Which body carries out registration of public associations. Registration of a public organization in Russia. Requirements for founders of associations

  • 04.05.2020

A public association is understood as a voluntary, self-governing, non-commercial formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to achieve the common goals specified in the charter of this organization. Public associations can be created in one of the following organizational and legal forms: public organization, public movement, public fund, public institution, body of public initiative, political public association or union (association) of public associations. The founders of public associations can only be individuals and (or) public organizations (both Russian and foreign).

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", the decision on the state registration of a public association is made by the federal executive body in the field of justice or its territorial subdivision. Record of the establishment of a public association in Single register legal entities is carried out by the authorized body - the tax inspectorate, in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Registration". Thus, it is clearly seen that the creation and registration of public associations has its own characteristics, like others not. commercial organizations, this applies to the procedure itself, and the package of documents, and other important points, so the help of an experienced specialist is very often needed.

In order to carry out state registration of public associations, it is necessary to submit the following package of documents for registration to the federal body of justice or its corresponding territorial structural unit: public organization, institution, movement, etc.:

  • a statement signed by members of the continuously functioning governing body of the organization, indicating their last names, first names, patronymics, places of residence and contact numbers (in 2 copies);
  • name of the public association;
  • charter of a public association (in 3 copies);
  • an extract from the minutes of the general meeting containing information on the establishment of a public association, on the approval of its charter and on the corresponding creation of a governing and controlling body;
  • information about the founders (in 2 copies);
  • a document confirming the fact of payment of the state fee;
  • information about the address, location of the continuously functioning governing body of the public association, through which communication with the public association is carried out;
  • minutes of founding congresses (conferences) or general meetings of structural units, if we are talking about international, all-Russian and interregional public associations;
  • if a public association uses its own name of a citizen, symbols protected by law Russian Federation on protection intellectual property or copyright, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the right to use them;
  • information about the chief accountant of the public association (copy of passport, postal code of registration, contact phone number);
  • information about the bank in which it is planned to open a current account (name, address, contact phone number).

The term for registering a public association is about one and a half months. So, in particular, at the first stage within 30 days. The Ministry of Justice must decide on the state. registration of the association (or refuse). After that, in case of a positive decision, they proceed to the second stage: information about the new legal entity is entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (5 working days) and an appropriate certificate is issued (3 working days). In addition, it is necessary to carry out tax registration, open a bank account, receive codes from the State Statistics Committee, etc., which can also take about 5-10 days.

The procedure for creating public associations is quite painstaking and time-consuming, requiring knowledge of many legal subtleties and experience. Not everyone knows how to create such a non-profit organization. Therefore, we offer you professional assistance in registering a non-profit organization in the form of a public association. Turning to us, you can be sure that the state registration of public associations will be carried out by professionals. In addition, we always give guarantees for our services, which will also become a confirmation of the reliability of cooperation with us for you.

Basic cost of registration of public associations

Registration of a public association in the form public organization, movement, fund, institution, etc. and its cost depends on many factors: which form you choose, whether you need additional services: making a seal, opening a bank account, etc. In addition, you can also choose for yourself a legal address at which the registration of a public association: institutions, movements, etc. will definitely be successful.

The standard package of services for registering a public association includes:

  • free consultation on all issues of registration of a public association;
  • preparation of registration documents;
  • payment of state duties and fees;
  • support of the registration procedure with the Federal Registration Service with obtaining a certificate of state registration of the organization;
  • receiving a letter from the State Statistics Committee on the assignment of codes;
  • tax registration;
  • registration in off-budget funds;
  • production of automatic printing.

In addition, our company offers a number of additional services on registration and support of a non-profit organization in the form of a public association. We can offer full support when it is necessary to register a public association in the form of a public organization, institution, foundation, movement, etc.

