individual parts; foresight of which option for solving an urgent social problem will be the most effective. This requires reliable sources of information, which, in particular, include statistical data characterizing the material base and other components of the social environment of the organization; data from the study of social and sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and rest, compliance with safety regulations for work, as well as public opinion and prevailing moods in the team; determination with the help of sociometric methods and socioprograms of a more or less complete picture of the existing social ties and relationships of employees, their expectations and preferences in comparison with the real capabilities of the organization.

Only on the basis of accurate knowledge of the specific circumstances and the general situation, both in the organization itself and in the region, industry and country as a whole, it is possible to assess the state of affairs in the social environment, see the prospect of changes in it, and choose adequate methods for achieving change. The forecast must be subjected to practical confirmation before becoming a guideline in the development of targeted programs, planning, design and other management decisions offered by the social service.

Planning, being a kind of rational-constructive activity, means both setting goals and choosing means and ways to achieve them. It will provide an opportunity to act on social processes in the organization with greater expediency and efficiency.

Examples of a systematic approach can be found in the practice of many countries - these are targeted programs to improve the quality of working life, which since the mid-70s. found distribution at the enterprises of the USA and a number of other states; relating to the 70-80s. plans for social development at enterprises of the former USSR; nationwide plans for socio-economic development in Japan, which since the mid-50s. large firms, corporations of this country are guided by the choice of priorities in the management and social sphere.

AT modern Russia the strategic direction of forecasting and planning the social development of enterprises and other commercial organizations is determined by the Constitution of the country, which characterizes the Russian Federation as a social state striving to create conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of its citizens, guaranteeing their rights and freedoms. The ongoing reforms to liberalize the economy, establish market relations, and streamline the social sphere are subordinated to this common goal. At the same time, social forecasting and planning is hampered by a protracted decline in production and a sharp decline in investment, a decline in the standard of living of a significant part of the population, as well as the slow progress of socio-economic transformations at the enterprise level.

Obstacles to the effective functioning of enterprises in the establishment of market regulation are primarily due to financial costs resulting from the recent hyperinflation, the ill-conceived large-scale privatization of the former "national" property, gaps in legislation, burdensome for enterprises to maintain social and cultural facilities and housing in a market economy. public utilities, a relatively low level of managerial skills. The process of a reasoned choice of social goals and means of achieving them, as well as public control over the implementation of the planned measures, is hindered by the lack of reliable information about the actual capabilities of an organization.

Organizational-administrative and coordinating functions. They provide for material, financial, and personnel support for the implementation of targeted programs and plans for social development. development of the organization, the use of appropriate social technologies, as well as interaction with related management structures, trade unions and others public associations, public authorities and local governments involved in the social sphere. It is necessary to prepare draft decisions, orders, regulations, instructions, recommendations and other documents on social issues, of course, corresponding to the requirements of the current social and labor legislation, established social standards, federal and regional standards.

The main thing in the performance of these functions is personnel, business and ethical training of workers involved in solving social problems: they must have a high degree competence that combines general and professional knowledge with the desire to take into account the realities of life.

The development and implementation of the notorious programs to improve the quality of working life at US enterprises were accompanied by the involvement of research and development specialists in this activity. training centers, popularization of the experience of successful companies, the inclusion of new sections on the management of social processes in textbooks on the basics of management. These events were actively supported by the administrations of a number of states and many municipalities.

Previously, with the widespread dissemination of social development plans, the training of employees of the social services of enterprises and the improvement of their qualifications were also not ignored. In addition to standard methods of social planning, specially designed training programs were offered, seminars were held, and short courses were organized. Students were introduced to the scientific foundations of the increasing role of the human factor social production, the possibilities of applying the achievements of sociological and psychological sciences to the management of social processes in labor collectives, the content of the social policy of the state of that time, the experience of organizing the work of social services directly at the best enterprises.

When implementing the administrative functions of the social service, it must be taken into account that the definition of goals and objectives, principles, directions and mechanisms for the social development of any economic organization significantly depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, which limits the degree of state influence, regulating the impact on commercial organizations. This circumstance, characteristic of the new economic conditions, makes intolerable lack of initiative and a low level of responsibility of enterprise managers, including in solving social problems.

Incentive stimulation involves active involvement in the implementation of social programs and plans, ensuring high efficiency of the solidarity efforts of employees, encouraging those who take the initiative and show good example to others, the implementation in the changed conditions of the role of the council of the labor collective and other representative bodies of workers. The administration of the enterprise (organization), the social service are obliged to create appropriate conditions for the activities of trade unions, to use their support in solving common problems and issues, one way or another related to the improvement of working and living conditions, social services for workers.

