Industry instruction for the equipment repairman. Job description of a repairman. Occupational safety requirements at the end of work

  • 26.04.2020

At the job description repairman have a lot in common with and . The main thing in all these specialists is maintaining the working condition and repairing various equipment, the same applies to the duties of a repairman.

Job description of a repairman
(Job description of a repairman)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The mechanic-repairer belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. The mechanic-repairman is appointed to the post and dismissed from it by order CEO on the proposal of the chief engineer / head of the site.
1.3. The maintenance fitter reports directly to the chief engineer / site manager.
1.4. During the absence of a repairman, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a repairman: primary vocational or secondary professional education with at least one year of experience in the relevant field.
1.6. The repairman must know:
- technological processes of manufacturing products;
- kinematic and electrical diagrams of serviced machines;
- device and rules for using complex control and measuring tools and devices;
- design features universal, special devices and other equipment;
- ways to install the tool;
- enterprise standards and methodological instructions for quality in the part related to its activities.
1.7. The repairman is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job Responsibilities repairman

The Maintenance Technician performs the following duties:
2.1. Timely repairs the equipment of the production site.
2.2. Carries out scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment according to the PPR schedule.
2.3. Identifies the causes of premature wear of equipment, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.
2.4. Repairs technical equipment and carries out minor repairs of units and mechanisms of machine tools.
2.5. Keeps records of the current equipment (mandrels, fixtures, etc.) and orders spare parts in a timely manner.
2.6. Performs operations related to setting up machines.
2.7. Carefully treats equipment and accessories and maintains it in working condition and cleanliness, does not leave working equipment unattended.

3. Rights of a repairman

The repairman has the right to:
3.1. Require the administration to ensure the rules of labor protection, safety and fire safety.
3.2. Require the provision of overalls in accordance with current regulations.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4. Responsibility of the repairman

The repairman is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

[may be an annex to the employment contract] Compiled in ___ copies. I approve _________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) ________________________________ ________________________________ (name of the employer (position of the head or other ________________________________ ________________________________ of its organizational and legal person authorized to approve ________________________________ ________________________________ form, address, telephone number, address job description) ________________________________ Email, PSRN, TIN / KPP) "___" ____ ____ "___" _________ ____ N ____ M.P.

OFFICIAL (PRODUCTION) INSTRUCTIONS for a repairman of the 2nd (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) category _______________________________________________ (name of the employer's department)

Developer: _________________

Agreed: _________________


ID of the electronic copy of the document.


This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.


1.1. A repairman of the 2nd (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th) category (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") refers to workers.

1.2. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (connections by position) of the Employee, criteria for evaluating his business qualities and results of work when performing work in the specialty and directly at the workplace in "______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer").

1.3. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the order of the Employer in the established current labor law okay.

1.4. The employee reports directly to _________________________.

1.5. The employee must know:

rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

requirements for the quality of work (services) performed;

types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

production signaling;

requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

2nd rank:

basic techniques for disassembling, repairing and assembling simple components and mechanisms, equipment, assemblies and machines;

purpose and rules for the use of metalwork and control and measuring tools;

basic mechanical properties of processed materials;

name, marking and rules for the use of oils, detergents, metals and lubricants.

3rd rank:

arrangement of repaired equipment;

appointment and interaction of the main units and mechanisms;

technological sequence of disassembly, repair and assembly of equipment, units and machines;

specifications for testing, adjustment and acceptance of components and mechanisms;

basic properties of processed materials;

the device of universal devices and used control and measuring tools;

system of tolerances and landings, qualifications and roughness parameters;

rules for slinging, lifting, moving goods;

rules for the operation of lifting equipment and mechanisms controlled from the floor.

4th rank:

arrangement of repaired equipment, units and machines;

machine regulation rules;

ways to eliminate defects in the process of repair, assembly and testing of equipment, units and machines;

device, purpose and rules for the use of used control and measuring instruments;

design of universal and special devices;

methods of marking and processing simple various parts;

system of admissions and landings;

quality and roughness parameters;

properties of acid-resistant and other alloys;

basic provisions of planned preventive maintenance of equipment.