Additional services provided upon registration of public associations

In today's market legal services registration non-profit organizations is an extremely demanded product, but, nevertheless, piece. This is due to the fact that the state registration of a public organization, movement, fund, etc. has many nuances that not even every lawyer knows about. In addition, the lack of unambiguous and clear legislation governing the registration and activities of non-profit organizations makes this field of knowledge extremely complex and multifaceted, so not every specialist will undertake the registration of a non-profit organization.

Our specialists have many years of experience in the field of registration of non-profit organizations in the form of a public association, and we offer you reliable and professional assistance. You can also be sure that the registration of your public organization or foundation will take into account all legislative norms and the procedure for creating such associations, and the price of this service will pleasantly surprise you with its democratic nature, along with its high quality. Trust only true professionals!

(in ed. federal law dated 10.01.2006 N 18-FZ)

In order to acquire the rights of a legal entity, a public association is subject to state registration in accordance with Federal Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001 "On State Registration of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs"), taking into account the procedure for state registration of public associations established by this Federal Law.
The decision on state registration (on refusal of state registration) of a public association is made by the federal executive body authorized in the field of state registration of public associations (hereinafter referred to as the federal state registration body), or its territorial body. The entry into the unified state register of legal entities of information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of public associations, as well as other information provided for by federal laws, is carried out by the federal executive body authorized in accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" (hereinafter - authorized registering body) on the basis of a decision on the corresponding state registration adopted by the federal body of state registration or its territorial body.
The decision on the state registration of an international or all-Russian public association is made by the federal body of state registration.
The decision on state registration of an interregional public association is made by the territorial body of the federal body of state registration at the location of the permanent governing body of the public association.
The decision on state registration of a regional or local public association is made by the territorial body of the federal body of state registration in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.
For the state registration of a public association, the following documents shall be submitted to the federal body of state registration or its respective territorial body:
1) an application signed by an authorized person (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence and contact numbers;
2) the charter of the public association in triplicate;
3) an extract from the minutes of the founding congress (conference) or general meeting, containing information on the creation of a public association, on the approval of its charter and on the formation of governing bodies and a control and audit body;
4) information about the founders;
5) a document confirming payment of the state fee;
6) information about the address (location) of the permanent governing body of the public association, through which communication with the public association is carried out;
7) minutes of founding congresses (conferences) or general meetings of structural divisions for international, all-Russian and interregional public associations;
8) when using in the name of a public association the personal name of a citizen, symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property or copyright, as well as the full name of another legal entity as part of its own name - documents confirming the authority to use them.
The documents specified in part six of this article shall be submitted within three months from the date of the founding congress (conference) or general meeting.
State registration of youth and children's public associations is carried out if fully capable citizens are elected to the governing bodies of these associations.
Changes made to the charters of public associations are subject to state registration in the same manner and within the same timeframe as the state registration of public associations, and acquire legal force from the date of such registration.
The decision on state registration of a branch of a public association is made by the territorial body of the federal body of state registration in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of documents submitted by the branch of the public association in accordance with part six of this article and certified by the central governing body of the public association, as well as a copy of the document on state registration of the public associations. At the same time, the state registration of a branch of a public association is carried out in the manner prescribed for the state registration of public associations. If a branch of a public association does not adopt its charter and acts on the basis of the charter of the public association of which it is a branch, the central governing body of this association shall notify the territorial body of the federal body of state registration in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation of the presence of the said branch, its location, provides information about its governing bodies. In this case, the specified department acquires the rights of a legal entity from the date of its state registration.
The federal state registration body or its territorial body, within thirty days from the date of filing an application for state registration of a public association, is obliged to make a decision on state registration of a public association or to refuse state registration of a public association and issue a reasoned refusal to the applicant in writing.
The federal state registration body or its territorial body, after making a decision on the state registration of a public association, sends to the authorized registering body the information and documents necessary for this body to perform the functions of maintaining a unified state register legal entities.
Based said decision and the information and documents submitted by the federal state registration body or its territorial body, the authorized registering body, within a period of not more than five working days from the date of receipt of these information and documents, makes an appropriate entry in the unified state register of legal entities and no later than the working day following the day of making such a record, notifies the body that made the decision on the state registration of the public association.
The federal body of state registration or its territorial body, no later than three working days from the date of receipt from the authorized registering body of information on the entry in the unified state register of legal entities of an entry about a public association, issues a certificate of state registration to the applicant.
Per state registration public association, changes made to its charter, a state fee is levied in the manner and in the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