It is very important to take into account that the system of labor motivation in general and social motivation in particular, it is an indispensable part of the set of conditions that ensure efficient operation of all personnel and the development of each individual individually. It is necessary to reckon with the mechanism of human activity, which is a chain of needs, interests, motives, actions and goals, achieving one or another degree of satisfaction of needs, the impact of the achieved result on the socio-economic environment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the human psyche: people usually overestimate their needs, most often they tend to desire not less, but more.

Social programs, as a rule, are carried out in the order of planned work, according to the established schedule. However, sometimes relevant events are held on the initiative of the collective, on an amateur basis - for example, subbotniks for the improvement of the territory of enterprises, residential microdistricts and suburban recreation areas. Participation in such works, being a manifestation of the initiative and enthusiasm of people, serves as an effective incentive for their social activity.

Constant monitoring of the implementation of planned activities and informing the team about changes in the social environment is interconnected with obtaining, analyzing and summarizing various information about the social environment of the organization, the changes that occur in it, correlating them with the implementation of the approved plan and targeted social programs. The social service must have a system of coordinates for the life of the enterprise with indicators of its social development, i.e. something like a “social passport” (by analogy with a technical and economic passport) as an orientation tool in solving social problems.

Control is unthinkable without an examination of the working and living conditions of employees, their compliance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, social standards and state minimum standards. And this, in turn, involves turning to monitoring (observation, evaluation, forecasting) of social processes, which allows you to identify and prevent negative trends, as well as to social audit - a specific form of revision of the conditions of the social environment of a given organization in order to identify social risk factors and developing proposals to reduce their negative impact.

It is equally important to ensure that staff are kept up to date on the state of the social environment, the improvements made in it, as well as problems that remain unresolved. Full-fledged information support of social development requires the study of public opinion and the mood of workers, the identification of issues that cause increased attention and the greatest interest.

Evaluation of the results of the implementation of social measures, summing up what has been done in terms of the improvements achieved in the social environment, and determining their economic and social effectiveness deserve a special approach. A number of fundamentally important provisions must be kept in mind here.

It is obvious that the effectiveness of the development of the social environment can be legitimately considered as a certain proportion of the overall effectiveness of the organization, as part of the total effect of the work of the staff. It follows from this that the final results of the organization's activities that characterize its the economic growth, production and sale of products, profit, etc.

If the overall efficiency is determined based on the goals set as a mathematical correspondence (function) of the results achieved to the funds spent on this, then the effectiveness of social development is nothing more than the ratio between the impact of the social sphere on personnel and the material, financial and other costs of introducing new social technologies, implementation of social activities. Usually, indicators of both economic and social efficiency are singled out.

Economic efficiency means achieving measurable change for the better in the social environment of an organization at the lowest possible cost. She lends herself qualitative definition and quantitative measurement, can be expressed by statistical data and corresponding indices characterizing, in particular, the growth of labor productivity, improving the quality of manufactured goods and services, increasing profits, staff turnover, the level of discipline, etc. The results of economic activity are indicators of the social effect, compliance with the social goals of this organization and society as a whole. Social efficiency of changes in the social environment of the organization, its definition is based mainly on the recognition of the priority of social goals: the more this or that event contributes to the solution of specific social problems, the more socially effective this action is. The measure of the social effect is not always possible to express in numbers - more often, qualitative indicators are used, recorded in official documents, the results of polls, questionnaires and other social studies. They determine the scale and useful impact of changes in the social environment of a given organization, including the implementation of targeted social programs, advanced training and professional competence of employees, the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, the degree of satisfaction with work, its material and moral remuneration, the level of development of social partnership.


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The goals and objectives of the social development of the production team are mediated, concretized, differentiated in the indicators of the plan, which are a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of certain social processes. The role of social indicators is not limited to identifying characteristics that reveal certain aspects of the life of the team. They should fully reflect changes in certain areas of the functioning of the team as a whole, which implies a systematic approach to the formation of indicators social plan, i.e. there should be not just a list of indicators, but their complete system, which has unifying, integrative qualities.

The system character of indicators of the social development plan reflects the integrity of the planning object, implies their internal interconnectedness. It is provided by the presence of end-to-end indicators that most fully express the goals and objectives of the plan, having a connection with the goals of the broader systems to which the enterprise belongs - the unification of the industry. Consistency requires compliance with the proportions between the indicators of the team and its social environment, between the social and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise.

The system of indicators of the plan, each of its sections performs the most important functions. First, with the help of indicators, an assessment is made of the initial situation, the position of various social groups in the team and the team itself in a wider system. Secondly, the indicators make it possible to trace the dynamics of various social processes; thirdly, they make it possible to reflect the results of planning and its social effect. Finally, a correctly constructed system of indicators provides a basis for comparing and correspondingly coordinating social development with the collectives of other enterprises, with the development of an industry, and with national economic plans.