5th rank:

design features of the repaired equipment, units and machines;

technical conditions for repair, assembly, testing and regulation and for the correct installation of equipment, units and machines;

technological process of repair, assembly and installation of equipment;

rules for testing equipment for static and dynamic balancing of machines;

geometric constructions with complex markup;

methods for determining premature wear of parts;

ways to restore and harden worn parts and apply a protective coating.

6th rank:

design features, kinematic and hydraulic diagrams repaired equipment, units and machines;

methods of repair, assembly, installation, checking for accuracy and testing of repaired equipment;

allowable loads on working parts, assemblies, mechanisms of equipment and preventive measures to prevent breakdowns, corrosive wear and accidents.

7th rank:

design features, hydraulic and kinematic schemes of complex equipment being repaired;

methods of diagnostics, repair, assembly and installation, checking for accuracy and testing of repaired equipment;

permissible loads on working parts, assemblies, mechanisms of equipment and preventive measures to prevent malfunctions;

technological processes of repair, testing and commissioning of complex equipment.

8th rank:

design, kinematic and hydraulic schemes of experimental and unique equipment being repaired;

instrumentation and stands for diagnostics, repair and maintenance of equipment;

technological processes of repair of unique and experimental equipment.

1.6. Qualification requirements. Requires secondary vocational education (for the 7th and 8th categories).


Work on the acceptance and delivery of the shift, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as keeping them in good condition, maintaining the established technical documentation.

2nd rank:

disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of simple components and mechanisms of equipment, assemblies and machines. Repair of simple equipment, units and machines, as well as of medium complexity under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Locksmith processing of parts according to 12 - 14 qualifications. Flushing, cleaning, lubrication of parts and removal of the bay. Performing work using pneumatic, electric tools and on drilling machines. Scraping parts with a mechanized tool. Manufacture of simple fixtures for repair and assembly.

3rd rank:

disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of the average complexity of units and mechanisms of equipment, assemblies and machines. Repair, regulation and testing of medium complexity equipment, units and machines, as well as complex under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Locksmith processing of parts according to 11 - 12 qualifications. Repair of lined equipment and equipment made of protective materials and ferrosilicon. Disassembly, assembly and compaction of faolitic and ceramic equipment and communications. Manufacture of devices of medium complexity for repair and assembly. Performing rigging work when moving goods using simple lifting equipment and mechanisms controlled from the floor.

4th rank:

disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of complex units and mechanisms. Repair, installation, dismantling, testing, regulation, adjustment of complex equipment, units and machines and delivery after repair. Locksmith processing of parts and assemblies according to 7 - 10 qualifications. Manufacture of complex devices for repair and installation. Preparation of defective repair reports. Performing rigging work using lifting and transport mechanisms and special devices.

5th rank:

repair, installation, dismantling, testing, regulation and adjustment of complex equipment, units and machines and delivery after repair. Locksmith processing of parts and assemblies according to 6 - 7 qualifications. Dismantling, repair and assembly of components and equipment in conditions of intense and dense landings.

6th rank:

repair, installation, dismantling, testing and regulation of complex large-sized, unique, experimental and experimental equipment, units and machines. Identification and elimination of defects during the operation of the equipment and when checking during the repair process. Accuracy and load testing of repaired equipment.

7th rank:

diagnostics, preventive maintenance and repair of complex equipment in flexible production systems. Elimination of equipment failures during operation with the implementation of a set of works on the repair and adjustment of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

8th rank:

diagnostics, preventive maintenance and repair of unique and experimental equipment in flexible production systems and participation in the work to ensure its output to the specified operating parameters.


The employee has the right to:

providing him with a job employment contract;

workplace corresponding to the state regulatory requirements labor protection and conditions stipulated by the collective agreement;

timely and full payment wages in accordance with their qualifications, the complexity of the work, the quantity and quality of the work performed;

rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly days off, non-working public holidays paid annual leave;

full reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;

vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by Labor Code Russian Federation and others federal laws;

association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement;

conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement, agreements;

protection of their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law;

resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;

compensation for harm caused to him in connection with the performance of labor duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;

compulsory social insurance in cases stipulated by federal laws;

obtaining materials and documents related to their activities;

interaction with other divisions of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.


The employee is obliged:

conscientiously fulfill their labor obligations assigned to him by the employment contract and job description;

observe the rules of internal labor regulations;

observe labor discipline;

comply with established labor standards;

comply with the requirements for labor protection and ensuring labor safety;

take care of the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;

immediately notify the Employer or immediate supervisor of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer's property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


The employee is responsible for:

5.1. Failure to fulfill their obligations.

5.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

5.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.