In public associations, the dependence of the status of public associations on their territorial sphere of activity has been established. Mandatory indication of the territorial scope of activity public association must contain in the name of the organization. There are four territorial types of public associations:

  1. All-Russian public association can carry out its activities in the territories of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural units- organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. Currently, the Russian Federation consists of 85 subjects. Absence required amount structural subdivisions is a violation and may lead to the liquidation of the public association. The inclusion in the names of all-Russian public associations of the name Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derived from this name,allowed without special permission.
  2. Interregional public association carries out its activities in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural subdivisions there - organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. To obtain this status, it is enough to have branches in at least 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interregional public associations have a special structure, which, as a rule, consists of regional and local branches.
  3. Regional public association, the activity of such an association in accordance with its statutory goals is carried out within the territory of one subject. For example, the Moscow Public Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights, as the very name of the organization implies, operates in Moscow.
  4. local public association operates within the territory of only one body local government. For example, the local public regional organization of motorists Losinoostrovskaya operates on the territory of the intracity municipality Losinoostrovskoe city of Moscow.

Branches has the right to acquire the rights of a legal entity and is also entitled to carry out activities on the basis of its charters registered in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the goals and objectives of the branches should not contradict the charter of the parent public association. It is the opportunity regional office to become an independent legal entity leads to the fact that when creating a regional branch, it must have at least three members- representatives this region. Since a public association is created on the initiative of the founders - at least three individuals and (or) public associations.

Local executive authorities keep records of public associations created and operating on their territory.
To register a public association, within a month from the date of its establishment, an application is submitted, signed by the authorized representatives of the founders, indicating their place of residence. The application shall be accompanied by the charter (regulations, other basic document) and the minutes of the constituent assembly.
An application for registration of a public association is considered within two months from the date of its receipt.
Changes and additions to the charters (regulations, other basic documents) of public associations are subject to registration in the same manner and terms as the registration of public associations.
The bodies that register public associations maintain a register of these associations.
Public associations or their organizations (bodies) from the date of their registration are recognized in accordance with the law as legal entities.
The registration of a public association may be refused if the charter (regulation, other basic document) of this public association contradicts the requirements of Articles 3 and 4 of this Law, or if a public association with the same name was previously registered. In this case, the applicants are informed about this in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal.
Refusal to register a public association may be appealed against in court within three months.

    Basic provisions on public organizations

    Founders and charter of a public organization

    Rights and obligations of a participant (member) of a public organization

    Features of management in a public organization

The concept and basic provisions of a public organization

Law No. 99-FZ of May 5, 2014 introduces into § 6 "Non-commercial corporate organizations" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation whole section 3 "Public organizations" (articles 123 8 - 123 11):

Article 123 4 . Basic provisions on public organizations

    Public organizations voluntary associations of citizens who have united in the manner prescribed by law on the basis of their common interests to meet spiritual or other non-material needs, to represent and protect common interests and achieve other goals that do not contradict the law are recognized

    A public organization is the owner of its property. Its participants (members) do not retain property rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of the organization, including membership fees.

    Participants (members) of a public organization are not liable for the obligations of the organization in which they participate as members, and the organization is not liable for the obligations of its members.

    Public organizations may form associations (unions) in accordance with the procedure established by this Code.

    A public organization, by decision of its participants (members), may be transformed into an association (union), an autonomous non-profit organization or a foundation.