The system of indicators of the social development of the team characterizes the most diverse social relations and processes occurring in it. In order for social indicators to adequately reflect the diversity and specificity of these relations and processes, their classification is necessary.

The classification of social indicators proposed by a group of authors led by Z.I. Fainburg and E.S. Shaidarova. According to their "Methodology of social planning of the enterprise team", all indicators are proposed to be divided into 3 groups:

indicators of the development of material and cultural conditions for the functioning of the individual, group, team;

indicators reflecting the facts of the behavior of an individual, group, collective;

indicators reflecting the facts of the consciousness of the individual, group.

The selection of three groups of indicators corresponds to different possibilities for the systematic regulation of social processes. The first group of indicators is characterized by the greatest accuracy, is expressed in quantitative form and is subject to direct planning (average wage, the number of seats in canteens, housing construction, etc.) The second group of indicators, reflecting such social processes as social activity, the consumption of cultural goods (reading books, watching television, etc.), cannot be set directively, as it comes from from the subjective needs of an individual or a group. Therefore, the planning of processes is carried out through the impact on the conditions of their course and acquires the character of a forecast as indirect accounting and regulation (the number of students in evening schools, studying in various circles, etc.). Planning indicators of the third group (ie, motives, attitudes, value criteria) is even more indirect in nature and is expressed in a change in the general conditions of employees' activities. To improve such indicators as job satisfaction, attitude to work, painstaking work is needed to improve working conditions, life and leisure of workers within the capabilities of the enterprise. In relation to these indicators, a general forecasting technique is developed that indicates the trends in these indicators.

The indicators of the social development plan are also classified into mandatory and recommended. Such a division allows you to be creative in drawing up plans, highlight your own specific social problems that are characteristic of a given team, and at the same time implement the function of reducibility, comparability of indicators when compared with the plans of other teams and taking into account the inclusion of this team in the team of an association, concern, social environment region.

Planning cannot fulfill its regulatory functions without appropriate regulations. These standards should be objective guidelines, criteria in assessing the level of social development of labor collectives and in assessing the level of social development of labor collectives, and in assessing planned changes to this level.

A social standard is such an interval of values ​​of a specific social parameter within which (interval) an object can successfully perform its functions in relation to the system in which it is included.

Like the three methods of rationing in the economy, social planning can also be used experimental, experimental-statistical and analytical-calculative methods. If the development of the plan takes into account the conditions and assessment of the social development of only a given team, then an experimental method is used. When taking into account the average statistical values ​​of the social parameters of a set or a number of enterprises in an industry or region, we are talking about the experimental-statistical determination of standards for an enterprise. If, when drawing up a plan, the experience of socially advanced enterprises is analyzed, the best parameters of social development in the industry or region are identified, then this can be considered as the application of the analytical and calculation method for determining social standards.

The specificity of social standards for the collective lies in the fact that it belongs to two various systems- industry and region, and in these systems the values ​​of the standard may be different. It is possible to overcome this difficulty by forming an "optimal standard" - such an interval of values ​​of a social parameter within which the team successfully performs its functions in relation to both the region and the industry.

Each section of the social development plan should include a description of the current state of the enterprise team in one or another area of ​​its life; definition of goals and objectives for further improvement this direction, this sphere; indicators that characterize the change in this aspect of the life of the team, and activities that contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives. There are two forms of planning - "quantitative" and "qualitative".

With the so-called quantitative planning, social goals and objectives are most accurately expressed in numerical indicators, the achievement of which is used to judge the implementation of the plan. Qualitative planning determines the conditions for achieving a certain qualitative state, which is difficult to quantify.

The proportions between these forms of planning vary from section to section and are related to the specifics of the sections of the plan. So, all subsections of the "Social Structure of the Collective" are planned mainly in digital terms. For the section “Improvement of working conditions”, the main form of planning is qualitative, that is, an appropriate list of measures should be used. The predominance of one form or another depends on the aspect of the social life of the enterprise. The section “Improvement of wages, improvement of housing and cultural and living conditions of the employees of the enterprise” is characterized by high-quality planning.

The structure of the sections of the plan for the social development of the team

As for the activities, some of them that contribute to the implementation of the tasks set and the achievement of the planned indicators are given in the plan for technical development and organization of production and are not indicated in order to avoid duplication. The section itself reflects only those specific activities that are not in other plans - sections of the general comprehensive plan of the enterprise.

The goals of social and economic planning are closely related, since both should contribute to the solution of the triune task of the nationwide state:

improvement of public relations,

raising the material and cultural standard of living of the working people.

At the same time, each of them (goals) has its own specifics in accordance with the object of planning. Since the object of economic planning is the national economy, its industry, association, enterprise, its goal is development, increase in efficiency National economy(industries, associations, enterprises).