5.4. Violation of safety regulations and instructions for labor protection, failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and his employees.

5.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.


6.1. The work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Employer.

6.2. In connection with production necessity The employee is obliged to travel on business trips (including local ones).

6.3. Characteristics of working conditions at the workplace: ____________________.

(If necessary: ​​6.4. The Employee is familiar with the Employer's position on official and commercial secrets and undertakes not to disclose it.)

6.5. __________________________________________________________________ (additional conditions that do not worsen the position of the employee in comparison with _________________________________________________________________________________ established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts _________________________________________________________________________________ containing norms labor law, collective agreement, ____________________________________________________. agreements, local regulations)


7.1. In work, the Employee interacts with ______________________________ (subdivisions and employees from which he ___________________________________________________________________________ receives and to whom he transfers materials, information (their composition and terms of ________________________________________________________________. transmission), with whom he interacts during the performance of work) 7.2. In emergency situations, the Employee interacts with _________________ (subdivisions, _______________________________________________________________, liquidating accidents and the consequences of emergencies)

7.3. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to _____________________ (position).


8.1. The criteria for evaluating the business qualities of an Employee are:


work experience in the specialty;

professional competence, expressed in best quality work performed;

the level of labor discipline;

intensity of labor (the ability to cope with a large amount of work in a short time);

ability to work with documents;

ability to learn in a timely manner technical means that increase labor productivity and quality of work;

work ethics, communication style;

ability to be creative, entrepreneurial;

ability to adequate self-assessment;

manifestation of initiative in work, performance of work of higher qualification;

increase in individual production;

rationalization proposals;

practical assistance to newly hired employees without fixing mentoring by the relevant order;

high work culture in a particular workplace.

8.2. The results of the work and the timeliness of its implementation are evaluated according to the following criteria:

the results achieved by the Employee in the performance of duties stipulated by the job description and the employment contract;

the quality of the finished work;

timeliness of performance of official duties;

fulfillment of normalized tasks, the level of labor productivity.

8.3. Evaluation of business qualities and results of work is carried out on the basis of objective indicators, a motivated opinion of the immediate supervisor and colleagues.

Job description developed on the basis of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 N 45 "Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 2. Part 2. Sections:" Mechanical restoration metals and other materials", "Metal plating and painting", "Enameling", "Plumbing and fitting and assembly work".

Boss structural unit: ____________________ _________ (surname, initials) (signature) "___" ___________ ____ d. Agreed: legal service ____________________ _________ (surname, initials) (signature) "___" ____________ ____ d.

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The mechanic-repairer belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. The mechanic-repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director on the proposal of the chief engineer / head of the site.
1.3. The maintenance fitter reports directly to the chief engineer / site manager.
1.4. During the absence of a repairman, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a mechanic-repairman: primary vocational or secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.6. The repairman must know:
- technological processes of manufacturing products;
- kinematic and electrical diagrams of serviced machines;
- device and rules for using complex control and measuring tools and devices;
- design features of universal, special devices and other equipment;
- ways to install the tool;
- enterprise standards and methodological instructions for quality in the part related to its activities.
1.7. The repairman is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a repairman

The Maintenance Technician performs the following duties:
2.1. Timely repairs the equipment of the production site.
2.2. Carries out scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment according to the PPR schedule.
2.3. Identifies the causes of premature wear of equipment, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.
2.4. Repairs technical equipment and carries out minor repairs of units and mechanisms of machine tools.
2.5. Keeps records of the current equipment (mandrels, fixtures, etc.) and orders spare parts in a timely manner.
2.6. Performs operations related to setting up machines.
2.7. Carefully treats equipment and accessories and maintains it in working condition and cleanliness, does not leave working equipment unattended.

3. Rights of a repairman

The repairman has the right to:
3.1. Require the administration to ensure the rules of labor protection, safety and fire safety.
3.2. Require the provision of overalls in accordance with current regulations.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4. Responsibility of the repairman

The repairman is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

If after reading this article you have not received a definitive answer, seek quick help:

This instruction on labor protection has been developed specifically for a repairman in food production.