Commentary on Article 123 4 of the Civil Code

Previously given in the Law "On Public Associations" the concept of a public organization has not undergone significant changes.

A public organization is a formation that is characterized by the following features:



    non-commercial character;

    created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests;

    was created to achieve the common goals of the participants, which are at the same time statutory goals (in other words, it has a target orientation of activity).

Voluntariness means an opportunity for citizens, without any obstacles and without taking into account external reasons, without compulsion, having shown free will, to join a public organization (become its participant). Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes: "everyone has the right to association" and "no one can be forced to join or stay in any association."

self-management means the autonomous, independent functioning of the organization and the determination of its statutory goals by the free choice of its founders.

non-commercial nature assumes that making a profit is not the main goal of the activity of a public organization and that the profit received is not distributed among its participants. However, profit-making is, in principle, permissible. At the same time, entrepreneurial activity can be the main source of funding for their activities, but if the purpose of such organizations is not to make a profit, then they will still be non-profit.

The ban on the distribution of profits essentially means limiting the right to dispose of this profit.

The creation of an organization on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of a common interest means the creation, by the will of citizens, of at least three in number, which is directly and unequivocally expressed. Initiative manifests itself in the form of actions to create an organization, in a certain order.

Another essential feature is that any organization is created to implement the common goals of uniting citizens.

The goals are fixed in the charter of a public association. Public organizations can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, develop physical education and sports, meeting the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protecting the rights, legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

Only natural persons can now be founders of a public organization.

Founders and charter of a public organization

Law No. 99-FZ of May 5, 2014 introduces an article on the requirements for founders and the content of the charter of public organizations:

Article 123 5 . Founders and charter of a public organization

    The number of founders of a public organization cannot be less than three.

    The charter of a public organization must contain information about its name and location, the subject and goals of its activities, as well as conditions on the procedure for joining (accepting) a public organization and leaving it, the composition and competence of its bodies and the procedure for making decisions by them, including on issues, decisions on which are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes, on the property rights and obligations of a participant (member) of the organization and on the procedure for distributing property left after the liquidation of the organization.

Commentary on Article 123 5 of the Civil Code

The Civil Code establishes a new minimum number of founders of a public organization - 3 people (which corresponds to the provisions of the Law "On Public Associations").

The founders of a public organization can be any individuals, not just citizens of the Russian Federation.

Restrictions may be specifically provided for in the law. For example, in accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 10-FZ "On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity", individuals who have reached the age of 14 and are engaged in labor (professional) activities have the right to join a trade union. Citizens of the Russian Federation living outside its territory may be members of Russian trade unions. Foreign citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation may be members of Russian trade unions, with the exception of cases established by federal laws or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

All restrictions on the circle of persons who can be founders, established earlier in the Law "On Public Associations", are removed.

Article establishes General requirements to the content of the only constituent document of a public organization - the charter.

A legal entity has its own name, containing an indication of its organizational and legal form.

The name of a public organization must contain an indication of the nature of their activities.

Taking into account the special legal capacity of non-profit organizations (Article 49 of the Civil Code) and in accordance with Article 52 of the Civil Code, the charter of a public organization must also determine its location, the procedure for managing the activities of a legal entity, as well as the subject of activity of a legal entity.

Rights and obligations of a participant (member) of a public organization

Law No. 99-FZ of May 5, 2014 introduces an article on the rights and obligations of a participant (member) of a public organization:

Article 123 6 . Rights and obligations of a participant (member) of a public organization

    A participant (member) of a public organization shall exercise the corporate rights provided for by paragraph 1 of Article 65 2 of this Code in the manner prescribed by the charter of the organization. He also has the right, on an equal footing with other participants (members) of the organization, to use the services provided by it free of charge.

    A participant (member) of a public organization, along with the obligations provided for participants in a corporation by paragraph 4 of Article 65 2 of this Code, also bears the obligation to pay membership and other property contributions provided for by its charter.