The enterprise is, as already mentioned, not only a production, but also a social cell of our society, therefore it performs not only production, but also social functions.

The dual nature of the enterprise also gives rise to the duality of the goal of planning the social development of the enterprise team. Based on the main purpose of the enterprise - the production of products (performance of work, provision of services), planning is intended primarily to contribute to its successful implementation. The actual social goals are the change in the social structure of the collective, the satisfaction of the various needs of its members for the further development of the individual. All these local social goals are projected onto the enterprise from both social goals of society.

Therefore, the goal of planning the social development of the enterprise team can be defined as a complex one:

improving the efficiency of the team due to social factors;

creation of conditions for the possible satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the members of the team;

personal development of each of them.

Realization of this complex goal will mean further improvement social relations society.

Social planning at the level of enterprises, construction sites, organizations is faced with the need to address issues that are beyond the competence of enterprise management bodies. In this regard, the social problems of the development of each work collective should be reflected in. comprehensive plans for the development of industries and territorial units of districts, cities, regions and are agreed with them.

Based on the need to solve specific problems, the plans may contain different sections. Thus, the plans of the 9th GPZ contained the following sections: "Improving the organization of labor and managing the production team", the plan of the Togliatti plant Volgotsemtyazhmash - "Protection of women's health." The plans of factories in other cities included the sections "Improvement of social and psychological relations in the team", "Economic and social efficiency plan". Some collectives subdivide the section "Development of social activity of workers" into two sections." "Development of labor and social activity of workers and improvement of relations in the team" and "Spiritual and physical development of employees of the enterprise" (departments of the Kuibyshev railway, 9 GPP, metallurgical plant named after. V.I. Lenin and others).

Plans for social development have been developed for the third decade. The need to compare, compare the plans of different enterprises, evaluate their implementation, and summarize them by industry, by region, set the task of developing guidelines on goals and objectives, the structure of the plan, a system of indicators, and monitoring the progress of implementation.

Key Responsible Units and Organizations


Reflection of the goals and objectives of the plan for the social development of the team during the planning period, the initial and prospective state of the technical and economic basis of the plan

Top management of the enterprise

I. Change in the social structure of workers

Implementation of production, and social functions team. Increasing the efficiency of production, increasing the content of labor, the level of education and qualifications, reducing social differences, meeting the needs of team members

Technical divisions, economic and personnel services

II. Improvement of working conditions and health protection of employees of the enterprise

Creating favorable working conditions and improving the health of workers as a factor in increasing labor and social activity. Satisfying the needs of team members

NTO department, factory committee, medical service, labor protection and safety department

III.Improvement of remuneration and labor incentives, improvement of housing, cultural and living conditions of the employees of the enterprise

Planned improvement of the well-being and cultural level of workers, reduction of social differences in the team in economic and cultural terms. Satisfying the needs of workers

Economic, personnel divisions, factory committee, ZHO

To solve some social problems, social projects are created, within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What are the characteristics of those that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or projects aimed at seniors? For example, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation already?


A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a certain or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But in addition to the idea, he must offer more ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. Helps you understand what it is, an example social project which will be posted below. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to solve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). There are usually 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by the project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system of social security, social protection, health care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What are the features of projects aimed at young people?

The most main feature- that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation to be improved should be described in detail, as well as any specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

What should the project be?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the put forward ideas and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless guys.
  4. It must give an answer to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, will be of interest to young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. Health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural enlightenment, promotion of sports or a better relationship with other people can be chosen as a field of work. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a club of logical thought or an astronomical circle can be a specific goal.

After defining the goals, it is necessary to think about the tasks - the most concentrated goals. Examples of tasks might be: instilling the qualities that will enable troubled teenagers at risk to settle into life as a normal citizen, or help in finding a place to study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then an action plan and implementation timeframes should be discussed, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan should contain the most detailed list of actions that will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, you can take a look at four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects in the school. Let the examples be not very large-scale, but they will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is desirable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who get divorced after marriage by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what duties and rights each of the spouses will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no lapping later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine if they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan, which describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth #2

Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Purpose: to provide assistance to refuseniks and underage orphans who are being treated in a hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, financial assistance, toys and medicines for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health in refuseniks and underage orphans.
  3. from the state budget or from charitable foundations to improve refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to persuade people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of the search for funds and their transfer.

Place of implementation: Children's regional hospital of the city of Samara.

Example for youth #3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Direction: youth with congenital disabilities and disabilities in universities.

Purpose: to achieve the socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the usefulness of the socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that provide social protection for such people.
  3. Assistance in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards young people with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Realization of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new methods of rehabilitation.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Location: University of such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them, you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.