1.1. This instruction provides for the requirements for the safe performance of work related to the maintenance, installation and repair of equipment and pipelines in technological shops.
1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who are recognized as fit for health reasons, have passed introductory and primary workplace safety briefings, have been trained in safe work, have passed exams in the qualification commission for admission to independent work and received a certificate the established form.
1.3. A repeated (regular) test of knowledge of labor protection instructions is carried out by the shop commission at least every 12 months.
1.4. Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, mechanic, head of the site, installation, and so on), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.5. Repeated briefing on safe methods and methods of work is carried out at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting primary briefing at the workplace.
1.6. Unscheduled briefings are held:
- when new or amending legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are put into effect;
- when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;
- in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.);
- at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;
- during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions- more than 30 calendar days, and for other works - no more than two months);
- by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).
1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out during the performance of one-time work, in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.
1.8. The repairman is obliged to comply with the requirements of the “Internal Labor Regulations for Workers and Employees of the Enterprise.
1.9. The process of performing work related to the installation and repair of equipment and pipelines is characterized by the following hazards:
- getting injured as a result of a fall from a height, bruises and cuts on equipment and metal;
- contact with harmful substances in the maximum permissible concentrations for the corresponding product processed at technological installations;
- receipt of chemical burns as a result of contact with the body or eyes of sulfuric acid, alkali and other products of production;
- obtaining thermal burns when touching equipment and pipelines with damaged thermal insulation that are in operation, as well as when performing work related to cutting and welding metal;
- defeat by the rays of the electric arc of the eyes when participating in the performance of electric welding;
- defeat electric shock as a result of touching live parts with damaged insulation, which are energized.
1.10. According to the approved standards for the free issuance of overalls and personal protective equipment, a repairman is provided with:
- cotton or anti-acid suit - 2 times a year;
— cloth suit (depending on the unit) — 2 times a year;
- underwear - 2 times a year;
- leather boots (depending on the department) - 2 times a year;
- combined mittens - 12 pairs per year;
- cloth mittens - 4 pairs per year;
- goggles - to wear;
- helmet - to wear;
- individual filtering gas mask - 1 time in 5 years;
- jacket and trousers with insulated lining - 1 set for 2 years;
- felt boots or boots insulated - 1 time in 2.5 years.
1.11. The repairman is obliged to use overalls and personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly, to know and comply with the requirements of this instruction.
1.12. The mechanic-repairman must know the rules of fire safety. If signs of fire are found in the production workshops, he must immediately turn off the equipment used during work, report the fire to the gas rescue service by calling 101 and take measures to eliminate the fire with primary extinguishing means, in the absence of a threat to life.
1.13. The victim or eyewitness of the accident immediately notifies the management of the workshop and the medical staff of the health center by calling 103 about each accident at work. Before the arrival of the medical staff, the eyewitness provides first aid to the victim in case of accidents.
1.14. The repairman must observe the rules of personal hygiene:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating. It is forbidden to use gasoline, diesel fuel and production products (isopropyl alcohol, diisopropyl ether) for these purposes;
- eat in the dining room or in the dining room (buffet), wash dishes after eating.
1.15. Persons who violate the requirements of the instructions are held liable in accordance with the rules internal regulations organization, except in cases where violation of the requirements includes criminal liability.