    A participant (member) of a public organization, at his discretion, has the right to withdraw from the organization in which he participates at any time.

    Membership in a public organization is inalienable. The exercise of the rights of a participant (member) of a public organization cannot be transferred to another person.

Commentary on Article 123 6 of the Civil Code

Public organizations are created on the initiative of their founders. Founders "automatically", i.e. at the same time from the moment the organization is created, they become their members (participants), acquiring the appropriate status.

The main rights and obligations of participants in a public organization are indicated in the article.

Management in a public organization

Law No. 99-FZ of May 5, 2014 introduces an article on the regulation of management issues in public organizations:

Article 123 7 . Features of management in a public organization

    The exclusive competence of the highest body of a public organization, along with the issues specified in paragraph 2 of Article 65 3 of this Code, also includes the adoption of decisions on the amount and procedure for payment by its participants (members) of membership and other property contributions.

    In a public organization, a sole executive body (chairman, president, etc.) is formed, and permanent collegial executive bodies (council, board, presidium, etc.) can be formed.

    By decision of the general meeting of members of a public organization, the powers of its body may be prematurely terminated in cases of gross violation by this body of its duties, inability to properly conduct business, or if there are other serious grounds.


Useful links on the topic "Changes to the Civil Code - Draft Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2013 - 2014: Public organizations as amended by the Law of 05.05.2014 No. 99-FZ"

Tags: public, corporate, organizations, public organizations, corporate organizations, public corporate organizations

How to open a non-profit organization step by step

In the past, a separate service (FRS) was in charge of state registration issues. But later it was abolished, and the fictions were transferred directly to the Ministry of Justice. As a result, there have been some changes in the procedure:

  • registration of organizations;
  • correction of information previously indicated in the constituent papers;
  • reorganization;
  • and finally liquidation.

Whatever it was, but only one question is of interest: how to open a non-profit organization? You will need to contact the Department of Justice directly. It is this department that registers NGOs, both Russian and foreign, in the event that the latter intend to start working in the country.

In each region, there are territorial offices of the Ministry of Justice, which are in charge of opening certain organizations. Submission of a package of constituent documents is carried out both personally by the founders and through the Russian Post. In the latter case, the papers are sent by registered mail along with the inventory.

At the same time, there are many specialized commercial organizations in the country that can fully take care of all the necessary chores for a separate fee, of course. On average, their services in the Russian Federation cost 15 thousand rubles.

What is needed to open

First of all, you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  • come up with a name;
  • find the premises, the location of which will become the legal address;
  • determine the direction of activity;
  • fix the decision to establish an NPO.

The chosen name of the organization should indicate the nature of its activities. The law prohibits the use of names state structures both full and in the form of abbreviations.

The location of the organization is determined by the place of registration. The legal address is entered into the State Register of Legal Entities, which must be within the boundaries of the territorial entity chosen for work.

There is a fairly wide range of activities. This circumstance allows the founders of NCOs to choose the most appropriate form.

The decision to establish an organization is made by the initiators unanimously at the general meeting, in the situation where the NPO decided to create several citizens. Then it is necessary to approve the charter and form the board.

Only after carrying out all the above preliminary procedures, you can begin to collect the required documents.

NPO Forms

Religious or social organizations. They are associations of citizens who adhere to common views and worldviews. Their task is to satisfy the needs of an intangible nature.

Charitable Foundation. This type organization differs from the above in that there is no membership in it. It is established on the initiative of both commercial structures and individuals. The basis of its activities is the collection of voluntary donations directed to the following purposes:

  • charitable;
  • social;
  • cultural;
  • educational, etc.

It is also worth mentioning the non-profit partnership. This form of NPO is based on membership. Both citizens and legal entities can establish it. The main task is to assist all participants in the organization in achieving various goals that are significant for society.

A private institution is an NPO founded by one citizen or legal entity. Its purpose is to carry out the following non-commercial functions:

  • socio-cultural;
  • managerial.

It is also worth mentioning the autonomous NPO. An organization of this kind does not have a membership and is created to provide the following services:

  • educational;
  • healthcare;
  • cultural;
  • scientific;
  • legal;
  • sports, etc.

The Association is an association of both legal entities and individuals designed to protect common interests.

Cossack society. This is another form of civic organization acting to ensure:

  • protection of rights;
  • preservation of the traditional way of life;
  • revival of the Cossack movement;
  • conducting business activities;
  • cultural development.

Communities of indigenous small nationalities of the Russian Federation.

A specific form of organization that unites persons on the following grounds:

  • related;
  • territorially neighboring.

The purpose of existence is to preserve traditions, culture and crafts.

Each form of association has the right, after registration, to create in other regions:

  • branch;
  • separate division.

They, in turn, must also be registered at their location.

See also: How an individual can open a foreign currency account with Sberbank

Required documents

Submission of papers for registration must be carried out no later than 3 months after the constituent assembly. The legislation indicates that the following documents are required without fail:

  • application certified by a notary (form РН0001);
  • memorandum of association or approved articles of association;
  • resolution on creation (2 copies);
  • a document confirming the transfer of the state fee;
  • information about the location of the NGO.

The application must include the full names of the founders, their home addresses and contact phone numbers.

As a document containing information about the location of the NPO, the following are suitable:

  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • lease agreement;
  • letter of guarantee, etc.

Terms of consideration and submission of documents

As practice shows, the review takes quite a lot of time. In general, the whole process can be divided into the following stages:

  • preparation of documents;
  • transfer to the bodies of the Ministry of Justice;
  • registration of NCOs in the state register;
  • registration with the tax, pension fund, employment service;
  • obtaining permission for printing and its production;
  • acquisition of the status of an NPO in the Federal Tax Service.

As you can understand, the procedure is quite complicated and requires careful preparation.

To avoid delays, it is extremely important to comply with all norms of relevant legislation. A professionally compiled package is a guarantee that it will take a minimum of time to open. Registration itself usually takes approximately 30 days.

The duty is 4 thousand rubles. Payment can be made through any commercial or state bank in a non-cash manner. Finding out the details of the local branch of the Ministry of Justice is not difficult - just visit its official website.

What documents are issued by government agencies

After the issue is resolved positively, the Ministry of Justice forms an appropriate resolution, on the basis of which tax service information about the new legal entity is entered.

After that, the founders will only have to receive a certificate of registration. From that moment on, the organization is recognized as a legal entity. Its founder receives a TIN from the Federal Tax Service. Then he will have to pick up the statistical codes assigned to the organization. To do this, you will need to provide an application, an extract from the state register of legal entities and a certificate of registration there. Rosstat can be contacted not only by the founder himself, but also by his representative. The latter must have a power of attorney issued by a notary.

Like any legal entity, an NPO, in turn, is required to register with some extra-budgetary state funds. This is about:

This procedure is mandatory due to the fact that the format of the activities of NGOs involves the use of hired labor. It is important to understand that the above organizations receive all the necessary information from the tax authorities or the Ministry of Justice. That is, the founders will only have to pick up registration certificates.

NCOs are not required to open a bank account. But it is worth knowing that the absence of it in the future can significantly complicate the work. The thing is that mutual settlements between legal entities should be made exclusively in a non-cash form.

Only after receiving all the documents mentioned above, a non-profit organization has the right to engage in statutory activities.

Are you engaged in a socially useful cause and want to make your work professional, join forces with other citizens and create a public organization? We can give you advice on how to save your time and create an NGO without too much hassle.

Public relations of citizens are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and when exercising the rights of citizens to associate, create, liquidate and (or) reorganize public associations, there are certain conditions determined by law. It is difficult to understand this set of legislative acts without a consultant. But the first step is the desire, by uniting with others, to make our life a little better, you have already done.