2.1. Before performing work, the repairman is obliged to put on a headgear, overalls and safety shoes, carefully tuck them in so that there are no hanging ends that could be captured by rotating parts of the equipment. At the same time, the cuffs of the sleeves and trousers of the overalls must be buttoned up, the hair is removed under the headgear.
2.2. Receive from the immediate supervisor the task of the upcoming work, a list and description necessary equipment, tools and fixtures.
2.3. Check the serviceability and suitability of the overalls, personal protective equipment (goggles, helmet, respirator, filter or hose mask, safety or rescue belt and rope for them), equipment, fixtures and tools. Report any deficiencies to your immediate supervisor.
2.4. Check the serviceability of the tool necessary for work:
- hammers should be mounted on oval handles, wedged with metal wedges made of hard and viscous wood;
- wrenches must be in good working order and correspond to the sizes of bolts and nuts, it is forbidden to build up wrenches with other items;
- hammers, chisels, barbs, cores, etc. should not have knocked down beveled strikers and burrs.
2.5. Before starting work with a power tool, make sure that it is in good working order:
- the insulation of the wire must not be damaged;
- a wire with a plug must have a special contact of the ground wire connected to the body of the power tool;
- wire terminals must be securely closed.
2.6. Prior to the start of work on the repair, dismantling and installation of equipment, in each individual case, employees must be instructed on safe methods of work. During the briefing, find out the presence and location of communication equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, fountains and water baths at the installation where the work will be carried out.
2.7. When carrying out complex work on the repair, installation and dismantling of equipment, the work site must be fenced.
2.8. Work on the repair of the equipment should be carried out only after it is completely stopped, the power is turned off and the start button is set to the “STOP” position, the drive belts are removed and the necessary fire and explosion safety measures are provided.
2.9. During repair work, a poster is posted at the equipment start-up site, in the premises of the distribution point and at the control point: “Do not turn it on! People are working! from the start of the renovation to the end.
2.10. During the production of installation work, it is not allowed to use equipment and pipelines, as well as building and technological structures, to secure technological and installation equipment without the consent of the persons responsible for the correct operation of these structures.
2.11. Work at a height of 1.3 m or more must be carried out from scaffolds fenced with railings, at least 1 m high, with a sheathing along the bottom of at least 0.15 m.
2.12. Ladders can only be used to perform work that does not require the performer to rest on the structure of the building or structure.
2.13. Cutting, bending and processing pipes and other metal products must be carried out outside the assembly scaffolds and ladders.
2.14. To perform outdoor work at a height for the repair, installation and dismantling of equipment and pipelines, safety belts or safety harnesses must be used. Without the use of safety belts, safety harnesses, safety ropes and helmets, a repairman is not allowed to perform the specified work. The place of fastening of safety belts, harnesses and ropes must be indicated in advance by the repair manager.
2.15. The device and operation of mechanisms and devices for working at height (winches, cables, belts, etc.) must meet the requirements existing standards. Each time before starting work, a thorough inspection of lifting mechanisms, braking devices and safety devices must be carried out, as well as the correctness and strength of the insurance must be checked.
2.16. When repairing, dismantling and assembling equipment in explosive premises, it is prohibited to use open fire, mechanisms, tools and devices that can cause sparking, without issuing an appropriate work permit.


3.1. When working in production workshops for the repair and installation of equipment, a repairman must:
— to monitor the presence of fencing hazardous areas in the workplace;
- do not be on the equipment when it is moved and lifted;
- do not leave locksmith tools on the equipment.
3.2. When using small-scale mechanization, monitor their serviceability, proper installation and fastening.
3.3. The axes of the lifting blocks must be firmly and motionlessly fixed in the "cheeks" with the help of nuts and cotter pins. Axles, rollers, hook, suspension and "cheeks" must not have cracks or other defects.
3.4. It is prohibited to carry out an enlarged assembly of parts and equipment and related work (threading, fitting joints, bending, cutting metal products) on portable ladders or ladders.
3.5. When putting on the drive belts or checking the rotation of the mechanisms, make sure that your fingers do not get between the pulley and the drive belts.
3.6. When using an electrified tool, you must follow the rules of electrical safety, do not make independent corrections to the wiring. Only an electrician on duty should connect the welding machine to the mains. Power tool housing and welding machine must be grounded.
3.7. Repair work, performed by the repair personnel of the workshop directly in the same workshop, are carried out without issuing a work permit for the production of repair work. The basis for this is the order for the workshop to repair equipment, indicating the persons responsible for the preparation and implementation of repair work.
3.8. Repair work carried out at stand-alone units, workshops with complete release of equipment and communications from the working environment, followed by steaming, purging and stunning from existing intra-shop and inter-shop communications, is carried out without issuing a work permit on the basis of an acceptance certificate, with the exception of special types works (fire, gas hazardous and earthen).


4.1. In case of fire or fire:
- take measures to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing means;
— call the fire brigade by phone 101;
- Notify management
- Provide first aid to the injured.
4.2. In the event of an accident at work:
- quickly take measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on the victim, provide the victim with first aid, call an ambulance to the scene medical care by phone 103;
- report the incident to the management, ensure the safety of the situation before the start of the investigation, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.