The following documents are required for state registration of public associations:

  • 1. Charter of a public organization.
  • 2. Minutes of the general meeting of founders.
  • 3. Application for registration, including information about the governing body.
  • 4. Information about the founders-initiators of the creation of NCOs.
  • 5. Regulations on branches (if any).

All these documents are submitted in 2 copies to the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Tver Region, where the organization is registered.

Other non-profit organizations submit the following documents:

  • 1. Charter of a non-profit organization.
  • 2. Memorandum of Association (if required).
  • 3. Minutes of the general meeting of founders.
  • 4. Application for registration.
  • 5. Information about the founders-initiators of the creation of NCOs.
  • 6. Receipt of payment of the registration fee.

All of these documents are submitted to the administration of the municipality where the organization is registered.

But the order of registration is not the main thing, because there are some points that you need to know from the very beginning.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an organization is considered commercial if it has the goal of making a profit, is engaged in entrepreneurial activities and distributes the income received as a result of this activity among its participants (shareholders, shareholders, etc.). A public, or in other words, a non-profit organization (NPO), is an organization created to achieve its statutory goals (integration, rehabilitation, protection of rights, etc.), which does not aim to make a profit, but is engaged in entrepreneurial activities and uses the resulting income to achieve these very statutory goals. That is, the main goal of an NPO cannot be making a profit, and if as a result of the implementation entrepreneurial activity NPO and received a profit, then it cannot be distributed among the founders and (or) members.

NCOs can be created to achieve various socially beneficial goals. It is not allowed to create organizations whose goals or actions are aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed formations, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred. The activities of NCOs can be carried out both in the interests of the whole society, and any of its individual groups or categories.

Another very important point that distinguishes commercial organizations from non-commercial ones is that shareholders or shareholders are the owners of the property of JSC, LLC, etc. Members of a public organization are not the owners of its property and lose their right of ownership when it is transferred to a public organization, unless otherwise provided by law or a lease, use agreement, etc.

Some forms of NCOs (of all public associations) may be informal, i.e. their activity is allowed without state registration, but at the same time, the organization, without acquiring the status of a legal entity, cannot own or on the basis of other real rights separate property, bear rights and obligations, act on its own behalf in court. Only having the status of a legal entity can an organization on its own behalf acquire property and non-property rights, fulfill obligations (be a participant in civil transactions, conduct economic activity), to be a plaintiff and a defendant in court. Legal entities are required to have an independent balance sheet, budget or estimate, be registered with tax and other controlling and accounting government bodies. They can also open and use a bank account.

An NPO can conduct business activities. It includes, in particular: the sale and purchase of consumer goods, the provision of services (including paid services, at cost or below cost), leasing premises, storage Money on deposit accounts, purchase and sale of securities, participation in business companies and partnerships.

The legislation does not clarify what is meant by "entrepreneurial activity consistent with the goals of the organization." The decision is always made by the head (management body) of the organization, and in disputable, conflict situations, the decision on the compliance of the activities carried out with the statutory goals of the organization will be made by the court.

In their business activities, NGOs are guided by the same laws as commercial organizations. Certain types activities, the list of which is determined by law, a legal entity may be engaged only on the basis of a special permit (license). The list of licensed activities is constantly updated, so the head of an NPO needs to constantly monitor changes in the laws of the Russian Federation.

An NPO may be established only in those organizational and legal forms that are determined by federal law.

At the moment, in Russia there is the possibility of creating organizations that do not have the main goal of their activities to make a profit, in the following forms:

  • 1. Public organization.
  • 2. Social movement.
  • 3. Public fund.
  • 4. Public institution.
  • 5. Organ of public initiative.
  • 6. Non-commercial partnership.
  • 7. Institution.
  • 8. Autonomous non-profit organization.
  • 9. Fund.
  • 10. Association (union).
  • 11. Religious organization.
  • 12. Association of homeowners.
  • 13. Consumer society.
  • 14. Union of Consumer Societies.
  • 15. Consumer cooperative.
  • 16. Agricultural cooperative.
  • 17. Union of agricultural cooperatives.
  • 18. Trade union.

Member organizations are more democratic, mobile than other non-profit organizations: supreme body management in a member organization is always only a general meeting (conference, congress) of members, other management and control bodies are necessarily accountable to it; any member of the organization can apply for participation in work in elected bodies; information about the activities of the organization should be available to all members. The founders of such an organization are in no way different from the newly admitted members: the founding members can be expelled from the organization in the same way as others; when voting, founding members may remain in the minority, and a decision will be made that does not meet the interests of the founders. Legislation prohibits giving founding members more rights than other members of the organization. In order to protect the interests of the founders, to prevent the adoption of decisions leading to a change in the policy of the organization, but, on the other hand, not to artificially limit the influx of new members, many affiliates establish a "trial period" for future members. In the presence of such a procedure, any person wishing to join the organization first becomes a candidate member (associate member) for a predetermined period, and only then, provided there are no complaints against the candidate, he is accepted as a member (full member). During the period of candidacy, the future member of the organization takes part in all meetings, events, pays fees and performs other duties, but the range of rights of the candidate is usually much narrower than that of a member of the organization, and most importantly, he may not have the right to vote when making decisions at general meetings or cannot be elected to the governing bodies.

The legal status of the considered non-profit organizations in the Russian Federation is regulated by:

“Everyone has the right to association, including the right to form trade unions to protect their interests. The freedom of activity of public associations is guaranteed.

No one shall be compelled to join or remain in any association."

Article 117. Public and religious organizations (associations);

Article 118 Foundations;

Article 119

Article 120 Institutions

It is very important to know the procedure and rules for registering public associations, which is regulated by:

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, being a federal executive body pursuing state policy and exercising management in the field of justice, as well as coordinating the activities in this area of ​​other federal executive bodies, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, among a number of basic functions, carries out state registration of all-Russian and international public associations, branches of foreign non-governmental associations, as well as legal entities in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Liquidation of public associations Supreme Court RF is carried out on the basis of Art.

29 and 52 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations". This means that associations are liquidated not only because they have not passed state re-registration within the prescribed period (Article 52 of the Federal Law), but also because they do not comply with the requirements of Art. 29 of the Law on the annual submission to the registration authority of information on the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and data on the leaders in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities. Part 2 Art. 29 of the said Federal Law indicates that the failure to submit updated information for entering into the unified state register within 3 years entails the appeal of the body that registered the association to the court with a claim to recognize this association as having ceased its activities as a legal entity and to exclude it from the unified state register of legal entities.

We hope that the information we provide will help you get started. If you write to us about your experience, we will be happy to post this information about ourselves on the site.

Article 6. Founders, members and participants of a public association

The founders of a public association are natural persons and legal entities- public associations that convened a congress (conference) or general meeting, at which the charter of a public association is adopted, its governing and control and audit bodies are formed. Founders of a public association - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal duties.

Members of a public association are individuals and legal entities - public associations, whose interest in the joint solution of the problems of this association in accordance with the norms of its charter is formalized by appropriate individual statements or documents that allow taking into account the number of members of a public association in order to ensure their equality as members of this association. Members of a public association - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal duties.

Members of a public association have the right to elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of this association, as well as to control the activities of the governing bodies of a public association in accordance with its charter.

Members of a public association have rights and bear obligations in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the charter of the public association, and in case of non-compliance with these requirements, they can be expelled from the public association in the manner specified in the charter.

Participants of a public association are individuals and legal entities - public associations that have expressed support for the goals of this association and (or) its specific actions, taking part in its activities without the obligatory registration of the conditions for their participation, unless otherwise provided by the charter. Members of a public association - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal obligations.