5.1. At the end of the work, the repairman must turn off the mechanized tool, remove the fixtures and tidy up the workplace. Collect protective equipment, wipe with a rag the workplace, the equipment being repaired from the remnants of oil, lithol and other lubricants.
5.2. Remove unused materials and their waste to the places provided for this. Remove oiled rags in special boxes, and sprinkle lubricants spilled on the floor with sand or sawdust, collect them and take them out to the boxes provided for this.
5.3. Report all noticed malfunctions of equipment, tools and devices to your immediate supervisor.
5.4. After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly and take a shower.

The job description of a locksmith regulates labor relations. The document contains general provisions about the position, requirements for education, work experience, knowledge, the order of subordination, employment and dismissal of an employee from a position, a list of his functional duties, rights, types of responsibility.

The instruction is developed by the head of the department of the organization. The director of the organization approves the document.

Provided below standard form can be used when compiling a job description for a mechanical assembly worker, toolmaker, car repair, etc. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specialization of the employee.

Sample job description for a locksmith

I. General provisions

1. The locksmith belongs to the category "workers".

2. The locksmith reports directly to the head of the unit / general director of the organization.

3. Appointment and dismissal of a locksmith is carried out by order of the General Director.

4. A person who has an education in the profile not lower than secondary specialized and experience in similar work for at least one year is appointed to the position of a locksmith.

5. During the absence of a locksmith, his rights, functional duties, responsibility are transferred to another official, as reported in the organization's order.

6. The locksmith in his activities is guided by:

  • internal labor regulations;
  • this job description;
  • the articles of association of the company;
  • governing, normative acts of the organization;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The mechanic must know:

  • principles of operation, equipment arrangement, methods of restoration of worn-out structures;
  • the procedure for disassembly, repair, assembly of parts, installation of units, assemblies, handling of devices;
  • requirements for fits, tolerances, accuracy classes of parts;
  • time limits for the performance of work;
  • methods and conditions for the use of special, auxiliary equipment, measuring equipment;
  • consumption rates of materials, spare parts;
  • conditions for testing, adjustment, acceptance of mechanisms, assemblies, assemblies after maintenance and repair;
  • handling rules, appointment of mechanized tools.

II. Job Responsibilities of a Locksmith

The locksmith performs the following duties:

1. Sorts parts according to the criterion of performance after disassembly, cleaning.

2. Processes knots, details, carries out their static balancing.

3. Carries out inspection, examination, preventive inspection of parts and mechanisms.

4. Eliminates the established malfunctions, defects during the diagnostic period by decision of the immediate supervisor.

5. Collects, adjusts, replaces spare parts, assemblies, assemblies, equipment in accordance with the received work order.

6. Informs the immediate supervisor about the identified malfunctions of parts, mechanisms and the necessary measures to eliminate them.

7. Disassembles, assembles, repairs units, parts of equipment in accordance with the guidelines of the organization for the work.

8. Uses overalls, established personal protective equipment during work.

9. Uses devices, devices in compliance with safety regulations and fire protection.

10. Determines the causes of increased wear, failure of parts and mechanisms.

11. Prepares documents for the provision of materials, spare parts, tools.

12. Supports proper operation, timely inspection of parts and mechanisms.

13. Carefully spends and rationally uses the entrusted tools and devices.

III. Rights

The locksmith has the right:

1. Do not start performing their functional duties in the event of a danger to life and health.

2. Communicate with departments of the organization on work issues.

3. Participate in educational activities to improve your skills.

4. Demand from the management of the organization the formation of normal conditions for safe work, the fulfillment of their powers.

5. Inform the management about the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization, send proposals for their elimination.

6. Consult with specialists on issues that are beyond the competence of a locksmith.

7. Receive information from managers about decisions regarding its activities.

8. Report proposals to the management for improving the activities of the organization.

9. Independently make decisions within their competence.

IV. A responsibility

The locksmith is responsible for:

1. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

4. Reliability of the information provided to the management about the functioning of mechanisms and equipment.

5. Results of independent decisions, own actions.

6. Violation of safety standards, labor discipline, fire protection standards, internal labor regulations.

7. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state, clients.


A repairman repairs, restores parts, mechanisms of equipment that is used for industrial, household, technical activities.

Specific functional duties of a repairman:

1. Scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, in accordance with the established schedule.

2. Accounting for the current mandrel, fixtures.

3. Setting up machines.

4. Processing of units, details according to the established qualifications (degrees of accuracy).